How To Prevent Pregnancy Hemorrhoids

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Pregnancy comes with many aches and pains and symptoms and one of the most dreaded side effects a lot of pregnant women will experience is hemorrhoids. The added pressure of carrying around the baby weight and a sluggish bowel make hemorrhoids a possibility. If you are pregnant and are hoping to avoid hemorrhoids all together there are some things you can do to help prevent hemorrhoids from developing. 1. Drink lots of water. Keeping hydrated is one of the best things you can do to prevent pregnancy hemorrhoids. 2. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. You need to make sure you get adequate quantities of fiber to keep your bowel active, so be sure to get the recommend daily allowance of both fruits and vegetables. 3. Stay active. Exercise has a way of stimulating the bowels. Keep active by going for a daily walk to help keep your bowels moving along. 4. Don't strain. When going to the bathroom avoid straining. Straining is not something you want to do and could lead to hemorrhoids. Straining causes pressure on the veins which could lead to inflammation and swelling of the veins. 5. If you find yourself feeling a little constipated eat something which normally gets you going. For some people eating just a handful of cherries or a few prunes is enough to relieve their constipation. Again, water also plays a roll here. If you are felling constipated you may need to increase your water intake a bit. How do you know if you have hemorrhoids? Symptoms of hemorrhoids include inching and pain in the rectal area. You may also experience burning and possibly bleeding. Another thing to keep in mind is some pregnant women will get constipation despite doing everything right, eating right, exercising, and drinking enough water. If this has happened to you then you will need to treat your hemorrhoids. Follow the five steps above to lessen the symptoms. You will also need to treat your bottom with extra care. Some pregnant women find soaking their behind in a sitz bath to be very comforting. Other women may find ice compress help to relieve the pain associated with hemorrhoids. Just to be on the safe side, even though it's embarrassing, talk to your doctor about what is safe to treat your hemorrhoids. Pregnancy is one of the happiest times of your life, don't let your hemorrhoids or the fear of getting hemorrhoids get you down.

Missy enjoys writing articles and has been doing so for many years. One of her newest websites is about Pregnancy Piles Read about the best ways to manage Piles Pain at Pregnancy Piles dot com.

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==== ==== Finding the Best Treatment for Hemorrhoids: ==== ====

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