Putni časopis CROATIA zima 2021 / Inflight magazine CROATIA Winter 2021

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Zima _ Winter 2021/22

Putni časopis _ Inflight magazine

PHOTO BY M. GašParOvić, zaGreB TOurisT BOard

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Š. Lugarov

Dragi putnici,

Dear passengers!

na kraju smo još jedne kalendarske godine, izazovne za cijeli svijet. Ipak, bilo je i lijepih trenutaka, a lijepi trenuci često su povezani s putovanjima. Od srca vam zahvaljujem što ste za svoje putovanje odabrali upravo naš let. U želji da se na našim letovima uvijek osjećate ugodno, stalno se trudimo podizati kvalitetu usluge. U suradnji s Turističkom zajednicom grada Zagreba potrudili smo se da već u našem zrakoplovu osjetite adventski ugođaj našega glavnoga grada, čiji je advent tri godine zaredom proglašavan najboljim u Europi. Osim toga, od početka adventa pa sve do proljeća moći ćete osjetiti okuse Zagreba i njegove okolice preko nekih tipičnih specijaliteta ovog podneblja, a o turističkoj ponudi moći ćete se informirati i preko letaka te kratkih filmova. Posebno me raduje što smo uveli i prvu međunarodnu liniju iz Osijeka. Odsad je taj grad u srcu Slavonije izravnim letovima povezan s Münchenom, a o oba grada možete saznati više u našem časopisu. Vodimo vas i na druga mjesta specifičnog ugođaja. U zimskom ruhu osobito su čarobna Plitvička jezera, ali donosimo vam i specifičan ugođaj otoka Brača kroz priču o kamenolomu u mjestu Pučišća. Ove godine obilježavamo i stotu godišnjicu rođenja svjetski poznatog velikana hrvatske naive Ivana Rabuzina, čije slike idilične prirode uljepšavaju i naše stranice. To su samo neke od tema, a vjerujem da će svatko pronaći nešto zanimljivo. Dragi putnici, nadam se da će vam boravak u našem zrakoplovu, kao i u našoj zemlji, proteći ugodno. Vama i vašima najmilijima želim radosne božićne i novogodišnje blagdane te mnogo lijepih trenutaka u 2022. godini. Hvala vam što letite Croatia Airlinesom.

We’ve come to the end of yet another calendar year, a challenging one for the whole world. Still, there have indeed been some beautiful moments, which are often associated with travel. Thank you for choosing our flights for your travels. In looking to always make you feel comfortable on our flights, we’re invested in raising the quality of our service. So, in collaboration with the Zagreb Tourist Board, we’ve tried to get you to experience in our aircraft the ambiance of Zagreb’s Advent market, which was voted the best in Europe for three years in a row. Also, in the period from the opening of the Zagreb Advent market until spring, you’ll get to savour the flavours of a number of specialities typical of Zagreb and its surroundings, and you’ll get to find out what’s on offer in Zagreb from visitor information brochures and short films. I’m particularly happy that we launched our first international route from Osijek, the heart of Slavonia, which is from now on connected with Munich via direct flights. You’ll find out more about both cities in our magazine. We’re also taking you to other places exuding a special atmosphere. The Plitvice Lakes are particularly magical in their winter attire, and we’re also bringing you the unique atmosphere of the Island of Brač through the story of a quarry in Pučišća. This year, we’re celebrating the centenary of the birth of the world-famous Croatian painter of Naive Art, Ivan Rabuzin, whose paintings of untouched ethereal nature have enriched our magazine. I believe you’re bound to find something of interest to you from all the topics we’re bringing in this issue. Dear passengers, I hope that your stay in both our aircraft and our country will be a pleasant one. I wish both you and your loved ones a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. May 2022 be filled with many beautiful moments. Thank you for flying Croatia Airlines.

Jasmin Bajić Predsjednik Uprave / President & CEO





Bojan Jerbić, naš vodeći stručnjak za robotiku, nedavnim je otvorenjem Regionalnog centra izvrsnosti za robotske tehnologije širom otvorio vrata budućnosti. Interview EXCELLENCE MUST BE STRIVEN FOR IN SCIENCE

By having opened the Regional Centre of Excellence for Robotic Technology, Bojan Jerbić, Croatia’s leading expert on robotics, opened the door to the future.

Zima/Winter 2021/22 www.croatiaairlines.com



Nacionalni parkovi




Ne propustite doživjeti čaroliju snježnih plitvičkih šuma dok su slapovi i jezera okovani ledom i mrazom.

Morske kornjače ne poznaju granice država pa učinkovita zaštita nije moguća bez zajedničke međunarodne suradnje.

National parks






Be sure not to miss the magic of Plitvice’s snow covered forests, and frozen, frost covered waterfalls and lakes.

Sea turtles do not know of state borders, so it’s impossible to protect them effectively without joint effort and international collaboration.


Vjerojatno nigdje na svijetu sklad ljudi i kamena nije jači i očitiji nego na otoku Braču, u mjestu Pučišća. Islands THE STONE OF LIGHT FROM BRAČ Uredništvo ne odgovara za promjene u rasporedu događanja, za otkazivanje ili promjene datuma održavanja događanja nastale nakon objavljivanja časopisa. The editorial board cannot be held responsible for any changes that may occur in the scheduling of events or their cancellation after the magazine goes to press.



Nowhere in the world is the symbiosis between people and stone greater and more evident than on the Island of Brač − in the town of Pučišća, to be exact.

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Hrvatski muzej naivne umjetnosti obilježuje stotu obljetnicu rođenja proslavljenoga hrvatskog naivnog slikara Ivana Rabuzina. Anniversaries CROATIA’S LEGENDARY SELF-TAUGHT PAINTER

The Croatian Museum of Naive Art is marking the centenary of the birth of the distinguished Croatian naive painter, Ivan Rabuzin.

Nakladnik/Publisher Croatia Airlines Hrvatska zrakoplovna tvrtka Bani 75b, Buzin 10 010 Zagreb, Croatia tel.: +385-1-616-00-66 e-mail: pr@croatiaairlines.hr


URL: www.croatiaairlines.com


Predsjednik Uprave/President & CEO

S tradicijom dugom više od sto godina modna kuća Varteks ime je koje je obilježilo hrvatsku modnu scenu i garderobe brojnih generacija.

Jasmin Bajić

Glavna urednica/Editor-in-chief Ksenija Ælof


Suradnici glavne urednice/


Editor-in-chief assistants


Ana Ćulumović Šoštarić, Davor Janušić,

Boasting an over a century-old tradition, Varteks is a household name that has left its mark on Croatia’s fashion scene, and that has dressed many a generation.

Anamarija Jurinjak

Dizajn/Design Ivana IvankoviÊ, Miranda Herceg


Shakespeare je u Gdanjsku pronašao svoju novu adresu 2014. godine, kad je dovršena nova zgrada njegova kazališta. Enjoy Europe THE GDANSK SHAKESPEARE THEATRE

Gdansk became Shakespeare’s home in 2014, when the new building of the Gdansk Shakespeare Theatre was completed.

Prijelom/Layout Miranda Herceg

Direktor Komercijalnih poslova/ Commercial Division Director Slaven Žabo

Lektor/Proofreader Nevena Erak Camaj Prijevod na engleski/ English translation Ana Janković Oglaπavanje/Advertising Croatia Airlines Gabrijela Lochert tel.: +385-1-616-00-17

77 Ukratko o... dokumentarnom filmu RIJEKE HRVATSKE

Razgovarali smo s našim dugogodišnjim suradnikom Goranom Šafarekom, koji govori o svojem nagrađenom dokumentarnom filmu Rijeke Hrvatske.

e-mail: advertising@croatiaarlines.hr

Promocija/Promotion Croatia Airlines tel.: +385-1-616-01-02 Priprema/Prepress AKD d.o.o., Savska cesta 31, Zagreb

In brief about... a documentary RIVERS OF CROATIA


We’re bringing an interview with our long-time collaborator Goran Šafarek, in which he talks about his award-winning documentary, Rivers of Croatia.

AKD d.o.o., Savska cesta 31, Zagreb



ISSN 1330-6278


PULA & MEDULIN Experience the collection of hotels, resorts, glamping and campsites offering relaxed and comfortable accommodation within beachfront and historic locations across the southern coast of Istria, Croatia.




MIKO fashion MIKO fashion hrvatski je brend koji uspješno spaja tradiciju, modu i umjetnost. Začetnice, inače majka i kći, postavile su portrete Šokica i Šokaca pokojnog supruga i oca Miljena Šimunića kao glavne likove svoje modne priče. Uz tradicionalne motive u suradnji s najvećim umjetnicima Hrvatske, djecom, predstavile su i novu, Childhood kolekciju. MIKO fashion is a Croatian brand that successfully combines tradition, fashion, and art. The main characters in the fashion story of MIKO's founders, a mother-daughter duo, are portraits of Šokci, members of a South-Slavic ethnic group native to Slavonia, painted by the mother’s late husband and the daughter’s late father, Miljen Šimunić. MIKO's latest Childhood collection is produced in collaboration with Croatia’s greatest artists − children. mikofashion.hr


Monografija A monograph Arhitektica Zoja Dumengjić prva je žena koja se afirmirala još 1930-ih u do tada dominantno muškoj profesiji u Hrvatskoj, a njezin samosvojan arhitektonski izraz obilježio je gotovo 200 projekata široke skale tipologija. Njezin opus moderne arhitekture istražila je dr. sc. Zrinka Barišić Marenić i predstavila ga u ovoj bogato grafički opremljenoj znanstvenoj monografiji. Architect Zoja Dumengjić was the first woman to have established herself in the 1930s in what had been a predominantly male profession in Croatia. Her distinctive expression is observable in the nearly 200 projects she designed. Her work in modern architecture is now presented in this richly illustrated scientific monograph by Zrinka Barišić Marenić, PhD.

Da-Mogu Pletene kape od merino vune Da-Mogu dizajnirani su modni dodaci s posebnom pričom koje proizvodi društveno poduzeće istog naziva smješteno u Zagrebu. Više od 70% pletilja starije su životne dobi, osobe s invaliditetom ili društveno-ekonomski ugrožene osobe zbog krize uzrokovane pandemijom. U njihovoj online trgovini možete naručiti jedinstvenu vunenu kapu za opuštenu šetnju gradom ili za aktivnosti na otvorenome te upoznati pletilju koja ju je isplela za vas. Produced by a social enterprise of the same name, Da-Mogu* merino wool knitted hats and beanies are accessories telling a special story. Over 70% of the knitters are elderly women, women with disabilities or women who’ve been socioeconomically disadvantaged due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Their online store offers unique wool hats for any occasion, with each product page presenting the knitter who knitted it for you. *Da mogu translates as either If only they could, Yes, they can, If only I could or Yes, I can. damogu.org



Svjetiljka Iceland Iceland lamp Nadahnuta ledenim kristalima, svjetiljka Iceland može biti stolna − s postoljem ili se svjetiljke mogu slobodno vješati u prostoru. Svjetiljka je 2020. godine osvojila brončanu nagradu na International Design Awards te zlatnu na European Product Design Award 2021. Inspired by ice crystals, the Iceland lamp comes in two versions − it’s either a table lamp on a stand or a pendant ceiling lamp. The Iceland lamp won a bronze medal at the 2020 International Design Awards, and a gold at the 2021 European Product Design Award. Autorice / Authors: Diana Sokolić i/and Karla Kocijan www.instagram.com/studioblokk

V. Šolin


Maska s jadranskom soli Adriatic Sea salt infused face masks Zaštitna jednokratna maska s dodatkom čestica soli Jadranskog mora Diši morski zrak nov je i blagotvoran proizvod. Da bi se blagodati jadranske soli očuvale a njezin učinak produžio, utkana je u prozračne slojeve ove udobne maske. I kamo god krenuli, nosite sa sobom djelić Jadrana. Take a Sea Breath is a new disposable face mask with the addition of Adriatic Sea salt particles beneficial to health. To enjoy its benefits and prolong its effect, Adriatic Sea salt is woven into the airy layers of this comfortable face mask. Wherever you go, you can always have a piece of the Adriatic with you. saltandchecker.hr




Prof. Jerbić i robot RUDI, istraživački humanoidni robot iCub razvijen na Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia Prof. Jerbić and RUDI, an iCub research-grade humanoid robot developed at the Italian Institute of Technology

Bojan Jerbić, naš vodeći stručnjak za robotiku, nedavnim je otvorenjem Regionalnog centra izvrsnosti za robotske tehnologije širom otvorio vrata budućnosti. I ne samo to. Želi da taj centar bude otvoren za javnost te da privuče znanstvenike iz cijele Europe. By having opened the Regional Centre of Excellence for Robotic Technology, Bojan Jerbić, Croatia’s leading expert on robotics, opened the door to the future. What’s more, he wants to see the centre open to the public.


PIŠE/BY __ Ksenija



Damir Fabijanić




odina je 1968. Po glavnome zagrebačkom trgu korača Robi, pozdravlja zgodne Zagrepčanke i vrckavo im dobacuje. Robi je golemi čovjekoliki aluminijski robot, visok dva metra i težak 200 kilograma, a izradio ga je ing. Branimir Makanec, pionir robotike i računarstva toga vremena u našoj bivšoj državi. Inženjer Makanec već je tada postavio temelje za budućnost robotike − budućnost kojoj upravo

svjedočimo. Ukrcavamo se, dakle, u virtualni vremenski stroj i iz 1968. teleportiramo u sadašnje vrijeme, na Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, gdje nas dočekuje prof. dr. sc. Bojan Jerbić, naš vodeći stručnjak za robotiku, koji je nedavnim otvorenjem Regionalnog centra izvrsnosti za robotske tehnologije (CRTA) širom otvorio vrata budućnosti i time ujedno okrunio i vlastiti znanstveni i životni put.

Hrvatska kao tehnološki brend __ Sveprisutna globalizacija ponajprije se odražava u

znanosti i visokim tehnologijama. Informacije postaju dostupne u svim dijelovima svijeta gdje je dostupan internet. Više se ne morate roditi u Londonu, Bostonu ili Tokiju kako biste bili u blizini centara u kojima se stvaraju nova znanja i ideje. Stoga ne čudi da brojne inovativne tehnološke kompanije ili startupi niču izvan velikih industrijskih i sveučilišnih središta. I u Hrvatskoj bilježimo slične primjere, kao što su Rimac, Nanobit i mnoge druge, koji su postali globalni brendovi i tehnološki lideri. Stoga Hrvatska ispravnom orijentacijom prema znanosti i obrazovanju uz pravilno financijsko poticanje startupa može postati osim turističkoga i tehnološki brend. S obzirom na suvremenu dinamiku svih aspekata društva, ne treba mnogo vremena za takvu transformaciju, možda 10 do 15 godina. Prof. dr. sc. Bojan Jerbić i njegov tim u Hrvatskoj surađuju s vodećim tehnološkim kompanijama kao što su Klimaoprema, INETEC, AD Plastik, Atlantic grupa, Končar, HStec i mnoge druge. Takva poduzeća stalno traže nova znanja i nova rješenja u skladu sa svojim razvojnim vizijama. Pri tomu nastoje iskoristiti sva svoja znanja i laboratorijske resurse kako bi im pomogli u njihovu tehnologijskom razvoju. U svijetu uglavnom surađuju s vodećim sveučilišnim centrima, kao što su Sveučilište Twente u Nizozemskoj, Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique (ISIR) na Sveučilištu Sorbonne u Parizu, King's College London, Kraljevski institut tehnologije u Stockholmu (KTH), Institut tehnologije u Karlsruheu (KIT) i mnogi drugi. Croatia as a technology brand __ Omnipresent globalisation is primarily reflected in scien-

ce and high technology. Wherever internet access is available, information is accessible regardless of where in the world you are. You no longer need to be born in London, Boston or Tokyo to be near centres where new knowledge and ideas are created. As a result, it’s not surprising that great many innovative tech companies or start-ups have been emerging outside major industrial and university centres. Such examples exist in Croatia as well, and these are companies such as Rimac Automobili, Nanobit, and many others, all of which have become global brands and high-tech leaders. If Croatia orients itself around science and education, with the right financial support of start-ups, it could easily become a technology brand in addition to already being a tourism brand. Given the modern-day dynamics of all aspects of society, such transformation wouldn’t take much time, 10 to 15 years perhaps. In Croatia, Prof. Bojan Jerbić, PhD, and his team collaborate with such leading tech companies as Klimaoprema, INETEC, AD Plastik, Atlantic Grupa, Končar, HStec and many others. These companies are continually looking for new insights and new solutions in line with their vision of development. Prof. Jerbić and his team strive to utilise all their knowledge and laboratory resources to assist these companies in their technological development. As far as the rest of the world is concerned, Prof. Jerbić and his team mainly work with leading university centres, such as the University of Twente in the Netherlands, the Institute for Intelligent Systems and Robotics (ISIR) of the Sorbonne University in Paris, King’s College London, the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm (KTH), the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), and many others.



 Kako je nastala ideja o stvaranju cen-

tra izvrsnosti za robotiku i koliko je prošlo vremena od začetka ideje do otvaranja centra? O čemu je zapravo riječ? − Ideja se počela rađati prije otprilike 16 godina, kada smo postali svjesni nadolazećih znanstveno−tehnoloških transformacija. Nekada su računala proizvodila informacije za ljude koji bi onda postupali u skladu s njima. Novo tehnološko doba mijenja to načelo pa danas računala proizvode informacije za strojeve postupno istiskujući čovjeka kao posrednika u njihovoj interpretaciji. Primjerice, u automobilu zvučne informacije s parkirnih senzora vozač interpretira u svojoj glavi i prevodi u niz radnji kako bi se uspješno parkirao. Ako te informacije koje dolaze iz parkirnih senzora povežemo s računalom i pametnim programom koji upravlja našim vozilom, dobit ćemo automobil koji se može samostalno parkirati. Na taj način digitalna tehnologija dobiva fizičku dimenziju. To je ono što danas nazivamo kibernetičko-fizički sustavi (eng. Cyber Physical Systems − CPS). Robotika i umjetna inteligencija kojom se bavimo najbolji su primjeri CPS-a. Za robota slobodno možemo reći da je to računalo s rukom ili fizičkim izvršnim elementima. Ako se pri tomu uzme u obzir činjenica da naši matematički modeli redovito odstupaju od realnih fizičkih sustava koje nastojimo simulirati na računalu, onda je u takvim okolnostima bilo posve jasno da nećemo biti u stanju znanstveno napredovati ako ne budemo imali adekvatnu laboratorijsku infrastrukturu. U znanosti nema kompromisa. Izvrsnost je neizbježan pojam. Naša je ideja stvaranja centra izvrsnosti uključivala daleko širi koncept u kojem se robotikom i umjetnom inteligencijom želimo baviti holistički kao kulturom, a ne pukom tehnologijom ili vještinom.  Koji je glavni cilj projekta? − Glavni cilj projekta CRTA Fakulteta strojarstva i brodogradnje Sveučilišta u Zagrebu jest osigurati vrhunske istraživačke i obrazovne uvjete koji će motivirati i privući znanstvenike iz cijele Europe. Koncentracijom vrhunskih kadrova i projekata želi se povećati inovacijski potencijal koji će s jedne strane pomoći u transferu znanja i tehnologijskom razvoju zemlje, a s druge strane proizvoditi kadrove koji će biti sposobni stvarati budućnost. Osim toga, želimo da CRTA bude otvorena za javnost. Želimo roboti-

ciljevima. S obzirom na to da je naš glavni posao udahnuti svojevrsnu inteligenciju u naše robote, prema njima se odnosimo kao prema naročitim suradnicima te im često nadijevamo imena. Nekada su ta imena kratice, kao npr. RUDI od Robotic Universal Device. Rudi je složena humanoidna robotska platforma iCub razvijena na Istituto italiano di tecnologia − IIT. iCub je robot osmišljen kako bi pomogao u istraživanju i razvoju metoda umjetne inteligencije, posebno metoda učenja kroz interakciju s okolinom. Neka imena pak potječu od izmišljenih likova, kao što je Pero. Pero je društveni humanoidni robot koji je u stanju prepoznati lica i osnovne ljudske osjećaje. Trgovačko ime mu je Pepper i dolazi iz kompanije SoftBank Robotics. Mi ga koristimo za istraživanje interakcije ljudi i robota u različitim društvenim situacijama. ku i umjetnu inteligenciju promicati široj društvenoj zajednici kao dobru tehnologiju koja može značajno unaprijediti naš svakodnevni život. Zbog toga smo željeli oblikovati i svojevrsni vizualni identitet centra. Obratili smo se međunarodno poznatom studiju Bruketa&Žinić&Gray. Njihova je ideja bila vrlo originalna te su predložili da nam u tom zadatku pomogne umjetna inteligencija. Tako smo počeli učiti jednog od naših robota pisati riječ CRTA. U tome su sudjelovali svi moji suradnici i studenti, pridonoseći svaki svojim rukopisom. Nakon nekog vremena robot je počeo oblikovati vlastiti rukopis. Grafeme koje je proizveo robot dizajneri su svojom maštom preoblikovali u jedinstveni prostorno−koloristički vizual koji je već postao zaštitni znak CRTE.  Koja je vrijednost projekta? − Projekt je financirao EU sa 36,7 milijuna kuna (4,9 milijuna €) bespovratnih sredstava. Ako se uzme u obzir da smo u projekt ušli s vrijednom opremom koju smo stekli kroz rad na prethodnim projektima, slobodno možemo procijeniti da je vrijednost CRTE veća od 50 milijuna kuna ili 6,6 milijuna €.  Pero, Rudi i Ronna neki su od robota koje možemo susresti u CRTI. Što oni rade? − Regionalni centar izvrsnosti za robotske tehnologije integrira laboratorije za računalnu inteligenciju, autonomne sustave i medicinsku robotiku. Svaki od laboratorija opremljen je različitim robotskim tehnologijama sukladno istraživačkim

Prof. Jerbić u razgovoru s robotima u Laboratoriju za računalnu inteligenciju Prof. Jerbić conversing with robots at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

Glavni cilj projekta CRTA Fakulteta strojarstva i brodogradnje Sveučilišta u Zagrebu jest osigurati vrhunske istraživačke i obrazovne uvjete koji će motivirati i privući  Ronna se koristi u medicini i već je

prepoznata u području robotske neuronavigacije, ali u tijeku je i razvoj nove generacije tih robota. Što želite postići s novom generacijom?

− RONNA (RObotic Neuro NAvigation) je neurokirurški robotski sustav za stereotaktičku navigaciju (precizno prostorno navođenje kirurških instrumenata) koji je razvijen na Fakultetu strojarstva i brodogradnje Sveučilišta u Zagrebu u suradnji s timom Kliničke bolnice Dubrava (KBD) pod vodstvom neurokirurga prof. dr. sc. Darka Chudyja. Od 2016. godine RONNA redovito operira u KBD−u i do sada su razvijene četiri generacije sustava. Svaka

znanstvenike iz cijele Europe. The main goal of the CRTA project at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture of the University of Zagreb is to create a top-quality research and educational environment that will motivate and attract scientists and researchers from all over Europe.



je generacija donosila niz unapređenja u smjeru preciznosti, autonomije izvođenja operacija i jednostavnosti primjene. Najnoviji razvoj ide u smjeru potpune autonomije u izvođenju pojedinih operativnih zahvata i mobilnosti. Nova bi se RONNA trebala samostalno kretati kroz bolnički prostor te samostalno odrediti optimalan položaj u odnosu na pacijenta, što je jedan od važnih čimbenika za postizanje visoke točnosti stereotaktičke navigacije.  Na kojim još robotima radite (ili ste ih već dovršili) i u kojim sve područjima života će nam oni pomoći (ili nam već pomažu)? − U CRTI se uvijek radi na najmanje četiri usporedna projekta. Neki su znanstveno− istraživački, a neki pak ugovorna razvojna

istraživanja. Osim medicinske robotike, po kojoj smo poznati i u svijetu, radimo na robotskoj motoričkoj inteligenciji, biheviorističkoj inteligenciji, metodama učenja robota, interakciji s ljudima i drugim primijenjenim istraživanjima. Tako, naprimjer, razvijamo robota koji će biti sposoban kretati se po vertikalnim površinama radi inspekcije građevinskih objekata. Zatim radimo na robotskoj inspekciji nosive konstrukcije fuzijskog reaktora ITER u suradnji sa svjetski poznatom i uglednom hrvatskom kompanijom INETEC. Naš je zadatak razviti robotsku vizualnu inteligenciju za prepoznavanje konstrukcijskih elemenata koje treba ispitati, a potom provedbu inspekcijskog postupka nerazornim metodama.

01 Istraživači u Laboratoriju za autonomne sustave: dr. sc. Bojan Šekoranja, Ivan Župančić, Marijo Cepernić, Branimir Ćaran, doc. dr. sc. Marko Švaco, prof. dr. sc. Bojan Jerbić (slijeva nadesno) Researchers at the Autonomous Systems Laboratory: Bojan Šekoranja, PhD; Ivan Župančić; Marijo Cepernić; Branimir Ćaran; Asst. Prof. Marko Švaco, PhD; Prof. Bojan Jerbić, PhD (from left to right)

 Najsloženija zadaća u razvoju robotike


02 Ispred CRTE nalazi se skulptura stilizirane putanje robota RONNA tijekom neurokirurške operacije A sculpture of a stylised robot trajectory generated by RONNA during neurosurgery mounted outside the Regional Centre of Excellence for Robotic Technology



jest pokretljivost. Zašto? Ističete da sa svojim timom upravo radite na pokretljivosti.

− U Laboratoriju za računalnu inteligenciju uglavnom se bavimo razvojem tzv. motoričke inteligencije. To je ona vrsta inteligencije koje nismo svjesni, a odnosi se na našu sposobnost da usklađeno pomičemo svoje tijelo, noge, ruke ili prste dok obavljamo određene zadaće, od točenja kave u šalicu do sviranja violine. Tek kada pokušamo neke od tih vještina implementirati na nekom od robota, shvatimo koliko to može biti složena zadaća. Riječ je o vještinama koordinacije velikog broja mišića i zglobova koje moramo učiti godinama.

Ne postoji jednostavno matematičko rješenje za tako složenu koordinaciju našeg biološkog ustroja. Zato razvijamo specifične metode učenja koristeći informacije senzora dodira, računalni vid i mehaničke parametre kako bi robot shvatio što i kako treba upravljati svojom mehatroničkim elementima da obavi predviđenu zadaću.  Često naglašavate da ne radite robote koji će zamijeniti ljude nego one koji će raditi zajedno s ljudima. Zašto je upravo to važno naglasiti? Zbog čega smatrate da je važno da čovjek u svakom trenutku može intervenirati u proizvodnu liniju s robotima koji inače neovisno rade? − Točno. Četvrtu industrijsku revoluciju koju trenutno živimo odlikuju digitalna transformacija, umrežavanje i umjetna inteligencija. Tu je, dakako, prisutna integracija bioloških, fizičkih i digitalnih domena. Kako god promatrali razvojne trendove, jedno je zajedničko, a to je umjetna inteligencija kao novi znanstveni instrumentarij koji ubrzava razvoj gotovo svih znanstveno−tehnoloških područja. U robotici je umjetna inteligencija glavni pokretač novih primjena na sve složenijim zadaćama u industriji, medicini pa sve do uslužnih djelatnosti. Klasična uporaba robota u industriji nalaže njegovu primjenu na jednostavnim ponavljajućim poslovima i izolaciju od ljudi jer robot svojom snagom može biti opasan za čovjeka. Danas pak robot putem senzora i metoda upravljanja umjetnom inteligencijom postaje svjestan prisutnosti ljudi i može s njima surađivati na specifičnim zadaćama. Na taj se način u radnom procesu ljudi i roboti mogu nadopunjavati i značajno unaprijediti kvalitetu rada i proizvoda. Roboti su nadmoćni u specijaliziranim segmentima radnog procesa, ali u mnogim aspektima zaostaju za ljudskim sposobnostima, posebno kada su u pitanju opća inteligencija i fina motorika. Novo doba donosi robote kao suradnike, a ne kao obične radne strojeve.  Nagledali smo se znanstveno−fantastičnih filmova u kojima roboti, odnosno umjetna inteligencija, preuzimaju inicijativu i više ih se u njihovim akcijama ne može zaustaviti. Možemo li uistinu tako nešto očekivati u budućnosti? − Činjenica je da se u razvoju suvremenih robota ide prema razvoju autonomnih sustava, dakle sustava koji samostalno oblikuju svoje znanje i ponašanje. Pri tome se koriste različite biološki nadahnute metode, kao što su npr. neuronske mreže,

genetski algoritmi itd. Roboti koji oblikuju svoje znanje korištenjem spomenutih metoda umjetne inteligencije ne ponašaju se egzaktno već očekivano. Može se reći da čovjek pri tome gubi potpuni nadzor nad radom takvog stroja. Zato se u cijelom svijetu radi na regulaciji razvoja i primjene umjetne inteligencije s ciljem bolje kontrole takvih autonomnih i samoučećih robota. Unatoč ubrzanom razvoju znanosti još uvijek smo daleko od tzv. superinteligencije koja bi se mogla oteti našoj kontroli. Dovoljno je sjetiti se da ljudska inteligencija u velikoj mjeri počiva na našoj mašti, intuiciji, snovima i emocijama, po čemu smo još uvijek robotima nedostižni. Upitno je hoće li roboti ikada dosegnuti tu razinu, možda tek kao neka druga inteligentna vrsta.  U sklopu vašeg centra nalazi se i Laboratorij za autonomne sustave. Ukratko nam opišite što je to. − U sklopu Laboratorija za autonomne sustave razvijamo robote koji su sposobni samostalno učiti svoje ponašanje i vještine. Pri tomu nas posebno interesira učenje robota pokazivanjem. Ako imamo robota koji uči na sličan način kako ljudi između sebe prenose znanje, onda se on sam programira. Na takav se način značajno pojednostavljuje primjena robota u praksi te nije potrebno poznavati složena programerska znanja.

 Robot je završni proizvod mehatroni-

ke, nedavno formiranog studija koji je počeo ove jeseni i završava stjecanjem zvanja magistra mehatronike i robotike.

Naša je ideja stvaranja centra izvrsnosti uključivala koncept

Interes studenata za ovaj studij nesum-

u kojem se robotikom i umjet-

njivo postoji. Čime se moraju odlikovati

nom inteligencijom želimo

studenti da bi uspješno upisali i završili

baviti holistički kao kulturom,

ovaj studij?

− Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje Sveučilišta u Zagrebu ima dugogodišnje iskustvo u obrazovanju mehatroničara i robotičara koje se do sada provodilo putem studijskog smjera u sklopu studija strojarstva. Ove jeseni Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje pokrenuo je prvi sveučilišni studij mehatronike i robotike u Hrvatskoj. Novi će studij nuditi šest diplomskih nastavnih smjerova, od robotike i umjetne inteligencije, automatizacije proizvodnje i transportnih vozila do kibernetike. CRTA je jamstvo da će naši studenti imati vrhunske obrazovne uvjete. Studij je značajan poticaj tehnologijskom razvoju Hrvatske jer će godišnje obrazovati znatan broj vrhunskih stručnjaka koji bi trebali biti glavni čimbenici digitalne transformacije domaćega gospodarstva. Većina naših studenata osigura zaposlenje još za vrijeme studija. Stoga je interes za novi studij mehatronike i robotike iznimno velik te ćemo u narednim godinama sigurno biti prisiljeni povećavati upisne kvote kako bismo zadovoljili potrebe tržišta rada.  Primjer praktične primjene robotske tehnologije jest diplomski rad vašeg studenta o tome kako primijeniti robotsku tehnologiju za razvrstavanje riba u tvornici za preradu riba na Braču. Hoće li se moći praktično iskoristiti i radovi još nekih studenata? − Diplomski radovi naših studenata redovito su ukomponirani u naše istraživačke i razvojne teme. Na taj način omogućujemo svojim studentima da usvajaju najnovija znanja, ali i da svojim radom pridonose našim znanstvenim aktivnostima. Mnogi studentski radovi također su povezani s konkretnim temama iz industrijske prakse. Oni su dobra priprema konkretne primjene specifičnih novih tehnologija i prethodno stečenog znanja tijekom studija. Često se studenti zapošljavaju u poduzećima na čijim temama rade i onda tamo nastave razvijati i uvoditi nova tehnološka rješenja o kojima su učili tijekom studija ili na kojima su radili u sklopu diplomskog rada. 

a ne pukom tehnologijom ili vještinom. Our idea of creating a centre of excellence involves a concept that allows us to treat robotic technology and artificial intelligence as a culture, holistically, and not as a technology or skill alone.


he year is 1968. Robi’s walking across Zagreb’s central square, greeting and complimenting goodloo­king girls. Two meters tall and weighing 200 kilograms, Robi is a giant humanoid aluminium robot that was made by engineer Branimir Makanec, a pioneer of robotics and computer science at the time in former Yugoslavia. Back then, engineer Makanec had already laid the foundations for the future of robotics − a future unfolding before our very eyes. We’re boarding a virtual time machine, and teleporting from 1968 to the present time. Suddenly, we’re at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, where we’re greeted by Prof. Bojan Jerbić, PhD, Croatia’s leading expert on robotics, who has crowned both his scientific career and life path with the opening of the door to the future − the Regional Centre of Excellence for Robotic Technology (CRTA).  How did the idea of setting up the Regional Centre of Excellence for Robotic Technology come about, and how long has it taken to open the centre since you came up with the idea? Could you tell us more about it? − We started toying with the idea some 16 years ago, when we became aware of the scientific and technological transformations, and their implications. In the past, computers produced information for humans who would then act according to that information. The new Information Age has changed this principle. This means that, today, comput-




Želimo robotiku i umjetnu inteligenciju promicati široj društvenoj zajednici kao dobru tehnologiju koja može značajno unaprijediti naš svakodnevni život. We want to promote robotic technology and artificial intelligence to the wider community as good technology that can improve our everyday lives significantly.

ers produce information for machines, which then gradually displaces humans as mediators in the interpretation of this information. In a car, for instance, the sound information coming from the car’s parking sensors is interpreted by the driver, who then translates this information into a series of actions in order to park successfully. If we connect this information coming from the parking sensors of a vehicle to a computer and a smart programme controlling our vehicle, what we’ll get is a self-parking car. As a result, digital technology is given a physical dimension. This is what we today call Cyber-Physical Systems or CPS. The robotic technology and artificial intelligence we’ve been creating are the best examples of CPS. We can freely say

Dvoručni robot u akciji A dual-arm robot in action



that a robot is a computer featuring a hand or some physical executive element. If we take into account the fact that our mathematical models regularly deviate from the real physical systems that we’re trying to simulate on a computer, then in such circumstances it becomes clear that we won’t make scientific progress without adequate laboratory infrastructure. In science, there’s no room for compromise, and excellence must be striven for. Our idea of creating a centre of excellence involves a far broader concept, one that allows us to treat robotic technology and artificial intelligence as a culture, holistically, and not as a technology or skill alone.  What’s the main goal of the project? − The main goal of the CRTA project at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture of the University of Zagreb is to create a top-quality research and educational environment that will motivate and attract scientists and researchers from all over Europe. By bringing together and creating space for top-quality staff and projects, we’re looking to increase the innovation potential that will, on the one hand, facilitate the transfer of knowledge and the technological development of Croatia, and, on the other, produce experts who’ll know how to create the future. We’d also like CRTA to be open to the public. We want to promote robotic technology and artificial intelligence to the wider community as good technology that can improve our everyday lives significantly. This is why we thought it was important to create the centre’s visual identity, so we contacted the

internationally acclaimed Bruketa&Žinić&Gray advertising agency. They came up with a very original idea. What they suggested was that artificial intelligence assist in this task. So we started teaching one of our robots to write the word CRTA, a process that all my associates and students were a part of, each contributing their own handwriting. After a while, the robot began to design its own handwriting. By using their creativity, the designers then transformed the graphemes designed by the robot into a unique spacecolour visual, CRTA’s trademark.  How much did the CRTA project cost? − The project was funded by the European Commission’s European Regional Development Fund with a HRK 36.7 million or € 4.9 million grant. If we take into account that we started the project with valuable equipment that we acquired through work on previous projects, the value of CRTA exceeds HRK 50 million or € 6.6 million.  Pero, Rudi, and Ronna are some of the robots we can meet at CRTA. What do they do? − The Regional Centre of Excellence for Robotic Technology or CRTA for short integrates artificial intelligence, autonomous systems, and medical robotics laboratories. Each of the laboratories is equipped with different robotic technologies suited to each lab’s research objectives. Since our main job is to breathe a kind of intelligence into our robots, we treat them as partners of sorts and often give them names. Sometimes these names are abbreviations, such as RUDI whose name’s abbreviated from Robotic Universal DevIce. RUDI is an iCub, a complex humanoid robotic platform developed at IIT, the Italian Institute of Technology. iCub is a research-grade humanoid robot designed to help develop and test embodied artificial intelligence algorithms, particularly algorithms concerning learning through interaction with the environment. Some names are simply invented, such as Pero, a social humanoid robot that can recognise faces and basic human feelings. Pero is actually Pepper, a trademark robot of SoftBank Robotics, which helps us to explore the interaction of humans and robots in different social settings and situations.  Ronna’s already been accepted by medicine and used in neurosurgery as a robotic neuronavigation system. You’re currently developing a new generation of such robots. What will the new generation be able to do?

− RONNA, RObotic Neuro NAvigation, is a robotic neurosurgical system for stereotactic navigation, a precise navigation system of surgical instruments, which was developed at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture of the University of Zagreb in collaboration with a team of medical professionals from the Dubrava Clinical Hospital (KBD) under the expert guidance of neurosurgeon and Professor Darko Chudy, MD, PhD. RONNA’s been operating regularly at KBD since 2016, with four generations of the system having been developed so far. Each generation has introduced a number of improvements in terms of precision, surgery performance autonomy, and ease of application. With the latest generation that’s been worked on, we’re looking to introduce complete autonomy in the performance of certain operations and mobility. The latest RONNA should be able to move through the operating theatre autonomously, and determine the optimal position in relation to the patient also autonomously, which is one of the key elements in achieving high stereotactic navigation precision.  What other robots are you working on or what other robots have you perhaps already completed? Which areas of life will they assist us in or are already helping us in? − At CRTA, we’re always working on at least four projects in parallel. Some are scientific research projects, and some are contract-based research and development projects. Besides medical robotics, which we are known for in the world, we’ve also been working on robotic motor or physical intelligence, behavioural intelligence, robotic learning from demonstration and interaction with humans, and other applied research. We’ve been developing a robot, for instance, that’ll be able to climb, and move on and across vertical surfaces to be able to inspect buildings. In collaboration with INETEC, a world-famous Croatian company, we’ve also been working on developing a robot that’ll be able to inspect the support structure of the ITER fusion reactor. Our job is to develop a robot whose visual intelligence will be able to identify structural elements that require inspection, and that will then be able to carry out the inspection by using nondestructive methods.  Mobility is the most complex task in the development of robots. Why is that? You’ve pointed out that, together with your team, you’re currently working on mobility.

− At the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, we’ve been mainly working on the development of what is called physical intelligence. It’s the intelligence we’re not really aware of, and relates to our ability to move our body, legs, arms or fingers in coordination while we’re performing certain tasks, tasks ranging from pouring coffee into a cup to playing the violin. Only when we try to get a robot to perform some of these skills do we realise just how complex these tasks can be. These are our coordination skills of a large number of muscles and joints that take years of learning and practice. There’s no simple mathematical solution for such a complex coordination of our biological structure. So what we’ve been doing is developing specific learning methods using touch sensor information, computer vision, and mechanical parameters to help

cal, and digital domains. Irrespective of the way we look at and examine these development trends, the one thing that they have in common is artificial intelligence as a new scientific instrument that accelerates the development of nearly all domains of science and technology. In robotics, artificial intelligence is what propels the development of new applications in the performance of increasingly complex tasks in the sectors of industry, medicine and even the service industries. The classical use of robots in industry implies robots that perform simple repetitive jobs in isolation from humans because robots and their sheer force can be hazardous to humans. Today, however, thanks to sensors and artificial intelligence control tools, robots have become aware of the presence of humans, and can work alongside humans

Laboratorij za autonomne sustave Autonomous Systems Laboratory

the robot understand which mechatronic elements it has to manoeuvre and how to manoeuvre them so as to perform the tasks it has been designed to perform.  You’ve often highlighted that you’re not designing robots that will replace humans, but robots that will work alongside and together with humans. Why is this so important to underscore? Why do you think it’s crucial that humans be able to intervene in what robots are designed to do independently and autonomously at a production line at any time? − Exactly. The features of the fourth industrial revolution which we’re living at present are digital transformation, networking, and artificial intelligence. What this entails is, of course, an integration of the biological, physi-

on specific tasks. In this way, in the work process humans and robots can complement each other, and improve the quality of both work and products significantly. Robots are indeed superior to humans in specialised segments of the work process, but do lag behind humans and their abilities in many respects, particularly in respect of general intelligence and fine motor skills. In the new age, robots will be our collaborators, and not just commonplace working machines.  There are countless science fiction films in which robots, or artificial intelligence, take the initiative, after which they can no longer be stopped in their actions. Is this or something similar a realistic scenario of what could happen in the future? − It is a fact that, in developing modern



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robots, we’re heading in the direction of developing autonomous systems; more specifically, systems that shape their knowledge and behaviour autonomously. To achieve this, we’re using various biologically inspired methods, such as neural networks, genetic algorithms, etc. The behaviour of robots that shape their own knowledge by using such methods of artificial intelligence is not exact, but expected. It can be said that humans do lose complete control over the operation of such a machine. This is why experts have been working across the world to regulate the development and application of artificial intelligence, looking to set out improved control procedures of and for such autonomous and self-learning robots. Despite the rapid development of science, we’re still far from what is commonly referred to as superintelligence which we could lose control of. It’s worth recalling that human intelligence is largely based on our imagination, intuition, dreams, and emotions, and these are aspects of us as humans which remain beyond the reach of robots. Whether robots will ever reach this level of intelligence remains an open question. Perhaps in the form of some other intelligent species.  One of the laboratories within your centre is designated for autonomous systems. Could you briefly describe what that is? − The centre’s Autonomous Systems Laboratory has been developing self-learning robots that can learn new behaviours and skills autonomously. What we’re most interested in in this segment is teaching a robot to learn through imitation and repetition of what it’s shown. If we can get robots to learn in a way which is similar to the way in which humans have been transferring knowledge, then such robots will be able to programme themselves. Ultimately, this will significantly simplify the practical application of robots, and make knowledge of complex programming languages obsolete.  Robots are the final product of mechatronics, a recently set up study programme which started this autumn. Once they complete it, students earn a master’s degree in mechatronics and robotics. This study programme undoubtedly generates much interest. To enrol in and complete this study programme successfully, what must students excel at? − The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture of the University of Zagreb has extensive experience in teach-

ing mechatronics and robotics, whose study programme has, up until now, been taught as a separate field of study offered within the Department of Mechanical Engineering. This autumn, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture has launched the first university-level study programme of mechatronics and robotics in Croatia. This new study programme is offering six different graduate courses, ranging from robotic technology and artificial intelligence, production automation, and transport vehicles, to cybernetics. Our Regional Centre of Excellence for Robotic Technology is a guarantee that our students will be given the best conditions for their studies. This study programme will provide fresh impetus for Croatia’s technological development given that, annually, it’ll educate and train a significant number of top experts who’ll become the driving force behind the digital transformation of Croatia’s economy. Most of our students are recruited and headhunted already during their studies. This is why much interest in our new study programmes of mechatronics and robotics has been generated, which means that, in the coming years, we’ll surely be forced to increase our student quota to meet the needs of the labour market.  One of your student’s thesis was on the way in which robotic technology can be applied to fish sorting in a fish processing factory on the Island of Brač, which is an example of the practical application of robotic technology. Can some of your other students’ theses also be put to practical use? − The theses of our students are regularly incorporated into our research and development projects. This facilitates two outcomes. One is that our students gain the latest knowledge, and the other is that, with their work, they contribute to our scientific and research activities. Many student papers and theses revolve around specific issues relating to industrial practices. They are a good preparation for the concrete application of specific new technologies and of the knowledge they acquired during their studies. Our students are often recruited by companies whose technological practice-related issues they’ve been working on during their studies. Once employed by these companies, they continue to work on developing and introducing new technological solutions which they learned about during their studies or which they worked on as part of their individual thesis. 











Gradinsko jezero, gornja jezera Gradinsko Lake, upper lakes

Za potpuni doživljaj ljepote nacionalnog parka i snage prirode pobrinulo se najhladnije godišnje doba − zima. Ne propustite doživjeti čaroliju snježnih plitvičkih šuma dok su slapovi i jezera okovani ledom i mrazom te uživati u veličanstvenom osjećaju tišine fascinantne prirode. Winter, the coldest of the seasons, always makes sure that your experience of the beauty of the Plitvice Lakes National Park and the power of nature is made − unforgettable. Be sure not to miss the magic of Plitvice’s snow covered forests, and frozen, frost covered waterfalls and lakes, and savour the spectacular silence offered by this stunningly beautiful pearl of nature. 20 _ CROATIA AIRLINES




01 Veliki slap The Great Waterfall 02 Odmorište Kozjačka draga The Kozjačka Draga picnic spot 03 Spust prema Velikom slapu A walkway descending towards the Great Waterfall









01 Pristanište brodova na jezeru Kozjak The dock on Lake Kozjak 02 Odmorište prema donjim jezerima A roofed bench towards the lower lakes 03 Jezero Kozjak Lake Kozjak








acionalni park Plitvička jezera svojom jedinstvenom ljepotom i prepoznatljivošću privlači posjetitelje iz cijelog svijeta, s gotovo svih kontinenata. Najveći broj posjetitelja čine turisti iz svih europskih zemalja (ponajviše Njemačke, Austrije, Nizozemske, Češke, Francuske, Poljske, Italije, Velike Britanije), ali u ukupnim brojkama ne zaostaju puno ni putnici s Dalekog istoka, iz zemalja kao što su Japan, Kina, Južna Koreja ili Tajland. Veliki broj turista u nacionalnom parku zabilježen je i iz Sjedinjenih Američkih Država, Kanade i Australije. Ljetni mjeseci predviđeni su za godišnji odmor, kupanje u moru, druženje s najmilijima, pa tako i Plitvička jezera u to vrijeme bilježe najveći promet. Tko je posjetio ovaj veličanstveni prirodni biser u

rano proljeće ili kasnu jesen, imao je priliku gotovo nesmetano uživati u šetnjama drvenim mostićima i puteljcima koji vas vode kroz veličanstven spektar slapova, jezera i bajkovitih šuma. Dolaskom hladnijih jesenskih dana priroda se umiri i sve stane. Manji broj posjetitelja znači i regeneraciju staništa biljnog i životinjskog svijeta. Teško je da će se na turističkim šetnicama vidjeti velike divlje životinje koje ovdje obitavaju, kao što su ris, vuk ili medvjed, no zasigurno ćete primijetiti neku od 168 vrsta ptica, koliko ih je do sad zabilježeno u nacionalnom parku. Hladna plitvička zima nikad nije nikoga ravnodušnim ostavila pa neće ni vas. Vrijeme je to kad se broj posjetitelja svede na svega nekoliko stotina dnevno, no ljepote nacionalnog parka i dalje ostaju veličanstvene u cjelini svojeg spektra.

01 Jezero Kaluđerovac, staza prema Velikom slapu Kaluđerovac Lake, a walkway towards the Great Waterfall





Ne propustite doživjeti čaroliju snježnih plitvičkih šuma dok su slapovi i jezera okovani ledom i mrazom. Posebnost zimskim uvjetima na Plitvičkim jezerima daje i tišina koju jedino može razbiti buka snažnih slapova. Tragovi u snijegu otkrivaju da se osim rijetkih turista ovdje nalaze i lisice, srne i jeleni koje ćete i vi zamijetiti ako ste dovoljno tihi i imate sreće. Nudi vam se mogućnost obilaska Velikog slapa, Donjih jezera i to povrh kanjona, gdje možete fotografirati neke od najljepših vidikovaca koje ste mogli posjetiti. Vožnja brodom po jezeru Kozjak uključena je u cijenu ulaznice, kao i vožnja pa-

noramskim vlakom pa tu priliku nemojte propustiti. Zimi je otvoreno skijalište u naselju Mukinje u sklopu sportsko-rekreacijskog centra koji je magnet svim okolnim hrvatskim gradovima. Duljina staza skijališta nije prezahtjevna tako da su ovdje mnogi skijaši napravili svoje prve spustove na skijama ili saonicama, a danas savladavaju zahtjevnije staze alpskog i dinarskog masiva. Da je ovdje priroda čarobna i zimi, pokazuje i kongresni turizam pa se sve više seminara i radionica održava upravo u hotelima nacionalnog parka, a prometni

02 Gradinsko jezero Gradinsko Lake




01 Vodeničarsko naselje Rastoke u blizini Slunja na slapovima Korane The Rastoke mill settlement near the town of Slunj on the waterfalls of the Korana River 02 Staza prema Velikom slapu A walkway descending towards the Great Waterfall




položaj Plitvičkih jezera jamstvo je odaziva većeg broja sudionika. Udaljenost od Zagreba na sjeveru Hrvatske jest 130 kilometara, a toliko i od Zadra na jugu, tako da se Plitvice nalaze gotovo u sredini Republike Hrvatske. Nacionalni park Plitvička jezera stavljen je na UNESCO-ov popis svjetske zaštićene prirodne baštine od 1979. godine. Osim stvaranja sedre preduvjet tomu jest i jedinstvena ljepota koju nacionalni park nudi tokom cijele godine, a posebna čarolija stvara se zimi. Stoga nemojte propustiti priliku biti dio te zimske čarolije. 

Udaljenost od Zagreba na sjeveru Hrvatske jest 130 kilometara, a toliko i od Zadra na jugu, tako da se Plitvice nalaze gotovo u sredini Republike Hrvatske. If you take a look at Croatia’s map, the Plitvice Lakes are pretty centrally positioned thanks to being located


he unparalleled beauty and recognisability of the Plitvice Lakes National Park attracts visitors from the four corners of the world. The majority of visitors come from European countries (mostly from Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, France, Poland, Italy, and Great Britain), although there are great many guests coming from the Far East, from countries such as Japan, China, South Korea, and Thailand. Visitors coming from the United States, Canada, and Australia also rank high amongst visitor numbers. The Plitvice Lakes’ visitor numbers are at their peak during the summer months given that summer is when everybody takes their holidays, when everybody rushes to the coast, and wants to be around their loved ones. By contrast, touring this stunningly beautiful pearl of nature in early spring or late autumn means that you have the chance to enjoy strolling down Plitvice’s wooden bridges and walkways meandering through its great many spectacular waterfalls, lakes, and fairy-tale-like forests in

equally away from both Zagreb in the north, and Zadar in the south, 130 kilometres to be precise.

peace and quiet. With the arrival of colder autumn days, nature quietens down, and everything comes to a halt. A decrease in visitor numbers equals an increase in the regeneration of Plitvice’s animal and plant life. It’s unlikely that you’ll spot any of the large animals that live here whilst strolling along the walkways in winter, animals such as the lynx, the wolf or the brown bear. What you are likely to spot, however, is some of the 168 species of birds that have to date been recorded to live in the national park. Plitvice’s cold winter has never left anyone indifferent. The national park remains stunningly beautiful. In winter, though, visitor numbers are reduced to only a few hun03 Staza prema Velikom slapu A walkway towards the Great Waterfall




Posjet nacionalnom parku organiziran je kroz osam programa obilaska koji mogu trajati od dva do tri sata pa sve do osam sati, ovisno o tomu koliko vremena imate za obilazak. U zimi je turistima otvoren samo jedan dio parka zbog nemogućnosti prolaska, ali i vlastite sigurnosti kako se ne biste poskliznuli na zaleđenim mostićima i slično. Cijena obilaska nacionalnog parka zimi se prilagodi mogućnostima posjeta tako da je snižena sa 250 kuna u ljetnim mjesecima na 80 kuna u zimskim. I dalje uključuje vožnju panoramskim vlakom i brodom ako to zimski uvjeti dopuštaju.

You’re offered the chance to visit the Great Waterfall, and the Lower Lakes from above the canyon, where you can take photos of some of the most stunning views you could possibly see. Be sure not to miss a boat ride on Lake Kozjak and a scenic train ride, both of which are included in the price of your ticket. In winter, you can also go skiing in the nearby village of Mukinje that boasts a ski resort as part of a sports and recreation centre which attracts people from all surrounding Croatian cities like a magnet. The ski slopes aren’t too demanding, and many skiers made their first descents here, whether on skis or sledges, before moving on to mastering the more challenging slopes of the Alps and the Dinaric Alps. The natural winter magic of the Plitvice

Lakes is the reason why an increasing number of seminars and workshops are held in the hotels of the national park in winter. The lakes are easily accessible because of their position in Croatia’s network of roads. In other words, if you take a look at Croatia’s map, the Plitvice Lakes are pretty centrally positioned thanks to being located equally away from both Zagreb in the north, and Zadar in the south, 130 kilometres to be precise. The Plitvice Lakes National Park has been on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1979 thanks to Plitvice’s specific tufa formation and deposits, and the unparalleled beauty this has created regardless of the seasons, of which the winter is particularly magical. Be sure not to miss the winter wonderland of the Plitvice Lakes. 

In winter, there are eight different tours of the Plitvice Lakes National Park you can take. They differ in the amount of time you have set aside for the visit, and so they range from two-three hour to eight hour tours. Only one part of the national park is open to visitors because some areas of the park are inaccessible due to heavy snow, frost, and ice on the walkways, which poses a serious threat to visitor safety. The price of the ticket is in winter reduced accordingly (HRK 80 in winter as opposed to HRK 250 in the warmer months of the year), and includes a boat ride on Lake Kozjak and a scenic train ride,

TEKST/TEXT__Turistička zajednica općine Plitvička Jezera/Plitvice Lakes Tourist Board

weather permitting.

dred a day. Be sure not to miss the magic of Plitvice’s snow covered forests, and frozen, frost covered waterfalls and lakes, and savour the spectacular silence offered by this stunningly beautiful pearl of nature. In winter, the Plitvice Lakes are enveloped in silence, a silence that only the murmur of mighty waterfalls can break. Tracks in the snow will tell you that, besides the odd visitor, there might be foxes, roe deer, and stags around. If you’re quiet enough and lucky enough, you might even spot them.



Jezero Kaluđerovac Kaluđerovac Lake




Zaštita kornjača, europski projekt The protection of turtles, a European project PIŠE/BY __ Renata

Brezinščak & Draško Holcer



Znanstvenici Hrvatskog prirodoslovnog muzeja u suradnji s kolegama iz Europe i svijeta posljednjih dvadesetak godina bave se istraživanjem morskih kornjača i provode projekt pod nazivom Zajedničke akcije za poboljšanje statusa zaštite i očuvanja populacija morskih kornjača Europske unije − LIFE EUROTURTLES. In collaboration with colleagues from Europe and the world, scientists from the Croatian Natural History Museum have been researching sea turtles for some twenty years, and working on a research project called Collective Actions for Improving the Conservation Status of the EU Sea Turtle Populations ∑ LIFE EUROTURTLES.


adransko more obitavalište je velikog broja morskih životinja uključujući i morske kornjače − želve. Želve su migratorne vrste, a njihovo putovanje često ih vodi kroz razne opasnosti. Prema prikupljenim podacima procijenjeno je da se samo u Jadranu svake godine više od 11.000 glavatih želvi, slučajno ulovi u mrežama i koćama. Praćenjem migracije glavatih želvi pomoću satelitskih odašiljača i genetskom analizom ustanovljeno je da jadranske glavate želve pripadaju zajedničkoj populaciji koja boravi u istočnom dijelu Sredozemnog mora. Iz toga proizlazi da negativni utjecaji u jednoj zemlji uzrokuju pad brojnosti i u drugim zemljama. Spoznaja da su morske kornjače životinje koje ne poznaju granice pojedinačnih država jasno upućuje na to da učinkovita zaštita nije moguća bez zajedničke međunarodne suradnje. Zato je potrebna šira koordinacija aktivnosti usmjerenih njihovoj zaštiti koja bi uključivala cijelo područje njihova obitavanja. Stoga su Hrvatski prirodoslovni muzej (HPM) i osam partnera iz mediteranskih zemalja Europe pokrenuli projekt pod nazivom Zajedničke akcije za poboljšanje statusa zaštite i očuvanja populacija morskih kornjača Europske unije − LIFE EUROTURTLES. Projekt ukupne vrijednosti oko 5,1 milijun eura, koji sufinancira

01-04 Zelena želva A green sea turtle 02







LIFE program Europske unije, započet je u jesen 2016. godine i traje do kraja ove godine, a aktivnosti očuvanja i zaštite koje se provode u pojedinim zemljama osmišljene su tako da djeluju na najznačajnije opasnosti u pojedinim područjima. Istraživanjima iz zraka koja su proveli istraživači Hrvatskoga prirodoslovnog muzeja i Instituta Plavi svijet (IPS) iz Velog Lošinja utvrđena je velika brojnost glavatih želvi u sjevernom Jadranu, no kako se na području sjevernog Jadrana odvija intenzivno ribarenje, veliki broj želvi ulovi se u mreže stajaćice što u većini slučaja dovodi do njihova ugibanja jer ne mogu doći do površine kako bi udahnule. Kako bi smanjili broj tako ulovljenih želvi, HPM i IPS razvijaju inovativnu metodu korištenja LED svjetala koja se postavljaju na mreže stajaćice i osvjetljavaju ih, što kornjačama olakšava izbjegavanje smrtonosne klopke. Glavate želve na istom


muzej i Institut Plavi svijet (Hrvatska), ARCHELON − društvo za zaštitu morskih kornjača Grčke (Grčka), Uprava za ribarstvo i istraživanje mora Ministarstva poljoprivrede, ruralnog razvoja i okoliša Cipra i Centar za oceanografiju Ciparskog sveučilišta (Cipar), Zaklada za prirodu Malta (Mal­ ta), Zavod za biologiju i biotehnologiju Charles Darwin Sveučilišta La Sapien­ za Rim i WWF Italija (Italija) i Sveučili­ šte Primorska − Kopar (Slovenija). LIFE EUROTURTLES PROJECT PART­ NERS __ The Croatian Natural History

Museum, and the Blue World Institute (Croatia); ARCHELON ∑ the Sea Turtle Protection Society of Greece (Greece); the Department of Fisheries and Marine Research of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment of the Republic of Cyprus, and the Oceanography Centre of the University of Cyprus (Cyprus); the Malta Nature Trust (Malta); the Charles Darwin Department of Biology and Biotechnology of the Sapienza University of Rome, and the World Wildlife Fund (Italy); the University of Primorska in Koper (Slovenia).



području i zimuju, kada ih se veliki broj ulovi u koće, a kako su to hladnokrvne životinje, pokretljivost im je zimi značajno smanjena pa nakon izvlačenja na palubu često izgledaju kao da su uginule. Ako se u takvom stanju vrate u more, uglavnom ugibaju. Ipak, primjenom pravilnih postupaka za oporavljanje, životinje se mogu sigurno vratiti u more. U tome je vrlo važna edukacija ribara koja se provodi kroz projekt LIFE Euroturtles. Svakako treba naglasiti kako je jedan od ciljeva projekta i osnivanje zaštićenih područja za glavate želve u Jadranu, zbog čega je potrebno utvrditi područja od posebne važnosti S obzirom na veliki broj plovila i ribarskih aktivnosti kao i nemar oko zbrinjavanja posebice plastičnog otpada, želvama je zbog ozljeđivanja često potrebna pomoć i dulji oporavak. Upravo u tu svrhu IPS je na Lošinju povećao kapacitet svojeg oporavilišta za morske kornjače, gdje je tijekom projekta boravilo i uspješno se oporavilo više desetaka kornjača. Konačno, u svim zemljama uključenima u projekt provode se brojne aktivnosti podizanja svijesti o potrebi očuvanja morskih kornjača i morskog okoliša korištenjem raznih aktivnosti, kao npr. postavljanjem mobilne izložbe koju je izradio HPM, ali i predavanjima, publikacijama te putem mobilne aplikacije − eTurtle, pomoću koje se mogu dojaviti opažanja morskih kornjača.  www.euroturtles.eu


he Adriatic Sea is home to a large number of marine animals, including loggerhead sea turtles. Loggerhead sea turtles are migratory species, and their journey is often fraught with danger. The data collected suggests that every year more than 11,000 loggerhead turtles are accidentally caught in fishing and trawl nets in the Adriatic

Spoznaja da su morske kornjače životinje koje ne poznaju granice pojedinačnih država jasno upućuje na to da učinkovita zaštita nije moguća bez zajedničke međunarodne suradnje. Understanding that sea turtles do not know of individual state borders clearly indicates that it’s impossible to protect them effectively without joint effort and international collaboration.

alone. By monitoring the migration of loggerhead sea turtles using satellite transmitters and genetic analysis, it’s been discovered that loggerhead sea turtles living in the Adriatic belong to the same population of loggerhead sea turtles living in the eastern Mediterranean. From this it follows that things that impact loggerhead sea turtles negatively in one country cause a decline in their numbers in other countries as well. Understanding that sea turtles do not know of individual state borders clearly indicates that it’s impossible to protect them effectively without joint effort and international collaboration. Accordingly, what’s needed is a broader coordination of activities aimed at their protection, one that would include their habitat as a whole. This is why the Croatian Natural History Museum and eight European partner countries from the Mediterranean Basin launched a project called Collective Actions for Improv04



U Sredozemnom moru trajno obitavaju dvije vrste morskih kornjača − glavata želva (Caretta caretta) i zelena želva (Chelonia mydas). Glavata želva prisutna je posvuda pa tako i u Jadranu, a posebice u njegovu sjevernom dijelu, u kojem je iznimno brojna. Zelena želva obitava uglavnom u istočnom dijelu Sredozemnog mora, a povremeno je pronalazimo i u južnom Jadranu. Glavata želva hrani se raznim beskralješnjacima koje lovi uglavnom na dnu, kao što su rakovi, školjkaši, morski ježinci i sl. Zelena želva hrani se gotovo isključivo biljnom hranom, morskim cvjetnicama i algama. No životni ciklus uglavnom im je jednak. Nakon parenja ženke polažu jaja na pješčanim plažama istočnog Mediterana (Grčka, Turska, Cipar). Nakon dva mjeseca inkubacije u toplom pijesku, iz gnijezda tijekom noći izlaze male kornjače koje žure prema moru kako bi izbjegle grabežljivce i vrelinu sunca. Tijekom prvih dana života gotovo neprekidno plivaju kako bi dospjele do otvorenog mora, gdje su najsigurnije. Tu se hrane želatinoznim organizmima te odrastaju. Nakon nekoliko godina provedenih u pučinskim vodama, sada već znatno veće želve ponovo se približavaju obali i počinju se hraniti uz morsko dno. Sjeverni Jadran, a posebice dio uz obale Istre i Kvarnera, najvažnije je područje za ishranu, odra­ stanje i prezimljavanje glavatih želvi u Europskoj uniji. Međutim, kada sa 20-30 godina starosti dosegnu spolnu zrelost, glavate želve koje odrastaju uz naše obale počinju redovito migrirati, odlaziti na druge lokacije, posebno u vrijeme razmnožavanja kada se vraćaju na svoja gnjezdišta. The Mediterranean is a permanent habitat for two species of sea turtles ∑ the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta, Lat.), and the green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas, Lat.). The loggerhead sea turtle lives across the whole of the Mediterranean including the Adriatic, particularly its northern regions, where its population numbers are high. The green sea turtle lives mainly in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea, and occasionally in the southern Adriatic. Loggerhead sea turtles feed on various invertebrates, such as crustaceans, shellfish, sea urchins, etc., which they catch mainly on the sea floor. By contrast, green sea turtles feed almost exclusively on plants ∑ seaweeds, seagrasses, and algae. Yet their life cycles are almost identical. After mating, females lay their eggs on the sandy beaches of the eastern Mediterranean (in Greece, Turkey, and Cyprus). After incubating for two months in warm sand, small sea turtles hatch and leave their nests in the dark of the night, rushing towards the sea to avoid predators and the heat of the sun. During the first days of their life, they swim almost uninterruptedly to reach the open sea, where they are safest. Here, they feed on gelatinous organisms and reach adulthood. After spending several years in the open sea, sea turtles are now much bigger in size, which is when they head for the shore and when they start feeding off the sea floor. The northern Adriatic in general, and the coastal waters of Istria and the Kvarner Gulf in particular, is the European Union’s biggest region where loggerhead sea turtles feed, grow, and winter. However, once they reach sexual maturity at the age of 20-30, loggerhead sea turtles that reached adulthood along Croatia’s shores start to migrate and swim to other locations, particularly during the breeding season when they return to their nests of origin.

ing the Conservation Status of the EU Sea Turtle Populations ∑ LIFE EUROTURTLES. Co-financed by the EU’s LIFE Programme, the project is worth a total of about 5.1 million euro. It started in autumn 2016 and ends this year. The conservation and protection activities carried out in individual countries are all designed to address the most serious dangers that loggerhead sea turtles face in individual areas of their habitat. Conducted by researchers from the Croatian Natural History Museum, and the Blue World



Institute headquartered in Veli Lošinj, aerial surveys revealed that a large number of loggerhead sea turtles live in the northern Adriatic. However, given that the northern Adriatic is where a lot of fishing is done, a large number of loggerhead sea turtles are caught in different fishing nets. In most cases, this leads to their death because they can’t reach the surface to inhale. To reduce the number of sea turtles caught in this way, the Croatian Natural History Museum, and the Blue World Institute have been develop-

Glavata želva A loggerhead sea turtle

ing an innovative method of using LED lights that are placed on fishing nets to illuminate them, so as to make it easier for sea turtles to avoid the deadly trap. Loggerhead sea turtles spend the winter in the same area, and it’s exactly in winter when a large number of them are caught in trawl nets. Given that they’re cold-blooded animals, their mobility is significantly reduced in winter. This means that they often look dead once they’re pulled out from the sea. If they’re returned to the sea in this state, they mostly die. However, when proper recovery procedures are applied, the animals can safely be returned to the sea. Educating and training fishermen, which is also part of the LIFE EUROTURTLES project, plays a very important role in this. It should be highlighted that one of the goals of the project is the establishment of protected areas for loggerhead sea turtles in the Adriatic, which is why hotspot areas are to be identified. Because of a large number of vessels, a high concentration of fishing activities, and negligent waste management practices in general and negligent plastic waste management in particular, once injured loggerhead sea turtles often need help and require a longer period for recovery due to the severity of their injuries. It’s for this purpose that the Blue World Institute has expanded its Sea Turtle Rescue Centre’s capacity on the Island of Lošinj, where tens of turtles were rescued and successfully recovered during the course of the project. Also, in all the partner countries involved in the project, numerous activities are carried out aiming to raise awareness of the need to preserve sea turtles and the marine environment through various activities, such as a mobile exhibition on sea turtles created by the Croatian Natural History Museum, different lectures, publications, and the eTurtle mobile application, with the help of which ordinary people can report sea turtle sightings. For more information, please visit the project’s website at www.euroturtles.eu. 



Some of the top places to visit this winter in Croatia Hrvatska odredišta koja ne smijete propustiti ove zime! From the icy landscapes of Plitvice Lakes National Park, to fairy-tale snow-capped castles and festive decked out towns, Croatia is truly magical during the winter months. Here’s a roundup of some favourites.

Photo: B. Kačan


Od ledenih pejzaža Plitvičkih jezera do dvoraca prekrivenih snijegom i romantično uređenih gradova, Hrvatska je zaista puna čarolije tijekom zime. Evo naših favorita…

2 Zavižan, Velebit National Park

3 Sokolac, Brinje

One of the best-known sights in Northern Velebit National Park, Zavižan mountain stands at 1,594m above sea level and makes for an exciting wintery adventure with some epic views. Located in the mountainous region of Lika, there are plenty of outdoor pursuits to be enjoyed too.

Like something straight out of a fairytale, Sokolac Castle, located near the town of Brinje in the Lika region of Croatia, is a must-see, especially when it’s covered in a dusting of snow.


1 Nacionalni park Plitvička jezera Zaleđena jezera, slapovi, staze prekrivene snijegom.. Ovaj najpoznatiji hrvatski nacionalni park pod zaštitom UNESCO-a s pravom nosi titulu prave zimske bajke! Okružen gustim šumama bukve, jele i smreke, područje se uistinu pretvara u prizor iz bajke, osobito za hladnijih mjeseci kad pada snijeg!

Zavižan je jedan od najpoznatijih lokaliteta u Nacionalnom parku Sjeverni Velebit. Na 1594 m nadmorske visine, ispod vrha Vučjak, smješten je Planinarski dom Zavižan i najstarija visinska meteorološka postaja u Hrvatskoj - osnovana 1953. godine. Popnete li se planinarskim stazama na neki od okolnih vrhova – vidikovaca, otvorit će vam se prekrasni vidici na kvarnerske otoke i Liku i ostaviti vas bez daha!

3 Photo: A. Gospić

Complete with jaw-dropping lakes and connecting waterfalls, Croatia’s bestknown National Park, and UNESCO World Heritage Site, Plitvice Lakes, shouldn’t be missed during the winter. Surrounded by dense beech, fir and spruce forests, the area truly transforms into a winter wonderland during the colder months, especially when it snows!


Photo: I. Čorić

3 Sokolac, Brinje Kao iz bajke, grad Sokolac iz 14. st. s kapelom Presvetog Trojstva te kapelom sv. Fabijana i Sebastijana iz kasno romaničkoga doba scena je koju ćete dugo pamtiti, pogotovo kad su prekriveni snijegom.

Photo: J. Duval

2 Zavižan, Nacionalni park Sjeverni Velebit

1 Plitvice Lakes National Park

4 Dubrovnik “Winter is coming…” so is there really any better place to spend it than in King’s Landing? Famous for its role in Game of Thrones, Dubrovnik knows how to put on a show during the winter months, especially during Advent. Decked with Christmas trees and twinkling lights, Advent in Dubrovnik makes for the perfect festive break.

4 Dubrovnik “Winter is coming…” a gdje ju je najbolje dočekati ako ne u King’s Landingu? Prekrasno uređen grad, tisuće božićnih lampica, prizori od kojih zastaje dah. Dubrovački Advent očarat će vas svjetlima, glazbom, mirisima i okusima dubrovačke blagdanske tradicije prisutne tijekom cijelog prosinca.


Photo: J. Duval

Photo: J. Duval

7 Photo: D. Fabijanić


5 Trakošćan Castle

7 Opatija

9 Split

Another castle straight out of a fairytale, Trakošćan Castle is stunning year-round but looks particularly magical during the winter. Found in the northern county of Varaždin, Trakošćan dates back to the 13th century and is one of the country’s most beautiful fortifications. The castle is perched high above a beautiful lake and surrounding countryside, which makes for a perfect wintery day trip.

Nestled between mountains and the sea, Opatija makes for a picture-perfect winter escape. The town’s luxuriously decorated streets, musical performances, festive markets and chocolate museum, makes it one of the best places to celebrate Advent and beyond.

Croatia’s second largest city offers a great city-break during the winter, with a mild climate and a Mediterranean flare. Drinking mulled wine and eating fritule while basking in the winter sun is a special treat.

8 Photo: J. Duval

Bajkovito, prekrasno, gotovo nestvarno - ukratko bi se moglo opisati jedno od najromantičnijih mjesta koja ste ikad vidjeli. U Hrvatskom zagorju u blizini Varaždina smješten je dvorac s perivojem i jezercem koji krije povijest dugu gotovo 800 godina, idealan za zimske dnevne izlete! Uživat ćete u tišini i ljepoti Hrvatskog zagorja te zimskoj idili i bajkovitim prizorima.

Romantičnu Opatiju „najljepši Advent uz more“ pretvara u blagdansku bajku. Prošetajte prekrasno uređenim ulicama, posjetite zimski sajam i klizalište, uživajte u okusima i mirisima te otkrijte zašto baš Opatija nosi titulu najljepšeg Adventa kraj mora.


Photo: J. Duval

Known for its month-long Advent festival, Croatia’s capital truly transforms during the winter months with twinkling trees and the sweet smell of mulled wine drifting through the air. With much to see and do, Zagreb really is an unbeatable winter holiday destination!

6 Zagreb Višestruko nagrađivan kao najbolji u Europi, zagrebački advent u predblagdansko vrijeme nudi bogat program s mnoštvom sadržaja i događanja tijekom kojih hrvatska metropola živi u posebnom ozračju. Zagreb je doista nenadmašna destinacija za zimski odmor!

Blaga zimska klima i mediteranski štih drugog najvećeg grada u Hrvatskoj nudi sjajan gradski odmor tijekom zime. Piti kuhano vino u i jesti fritule obasjani zimskim suncem na Rivi u gradu pod Marjanom zaista poseban je doživljaj!


10 Osijek

If you are looking for a winter island escape, the island of Rab. Known as the happy island, it also boasts one of the prettiest Christmas decors off the mainland. Only a short ferry-ride away, it is surely worth the trip.

This gem on the Drava provides the best Slavonian hospitality, with a small city vibe. The winter months and Christmas spirit are alive with tradition here. Whether you take in Advent lights and decorations opt for a crisp winter walk along the river bank, you are sure to enjoy your visit.

8 Rab

10 Osijek

Ako ste u potrazi za zimskom bijegom na neki od hrvatskih otoka - otok Rab je destinacija za vas! Rab, poznat i kao otok sreće, može se pohvaliti najljepšim božićnim dekoracijama, bogatom kombinacijom gastronomije i umjetnosti te zabavnim programom za sve uzraste. Samo kratka vožnja trajektom vas dijeli od ove zimske idile!

Ovaj dragulj na Dravi nudi autentično slavonsko gostoprimstvo te ugodnu atmosferu tipičnu manjim gradovima. Za zimskih mjeseci, božićni duh i tradicija osjeća se u svakom kutku Osijeka - bilo da uživate u svjetlima adventskih svijeća, božićnim ukrasima, ili zimskim šetnjama uz obalu rijeke - zasigurno ćete uživati u svom posjetu!

8 Rab

6 Zagreb

9 Split

Photo: J. Duval

5 Dvorac Trakošćan

7 Opatija




Šime Lugarov

Vjerojatno nigdje na svijetu sklad ljudi i kamena nije jači i očitiji nego na otoku Braču, u mjestu Pučišća. Mjesto je godinama na popisu turističkih internetskih stranica i časopisa kao jedno od najljepših mjestašaca u Europi te zasigurno ima najdužu kamenarsku tradiciju u Hrvatskoj. Nowhere in the world is the symbiosis between people and stone greater and more evident than on the Island of Brač − in the town of Pučišća, to be exact. Boasting the longest tradition of stonemasonry in Croatia, Pučišća has for years been on lists of tourist websites and magazines as one of the most beautiful places in Europe. 40 _ CROATIA AIRLINES


Skulptura Na suncu, dar kipara Vladimira Herljevića Pučišćima, na mostu Aquila In the Sun, a sculpture gifted to Pučišća by sculptor Vladimir Herljević, on the Aquila Bridge



Staro zvono ispred crkve sv. Jeronima u Pučišćima An old bell outside the Church of St. Jerome in Pučišća



Zvonik crkve sv. Jeronima, koja ima status zaštićenoga kulturnog dobra, u Pučišćima The bell tower of the Church of St. Jerome, a state-protected cultural heritage site, in Pučišća









01 Kamenolom Jadrankamen nedaleko od Pučišća, u kojem se kamen bere i do 10 metara ispod razine mora The Jadrankamen Quarry near Pučišća, where stone is harvested down to a depth of 10m below sea level 02 Proizvodna hala kamenoloma gdje se kamen reže, polira i pakira The quarry’s production facility where stone is cut, polished, and packed 03 Skulptura ispred klesarske škole u Pučišćima A sculpture outside the Stonemasonry High School in Pučišća 04 Zdravko Matijašić, klesarski meštar u mirovini, pokazuje jednu od tehnika obrade kamena Zdravko Matijašić, a retired stonemason, demonstrating a chiselling technique 05 Skulpture lavova u radionici klesarske škole. Prije pedesetak godina betonski su lavovi zamijenjeni kamenima isklesanima u klesarskoj školi Lion sculptures in the Stonemasonry High School’s workshop. Fifty or so years ago, the original lion sculptures made of concrete were replaced by stone lions sculpted at the school





Mnoge značajne povijesne građevine izgrađene su od vapnenca s otoka Brača, poput 1700 godina stare Dioklecijanove palače u Splitu, zgrade Parlamenta i Novog dvora u Beču, Namjesničke palača u Trstu, Reichstaga u Berlinu te Parlamenta u Budimpešti. Mnogi tvrde da je prevezen i preko oceana kako bi bio element u gradnji glasovite Bijele kuće u Washingtonu, što je već postao i svojevrstan mit. Many major historic buildings were built of limestone from the Island of Brač. These include the 1700-year-old Diocletian’s Palace in Split, the Austrian Parliament building and New Palace in Vienna, the Governor’s Palace in Trieste, the Reichstag building in Berlin, and the Hungarian Parliament building in Budapest. Many also claim that it was transported across the Atlantic and is what the White House in Washington was built of, a claim from which a myth of sorts has been created.




tok Brač posebno je poznat po vapnencu izvanredno bijele boje pa je na taj način i priroda pogodovala razvoju kamenarstva i klesarstva na otoku. Pučišća, šarmatno mjesto smješteno na kraju pučiške luke, uvale na istočnoj polovici sjeverne obale Brača, nazivaju i Luka 13 kula jer su nekad imala 13 kula koje su ih štitile protiv stalnih napada gusara. Na početku uvale nalazi se veliki kamenolom u vlasništvu tvrtke Jadrankamen i prvi je pučiški kamenolom koji se spominje u pisanim ispravama 1455. godine. Daleko je i lako vidljiv i s dalmatinske obale jer je zbog vapnenca iznimno bijel. Kamenarstvo je i danas najvažnija grana u gospodarskom razvoju mjesta i važan je dio njegova identiteta. Kamenolomi su smješteni istočno od mjesta, a neki su počeli s radom još u rimsko doba. Bračko kamenarstvo doživljava svoju renesansu početkom dvadesetog stoljeća. Tako je klesarska škola u Pučišćima osnovana još 1909. godine pod ravnateljstvom Emila Rumla, klesara iz Češke. Škola se stalno razvija te danas prima stotinjak novih učenika godišnje s kojima rade nastav-

01 Akademska kiparica Ana Horvat Mrazek izrađuje skulpturu u radionici klesarske škole Academically trained sculptor Ana Horvat Mrazek sculpting at the Stonemasonry High School’s workshop

nici klesarstva i njeguje se tradicionalna ručna obrada zasnovana na staroj rimskoj školi klesanja klasičnim ručnim alatima. Odavde su izniknuli mnogi vrsni majstori i umjetnici poput Trifuna Bokanića, Ivana Puljizića, Branislava Deškovića, Valerija Michielija i drugih. Najistaknutiji dalmatinski renesansni graditelji i kipari, poput Jurja Dalmatinca, Andrije Alešija i Nikole Firentinca, također su svoj stvaralački talent pokazali na bračkom kamenu, a veliki Ivan Meštrović inzistirao je u radu samo s njime jer takvu teksturu, čvrstoću i boju drugi kamen nema. − Budući klesar mora osjetiti dušu kamena. Mora imati osjećaj za tvrdoću i zvuk kamena. Također, mora znati očitati svjetlo u stijeni i izvući ga na vidjelo − govori nam Zdravko Matijašić, klesarski meštar


02 Otvoreni dio samostalne klesarskokiparske radionice majstora klesara i kipara Daslava Petrovića u okolici Pučišća The outdoor section of master stonemason and sculptor Daslav Petrović’s own stonemasonry and sculpture workshop in the vicinity of Pučišća

u mirovini, koji je punih 40 godina bio voditelj radionice Klesarske srednje škole u Pučišćima na otoku Braču, jedine takve strukovne škole u Hrvatskoj te najstarije takve ustanove u Europi. Da obrada kamena dolazi u velikim i malim dimenzijama svjedoči nam Josip Radić, samouki umjetnik i umirovljeni časnik Hrvatske vojske, koji već dvadesetak godina ručno izrađuje minijature zvonika, crkava i kamenih kuća. Kruna njegove dosadašnje umjetničke karijere jest replika vatikanske bazilike sv. Petra od bračkoga kamena, jedinstvene minijature u svijetu koja je rađena po originalnim nacrtima iz Vatikana. Josip je dvije godine proučavao nacrte te pet godina i dva mjeseca izrađivao baziliku s tisućama komadića (200 kilograma) kamena u omjeru 1:200.

Ukupno je u izradu makete uložio više od 8500 radnih sati. Ivo Martinić, klesar druge generacije klesarske škole, kupio je prije 49 godina jednu od 13 kula u Pučišćima, srušio je do temelja te je u narednih dvadesetak godina u cijelosti obnovio po originalnim nacrtima u kojoj danas i živi. Za obnovu je koristio isključivo tradicionalne tehnike obrade kamena kako bi obnova bila što autentičnija te je danas nemoguće vidjeti razlike između obnovljenih i originalnih dijelova kule. S koliko se poštovanja i zahvalnosti Bračani odnose prema kamenu iščitava se iz činjenice da Bračani kamen ne vade − oni ga beru, poput dragocjenog ploda Zemlje. − Kamen se ponaša slično kao drveće. Nakon što se ubere, mora odležati barem 6 mjeseci jer što dulje kamen odležava, na njemu se lakše vide sve nesavršenosti koje ima, a koje se odmah nakon ubiranja ne bi vidjele. Također, kamen se mora rezati po duljini kako je rastao, nikako ne okomito na rast jer tada gubi fizička svojstva. Kamen i zvoni − rezonira i po zvuku se može provjeriti ima li nesavršenosti unutar sebe − pojašnjava nam

S koliko se poštovanja i zahvalnosti Bračani odnose prema kamenu iščitava se iz činjenice da Bračani kamen ne vade − oni ga beru, poput dragocjenog ploda Zemlje. The fact that the people of Brač say that they harvest stone like precious fruit of the Earth rather than that they quarry it speaks volumes about the amount of respect and gratitude they have for it.






Daslav Petrović, majstor klesar i kipar, nastavnik u Klesarskoj školi u Pučišćima te član HDLU−a, koji zna više o kamenu, njegovom branju i obradi od većine kipara. Taj svestrani umjetnik ima i samostalnu klesarsko−kiparsku radionicu smještenu u prekrasni prirodni ambijent u okolici Pučišća gdje svakodnevno nalazi inspiraciju za svoj rad. Tradicija gradnje kamenom postala je nerazdvojni dio identiteta otoka, a zbog svoje bogate prošlosti i očuvanja kamenarske i klesarske baštine te ljubavi Bračana prema branju i klesanju kamena sigurno je da će se ova jedinstvena veza nastaviti daleko u budućnost. 

Stonemasonry continues to be the leading economic activity in Pučišća given that it contributes to its development, and is a key element of the town’s identity. The quarries − some of which started operating as early as ancient Roman times − are located east of town. At the beginning of the twentieth century, stonemasonry started enjoying a renaissance on Brač. As a result, in 1909 the Stonemasonry High School in Pučišća was founded with Emil Ruml, a Czech stonemason, at the helm as principal. The school’s been developing uninterruptedly ever since, and today enrols about a hundred students a year who work with stonemasonry teachers who’ve been fostering and upholding the tradition of processing stone by hand following the ancient Roman school of stone carving using classic hand tools. Many brilliant masters and artists were born in Pučišća, people such as Trifun Bokanić, Ivan Puljizić, Branislav Dešković, Valerije Michieli and others. Also, the creative talent of Dalmatia’s most prominent Renaissance builders and sculptors − such as Juraj Dalmatinac, Andrija Aleši, and Nikola Firentinac − flourished thanks to Brač island stone, while the great Ivan Meštrović insisted that he could sculpt only in Brač island stone because no other stone possessed such texture, solidity, and colour. − Any future stonemason must be able to feel the soul of stone, must have a feel for the hardness and sound of stone. They must also be able to read the light present in stone and bring it to light − says Zdravko



01 Akt, skulptura Zdravka Matijašića A Nude, a sculpture by Zdravko Matijašić 02 Detalj obnovljenog stepeništa u kuli Ciprijana Žuvetića koji ju je sagradio 1487. A detail of the restored staircase in the Žuvetić Tower built by Ciprijan Žuvetić in 1487 03 Kamena minijatura zvonika crkve sv. Duje u Splitu autora Josipa Radića A stone miniature of the bell tower of the Church of St. Domnius in Split by Josip Radić 04 Detalj kamene minijature vatikanske bazilike sv. Petra, jedinstvene u svijetu, autora Josipa Radića A detail of the one-of-a-kind stone miniature of St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican by Josip Radić



he Island of Brač in Croatia is a place which is particularly well known for its extraordinarily white limestone, and whose natural composition itself facilitated the development of stonemasonry and stone carving. Pučišća, a charming place at the end of the port of Pučišća, a bay on the eastern side of the northern coast of Brač, is also commonly referred to as the Port of 13 Towers because 13 towers stood there once protecting Pučišća from incessant pirate attacks. There’s a large quarry at the point where the bay begins. It’s owned by Jadrankamen Quarry, and is Pučišća’s firstever quarry mentioned in written documents as early as 1455. Because the limestone quarried there is so extraordinarily white, you can spot the quarry from the Dalmatian coast without any difficulty.

Matijašić, a retired master stonemason, who had been head of the stonemasonry workshop at the Stonemasonry High School in Pučišća on the Island of Brač, the only such vocational school in Croatia and the oldest such educational institution in Europe. That stone can be cut and chiselled into large and small dimensions is testified to by Josip Radić, a self-taught artist and retired Croatian Army officer, who’s been making miniatures of bell towers, churches, and stone houses by hand for twenty years. The crown of his career as an artist so far is a replica of St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican made of Brač island stone, a one-of-a-kind miniature in the world. It took Josip two years to study the basilica’s original designs from the Vatican, and then two months to make a replica of it out of thousands of pieces (weighing 200 kilograms) of stone in a scale of 1:200, having invested more than 8,500 hours in making the model. Ivo Martinić, a stonemason of the second generation of students enrolled in the Stonemasonry High School in Pučišća, bought one of the 13 towers in Pučišća 49 years ago, demolished it to the ground, and then spent the next twenty years or so rebuilding and restoring it slab by slab, stone by stone, following the tower’s original design. Today, he lives in it. To make the tower look as authentic as possible, he used only traditional stone cutting methods while rebuilding and restoring it, ultimately making it impossible for onlookers to tell whether the tower’s old or new.

The fact that the people of Brač say that they harvest stone like precious fruit of the Earth rather than that they quarry it speaks volumes about the amount of respect and gratitude they have for it. − Stone is similar to trees in the way that it behaves. After it’s harvested, it must be aged for at least 6 months, because the longer it’s left to age, the easier it is to spot all the imperfections it has, imperfections which are invisible immediately after harvesting. Also, stone must be cut in the direction that it was deposited because it loses its physical properties if cut perpendicularly. What’s more, stone reverberates, it resonates, and the sound it produces helps you check for imperfections in it − explains Daslav Petrović, a master stonemason and sculptor, a teacher at the Stonemasonry High School in Pučišća, and a member of the Croatian Association of Artists, who knows more about stone, stone harvesting and stone cutting than most sculptors do. Daslav’s also a versatile artist who has his own stonemasonry and sculpture workshop in the vicinity of Pučišća surrounded by a beautiful natural environment, from where he derives inspiration for his work every day. The stone building and construction tradition has become an inseparable part of the island’s identity. Thanks to its rich past, to the fact that it has preserved its stonemasonry and stone cutting heritage, and to the love of the people of Brač for harvesting and cutting stone, there’s no doubt that this special connection will continue far into the future. 



Kamenarstvo je i danas najvažnija grana u gospodarskom razvoju Pučišća i važan je dio njegova identiteta. Kamenolomi su smješteni istočno od mjesta, a neki su počeli s radom još u rimsko doba. Stonemasonry continues to be the leading economic activity in Pučišća given that it contributes to its development, and is a key element of the town’s identity. The quarries − some of which started operating as early as ancient Roman times − are located east of town.

01 Skulptura nepoznatog autora u dvorištu kule Prodić A sculpture by an anonymous author in the courtyard of the Prodić Tower 02-03 Detalji kule Prodić izgrađene 1545. Kula je u cijelosti restaurirana i u vlasništvu je obitelji Martinić Details of the Prodić Tower built in 1545. The tower, today owned by the Martinić family, has been completely restored








Aleja, ulje na platnu, 1962. Avenue, oil on canvas, 1962

PIŠE/BY __ Gabrijela

Krmpotić Kos



Novim stalnim postavom Hrvatski muzej naivne umjetnosti obilježuje stotu obljetnicu rođenja proslavljenoga hrvatskog naivnog slikara Ivana Rabuzina, čiji je umjetnički i životni put bio prepun putovanja, a tijekom svoje bogate karijere ostavio je tako neizbrisiv trag u svjetskoj naivnoj umjetnosti da je njegov stil, toliko različit od stila ostalih naivnih umjetnika 20. stoljeća, dobio i poseban naziv − peindre a la Rabuzin. To mark the centenary of the birth of the distinguished Croatian naive painter, Ivan Rabuzin, the Croatian Museum of Naive Art is celebrating with a new permanent exhibition setup. Rabuzin’s journey through both life and art was full of travel. During his rich career, he left such an indelible mark on Naive Art in the world that his style, so different from the style of other 20th-century naive artists, was given a special name ∑ peindre a la Rabuzin. CROATIA AIRLINES 4/2021 _



van Rabuzin slikar je vječnog proljeća i netaknute rajske prirode, jedinstvenog svjetonazora zavičajnog krajolika zagorskog pejzaža − bregova, šuma, livada, oranica i polja, čija čarolija kolorita ostaje upamćena čudesnim slijedom boja svijetlo plavog neba s nizovima bijelih oblaka, zelenila trave, drveća i šuma te raznobojnih crvenih, žutih i bijelih cvjetova. Njegov umjetnički i životni put bio je prepun putovanja i događanja, a tijekom svoje bogate karijere i stvaralaštva koje ga je dovelo do Pariza i dalekoga Japana, ostavio je neizbrisiv trag u domaćoj i svjetskoj naivnoj umjetnosti. Prepoznat kao vrlo osebujan umjetnik, stvarao je jasne vizije harmoničnog svemira i života, zalažući se za život u kojem postoji samo ljepota, harmonija i sreća. Stoga u njegovim slikama prevladavaju dobro, radost, nada i ljubav. Zapravo je njegovo slikarstvo istinska antiteza tragično-disharmoničnom svijetu u kojem živimo te pobjeda humane vizije sreće i nade nad surovom realnošću i krvavom zbiljom.



Kada bismo Rabuzinov opus pojednostavili u njegovu bitku, mogli bismo reći kako se on suprotstavlja svemu destruktivnom, nihilističkom, pesimističnom, tragičnom, mračnom i besperspektivnom. Pejzaži i cvjetovi apsolutna su inspiracija njegovih djela, a upravo zahvaljujući uzajamnom povezivanju kompozicijskim zahvatima, veličini i koloritu objašnjavaju značenje u slikarovoj mašti. Upravo stoga njegovi rado oslikani veliki cvjetovi poprimaju simboličke vrijednosti i postaju simbol sunca i života, atribut neprestanog rađanja i mladosti te sveopće harmonije. Ivan Rabuzin rodio se 27. ožujka 1921. godine u mjestu Ključ pokraj Novog Marofa u Hrvatskom zagorju. Umjetnik samouk, klasik svjetske naive, jedan je od najeminentnijih lirskih slikara 20. stoljeća. Pučku školu pohađao je u Remetincu, a stolarski zanat izučio u Zagrebu i Zemunu. Majstorski obrt Obrtne škole u Zagrebu završio je 1947. godine, kada pohađa i večernji tečaj crtanja. Godine 1963. postaje profesionalni slikar, a prije toga

Moj svijet, ulje na platnu, 1962. My World, oil on canvas, 1962

ostvario je zapaženu karijeru u stolarskom poduzeću Bor. Nakon godina i godina bavljenja slikarstvom Rabuzin otkriva svoju specifičnu tematiku − pejzažne vedute, osebujne oblike i kolorit, točnije, vlastiti stil i prije svega osobnu poetiku. Prvom samostalnom izložbom u Galeriji primitivne umjetnosti u Zagrebu (kasnije Hrvatskome muzeju naivne umjetnosti) u svibnju 1960. godine, prelazi iz sfere amaterizma u aktualni trend naive, a već godinu poslije potvrđuje se kao suvremeni majstor. Dvije godine poslije predstavlja se francuskoj publici samostalnom izložbom u Galerie Mona Lisa u Parizu, kada kreće Rabuzinov uspješni prodor na širi europski i svjetski prostor. Od nje-

govih najzapaženijih uspjeha potrebno je izdvojiti Grand Prix u Bratislavi na velikoj međunarodnoj izložbi 3. Trienále insitného umenia, visoke ocjene na izložbi I grandi naïfs Jugoslavi u Palazzo Braschi u Rimu, prvu nagradu na međunarodnoj izložbi Naivi ‘70 u Zagrebu 1970., retrospektivnu izložbu u Muzeju za umjetnost i obrt u Zagrebu 1973., Gran Premio d’Onore na izložbi I naïfs u Luganu, putujuću izložbu u više gradova Japana tijekom 1987. i 1988. Godine 1976. Rabuzin je započeo suradnju s njemačkom tvornicom porculana Rosenthal, a 1980. godine prema njegovim je nacrtima izrađen veliki svečani zastor u kazalištu Takarazuka u Tokiju te tri godine kasnije tapiserija u predavaonici Muzeja moderne umjetnosti Saitama u Urawi. Od početka osamdesetih surađuje i s najuglednijim svjetskim atelierom za izradu tapiserija − francuskom manufakturom LaLisse d’Aubusson. Hrvatski muzej naivne umjetnosti u ožujku je organizirao virtualni simpozij povodom 100. obljetnice rođenja hrvatskog naivnog umjetnika Ivana Rabuzina. Program simpozija bio je podijeljen u nekoliko tematskih cjelina koje su se odnosile na interpretacije Rabuzinovih djela, motiva, simbola i radnih procedura, kao i istraživanje Rabuzinove povezanosti sa suvremenim kontekstom, drugim

umjetnicima i povjesničarima umjetnosti te definiranjem pozicije Rabuzinove poetike na umjetničkoj i kulturnoj sceni. 


van Rabuzin is a painter of eternal spring and untouched ethereal nature, of a unique perspective on his native landscapes of Zagorje ∑ hills, forests, meadows, ploughlands and fields ∑ whose magic of colour you remember thanks to the miraculous sequence of the colours of a light blue sky spotted with rows of white clouds, green grass, trees and forests, and colourful red, yellow, and white flowers. Rabuzin’s journey through both life and art was full of travel and adventure, and during his rich career that led him to Paris and far-off Japan, he left an indelible mark on Naive Art both at home and in the world. Recognised as a highly distinctive artist, he created clear visions of a harmonious universe and life, advocating a life in which there’s only beauty, harmony, and happiness. Accordingly, his paintings exude goodness, joy, hope, and love. In fact, his art is a true antithesis of the tragically disharmonious world that we live in, and a victory of humanely envisioned happiness and hope prevailing over harsh and stark reality. If Rabuzin’s oeuvre were simplified and reduced to its very core, we could say that he opposes all things destructive, nihilistic, pessimistic, tragic, dark,

Rabuzin je prepoznat kao vrlo osebujan umjetnik, stvarao je jasne vizije harmoničnog svemira i života, zalažući se za život u kojem postoji samo ljepota, harmonija i sreća. Stoga u njegovim slikama prevladavaju dobro, radost, nada i ljubav. Recognised as a highly distinctive artist, Rabuzin created clear visions of a harmonious universe and life, advocating a life in which there’s only beauty, harmony, and happiness. Accordingly, his paintings exude goodness, joy, hope, and love.

Tri cvijeta, ulje na platnu, 1963. Three Flowers, oil on canvas, 1963




01 Na bregovima polje, ulje na platnu, 1968. Field in the Hills, oil on canvas, 1968



02 Stolac, drvo, 1997. Chair, wood, 1997 03 Zora, ulje na platnu, 1963. Dawn, oil on canvas, 1963 02



and hopeless. He draws all his inspiration from landscapes and flowers. Moreover, it is exactly landscapes and flowers that give meaning to his imagination thanks to being interconnected with the help of compositional interventions, size and colour. This is why the large flowers which he loved to paint acquire symbolic meanings, and become a symbol of the sun and life, a pictograph of permanent procreation and youth, and universal harmony. Ivan Rabuzin was born on 27th March 1921 in the village of Ključ near Novi Marof in Croatia’s north-western region of Zagorje. Although a self-taught artist, Rabuzin is a classic of Naive Art, and one of the most eminent lyrical painters of the 20th century. He attended elementary school in Remetinec, and learned carpentry in Zagreb and Zemun. He got his Master Craftsman Certificate from the School of Crafts in Zagreb in 1947, when he started attending evening classes in drawing. Prior to becoming a professional painter in 1963, he had a successful career in the Bor carpentry company. After years and years of painting, Rabuzin discovered his favourite theme ∑ landscapes, distinctive shapes, and colours. More precisely, he discovered his own style

and, more importantly, his personal poetics. With his very first solo exhibition held at the Gallery of Primitive Art in Zagreb (which later became the Croatian Museum of Naive Art) in May 1960, he transcended the sphere of amateurism, and entered what was then the current trend in Naive Art. As little as a year later, Rabuzin established himself as a contemporary master. Two years later, he presented his work to the French public with a solo exhibition at the Mona Lisa Gallery in Paris. This marked the beginning of Rabuzin entering successfully the wider European and world scene. Amongst his most notable successes, the following should be singled out: the Grand Prix in Bratislava at the 3rd Triennial of Self-Taught Art (3. Trienále insitného umenia), much acclaim at the Great Yugoslav Naive Artists (I grandi naïfs Jugoslavi) exhibition in Palazzo Braschi in Rome, the first prize at the international Naive Artists ’70 (Naivi ‘70) exhibition in Zagreb in 1970, a retrospective exhibition at the Museum of Arts and Crafts in Zagreb in 1973, the Grand Prix of Honour (Gran Premio d’Onore) at the Naive Artists (I naïfs) exhibition in Lugano in Switzerland, and a travelling exhibition mounted in several cities in Japan during 1987 and 1988. In 1976,

Rabuzin began collaborating with Rosenthal, a German manufacturer of porcelain. Based on Rabuzin’s designs, in 1980 a large ceremony curtain for the Takarazuka Theatre in Tokyo, and in 1983 a tapestry for the lecture hall of the Saitama Museum of Modern Art in Urawa, Japan, were made. Since the beginning of the 1980s, he’s been collaborating with the world’s most prestigious tapestry studio ∑ the French La Lisse d’Aubusson manufactory. To mark the centenary of the birth of Ivan Rabuzin, the Croatian Museum of Naive Art organised a virtual conference in March this year. The conference programme was divided into several thematic units, including: interpretations of Rabuzin’s works, motifs, symbols, and practices; research into Rabuzin’s connections with the contemporary context, other artists, and art historians; and defining the position of Rabuzin’s poetics on the arts and cultural scene. 

Otoci, ulje na platnu, 1963. Islands, oil on canvas, 1963




S tradicijom dugom više od sto godina i dizajnerskim timom koji svake sezone iznova pomiče granice i pronalazi nove načine kako začiniti i osvježiti naše omiljene odjevne komade, modna kuća Varteks ime je koje je obilježilo hrvatsku modnu scenu i garderobe brojnih generacija. Boasting an over a century-old tradition and a design team that pushes back the boundaries of finding new ways to spice up and revamp your much-loved pieces of clothing every season, Varteks is a household name that has left its mark on Croatia’s fashion scene, and that has dressed many generations. 56 _ CROATIA AIRLINES



rhunski kaputi oduvijek su bili zaštitni znak modne kuće Varteks, a bez sumnje će obilježiti i sezonu jesen/zima 2021./2022. Dobar kaput ultimativni je modni favorit sezone s kojim započinje svaka garderoba i završava svaka odjevna kombinacija. Novi Varteks kaputi za žene i za muškarce ističu se kvalitetom materijala i izrade, elegantnim izgledom, svestranim karakterom i modernim pomakom u kroju, boji ili detaljima. Razlozi su to zbog kojih će vas osvojiti na prvi pogled, ali i zbog kojih će se u vašim garderobama zadržati godinama. U novoj Varteks kolekciji za sezonu jesen/ zima 2021./2022. ističe se pregršt odličnih modela kaputa i nekoliko neodoljivih trendova među kojima će baš svatko pronaći onaj savršeni model za svoj ormar i stil. Zimske dane dočekat ćemo u najtoplijim kaputima koji su izrađeni od tkanina prirodnog porijekla: čiste runske vune uz dodatak kašmira, mohera ili elastana za bolju prilagodljivost i udobnost. Varteks kaputi ove sezone dolaze u


nekoliko potpuno različitih izdanja. Ljubiteljice klasike oduševit će karirani kaputi s prizvukom engleskog country stila te modeli u neutralnim bojama, dok će obožavateljice francuske nonšalantnosti svoje favorite pronaći u modelima sa šarmantnim mornarskim detaljima. Za odvažne i samouvjerene žene koje se vole istaknuti u masi kao stvoreni bit će modeli s dodatkom upečatljivih volana te modeli u jarkim bojama poput fuksije, crvene i žute. Uz ležerne modele inspirirane tradicionalnim Montgomery jaknama, u muškoj kolekciji nalaze se i jednako topli i svestrani, ali bitno elegantniji kaputi. Klasičnog kroja, jednostavnih linija i u tamnim bojama, bit će savršeni izbor za poslovnu garderobu ili sofisticirani look za večernje i posebne prilike. Najhladniji dani tek nam predstoje, a kako biste ih dočekali spremni, zavirite u najbližu Varteks trgovinu ili u webshop i pronađite kaput krojen baš po vašoj mjeri, vašim željama i vašem stilu. 

TEKST/TEXT_Varteks arhiva/archives







01 Marzotto tkanine od čiste runske vune za savršen izgled i neprocjenjiv osjećaj udobnosti Marzotto fabrics made of pure new wool for a perfect look and a priceless feeling of sheer comfort 02 Ženski sako proizveden od reciklirane vune i muška kratka bomber jakna u dezenu Prince de Galles A women’s jacket made of recycled wool and a men’s short bomber jacket made of a Prince de Galles patterned fabric








Kvaliteta tkanine preduvjet je da kaput ili

Limited edition kratki kaput od čiste runske vune A limited edition short coat made of pure new wool

odijelo zaista bude vrhunsko. Za dosljednost majstorskom kroju jednog odijela kroz proces krojenja, šivanja, glačanja i dorade potrebno je napraviti oko 190 operacija. Varteks je poznat po tomu da koristi samo najfinije tkanine koje jamče


arteks has always been known for its top-quality coats, and its coats are, without question, the hallmark of the autumn-winter 2021 collection as well. A good coat is the ultimate fashion favourite of the season, which every wardrobe begins with and every outfit ends with. Varteks’s new coats for women and men stand out thanks to the quality of fabric and workmanship, elegance, and versatility, featuring a modern twist in the cut, colour or detail. Varteks’s coats will win you over at first sight, and are bound to become your favourite wardrobe piece for years to come. Varteks’s latest autumn-winter 2021 collection features many great coat models and several exceptional trends, from which you’re bound to find the perfect model for your own wardrobe and personal style. You’ll welcome the winter days in the warmest coats made of fabrics from natural fibres − pure new wool to which cashmere, mohair or elastane has been added for improved adaptability and comfort. This season, Varteks’s coats come in se­ veral completely different cuts and models. Lovers of classic coats will be delighted by Varteks’s plaid coats with a touch of English country style, and models featuring neutral colours, while fans of French casual elegance will find their favourites from amongst Varteks’s models accentuated by charming navy details. For daring and confident women who like to stand out in a crowd, Varteks has designed coat models featuring exciting frills, and models made of brightly coloured fabrics, such as fuchsia, red, and yellow. In addition to casual models inspired by the traditional Montgomery duffle coat, Varteks’s men’s collection also includes equally warm and versatile yet more elegant coats. Thanks to their classic cut, simple lines, and dark coloured fabrics, they’ll be the perfect choice for a business wardrobe or a sophisticated look for a night out or a special occasion. The coldest days of the year haven’t arrived yet. To get ready for them, visit the nearest Varteks store or check out their online store, where you’ll find a coat tailored to your needs, your wishes, and your style. 



superiornu udobnost i otpornost. Varteks kao modni lider dio je pokreta održive mode i stoga u svoje kolekcije ugrađuje prirodne i ekološki prihvatljive materijale iz kojih proizvodi odjeću visoke vrijednosti koja dulje traje i ne zagađuje okoliš. Legendarni Varteksovi kaputi te beskompromisno krojena odijela izrađeni su od najkvalitetnije čiste runske vune i kašmira renomiranih talijanskih proizvođača tkanina Marzotto i Loro Piana. The quality of fabric must be the best for a coat or suit to really be of topquality. Approximately 190 operations − including tailoring, sewing, ironing, and adding finishing touches − are performed for a suit to correspond to the master cut. Varteks is famous for using only the finest fabrics that guarantee superior comfort, and durability. As a leader in fashion, Varteks is part of the sustainable fashion movement. Accordingly, the company uses natural and environmentally friendly materials to design and create high-value pieces of clothing that last longer and do not pollute the environment. Varteks’s legendary coats and flawlessly tailored suits are made of the highest quality pure new wool and cashmere fabrics made by two renowned Italian fabric manufacturers, namely Marzotto, and Loro Piana.





Varteks d.d. vodeća je hrvatska modna i tekstilna kompanija u segmentu proizvodnje i prodaje odjeće, osnovana 1918. godine. U svojoj gotovo stoljetnoj tradiciji Varteks je stvarao modu koja se mijenjala potrebama tržišta, istodobno zadržavajući svoju kvalitetu i prepoznatljivost. Vlastiti dizajnerski tim ojačan priznatim imenima hrvatske modne scene upravo stvara nove linije, nove kolekcije. Stvaraju se modne kolekcije s dizajnerskim potpisom gdje se tradicionalni krojevi susreću s najnovijim modnim trendovima. Kolekcije Varteks igraju se suprotnostima. U toj igri nastaju začudni komadi: hrabri a opet konzervativni, jaki a opet suzdržani. U međuprostoru između dviju krajnosti nalazi se cijeli svemir ideja i mogućnosti. Varteks je zaronio u taj svemir. Founded in 1918, Varteks d.d. is Croatia’s leading clothing manufacturing company with a nationwide sales network of fashion stores. During its over a century-old tradition, Varteks has created fashion that has always catered to market and customer needs, whilst retaining its quality and distinctiveness. The company’s team of designers, reinforced by renowned names of Croatia’s fashion scene, is at present creating signature design fashion collections, fusing traditional cuts with the latest fashion trends. Varteks collections play with opposites, which results in fascinating pieces − daring yet conservative, sharp yet restrained. In the space between these two extremes there lies an entire universe of ideas and possibilities. Varteks has dived into this universe.

Ženski kaput od čiste runske vune s metalnim gumbima u boji starog zlata A women’s coat made of pure new wool featuring antique gold metal buttons





PIŠE/BY __ Nada




London Želite li vidjeti kuću i ulicu u kojoj je stanovala Bridget Jones? Možda vas privlači tura po Londonu Harryja Pottera, Sherlocka Holmesa ili Jamesa Bonda? U filmu Dobra godina Ridleyja Scotta londonske scene snimljene su u zgradi poznatoj po nadimku The Gherkin (Krastavac), londonskoj znamenitosti slavnog arhitekta Normana Fostera, a tu su i druge uzbudljive filmske i televizijske lokacije koje možete upoznati na jednoj od filmskih tura po Londonu. Veliki užitak! LONDON

Eager to see Bridget Jones’s house and street? Maybe you’re interested in a tour of Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes or James Bond’s London? The London scenes in Ridley Scott’s A Good Year were filmed in a building nicknamed The Gherkin, London’s landmark designed by the famed architect Norman Foster. There are other exciting film and television locations you can visit on one of the movie tours around London. What an experience this could be!

Istanbul U ovaj uzbudljivi, drevni grad vratila se živost i da se masovno ne nose maske i na otvorenome, činilo bi se da se u njemu živi starim normalnim životom. No ako ipak želite izbjeći turističke gužve, sjediti u miru pijuckajući turski crni čaj dok razgledate grad, odaberite jednu od brojnih tura brodom po Bosporu koje mogu trajati od dva do četiri sata, s vidicima koji oduzimaju dah. ISTANBUL

Liveliness has returned to this exciting, ancient city, and if it weren’t for the face masks, it would seem that our old normal life was back. If, by contrast, you’re looking to avoid the crowds, and take time to sip your Turkish black tea while touring the city, there are many different boat trips on the Bosporus for you to choose from. Offering breath-taking views, these boat trips can last anywhere between two to four hours.



Bruxelles Središte administracije EU-a slovi i kao jedna od najboljih europskih metropola za šoping po buvljacima. Ima ih po cijelome gradu, najveći i najjfetiniji jest bučni Jeu de Balle, otvoren svaki dan, a vikendom ćete zateći i ugodni manji buvljak s antikvitetima na otmjenome gradskom trgu Grand Sablon. BRUSSELS

The headquarters of many EU institutions is also known for its flea market shopping opportunities. In fact, Brussels has the best flea markets in Europe scattered across the entire town. The biggest and the cheapest is the clamorous Jeu de Balle, which is open every day. Also, be sure not to miss the delightful small antique flea market which is set up in the posh Grand Sablon square on weekends.

Pariz Pariška gradonačelnica ima velike planove za pretvaranje najpoznatije gradske avenije Champs-Élysées u veliki vrt bez automobila. Dok se to ne dogodi, velebne pariške avenije najljepše je obići na − koturaljkama. Pariz u određene dane (provjeriti www.pariscope.fr) nudi organizirane rute za veliki obilazak grada u grupama istomišljenika, entuzijasta ovog urbanog sporta. PARIS

The mayor of Paris has big plans for the city’s most famous avenue − the Champs-Élysées. She’s planning to turn it into a large, car-free garden. Until that happens, the best way to experience Paris’s magnificent avenues is − on roller skates. On certain days, roller skating tours of Paris in groups of enthusiasts of this urban sport are organised. For dates, please check www.pariscope.fr.




GDANJSK Shakespeareovo kazalište u Gdanjsku TEKST I FOTOGRAFIJE / TEXT AND PHOTOS __

Saša Pjanić

Povijesni dio grada s riječnim dokom na Motławi i starom žitnicom iz 15. stoljeća, zaštitnim znakom Gdanjska A historic part of the city featuring a riverside dock on the Motlawa River and a 15th century granary, a landmark of Gdansk


tara žitnica s lučkim kranom iznad doka na Motławi razmetljivo se utisnula među uske, ostakljene fasade Nacionalnoga pomorskog muzeja. Stovarište od dasaka i opeke dobro je poznat prizor i onomu tko nikada nije bio u Gdanjsku. No malo se zna da su slične daske i nešto cigle, presložene u zdanje nalik londonskome Fortune Playhouseu, u renesansnome Gdanjsku udomljivale glumačke družine iz Engleske. Za njih je cijeli hanzeatski svijet Baltika doslovno i bio pozornica. Baš kao što je i Engleska bila Poljacima prije Brexita, glumcima s otoka odlazak u Gdanjsk 17. stoljeća bila je unosna prilika. Sudeći po izvorima, od 1601. godine ljeta u Gdanjsku upotpunjavale su izvedbe dramskih komada na mjestu neposredno uz gradske zidine, u pravokutnom dvorištu ograđenome drvenim ložama bez krova, poznatome kao Škola mačevanja. Putujućim umjetnicima ova je baltička luka nudila spas od besparice i londonske konkurencije, a raznim dojaviteljima i uhodama onoga doba doslovno krinku. Njezini su pak bogati građani uživali u praizvedbama djela barda nad bardovima čim su napisana. I dok je elizabetansko doba bilo već na zalazu, a Poljsko-Litavska Unija jednim okom pohlepno gledala prema



The Gdansk Shakespeare Theatre Moskoviji, u Gdanjsk je stigao Shakespeare. Doduše u emanaciji svojih djela, u uprizorenjima glumaca željnih posla, opipljiv kroz rekvizitarij lubanja, kraljevskih kruna, magarećih glava i bodeža. A kako se o najslavnijem piscu kazališnih komada ionako malo zna, nitko sa sigurnošću ne može potvrditi ili opovrgnuti je li Williamov pogled nekoć stremio put visina golemog ciglenog zvonika Marijanske bazilike. U međuvremenu Shakespeare je u Gdanjsku pronašao svoju adresu. Godine 2014. na početku Ulice Wojciecha Bogusławskog dovršena je nova zgrada Shakespeareova kazališta, projekt koji su realizirali poljski teatrolog, anglist i književnik, nedavno preminuli Jerzy Limon i talijanski arhitekt Renato Rizzi. Uz novu građevinu, koja je brzo postala zaštitnim znakom suvremenoga Gdanjska, već više od dva desetljeća održava se danas jedan od najvažnijih poljskih kazališnih festivala, međunarodni Shakespearov festival u Gdanjsku − još jedan dobar razlog da se u kolovozu posjeti ovaj grad. Kazališni ansambli iz cijelog svijeta dolaze u Gdanjsk da bi, baš kao nekada putujući glumci iz Engleske, pred razdraganom publikom ljeti izvodili Shakespearove komade. Kazalište se može razgledati tijekom dnevnih posjeta. Izvana je obloženo tamnom, belgijskom opekom, s ukrasima u obliku gotičkih kontrafora. Iznutra je replika starog, londonskog Fortune Playhousea. Posebna je atrakcija krov iznad pozornice i gledališta koji se može otvarati, izlažući pozornicu dnevnom svjetlu, a pogled nebu. I na kraju, nemoguće je ne primijetiti jednu zanimljivu vremensku podudarnost. Dok su anonimni ansambli i putujući zabavljači s britanskog otočja početkom 17. stoljeća pečalbarili na improviziranoj pozornici Škole mačevanja ispred gradski zidina Gdanjska, Hvarani su već imali prvo javno kazalište u Europi. 


here’s an old granary with a port crane above a dock on the Motlawa River in Gdansk ostentatiously sandwiched in between the narrow, glazed walls of the National Maritime Museum. Even those who’ve never been to Gdansk may be familiar with its riverside landmark − a plank and brick granary. Yet, what most are unfamiliar with is that, in the Renaissance, an edifice made of similar planks and bricks, arranged to resemble London’s historic Fortune Playhouse, used to host acting troupes from Britain. For them, the entire Hanseatic world of the Baltics was literally a stage.

01 Obnovljeni dio Nacionalnog pomorskog muzeja u Gdanjsku The restored part of the National Maritime Museum in Gdansk 02 Gotička crkva sv. Marije, dovršena početkom 16. stoljeća, najveća je crkva na svijetu sagrađena od opeke Completed in the early 16th century, the Gothic St. Mary’s Church is the largest brick church in the world




Travelling to Gdansk in the 17th century to perform was a lucrative opportunity for British actors much like the way in which travelling to the UK just recently was for the Poles prior to Brexit. Starting in 1601, summers in Gdansk were packed with plays and performances given in an uncovered rectangular courtyard around which roofless wooden loggias were erected, a place known as the School of Fencing. This Baltic port was British travelling artists’ ticket to salvation as it filled their pockets and mouths, whilst ridding them of their London competition, and offering various informers and spies of the time an actual disguise. At the same time, Gdansk’s well-off citizens


03 Posebna atrakcija Gdanjska jesu replike starih hanzeatskih trgovačkih jedrenjaka Replicas of old Hanseatic cogs are a major attraction in Gdansk 04 Duga ulica žila je kucavica Staroga Gdanjska. Od Zlatnih ili Zelenih vrata put vas neizbježno vodi do Gradske vijećnice The Long Street is the lifeblood of Old Gdansk. From either end, the Golden or the Green Gate, it’ll lead you to the Main Town Hall

U Gdanjsk vas vodimo u suradnji s našim code share partnerom SAS-om preko Kopenhagena. We’re taking you to Gdansk in collaboration with our codeshare partner, SAS, via Copenhagen. croatiaairlines.com _ m.croatiaairlines.com



01 Unutrašnjost Shakespearova kazališta replika je starog, londonskog Fortune Playhousea iz 17. stoljeća. U tijeku je predstava Zaljubljeni Shakespeare The interior of the Gdansk Shakespeare Theatre is a replica of London’s historic Fortune Playhouse from the 17th century. The play performed in the photo is Shakespeare in Love 02 AmberSky, poput londonskoga Milenijskog kotača uz Temzu, odnedavna krasi desnu obalu Motławe Like the London Eye along the Thames, AmberSky has recently been erected on the right bank of the Motlawa River 03 Ulica Sta˛giewna, nasuprot Zelenim vratima, na desnoj obali Motławe odlikuje se suvremenim arhitektonskim interpolacijama Sta˛giewna Street, opposite the Green Gate on the right bank of the Motlawa River, features insertions of modern architectural elements



had the chance to enjoy The Bard of Avon’s plays premiering in their town as soon as he had written them. And while the Elizabethan Era was coming to an end, and while the Polish-Lithuanian Union had its eye greedily on the Grand Duchy of Muscovy − Shakespeare arrived in Gdansk. Admittedly though, in the embodiment of his works, in the performances given by actors eager to earn a living, palpable through such props as skulls, royal crowns, donkey heads, and daggers. Fast-forward to today, Shakespeare’s found an actual home in Gdansk. In 2014, the new building of the Gdansk Shakespeare Theatre was completed at the beginning of Wojciech Bogusławski Street. This was a project launched and completed by the late Polish literary scholar, translator and writer specialising in Shakespearean and Elizabethan theatre, Jerzy Limon, and Italian architect, Renato Rizzi. Right beside the new building, which quickly became a landmark of present-day Gdansk, one of Poland’s leading international theatre festivals, the Gdansk Shakespeare Festival, has been held for more than two decades − a brilliant reason to visit Gdansk in August. Much like the way in which British travelling artists once did, theatre troupes from all over the world flock to Gdansk to perform Shakespeare’s plays before happy audiences in the summer. You can tour the theatre building itself during the




day. The building’s exterior is lined with dark, Belgian brick, and features ornaments resembling Gothic buttresses, while the interior is an actual replica of London’s historic Fortune Playhouse. The theatre’s special attraction is its roof above the stage and the auditorium given that it can be opened, exposing the stage to daylight and a view of the sky. And finally, one fascinating historical coincidence is worth pointing out. While, in the 17th century, anonymous travelling artists and troupes from the British Isles earned a living on a makeshift stage erected at the Fencing School beside the city walls of Gdansk, the residents of the town of Hvar in Croatia had already prided themselves on having built the first public theatre in Europe. 

Digitalni ured Usmjerite se na poslovni rast, dok mi unapređujemo vaše poslovne procese

Digitalizacija papirnate dokumentacije, elektronička razmjena dokumenata (eNarudžbenice, eOtpremnice, eRačuni, ePrimke…), digitalno arhiviranje dokumenata i sustava odobravanja Zašto digitalizirati ured? • trajno čuvanje digitalnih dokumenata na jednom mjestu • jednostavno i brzo pronalaženje dokumenata • ušteda prostora, vremena, ljudskih resursa i financijskih sredstava • brzo, pouzdano i kvalitetno razmjenjivanje elektroničkih dokumenata s poslovnim partnerima u zemlji i inozemstvu • povezanost s vanjskim knjigovodstvenim servisom

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MÜNCHEN Istražite München u četiri dana

Frauenkirche, jedan od glavnih simbola grada The Cathedral of Our Lady, one of Munich’s major landmarks


zimskim danima posjet Münchenu može biti veoma atraktivan. Osobito ako slijedite četverodnevni itinerar koji vam predlažemo na stranicama našeg časopisa. Stoga, sjednite u naš zrakoplov i doletite. Ove zime, osim iz Zagreba i Splita, možete i iz Osijeka. Prvi dan: U Bavarskom nacionalnome muzeju možete vidjeti najznačajniju izložbu jaslica na svijetu. U postavu se nalaze jaslice koje su izrađene u Italiji i na području Alpa od 18. stoljeća do početka 20. stoljeća. Izložba je otvorena od studenoga do kraja siječnja 2022. godine, a prije posjeta muzeju potrebno se prethodno prijaviti. Tijekom popodneva možete se diviti snježnim sovama, pingvinima, polarnim medvjedima ili tuljanima u polarnome svijetu Zoološkoga vrta Hellabrunn. Navečer otiđite



na koncert Münchenske filharmonije ili Bavarskoga radijskog simfonijskog orkestra u kulturnom centru Gasteig. Drugi dan: Danas se bavarskom regionalnom željeznicom uputite na uživanje u snježnim radostima, a za to će vam trebati skijaške karte koje možete kupiti u Garmischu ili Oberstdorfu. Osim toga, postoje brojne cross-country skijaške staze u Münchenu i okolici. Popularne cross-country staze nalaze se oko jezera Tegernsee, u blizini gradova Lenggries i Bad Tölz te kod jezera Chiemsee i Berchtesgaden. U münchenskome Zapadnom parku, krajoliku koji okružuje rijeku Isar te u parku Nymphenburg nude se brojne zimske šetnice i sjajne mogućnosti za cross-country skijanje. Neophodnu opremu za zimski izlet naći ćete u jednome od triju servisnih centara Njemačkoga alpskog kluba. Za večernji izlazak preporučujemo vam posjet opernom spektaklu Pasta Opera. Svi su gosti likovi iz različitih opera koji zajedno putuju kroz vrijeme do doba rokokoa. Cijeli događaj prate najljepše arije operne povijesti. Treći dan: Ujutro posjetite umjetničku četvrt Kunstareal, u kojoj se nalazi 18 muzeja i izložbenih prostora, 40 galerija, šest sveučilišta te brojne kulturne institucije. Preporučujemo vam da se nakon toga počastite ukusnim ručkom sa sjajnim pogledom u Blue Spa Winter Gardenu, koji se može pohvaliti ogromnim samostojećim kaminom i zadivljujućim staklenim zidom na sedmome katu hotela Bayerischer Hof. A zašto popodne ne biste odmorili u Hamamu Anatolia? Ova turska kupelj, koja je obnovljena prema izvornom nacrtu, nalazi se u blizini stanice podzemne željeznice Silberhornstrasse u južnom dijelu grada. Možda vas zanima i Mathilden Hamam u blizini gradskih vrata Sendlinger Tor ili posjet prvoj slanoj špilji u Münchenu, koja se nalazi u blizini stanice podzemne željenice Kolumbusplatz. Četvrti dan: Danas idemo na trg Königsplatz, gdje se nalaze Državna zbirka antikviteta te gradska vrata Propylaea; posjetitelji mogu uživati u spomeniku starine u centru grada, što će posebno oduševiti ljubitelje antike. U galeriji Lenbachhaus, koja se nalazi u blizini Königsplatza, nalazi se najveća izložba djela umjetničke skupine Plavi jahač. Popodne uživajte u klizanju u centru Prinzregentenstadion, a kasnije skoknite i do saune. Klizati možete i u Olympia-Eissportzentrumu, Eissportzentrumu Ost ili West ili u parku Grünwalder. Navečer možete uživati u broadwayskom iskustvu te pogledati mjuzikl u Deutsches Theatru. 

TEKST/TEXT_München Turizam/Munich Tourism

München Tourismus, Sigi Müller

Experience Munich in four days

01 Prikaz sveta tri kralja u Bavarskom nacionalnom muzeju A representation of the Three Wise Men at the Bavarian National Museum


Bayerisches Nationalmusem

München Tourismus, Luis Gervasi

02 Prikaz žene koja prodaje voće i povrće u Bavarskom nacionalnom muzeju A representation of a woman selling fruits and vegetables at the Bavarian National Museum

Bayerisches Nationalmusem


Der Tegernsee, Dietmar Denger





visit to Munich can be a very enriching experience in winter, particularly if you follow the four-day itinerary we’re bringing in our magazine. So, board our aircraft, and let’s get you there. You can reach Munich this winter from not just Zagreb and Split, but from Osijek as well. Day 1: The Bavarian National Museum (Bayerisches Nationalmusem) is home to, amongst other collections, a world-famous collection of Nativity scenes that were created in Italy and the Alps between the 1700s and the early 20th century. The exhibition opens at the beginning of November and closes at the end of January. To visit the museum at other times, you must first register to be able to enter. During the afternoon, you can enjoy the company of snowy owls, penguins, polar bears or South American sea lions at the Polar World of the Hellabrunn Zoo. In the evening, why not go to a concert performed by the Munich Philharmonic orchestra or the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra at the Gasteig arts centre. Day 2: Today, use the Bavarian Regional Railway (Bayerische Regiobahn) network to get you to the mountains where you can hit the slopes. You can buy your ski-passes at the towns of Garmisch or Oberstdorf. Alternatively, Munich and its immediate surroundings also abound with many cross-country skiing trails. Popular crosscountry skiing trails can also be found around Lake Tegernsee, between the towns of Lenggries and Bad Tölz, around Lake Chiemsee, and in the town of Berchtesgaden. Munich’s West Park surrounding the Isar River and the Nymphenburg Palace Park promise a whole host of snowy winter walks and also offer stunning cross-country

03 Brdo Wallberg kraj jezera Tegernsee Wallberg Mountain near Lake Tegernsee 04 Klizalište na smrznutom kanalu ispred dvorca Nymphenburg An ice rink on the frozen canal outside Nymphenburg Palace



antique art masterpieces that are bound to leave you awestruck. The Lenbachhaus Museum not far from Königsplatz houses the world’s largest collection of works of art created by the Blue Rider (Blauer Reiter) group of artists. Take yourself ice skating in the afternoon at the Prinzregentenstadion leisure centre’s ice rink, after which you might as well have a sauna at the same centre. You can also go ice skating at the Olympia-Eissportzentrum indoor sporting arena, the Ice and Fun Sports Centre East and West (Eissportzentrum Ost und West) or at Grünwalder Park’s outdoor ice rink. Round your day off by affording the luxury of a Broadway-like experience and enjoy a musical at the German Theatre (Deutsches Theater). 

skiing trails. You can rent all the equipment necessary for your winter excursion from one of the three Service Centres of the German Alpine Club. In the evening, we recommend that you visit the decadent Pasta Opera spectacle, whose guests are all characters from different operas that travel together through time to the world of Rococo. The entire event is accompanied by the most beautiful arias from the history of opera. Day 3: In the morning, we invite you to visit Munich’s Kunstareal art district boasting as many as 18 museums and exhibition halls, 40 galleries, six universities and colleges, and many other cultural institutions. Afterwards, treat yourself to a delicious lunch at the Blue Spa Bar & Lounge winter garden with its free-standing fireplace and impressive glass walls on the 7th floor of the Bayerischer Hof Hotel, from which you’ll be offered great views of the city. Why not spend your afternoon relaxing at Hamam Anatolia? Restored according to its original design, this Turkish steam bath is near the Silberhornstrasse subway station in the south of Munich. Alternatively, you can visit the Mathilden Hamam steam bath near the Sendling Gate (Sendlinger Tor) or the first salt cave in Munich near the Kolumbusplatz subway station. Day 4: Today, we’re off to the King’s Square (Königsplatz), home to Germany’s State Collections of Antiquities (Staatliche Antikensammlung), and the Propylaea Gate (Propyläen). Here, you’ll enjoy

Cy Twombly Foundation Christian Kasper



München je našim svakodnevnim letovima povezan sa Splitom, četiri puta na tjedan sa Zagrebom (do Nove godine, a zatim također svakodnevno), a novost je naša linija Osijek-München ponedjeljkom i petkom. 03

We fly to Munich from Split every day and from Zagreb four times a week until New Year’s Day, after which we’ll start operating daily flights from Zagreb as well. We’ve also introduced flights to Munich from Osijek operated on Mondays and Fridays. croatiaairlines.com _ m.croatiaairlines.com



01 Posjetitelji u muzeju Brandhorst Visitors at the Brandhorst Museum 02 Königsplatz navečer The King’s Square at night 03 Posjetiteljica u muzeju Lenbachhaus A visitor at the Lenbachhaus Museum










ilm Rijeke Hrvatske našega dugogodišnjeg suradnika Gorana Šafareka, biologa, znanstvenika, istraživača i autora više samostalnih izložbi, brojnih članaka u različitim časopisima, knjiga i filmova, nedavno je na Zagreb Tourfilm festivalu 2021. dobio nagradu kao najbolji hrvatski dokumentarni film. Film Rijeke Hrvatske po uzoru na dokumentarne klasike BBC−ja, prati život ptica na dravskim sprudovima, riku jelena u Kopačkom ritu, život roda, čaplji na poplavnim pašnjacima Lonjskog polja, sedrene barijere i slapove Mrežnice, tajnovite rijeke krških polja, skriveni život ispod slapova Krke i mnoge druge priče. S Goranom Šafarekom razgovaramo o njegovu filmu, ali i o njegovu istraživalačkom i profesionalnom putu.  Kako je nastala ideja za film? − Film je dio šireg projekta Rijeke Hrvatske, koji je počeo izdavanjem knjige, objavama na internetskim stranicama te brojnim izložbama i predavanjima. Cilj projekta bila je promocija naših rijeka, ponajprije prirode, ali i održivog turizma. Film traje 52 minute, a prikazuje gotovo sve velike hrvatske rijeke kroz prirodnu tematiku. Svima nam je poznata ljepota Jadrana: bistro i čisto more, stjenovite obale sa starim kamenim gradovima. More, međutim, nije jedino bogatstvo Hrvatske, a rijeke su svakako jedno od najvažnijih. Slobodno možemo reći da nijedna europska zemlja nema tako raznolike, a očuvane rijeke. Film prikazuje život životinja na staništima rijeka, ali i procese poput plavljenja, sedre, kanjona, ušća rijeka itd.  Surađivali ste s autorima iz vaše rodne Koprivnice.

D. Bartolić

PIŠE/BY __ Ksenija

− Tako je. Gotovo su svi članovi ekipe iz Koprivnice − producentica Diana Bartolić, skladatelj glazbe Dalibor Grubačević (dobitnik nagrade Porin) te ja kao snimatelj i redatelj.  Odabrali ste zanimljiv ali zacijelo i izazovan životni put istraživača, znanstvenika i putopisca. S kojim se izazovima suočavate na tom putu? − Imao sam sreće da sam još kao student biologije obišao neka od najljepših područja Hrvatske, a s vremenom ih prošao gotovo sve. Tako sam preronio (na dah ili s bocama) Plitvička jezera, preplivao, preveslao ili preletio skoro sve naše rijeke, planine, močvare, snimao riku jelena, medvjedicu s mladima, divio se nevjerojatnim podvodnim scenama koralja gorgonija na Sušcu itd. Objavio sam osam knjiga prirodne tematike, snimio nekoliko filmova, napisao brojne članke u časopisima. Moje su fotografije i filmovi najvidljiviji, posebno u medijima i društvenim mrežama, ali ja sam prije svega prirodnjak. Biolog sam, radio sam i na Prirodoslovno-matematičkom fakultetu te na brojnim projektima, ali sam se uvijek trudio i u promociji prirode. Imao sam privilegiju raditi reportaže za National Geographic, dokumentarce za BBC i mnoga druga poznata imena. Dakako, to je put pun izazova, posebno u Hrvatskoj gdje je priroda još uvijek nije važna.  Koje ste sve zemlje obišli kao istraživač?

− To su bile ekspedicije od zelenog pakla Amazone, Madagaskara do kišnih šuma Azije. Bile su usmjerene na istraživanje i pronalazak novih vrsta životinja. Na Madagaskaru i Amazoni istraživao sam evoluciju šarenih otrovnih žaba. U Južnoj Africi sudjelovao sam u nacionalnom istraživanju vodozemaca i gmazova, među njima i crnih mamba, kobra i ostalih opasnih životinja. Opet sam imao sreće da sam vidio neke od najljepših dijelova planete, poput najvišeg slapa na svijetu (Angel Falls), Galapagos, veličanstvene prašume Amazone, Bornea, čudesnog arhipelaga Andamana, gdje sam susretao i plemena iz kamenog doba. To su mjesta izvorne ljepote, na koja većinom dođe malo ljudi i turista, a gdje i dođu, odnosno prođu u pola sata, ja sam katkad boravio tjednima.  Koji su vam najdraži projekti? − Svakako su najdraži projekti vezani uz rijeke, ali i općenito uz prirodu. Posebno sam se bavio rijekom Dravom, u čijem području i živim, te sam sudjelovao i još uvijek sudjelujem u brojnim projektima EU-a poput Drava Life (restauracija prirodnih staništa) te u proglašenju Rezervata biosfere Mura − Drava − Dunav pod okriljem UNESCO-a.  Koji je vaš sljedeći projekt? − Moj sljedeći projekt zove se Rijeke svijeta (World Rivers). Obići ću neke od najljepših, najvažnijih, najdivljijih i najugroženijih rijeka svijeta. 




ivers of Croatia − a documentary film by our long-time collaborator Goran Šafarek, a biologist, scientist, explorer, and author of several solo exhibitions, numerous articles in various journals, books, and films − recently won an award at the 2021 Zagreb Tourfilm Festival in the category of Best Croatian Documentary. On a par with BBC documentary classics, the Rivers of Croatia film documents the life of birds on the shoals of the Drava River, the roar of deer in the Kopački Rit Nature Park, the life of storks and herons on the flood plains and pastures of the Lonja Field Nature Park, the travertine barriers and waterfalls of the Mrežnica River, the mysterious rivers of Croatia’s karst fields, life and life forms

Film Rijeke Hrvatske uspješno se prikazuje diljem Europe. Dosad je objavljen na TV Arte, koja pokriva područje Francuske i Njemačke s milijunima gledatelja. Film su otkupili državna talijanska televizija RAI te španjolski RTVE, a uskoro će ga prikazivati i mnoge druge europske televizije. Having been met with much success, the Rivers of Croatia documentary film

hiding under the Krka waterfalls, and many other stories. We’re bringing an interview with Goran Šafarek, in which he talks about his documentary, his explorations, and his professional career.  How did the idea for the documentary come about? − The documentary is part of a much wider project also called Rivers of Croatia, which began with the publication of a book, online publications, and numerous exhibitions, and lectures. The aim of the project is to promote Croatia’s rivers, their natural environment specifically, and sustainable tourism. The documentary’s 52 minutes long, and presents almost all of Croatia’s major rivers through the lens of natural environment. We’re all familiar with the attractions of the Adriatic, its crystal clear and clean waters, and its rocky coastline boasting old stone towns. However, the Adriatic is not Croatia’s only asset; quite the contrary, rivers are one of Croatia’s most important assets. We can freely say that no European country has as many diverse and well preserved rivers as does Croatia. The film documents the life of animals in their river habitats, as well as processes such as river flooding, tufa formation and sedimentation, canyon and estuary creation, etc.  The people you’ve collaborated with on producing the documentary are from Koprivnica, your home town. − That’s right. Almost all members of the production team are from Koprivnica: producer Diana Bartolić, music composer and winner of a Porin music award Dalibor Grubačević, and me as both cameraman and director.  You’ve chosen a fascinating yet rather challenging career path. You’re an ex-

plorer, scientist, and travel writer. What challenges have you faced so far? − I was fortunate enough to have visited some of Croatia’s most beautiful regions and parts already as a biology student. After my studies, I visited the rest. I had the good fortune to, for example, both free-dive and scuba-dive into and across the waters of the Plitvice Lakes, to swim, row or fly across almost all of Croatia’s rivers, mountains, and wetlands, film the roar of deer, a mother bear with her cubs, to be awestruck at the incredible underwater sight of gorgonian corals on the Island of Sušac, etc. I’ve published eight nature and wildlife books, shot several documentaries, and wrote and published numerous articles. Much of my creative work, such as my photos and documentaries, is out there both in the traditional and social media, but I’m first and foremost a naturalist. I’m a biologist, I worked at the Faculty of Science and on numerous projects, but what I’ve always tried to do is promote nature. I have had the privilege of working for the National Geographic, on documentaries for the BBC, and many other famous produc-

Pčelarice na Dravi European bee-eaters on the Drava River


has been broadcast across much of Europe. So far, it’s been accessible on the Arte streaming service, which covers the areas of France and Germany catering to millions of viewers. With many other European televisions showing keen interest in Šafarek’s documentary, it was already bought by the Italian and the Spanish public radio and television service, RAI and RTVE respectively.

Dunav iz zraka A bird’s-eye view of the Danube 02



tion companies. Of course, this is a road full of challenges, particularly in Croatia where nature is still of little value.  Which countries have you visited as an explorer? − I’ve gone on expeditions to the green hell of the Amazon, Madagascar, and the rainforests of Asia. All these expeditions focused on exploring and discovering new animal species. In Madagascar and the Amazon, my focus was on the evolution of brightly coloured poisonous frogs. In South Africa, I participated in a national research on amphibians and reptiles, including the black mamba, the cobra, and other dangerous animals. Again, I had the good fortune to visit some of the most beautiful regions of the planet, such as Angel Falls which are the highest waterfall in the world, the Galapagos, the magnificent Amazon rainforest, Borneo, the stunning Andaman Archipelago, where I came face to face with uncontacted indigenous tribes. These are all places of unparalleled beauty, places that hardly any people and tourists visit, and if they do, they leave within half an hour. I was fortunate enough to stay in such places for weeks on end.

Vrelo Kupe iz zraka A bird’s-eye view of the source of the Kupa River

 What type of project is your favourite?

− My favourite projects relate to rivers, as well as to nature in general. I’ve always been particularly invested in the Drava River, I live in its basin after all. I’ve also participated and will continue to participate in many EU-funded projects, such as the Drava Life Integrated River Management project that focuses on restoring Drava’s natural habitats, and I’ll

continue to be involved in UNESCO’s MuraDrava-Danube Biosphere Reserve, which has recently been declared.  Can you tell us about the next project that you’re working on? − My next project is called World Rivers. I will be exploring and documenting some of the world’s most beautiful, most important, wildest, and most endangered rivers. 




Izdvojili smo za vas vodeće hrvatske restorane uvrštene u utjecajan Michelinov vodič. Uživajte! This is our selection of leading Croatian restaurants included in the influential Michelin Guide for your enjoyment.

Japanski restoran Tekka ZAGREB, Radnička 37b

Posjetite naš restoran i doživite najfinije okuse japanske kuhinje koje smo pripremili za vas. Sushi, sashimi, nigiri, wok i spring rolls samo su neki od specijaliteta koje imamo u svojoj ponudi. Japanese Restaurant Tekka Visit our restaurant on Radnička Street in Zagreb to experience the finest flavours of Japanese cuisine that we’ve prepared for you. Sushi, sashimi, nigiri, wok dishes, and spring rolls are just some of the amazing specialities we have on offer served in the elegant ambiance of our restaurant. +385 1 6389398 _ tekka.hr

Dubrovnik Restaurant DUBROVNIK, Marojice Kaboge 5

Restoran Dubrovnik smješten je na šarmantnoj terasi koja je okružena tipičnim dubrovačkim kamenim kućama sagrađenima još u vrijeme Dubrovačke Republike. U to doba terasa je bila korištena kao igralište obitelji Bunić, a danas je ondje moderan fine dining restoran koji se od 2017. godine diči Michelinovom preporukom. Dubrovnik Restaurant is located on a charming terrace surrounded by typical stone houses dating back to the time of the Dubrovnik Republic. At that time, the terrace was used by the Bunić family as a playground, while today it’s a modern fine dining restaurant that prides itself on being a Michelin-recommended restaurant since 2017. +385 99 2585871 _ restorandubrovnik.com



Bistro Apetit by Marin Rendić ZAGREB, Jurjevska 65a

U Bistrou Apetit imate priliku uživati u vrhunskom i modernom spoju hrane, pića i hedonizma. Ugodna atmosfera, profesionalno osoblje te renomirani chef Marin Rendić pružit će vam nezaboravno gastronomsko iskustvo. Rapsodija okusa za ljubitelje fine dining kuhinje. At Bistro Apetit you’re given the chance to enjoy the ultimate combination of food, drink, and hedonism. A pleasant atmosphere, professional staff, and the world-renowned chef Marin Rendić will make sure that your dining experience is made − unforgettable. A true rhapsody of taste for lovers of fine dining! +385 1 4677335 _ www.bistroapetit.com

Pelegrini Šibenik ŠIBENIK, Jurja Dalmatinca 1

Okus je kralj kuhinje, a kod nas su to prepoznatljivi lokalni okusi. Usluga je također iznimno važna, stoga se trudimo da naš pristup gostima bude topao te da prenesemo svoju ljubav prema gastronomiji i našem Šibeniku. Taste is king in our kitchen, and is carried by recognisable local flavours. Service is also extremely important, so we strive to approach our guests with warmth, and to communicate to them our love for both gastronomy and Šibenik. reservations@pelegrini.hr _ pelegrini.hr







Ćulumović Šoštarić


U splitskoj Galeriji umjetnina od 20. prosinca 2021. do 30. siječnja 2022. i u zagrebačkome Muzeju suvremene umjetnosti od 17. veljače 2021. do 20. ožujka 2022. postavljena je retrospektivna izložba Gorkog Žuvele, koji je svojim gotovo pedesetogodišnjim umjetničkim radom, kao i neprekinutim pedagoškim i kulturnim angažmanom trajno obilježio umjetničku i kulturnu scenu Splita i Hrvatske. Gorki Žuvela pripadnik je prve generacije umjetnika nove umjetničke prakse koji su sedamdesetih godina 20. stoljeća donijeli odmak od tradicije modernizma redefinirajući proces, karakter i prezentaciju umjetničkog djela. Ostao je dosljedan konceptualnoj promišljenosti B. Cvjetanović

i formalnoj preciznosti, kritičkoj misli te dinamičnoj i aktivnoj komunikaciji sa svojom publikom. Izborom instalacija, slika, crteža iz muzejskih i privatnih zbirki nastalih od sedamdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća sve do 2017. godine, izložba predstavlja rad Gorkog Žuvele kao jedan od uistinu intrigantnih i vrijednih umjetničkih opusa koji su obilježili kraj 20. i uvod u 21. stoljeće u umjetnosti ovoga područja. Kustosica izložbi je Jasminka Babić. A RETROSPECTIVE EXHIBITION

The Museum of Fine Arts in Split (from 20th December 2021 to 30th January 2022) and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb (from 17th February 2021 to 20th March 2022) are co-hosting a retrospective exhibition of Gorki Žuvela, whose nearly five-decade long career as an artist, and uninterrupted engagement in culture and teaching left an indelible mark on the arts and culture scene of both Split and Croatia. Gorki Žuvela was a member of the first generation of artists of a new art practice that, in the 1970s, departed from the tradition of Modernism by having redefined the process, character, and presentation of works of art. Žuvela remained an advocate of conceptual ideation, formal precision, and critical thinking, and invested in developing dynamic and active communication with his audience. With a selection of installations, paintings, and drawings from both museum and private collections created in the period between the 1970s and 2017, the exhibition is showcasing Žuvela’s truly intriguing and valuable oeuvre that left its mark on the region’s arts scene. The exhibition is curated by Jasminka Babić.


B. Cvjetanović





Zagreb IZLOŽBA EKSPLOATACIJA SMRTI 9. 11. 2021. − 16. 1. 2022., Zagreb Ova izložba autorice Dajane Vlaisavljević objedinjuje šezdesetak radova (slike, skulpture, grafike i video performans), nastalih u rasponu od 19. do 20. st. Najvećim dijelom riječ je o umjetninama iz fundusa Nacionalnog muzeja moderne umjetnosti uz djela iz drugih hrvatskih muzeja i privatnih zbirki koja čine nekoliko tematskih skupina.


Curated by Dajana Vlaisavljević, this exhibition is presenting sixty or so works of art (paintings, sculptures, graphic art, and video performances) created in the 19th and the 20th centuries. Most artworks presented at the exhibition are from the holdings of the National Museum of Modern Art, although works from other Croatian museums, and private collections are also displayed, and


G. Vranić

arranged into several thematic groups.


Već dvadeset godina ispred zagrebačke katedrale posjetitelje u vrijeme adventa očekuje očaravajući prizor − žive jaslice koje priređuje zajednica Cenacolo. Mladi ljudi iz zajednice žele vam poslati božićnu poruku nade, svjetla i novog života. Želite li podržati njihov trud i doživjeti djelić ljepote iz života zajednice, uputite se na Kaptol. THE NATIVITY SCENE STAGED LIVE OUTSIDE ZAGREB’S CATHEDRAL

During the Advent season, an enchanting scene has been unfolding outside Zagreb’s Cathedral for twenty years already − the Cenacolo Community’s live performance of the Nativity scene. In the spirit of Christmas, the youth from the community are sending a message of hope, light, and new life. To support their efforts, and be part of the

M. Vrdoljak

beauty of life experienced in the community, be sure to



head to Kaptol. www.adventzagreb.hr

Krapina MUZEJ KRAPINSKIH NEANDERTALACA DOBIO NAGRADU Ovaj je muzej zajedno s nalazištem Hušnjakovo osvojio prvo mjesto u kategoriji arheoloških nalazišta i muzeja na 14. Konferenciji europskog kulturnog turizma u organizaciji Europske mreže kulturnog turizma (ECTN). Ovo prestižno priznanje dobio je zahvaljujući izvrsnoj suvremenoj prezentaciji prapovijesne, arheološke i antropološke teme, a i ima status nezaobilazne kulturno-turističke destinacije Europe.


Together with the Hušnjakovo archaeological site, the Krapina Arhiva MKN/KNM Archives

Neanderthal Museum won the first prize in the category of Archaeological Sites and Museums as Cultural Tourism Attractions at the 14th Conference for Cultural Tourism in Europe organised by the European Cultural Tourism Network (ECTN). The museum received this prestigious award thanks to its brilliant contemporary presentation of prehistoric, archaeological, and anthropological content and themes, and has secured the status of a must-see cultural and tourist destination in Europe. mkn.mhz.hr

Ogulin BAJKOVITI ADVENT U OGULINU 1. 12. 2021. − 7. 1. 2022., Ogulin Ogulin je bajkovito mjesto u Hrvatskoj, ne samo zato što je rodni grad Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić, poznate hrvatske spisateljice, i domaćin Ogulinskog festivala bajke nego i zato što njegova čarobna priroda zimi postaje još ljepša. Svaki vikend kroz to čarobno vrijeme u godini Ogulin posjećuje Djed Božićnjak sa svojim vilenjacima, organiziraju se razne kreativne radionice kao i kazališne predstave i pripovijedanja bajki. tz-grada-ogulina.hr


Ogulin is a fairy-tale-like town not only because it’s the hometown of Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić, Croatia’s famous fairy-tale writer, and the host of the Ogulin Fairy Tale Festival, but also because Ogulin’s magical natural environment becomes even more stunning in winter. Every weekend during this magical time of the year, Santa Claus and his elves make a stop at Ogulin, various and fairy-tale recitals are given. www.tz-grada-ogulina.hr

F. Trezner

creative workshops are organised, and theatrical performances




Opatija ADVENT U OPATIJI 26. 11. 2021. − 9. 1. 2022., Opatija Ovaj najljepši advent uz more i ove će zime pridonijeti prazničnom veselju. Opatija vam nudi blagdanski ugođaj danju i sjajne vizualne atrakcije noću. Divovske figure Orašara, svjetlucavi darovi, osvijetljeni stoljetni čempresi i mnogi drugi unikatni ukrasi savršeni su suputnici za šetnju ovim bajnim gradom. A posebno je zanimljiva izložba klasičnih haljina izrađenih od

N. Crnić

prirodnih materijala te izložba posvećena Orašarima.


This most beautiful Advent by the sea helps spread festive joy, and this winter is no exception. Opatija will be aglow with a magnificent festive atmosphere during the daytime, while at night stunning visual attractions are in store. Giant Nutcrackers, glittering gifts, lamplit centuries-old cypress trees, and many other unique decorations make for a perfect companion for a stroll through this fabulous town. Two exhibitions are particularly V. Pinzovski

eye-catching − one dedicated to classic dresses made exclusively of natural materials, and the other devoted to the Nutcracker. www.visitopatija.com

Zagreb School of Economics and Management Undergraduate Programs 240 ECTS • Economics and Management • Business Mathematics and Economics Graduate MBA Program 60 ECTS • Global Executive MBA Program, Executive MBA Program • MBA in Accounting, Auditing and Taxes, Finance and Banking, Human Resource Management, Management, Marketing, Supply Chain Management, Tourism, Hospitality and Events Doctor of Business Administration Sheffield Hallam University


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Dubrovnik DUBROVAČKI ZIMSKI FESTIVAL I DOČEK NOVE GODINE 27. 11. 2021. − 6. 1. 2022., Dubrovnik Zimi se Dubrovnik, jedan od najljepših gradova Mediterana, pretvara u božićnu priču jer tisuće božićnih lampica i ukrasa dočaravaju njegovu jedinstvenu ljepotu. Vrhunski glazbenici i impresivan vatromet u ponoć pružit će vam nezaboravan doček Nove godine. Poseban događaj prvog dana nove godine svečani je koncert Dubrovačkog simfonijskog orkestra uz kamenice i pjenušac.


In winter, Dubrovnik − one of the most beautiful cities on the Mediterranean − turns into a real Christmas story when thousands of Christmas lights and decorations are lit to highlight its unparalleled beauty. A music concert by top musicians and an impressive fireworks display at midnight will help create a memorable New Year’s Eve celebration, while on New Year’s Day, a gala concert given by the Dubrovnik Symphony

V. Jerinić

Orchestra while you enjoy oysters and sip at champagne is bound to be a brilliant start to the year ahead. www.dubrovackizimskifestival.com

FESTA SV. VLAHA 2. − 9. 2. 2022., Dubrovnik

Sv. Vlaho zaštitnik je grada Dubrovnika, a Festa svetoga Vlaha nematerijalna je svjetska baština UNESCO-a. Jedinstvena je to proslava koja se više od tisuću godina obilježuje katoličkim obredima i procesijom ulicama stare gradske

D. Lenert



St. Blaise is the patron saint of Dubrovnik, with the Feast of St. Blaise having made it to UNESCO’s List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. This is a one-of-a-kind festivity that has been celebrated for over a thousand years with Roman Catholic ceremonies, and a procession through the streets of the old town of D. Lenert

Dubrovnik. tzdubrovnik.hr





Medvednica i drevna utvrda Medvedgrad sjaje u novom ruhu The splendid new attire of Medvednica Mountain and the old Medvedgrad Fortress

J. Duval, Arhiva TZGZ/ZTB Archives


ako je smještena tik do Zagreba, Medvednica i dalje za svoje posjetitelje krije mnoge tajne. Jeste li znali da ovdje možete posvojiti šišmiša? Znate li za legendu o Crnoj kraljici i coprnicama? Sjeverno od Zagreba, s najvišim vrhom Sljemenom na 1035 metara nadmorske visine, smjestila se Medvednica, koju Zagrepčani vole zvati plućima Zagreba. Najpoznatiji vrh Sljeme i ostali dijelovi ove ljepotice koja se izdiže nad gradom dostupne su javnim prijevozom i automobilom, no najpopularnije su kao odredište planinara i biciklista koji uživaju na njezinim uređenim stazama. U bilo

koje godišnje doba Medvednica i njezini puteljci pravo su osvježenje od svakodnevice, dok ljubitelji zimskih sportova tijekom zimskih mjeseci dolaze na svoje. Upravo je Medvednica dom najpoznatijoj utrci u regiji i jednoj od najgledanijih skijaških utrka na svijetu, Snow Queen Trophyju.

Arhiva JUPP Medvednica / PINP Medvednica Archives

Centar za posjetitelje Medvedgrad Nalazite li se u Zagrebu i pogled vam zastane na planini, vidjet ćete jednu od najljepših utvrda na području Hrvatske, s koje se pruža pogled na cijeli grad. Utvrda−grad Medvedgrad izgrađen je 1254. godine nakon katastrofalne provale Tatara s najvažnijim ciljem zaštite građana, biskupa i crkvenoga blaga. Utvrda je kroz godine imala mnoge vlasnike, a najzloglasniji od njih bili su grofovi Celjski, 02



01 Utvrda Medvedgrad Medvedgrad Fortress 02 Centar za posjetitelje Medvedgrad Medvedgrad Visitor Centre

Tajne drevne planine, koja se sastoji od srednjovjekovne smočnice i kazališta sjena. Ovdje možete naučiti sve o mitovima i legendama, Crnoj kraljici i coprnicama. Zaputite li se do smočnice, naći ćete i knjigu s receptima tradicionalnih jela.


s poznatom groficom Barbarom zvanom i Crna kraljica. Medvedgrad je napušten 1590. godine nakon što je utvrdu porušio strašan potres, a tek je 1979. krenula konzervacija zidina i rekonstrukcija pojedinih dijelova toga hrvatskoga srednjovjekovnog burga. Upravo zahvaljujući opsežnoj renovaciji koja je, na sreću svih izletnika i struke, privedena kraju, od listopada 2021. godine Medvedgrad ponovo otvara svoja vrata kao najsuvremeniji centar u široj okolici nudeći atraktivno mjesto posjećivanja, druženja, učenja, zabave, ali i opuštanja. U Centru za posjetitelje Medvedgrad nova tri muzeološka postava posvećena su prirodnoj i kulturnoj baštini Parka prirode Medvednica, povijesti Medvedgrada i Medvednice te bogatoj nematerijalnoj kulturnoj

baštini Parka − pričama i legendama. Centar za posjetitelje sastoji se od postava U kraljevstvu drevnih šuma, koji je smješten u južnoj kuli, a u kojem posjetitelji mogu istražiti instalaciju debla koje simbolizira tajanstvenu šumu. Kroz multimedijalnu produkciju mogu istražiti prirodne i kulturne vrijednosti zaštićenog područja te s vrha uživati u najljepšem pogledu na grad Zagreb. Tu je i muzejska izložba Začarana povijest, koja je svoj dom pronašla u središnjoj dvorani Velikoga, zapadnog palasa. Na ulazu u središnji dio postavljen je interaktivni izložak makete Medvedgrada s projekcijom koja prikazuje izgradnju i obnovu Medvedgrada te događaje koji su uslijedili (potres, požar, obnova), uz popratnu naraciju na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku. Istražite i stalnu muzejsku izložbu

Iz dubina velebne planine Želite li zagrebati dublje, svakako se zaputite do špilje Veternice, koja je po svojoj veličini čak šesta u Hrvatskoj. Iako posjetiti možete tek prvih 380 metara špilje, ovdje ćete pronaći bogat podzemni život i tragove prošlosti poput vrtložnih lonaca, čeljust špiljskog medvjeda, fosilno blato, Kameni slap, Zdenac želja u Koncertnoj dvorani, fosile pradavnih školjaka i ježinaca, a tu su i živi stanovnici − šišmiši. Ovdje je i rudnik galenita, čija povijest seže u daleko 16. stoljeće. Tradicija rudarstva u Hrvatskoj ima dugu povijest, pa možemo pronaći i Rudnik Zrinski otvoren u davnom 16. stoljeću. Iako je zatvoren već u 17. stoljeću, zbog svoje vrijednosti 2006. proglašen je zaštićenim kulturnim dobrom Republike Hrvatske. Danas rudnik stoji kao podsjetnik na bogatu povijest područja i otvoren je za posjete od travnja do kraja prosinca. Medvednica nudi pregršt aktivnosti za nezaboravno provedeno vrijeme, a vama preostaje samo zaputiti se u istraživanje. 


lthough Zagreb’s located at its very foot, Medvednica Mountain still hides many a secret. Did you know that, on Medvednica Mountain, you can adopt a bat? Have you heard of the legend of the Black Queen and her black witches called coprnice? Often referred to by the people of Zagreb as the lungs of Zagreb, Medvednica Mountain and its peak, Sljeme, at 1035 metres above sea level lie to the north of Zagreb. Sljeme and other parts of this beauty rising above Zagreb are accessible by public transport and car, but are most popular as a destination for hikers and cyclists enjoying its well-kept trails. Regardless of the season, Medvednica and its trails are a refreshing



break from everyday life, while winter sports fans naturally come into their own during the months of winter. Medvednica Mountain is, after all, home to the most famous ski race in the region and one of the most watched ski races in the world − the Snow Queen Trophy.

Arhiva JUPP Medvednica / PINP Medvednica Archives

Medvedgrad Visitor Centre When you’re in Zagreb and you find yourself keeping your gaze on the mountain, you’ll spot one of the most beautiful fortresses in Croatia, which offers a view of the entire city. The Medvedgrad Fortress and town were built in 1254 after the Tatars’ catastrophic invasion to protect civilians, the then bishop, and the treasures of the church. Over the years, the fortress had had many different owners, the most notorious of whom were the Counts of Celje, of whom Countess Barbara − also

known as the Black Queen − was the most infamous. Medvedgrad was abandoned in 1590 after a devastating earthquake destroyed the fortress, and it was as late as 1979 that conservation of its walls and reconstruction of certain parts of this Croatian medieval burg started. Thanks to extensive renovation, which has been completed to the satisfaction of both visitors and professionals, in October 2021 Medvedgrad reopened its doors as the most modern visitor centre in the wider region. Being an attractive place that you can visit, organise social or educational gatherings in, a place for you to have fun in and relax, the Medvedgrad Visitor Centre also features three new museum exhibitions. One is dedicated to the natural and cultural heritage of the Medvednica Nature Park, the second to the history

Centar za posjetitelje Medvedgrad, postav U kraljevstvu drevnih šuma Medvedgrad Visitor Centre, In the Ancient Forest Kingdom exhibition setup



of the Medvedgrad Fortress and Medvednica Mountain, and the third to the rich intangible cultural heritage of the park − its stories and legends. The Medvedgrad Visitor Centre houses the In the Ancient Forest Kingdom exhibition set up in the south tower, where visitors are invited to explore the installation of a tree trunk symbolising a mysterious forest. Through a multimedia lens, visitors can explore the natural and cultural heritage of the Medvednica Nature Park, whilst enjoying the most stunning view of Zagreb from the top. The second exhibition is called Enchanted History, which is housed in the central hall of the Grand Palace. At the entrance to the Grand Palace, an interactive scale model of Medvedgrad is exhibited including a projection showing the construction and reconstruction of Medvedgrad, and the events that followed (earthquake, fire, reconstruction), accompanied by narration in both Croatian and English. You’re also invited to explore the permanent museum exhibition called Secrets of the Ancient Mountain, featuring a medieval pantry, and a shadow theatre show. Here, you’ll learn all about myths and legends, the Black Queen and her black witches called coprnice. If you head to the pantry, you’ll find a cookbook containing recipes for traditional local dishes. From the depths of a majestic mountain Should you choose to dig deeper, be sure to head to the Veternica Cave, the sixth largest cave in Croatia. Although only the first 380 metres of the cave can be entered, what you’ll find here is an abundance of underground life and traces of the past, such as potholes, the jaw of a cave bear, fossil mud, the Stone Waterfall, the Wishing Well in the Concert Hall, ancient shell and urchin fossils, and the cave’s living inhabitants − bats. There’s also a galena mine, which dates back to the 16th century. The tradition of mining in Croatia has a long history; the Zrinski Mine, for instance, was opened in the 16th century. Although it was closed as early as the 17th century, thanks to its heritage value, in 2006 it was declared a state-protected cultural heri­tage site of the Republic of Croatia. Today, the mine serves as a reminder of the area’s rich history, and is open to the public from April to the end of December. Medvednica Mountain offers a whole host of activities that are bound to create unforgettable experiences. All you have to do is − get exploring. 

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Ovogodišnji Advent Zagreb vraća vas u doba djetinjstva i poziva vas da se zaigrate kao nikada do sada Inviting you to play like never before, this year’s Zagreb Advent is taking you back to your childhood


ople lampice daju osjećaj dobrodošlice. Ruke grijemo na šalici kuhanog vina ili tople čokolade. Nasmiješena lica šire osjećaj ljubavi. Lagane božićne pjesme s balkona lepršaju zrakom zajedno s pahuljama snijega. To je čarolija Božića koju može ponuditi jedino Zagreb za vrijeme adventa. U proteklih pet godina advent u Zagrebu postao je odredište posjetitelja iz Hrvatske i Europe, ponajprije zbog gostoljubivosti lokalaca koji ovo magično doba godine koriste kako bi predstavili svoj


grad u punom sjaju. Ne čudi, stoga, što mu je čak tri godine zaredom dodijeljena nagrada za najbolji božićni sajam u Europi. Ove nas godine advent na najljepši način vraća u neka druga vremena kroz ponovni susret s najdražim prijateljima iz djetinjstva − igračkama. Na deset lokacija diljem grada advent će nam predstaviti igračke koje su obilježile djetinjstva brojnih naraštaja − igračke proizvedene u tvornicama i radnjama poput Biserke i Vavre, u srcu Zagreba. A te će nas igračke dočekati i s druge strane ekrana na mobilnim uređajima putem AR tehnologije, odnosno proširene stvarnosti.

Ovi šarmantni vremeplovi kreirat će dosad neviđene zagrebačke adventske razglednice i udahnuti ljubav u svaki kutak Zagreba, koji već okićen božićnim drvcima, sjajnim kuglicama, igračkama, orašarima, božikovinom, češerima, girlandama, kutijama s poklonima i puno, puno svjetlosti, čeka još samo vas. Dođite podno Medvednice i ugrijte srca tom posebnom vedrinom − ovaj Grad milijun srca ispričat će vam najtopliju božićnu priču. Više informacija potražite na: www.adventzagreb.com #AdventZagreb #VisitZagreb 01 Advent na Zrinjevcu Advent in Zrinjevac Park

S. Kaštelan _ Arhiva TZGZ/ZTB Archives

02 Advent Zagreb Zagreb Advent




J. Duval _ Arhiva TZGZ/ZTB Archives

This year’s Zagreb Advent is taking you back in time in the most beautiful of ways. This year, you’ll get to reunite with your dearest childhood friends − toys. At ten different locations throughout the city, Zagreb Advent will be showcasing toys that left their mark on the childhoods of many generations − toys produced in factories and shops, such as Biserka and Vavra, in the heart of Zagreb. These toys will also come to life, in a manner of speaking, via augmented reality technology on your mobile phones. These charming time travel pieces will create never-before-seen Zagreb Advent postcards, and breathe joy into every corner of Zagreb. The city’s already decorated with Christmas trees, shiny Christmas orna-


ments, toys, nutcrackers, holly, pine tree cones, garlands, gift boxes, and lots and lots of Christmas lights, and the only thing missing is − you. Be sure to visit the city at the foot of Medvednica Mountain, and have your heart warmed by the city’s special cheer − Zagreb, the City of Million Hearts, will tell you the warmest Christmas story there is. For more information, please visit www.adventzagreb.com #AdventZagreb #VisitZagreb

J. Duval _ Arhiva TZGZ/ZTB Archives


ou’re welcomed by warm Christmas lights. You’re warming your hands on a cup of mulled wine or hot chocolate. There’s joy in the smiling faces you see around you. The sound of mellow Christmas songs coming from balconies flutters in the air alongside snowflakes. This is the Christmas magic that Zagreb offers during the Advent season. In the last five years, Zagreb Advent has become a destination for visitors from both Croatia and Europe, first and foremost thanks to the hospitality of locals who use this magical time of the year to present their city in full glory. It comes as no surprise that, for three years in a row, Zagreb Advent was declared the best Christmas market in Europe.


01 Nažigač ispred crkve sv. Marka A lamplighter outside the Church of St. Mark 02 Hrvatsko narodno kazalište Croatian National Theatre




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Veličina grada ne definira se brojem kilometara ili brojem stanovnika. Veličina grada mjeri se veličinom srca, snagom duha, dobrotom ljudi. Za Osijek se već dugo govori da je grad po mjeri čovjeka. To znači da je dovoljno velik da ispunite svoje potrebe, želje, snove, a dovoljno malen da se osjećate sigurno, ugodno i prisno. The size of a town isn’t defined by how many km2 in space it takes up or the number of residents that live in it. Instead, the size of a town is measured by the size of its heart, the strength of its spirit, and the kindness of its people. Osijek has long been said to be a town that caters to all the needs of its residents. In other words, it’s big enough to fulfil all your desires, and dreams, yet small enough to make you feel safe, pleasant, and warm. 94 _ CROATIA AIRLINES


TEKST/TEXT_TZ grada Osijeka/Osijek TB & TZ Osječko-baranjske županije/Osijek-Baranja County TB

TZ Osijek / Osijek TB


sijek je smješten na tek 20 km od ušća Drave s Dunavom, na samoj sredini njegova 2850 km dugog toka od njemačkog Schwartzwalda do Crnog mora. U ovome dijelu europskoga Podunavlja, na prijelazu iz srednje u jugoistočnu Europu, susreću se hrvatska i austro-ugarska pa čak i osmanska baština, što ćete ponajprije primijetiti po arhitekturi te bogatim običajima i gastronomiji. Za prvi posjet Osijeku preporučujemo vam da posjetite Tvrđu, utvrđeni dio grada iz 18. stoljeća gdje ćete vidjeti neke od najvrjednijih primjeraka barokne arhitekture u Hrvatskoj poput zavjetnog kipa Sv. Trojstva i General-vojarne, dobro vam znanima s novčanice od 200 kuna. Prolaskom kroz pojas velikih parkova i perivoja (u gradu je čak 17 parkova) doći ćete u secesijsku četvrt s monumentalnim privatnim i javnim palačama poput zgrada galerije, suda i pošte. Paralelni put prema glavnom trgu vodi vas uz rijeku Dravu, a laganom šetnjom promenadom doći ćete do konkatedrale sv. Petra i Pavla. Dovršena 1898. sa svojim 90 metara visokim tornjem i danas je najviša zgrada u Osijeku te druga po visini crkva u Hrvatskoj. Šetnja dalje uzvodno promenadom dovest će vas do vidikovca nad Dravom i Kompe, skele koja će vas prenijeti na lijevu obalu rijeke do Zoološkog vrta. Lijep pogled na cijeli grad pruža se i s visećeg pješačkog mosta na kojemu, ako vas ponese trenutak, možete ostaviti i ljubavni lokot. Ako je vrijeme lijepo i dovoljno toplo za kupanje, s pješčane dravske plaže Copacabana možete pratiti riječne cruisere kako uplovljuju u centar grada s turistima iz cijeloga svijeta. Osijek ćete vrlo lako proći doslovno uzduž i poprijeko glavnim prometnicama i dravskom promenadom uz koje se nalaze i biciklističke staze. Kroz pojedine veće ulice (Županijska ulica i dio Ulice Hrvatske Republike) ne prolazi biciklistička staza, no postoje sigurni paralelni pravci s manje prometa. Parkiranje bicikla vrlo je lako jer se u cijelome gradu, uz javne institucije i trgovačke centre, nalaze prostori za parkiranje. Opustite se na jednoj od brojnih terasa na promenadi u Zimskoj luci uz kavu, kolač ili pivo, koje Osječani s ponosnom pripremaju još od davne 1697. godine. Jeste li probali crni radler? U ljetnim mjesecima dok se Drava lijeno prelijeva prema Dunavu, vjerujte nam, ne postoji slađe pivsko osvježenje od crnog radlera koji se pripravlja u Osijeku. Za ručak u Osijeku počastite se jednim od lokalnih gastronomskih specijaliteta, pečenjem od divljači,

I. Pavlić_Unsplash M. Stupar




01 Panorama grada Osijeka A cityscape of Osijek 02 Perivoj kralja Tomislava, advent 2020 King Tomislav Park, Advent 2020 03 Trg Ante Starčevića, Festival svjetla Ante Starčević Square, Festival of Lights 04 Građevinski i arhitektonski fakultet u Osijeku Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture in Osijek

M. Žuljević


perkeltom s domaćom tjesteninom i svježim sirom te komadićima prepržene slanine, nezaobilaznim fiš-paprikašem (ipak ste u kraju velikih rijeka), kulenom te štrudlom ili osječkim knedlama sa šljivama za desert. Uz ručak će svakako prijati i vino jer Osijek je okružen poznatim vinskim regijama, posebice onima na Dunavu, u Baranji i Erdutu. Tek dvadesetak kilometara sjeverno od grada, u Kneževim Vinogradima, nalazi se treći najstariji vinski podrum u Hrvatskoj izgrađen 1526. godine, a jednako toliko istočno nad Dunavom već stoljećima stražari impozantna gotička kula u Erdutu u blizini koje je i vinarija s ogromnom vinskom bačvom zapremine 75.000 litara. Najdraže vinske sorte su pinot, chardonnay, merlot, u Erdutu i poput višnje maraske mirisni zweigelt te ponos svakog vinara, zlatno-zelena, slatkasta i osvježavajuća graševina. Dok šećete ulicama Osijeka, nekoć najvećega grada u Hrvatskoj, a danas regionalne metropole koja na osebujan način spaja tradiciju i urbani lifestyle, narodno stvaralaštvo i high-tech, multikulturno nasljeđe i nacionalne simbole, na svakom koraku nailazit ćete na beskrajnu i nehinjenu gostoljubivost te posvećenost gostu. Osjetit ćete je u cijeloj Slavoniji i Baranji, bez obzira na to koji vid odmora u odabrali. 


sijek is located only 20 km from the point where the Drava River flows into the Danube, right in the middle of the Danube’s 2850 km long course from the Black Forest Mountain Range in Germany to the Black Sea. This part of Europe’s Danube River Basin, the point where Central Europe ends and South-East Europe begins, is a confluence of Croatian, Austro-Hungarian, and Ottoman heritage. You’ll notice this confluence in the architecture, in an abundance of customs, and in varied culinary styles. If this is your first visit to Osijek, we recommend that you first head for the Osijek Citadel, a fortification dating from the 18th century. This is where you’ll see some of the most valuable Baroque architecture in Croatia, such as the Votive Statue of the Holy Trinity, and the General Barracks, an image of which is printed on the HRK 200 banknote. Once you pass through a belt of large parks (there’re as many as 17 parks in Osijek), you’ll find yourself in Osijek’s Art Nouveau neighbourhood boasting monumental both private and public palaces, such as the Museum of Fine Arts, the



01 Spomenik Presvetog Trojstva The Votive Statue of the Holy Trinity

TZ Osijeka/TB Osijek

02 Konkatedrala sv. Petra i Pavla The Co-Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul



cionalni događaji koje svake godine u zimsko vrijeme željno iščekujemo morali su biti otkazani zbog pandemije. Osijek nije mogao otkazati nadu, iščekivanje, obiteljske vrijednosti… duh adventa. Ta istočnohrvatska metropola dovoljno je velika za višesatnu šetnju gradom, ali i dovoljno malena da u kratkom vremenu prilagodi koncept adventskog slavlja trenutnoj situaciji. I tako su Grad Osijek, ali i svi Osječani prihvatili ideju da advent nije stajanje nego kretnja, da nije stajanje u mjestu nego šetnja. Adventiranje je zamišljeno kao kretanje po blagdanski ukrašenim lokacijama, oživjelo je Osijek i izmamilo najljepše ukrase grada, njegove Osječane, na zrak. Festival svjetla po secesijskim zgradama i ovaj put mjesto za Adventiranje. OSIJEK’S ADVENT SEASON OF JOY AND TOGETHER­ NESS __ Many of the traditional winter events that we eagerly

look forward to each year have had to be cancelled due to

JF Kaufmann_Unsplash

očekuje svoje Adventere! Stoga je i ove godine Osijek pravo


the COVID-19 pandemic. Osijek, however, could not give up hope, eager anticipation, family values − in short, the spirit of the Advent season. Osijek’s big enough for a few-hour long walk through the city, yet small enough to adapt the concept

Udruženim nastojanjima Osječko-baranjske županije, Grada

of Advent season festivities to the current public health and

Osijeka, Turističke zajednice Osječko-baranjske županije, Zračne

safety situation in a short time. And so Osijek and its residents

luke Osijek i Croatia Airlinesa uvedena je naša prva međunarodna

developed and embraced the idea that the Advent season is

linija iz Osijeka. Putnicima su do 14. siječnja 2022. na raspolaga-

not about standing still and being motionless, but is rather

nju dva tjedna leta iz Osijeka u München ponedjeljkom i petkom.

about moving, motion, walking, and arrival. Conceived as a walk through locations that have been festively decorated,

The joint efforts of the Osijek-Baranja County, the City of Osijek, the

Osijek’s Adventing event has revived the city, and has attracted

Osijek-Baranja County Tourist Board, Osijek Airport, and Croatia

the city’s most precious decorations − its residents − out onto

Airlines resulted in Croatia Airlines launching its first international

its streets and squares. Osijek’s Festival of Lights is very much

route from Osijek. Until 14th January 2022, passengers flying from

looking forward to its Advent season frequenters! This makes

Osijek to Munich or vice versa have two flights a week available to

Osijek an ideal place for your Adventing experience this year!

them − on Mondays and Fridays, to be precise. croatiaairlines.com _ m.croatiaairlines.com



M. Žuljević

Gastronomsko i enološko bogatstvo An abundance of foods and wines

courthouse, and post office buildings. Alternatively, from the Osijek Citadel you can take the riverside promenade along the Drava River in the direction of Osijek’s central square. If you take a short walk along the promenade, you’ll get to the Co-Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul. Boasting a 90-metre-tall bell tower, and completed in 1898, it’s still the tallest building in Osijek, and the second tallest church in Croatia. By taking a walk further upstream along the riverside promenade, you’ll come across a lookout point above the Drava River, and Kompa, a river ferry that’ll take you across the river to the Osijek Zoo. Osijek’s Suspension Footbridge also offers beautiful views of the entire city. If you feel like it, this is where you can leave your love padlock. If the weather is nice and warm enough for swimming, from the Copacabana sandy beach on the Drava River you’ll be able to watch river cruisers docking at the city centre bustling with tourists from all over the world. By taking its main roads and streets, and the Drava riverside promenade, alongside which there are cycle paths, you’ll get to see and explore the whole of Osijek. Some of Osijek’s main streets (e.g., Županijska Street, and part of the Republic of Croatia Street) do not feature cycle paths; there are safer parallel paths with less traffic on them instead. Parking your bicycle shouldn’t be a problem given that bike parking is available throughout the entire town, next to public institutions, and shopping malls. Why don’t you then take a break on one of the many cafe and bar terraces on the riverside promenade in the Winter Harbour, and have a cup of coffee, a slice of cake, or sip on a glass of beer, which the Osijek Brewery has been proudly producing since 1697. Have you tried their Black Radler Beer? In the summer months, while the Drava flows lazily towards

the Danube, one of the best ways to quench your thirst is by having an Osječko Black Radler Beer. For lunch, treat yourself to one of the local dishes, such as roast game, the Hungarian-style perkelt stew served with homemade pasta and cottage cheese seasoned with fried bacon bits, the must-have freshwater fish stew (Osijek’s surrounded by big rivers, remember?), and the kulen sausage, rounding it all off with a slice of strudel or Osijek-style plum dumplings for desert. A glass of wine will go well with your lunch. Osijek’s surrounded by famous wine regions, particularly those on the Danube, in the region of Baranja, and in the village of Erdut. Built in 1526, the third oldest wine cellar in Croatia is only 20 km north of Osijek, in the village of Kneževi Vinogradi, to be precise. To the east of Osijek, also 20 km away, near Erdut’s imposing Gothic tower − overlooking the Danube and guarding the region for centuries − there’s a winery boasting a huge 75,000-litre wine barrel. The favourite grape varieties grown in the region are Pinot, Chardonnay, and Merlot, in Erdut they also grow Zweigelt which is as fragrant as the Marasca cherry, and the pride and joy of every winemaker − the golden-greenish, sweet, and refreshing Graševina. As you walk along the streets of Osijek − once the largest city in Croatia, and today a county capital that blends tradition and urban lifestyle, folk art and high-tech, its multicultural heritage and national symbols truly uniquely − what you’ll encounter at every corner and with each host is that they have an inexhaustible amount of unpretentious hospitality, and that they’re completely dedicated to you, their guest, regardless of the part of Slavonia and Baranja you might be visiting, and regardless of the type of holiday you might be on.  www.tzosijek.hr visitslavoniabaranja.com

Čari Slavonije i Baranje te njezina srca, Osječko-baranjske županije, najbolje je predstaviti kroz priču o osunčanim vinogorjima i raskošnoj trpezi. Prekaljeni putnici i oni koji će to tek postati ostaju u čudu nad zapanjujućim činjenicama: ovdje su, primjerice, smješteni neki od najstarijih vinskih podruma u Europi. Jedan od njih nalazi se u srcu Baranje, multietničke pokrajine između Slavonije, Dunava i Mađarske, u mjestu Kneževi Vinogradi. The charm of the region of Slavonia and Baranja, and of its heart, the Osijek-Baranja County, is best presented through the story of their sun-kissed vineyards, and sumptuous cuisine. Both well experienced and less experienced travellers are amazed at the following astonishing fact − it’s in the region of Slavonia and Baranja that some of the oldest wine cellars in Europe can be found. One is located in the heart of Baranja − a multi-ethnic region between Slavonia, the Danube, and Hungary − in the village of Kneževi Vinogradi.



To je Hrvatska Re­pu­bli­ka Hrvat­ska smjeπte­na je uz istoË­ nu oba­lu Ja­dran­skog mo­ra i u nje­go­vu za­le­u. Pro­teæe se od obro­na­ka Al­pa na sje­ve­ro­za­pa­du do pa­non­ske rav­ni­ce na isto­ku. Povrπina je nje­zi­na kop­na 56.542 Ëe­tvor­na ki­lo­me­tra, a povrπina te­ri­to­rijalnog mo­ra 31.067 Ëe­tvor­nih ki­lo­me­ta­ra. U Hrvat­ skoj æivi, pre­ma po­pi­su iz 2011. go­di­ne, 4,284.889 stanovnika. Duæina je mor­ske oba­le 5835 km za­jed­no s oto­ci­ma, oto­Ëi­Êi­ ma i gre­be­ni­ma. Oto­ka, oto­Ëi­Êa i gre­be­na ima 1185, a na­se­lje­no je 47 oto­ka. Sluæbe­ni je­zik je­st hrvat­ski, a pi­smo la­ti­niË­ no. Nov­Ëa­na je­di­ni­ca − ku­na. Glav­ni je grad Za­greb (790.017 sta­nov­ni­ ka), ko­ji je ujed­no ad­mi­ni­s­tra­tiv­no, kul­tur­no, aka­dem­sko i trgo­vaË­ko sre­diπte zem­lje. Hrvat­ska je međunarodno priznata 15. siječnja 1992. godine, a od 1. srpnja 2013. g. Ëlanica je Europske unije. This is Croatia The Re­pu­blic of Cro­at­ia li­es along the ea­st co­a­st of the Adri­a­tic Sea and its hin­ter­land. It stret­ches from the slo­pes of the Al­ps in the nor­th-we­st to the Pan­no­ni­an Pla­in in the ea­ st. Its land area is 56,542 km2 and the area of its ter­ri­to­ri­al sea is 31,067 km2. According to the 2011 cen­sus, Cro­a­tia’s popu­la­ti­on was 4,284,889. The len­gth of its sea co­a­st is 5835 km, in­clu­ding islan­ds, islets and re­efs. The­re are 1185 islan­ds, islets and re­efs, of which 47 islan­ds are in­ha­bi­ted. The of­fi­ci­al lan­gu­a­ge is Cro­a­ti­an, and the of­fi­ ci­al script is La­tin. The cur­ren­cy is the Ku­na. The ca­pi­tal is Za­greb (790,017 in­ha­bi­tan­ts), which is al­so the co­un­try’s ad­mi­ni­s­tra­ti­ve, cul­tu­ral, aca­de­mic and eco­no­mic cen­ter. The Con­sti­tu­ti­on of the Re­pu­blic of Cro­a­tia was adop­ted on 22 De­cem­ber 1990, and the co­untry re­ce­i­ved in­ter­na­ti­o­nal re­cog­ni­ti­ on on 15 Ja­nu­ary 1992. Croatia became an EU member state on 1st July 2013. Nacionalni parkovi ­­Hrvat­ska ima osam na­ci­o­nal­nih par­ko­va, od kojih su Ëe­ti­ri u pla­nin­skom po­dru­Ëju (Pa­kle­ni­ca, Pli­tviËka je­ze­ra, Ri­snjak i Sje­ ver­ni Ve­le­bit), a Ëe­ti­ri na obal­nom po­dru­Ëju (Bri­ju­ni, Kor­na­ti, Krka i Mljet). Nji­ma, kao pro­stor oso­bi­to vri­jed­ne pri­rod­ne baπti­ne,



tre­ba pri­do­da­ti i po­dru­Ëja pod stro­gom zaπti­tom pri­ro­de, re­zer­va­te, spo­me­ni­ke pri­ro­de, par­ko­ve pri­ro­de. Zbog svih njih Hrvat­sku mno­gi sma­tra­ju jed­nim od naj­ ljepπih eu­rop­skih vrto­va. National parks Cro­a­tia has eig­ht na­ti­o­nal par­ks, fo­ur of which are lo­ca­ted in the mo­un­ta­in re­gi­on (Pa­kle­ni­ca, Pli­tvi­ce La­kes, Ri­snjak and Nor­ thern Ve­le­bit), and fo­ur in the co­a­stal re­gi­on (Bri­ju­ni, Kor­na­ti, Krka and Mljet). Be­si­des the­se, cer­ta­in are­as un­der strict na­tu­re pro­ tec­ti­on ∑ re­ser­ves, na­tu­ral mo­nu­men­ts and na­tu­ral par­ks ∑ sho­uld be men­ti­o­ned as a na­tu­ral he­ri­ta­ge of spe­ci­al va­lue. They ha­ve all con­tri­bu­ted to Cro­a­tia’s be­ing con­si­de­red one of the mo­st be­a­u­ti­ful gar­dens of Eu­ro­pe. Proπlost za sadaπnjost Hrvat­ska obi­lu­je kul­tur­no-po­vi­je­snim spo­ me­ni­ci­ma iz svih ra­zdob­lja zbog bur­nih po­ vi­je­snih zbi­va­nja i pre­ple­ta­nja utje­ca­ja ra­ zli­Ëi­tih kul­tu­ra. Nje­zi­nu oba­lu ka­rak­te­ri­zi­ra­ju utje­ca­ji me­di­te­ran­ske kul­tu­re, mno­gi an­tiË­ki spo­me­ni­ci, spo­me­ni­ci iz rim­skog ra­zdob­lja i ra­no­ga sred­njeg vi­je­ka, ro­ma­niË­ko-sa­kral­ na baπti­na te niz oËu­va­nih ka­rak­te­ri­stiË­nih me­di­te­ran­skih ur­ba­nih cje­li­na. Kon­ti­nen­ tal­na Hrvat­ska dio je sred­njo­e­u­rop­sko­ga kul­tur­nog kru­ga i isti­Ëe se mno­gim pra­po­ vi­je­snim na­la­zi­ma sv­jet­ske vaæno­sti, sta­rim gra­do­vi­ma, utvrda­ma i dvor­ci­ma ka­sno­ga sred­njeg vi­je­ka, kul­tur­nim spo­me­ni­ci­ma i ar­hi­tek­tu­rom iz ra­zdob­lja ba­ro­ka. Tri hrvat­ske ur­ba­ne cje­li­ne i dva spo­me­ niË­ka kom­plek­sa ima­ju sta­tus spo­me­ni­ka sv­jet­ske kul­tur­ne baπti­ne, ko­ji do­dje­lju­je Une­sco. To su ka­sno­an­tiË­ka Di­o­kle­ci­ja­no­va pa­la­Ëa, pre­gra­e­na ti­je­kom sto­lje­Êa u sred­ njov­je­kov­ni Split, gra­do­vi Du­brov­nik i Tro­gir te Eu­fra­zi­je­va ba­zi­li­ka u Po­re­Ëu i ka­te­dra­la sv. Ja­ko­va u ©ibe­ni­ku. Na­ci­o­nal­ni park Pli­tviË­ka je­ze­ra, naj­ljepπi i najpozna­ti­ji hrvat­ski na­ci­o­nal­ni park, ta­ko­ er je dio Une­sco­ve Sv­jet­ske baπti­ne. A past for the present Cro­a­tia is rich in cul­tu­ral and hi­sto­ri­cal monuments from all eras, due to the tur­bu­lent even­ts of hi­story and the in­ter­la­cing of in­ flu­en­ces of dif­fe­rent cul­tu­res. Its co­a­st is cha­

rac­te­ri­zed by the in­flu­ences of Me­di­ter­ra­ne­an cul­tu­re, nu­me­ro­us an­ci­ent re­ma­ins, mo­nu­ men­ts of the Ro­man era and ear­ly Mid­dle Ages, a Ro­ma­ne­sque chur­ch he­ri­ta­ge and a num­ber of di­stin­cti­ve Me­di­ter­ra­ne­an ur­ban en­ti­ti­es that ha­ve be­en pre­ser­ved. Inland Cro­a­tia is a part of the Cen­tral Eu­ro­pe­an cul­ tu­ral circle and is di­stin­gu­i­shed by nu­me­ro­us pre­hi­sto­ric fin­din­gs of wor­ld sig­ni­fi­cance, by old tow­ns, for­tre­sses and ca­s­tles da­ting from the la­te Mid­dle Ages, and cul­tu­ral mo­nu­men­ts and ar­chi­tec­tu­re from the Ba­ro­que era. Three Cro­a­ti­an ci­ti­es and two mo­nu­men­tal com­-ple­xes ha­ve the sta­tus of mo­nu­men­ts of wor­ld cul­tu­ral he­ri­ta­ge ac­cor­ded by UNE­ SCO. The­se are the La­te An­ti­que Pa­la­ce of Di­o­cle­ti­an, re­mo­de­led thro­ugh the cen­tu­ri­es in­to the me­di­ev­ al city of Split, the ci­ti­es of Du­brov­nik and Tro­gir, the Ba­si­li­ca of Eup­hra­ si­us in Po­reË and the Cat­he­dral of St. Jacob in ©ibe­nik. The na­ti­on ­ al park of the Pli­tvi­ce La­kes, Cro­ a­tia’s mo­st be­a­u­ti­ful and ce­le­bra­ted na­ti­o­nal park, is al­so a part of UNE­SCO’s wor­ld he­ri­ta­ge. Hrvatska - turistiËki hit na Sredozemlju Hrvat­ska je po­sljed­njih go­di­na − ocje­nju­ju meu­na­rod­ni tu­ri­stiË­ki znal­ci i sta­ti­sti­Ëa­ri − hit-odre­di­πte na Sre­do­zem­lju. Hrvat­ska je bli­zu ne sa­mo zbog svoga geograf­skog smještaja ne­go i zbog mreæe zraË­nih lu­ka i kva­li­tet­nih uslu­ga na­ci­o­nal­ nog avi­o­pri­je­vo­zni­ka Croatia Air­li­ne­sa te dru­gih zraË­nih pri­je­vo­zni­ka. I zbog svoje mreæe au­to­ce­sta i po­lu­a­u­to­ce­sta Hrvat­ska je bliæa ne­go ikad. Ako ste pak oda­bra­li od­mor na jed­no­me od mno­gih hrvat­skih oto­ka, pri­je­voz tra­jek­tom ili hi­dro­gli­se­rom s kop­na tra­jat Êe − i kad su po­sri­je­di oni na­ju­da­lje­ni­ji − kraÊe od 2 sa­ta. Croatia - a Mediterranean tourism success Cro­a­tia has be­en a hit de­sti­na­ti­on in the Me­di­ter­ra­ne­an in the pa­st few ye­ars, say sta­ti­sti­ci­ans and in­ter­na­ti­o­nal ex­per­ts in to­u­ri­sm. Croatia is close not only because of its geographic position, but also because of its network of airports and the top quality services provided by Croatia Airlines, its

national carrier, as well as other airliners. Also, due to its network of highways and semi-motorways, Croatia is closer than ever. If you have decided to spend your vacation on any one of the numerous islands in Croatia, even the most distant ones, it will take less than 2 hours by ferry or hydrofoil from the mainland. Novac i naËin plaÊanja Ku­na je na ­ziv nov­Ëa­ne je­di­ni­ce Re­pu­bli­ ke Hrvat­ske. U op­tje­ca­ju su nov­Ëa­ni­ce ku­na (kn) i ko­va­ni no­vac ku­na i li­pa (lp), (100 li­pa = 1 ku­na). Mo­gu­Êe je pla­Êa­nje

kre­dit­nim kar ­ti­ca­ma (Di­ners, Vi­sa, Ame­ ri­can Ex­pre­s s, Eu­ro­card i Ma­ster­card) i eu­ro­Ëe­ko­vi­ma. No­vac se moæe po­di­za­ti i na ban­ko­ma­ti­ma. Currency and payment methods The cur­ren­cy of the Re­pu­blic of Cro­a­tia is cal­led the Ku­na (kn). In cir­cu­la­ti­on are ban­k no­tes in Ku­na and co­ins in Ku­na and Li­pa (lp) ∑ one hun­dred­th. Pay­men­ts can be ma­de by cre­dit card (Di­ners, Vi­sa, Ame­ri­can Ex­pre­ss, Eu­ro­card and Ma­ster­ card), as well as eu­ro-chec­ks. Ca­sh can be wit­hdrawn from AT­Ms.

ZEMLJOVID HRVATSKE MAP OF CROATIA Odrediπta Croatia Airlinesa Croatia Airlines destinations stalna / regular sezonska ljetna / seasonal in summer

motorway, fast roads toll station tunnel, bridge other main roads national parks nature parks international border crossing petrol stations (0-24) airports ferry routes UNESCO World Heritage



Head on East of Croatia...

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München Tourismus, S. Müller

Novosti u zimskom redu letenja Zimski red letenja, kao i uvijek, nastojali smo prilagoditi potrebama naših putnika i ponuditi im kvalitetan izbor putovanja u mnoga domaća i inozemna odredišta. Planirani su redoviti međunarodni letovi iz Hrvatske u 14 europskih odredišta, a putnicima iz različitih dijelova Hrvatske bit će na raspolaganju ukupno 18 međunarodnih linija. Pritom naša kompanija planira ponuditi više linija, tjednih letova i raspoloživih sjedala u odnosu na lanjsko zimsko razdoblje. Bitno je naglasiti kako je red letenja podložan promjenama ovisno o epidemiološkoj situaciji u našoj zemlji i inozemstvu. Iz zagrebačke zračne luke planirani su letovi u 14 međunarodnih odredišta: Amsterdam, Beč, Bruxelles, Dublin, Frankfurt, Kopenhagen, London, München, Pariz, Prištinu, Rim (via Split), Sarajevo, Skoplje i Zürich. Iz ZL Split svakodnevno su planirani letovi u tri europske metropole: München, Frankfurt i Rim. Našu novu redovnu liniju Osijek − München uveli smo 15. studenoga, dva puta tjedno, svakog ponedjeljka i petka do 14. siječnja 2022. godine. Riječ je o prvoj

München / Munich

cities − specifically, to Munich, Frankfurt, and Rome. On 15th November, we introduced scheduled international flights on the Osijek-Munich route. Flights on this route will be available twice a week, on Mondays and Fridays, until 14th January 2022. This is for the first time in the history of Croatia Airlines that we’re offering international flights from Osijek, whose launch resulted through the joint efforts of the Osijek-Baranja County, the City of Osijek, the Osijek-Baranja County Tourist Board, Osijek Airport, and Croatia Airlines. As a result, the east of Croatia now has a direct air link with Europe. To mark the occasion of launching this new international route, all passengers on our first-ever flights both from Munich to Osijek (OU4431), and from Osijek to Munich (OU4430) were gifted a discount voucher redeemable against their next purchase of Croatia Airlines air tickets. On 15th December, Croatia Airlines introduced yet another new international route in collaboration with Trade Air − the Zagreb-Pristina route. Up until the end of March 2022, flights between Zagreb and Pristina will be operated three times a week − on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. Passengers on this route will fly aboard our Dash 8-Q400 aircraft under Trade Air’s code. Near the end of March 2022, we’re planning to increase the number of seats available on this route. When this increase happens, passengers on this route will fly aboard Airbus 319 aircraft. To celebrate the introduction of direct flights both between Osijek and Munich, and between Zagreb and Pristina, return air tickets are available at promotional prices on Croatia Airlines’ website www.croatiaairlines.com.

međunarodnoj liniji Croatia Airlinesa iz Osijeka, koja je uvedena udruženim nastojanjima Osječko-baranjske županije, Grada Osijeka, Turističke zajednice Osječko-baranjske županije, Zračne luke Osijek i Croatia Airlinesa. Tako je putnicima s istoka Hrvatske omogućena izravna zračna veza s Europom. U povodu uspostavljanja ove nove međunarodne linije nagradili smo putnike na oba prva leta (OU4431 München − Osijek i OU4430 Osijek − München) posebnim vaučerom koji se može iskoristiti za kupnju zrakoplovne karte za sljedeće putovanje Croatia Airlinesom. Linija Zagreb − Priština druga je nova linija Croatia Airlinesa uvedena 15. prosinca u suradnji s Trade Airom. Letovi između Zagreba i Prištine obavljat će se do kraja ožujka 2022. godine našim zrakoplovima Dash 8-Q400, pod oznakama Trade Aira, triput na tjedan − ponedjeljkom, srijedom i subotom. Potkraj ožujka 2022. godine planirano je povećanje raspoloživih sjedala i od tada bi se letovi trebali obavljati zrakoplovima Airbus 319. U povodu uvođenja naših izravnih letova Osijek − München i Zagreb − Priština na našim internetskim stranicama www.croatiaairlines.com putnicima su dostupne povratne zrakoplovne karte po promotivnim cijenama. News in the winter timetable We always look to adjust the winter timetable to the needs of our passengers, and offer them quality travel options to many both domestic and foreign destinations. Accordingly, we have planned scheduled international flights from Croatia to 14 European destinations. In total, however, 18 international routes will be available to passengers from different parts of Croatia. Compared to last winter, our company is planning to increase the number of flights, and offer more weekly flights and seats available. It’s important to underline, however, that the winter timetable is subject to change, and depends on the public health and safety situation in both Croatia and abroad. From Zagreb Airport, we’re planning to fly to 14 international destinations − namely, to Amsterdam, Vienna, Brussels, Dublin, Frankfurt, Copenhagen, London, Munich, Paris, Pristina, Rome (via Split), Sarajevo, Skopje, and Zurich. From Split Airport, daily flights are planned to three European

R. Ibrahimi, Unsplash

Š. Lugarov


Priština / Pristina CROATIA AIRLINES 4/2021 _


Flavours of Croatia Reintroducing in-flight meals inspired by Croatia.




Obroci inspirirani Zagrebom Meals inspired by Zagreb Ugođaj u našim zrakoplovima od početka Adventa Zagreb pa sve do proljeća u znaku je glavnoga hrvatskoga grada zahvaljujući suradnji s Turističkom zajednicom grada Zagreba. Okuse Zagreba putnici mogu osjetiti preko nekih tipičnih specijaliteta ovog podneblja kao što su, primjerice, dimljeni kuhani kravlji sir, samoborska salama, orehnjača, medenjaci, krekeri s bučinim sjemenkama... Također, saznat će više o Zagrebu i okolici iz letaka koje će dobiti, kratkih filmova u zrakoplovima, a tu su i zagrebački ukrasi u obliku srca. Ukratko, putnici na našim letovima osjećat će se već kao da su u Zagrebu i prije nego što slete u glavni hrvatski grad, a oni koji putuju u druge gradove osjetit će tračak zagrebačke dobrodošlice u našem zrakoplovu. Koliko je zagrebački advent popularan, najbolje svjedoči podatak da je tri godine zaredom nosio titulu najboljeg u Europi, no sadržaji Zagreba i njegove okolice privlačni su za posjetitelje tijekom cijele godine. Naime, odmah poslije novogo-

dišnjeg slavlja i zimskih praznika još je mnogo toga što vas očekuje u našem gradu, stoga vas pozivamo da isplanirate skori posjet Zagrebu i okolici. Raznovrsni sadržaji, poštivanje mjera i protokola Safe stay in Croatia u našim avionima te, jednako tako, u hotelima, restoranima i drugim javnim prostorima čine boravak u gradu zanimljivim, drugačijim i sigurnim. Dobrodošli!

In the period from the beginning of the Zagreb Advent market until spring, the ambiance in our aircraft will be imbued with the symbols of Croatia’s capital thanks to our collaboration with the Zagreb Tourist Board. Passengers will get to savour the

flavours of Zagreb’s cuisine via a number of specialities typical of the region served in our aircraft, including, for example, smoked cooked pressed cheese, Samobor salami, walnut roll, honey cookies, pumpkin seed crackers, etc. Also, passengers will get to learn more about Zagreb and its surroundings from visitor information brochures and leaflets they’ll be given, and short films that’ll be shown during our flights. Our aircraft will also be decorated with heart-shaped souvenirs typical of Zagreb. In short, passengers on our flights can expect to feel as if they’re already in Zagreb, Croatia’s capital, even before they land, while those continuing their travel to other cities will, in our aircraft, get a feel for what it’s like to be welcomed in Zagreb. Just how popular the Zagreb Advent market is is best evidenced by the fact that, for three years in a row, it was voted the best Christmas market in Europe, although the experiences on offer in Zagreb and its surroundings have been attracting visitors throughout the entire year. More specifically, following New Year’s Eve celebrations and winter holidays, there’re plenty of experiences in store for you in our city, so we’re inviting you to plan a visit to Zagreb and its surroundings soon. A variety of facilities, events and experiences, adherence to Safe Stay in Croatia measures and protocols in not only our aircraft, but also in hotels, restaurants, and other public spaces are bound to make your stay in Zagreb engaging, different, and safe. Welcome!

Š. Lugarov

Š. Lugarov


However far you go, we’ll bring you closer. We are here to help you connect with the people who matter most.

See the film at staralliance.com


S nama putujete sigurno


Š. Lugarov

You travel safely with us

Ana Ćulumović Šoštarić

Ministarstvo turizma i sporta i Hrvatska turistička zajednica sredinom veljače pokrenuli su kampanju za nacionalnu oznaku Safe stay in Croatia, koja domaćim i stranim turistima jamči da se u Hrvatskoj primjenjuju zdravstveni i sigurnosni protokoli, što je za vrijeme globalne pandemije koronavirusa iznimno važno. Nacionalnu oznaku sigurnosnih protokola u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu Safe stay in Croatia dobila je i naša kompanija, a oznaka našim putnicima jamči da smo usvojili nacionalne i svjetske standarde zdravstvene i higijenske zaštite te siguran let do željenog odredišta. Oznaku dodjeljuje Ministarstvo turizma i sporta, koje i nadzire njezinu primjenu. Protokoli su usklađeni s preporukama Hrvatskog zavoda za javno zdravstvo (HZJZ) i Svjetskog vijeća za putovanja i turizam. Oznaka uključuje i naljepnicu s QR kodom koja vodi na posebnu internetsku stranicu www.safestayincroatia.hr, na kojoj se mogu pretraživati svi dionici turističkog sektora koji nose oznaku Safe stay in Croatia, pronaći relevantne informacije o zdravstvenim i sigurnosnim protokolima u sedam osnovnih kategorija te informacije kako postupiti u slučaju sumnje na zarazu virusom COVID-19. Uvođenje ove oznake iznimno je važno u brendiranju Hrvatske kao sigurne destinacije te se nastavlja na prošlogodišnju

oznaku Safe Travels Svjetskog vijeća za putovanja i turizam (WTTC) za lakše prepoznavanje destinacija i kompanija koje poštuju globalne standardizirane protokole za zdravlje i higijenu. U tu se inicijativu odmah uključilo i naše Ministarstvo turizma i sporta te je usuglašavanje sigurnosnih protokola bio jedan od prvih zadataka Savjeta za oporavak i razvoj turizma, realizaciju turističke 2021. godine i unapređenje turističke ponude. Uvjereni smo da se uz pridržavanje sigurnosnih mjera održala povoljna epidemiološka situacija u našoj zemlji te da smo i ove godine, povezujući mnoge domaće i strane destinacije, sigurno prevezli mnoge turiste te im omogućili ugodan boravak u željenoj destinaciji. Također vjerujemo da smo dobivanjem oznake pomogli pozicioniranju Hrvatske kao jedne od najsigurnijih turističkih destinacija na Mediteranu. 

In mid-February, Croatia’s Ministry of Tourism and Sport, and the Croatian National Tourist Board launched a campaign for Croatia’s national label of safety − Safe Stay in Croatia. The label is a guarantee that health and safety protocols are implemented in Croatia, which is of paramount importance during the global coronavirus pandemic. Our company was also awarded the Safe Stay in Croatia national label of safety. The

label’s a guarantee that we have adopted national and international health and safety standards, and that our flights to your desired destination are safe. The Safe Stay in Croatia national label of safety is awarded by the Ministry of Tourism and Sport, which also supervises its implementation. The protocols are in line with the guidelines prescribed by the Croatian Institute of Public Health and the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC). The label also includes a sticker with a QR code that links you to www.safestayincroatia.hr. This website lists all the stakeholders in the tourism sector that have been awarded the Safe Stay in Croatia label, relevant information on health and safety protocols in seven basic holidaying categories and information on what to do in case of a suspected COVID-19 infection. At Croatia Airlines, the sticker with the QR code is displayed in a visible place in all our aircraft and at our points of sale, and is accessible on our website and all our internal communication channels. The introduction of the Safe Stay in Croatia national label of safety is extremely important in branding Croatia as a safe destination and builds on WTTC’s Safe Travels label from last year, which was created for travellers to recognise destinations and businesses around the world which have adopted the

Latest info: www.croatiaairlines.com



Get ready for take-off! RELIABLY to your destination

SAFELY following public health measures

SUITED to your needs without a penalty fee

072 500 505 croatiaairlines.com



Kao jednom od ključnih segmenata društvene odgovornosti naglasak je stavljen na sigurnost i to u svim segmentima našeg poslovanja. Safety − one of the key segments of our corporate social responsibility − is what we place emphasis on in all segments of our business operations.

powered by

Safe Travels health and hygiene global standardised protocols. Croatia’s Ministry of Tourism and Sport joined this initiative immediately, and the harmonisation of safety protocols was one of the very first tasks of the Tourism Repair and Development Council, with a view to facilitating and implementing the 2021 tourist season and to bettering the services and products on offer in the tourism sector. We’re convinced that the public health and safety situation in our country has remained favourable thanks to adherence to COVID-19-related guidelines. We know that, by connecting many domestic and foreign destinations, we’ve safely flown many visitors this year as well, enabling them to have a pleasant stay in their desired destinations. We also believe that, by having been awarded the Safe Stay in Croatia label, we’ve helped position Croatia as one of the safest tourist destinations in the Mediterranean. 









Visa Gold Croatia Airlines kartica - 5 kuna = 1 nagradna milja − za svakih 5 kuna potrošenih preko ove kartice, bilježi se 1 nagradna milja - 2000 milja dobrodošlice na Miles & More računu za nove korisnike - 1000 milja dobrodošlice za dodatnog člana - Putno osiguranje - Milje ne zastarijevaju - Dvostruke nagradne milje − za plaćanje u poslovnicama Croatia Airlinesa i PBZ Card Travela Diners Club Croatia Airlines kreditna kartica - 5 kuna = 1 nagradna milja − za svakih 5 kuna potrošenih preko ove kartice, bilježi se 1 nagradna milja. - Prikupljajte nagradne milje svuda − jednostavno plaćajte svojom Diners Club karticom na bilo kojemu od 12,000.000 DC prodajnih mjesta u zemlji i inozemstvu. - 2 kartice − 1 račun Miles & More − koristite li se istodobno privatnom i poslovnom karticom Diners Cluba i Croatia Airlinesa, prikupljene nagradne milje zbrajaju se na istom računu Miles & More.

Visa Gold Croatia Airlines card - 5 HRK = 1 award mile − for every 5 HRK spent via this card, you collect 1 mile - 2000 welcome miles on Miles & More account for new basic and 1000 welcome miles for new additional card users - Travel insurance - Miles do not expire - Earn double award miles − using the card to pay at Croatia Airlines and PBZ Card Travel

Diners Club Croatia Airlines credit card - 5 HRK = 1 award mile − for every 5 HRK spent via this card, you collect 1 mile - Collect award miles everywhere − simply pay with your Diners Club Card in any of 12 million DC offices in Croatia or abroad - 2 credit cards − 1 Miles & More membership account − use your private and business card to collect award miles on the same membership account

VISA Croatia Airlines kreditna kartica Croatia Airlines i Erste Card Club nude i VISA Croatia Airlines samostalnu karticu, poslovnu i privatnu. Potrošnja od 14 kuna u Hrvatskoj na samostalnim karticama donosi 1 nagradnu Miles & More milju, a za potrošenih 7 kuna u inozemstvu dobiva se preko kartica u paketu 1 nagradna Miles & More milja.

VISA Croatia Airlines credit card Croatia Airlines and Erste Card Club offer a VISA Croatia Airlines standalone credit card, both business and private. You will get 1 Miles & More award mile for every 14 HRK spent via standalone credit card whereas for every 7 HRK spent abroad via companion credit cards 1 Miles & More award mile will be credited to your account.

Više informacija možete pronaći na:

Please find detailed info at:









Dopuštena ručna prtljaga za putnike ekonomskog razreda je 1 komad, a za putnike poslovnog razreda 2 komada (težine do 8 kg i zbroja dimenzija do 115 cm) Veće komade ručne prtljage spremite u pretince, a manje torbe označene privjeskom Prtljaga za avion stavite ispod sjedala ispred vas, osim u redovima kod izlaza za slučaj opasnosti. Dodatno, svaki putnik može ponijeti u kabinu: - 1 komad osobne prtljage najveće dopuštene veličine 40x30x10 cm - putuje li s djetetom do 2 g. - 1 dječja kolica ili autosjedalicu ili nosiljku te hranu za bebe - bolesne i invalidne osobe mogu ponijeti ortopedska pomagala ili protetske naprave

The hand baggage allowance for economy class passengers is 1 piece and for business class passengers 2 pieces (weighing up to 8 kg, whose total sum of dimensions does not exceed 115 cm). Your hand baggage must be stowed in overhead compartments. All smaller bags with a Carry-on Baggage tag must be placed under the seat in front of you, except in emergency exit rows. Each passenger may additionally take into the passenger cabin the following: - 1 personal item whose maximum size does not exceed 40x30x10 cm (16x12x4 in); - each passenger travelling with a child under 2 years of age is also allowed to take aboard 1 infant's carrying basket or a fully collapsible stroller/pushchair or a car seat and baby food; - disabled passengers may also take 1 pair of crutches and/or braces or any other prosthetic device.

20 cm 100ml

30 cm


20 cm TEKUĆINE U RUČNOJ PRTLJAZI U zrakoplov se smiju unositi: - tekućine kupljene u duty free prodavaonicama ili u zrakoplovu, pod uvjetom da su spremljene u prozirne plastične vrećice, zapečaćene prilikom kupnje (STEB) i ne smiju se otvarati do krajnjeg odredišta - tekućine pakirane u pojedinačnim pakiranjima do 100 ml ili 100 g u prozirnoj plastičnoj vrećici sa zatvaračem do 1 litre - tekućine koje se tijekom leta koriste u medicinske svrhe ili zbog posebnih prehrambenih potreba (dječja hrana). Ostale tekućine mogu se prevoziti u predanoj prtljazi. LIQUIDS IN YOUR HAND BAGGAGE

Carry-on baggage

10 cm

Please place this bag under the seat in front of you.

The following can be taken aboard our aircraft:

Not for exit rows.

40 cm

55 cm

20 cm

40 cm



- liquids purchased in airside duty free shops past the airport security check, provided they are stored in transparent plastic bags, sealed when purchased (STEB) and remain unopened until your final destination; - liquids packed in individual packaging up to 100 ml or 100 gr and stored in a transparent plastic bag with a zipper (up to maximally 1 litre); - liquids that are to be used during flights for medical purposes or for special nutritional needs (baby food). Other liquids can be transported in your checked baggage.


o ŽIVOTINJE U PUTNIČKOJ KABINI ŽIVOTINJE U PUTNIČKOJ KABINI U kabini se istodobno mogu prevoziti samo dvije životinje - dva psa ili dvije U kabini se istodobno mogu prevoziti mačke. Prijevoz psa i mačke na istome samo dvije životinje - dva psa ili dvije letu nije dozvoljen. Životinje mogu mačke. Prijevoz psa i mačke na istome putovati isključivo u torbi za nošenje i letu nije dozvoljen. Životinje mogu prijevoz kućnih ljubimaca, a tijekom putovati isključivo u torbi za nošenje i cijeloga leta moraju biti u torbi ispod prijevoz kućnih ljubimaca, a tijekom prednjeg sjedala. Životinje koje se zbog cijeloga leta moraju biti u torbi ispod veličine ne mogu prevoziti u putničkoj prednjeg sjedala. Životinje koje se zbog kabini prevoze se u prtljažniku zrakoploveličine ne mogu prevoziti u putničkoj va. Putnik je dužan pribaviti potrebnu kabini prevoze se u prtljažniku zrakoplodokumentaciju. Prijevoz životinja treba va. Putnik je dužan pribaviti potrebnu unaprijed rezervirati i dodatno se plaća dokumentaciju. Prijevoz životinja treba u poslovnicama. unaprijed rezervirati i dodatno se plaća u poslovnicama. ANIMALS IN THE PASSENGER CABIN ANIMALS IN THE PASSENGER CABIN On the same flight, only two animals can be transported at the same time On the same flight, only two animals either two dogs or two cats. The can be transported at the same time transportation of dogs and cats on the either two dogs or two cats. The same flight is not permitted. A passentransportation of dogs and cats on the ger can carry only one pet bag to be same flight is not permitted. A passenheld under the seat in front of the ger can carry only one pet bag to be passenger throughout the entire flight. held under the seat in front of the Animals that cannot be transported in passenger throughout the entire flight. the passenger cabin due to their size Animals that cannot be transported in are transported in the aircraft hold if the passenger cabin due to their size they meet certain conditions. Passenare transported in the aircraft hold if gers are required to obtain all the they meet certain conditions. Passennecessary documentation. Animal gers are required to obtain all the transportation must be booked in necessary documentation. Animal advance at an additional charge to be transportation must be booked in paid in any branch office. advance at an additional charge to be paid in any branch office.

ELEKTRONIČKI UREĐAJI U RUČNOJ PRTLJAZI Upotreba elektroničkih uređaja dopuštena je isključivo u zrakoplovnom radu, a teže i veće uređaje potrebno je pospremiti dok je upaljen znak obaveznoga vezanja.

Dopuštene elektroničke naprave: -ELEKTRONIČKI mobilni / pametni telefoni U RUČNOJ UREĐAJI -PRTLJAZI tablet računala - slušalice za suzbijanje buke -Upotreba digitalni audio / MP3 uređaji elektroničkih uređaja dopuštena -jeelektroničke isključivo u igre zrakoplovnom radu, a teže i -veće e-čitači uređaje potrebno je pospremiti dok je -upaljen prijenosna notebook računala znak/ obaveznoga vezanja. - prijenosni DVD / CD uređaji -Dopuštene Bluetooth uređaji elektroničke naprave: - kamere mobilni / pametni telefoni - medicinski uređaji tablet računala - električni brijaći aparatibuke slušalice za suzbijanje Zabranjene elektroničke naprave: - digitalni audio / MP3 uređaji - elektronički elektroničkeuređaji igre za simuliranje pušenja - samobalansirajući uređaji koji sadrže e-čitači litijeve baterije nisu dozvoljeni u ručnoj i - prijenosna / notebook računala predanoj prtljazi - prijenosni DVD / CD uređaji - Bluetooth uređaji - kamere ELECTRONIC DEVICES IN YOUR HAND - medicinski uređaji BAGGAGE - električni brijaći aparati Zabranjene elektroničke naprave: The use of electronic devices is allowed - elektronički uređaji za simuliranje pušenja only in airplane mode. Heavy and large - samobalansirajući uređaji koji sadrže devices must be stored away while the i litijeve baterije nisu dozvoljeni u ručnoj seat belt sign is on. predanoj prtljazi Electronic devices allowed aboard our aircraft: ELECTRONIC DEVICES IN YOUR HAND -BAGGAGE mobile/smart telephones - tablet computers -The noise-cancelling headphones use of electronic devices is allowed -only digital audio/MP3 players in airplane mode. Heavy and large -devices electronic games must be stored away while the -seat e-book readers belt sign is on. - laptop/notebook computers devicesplayers allowed aboard our -Electronic portable DVD/CD -aircraft: Bluetooth devices mobile/smart telephones - cameras tablet computers - medical devices noise-cancelling - electric shavers headphones - digital audio/MP3 Electronic devices players not allowed aboard - electronic our aircraft:games - e-book electric readers smoking simulation devices - laptop/notebook self-balancing devices that run on computers lithium batteries areplayers not allowed in either - portable DVD/CD your hand baggage - Bluetooth devices or checked baggage

ZABRANJENI PREDMETI Zakonom je zabranjeno nošenje opasnoga materijala u ručnoj i predanoj prtljazi. To su eksplozivi, lako zapaljive tekućine i - cameras čvrste tvari, radioaktivni materijali, - medical devices infektivne tvari i otrovi, oružje, stlačeni - electric shavers i oksidirajuća sredstva plinovi, korozivna itd. Electronic devices not allowed aboard our aircraft: ITEMS NOT ALLOWED - electric smoking simulation devices - self-balancing devices that run on The carrying of hazardous items and lithium batteries are not allowed in either materials in either your hand baggage or your hand baggage or checked baggage checked baggage is prohibited by law. These are explosives, flammable liquids and solids, radioactive materials, infectious substances and poisons, weapons, compressed gases, corrosive and oxidising agents, etc.


ZABRANJENI PREDMETI Zakonom je zabranjeno nošenje opasnoga materijala u ručnoj i predanoj prtljazi. USLUGA TIJEKOM To su eksplozivi, lakoLETA zapaljive tekućine i čvrste tvari, radioaktivni materijali, infektivne tvarii ipića otrovi, oružje, stlačeni Svi su obroci u našim zrakoplovima plinovi, korozivna i oksidirajuća sredstva besplatni, a usluga ovisi o razredu itd. prijevoza, duljini leta i dobu dana. Nudimo vam mogućnost kupnje na letu u našem ITEMS NOT Za ALLOWED Sky shopu. posebne prigode postoji mogućnost kupnje torte i pjenušca koje The carrying of hazardous items and poslužujemo na letu. Dopuštena je materials in either your hand baggage or konzumacija samo onih alkoholnih pića checked baggage is prohibited by law. koja suare poslužena u zrakoplovu. These explosives, flammable liquids and solids, radioactive materials, infectious SERVICE DURING FLIGHTS substances and poisons, weapons, compressed gases, corrosive and All meals agents, and drinks oxidising etc.aboard our aircraft are free of charge, and the service offered depends on the travel class, the length of flight and the part of day of the flight. During your flight, you can shop in our Sky Shop. For special occasions, a cake and sparkling wine can be purchased to be served during the flight. The consumption of only those alcoholic beverages that are served aboard our aircraft is allowed. CROATIA www.croatiaairlines.com AIRLINES 4/2021 _ 113


- Putnicima savjetujemo da prije leta stupe u kontakt s veleposlanstvom svoje države i/ili posjete službene web stranice relevantnih službenih tijela svih država u koje/iz kojih putuju.

COVID-19 ZAŠTITIMO SE Pomozite nam u očuvanju vašeg zdravlja i sigurnosti pridržavajući se sljedećih važnih uputa: - Započnite putovanje samo ako se osjećate zdravo. Imate li povišenu tjelesnu temperaturu, gubitak osjeta njuha i okusa, jaki kašalj i kratki dah te ako je vaše zdravstveno stanje loše molimo vas da odgodite svoje putovanje. - U kabinu zrakoplova unesite što manje ručne prtljage kako biste smanjili fizički kontakt. Ponesite samo osobne i vrijedne stvari dozvoljene veličine (torbice, manje ruksake i torbe za prijenosna računala). - Na svim našim letovima obvezno je nositi vlastitu medicinsku masku preko usta i nosa. Iznimke su moguće samo za djecu mlađu od šest godina i putnike s invaliditetom koji imaju liječničku potvrdu i negativan PCR test koji je izdan do 48 sati prije leta. To se odnosi i na odlazni i na povratni let.

- Zbog trenutačne javnozdravstvene situacije ograničenja u putovanju često se mijenjaju. Većina europskih država provodi zaštitne mjere, uključujući obrasce za prikupljanje podataka o putnicima (Passenger Locator Form), karantenu i obvezu testiranja za putnike ili potvrde o cijepljenju ili potvrde o preboljenju bolesti COVID-19. Prije leta svakako redovito provjeravajte pravila za ulazak u zemlju odredišta. - Ne fotografirajte posadu i putnike. Fotografiranje i snimanje u zrakoplovu moguće je jedino uz dopuštenje posade. - Kad izlazite iz zrakoplova, držite minimalnu dopuštenu udaljenost i cijelo vrijeme nosite zaštitnu masku do izlaska iz odredišne zračne luke. - Molimo vas da u svakom trenutku slijedite upute naše posade. Ako se putnik u zrakoplovu ponaša tako da ugrožava zrakoplov, bilo koju osobu ili imovinu u zrakoplovu, zadržavamo pravo stavljanja putnika na crnu listu.

- Masku možete privremeno maknuti dok konzumirate hranu ili piće, no molimo vas da je što prije vratite na lice. - Viziri nisu dopušteni kao zamjena za pokrivala za lice na našim letovima jer ne pružaju adekvatnu zaštitu. Viziri sprečavaju kapljično prenošenje s prednje strane, no protok zraka s bočnih strana i dalje je moguć. - U toaletima u svim našim zrakoplovima na raspolaganju su vam sredstva za dezinfekciju ruku. - Za svakog putnika osigurali smo vlažne maramice kojima možete prebrisati sjedalo (naslon, rukohvate, otvore za ventilaciju i sl.). - Obratite pažnju na sigurnosnu demonstraciju. Čak i ako ne letite prvi put, korisno je pratiti demonstraciju o sigurnosti leta svaki put. - Preporučujemo vam da budete vezani tijekom cijeloga leta. - Usluga na našem letu prilagođena je i pojednostavljena za vrijeme pandemije. - U zrakoplovu nije dopuštena konzumacija vlastitog alkoholnog pića. - Kad kašljete ili kišete, prekrijte usta i nos maramicom ili laktom. - Izbjegavajte bespotrebno dodirivanje površina i korištenje otvora za ventilaciju. - Na većini međunarodnih letova potrebno je prije leta ispuniti obrazac za prikupljanje podataka o putnicima (Passenger Locator Form ili Health Declaration Form), koji može biti u elektronskom ili papirnatom obliku. Ovaj obrazac služi u svrhu prikupljanja podataka o bliskim kontaktima putnika za kojeg je naknadnom dijagnostičkom obradom utvrđeno da boluje od bolesti COVID-19 te se u druge svrhe ne smije koristiti.



COVID-19 HELP US PROTECT YOU Help us protect your health and safety by following these important guidelines: - Start your journey only if you feel healthy. If you have a fever, if you’ve lost your sense of smell and taste, if you’ve got a bad cough or if you’re experiencing shortness of breath, and if your health is poor, please postpone your flight. - Take as little hand luggage as possible into the passenger cabin to reduce physical contact. Take only personal items and valuables of the size allowed (handbags, smaller backpacks and laptop bags). - The wearing of medical face protective mask covering your mouth and nose is mandatory on all our flights, with the exception of children under the age of six and passengers with disabilities who must provide a medical certificate and a negative PCR test issued no more than 48 hours prior to departure. This applies to both outbound and inbound flights.

- We provide each passenger with wet wipes with which to wipe their seat (backrest, armrest, ventilation openings, etc.). - Pay attention to the pre-flight safety briefing. Even if you’re not flying for the first time, following the pre-flight safety briefing is useful every time. - We recommend that you keep your seat belt fastened throughout the entire flight. - Inflight services have been adjusted and reduced during the pandemic. - The consumption of alcoholic beverages which you take on board with you is not allowed aboard our aircraft. - While coughing or sneezing, make sure you cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or you cough or sneeze into your elbow. - Avoid touching surfaces and using ventilation openings unless necessarily. - You are required to complete either an electronic or a paper version of the Passenger Locator Form (PLF) or Health Declaration Form (HDF) prior to getting on most international flights. PLFs and HDFs are used for the purpose of collecting information about the close contacts of a passenger who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 by subsequent diagnostic tests and procedures, and may not be used for other purposes. - Passengers are strongly advised to contact, before their flight, the embassy of their country of origin, and/or visit the official website of relevant official authorities of all the countries that they are flying to or from. - Due to the current public health and safety situation, travel restrictions are subject to frequent change. Most European countries have travel restrictions in place, including: the requirement to submit a completed Passenger Locator Form (PLF), quarantine, and mandatory COVID-19 testing for passengers, or COVID-19 vaccination certificates, or COVID-19 recovery certificates. Make sure that you regularly and frequently check the entry restrictions in place at your destination before your flight. - You are not allowed to take photographs of the crew and passengers. You must obtain permission from the crew to take photographs and to film while aboard the aircraft.

- You can remove your face mask temporarily, i.e. while eating or drinking, but we kindly ask that you put your face mask back on as soon as possible.

- While exiting the aircraft, maintain social distancing and wear a face mask or face cover at all times until you exit the airport building.

- Visors are not allowed as a substitute for face masks or face covers on our flights because they do not provide adequate protection. Visors prevent the spread of droplets only from the front, but not from the sides of your face.

- Please follow the instructions of our crew at all times. We reserve the right to blacklist passengers aboard the aircraft whose behaviour poses a threat to the safety of the aircraft itself, any person or property aboard the aircraft.

- Hand disinfectants are available in the lavatories of all our aircraft.





Neka Croatia Airlines bude početna adresa za vaša putovanja!

S. Jungić

Let Croatia Airlines be the starting point for your travels!

Dolazni terminali / Arrival terminals

Naša nova responzivna web stranica omogućuje vam jedinstveno korisničko iskustvo bez obzira na vrstu vašeg uređaja. Još jednostavnije doći ćete do svega što vam je potrebno za vaš let.





Schiphol Amsterdam Airport

terminal 3


Athens International Airport

main terminal


Brussels Airport Zaventem

terminal B


Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport

terminal 2D


Copenhagen Airport Dublin Airport

terminal 2 terminal 1


Düsseldorf Airport

terminal A


Leonardo da Vinci - Fiumicino Airport

terminal 3


Frankfurt Airport

terminal 1


Gatwick Airport

terminal S


Heathrow Airport

terminal 2


Lyon Saint-Exupery International Airport terminal 1


Munich Airport

terminal 2


Sarajevo International Airport

terminal B


Skopje Alexander the Great Airport

main terminal


Berlin Tegel Airport

terminal A, C


Vienna Airport

terminal 3


Zurich Airport

terminal 2

Informacije o polascima autobusa / Bus departure information


Our new responsive website delivers a unique user experience regardless of the type of your device. Getting everything you need for your flight is now made much easier.



Polasci svakog dana s gradskog terminala (Autobusni kolodvor, Držićeva bb) prema Zračnoj luci Zagreb Departures daily from the Town Terminal (Main Bus Station, Držićeva bb) to the Zagreb International Airport: 5.00 - 5.30 - 6.00 - 6.30 - 7.00 - 7.30 - 8.00 - 8.30 - 9.00 - 10.00 - 10.30 - 11.00 - 11.30 - 12.00 - 12.30 - 13.00 13.30- 14.00 - 14.30 - 15.00 - 15.30 - 16.00 - 16.30 - 17.00 - 17.30 - 18.00 - 18.30 - 19.00 - 19.30 - 20.00 Polasci svakog dana iz Zračne luke Zagreb prema gradskom terminalu (Autobusni kolodvor, Držićeva bb) Departures daily from the Zagreb International Airport to the Town Terminal (Main Bus Station, Držićeva bb): 7.00 - 8.00 - 8.30 - 9.00 - 9.30 - 10.30 - 11.30 -12.00 - 12.30 - 13.00 - 13.30 - 14.00 - 14.30 - 15.00 - 15.30 16.00 - 16.30 - 17.00 - 17.30 - 18.00 - 18.30 - 19.00 - 19.30 - 20.00 Za više informacija, molimo nazovite / For more information, please call: ZAGREB (01) 6331-982, 6331-999 SPLIT (021) 203-508 DUBROVNIK (020) 773-377 ZADAR (020) 250-094



RIJEKA (051) 330-207, 336-757

k i n v o r b u D FLY TO

... because it is beautiful even in winter

T +385 20 773 100 F +385 20 773 322 E headoffice@airport-dubrovnik.hr www.airport-dubrovnik.hr CROATIA AIRLINES 4/2021 _


Zrakoplovi Airbus A320-200, Airbus A319-100 i Dash8 - Q400 tvore naπu flotu. Our fleet consists of A320-200, Airbus A319-100 and Dash8 - Q400 aircraft. Specifikacije / Specifications

Airbus A320-200

Airbus A319-100

Dash8 - Q400

Raspon krila / Wing span (m/ft)

35,8 / 117

35,8 / 117

28,42 / 93,24

Duljina trupa / Fuselage length (m/ft)

37,6 / 123

33,84 / 111

32,83 / 107,71

NajveÊa dopuπtena teæina u polijetanju / Maximum take off weight (kg) 73.500 / 77.000

64.000 / 75.500


NajveÊa visina leta / Maximum cruising altitude (m/ft)

11.900 / 39.000

11.900 / 39.000

7620 / 25.000

Povrπina krila / Wing area (m²/ft²)

122,40 / 1318

122,40 / 1318

63,08 / 679

NajveÊa letna brzina / Maximum cruising speed (km/h)

834 (450 KTS)

834 (450 KTS)

667 (360 KTS)

Pogonska grupa / Power-plants

motori / engines x 2 CFM 56

motori / engines x 2 CFM 56

motori / engines x 2 PW 150A

Broj zrakoplova u floti / Number of aircraft in fleet




Broj sjedala / Number of seats




Airbus A320-200

Airbus A319-100

Dash8 - Q400






Montreal Toronto Vancouver Calgary Ottawa


Oslo Stockholm

Stavanger Gothenburg Dublin Copenhagen

Hamburg Amsterdam


Vilnius Gdansk

Berlin Poznan Dusseldorf


Brussels Paris





Zurich Lyon


Zagreb Pula



Sarajevo Zadar Split Rome Bol Dubrovnik

Barcelona Lisbon

Pristina Skopje



linije Croatia Airlinesa / Croatia Airlines' services u suradnji sa stranim zrakoplovnim kompanijama / in cooperation with partner airline


Napomena: Sve navedene informacije podložne su promjenama ovisno o trenutnoj situaciji s pandemijom izazvanom virusom COVID-19. Note: All the information provided is subject to change based on the current situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Code Share Partners

Star Alliance Members

Air Canada


Air France

Air Canada

LOT Polish Airlines

Air India

Air China


ITA Airways

Air India

Scandinavian Airlines


Air New Zealand

Shenzhen Airlines

Austrian Airlines

ANA - All Nippon Airways

Singapore Airlines

Brussels Airlines

Asiana Airlines

South African Airways


Austrian Airlines


LOT Polish Airlines


TAP Air Portugal


Brussels Airlines

Thai Airways International


Copa Airlines

Turkish Airlines

Singapore Airlines

Croatia Airlines

United Airlines

Swiss International Air Lines


TAP Portugal

Ethiopian Airlines


Trade Air


Turkish Airlines

Eva Air

United Airlines CROATIA AIRLINES 4/2021 _


Direkcija / Head office Bani 75b, 10 010 Buzin, Zagreb, Tel. (+385-1) 616-00-66 Fax (+385-1) 6160 153 E-mail adrese / E-mail addresses President’s Office/uprava@croatiaairlines.hr Public Relations/pr@croatiaairlines.hr Marketing/advertising@croatiaairlines.hr Sales/sales@croatiaairlines.hr Cargo/cargo@croatiaairlines.hr Kontakt centar / Contact Center 072-500 505 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske / only for calls from Croatia Tel. (+385-1) 66 76 555 pon - pet/Mon - Fri 08:00 - 20:00 sub, ned, praznik / Sat, Sun, Holiday 09:00 - 15:00 contact@croatiaairlines.hr Odnosi s korisnicima / Customer Relations Dept. Fax (+385-1) 616-01-52 http://www.croatiaairlines.com/hr/Zahtjev http://www.croatiaairlines.com/Claim Miles & More kontakt centar / Miles & More Service Team 072 220 220 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske / only for calls from Croatia Informacije o prijevozu robe / Cargo information office Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-573



Sofia Split



Obzor putovanja / Obzor Holidays Ltd Tel. (+385-1) 487 31 68, 616 02 46 Poslovnice / Town and airport offices Identifikacijski kod poslovnica u Hrvatskoj je/ Identification code for offices in Croatia is: HR-B-01-080037012

Dubrovnik 20 213 »ilipi, Dubrovnik ZraËna luka/Airport Dubrovnik Tel. (+385-20) 773-232 dbvap@croatiaairlines.hr Frankfurt Kaiserstrasse 7 60311 Frankfurt Tel. (+49-69) 92-00-520 frato@croatiaairlines.hr Paris

95731 ROISSY CDG CEDEX Roissypôle Le Dôme, Rue de la Haye BP 18913 Tremblay en France Tel. (+33-1) 48-16-40-00 parto@croatiaairlines.hr Podgorica Oki Air Montenegro d.o.o. Ivana Vujoševića 46 81000 Podgorica tel: + 382 20 201201 montenegro@croatiaairlines.hr Pula ZraËna luka/Airport Pula Valtursko polje 210, 52 100 Ližnjan Tel. (+385-52) 218-909, 218-943 puyap@croatiaairlines.hr Rijeka 51 000 Rijeka JelaËiÊev trg br. 5 Tel. (+385-51) 330-207, 336-757 rjkto@croatiaairlines.hr Rim / Rome 00054 Fiumicino Aeroporto/Airport Leonardo da Vinci Torre Uffici 2, room 518 Tel. (+39-06) 5421-0021 romto@croatiaairlines.hr



SlovaËka / Slovakia CK Blue Sky Travel Poštová 1, 811 06 Bratislava Tel. +421 2 5262 2375 slovakia@croatiaairlines.hr

1000 Skopje ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+389-2) 3148-390, 3296-967, 3296-969 skpap@croatiaairlines.hr

Srbija / Serbia Travel Centar d.o.o. Topličin Venac 19-21 11000 Beograd Tel. +381 11 202 80 46 gsa.srbija@croatiaairlines.hr

APG Bulgaria Ltd. 3 William Gladstone str. 1000 Sofia tel: +35924940096 bulgaria@croatiaairlines.hr

Španjolska / Spain Global Representacion Turistica / GRT Rambla de Catalunya, 61 5º 3ª, 08007 Barcelona Tel. +34 934 875 775 spain@croatiaairlines.hr

21 000 Split ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+385-21) 203-305, 895-298 spuap@croatiaairlines.hr 23 000 Zadar ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+385-23) 250-101 zadap@croatiaairlines.hr 10 000 Zagreb Trg Nikole Š, Zrinskog 17 Tel. (+385-1) 61-60-215 posl.zrinjevac@croatiaairlines.hr Meunarodna zraËna luka Zagreb/ Zagreb International Airport Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-581 Fax (+385-1) 62-65-930


Bruxelles 1930 Zaventem/Brussels Airport Box 31 Tel. (+32-2) 753-5132 bruap@croatiaairlines.hr

71 000 Sarajevo ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+387-33) 789-600 sjjto@croatiaairlines.hr

Letzigraben 154, 8047 Zürich Tel. (+41-44) 2610-840 zrhto@croatiaairlines.hr

Prodajni zastupnici / Sales agents Europa / Europe »eπka / the Czech Republic CK Blue Sky Travel Opletalova 57, 11 000 Praha 1 Tel. +420 222 222 235 czech@croatiaairlines.hr GrËka / Greece Intermodal Air, Airlines Representations 2, Marathonomachon str 16452 Argyroupoli − Greece Tel. +30 210 371 6381 Fax + 0030 210 324 9152 ww.intermodalair.gr Portugal APG Portugal Rua Tojalinho da Areica, nr. 15 Bolembre 2705-553 São João das Lampas Portugal Tel. +351 211 930 226 portugal@croatiaairlines.hr info@apg-portugal.com Rumunjska/Romania Specialised Aviation Services srl. 17d Emil Garleanu Str, Voluntari, Ilfov County Tel. +40 21 599 0108 romania@croatiaairlines.hr Rusija/Russia Global Russia Marketing//GRM Bolshaya Sadovaya str. 10, office 20 (V), 2-nd entrance, 123001 Moscow, Russia Tel.: +7 (495) 727-05-66 ou.mow@grm-russia.com

Konnogvardeysky blvd, 19, office 47, 190098 St.-Petersburg, Russia Tel.: +7 (921) 905-88-73 ou.led@grm-russia.com

Bliski istok / Middle East Izrael / Israel Biaf Aviation Services Ltd 1 Ben Yehuda Street, Migdalor blgd. 12th floor, Tel Aviv 63802 Tel. +972 3 516 7181, 516 7140 israel@croatiaairlines.hr Indija / India STIC Travel Group 2nd Floor, Tower C, Cyber Greens, DLF Phase - III Gurgaon - 122002, New Delhi Ph: +91 (124) 4595300 croatia@sticgroup.com Contact person: Gurpreet Sangar Intermodal Air, Airlines Representations 2, Mmarathonomachon str 16452 Argyroupoli - Greece, Tel. +30 210 3716381 Fax + 30 210 3249152 www.intermododalair.gr Novi Zeland / New Zealand CTtravel Limited NZ PO Box 104-056, Lincoln North, Suite, 1/182 Lincoln Rd. Henderson, Auckland, NZ Tel. +64 9 837 9897 croatiaairlines@cttravel.co.nz Japan Air System Inc. Shimbashi Frontier Building, 7F 3-4-5 Shimbashi Minato-ku Tokyo, 105-0004 Japan Tel. +81 3 3593 6740 asipaxtyo@airsystem.jp Koreja / Korea Bohram 1901-1, 19F Coryo Daeyungak Tower, 97 Toegye-ro Jung-gu, Seoul South Korea (04535) croatiaairlines@bohramair.co.kr Tajvan / Taiwan Pacific Express Company Limited 8F, No 137, Nanking E. Road Sec. 2, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: +886 2 2515 2371 sales-service@pacificexpress.com.tw Kina / China Pacific Aviation Marketing 12H, Zaofong Universe Building 1800 West Zhong Shan Road Xuhui District, Shanghai Tel. +862164400032 Jenniferhuo@pam.com.hk Hong Kong Pacific Aviation Marketing Ltd. Unit 2503, Island Place Tower, 510 Kingís Road, North Point, Hong Kong. Tel. +852 2926 2030 pamoperation@pam.com.hk

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