Sovereign Magazine 24 - March/April 2020

Page 44


A different starting point for impact LEARN TO MOVE MOUNTAINS® WITH ELAINE FRANCE

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e need to talk about a different starting point for real and radical solutions that make a positive impact for a flourishing planet.

The reality is that innovation by businesses has not been circular. The impact across value chains has not been systematically considered. We have been asset-stripping the finite resources of the planet. We have become disengaged from Nature, not understanding that we are part of a circle, rather than a pyramid. The result being that we have undermined our planetary resilience. And thus, our own. Rising sea-levels in Kiribati was the first canary in the coal-mine: watch Anote’s Ark by filmmaker Mattieu Rytz. Australia is the second canary. Interconnected eco-systems on which we are dependent are stressed to the point of failure like the 1000+ years old Kauri trees in New Zealand. In business and as entrepreneurs, it is essential that we take a different approach, to turn impact into ‘business for good’ rather than hiding behind green-washing, offsets and opaque supply chains. Radical solutions at a global scale need to happen urgently; starting at a granular level within your business.

Design with impact in mind This is the different starting point: creating processes, products and services designed with their impact in mind. This is ‘people and planet-centred’ design. As an example, in the UK, from April 2022, a new tax on plastic packaging will be introduced, which “provides a clear economic incentive for businesses to use recycled material in the production of plastic packaging which will create greater demand for recycled plastic, and in turn stimulate increased levels of collection and recycling of plastic waste.” This is policy and tax incentivising different behaviours. Although common sense dictates that knowing the science, this action could have been taken anyway. The time has come when we are calling businesses of all sizes to account; as entrepreneurs and business people, you need to be innovating with social and environmental impact in mind.

Looking at impact Looking at the impact of your business, looks way beyond what you put in your Annual Report or your

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