March 9, 2011

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HEY BATTER, BATTER, BATTER: Softball team plays host at Holiday Inn for the Falls Invitational, coming out with a victory.

BEWARE OF THE WOLF: Gothic, dark and steamy describes the film adaption of the folk tale in ‘Red Riding Hood.’

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Wednesday n March 9, 2011


your university n your voice

Total museum costs approach $3 million Chris Collins Managing Editor

The Wichita Falls Museum of Art at MSU has cost the university almost $3 million since its acquisition seven years ago. Few classes have been held at the museum, but since 2007, designated tuition has been funding a large chunk of its $2.9 million operation. Records obtained by The Wichitan through the state Open Records Act show $902,942 in designated tuition dollars was spent at the museum near Sikes Lake. In 2010, MSU allocated $391,101 in tuition to it, more than 80 percent of its $495,317 total operating expenditures. In 2009, $363,506 in tuition went toward $385,187 in operating expenses, about 90 percent. Although the museum receives funding from students, only a handful of classes have been held at the location, most of them recently. Currently, three graduate counseling classes and one graduate political science class

are taught there, according to Provost Dr. Alisa White. They are all held in the evening and utilize one room. The museum advisory board, a committee of community members who plan the museum’s future, have met about 20 times since May 2007. The board’s minutes over the years reveal that matters involving MSU students were not often on the agendas. Board members discussed upcoming exhibits, purchases of artwork, renovation and membership drives. Over the seven-year period, only two students were appointed by MSU President Jesse Rogers to sit on the board, each serving a one-year term with no voting privileges. No student is currently on the board. Before the university acquired the museum from the non-profit Wichita Falls Museum and Art Center in 2004, a Community-Based Partnership Proposal recommended: n housing the Nolan A. Moore III Heritage of Print Collection in the museum. It is currently in the

Foundation buys acreage for MSU Brittany Norman Editor in Chief

Wichita Falls Museum of Art at MSU. (Photo by Hannah Hofmann)

rare books section of Moffett Library. It was noted that the museum’s humidity- and climate-controlled vault would be a good environment to store fragile items. nmoving the Walter W. Dalquest Fossil Collection, currently housed on campus, to the museum in order to promote the science element en-

visioned by of the original museum founders. A tie-in with the museum’s planetarium was mentioned. nproviding a public face to the University Press and its publications by establishing an office in the museum.

See MUSEUM on page 3

Big heart for kids

The Midwestern State University Foundation has purchased a piece of land adjacent to the Wichita Falls Museum of Art at MSU for $1.23 million, nearly five times its appraised value. MSU President Dr. Jesse Rogers said that he asked the MSU Foundation, Inc., an independent, nonprofit organization that exists solely for the benefit of the university, to buy the 2.298-acre tract so it could be used for future university expansion. On Nov. 3, 2010, the date when the MSU Foundation bought the parcel, it was valued at $250,252 by the county tax appraisal district. Records obtained by The Wichitan show that the MSU Foundation purchased the property from Crane Realty Corporation of Dallas. In late September, Rogers said the property management company announced it planned to begin construction of an office park on the site. “It was the last piece of land left on (Sikes) Lake,” Rogers said. “We didn’t want to see an office park built on our lake. I only had 20 days to raise the money.” Rogers said he immediately began contacting possible donors. In a grant proposal to the Priddy Foundation, a local charitable organization that has supported MSU in the past, Rogers wrote that Greg Mullen of Crane Realty would give the university until Nov. 4 to meet the $1.23 million asking price. If MSU could not meet those conditions, Mullen told Rogers he planned to begin developing the acreage. According to a project evaluation submitted to the Priddy Foundation in January, 11 donors contributed funds directly to the MSU Foundation so that it could purchase the property. “The university didn’t buy it,” Rogers said. “The MSU Foundation bought it. Donors put money in the MSU Foundation so the

See LAND on page 4

Competition helps students reduce waist Chris Collins Managing Editor

Katie Browning discusses the experiences she’s had while working at the Wichita Falls Children’s Aid Society at the Children’s home.

The social work major helps children who have been abused, neglected, or abandoned. (Photo by Hannah Hofmann)

Social work major makes big impact on children Brittney Cottingham Features Editor

Two new children had just arrived at The Home and MSU junior Katie Browning was trying to make them feel welcome. Browning leds the boy, 6, and a girl, 8, through an obstacle course of toys scattered on the floor of a gigantic living room. The kids’ eyes darted from train sets, elaborate Barbie houses, colorful, stuffed animals and scads of books. Outside, children whooped and squealed with joy on the playground. Some circled the area on

bicycles while others attempted to build castles in the sandbox. Unknown to the newcomers, the happy children they saw were once abused. Some were neglected. Others abandoned, molested or were runaways. All had problems. Just like them. Browning, who works 20 hours a week at the Wichita Falls Children’s Aid Society in the Children’s Home, said every child has a story. After spending four months last year as a volunteer, she was offered a full-time position where she hears heartbreaking stories on a day-to-day basis.

“I have realized that a young child’s love for his or her parents is unconditional,” Browning said. “No matter how badly a toddler has been hurt by their parents, he still cries for his mom.” She’s seen the worst of the worst of new arrivals like shoe print marks on their backs. “Kids have come to the Home with burn marks on their ankles and feet because a parent punishes them by making them stand in hot water,” Browning recounted. “There have been children that have grown up thinking it is normal to be molested or to molest their sibling.” The Children’s Home provides

a 26-bed facility to serve children ages 2 through 17. The Home cooperates with Child Protective Services (CPS) in providing temporary care for children until they find foster or more permanent homes. When they do leave The Home, Browning can’t help but feel sadden when they say goodbye. She said it’s really hard not to feel attached to her “little kiddos.” A few months ago, she grew close to a four-year-old deaf boy who didn’t know any sign language or couldn’t speak. She remembers

See CHILDREN on page 4

In the MSU Biggest Loser competition, everyone’s a winner. The university, in partnership with nonprofits Feeding America and Pound for Pound Challenge, is promoting health and wellness on campus while raising donations for the Wichita Falls Are Food Bank. The project is two-tiered, national competition. About 60 students and 12 faculty/staff have signed up to participate in the Biggest Loser contest with the Wellness Center. In addition to this, 62 people have pledged to lose weight for the MSU team. Dominique Calhoun, coordinator of multicultural services at MSU, is heading up the donation aspect of the program. He said the project is important because it allows students and faculty/staff to help themselves while they help others. “That was the powerful thing about it,” Calhoun said. The nonprofits will donate $1 to the Wichita Falls Area Food Bank for every pound participants pledge to lose. They will donate $5 to any participant who pledges to maintain his/her current weight. “It’s not about the actual weight loss,” he said. “It’s about you going out and pledging and getting your friends to pledge.” Calhoun said everyone should be able to help with the cause. “Let’s say you don’t have the ability to bring food from your house or make a financial contribution,” he said. “But what you can do is take two minutes out of your day is sign up on the

See BIGGEST LOSER on page 4

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The Wichitan

campusvoice nour view

Parking price hike isn’t such a bad plan It’s easy to pick on MSU’s parking situation, but shelling out more money for decals and fines might not be a bad idea. MSU Chief of Police Dan Williams proposed raising the cost of a parking ticket from $10 to $20, and increasing the price of decals from $32 to $50 per year. While paying extra for a parking decal might seem like a bad idea as hundreds of commuters stalk 15 open parking spots before a 10 a.m. class, the plan has its upside. First, we’re paying for it anyway. Currently, revenue from decals and tickets can’t cover the police department’s expenses and the cost of maintaining our parking lots. Since campus security is important and periodic maintenance of parking lots is necessary, these items can’t be unfunded. If decals and tickets don’t foot

the bill, the money might come out of tuition instead. A little bit of context also goes a long way. Students at most colleges and universities would probably consider parking a problem on their campuses, and most of those students already pay more to park than MSU students do. Midwestern’s vehicle registration fees are lower than almost every university of comparable size in the state. Even with the proposed $18 increase, we’re still getting a bargain when compared with other schools’ decal costs. Increasing the cost of parking citations is an even better idea. Instead of charging everyone more in tuition, for example, raising the cost of tickets means that if you follow the rules, you can avoid the price increase. Everyone who drives on campus

knows where they can and cannot park (and if they don’t, that’s their fault. There are parking maps available at the police station when decals are purchased, and the same map is accessible online at www. Follow the rules, and you can save your money. Which sounds better to you: paying $9 more per semester to park your car and avoiding citations, or shelling out more in tuition and fees, where even a relatively small increase can add up far too quickly? We’ll shell out a few more bucks for the privilege of racing our fellow students for a space in the Dillard parking lot if it’ll help keep our other expenses down.

March 9, 2011

thewichitan 3410 Taft Blvd. Box 14 n Wichita Falls, Texas 76308 News Desk: (940) 397-4704 n Ads: (940) 397-4705 Fax (940) 397-4025 n E-mail

editorial board

nEditor in Chief: Brittany Norman nManaging Editor: Chris Collins n FEATURES/ A&E Editor: Brittney Cottingham nOp-Ed Editor: Cameron Shaffer nSports Editor: Andre Gonzalez nPhoto Editor: Hannah Hofmann nAdvertising manager: Rachel Bingham nCopy editor: Alyssa Johnston nadviser: Randy Pruitt nReporters: Orlando Flores Jr. nPhotographers: Kassie Bruton, Damian Atamenwan

Copyright © 2011. The Wichitan is a member of the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association. The Wichitan reserves the right to edit any material submitted for publication. Opinions expressed in The Wichitan do not necessarily reflect those of the students, staff, faculty, administration or Board of Regents of Midwestern State University. The Wichitan welcomes letters of opinion from students, faculty and staff submitted by the Friday before intended publication. Letters should be brief (350 words or less) and without abusive language or personal attacks. Letters must be typed and signed by the writer and include a telephone number and address for verification purposes. The editor retains the right to edit letters.

Staying out of Libya the best option for America nSocietal Floss

Gas prices have gone up again, and the average increase has been 33 cents over the past two weeks, the second highest two-week increase in history. Prices show now signs of dropping lower anytime soon, particularly with summer approaching quickly. But more important than the increase in fuel prices is the reason gasoline has gone up so much. That reason is Libya. Libya is an oil-producing nation in North Africa that is currently engaged in a civil war. Most people have probably seen something about it on the news lately. Muammar Gaddafi has been the dictator of Libya for 42 years and been brutally oppressive during his tenure. After revolts against dictators in Egypt and Tunisia erupted in January, revolutionary fever quickly spread to Libya. In late February rebels took control of Libya’s second largest city, Benghazi, and quickly established an interim government called the National Transitional Council. Gaddafi has maintained control of the capitol city of Tripoli as well the immediate region. On March 5th the National Transitional Council declared itself the sole representative of all of Libya. The result has been increased instability in oil production from Libya, driving up gas prices here in the U.S. It has also resulted in intense levels of violence, with thousands dead on both sides. Gaddafi’s air force has continued air strikes against the rebels, civilians and militia alike. There have been calls for the British, French, and Americans to militarily intervene in the civil war in order to prevent further civilian causalities. President Obama is on record saying that the US is considering “a wide range of potential options, including potential military options, in response to the violence that continues to take place inside of Libya.” Secretary of State of Hillary Clinton stated “I think it’s way too soon to tell how this is going to play out, but we’re going to be ready and prepared to offer any kind of assistance that anyone wishes to have from the United States.”

Cameron Shaffer Opinion Editor Despite the rhetoric, at the moment President Obama and U.S. diplomats want to avoid the image of intervening militarily too early in Libya. However, The U.K. newspaper The Independent has reported that President Obama has requested that Saudi Arabia act as a facilitator in arming and supporting the Libyan resistance. It would be Saudis giving the Libyans American weapons and money. A prolonged civil war in Libya, which is what appears to be on the horizon, would bring about more death and probably continue to force oil prices skyward. The ensuing chaos could open the door for al Qaeda to enter Libya, which is an organization Gaddafi is blaming for the chaos right now. And of course, Gaddafi the dictator would still maintain some power. None of these possibilities are desirable. However, it is far better not to intervene. The first reason is quite simple: the National Transitional Council and the rest of the revolutionaries do not want any foreign involvement in Libya. The Libyans want to be able to establish their freedom and independence in their country on their own. No need for global task forces to determine their fate for them. The second reason is closely tied to the first – Gaddafi wants western intervention in the war. If America or NATO takes action it will bolster one of his arguments that the revolt is really a western operated coup and an example of interventionism

in the Muslim world. Gaddafi’s forces would be galvanized overnight. When the U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003 the intention was quick regime change, not an eight year nation building effort that cost over 4,000 American deaths and over a trillion dollars, not to mention close to 100,000 deaths among Iraqis. Do we really imagine that an invasion of Libya would be any less costly in lives and money? Local anti-American sentiment would turn into another insurgency. American interests were put into jeopardy in several Middleeastern countries that are allied with the U.S. (Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia) when protestors took to the streets against dictators and skewed democracy. The U.S. backed the governments of those countries over the protesters, particularly in Iraq. Military action in support of pro-democracy rebels in Libya would be a massive double–standard that would only help incite more violet anti-American sentiment across the region, just when it is starting to cool down. Pro-American sentiment in that region is already on thin ice. There is no need to make it much worse. After the invasion of Iraq, gas prices were supposed to drop drastically. The average cost of oil per barrel was under $25 from the mid1980s through 2003. In August of 2003 the average cost of oil started going up and gasoline prices never looked back. The chances of history not repeating itself should America choose to invade or intervene in Libya should be enough warning. If the oil supplies are disrupted now, imagine what a military operation in Libya would do to them. That alone might be reason enough to persuade Americans that military involvement in Libya is a bad idea. Everyone wants freedom in the Middle-east and gasoline prices to drop. Hopefully both of those desires will be meet without more Americans dying.

Moral relativity meets reality Cameron Shaffer Opinion Editor

“What is truth?” Pontus Pilate asked Jesus right before his execution. It was at this point that Pilate became the first recorded moral relativist. In short, moral relativism is the system of thinking that holds that there are no absolute or objective moral standards in the world. Essentially, it is the idea that “I can not do anything morally wrong unless I already believe it to be wrong.” People do not like being told they are wrong or immoral and figure that discounting any absolute belief system is a way of validating what is normally considered depraved behavior. Moral relativism is a quick and painless way of avoiding moral culpability. People also do not like feeling pretentious or arrogant. The pure volume of diversity of moral and religious thoughts and beliefs across the world and throughout history is astounding. Selecting one specific system, or faith, as the sole truth on Earth over all the others is narrow minded by definition. Saying that one truth is more true than another truth comes across as condescending and one

way to avoid that is to claim that all truth is equal. Moral relativity is a secure way to avoid the sin of certainty. From a philosophical level, it is hard to conceive of objective answers that are not readily and easily verifiable. There are a million different answers for the truth of life and it is a bit difficult to sort through them all. Sometimes it is easier to make all truth relative to what an individual wants, rather than deal with the effort of sifting through different systems of belief looking for the answer. Of course, convenience is no excuse for ignoring reality. It does not mean there is no absolute standard in the world just because it takes a lot of effort to sift through all the competing claims. An objection to moral relativity comes from one of relativism’s own pillars: diversity of moral thought. Moral and religious thought of nearly every culture claims to be absolute, even among traditional eastern thought, which is often portrayed as a buffet of existential truth. The widespread variety in truth claims tend to have that same central tenet. To cite diversity of beliefs as a reason to subscribe to moral relativism is to ignore the content of those very beliefs.

By the same token, it is simply arbitrary to say that an individual can absolutely define their own morality, just as it is arbitrary to say they cannot. It is rather whimsical to assume that simply because it is hard or near impossible to deduce an objective standard of moral conduct that there must not be one. Moral relativists do not know what to do with the absolute order of the natural world. If there is some higher power that created the natural world and ordained order here, there is no reason to assume that there is not some moral order as well. And if there is no higher power, relativists have no answer for why the universe operates with a systematic order. For objectivists that do not distinguish between the origins of absolutes in science and morality, this is not a problem. The ironic thing is, to dogmatically hold that moral relativity is true is an absolute claim. As philosopher Francis Schaeffer said, “…the only absolute allowed is the absolute insistence that there is no absolute.” And one absolute renders all relative morality fallacious.

March 9, 2011


MUSEUM......................................................................................................................................continued from page 1 None of these plans have been realized. Rogers said he is not pleased with the progress MSU has made of integrating the museum into the campus. “There is room for improvement,” he admitted. None of the courses being conducted at the museum this semester are listed in the Schedule of Classes as being taught there. White said they were assigned to the museum after the schedule went to press. “The classes are there right now as a favor to me,” she said. “If we don’t tie it to the academic side, it’s a shame.” Last year, the university spent $112,881 in HEAF (Higher Education Assistance Funds) to complete phase one of a $183,873 remodeling project. In 2008, $20,550 in HEAF was spent on internet/fiber connectivity for the museum. In 2009, $63,844 in HEAF was spent on the same thing. According to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB), HEAF can only be used on buildings that are classified as Educational and General (E&G). Thomas Keaton, director of Finance and Resource Planning at the THECB, said the MSU museum is not listed on that agency’s current inventory as E&G. Juan Sandoval, vice president for administration and finance, disputed that. He said the museum is E&G. “To be honest, if we didn’t have any classes there we would still consider it to be E&G,” Sandoval said. Rogers called the facility both E&G and auxiliary. An auxiliary enterprise exists to furnish a non-educational service to students, faculty or staff. Auxiliary operations, however, must cover their own costs. In the case of renovating a building used for both auxiliary and E&G enterprises, HEAF may be used to renovate the E&G portion of the structure. However, the latest improvements using HEAF focused on expanding museum gallery space, not classrooms or other educational areas, said Rogers. “We were getting the museum ready for classes and we knew that we were going to put classes in it,” he said. In a 2003 Board of Regents meeting, Rogers said only private funds would be used for museum renovation.

The Wichitan n 3

campus briefs n today: Imagine Graduation: in the CSC Atrium Cookies, Carts and Koozies Fair: Sunwatcher Plaza at noon

n tHURSDAY: 5 Dimensions of Professional Learning Communities: Dillard 189 at 4:30 p.m. Lecture: Reforming U.S. Foreign Policy: Akin Auditorium at 7 p.m.

Wichita Falls Museum of Art at MSU. (Photo by Hannah Hofmann)

The designated classroom currently in use is not conducive to seminar-type instruction, according to White. The room is crowded with round tables for a banquet or similar event. White said another room in the museum could be used as a classroom, but it lets in too much natural light for a projector to be utilized. Faculty members must bring their own computers to the museum. Richard Ash, who has served as interim director of the museum since January 2010, said the building was not designed as a classroom facility. “We pretty much have limited ourselves to small classes like seminar classes,” he said. Ash said a class of 70 students could be accommodated at the museum. “The problem with that is that space is used for so many other functions,” he said. “Keeping it set up for a semester so that it would hold 70 people is just a logistics nightmare.” Ash said he has no problem hosting classes in the morning. The museum, however, does not open

‘Qdoba’ and ‘Qdoba Mexican Grill’ are registered trademarksof the Qdoba Restaurant Corporation ©2010.

until 10 a.m. on weekdays. “A downside of having classes here is that the museum then has to absorb the cost of employees to be here to take care of the building during that particular time,” he said. Ash said maintenance personnel couldn’t unlock and lock the museum like they do for other buildings on campus without a staff member being present. He cited theft as one of his concerns. Before MSU acquired the museum, it operated at a profit with a budget of $400,000, according to 2001 Board of Regents minutes. It did not employ a director/curator. Historically, MSU’s museum has overspent the funds budgeted to it. From 2007 to 2010, museum expenditures exceeded operating budgets by $233,898. Detailed records for earlier years were not provided by MSU. According to an annual statement of expenses, the museum lost more than $3,000 of membership revenues in 2008. The university picked up the deficit. In 2009, tuition funneled into the museum more than tripled from the previous year, going from $100,000 to $363,506. Sandoval said the drastic infusion of tuition dollars was needed to fix a deficit, and that the museum couldn’t subsist annually on the $100,000. “We thought we’d give them a challenge and they didn’t handle it,” he said. Sandoval said he told Rogers to cut back the museum’s tuition revenue by $50,000 to $100,000. “The way he’s going to do it is by more donor support coming in and salary reductions,” Sandoval said. Last year, $228,366 went for museum staff salaries. Ash’s contract lists his yearly pay as $86,604. Records show that in 2010 the museum paid both a director and interim director. Former museum director Cohn Drennan made $87,903, while Ash received $32,664 for six months of work. Ash’s wife, Liz Yarosz-Ash, a professor of art at MSU, was paid to work at the museum from April 1, 2010 to Nov. 30, 2010. She occupied an office there in addition to her office at the university. She was paid $1,250 monthly. Yarosz-Ash was serving on the museum advisory board at the time. Rogers said donations to the museum are on the rise, but documents do not bear this out. Museum donations reached a high of $73,864 in 2007. In 2010, $19,368 was donated, the smallest amount since MSU took over museum operations. Additional museum funding has come from the MSU Charitable Trust, which was listed separately from donations in documents. Records show the endowment provided $88,933 in 2008, $90,746 in 2009 and $47,071 in 2010. Other museum revenue was listed as $27,309 in 2008, $41,359 in 2009 and $37,775 in 2010. When it comes to students, integrating the offcampus museum with the main campus may not be an easy task. Offering day classes at the museum could pose difficulties. The museum is within walking distance of campus, but getting there in 10 minutes on foot would be difficult. Daytime classes are only separated by 10-minute intervals. The Fain Fine Arts Center and art students may also have an interest in the museum. Traditionally, exhibitions for graduating senior art majors were showcased on campus in the Juanita and Ralph Harvey School of Visual Arts. Occasionally, when more space was needed, the spillover was accommodated by the museum gallery. Until Ash took over the museum, this arrangement had been agreeable to administrators of the School of Visual Arts and the museum. Ash now wants all senior exhibitions held at the museum. He said he would prefer to host all or none of the exhibitions there. His position has left the Fine Arts faculty looking for other venues to exhibit student art in the future. “If I were a student I would much rather show in the museum than in the gallery,” Ash said. “We made every effort to bring the Senior Exhibition Program over here so it was taught in this facil-

ity. There was an educational opportunity for them to spend time in the museum. That didn’t fit the needs of the administration of the College of Fine Arts. My feeling is that I’ve bent over backwards to accommodate their needs.” Art Department Chair Nancy Steele-Hamme said Ash “has never once contacted me to discuss any of these matters. Nor, as far as I am aware, has Mr. Ash consulted with the Dean of the Fain College of Fine Arts.” Steele-Hamme said she learned of his “all or none” museum policy secondhand. “I want to reassure all art majors that an exhibition space will be provided, as it has been in the past, in which they will be proud to exhibit their work,” she said. Meanwhile, the museum continues to siphon resources from other areas of campus through “inkind” services for maintenance and grounds keeping. Records show these costs have been “absorbed by other departments in support of the museum.” Broken down, the expenses came to $211,168 in 2010, $283,415 in 2009 and $240,121 in 2008. Detailed records for previous years were not provided by MSU, but work orders from the physical plant showed $25,355 was spent in 2006 and $22,910 was spent in 2007. Sandoval said about $123,000 in donor funds were diverted from the Sikes Lake Beautification Project to the museum in 2007. “Jesse (Rogers) had to pull strings to get it dedicated to the museum because it was multiple donors’ money,” Sandoval said. “He had to get permission from those folks before he could lay it out to the museum.” Museum expenditures by year, including in-kind services, totaled: n 2010, $706,485 ($391,101 of it designated tuition) n 2009, $721,864 ($363,506 of it designated tuition) n 2008, $654,040 ($100,000 of it designated tuition) n 2007, $406,322 ($48,335 of it designated tuition) n 2006, $462,487 (no tuition) n 2005, $41,944 (no tuition) In 2010, Wichita Falls interior decorator Lynn Moran was hired to oversee work on the museum reception desk and boardroom table. Moran is also on the museum advisory board and is its longest standing member. Rogers said he saw no conflict of interest in Moran serving on the board while simultaneously doing work for the museum. She charges a 20 percent commission on all goods plus $150 an hour for consultation. A total of $8,228 was spent on the reception desk, including a consultation fee of $748. Refinishing the boardroom table cost $5,760, which included a $960 for consultation. Twelve chairs cost $13,046 plus $2,600 for consultation, $203 for freight and $120 for moving and storage. When MSU took ownership of the museum from the Museum and Art Center, it entered into a contract with the Wichita Falls Museum Foundation, the holder of the agreement between the two parties. Until March 2011, a provision in the contract prohibited the museum from being used as anything but a museum, and required that it seek accreditation. Currently the museum is not accredited by any agency. If MSU did not meet the terms of the provision, ownership of the property could revert back to the Foundation. Dale Brock, president of the foundation and member of the museum advisory board, said the provision might have kept donors from giving money to the museum. “But Midwestern still has a contractual obligation to do everything that’s in the agreement,” he said. In a meeting last week, museum advisory board president and regent Jane Spears asked Brock whom the university would answer to regarding its future decisions at the museum. He said it was the Foundation. Brock reported, however, that the foundation will be dissolved sometime this year. Since the provision is no longer in place, and the foundation will be dissolved, MSU may, in the future, use the property for anything. “There would be little or nothing to hold them to that agreement,” Brock said. “The agreement goes away when the foundation dissolves.”

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The Wichitan

March 9, 2011 writer to speak Obama fires students up writer and frequent TV news show guest Glenn Greenwald will lecture on “Reforming U.S. Foreign Policy” at 7 p.m. March 10 at Akin Auditorium at Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls, Texas. Greenwald will talk about American foreign policy and how it fuels the threat of terrorism. The lecture will relate specifically to recent news in the Middle East, including past and present US support for dicta- Glenn Greenwald tors currently under fire. A short The lecture is sponsored by question and answer series will the MSU Philosophy Program, follow the lecture. the Center for the Study of ReGreenwald explained, “So form, the Office of the Provost much of American foreign and the Office of University policy is about diminishing the Advancement and Student Afthreat of terrorism or protecting fairs. us from the threat of terrorism, Greenwald is a former conand yet so much of what we do stitutional lawyer and currently has the exact opposite effect.”

a contributing writer at Salon. com, where he writes a widely read political and legal blog. He is the author of two New York Times bestselling books: “How Would a Patriot Act?,” which critiqued the Bush administration’s radical theories of executive power, and “A Tragic Legacy,” which examined the enduring harms of the Bush presidency. He is a graduate of George Washington University and New York University Law School, and frequently appears on television and radio to discuss political and legal topics. He has been a guest on ABC News’ This Week Sunday show, PBS’ Bill Moyers’ Journal, The Colbert Report, and multiple times on Morning Joe, The Rachel Maddow Show, and The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell.

foundation could get the title to the land.” Six individuals contributed between $50,000 and $100,000 apiece. The Priddy and Fain Foundations each gave $100,000, the Dillard Family Foundation contributed $250,000, and the MSU Foundation gave $100,000 of its own funds. Rogers said that MSU contributed $30,000 from Plant Funds as a “bridge payment” which he is currently raising funds to pay back. “I have instructions to continue raising money to cover the $30,000 we put into it,” Rogers said. “I had raised $1.2 million and I was at the deadline, so I put that money in to make the deal.” In the Priddy Foundation grant proposal, Rogers wrote that the advisory board for the Wichita Falls Museum of Art at MSU had planned to raise funds to purchase the property as part

of the WFMA’s Greek Fortnight fundraiser, which is scheduled for this April. In light of the tough budget situation, Rogers said plans for the museum have been scaled back considerably. The Greek Fortnight event will now raise money for renovations to make the museum accessible under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) rather than for the originally-planned redesign and renovation of the museum’s interior. Rogers said that the purchase of the land was related to the WFMA because the proposed office park would have been right next to the museum, which could inhibit access or impede future efforts for expansion and renovation. “The land is not tied to the museum,” Rogers said. “It will give us better access, but someday we will need that land for the university.”

For now, the MSU Foundation holds the title to the acreage. “We will go to (the MSU Foundation) someday and ask them for the title to the land when we decide what to do with it,” Rogers said. “We will write a proposal and ask them to donate it to the university.” Rogers doesn’t believe MSU will ask the Foundation for the title to the property anytime soon, but believes that purchasing the land was the right thing to do. Someday, he believes the site could be used for many purposes – providing a location for anything from a student activities center to a classroom facility. “We are landlocked, and that’s a beautiful piece of land that I think the university will be proud to have,” he said. “We were investing in the long-term future of the university at a very difficult time.”

Website. That equates to a $5 donation. You have everything at your disposal to help out.” Last week, the MSU team was ranked #41 in the nation. The ranking is determined by the ratio of participants to number of pounds pledged. Calhoun has lost about 20 lbs since the program started. He only pledged to lose 15. “My mom didn’t like it,” he joked. Randy Canivel, assistant director of recreational sports/ wellness center and Angie Reay, assistant director of housing and residence life, are in charge of the weight loss aspect of the program. “The biggest thing is just trying to get people active and get started on living healthy lifestyle,” Canivel said. “It’s about education.” Competitors were required attend two personal fitness classes a week on top of five group fitness classes. “By doing those five group fitness classes, it not only showcases what we have in the Wellness Center, but it’s quite a bit of calorie expenditure in a day,” Canivel said. He said he expected contestants to burn 2,000-3,000 calories a week. A common factor contributing to people not exercising as

much as they should is a lack of confidence. “They feel intimidated when they come to a facility like the Wellness Center,” Canivel said. “We’re trying to educate them about it.” He said that although body image and other weight-related issues are touched on during the competition, the focus is on weight loss. Canivel and Reay said people decided to join the program for a variety of reasons. Some may have come from an overweight family, some want to lose weight, and some just want the extra exercise. Only one contestant has dropped out, but it was because she injured her ACL playing volleyball. The injury was not connected with Biggest Loser contest. Two weeks into the competition, one contestant has already lost 13 pounds. The two modeled the Biggest Loser workout regimen after the show on NBC. They admitted they both watch the program religiously. This rendition, unlike the show, is drama-free. “A lot of what makes the show interesting is the drama. There are a lot of things you don’t see that are off camera,” Canivel said.

The MSU Biggest Loser contest is exclusive to the university. “I’ve visited other universities and I haven’t seen any promotional literature about it,” Canivel said. “We’re also one of the first to partner up and give back to the community.” One thing that concerns them, however, is contestants maintaining their weight loss. They plan to follow up with people a few weeks after the program is over to make sure they’re still eating healthily and exercising. “You need to make sure you’re continuing that lifestyle,” Reay said. “We need to make sure we’re following up with these people and letting them know they can still come to us even though the competition’s over.” They said the program is helping them, too. “We’re endurance and fitness people, but the extra training helps.” They also said they feel fulfilled when people tell them how much they enjoy the program. “This is our life. And this is why we do what we do.” Though the competition ends Friday, the donations will continue to be made to the food bank until May.

land...........................................................................continued from page 1

biggest loser.........................................................continued from page 1

Katie Crowe MCT

Facing national polls showing decreased enthusiasm among young people, President Obama spent the week rallying college students nationwide to stay “fired up” throughout the upcoming midterm elections. “We can’t sit this one out,” the president told a crowd of more than 25,000 Tuesday at the University of Wisconsin. “We cannot let this country fall back because the rest of us didn’t stand up and fight.” Later in the week, Obama excited young supporters at a rally hosted by the Democratic National Committee in Washington, D.C, reminding them: “we’ve been through worse as a nation and have come out stronger.” “It was always going to be hard, he said at Thursday’s combined rally and concert event, organized for the Democratic National Committee’s Gen44 Group. “I need you to stay fired up, all the way to Nov. 2, because Nov. 2 is going to say a lot about your future.” The Gen44 group was founded as a fundraising, outreach and activation group that continues to attract collegeage individuals and young professionals. While encouraging young people to be proactive in the election, Obama simultaneously emphasized another core issue, the current affordability of a college education. The president said Sept. 27 in a conference call with student journalists nationwide that in a single generation, our country has fallen from first place to 12th in college graduation rates. “We want to open to the doors of our colleges and universities to more people so they can learn, they can graduate, and they can succeed in life,” Obama said in his discussion of the educational reforms his administration has

implemented thus far. He proposed that by 2020 the U.S. will once again have the highest proportion of college graduates. He said that so far, his team has raised the value of Pell Grants, simplified financial aid forms, changed the way federal loans are administered and passed the Affordable Care Act, which allows young adults to remain on their parents’ health plans until age 26. “Obviously it’s up to students to finish, but we can help remove some barriers,” the president told the young journalists. He also mentioned the need for government to put pressure on universities to examine their spending habits and the importance of students’ exposure to “jobs of the future.” “Community colleges are going to play a critical role in making sure that higher education creates a workforce that’s ready for new jobs,” the president said. “We need to make sure we’re giving young people a better sense of what jobs are out there in the future so that people end up gravitating towards the skills and degrees that they need to get employed.” As per the president’s request, Dr. Jill Biden will hold the firstever summit on community colleges Tuesday at the White House, bringing together colleges, philanthropies, business and government representatives, and students. In addition, Obama mentioned that his administration would work with university presidents to get a handle on increasing tuition prices. “Part of what I think we need to examine is, are we designing our universities in a way that focuses on the primary thing, which is education?” he said. “If all the amenities of a public university start jacking up the cost of tuition significantly, that’s a problem.” The president’s main concern, however, and the explanation

for the rising cost of college, he said, is the state of the economy in general. Obama told students improving the economy overall is “critical” and stressed that in times like these, both students and their parents need to be conscientious consumers. In all of his appearances last week, especially while speaking to student media, the president spoke positively about the future job market and spoke confidently to students about their careerfinding potential. “I do worry sometimes that young folks, having grown up or come of age in difficult economic times, start feeling as if their horizons have to be lowered and they’ve got to set their sights a little bit lower than their parents or grandparents,” he said. “Right now we’re going through a tough time, but I have no doubt that you guys are going to be successful,” Obama told the students in all his appearances last week. Most importantly, the president told those in attendance at last week’s rallies, re-engaging in politics and the upcoming election is crucial to bringing about change. “If we stay on focus, if we stay on course, then ultimately we will make progress,” he said. “It takes time; progress takes sacrifice. Progress takes faith. But progress comes. And it will come for your generation, for this generation _ if we work for it, and fight for it, and if we believe in it.” Obama encouraged students to knock on doors, make phone calls, and inspire their friends, family, and coworkers to “not lose heart” in the kind of change he and the Democrats propose in the near future. “The energy that you were able to bring to our politics in 2008, that’s needed not less now, it’s needed more now,” Obama said, in conclusion to his week of campaigning. “So there better not be an enthusiasm gap, people. Not now. Not this time.”

children....................................................................continued from page 1 him having a hard time expressing himself, of being constantly frustrated and annoyed with everyone. Browning wanted him to be able to speak. “One day I put his hand on my mouth and said the world ‘ball’ and showed him the sign that he had previously learned for ‘ball,’” Browning said. “Since he could feel the movement of my lips and feel the vibration in my voice, he was able to say ‘ball.’ He could see the excitement in my face when he verbalized the word.” Soon after that she taught Katy Browning him to say ‘baby,’ ‘bug’ and ing a child’s first loose tooth and ‘book.’ It was a blessing, in her the excited look on their face eyes, to be able to be part of when they discover the tooth that. fairy came overnight. “He went around the House “The most gratifying part of to every object asking what it my job is when a child looks exwas and putting his hand on cited to see me when I pick them my mouth to feel how to say up from school,” Browning said. it,” Browning said, smiling. “He “It’s really discouraging at first definitely took a part of my heart because I’m not their parent but with him when he left.” when they warm up to me it’s a One of the hardest parts of her really rewarding feeling.” job is picking up children from Even with these moments visitations with a family memBrowning, who has hopes of ber and taking them back to The working in an adoption agency Home. She described it as “a car in the future, can’t help but get ride full of tears and screaming.” discouraged when it’s time to get These little moments are what back to her normal life outside pull her heartstrings daily. Pullof The Home.

“It is very easy to get emotionally involved with the children and their stories, so obviously it is going to be something I think about outside of work,” Browning said. “It is very difficult to not bring that baggage home with me at night.” Browning understands this will be a constant in her career as a social worker. She hopes to become unaffected by the things she sees in the workplace. “I don’t want to become desensitized to the situations that I constantly see, but remain compassionate,” Browning said. Working in the social work field, Browning said she feels that helping other is the best and most rewarding way to make a living. But as a citizen, she believes everyone should act as a social worker by bettering or even vastly changing the life of another in need. “One great way students can help (the Children’s Home) is by donations,” Browning said. “Any clothes that MSU students have, whether their children’s or their own, that may fit someone between 1 year to 17 years old, would be greatly appreciated.”

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March 9, 2011

The Wichitan n 5

‘Red Riding Hood’: From fairy tale to scary tale John Anderson MCT

The Little Red Riding Hood of our collective imaginations is usually carrying a basket, but what she’s really got is baggage – the kind of socio-sexual-psychological baggage that has kept certain fairy tales and myths alive from one end of the media forest (oral tradition) to the other (iPads). As a movie star, Red hasn’t had quite the career of Cinderella, say, or Snow White or Sleeping Beauty, even though her story possesses the same, sometimes amorphous elements that speak to our primal fears. In fact, her tale has a little something for everyone: Innocence. Courage. Violence. Seduction. And, of course, cross-dressing. Those undertones are explored in depth by Catherine Hardwicke, best known as director of the first “Twilight” film and whose “Red Riding Hood” isn’t really Little anymore. Amanda Seyfried (who will, yes, be inspiring audiences to say “What big eyes you have!”) is Valerie, nubile inhabitant of Daggerhorn. For generations, a werewolf has demanded a monthly sacrifice (of livestock) and the village has acceded. But when Valerie’s sister is killed one night, under the full blood moon, the locals

decide to take action. Valerie, in the middle of all this, is in love with Peter (Shiloh Fernandez), a poor woodcutter, while her parents (Virginia Madsen and Billy Burke) want her married off to the wealthier Henry (Max Irons) – in Daggerhorn, “marrying up” means marrying the blacksmith. Grandmother? As played by Julie Christie, she’s just one of the surprises, especially for anyone expecting the classic fairy tale: Grim, yes. Grimm, not so much. That the monster of “Red Riding Hood” is a werewolf connects it to a whole other school of bedtime story, including “Twilight” and its vampires. What Hardwicke’s version of “Red Riding Hood” also does, in addition to injecting adolescent sexuality

into a fairy tale, is reposition the female heroine in the archetypal story. Johnson recently wrote the screenplay for next year’s “Clash of the Titans” sequel (“Wrath of the Titans”) and said the contrast between the male-centric Greek myth and female fairy tales was one of the more curious aspects in the evolution of these classic narratives. In his research, Johnson found versions of “Hood” in which the girl wasn’t saved by a woodcutter, but escaped by her own wits; in another, the women of the village rescued Red Riding Hood by spreading their washing across a stream and letting her flee across. It was interesting, he said, to go back and see how the women were, often, just as heroic as the men.

Amanda Seyfried, left, stars a Valerie, Billy Burke as Cesaire, center, and Virginia Madsen as Suzette in the fantasy thriller, ‘Red Riding Hood,’ opening Friday. (Photo Courtesy)

Amanda Seyfried as Little Red Riding Hood. (Photo Courtesy)

Dior regroups after Galliano’s scandal Booth Moore MCT

With the swishing of model Karlie Kloss’ cashmere cloak on the runway, the Dior fashion house proved Friday that the show will go on. The Rodin Museum was packed and the front row was star-studded, but not as much as usual. Even without its flamboyant designer of nearly 15 years, John Galliano, who was dismissed from the $28 billion luxury brand earlier in the week. Christian Dior executive Sidney Toledano made a statement on the runway before the show, calling the events of the last week “a terrible and wrenching ordeal,” and praising “les petites mains” in the atelier who pressed

on to finish the collection. After the last model stepped out, it would normally have been Galliano’s big moment. More than any other designer, he relished his runway bow as an opportunity to dress up in an outlandish costume of his own, strike a pose and strut all the way down the runway – always with bodyguards at his side. (Most designers peek out from backstage and wave.) On Wednesday, Galliano was ordered to stand trial in a French criminal court over alleged racial insults. He had been arrested in a Paris bar Feb. 24 and accused of hurling anti-Semitic insults in an alleged violation of French law. Two days later, another woman came forward with a similar

the feed

complaint. And on Monday, video began surfacing on the Internet apparently showing an earlier incident involving Galliano, who appears to be drunk, making statements such as “I love Hitler.” In the meantime, the designer, who has issued a statement of apology but has denied the claims, has left France for a rehabilitation facility, presumably for alcohol addiction. Dior initially suspended Galliano, but when video surfaced, termination procedures moved swiftly. Possible successors for the label could include Givenchy’s Riccardo Tisci and relative unknown Haider Ackermann. Dior has declined to comment on the next chapter.

Orlando Flores, Jr For the Wichitan

Peace, Love & LipGloss

Spring Break Beauty Bag

Spring Break is most commonly associated with the beach, but how are you supposed to keep our smoky eyes and dewy glow with all of that grainy sand and salty water surrounding you? So here’s a list of must-have products to pack into your makeup bag this weekend. Illuminating tinted moisturizer is a great base for the beach. It gives you light-tomedium coverage, radiant skin, and protects you from harmful sun rays. Tarte Smooth Operator Natural Tinted Moisturizer SPF 20 ($36 at Ulta) contains skinenhancing vitamins to smooth and brighten your skin during use. A less expensive option is Aveeno Positively Radiant Tinted Moisturizer SPF 30 ($14.44 at Ulta). It hides imperfections, while staying oil-free and hypoallergenic. Your eyes are an important feature to emphasize. You can add color to your lids with Urban Decay’s new waterproof product, 24/7 Gilde-On Shadow Pencil ($20 at Ulta). There is a

Rachel Bingham Advertising Manager huge range of shades available, but “Rehab” is a pretty, bronzed beach shade. Line your lashes with Sephora Flashy Liner Waterproof ($8 at A stunning look is to line your upper lids and lower waterline with Deep Black and line below your lower lashes with Flashy Blue. This turquoise shade is extraordinary! It will remind you of the blue ocean, and it looks great against the bronze shadow. Your eyes need a final touch of waterproof mascara to keep them gorgeous without creating a raccoon look the second you stick your foot in the water. One

of the best mascaras out there is Yves Saint Laurent Everlong Waterproof Lengthening Mascara ($30 at It gives your lashes amazing va-voom unlike any other. But with the bank accounts that most college kids have, thirty bucks is probably too steep to pay for some black stuff in a tube. So, another route would be Maybelline Volume Express The Falsies Waterproof Mascara ($5.04 at Target). A bronzer/blush duo is going to do the trick in giving you that extra glow. Too Faced Leopard Love Complexion Perfection Kit ($30 at Ulta) contains three different products to bronze, blush, and brighten. This is all you need to add a little color to your cheeks. To complete your look, glide on Clinique Chubby Stick Moisturizing Lip Colour Balm ($15 at Dillard’s). Whole Lotta Honey will blend perfectly with your bronzed beach look! What beauty tips would you like to hear about? E-mail ideas to

This week The Feed features great, new album releases - two veterans continuing to heighten their fame and a relative newcomer continuing to build a following. R.E.M. Collapse into Now

Beach Fossils What a Pleasure

Raekwon Shaolin VS. Wu-Tang

The originators of college rock are back and in full effect, releasing one of its most enjoyable albums of their more recent releases.

One of last year’s rising bands continue to make a name for itself with a matured and cleaner sound, but the same chilled-out vibe.

Raekwon is clearly stuck in 1993; delivering another classic LP that’s as focused and vicious as both of his adored Cuban Linx albums.

The Verdict: 4/4 - A Must Have

The Verdict: 3/4 - Deserves a Listen

The Verdict: 4/4 - A Must Have

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The Wichitan

March 9, 2011

Weekend box office battle, ‘Rango’ on top Amy Kaufman MCT

estimate from distributor Paramount Pictures. “The Adjustment Bureau,” a A diverse crop of four new science-fiction romance starring movies premiering this weekend Matt Damon and Emily Blunt, wasn’t enough to bring the box collected $20.9 million for a decent second-place finish. But the office out of its recent slump. Despite decent openings for weekend’s two other new releases both the computer-animated did not sell nearly as many tickfilm “Rango” and the adult dra- ets. “Beastly,” a modern retelling ma “The Adjustment Bureau,” of “Beauty and the Beast” set in total ticket sales were down 31 high school, grossed $10.1 milpercent from the same weekend lion, while the ‘80s romp “Take in 2010, when the mega-hit “Al- Me Home Tonight” barely regisice in Wonderland” dominated tered at the box office with only $3.5 million. the weekend. “Rango” now has the highest That worsened a severe downward trend, with box office re- opening weekend gross of any ceipts down 21 percent so far film so far this year, though not a great one given the amount

was $135 million. But unlike many animated films, “Rango” did not have the benefit of 3-D ticket surcharges. In the same month in 2009, the 3-D “Monsters vs. Aliens” opened to $59.3 million, while last March’s 3-D “How to Train Your Dragon” debuted to $43.7 million. “If you take out the impact of higher ticket prices, the number of people who saw ‘Rango’ is somewhat comparable,” said Rob Moore, Paramount’s vice chairman. Moore said the film’s overwhelmingly positive reviews and the upcoming spring break led him to believe that a large num-

“Beastly,” “The Adjustment Bureau,” “Rango,” and “Take Me Home Tonight” have now been released in theaters. (Photo Courtesy)

year-to-date, according to “Rango,” which features a chameleon voiced by Johnny Depp, drew the most crowds and took in $38 million, according to an

Paramount spent making it. Two people close to the production said the computer-animated Western cost close to $150 million to produce, while a studio spokeswoman said the budget

ber of families would still turn up to see “Rango.” But it remains to be seen how strong the film’s word of mouth is. Receipts jumped 73 percent

from Friday to Saturday, a good sign, but early audiences gave it a weak grade of C-plus, according to market research firm CinemaScore. That indicates that people over age 13 who participated in the polling weren’t enamored with “Rango,” though children might feel differently. (In comparison, “Monsters vs. Aliens” received a grade of Aminux, and “How to Train Your Dragon” got an A.) Overseas, “Rango” opened in 33 foreign markets, taking in $16.5 million. “The Adjustment Bureau” also opened this weekend in 21 foreign territories, where it grossed $21.5 million, including a second-place finish behind “Rango” in Britain. The moderate debut for “The Adjustment Bureau” came from an overwhelmingly adult audience, 73 percent of whom were older than 30. The movie, which centers on a couple being kept apart by supernatural forces, was produced and financed by Media Rights Capital, and Universal Pictures acquired its worldwide distribution rights for $62 million. Audiences gave it an average grade of B. The film was initially slated to be released last September but was pushed to March because Damon had to promote his two award-season entries, “True Grit” and “Hereafter.” Universal distribution president Nikki Rocco said she hoped the film’s performance would show that release date switches weren’t always indicative of troubled projects. “Everybody in this business needs to keep their pulse on release dates. Things should never be etched in stone,” Rocco said. “Beastly” also was shifted around on the calendar. The movie was supposed to come out in July but was moved

“Rango’ and ‘The Adjustment Bureau’ landed the number one and two spot at the box office last weekend. (Photo Courtesy)

because it would have debuted on the same weekend as “Charlie St. Cloud.” That movie starred Zac Efron, the former flame of “Beastly” lead Vanessa Hudgens, and both the actress and the studio did not think it wise for the young stars’ fans to have to choose between the two competing films. The audience that went to see “Beastly” was comprised almost entirely of women, whom distributor CBS Films courted heavily in advertisements. Steven Friedlander, the movie company’s executive vice president, theatrical distribution, said he had spent much of the weekend observing audience reaction to the film in theaters across Los Angeles. “As an old fuddy duddy, usually I’d be angry at all the kids texting and tweeting during the movie, but in this case, I was glad they were doing it,” he said, explaining that he thought filmgoers were telling their friends to come and see the picture. The film was produced for just under $20 million before tax rebates, but a studio representative said much of that cost had

already been covered through sales to foreign distributors. And despite middling reviews, audiences gave the movie a B-plus, the highest CinemaScore of any new film that premiered this weekend. Few, meanwhile, wanted to spend a night at “Take Me Home Tonight,” making it another flop for Relativity Media’s fledgling film-distribution business. The film starring Topher Grace was the fourth wide release from Relativity since the company began distributing its own movies last summer. The new movie’s opening fell far below that of even January’s “Season of the Witch,” which flopped after debuting to $10.6 million. “Take Me Home Tonight” cost about $19 million to make, including reshoots, though Relativity bought the U.S. distribution rights from Universal Pictures for $10 million. With audiences giving the movie an average grade of C, the picture is likely to fizzle fast in coming weeks.

2011 NAACP Image Awards

Left photo: Oscar winner Halle Barry jokes with the crowd as she accepts the award for Outstanding Actress in a Motion Picture for ‘Frankie & Alice.’ Center photo: Prince gestures on stage as he presents Outstanding New Artist award to Willow Smith. Right photo: ‘For Colored Girls’ actress Kimberly Elise thanked director Tyler Perry when she won Outstanding Supporting Actress at the 42nd Annual NAACP Image Awards on Friday night. (Photo Courtesy)

Perry & Berry sweeps the board at ceremony

Susan King MCT Tyler Perry’s drama “For Colored Girls” was named best film of 2010 Friday evening at the NAACP Image Awards. The film also won outstanding director for Perry and supporting actress for Kimberly Elise. Denzel Washington was named outstanding actor at the ceremony, which took place at the Shrine Auditorium, for “The Book of Eli,” though the actor did not attend the event. Welcome HalleWeBerry was named outstandingStudents actress for “Frankie & Alice.” The drama, based on a true story, also won outstanding independent film. “If it were not for the

NAACP,” Berry said during her acceptance speech, “a little girl ... dared to dream what was impossible, what people said a little black girl could not do” and become an actress. Samuel L. Jackson received outstanding supporting actor honors for “Mother and Child.” Michael Elliot earned the Image Award for his script for the romantic comedy “Just Wright.” Perry also took top honors on the comedy TV side. “Tyler Perry’s House of Payne” won outstanding comedy series, with its star, David Mann, earning outstanding actor in a comedy. Vanessa Williams took home the award for outstanding actress in a comedy series for “Desperate Housewives.”

The actress credited the likes of Diahann Carroll and Eartha Kitt as among those who “blazed a trail” before her. Ice Cube was named outstanding supporting actor in a comedy for “Are We There Yet?” and Sofia Vergara received the award for outstanding supporting actress in a comedy for “Modern Family.” “Grey’s Anatomy” won outstanding drama series. LL Cool J was named outstanding actor in a drama series for “NCIS: Los Angeles,” and Regina King, outstanding actress for “Southland.” S. Epatha Merkerson was named outstanding supporting actress for “Law & Order,” and Terrence Howard won the award for supporting actor in a

drama series for “Law & Order: Los Angeles.” “I have never been more proud in my life,” the actor said as he received his award. “Sins of the Mother” was named outstanding TV movie, miniseries or dramatic special, and it also took outstanding actress for Jill Scott. Idris Elba took home the award for outstanding actor in a TV movie, miniseries or dramatic special for “Luther.” Former Secretary of State Gen. Colin Powell received the President’s Award. The Chairman’s Award went to Dr. Regina Benjamin, the U.S. surgeon general. Hosted by Wayne Brady and Holly Robinson Peete, the Image Awards were telecast on Fox.

The 2011 Winners in TV, film, music and literature are: * Outstanding Comedy Series: “Tyler Perry’s House of Payne” * Outstanding Actress in a Comedy Series: Vanessa Williams – “Desperate Housewives” * Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series: Sofia Vergara – “Modern Family” * Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series: Terrence Howard – “Law & Order: Los Angeles” * Outstanding Talk Series: “The View” * Outstanding Performance in a Youth/Children’s Program (Series or Special): Keke Palmer – “True Jackson, VP” * Outstanding Independent Motion Picture: “Frankie and

Alice” * Outstanding New Artist: Willow Smith * Outstanding Male Artist: Usher * Outstanding Female Artist: Mary J. Blige * Outstanding Music Video: “Un-thinkable (I’m Ready)” – Alicia Keys * Outstanding Song: “Bittersweet” – Fantasia Barrino * Outstanding Literary Work – Fiction: Getting to Happy by Terry McMillan * Outstanding Literary Work – Youth/Teens: Condoleezza Rice: A Memoir of My Extraordinary, Ordinary Family and Me by Condoleezza Rice


March 9, 2011

Mustangs earn bid to NCAA tourney

On Deck This Week friday


softball@ southeastern oklahoma state.

3 p.m.



men’s basketball: ncaa ii south central regional tournament



okla. vs. tarleton state





ern oklahoma state. p.m.




men’s basketball: ncaa ii south central regional tournament



regional semifinals

5 p.m.



golf: men


The Wichitan n 7


invitational. springfield , mo.

Andre Gonzalez Sports Editor Thursday night in the opening round of the Lone Star Conference Championship in Bartlesville, the Mustangs took control of Texas A&M-Commerce. Senior forward David Terrell entertained the crowd with a variety of eight slamdunks and alley-oops, TAMUC were the ones left saying oops in the end as MSU rolled over them, 82-67. Terrell finished with a careerhigh of 24 points and 14 rebounds. “We got a great effort out of David Terrell,” head coach Grant McCasland said. “Which was a big lift for our team.” Senior guard Chris Hagan banged in the game high of 26 points. “Chris Hagan does what he does, McCasland said. “I felt we did what we needed to do to advance in the tournament.” In the first half, the Mustangs dominated the board by 12 points after Hagan notched a free throw at the 2:27 mark. MSU fell to 18-for-38 on the charity stripe. At intermission, MSU led by six points, 37-31. TAMUC trailed by a single point midway through the second half and was tied 49-49 af-

ter a freethrow shot put up by Preston Whitley. Ultimately, the contest ended with the Mustangs leaving TAMUC behind by 15 points. The following Saturday, MSU faced off with long time rival Tarleton State only to fall victim to the Texans, 74-50. The heated battle opened with the Mustangs leaving TSU to trail by 12 points with 8:53 in the first half after Hagan knocked in a layup. Hagan finished with a game high of 21 points along with two assists. MSU only finished 1-for-8 on the freethrow line to go along with six turnovers. “We really couldn’t get anything to go right for us,” McCasland said. The Mustangs get another chance however as they will face Tarleton yet for a fourth time as they received an at large bid into the NCAA Division II national tournament. MSU will go in the no. 6 spot, while the Texans hold no. 3. “We’re excited to be in the NCAA tournament,” McCasland said. “If there’s a team we need to beat and we have something to prove, it’s Tarleton.” Game time is set for noon on March 12 at Hamilton Fieldhouse in Edmond, Okla.

nin the cage with tolu

Kevin Loyd dribbling down the court against Angelo State where MSU won, 83-59. Now MSU will face Tarleton State for the fourth time in the NCAA tournament this Saturday. (Photo by Andre Gonzalez)

Rugby ends regular season, 7-3

both my opponent’s arteries off with an “arm in guillotine.” This tuesday submission is a grip that chokes an opponent with the use of golf: men @ panther your bicep as well as his. Blood chokes are very tricky. Many invitational. springfield , times an opponent feels he can mo. fight the choke until he just suddenly loses consciousness. It sneaks up on you. This was tennis: men & women vs. Tolu Agunbidae the case Feb 26, in my match For the Wichitan against my first opponent. concordia. @ irvine, I placed third in the tourEverything went black. The calif. 3 p.m. nament, winning my first, losman’s body went limp as his ing my second by 1 point and heart made its last failed atsubmitting my opponent in tempt to pump blood to his men’s basketball: ncaa ii the match for third place. Jared brain. “He’s out, he’s out, stop!” screamed a spectator. I let go of Dopp, a chemistry major here south central regional my grip around the man’s arm at MSU placed first. He had tournament @ edmond, and throat, releasing the pres- one match in the heavy weight sure of my bicep against the division. regional championship 7 NAGA hosts the country’s carotid artery in his neck. I had p.m. oldest and largest submission just won my first match in the grappling and Brazilian Jiu National American Grappling Jitsu tournaments. Association tournament. It’s exciting. What trips me The carotid arteries, located out are the little kids that come on both sides of the neck, have the job of channeling blood to compete. You’ll see children Scrumhalf Zach Henson runs past a trail of St. Edward’s Hilltoppers. SEU ended the Mustangs’s to the brain supplying it with as young as 4 and 5 pulling off post-season, 15-3, in the Texas Division III championship. (Photo by Damian Atamenwan) much needed oxygen. I pinched arm bars, triangle chokes. Find the video of my grapSEU had the first points with- lead to 15-3 right before Alvarez Damian Atamenwan pling match on Youtube under in 15 minutes of play. The hosts scored another penalty. or the W ichitan F Tolu at NAGA Feb 26 2011. led 7-0 till fly-half Aaron AlvaThe second half started in faThe video of my last cage fight rez kicked for three points from vor of SEU. They scored an early MSU lost to St. Edward’s FREE PREGNANCY TESTING as well under Tolu vs Alfred try and fought hard to maintain University (SEU) at their home a penalty. [Spectator cam]. Completely Confidential MSU played hard for most of the lead. field in the Texas Division III the first half, with most of the MSU dominated the last 15 RN Option Consultation championship. game action at SEU’s end of the minutes of the game but couldn’t pitch. The Mustangs came close convert the scoring opportuniSTIMULATE YOUR SAVINGS to scoring twice but SEU had a ties. SEU defense held the MusNew Address….……………………………4011 Seymour Hwy. firm defense that secured the try tangs up in the try zone until the AT Phone………………………………………….940-761-3432 zone and prevented penetration. referee’s whistle signaled the end The Hilltoppers extended the of the game.


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The Wichitan

March 9, 2011

Left: an MSU softball player swings away at bat. Above: junior third baseman Mallory Mooney prepares to throw an opponent out of play. Lower left: Senior pitcher Brittney Tanner puts on her game face at pitch. (Photos by Hannah Hofmann)

Softball strikes victory at home tournament Andre Gonzalez Sports Editor The Mustangs softball team opened up with a victory against Abilene Christian Friday afternoon during the Holiday Inn at the Falls/MSU Invitational tournament at Mustangs Park. Senior pitcher Brittney Tanner only allowed a one-out single to ACU’s Candice Miller during the fourth inning and allowed two runners past first base. Tanner also notched seven strikeouts and walked one. MSU put numbers on the scoreboard in the second inning when freshman catcher Kim Jerrick extended her hitting streak to seven games. Jerrick came plate-ward after Carey Campbell hit a pop single to left field, giving the Mustangs a 1-0 advantage. MSU took advantage of their speed in the third inning when sophomore outfielders Elena Bennett and Megan Chartier reached on consecutive bunt singles, then advanced to second and third base after sophomore outfielder Courtney Bingham grounded out to first then scored when junior third baseman Mallory Mooney jolted a two-run double high off center field to push MSU to 3-0. Bennett, Mooney, and senior outfielder

Alyson Reynolds added two hits to each to their records. The Mustangs rolled with two more victories Saturday afternoon, this time against Fort Hays State University and St. Edward’s University. The contests resulted in a 4-0 win against Fort Hays and a 13-5 defeat on St. Edward’s. Bennett set a new standard as she collected hits in her 17th and 18th straight games while going 4-for-8, including a stolen base in MSU’s match up with Fort Hays. Bennet’s hitting percentage of .581 came in handy during the stretch while scoring 22 runs and a total of 16 base steals. Senior pitcher Kristina Gutierrez spun a four-hitter for her fifth shutout of the season. MSU was granted another run on Reynolds’s run-scoring double to center field. At the bottom of the sixth inning, Bingham and Jerrick drove in runs to push the advantage to 4-0. Chartier notched in three hits while Bingham and Jerrick both copped two. Later in the afternoon, MSU had a hard start as St. Edwards took notice of the Mustangs’ three errors to put in runs in the first four innings. SEU owned a 5-2 advantage over the

Mustangs at the bottom of the fourth inning. Then MSU took base eight consecutive times during a seven-run frame as senior infielder McKenzie Sickler’s RBI triple to right field, a Bingham two-run double and a two-run blast to center field by Jerrick. The tournament came to a close on Sunday afternoon as MSU closed off with victories against Arkansas Tech, 4-0, and Incarnate Word, 5-0. Tanner and Gutierrez pitched for MSU’s 10th and 11th shutouts, pushing the Mustangs’ record to a 13 game winning streak while improving their best start to 22-1. Tanner put on a fourth run with her second home run of the season. Gutierrez dominated against Incarnate Word, putting up her sixth shutout and limited the Cardinals to two hits. In the fourth inning, Reynolds bumped her third home run to forward three Mustangs to home, giving MSU a commanding lead of 3-0. Bennett extended her hitting streak to 20 games by going 2-for-3 against UIW. Next, MSU opens Lone Star Conference North Division play this Friday on the road against Southeastern Oklahoma State. Time is set for 3 p.m.

Tennis takes triple wins against Tarleton, McMurry, UT-Tyler Andre Gonzalez Sports Editor

The Midwestern State Lady Mustangs kept the ball rolling last Wednesday afternoon after taking down Tarleton State at the MSU Tennis Center, 5-4. The contest was heated, however, as Leah Roberts and Abbie Lewis battled nearly two hours against TSU’s Adriana Jaskova and Melanie Barnes for the no. 2 spot in doubles, 9-8. Coming in at no. 1 for the twoon-two competition was Alex Odell-Michels and Rozike van Rensburg who subdued Mariana Frietas and Alicia Perez, 9-7. Following into the no. 3 slot was Lindsey Holcomb and Ashley Huse who completed the match with a score of 8-3 against Kayla Deathrage and Silvia Nieva. Tarleton shined during the singles, beating out MSU in the first four slots. Perez defeated Rensburg, 1-6, 7-6, and 10-2, while Jaskova took down Odell-Michels3-6, 7-5, and 10-7. Filling up no. 3 and 4 was TSU’s Frietas and Barnes who took down Roberts and Lewis, respectively. Coming in at no. 5 for MSU was Holcomb defeating Deathrage, 6-2, 6-0. Huse refused to lose, beating Nieva after she succumbed to an arm injury and had to retire, leaving the sets at a 4-6, 6-1 re-

Left: Rozike van Rensburg waits to make a return on the first serve. Right: Bo Zaputovic swats the ball back to his opponent. Both the men’s and women’s team dominated The University of Texas-Tyler with scores of 9-0. (Photos by Hannah Hofmann)

sult. Saturday morning gave both MSU teams another victory on their record as they rolled over McMurry. The women clearing a 9-0 sweep, and the men 8-1. Lewis and Roberts went up for a challenge against MCM’s Hillary Stone and Chelsea Miller, 8-3, to claim the no. 2 spot in the doubles. All ladies defeated MCM in

the singles, almost all with 6-0 results. In the no. 4 spot, Lewis defeated Stone, 6-1, 6-0. Going into the men’s matches, Vjekoslav Stipanic and Luke Joyce warded off Chris Bumann and Bryan Rainwater, 8-3, for the no.1 spot in doubles. Bo Zaputovic and Mario Urban defeated Daniel Olivares and Chris Breaux for the no. 2 postion, 8-4.

Then at no. 3, Chad Meeks and Jarrod Liston balled out Adam Ewing and Michael Parker, 8-5. In the singles, MSU claimed the 1,2,3,and 4 spots as Urban, Joyce, Zaputovic, and Octavian Dinuta won over MCM. Breaux claimed the no. 5 position, winning over Rory de Boer, 1-6, 7-5, 10-7. Coming in at no. 6 was MSU’s Tiago Vilarinho defeating Tony Williams, 6-0, 6-3.

Tuesday afternoon, both teams finished off The University of Texas-Tyler. Dominating the scoreboard, 9-0 for both women and men. Roberts and Lewis led the doubles, warding off Sydni Hermsdorf and Emily McRae, 8-3. Rensburg and Odell-Michels came in for no. 2 with a score of 8-1 against Michelle Hagler and Jessica Blundell.

At no. 3 was Holcomb and Huse taking down Ashley Albro and Lauren Giovannini, 8-3. In the singles, Rensburg led the Lady Mustangs against Hagler, 6-3, 6-3. Roberts dominated Hermsdorf for no. 2, 6-1, 6-2. Sweeping for no. 3 was OdellMichels defeating Giovannini, 6-1, 6-0. Lewis took down Blundell for the no. 4 position, 6-2, 6-1. At nos. 5 and 6, Holcomb beat Britany Trich and Huse defeated Morgan Wilkins, respectively. On the men’s spectrum, Stipanic and Joyce finished the doubles at no. 1 beating Andrew Reznik and Josh Chavez with a score of 8-6. The no. 2 spot belonged to Zaputovic and Urban, taking down Adam Chirhart and Henrique Bellini, 8-4. Liston and Meeks fought for no. 3 as they clouted Kevin Singer and Kevin Wright, 9-7. Stipanic led the singles with a contest win against Chavez, 6-3, 6-2. Urban gained the no. 2 rank against Bellini, 6-1, 6-4. Joyce fought for no. 3 against Chirhart, 6-3, 7-5. Zaputovic, Octavian Dinuta, and Tiago Vilarinho finished up the singles at nos. 4,5, and 6, respectively. Next, both tennis teams go on the road to California on Tuesday to face Concordia. First serve is set for 3 p.m.

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