Ljeto _ Summer 2021
Putni časopis _ Inflight magazine
Š. Lugarov
Dragi putnici!
Dear passengers!
Dobro došli u naš zrakoplov u ovome ljetnom dijelu godine, koji je za nas uvijek najdinamičniji i najaktivniji. Raduje me da smo dočekali ublažavanje epidemioloških mjera u našoj zemlji, ali i u mnogim drugim europskim zemljama, što nam je omogućilo širenje mreže letova iz Zagreba i jadranskih odredišta prema europskim metropolama. Tijekom ljetnih mjeseci za vas letimo u 18 europskih i 7 hrvatskih odredišta. Drago mi je što vam, u skladu s aktualnom situacijom, ponovno možemo pružiti uslugu hrane i pića u našim zrakoplovima. To će, vjerujem, dodatno pridonijeti da se s nama osjećate ugodno, kao i novi broj našeg časopisa s mnogo zanimljivih tema iz kontinentalne te obalne i otočne Hrvatske. Predstavljamo vam i sjajnog mladog hrvatskog poduzetnika Matu Rimca, čiji električni automobili i vrhunska tehnologija osvajaju svijet. Croatia Airlines od osnutka snažno podupire razvoj hrvatskoga gospodarstva. Ni u ovim izvanrednim okolnostima pandemije naši zrakoplovi nisu prestali letjeti, čime je naša kompanija dodatno potvrdila da predstavlja strateški dio hrvatske prometne infrastrukture pridonoseći održivosti i razvoju hrvatskoga gospodarstva i turizma. Osobito mi je zadovoljstvo, poštovani putnici, s vama podijeliti radost i ponos zbog naše ovogodišnje okrugle obljetnice − 30 godina zajedničkog letenja. Naime, 5. svibnja 1991. obavljen je naš prvi komercijalni let na liniji Zagreb − Split, a njime je uspostavljen redoviti zračni promet unutar Hrvatske i ostvaren san o hrvatskoj zrakoplovnoj kompaniji. Zahvaljujem vam na povjerenju, uz obećanje da će kvaliteta usluge i sigurnost letenja i dalje biti prioriteti u poslovanju naše kompanije. Veselim se unaprijed svim našim zajedničkim letovima.
Welcome to our aircraft in this summer part of the year, which is always the most dynamic and active for us. I’m glad that we’ve welcomed the easing of public health and safety measures in both Croatia and many other European countries, which allows us to expand our network of flights from Zagreb and Adriatic destinations to European cities. During the summer, we’ll fly you to 18 European and 7 Croatian destinations. I’m also glad that, in line with the current situation, we can re-introduce our in-flight food and beverage service. Apart from the new issue of our magazine featuring many interesting pieces on continental and coastal Croatia including its islands, this will, I believe, further contribute to making you feel comfortable with us. We’re also presenting the great young Croatian entrepreneur, Mate Rimac, whose electric cars and state-of-the-art technology are conquering the world. Since establishment, Croatia Airlines has strongly supported the development of Croatia’s economy. Even in these extraordinary circumstances, we’ve never stopped flying, which only confirms that our company represents a strategic segment of Croatia’s transport infrastructure and that it contributes to the sustainability and development of Croatia’s economy and tourism. I’m particularly pleased, dear passengers, to share with you the joy and pride in celebrating our round anniversary this year − we’ve been flying together for 30 years. It was on 5th May 1991 that we operated our first commercial flight from Zagreb to Split, which represented the establishment of scheduled air traffic within the borders of Croatia, with which Croatia achieved its dream of establishing its own flag carrier. Thank you for your trust and we promise that the quality of service and flight safety will continue to be priorities in the business operations of our company. I look forward to all our future flights together.
Jasmin Bajić Predsjednik Uprave / President & CEO
8 Razgovor Mate Rimac NAJBRŽI AUTOMOBILI NA SVIJETU Električni supersportski automobili Rimac dizajnirani su, razvijeni i proizvedeni u Hrvatskoj. Interview Mate Rimac THE FASTEST CARS IN THE WORLD Rimac Automobili electric hypercars are designed, developed and manufactured in Croatia.
Ljeto/Summer 2021 www.croatiaairlines.com
Uredništvo ne odgovara za promjene u rasporedu događanja, za otkazivanje ili promjene datuma održavanja događanja nastale nakon objavljivanja časopisa. The editorial board cannot be held responsible for any changes that may occur in the scheduling of events or their cancellation after the magazine goes to press.
Muzeji ZAGREBAČKO ČOKOLADNO PUTOVANJE Muzej čokolade Zagreb centralno je mjesto koje odgovara na sva pitanja o čokoladi nudeći pritom niz radionica i sadržaja.
Otoci POSTIRA, SKLAD U KONTRASTIMA Postira na otoku Braču jedno su od rijetkih mjesta gdje se nepravilnosti, kontrasti, susreti staroga i novoga pretvaraju u sklad.
Museums ZAGREB’S CHOCOLATE JOURNEY Offering a variety of workshops and events, the Chocolate Museum Zagreb is a central place that answers all your questions about chocolate.
Islands POSTIRA, CONTRASTS IN HARMONY Postira on the island of Brač is one of few places where irregularities, contrasts, encounters of the old and the new transform into harmony.
38 Prirodne ljepote MLJET, ZELENI OTOK PLAVOG JADRANA Odisejev otok proglašen je jednim od naših osam nacionalnih parkova zbog obilja prirodnih ljepota i ostalih vrijednosti. Natural attractions MLJET, THE GREEN ISLAND OF THE BLUE ADRIATIC Rich in natural and other attractions, Odysseus’s Island was declared one of Croatia’s eight national parks.
Art SUBLIME AND REFINED MUSIC AT ST. DONATUS The Musical Evenings at St. Donatus are an absolute must-have experience in Zadar.
Mljet, G. Šafarek
Umjetnost UZVIŠENA I PROFINJENA GLAZBA U SVETOM DONATU Glazbene večeri u Sv. Donatu postale su ono što se u Zadru ne smije propustiti.
Nakladnik/Publisher Croatia Airlines Hrvatska zrakoplovna tvrtka Bani 75b, Buzin 10 010 Zagreb, Croatia tel.: +385-1-616-00-66 e-mail: pr@croatiaairlines.hr
URL: www.croatiaairlines.com
Gastro SAMOBOR, SLANI I SLATKI U neposrednoj blizini Zagreba, u gradiću Samoboru, prožima se raznolikost ljepote prirode s lokalnom eno-gastronomijom.
Predsjednik Uprave/President & CEO Jasmin Bajić
Glavna urednica/Editor-in-chief Ksenija Ælof
Gastro SAMOBOR, SAVOURY AND SWEET A diversity of natural attractions is paired brilliantly with local foods and drinks in the immediate vicinity of Zagreb, in the small town of Samobor.
Suradnici glavne urednice/ Editor-in-chief assistants Ana Ćulumović Šoštarić, Davor Janušić, Anamarija Jurinjak
Dizajn/Design Ivana IvankoviÊ, Miranda Herceg
Miranda Herceg
Moda XENIA IZNAD TRENDOVA Ksenija Vrbanić modna je dizajnerica koja pomno prati i razvija vlastiti trend konstantno tražeći neka inovativna rješenja.
Direktor Komercijalnih poslova/ Commercial Division Director Slaven Žabo
Lektor/Proofreader Nevena Erak Camaj
Fashion XENIA BEYOND TRENDS In constant search of innovative solutions, Ksenija Vrbanić is a fashion designer who’s been closely following and developing her own trend.
Prijevod na engleski/ English translation Ana Janković Oglaπavanje/Advertising Croatia Airlines Gabrijela Lochert
74 Odredište BRUGES, GRAD KOJI ČUVA SVOJU AUTENTIČNOST Dobar je osjećaj u Brugesu da čovjek taj grad može imati samo za sebe. Destination BRUGES, A TOWN THAT TREASURES ITS AUTHENTICITY Bruges gives you a feeling that you can have it all to yourself.
tel.: +385-1-616-00-17 e-mail: advertising@croatiaarlines.hr
Promocija/Promotion Croatia Airlines tel.: +385-1-616-01-02 Priprema/Prepress AKD d.o.o., Savska cesta 31, Zagreb Tisak/Press AKD d.o.o., Savska cesta 31, Zagreb
ISSN 1330-6278
Vivat Fina Vina Vivat Fine Wines Vrhunska kvalitetom a posebna svojim terroirom na samome jugu Istre, vina Vinarije Medea i visoko nagrađivana ekstradjevičanska maslinova ulja Salvela Uljare Vodnjan ubrajaju se kvalitetom u vrh onoga što Hrvatska nudi. Potražite ih u vinoteci Vivat fina vina u središtu Zagreba ili na www.vivat-finavina.hr i byistria.com. Thanks to their excellent quality and particularly to the terroir of the very south of Istria, the wines produced by the Medea Winery and the awarded Salvela extra-virgin olive oils produced by the Vodnjan Olive Mill are amongst the best of what Croatia has to offer. They’re available at the Vivat Fine Wines store in the city centre of Zagreb or at www.vivat-finavina.hr and byistria.com.
Slow fashion is fashion designed thoughtfully, and produced in limited editions and with much attention. Your purchase of our fashion designs supports products fully made in Croatia, from idea to final product. It’s fashion that a lot of love has been invested in because we simply love what we do! To find out more and what we do, visit us at www.komad.com.
J. Balić
Slow fashion, moda koja se stvara promišljeno, u ograničenim količinama i s puno pažnje. Moda čijom kupnjom podržavate 100% hrvatski proizvod, od ideje do proizvodnje. Moda u koju ulažemo puno ljubavi jer jednostavno volimo to što radimo! Saznajte više o nama i onome što radimo na www.komad.com.
VAU VAU stvara minimalističke dodatke za uređenje doma i ureda koji unose ljepotu i smirenost u svakodnevni život. Svaki se proizvod izrađuje u obiteljskoj radionici u Hrvatskoj. Dostupni su na webshopu i izabranim dućanima kao što su Luminaire (SAD) i Daikanyama Tsutaya (Japan). At VAU we make minimalist home décor, desktop items and accessories that infuse everyday life with a sense of beauty and calm. Each product is made in our family-run workshop in Croatia, and is available via our webshop, and in exclusive retail stores, such as Luminaire (USA) and Daikanyama Tsutaya (Japan). vauproducts.com
Qwerty Elemental medium Dvobojna kožna torba iz kolekcije Qwerty Elemental namijenjena je za svakodnevnu upotrebu. Konstruktivni metalni dijelovi kao i tipke na poklopcu torbe posebno su dizajnirani i ručno izrađeni u obrtničkim radionicama. The two-tone leather bag from the Qwerty Elemental collection is wearable every day. Its constructive metal parts and typewriter keys on the lid of the bag are specially designed and handmade by craft sole traders. laboratoriodona.com
Maska s jadranskom soli Adriatic Sea salt infused face masks Zaštitna jednokratna maska s dodatkom čestica soli Jadranskog mora Diši morski zrak nov je i blagotvoran proizvod. Da bi se blagodati jadranske soli očuvale a njezin učinak produžio, utkana je u prozračne slojeve ove udobne maske. I kamo god krenuli, nosite sa sobom djelić Jadrana. Take a Sea Breath is a new disposable face mask with the addition of Adriatic Sea salt particles beneficial to health. To enjoy its benefits and prolong its effect, Adriatic Sea salt is woven into the airy layers of this comfortable face mask. Wherever you go, you can always have a piece of the Adriatic with you. saltandchecker.hr
Caim svjetiljke Caim lamps Caim svjetiljke ručni su rad Luke Kovača i načinjene su isključivo od prirodnih materijala − drva i keramike. Sjenila su izrađena od furnira koji se nalazi na svim modelima i stvara ugodnu atmosferu. Caim lamps are handmade by Luka Kovač and are made exclusively of natural materials − wood and ceramics. The lampshades of all Caim lamp models are made of veneer which helps create a pleasant atmosphere. caim.hr
Fotografije/Photos _ Rimac Automobili
Piše/By _ Ksenija Žlof
MATE RIMAC Električni supersportski automobili Rimac dizajnirani su, razvijeni i proizvedeni u Hrvatskoj. U samo deset godina poduzeće mladog hrvatskog poduzetnika preraslo je iz projekta u garaži u globalnu kompaniju koja radi s najistaknutijim imenima automobilske industrije širom svijeta. Zbog toga su i česti putnici na letovima Croatia Airlinesa. Rimac Automobili electric hypercars are designed, developed and manufactured in Croatia. In just ten years, this young Croatian entrepreneur’s company has grown from a garage project to a global company that works with the most prominent names in the automotive industry across the world. This is why they travel a lot, often flying aboard Croatia Airlines.
ate Rimac mladi je hrvatski poduzetnik za kojega bi se moglo reći da je u samo desetak godina prerastao svoj dječački san i pretvorio ga u stvarnost. I to kakvu! U to kratko vrijeme njegova se kompanija od skromnih početaka u garaži prometnula u svjetski prepoznatljiv brend. Kad je osnovao svoju tvrtku Rimac Automobili 2009. godine, Mate Rimac imao je samo 21 godinu. Svoj prvi automobil, BMW E30, s kojim je sudjelovao na utrkama, pretvorio je u električni, a on je kasnije oborio niz Guinnessovih svjetskih rekorda za ubrzanje. Njegova vizija bila je stvoriti sportski automobil 21. stoljeća i dokazati potencijal
električnog pogona u stvaranju zabavnih, brzih i uzbudljivih električnih automobila. Danas poduzeće Rimac Automobili sa sjedištem na periferiji Zagreba ima tisuću zaposlenika, razvija i proizvodi ključne sustave elektrifikacije za mnoge svjetske automobilske kompanije, a istodobno podiže ljestvicu vozila visokih performansi s vlastitim električnim hiperautomobilima. Kompanija je to u usponu u automobilskoj industriji i u tranziciji prema električnoj budućnosti. U samo 10 godina Rimac Automobili prerastao je iz projekta u garaži u globalno poduzeće koje radi s nekima od najistaknutijih imena u automobilskoj industriji. Dioničari i strateški partneri Rimac
rano, razvijeno i napravljeno posebno za Neveru. Odlikuje se vrhunskom tehnologijom koja omogućuje visoke performanse, dosad neviđene u produkcijskom automobilu. Ubrzava do 100 km/h za manje od dvije sekunde, četvrtinu milje prelazi za 8,6 sekundi i postiže maksimalnu brzine od 412 km/h. Time Nevera podiže ljestvicu u ovoj kategoriji automobila. Baterijski paket kapaciteta od 120 kWh uz elektropogon s četiri motora omogućuje 1914 konjskih snaga i 2360 Nm okretnog momenta, a pametan sustav upravljanja okretnim momentom na svakom kotaču omogućuje potpunu prilagodbu stila vožnje. Nevera ima i najnapredniji karbonski
01 Mate Rimac, osnivač i izvršni direktor Rimac Automobila, uz električni hiperautomobil Nevera Mate Rimac, the founder and CEO of Rimac Automobili, beside the electric Nevera hypercar 02 Rimac Nevera ima 1914 konjskih snaga te ubrzava do 100km/h za manje od 2 sekunde Rimac Nevera has 1914 horsepower and accelerates to 100 km/h in less than 2 seconds 03 Rimac Nevera ponosno nosi ime snažne i nenadane mediteranske oluje Rimac Nevera proudly bears the name of a powerful and unexpected Mediterranean storm
Automobila su Porsche i Hyundai−Kia, a kompanija proizvodi tehnologiju i za druge partnere − Aston Martin, Koenigsegg, Pininfarinu, Cupru i druge. Nedavno ste predstavili produkcijsku verziju svoje druge generacije supersportskih automobila Rimac Nevera. Sve glavne komponente Nevere dizajnirane su, razvijene i proizvedene na lokacijama Rimac Automobila u Hrvatskoj. Možete li nam reći nešto više o tom sjajnom novom projektu? − Riječ je o automobilu koji je od samog početka razvio tim Rimac: sve je dizajni-
monokok u industriji, sustav autonomne vožnje na stazi i drugo. Razvoj i testiranje automobila intenzivno traju već četiri godine, a s obzirom na to kako će Nevera uskoro biti globalno homologiran automobil, vlasnici će ga moći registrirati i voziti svugdje u svijetu. Zanimljivo je ime Nevera. Kako ste odabrali upravo to ime za ovaj model automobila? − Tražili smo ime koje odražava performanse i snagu automobila, ali i naše hrvatsko porijeklo. Ime je prikladno jer neverom lokalno stanovništvo naziva neoče-
kivanu i moćnu mediteransku oluju, koja juri otvorenim morem na obali Hrvatske. Osim te poveznice, u tom automobilu nalazi se jedan izvorno hrvatski detalj. Naša kompanija vodi se filozofijom učinkovitog dizajna i inženjerstva u svakoj fazi, a ta je filozofija prikazana u elegantnom dizajnu Nevere. Primjenjuje se na svaki pojedini detalj, uključujući i zaštitnu značajku − oblik kravate koji inspirira dizajn bokova automobila. Kad će početi isporuka ovog modela automobila? − Nakon višegodišnjeg procesa razvoja, virtualnog i stvarnog testiranja i homologacije, isporuka Nevere kupcima trebala bi započeti kasnije ove godine. Broj ovih automobila ograničen je na samo 150 jedinica, a dostupni su na ključnim svjetskim tržištima putem naše globalne mreže prodajnih partnera. Početkom ove godine u Šangaju je jedan od prodajnih zastupnika Rimac Automobila, Kingsway Group, otvorio prvi prodajni salon u kojem kupci mogu razgledati Neveru te naručiti i prilagoditi svojim željama vlastiti primjerak. S obzirom na široku mrežu naših prodajnih predstavnika diljem svijeta, očekujemo otvaranje još ovakvih salona u narednim godinama, i to u nekima od najvećih svjetskih metropola: Los Angelesu, New Yorku, Miamiju, Londonu, Tokiju, Dubaiju, Singapuru i drugdje. Vaša kompanija Rimac Automobili bavi se proizvodnjom električnih supersportskih automobila i tehnologije, no sestrinsko poduzeće − Greyp Bikes, čiji ste također izvršni direktor − bavi se proizvodnjom pametnih električnih brdskih bicikala. − Greyp Bikes tim od osamdesetak ljudi dizajnira, konstruira i proizvodi vrhunske električne bicikle s naprednom tehnologijom i performansama, nudeći jedinstven spoj vrhunskih dijelova bicikla s umjetnom inteligencijom, prikupljanjem podataka i proširenom stvarnošću. Kako Rimac Automobili i Greyp Bikes zajedno imaju više od 1000 zaposlenika, s uredima i proizvodnim pogonima na šest lokacija u Hrvatskoj te nekoliko u inozemstvu, imamo veliku potrebu za okupljanjem svih ureda i proizvodnih pogona na jedinstvenoj lokaciji. Zato se gradi novi kompleks Rimac Automobila... − Kampus koji se gradi bit će baza za istraživanje, razvoj i proizvodnju, a omogu-
ćit će kompaniji da izraste od proizvodnje prototipa i projekata u manjim serijama do velikoserijske proizvodnje električnih pogonskih sklopova visokih performansi i baterijskih sustava za brojne globalne automobilske kompanije. Nova lokacija utemeljena je na ideji stvaranja najboljega mogućeg radnog okruženja za zaposlenike iz cijelog svijeta. Nalazi se samo nekoliko kilometara od našeg sadašnjeg sjedišta. Na zemljištu od 200.000 kvadratnih metara izgrađena će površina dosegnuti oko 100.000 kvadratnih metara, a završetak izgradnje planira se za 2023. godinu. Često naglašavate svoju želju da novo sjedište kompanije utjelovljuje ne samo karakter brenda nego i karakter zaposlenika... − Izgled i dojam koji ostavlja novi kompleks rezultat su dugotrajnog promišlja-
nja. Prije samo 10 godina, od jednog čovjeka u garaži, Rimac Automobili narasli su na oko 1000 zaposlenika. Ušli smo u strateška partnerstva s Porscheom, Hyundai Motor Grupom i drugim značajnim partnerima, surađujemo s najvećim imenima automobilske industrije. No ono čemu smo ostali posvećeni jest razvoj našeg poslovanja u Hrvatskoj. Ponosni smo što smo ostali ovdje i što će ova nova lokacija postati naš dugoročni dom. Brzim rastom suočavali smo se i s problemima s prostorom, koje smo krpali mnogobrojnim improvizacijama pa smo tako završili u više od deset zgrada u šest gradova u Hrvatskoj. Radno okruženje i suradnja između timova iznimno nam je važna pa smo stoga odlučili napraviti veliki korak i izgraditi naš dugoročni dom − Rimac Kampus.
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01 Rimac Kampus, koji se planira izgraditi 2023., bit će tehnološki centar na periferiji Zagreba za 2500 zaposlenika Rimac Campus, which is expected to be completed by 2023, will be a technology centre on the outskirts of Zagreb employing 2500 people 02 Rimac Kampus sadržavat će proizvodni pogon za automobile i tehnologiju, razvojni i administrativni centar, ali i dodatne sadržaje poput sportskog centra, dječjeg vrtića, restorana, muzeja, testne staze i ostaloga Rimac Campus will be a car and technology production plant, a research and development, and administrative centre, and will also feature additional facilities, such as a sports centre, a kindergarten, a restaurant, a museum, a test track and much more 01
Želja nam je stvoriti prostor koji najbolje odražava naš brend i naše ambicije u suradnji s vodećim svjetskim arhitektima. Želimo stvoriti kampus koji se uklapa u prirodne ljepote Hrvatske, a istodobno objedinjuje svaki aspekt Rimac Automobila. Glavni prioritet projekta jest stvoriti najbolje moguće radno okruženje za naše zaposlenike te omogućiti posjetiteljima i široj javnosti da uživaju u prostoru i druže se sa zaposlenicima Rimac Automobila. Kampus će sadržavati i poneke neočekivane elemente poput skloništa za životinje, frizera i uzgoja vlastite hrane. Nismo nikad bili konvencionalni pa će i kampus odražavati naš pristup, koji je drugačiji od većine. Kampus je naša odskočna daska za planirani rast u sljedećem desetljeću i nakon toga jer nas ojačava kao proizvođača hiperautomobila i Tier 1 dobavljača komponenti elektropogona i sustava vozila za velike proizvođače automobila. Za dizajn kampusa angažirali ste dizajnersku tvrtku 3LHD, poznatu i izvan hrvatskih granica. Kako protječe vaša međusobna suradnja? − Nakon održanog internacionalnog natječaja na kojemu je sudjelovalo osam arhitektonskih ureda iz cijelog svijeta, po objektivnim kriterijima ocjenjivačkog tima koji se sastojao od članova Rimac Automobila ali i savjetnika, odlučeno je kako pobjeđuje 3LHD, poznati hrvatski arhitektonski ured. 3LHD tim našao je najbolji način kako utjeloviti sve vrijednosti Rimac Automobila u dizajnu nove lokacije. Prostori su dizajnirani kako bi bili prijateljski, otvoreni i topli, s dodanim elementima zabave. Istodobno, s obzirom
na visoku tehnologiju koja nastaje u našim pogonima, bit će moderni, osvijetljeni i nadahnuti prirodnim okruženjem. Rimac Kampus bit će jedan od najvećih i jedinstvenih tehnoloških i proizvodnih kampusa u Europi. Dugoročno će na kampusu raditi 2500 zaposlenika, a ondje će se također okupljati brojni stručnjaci iz autoindustrije, kao i ostali posjetitelji Rimac Automobila, partneri i klijenti iz industrije, kupci automobila ili posjetitelji muzeja i tvornice. Osim toga, za razliku od većine sličnih lokacija u automobilskoj industriji, gdje su postavljene visoke ograde i razina tajnosti, Rimac Kampus bit će otvoren za javnost i interakciju između posjetitelja, gostiju, znatiželjnika i zaposlenika. Interakcija je poželjna i dobrodošla. U kojem će smjeru ići vaš daljnji poslovni razvoj? − Planiramo nastavak brzog rasta i razvoja u dva smjera: dizajn, razvoj i proizvodnja automobila visokih performansi te, s druge strane, tehnologije za naše klijente u automobilskoj industriji. Dok će proizvodnja automobila uvijek ostati u ograničenim serijama do 50 jedinica godišnje, proizvodnja električnih pogonskih sklopova visokih performansi i baterijskih sustava za brojne globalne automobilske kompanije bit će u velikim serijama. Osim toga, radi se i na projektima nove mobilnosti. Znači li to i još češća putovanja? Kamo najviše putujete? − Puno naših zaposlenika često zbog posla putuje u razne destinacije gdje se nalaze ostali uredi, koristeći i Croatia Airlines, ali i naši klijenti i partneri. Neke od
najčešćih destinacija uključuju Njemačku, Koreju, Veliku Britaniju, Kinu, Italiju... I ja jako puno putujem, ali kada se putuje poslovno, teško je doživjeti odredište jer obično vidim samo zračnu luku i sobe za sastanke. Jedna od rijetkih prilika kada smo ostali nekoliko dana dulje da vidimo i lokaciju bilo je putovanje u Urugvaj kad smo sudjelovali na utrci Formule E. Oduševili su me Punta del Este i okolica. Koje su vam zemlje, gradovi i ljudi u zemljama koje ste posjetili ostali u najljepšem sjećanju i po čemu? − Jako volim cijelu Europu, a ne preferiram putovanja u Aziju ili Ameriku. Mislim da imamo veliku sreću što živimo u tako prelijepoj zemlji i dok ne vidim sve ovdje, nemam neku veliku potrebu ići daleko na odmor. Moja supruga Katarina i ja zajedno smo već sedam godina i nikad nismo putovali izvan Hrvatske a da nije to nije bilo poslovno putovanje. Za mene je i dalje Hrvatska najljepša zemlja. Svoj godišnji odmor uvijek provodim na hrvatskoj obali ili u rodnom Livnu. Koja biste mjesta u Hrvatskoj sugerirali svojim poslovnim partnerima da posjete ako bi vas pitali za savjet? − Gostima uvijek preporučujemo rodno mjesto Nikole Tesle, Smiljan, neizostavne Plitvice te grad Split, otoke Hvar i Vis... Sugeriram im da će najbolje doživjeti Hrvatsku jednotjednim jedrenjem našom obalom i otocima. Partnerima i klijentima koji posjećuju Rimac Automobile uvijek nastojimo pružiti nezaboravno iskustvo boravka u našoj zemlji. Ako su samo kratko ovdje, pokažemo im Zagreb i dinamičnu gradsku
scenu. Ako imaju više vremena, organiziramo posjet nekom od naših nacionalnih parkova, rodnome mjestu Nikole Tesle ili preporučimo neka mjesta u Istri, na Kvarneru i u Dalmaciji. Nedavno smo u posjet pozvali poznate svjetske automobilske i tehnološke novinare u sklopu predstavljanja Nevere te smo ih ugostili u Boškincu na otoku Pagu, s aktivnostima na cestama Zadarske i Ličko−senjske županije te u zadarskoj zračnoj luci. Osim automobilom bili su oduševljeni ljepotama i okusima otoka Paga, a posebno i pogledom na Velebit s jedne strane te na otoke zadarskog arhipelaga s druge strane. Ovu destinaciju odabrali smo i radi veze s imenom automobila − neke od najimpresivnijih nevera viđaju se upravo u ovome dijelu Jadrana. Samo nekoliko dana nakon tog događaja, brojne kupce i partnere ugostili smo u Dubrovačkim Vrtovima Sunca, nastavljajući aktivnosti na cestama Dubrovačko−neretvanske županije. Većini je Dubrovnik bio otprije poznat, no ovo je bila jedinstvena prilika za vožnje Neverom po nekima od najljepših cesta uz more. Naši automobili i hrvatska obala jako se dobro slažu. Vjerujem kako ovim aktivnostima pridonosimo tome da Hrvatska u svijetu bude poznata ne samo po prekrasnoj obali nego i po najbržim električnim automobilima.
ate Rimac is a young Croatian entrepreneur who’s outgrown his boyhood dream in just ten years and turned it into reality. And not just any kind of reality! In this short time, his
company has transformed into a worldrenowned brand from humble beginnings in his garage. When he founded his company, Rimac Automobili, in 2009, Mate Rimac was only 21 years old. He converted his first car, BMW E30, which he used for drag races and drifting, into an electric one, which then broke five FIA and Guinness World Records for acceleration. His vision was to create a 21st century sports car and prove the potential of electric propulsion in creating fun, fast and exciting electric cars. Today, Rimac Automobili, headquartered on the outskirts of Zagreb, employs a thousand people, develops and manufactures key electrification systems for many global automotive companies, while raising the bar of highperformance vehicles with the company’s own electric hypercars. Now, the company is one of the automotive industry’s rising stars, especially as the world transitions to an increasingly electric future. In just ten years, Rimac Automobili has grown from a garage project to a global company working with some of the most prominent names in the automotive industry. Rimac Automobili’s shareholders and strategic partners are Porsche and Hyundai-Kia, and the company also produces technology for other partners, such as Aston Martin, Koenigsegg Automotive, Pininfarina, Cupra and others. You’ve recently presented a production version of your second-generation Rimac Nevera supercar. All the major components of Nevera have been designed, developed and manufactured at different locations of Rimac
Automobili in Croatia. Can you tell us a bit more about this great new project of yours? − It’s a car that’s been developed by the Rimac team from scratch: everything’s been specially designed, engineered and made for Nevera. It features state-of-theart technology that enables Nevera’s high performance, which have never been seen before in a production car. It accelerates to 100 km/h in less than two seconds, crosses a quarter mile in 8.6 seconds and reaches a top speed of 412 km/h. Thanks to this, Nevera raises the bar in the hypercar niche. Nevera’s battery capacity of 120 kWh and four-wheel drive provide it with 1914 horsepower and 2360 Nm of torque, while its all-wheel torque vectoring system allows drivers to calibrate the Nevera to their preferred driving style. Nevera also features the most advanced carbon fibre monocoque in the industry, on-track autonomous driving features and much more. The car has been developed and tested intensively for four years now, and given that Nevera will soon be a globally homologated car, owners will be able to register and drive it anywhere in the world. Nevera is an interesting choice of name for a car model. How did you choose it? − We were looking for a name that reflects the car’s performance and power, as well as its Croatian origin. The name’s appropriate because nevera is what locals call an unexpected and powerful Mediterranean storm lashing the open sea along the coast of Croatia. Besides this connection, Nevera features one more originally Croatian detail. Our company is guided by the philosophy of lean design and engineering at every stage, and this is reflected in Nevera’s elegant design. This philosophy’s applied to every single detail, including its hallmark feature − the shape of the cravat (translator’s note: the cravat is a neckband, the forerunner of the modern necktie, originating from a style worn by members of a Croatian military unit in the 17th century) which inspired the design on the sideskirt of the car. When will delivery of Nevera start? − After years of development, virtual and physical testing, and homologation, the delivery of Nevera to customers is expected to begin later this year. These cars will be manufactured in a limited series of 150, and are available in key
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global markets through our global network of sales partners. Earlier this year in Shanghai, our partners in China, Kingsway Group, opened the first showroom where customers can order their Nevera and choose their preferred customization. Given the wide network of our dealer partners around the world, we’re expecting more showrooms of this kind to open in the coming years in some of the world’s biggest cities, such as Los Angeles, New York, Miami, London, Tokyo, Dubai, Singapore and elsewhere. Your company, Rimac Automobili, manufactures electric super sports cars and technology. Its sister company, Greyp Bikes, which you’re also the CEO of, manufactures smart e-mountain bikes. − Greyp Bikes team of about eighty people designs, constructs and manufactures state-of-the-art electric bikes featuring advanced technology and performances, a unique blend of high-end bike parts with artificial intelligence, data collection and augmented reality. Given that Rimac Automobili and Greyp Bikes together have more than 1000 employees, with offices and production facilities at six locations in Croatia and several abroad, we had the need to bring all our offices and production facilities in a single location. This is why a new Rimac Automobili complex is being built.
Rimac Nevera dizajnirana je, razvijena i proizvedena u Hrvatskoj Rimac Nevera was designed, developed and manufactured in Croatia
− The campus will be a research and development, and production headquarters, and will enable the company to grow from the production of prototypes and projects in small series to large-scale production of high-performance electric powertrains and battery systems for many global automotive companies. The new site, designed around the idea of providing the best possible working environment for our international workforce, it’s located only a couple of kilometres from Rimac’s current home and occupies a site of 200,000 m² while the built area will be 100,000 m². It is expected to be completed by 2023. You often stress your desire for the new headquarters of the company to embody not only the character of the brand, but also the character of your employees. − Considerable thought has gone into the new complex’s look and feel. I’ve been personally involved to ensure that our new home embodies not just the brand’s character, but also that of our employees. As such, the spaces have been refined to be friendly, open and warm, with more than a hint of fun. At the same time, it will be contemporary, light-filled and take inspiration from its natural surroundings. Just 10 years ago this company was only me in a garage, working on electric performance vehicles and components. Since then, we have grown to around 1,000
employees, formed strategic partnerships with Porsche, Hyundai Motor Group and others, and are working with the biggest names in the automotive industry. But, one thing that we have always committed to is developing our business within Croatia; we’re proud to be here and with this new location, it will be our long-term home. We have now reached a point where we need to build our long-term home in Croatia, and that’s exactly what the Rimac Campus is. Having outgrown our existing facilities, we’re now creating a space that best reflects our brand and our ambitions, working with world-leading architects to build a campus that sits comfortably within the natural beauty of Croatia while also bringing every aspect of Rimac into one place. The top priority of the project was to create the best possible working environment for our employees and to allow visitors and the public to enjoy the space and mix with Rimac employees. The campus is our springboard to the growth plans we have over the next decade and beyond, strengthening us as niche hypercar maker, a leading Tier 1 supplier of electric performance technology to the world’s largest automotive manufacturers and an early mover in the worlds of autonomy and mobility. You hired 3LHD architects, an architecture and urban planning studio well-known even beyond the borders of Croatia, to design the campus. How is your collaboration going? − Once we closed the international tender which eight architecture studios from all over the world participated in, we set up an evaluation team consisting of members of Rimac Automobili and consultants that made a decision based on a set of objective criteria. The winner of the tender was 3LHD, a famous Croatian architecture and urban planning studio. The 3LHD team has found the best way to embody all the values of Rimac Automobili in the design of our new campus. The campus spaces are designed to be friendly, open and warm, and also feature elements of entertainment. At the same time, given the high technology that is manufactured in our production plants, they’ll be modern, welllit and inspired by the natural environment. Rimac Campus will be one of the largest and most unique technology and production campuses in Europe. In the long run, the campus will be employing 2500
people, and will also be a place that brings together a number of experts from the automotive industry, as well as other visitors to Rimac Automobili, industry partners and clients, car buyers, and museum and factory visitors. In addition, unlike most similar locations in the automotive industry where high fences are set up and where production is shrouded in secrecy, Rimac Campus will be open to the public and to interaction between visitors, guests, those who’re curious and employees. Interaction is desirable and welcome. Which direction are you taking in your future business development? − We plan to continue growing rapidly and developing in two directions. We’re planning to continue designing, developing and producing high-performance cars on the one hand, and on the other, technologies for our customers in the automotive industry. While we’re planning to keep our car production segment of business operations limited to series of up to 50 cars per year, we’re planning to increase our production of high-performance electric powertrains and battery systems for many global car companies to large-scale production. In addition, we’re also working on new mobility projects. Does that include even more frequent travels? Where do you travel the most? − Many of our employees often travel to various destinations where our other offices, our clients and partners are located, often flying with Croatia Airlines. Some of the most travelled-to destinations include Germany, Korea, Great Britain, China and Italy. I also travel a lot, but when traveling for business, I don’t get to experience the destination because I usually only see the airport and meeting rooms. One of the rare occasions when we did stay a few days longer to see the location was a trip to Uruguay when we participated in the Punta del Este ePrix. Its surroundings are stunning. Which countries, cities and people in the countries you’ve visited so far remain in your fondest memories, and what by? − I really like the whole of Europe, and I’m not into travelling to Asia or America. I think we’re very fortunate to live in such a beautiful country, and until I see everything here, I don’t have a need to go on holiday someplace far. My wife Katarina and I have
been together for seven years, and we’ve never travelled outside of Croatia without it being a business trip. For me, Croatia is still the most beautiful country. I always spend my holiday on the Croatian coast or in my hometown of Livno. Which places in Croatia would you recommend your business partners to visit if they asked you for a recommendation? − We always recommend the birthplace of Nikola Tesla, the village of Smiljan, the must-see Plitvice Lakes, the city of Split, the islands of Hvar and Vis. The best way to experience Croatia is to go on a week-long sailing tour along our coast and islands, that’s what I recommend. We always strive to make sure that our partners and clients visiting Rimac Automobili have an unforgettable experience while in our country. If their visit is short, we show them Zagreb and its dynamic urban scene. If they have more time on their hands, we organise a visit to one of our national parks, the birthplace of Nikola Tesla or we recommend some places in Istria, the Kvarner Gulf and Dalmatia. We’ve recently invited world-famous automotive and technology journalists to our presentation of Nevera, and hosted them in the Boškinac Hotel, Restaurant and Winery on the Island of Pag, with activities on the roads of the Zadar and the Lika-Senj County, and at Zadar Airport. They were impressed not only with Nevera, but also with the attractions and tastes of the Island of Pag, particularly with the view of Velebit Mountain on the one hand, and the islands of the Zadar archipelago on the other. We chose this destination because of its connection with the name of the car itself − some of the most impressive nevera storms are experienced in this part of the Adriatic. Only a few days after that event, we hosted a number of customers and partners in the Sun Gardens resort in Dubrovnik, continuing with activities on the roads of the Dubrovnik-Neretva County. Some of our guests have already heard about Dubrovnik, but this was an exciting opportunity for them to drive Nevera on some of the most beautiful roads along the coast. Our cars and the Croatian coast go hand in hand really well. I believe that, with these activities, we’re contributing to making Croatia known in the world not only for its beautiful coast, but also for the fastest electric cars.
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01 Pročelje zgrade Muzeja čokolade Zagreb The Chocolate Museum Zagreb entrance 02 Dvor Muzeja čokolade Zagreb The court of the Chocolate Museum Zagreb
Piše/By _ Anita Ruso/Muzej čokolade Zagreb 01
Fotografije/Photos _ Leon Božić, Karlo Jelić
Muzej čokolade Zagreb, svojevrsni čokoladni hub, centralno je mjesto koje odgovara na sva pitanja o čokoladi nudeći pritom i niz radionica i vrlo raznovrsnog sadržaja. Specijaliziran je za interpretaciju povijesnog, geografskog i kulturološkog značaja čokolade čiji će uspješni model poslovanja uskoro biti dostupan franšizerima na globalnom tržištu. Offering a series of workshops and a wide variety of events and experiences, the Chocolate Museum Zagreb, a chocolate hub of sorts, is a central place that answers all your questions about chocolate. It specialises in interpreting the historical, geographical and cultural significance of chocolate whose successful business model will soon be available to franchisors in the global marketplace. CROATIA AIRLINES 2/2021
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utori stalnog postava Muzeja čokolade Zagreb ujedno su i njegovi osnivači i vlasnici, bračni par Ružica Božić Cerovac i Domagoj I. Cerovac, koji su osmislili koncept postava, dok je za dizajn i scenografske elemente odgovorna dizajnerica Željka Zrnić. Zaštitni znak Muzeja čokolade Zagreb degustacijska je kutijica koju posjetitelji dobivaju umjesto klasičnih ulaznica. U njoj se
nalazi zrno kakaovca, četiri vrste krute čokolade te žličica za kušanje četiriju vrsta tekuće čokolade. Muzeji prilagođeni potrebama suvremenog čovjeka prestali su biti isključivo čuvaonice vrijednih baštinskih artefakata. Transformirali su se u mjesta edukacije koja jednaku pažnju posvećuju dječjoj pedagogiji kao i andragogiji te kvalitetnoj obiteljskoj zabavi praćenoj interaktivnim
sadržajima. U takvim muzejima posjetitelji su aktivni konzumenti sadržaja, a u slučaju Muzeja čokolade Zagreb posjetitelji tijekom obilaska postava postaju i aktivni konzumenti čokolade. Kretanje kroz muzej šetnja je kroz neočekivano dugačku i bogatu povijest omiljene slastice. Scenografija svake prostorne jedinice pomno je promišljena kako bi stvorila jedinstvenu atmosferu i prenijela duh određene vremenske epohe važne u povijesnom razvoju čokolade. U službi kreiranja tog jedinstvenog osjećaja jesu boje, materijali, rasvjeta, mirisi, okusi kao i glazbena podloga te najvažnije − muzejski eksponati, glavni nositelji priče u postavu. Povijesna šetnja Muzejom čokolade Zagreb počinje uvidom u svijet plemena Maja i Asteka, pa i još ranijih Olmeca, koji su živjeli na području Srednje i Južne Amerike i koji su zabilježeni kao prvi konzumenti zrna kakaovca od kojeg su radili napitke rezervirane za plemensku elitu. Nakon drevnih plemena posjetitelj se susreće s konkvistadorskim osvajanjima Novog svijeta, koja su rezultirala donošenjem zrna kakaovca i recepata za njegovu
pripremu u Španjolsku početkom 16. stoljeća. Ritual ispijanja kakaa u 17. stoljeću proširio se u Francusku, Italiju, Englesku i druge europske zemlje u kojima se proizvodio zavidno raskošan porculan namijenjen ispijanju ovog elitnog napitka. Mancerine, chocolatièrei, cup moustache samo su neki od vrijednih eksponata koji daju uvid u čokoladne dvorske rituale. Nakon osvještavanja gorčine zrna kakaa, čokoladnog likera i tamne čokolade muzej nudi prostor za opušteno istraživanje uz pomoć svih osjetila koje je nužno razbuditi kako bi se riješile interaktivne pitalice i uživalo u tekućim čokoladama. Čokoladno putovanje nastavlja se u razdoblju prve industrijske revolucije, koje pršti informacijama o pionirima čokolatijerstva, njihovim receptima, otkrićima, ali i marketingu. Iz razdoblja industrijske revolucije smjer kretanja vodi u razdoblje prvih velikih tvornica. Hrvatske tvornice Kraš, Zvečevo i Kandit zastupljene su nizom vintage eksponata koje sve domaće posjetitelje podsjećaju na djetinjstvo i mladost, a često i na bake koje su brižno čuvale limene ambalaže čokoladnih proizvoda. U ovom dijelu razgledavanja
posjetitelj iz svoje degustacijske kutijice kuša mliječnu, bijelu te ruby čokoladu. Postav se zaključuje stavljanjem naglaska na društveni aspekt čokolade kao poklona. Pokretači i vlasnici muzeja u sklopu muzeja otvorili su i jedinstvenu muzejsku trgovinu u kojoj se mogu kupiti čokoladni proizvodi lokalnih čokolatijera od kojih neki izrađuju i vrlo cijenjene bean to bar čokolade. Muzej čokolade Zagreb već je prepoznat kao svojevrsni čokoladni hub, centralno mjesto koje odgovara na sva pitanja o čokoladi, nudeći pritom i niz radionica i vrlo raznovrsnog sadržaja koji nema konkurenciju u našoj metropoli.
he permanent exhibition setup of the Chocolate Museum Zagreb was authored by its founders and owners, spouses Ružica Božić Cerovac and Domagoj I. Cerovac. They created the concept itself, while designer Željka Zrnić was in charge of the design itself and setup elements. Instead of a regular entrance ticket, visitors receive a tasting box − the trademark of the Chocolate Museum Zagreb. It contains a cocoa bean, four types of hard
01 Industrijska revolucija Muzeja čokolade Zagreb The Industrial Revolution of the Chocolate Museum Zagreb 02 Replika krune Montezume II. A replica of Montezuma II’s headdress 03 Indijanska posuda za pripremu čokolade An Indian bowl in which they prepared chocolate
chocolate and a tasting spoon so you can try four types of liquid chocolate. Museums adapted to the needs of people today have ceased to be depots of valuable heritage artefacts alone. They’ve transformed into places of education that pay much attention to teaching and informing both children and adults alike, while offering quality family entertainment accompanied by interactive material. In such museums, visitors are active consumers of the exhibits. In the case of the Chocolate Museum Zagreb, visitors become active consumers of chocolate during their tour of the exhibition. Touring the museum is like taking a walk through the unexpectedly long and rich history of your favourite sweet. The setup of
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01 Metate, alat za mljevenje kakaovca Metate, a cocoa bean grinding tool 02 Molinillo za izradu pjene na čokoladi Molinillo, a wooden whisk stirrer or frother 03 Degustacijska kutija The museum’s tasting box
each display section has been meticulously designed to create a unique atmosphere that conveys the spirit of a particular epoch important in the history of chocolate. The elements that help to create this unique atmosphere include colours, materials, lighting, scents, flavours, background music and, most importantly, the museum exhibits, the main communicators of the story of chocolate. A historical walk through the Chocolate Museum Zagreb starts with a look at the world of the Maya, the Aztecs and the earlier Olmecs, who lived in Central and South America, and who’re recorded in history as the first consumers of cocoa beans from which they made beverages reserved for the tribal elite.
After the indigenous peoples of Central and South America, visitors are told about the Conquest of the New World by the conquistadors, who brought the cocoa bean and recipes back to Spain in the early 16th century. In the 17th century, the cocoa drinking ritual spread to France, Italy, England and other European countries, where enviably extravagant china was manufactured for this beverage intended for the elite. The mancerine, chocolatièrei and moustache cup are just some of the valuable exhibits that give you insight into chocolate drinking rituals in court circles. Once you’ve become aware of the bitterness of the cocoa bean, chocolate liqueur and dark chocolate, you’re invited to continue your relaxed exploration of choco-
late with all your senses that need to be awakened so that you can solve interactive puzzles and questions, and enjoy liquid chocolates. The chocolate journey continues into the period of the first Industrial Revolution, which offers an abundance of information about the pioneers of chocolate making, their recipes, discoveries and marketing. The Industrial Revolution is followed by the time when the first big factories were built. The Croatian chocolate factories of Kraš, Zvečevo and Kandit are represented by a series of vintage exhibits reminding all visitors from Croatia not only of their childhoods, but also of their grandmothers who’d always make sure to keep the tin packaging of chocolate products. In this part of the tour, visitors are invited to taste milk, white and ruby chocolate from their tasting box. The tour of the museum ends with an emphasis placed on the social aspect of chocolate as a gift. The founders and owners of the Chocolate Museum Zagreb opened a unique museum shop where you can buy chocolate products made by local chocolatiers, some of whom also manufacture highly valued bean-to-bar chocolates. The Chocolate Museum Zagreb has already been recognised as a chocolate hub of sorts, a central place that answers all your questions about chocolate, which offers a series of workshops and a wide variety of events and experiences which are one-of-a-kind in Zagreb.
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Piše/By _ Ivana Jelinić Fotografije/Photos _ Alen Grubelić
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01 Bonaca u postirskom Portu Perfectly calm waters in Postira’s port 02 Crkvica sv. Petra iz 11. stoljeća u etno eko selu Dol, koja čuva najstarije zvono na otoku Braču, ono iz 14. stoljeća The Church of St. Peter from the 11th century in the eco-ethno village of Dol, housing the oldest bell on the Island of Brač, one from the 14th century
Postira na otoku Braču jedno su od rijetkih mjesta gdje se nepravilnosti, kontrasti, susreti starog i novog pretvaraju u sklad. Sklad zvuka i tišine, bure i romantičnog zalaska sunca, valova i nježnih oblutaka, težačkog rada i dalmatinske pjesme. Tu ćete i danas osjetiti privrženost tradicionalnom dalmatinskom načinu života, stopiti se s domaćim ljudima i poželjeti se vratiti. Vratiti se u mjesto koje će razmaziti sva vaša osjetila... Postira on the island of Brač is one of few places where irregularities, contrasts, encounters of the old and the new transform into harmony. A harmony of sound and silence, biting north-easterly winds and romantic sunsets, waves and gentle pebbles, hard work and Dalmatian songs. Here, people still nurture the traditional Dalmatian way of life, it’s a place where you’ll experience a close connection with the locals, and so you’ll want to return. Return to a place that indulges all your senses...
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vije su priče vezane uz nastanak imena mjesta. Jedna je ona iz službenih knjiga i spisa gdje se Postira spominju još davne 1347. godine pod imenom Postirna (od lat. pastura = pašnjak), dok se druga, koja je nastala usmenom predajom, dovodi u vezu sa ženama iz susjednog mjesta Dol koje su u Postira dolazile prati robu i prostirati je. Smještena na sjevernoj strani otoka Brača, Postira su nastala u 16. stoljeću, a prvi stanovnici bili su Doljani i Poljičani koji su se iselili iz svojih mjesta. Brojne kamene kuće u luci svjedoče o nekadašnjim bračkim veleposjednicima; među njima se ističe kaštel obitelji Lazanić, u kojemu se rodio hrvatski pjesnik Vladi-
mir Nazor (1876. − 1949.). Župna crkva građena sredinom 16. stoljeća nosi ime sv. Ivana Krstitelja, dok su podno nje pronađeni ostaci ranokršćanske bazilike iz 6. stoljeća. I drugi arheološki lokaliteti svjedoče o dugoj povijesti Postira: Mirje na brdu Mali brig, na kojemu je pronađen ranokršćanski samostanski sklop, te Lovrečina, ujedno i jedna od najljepših pješčanih uvala, gdje se nalazi ranokršćanska crkva iz 5./6. stoljeća. Prošećete li starim dijelom mjesta, činit će vam se kao da ste se vratili u prošlost. Privezane barke odmaraju oko malog mosta s kojeg su brojne obitelji ispraćale svoje pomorce, ali i željno iščekivale njihov povratak. Takozvane kogulane
01 Smiraj dana u postirskoj luci uz prepoznatljivi simbol, lanternu Evening calm in Postira’s port featuring a recognisable symbol, its port entrance light 02 Agroturizam Kaštil Gospodnetić u etno eko selu Dol The Kaštil Gospodnetić Family Farm in the eco-ethno village of Dol
ulice popločane kamenim oblucima odaju počast lokalnim majstorima, časteći ih upravo time što vode do najsvetijeg mjesta − župne crkve. Plesalo se tu, na Pjaci, pjevalo i zagledalo. Zatvorene škure gospodskih kuća i danas čuvaju tajne o ljubavnim susretima pri dolasku po vodu na česmu, a s kamenih klupa odjekuju igre, smijeh, svađe i ćakule. Ovaj mali dalmatinski trg posebno zasjaji tijekom fjere i drugih blagdana. Na putu prema moru poseban dojam ostavljaju stari popločani krovovi, ne samo zbog tradicionalnog načina gradnje nego i zbog nadnaravnih bića za koja se vjeruje
da su živjela u šufitima. Macići, vukodlaci, marinorgoti, ali i vile zagolicat će vam maštu, posebno ako priče o njima čujete od lokalnih pripovjedača. Postira su lijepa i zanimljiva u svako doba godine na svoj način. Njezini stanovnici bave se poljoprivredom, ribarstvom, turizmom, kamenarstvom, stoga ćete u svakom razdoblju moći iz prve ruke vidjeti tradiciju koja živi, koja se živi. Brojna su događanja, posebno u ljetnim mjesecima, no istaknut ćemo ona jedinstvena, poput Male noćne regate (regate koja se u noćnim satima odvija u samoj luci uz taktove Mozartove Male noćne muzike), Postira
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01-03 Ostaci ranokršćanske bazilike sv. Lovre iz 5./6. stoljeća u najvećoj otočkoj pješčanoj uvali Lovrečina kod Postira The remains of the early Christian Basilica of St. Lawrence from the 5th or 6th century in Brač’s largest sandy bay of Lovrečina near Postira 04 Toranj župne crkve sv. Ivana Krstitelja u Postirama The tower of the parish Church of St. John the Baptist in Postira
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Seaside Film Festivala, Postirskih pivoča (jeste li znati da u Postirima gotovo svaki stanovnik zna pjevati), Otvorenog prvenstva Brača u orijentacijskom trčanju (otok Brač prvi je otok na Jadranu koji je domaćin natjecanja u orijentacijskom trčanju, a Postira prvo mjesto na jadranskim otocima za koje je izrađena orijentacijska karta). Između svih ovih jedinstvenih događanja posebno se ističe Svjetsko prvenstvo u branju maslina, kakvo se ne održava nigdje drugdje na svijetu. Natjecanje od 2017. godine ugošćuje reprezentacije iz svih dijelova svijeta, dobitnik je mnogobrojnih nacionalnih nagrada, a potvrda svjetske kvalitete bila je i nagrada za Najbolje kreativno iskustvo u turizmu u 2019. godini. Maleno mjesto Dol, koje danas broji oko sto stanovnika, nalazi se dva kilometra južno od Postira. Ova oaza mira i tišine nezaobilazna je postaja brojnih turista, a među njima i ljubitelja pješačenja i biciklizma jer se u Dol može doći uređenim putovima i stazama iz raznih smjerova. Već na ulazu bez daha ostavljaju kuće
tradicionalno pokrivene kamenim pločama, kao i brojne špilje od zrnatog kamena hrapoćuše koje su nekada bile ljudske nastambe, a danas skloništa za stoku, spremnici za ogrjevna drva, stanište golubova, sova i vivera. Viver je mitsko biće koje se, prema pričama stanovnika Dola, skriva u mjesnim špiljama. Biće je to koje možete pronaći jedino u Dolu, a ako imate sreće, čak čuti njegovo hukanje. Dol je poznat i po kolaču hrapoćuši. Ova svadbena torta najslavniji je dolski proizvod, a ima i svoju manifestaciju − Noć hrapoćuše. Umijeće njezine tradicijske pripreme zaštićeno je kao nematerijalno kulturno dobro Republike Hrvatske, a o njoj su snimani i dokumentarci. Izrazito slatka torta svojom hrapavom površinom nalikuje na kamen hrapoćušu pa je po njemu dobila ime. Bogata jajima, šećerom, orasima s aromom agruma nastala je spajanjem proizvoda tipičnih za ovo selo. Dol se prvi put u dokumentima spominje 1345. godine, no brojni važni arheološki spomenici svjedoče o još ranijem postojanju. Crkvica sv. Mihovila datira s početka
10. stoljeća, kao i ona sv. Barbare. Crkvica sv. Petra iz 11. stoljeća čuva najstarije zvono na otoku Braču − iz 14. stoljeća, dok je crkvica sv. Vida iz 13. stoljeća. Do njih se može doći uređenim pješačkim stazama. Župna crkva Očišćenja Blažene Djevice Marije građena je od 1862. do 1887. te čuva nekoliko vrijednih križeva, od kojih je najveći Dolski Isukrst, koji predstavlja Isusovo tijelo u prirodnoj veličini. Velika su vrijednost i izvorni pučki napjevi koje i danas možete čuti u izvedbi crkvenih pučkih pjevača, koji itekako pridonose očuvanju ove nematerijalne kulturne baštine. Posjetite Postira i Dol i uživajte u istinskim ljepotama malog dalmatinskog mjesta.
here are two stories about the origin of the name Postira. One is from official documents and records where Postira was first mentioned as far back as 1347 under the name Postirna (from the Latin noun pastura = pasture). The other is from oral tradition which says that women from the neighbouring village of Dol used
01 Župna crkva Očišćenja Blažene Djevice Marije u etno eko selu Dol s kraja 19. stoljeća, koja čuva nekoliko vrijednih križeva, od kojih je najveći Dolski Isukrst, koji predstavlja Isusovo tijelo u prirodnoj veličini The parish Church of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the eco-ethno village of Dol from the end of the 19th century, housing several valuable crucifixes, the largest of which is the Dolski Isukrst, featuring a life-size representation of the body of Christ 02 Kuća Paloc, koja se posebno ističe u postirskom Portu The Paloc House dominating Postira’s port 03 Postirski Porat, Konoba Gustirna u staroj jezgri Postira Postira’s seafront, the Gustirna Tavern in the old town of Postira
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Panorama Postire A panoramic view of Postira
to come to Postira to wash and dry their laundry (the Croatian verb for to hang the laundry to dry is prostirati). Located on the north side of the Island of Brač, Postira dates from the 16th century, and its first inhabitants were people who settled there from Dol and Poljica. The many stone houses in its port testify to the once landowners of Brač, from amongst which the manor house of the Lazanić family stands out, where the Croatian poet Vladimir Nazor (1876-1949) was born. Built in the middle of the 16th century, the parish church is named after St. John the Baptist, below which lie the remains of an early Christian basilica from the 6th century. Other archaeological sites also testify to the long history of Postira. Mirje on the Mali Brig hill, for instance, where an early Christian monastery complex was excavated, and Lovrečina − which is also
one of the most beautiful sandy bays on Brač − where an early Christian church from 5th or 6th century was found. Should you walk through the old part of Postira, it’ll feel as if you travelled back in time. You’ll see moored boats resting around a small bridge, a spot where many families saw their seafaring family members off, but also a place where their return was eagerly awaited. Postira’s cobblestone streets called kogulane pay homage to local craftsmen, celebrating them by having their cobblestone streets lead to the holiest of all places − the parish church. On the square outside the church called Piazza, there used to be a lot of dancing, singing and flirting. The closed shutters called škure of the surrounding manor houses still keep many secrets − encounters of lovers when they’d come to the fountain to fetch water. People playing games, laughing, quarrelling and chattering echo from the stone benches. This tiny Dalmatian square shines most brightly on feast days and other holidays. On your way to the coast, Postira’s old tiled roofs are bound
to leave a strong impression on you not only because they’re a beautiful display of a traditional construction method, but also because, according to local lore, supernatural beings live in the attics. Werewolves, fairies and other supernatural beings from local lore (such as macići and marinorgoti) will surely fire your imagination, particularly if the stories you hear about them are told by local storytellers. Postira is a beautiful and interesting place at any time of the year. The people of Postira are farmers, fishermen, stonemasons or are in the tourism sector, so whichever time of the year you visit Postira, you’ll see traditions that live, traditions that are lived − first-hand. Many events are held in Postira, particularly in the summer months. These are some of the more unique ones that should be singled out: A Little Night Regatta (a regatta that takes place in the port at night to the sounds of Mozart’s A Little Night Music), the Postira Seaside Film Festival, Postira’s Singers (did you know that in Postira almost each resident knows how to sing?) and the Brač
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Orienteering Championship (the Island of Brač is the first island in the Adriatic to host a competition in orienteering, and Postira the first place on an Adriatic island for which an orienteering map was made). From amongst all these, the globally unique World Olive Picking Championship stands out. Since 2017, the championship has hosted national teams from the four corners of the world, has won numerous national awards, and won the 2019 Best Creative Experience Award given yearly by the Creative Tourism Network, which is confirmation of the event’s world-class quality. The small village of Dol, which is today home to about one hundred residents, is two kilometres south of Postira. This oasis of peace and quiet is an unavoidable stop for many tourists, including hiking and cycling enthusiasts, given that Dol can be reached via well-maintained paths and trails from various directions. At the very entrance to the village, you’ll be left breathless by its traditional houses covered with
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stone slabs and by the countless caves made of grainy stone called hrapoćuša. These were once human dwellings and are today livestock shelters, firewood storage space or habitats for pigeons, owls and viveri. These are mythical creatures that, according to local lore, hide in local caves. You can come across one only in Dol and if you’re lucky enough you can even hear it roar. Dol is also famous for its rustic and crunchy hrapoćuša cake. This wedding cake is Dol’s best known product and has its very own festivity − the Night of the Hrapoćuša Cake. The art of its traditional preparation is protected as intangible cultural heritage of the Republic of Croatia, and documentaries have been made about it. Hrapoćuša is an extremely sweet cake whose coarse surface resembles the grainy stone of hrapoćuša, hence the cake’s name. It’s rich in eggs, sugar, walnuts and citrus fruit aromas, all of which are products typical of the village.
Dol was first mentioned in documents in 1345, although many important archaeological finds testify to the existence of an even earlier settlement. The Church of St. Michael and the Church of St. Barbara both date from the beginning of the 10th century. The Church of St. Peter from the 11th century houses the oldest bell on the Island of Brač (a bell from the 14th century), while the Church of St. Vitus is from the 13th century. They can all be reached via well-maintained hiking trails. The parish Church of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary was built between 1862 and 1887, and houses several valuable crucifixes, the largest of which is the Dolski Isukrst, which features a life-size representation of the body of Christ. The folk songs native to Dol are of great value. Today, you can hear them performed by folk church singers, who greatly contribute to the preservation of this intangible cultural heritage. To enjoy the authentic attractions of a small Dalmatian town, make sure you visit Postira and Dol.
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ZLATNI RAT, BRAČ; Photo: A. Gospić
Trust me, I’ve been there. Last year I came to Croatia on holiday. It was beautiful. I will definitely be coming back this year. See you in Croatia! − Emma reviews Croatia
If you enjoy listening to the sounds of the sea below the bow, the Croatian Adriatic, one of the most beautiful regions of the world, kindly welcomes you to visit its deep blue sea, turquoise bays, sandy and pebbled beaches, charming coastal towns, urban centres, UNESCO cultural heritage sites, pristine wilderness,
“While enjoying sailing
along and between numerous islets, every day offered a new authentic experience.”
Apart from the highly indented coastline with over a thousand islands and islets, the Croatian Adriatic boasts an incredible number of natural phenomena, pristine waters, enological and culinary delights and historic heritage dating back thousands of years. The various cultures who have lived in this area gave it a special charm and temperament, and they contributed to the development of many distinctive features for such a small area. The beautiful natural sites, such as the five national parks situated on the Croatian coast and the
absolutely enjoying the sun and the sea. Unforgettable!”
underwater attractions, highly developed nautical infrastructure, excellent ports and anchorages, mild and pleasant Mediterranean climate, plenty of good fun, local cuisine made from high quality ingredients, authentic wines, and kind hosts.
“The whole family is
ILOK Photo: I. Biočina Photo: M. D. Pečanić NORTHERN VELEBIT NATIONAL PARK Photo: J. Duval
Although small in terms of surface area, Croatia abounds in rich culture heritage. This is substantiated by UNESCO’s World Heritage List with a registered 22 tangible and intangible goods in the Republic of Croatia. There is hardly a city or region where you will not encounter them. The crossroads between East and West, Central European and the southern spirit of the Mediterranean, Croatia has developed a wide artistic, literary and musical tradition over the years. A rich cultural heritage that lives
city in the world”. Split boasts some fascinating achievements, for example, did you know that this is home to the largest number of Olympic and world medalists per capita? Croatia is all of this and much more. Croatia makes tourists feel at home. Loved.
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“History at every step. What an atmosphere!”
beyond museums, churches and cathedrals. Find out if you are familiar with some of them already, and whether they are included on your list of things to see and try on your next trip to Croatia, such as Dubrovnik or Split? Dubrovnik’s fascinating medieval centre enclosed by perfectly preserved walls impressed the English poet Lord Byron so much that he called the city the “Pearl of the Adriatic”. Dubrovnik leaves the same impression on its guests to this day. Its beauty even astounds Hollywood producers who chose the city as the location for filming Game of Thrones and Star Wars. Somewhat further north, the Roman emperor Diocletian founded the city of Split 1700 years ago as the ideal place to spend his retirement. The city’s residents today call it the “most beautiful
DUBROVNIK Photo: L. Esenko
islands turn your journey along the Croatian sea and its coastline into a unique experience.
ZELENI OTOK PLAVOG JADRANA THE GREEN ISLAND OF THE BLUE ADRIATIC Tekst i fotografije / Text and photos Goran Šafarek
Gotovo ni jedan otok ne može se pohvaliti da ima toliko šume kao Mljet, koji pruža i ostale prirodne vrijednosti poput slanih jezera. Odisejev otok zbog toga je proglašen jednim od naših osam nacionalnih parkova. Hardly any island can boast of having as many forests as Mljet, including other natural attractions such as marine lakes. This is why Odysseus’s Island was declared one of Croatia’s eight national parks, and rightly so.
Benediktinski samostan na Velikom jezeru, uz strmu pučinsku obalu Mljeta The Benedictine monastery on the Islet of St. Mary in the Large Lake adjacent to Mljet’s steep shores facing the open sea
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01 Vizura središnjeg dijela otoka s obalom u pozadini A view of the interior of Mljet with Croatia’s mainland coastline in the background 02 Plava i zelena boja dominiraju Mljetom The colours blue and green dominate Mljet 03 Vinogradi usred očuvane prirode Vineyards surrounded by a pristine natural environment
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01 Razvedeni dio mljetske obale Mljet’s indented coastline 02 Biljke rastu na goloj stijeni morske obale, na udaru soli i sunca Unharmed by the scorching sun, salt-tolerant plants growing on bare rock 03 Benediktinski samostan na otočiću Sveta Marija The Benedictine monastery on the Islet of St. Mary
ogled iz zraka najbolje pokazuje svu ljepotu Mljeta − zeleni šumoviti otok usred modrine Jadranskoga mora. Najviše su pošumljene strme padine brežuljaka, dok je dio otoka kultiviran. Šume su i razlog zbog kojega je njegov sjeverozapadni dio proglašen nacionalnim parkom još 1960. godine. Cvrčci, miris smole i soli nezaboravan su doživljaj Sredozemlja, a Mljet je po tome na istaknutome mjestu. Nacionalni park sa 5375 hektara zauzima trećinu otoka, no i ostatak nudi mnoge vrijednosti. Najčešća vrsta na otoku jest alepski bor, prepoznatljiv po svojoj sivoj gruboj kori i dugačkim iglicama. Osim bora uspijeva i hrast crnika, a u posebnom rezervatu šumske vegetacije Velika dolina očuvan je komadić negdašnje sredozemne prašume, izvorne zajednice crnike s crnim jasenom. To je često neprohodna i gusta džungla, gdje nakon provlačenja ostaju ogrebotine. To nije spriječilo da se u njima nastani velik broj životinja. Među najvećima su kuna bjelica, divlja svinja, zec, muflon, podivljala domaća koza. Pridoš-
lice su mungos i jelen lopatar. Mungos je 1910. unesen da uništi zmije, no s vremenom je počeo napadati i ostale životinje. Na šumu se mozaično nadovezuju polja, kamenjari i pašnjaci kojih na Mljetu nema kao na nekim drugim otocima. Između zelenih brda, u unutrašnjosti otoka stiješnjene su male doline, često s ljupkim plodnim poljima. Većinom su duguljasta i uska jer prate smjer pružanja brda. U njima se stoljećima taložila plodna zemlja, toliko različita od tvrde stijene. Ljudi su stoga u poljima sadili lozu, povrće i ostalo potrebno za život. Bio je to težak život u suhoj zemlji natapanoj znojem. Neka od polja sada osvaja gustiš jer su se negdašnji poljoprivrednici odselili na obalu ili u gradove u potrazi za lakšim životom, ponajprije turizmom. U nekim od kamenih sela danas mnogo manje odjekuje dječji žamor jer ondje većinom žive stariji ljudi, a mnoge su kuće sada već dulje vrijeme zatvorene. U najnižim dijelovima nekih polja, koja mogu biti i u razini mora, umjesto vrtova raste trska. Ovdje se nataložila voda te je
nastala prava mala močvara. Takva mjesta gotovo po cijeloj našoj obali nazivamo blata. Na Mljetu su to blatine kod Sobre, Blata i Prožure. Pjev ptice trstenjaka već izdaleka najavljuje močvarno bilje. Voda je plitka, no puna dubokog mulja. Hodati po njemu stoga je nesigurno za ljude, no za životinje i biljke to je raj. Tu plivaju patke, liske, mlakuše, a uz rubove su žabe i kornjače, dok uokolo lepršaju ugrožene vrste vretenaca. Na samome jugoistočnom kraju otoka velike su pješčane uvale Saplunara i Blace s pješčanim plažama. Oblikovana valovima, okružena gustom makijom i šumom bora, ljeti je plaža popularno ljetovalište, posebice za obitelji s malom djecom koja u pijesku nalaze neizmjernu zabavu. No obala je, kao i većinom na Jadranu, ponajviše kamenita. Unutarnje obale, okrenute prema Pelješcu, blage su, a pučinske su strme, sa strmcima i urušenim špiljama. Jedna je od njih Odisejeva špilja u blizini Babinog polja, a poznata je i mnogim turistima. Legenda kaže da je baš ovdje Odisej, nakon brodoloma na
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stijenama otoka Ogigije, sedam godina s tugom i nostalgijom za domom i Penelopom gledao u pučinu, a prelijepa nimfa Kalipso, kći boga Posejdona, još tužnije zaljubljeno gledala u njega. Prvi stanovnici, Iliri, obrađivali su zemlju, a prva naselja osnovali su uz izvore vode. Na uzvišenim mjestima podignuli su gradine, gdje se moglo skloniti i stotinjak ljudi. Mljet su posjećivali i Grci, osvježujući se na izvorima pitke vode na trgovačkim putovanjima prema svojim kolonijama u Korčuli, Visu i Hvaru. U dubokim uvalama nalazili su i mirno sidrište za nevera. Ni Rimljani nisu mogli odoljeti dražima otoka pa su počeli osnivati trajnija naselja. Najstarije od njih jesu Polače, na sjeverozapadnom dijelu otoka. Automobilom se danas doslovce prolazi kroz rimske zidove kroz koje sada vodi cesta, a i sam naziv sela dolazi od antičke palače na čijim je temeljima izraslo selo. Mnogima je najljepši dio otoka onaj na suprotnoj, sjeverozapadnoj strani, gdje se u kopno uvuklo Malo i Veliko jezero. Iako se nazivaju jezera, spojena su uskim pro-
lazom s morem te su slana. To su velike uvale koje zadiru duboko u kopno, nastale potapanjem negdašnjih krških udolina jer je Sredozemno more naraslo krajem ledenog doba. Predivne pješačke staze obilaze jezera, u sjeni borova, cvrkutu ptica i opojnome mirisu borovine. Jezera su mirna i za najvećeg juga, zaštićena od velikih valova što zapljuskuju vanjsku stranu otoka. Njihove su obale razvedene i bujno obrasle krošnjama borova koje se spuštaju do samoga mora, a na nekima od uronjenih grana rastu i dagnje. Dva su jezera povezana uskim kanalom, kroz koji se izmjenjuje morska voda pod utjecajem plime i oseke. Iznad kanala izgrađen je kameni most, tzv. Mali most. Na otočiću Sveta Marija u Velikom jezeru Benediktinci su još u 12. stoljeću podigli divan samostan. Izgrađen od kamena, uklopljen u zeleno-plavi ambijent jezera, stoljećima je bio oaza vjere, ali i znanja. Ako je i pokoji Benediktinac znao zaroniti oko jezera, našao bi na dnu obilje Jakobovih kapica, periski i prstaca te ostalih školjkaša. Još je važnija zajednica buse-
01-02 Kamena arhitektura benediktinskog samostana The Benedictine monastery’s stone construction
nastog koralja, površine 650 m2 − najveća na Sredozemlju. Koristi se blagodatima morskih struja koje oplakuju lokaciju kod Velikog mosta na ulazu u Veliko jezero. Ti su koralji stanište i mnogim drugim organizmima, a posebice je bogata ribom koja ovdje dolazi na mrijest. No i ostalo je podmorje Mljeta zanimljivo, ponajviše zbog očuvanosti. Obiluje živim svijetom u kojemu samo ronioci mogu uživati. Ispod površine oni susreću mnoge školjke, ribe te bogata staništa jastoga. Posebno su važna i očuvana staništa morske cvjetnice posidonije, gdje se skrivaju, razmnožavaju i odrastaju mnoge vr-
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ste, poput puža bačvaša, školjke periske, mnoštva riba itd. Pučinska strana pruža i stjenovitija i dublja staništa, karakteristična za našu obalu Jadrana. Donedavno je na Mljetu živjela sredozemna medvjedica. Ona je u sigurnosti kamenite južne strane otoka nalazila mjesto za život. Nažalost, posljednji primjerci sredozemne medvjedice viđeni su prije dvadesetak godina. Stvarala je probleme ribarima jer im je krala ribu i uništavala mreže. Ipak, danas mnogi priželjkuju njezin povratak, što bi još više obogatilo prirodu Mljeta, zelenog otoka usred plavog Jadrana.
01 Selo Goveđari skladno su se smjestili na jedan od mljetskih brežuljaka The village of Goveđari blending in perfectly with one of Mljet’s many hills 02 Kupanje na mljetskim slanim jezerima Taking a swim in one of Mljet’s marine lakes
n aerial view shows best all the beauty of Mljet − a green wooded island surrounded by the blue Adriatic Sea. The steep slopes of Mljet’s hills are where most forests are, while part of the island is cultivated. The island’s forests are also the reason why its north-western part was declared a national park back in 1960. What makes your experience of the Mediterranean be unforgettable are crickets, the smell of conifer resin and salt. Judging by this, Mljet’s place in the Mediterranean is surely a prominent one. The 5375-hectare national park occupies a 02
third of the island, although the rest of Mljet also offers much to see and experience. Recognisable by its grey rough bark and long needles, the Aleppo pine is the most common species of tree on Mljet. Besides the Aleppo pine, Mljet’s also home to holm oak, and in a special reserve of forest vegetation called Velika Dolina (Great Valley in translation), a piece of what had once been the Mediterranean rainforest − a native community of holm oak and black ash trees − has been preserved. Velika Dolina is often an impassable and dense jungle, where you’re left with scratches after passing through it. This, however, didn’t prevent a large number of animals from settling there. The white breasted marten, wild boar, rabbit, mouflon and feral goat are amongst the largest. The mongoose and fallow deer are the newcomers. The former was introduced in 1910 to eradicate snakes, but over time it began to prey on other animals as well. As if in a mosaic, the forest extends into fields, rocky patches and pastures, which Mljet seems to be lacking in compared to other islands in the Adriatic. In the interior of the island, small valleys spotted with charming fertile fields are
wedged between the green hills. Given that they follow the direction of the surrounding hills, they are mostly oblong and narrow. Over the centuries, fertile soil, so different from hard rock, has been deposited in these valleys. This is why people have been growing grapevine, vegetables and other life-sustaining crops in these fields. In this dry land soaked in sweat, life was hard. Some of the fields are now overtaken by thicket as people who once farmed this land have moved to the coast or to towns in search of an easier life, primarily through tourism. Children’s voices resonate much less today in some of the stone villages. This is because mostly older people live there now, with many houses having been locked for a long time now. Reeds rule instead of gardens growing in the lowest parts of some fields, which can be at sea level. Water stagnates here creating real small swamps. Such places are referred to as blato in Croatian (mud in translation) along Croatia’s entire coast. On Mljet, these are the marshes near the villages of Sobra, Blato and Prožura. The Eurasian reed warbler’s song tells you from afar that there’re wetland plants in the vicinity. The water is shallow and the mud is deep, which is why it’s so hazardous to people’s safety, yet a paradise for animals and plants. This is where ducks, coots and common moorhens swim, where frogs and turtles scatter along the edges, and where the endangered species of dragonfly flutter around.
Pješčana plaža u Saplunari The Saplunara sandy beach
The very south-eastern end of Mljet is home to two large sandy bays and beaches, namely Saplunara and Blace. Shaped by the waves, surrounded by dense undergrowth and a pine forest, these sandy beaches are popular summer resorts, particularly for families with small children, who have great fun playing in the sand. Like most of the Adriatic coast, here too the coast is mostly rocky. Mljet’s continent (i.e., Pelješac Peninsula) facing shores are mild, while those facing the open sea are steep featuring cliffs and collapsed caves. One of these is known to many tourists − Odysseus’s Cave near Babino Polje. Legend has it that it was here that − after his ship was wrecked on the rocks of the island of Ogygia − Odysseus spent seven years looking out to sea with sadness and nostalgia for home and Penelope, whilst enchanted and entertained by the beautiful nymph Calypso, who fell in love with Odysseus. Mljet’s first inhabitants, the Illyrians, cultivated the land and built the island’s first settlements next to sources of water. They also built hill forts, where some one hundred people could take shelter. On their maritime trade routes to their colonies on the islands of Korčula, Vis and Hvar, the Greeks also made stopovers on Mljet in need of refreshment and drinking water. During storms, Mljet’s deep bays also served as safe harbours. The Romans couldn’t resist the charms of the island either, so they started establishing more permanent settlements, the oldest of which is Polače in the north-
western part of the island. Today, a road leads through its ancient Roman walls, and the name of the village itself comes from the ancient Roman palace on whose foundations the village was built. Many find the opposite, north-western side of the island the most beautiful, the spots where the Small and Large Lakes are tucked away. Although they’re called lakes, a narrow passage connects them to the sea, which is what makes them salty marine lakes. As a matter of fact, the lakes are large bays that penetrate deep into Mljet’s mainland and were created by the immersion of what had once been karst valleys when the Mediterranean Sea rose at the end of the Ice Age. In the shade of pine trees, the chirping of birds and the intoxicating scent of pine trees, stunning footpaths embrace the lakes. The lakes are calm even during the strongest of southerlies blowing, protected from the big waves pounding the exterior of the island. The lakes’ shores are indented and covered lushly with pine tree canopies descending all the way to the sea, so much so that mussels grow on some of the submerged branches. The two lakes are connected by a narrow canal, via which seawater enters the lakes under the influence of the tides. A stone bridge was built above the canal, called the Small Bridge. The Large Lake boasts a tiny island, the Islet of St. Mary, where the Benedictines built a beautiful monastery in the 12th century. Built of stone and blended beautifully in the green and blue surroundings of the lake, the monastery’s been an oasis of faith and knowledge for centuries. Those Benedictines who knew how to dive would come across an abundance of scallops, noble pen shells, date shells and other shellfish at the bottom of the lake. The Large Lake is also home to a community of cushion coral. Spreading across an area of 650 m2, this is the largest community of this coral in the Mediterranean. Cushion coral benefits from the sea currents flowing along a location near the Large Bridge at the entrance to the Large Lake. These corals are a habitat for many other living organisms, and this spot is particularly rich in fish that come here to spawn. The rest of the seabed surrounding Mljet is also fascinating, mostly because it’s been well preserved. It abounds in living organisms that only divers can enjoy. They’ll encounter many shellfish, fish and rich lobster habitats below the surface. The
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01-02 Planika i tršlja, šareni šumski plodovi The colourful forest fruits of strawberry tree and mastic tree 03 Pješčana plaža u uvali Blace The Blace bay and sandy beach
well preserved habitats of flowering Neptune grass are particularly important. This is where many species find shelter, reproduce and grow, species such as the giant tun shell, the noble pen shell, many different species of fish, etc. Mljet’s side facing the open sea provides rockier and deeper habitats, typical of Croatia’s Adriatic coast. Mljet was home to the Mediterranean monk seal until recently. It found a place to live in the safety of the rocky south side of the island. Sadly, the last Mediterranean monk seals were seen on Mljet some twenty or so years ago. For fishermen, the Mediterranean monk seal was nothing but a problem because it would rip their fishing nets while stealing part of their catch. Yet, today many would like to see the Mediterranean monk seal return as it would further enrich the natural environment of Mljet, a green island surrounded by the blue Adriatic. 02
MALOSTONSKA KAMENICA PDO MALI STON OYSTER The Queen of Oysters Mali Ston oyster is European flat oyster (lat. Ostrea edulis), one of the most valued species of oysters in the world. It has a Protected Designation of Origin mark and it is inscribed into EU Geographical Indications Register. The specificity of Mali Ston oyster is based on the unique natural characteristics of Mali Ston Bay, a protected special marine reserve, as well as centuries long tradition and expertise of breeding oysters. The optimum quantity and composition of the food, the excellent quality of the sea water and the
use of traditional know-how are directly reflected in the quality and organoleptic characteristics of this prized product, making it one of the world's best. Mali Ston oyster is soft and succulent to bite with a specific, sweet and salty, balanced taste and a pleasant sea-mineral flavor dominated by an aroma of iodine that lingers on the palate. It is a must-try for all seafood lovers. Pair it with a glass of well-chilled sparkling wine or pošip (local white) for an unforgettable experience!
Europska unija
Co-financed by the European Union from the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund. Sufinancirano sredstvima Europske unije iz Europskog fonda za pomorstvo i ribarstvo. CROATIA AIRLINES 2/2021
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TZ Zadra/Zadar TB
Oživljavajući sakralne prostore kroz pulsiranje zvukova i ritmova srednjeg vijeka i renesanse, pretvarajući rimski Forum i gradske trgove u pozornice veličanstvenih orkestralnih i opernih glazbenih djela, Glazbene večeri u Sv. Donatu postale su ono što se u Zadru ne smije propustiti − osjećaj uzvišenosti i profinjene kvalitete. By bringing sacral spaces to life with the sounds and rhythms of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, and by transforming the Roman Forum in Zadar and other town squares into different stages where magnificent orchestral and operatic music pieces are performed, the Musical Evenings at St. Donatus are an absolute must-have experience in Zadar − they’ll give you a sense of sublimity and refined quality.
lazbene večeri u Sv. Donatu pokrenute su davne 1961. godine zahvaljujući entuzijazmu skladatelja i dirigenta Pavla Dešpalja i njegovim dvjema željama − da crkva sv. Donata postane koncertni prostor i da Zadar ponovno dobije vlastiti orkestar. Za tu prigodu Dešpalj je osnovao Zadarski komorni orkestar, koji je inauguriran na prvom koncertu Večeri, i to praizvedbom skladbe Moba za gudače, koju je posebno za tu priliku skladao njegov otac Šime. Zadarska predromanička rotonda tako je, nakon tisućugodišnjeg sna, otvorila svoja vrata publici koja je idućih
TZ Zadra/Zadar TB
Ž. Karavida
šest desetljeća mogla uživati u vrhunskim glazbenim izvedbama u tom prostoru iznimne arhitekture i akustike. Večeri, otpočetka međunarodnog karaktera, posebnu su prepoznatljivost u Europi i svijetu uživale od 1975. do 1990., kada je znatan dio programa bio posvećen ranoj glazbi. Bilo je to doba velikoga proboja rane glazbe, a na Starom se kontinentu entuzijazam za nju javio gotovo istodobno kad i na zadarskoj pozornici. To je razdoblje koje se pamti po gostovanjima iznimnih stručnjaka i umjetnika iz različitih dijelova svijeta koji su strastveno istraživali i izvodili glazbu srednjega vijeka, renesanse i baroka. Nakon dramatičnog prekida 1991. godine, Večeri su nastavile s radom, prkosno održavajući kontinuitet čak i u ratnom vihoru pod granatama 1992. i 1993. godine, ali i razvijajući koncept koji će se održati do danas. On se temelji na biranim simfonijskim i komornim koncertima, uz ranu glazbu, ali zadržava fokus na predstavljanju zadarskih skladatelja i izvođača, uz naglasak na skladatelje životom i radom vezane uz Zadar, poput Franza von Suppèa, Blagoja Berse, Igora Kuljerića i drugih. Za svoje 61. izdanje Večeri pripremaju niz
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01 Crkva sv. Donata, čije su orgulje treće po veličini crkvene orgulje u Hrvatskoj The Church of St. Donatus, whose organ is the third largest church organ in Croatia 02 Zadarski komorni orkestar pod ravnanjem maestra Ivana Repušića izvodi Četiri godišnja doba Vivaldija i Piazzolle The Zadar Chamber Orchestra performing The Four Seasons by Vivaldi and Piazzolla
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01 Već tradicionalno svečano se otvorenje odvija na antičkom Forumu ispred crkve sv. Donata Traditionally, the grand opening takes place at the ancient Roman Forum outside the Church of St. Donatus 02 S prošlogodišnjeg otvorenja 60. Glazbenih večeri u Sv. Donatu, Simfonijski orkestar HRT-a The Croatian Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra conducted by Ivan Repušić performing at the grand opening of last year’s 60th anniversary Musical Evenings at St. Donatus
TZ Zadra/Zadar TB
03 U Zadru su mladost proveli otac bečke operete Franz von Suppé i Blagoje Bersa, najvažniji skladatelj hrvatske glazbene moderne The father of Viennese operetta, Franz von Suppé, and composer and teacher who laid the foundations of modern music in Croatia, Blagoje Bersa, both spent their youth in Zadar 01
godine vodi Katarina Livljanić, muzikologinja, pjevačica i profesorica na pariškoj Sorbonnei i Scholi Cantorum u Baselu, a koji u Zadar u srpnju dovodi prestižna imena poput Zbora moskovskog patrijarhata ili Nizozemca Roba Riemena, jednoga od vodećih europskih intelektualaca, autora
he Musical Evenings at St. Donatus were launched back in 1961 thanks to composer and conductor Pavle Dešpalj’s enthusiasm and two of his wishes − to see the Church of St. Donatus become a concert space and to see Zadar get its own orchestra again. As a result, Dešpalj founded the Zadar Chamber Orchestra, whose very first music performance opened the first Musical Evenings at St. Donatus premiering the Moba for Strings composition, a piece specially composed for the occasion by Pavle Dešpalj’s father, Šime Dešpalj. After a thousand years of sleep, Zadar’s Pre-Romanesque rotunda of St. Donatus finally opened its doors to audiences that have been enjoying top musical performances for six decades already in a space of exceptional architecture and acoustics. Once the Musical Evenings at St. Donatus became international in character, they enjoyed great acclaim in Europe and the world between 1975 and 1990, when a significant part of the programme was dedicated to early music. At the time, early music enjoyed
Ž. Karavida
vrhunskih glazbenih doživljaja. Među njima ističemo: svečano otvaranje na Forumu uz izravan prijenos Hrvatske radiotelevizije, gdje će nastupiti Simfonijski orkestar HRT-a uz solista Lovru Marušića na klaviru; potom veliki povratak ranoj glazbi kroz ciklus Suvremenost rane glazbe, koji od ove
dvaju međunarodnih bestselera prevedenih na 23 jezika; koncerte Zadarskoga komornog orkestra pod ravnanjem Ivana Repušića, trenutno najtraženijeg hrvatskog dirigenta, šefa Minhenskog radijskog orkestra, i uz solista Romana Simovića, prvog violinista Londonskog simfonijskog orkestra.
V. Jakupović Gricko
a revival, and the Old Continent’s interest in it coincided with that in Zadar. It was a time that’ll be remembered for guest performances given by exceptional experts and artists from different parts of the world who are passionate about researching and performing medieval, Renaissance and Baroque music. After the Musical Evenings were interrupted dramatically in 1991, in the following two years performances continued to be given even in the whirlwind of war and in defiance of grenades dropping on Zadar in 1992 and 1993. That was also a time when the Musical Evenings’ new concept was developed, a concept which has lasted to date. It is based on not only early music performances, but also selected symphony and chamber orchestra concerts, and focuses on presenting Zadar-born composers and performers, with an emphasis on composers whose life and work was tied to Zadar, composers such as Franz von Suppé, Blagoje Bersa, Igor Kuljerić and others. The 61st edition of the Musical Evenings at St. Donatus is lining up a series of top music experiences, from amongst which the following should be singled out: the grand opening at the Roman Forum broadcast live by the Croatian Radio and Television, with a performance given by soloist Lovre
Marušić on piano accompanied by the Croatian Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra; we’ll then return to early music through the Contemporary Quality of Early Music series, which is led as of this year by Katarina Livljanić, musicologist, singer and professor at the Sorbonne University in Paris and the Schola Cantorum in Basel, who’s bringing to Zadar prominent names in July, names such as the Russian Patriarchate Choir of Moscow or Dutch-
man Rob Riemen, one of Europe’s leading intellectuals and author of two international bestsellers translated into 23 languages; concerts by the Zadar Chamber Orchestra conducted by Ivan Repušić, currently the most sought-after Croatian conductor and chief conductor of the Munich Radio Orchestra, accompanied by soloist Roman Simović, the concertmaster of the London Symphony Orchestra. www.donat-festival.com
Odaberite idealnu karticu za vaše poslovanje Učinkovite i fleksibilne debitne i kreditne kartice omogućuju vam brz pristup do novca te jednostavno upravljanje poslovnim troškovima.
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Samoborci piju vino z lonci... Naslov je to stare narodne pjesme jer su Samoborci odavno poznati po svojim eno-gastronomskim uživanjima. Dakako, i danas Samoborci jako dobro znaju kako sljubiti doživljaje i zalogaje. Štoviše, u tome su sve bolji. Saznajte zašto i kako. The people of Samobor drink wine from pots... This is the title of an old folk song because the people of Samobor have long been known for their food and drink delights. Of course, even today they know how to combine experiences and cuisine really well. Moreover, they’ve become really good at it. Find out why and how.
01 Spomenik Ivici Sudniku A monument to Ivica Sudnik 02 Mostovi preko rijeke Gradne Bridges over the Gradna River
Piše/By _ Albert Donsky Fotografije/Photos _ Damir Fabijanić
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neposrednoj blizini Zagreba, u gradiću Samoboru, okruženome prelijepim gorjem (Plešivica i Žumberak sa svojim Parkom prirode), otvara se raznolikost ljepota prirode i kulture sljubljene s lokalnom eno-gastronomijom. Od mogućnosti samostalnih istraživanja (autom ili čak pješice) do organiziranih akcija, pri čemu su posebno zanimljive biciklističke ture, Samobor i okolica nude zanimljive teme i još interesantnija slana i slatka sparivanja. Nakon posjeta Grgosovoj špilji u Otruševcu, koja je slučajno otkrivena 1973., a drugi, još veći i ljepši dio pronađen je 2007., preporuka je odmah skočiti preko
puta u Grgosovu gostionicu Kod špilje. Ako su vam drage pastrve (na tanjuru), mjesto za obilazak jest Kršlinov mlin. Ukusno krupno mljeveno kukuruzno brašno za prženje pastrve upravo je iz tog parnog mlina, ali ondje ćete naći i druge delicije. Odlazak u mjesto Rude, u Rudnik sveta Barbara − jedan od najstarijih europskih rudnika bakra i željeza, a u 19. st. i gipsa, napušten pedesetih godina prošlog stoljeća − prilika je vidjeti nekadašnje rovove koji su obnovljeni sredstvima iz domaćih i EU fondova i obnovljeni za turizam. Završiti organiziranu turu kroz rudnik a ne probati greblicu, tradicionalni autohtoni
01 Stari grad Samobor The old town of Samobor 02-03 Trg kralja Tomislava King Tomislav Square 04 Crkva sv. Anastazije The Church of St. Anastasia 05 Samoborski muzej The Samobor Museum
01-04 Izletište Kršlinov mlin Kršlin’s Mill excursion site 05-06 Rudnik sveta Barbara St. Barbara Mine
kolač koji potječe baš iz Ruda, bila bi nepopravljiva šteta. Upravo tu nalazi se pekarnica Nikl, sada jedini certificirani proizvođač originalne i internacionalno zaštićene Rudarske greblice. Ime restorana Gabreku 1929. asocira na sjajna jela od gljiva i divljači u toj poznatoj gostionici u gradu Samoboru, ali i na gljivarske ture, branje, pripremu i degustaciju na samom izvorištu, u Budinjaku, u Parku prirode Žumberak. Dvojba treba li na glavnom samoborskom Trgu kralja Tomislava započeti ili završiti turu Samoborom i okolicom jednaka je dvojbi je li bermet aperitiv ili dižestiv. (Može biti oboje.) Najbolje je tu dilemu
riješiti u prekrasnom podrumu obitelji Filipec, neposredno uz trg, gdje uz bermet svakako preporučamo i poznatu muštardu. No ako ste ljubitelj slatkoga, ukusnim samoborskim kremšnitama u Kavani Livadić ipak ćete zasladiti kraj ove iznimne ture. Do skorog povratka. Bermet je naziv za crno aromatizirano vino, pripremljeno od biranih sorti grožđa, pelina i južnog voća, a samoborska muštarda vrsta je senfa koji se izvrsno slaže uz kuhano meso, a priprema se od tučene gorušice u koju se ukuhava posebno pripremljen pekmez od grožđa. Greblica je tradicionalni autohtoni kolač
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koji potječe iz Ruda pored Samobora. Prema predaji potječe iz 16. stoljeća, prateći procvat rudarstva u Rudama. Ime je dobila po sličnosti oblika s istoimenim drvenim alatom kojim se razgrijavao žar u krušnoj peći. Rudarska greblica slani je kolač koji se nadijeva sirom i raznim prilozima (orasi, žuta mrkva, lišće mladog luka, kopriva, špinat, blitva).
Park). Offering a range of interesting activities − from exploring the area on your own (by car or even on foot) to organised tours, the most interesting of which are cycling tours − Samobor and its surroundings also offer even more interesting savoury and sweet pairings. After you visit the Grgos Cave in Otruševec − which was discovered in 1973 quite by accident, and whose other, even larger and more beautiful part was discovered in 2007 − make sure you check out Grgos Cave’s inn Kod Špilje (At the Cave in translation) right across the road. If you like trout (on a plate), the place to visit is Kršlinov Mlin (Kršlin’s Mill in translation).
diversity of natural and cultural attractions paired with local foods and drinks opens in the immediate vicinity of Zagreb, in the small town of Samobor, surrounded by stunning hills (Plešivica and Žumberak with its Nature
01-04, 07 Restoran Gabreku 1929. At Gabrek’s 1929 Restaurant 05-06 Podrum obitelji Filipec The Filipec family cellar
The delicious coarse-ground cornmeal used for frying trout comes from the steam mill itself. Here, you’re bound to find other delicacies as well. A visit to the village of Rude and St. Barbara Mine − one of Europe’s oldest copper
and iron mines, where even gypsum was mined in the 19th century, and which was abandoned in the 1950s − is also a chance for you to see the mine’s trenches which were restored for tourism purposes with EU and national funding. To end your organ-
ised tour of the mine and not try rudarska greblica, a traditional pie which originates from the village of Rude itself, would be a grave mistake. This is where the Nikl Bakery is, today the only certified producer of the traditional rudarska greblica, which was awarded the European Union’s Protected Designation of Origin and Protected Geographical Indication labels. The first thing that springs to mind when you think of the famous Gabreku (At Gabrek’s in translation) 1929 Inn in the town of Samobor are great mushroom and game dishes, as well as mushroom foraging tours − picking, preparing and tasting mushrooms at the very source, in the village of
Budinjak in the Žumberak Nature Park. The dilemma of having to decide whether your tour of Samobor and its surroundings should start or end on Samobor’s main King Tomislav Square is identical to the dilemma of having to decide whether bermet is an aperitif or a digestif. (It can be both.) The best way to resolve this dilemma is to head for the beautiful cellar of the Filipec family right next to the square, where, besides bermet, we recommend that you also try the famous samoborska muštarda. And if you have a sweet tooth, the best way to sweeten the end of your tour of Samobor and its surroundings is to treat yourself to a slice of delicious samoborska
01-02 Gostionica Kod špilje At the Cave Inn 04 Grgosova špilja The Grgos Cave 03, 05 Rudarska greblica iz pekarnice Nikl Rudarska greblica from the Nikl Bakery
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Free Spirit Tours nudi za Samobor: Gurmanska tura električnim biciklom • Tura električnim biciklima kroz grad Samobor i njegovu okolicu • Kušanje lokalnih specijaliteta poput kremšnite, bermeta, greblice • Posjet Grgosovoj špilji i Rudniku sv. Barbara • Ručak u lokalnom restoranu Tura branja gljiva • Tura branja i priprema gljiva na jedinstvenoj lokaciji na Žumberku • Gosti dobivaju opremu te posjećuju šumu s gljivarom gdje će uz edukaciju koje gljive brati i koje su jestive naučiti i način na koji se one beru. • Nakon branja gljiva slijedi priprema gljiva te degustacija. In Samobor, Free Spirit Tours offer the following: E-bike gourmet tours • An electric bike tour through the town of Samobor and its surroundings • Tasting local specialities, such as kremšnita, bermet and greblica • A visit to Grgos Cave and St. Barbara Mine • Lunch at a local restaurant Mushroom foraging tours • A forest tour of picking and preparing mushrooms in the Žumberak Nature Park • Visitors are given the equipment they need to tour the forest with a mushroom expert, who teaches them about the difference between edible and poisonous mushrooms, and how to pick them • After foraging, the mushrooms are prepared and tasted Free Spirit Tours DMC and Tour Operator Vlaška 78, Zagreb, Croatia freespirittours.eu
01-03 Samoborske kremšnite, Kavana i hotel Livadić Samobor’s vanilla custard cream cake, Livadić Cafe and Hotel
kremšnita (vanilla custard cream cake that the town of Samobor is well-known for) in Kavana Livadić (Livadić Cafe in translation). See you there. Bermet is an aromatised red wine-based drink which is prepared from selected varieties of grape, wormwood and Mediterranean fruits. Samoborska muštarda is a type of mustard that goes well with cooked meat, and is prepared from ground mustard seeds cooked in specially prepared grape jam. Greblica is a traditional pie which originates from the village of Rude near Samobor. According to local lore, it dates from the 16th century when mining started to flourish in Rude. It was named after a wooden tool of the same name which was used to poke embers in wood-fired ovens, because the final shape of the pie is similar to the shape of the tool. Rudarska greblica is a savoury pie made from cottage cheese and different other ingredients (e.g., walnuts, yellow carrots, spring onion leaves, nettle, spinach, Swiss chard).
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Piše/By _ Dubravka Prpić Znaor
Ksenija Vrbanić modna je dizajnerica koja pomno prati i razvija vlastiti trend konstantno tražeći neka inovativna rješenja te poštujući pravilo o dizajnu koji je poseban, nosiv i ujedno stilski primjenjiv. U odjeći brenda XD žene žive i rade, ali pritom uvijek djeluju elegantno i iznad trendova. Ksenija Vrbanić is a fashion designer who’s discovered her own trend, which she’s been closely following and developing, in constant search of innovative solutions while respecting her designs which are special, wearable and functional in terms of style. Women live and work in XD garments, are always elegant and never follow trends.
L. Lisjak
Kreacije Ksenije Vrbanić nastaju u dizajnerskom razvojnom centru pored Čakovca Ksenija Vrbanić’s creations are created in a design development centre near Čakovec
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Autorica predlaže jednostavne kreacije, savršene za one istančanog modnog ukusa The designer’s creations are simple, perfect for those nurturing a refined taste in fashion
D. Horvatić
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M. Grubišić
M. Grubišić
Nosive kreacije inspirirane avangardom imaju posebno mjesto u kolekcijama XD Xenia Design Wearable creations inspired by the avant-garde have a special place in XD Xenia Design collections
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Crna romantika u znaku je tila i jakne pod utjecajem rock’n’rolla Tulle and rock ’n’ roll inspired jackets are the hallmarks of romantic black
senija Vrbanić hrvatska je autorica koja nas predstavlja diljem svijeta, a ove godine obilježuje čak 35 uspješnih godina autorskog dizajnerskog rada. − Od samih početaka postavila sam ambiciozne ciljeve pa je sve išlo u tom smjeru − ističe modna dizajnerica iz Čakovca i vlasnica brenda XD Xenia Design. Kreacije nastaju u njezinu dizajnerskom razvojnom centru, a potpis specifičan za ovu autoricu inovativna je i nekonvencionalna konstrukcija. Omiljena modna igra joj je ona uokvirena crnom, a siluetom barata poput modnoga umjetnika koji neprestano traži neke nove odgovore. No pritom uspijeva napraviti nosive stvari jer realnost je također dio njezina izričaja. U odjeći njezina brenda žene žive i rade, posebno one koje vole dašak avangarde. Djeluju uvijek elegantno, nenametljivo i ne manje važno − iznad trendova. Ksenija je jedna od autorica koje imaju svoj film, ignoriraju takozvanu brzu modu jer ona samo smanjuje stilsku i fizičku vrijednost kreacije.
D. Horvatić
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B. Vukosav
01 U sklopu dizajnerskog razvojnog centra nalazi se i veliki showroom, bivša konjušnica The design development centre also features a large showroom in what was once a stable 02 Prostor u kojemu radi XD tim stopljen je s prirodom The XD Xenia Design fashion factory is fused with nature
− Prepoznatljiva XD dimenzija stil je koji promičemo. Asimetrija u kroju u funkciji je isticanja ljepote ženskog tijela i prikrivanja nesavršenosti. Zahtjevna konstrukcija daje rezultat kroz jednostavan minimalistički komad, a pritom koristim crnu kao nepresušno platno za istraživanje dekonstrukcija − istaknula je Vrbanić. Naravno, njezin je rad prepoznat i izvan granica Hrvatske, kreacije se nalaze u oko 350 dućana diljem svijeta. Do njih je došla izlaganjima na svjetskim sajmovima, koje posjećuje već godinama. − U normalna vremena to bi bili sajmovi u New Yorku, Los Angelesu, Parizu, Londonu, Dublinu, Düsseldorfu, Milanu, Moskvi, Sankt Peterburgu, Almatiju i Šangaju. No danas našim kupcima odjeću predstavljamo putem digitalne platforme B2B i webshopa − govori dizajnerica. Veliku pažnju posvećuje načinu na koji kreacija pada na tijelo, a ponekad je to
forma za sebe, vrlo skulpturalna i kompleksno formirana. Igra krojevima i stilski eksperimenti nastavljaju se iz sezone u sezonu jer Ksenija je otkrila vlastiti trend koji pomno prati i razvija. Uvjerena je da uspjeh nije nešto što se događa preko noći, već je iza svakog projekta mnogo rada, a upravo je to jedan od osnovnih preduvjeta za kvalitetu. U već spomenutom dizajnerskom razvojnom centru dizajnerica ima i showroom, a tu su brojni drugi modni laboratoriji gdje krojački, tekstilni timovi razvijaju svoje ideje. Na čelu svega je Vrbanić, koja konstantno traži neka inovativna rješenja, poštujući pravilo o dizajnu koji je poseban, nosiv i ujedno stilski primjenjiv. Tu i tamo koristi boje, a u tom su slučaju one akcenti koji izlaze iz avangardnih tamnih likovnih ploha, tek toliko da naglasi neki kontrast i vlastitoj modnoj igri omogući neki novi doživljaj.
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would only reduce the stylistic and physical value of her creations. − The style we’ve been promoting is a recognisable XD aesthetics. The asymmetry in my cuts serves to both highlight the beauty of the female body and to conceal imperfections. My constructions are demanding, but they result in simple, minimalist pieces. I use black as an inexhaustible source of researching deconstructions − Vrbanić points out. Naturally enough, her designs have been recognised beyond the borders of Croatia. Her creations are sold in about 350 stores around the world, which she achieved by exhibiting at world fashion trade shows and exhibitions, which she’s been attending for years. − Under normal circumstances, these would be the shows held in New York, Los Angeles, Paris, London, Dublin, Düsseldorf, Milan, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Almaty and Shanghai. Today, we use B2B e-commerce platforms and our webshop to present the designs to our customers − says the designer. She pays great attention to the
way her designs follow the silhouette, and sometimes they’re very sculptural and elaborately shaped forms in themselves. Ksenija is continuing to play with cuts and experiment with styles from season to season because she’s discovered her own trend, which she’s been closely following and developing. She’s convinced that success is not something that happens overnight, and that each and every project requires a lot of work, which is one of the essential preconditions of quality. Ksenija’s design development centre also has a showroom, and there are also many other fashion laboratories where tailoring and textile teams develop their ideas. Ksenija Vrbanić is at the helm of it all − in constant search of innovative solutions while respecting her designs which are special, wearable and functional in terms of style. She uses colours here and there, in which case colour serves to highlight the dark avant-garde art surfaces of her garments, to accentuate a contrast and give her play with fashion a new experience.
B. Vukosav
senija Vrbanić is a Croatian fashion designer that represents Croatia all over the world. This year, she’s celebrating the 35th anniversary of her successful career in fashion design. − I’ve been setting myself ambitious goals since the very beginning, so everything’s gone in that direction − says this Čakovecborn fashion designer and owner of the XD Xenia Design fashion brand. Ksenija Vrbanić designs her creations in her design development centre, with innovative and unconventional construction being her distinct signature style. Her favourite fashion game is framed in black, and she plays with the silhouette like a fashion artist in constant search of new answers. Still, her designs are all wearable because reality’s also part of her expression. Women, particularly those that love a touch of the avant-garde, live and work in her garments. They’re always elegant, unobtrusive and, more importantly, do not follow trends. Ksenija’s been treading her own path and ignoring so-called fast fashion because it
PULA & MEDULIN Experience the collection of hotels, resorts, glamping and campsites offering relaxed and comfortable accommodation within beachfront and historic locations across the southern coast of Istria, Croatia.
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E. Yousof / Unsplash
Dobar je osjećaj u Brugesu da čovjek taj grad, koji je manje od jednog sata udaljen od gužve u europskoj metropoli Bruxellesu, može imati samo za sebe, da ništa ne može pokvariti to jedinstveno mjesto, čak ni kad u ljetnim mjesecima nema dovoljno mjesta na terasama zbog drugih turista. Bio prazan ili pun ljudi, Bruges je uvijek autentičan.
Less than an hour away from the crowds of Brussels, the seat of the EU, Bruges gives you a feeling that you can have it all to yourself and that nothing can spoil this unique place, not even not being able to find a place to sit on a cafe terrace in the summer months when it’s overrun by tourists. Whether empty or packed with people, Bruges is always authentic. Piše/By _ Ines Sabalić
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D. Galani/Unsplash 01
S. Jang/Unsplash
ilm In Bruges. Dvojica plaćenih ubojica odmaraju se poslije zahtjevnog posla sklonivši se u taj belgijski grad dok se situacija malo ne smiri. Mlađi, Colin Farrell, nezainteresiran za kulturu, povijest i vizuale ovoga flamanskoga grada, preživjet će. Stariji tip, Brendan Gleeson, oduševljen i ponesen ljepotom Brugesa, i njihov šef, Ralph Fiennes, koji smatra da je boravak u Brugesu najviše što se nekome može darovati prije smrti, umiru. Izvrsno pogođen u tom nedovoljno hvaljenome filmu jest osjećaj da čovjek može imati Bruges samo za sebe, da ništa ne može pokvariti to jedinstveno mjesto, čak ni kad u ljetnim mjesecima nema dovoljno mjesta na terasama zbog drugih turista. Uostalom, Bruges je stoljećima bio u strahovitim gužvama, većima nego što su današnje turističke. Od ranoga srednjeg vijeka bio je važna luka na morskom rukavcu na kraju kojeg je niknuo grad, središte događanja, pa su najvještiji, najbistriji trgovci, zanatlije i pomorci u zapadnoj i sjevernoj Europi gravitirali prema Brugesu. U 11. stoljeću iskopani su prvi kanali, grad se naglo razvijao, ali iznenada − more se povuklo. Luka je ostala na suhome, grad je propao, presušio kao i rukavac. Cijelo stoljeće poslije golemo nevrijeme sručilo se na grad, a more, vjerojatno zbog posljedica podmorskog potresa, ponovo je doprlo do samog središta grada i k tomu u silnom naletu proširilo i prirodni kanal. Od tada, od 13. stoljeća, počinje fantastičan ekonomski, društveni, umjetnički procvat ovoga grada koji će potrajati nekoliko stoljeća. Bruges je bio važan hanzeatski grad, trgovinski povezan s velikim ekonomskim i trgovačkim središtima sjevera, od Petrograda do Londona. Bio je glavni grad tada moćne Flandrije. Stotine brodova pristajale su u luku, a na ulicama su se gurali trgovci i mornari i čuli su se svi europski jezici. Venecijanci, Đenovljani, Portugalci, Katalonci, Kastiljanci,
A. Cerda/Unsplash
01 Kanali Brugesa ipak su najveća atrakcija ovoga grada Bruges’s canals are still its biggest attraction 02-03 Povijesna jezgra Brugesa nevelika je i ondje rijetko prođe koji automobil osim vozila dostave. Tko mora stići brže, vozi bicikl Bruges’s historic town centre is small; other than delivery vehicles, hardly any cars pass by. Those who need to get someplace fast ride a bike
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inženjere, slavne slikare, radile su gostionice, svratišta, crkve i tiskare, odakle su izlazile prve europske knjige. Bogataši su se nadmetali u pokazivanju raskoši. Kupovale su se svete relikvije, a najvrjednija, sveta krv Isusova, svake se godine, od 13. stoljeća do danas, na dan Kristova uzašašća pronosi po Brugesu. Bio je to vrlo bučan grad. Novac je privlačio baš sve pa su tako nahrupili i prosjački vjerski redovi. Prosjaci redovnici vukli su se ulicama i najavljivali Sudnji dan, proklinjali ili blagoslivljali ovisno o tomu jesu li dobili milostinju. Grad im je sagradio nekoliko samostana i hranio ih. Poslije su se razbježali. Blagajne su morale biti pune. Ako Bruges danas razgledavate turističkom plovidbom po kanalima, primijetit ćete na zidovima kuća od crvene cigle − a gradnja od crvene cigle znak je dobrostojećega građanina − mnoge zazidane otvore. Kad bi gradskim vlastima ponestalo novca, udarili bi porez na prozore; kad bi im išlo
El. G/Unsplash
Baski donosili su robu iz Afrike i Azije i Mediterana. Južni gradovi osnovali su ovdje svoja stalna trgovačka i politička predstavništva. Bruges je bio, uz Rim, Pariz i Veneciju, jedno od središta Europe i jedan od najvećih europskih gradova. Jug i sjever, to je bila osovina koja je uzvisila Flandriju i Bruges. Glavna industrija koja je podignula ovaj kraj i ovaj grad bila je proizvodnja i trgovina tkanina, a kad se pojačala konkurencija, flamanski su trgovci potpomognuti Hanzom i nadahnuti običajima talijanskih trgovaca počeli razvijati − kapitalizam. Ovdje, i to u 13. stoljeću. Prva europska burza utemeljena je 1309. godine upravo u Brugesu. Prvi se put ovdje masovno trgovalo mjenicama, obveznicama i sustavno izdavalo kredite. Do početka 16. stoljeća Bruges je cvao i rastao. Proizvodnja je privlačila radnike i zanatlije. Novac je omogućio izgradnju kićenih palača i trgova. Gradnja je privlačila nove majstore, tadašnje arhitekte,
dobro, porez na prozore se smanjivao, a vlasnici su zidali ili otvarali rupe u stalnoj igri lovice s poreznicima. Živjelo se na kanalima, koji su u vrijeme dok je ovdje cvala proizvodnja sukna tekli u zelenoj, plavoj, grimiznoj boji, ovisno o tomu kako se i gdje bojala tkanina. Sreća se ponovno promijenila u 16. stoljeću kad se more povuklo, a brodovi nisu mogli doploviti do Brugesa. Počelo je polagano propadanje: u nekoć prenapučenu gradu, koji je unutar zidina imao 200 tisuća stanovnika, u 18. stoljeću jedva je tko i stanovao. Trava do koljena rasla je ulicama Brugesa, a bršljan obrastao po svim pročeljima. Kanali su bili ustajali i neočišćeni. Trgovina i cijeli cirkus života preselio se u Antwerpen, a lijepi Bruges ostao je prazan. Stalni posjetioci bili su pjesnici, uglavnom engleski i francuski, koji su voljeli bolećivo melankolične prizore bivše slave. Tako je bilo sve do 19. stoljeća, kad je Bruges ponovno pronašao svoj novi identitet, postavši jedno od prvih mjesta gdje je dolazila nova kategorija ljudi − turisti. Sada, kada je pandemija srezala masovne pohode turista Brugesu, kad se ondje nađete, u atmosferi grada osjeti se nešto od tih davnih dana. Međutim, ono što treba biti otvoreno, jest, a to su muzeji, galerije, ljekarne, hoteli, izleti brodićem po kanalima. Pandemijske se mjere amortiziraju pa su terase ili neki restorani otvoreni, no ako i nisu, dostava hrane funkcionira. U Brugesu je dobro to što je ovaj grad sve prošao i što je preko njega svašta protutnjalo, i nitko se posebno ne čudi novom zaokretu sudbine. U srednjem vijeku i renesansi građani su bili izvanredno praznovjerni, a kako i ne bi kad im se more povlači ili nahrupi svakih toliko, a bogatstvo i siromaštvo tako drastično smjenjuju. Bojali su se svega, raznih vragova koje je trebalo izbjegavati raznim ritualima, vještica, a najviše duhova. Navodno u zatrpanim kanalima ispod grada lutaju duhovi. Kad začujete vjetar iz pravca Sjevernog mora, ništa se ne čini
El. G/Unsplash
01 Bruges je i studentski grad, što mu daje dodatnu dozu kozmopolitizma i autentičnosti Bruges is also a student town, which lends it a certain air of cosmopolitanism and authenticity
02-03 Tipična arhitektura Brugesa, svjedok njegove bogate i blistave prošlosti Bruges’s distinctive architecture, a witness to its rich and dazzling past
J C /Unsplash
nemoguće kad vidite kako mete ulicama. Lagana plovidba kanalima otkriva dio grada koji se ne vidi ako se samo šeta, naprimjer mjesto gdje dva kanala završavaju jezercem na kojemu se redovito skuplja 150 gradskih labudova. Ovdašnjim građanima, koji još uvijek žive u svojim lijepim kućama, a to znači da grad nije samo turistička kulisa, labudovi puno znače i prijeti se kaznom od pet godina zatvora za ubojstvo labuda! Prednost praznoga grada jest posjet muzejima i galerijama, posebno ako vam stara umjetnost nešto znači. Ovo je najsjevernija točka Europe do koje je dospjela neka Michelangelova skulptura, a k tomu i za njegova života. Naručena skulptura u Bruges je dopremljena brodom, a svoj je dom pronašla u crkvi Onze-Lieve-Vrouw. U galerijama su neka od najvećih djela flamanske škole, Boscha, Memlinga, Van Eycka. Kakav god bio, Bruges je sve vidio, a bio prazan ili pun ljudi, autentičan je.
In the film In Bruges, after a particularly difficult job, two hit men head to Belgium to hide out until things cool down. The younger, Ray, played by Colin Farrell, uninterested in this Flemish town’s culture and history or sightseeing, survives. The older guy, Ken, played by Brendan Gleeson, delighted and enchanted by the beauty of Bruges, and their boss, Harry, played by Ralph Fiennes, who thinks that a stay in Bruges is the most that can be given to someone before they die, both die in the film. This underappreciated film absolutely nails the feeling that you can have Bruges all to yourself and that nothing can spoil this unique place, not even not being able to find a place to sit on a cafe terrace in the summer months when Bruges is overrun by tourists. After all, Bruges had been overcrowded for centuries, even more so than it is today. Since the early Middle Ages, Bruges had been an important seaport in an inlet at the
end of which the town − a hotspot of human activity − developed. As a result, the most skilled and brightest merchants, artisans and sailors of Western and Northern Europe started gravitating towards Bruges. Bruges’s first canals were dug in the 11th century, so the town started developing rapidly. But, out of the blue, the sea receded. The seaport went dry, and the town collapsed and dried up like its inlet. An entire century later, a fierce storm struck the place and the sea − probably due to the consequences of an underwater earthquake − reached the very centre of Bruges again, with the raging torrent having widened the inlet as a result. It was then, that is, in the 13th century, that Bruges started flourishing economically, socially and culturally, that Bruges enjoyed a boom that lasted for several centuries. Bruges was an important Hanseatic town, connected commercially with the great economic and trade centres of the north,
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L. Penner/Unsplash 01
from St. Petersburg to London. It was the capital of the then mighty Flanders. Hundreds of ships used to dock in its seaport, with its streets overcrowded with merchants and sailors speaking all European languages. The Venetians, Genoese, Portuguese, Catalans, Castilians and the Basques shipped goods from Africa, Asia
A. Harris/Unsplash
01-02 Bruges je stari flamanski grad, ali gastronomska ponuda vrlo je često francuska, a i internacionalna. Od street fooda do restorana s Michelinovim zvjezdicama, u Brugesu je moguće naći sve Bruges is an old Flemish town, but the foods on offer are very often French and international. From street food to Michelin-starred restaurants, Bruges has it all
and the Mediterranean. Towns from the south all set up permanent trade and political branch offices in Bruges. Bruges was on a par with Rome, Paris and Venice − it was one of the hotspots of Europe and one of the biggest cities in Europe. The south and the north − that was the pivot around which the growth of Flanders and Bruges turned. The biggest industry that helped Bruges and the region to develop and blossom was the textile industry. When competition became more intense, the merchants of Flanders − aided by the Hanseatic League and inspired by the practices of Italian merchants − started developing capitalism. Here, in the 13th century. Europe’s first stock exchange was founded in 1309 − in Bruges. It was in Bruges that bills of exchange and bonds were traded and loans given systematically for the first time in Europe. By the early 16th century, Bruges was thriving and growing rapidly. Production attracted workers and craftsmen. The profit that was generated facilitated the construction of ornate palaces and squares. Construction attracted professionals from other fields, the then architects, engineers and famous painters. Bruges boasted inns and eateries, churches and printing houses, where some of the first books in Europe were printed. The rich competed in showing off their wealth. Sacred relics were bought, the most valuable of which − the Relic of the Holy Blood of Jesus Christ − has been carried around Bruges in a ceremonial procession every year since the 13th century on Ascension Day. It was a very clamorous town. Money attracted just about anyone, so mendicant religious orders also started flocking to Bruges. They’d preach on the streets announcing Judgment Day, cursing or blessing people depending on whether they gave them alms or not. They were fed by the town, which also built them several monasteries, which they later abandoned and left. The town treasury had to always be full. If you take a canal tour of Bruges today, you’ll notice many walled up openings on the walls of red brick houses. Only well-to-do families could afford to build their houses from red brick. When the town authorities ran out of money, they’d introduce window tax, and when things went well, window tax was reduced. This, in turn, resulted in house owners either walling or opening up
At only 2,5 kilometers distance from DUBROVNIK OLD TOWN, you will discover the paradise you were dreaming of. With a perfect setting in UVALA LAPAD BAY, featuring the LARGEST BEACH in Dubrovnik, SUNSET BEACH DUBROVNIK offers a great variety of services and amenities. • Event Restaurant Kantenari overlooking the marvelous panorma of Uvala bay • Beach Bar, Trattoria, Lounge Club & Dining • Sunbeds, Cabanas & Massage CROATIA AIRLINES 2/2021
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Now that the pandemic has suspended the arrival of flocks of tourists to Bruges, you can experience some of the atmosphere of the town’s bygone days. What should be open is − museums, galleries, pharmacies, hotels, boat trips along its canals. The measures in response to the pandemic are being eased, so terraces and some restaurants are open, and those that aren’t offer a food delivery service. The interesting thing about Bruges is that it’s gone through it all, and so no one is particularly taken aback by the latest twist of fate. In the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, the people of Bruges were very superstitious. How could they not be when the sea either receded or swelled every once in a while, resulting in wealth and poverty alternating so drastically. They feared everything − various evil spirits that were to be expelled by various rituals, and witches, although what they feared the most were ghosts. Reportedly, there are ghosts wandering around in the buried canals below the town. When you hear the wind howling from the North Sea, when you take notice
of the way in which it sweeps the streets, nothing seems impossible. If you take a canal tour of Bruges, you’ll see parts of town inaccessible to strollers, such as the spot where two canals join up creating a pond where 150 swans regularly gather. Swans mean a whole lot to the residents of Bruges living in their beautiful houses − which means that the town isn’t just a tourist photo backdrop − and so you could be sentenced to five years in prison for killing a swan! If you’re into fine arts, this is a brilliant time to visit Bruges’s museums and galleries because they’re empty, which is a great advantage. This is the northernmost point of Europe that a sculpture by Michelangelo got to, and this in his lifetime. The commissioned Madonna and Child sculpture was delivered to Bruges by boat and found its home in the Church of Our Lady (Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekerk in Dutch). Bruges’s galleries house some of the greatest works of the Flemish School of Painting, works by Bosch, Memling and van Eyck. Whatever it’s like, Bruges has seen it all, and whether it’s empty or packed with people, it’s always authentic.
J. Genchi/Unsplash
windows on their houses in their wanting to avoid window tax payment. People used to live on the canals, whose waters ran green, blue or crimson at the time when the textile industry flourished here, depending on how and where fabric was dyed. Bruges’s good fortune changed again in the 16th century when the sea receded and ships couldn’t reach the seaport. The town started to slowly decline. By the 18th century hardly anyone lived in what had once been an overcrowded town, within the walls of which 200,000 people found a home. The streets of Bruges were overgrown with knee-high grass, house walls with ivy. The water in its clogged up canals was stagnant. All trade and the hustle and bustle of life moved to Antwerp. The beautiful town of Bruges was now lifeless. Bruges’s only regular visitors were poets, mostly English and French, who loved the painfully melancholic vistas of Bruges’s former glory days. This was so until the 19th century, when Bruges reinvented itself. More specifically, it became one of the first places that a new category of people started flocking to − tourists.
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Liburnia Hotels & Villas
Nova priča Opatijske rivijere − provedite nezaboravne trenutke uz osjećaj sigurnosti i gostoprimstva New story of the Opatija Riviera − experience unforgettable moments surrounded by safety and hospitality
Liburnia Hotels & Villas najveća je hotelska grupacija na Kvarneru s najdužom hotelskom tradicijom u Hrvatskoj. Ona nudi savršen ljetni odmor u svojih prekrasnih 13 hotela, 5 vila i 1 kampu koji su smješteni na idealnoj lokaciji, okruženi morem s jedne strane i bogatom vegetacijom obližnje Učke s druge strane, što njezine hotele na Opatijskoj rivijeri čini jednom od najprivlačnijih odmarališnih i poslovnih destinacija u Europi. Opatijska rivijera u posljednje vrijeme doživjela je mnoge promjene, a Liburnia Hotels & Villas doprinose toj novoj priči kontinuiranim ulaganjem u svoje objekte,
ali i samu destinaciju, kao i razvojem novih proizvoda i usluga. Renomirani hoteli Ambasador 5* i Imperial 4* spremni su za Vas u novom izdanju, a najveća i najzahtjevnija investicija u preobrazbu najstarijeg hotela na istočnome Jadranu, hotela Kvarner, upravo je u tijeku. To impresivno zdanje uskoro će postati luksuzni hotel i time će Opatija dobiti novu modernu vizuru povijesno važne građevine. Liburnia Hotels & Villas ove godine razvija i novi gastro koncept. Poznatim chefovima iz Bevande, Plavog podruma i Navisa pridružili su se Boris Lovrenčić, F&B manager koji je radio u najboljim restoranima svijeta kao što je Noma (Kopenhagen) te hotelima Sunčani Hvar i Maistra, te masterchef Josip Jukić koji dolazi iz luksuznog hvarskog hotela Elisabeth Palace. Na Kvarner su donijeli novu viziju kulinarstva koja je inspirirana tradicijom, inovacijom i najboljim namirnicama iz lokalnih OPG-ova. Njihove kreacije možete isprobati u restoranima La Fourchette D'Or u hotelu Ambasador i
Palace u hotelu Palace Bellevue. Za potpuno opuštanje i odmor duše i tijela, posjetite Liburnia Hotels & Villas i uz sunčeve zrake i šum mora doživite mediteranski raj. Nudimo bogate i luksuzne wellness i gastro pakete te vrhunske usluge u području estetike u suradnji s najboljim doktorima za ljepotu. S veličanstvenim pogledom na more s vaše privatne terase ili iz hotelske kavane, u našim hotelima možete uživati u najboljem od Jadranskoga mora. U Liburnia Hotels & Villas činimo sve kako bi se naši gosti osjećali sigurno i ugodno. Posjetite nas i provedite nezaboravan odmor u Opatiji. Uživajte u gostoljubivosti i atraktivnosti turističke destinacije i u nekima od najljepših plaža na svijetu poput one u Brseču. Doživite Mediteran kroz Opatiju i osjetite čaroliju mora i sunca, kulturne baštine, prirode, gastronomije i jedinstvenog načina života! Svim putnicima Croatia Airlinesa željeli bismo ponuditi 15% popusta na cijenu smještaja za boravke do 28. 12. 2021. u Liburnia Hotels & Villas! Kako biste ostvarili popust, posjetite našu službenu internetsku stranicu ili kontaktirajte naš rezervacijski centar te koristite promo kod CROAIR15. Popust nije moguće primijeniti na već snižene cijene. Liburnia Hotels & Villas is the largest hotel group on Kvarner with the longest hotel tradition in Croatia. It offers a perfect summer holiday in its beautiful 13 hotels, 5 villas, and 1 camp which are ideally located, surrounded by the sea on one
Posjetite www.liburnia.hr i iskoristite promo kod CROAIR15 kako biste ostvarili 15% popusta na cijene smještaja. Visit www.liburnia.hr and use the promo code CROAIR15 to redeem a 15% discount on the prices of accommodation. Info: Liburnia Hotels & Villas Opatija, Croatia T. +385 51 710 444 E. reservations@liburnia.hr www.liburnia.hr side and Mount Učka’s rich vegetation on the other, which makes its hotels on the Opatija Riviera one of the most attractive holiday and business destinations in Europe. Opatija Riviera has experienced a number of changes in recent times and Liburnia Hotels & Villas are contributing to that new story with continuous investments into its properties, but also the destination itself, as well as the development of new products and services. Renowned hotels Ambasador 5* and Imperial 4* are ready to welcome you with a brand new look, while the biggest and the most demanding investment into the transformation of the oldest hotel on the east Adriatic, hotel Kvarner, is currently in progress. The impressive edifice will soon become a luxury hotel which will give a modern new vista of a historically important building to the Opatija townscape. Liburnia Hotels & Villas is also developing a new gastro concept this year. Famous Chefs from Bevanda, Plavi podrum, and Navis are joined by Boris Lovrenčić, the F&B manager who has worked in some of the best restaurants in the world such as Noma in Copenhagen and the hotels Sunčani Hvar and Maistra, and the master chef Josip Jukić who arrived from the luxury hotel Elisabeth Palace in Hvar. They are bringing a new culinary vision to Kvarner which is inspired by tradition, innovation, and the best locally sourced ingredients. You can taste their creations in the restaurants La Fourchette D'Or in hotel Ambasador and Palace in hotel Palace Bellevue.
For a complete relaxation of body and soul, visit Liburnia Hotels & Villas and experience the Mediterranean paradise filled with sunshine and sounds of the sea. We offer rich and luxurious wellness and gastro packages, as well as high-quality cosmetic procedures in collaboration with the best beauty doctors. In our hotels you can indulge in the best that Adriatic can offer, with a magnificent view of the sea from your private terrace or the hotel café. In Liburnia Hotels & Villas, we do all that we can to make our guests feel safe and pleasant. Visit us and spend an unforgettable vacation in Opatija. Enjoy the hospitality and attractiveness of the tourist destination and some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, like the beach in Brseč. Experience the Mediterranean through Opatija and feel the mag-
ic of the sun and sea, cultural heritage, nature, gastronomy, and the unique lifestyle! To all the Croatia Airlines passengers, we would like to offer a 15% discount on the price of accommodation in Liburnia Hotels & Villas for all the stays until 28 December 2021. In order to redeem the discount, visit our official web site or contact our reservation centre and use the promo code CROAIR15. Discount is not applicable on already discounted prices.
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Zagreb voli zeleno Zagreb Loves Green
Boška & Krešo, arhiva TZGZ/ZTB archives
Ako je zagrebačka zračna luka Franjo Tuđman vaš prvi susret sa Zagrebom, prigodna će izložba fotografija pokazati da dolazite u grad prepun parkova i cvijeća. Na prvi pogled jasno je da Zagrebu ne manjka zelenila. Već u najužem centru ulični život presijecaju elegantni parkovi i trgovi, stvoreni za opuštanje. Gotovo iza ugla tu su hladovita park-šuma Tuškanac i veličanstveni park Maksimir. Smješten između gore Medvednice i rijeke Save, Zagreb nudi mnoštvo mogućnosti za uživanje na svježem zraku i u prirodi. Zapravo, uopće i ne morate napustiti područje
D. Rostuhar, arhiva TZGZ/ZTB archives
02 Park Zrinjevac, Lenucijeva potkova Zrinjevac Park, one of the parks comprising Lenuci’s Green Horseshoe
Tekst/Text_Turistička zajednica grada Zagreba/Zagreb Tourist Board
01 Vidikovac, Park Maksimir Belvedere Pavilion, Maksimir Park
01 Park Zrinjevac Zrinjevac Park
M. Vrdoljak, arhiva TZGZ/ZTB archives
02 Utvrda Medvedgrad, Medvednica Medvedgrad Fortress, Mount Medvednica
If the Franjo Tuđman International Airport is your first encounter with Zagreb, this art photography exhibition will show that you’ve arrived in a city full of parks and flowers. The first time you see it, it becomes clear that Zagreb doesn’t lack green spaces. In the very city centre, street life is interlaced with elegant parks and squares, ideal for enjoyment. Just around the corner, there’s the Tuškanac Forest Park providing plenty
J. Duval, arhiva TZGZ/ZTB archives
grada da biste se prepustili šetnjama ili aktivnostima na otvorenome, kao što su planinarenje, ribolov, golf ili biciklizam. Putnicima koji dolaze u Zagreb prava je dobrodošlica izložba umjetničkih fotografija pod nazivom Zagreb voli zeleno, a razgledati je možete u Međunarodnoj zračnoj luci Franjo Tuđman. Dvadeset šest fotografija, čiji su autori poznati hrvatski fotografi, prikazuje zelene zagrebačke površine kojima je grad isprepleten. Da je uistinu tako, govore i podaci kako je čak 71,5 posto gradskih površina pokriveno zelenilom te da Zagreb ima čak 10 milijuna četvornih metara uređenih travnjaka i cvjetnjaka, 200 kilometara održavanih drvoreda i 130 tisuća različitih stabala. Ujedno, ovom izložbom Turistička zajednica grada Zagreba nastavlja s nizom kampanja koje imaju za cilj promicanje našega grada kao odgovorne, održive i sigurne destinacije. Izložbu, koja se nalazi u prostoru za preuzimanje prtljage putničkog terminala, organiziraju Turistička zajednica grada Zagreba i Međunarodna zračna luka Zagreb.
01 Riverside Golf Zagreb 02 Groblje Mirogoj Mirogoj Cemetery
J. Duval, arhiva TZGZ/ZTB archives
of shade and the magnificent Maksimir Park. Located between Mount Medvednica and the Sava River, Zagreb offers a range of options for your enjoyment of the outdoors and fresh air. In fact, you don’t even have to leave the city area to indulge in outdoor activities and walks, such as hiking, fishing, golf or cycling. Visitors arriving in Zagreb are welcomed at the Franjo Tuđman International Airport by an art photography exhibition called Zagreb Loves Green. Twenty six photographs authored by famous Croatian photographers portray Zagreb’s green spaces interlacing the city. The fact that as much as 71.5 percent of the city’s space is green, that Zagreb’s home to as many as 10 million square metres of landscaped lawns and flower beds, 200 kilometres of tended tree lines and 130,000 different trees proves that this is indeed the case. This exhibition is part of a series of campaigns run by the Zagreb Tourist Board aiming to promote Zagreb as a responsible, sustainable and safe destination. Mounted in the baggage claim area of the passenger terminal, the exhibition is organised by the Zagreb Tourist Board and the Franjo Tuđman International Airport in Zagreb.
M. Vrdoljak, arhiva TZGZ / ZTB archives
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Mali Zagreb Little Zagreb
Boška & Krešo. arhiva TZGZ / ZTB archives
kompozicije izloga, prozora i vrata starih obrtničkih dućana poput pekarnica, antikvarijata, ljekarni, urarskih radnji te građanskih kuća ornamentalnih vrata i velikih prozora. Tako se, primjerice, na Trgu bana Josipa Jelačića ispod centralnog sata smjestio maleni urar, a na uglu Tkalčićeve ulice i Krvavog mosta našla se minijaturna videoteka. Minijatura je u užem središtu Zagreba mnoštvo, a na vama je da ih otkrijete slučajno za vrijeme šetnje gradskim središtem ili pak tako što ćete slijediti kartu koju možete pronaći na internetskim stranicama Turističke zajednice grada Zagreba i u centrima za posjetitelje. Koji god način istraživanja odabrali, zaustavite se i spustite pogled kako biste uočili i ono što ste do sada propuštali, a važan je dio mozaika svakodnevice u kojoj živimo. Priča o Malom Zagrebu autora Filipa Filkovića počela je na Instagramu kao
Tekst/Text_Turistička zajednica grada Zagreba/Zagreb Tourist Board
Ulice i trgovi kojima često žurimo, zgrade pored kojih svakodnevno prolazimo ponekad ih i ne zapažajući, u umanjenoj će nas varijanti natjerati da zastanemo, vidimo više, ali i razmišljamo drugačije. Mali Zagreb mnogo je više od zanimljivog pojavnog oblika… Na jedanaest lokacija u Zagrebu, posve neočekivanim mjestima na gradskim javnim površinama, pronaći ćete minijaturne
Boška & Krešo. arhiva TZGZ / ZTB archives
of Tkalčićeva Street and Krvavi Most (Bloody Bridge in translation) Street, a miniature video library opened. Countless miniatures are scattered around in downtown Zagreb. You’re invited to discover them either by chance while strolling around the city centre or by following the map available on the website of the Zagreb Tourist Board and in visitor centres. Whichever way you choose to explore, make sure you stop and look down to see what you’ve missed out on so far − it’s an important part of the mosaic of everyday life we live. The story of Little Zagreb by Filip Filković started on Instagram as a series of photomontages. Through cooperation with the Zagreb Tourist Board, the story was brought to life and turned into Zagreb’s recognisable landscape.
02 Strossmayerovo šetalište The Strossmayer Promenade 03 Park na začelju zgrada Akademije dramske umjetnosti i Ansambla Lado The park at the rear of the Academy of Dramatic Art and the Lado National Folk Dance Ensemble of Croatia 04 Dežmanova ulica Dežmanova Street
Boška & Krešo. arhiva TZGZ / ZTB archives
Boška & Krešo. arhiva TZGZ / ZTB archives
01 Park na začelju zgrade Hrvatskoga državnog arhiva The park at the rear of the Croatian State Archives
The downsized version of the streets and squares that we walk across in a rush, of the buildings that we pass by every day sometimes without noticing them will make you stop, see and observe more, but also think differently. Little Zagreb is much more than an interesting form… At eleven locations in Zagreb, at completely unexpected spots in Zagreb’s public spaces, you’ll come across miniature models of shop windows, the windows and doors of old craft and sole trader shops such as bakeries, antique shops, pharmacies, watchmakers and townhouses with ornamental doors and large windows. On Ban Josip Jelačić Square, for instance, a tiny watchmaker’s shop found a home under the central clock, and on the corner
Filip Filković Philatz, arhiva TZGZ / ZTB archives
serija fotomontaža, a kroz suradnju s Turističkom zajednicom grada Zagreba postala je stvarnost i prepoznatljiva vizura Zagreba.
01 Joan Miró, Per Alberti, per la Spagna, 1975, akvatinta / aquatint 02 Pablo Picasso, Fauna i flora s Antiba, 1960., litografija Pablo Picasso, Fauna and Flora from Antibes, 1960, lithograph
03 Pablo Picasso, Dupla flauta, 1967., litografija Pablo Picasso, The Double Flute, 1967, lithograph
Picasso i Miró: prijateljstvo sloboda Picasso and Miró: Friendship of Freedoms
Piše/By _ Nataša Bošnjaković
Closing on 30th September, the Juraj Šporer Art Pavilion in Opatija is hosting a fascinating exhibition of graphic artworks by two of the greatest names in creative thought of the 20th century − Pablo Picasso and Joan Miró. Over 100 original lithographs, copper engravings, woodcuts, engravings, aquatints, pochoirs and several ceramic pieces from private collections selected for presentation under the title Picasso and Miró: Friendship of Freedoms speak of the imminence and beauty of unity, connection, courage, closeness and the spiritual importance of friendship. Thanks to the cruelty of times and the instability of historical circumstances, a unity in spirit, a friendship in creativity, and their shared views on freedom and expressions of authenticity brought the two Catalan giants together in their quest for liberation from unpleasant life circumstances and social impositions. Alienation, loneliness, restraint of expression, exile, spiritual emptiness and destitution − topics that today’s cultural observers are intimately acquainted with − brought the two artists together in their struggle for unearthing inner paths to redemption. I retreated into myself. The more distrustful I am of my surroundings, the more it seems to me that I am closer to places inhabited by the spirit; trees, mountains, friendship. Joan Miró
www.visitopatija.com 03
Fotografije/Photos_Arhiva Umjetničkog paviljona Juraj Šporer/ Juraj Šporer Art Pavilion archives
Prostori Umjetničkog paviljona Juraj Šporer u Opatiji od 21. svibnja do 30. rujna 2021. domaćini su prekrasne izložbe grafičkih ostvarenja jednih od najvećih imena kreativne misli 20. stoljeća, Pabla Picassa i Joana Miróa. Više od 100 originalnih litografija, bakroreza, drvoreza, gravura, akvatinti, pochoira i nekoliko keramika iz privatnih kolekcija objedinjenih pod nazivom Picasso i Miró: Prijateljstvo sloboda progovarat će o neizbježnosti i ljepoti zajedništva, povezanosti, hrabrosti, bliskosti i duhovnoj prijekosti prijateljstva. Kroz okrutnost vremena i nestalnost povijesnih okolnosti sjedinjenost u duhu, prijateljevanje u stvaralaštvu, jednakost pogleda na slobodu i ekspresije autentičnosti združuju katalonske divove u pothvatu za oslobođenjem od nemilih životnih datosti i socijalnih nametnutosti. Otuđenost, usamljenost, sputanost izričaja, izbjeglištvo, duhovna praznina i materijalna oskudica, teme nikad bliže kulturnom promatraču nego danas, povezuju ih u borbi za otkrivanjem unutarnjih putova izbavljenja. Povukao sam se u sebe. Što sam nepovjerljiviji prema svojem okruženju, to mi se više čini kako sam bliže mjestima u kojima obitava duh; stablima, planinama, prijateljstvu. Joan Miró
Visa Gold Croatia Airlines kartica
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Panonski izazov Pannonian Challenge Fotografije/Photos _ Samir Kurtagić 01
Graffiti Jam, kojemu će upravo break dance i grafiti umjetnost biti u fokusu, a čime će biti zaokružena cijela urbana priča koja traje još od 1999. godine. Eastern Croatia has been a true European extreme sports hotspot for more than two decades, and this thanks to the Pannonian Challenge extreme sports festival, which features not only the world’s best BMX, skate, inline skate and scooter riders’ adrenaline-pumping tricks, but also an accompanying programme packed with urban culture-related events. Every year, more than 200 top extreme sports athletes gather in Osijek’s skate park, which is sure to set the world on fire and be a spectacle for not only those who’re already fascinated by extreme sports, but also those who’re yet to become fans of it. As nothing prevented it last year from taking place even though many sporting events were cancelled, the 22nd Pannonian Challenge will continue to push back the boundaries this summer on the left bank of the Drava River − even more powerfully and jam-packed with positive vibes. Between 11th and 15th August, you’ll get to see athletes from the USA, Russia, the UK, Venezuela, France, Italy, Slovenia, Hungary and the rest of the region compete with each other. Considering that it’s held after the long-awaited Olympic Games, the extreme sports festival in Osijek will be a grand finale of sorts − the competition format that the freestyle
01 Flair u izvedbi Tibija Szepesija A flair performed by Tibi Szepesi 02 BMX finale UCI kupa 2016. godine The 2016 UCI Cup BMX finals
BMX and skate riders will face is greater. For the Summer Olympics in Tokyo, the Pannonian Challenge team experts helped to organise and build the most attractive skate park modelled on the one in the heart of Slavonia. Besides BMX, skate, inline skate and scooter competitions, Osijek’s modern skate park is also hosting the traditional Hip Hop & Graffiti Jam. It features break dance and graffiti art, and rounds off Osijek’s entire urban story which has been told continuously since 1999. pannonian.hr
Tekst/Text_Udruga Pannonian/Pannonian Association
Istočna Hrvatska već više od dva desetljeća glasi za pravo europsko središte ekstremnog sporta, a za sve je zaslužan festival Pannonian Challenge, koji uz adrenalinske trikove najboljih svjetskih BMX, skate, inline i romobil vozača uvijek nudi i odličan popratni sadržaj urbane kulture. Svake godine u osječki skate park dolazi više od 200 vrhunskih ekstremnih sportaša, koji jamče spektakl i užarenu atmosferu za sve ljubitelje ekstremnog sporta − ali i za one koji će to tek postati. Kako ga ni prošle godine ništa nije uspjelo pokolebati, iako su brojni sportski događaji redom otkazivani, 22. Pannonian Challenge i ovoga će ljeta pomicati granice na lijevoj obali rijeke Drave, još snažniji i pun pozitive. Stoga će od 11. do 15. kolovoza na ovom urbanom festivalu snage odmjeriti sportaši iz SAD-a, Rusije, Velike Britanije, Venezuele, Francuske, Italije, Slovenije, Mađarske i ostatka regije. Budući da se održava nakon dugo iščekivanih Olimpijskih igara, osječki festival bit će finale svih finala jer nudi veći format natjecanja za BMX Freestyle i skate vozače, kojima stručnjaci iz ekipe Pannonian Challenge upravo u Tokiju pomažu pri organizaciji natjecanja i izgradnji što atraktivnijeg skate parka, po uzoru na onaj u srcu Slavonije. Uz BMX, skate, inline i romobil natjecanja, u modernom osječkom skate parku pod budnim okom znatiželjnih komaraca održat će se i tradicionalni Hip Hop &
Osječko ljeto kulture Osijek’s Summer of Culture Piše/By _ Danijela Klobučar, Grad Osijek Fotografije/Photos _ Marin Franov
Osječko ljeto kulture (OLJK) najveća je kulturna manifestacija u Osijeku i cijeloj istočnoj Hrvatskoj koja svojim građanima 21 godinu za redom nudi kvalitetne kulturne programe s ciljem zadovoljenja kulturnih potreba Osječana i građana svih gradova regije i šire. Osječko ljeto kulture izraslo je svih ovih godina u pravi brend grada na Dravi, a riječ je o manifestaciji koja kreira kulturni život grada. Program Osječkog ljeta kulture svake godine iznjedri više od 40 programa na 20 različitih lokacija, koje poprati više od 10.000 gledatelja. OLJK 2021. počinje 29. lipnja, a završava 13. srpnja u organizaciji i produkciji Grada Osijeka, a glavnina sredstava izdvaja se iz proračuna Grada Osijeka. Cjelokupni repertoar ostvaruje niz visokokvalitetnih programa iz područja kazališne, glazbene i koncertne, plesne, književne, likovne, novomedijske i filmske kulture te pridonosi poticanju gospodarske i turističke aktivnosti, kao i podizanju
međunarodne vidljivosti grada mijenjajući njegov imidž i čineći ga prepoznatljivim na europskoj i međunarodnoj razini. OLJK 2021. ponovno kao temelj nudi vlastite premijerne naslove: Mačak u čizmama, balet za djecu i odrasle Brune Bjelinskog u suradnji s Hrvatskim narodnim kazalištem u Osijeku, te dramu za djecu Dubravka Jelačića Bužimskog Nebeski Svanimir i Podzemni Suronja, u suradnji s Dječjim kazalištem Branka Mihaljevića u Osijeku. Od prošle godine novost je program OLJKIĆ, koji čine brojni programi za djecu u obliku predstava, likovnih igraonica, radionica i animiranih filmova na otvorenim prostorima. Osijek’s Summer of Culture is the biggest cultural event in Osijek and the whole of eastern Croatia, which has been offering its residents quality arts and cultural programmes for 21 consecutive years with a view to satisfying the need for cultural content of the people of Osijek and other towns in the region and beyond. Over the course of 21 years, Osijek’s Summer of Culture has grown into a proper brand of the Town on the Drava River, which is what Osijek is nicknamed. In a nutshell, Osijek’s Summer of Culture has been creating Osijek’s cultural life. Every year, the line-up of Osijek’s Summer of Culture includes over 40 events at 20 different locations, which are attended by over 10,000 viewers. Organised, produced and funded in large part by the Town of Osijek, Osijek’s Summer of Culture opens on 29th June and closes on 13th July. The repertoire includes a whole range of high-quality
01 Petar Zecimir 02 Umjetnik za hitne intervencije Emergency intervention artist 03 Perpetuum Jazzile
programmes and events in the fields of theatre, music and concerts, dance, literature, visual arts, new media and film culture, and contributes to stimulating economic and tourist activity, and to increasing Osijek’s international visibility by changing its image and making it recognisable at European and international level. Titles premiering in Osijek are again the main feature of this year’s Osijek’s Summer of Culture: Bruno Bjelinski’s Puss in Boots, a ballet for children and adults alike, produced in collaboration with the Croatian National Theatre in Osijek, and Dubravko Jelačić Bužimski’s Cosmic Svanimir and Subterranean Suronja play for children, produced in collaboration with the Branko Mihaljević Children’s Theatre in Osijek. Last year’s edition of the festival introduced a novelty − a children’s programme called OLJKIĆ lining up children’s plays, art workshops and playrooms, and open-air animated film showings. ljetokulture.osijek.hr
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Hvarske ljetne priredbe Hvar Summer Festival Piše/By _ Katija Vučetić/Grad Hvar Fotografije/Photos _ Eduard Visković 02
Jedan od najdugovječnijih ljetnih festivala na Jadranu i ove godine, u organizaciji Grada Hvara i uz potporu Ministarstva kulture, na živopisnim povijesnim lokacijama ugošćuje velika imena hrvatske glazbene i dramske scene, iako se održava u znatno skraćenom izdanju zbog aktualne situacije s pandemijom koronavirusa. Sve počinje na Svjetski dan glazbe, 21. lipnja, tradicionalnim zajedničkim koncertom hvarskih kulturno-umjetničkih društava na Trgu sv. Stjepana. Uz lokalna društva obljetničkom izdanju festivala retrospektivnu će notu dati koncert Gabi Novak i Matije Dedića, a posvetu klasičnim izvođačima i skladateljima gitaristički Trio Elogio i saksofonisti Papandopulo kvarteta. Suvremena umjetnost doći će do izražaja uz predstavu Gore Zagre-
bačkog plesnog ansambla, a tradicijska vezanost uz kazalište predstavom Tramvaj zvan čeznja dubrovačkog Kazališta Marina Držića. Vraćanjem visokokvalitetnog umjetničkog doživljaja na Ljetnu pozornicu Veneranda i u obnovljeni hvarski teatar iz 1612., najstarije komunalno kazalište u Europi, Hvar ponovno budi radost stvaranja u kolijevci hrvatske kulture i postaje nezaobilazno mjesto na kulturnoj karti Hrvatske i u ovim izazovnim vremenima. Organised by the town of Hvar and with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Media, this year’s edition of one of the longest-running summer festivals on the Adriatic is hosting some of the biggest names of Croatia’s music and theatre scene in picturesque historic locations. Due to the current coronavirus pandemic,
the festival has, however, been somewhat shortened. The festival opens on World Music Day, 21st June, with a traditional joint concert given by Hvar’s cultural and artistic societies and associations on St. Stephen’s Square in Hvar. The anniversary edition of the festival is given a retrospective touch with a concert by Gabi Novak and Matija Dedić, while the performances given by the guitar Trio Elogio and the saxophonists of the Papandopulo Quartet are dedicated to classical music performers and composers. Contemporary art will come to the fore with the Upwards performance given by the Zagreb Dance Company, while classical theatre with a performance of A Streetcar Named Desire by the Marin Držić Theatre from Dubrovnik. By seeing to it that a high-quality cultural experience is offered at both the Veneranda Summer Stage and the renovated Hvar Public Theatre from 1612, the oldest communal theatre in Europe, Hvar has reawakened interest in the joy of creation in the cradle of Croatian culture and has, in these challenging times, become a must-visit place on Croatia’s cultural map. hvarsummerfestival.hr
01 Prošlogodišnji koncert Josipe Lisac na ljetnoj pozornici Veneranda Last year’s concert by Josipa Lisac on the Veneranda Summer Stage 02 Prošlogodišnja izvedba predstave Suton dubrovačkoga Gradskoga kazališta Marina Držića u hvarskom kazalištu Last year’s performance of Twilight played by the Marin Držić Theatre from Dubrovnik at the Hvar Public Theatre 01
Međunarodni dječji festival International Children’s Festival 19. 6. − 3. 7., Šibenik I ove će godine Šibenik biti domaćin djeci svijeta, a svoje će ulice prepustiti dječjem stvaralaštvu te kao i svake godine već desetljećima podsjetiti sve svoje posjetitelje koliko je dragocjen svijet dječje igre, radosti i dobrote. Šibenik will again be hosting the children of the world. Its streets will be taken over by children’s creativity, reminding all its visitors − as it has for decades − just how precious the world of children’s play, joy and kindness is.
Izložba Murtić 100 Murtić 100 exhibition Dom HDLU / Meštrovićev paviljon Home of HDLU / Meštrović Pavilion 25. 5. − 18. 7., Zagreb Ova multimedijalna izložba obilježava stotu godišnjicu rođenja Ede Murtića, umjetnika koji je vodeća ličnost regionalnog visokog modernizma. Izložba kroz kronološke i tematske jedinice, koncipirane za pojedine prostore Doma HDLU, predstavlja tematsku, formalnu i tehničku raznolikost Murtićeva stvaralaštva kroz više od 100 najvećih radova. This multimedia exhibition is marking the centenary of the birth of artist Edo Murtić, a leading figure of High Modernism in the region. Through its chronological and thematic units, which have been designed for the individual spaces of the Home of HDLU, the exhibition is presenting the thematic, formal and technical diversity of Murtić’s oeuvre through more than 100 of his greatest works.
A. Baranić
Fondacija Murtić/Murtić Fondation
Izložba Nepoznati Klimt − ljubav, smrt, ekstaza The Unknown Klimt − Love, Death, Ecstasy Muzej grada Rijeke / Palača šećera City Museum of Rijeka / The Sugar Refinery Palace 20. 4. − 20. 10., Rijeka Izložba prikazuje devet originalnih slika koje su Gustav Klimt, njegov mlađi brat Ernst Klimt i kolega Franz Matsch naslikali za riječko kazalište 1885. godine. The exhibition is showcasing nine original paintings that were painted by Gustav Klimt, his younger brother Ernst Klimt, and colleague Franz Matsch for Rijeka’s theatre in 1885.
Liburnia Jazz Festival 2. − 4. 7., Opatija Ovaj je festival s godinama postao najveći jazz festival u Hrvatskoj i regiji zbog broja koncerata i posjetitelja koji mu se svake godine rado vraćaju. Program je pažljivo biran i može zadovoljiti i najzahtjevnije ljubitelje jazza. Over the years, this festival’s become the biggest jazz festival in Croatia and the region, and this because of the number of concerts held and the number of visitors eager to return every year. Its programme has been carefully selected to satisfy even the most demanding of jazz lovers.
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Arhiva DLJI/DSF archives
Croatia Open Umag 16. − 25. 7., Umag Ljetni ATP turnir koji se održava u Umagu vrhunac je turističke sezone u sjeverozapadnoj Istri i jedan od najvažnijih sportskih i društvenih događaja u Hrvatskoj. I ove godine u Umag bi trebali doći mnogi tenisači svjetskog ranga kao i ljubitelji bijelog sporta. The ATP World Tour summer tournament held in Umag is the highlight of the tourist season in north-western Istria, and one of the most important sporting and social events in Croatia in general. This year, Umag’s again hosting many world-class tennis players and countless fans of tennis. www.croatiaopen.hr
N. Jurjak
Festival plesa i neverbalnog kazališta Dance and Nonverbal Theatre Festival 23. − 25. 7., Svetvinčenat I ovogodišnji festival obilježit će vrsni plesači, koreografi i umjetnici iz različitih europskih zemalja i njihove zanimljive plesne izvedbe i radionice. Program se odvija na atraktivnim lokacijama − na renesansnom trgu, u kaštelu Morosini-Grimani, u renesansnoj loži te u dvorani Mediteranskog plesnog centra. This year’s Dance and Nonverbal Theatre Festival is again hosting brilliant dancers, choreographers and artists from different European countries. Many interesting dance performances and workshops are held at various stunning locations − the town’s Renaissance square, the Morosini-Grimani Castle, the town’s Renaissance loggia, and the hall of the Mediterranean Dance Centre.
Cest is d’ best − International Street Festival 19. − 22. 8., Zagreb Ovaj međunarodni ulični festival već niz godina Zagreb pretvara u veliku pozornicu. Na više pozornica nastupa velik broj talentiranih umjetnika koji će vas sigurno oraspoložiti. This international street festival’s been turning Zagreb into a big stage for many years already. Great many talented artists will be performing on several stages that will surely cheer you up.
K. Tabet
A. Bančić
Dubrovačke ljetne igre Dubrovnik Summer Festival 10. 7. − 25. 8., Dubrovnik I ove će godine igre okupiti ponajbolje dramske, glazbene, baletne, folklorne, likovne i filmske umjetnike iz cijelog svijeta. Festivalsku publiku svih generacija očekuju dramske, glazbene, plesne i folklorne izvedbe na više lokacija. This year’s edition of the festival is again featuring the best drama, music, ballet, folklore, visual and film artists from around the world. Festival-goers of all generations will enjoy drama, music, dance and folklore performances at several different locations.
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Fotografije/Photos_Hrvatski olimpijski odbor/Croatian Olympic Committee
01 Mlada maratonka Matea Parlov Koštro i naš aviotehničar Dominik Palčić The young marathon runner Matea Parlov Koštro and our aircraft technician Dominik Palčić 02 Kristina Mlinarić, pilotkinja zrakoplova Dash 8-Q400, bivša rukometašica, sa streljačem Josipom Glasnovićem, vlasnikom zlatne medalje iz Rio de Janeira Kristina Mlinarić, a former handball player and a pilot of the Dash 8-Q400 aircraft, together with shooter Josip Glasnović, who won an Olympic gold medal in Rio de Janeiro 01
ve godine, vjerojatno više nego ikada, svijet s nestrpljenjem i uzbuđenjem očekuje otvaranje Olimpijskih igara u Tokiju. − Olimpijske igre održavaju se kao simbol različitosti i globalnog jedinstva, kao dokaz prevladavanja pandemije i ponovne izgradnje zemlje nakon potresa i tsunamija. Gledatelji širom svijeta sudjelovat će na Igrama u Tokiju 2020. putem digitalnih
tehnologija. Bravo za hrvatske olimpijce i paraolimpijce, krenimo prema suncu! Gradovi Tokamachi i Marugame, kao i cijeli Japan, srdačno vas očekuju − poručila je japanska veleposlanica u Hrvatskoj NJ. E. Misako Kaji točno 100 dana prije početka igara u prigodi predstavljanja sportske odjeće s prepoznatljivim crveno-bijelim kvadratićima raznih veličina, koju će na Olimpijskim igrama nositi hrvatski sportaši.
Croatia Airlines kao dugogodišnji član hrvatske olimpijske obitelji s radošću i ponosom podržava sve naše sportaše. Za sve njih zaposlenici Croatia Airlinesa navijat će strastveno i s oduševljenjem. A da bi im dali dodatnu podršku, neki naši zaposlenici stali su uz bok hrvatskim olimpijcima i fotografirali se zajedno. Bivša rukometašica, a danas pilotkinja zrakoplova Dash 8-Q400 Kristina Mlinarić
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spremno je stala uz bok zlatnom olimpijcu iz Rio de Janeira, hrvatskom streljaču Josipu Glasnoviću. Snježana Drobnjak, zaposlenica u računovodstvu, majka troje djece, nekad aktivnih sportaša, pružila je potporu mladoj nadi hrvatskog i svjetskog plivanja, plivaču Franku Grgiću te veteranu stolnotenisaču Andreju Gaćini, kojemu će ovo biti četvrte olimpijske igre. Naš aviotehničar Dominik Palčić fotografirao se s jednom od naših najboljih atletičarki svih vremena, bacačicom diska Sandrom Perković te s mladom maratonkom Mateom Parlov Koštro. Inače strastveni navijač hrvatskih sportaša, Dominik će i ovog ljeta na malim ekranima pratiti hrvatske olimpijce na njihovu olimpijskom putu. Kao, uostalom, i svi mi. Hrvatskim olimpijcima želimo puno uspjeha na svim njihovim nastupima u Tokiju kao i mnogo trenutaka za pamćenje koje će ponijeti sa sobom natrag u domovinu, a na tom povratku spremno ih očekuje Croatia Airlines.
01 Plivač Franko Grgić sa Snježanom Drobnjak, zaposlenicom računovodstva Swimmer Franko Grgić with Snježana Drobnjak, an accounting employee 02 Veteran stolnog tenisa Andrej Gaćina i naša Snježana Veteran table tennis player Andrej Gaćina and our Snježana
he world’s eagerly and excitedly looking forward to the opening of the Tokyo Olympics this year, probably more than ever before. − The Olympic Games are a symbol of diversity and global unity, they’re proof that we’ve overcome the pandemic, and that we’ve rebuilt the country after the earthquake and the tsunami. Viewers from around the world will be participating in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games via digital technologies. Well done to Croatia’s Olympians and Paralympians, let’s head for the sun! The cities of Tokamachi and Marugame, as well as the whole of Japan, are looking forward to your arrival − said Japan’s Ambassador to Croatia, Her Excellency Misako Kaji, exactly 100 days before the start of the Summer Olym-
Travel to... magnificent Croatian cities of Zagreb, Dubrovnik, Pula, Split and Zadar.
croatiaairlines.com _ 107
pics when the sportswear featuring the recognisable red and white chequered pattern in various sizes to be worn by Croatian athletes at the Olympic Games was presented. Croatia Airlines, a long-standing member of the Croatian Olympic family, supports all of Croatia’s athletes with pride and joy. Croatia Airlines’ employees will be cheering passionately and with enthusiasm for all of them. To give them extra support, some of Croatia Airlines’ employees stood by Croatia’s Olympians and had photos taken together. Kristina Mlinarić, a former handball player and today a pilot of the Dash 8-Q400 aircraft, readily stood by the side of Croatian shooter Josip Glasnović, who returned from the Rio de Janeiro Games with an Olympic gold medal. Snježana Drobnjak, an accounting employee, mother of three and once an active athlete, supported Croatian swimmer Franko Grgić whom the world of both Croatian and world swimming has great hopes for, and four-time Olympic veteran of table tennis Andrej Gaćina. Our aircraft technician Dominik Palčić had his photo taken with one of our best athletes of all time, discus thrower Sandra Perković, and with the young marathon runner Matea Parlov Koštro. A passionate supporter of Croatian athletes, Dominik will be closely following Croatia’s Olympians on their Olympic journey on the small screen this summer. So will we all. We wish Croatia’s Olympians every success in each of their competitions in Tokyo and many memorable moments that they’ll bring back home, when Croatia Airlines will be ready to welcome them. 01 Aviotehničar Dominik Palčić sa šampionkom u bacanju diska Sandrom Perković Aircraft technician Dominik Palčić with champion in discus throw Sandra Perković
© N. Reberšak
© M. Eršte
© F. Heuer
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© F. Heuer
© F. Heuer
© F. Heuer
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To je Hrvatska Republika Hrvatska smjeπtena je uz istoË nu obalu Jadranskog mora i u njegovu zaleu. Proteæe se od obronaka Alpa na sjeverozapadu do panonske ravnice na istoku. Povrπina je njezina kopna 56.542 Ëetvorna kilometra, a povrπina teritorijalnog mora 31.067 Ëetvornih kilometara. U Hrvat skoj æivi, prema popisu iz 2011. godine, 4,284.889 stanovnika. Duæina je morske obale 5835 km zajedno s otocima, otoËiÊi ma i grebenima. Otoka, otoËiÊa i grebena ima 1185, a naseljeno je 47 otoka. Sluæbeni jezik jest hrvatski, a pismo latiniË no. NovËana jedinica − kuna. Glavni je grad Zagreb (790.017 stanovni ka), koji je ujedno administrativno, kulturno, akademsko i trgovaËko srediπte zemlje. Hrvatska je međunarodno priznata 15. siječnja 1992. godine, a od 1. srpnja 2013. g. Ëlanica je Europske unije. This is Croatia The Republic of Croatia lies along the east coast of the Adriatic Sea and its hinterland. It stretches from the slopes of the Alps in the north-west to the Pannonian Plain in the ea st. Its land area is 56,542 km2 and the area of its territorial sea is 31,067 km2. According to the 2011 census, Croatia’s population was 4,284,889. The length of its sea coast is 5835 km, including islands, islets and reefs. There are 1185 islands, islets and reefs, of which 47 islands are inhabited. The official language is Croatian, and the offi cial script is Latin. The currency is the Kuna. The capital is Zagreb (790,017 inhabitants), which is also the country’s administrative, cultural, academic and economic center. The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia was adopted on 22 December 1990, and the country received international recogniti on on 15 January 1992. Croatia became an EU member state on 1st July 2013. Nacionalni parkovi Hrvatska ima osam nacionalnih parkova, od kojih su Ëetiri u planinskom podruËju (Paklenica, PlitviËka jezera, Risnjak i Sje verni Velebit), a Ëetiri na obalnom podruËju (Brijuni, Kornati, Krka i Mljet). Njima, kao prostor osobito vrijedne prirodne baπtine,
treba pridodati i podruËja pod strogom zaπtitom prirode, rezervate, spomenike prirode, parkove prirode. Zbog svih njih Hrvatsku mnogi smatraju jednim od naj ljepπih europskih vrtova. National parks Croatia has eight national parks, four of which are located in the mountain region (Paklenica, Plitvice Lakes, Risnjak and Nor thern Velebit), and four in the coastal region (Brijuni, Kornati, Krka and Mljet). Besides these, certain areas under strict nature pro tection ∑ reserves, natural monuments and natural parks ∑ should be mentioned as a natural heritage of special value. They have all contributed to Croatia’s being considered one of the most beautiful gardens of Europe. Proπlost za sadaπnjost Hrvatska obiluje kulturno-povijesnim spo menicima iz svih razdoblja zbog burnih po vijesnih zbivanja i prepletanja utjecaja ra zliËitih kultura. Njezinu obalu karakteriziraju utjecaji mediteranske kulture, mnogi antiËki spomenici, spomenici iz rimskog razdoblja i ranoga srednjeg vijeka, romaniËko-sakral na baπtina te niz oËuvanih karakteristiËnih mediteranskih urbanih cjelina. Kontinen talna Hrvatska dio je srednjoeuropskoga kulturnog kruga i istiËe se mnogim prapo vijesnim nalazima svjetske vaænosti, starim gradovima, utvrdama i dvorcima kasnoga srednjeg vijeka, kulturnim spomenicima i arhitekturom iz razdoblja baroka. Tri hrvatske urbane cjeline i dva spome niËka kompleksa imaju status spomenika svjetske kulturne baπtine, koji dodjeljuje Unesco. To su kasnoantiËka Dioklecijanova palaËa, pregraena tijekom stoljeÊa u sred njovjekovni Split, gradovi Dubrovnik i Trogir te Eufrazijeva bazilika u PoreËu i katedrala sv. Jakova u ©ibeniku. Nacionalni park PlitviËka jezera, najljepπi i najpoznatiji hrvatski nacionalni park, tako er je dio Unescove Svjetske baπtine. A past for the present Croatia is rich in cultural and historical monuments from all eras, due to the turbulent events of history and the interlacing of in fluences of different cultures. Its coast is cha
racterized by the influences of Mediterranean culture, numerous ancient remains, monu ments of the Roman era and early Middle Ages, a Romanesque church heritage and a number of distinctive Mediterranean urban entities that have been preserved. Inland Croatia is a part of the Central European cul tural circle and is distinguished by numerous prehistoric findings of world significance, by old towns, fortresses and castles dating from the late Middle Ages, and cultural monuments and architecture from the Baroque era. Three Croatian cities and two monumental com-plexes have the status of monuments of world cultural heritage accorded by UNE SCO. These are the Late Antique Palace of Diocletian, remodeled through the centuries into the mediev al city of Split, the cities of Dubrovnik and Trogir, the Basilica of Euphra sius in PoreË and the Cathedral of St. Jacob in ©ibenik. The nation al park of the Plitvice Lakes, Cro atia’s most beautiful and celebrated national park, is also a part of UNESCO’s world heritage. Hrvatska - turistiËki hit na Sredozemlju Hrvatska je posljednjih godina − ocjenjuju meunarodni turistiËki znalci i statistiËari − hit-odrediπte na Sredozemlju. Hrvatska je blizu ne samo zbog svoga geografskog smještaja nego i zbog mreæe zraËnih luka i kvalitetnih usluga nacional nog avioprijevoznika Croatia Airlinesa te drugih zraËnih prijevoznika. I zbog svoje mreæe autocesta i poluautocesta Hrvatska je bliæa nego ikad. Ako ste pak odabrali odmor na jednome od mnogih hrvatskih otoka, prijevoz trajektom ili hidrogliserom s kopna trajat Êe − i kad su posrijedi oni najudaljeniji − kraÊe od 2 sata. Croatia - a Mediterranean tourism success Croatia has been a hit destination in the Mediterranean in the past few years, say statisticians and international experts in tourism. Croatia is close not only because of its geographic position, but also because of its network of airports and the top quality services provided by Croatia Airlines, its
national carrier, as well as other airliners. Also, due to its network of highways and semi-motorways, Croatia is closer than ever. If you have decided to spend your vacation on any one of the numerous islands in Croatia, even the most distant ones, it will take less than 2 hours by ferry or hydrofoil from the mainland. Novac i naËin plaÊanja Kuna je na ziv novËane jedinice Republi ke Hrvatske. U optjecaju su novËanice kuna (kn) i kovani novac kuna i lipa (lp), (100 lipa = 1 kuna). MoguÊe je plaÊanje
kreditnim kar ticama (Diners, Visa, Ame rican Expres s, Eurocard i Mastercard) i euroËekovima. Novac se moæe podizati i na bankomatima. Currency and payment methods The currency of the Republic of Croatia is called the Kuna (kn). In circulation are bank notes in Kuna and coins in Kuna and Lipa (lp) ∑ one hundredth. Payments can be made by credit card (Diners, Visa, American Express, Eurocard and Master card), as well as euro-checks. Cash can be withdrawn from ATMs.
ZEMLJOVID HRVATSKE MAP OF CROATIA Odrediπta Croatia Airlinesa Croatia Airlines destinations stalna / regular sezonska ljetna / seasonal in summer
motorway, fast roads toll station tunnel, bridge other main roads national parks nature parks international border crossing petrol stations (0-24) airports ferry routes UNESCO World Heritage
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A. Grubelić
A. Grubelić
Zračnu povezanost unutar Hrvatske i nadalje ćemo osiguravati letovima u domaćem redovitom prometu između zračnih luka Zagreb, Split, Dubrovnik, Osijek, Zadar, Brač i Pula te ćemo maksimalno brinuti o sigurnosti svih naših putnika, pridržavajući se aktualnih epidemioloških mjera.
Novosti u ljetnom redu letenja Tijekom ljetnih mjeseci Croatia Airlines planira dodatno širenje mreže letova iz Zagreba i jadranskih odredišta kompanije prema europskim metropolama te bi se putnicima nudila putovanja u 18 europskih i 7 hrvatskih odredišta. Iz Zagreba su planirani redoviti međunarodni letovi u 14 europskih odredišta − Amsterdam, Atenu, Beč, Bruxelles, Dublin, Frankfurt, Kopenhagen, London, München, Pariz, Rim (via Split), Sarajevo, Skoplje i Zürich. Zračna luka Split tijekom ljetne sezone trebala bi biti povezana s ukupno 12 inozemnih odredišta. Novost su sezonski letovi na liniji Split − Prag subotom u razdoblju od kraja lipnja do sredine rujna, a povratne zrakoplovne karte na ovoj liniji dostupne su po promo-
tivnoj cijeni već od 139 eura. Osim s Pragom, zrakoplovi Croatia Airlinesa trebali bi povezivati Split s Bečom, Berlinom, Düsseldorfom, Frankfurtom, Kopenhagenom, Londonom, Lyonom, Münchenom, Parizom, Rimom i Zürichom. Također, u planu su izravni letovi iz Dubrovnika u Atenu, Frankfurt, München, Pariz, Rim i Zürich te iz Rijeke u München. Kako bi osigurao povezanost i snažno podržao turistički proizvod Republike Hrvatske, Croatia Airlines tijekom ljetne sezone na letovima iz europskih odredišta prema Hrvatskoj planira ponuditi više od 80.000 sjedala mjesečno, a u suradnji s mnogim turoperatorima predviđeno je i više od 200 turističkih čarter (izvanrednih) letova s tržišta Austrije, Italije, Irske, Izraela i Skandinavije.
News in the summer timetable During the summer months, Croatia Airlines is planning to further expand its network of international destinations from Zagreb and the company’s Adriatic destinations to European cities. Accordingly, Croatia Airlines is planning to offer flights to 18 European and 7 Croatian destinations. From Zagreb, Croatia Airlines is looking to operate scheduled international flights to 14 European destinations − Amsterdam, Athens, Vienna, Brussels, Dublin, Frankfurt, Copenhagen, London, Munich, Paris, Rome (via Split), Sarajevo, Skopje and Zurich. During the summer season, Split Airport should be connected to a total of 12 foreign destinations. The introduction of seasonal flights from Split to Prague (on Saturdays) in the period between the end of June and mid-September is a novelty. Return tickets on the Split-Prague route are already available at a promotional price of 139 EUR. Besides Prague, Croatia Airlines will be flying from Split to Vienna, Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Copenhagen, London, Lyon, Munich, Paris, Rome and Zurich. Also, the company is planning to operate direct flights from Dubrovnik to Athens, Frankfurt, Munich, Paris, Rome and Zurich, and from Rijeka to Munich. To ensure connectivity and to support the tourism product of the Republic of Croatia as strongly as possible, Croatia Airlines is planning to offer over 80,000 seats on flights from European destinations to Croatia during the summer season. Moreover, in collaboration with many tour operators, more than 200 charter flights are planned from Austria, Italy, Ireland, Israel and Scandinavia. Taking all necessary measures to maintain the protection of the health and safety of passengers at the highest possible level and adhering to all current public health and safety measures, Croatia Airlines is continuing to connect Croatian cities and regions via scheduled domestic traffic
between the airports of Zagreb, Split, Dubrovnik, Osijek, Zadar, Brač and Pula. Prevezli smo grupu putničkih agenata iz SAD-a Na letu iz Dubrovnika za Zagreb 30. travnja bilo nam je zadovoljstvo prevesti grupu putničkih agenata iz Amerike. U organizaciji agencije RealCroatia i predstavništva Hrvatske turističke zajednice u SAD-u, u Hrvatskoj se održalo prvo organizirano putovanje turističkih agenata iz Amerike u Europu od pojave globalne pandemije koronavirusa. U programu ovoga putovanja sudjelovalo je osam američkih putničkih agentica, čije su agencije usko specijalizirane za putovanja u segmentu luksuznog turizma, a koje su obišle reprezentativne hrvatske destinacije − Zagreb, Plitvička jezera, Zadar, Trogir, Split, Hvar, Pelješac i Dubrovnik.
zahvalio svim putnicima na povjerenju u proteklih trideset godina i istaknuo kako će kvaliteta usluge i sigurnost letenja i dalje biti prioriteti u poslovanju kompanije. Na mjestu gdje su prije tri desetljeća doputovali prvi putnici naše kompanije istaknuo je: − Croatia Airlines redovitim domaćim letovima već 30 godina osigurava kontinuiranu prometnu povezanost hrvatskih gradova i regija, a mrežom međunarodnih letova putnicima istodobno pružamo cjelogodišnju povezanost sa svijetom. I u ovim izvanrednim okolnostima kompanija ni u jednom trenutku nije prekinula letenje, čime je dodatno potvrdila da predstavlja strateški dio hrvatske prometne infrastrukture te da snažno pridonosi kvaliteti hrvatskoga turističkog proizvoda.
The 30th anniversary of our first passenger flight celebrated in Split Our first commercial flight was operated on 5th May 1991 from Zagreb to Split. That flight represented the establishment of scheduled air traffic within the borders of Croatia, with which the Republic of Croatia achieved its dream of establishing its own flag carrier airline company. Celebrating the 30th anniversary of the company’s first flight, all passengers on Croatia Airlines’ OU652 flight from Zagreb to Split were gifted a free return ticket to a destination of their choice from Croatia Airlines’ domestic network of destinations. After Croatia Airlines’ Dash 8-Q400 aircraft landed at Split Airport on 5th May, a celebration was held, at which Slaven Žabo, Commercial Division Director at Croatia Airlines, thanked all pas-
A. Grubelić
A group of travel agents from the USA flew with us On 30th April, we were pleased to fly a group of travel agents from the United States of America on our flight from Dubrovnik to Zagreb. Organised by the RealCroatia travel agency and the Croatian National Tourist Board office in the USA, the first organised tour of American travel agents to Europe since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic was around Croatia. The tour was taken by eight American travel agents, whose agencies specialise in luxury holidays. On their tour of Croatia, they visited the following attractive destinations − Zagreb, the Plitvice Lakes, Zadar, Trogir, Split, Hvar, the Pelješac Peninsula, and Dubrovnik.
A. Grubelić
U Splitu obilježena trideseta obljetnica našeg prvoga putničkoga leta Naš prvi komercijalni let obavljen je 5. svibnja 1991. godine na liniji Zagreb − Split, a njime je uspostavljen redoviti zračni promet unutar Hrvatske i ostvaren san o hrvatskoj zrakoplovnoj kompaniji. U povodu tridesete obljetnice prvoga leta svi putnici na našem letu OU652 Zagreb − Split nagrađeni su besplatnom povratnom kartom po izboru za naše letove u domaćem prometu. Nakon slijetanja zrakoplova Dash 8-Q400 u splitskoj zračnoj luci 5. svibnja ove godine, održana je i prigodna svečanost na kojoj je Slaven Žabo, naš direktor komercijalnih poslova,
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sengers for their trust over the past thirty years, and pointed out that the quality of service and flight safety continue to be priorities in the company’s business operations. At the place where the company’s first passengers landed three decades ago, he highlighted the following: − Croatia Airlines’ scheduled domestic flights have been connecting Croatian cities and regions uninterruptedly for 30 years already, and offering passengers year-round connections with the world through its network of international flights. Even in these extraordinary circumstances, the company has never stopped flying, which only confirms that Croatia Airlines represents a strategic segment of Croatia’s transport infrastructure and that it strongly contributes to the quality of Croatia’s tourism product.
Star Alliance osniva centar izvrsnosti u Singapuru Potkraj ove godine Star Alliance osnovat će upravljački ured u Singapuru. Tu je odluku donio izvršni odbor u čijem su sastavu izvršni direktori 26 avioprijevoznika u članstvu udruge, koji smatraju da će novi centar izvrsnosti biti važna dimenzija u ostvarenju strategije Star Alliancea za poslovanje nakon pandemije koronavirusa i u daljnjoj inovativnosti, otpornosti i agilnosti saveza. Svi sektori poslovanja grade viziju svijeta nakon pandemije, koja će se značajno promijeniti. Zbog globalne reakcije na COVID-19 došlo je i do destabilizacije zrakoplovnoga sektora te je u takvim okvirima donesena odluka da se osigura budućnost Star Alliancea. Star Alliance imat će dva međunarodna centra izvrsnosti. Ured u Singapuru upotpunit će rad dugogodišnjeg ureda u Frankfurtu, a bavit će se ponajprije unapređenjem strategije digitalnog iskustva putnika. Dvije članice saveza, Lufthansa i Singapore Airlines, uspostavile su inovacijske centre u Singapuru, što je dodatna prednost u promicanju ključnih inovacija u digitalnom iskustvu korisnika. Star Alliance to set up a centre of excellence in Singapore Star Alliance is setting up a management office in the city-state of Singapore later this year. This decision was taken by its Chief Executive Board, comprising the Chief Executive Officers of its 26 member airlines, who concluded that a new centre of excellence will be an important dimension in implementing and delivering Star Alliance’s post-Coronavirus business strategy, and in furthering the Alliance’s innovativeness, resilience and agility. All business sectors are developing a vision of a post-pandemic world, which has been fundamentally changed by COVID-19. Due to the associated disruption to global networks, the aviation sector has been destabilised. Given such circumstances, a decision was made to ensure the future of Star Alliance. Star Alliance will maintain two centres of excellence internationally. The Singapore office will complement the work done at the Alliance’s long-standing office in Frankfurt and will primarily focus on advancing the Alliance’s digital customer experience strategy. Two members of Star Alliance, Lufthansa and Singapore Airlines, have set up innovation hubs in Singapore, another benefit as the Alliance continues to promote ground-breaking innovations in the domain of digital customer experience.
Leisure & PLeasure
a r t i s a n o r g a n ic co ffe e · fr e s H Ho m e m a de deL i c ac i es H e a Lt H y s e a s o n a L o r g a n i c i n g r e d i e n t s
r e s e r vat i o n s a n d i n f o t +385 (0)20 222 222 / +385 (0)20 222 000 s a L e s@o n e s u i t e H ot e L.co m | o n e s u i t e H ot e L.co m f i n d u s at: d r. f r a n j e t u đ m a n a 1 / 20207 m L i n i
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Flavours of Croatia Reintroducing in-flight meals inspired by Croatia.
Obroci inspirirani Hrvatskom ponovno na našim letovima
sengers to the richness and diversity of the foods and drinks of the different parts of Croatia. As a recognisable brand in Europe and the world, we actively contribute to the development of the tourism potential of Croatia by cooperating continuously with the Croatian National Tourist Board and local tourist boards, and by promoting the unique and attractive national and local tourist specificities. An unavoidable part of these specificities includes the presentation of different foods and drinks from the different parts of Croatia through our in-flight services, which allows passengers to experience the smells and tastes that await them on their travel to Croatia. We strive to stand out amongst other airlines by introducing new products and enhancing our services continuously. We follow trends, but we also create our own, looking to be different and recognisable, and to contribute to the promotion of Croatia in a very demanding international market.
njihovu putovanju Hrvatskom. Nastojimo se razlikovati od drugih aviokompanija konstantnim uvođenjem novih proizvoda te stalno unapređujući uslugu. Pratimo trendove, ali i stvaramo vlastite kako bismo bili drugačiji i prepoznatljivi te kako bismo pridonijeli još snažnijoj promidžbi naše domovine na vrlo zahtjevnome međunarodnom tržištu. We’ve welcomed the easing of public health and safety measures in both Croatia and many other European countries. This has allowed us to re-introduce our in-flight food and beverage service in line with the current situation. In our business class on long-haul international flights, passengers are now served meals consisting of prosciutto, cheese, crackers, olive paste and fried almonds, while on domestic and short-haul international flights they are served a snack consisting of Istrian sausage, cheese and olives, and yogurt and cantuccini. On all our flights, business class passengers are served our standard offer of drinks. In our economy class, passengers on international flights are served a snack featuring typical Dalmatian spices and olive oil. As of 1st July, the Sky Shop service is also available. This also expands our offer of foods and beverages, and enables you to buy Croatian products during your flight. Croatia Airlines − Croatia’s flag carrier and a company that continuously enhances its services − wishes to introduce its pas-
R. Botteri
S veseljem smo dočekali ublažavanje epidemioloških mjera u našoj zemlji, ali i u mnogim drugim europskim zemljama. To nam je omogućilo da našim putnicima ponovno pružimo uslugu hrane i pića na našim letovima u skladu s aktualnom situacijom. U poslovnom razredu na dugim međunarodnim letovima putnicima se sada poslužuju obroci sastavljeni od pršuta, sira, krekera, paste od maslina te prženih badema, a na domaćim i kratkim međunarodnim letovima snack s istarskom kobasicom, sirom i maslinama te jogurt s pandoletima. Na svim letovima putnike poslovnog razreda očekuje uobičajena ponuda pića. U ekonomskom razredu putnici na međunarodnim letovima mogu kušati snackove s karakterističnim dalmatinskim začinima i maslinovim uljem. Od 1. srpnja dostupna je i usluga prodaje Sky Shop, kojom proširujemo ponudu hrane i pića te omogućujemo kupnju hrvatskih proizvoda u zrakoplovu. Croatia Airlines, kao nacionalni avioprijevoznik i kompanija koja kontinuirano unapređuje uslugu, putnicima želi približiti gastronomsko i enološko bogatstvo različitih dijelova Hrvatske. Kao prepoznatljiv brend u Europi i svijetu, aktivno pridonosimo razvoju turističkih potencijala naše zemlje, kontinuirano surađujući s Hrvatskom turističkom zajednicom kao i s lokalnim turističkim zajednicama te promičući specifične i zanimljive nacionalne i lokalne turističke sadržaje. Nezaobilazan dio tih sadržaja uključuje upravo gastronomsko i enološko predstavljanje različitih dijelova Hrvatske kroz uslugu na našim letovima, što putnicima omogućuje da već u našem zrakoplovu osjete mirise i okuse koji ih očekuju na
R. Botteri
In-flight meals inspired by Croatia reintroduced
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S nama putujete sigurno You travel safely with us
Š. Lugarov
Piše/By _ Ana Ćulumović Šoštarić
Dobili smo nacionalnu oznaku sigurnosti − Safe stay in Croatia
inistarstvo turizma i sporta i Hrvatska turistička zajednica sredinom veljače pokrenuli su kampanju za nacionalnu oznaku Safe stay in Croatia, koja domaćim i stranim turistima jamči da se u Hrvatskoj primjenjuju zdravstveni i sigurnosni protokoli, što je za vrijeme globalne pandemije koronavirusa iznimno važno. Nacionalnu oznaku sigurnosnih protokola u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu Safe stay in Croatia dobila je i naša kompanija, a oznaka našim putnicima jamči da smo usvojili nacionalne i svjetske standarde zdravstvene i higijenske zaštite te siguran let do željenog odredišta. Oznaku dodjeljuje Ministarstvo turizma i sporta, koje i nadzire njezinu primjenu. Protokoli su usklađeni s preporukama Hrvatskog zavoda za javno zdravstvo (HZJZ) i Svjetskog vijeća za putovanja i turizam. Oznaka uključuje i naljepnicu s QR kodom koja vodi na posebnu internetsku stranicu www.safestayincroatia.hr, na kojoj se mogu pretraživati svi dionici turističkog sektora koji nose oznaku Safe stay in Croatia, pronaći relevantne informacije o zdravstvenim i sigurnosnim protokolima u sedam osnovnih kategorija te informacije kako postupiti u slučaju sumnje na zarazu virusom COVID-19.
Uvođenje ove oznake iznimno je važno u brendiranju Hrvatske kao sigurne destinacije te se nastavlja na prošlogodišnju oznaku Safe Travels Svjetskog vijeća za putovanja i turizam (WTTC) za lakše prepoznavanje destinacija i kompanija koje poštuju globalne standardizirane protokole za zdravlje i higijenu. U tu se inicijativu odmah uključilo i naše Ministarstvo turizma i sporta te je usuglašavanje sigurnosnih protokola bio jedan od prvih zadataka Savjeta za oporavak i razvoj turizma, realizaciju turističke 2021. godine i unapređenje turističke ponude. Uvjereni smo da će se uz pridržavanje sigurnosnih mjera održati povoljna epidemiološka situacija u našoj zemlji te da ćemo i ove godine, povezujući domaće i strane destinacije, sigurno prevesti mnoge turiste te im omogućiti ugodan boravak u željenoj destinaciji. Također, vjerujemo da smo dobivanjem oznake Safe stay in Croatia pridonijeli pozicioniranju Hrvatske kao sigurne europske destinacije. We’ve been awarded Croatia’s national label of safety − Safe Stay in Croatia
n mid-February, Croatia’s Ministry of Tourism and Sport, and the Croatian National Tourist Board launched a campaign for Croatia’s national label of safety − Safe
Stay in Croatia. The label is a guarantee that health and safety protocols are implemented in Croatia, which is of paramount importance during the global coronavirus pandemic. Our company was also awarded the Safe Stay in Croatia national label of safety. The label’s a guarantee that we have adopted national and international health and safety standards, and that our flights to your desired destination are safe. The Safe Stay in Croatia national label of safety is awarded by the Ministry of Tourism and Sport, which also supervises its implementation. The protocols are in line with the guidelines prescribed by the Croatian Institute of Public Health and the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC). The label also includes a sticker with a QR code that links you to www.safestayincroatia.hr. This website lists all the stakeholders in the tourism sector that have been awarded the Safe Stay in Croatia label, relevant information on health and safety protocols in seven basic holidaying categories and information on what to do in case of a suspected COVID-19 infection. At Croatia Airlines, the sticker with the QR code is displayed in a visible place in all our aircraft and at our points of sale, and is accessible on our website and all our internal communication channels.
Latest info: www.croatiaairlines.com
Kao jednom od ključnih segmenata društvene odgovornosti naglasak je stavljen na sigurnost i to u svim segmentima našeg poslovanja. Safety − one of the key segments of our corporate social responsibility − is what we place emphasis on in all segments of our business operations. The introduction of the Safe Stay in Croatia national label of safety is extremely important in branding Croatia as a safe destination and builds on WTTC’s Safe Travels label from last year, which was created for travellers to recognise destinations and businesses around the world which have adopted the Safe Travels health and hygiene global standardised protocols. Croatia’s Ministry of Tourism and Sport joined this initiative immediately, and the harmonisation of safety protocols was one of the very first tasks of the Tourism Repair and Development Council, with a view to facilitating and implementing the 2021 tourist season and to bettering the services and products on offer in the tourism sector. We’re convinced that, if the safety guidelines are followed, the public health and safety situation will remain favourable in Croatia and that, by connecting national and foreign destinations, we’ll safely fly many tourists this year, making sure that their stay in the desired destination is as pleasant as possible. We also believe that, by having been awarded the Safe Stay in Croatia national label of safety, we’re helping the positioning of Croatia as a safe European destination.
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Visa Gold Croatia Airlines kartica - 5 kuna = 1 nagradna milja − za svakih 5 kuna potrošenih preko ove kartice, bilježi se 1 nagradna milja - 2000 milja dobrodošlice na Miles & More računu za nove korisnike - 1000 milja dobrodošlice za dodatnog člana - Putno osiguranje - Milje ne zastarijevaju - Dvostruke nagradne milje − za plaćanje u poslovnicama Croatia Airlinesa i PBZ Card Travela Diners Club Croatia Airlines kreditna kartica - 5 kuna = 1 nagradna milja − za svakih 5 kuna potrošenih preko ove kartice, bilježi se 1 nagradna milja. - Prikupljajte nagradne milje svuda − jednostavno plaćajte svojom Diners Club karticom na bilo kojemu od 12,000.000 DC prodajnih mjesta u zemlji i inozemstvu. - 2 kartice − 1 račun Miles & More − koristite li se istodobno privatnom i poslovnom karticom Diners Cluba i Croatia Airlinesa, prikupljene nagradne milje zbrajaju se na istom računu Miles & More.
Visa Gold Croatia Airlines card - 5 HRK = 1 award mile − for every 5 HRK spent via this card, you collect 1 mile - 2000 welcome miles on Miles & More account for new basic and 1000 welcome miles for new additional card users - Travel insurance - Miles do not expire - Earn double award miles − using the card to pay at Croatia Airlines and PBZ Card Travel
Diners Club Croatia Airlines credit card - 5 HRK = 1 award mile − for every 5 HRK spent via this card, you collect 1 mile - Collect award miles everywhere − simply pay with your Diners Club Card in any of 12 million DC offices in Croatia or abroad - 2 credit cards − 1 Miles & More membership account − use your private and business card to collect award miles on the same membership account
VISA Croatia Airlines kreditna kartica Croatia Airlines i Erste Card Club nude i VISA Croatia Airlines samostalnu karticu, poslovnu i privatnu. Potrošnja od 14 kuna u Hrvatskoj na samostalnim karticama donosi 1 nagradnu Miles & More milju, a za potrošenih 7 kuna u inozemstvu dobiva se preko kartica u paketu 1 nagradna Miles & More milja.
VISA Croatia Airlines credit card Croatia Airlines and Erste Card Club offer a VISA Croatia Airlines standalone credit card, both business and private. You will get 1 Miles & More award mile for every 14 HRK spent via standalone credit card whereas for every 7 HRK spent abroad via companion credit cards 1 Miles & More award mile will be credited to your account.
Više informacija možete pronaći na:
Please find detailed info at:
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Dopuštena ručna prtljaga za putnike ekonomskog razreda je 1 komad, a za putnike poslovnog razreda 2 komada (težine do 8 kg i zbroja dimenzija do 115 cm) Veće komade ručne prtljage spremite u pretince, a manje torbe označene privjeskom Prtljaga za avion stavite ispod sjedala ispred vas, osim u redovima kod izlaza za slučaj opasnosti. Dodatno, svaki putnik može ponijeti u kabinu: - 1 komad osobne prtljage najveće dopuštene veličine 40x30x10 cm - putuje li s djetetom do 2 g. - 1 dječja kolica ili autosjedalicu ili nosiljku te hranu za bebe - bolesne i invalidne osobe mogu ponijeti ortopedska pomagala ili protetske naprave
The hand baggage allowance for economy class passengers is 1 piece and for business class passengers 2 pieces (weighing up to 8 kg, whose total sum of dimensions does not exceed 115 cm). Your hand baggage must be stowed in overhead compartments. All smaller bags with a Carry-on Baggage tag must be placed under the seat in front of you, except in emergency exit rows. Each passenger may additionally take into the passenger cabin the following: - 1 personal item whose maximum size does not exceed 40x30x10 cm (16x12x4 in); - each passenger travelling with a child under 2 years of age is also allowed to take aboard 1 infant's carrying basket or a fully collapsible stroller/pushchair or a car seat and baby food; - disabled passengers may also take 1 pair of crutches and/or braces or any other prosthetic device.
20 cm 100ml
30 cm
20 cm TEKUĆINE U RUČNOJ PRTLJAZI U zrakoplov se smiju unositi: - tekućine kupljene u duty free prodavaonicama ili u zrakoplovu, pod uvjetom da su spremljene u prozirne plastične vrećice, zapečaćene prilikom kupnje (STEB) i ne smiju se otvarati do krajnjeg odredišta - tekućine pakirane u pojedinačnim pakiranjima do 100 ml ili 100 g u prozirnoj plastičnoj vrećici sa zatvaračem do 1 litre - tekućine koje se tijekom leta koriste u medicinske svrhe ili zbog posebnih prehrambenih potreba (dječja hrana). Ostale tekućine mogu se prevoziti u predanoj prtljazi. LIQUIDS IN YOUR HAND BAGGAGE
Carry-on baggage
10 cm
Please place this bag under the seat in front of you.
The following can be taken aboard our aircraft:
Not for exit rows.
40 cm
55 cm
20 cm
40 cm
- liquids purchased in airside duty free shops past the airport security check, provided they are stored in transparent plastic bags, sealed when purchased (STEB) and remain unopened until your final destination; - liquids packed in individual packaging up to 100 ml or 100 gr and stored in a transparent plastic bag with a zipper (up to maximally 1 litre); - liquids that are to be used during flights for medical purposes or for special nutritional needs (baby food). Other liquids can be transported in your checked baggage.
o ŽIVOTINJE U PUTNIČKOJ KABINI ŽIVOTINJE U PUTNIČKOJ KABINI U kabini se istodobno mogu prevoziti samo dvije životinje - dva psa ili dvije U kabini se istodobno mogu prevoziti mačke. Prijevoz psa i mačke na istome samo dvije životinje - dva psa ili dvije letu nije dozvoljen. Životinje mogu mačke. Prijevoz psa i mačke na istome putovati isključivo u torbi za nošenje i letu nije dozvoljen. Životinje mogu prijevoz kućnih ljubimaca, a tijekom putovati isključivo u torbi za nošenje i cijeloga leta moraju biti u torbi ispod prijevoz kućnih ljubimaca, a tijekom prednjeg sjedala. Životinje koje se zbog cijeloga leta moraju biti u torbi ispod veličine ne mogu prevoziti u putničkoj prednjeg sjedala. Životinje koje se zbog kabini prevoze se u prtljažniku zrakoploveličine ne mogu prevoziti u putničkoj va. Putnik je dužan pribaviti potrebnu kabini prevoze se u prtljažniku zrakoplodokumentaciju. Prijevoz životinja treba va. Putnik je dužan pribaviti potrebnu unaprijed rezervirati i dodatno se plaća dokumentaciju. Prijevoz životinja treba u poslovnicama. unaprijed rezervirati i dodatno se plaća u poslovnicama. ANIMALS IN THE PASSENGER CABIN ANIMALS IN THE PASSENGER CABIN On the same flight, only two animals can be transported at the same time On the same flight, only two animals either two dogs or two cats. The can be transported at the same time transportation of dogs and cats on the either two dogs or two cats. The same flight is not permitted. A passentransportation of dogs and cats on the ger can carry only one pet bag to be same flight is not permitted. A passenheld under the seat in front of the ger can carry only one pet bag to be passenger throughout the entire flight. held under the seat in front of the Animals that cannot be transported in passenger throughout the entire flight. the passenger cabin due to their size Animals that cannot be transported in are transported in the aircraft hold if the passenger cabin due to their size they meet certain conditions. Passenare transported in the aircraft hold if gers are required to obtain all the they meet certain conditions. Passennecessary documentation. Animal gers are required to obtain all the transportation must be booked in necessary documentation. Animal advance at an additional charge to be transportation must be booked in paid in any branch office. advance at an additional charge to be paid in any branch office.
ELEKTRONIČKI UREĐAJI U RUČNOJ PRTLJAZI Upotreba elektroničkih uređaja dopuštena je isključivo u zrakoplovnom radu, a teže i veće uređaje potrebno je pospremiti dok je upaljen znak obaveznoga vezanja.
Dopuštene elektroničke naprave: -ELEKTRONIČKI mobilni / pametni telefoni U RUČNOJ UREĐAJI -PRTLJAZI tablet računala - slušalice za suzbijanje buke -Upotreba digitalni audio / MP3 uređaji elektroničkih uređaja dopuštena -jeelektroničke isključivo u igre zrakoplovnom radu, a teže i -veće e-čitači uređaje potrebno je pospremiti dok je -upaljen prijenosna notebook računala znak/ obaveznoga vezanja. - prijenosni DVD / CD uređaji -Dopuštene Bluetooth uređaji elektroničke naprave: - kamere mobilni / pametni telefoni - medicinski uređaji tablet računala - električni brijaći aparatibuke slušalice za suzbijanje Zabranjene elektroničke naprave: - digitalni audio / MP3 uređaji - elektronički elektroničkeuređaji igre za simuliranje pušenja - samobalansirajući uređaji koji sadrže e-čitači litijeve baterije nisu dozvoljeni u ručnoj i - prijenosna / notebook računala predanoj prtljazi - prijenosni DVD / CD uređaji - Bluetooth uređaji - kamere ELECTRONIC DEVICES IN YOUR HAND - medicinski uređaji BAGGAGE - električni brijaći aparati Zabranjene elektroničke naprave: The use of electronic devices is allowed - elektronički uređaji za simuliranje pušenja only in airplane mode. Heavy and large - samobalansirajući uređaji koji sadrže devices must be stored away while the i litijeve baterije nisu dozvoljeni u ručnoj seat belt sign is on. predanoj prtljazi Electronic devices allowed aboard our aircraft: ELECTRONIC DEVICES IN YOUR HAND -BAGGAGE mobile/smart telephones - tablet computers -The noise-cancelling headphones use of electronic devices is allowed -only digital audio/MP3 players in airplane mode. Heavy and large -devices electronic games must be stored away while the -seat e-book readers belt sign is on. - laptop/notebook computers devicesplayers allowed aboard our -Electronic portable DVD/CD -aircraft: Bluetooth devices mobile/smart telephones - cameras tablet computers - medical devices noise-cancelling - electric shavers headphones - digital audio/MP3 Electronic devices players not allowed aboard - electronic our aircraft:games - e-book electric readers smoking simulation devices - laptop/notebook self-balancing devices that run on computers lithium batteries areplayers not allowed in either - portable DVD/CD your hand baggage - Bluetooth devices or checked baggage
ZABRANJENI PREDMETI Zakonom je zabranjeno nošenje opasnoga materijala u ručnoj i predanoj prtljazi. To su eksplozivi, lako zapaljive tekućine i - cameras čvrste tvari, radioaktivni materijali, - medical devices infektivne tvari i otrovi, oružje, stlačeni - electric shavers i oksidirajuća sredstva plinovi, korozivna itd. Electronic devices not allowed aboard our aircraft: ITEMS NOT ALLOWED - electric smoking simulation devices - self-balancing devices that run on The carrying of hazardous items and lithium batteries are not allowed in either materials in either your hand baggage or your hand baggage or checked baggage checked baggage is prohibited by law. These are explosives, flammable liquids and solids, radioactive materials, infectious substances and poisons, weapons, compressed gases, corrosive and oxidising agents, etc.
ZABRANJENI PREDMETI Zakonom je zabranjeno nošenje opasnoga materijala u ručnoj i predanoj prtljazi. USLUGA TIJEKOM To su eksplozivi, lakoLETA zapaljive tekućine i čvrste tvari, radioaktivni materijali, infektivne tvarii ipića otrovi, oružje, stlačeni Svi su obroci u našim zrakoplovima plinovi, korozivna i oksidirajuća sredstva besplatni, a usluga ovisi o razredu itd. prijevoza, duljini leta i dobu dana. Nudimo vam mogućnost kupnje na letu u našem ITEMS NOT Za ALLOWED Sky shopu. posebne prigode postoji mogućnost kupnje torte i pjenušca koje The carrying of hazardous items and poslužujemo na letu. Dopuštena je materials in either your hand baggage or konzumacija samo onih alkoholnih pića checked baggage is prohibited by law. koja suare poslužena u zrakoplovu. These explosives, flammable liquids and solids, radioactive materials, infectious SERVICE DURING FLIGHTS substances and poisons, weapons, compressed gases, corrosive and All meals agents, and drinks oxidising etc.aboard our aircraft are free of charge, and the service offered depends on the travel class, the length of flight and the part of day of the flight. During your flight, you can shop in our Sky Shop. For special occasions, a cake and sparkling wine can be purchased to be served during the flight. The consumption of only those alcoholic beverages that are served aboard our aircraft is allowed.
www.croatiaairlines.com CROATIA AIRLINES 2/2021 _ 125
COVID-19 ZAŠTITIMO SE Pomozite nam u očuvanju vašeg zdravlja i sigurnosti pridržavajući se sljedećih važnih uputa: - Započnite putovanje samo ako se osjećate zdravo. Imate li povišenu tjelesnu temperaturu, gubitak osjeta njuha i okusa, jaki kašalj i kratki dah te ako je vaše zdravstveno stanje loše molimo vas da odgodite svoje putovanje. - U kabinu zrakoplova unesite što manje ručne prtljage kako biste smanjili fizički kontakt. Ponesite samo osobne i vrijedne stvari dozvoljene veličine (torbice, manje ruksake i torbe za prijenosna računala). - Na svim našim letovima obvezno je nositi vlastitu medicinsku masku preko usta i nosa. Iznimke su moguće samo za djecu mlađu od šest godina i putnike s invaliditetom koji imaju liječničku potvrdu i negativan PCR test koji je izdan do 48 sati prije leta. To se odnosi i na odlazni i na povratni let. - Viziri nisu dopušteni kao zamjena za pokrivala za lice na našim letovima jer ne pružaju adekvatnu zaštitu. Viziri sprečavaju kapljično prenošenje s prednje strane, no protok zraka s bočnih strana i dalje je moguć. - U toaletima u svim našim zrakoplovima na raspolaganju su vam sredstva za dezinfekciju ruku. - Za svakog putnika osigurali smo vlažne maramice kojima možete prebrisati sjedalo (naslon, rukohvate, otvore za ventilaciju i sl.). - Obratite pažnju na sigurnosnu demonstraciju. Čak i ako ne letite prvi put, korisno je pratiti demonstraciju o sigurnosti leta svaki put. - Preporučujemo vam da budete vezani tijekom cijeloga leta. - Usluga na našem letu prilagođena je i pojednostavljena za vrijeme pandemije. - U zrakoplovu nije dopuštena konzumacija vlastitog alkoholnog pića. - Kad kašljete ili kišete, prekrijte usta i nos maramicom ili laktom. - Izbjegavajte bespotrebno dodirivanje površina i korištenje otvora za ventilaciju. - Na nekim međunarodnim letovima potrebno je ispuniti obrazac za prikupljanje podataka o lociranju putnika.
Obrasce PLF (Passenger Locator Form) možete pronaći na našoj web stranici (www.croatiaairlines.com/hr/Vazna-obavijest/Informacije-za-punike-vezane -za-COVID-19/Uvjeti-ulaska-u-drzavu). Molimo da ponesete vlastitu kemijsku olovku za obrasce koje je potrebno ispuniti ručno ili da ih ispunite prije leta te ponesete sa sobom. Za nepraćenu djecu PLF obrazac obvezno je unaprijed ispuniti. - Ne fotografirajte posadu i putnike. Fotografiranje i snimanje u zrakoplovu moguće je jedino uz dopuštenje posade. - Kad izlazite iz zrakoplova, držite minimalnu dopuštenu udaljenost i cijelo vrijeme nosite zaštitnu masku do izlaska iz odredišne zračne luke. - Molimo vas da u svakom trenutku slijedite upute naše posade. Ako se putnik u zrakoplovu ponaša tako da ugrožava zrakoplov, bilo koju osobu ili imovinu u zrakoplovu, zadržavamo pravo stavljanja putnika na crnu listu.
- Hand disinfectants are available in the lavatories of all our aircraft. - We provide each passenger with wet wipes with which to wipe their seat (backrest, armrest, ventilation openings, etc.). - Pay attention to the pre-flight safety briefing. Even if you’re not flying for the first time, following the pre-flight safety briefing is useful every time. - We recommend that you keep your seat belt fastened throughout the entire flight. - Inflight services have been adjusted and reduced during the pandemic. - The consumption of alcoholic beverages which you take on board with you is not allowed aboard our aircraft. - While coughing or sneezing, make sure you cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or you cough or sneeze into your elbow. - Avoid touching surfaces and using ventilation openings unless necessarily.
COVID-19 HELP US PROTECT YOU Help us protect your health and safety by following these important guidelines: - Start your journey only if you feel healthy. If you have a fever, if you’ve lost your sense of smell and taste, if you’ve got a bad cough or if you’re experiencing shortness of breath, and if your health is poor, please postpone your flight. - Take as little hand luggage as possible into the passenger cabin to reduce physical contact. Take only personal items and valuables of the size allowed (handbags, smaller backpacks and laptop bags). - The wearing of medical face protective mask covering your mouth and nose is mandatory on all our flights, with the exception of children under the age of six and passengers with disabilities who must provide a medical certificate and a negative PCR test issued no more than 48 hours prior to departure. This applies to both outbound and inbound flights. - Visors are not allowed as a substitute for face masks or face covers on our flights because they do not provide adequate protection. Visors prevent the spread of droplets only from the front, but not from the sides of your face.
- On some international flights it is necessary to fill in a Passenger Locator Form. The PLF forms can be found on our web page at https:// m.croatiaairlines.com/Importantnotice/Important-informationabout-COVID-19/Entry-requirements/ We kindly ask you to bring your own pen for the forms that need to be filled in manually or to fill them out before your departure and bring them with you. For unaccompanied minors it is mandatory to fill in this form in advance. - You are not allowed to take photographs of the crew and passengers. You must obtain permission from the crew to take photographs and to film while aboard the aircraft. - While exiting the aircraft, maintain social distancing and wear a face mask or face cover at all times until you exit the airport building. - Please follow the instructions of our crew at all times. We reserve the right to blacklist passengers aboard the aircraft whose behaviour poses a threat to the safety of the aircraft itself, any person or property aboard the aircraft.
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Mobilna aplikacija Croatia Airlinesa vaš najbolji suputnik!
S. Jungić
Croatia Airlines mobile app your best travel companion!
Dolazni terminali / Arrival terminals
Preuzmite našu mobilnu aplikaciju i imat ćete sve što vam je potrebno prije i za vrijeme leta nadohvat ruke: kupnja aviokarata, red letenja, status leta, check-in, ponude i još mnogo toga... Aplikacija je dostupna na hrvatskom, engleskom, njemačkom i francuskom jeziku. Download it and have everything you need before and during your flight with us in the palm of your hand: flight booking, timetable, flight status, check-in, offers and more... Our app is available in Croatian, English, German and French.
Schiphol Amsterdam Airport
terminal 3
Athens International Airport
main terminal
Brussels Airport Zaventem
terminal B
Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport
terminal 2D
Copenhagen Airport Dublin Airport
terminal 2 terminal 1
Düsseldorf Airport
terminal A
Leonardo da Vinci - Fiumicino Airport
terminal 3
Frankfurt Airport
terminal 1
Gatwick Airport
terminal S
Heathrow Airport
terminal 2
Lyon Saint-Exupery International Airport terminal 1
Munich Airport
terminal 2
Sarajevo International Airport
terminal B
Skopje Alexander the Great Airport
main terminal
Berlin Tegel Airport
terminal A, C
Vienna Airport
terminal 3
Zurich Airport
terminal 2
Informacije o polascima autobusa / Bus departure information
Polasci svakog dana s gradskog terminala (Autobusni kolodvor, Držićeva bb) prema Zračnoj luci Zagreb Departures daily from the Town Terminal (Main Bus Station, Držićeva bb) to the Zagreb International Airport: 5.00 - 5.30 - 6.00 - 6.30 - 7.00 - 7.30 - 8.00 - 8.30 - 9.00 - 10.00 - 10.30 - 11.00 - 11.30 - 12.00 - 12.30 - 13.00 13.30- 14.00 - 14.30 - 15.00 - 15.30 - 16.00 - 16.30 - 17.00 - 17.30 - 18.00 - 18.30 - 19.00 - 19.30 - 20.00 Polasci svakog dana iz Zračne luke Zagreb prema gradskom terminalu (Autobusni kolodvor, Držićeva bb) Departures daily from the Zagreb International Airport to the Town Terminal (Main Bus Station, Držićeva bb): 7.00 - 8.00 - 8.30 - 9.00 - 9.30 - 10.30 - 11.30 -12.00 - 12.30 - 13.00 - 13.30 - 14.00 - 14.30 - 15.00 - 15.30 16.00 - 16.30 - 17.00 - 17.30 - 18.00 - 18.30 - 19.00 - 19.30 - 20.00 Za više informacija, molimo nazovite / For more information, please call: ZAGREB (01) 6331-982, 6331-999 SPLIT (021) 203-508 DUBROVNIK (020) 773-377 ZADAR (020) 250-094
RIJEKA (051) 330-207, 336-757
WHEN IN CROATIA, DRINK WHAT THE CROATS DO. Karlovačko beer. Locally made, locally enjoyed.
_ 129
Zrakoplovi Airbus A320-200, Airbus A319-100 i Dash8 - Q400 tvore naπu flotu. Our fleet consists of A320-200, Airbus A319-100 and Dash8 - Q400 aircraft. Specifikacije / Specifications
Airbus A320-200
Airbus A319-100
Dash8 - Q400
Raspon krila / Wing span (m/ft)
35,8 / 117
35,8 / 117
28,42 / 93,24
Duljina trupa / Fuselage length (m/ft)
37,6 / 123
33,84 / 111
32,83 / 107,71
NajveÊa dopuπtena teæina u polijetanju / Maximum take off weight (kg) 73.500 / 77.000
64.000 / 75.500
NajveÊa visina leta / Maximum cruising altitude (m/ft)
11.900 / 39.000
11.900 / 39.000
7620 / 25.000
Povrπina krila / Wing area (m²/ft²)
122,40 / 1318
122,40 / 1318
63,08 / 679
NajveÊa letna brzina / Maximum cruising speed (km/h)
834 (450 KTS)
834 (450 KTS)
667 (360 KTS)
Pogonska grupa / Power-plants
motori / engines x 2 CFM 56
motori / engines x 2 CFM 56
motori / engines x 2 PW 150A
Broj zrakoplova u floti / Number of aircraft in fleet
Broj sjedala / Number of seats
Airbus A320-200
Airbus A319-100
Dash8 - Q400
Dublin Copenhagen
Berlin Dusseldorf
Brussels Paris
Zurich Lyon
Zagreb Pula
Sarajevo Zadar Split Rome Bol Dubrovnik
Code Share Partners
Star Alliance Members
Air Canada
Eva Air
Air France
Air Canada
LOT Polish Airlines
Air India
Air China
Air India
Scandinavian Airlines
Air New Zealand
Shenzhen Airlines
Austrian Airlines
ANA - All Nippon Airways
Singapore Airlines
Brussels Airlines
Asiana Airlines
South African Airways
Austrian Airlines
LOT Polish Airlines
TAP Air Portugal
Brussels Airlines
Thai Airways International
Copa Airlines
Turkish Airlines
Singapore Airlines
Croatia Airlines
United Airlines
Swiss International Air Lines
TAP Portugal
Ethiopian Airlines
Turkish Airlines
Napomena: Sve navedene informacije podložne su promjenama ovisno o trenutnoj situaciji s pandemijom izazvanom virusom COVID-19. Note: All the information provided is subject to change based on the current situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
United Airlines
_ 131
Direkcija / Head office Bani 75b, 10 010 Buzin, Zagreb, Tel. (+385-1) 616-00-66 Fax (+385-1) 6160 153 E-mail adrese / E-mail addresses President’s Office/uprava@croatiaairlines.hr Public Relations/pr@croatiaairlines.hr Marketing/advertising@croatiaairlines.hr Sales/sales@croatiaairlines.hr Cargo/cargo@croatiaairlines.hr Kontakt centar / Contact Center 072-500 505 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske / only for calls from Croatia Tel. (+385-1) 66 76 555 pon - pet/Mon - Fri 08:00 - 20:00 sub, ned, praznik / Sat, Sun, Holiday 09:00 - 15:00 contact@croatiaairlines.hr Odnosi s korisnicima / Customer Relations Dept. Fax (+385-1) 616-01-52 http://www.croatiaairlines.com/hr/Zahtjev http://www.croatiaairlines.com/Claim Miles & More kontakt centar / Miles & More Service Team 072 220 220 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske / only for calls from Croatia Informacije o prijevozu robe / Cargo information office Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-573
Sarajevo 71 000 Sarajevo ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+387-33) 789-600 sjjto@croatiaairlines.hr
SlovaËka / Slovakia CK Blue Sky Travel Poštová 1, 811 06 Bratislava Tel. +421 2 5262 2375 slovakia@croatiaairlines.hr
1000 Skopje ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+389-2) 3148-390, 3296-967, 3296-969 skpap@croatiaairlines.hr
Srbija / Serbia Travel Centar d.o.o. Topličin Venac 19-21 11000 Beograd Tel. +381 11 202 80 46 gsa.srbija@croatiaairlines.hr
APG Bulgaria Ltd. 3 William Gladstone str. 1000 Sofia tel: +35924940096 bulgaria@croatiaairlines.hr
Španjolska / Spain Global Representacion Turistica / GRT Rambla de Catalunya, 61 5º 3ª, 08007 Barcelona Tel. +34 934 875 775 spain@croatiaairlines.hr
Sofia Split
21 000 Split ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+385-21) 203-305, 895-298 spuap@croatiaairlines.hr Zadar 23 000 Zadar ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+385-23) 250-101 zadap@croatiaairlines.hr Zagreb
Obzor putovanja / Obzor Holidays Ltd Tel. (+385-1) 487 31 68, 616 02 46
10 000 Zagreb Trg Nikole Š, Zrinskog 17 Tel. (+385-1) 61-60-215 posl.zrinjevac@croatiaairlines.hr
Poslovnice / Town and airport offices Identifikacijski kod poslovnica u Hrvatskoj je/ Identification code for offices in Croatia is: HR-B-01-080037012
Meunarodna zraËna luka Zagreb/ Zagreb International Airport Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-581 Fax (+385-1) 62-65-930 Zürich
Letzigraben 154, 8047 Zürich Tel. (+41-44) 2610-840 zrhto@croatiaairlines.hr
1930 Zaventem/Brussels Airport Box 31 Tel. (+32-2) 753-5132 bruap@croatiaairlines.hr Dubrovnik 20 213 »ilipi, Dubrovnik ZraËna luka/Airport Dubrovnik Tel. (+385-20) 773-232 dbvap@croatiaairlines.hr Frankfurt Kaiserstrasse 7 60311 Frankfurt Tel. (+49-69) 92-00-520 frato@croatiaairlines.hr Paris
95731 ROISSY CDG CEDEX Roissypôle Le Dôme, Rue de la Haye BP 18913 Tremblay en France Tel. (+33-1) 48-16-40-00 parto@croatiaairlines.hr Podgorica Oki Air Montenegro d.o.o. Ivana Vujoševića 46 81000 Podgorica tel: + 382 20 201201 montenegro@croatiaairlines.hr Pula ZraËna luka/Airport Pula Valtursko polje 210, 52 100 Ližnjan Tel. (+385-52) 218-909, 218-943 puyap@croatiaairlines.hr Rijeka 51 000 Rijeka JelaËiÊev trg br. 5 Tel. (+385-51) 330-207, 336-757 rjkto@croatiaairlines.hr Rim / Rome 00054 Fiumicino Aeroporto/Airport Leonardo da Vinci Torre Uffici 2, room 518 Tel. (+39-06) 5421-0021 romto@croatiaairlines.hr
Prodajni zastupnici / Sales agents Europa / Europe »eπka / the Czech Republic CK Blue Sky Travel Opletalova 57, 11 000 Praha 1 Tel. +420 222 222 235 czech@croatiaairlines.hr GrËka / Greece Intermodal Air, Airlines Representations 2, Marathonomachon str 16452 Argyroupoli − Greece Tel. +30 210 371 6381 Fax + 0030 210 324 9152 ww.intermodalair.gr Portugal APG - Portugal Rua Victor Domingos, nr. 5 / Lourel / 2710-734 Sintra Tel. +351 211 930 226 portugal@croatiaairlines.hr info@apg-portugal.com Rumunjska/Romania Specialised Aviation Services srl. 17d Emil Garleanu Str, Voluntari, Ilfov County Tel. +40 21 599 0108 romania@croatiaairlines.hr Rusija/Russia Global Russia Marketing//GRM Bolshaya Sadovaya str. 10, office 20 (V), 2nd entrance, 123001 Moscow, Russia Tel. +7 (495) 981-14-00 ou.mow@grm-russia.com
Konnogvardeysky blvd, 19, office 47, 190098 St.-Petersburg, Russia Tel.: +7 (921) 905-88-73 ou.led@grm-russia.com
Bliski istok / Middle East Izrael / Israel Biaf Aviation Services Ltd 1 Ben Yehuda Street, Migdalor blgd. 12th floor, Tel Aviv 63802 Tel. +972 3 516 7181, 516 7140 israel@croatiaairlines.hr Indija / India STIC Travel Group 2nd Floor, Tower C, Cyber Greens, DLF Phase - III Gurgaon - 122002, New Delhi Ph: +91 (124) 4595300 croatia@sticgroup.com Contact person: Gurpreet Sangar Intermodal Air, Airlines Representations 2, Mmarathonomachon str 16452 Argyroupoli - Greece, Tel. +30 210 3716381 Fax + 30 210 3249152 www.intermododalair.gr Novi Zeland / New Zealand CTtravel Limited NZ PO Box 104-056, Lincoln North, Suite, 1/182 Lincoln Rd. Henderson, Auckland, NZ Tel. +64 9 837 9897 croatiaairlines@cttravel.co.nz Japan Air System Inc. Shimbashi Frontier Building, 7F 3-4-5 Shimbashi Minato-ku Tokyo, 105-0004 Japan Tel. +81 3 3593 6740 asipaxtyo@airsystem.jp Koreja / Korea Bohram 1901-1, 19F Coryo Daeyungak Tower, 97 Toegye-ro Jung-gu, Seoul South Korea (04535) croatiaairlines@bohramair.co.kr Tajvan / Taiwan Pacific Express Company Limited 8F, No 137, Nanking E. Road Sec. 2, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: +886 2 2515 2371 sales-service@pacificexpress.com.tw Kina / China Pacific Aviation Marketing 12H, Zaofong Universe Building 1800 West Zhong Shan Road Xuhui District, Shanghai Tel. +862164400032 Jenniferhuo@pam.com.hk Hong Kong Pacific Aviation Marketing Ltd. Unit 2503, Island Place Tower, 510 Kingís Road, North Point, Hong Kong. Tel. +852 2926 2030 pamoperation@pam.com.hk
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