CCEL Engaged 2017

Page 10

Ms. Meggan Franks

Dr. David May

Making an Impact SO 4153 - MENTORING


Instructors: Ms. Meggan Franks & Dr. David May | Community Partner: Armstrong Middle School Written by Evan Crawford

Mentoring for At-Risk Youths, cross-listed as

research for the Social Science Research Center

a sociology and criminology course, trains

and is an author/coauthor of several books and

students to mentor at-risk juveniles in order to

journal articles.

facilitate their successful transition to productive community roles. Ms. Meggan Franks and

“We place upperclassmen in one-on-one men-

Dr. David May teach the course.

toring relationships with 6th- through 8th-graders at Armstrong Middle School. These are

“We taught a mentor-training class at the Ma-

students who are typically considered high risk,

roon Volunteer Center,” Franks explains. “Every

which means they are underperforming in their

semester, we would get students who were

academics. They’re not connecting with their

interested in mentoring and tutoring in the com-

peers. Maybe they’re at a higher risk of dropping

munity, and they would take a 4½-hour training

out, being more absent than other students, and

course about how to be a successful mentor.”

so they’re at a greater disadvantage than other students.”

“Dr. David May was a speaker for that event, and he came to us one semester and said, ‘You

Franks and May place the at-risk junior-high

know, I used to teach a class at a school before

students with high-achieving MSU students. The

I came to Mississippi State that taught students

pairing of the students allows for one-on-one

how to be mentors.’ After talking about it, we

relationships outside of school.

decided to try it here, and that’s how we set this up,” Franks continued.

“They have permission to pick them up from school and take them somewhere in the com-


Franks and May work together because the

munity. They might go out to eat together or get

course is in addition to their regular jobs at

ice cream. There’s a lot more of an opportunity

Mississippi State, and it is more involved than

to establish a close relationship when you focus

other college classes. Franks is the Assistant

outside of that school setting. We wanted this

Director of the Office of Student Leadership and

model to be as productive as possible. We feel

Community Engagement, where she oversees

we can accomplish the most this way in this

the Maroon Volunteer Center, while May does

short period of time,” Franks said.

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