Halloween science workshop

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MAKE YOUR OWN SLIME We will need: •

1/4 cup of water

1/4 cup of white craft glue

1/4 cup of liquid starch

Food colouring (optional)

Mixing bowl

Mixing spoon

What to do: •

Pour all of the glue into the mixing bowl.

Pour all of the water to the mixing bowl with the glue.

Stir the glue and water together.

Add your food colour now - about 6 drops should do it.

Now add the liquid starch and stir it in. It should be nice and blobby by now.

The glue is a liquid polymer. This means that the tiny molecules in the glue are in strands like a chain. When you add the liquid starch, the strands of the polymer glue hold together, giving it its slimy feel. The starch acts as a cross-linker that links all the polymer strands together.



A plastic cup

Cotton string (nylon string will not work well)

1 paper clip

Paper towel

A nail



What to do:

Cut a piece of yarn about 40 cm long.

Use the nail to carefully punch a hold in the centre of the bottom of the cup.

Tie one end of the string to the middle of the paper clip.

Push the other end of the yarn through the hole in the cup and pull it through as shown in the picture.

Get a piece of paper towel about the size of a dollar bill, then fold it once and get it damp in the water.

Now it's time to make some noise! Hold the cup firmly in one hand, and wrap the damp paper towel around the string near the cup. While you squeeze the string, pull down in short jerks so that the paper towel tightly slides along the string. If all goes well - you hear a chicken!


We will need: •

A piece of tissue paper

A balloon


Your head (with your hair)

What to do:

First cut out a ghost shape in the tissue about 4 cm long and add some eyes with a marker. The tissue should be as thin as possible. Cut out a few ghosts for more fun and place them on a flat surface.

Blow up the balloon and tie it. Then rub it really fast through your hair for about 10 seconds. This will add a static charge.

Slowly bring the balloon near the ghost, and the ghost will begin to rise toward the balloon. If the balloon is charged enough, the ghost will rise and float right up to the balloon, even when it is several cms away. With a little practice, you can get the ghost to rise, float, and even dance around.

How does it work? When you rub the balloon through your hair, invisible electrons (with a negative charge) build up on the surface of the balloon. The electrons have the power to pull very light objects (with a positive charge) toward them – in this case, the tissue ghost!


We will need: •

A 250 cc graduated cylinder

1/2 small cup of 110-volume hydrogen peroxide (a 30% solution)

12 g of potassium iodide (KI)

About two or three tablespoons of warm water

Liquid dish washing soap

Food colouring

Small cup

Safety goggles and gloves

A funnel

Be sure to do this experiment on a washable surface. What to do: •

Hydrogen peroxide can irritate your eyes, so put on safety goggles and carefully pour the hydrogen peroxide into the cylinder.

Add some drops of food colouring into the cylinder.

Add about 1 tablespoon of liquid dish soap into the bottle and swish the cylinder around a bit to mix it.

In a separate small cup, combine the warm water and the 12 g of potassium iodide together and mix for about 30 seconds.

Now the adventure starts! Pour the potassium iodide water mixture into the bottle (a funnel helps here) and watch!

In the foam you made each tiny foam bubble is filled with oxygen. The KI acted as a catalyst (a helper) to remove the oxygen from the hydrogen peroxide. Since it did this very fast, it created lots and lots of bubbles. Did you notice the bottle got warm? This is an Exothermic Reaction.

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