July 2012 Munjoy Hill Observer

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M u n joy Hil l

M u n joy Hil l


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FREE Published by the Munjoy Hill Neighborhood Organization Vol. 32, No. 6 • July 2012

Fine Fowl* The Chickens come home to roost on Munoy Hill by Jake McNally

Frida is 3-4 weeks’ growth from full size and Andrew hopes to start collecting eggs from her in September or November.

There are 24 billion of them on the planet; they have been living among humans for over 8,000 years; and they are our most abundant protein source. Yet some of the most basic things about chickens are a mystery to us urbanites living in the era of industrial agriculture.

“Very expensive eggs,” Andrew’s dad, Kevin Johannen, interjects. Frida is part of the second flock of birds to join the Johannen family. The first set of five lasted six months before they fell prey to a persistent raccoon.

How do you reliably tell the difference between a hen and a rooster? (Look for the spur.) Can you eat a fertilized egg? (Yes, no difference.) Which is the best egg-laying breed? (Depends on which 10-year-old chicken keeper you talk to.)

When you total the cost Thanks to Portland’s three-year-old chicken ordinance and a growing move- Here, Frida the chicken keeps a lookout from on of the henhouse, chicken ment of backyard farmers, chickens have top of Andrew’s head (chickens like high places). pen, feed, and $25 city registration fee, Johanscratched out a niche on Munjoy Hill. nen estimates that each egg from that first flock cost Some children, despite growing up in Maine’s most about $5. densely populated neighborhood, are experiencing the simple joys of agricultural chores. Is it worth it? Yes, “if you accept that they’re pets who “Their feet are really warm,” says Andrew, a 10-year- happen to lay eggs,” says Johannen.

“They really like humans. People think they’re stupid, but they’re really not.”

On the other side of the hill, Inez, also 10, has a stable flock of five birds: a black Australorp named Rambler and four Rhode Island Reds: Shiny, Flappy, Skitty, and Queen Kong.

MHNO ushers in Fiscal 2013 with Elections & Mumford & Sons Discussion at Annual Meeting By Andrea Myhaver The 33rd Annual Meeting of the Munjoy Hill Neighborhood Organization was held on Thursday, June 28 at East End Community School. The meeting featured a “year in review” presentation by President Andrea Myhaver, who was elected to her second term as President during the meeting. Also, newly elected Vice-President Ross Fields told the audience about “POP”, which is the acronym the MHNO has adopted to describe what “you get” from being a member of the MHNO. “POP” stands for:

Pride of Ownership - By be-

coming a member you are stating that you are proud of where you live.


to Partici-

following people were re-elected to the Board, to serve as Directors until 2014: Andrea Myhaver, Joan Sheedy, Nova Ewers, Ross Fields, and Tom Kelley. The subject which drew the most attention at the meeting was the upcoming Mumford & Sons Concert Event which is being presented by the State Theater and will take place on the Eastern Promenade on August 4. The MHNO invited Lauren Wayne, General Manager of the State Theatre, and Peter McFarland and Andy Downs from the City of Portland Public Assembly and Events Divisions, to provide members and visitors with information about the concert and to hear concerns and questions from Hill residents.

you now have the opportunity to become more involved at whatever level fits your lifestyle.

To learn more about the logistics of what will happen on the Hill on the day of the event, please see “No Parking on Munjoy HILL?” on page 14.

ing a member you will gain peace of mind knowing that you are now part of a community organization who is committed to improving the quality of life for all Munjoy Hill residents.

Also, the MHNO is partnering with the Friends of the Eastern Promenade to provide another public forum on the subject (date to be determined). Watch our Facebook page and join our mailing list for updates!

pate - By becoming a member

Peace of Mind - By becom-

In addition to the President and Vice-President elections, the

see page 10, Munjoy Chickens

The 2012 We Love Munjoy Hill Festival is Saturday, September 29

Call to Vendors! reserve your

tables today—see page 5 for details.

Adams School Playground Closing during Construction —See page 5 for details— Claudia Diller

old chicken keeper on Montreal St. as he strokes the rusty feathers of Frida, his five-week-old Rhode Island Red.

At left, ”Island Urchins” by artist Claudia Diller; her work will be on display at the Munjoy Hill Neighborhood Organization “Hill House” building throughout the month of July.

Hill House First Friday: July 6 On Friday, July 6, the MHNO will welcome visitors to Hill House, 92 Congress Street, for our “First Friday” open house from 5-8 PM. The artist this month is Maine artist Claudia Diller. She does wonderfully colorful paintings of idyllic Maine scenes. Her work has been described as, “Maine contemporary folk ar, primitive-inspired.” See www.claudiadiller.com. Artists interested in participating in an MHNO First Friday event, please send us an email at info@munjoyhill. org, with subject line, “First Friday.”


July 2012


At the Helm The Munjoy Hill Observer is published

by the Munjoy Hill Neighborhood Organization (MHNO) at 92 Congress Street Portland, Maine 04101 info@munjoyhill.org 207-775-3050 Editor: Lisa Peñalver

observer@munjoyhill.org (207) 766-5077 munjoyhill.org Observer Committee Andrea Myhaver, Tamera Edison, Lisa Peñalver advertising Tamera Edison tamera.edison@munjoyhill.org 939-7998, Lisa Peñalver, Layout, 239-1604 3,000 Circulation 8,000+ Readership About our paper The Munjoy Hill Observer is published by the Munjoy Hill Neighborhood Organization (MHNO) as a service to its members and to the community as a whole, to inform Portland’s East End residents of local issues and events, and of the services that can be found here. The Observer serves as a vehicle to connect and inform our neighbors, while enlisting community partners to help us help those who need it most. The Munjoy Hill Observer was first published in May of 1979. Circulation is 3000, distributed free in Portland at over 100 locations. Nearly 300 copies are mailed to current and former members of the MHNO.

MHNO Board 2012 Munjoy Hill Neighborhood Organization

Andrea Myhaver, President.......................... . ......... andrea.myhaver@munjoyhill.org Ross Fields, Vice President............................ . ...................ross.fields@munjoyhill.org Elaine Mullin, Treasurer............................... elaine.mullin@munjoyhill.org..671-6132   Sam Cohen, Secretary.................................. . .................. sam.cohen@munjoyhill.org Eben Albert-Knopp....................................... . ................... ealbertknopp@yahoo.com Ralph Carmona............................................ rccarmona@hotmail.com.........518-9177 Nova Ewers........ nova.ewers@munjoyhill.org Jamie Lane-Fitzgerald.................................. . jamie.lane-fitzgerald@munjoyhill.org Thomas Kelley............................................. . .............thomas.kelley@munjoyhill.org Joan Sheedy.....joan.sheedy@munjoyhill.org . ............................................. 774-7616 Ann Quinlan..... ann.quinlan@munjoyhill.org

MHNO President, Andrea Myhaver

With a little help from my friends Last year, right before I was to lead my first Board of Directors meeting as the newly elected President of the MHNO, my son and I suffered a great loss when his father, Michael (“Spike”) Jennings passed away quite unexpectedly on July 7 (RIP). As I write this column, the anniversary of Spike’s passing is quickly approaching, and it has caused me to reflect, in a more personal way than I did in last month’s column, about the past year. As I think about all that has occurred in the span of 12 months in my life and in the lives of those that I am close to, deaths; births; illnesses, career changes, moves, marriages, and many more life altering events, one thing that stands out for me is how blessed I am to be surrounded by an amazing network of family, friends, and fellow “Munjoy Hillers”. I have born witness on so many occasions in this past year to the giving spirit of kindness that is inherent within

Summer sweetens all

our neighborhood and in our greater community. Starting with that first Board meeting last July, when I realized that my heart was too heavy to facilitate and I had to bow out, my fellow Board members have jumped in to carry the load for me time and again when I’ve needed them to. It is both humbling and uplifting to know that I have a core group of people I can count on to get things done and make things happen, whether I am a direct participant or not. In the next few months you will hear from various Board members about what “community” means to them, and about the ways that the MHNO would like to expand how we make a difference in the lives of our fellow Hill residents. We will begin our annual appeal in earnest in mid-July, and as we reach out our hands to ask for your

We are so @^%$! lucky!

WHO YOU GONNA CALL? You can help prevent crime on the Hill! If you see a crime happening or see/hear anything suspicious in your neighborhood, please call the police! 1)

in January 1979, our purpose is to broad-based,


organization committed to improving the quality of life for the residents of Munjoy Hill and the East End, by strengthening the sense of community, maintaining the current diversity of social and economic groups, encouraging self-sufficiency, and enriching the lives of all residents.

Happy Summer to you!

From the Editor, Lisa Peñalver

Send Your Letters and Hill news to observer@ MunjoyHill.org

MHNO Mission


So, Hill folks, I urge you to think about the questions I’ve posed here, and send me your ideas (andrea.myhaver@munjoyhill.org). I am eager to learn how your lives have been touched by this wonderful community we live in, and what you would like to see reflected in this column for accomplishments of the MHNO, a year from now.

If you have any elder neighbors, Since we can now all expand our “home” to please  check include the parks, trails, shore and the neighon them periborhood, this is a great time to think about odically to make doing some simple community-building acsure they are dotivities. ing okay. Offer to help them with groceries, to Munjoy Hill is already an exceptionally get to appointments, or mowing the lawn. Or There is so much to like about summer. It friendly, welcoming community, but we can let the MHNO know if they may need help starts off with a bang—the amazing fireworks do MORE. If you don’t already do this (many with electricity to run the air conditioning— display on the Eastern our CLYNK account is set up to Promenade, complete “The dandelions and buttercups gild all the lawn, raise funds for such neighbors with live music acthe drowsy bee stumbles among the clover tops, in need. companiment. We and summer sweetens all to me.” get to stow the mitLast but not least, join your —James Russell Lowell tens and overcoatsneighborhood organization! forget about socks! Yes! Just buying a membership Kids are dashing around in bathing suits and helps (see page 3). The MHNO is made up of you DO), you can acknowledge other walkflip-flops, towels at the ready, headed for the of people just like you, and we always need ers with a nod and a smile. Put chairs out on beach nearby. volunteers. So you don’t have great chunks the porch and greet passers-by; host an outof time; every effort, however small, is welI especially enjoy of the fact that we can now door potluck or BBQ and invite your neighcome and very much appreciated. Happy live outdoors—BBQ and picnics, eh?! Out- bors; organize a street party; sell lemonade! Summer everyone! And don’t forget the door cafés abound in our corner of the world. Simple kindness goes a long, long way. sunscreen. July is here, and summer is in full swing – it’s time for barbeques, beach time, a good read. We in Maine will see an influx of visitors, come to soak up in the beauty we enjoy every day. The tourists have arrived! And so, too, have the blazing heat, mosquitoes, and thunderstorms… real life in sense-around!

Incorporated as a nonprofit organization be

hard earned dollars, we will also be asking, “What does community mean to YOU?” “How would YOU like to see the MHNO give back?” “What ideas do YOU have for programs we can institute that can help those who need our help most?”

Show your neighborhood pride! Munjoy HilL t-shirts are available: S-XL@$16, XXXL@$20, Tees come in black or white. Or get this bumper sticker! (measures 6”x 4”) $3 per sticker. Buy one and support your Neighborhood group. Send your check to MHNO, 92 Congress St, Portland ME 04101. For info, email info@ munjoyhill.org.

756-8135 Daytimes: Janine Kaserman with Community Policing

2) 650-8770 cell: 11 am thru the night, new Senior Lead Officer Tony Ampezzan (at right) 3)


Dispatch/non-emergency events

4) Emergencies: 9-1-1 Anonymous Crimes tips Program: Phone Tip—Dial 874-8584 | Online: tipsubmit.com Text-A-Tip: Text “GOTCHA” plus your message to 274637 (CRIMES) Clip and save these numbers!

CapitAl City

Statehouse Update | Senator JusTin Alfond


July 2012



State support for education must be a priority Last month, In auditoriums across our state, high school seniors marched before their peers and community to receive their hardearned diplomas. Graduation marks an incredible achievement for students, families and communities. It marks the beginning of a new chapter in their lives. It’s exciting to dream of the opportunities graduates will have as they enter jobs, certificate programs, colleges, or the military. Regardless of their paths, graduates are now facing new obstacles. The unfortunate truth is today’s graduates are facing daunting realities that even their parents did not face. Today, the price-tag for a college education rivals the cost of home ownership. Finding a job with a livable wage is too difficult, and no matter how hard they work, the American dream is nearly out of reach.

There was a time in our nation’s history when, as President Obama reminds us, “hard work paid off, responsibility was rewarded, and anyone could make it if they tried.” Democrats know that most Mainers across this state are working hard, or want to work hard, if given the opportunity, contribute to our communities, and support each other in our own way. That’s simply what Mainers do.

economy moving forward.

Democrats know that educational opportunities fit hand in hand with building the middle class and strengthening Maine’s future. Maine’s workforce is not where it needs to be—we rank 45th in the country for lowest wages. There’s no doubt that the jobs of the future will require greater skills, training, and education. If we do nothing, we will continue to lag behind

And, unfortunately, when the governor vetoed the teacher-training bill, he missed an opportunity to give our students the best potential for success in the classroom. All parents deserve to have the most effective teacher in their students’ classrooms—and the governor tried to take that opportunity away.

It must be the priority of our lawmakers to meet the needs and demands of the current and future workforce and economy. And, access to education and job training is one step toward preparing Mainers for these workforce demands.

Maine students have been shortchanged—and their futures challenged. Too many students are graduating in to an economy that offers them little. In a very short time, Republicans have fast-tracked this state on a race to the bottom. LePage and his legislative allies have made it harder to find a job, keep a job, and earn a livable wage.

In the last year, we’ve made some positive strides in improving our education system. For example, we are now asking school districts to shift to a standards-based, proficiency-based diploma. This will ensure that each student has the opportunity to live up to his/her academic potential.

They have made it harder to live and work in Maine. Our children shouldn’t have to choose between their hometown—their home state—or earning a living. As leaders, it is our job to stop this race to the bottom. It is our job to help them find hope in a better tomorrow.

We also passed a bill that will make it easier for students to access career and technical education programs. Participation in our strong career and technical programs, provides a critical pathway of success for many Maine students. It is this trained workforce who will assist our

Statehouse Update | Representative Diane Russell

Yet, more can be done. Too many schools across our state are are faced with challenges that undermine the classroom, our teachers, and ultimately our students. Critical programs are being slashed. Teachers are being asked to do more with less.

To those families who already have students in the classroom--or if you’re the parent of a future student--I offer this hopeful ending: the most successful student is the one who has“skin in the game”. When a student is motivated--when a student is inspired--learning will happen. If a student is surrounded by family, teachers, and community that are committed to making learning relevant and inspiring, then, we, as a community, will win. We will have fulfilled our responsibility to ensure that the future generation also has the promise of tomorrow. Democrats are committed to restoring the ladder of success, and the path of opportunity, so that everyone has a fair shot at the American Dream. As always, I’d like to hear your thoughts on this and other topics. You can reach me at justin@justinalfond.com.


Work-share program will save jobs, help employers The Maine Department of Labor recently announced that it will be launching a “work-share” program that provides employers an alternative to layoffs during an economic downturn. Last year, the legislature passed a bill I introduced to create this program with strong bipartisan support. Thanks to a little extra help from the Obama administration and the work of the legislature, the program launched this June. The work-sharing programs allow businesses to reduce hours for employees, while allowing the workers to collect a limited amount of unemployment insurance as a stop gap. This is a proven way to help businesses weather the storm of an economic downturn, and it also helps families limit the damage of losing a job completely. In February, President Obama signed “The Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012,” which Congress passed to provide additional assistance to states who participated in the work-share program. Here’s how it works: rather than waiting until companies have to lay off a large portion of their employees, businesses would have the option of reducing hours for an entire division or department, and enabling those workers to collect a proportional share of their unemployment insurance benefits. Under the current system, if an employer needs to reduce payroll for several months to weather a downturn, they might have to lay off 20 percent of their employees, who end up collecting unemployment insurance benefits while their former co-workers keep on working full-time at their regular pay. Under worksharing, businesses can avoid layoffs entirely, keep all of their trained and valuable employees, and plan to bounce back by reducing workers’ hours and allowing them to access a limited amount of unemployment insurance benefits. Twenty other states have implemented worksharing, including New Hampshire, Massachusetts and New York. Those states were able to help large numbers of people keep

their jobs when they would otherwise have lost them. New York’s Shared Work program saved nearly 11,000 jobs at more than 2,200 companies. Massachusetts enrolled more than 9,900 workers at 450 companies, directly saving 2,500 jobs. This program will literally save jobs. We’ve seen it work in other states and now Maine has an opportunity to make it work here. The work-share program ensures our middle class families and small businesses don’t fall through the cracks. Under the current system, Maine workers who are laid off and collect unemployment end up with an average income of $285 per week, less than half of what they were making when they were employed. Under worksharing, everyone would keep their job, bear a little bit of the sacrifice, and be able to collect a share of the unemployment benefits to make up for hours lost. This could result in income reductions for workers of as little as 10 percent for workers who would otherwise need to be laid off -- with no added cost to the state. Work-sharing would also benefit Maine’s businesses and our economy. One of the greatest impediments to job creation coming out of the recession is recruiting and training good employees. Work-sharing allows employers to hold onto skilled, experienced workers, and maintains productivity by bolstering morale, which typically suffers greatly during a mass layoff. Avoiding job losses also eases the impact on local businesses that depend on workers’ spending on goods and services, minimizing the domino effect of secondary job losses that inevitably result from layoffs. What is more, by bolstering a wider base of consumer spending and decreasing the number of laidoff workers depending on healthcare and other public services, work-sharing can lower the burden on state and local governments. This program is truly a win for everyone.

MHNO is a proud member of Portland BuyLocal


BULLETIN Board the munjoy Hill neighborhood Organization

July 2012


Meet the 2012-2013 Board of the MHNO! Kathleen & Ross Fields Ross Fields, Vice President

Elain Mullin Treasurer

Sam Cohen Secretary

Eben Albert-Knopp

Thomas Kelley

Andrea Myhaver, President Andrea Myhaver arrived to her home at 108 Eastern Promenade on Munjoy Hill straight from Mercy Hospital, where she was born in 1969. After spending 18 years on the Prom, she departed for points unknown to spread her wings as a young adult and ventured to places as near as across town and as far as Washington State, with stops at just about everywhere in between. In 2002 she decided to return to Maine and her roots on Munjoy Hill to raise her young son, Reid. She and her son have been residents of North Street since. Andrea joined the MHNO board of Directors in 2010, where she quickly jumped in to serve as Secretary. In 2011 Andrea was elected to her first term as President, and was re-elected to serve another term at the June 2012 annual meeting. Andrea says that most people know that she comes from a large family (7 brothers and 3 sisters) but many do not know that many members of her family have musical talents, and that she herself is a singer. You can catch the “Von Myhaver Family Singers and Dancers” mostly at family events, but you never know when they might come to a venue near you!

Joan Sheedy Nova Ewers

Ann Quinlan

Jamie Lane-Fitzgerald

Get to know us! Ross Fields (Vice President, MHNO) Ross has lived on Munjoy Hill for one year; he became a Board member last December. Ross likes the vibrancy of the Rosemont market and the local restaurants on the Hill. He also enjoys living only a couple blocks away from the ocean. Few people may know that when Ross lived in Vermont—before he moved to Portland—he sang tenor in a barbershop quartet. A favorite quotation of Ross’—”When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” (author unknown)

Elaine Mullin (Treasurer, MHNO)

Eben AlbertKnopp Eben has lived on Munjoy Hill for three years; he became a Tamera Edison Lisa Peñalver Board member six months ago. Ad Sales Rep Observer Editor He enjoys the great Munjoy community, Rosemart Market and living within walking and on the Hill thanks to the beautiful people biking distance from the Eastern promwho live here.” Few people may know that enade and downtown Portland. Eben is an Nova has sailed across each of the Atlantic alumni of the College of the Atlantic, which and Pacific oceans twice. is located in Bar Harbor ME A favorite quotation, “It is not so much what is on the table that matters, as what is on the Tom chairs” (W.S. Gilbert) Kelley

Tom became a Board member in March Ralph 2012; he has lived on Munjoy Hill for one Elaine has lived on Munjoy Hill for four and Carmona year. He likes living among the eclectic a half years and has been a Board member Information will be published in a coming group of Munjoy Hill residents who all for three years. She loves the constant issue of the Observer share the common traits of being friendly, activity on the Hill and the fact that you amazing people. Few would know that Tom The MHNO Board meets every 2nd Monday of don’t have to go far to find things going Ann Quinlan is an avid traveler; he has already visited a on. Few people would know that the Elainemonth, at 7 pm at the Hill House at 92 Ann became a St. Board 2011; she Congress —member Pleasein join us! third of the world’s countries! has participated in the Trek Across Maine has lived on Munjoy Hill for three years but bicycle tour—three times! has spent summers on the Hill ever since Joan Sheedy the ‘60s. She enjoys “living in a well-knit A favorite quotation, “Be kinder than necesJoan has been a Board member for 6+ sary, because everyone you meet is fighting years; she has lived on Munjoy Hill for eight community with neighbors who all know one another. Instead of confining ourselves some kind of battle.” years. Joan sees the Munjoy Hill commuto particular age brackets.” Ann believes nity as one big family whose members are Sam Cohen it is important to live inter-generationally all willing to help each other and to work (Secretary, MHNO) Sam became a Board together in pursuit of common goals. In ad- and to connect with people of all ages. member half a year ago; he has lived on dition to participating in the MHNO, Joan A favorite quotation of Ann’s—”We are not Munjoy Hill for two years. Sam likes the is also involved in many other activities here to be perfect; we are here to be real.” community-feel of Munjoy Hill, ”making the across Portland, such as City Hall affairs. (Einstein). city feel like it’s tiny,”and he enjoys know“I just try as hard as I can to make ‘coming the people that live around him. Few Jamie Lanemunity” on the Hill and to draw people people likely know that Sam is an owner of together’ (Joan). Fitzgerald three bikes. Information will be published in a coming Nova Ewers A favorite quotation, from the Talmud: issue of the Observer Nova has lived on Munjoy Hill for two years; “Do not be daunted by the enormity of the she became a Board Member in March world’s grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. 2012. Nova loves how Munjoy Hill residents Walk humbly, now. You are not obligated to take pride in and love their neighborhood. complete the work, but neither are you free to “From sunrise over the Prom to sunset over abandon it.” Standpipe Park, it’s always a beautiful day

“LIKE” us & STAY INFORMED! Sign up for our email list at munjoyhill.org to receive alerts on events and issues pertaining to the East End (fyi: we do not share our list.). Get the first glimpse of the each month's Observer. "Like" the Munjoy Hill Neighborhood Organization on Facebook! Just visit us online at munjoyhill.org and click on our Facebook link. Follow our updates, join the conversation, post photos and share links, all on our FB page.

Ralph Carmona


Open MEETINGS: The MHNO Board meets every 2nd Monday of the month, at 7 pm at the Hill House at 92 Congress St. — Please join us!

Recy Heat cle AND h As elp fu nd th rec yc sistance Funds lables thru Program : e MHNO r a i se CLYN D on

a d supp K ! at “Warm H a n te you r ort M H outsid earts, Warm HNO’s Fu nafords et el Ass N istanc up a f he Hill Hou eighbors” e ree gr progr se at 9 e a m. S e 2 n bag , Cong 780-0 top ress a or fm 8 6 0. K nd i, c e e p th ose ca all Louise L pick ns & b it tle at ottles comin g!


July 2012

the munjoy Hill neighborhood Organization Adams School Playground Temporary Closing Construction of new Avesta housing on the Adams School site is slated to begin on Monday, July 9. For safety reasons, the Adams School Playground will be closed during the construction. Neighboring residents have expressed concerns over the temporary loss of this highly-used play area. Based on this feedback, reps from Avesta have asked the general contractor, Great Falls Construction Company, to delay closing of the playground for as long as possible while working on areas not close to that end of the site. Both Avesta and Great Falls have grave concerns about keeping the playground open and have advised against it. As of press time, Great Falls has agreed to try to keep the playground open for as long as possible while excavation work takes place on the Vesper side of the site (estimated time frame is anywhere from one to six weeks). However, for safety reasons and insurance reasons, they will immediately shut down the playground if children are seen playing there without adult supervision. Great Falls is also verifying with their insurance carrier if there are any ramifications to allowing this to take place. If their insurance company advises against it, they will close the playground during the entire construction process. With regard to re-opening the playground, Seth Parker, Development Officer for Avesta Housing, has said the following, “I have been discussing the construction schedule with the contractor. I have pressed them on getting the playground done first and their goal is going to be to try and have it complete by November although they can’t make a promise on this. I think this is a reasonable goal and expectation to try and deliver to the neighborhood in light of their sacrifices during the construction period.”

Possible Development on Sumner Court Editor’s Note: In recent weeks, The MHNO has been hearing discussion in the community about concerns surrounding the potential development of a property on Sumner Court, owned by local resident, Ron Gan. Mr. Gan attended the MHNO monthly meeting in early June to discuss his plans for the property. The MHNO then received a letter dated in mid-June, written by Friends of Sumner Court, and submitted to us by Devon Platte, one of the Hill residents opposed to Mr. Gan’s project. This letter was too long for us to publish in the Observer, but it can be read online (Portland Daily Sun, June 19, 2012 issue, under the headline, “Group urges city to not allow Sumner Court development”) That link is: http://portlanddailysun.me/index.php/opinion/letters/7072-group-urges-city-to-notallow-sumner-court-development. You can also find Save-Sumner-Court on Facebook. for more on the concerns. At this time, the MHNO is not taking a position on whether or not the construction proposed is appropriate or desirable. This is a City Zoning issue that has yet to be resolved. MHNO Board member, Ross Fields, attended the June 22 Zoning Board AppealsHearing and this is his report:

June 22, 2012: Room 209 at City Hall was packed for the appeal hearing concerning Please visit the MHNO Facebook page, or join our email list to receive Sumner Court and Mr. Gan’s request to have updates about this issue. the current lot that he owns there be divided into two lots. Reason for this is so he would have a buildable lot in accordance with the zoning laws for lots under 10,000 sq. ft. in size. The origThe MHNO extends our undying gratitude to outgoing Board members inal decision was that the lot Katie Brown, Christina Feller, and Kristin Rapinac. Katie and Christina, could not be divided because

it “created” a smaller lot for which the zoning law was not intended. The law was intended for existing small lots. The Appeals Board upheld the original decision. Mr. Gan immediately requested a variance of the road frontage required (40 feet) to 12 feet (width of Sumner Court). Now the issue is whether or not Mr. Gan owns any part of Sumner Court passageway. There appears to be a possible conflict of ownership where Sumner Court is concerned. Due to this issue the Appeals Board postponed any decision for two months. The Appeals Board agreed that they did not have accurate information with which to make a decision. The two months will give the interested parties time to gather the needed information. At this point, the ownership of the Sumner Court passageway remains unclear, and this was the main reason the board postponed any decision. The issue of ownership needs to be resolved before the Zoning Board can proceed. Corporation Counsel did express that in following Maine State law, the state court over the past several years has been leaning. more often than not, in favor of a landowner being able to build on a lot. And that the zoning laws for the City of Portland differ from those of the state. Counsel recommended that the Zoning Board familiarize themselves with state zoning decisions in matters of this type before making their final decision. I felt the meeting was conducted with respect and civility. By Ross Fields ross.fields@munjoyhill.org

both past Presidents of the organization, still live on Munjoy Hill and have promised to stay involved in the neighborhood (YAY!).

Kristin, most recently Vice-President, has moved on to California, but she told us her heart is still with us here on Munjoy Hill. We miss her as much as she misses us! On behalf of all the residents of our neighborhood, we thank each of you for your countless hours of dedication and service to the MHNO!

Join the Munjoy Hill Neighborhood Organization New Membership


Name(s)_ ____________________________________________________________

Calling all Vendors, Crafters, Artists and Non-Profits! The MHNO, in partnership with Munjoy Hill Community Policing and the Portland Recreation Department, is excited to invite you to participate in the second annual “We Love Munjoy Hill” festival which will be held on Saturday, September 29 at East End Community School from 10-3 pm. The MHNO has sponsored a neighborhood festival just about every year since 1979 and this year promises to be a big crowd pleaser! We will be featuring more great family centered entertainment than ever, with performances by Mr. & Mrs. Fish, and Spark’s Ark, and an appearance by Slugger the Sea Dog, just to name a few! We are encouraging people to sign up early this year by offering an early bird discount. Vendor Rates are as follows: Food Vendors: $50, or $40 if you register and pay by August 29 Goods Vendors and Artists: $35 per 6 feet of linear space, or $25 per six feet of linear space if you register and pay by August 29 Non-Profits: $20 per six feet of linear space, or $10 per six feet of linear space if you register and pay by August 29 Reserve your spot today by emailing: festival@munjoyhill.org to request an application, or call 775-3050 for more information!

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Membership Levels Individual: $10 Family: $20 Business: $35 Additional Donation $25 $50 $75 $100 $250 $500 Other Amount: ($______) wish my gift to be anonymous

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MHNO, 92 Congress Street, Portland, ME 04101 Questions? Call (207) 775-3050, email info@munjoyhill.org or visit munjoyhill.org Welcome to the MHNO! 04/2012


July 2012


Art Soul

El Camino de Santiago By Kate Campbell Strauss

Kate Campbell Strauss moved to Munjoy Hill in February of 2012, one month after returning from her pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago also known as the Way of Saint James­—which is actually several hiking routes that all lead to the town of Santiago de Compostela in northern Spain. One of the most popular camino, starts in Saint Jean de Pied de Port in France, and ends up about 30 days later in the town of Santiago de Compostela. Kate set out on the trek shortly after graduating college. She would love to be a resource to anyone who is thinking of embarking on the Camino de Santiago. Please send emails to Observer@munjoyhill.org Before I left the US, I told many people that I was going on a pilgrimage. Often, the first question would be, “Who are you going with?” I had never seriously considered asking anyone to walk the camino with me and I was going alone. Most people reacted negatively to my plan, so I felt I was constantly defending my choice, usually against others’ fears.

The last few hours after the cocoa break were still painful, but what I had read interrupted my thoughts and put new ideas in my head, ones that were more compassionate and relaxed. As I approached a barn through a pasture lit golden by the setting sun, I wondered if I had finally arrived. My friend Al was waiting at the bottom of the path, arms open for a hug. (To be continued...)

ReadersWrite ReadersWrite ReadersWrite ReadersWrite ReadersWrite ReadersWrite


Why Not Call the Hamanasu (Rose) a Native Maine-ah? An essay by Elizabeth Miller, Waterville Street How deeply must one’s roots reach to qualify as a native Maine-ah? The joke about the obituary starts: Although not a native, Ezra Libby moved with his family to Maine when he was six weeks old and lived here his entire life. I have lived in Portland for twenty-seven years. I was director of the Maine Historical Society for ten years, which, I figured, should have earned me another twenty years “credit” towards being a Mainer. However, I still fall short (I’ll leave that math vague, thank you very much) in being considered a native. So, too, the rosa rugosa, more commonly known as the beach rose. It arrived from east Asia in 1845, part of the China Trade that took New England ship captains and crews to Japan, China and Korea. Perhaps it hitched a ride on a Maine-built ship.

think it’s getting a bum rap. After all, even the Abenakis came from somewhere else. Instead of being dissed as a disruptive plant “from away,” the rosa rugosa should be embraced for the lessons it teaches us in how to survive in New England. The beach rose has many of the characteristics that I’ve come to associate with my fellow Mainers. Perseverance: Plant them in lousy soil, Don’t bother to water them. Prune them down to 3 inch stumps in the fall. Shovel three feet of snow on them. Expose them to salty, icy gales on a regular basis. Durability: Prop construction staging on them. Let your carpenters, electricians, roofers, and painters step in, on, and over them, even in the middle of the growing season.

My first week on the camino, I formed Resourcefulness: Underground close bonds with other pilgrims and Known in Japanese as the hamanasu, runners can survive any amount of digexperienced amazing cathe hardy shrub was first planted in ging. They’ll simply establish new plants maraderie. So, I spent gardens for ornamentation. but soon in other areas. Their rose hips and seeds much more time than I escaped and was naturalized. One story can float for as long as forty weeks. Indihad anticipated with othI’ve read posits that the first roses might vidual seeds are able to continue to ride ers. Still, my choice to have washed up onto Nantucket as part the wind for an additional four weeks. walk alone was important of debris from shipwrecks. (See http:// The rose hips can even be eaten. to me. Each day, I made w w w.n a nt ucke t to d ayon l i ne.com / And finally, prickliness: Don’t get decisions about how july08/garden.html) too close or handle them the wrong way. much time I would spend I first came to think of the rosa rugosa You will regret it. alone and found that I freas those lovely beach roses that line the quently needed to evaluSo whether you call it a salt spray rose, paths to Crescent and Popham Beaches, ate my motivations—was beach rose, or shore eggplant, it’s a Rosa my two favorite beaches. Sure looked I continuing to defend Rugosa. This is a rose that by any other like a native to me. Who knew? my choice to walk alone name smells just as sweet, and should by trying to prove that I Sadly, the rosa rugosa has been con- surely be accorded the status of a native could? Or was I genuinely demned as an invasive species. It’s Mainer. (apologies to the Bard) in need of solitude? The guilty of driving out its native neighanswer to these questions At the end of a long day of hiking the Camino de Santiago, Kate is bors, thereby upsetting the balance of by the sight of the setting sun over a pasture outside of Le was not always clear. But greeted food for bird and animal species. But I Sauvage, France. it was clear that the time I had on the camino and with my pilgrim friends was precious. I probably would not see them again, yet our shared experience and closeness by Delores Lanai M.Ed, Organization Consultant, terra@ moon or the tiny crescent moon? I was incredibly special. maine.rr.com. also ask Portlanders whether they One morning, after a particularly wonOn June 20th,we celebrated the Summer Solstice - which like the back cove at high tide or low derful night of camaraderie, I decided is when the Sun enters the sign Cancer. Next will be Autumn tide. There is a correlation I find; let to separate from my friends by leavEquinox when the Sun enters Libra. Then comes Winter Sol- me know your choices! It’s time to celing several hours after them. It didn’t stice when the Sun enters Capricorn. And finally, we have the ebrate the Moon! take long for me to wish I had walked Spring Equinox, when the Sun enters Aries. These four signs in their company, but it was too late are called the Cardinal Signs, as they start each season and to catch up. It was difficult to be alone have the energy of initiation. that day. My body was in rough shape – I had blisters so painful they nearly The above turning points of the year divide the year into four. made it impossible to walk, plus knee The Dance of the Sun and Moon divide the year into two, startand shin pain. I felt bad for myself and ing at the Winter and Summer solstices. Winter solstice starts lonely, and at the same time was beatthe Solar half of the year; Summer Solstice starts the Lunar ing myself for these feelings. Having half of the year. one of my friends there would have disIn our culture - which is Solar/individual focused - we look tracted me from the physical pain and forward to Winter Solstice as a time when we know the Sun the exasperating conversations I was will become stronger and the days longer. But when Summer having with myself. Solstice comes in June it is the beginning of our summer so we The frustration I was experiencing was again want to celebrate the Sun, but it is actually the beginning so intense that I didn’t know if I could of the Lunar half of the year, and we don’t want to think about make it to Le Sauvage, my destination winter coming! By Autumn Equinox we are finally getting that day. I stopped at an outdoor café mentally ready for winter and can better celebrate the Moon. that advertised the drinks they made If you are a sky watcher, you understand that the Sun rises with their own cows’ milk. Sounded higher in the sky in summer and goes across the winter sky like a pick-me-up! I rang the doorbell lower in the sky. During the Lunar half, the Moon rises higher and asked for a hot cocoa. While waitin the sky than during the solar half. The Full Moon nearest ing, I took off my shoes to cool my feet Winter Solstice is the highest of the year with the nights very and put my head on the table. I reached bright when not cloudy! With snow, it can be a very bright loveinto my pack and pulled out a pocketly evening. Note it on your December calendar! sized book by a Shambhala Buddhist As a feminist and astrologer, I’ve been more aware of the nun, opened to a random page, and Moon than many. Women have in common having monthly read. Although I had learned a little cycles like the Moon. It’s the easiest object in the sky to watch bit about these teachings the previous as it changes so quickly. Which moves you more? -- the full summer, they were still very new to me.

The Dance of the Sun and Moon

See puzzle on page 9

Summertime and Life’s Important Details

Art Soul

I’ve worked with clients who’ve shoved things into bags and boxes and hidden them for, um… a long time. Inevitably when we unearth them we find old bills, letters, and sometimes very important papers. Finding these items reminds the person that while these items were in hiding they paid late fees, had to replace important papers, or had addresses go missing. So, how to avoid that problem? Make a date with yourself, mark it in your calendar and on that date find and deal with the things you hid. While we’re talking about attending to important things, have you made a will? No? hmm, that might work if you have no assets or children. If you have either or both, you need a will. Someone has to know what to do if something happens to you. And someone should know where to find your will, advance medical directive, who your attorney is, and who to call in case of an emergency. Taking care of these important details will ease your mind and those of your loved ones. Now go enjoy Maine’s glorious summer!

July 2012


Good Neighbor of the Month Kathleen Carr Bailey

By Solange Kellermann, a.k.a. The Clutter Doc Summer in Maine— it couldn’t be more wonderful. Everyone knows that, especially your friends and family. Some of them will show up for a summer visit and you’ll want to hide all the clutter that’s accumulated in the spare room, living room, and on the kitchen table. Ideally you will resist the urge to do that, but if you absolutely have to box up things and hide them, remember to label what’s in the boxes and sort through them once company leaves.


By Lisa Peñalver There’s a quality some people have; they see something that needs to be done, and they do it. A friend of mine refers to this as “the helper instinct.” Not everyone has it. It’s actually fairly rare. Fortunately for us on Munjoy Hill, we have a number of such active folks living among us, and one such person is Kathleen Carr Bailey.

ness, Finishing Touches, designing and maintaining beautiful gardens around Portland. She has not always loved gardening. “I didn’t like to get my hands dirty; I kept up my French manicure!” she laughed. But when her new home on on Sheridan Street came with an impressive perennial bed that she needed to maintain, the work grew on her. Soon she was taking gardening courses. She was drawn to the work and to the people.

You may recognize her name if you read the Observer; she writes our gardening arlikes to use her clippers while the North ticles most months. She does this for the Kathleen School watches, (photo from the Spirits Alive website MHNO on a volunteer basis. Gardening at spirisalive.org) is also her day-job. But there is more to her community contributions that you may not be aware of. Now a Master Gardener several times over, Kathleen keeps In 2008 She was named Master Gardener Volunteer of the very busy. As a volunteer, she staffs many of the garden tours Year, for her work in putting in the garden that graces the that are held around Portland, notably, the Hidden Gardens front of the Forest Ave. Center for Grieving Children. of Munjoy Hill Tour just held on June 24 (sponsored by the Kathleen has lived on Munjoy Hill, on and off (mostly on) for Friends of the Eastern Promenade). She feels fortunate to have over 20 years. She loves the place. In recent years, she has been been able to sponsor one of those gardens as well. very active in the clean-up and garden restoration crews over She has helped lead garden cleanup at the Audubon Society in at the historic Eastern Cemetery. More volunteer work. Falmouth (as Master Gardener Workday Captain), and works Kathleen has not always been a gardener. She went to college with the many garden societies around Portland, including for business, and began working in the banking industry. At the Rhododendron Society in Freeport. one point she became the VP and Head of Compliance for a So if you see Kathleen stopping into the Rosement for grocersmall bank in Portsmouth, NH. She eventually returned to ies or Amatos for a quick lunch, be sure to say hello and shake Maine to work for a large insurance company. her hand; we appreciate her willingness to work for an ever That was then, this is now. She chose to leave corporate more beautiful Munoy Hill. America and now owns and operates her own gardening busiThe 5th graders from the East End Community School’s “The Intelligent Fools” Team shown here are, Sascha Drice on left, Gwen Garhart with instrument, Daisy Ferber with mustache, Evil Minion Puppet, Will Brewster on right.

Photo by Jeanine Brewster

Odyssey of the Mind

By Will Brewster, age 10 My team, The Intelligent Fools, were Our play went like this: Einstein (played granted use of the Hill House to get ready by Daisy) builds a math box and tries to for the Odyssey of the Mind tournament. sell it, so Evil Will (Played by me) tries to You might ask, who helped me come up buy it for $100 but he is so bad at math, with all the ideas? I’ll tell you: it was Aiden that he and his Evil Minion puppet get it Davenport, Sascha Drice, Phoebe Kolbert, for free. Evil Will then tries to use it to find Daisy Ferber and Gwen Carhart, all 5th out how to crush the Queen’s Tower (the graders at the East End Elementary School balsa wood structure built by Gwen and and I, Will Brewster—from the same Phoebe) but his sarcastic minion turns school and only one grade behind. out to be the Queen’s evil brother, and he convinces Will to make the math box go You also might be wondering what the on defective mode and chase off Evil Will. Odyssey of the Mind tournament is. Well, what it was for us was a challenge. “You Where did we practice this play? At the Make the Call” was the name of our prob- Hill House! Not only that, but at the Hill lem. It was about math and imagination House, we practiced solving spontaneous and balsa wood. Let me explain; we had problems, and made the math box and to build a structure and stack weights on our play’s backdrop. Only six kids are alit while simultaneously making a play that lowed on a team, and only their ideas can shows one math function. How did we an- be used—no grown-up help! My favorite swer this question? The Math Box, that’s part of Odyssey was when we got to build how! Other kids at other schools worked the Math Box. I also liked performing at on solving the same problem, but in differ- the tournament. We couldn’t have done it ent ways than us. without the Hill House! Editor’s Note: INFO on the tournament of creativity called “Odyssey of the Mind” can be found online at www.meodyssey.org


July 2012


On Hill

To Protect and Preserve

The Eastern Cemetery Master Plan Plots the Future of this historic site

War of 1812 Bicentennial

at Eastern Cemetery on 4TH of July, 2012! By Arthur Huntington

By Domenic Hutchins On June 4th, the new Master Plan for the Eastern Cemetery on Munjoy Hill was officially adopted by City of Portland’s Public Services Department (formerly Public Works). The Master Plan, devised over the course of two years by the auspicious Chicora Foundation from South Carolina in a collaboration with the Portland-based Spirits Alive organization, provides a comprehensive plan for restoring and conserving the Eastern Cemetery. As of a few weeks ago, Portland’s formal protocol for the maintenance of the Eastern Cemetery now includes the new Master Plan. In her article in last month’s Observer, Jeanne Bull wrote that while the Master Plan is an impressive and thoroughgoing document in and of itself, it marks only the “beginning of a concentrated effort to retrieve Portland’s oldest burying ground” from the brink of annihilation. With all its intents and purposes codified in the Master Plan, Spirits Alive’s primary objective is now, indeed, to realize the goals set forth in the document with the help of its newly acquired partner—the City of Portland. As outlined in the Master Plan, Spirits Alive sees inadequate maintenance, vandalism and pervasive trespassing as the three most critical issues that the cemetery faces. While the Department of Public Services is currently investigating how it will most effectively attend to all three of these obstacles, the City has, nonetheless, already begun to take action. In the interest of addressing the damage done by trespassers, the Portland Police and local residents have joined forces to monitor, report and prosecute unauthorized intrusions to the cemetery. With regard to the first obstacle, neglected maintenance, Barbara Hager of Spirits Alive says the City will begin to train “conservation-minded workers” to better maintain the cemetery. Such workers, Hager hopes, will not only be mowing the grass, but will also be engaged in the restoration projects of the cemetery’s gardens and hardscapes that are called for in the Master Plan. In the interest of training such conser-

vation-minded workers, the City will be hosting a public workshop on July 28th led by a professional in stone restoration—all those interested in helping restore the Eastern Cemetery are welcome! The tutorial will teach participants how to reset stones, create bases for tombs and graves, and clean and wash stones. In addition to these measures, Spirits Alive and the City are also in the preliminary stages of rebuilding the Eastern Cemetery’s tool shed, formerly known as the ‘dead house.’ Beneath the tool shed lies a large holding crypt that formerly stored empty coffins back when the tool shed was in a more functional state. If and when the renovation takes place, the holding tomb will be converted into an archive for the tombs and graves that cannot be restored in the present; the remnants of these graves will be held until more advanced technology is developed or enough money is raised to be able restore the remains. Along with the renovation of the holding tomb, Spirits Alive and the City also hope to turn the tool shed into a visiting center. At the moment, Portland’s public service dept. is in the process of acquiring funding from the City budget to renovate the tool shed. I ask Barbara Hager of Spirits Alive if her organization is content, thus far, with the city’s participation in conserving and restoring the Eastern Cemetery—only two weeks after the enshrinement of the Master Plan. With great enthusiasm, Hager expresses, “Spirits Alive is pleased with the willingness of the city to think about this cemetery in a new way.” However, the Master Plan has not only transformed the way in which the city views the cemetery; it has also “set in motion new behaviors” that the city will undertake with regard to the Eastern Cemetery, from June 4th onward. From July 1st to October 13th, Spirits Alive will be giving tours of the Eastern Cemetery on Saturdays at 10:00 am and on Sundays at 1:30 pm. No reservations required—just show up! See  http://easternpromenade.org/aboutthe-eastern-prom/master-plan/ for more details.

The bicentennial of the War of 1812, the “Second War of American Independence,” will be marked by ceremonies at 2 PM in Portland’s Eastern Cemetery, July 4th, 2012, under the flagpole just inside the Congress Street gate.

ing in Casco Bay as close as Portland Head Light, said Adams. But at sea, the infant US Navy held its own. One of the most dramatic sea battles of the war pitted the USS Enterprise, based in Portland, Maine, against the HMS Boxer in a fierce fight off Monhegan Island in 1813. Both young ship captains were killed in the battle, and both were buried with high military honors side by side in Eastern Cemetery.

“Spirits Alive,” the volunteer group that maintains the Eastern Cemetery, is sponsoring the event, which is free and open to the public. Speakers will include Maine State Historian Earle Shettleworth of Augusta and former State Rep. Herb Adams of Portland.

To this day their side-by-side tombs remain some of the most significant monuments in Eastern Cemetery, notes Adams.

Many Maine veterans of the War of 1812 rest in Eastern, but the conflict is largely forgotten, says Adams.

A master list of known War of 1812 veterans buried in Eastern will be available at the July 4th ceremonies. “They range from ship captains to army generals, to average guys who were sailors and privates—a real slice of Portland’s pre-statehood society,” said Adams.

“Rightly, some call the War of 1812 America’s “ Second War of Independence,” but it was a disaster for Maine “, said Adams, who is making a list of known veterans buried in Portland’s oldest burial ground.

“Great or small, we owe them a debt of gratitude for the freedom and the country we enjoy today,” said Adams.

“Boston abandoned Maine to the British, who seized all Maine eastward of the Penobscot River. They planned to annex Maine to Canada, rename it the Province of New Ireland , and settle it with Loyalists—the folks we call Tories,” said Adams.

Spirits Alive, the sponsors of the event, will encourage visitors to explore the historic grounds and visit the specially marked graves as part of their ongoing effort to promote appreciation of the unique heritage of the city’s very first burial ground, founded in the early 1700’s.

“Quite some neighborhood it would have been, right?”

Challenging Sudoku Puzzles - B

The British army easily invaded the US mainland—burning the White House and Washington DC in August 1814— and the British navy kept warships lurk-

From www.veryfreesudoku.com

2 4 6 9 3 4 1

Sudoku Puzzle 3 THE

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Sparklers Cause 2nd Alarm Fire on Munjoy Hill Fireworks and sparklers cause two fires in three days

City of Portland Press release– At approximately 11:39 AM on July 2, the City of Portland Fire Department received a 911 phone call reporting a fire at 229 Congress Street and 8 Montgomery Street. Firefighters responded to the 2nd Alarm Fire at 11:40 AM during which they evacuated several people from the 22 unit building. The fire was contained shortly after first responders arrived. Significant damage was sustained in at least seven units, leaving at least nine people displaced. The Fire Department is currently working with the American Red Cross to secure shelter for those affected. The building’s fire alarms, smoke detectors and fire walls were all functioning and helped contain the

fire. These fire prevention systems and building components were installed in 2009 as a requirement of the city’s Inspections and Fire Prevention Divisions. None of the occupants were injured; however, one firefighter was transported to a local hospital for evaluation. Preliminary findings of the Fire Department have concluded that the fire was caused by Morning Glories (legal sparklers). Two unsupervised minor children lit the sparklers using a toaster, which ignited a fire on the bed. The 229 Congress Street fire is the second fire in three days involving fireworks. At approximately 3:30 PM Saturday, the Fire Department

responded to a fire in a dumpster located near Hall School. This fire was caused by the use of illegal fireworks. The sale and use of consumer fireworks is prohibited within the City of Portland. No one may use or sell fireworks and any person found using or intending to use fireworks in Portland is subject to a fine of at least $200. On June 27th, the Portland Police Department issued the first summons for illegal use of fireworks to a man from Virginia. He was found possessing and setting off fireworks at approximately 11:00 PM on Orono Road and was issued a summons with a $200 fine.


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July 2012


Living With Peace­ New Immigrants Bring Needed Skills and High Educational Achievement By Christina Feller, President of Living With Peace

Living With Peace is a dynamic local grassroots community support organization investing in the future of our immigrants by providing information, resources, and training to newcomers to the community and culture.

We are led to believe by certain government officials and many newscasters that we are over-run with illegal, uneducated, poor, undocumented workers in the US. When we look at the numbers, however, we realize quickly enough that this is not the case nationally and it certainly is not the case in Maine. Indeed, the newest wave of highly educated and skilled immigrants from Africa and other places adds up to a great opportunity for the State of Maine. We have a choice. We can ignore their benefit and focus on the negatives about how much they “cost” the city, state and nation. Or, alternatively, we can embrace them, move them through the legal asylum process as fast and as effectively as possible, get them their work papers, get them into Advanced Business English courses, and move them

confidently into the new Technology Age of the 21st century. Living With Peace and many other NGO’s, especially here in the Greater Portland area, have been working diligently for many years to provide a launch pad for successful immigrant integration and achievement. In this case, I point to the Opportunity Alliance, Catholic Charities Maine, Costal Enterprises Inc., United Way, Learning Works, Portland Adult Education, Southern Maine Community College, UNE, USM, University of Southern New Hampshire, Kaplan University, Maine Community Foundation, and The Telling Room to name just a few. According to the Migration Policy Institute (MPI), the recent phenomenon of free black African migration of more than 1.1 million people to the US is a relatively recent occurrence.

Black Africans are now the fastest-growing group of legal US immigrants. The latest statistics show that this group now comprises 3% of the total US foreignborn population. According to the MPI, black Africans who are almost all from Sub-Saharan Africa generally fare well on indicators of integration including education and work status. Earnings in general, with the exceptions of Cape Verde and Somalia, for black Africans are on a par with other immigrant groups. The widening wealth gap between the US and Sub-Saharan Africa means more immigrants; the highest educated go to the USA, Canada, and Australia while the lesser educated migrate to the UK, France, Spain, and Italy. Relatively few Africans come as unauthorized migrants. Evi-

dence shows that authorized and documented African migrants are a growing share of the US labor market. According to the World Bank’s Global Skilled Migration Database, the US in 2000 accounted for 37% of African skilled migrants while the OECD nations accounted for only 15%.

new professionals in Maine to take these jobs? Which educated group tends to stay in Maine, our young people or African immigrants? Where should we be putting our emphasis? Let’s decide now to take advantage of our educated, talented, and skilled immigrant pool.

This is good news for Maine. According to statistics by local business leaders, the Greater Portland area needs more than 1,500 IT professionals and Local Physicians provide the five Maine IT support to Southern Sudan schools, USM, UMO, In May, 2012, and James Otto, Dr. Charles UMA, Husson, and Radis (from Peaks Island Maine) and Daniel Thomas College, are Crothers had a very successful trip to Southern together graduating Sudan began the process of forming a village approximately 39-45 health committee in Kit. They also delivered IT students per year. medical supplies and trained 16 traditional Where and how will birth attendants. Community contributions we make up the differhelped greatly! Please consider supporting our next mission trip later this year. ence? Where are the Aserela’s Mission It is the mission of Aserela to provide access to educational opportunities for the people in the region of Kit in South Sudan. By constructing two school buildings and an office we will be able to provide several hundred students the education they have never known before. This school will be the first ever in the area, and it will serve elementary children with a focus on addressing the needs of orphans. As well, Aserela is working to develop a health care presence in the area, first, by introducing a maternal health care education course for local midwives that was developed by the Massachusetts General Hospitals Division of Global Health’s Dr. Thomas Burke and associates. This program has already proven successful in other areas of South Sudan, and it is sorely needed in Kit. The work of Aserela encompasses more than healthcare abroad. Youth have been the key uniting factor for the Portland community, and they have been actively involved in our international projects. Youth programs in Aserela include: choir, cultural dance, a soccer team and project organizers. The past several years have seen the nonprofit Aserela expand its activities by building local leadership and addressing issues of the Portland, Maine, USA Sudanese community, while continuing to develop programs and projects in South Sudan.

Solution on page 6

Crossword ACross 1- Metrical foot 5- Rotisserie part 9- Month after avril 12- Actress Foch 13- Bert’s buddy 15- Dinner faux-pas 16- Brouhahas 17- Loses heat 18- Choir member 19- Inventor of logarithms 21- Uneasy 23- Move sideways, killed 25- Tabula ___ 26- Nipper’s co. 29- Male deer 31- Over there 35- Small batteries 36- Actress Woodard 38- View 39- It may be compact 41- Hanker 43- Winds up

44- Toothbrush brand 46- Metal pin 48- What the sun does in the west 49- Small node 51- Kissers 52- Begley and Bradley 53- Grammy winner Erykah 55- Linguist Chomsky 57- Tutors 61- Vacuum tube having three elements 65- ___ breve 66- Model Campbell 68- Puts into words 69- Free from bias 70- Thick slices 71- Queens stadium 72- Explosive stuff 73- Junk e-mail 74- Quattro maker;

Down 1- ___ uproar 2- Verdi heroine 3- Queue before Q 4- Foundation 5- Privily 6- Paid player 7- Are you ___ out? 8- Floor worker 9- Sterile hybrid 10- Skills 11- Wall St. debuts 14- Short literary composition 15- Equilibrium 20- “Born Free” lion 22- General ___ chicken 24- Thin, crisp biscuit 26- Radioactive gas 27- City on the Nile 28- Syrian president 30- Chalice 32- Compact

33- Finished, terminated 34- Breaks 37- Senator Sam of Watergate fame 40- Lounge car 42- Patronage based on family 45- Boring, so to speak 47- Boris Godunov, for one 50- Paradises 54- Russian range 56- Beethoven’s “___ Solemnis” 57- 27th president of the U.S 58- Brio 59- Came down to earth 60- Work up lather 62- Island of Hawaii 63- Colored 64- Morales of “La Bamba” 67- Wharton deg.; BestCrosswords.com


July 2012


Munjoy Chickens, from front page Inez collects eggs, feeds and waters her birds, cleans their pen and closes them in at night “so the raccoons won’t get them.” Why do all that work? “We get a lot of yummy eggs,” she exclaims. “I haven’t had a grocery store egg in a long time.”

In 2007 a chicken ordinance was approved by the South Portland City Council. A like-minded group in Portland followed the Collins’ example and on February 18, 2009, Portland adopted South Portland’s ordinance almost verbatim.

Aside from the utilitarian function of providing eggs, chicken keeping teaches children life lessons, according to Inez’s mom, Christine Braceras.

Both cities allow for six hens (no roosters) and require a hen house and chicken pen with access to sun and shade. Applicants submit photos of the living quarters and a plot plan to show City Hall that their operation complies with the ordinance and then pay a $25 annual fee for a permit to keep chickens.

The value of being responsible for other living creatures, being exposed to the sometimes harsh realities of the cycle of life, and gaining a basic understanding of where your food comes from is hard to quantify in a per-egg price. “With kids and pets, the initial piece is so exciting. Then as time goes on, you have to develop a routine,” Braceras explains. It’s important for children to experience that “ancient relationship between animals and people.” It was another 10 year old, Olivia Collins of South Portland, who brought the backyard chicken movement to southern Maine. “We already had a large organic garden and it seemed like the next logical thing,” Stacey Collins, Olivia’s mother recalled. When Olivia found out that chicken keeping was prohibited by South Portland’s city ordinances, she sent a letter to a city councilor, invited him over for a presentation, then spent the summer outside Scratch bakery educating the community about chicken keeping.

On Hill egg-producing operation in Turner, Maine. An April, 2009 undercover video which everyone should know about but no one should watch, documented appalling conditions that led Quality Egg of

“They’re the perfect urban pet. They don’t take up much space,” Cole explained. And they’re composting machines. “When I’m up in the garden, they sorta talk to me,” Cole said. The birds know Cole is likely to throw them a weed or a stray piece of chard. “I feel like I’m getting my vegetables when I eat my eggs.”

Twenty-six permits have been issued since the ordinance passed. Eighteen permits are still active. As impractical as it is to think that our community’s poultry needs will be met by a brood of 10-year-old backyard farmers, it’s equally unlikely that any additional “efficiency” could be wrung out of our industrial method of egg production. In fact, the cost of these industrial methods made headlines two summers ago when 1,900 people were sickened and 550 million eggs were recalled after a salmonella outbreak caused by unsanitary conditions at the facilities of Quality Egg, an industrial egg producer founded by Mainer, Jack DeCoster Even worse, Mercy For Animals discovered numerous acts of animal cruelty at another DeCoster

her henhouse gurgled with the cooing and chirping of her trio of Buff Orpington’s. Dolly Parton, Lucille Ball, and Ginger Rodgers, “all redheads,” preened themselves as they nestled down for the night in their tidy henhouse adjacent to their quonset-style chicken run on the side of Cole’s vegetable garden.

New England to plead guilty to 10 counts of animal cruelty and pay $130,000 in fines and restitution in a landmark case. There have been multiple bloody encounters with raccoons during Munjoy Hill’s three-year experiment with the chicken ordinance, but it has produced viable models of backyard chicken keeping. Deborah Cole, an organic gardener on Walnut St., is known to some as the queen of chicken keeping on Munjoy Hilll. She has elevated backyard poultry to an art form. Late on a recent summer evening,

Another Munjoy chicken keeper claims his five birds chew through three kitchen’s worth of scraps from the residents of his triple-decker. “Chicken droppings are very good on my vegetable garden,” Cole said. So good, in fact, that she is able to grow almost all the vegetables she needs for the year right in her back yard. Cole even recycles the eggshells. She dries them out, grinds them in a coffee grinder and sprinkles them back into the chicken-feed. This adds calcium to the chickens’ diet and makes it easier for them to produce eggs with firm shells. It seems to work. Whereas the average organic egg has a bit more yellow to its yolk, Cole’s hens’

eggs’ yolks are “bright orange” and “stand up nice and firm.” Cole also enjoys the “nice, little barnyard sounds” her birds make. “It’s a calm, soothing, meditative experience” to listen to the chickens while she works in the garden. West End chicken-keeper, Peter Murray agrees. His flock of five is “extremely soothing.” Like 10-year-old Andrew, he sees signs of intelligence beneath those bright red combs. “They’re smart. They come when you call them. They’re hearty. They survive the Maine winters.” He’ll be adding his birds to the Munjoy flock when he downsizes from a large brick West End home to snugger quarters that he’s building on North St. For anyone who needs advice on getting started with chickens, Stacey Collins sometimes teaches Chicken-keeping 101 at Portland Adult Ed. She’s also available for private consultation through an enterprise she calls Backyard Farms. Reflecting on the success of the urban chicken movement Collins thinks back to the beginnings of industrial agriculture. “My grandmother, who grew up in the Great Depression, valued anything processed, packaged, and new.” As that attitude wanes, an organic, whole food ethic waxes. Collins observed, “it’s nice to see people now valuing the food they produce themselves.”


East End Business Focus PLUM Consignment Clothing By Lisa Peñalver Walk around the neighborhood, and you can’t help but notice some shiny new storefronts among the more familiar shops. One of the newest is the little consignment shop, Plum, located on the corner of Franklin Street and Congress, opposite the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. Plum, a high-end consignment store, is owned by Munjoy Hill resident Kelly Williams. Plum opened for business this spring on May 22. The shop features high quality women’s clothing and accessories, specifically dresses.

In addition to the high-quality dresses she carries, Kelly has brought in new and almost-new accessories, purses, jewelry, and some dress shoes, as well as hats. “And I’m always looking for more consignments in the up-scale brands.” In particular, brands such as Burberry, Betsey Johnson, Cole Haan, Coach, Eileen Fisher, Free People, Lilly Pulitzer, Marc

Right now, colorful and flattering summer dresses are on the racks. (My own tastes drew my eye to various forms of the timeless “little black dress” grouped at one end of the rack). I asked Kelly what prompted her to open the shop.

“Years ago, I went to F.I.T. in New York (Fashion Institute of Technology). I then went on to other things (Temple University), but my love of fashion and well-designed  clothing—and shopping!­— stayed with me.” “Before my daughter was born, I managed a high-end consignment shop in Massachusetts, so I felt this was something I could do on my own, now that my daughter is older.”

Kelly observed, “I think consignment really appeals to people for more than economic reasons, Shopping consignment is “green”; it’s a form of recycling re-using. As for her reasons for choosing the location, “Munjoy Hill is home. It’s convenient; I can walk to work just down the street.”

Jacobs, Max Mara, Michael Kors, Milly, Nanette Lapore, Prada, Rebecca Taylor, Seven for all Mankind, Theory, Three Dots and premium brand names including Banana Republic, J. Crew and Talbots. Parkling is no problem; there are spaces on the street in front of the shop and around the corner at the Rite Aid parking lot. Kelly said she’d read that the Franklin Redevelopment Plan includes eventually putting in a sidewalk that would run the whole length of Franklin Street and having a parking lane there as well. Plum is located at 316 A Congress Street, and is open M-F, 10:30-5:30 pm, Sat. 10-5, and Sun. Noon-5. Plum can be reached at 775-PLUM (7586).

More new arrivals to the East End Portland Pottery Cafe Now open on Washington Ave. 118 Washington Ave., Portland, ME 04101 (800) 539 - 4301, (207) 772-3273 Eventide Oyster Co. 86 Middle Street, Portland, Maine 04101, (207) 774-8538 Find them on Facebook

Blue Lobster Urban Winery will be moving into this cool space at 61 India Street. (see pics & story at Portland Daily Photo online)

Crema Coffee Company on Commercial St at the foot of the Hill, right beside... Rosemont fresh produce stand on Commercial St. Bakery on the Hill- same location, new owners

Munjoy Chickens, from page 10 Chicken imagery has crept into our language as well! How many more poultryinspired phrases can YOU think of? • To be cooped up • Don’t put all your eggs in one basket • His chickens came home to roost • Don’g get your feathers ruffled

Little Money? Want to own instead of renting? Read on … Have you been renting for a while and want to get started with the purchase of your own home? It can be difficult if you have little savings, or the opposite­— have the down-payment, but a low-paying job. Yes, it’s a challenge for sure, but can be done with some simple planning and patience. Let’s begin with the first scenario: low savings but a few years of a decent paying job(s). Do you qualify for special mortgage financing (Are you a veteran? Are you considered to have low income?).

Many times if the seller has not been able to sell (for a variety of reasons) and really needs to move, he/she may be willing to work with you. There is always the possibility—less probable than partial financing—is where the owner (seller) is willing to finance the entire sale.

Good things come in small packages

• The pecking order • To be hen-pecked • I haven’t heard a peep out of the kids • Squawking like a bunch of hens. • Something to crow about. • Madder than a wet hen. • Running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

• Chicken scratch = someone’s bad handwriting • Are you chicken? (afraid) • Hen party (folks gathered to gossip) • Cocky, Egghead, Chick (girl), Cock of the walk and more.....


Ask the Money Prof By Joel I. Gold

Contact the State and get information on special mortgage deals. You may have to find a home in earmarked locations to get the financing. Another strategy would be to seek seller financing. Ask the seller if he/she would be willing to finance part of the down-payment (taking back a second mortgage behind the bank’s first mortgage).

“I don’t have a lot of space (in the shop), so I’ve needed to narrow my focus. My niche is nice dresses.” says Kelly.

July 2012

Terms can be flexible whereby the seller may amortize the loan over 30 years (to get the monthly payment low) with an intermediate term balloon payment. You would have to find other financing after

3-5 years to pay-off the loan, but by that time, you would have hopefully built up equity in the home, your income will have increased, and bank financing will be possible. There are also individuals that may be interested in owner-financing because they like the idea of getting a monthly income. There are others that, for tax purposes, would benefit from doing some ownerfinancing (installment loan tax consequences may be favorable to the seller). Of course, the seller would want to make sure you had the capacity to pay. If your credit history is not strong, you may want to find a co-signer. Scenario two: you have the down-payment, but your income is low. Sometimes it pays to hold two jobs (if you cannot get one that pays well) for a few years before you seek financing. In this situation, buying a multi-unit and living in one of the units, can make sense. The lender will take into consideration the income from the apartments when calculating your debt-to-income ratios. It will also provide you with extra monthly income. I would also try to pay down any other debt you have (i.e., credit cards) to increase your chances of getting mortgage loans. A solid credit history is extremely important when seeking private or bank financing. Good luck to you.


July 2012

MUNJOY HILL OBSERVER Spotlight on Non-Profits is a regular feature. To feature your favorite non-profit, please contact Lisa Peñalver at observer@munjoyhill.org.

Bicycle Coalition of Maine Many of our readers will be familiar with the Bicycle Coalition of Maine from having attended the annual spring Great Maine Bike Swap in Portland (also held in Orono). They may have seen tables with volunteers handing out materials about local bike trails or group rides at public events around town. But few of us really understand the depth of the work that this organization does to make bicycling safe and enjoyable-and accessiblefor all Mainers. This year, in 2012, the Bicycle Coalition of Maine celebrates its 20th Anniversary of “Making Maine Better for Biking.”

By Lisa Peñalver

to children and adults. • We run successful events, including the Great Maine Bike Swaps, the Women’s Ride and the Maine Lobster Ride & Roll. • We train local advocates to make Maine towns and cities more bikefriendly. • We promote bicycling in Maine. • We educate drivers about how to share the road with cyclists.

On their website they describe their work in this way: We are the statewide voice of cyclists. Since 1992, the Bicycle Coalition of Maine has led the effort to make Maine better for biking. • We serve as a clearinghouse for information and resources about biking and walking in Maine. • We work for bike-friendly laws at the state and federal level - and we help ensure that they are enforced. • We teach bike and pedestrian safety

I recently spoke with Nancy Grant, Executive Director of the Bicycle Coalition of Maine, to talk about what it means to make Maine better for Biking. “Events are just one of the things we do, “ she explained. Her work of making communities more bike-friendly, includes not only meeting with legislators in Augusta, but also going to Washington D.C. to Capitol Hill to meet with members of Congress to secure federal funding for infrastructure projects. And locally, “we work closely

and extensively with the Department of Transportation (of Maine) so that they are always thinking of the needs of cyclists.” She went on to say that bicycling appeals to people on many levels- for recreation, fitness and for transportation. More people than ever are bike-commuting in urban areas. “Communities are recognizing that having good access for bicycling makes their area more liveable and increases real estate values.” says Nancy Grant. The demand in Maine for better biking infrastructure is reflected in the number of submissions to a fund to do just that – over 92 communities across the state submitted letters of interest for the Maine DOT’s Quality Community Program funding, which disburses nearly $7 million.

The Maine Lobster Ride & Roll follows winding, country lanes and the breathtaking rockbound coast past lighthouses, lupines and lobster boats.

There is always a need to for volunteers. The Bicycle Coalition of Maine, regularly runs a Community Spokes program, training biking supporters to be local advocates of bike-friendly policies in their own communities.

The ride features four distance options, from a family-friendly 16 miles to a Century that was just recognized by Bicycling Magazine as one of the TOP TEN centuries in the country.

To get more information, such as info on weekly rides, bike safety, or how to get involved, there is a LOT of info on their website! To volunteer, go online to bikemaine. org, or call 207-623-4511.

Register by July 7th for “early bird” prices!*Volunteer for the Lobster Ride. (July 21, 2012, staggered start times begin at 8 a.m.) FMI: bikemaine.org,

11th Annual Maine Lobster Ride & Roll will be held July 21, 2012


July 2012


Fixing the Future Film screening spurs local Maine economies to action By Orion Breen with Hour Exchange Portland Portland, Maine – 7:30 pm on July 18 at the Nickelodeon on 1 Temple St., Hour Exchange Portland, Local Sprouts Cooperative and Portland Permaculture will be joining dozens of other community organizations across the country as part of a one-night-only event to jumpstart local, sustainable economies as hosts of a feature screening of the documentary Fixing the Future, followed by an exclusive on-screen discussion panel featuring: Bill McKibben: Author, environmentalist, Schumann Distinguished Scholar at Middlebury College, Majora Carter: Peabody Award winning broadcaster & Urban Revitalization Strategist, Mike Brady: CEO,

Greyston Bakery & social entrepreneur , David Brancaccio: Host, NOW on PBS.

Waterville by Railroad Square Cinemas. More information about these screenings can be found at www.FixingTheFuture.org

Fixing the Future features Hour Exchange Portland along with other local solutions to fixing the economy including local banking, buy local campaigns, local currency, worker owned cooperatives, and more. Following the screening there will be a Q and A with Orion Breen of Hour Exchange Portland, Jonah Fertig of Local Sprouts Cooperative, and Lisa Fernandes of Portland Permaculture to discuss some of the innovative solutions happening all across Maine.

Portland Hour Exchange creates an alternative local economy of neighbors helping neighbors. Neighbors exchange service cash-free and tax-free based on the currency of time, where everyone’s time is equal no matter what the service being provided. Over the years Hour Exchange Portland members have exchanged over 150,000 hours of community service and provided over 25,000 hours of free health care. Anyone interested in finding out more or joining Hour E xc h a n ge

Fixing the Future will also be screened in Belfast by the Belfast Co-op, in Blue Hill by the Blue Hill Co-Op, in Norway by Transition Oxford Hills, and



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Cultivating Community Farm Stands Open July 2nd! By Stephanie Aquilina Cultivating Community, a Portland-based nonprofit organization dedicated to improving healthy food access, preparing youth leaders, and building business opportunities for immigrant and refugee farmers, will launch five Portland farm stands starting July 2nd, 2012. Cultivating Community farm stands will feature local farmers and fresh, Mainegrown produce, and will be equipped to accept SNAP and WIC benefits, as well as cash and credit/debit. Thanks to a grant from Wholesome Wave Foundation, farmers at these sites will also be able to double up to $10 of all SNAP and WIC purchases. Farm stands will run from July 2nd through October 25th in the following locations: Mondays 1-5pm – East Bayside – Whole Foods Market Farm Stand Tuesdays 2-5pm – West End – Brackett Street at Pine Street Wednesdays 12-3pm – Bayside – Kennedy Park – Boyd Street Urban Farm Wednesdays 12:30-3:30pm – Parkside – Opportunity Alliance, 510 Cumberland Ave Thursdays 2-5pm – Riverton – Riverton School and Community Center This program is part of Cultivating Community’s “Growing Access, Growing Communities” initiative, which aims

Local Sprouts Cooperative is worker-owned cooperative that provides local and organic food and holistic learning through cooking food for our community. They have a Cafe on Congress St, provide local and organic catering and learning programs in collaboration with non-profits and schools in Portland www.localsproutscooperative.com. Lisa Fernandes is director of The Resilience Hub, a collaborative non-profit organization that hosts resilience-building

programs and projects like Portland Maine Permaculture, Portland Trading Post, Portland GardenShare, and more w w w.meetup.com/portlandpermaculture. Those who can’t attend the event can sign up to receive more information at www.BecomeAmerica.com. All are welcome to attend Hour Exchange Portland’s potluck at their office on 516 Congress St. before the screening from 5-7 pm to learn more about local organizations who are rebuilding the economy.

Find the Observer at these Fine Businesses:


d De

k i ng life b e a u t i to m a fu

Portland can visit their website www.HourExchangePortland. org

East End

Silly’s Restaurant

Bayview Heights

Squid & Whale Tattoo

Parkside / Bayside

Blue Spoon Buffalo Wings-n-Things

St. Lawrence Arts Center

GR DiMillo’s Restaurant & Sports Bar

Coffee By Design

Two Fat Cats Bakery

Colucci’s Market

Tu Casa Restaurant

Running with Scissors Art Studios

Cummings Center

Old Port

Donatelli’s Custom Tailor Shop

Bard Café

Liliana’s Dry Cleaner & Laundromat

Dunkin Donuts

East End Community School Library

Norway Savings Bank

Ferrechia Foodworks/Beautiful Foods to Go

to strengthen communities by building a strong local food system that feeds all people while treating producers and consumers with dignity. Our producers are immigrant and refugee farmers participating in the New American Sustainable Agriculture Project, which connects them with the knowledge, land, resources, and support they need to turn their agricultural traditions into farm-based businesses. Our farm stands are designed to offer more convenient, affordable options for Portland residents to access healthy, sustainably grown food in their neighborhoods.

The Front Room

For additional information, please contact Cultivating Community at 207761-4769 or stephanie@cultivatingcommunity.org. ABOUT CULTIVATING COMMUNITY Cultivating Community (based in Portland, Maine and active in greater Portland and greater Lewiston) is committed to growing sustainable communities in three ways: by feeding our hungry, empowering our youth and community, and healing our planet. We are a community food project – managing farms and gardens with organic growing principles, coordinating food and agriculture programs for youth K-12, directing a farmer training program for new Americans (primarily immigrants from East Africa and Central America), and creating new healthy food access opportunities for low-income families and senior citizens.

The Good Egg Cafe Hilltop Coffee Katie Made Bakery

City Beverage Fit to Eat Resturant Sebago Brewing Videoport Waterfront $3 Deweys Becky’s Diner Casco Bay Ferry Terminal

Outer Congress Tony’s Donuts Outer Forest Big Sky Bread Off-Peninsula Barron Center Park Danforth Punky’s Market Steve & Renee’s Diner Congress Street Hot Suppa! Restaurant State Theater Wild Burritos

DiMillo’s Floating Restaurant

Monument Square

Mama’s Crow Bar Mittapheap World Market

Five County Credit Union

City Hall

Otto Pizza

Flatbread Pizza

Portland Observatory & Museum

Hamilton Marine


Portland Lobster Co.

The Green Hand–Books

Portland House

Residence Inn by Marriott


Portland Pottery & Café

Standard Bakery

Market House Coffee

Pepperclub Restaurant

Promenade East Apartments Root Cellar

Bagelworks Portland Public Library

.....and More!

Rosemont Market

For rates and information, contact Turner Kruysman: info@munjoyhill.org or call 332-4355 Support your communit y & re ach the public

Advertise in the Munoy Hill Observer! Now online at munjoyhill.org


July 2012


Fire Pits, Fireworks, “Fire up the Barbie”! –A Summer Guide By Katie Brown

Summer’s here and the time is right for dancing in the street…and all kinds of flame-related activities. Here are a few tips for enjoying them safely and for avoiding a visit from the fire department and/or police: Fire pits Small fires in the back yard are a blast and they’re legal in Portland. However, they’re very dangerous and often a nuisance, so follow these guidelines and you and your neighbors will be happy: • Whether it’s a hole in the ground, chiminera, or fire bowl, flames and sparks can travel quickly with a gust of wind or knocking into it. Make sure the fire isn’t near bushes, below tree branches, near walls of a house and decks, and fuel containers. • You’ll be less likely to be paid a visit by the fire department or police if you burn only dry hardwoods (less smoky, and, besides, soft woods tend to pop and throw sparks more), avoid burning when the breeze is blowing toward your neighbor’s open windows, and don’t burn anything other than wood (some smells can trig-

ger panic and an emergency call). Also, the louder you get, the more apt your neighbors are going to call the police; so best to quiet down and put out the fire by 11 p.m. • DON’T EVER LEAVE FIRES UNATTENDED. Fires can get out of control in a matter of seconds, and seconds count in a densely-populated neighborhood. (They count in rural areas, too, of course.) • Keep a fire extinguisher, garden hose, or bucket of sand nearby for quick dousing. • Make sure the fire’s out when you’re done with it. Barbeques and Grills Many of the same rules of thumb apply to grills as to fire pits, mainly: • Don’t light them near walls, decks, under tree branches, near bushes. • Don’t leave them unattended. • Make sure they’re turned off or doused when finished.

Fireworks They’re illegal in Portland. (What? You’re hearing them almost every night anyway?) Although lighting off fireworks is now legal in the state of Maine, it is illegal to light them off in the City of Portland, and in a growing number of other communities. If caught lighting them off or appearing to intend to light them off, you get a court summons and minimum $200 fine. Close to 10,000 people are seriously injured by fireworks each year (in 2010, 30% were to hands and fingers and 21% to the eyes). If you’re inclined to set off fireworks whether some place legally or illegally, do yourself a favor first and do a Google image search for “fireworks injuries.” It’s probably the most effective way to drill into yourself the absolute need for safe and informed handling of them. On another note, you’ve probably noticed some work being done at the Engine 1/Ladder 1 fire house next to the Observatory. Stay tuned for next month, when we’ll explore the history of the fire house, history of other fire houses on Munjoy Hill, and historically significant fires on Munjoy Hill.

No Parking on Munjoy Hill? what to do with your car during The MumFord & Sons Concert on the Eastern Promenade on Aug 4 Editors Note. The Mumford & Sons outdoor concert, coming to the Eastern Prom on August 4, is going to bring close to 15,000 ticket-holders. PARKING on Munjoy Hll will be severely restricted for the day. MHNO contacted Andrew J Downs, Director for the City of Portland - Public Assembly Facilities Division to provide you with guidelines for getting aorund the Hill on that day. Please note: some of this info may be subject to change. Q: How do residents get to and from their homes on this day? A Residents will need proof of residency to pass through closures. Residents should be sure to keep a piece of mail or some sort of proof of residency with them on August 4. In addition, ticket holders are encouraged to walk, bike, or take the Narrow Gauge Railroad to the Prom. Bicycle Valet Parking will be available at the top of Fort Allen Park.

Street Closures and Parking Restrictions for Aug 3-5 on Munjoy Hill Cutter Street will be closed at 10:00pm on Friday August 3rd (limited to boat launch access until 11:00am Saturday August 4th) until (7:00am Sunday August 5th, or until declared safe to open by City Staff.) The East End Boat Launch will be closed from (11:00am Saturday August 4th) until (7:00am Sunday August 5th, or until declared safe to open by City Staff). The first two parking lots on Cutter Street will be closed from (7:00am Thursday August 2nd) until (7:00am Sunday August 5th, or until declared safe to open by City Staff. The lower parking lot on Cutter Street will be limited to boater traffic from (10:00pm Friday August 3rd) until 7:00am Sunday August 5th, or until declared safe to open by City Staff). Boaters can access alternate launches nearby, including the Falmouth Town

Landing on Route 88 ($10.00 for nonresident, 207-781-7317), Bug Light Boat Launch in South Portland ($5 for resident, $6 for non resident) and Portland Yacht Services (207-774-1067). The on-street parking will be restricted for the following streets from 7:00 AM until 11:00 PM, Aug 4th: • Eastern Promenade (both sides) from Morning Street to Washington Avenue • Fort Allen Park (both sides) • Walnut Street from the Eastern Promenade to Washington Avenue • Mountfort Street from Congress Street to Fore Street (both sides). There are a number of parking garages and lots just a short walk from the Eastern Promenade, to view a list or map, visit the city’s website.


At 7:00 AM on August 4th, the following streets will be closed to the public until 11:00 PM, in order to maintain an emergency access route: • Eastern Promenade from Morning Street to Walnut Street • Wilson Street from Morning Street to the Eastern Promenade • Moody Street from Morning Street to the Eastern Promenade • Congress Street from Morning Street to the Eastern Promenade • Turner Street from Morning Street to the Eastern Promenade • Quebec Street from Emerson Street to the Eastern Promenade • Melbourne Street from Emerson Street to the Eastern Promenade • Montreal Street from Willis Street to the Eastern Promenade • Walnut Street from Willis Street to the Eastern Promenade Munjoy Hill and the Eastern Prom will be closed to all traffic at 11:00 AM on Aug 4th from Washington Avenue and Mountfort Street up. Handicapped parking is available on a first come first served basis along Cutter Street and Fort Allen Park. Clearly marked handicapped vehicles will be allowed to pass the barricades to access designated parking areas. Drivers must approach Cutter Street from Fore Street to enter. Updated information will be made available on the City website and the website for the Munoy Hill Neighborhood Organization (munjoyhill.org). Please visit those sites as the date approaches.

131 Preble Street Portland, Maine




July 2012

Take Charge, Feel Better ! with The Portland YMCA and Southern Maine Agency on Aging. on Fridays, from June 22 to August 3, 1:30-4pm. “This workshop put me back in charge of my health and I feel great. I only wish I had done this sooner.” A six-week Living Well for Better Health workshop for people with ongoing health conditions. Learn practical ways to feel better, at the Portland YMCA To register (required) or to receive more information, call 207-874-1111.

A Time For Peace

St. Lawrence Arts Center Your neighborhood arts center is at 76 Congress Street, stlawrencearts.org, 347-7177

Mayo Street Arts, Performances & Classes 10 Mayo Street, mayostreetarts. org —Times vary. Classes: Tango, Belly Dancing, Kids Yoga, Juggling, Zumba and Pilates. Artist Studios, theater, poetry, music and more. Contact 6153609, or info@mayostreetarts.org

Port Veritas Spoken Word Night Poetry Readings, Every Tuesday 7-10 pm, @ Local Sprouts, 649 Congress St., Portland, All Ages,Gil Helmick, 400.7543,

Wars and rumors of wars, occupations…dwelling on the just peace there ought to be and that ways be found to address critical issues without the violence of military force, Every third tuesday of the month, Starting Tues, June 19. A quiet time for meditation or prayer, a non-sectarian vigil which takes place without spoken word, noon to 1 pm, in the garden at State Street Church, 159 State Street, Portland. Of peace. 774-6396

Maine Senior FarmShare Do you know a low-income senior (relative, friend or neighbor) who couple benefit from $50 of FRESH, UNPROCESSED, LOCALLY GROWN PRODUCE? To participate it is your responsibility to directly contact a local farmer to sign up. You can contact your local area agency on aging by calling the ELDERS-1 toll free number at 1-877-353-3771 for a list of participating FarmShare Farmers,or call: 1-877-353-3771

Restaurant Open at 9 am on Saturdays and Sundays Serving breakfast all day!!

40 Washington Avenue ~ 772-0360


MOOSE Droppings —Open Mic/Spoken Word


Maine Organization of Storytelling Enthusiasts meet Every second Wednesday of the month. Drop by the Portland Public Library for our Monthly MOOSE Open Mic / Spoken Word Story Telling Event! Adult original and traditional stories, 10 minutes or less at the open mic hosted each by a different MOOSE Member. Suggested $5 donation. moosetellers.ning.com/

Serving Lunch & Dinner Tuesday through Sunday

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July 2012


Portland Farmers' Market From now through November, find great local produce on Saturdays at Deering Oaks Park in Portland from 7am-12pm • on Wednesdays in Monument Square in Portland from 7am to 2pm. • and on Mondays in Monument Square in Portland from 7 am to 2 pm! portlandmainefarmersmarket.org/

Throw a Pot Or buy one. Portland Pottery Studio, Classes & supplies. 118 Washington Ave, www.portlandpottery.com 207-7724334.

Bird’s Eye Views

Climb A WaLL!

...can be seen from the top of the Portland Observatory. Take a tour, hear about the histoy, and take in the views when you climb the wooden stairs to the top. See page 13 for more information.

Concerts by the Sea Fifth Maine Museum on Peaks Island: the 2011 concert and event series - Just a 15 minute ferry ride from the Old Port! Vist www.fifthmainemuseum.org for schedule of events & map, and see www. cascobaylines.com/schedules/summer/ peaks_island.htm for the boat schedule.

Maine Rock Gym 127 Marginal Way across from Trader Joe’s. (temperature - controlled A/C.) TUES-THURS 2 pm -10 pm, FRI 2 pm -8 pm, SAT 12 -6 pm SUN 12 -6 pm. Closed on Mondays in the summer Available for large groups or private function. Call ahead for school vacation and holidays. 780 6370, info@merockgym.com, www. merockgym.com

LLBean’s Summer in the Park Concert series and acivities. Details online at www.llbean.com/summer

July 7 Celebrate Portland Festival

Maine Open Farm Day

Payson Park on July 7, 10 am-2 pm to say thank you to those who give their hearts, time and skills to strengthen communities. Admission is free.

On Sunday, July 22, 2012, farms throughout Maine will open to the public. Visit a farm and see what farm life is all about. Watch farm activities and demonstrations from milking to felting; pet farm animals, pick berries, tour a barn or go on a hay ride. There will be farm-raised products for sale, displays to see and samples to taste. If you would like to participate or need information regarding the Open Farm Day, please email Judy Blaisdell or call at (207) 287-3702.

Spirits Alive Cemetery Tours From July 1st to October 13th, Spirits Alive will be giving tours of the Eastern Cemetery on Saturdays at 10:00 am and on Sundays at 1:30 pm. No reservations required—just show up!

Greek Fest 2012

St. Peter’s Bazaar & Race

Jul 13 thru Jul 15, 2012, 186 Bradley Street, Saco, Maine, (207) 284-5651. The three day Annual Greek Heritage Festival or Greek Fest 2012 is always the second weekend in July on Friday through Sunday at St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church on 186 Bradley Street. It features authentic Greek homemade food, Greek live music (on Friday & Saturday) and entertainment, Greek cultural information and more. The hours are Friday & Saturday from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. For info phone (207) 284-5651.

Friday, August 10, 2012,72 Federal St Portland, ME, 4-Miler race: www.active.com/running/portland-me/st-peters-4-miler-2012. St. Peter’s Road Race. Scenic downtown race over the Eastern Promenade in beautiful Portland, Maine. The St. Peter’s annual bazaar has been the parish’s major fundraiser for decades. More than just a fund raiser though, this street festival is a much anticipated event that brings generations of families together for fun, food, games and talk. Everyone loves to watch the young people climb the grease pole. Traditional Italian music and food is provided for all to enjoy.

Moxie Festival

Great Falls Balloon Festival

Jul 13 thru Jul 15, 2012. Lisbon Falls, Maine. The Annual Moxie Festival includes a river race, 5K road race, parade, car show, Moxie raffle and more!

August 17-19, Lewiston Maine, www.greatfallsballoonfestival. org/contact-us/

Peaks to Portland Swim

Great State of Maine Air Show

On Saturday, July 21, 2012 at 8:30 am, the Cumberland County YMCA will host our 31st annual Peaks to Portland Swim. In case of inclement weather, the rain date will be July 22, 2012.

Maine Celtic Celebration Jul 20 thru Jul 22, 2012. Main Street, Belfast, Maine, (207) 3382692 The Annual Maine Celtic Celebration celebrates the rich Celtic heritage of the Maine coast through music, food, games and education. Events include an evening reception with food and music and a “whisky tasting,” a parade and a 5k Road Race through the streets of Belfast, bagpipes, food and craft vendors, and the US National Cheese Roll Championship. Musicians in 2011 include John Doyle and John Williams, The Napper Tandies, The Press Gang, Frank Taylor, Maximum Blue and more. All set on the beautiful park lands overlooking Belfast Bay.

Pirate Festival - Fort Knox Jul 21, 2012. 711 Fort Knox Road, Prospect, Maine 04981, (207) 469-6553 Join the professional Pirates of the Dark Rose for a day of swashbuckling sword fights, duels, cannon fire and pirate ship attack at Fort Knox in Prospect. The pirate ship “Must Roos” will let loose cannon fire on the Fort as she sails the waters of the Penobscot River, in search of booty. The festival will feature a treasure hunt, pirate parade (all are encouraged to attend dressed in your best pirate attire), best dressed and most authentic sounding pirate contests, cruises and cannon-firing. The Pirate ship leaves from the Bucksport Town dock and tickets may be purchased in advance by calling (207) 469-6553. Advanced purchase is recommended as the ship can only carry six passengers. Event is from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

July 29 Festival of Nations at Deering Oaks Park From 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. For info phone (207) 541-9173. The Annual Greater Portland Festival of Nations at Deering Oaks Park is full day of food, music, dance and other performing arts, representing cultural traditions and exotic cuisines from across America and the world. Two stages of non-stop music and dance performances with an audience of about 15,000. Ethnic foods from around the world. This event showcases Maine’s ethnic diversity, perpetuates traditions, encourages ethnic understanding, and promotes unity. This year’s festival includes an expanded kid’s entertainment area including clowns, face painting, exciting games, crafts, train rides and more.

August 24-26, 2012, Brunswick Maine, www.greatstateofmaineairshow.us/ The Great State of Maine Air Show welcomes the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds to Brunswick

Mayo Street Arts, Performances & Classes 10 Mayo Street, mayostreetarts. org — Times vary. Classes: Tango, Belly Dancing, Kids Yoga, Juggling, Zumba and Pilates. Artist Studios, theater, poetry, music and more. Contact 615-3609, or info@mayostreetarts.org

Port Veritas Spoken Word Night Poetry Readings, Every Tuesday 7-10 pm, @ Local Sprouts, 649 Congress St., Portland, All Ages,Gil Helmick, 400.7543,

Soccer Pick-Up Games Now indoor: Interested in playing SOCCER in the East End? Pickup games—No fancy leagues, no super-competitive play - just have fun, keep in shape, and have fun. All ages/skill levels welcome! Contact Andrew: 670-8041 or drewleadley@gmail.com

Public Library Events Summer Reading “Fish Printing & Other Fishy Crafts,” Thursday, July 5, 10:30-11:30am, Children’s Library

Maine Narrow Gauge Railroad Open Weekends with Expanded Kid’s Activities By Christina Aliquo, The Maine Narrow Gauge Railroad Company and Museum is pleased to announce it will be open weekends beginning March 24, 2012. The museum is open 10am4pm, with train rides on the hour between 10am and 3pm. In addition to train rides, the museum offers exhibits on Maine Narrow Gauge history along with newly expanded activities for children. The popular child-sized play train now includes dress up clothing for children and railroad tickets with hand punches so children can explore railroad history through imaginary play. “We look forward to offering lots of hands on activities for children this season, who make up a large part of our audience.” said Executive Director, Allison Tevsh Zittel. “Our goal is to provide a safe and fun educational environment where visitors can learn more about railroad history in the State of Maine.” Children of all ages are encouraged to visit for a train ride and explore the museum. Founded in 1992, the Maine Narrow Gauge Railroad is a non-profit educational organization with 100+ volunteers, who lay and maintain the track, inspect, repair, and operate trains, and assist in the museum. The organization’s mission is to preserve historic equipment and educate visitors about Maine’s two-foot gauge railways which were an important part of the economic development of the interior of Maine from 1870’s-1940’s. The Maine Narrow Gauge Railroad has become an important attraction for the greater Portland area, drawing thousands of tourists and area residents to the Old Port to experience this remarkable piece of history unique to the state of Maine. The Maine Narrow Gauge Railroad is open seven days from May 1st through October 31st from 10am to 4pm and seasonally for events. Train trips along scenic Casco Bay run on the hour at 10am, 11am, Noon, 1pm, 2pm and 3pm. Train tickets can be purchased at the museum the day of the event. The railroad is located at 58 Fore Street in Portland, on the waterfront, at the foot of Munjoy Hill. Directions and more information about the railroad can be found at www.mainenarrowgauge. org or by calling 207-828-0814.

Konbit Sante Presents Critically Acclaimed Haitian-American Author, EDWIDGE DANTICAT Sunday, July 22, 2012, 4:00 pm (doors open at 3:30) First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church, 425 Congress Street, Portland. Presentation and reception. Books will be on hand for purchase to be signed by Edwidge Danticat. Suggested donation $25 ($10 for students), Tickets at the door or online at www.konbitsante.org, Proceeds to benefit Konbit Sante Cap-Haitien Health Partnership, a Maine-based organization improving health care in northern Haiti since 2001. www. konbitsante.org Edwidge Danticat is the author of Breath, Eyes, Memory and she earned a National Book Award nomination for Krik? Krak! and the National Book Critics Circle Award for Brother, I’m Dying. Other books by Ms. Danticat include The Farming of Bones; After the Dance: A Walk Through Carnival in Jacmel, Haiti; The Dew Breaker; Anacaona: Golden Flower, Haiti, 1490 (for young readers); and Create Dangerously.

Friday Local Author Series with Lenora Trussell, author of Circling the Drain, Friday, July 6, 12:00-1:00pm, Meeting Room 5

This event is hosted by Konbit Sante Cap-Haitien Health Partnership and Longfellow Books.

First Friday Art Walk, July 6, 5:00-8:00pm, Opening Reception for “Culture on Cloth” Inuit Tapestries on exhibit in the Lewis Gallery during July and August

Since 2001, Konbit Sante staff and volunteers have worked in collaboration with the Haitian Ministry of health and other partners to build local capacity in all aspects of the health system - from door-to-door community outreach programs, to strengthening community health centers, to improving care at the regional referral hospital. In Haitian Creole, a konbit is a traditional Haitian method of working together to till your friends’ fields as well as your own - working together toward a common goal. The word sante means health.

Pulitzer Prize-winning author Richard Russo coming to PPL on July 11th 2012 POV Summer Documentary Film Series, Wednesdays, 5:30-7pm Rines Auditorium/Meeting Room 5 (go to www. portlandlibrary.com for film descriptions) One-on-One Computer Tutoring, Fridays, 1:00-2:00pm, Lower Level (call 871-1700 ext. 708 for more information) Math Tutors for Teens (call 871-1700 ext. 772) Non-Native English Speakers Book Club, Wednesdays, 5:00-7:00pm, Meeting Room 2 More events at: www.portlandlibrary.com

For more information: Kari Suva, ksuva@konbitsante.org, 207347-6733; or Longfellow Books, 207-772-4045, www.longfellowbooks.com


11th Annual Maine Lobster Ride & Roll Bicycle Tour July 21, 2012: The Maine Lobster Ride & Roll follows winding, country lanes and the breathtaking rockbound coast past lighthouses, lupines and lobster boats. The ride features four distance options, from a family-friendly 16 miles to a Century that was just recognized by Bicycling Magazine as one of the TOP TEN centuries in the country. Register by July 7th for “early bird” prices!*Volunteer for the Lobster Ride. (July 21, 2012, staggered start times begin at 8 a.m.) FMI: bikemaine.org,

Local Photographers Featured at Addison Woolley Gallery See City Limit, July 6-28, an exhibit of photographs by Karen Bushold and Susan Porter Bushold has a delicious eye for peering through a city to see and show us detail most of us would never see. Her brilliant observations and vibrant colors reveal juxtapositions that challenge our own vision. She seeks materials that diffuse or distort objects and views— cellophane, plastic, plexiglass, plate glass—to show us the unusual in a variety of colorful cities across the U.S. Porter takes a somewhat ironic look at Buffalo, New York, a city where she lives during part of the year as a nonnative. She sees the humor, quirkiness and rust-belt weariness of a proud city. There are also the sweet moments when the sun breaks through omnipresent clouds to reveal the soft beauty of the architecure and detail that provide a window into the grandeur that was once the city’s identity. Addison Woolley Gallery is located at 132 Washington Avenue at the corner of Fox St. Visit addisonwoolley.com, (207) 450-8499.

July 2012



July 2012


2012 Fort Allen Park Concert Series Hosted by Friends of the Eastern Promenade 7-8:15 pm Thursdays (no rain dates) @ Fort Allen Park Bandstand, Portland, Patron: Cabot Cheese All concerts free! Food & refreshments available for purchase from Hella Good Tacos Portable restrooms available (Key: Date—Band—Style—Sponsor(s) )

7/12 —Randy Oxford Band —Blues — State Theatre & Friends of FoEP 7/19—Primo Cubano—Classic Cuban— Poland Spring 7/26 Chandler's Band Big Band Era Willey Trust 8/2 Local Circus Bluegrass/Folk State Theatre, Betty Winterhalder 8/9 Jimmy & the Soul Cats R&B The Jacks Family 8/16 Don Campbell Folk Rock Ocean Gate Realty 8/23 Rock My Soul Gospel Bangor Savings Bank 8/30 Royal Hammer Roots Reggae Portland Maine Rentals

MHNO is a proud member of Portland BuyLocal

MHNO is a proud member of Portland BuyLocal


Tick Tock! Tick Season Is Here By Wendy Drew, RN, BSN, CDE, Martin’s Point Health Educator Deer tick season is upon us and it looks as if this season could be a bad one for Lyme Disease. With the mild winter in the northeast, many ticks were able to survive through the winter. Veterinarians are saying that they have been removing ticks from dogs throughout the winter. This means you should be extra careful to do a “tick check” every time you come in from the outdoors. Though there are different types of ticks, the most dangerous is the deer tick. Deer ticks are much smaller than a dog ticks and they are the ones that carry Lyme Disease. To stay protected, be sure to: • Wear light colored clothing and tuck your pants into your boots • Use repellant such as Deet or permethrin on clothing • Inspect your skin and clothing closely for ticks after being outside • Stay on trails • Shower and wash clothes as soon as possible

serving a changing menu of carefully crafted dishes open for dinner wednesday through saturday 5 until 10pm

To remove a tick: • Grasp the tick close to the skin with tweezers • Pull firmly and slowly until the tick lets go • If the tick appears large and engorged, it may have been feeding on your body for some time. Contact your doctor. If you see any of these signs and symptoms, call your doctor.

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• A rash that is larger than 2 inches at the site of the bite that appears in a few days to a few weeks • Fatigue • Muscle and joint pain with occasional facial paralysis • Headache • Fever and chills For information about Lyme Disease, visit the Health & Wellness section on MartinsPoint.org or talk to your Primary Care doctor.

• Have your dog vaccinated Lyme Disease

Now located right on Munjoy Hill!

Falmouth Flowers and Gifts 58 Washington Ave. | Portland Loveliest of trees, the cherry now Is hung with bloom along the bough.

• Other pets should use repellents

~ A. E. Houseman, Shropshire Lad

The sooner you get the tick off of you, the more likely it is that you won’t get Lyme Disease. It takes 36 hours of a tick feeding on you to transfer the disease to you. Ick, a Tick!. Photo from http://health.co.kendall.il.us/Environmental/ticks.html, Springfield, Illinois

Falmouth Flowers and Gifts is a fullservice florist offering first quality, fresh cut flowers and arrangements. We will exceed your expectations for all occasions. We can create one-of-a-kind arrangements for newborns, birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, funerals, and special events of all kinds. We also create unique holiday decorations and wreaths as well as theme-specific gift baskets. For this cheerful spring season, we have: • beautiful spring & Easter arrangements; • fresh wreaths and candle rings; • fruit and gourmet baskets; • live seasonal plants; • gift certificates in all denominations and a lovely selection of gifts from which to choose. • In-home decorating available.

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July 2012

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July 2012


June Hidden Gardens Tour of Munjoy Hill—A good time was had by all

Held on a Sunday, June 24, the 2012 Hidden Gardens Tour, a benefit for the Friends of the Eastern Promenade, was very well attended. The MHNO was a sponsor and donated use of the Hill House for the event. The weather cheerfully cooperated by providing sun and temperatures in the high ‘70s, with a lovely ocean breeze and puffy high clouds. Nearly all of the 700 programs printed were distributed. Pictured above are some scenes from that event. In the center photo are Nini McManamy, gardener and volunteer, Judy Malloy, of South Portland, and FoEP’s Diane Davison. Pictured at far right are Jan Bayer Goodman with Eliza Perry, two potters who share studio space and a well-tended flower and herb garden.

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