CCEL Engaged 2017

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Dr. Cade Smith Director

In 2013, the Center for the Advancement of Service-

of communities across our nation and around the

Learning Excellence (CASLE) was created as a

globe. By engaging scholars with the social and

partnership between Mississippi State University

civil contexts and with the human condition of their

Extension and the Division of Academic Affairs with

subjects of study, community-engaged learning

the purpose of supporting MSU faculty, staff, and

allows scholars to bring curriculum into the lived

students and community partners in designing

experience. Bringing learning to life for MSU

service-learning projects. In 2016, the Division of

scholars and new value to communities through

Student Affairs joined the partnership to capture

mutually beneficial partnerships that integrate MSU

synergies between the Office of Student Leadership

classrooms and communities is the mission of CCEL.

and Community Engagement and CASLE. In Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the After taking time to analyze the history and processes

Professoriate, the authors explain that the scholarship

of CASLE; listen to the needs of our community

of application (or engagement) undergirds the

agencies, faculty, staff, and students; and consider

land-grant mission. By moving toward engagement,

future opportunities for our stakeholders, we started

scholars ask several questions including, “How can

building on the successes of CASLE. Firstly, we

knowledge be responsibly applied to consequential

simplified the service-learning course S-designation

problems? How can it be helpful to individuals as

application for faculty. Secondly, we embraced a

well as institutions? …Can social problems themselves

philosophy of service to MSU faculty and community

define an agenda for scholarly investigation?” These

agencies by functioning as problem solvers, co-

questions reflect the foundation of community-

creators, and resource providers. Finally, to more

engaged learning. When the scholarship of

accurately reflect the diversity of partnerships and

application is combined with the scholarship of

approaches to community-engaged learning at MSU

discovery, integration, and teaching, MSU’s trifold

and better align with Mississippi State’s community

mission of service, research, and learning reaches its

engagement framework (http://www.servicelearning.

full potential., we changed our name to the Center for Community-Engaged Learning

If you are a community member, faculty member,


student, or staff member of Mississippi State and have an idea for a community-engaged learning

The 19th Century philosopher, Herbert Spencer

program or course, please contact the CCEL staff. We

said, “The great aim of education is not knowledge

would love to visit with you, explore your ideas, and

but action.” This quote captures the opportunity and

work with you to build the partnerships that can bring

responsibility that higher education holds to educate,

your idea to life.

enlighten, and empower tomorrow’s leaders who will drive the social, educational, and economic progress


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