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Guess What Time it is?

Reading Instructions Read each “reading” 5 times . Use a timer to record each reading. Write down the recorded times in the spaces provided under each “reading’. Then email your best recording to me at: Remember, your best reading doesn’t have to be your fastest reading. Smoothness/Pacing Student reads all of the familiar text smoothly and continuously. The student pays attention to punctuation marks, and understands how to break text up into meaningful groups of words. Student reads most of the familiar text smoothly and pays some attention to punctuation marks.

Confidence Student appears relaxed/confident and recovers quickly if a mistake is made.

Accuracy Student selfcorrects, or does not make errors when reading familiar text.

Expression Student reads familiar text with appropriate changes in voice pitch/expression that reflect comprehension of the text and add dramatic emphasis to the text.

Student appears relaxed/confident, but is slightly flustered by mistakes.

Student makes occasional errors that do not affect the content of the text (e.g., mispronouncing character names).


Student reads familiar text either too quickly or with awkward pauses.

Student appears somewhat nervous and is flustered by mistakes.


Student reads familiar text with long extended pauses or by slowly sounding out each word.

Student appears nervous and cannot concentrate to read.

Student makes occasional errors that affect the content of the text (reads “can” for “car”) Student makes frequent errors when reading familiar text and text appears to be above student’s comfortable reading level.

Student reads familiar text with appropriate changes in voice pitch/expression that reflect comprehension of the text. Student reads familiar text with changes in voice pitch/expression that may not match the text meaning. Student reads familiar text in a monotone voice.



Reading 1 Without the luxury of surplus funding, generating further revenue and enhancing awareness through direct email marketing is a budgetfriendly avenue that can easily be implemented as a part of your existing buzz-building strategy. Free email marketing for non-profit organizations is a service provided by certain agencies to empower and help charitable undertakings stretch their financial shoestring. Recording Time: 1 ________

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Click “here” for YouTube video. Reading 2 The digital revolution has enabled you to promote your non-profit for free through offerings that are on par with those used by blue-chip companies. Direct email marketing has vanquished the hand-me-down factor of second-rate or out-dated services and means traditionally provided to non-profits. Free email marketing is by no measure void of all the bells and whistles one would expect from glitzy corporate campaigns. The values of what is practically achievable through online media, combined with a little electronic philanthropy, allows non-profit organizations to compete for attention in the same vocal range that has been conventionally reserved for heavy hitting commercial undertakings. Recording Time: 1 ________

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Click “here” for YouTube video

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Reading 3 What do you think about when you hear the word “investing?” Do you think about the stock market exchange? Although that is the most popular way to invest, it’s not the only one. You also have a choice to invest into a business, invest in real estate, buy gold and silver, or save your money in a 401k or Roth IRA. Each type of investment contains different amounts of risk, time commitment required to make money, or return on investment. Although a good investor is likely to have a little bit of each type of investment, they usually have a specialty. You can choose to be a jack of all trades for the cost of being diverse but you may find it hard to go in-depth into anything, which can lead to missed opportunities. Recording Time: 1 ________

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Click “here” for YouTube video Reading 4 If you are looking to find a list of the most common hay fever symptoms in children, there’s no need to go to any special trouble because they are the same as adult hay fever symptoms: itchy, watery eyes, stuffy or runny nose, itchiness around the nose or mouth, and general headache and perhaps malaise. Not all of these symptoms is present at all times for all people. Some people suffer mainly from itchy and stinging eyes, while others may feel stuffy and have a headache. If you have any question about what is causing your symptoms, you should consult your doctor. Recording Time: 1 ________

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Click “here” for YouTube video

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Reading 5 In the early days of the iPhone, it’s touch screen was by far the best out there. In recent times, it is still the best touch screen by far out of all the touch screen phones. Touch screens on phones make them far easier to use. Another thing that touch screens do is make them feel more natural to use. Having a touch screen means that the screen is larger. There is no need for buttons with a touch screen so they are usually removed. When they are removed, it allows for more space for the screen. This makes the touch screen even easier to use. Recording Time: 1 ________

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Click “here” for YouTube video

Reading 6 Just over nine out of ten people experience low self esteem symptoms in some form. Learning how to be successful starts by first admitting you’re experiencing low self esteem, then taking the steps to improve your mindset. Discovering how your view of yourself has been shaped by your early environment can be key to this process. While we’re young, our behavior is often critiqued by our parents, teachers, and peers. When we fell short, we generally received immediate, negative feedback. While most of our role models were undoubtedly wellintentioned, the implied message was that we are “good” only when we do “good” things. This teaches us to ignore our inherent worth. Recording Time: 1 ________

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Reading 7 Nobody’s creative process is the same, so you need to identify what it is that will get you started and more importantly, get you to the end of your first draft. Perfectionism is a common obstacle. It can make you so afraid of writing something that’s not good that you don’t write anything at all. If this is your problem, keep in mind that creative writing and editing are two different parts of the process. You don’t have to combine them into one step, and in fact this is nearly impossible to do. Even writers who edit as they go, still write a scene or section of their story before they go back and edit it. Recording Time: 1 ________

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Reading 8 If you have participated in, or witnessed a horseback riding event, chances are you have seen a western show saddle. These large, decorative saddles are beautiful show pieces unlike other traditional jumping or riding saddles. These saddles can be found in many different grades of leather and intricately embossed or covered with tooled decorations on the entire surface, including the stirrups and seat. Some of the better quality saddles will have a piece of wool attached underneath to dampen the shock of riding on both the horse and rider. Elaborate trim can be found in all kinds of rare material such as silver plating. Recording Time: 1 ________

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Reading 9 Some experts warn people on the dangers of overdoing detoxification procedures especially those found online and undertaken without medical supervision or advice. There are indeed many benefits of doing a detox, such as the liver detox where the liver is aided to avoid being overburdened by the influx of body wastes and toxins that it has to process. However, improper detox procedures may result in flushing out nutrients from the body along with the toxins. Thus, it is important that detoxifying will not result in vitamin or nutrient deficiencies. Recording Time: 1 ________

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Reading 10 Books which are both in Spanish and English are perfect reading companions for children. In fact, children who are slowly losing their reading interests can start using books in Spanish in order to stimulate their appetite for reading again. These books contain colorful pictures which can easily attract the attention of the children. Most people who purchase these books intend to give their children a chance to learn another language at an early age. In fact, bilingual books are being used in many parts of the country in order to expose these kids to another language. Recording Time: 1 ________

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Reading 11 Everyone wants money, everyone needs money. Money has become one of the basic necessities required to live. You need to eat, you need it to find somewhere to shelter, sometimes you even need it to go to the bathroom. Even though money has become so essential in our lives, many people don’t have it through no fault of their own. I am here to help you earn money. There are two ways to get more money, earning more, or spending less. At a time like this where the economy is in shambles, earning more money is usually improbable, so the only thing you can do is figure out ways that you can use to help you spend less and save money. Through the internet, I have been able to compile a list of ways that can help you save money. The only catch is that YOU have to implement them into your life if you want them to work. Recording Time: 1 ________

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Reading 12 Before you ever had a job you probably never thought about getting in trouble for your opinions or what you might put online. But when you have a job, things are different. Companies and employers don’t want their workers putting offensive or juvenile things online that can ultimately hurt their business. When you go out trying to find a job, you need to start making sure that your Internet profiles are clean and represent you well. Jobs are extremely hard to get and you don’t want to mess up by putting irresponsible things online that can come back to hurt you. Recording Time: 1 ________

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