MUHS Magazine Summer/Fall 2014

Page 46


Class Notes Jacob Heinen ’15

Bill Wambach ’43 won

perform 95,000 operations

John Stanchfield ’59 is

the Liberty Tree Found-

John Strassman ’71

the 85- to 89-year-old high

in 15 countries. He also

a nearly retired endocrin-

ation and the Peace Action

is an international race

jump and triple jump

teaches international

ologist in Salt Lake City.

Education Fund. Martin

officer with the Interna-

events at the Midwest

humanitarian surgery at

He lives part time in Teton

has been a delegate to

tional Sailing Federation.

Regional Track Meet in

Stanford University.

Valley, Idaho.

the World Peace Council,

He has been a certified

World Social Forum and a

U.S. national race officer

the high jump national

William Mulligan ’54

Andrew Rajec ’60 was

Non-Governmental Dele-

since 2009. He and his wife,

record, which he set three

received the Lifetime

named Slovak-American

gate to the United Nations.

Ann Gutzwiller Strassman,

years ago, by half an inch.

Achievement Award

of the Year by the Slovak

He is a former fellow of

live in Glendale, Wis.

as part of Marquette

Embassy and the Friends

the Marquette University

Ken Derdzinski ’47 and

University Law School’s

of Slovakia. He is president

Center for Peacemaking.

his wife, Aurora, celebrated

Alumni National Awards.

of the First Catholic Slovak

their 61st anniversary. The

He is a shareholder of

Union of the United

Matt Stano ’67 is president

chief information officer

couple, who live in Musk-

Davis & Kuelthau, S.C.,

States and Canada.

of Stano Landscaping,

at UW–Milwaukee. He is

ego, Wis., has nine children

where he represents in-

Inc. He received a 2013

also a faculty member

and 21 grandchildren.

dividuals, businesses and

Joel Kriofske ’61 authored

Gold Award for Residential

in the UWM Department

local government entities

the essay “My Father the

Landscape Design and

of Political Science. He,

in litigation matters.

G-Man,” which appeared

Construction from the

his wife Bernadette, and

in the January 2014

Wisconsin Landscape

their two children, Alex

Contractors Association.

and Maggie, live in Fox

Kenosha, Wis. He missed

Donald Laub ’53 received the Surgical Humanitarian

Robert Beck ’79 is associate vice chancellor and

Award by the American

Frank Probst ’58 was

edition of Milwaukee

College of Surgeons for

awarded the Alumni Ser-

Magazine, detailing the

his lifetime of service in

vice Award by the College

relationship with his fa-

Pat Dunphy ’69 was

providing surgical human-

of Business Administration

ther, Joseph Kriofske ’28,

named the 2014 Alumnus

Michael Griesbach ’79

itarian outreach to under-

and Graduate School

while in hospice care.

of the Year Award by

is author of the book The

served populations in

of Management at

Marquette University

Innocent Killer, a true-

developing countries. He

Marquette University.

Law School.

crime novel about Steven

is founder of ReSurge,

George Martin ’64 was

Point, Wis.

Avery, who was wrongly

honored with lifetime

an organization dedicated

Larry Siewert ’59 is

activism awards from the

Neal Devitt ’71 is a family

convicted and spent 18

to performing humani-

the 2014 recipient of the

Wisconsin Network for

physician and completed

years in prison. Griesbach

tarian surgical outreach

Distinguished Alumnus

Peace and Justice and the

his 30 year at La Familia

is a prosecuting attorney

and, since its founding,

of the Year Award from

Foundation for a United

Medical Center, a com-

in Manitowoc, Wis.


has had a network of

the Marquette University

Front. Currently, he serves

munity health center in

medical professionals

College of Education.

on the national boards of

Santa Fe, N.M. Aurora and Ken Derdzinski ’47 (Left to right): Tre Waldren ’73, Mark Spankowski ’73 and Chuck Strohbach ’73 unexpectedly reunite during a mission trip to Guatemala. Michael Griesbach’s ’79 new book

44 MUHS Magazine

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