The Prospector Senior Edition 2021

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a Letter from the President by Caden Salladay Storytelling is a tale as old as time. The end of our story in Manitou is only the beginning of our story as human beings. We have traversed the halls of this school, wide-eyed and scared, small freshman in a big, big world. Small fish in a small pond. We met new people, laughed, cried, and stressed about silly school work all the while making the memories of our lives that will stick with us forever. Oh the power of memories. Each of us held a brush in painting these memories and leaving impressions deep within the crevasse of our minds. It is not the endless work or the simple problems that seem to be big deals now that we will remember. It’s the smiles of our friends as we watch eagerly as our football team scores or the cheering alongside our basketball players in the League Championship game. Even the small things like the high fives in the hallways and the “good mornings’’ from Mrs. Wendy and staff. I know as a senior there are a lot of freshmen and sophomores that we are leaving behind this year. My message to you is to never lose that spark in your eyes, that innocent goofy part of yourself. Continue to make memories and friends as you grow ever closer to being a senior, and never forget that we may be gone, but we are never far away and will always

remember you. It feels like we said hello to so many of you six months ago and goodbye rests at our feet as we look to the future and into the eyes of the people who have impacted us the most. This year we say goodbye to those important people and to the family we have made here at Manitou Springs High School. We say goodbye to the teachers who have changed our lives. We say goodbye to the countless friends we have found along the way and we cry. Not because the trip is over but because it happened in the first place. This school has been our home for the last four years and though it was only temporary, we left our mark - in the halls and in the minds of our mentors. And it left an impression on us. On each of our hearts there is a horseshoe branded. Forever will this place be a part of us. It was there to witness the countless hours of practices, the constant laughs of friends, and the connections made forever. I like to think that when the Class of 2021 leaves this building it will remember us. Not by the problems of the times, but by the memories made in these halls. Where the stained echo of our voices joins the thousands of others before us, and we say our final farewell. Something that will forever be ingrained in the walls for every generation after us to hear.

Photo Courtesy of Caden Salladay

Salladay Brothers. Student Body President Caden Salladay (right) stands with his “little” brother, junior Parker Salladay. The Salladay brothers have been involved in the Manitou Springs High School community since Kindergarten.

A memento to those past, and those yet to come. This is Caden Salladay, and as a student here I bid you farewell and good luck. Don’t get lost and always remember where you came from. And remember everyone you met along the way. Cherish every moment and know when it is your time to go. Thank you all for the best years of our lives. We couldn’t be more grateful, and we will see you soon-another day or another time, but sometime because we know we are never far from home. Salad, Signing off.

To the class of 2021 By Dr. Moen To the class of 2021, There’s been much talk of loss: loss of learning, loss of experiencing, loss of freedoms, loss of responsibilities, loss of connections loss of traditions loss of accountability loss much. There’s been much talk of loss. What if it’s not loss at all, but legacy? Your legacy, dear ones, is one of resiliency. You are stronger now for these challenges--overcome Your ability to cope has grown You are so much stronger than you’ve ever known. You’ve gained perspective You’ve gained wisdom for what’s valuable You’ve gained shared jokes, shared hugs, shared time with friends You’ve gained in-person classes with your favorite teachers You’ve gained remote classes in your teachers’ homes You’ve gained appreciation for projects with your most trusted friend

You’ve gained, not lost, so much. You’ve grown more fully into yourself-And no matter where you roam As you traverse the world of your dreams, Know that you can handle all of the obstacles on your road of trials-You’ve got this, whatever this is. You’ve gotten through harder things. And you’re not in it alone; No matter where you venture, Know that we are by your side, cheering you on. Love, Doc P.S. If I may impart a piece of advice: Boldly invest in yourself in order to boldly be yourself. Be bold, my dearest class of 2021

This publication is created and designed by the MSHS Journalism Class for the enjoyment of seniors and their families. Special thanks to Mr. Rogge and the yearbook class for their contributions. The prospector is advised by Mrs. Kerrigan. Jack Embery, Jalen Lindh, and Colt Henricks

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