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Nothing Lauren Kang

She could see his face: his beautiful, smiling face. The sun’s radiant beams caressed his figure, as he stood there, laughing. She could hear his voice calling her; no other word sounded sweeter. His name softly escaped her lips, and she started to run. She could smell the dewy grass and the potency of the pine needles as she rushed by. The air was clean and the gentle breeze wisped her face. She could feel his arms embrace her, and his body was warm and strong. Suddenly, she saw nothing. She heard nothing. She smelled nothing. But she felt something. The excruciating pain of a piercing knife. He could see her face. He smiled, but his eyes couldn’t lie to her. Dread and anxiety overwhelmed him, and his heartbeat quickened. To ease his apprehension, he tried to laugh it off, but the act of deceit deepened his guilt. He longed to hold her again, he longed for the smell of her hair, and his heart ached for her vibrant presence. He loved her, and knew what he had to do. Then why was it so hard? He could see her running to him, hair dancing in the wind, face glowing with beauty. It was just like the dreams he had of her, reuniting after the long, lonesome days of summer. Only now, he knew that his dreams would soon be haunted by this day. As she flew into his arms, he embraced her for the last time. He would miss this. He would miss her. Suddenly, her body froze. She grew rigid, and her hold around his neck grew limp. She slid to the ground, clutching her wound. She looked up at him with distorted confusion, and she finally closed her eyes. The pain portrayed on her face ripped apart his soul. He was shaking uncontrollably, and the knife slipped out of his hand. What had he done? He fell to his knees, and rocked back and forth as the tears rolled down his cheeks. He wept as he moved his trembling hands above her body, tracing her outline. He gently kissed her forehead and whispered, “Please. Forgive me.” “Please…” Her weak cries of pain drifted helplessly through the wind, as she lay there, dying. “Someone – anyone – help me!” Her frail voice echoed through the dark cave, and the cold pierced at her bare, naked skin. Sweat dripped down her pale, quivering face, and it silently fell into the pool of blood next to her body. What happened? She could feel the physical pain, but her heart grieved with greater intensity. And “Secrets” 2013

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