Acc 576 assignment 1

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ACC 576 Assignment 1: Economic and Monetary Policy

Using the Internet and Strayer Library, research the economies and monetary policies of two (2) countries. Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you: 1. Choose one (1) of the two (2) countries that you have researched, and give your opinion on the degree to which the chosen country manages its economy and monetary policy well. Provide support for your opinion. 2. Compare and contrast the economies and monetary policies of the two (2) countries that you have researched. Make at least two (2) recommendations as to the primary manner in which both countries could improve their economy and / or monetary policies. 3. Analyze the impact that economic and monetary policies of one (1) of the chosen countries currently exerts upon its trade with other countries. Make at least two (2) recommendations as to changes that the chosen country should make to its policies to benefit its foreign trade. 4. Propose one (1) alternative economic and monetary policy that would make one (1) of the chosen countries stronger over the longer term. Support your proposal with anticipated outcomes related to the selected alternative policy. 5. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: • Analyze domestic microeconomic and macroeconomic principles that impact businesses. • Analyze international economics and its impact on businesses, globalization, and business strategy. • Use technology and information resources to research issues in business law and tax. • Write clearly and concisely about business law and tax using proper writing mechanics.

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric. Points: 280 Assignment 1: Economic and Monetary Policy Unacceptable Fair Proficient Exemplary Criteria Below 70% F 70-79% C 80-89% B 90-100% A Did not submit or incompletely Thoroughly 1.Choose one (1) of chose one (1) of Partially chose the two (2) chose one (1) of the two (2) one (1) of the two Satisfactorily chose countries that you the two (2) countries that you (2) countries that one (1) of the two (2) have researched; countries that have researched, you have countries that you have did not submit or you have and give your researched; researched; incompletely researched; opinion on the partially gave satisfactorily gave gave your thoroughly gave degree to which the your opinion on your opinion on the opinion on the your opinion on chosen country the degree to degree to which the degree to which the degree to manages its which the chosen chosen country the chosen which the chosen economy and country manages manages its economy country manages country manages monetary policy its economy and and monetary policy its economy and its economy and well. Provide monetary policy well. Satisfactorily monetary policy monetary policy support for your well. Partially provided support for well. Did not well. Thoroughly opinion. provided support your opinion. submit or provided support Weight: 15% for your opinion. incompletely for your opinion. provided support for your opinion. Did not submit or Thoroughly incompletely compared and Partially 2. Compare and compared and contrasted the compared and Satisfactorily contrast the contrasted the economies and contrasted the compared and economies and economies and monetary economies and contrasted the monetary policies monetary policies policies of the monetary policies economies and of the two (2) of the two (2) two (2) countries of the two (2) monetary policies of countries that you countries that you that you have countries that you the two (2) countries have researched. have researched. researched. have researched. that you have Make at least two Did not submit or Thoroughly Partially made at researched. (2) incompletely made at least two least two (2) Satisfactorily made at recommendations made at least two (2) recommendations least two (2) as to the primary (2) recommendation as to the primary recommendations as to manner in which recommendations s as to the manner in which the primary manner in both countries could as to the primary primary manner both countries which both countries improve their manner in which in which both could improve could improve their economy and / or both countries countries could their economy economy and / or monetary policies. could improve improve their and / or monetary monetary policies. Weight: 20% their economy economy and / or policies. and / or monetary monetary policies. policies.

3. Analyze the impact that economic and monetary policies of one (1) of the chosen countries currently exerts upon its trade with other countries. Make at least two (2) recommendations as to changes that the chosen country should make to its policies to benefit its foreign trade. Weight: 20%

4. Propose one (1) alternative economic and monetary policy that would make one (1) of the chosen countries stronger over the longer term. Support your proposal with anticipated outcomes related to the selected alternative policy. Weight: 20% 5.3 references (or number in the assignment) Weight: 5%

Did not submit or Thoroughly incompletely analyzed the analyzed the Partially analyzed impact that impact that the impact that Satisfactorily analyzed economic and economic and economic and the impact that monetary monetary policies monetary policies economic and policies of one of one (1) of the of one (1) of the monetary policies of (1) of the chosen chosen countries chosen countries one (1) of the chosen countries currently exerts currently exerts countries currently currently exerts upon its trade upon its trade exerts upon its trade upon its trade with other with other with other with other countries. Did not countries.Partially countries.Satisfactorily countries.Thorou submit or made at least two made at least two (2) ghly made at incompletely (2) recommendations as to least two (2) made at least two recommendations changes that the recommendation (2) as to changes that chosen country should s as to changes recommendations the chosen make to its policies to that the chosen as to changes that country should benefit its foreign country should the chosen make to its trade. make to its country should policies to benefit policies to make to its its foreign trade. benefit its policies to benefit foreign trade. its foreign trade. Did not submit or Thoroughly incompletely Partially proposed proposed one (1) proposed one (1) one (1) alternative Satisfactorily proposed alternative alternative economic and one (1) alternative economic and economic and monetary policy economic and monetary policy monetary policy that would make monetary policy that that would make that would make one (1) of the would make one (1) of one (1) of the one (1) of the chosen countries the chosen countries chosen countries chosen countries stronger over the stronger over the stronger over the stronger over the longer longer longer longer term. Did term.Partially term.Satisfactorily term.Thoroughly not submit or supported your supported your supported your incompletely proposal with proposal with proposal with supported your anticipated anticipated outcomes anticipated proposal with outcomes related related to the selected outcomes related anticipated to the selected alternative policy. to the selected outcomes related alternative policy. alternative to the selected policy. alternative policy. No references Does not meet the Meets number of Exceeds number provided required number required references; all of required of references; references high quality references; all some or all choices. references high

references poor quality choices. Serious and Partially free of persistent errors errors in in grammar, grammar, spelling, spelling, punctuation, or punctuation, or formatting. formatting.

quality choices.

Error free or Mostly free of errors in almost error free grammar, spelling, grammar, punctuation, or spelling, formatting. punctuation, or formatting. In-text citations In-text citations and references 7.Appropriate use and references are Lack of in-text are error free or of APA in-text provided, but they citations and / or almost error free citations and are only partially lack of reference and consistently reference section formatted section. formatted Weight: 5% correctly in APA correctly in APA style. style. Sources are Serious errors in consistently the integration of Sources are mostly integrated using 8.Information sources, such as integrated using effective Literacy/Integration intentional or effective techniques of techniques of of Sources accidental quoting, paraphrasing, quoting, Weight: 5% plagiarism, or and summarizing. paraphrasing, failure to use inand text citations. summarizing. Information is Information is confusing to the partially clear 9.Clarity and reader and fails to with minimal Coherence of include reasons reasons and Writing and evidence that evidence that Weight: 5% logically support logically support ideas ideas 6.Writing Mechanics, Grammar, and Formatting Weight: 5%

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