Nexus - 0306 - New Times Magazine

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lthough many elements contained within this December 1995 lecture by ET contactee Alex Collier are unverifiable, this material is so highly interesting that it demands presentation. Relate it to other material and decide for yourself. Together with other information in existence, it appears to have a bearing on the immediate future ofplanet Earth and all its inhabitants. (Note: AC = Alex Collier; Q = Audience questioner)


Vibrational Changes and Self-Responsibility AC: We are being told that there are too many people on the planet. According to the Andromedans, if we didn't waste our natural resources. the planet could hold a population of 11 billion. Now. a planet with II billion spiritually-awakened people cannot be controlled. Such a scenario would change the harmonic frequency of the planet. the solar system and the galaxy. That vibration would be love, and the bad guys don't like that. It all starts here. We are being told that there are too many people. It's a lie. Our leaders are so corrupt that the systems they have are breaking down. Instead of acting responsibly. releasing control and letting people take more self-responsibility, the corrupt leaders in the world want to kill off most of the population in an attempt to maintain the status quo. So, who is the real power here? Us! Few people want to stand up and 'claim their space'. Why? Because in order to do so, you have to be self-responsible. That means you have to learn to depend on yourself, clothe yourself, feed yourself, do something for yourself. We have to make some fundamental changes. We will have a solution if we our heads together. If anyone says, "I am here to save you and I have all the answers!" you had better tum your back and walk the other way. Q: What about the beings from the Sirius B system? AC: Some of them are human, and they have eyes like eats. Their skin is grey. They have long, straight red hair. Many of them wear full body garments that cover their heads. They have extremely bad breath. Q: Do they mate with humans? AC: Yes, but the eggs need to be altered in a lab. They are using us. They want the encoded information in our genes. We have racial memories and abilities in our physical bodies. We are moving from third to fifth density. It is the first time it has ever been done, and we can do this because on a soul level we are the Paa Tal. We have the genetic coding of 22 different races in our bodies. When our DNA starts to unlock. we will be able to speak to ETs in their own tongue. We cannot be lied to any more. We will be able to create and manifest anything. That takes some responsibility. Those who are stuck on manipulation and control will manifest exactly what they desire. This means that there is a very heavy respon~ibility when it comes to what is behind your intent to create. If you screw up, it's going 'tohit you almost immediately.

A Lecture by Alex Collier Extracted from

The leading Edge (Issue No. 89) Leading Edge Research Group PO Box 7530 Yelm, Washington 98597, USA


Our Solar System at Fifth Density The Andromedans say we have 13 planets in this solar system. When we move into fifth density, it will become apparent that there are 27 planets in our solar system. They are already here but on another dimensional frequency, which is why we don't see them at present. When we get to fifth density, it will be evident that Jupiter is a sun, which means at that level we will have a binary star system. Jupiter, in fifth density, is light blue. I am told that in 1,000 years, the fifth density future generations of us that will incarnate on the fifth density physical dimension will have light blue skin because of this sun. NEXUS路69

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