The Prospector Senior Edition 2021

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Koda Oxford’s Finest Hour

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by Jalen Lindh

Ask for help! When you don’t understand an assignment, ask a professor. When you’re struggling academically, get tutoring. When you’re having a hard time adjusting to your new job, ask your supervisor for recommendations. When you don’t feel safe, seek out a trusted friend or family member. You can still call home and ask for help, even when you’re living on your own. -Mrs. McCracken

Oh, seniors, please know that you are stronger, smarter, and more capable than you know. Please never stop being curious about the world; never stop questioning; never stop learning. There is magic all around us--Dr. Moen

“Theater’s been my life for a really long time; and I’m glad that before I leave, I get to be a big part of it one more time,” said senior Koda Oxford when asked how it felt to be cast as the main role in White Weevil, a play being put on with Theater Buffet. Due to Covid taking everything by storm and in a way ruining many opportunities for other schools, and students, many seniors haven’t been able to have an enjoyable last year. For Koda Oxford, he was worried he might not get one last chance to be in a theater production with his classmates in this final year. But with hard work and determination, the wonderful Wendy Harms, a teacher at Manitou Springs High School, was able to bring together a project for all those who seek to do something in theater. The project is known as Theater Buffet. Theater Buffet is a multi-event that has multiple aspects of the performing arts. It’ll have four play productions, Ghosted, directed by Henry White (11), And Tomorrow, directed by

Anton Akse (11), The Hags of the Apocalypse eat Salad at Their General Meeting, directed by Morrigan Williams (12), and The Astonishing Adventures of the White Weevil, directed by Wendy Harms. There will also be a film called Dogged, directed by Finian Duford. Dance incorporated in it as well. Koda Oxford snagged the leading role in The Astonishing Adventures of the White Weevil. He plays the character known as Charles: a sexist, selfish, narrcistic man who plays the role of The White Weevil on the Radio. His character flirts with other girls at his job, even though he’s married. But to make sure that their radio show doesn’t get cut from going on air, his producer hires a female lead to work alongside Charles. Only problem is that Charles doesn’t think that a woman can do the job as good as him. And to make matters even worse, the female lead is his own wife. “After all these years of theater, this’ll actually be my second time being the lead role, which isn’t a bad thing, just sort of surprising that my last year, I get to be the main thing of this thing.”

Photo by Jalen Lindh

Oxford has been in many theater productions throughout being in school. In total, Oxford has participated in eight play productions. He’s been in plays that are decently well known like, Zorro, and other plays that many might not have heard of, such as Badger. Oxford’s theater skills don’t just stop at play productions though. He has also partaken in a student film called Dear Universe, which also got to be shown on the big screen at The Kimball Theater. “It was one of the coolest things ever to see. I mean, sure it was a

another rinky dink student film, but it’s not like you get to see yourself on a movie theater screen everyday. It was so cool.” After Oxford graduates from high school, he plans on exploring and pursuing an acting career. He hopes to be a well known actor, that children can look up to and want to be like him one day. “It’s just such an awesome thought to think that maybe one day, someone will look up to someone like me. The idea of being someone’s role model is just so pleasing in general, but multiple people seeing me as a role

model would be amazing.” Oxford doesn’t plan on putting stage or film productions above one He hopes just to take whatever he gets and ride the wave with it. He plans to put his maximum effort into whatever theater project that he will be working on in the near future. When Oxford was asked how he felt about graduating, he said,“Y’know, it saddens me that I’m going to graduate and might not see some of my friends again, but I think I’m ready. I’m ready to take a leap of faith. and make a name for myself out in the real world. I am ready.”

A Different path to success By Eliana Dutil

I think you’ve learned a lot about the importance to living in the moment and appreciating the small things this year. You have taken some hardship and made the best of it. You are leaving high school with a lot more wisdom than previous classes because so much was taken from you. So, my advice to you: Don’t forget all that you have learned. Live your life mindfully. Enjoy the small things. Do what you love. -Mrs. Kerrigan

You are not going to feel 100% on most days of your life. Make no excuses, instead make it happen! -Mr. Vecchio

While many seniors at MSHS were frantically finishing college applications and essays for Colorado Free Application Day last September, Laine Givens was taking a deep breath. At 18, Laine, a Manitou Springs senior, enlisted in the Marines and after graduating will leave to start her new life training at Boot Camp. Currently, Givins is enrolled in a delayed entry program. This program serves to prepare her mentally and physically for the changes she will experience when she ships out next August. In order for Givins to reach her full potential in training, she is put through many fitness tests to measure her growth. “We do lots of workouts which will be similar to what we do in Boot Camp like IST, PTF, or CTF ( initial strength test, physical fitness test, combat fitness test),” Givins said. She has found passion through her training and is extremely excited to ship out. Graduating high school for every student brings one of the first major decisions someone makes in adult life. With the help of her

supportive parents and teachers and her brother, Givins is anxious to start the next chapter. Her brother has been a huge inspiration to her. Cade Givens (Class of 2018), joined the Marines in 2018 and graduated Boot Camp in the fall of 2019. He has rapidly moved up in the Marines thanks to his hard work and is now a lance corporal. “He teaches me new things about the Marine Corps every day and is an amazing mentor and brother to me,” Givins said about her brother’s example for her. Givins and her brother enlisted in separate programs but still will work for the same branch. She explains it as her brother remained in Colorado and she will be going into active duty. “I will be gone, and not at home. I will be sent to my duty station, and that could be anywhere that there is a Marine Corps base,” Givins explained. She is thankful that her parents fully parents support her decision and are happy about it. “They can’t wait to see me accomplish many things in the future in the Marine Corps,” she said. Givins has been surrounded by support and even her teachers have been

Photo courtesy of Laine Givins

invested in her decision. “I am incredibly proud of Laine for following her heart and her passions. I believe that her solid plan for getting a college education while she is a marine will add the depth she personally needs to her experience. Laine is incredibly intelligent, open minded, and strong. We need Marines just like her,” said her AP English teacher, Amanda Kerrigan. Givins decision

does not mean that she will not further her education following high school. She is planning on taking college classes while she is active duty, so she can eventually earn her bachelor’s degree. She hopes to do paralegal work in the Marine Corps, and eventually go to law school to become a lawyer like her father. Givins is very driven and dedicated to her future. She has always wanted to help and empower people. She decided to do

this through the Marine Corps because she wants to push herself to new limits in stressful situations. Givins has already been tested. Seeing that men and women often have the same physical requirements in the Marines, she has already found herself being pushed past limits she once had for herself. Laine Givins is building a future for herself so that her dreams of helping to inspire others can take off.

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