Putni časopis Croatia proljeće 2023 / Inflight magazine Croatia spring 2023

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Proljeće _ Spring 2023 Inflight magazine
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Poštovani putnici!

Evo nas u proljeću, na vratima još jedne turističke sezone. Kao uvijek, posebno me raduje što ste kao partnera za svoje putovanje izabrali našu kompaniju. Dobro došli u naš zrakoplov! Želeći vam ponuditi još bolju i kvalitetniju uslugu, naš ljetni red letenja obogatili smo novim odredištima te ga prilagodili povećanoj potražnji tijekom turističke sezone. Istaknuo bih naše nove linije koje povezuju Dubrovnik s Pragom, Split sa Skopljem i Oslom te Bol na otoku Braču s Münchenom. Tijekom predstojeće turističke sezone planiramo povezati Hrvatsku sa 22 međunarodna odredišta, odnosno 23 europske zračne luke, a zrakoplovi Croatia Airlinesa pritom će letjeti na 47 međunarodnih linija.

Zadovoljstvo mi je također spomenuti da će naša kompanija ponuditi posebne pogodnosti za putnike koji dolaze u Zagreb zbog medicinskih usluga. Naime, potpisali smo Sporazum o suradnji na projektu ZagrebMed, interaktivnoj digitalnoj platformi kojom je objedinjena ponuda vodećih zdravstvenih ustanova u gradu Zagrebu za pacijente iz regije i inozemstva. Cilj je projekta, koji je podržala i Turistička zajednica grada Zagreba, pozicionirati naš glavni grad kao regionalni centar medicinske izvrsnosti.

A kao uvijek, dok letite, predlažem da prolistate naš putni časopis. Uživajte u ljepotama naše zemlje, upoznajte našu kulturu i baštinu, ali i zanimljive ljude. Jedan od onih koje vrijedi bolje upoznati jest i naš međunarodno poznati i priznati dizajner Boris Ljubičić, uvelike zaslužan za prepoznatljivost hrvatskoga vizualnog identiteta diljem svijeta, s kojim objavljujemo razgovor u povodu njegove nagrade za životno djelo. Usto, donosimo vam zanimljivosti iz kulturnog života Dubrovnika, predstavljamo neodoljivu privlačnost otoka Brača te za vas otkrivamo skrivene bisere kontinentalne Hrvatske.

Dragi putnici, zahvaljujem vam što letite s nama i želim mnogo ugodnih i lijepih trenutaka u vašim odredištima.

Dear passengers!

Here we are in spring, with another tourist season ahead. As always, I’m glad that you’ve chosen our company as your travel partner.

Welcome to our aircraft!

In wanting to make sure that we offer you an even better service, we’ve expanded our summer flight timetable with new destinations, and adapted it to the increased demand during the tourist season. I’d like to point to our new routes that connect Dubrovnik with Prague, Split with Skopje and Oslo, and the town of Bol on the island of Brač with Munich. During the upcoming tourist season, we’re planning to connect Croatia with 22 international destinations or 23 European airports by operating flights on 47 international routes.

I’m also happy to let you know that our company will be offering special benefits to passengers travelling to Zagreb for medical and healthcare purposes. Specifically, we signed a collaboration agreement with ZagrebMed, an interactive digital platform that brings together leading healthcare institutions in the city of Zagreb for patients coming from the region and abroad. Supported by the Zagreb Tourist Board, ZagrebMed aims to position the capital of Croatia as the region’s healthcare centre of excellence.

As always, I hope you check out our inflight magazine, enjoy the beauty of our country, and get to know our culture and heritage, as well as some fascinating people. One such person worth getting to know better is a Croatian designer of international renown, and this year’s winner of the Croatian Designers’ Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award, Boris Ljubičić. He is to be credited with creating much of Croatia’s instantly recognisable national visual identity, which is why we’re bringing an interview with him. Similarly, we’re introducing you to the cultural life of Dubrovnik, to the irresistible beauty of the island of Brač, and to a few hidden gems in continental Croatia. Wishing you plenty of pleasant and beautiful moments in your destinations, I thank you for flying with us.

Š. Lugarov




Radovi Borisa Ljubičića, hrvatskog dizajnera svjetske prepoznatljivosti i ovogodišnjeg dobitnika nagrade za životno djelo Hrvatskog dizajnerskog društva, nikad ne prolaze nezapaženo.


The work of Boris Ljubičić, a Croatian designer of international renown, and this year’s winner of the Croatian Designers’ Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award, never goes unnoticed.



SKRIVENI BISERI UZ KARINSKO MORE Rijeke Karišnica i Bijela dva su nestalna bisera zadarskog kraja koje ćete najlakše vidjeti u rano proljeće kada se topi snijeg te nakon jakih i dugotrajnih kiša.



The Zadar region hides two seasonal jewels, the rivers Bijela and Karišnica, which you’ll spot only in early spring when the snow starts to melt, and after persistent and heavy rains.

Proljeće _ Spring 2023


Uredništvo ne odgovara za promjene u rasporedu događanja, za otkazivanje ili promjene datuma održavanja događanja nastale nakon objavljivanja časopisa.

Uredništvo ne odgovara za sadržaj oglasa, promotivnih i plaćenih PR tekstova.

The editorial board cannot be held responsible for any changes that may occur in the scheduling of events or their cancellation after the magazine goes to press. The editorial board cannot be liable for the content of advertisments, promotional texts, and paid PR texts.




U Muzeju bećarca u Pleternici osjetit ćete slavonsku dušu. Bećarac je na UNESCOvom Reprezentativnom popisu nematerijalne kulturne baštine čovječanstva.



To understand why Slavonia’s bećarac tune enjoys UNESCO’s protection, check out Pleternica’s Museum of Bećarac, where you’ll get a feel for the very soul of Slavonia.


Kontinentalna Hrvatska PROLJETNO KRUŽENJE PO


Vodimo vas na jednodnevni predah na jedno od najstarijih gorja Hrvatske. Trebat će vam samo lagana oprema za hodanje.

Continental Croatia


We’re taking you on a one-day nature break to one of Croatia’s oldest mountains. All you’ll need is light hiking gear.

G. Šafarek T. Gačić D. Fabijanić



Moda je u Hrvatskoj oduvijek važna, a nju prati i modna fotografija. Nedavno je objavljena knjiga o razvoju hrvatske modne fotografije.



Check out why and how fashion and fashion photography have always been a big thing in Croatia in a recently published book.



Predstave Kazališta Marina Držića dodatni su razlog za posjet Dubrovniku u bilo koje doba godine. Ove godine taj teatar postavlja čak šest premijera.



The shows produced by the Marin Držić Theatre are all the more reason to visit Dubrovnik at any time of the year. This year, they’re staging as many as six premieres.


Croatia Airlines

Hrvatska zrakoplovna tvrtka

Bani 75b, Buzin 10 010 Zagreb, Croatia +385-1-616-00-66

pr@croatiaairlines.hr www.croatiaairlines.com

Predsjednik Uprave/President & CEO

Jasmin Bajić

Glavna urednica/Editor-in-chief

Ksenija Ælof

Suradnici glavne urednice/ Editor-in-chief assistants

Ana Ćulumović Šoštarić, Davor Janušić, Anamarija Jurinjak


Ivana IvankoviÊ, Miranda Herceg




Zagrebački Muzej suvremene umjetnosti postavio je izložbu o našoj ulozi u spašavanju vlastite budućnosti intrigantnog naslova − Budućnosti



Zagreb’s Museum of Contemporary Art is holding an exhibition about our role in saving our future bearing an intriguing title − The Futures


Naše odredište


Tijekom posjeta Oslu nećete morate birati između prirode i kulture jer ih je grad savršeno spojio.

Our destination


During your visit to Oslo you won’t have to choose between nature and culture as the city’s blended the two perfectly.

Miranda Herceg

Direktor Komercijalnih poslova/ Commercial Division Director

Slaven Žabo


Nevena Erak Camaj

Prijevod na engleski/ English translation

Ana Janković


Croatia Airlines

Gabrijela Lochert +385-1-616-00-17 advertising@croatiaarlines.hr


Croatia Airlines



AKD d.o.o., Savska cesta 31, Zagreb


AKD d.o.o., Savska cesta 31, Zagreb

ISSN 1330-6278

G. Šafarek _ Karišnica M. Grubišić J. Dylag_Unsplash A. Rebolj D. Škrobonja
DOMINIKA BB 020321330

Zlatni licitar

Golden Licitar Heart

Zlatni licitar predstavlja jedinstven spoj tradicije, simbola ljubavi i suvremenosti, pretočen u iznimno nosiv i efektan nakit s porukom. Kolekciju možete pronaći u zlatarni Lapidarium u centru Zagreba te svim boljim suvenirnicama.

Uniquely blending tradition, the symbol of love, and modernity, the Golden Licitar Heart is wearable and effective jewellery with a message. The collection is available at the Lapidarium jewellery store in Zagreb’s city centre, and other high-end souvenir shops.


STAŠA Design

STAŠA Design hrvatski je brend sa sjedištem u Puli, čija je temeljna filozofija održiva, promišljena, spora moda. Misija je brenda stvoriti bezvremenske komade koji se mogu nositi na različite načine, ovisno o vašem stilu i modnim dodacima.

Svaka je kolekcija svojevrstan nastavak istraživanja STAŠA žene. Modni se pristup oslanja na srodne materijale i krojeve uz neznatne razlike, što omogućuje kombiniranje komada iz različitih kolekcija.

Headquartered in Pula, the Croatian STAŠA Design brand’s underlying philosophy is sustainable, thoughtful, and slow fashion. The brand’s mission is to create timeless pieces that can be worn in several different ways, depending on your style and accessories.

Each collection is an extension of sorts of the brand’s exploration of the idea of the STAŠA woman. The brand’s approach to fashion design relies on similar materials and cuts with the introduction of only slight differences, which allows clients to combine pieces from different collections.



LYKKE mirisni medaljoni / scented lockets

Mirisni medaljon Rosetta from Slavonia nakit je koji se nosi i osjeća, a nadahnut je jednom od najljepših hrvatskih regija − Slavonijom. Rozeta je stilizirani kameno-stakleni prozor koji podsjeća na višebojni rascvjetani cvijet i koji se nalazi na đakovačkoj katedrali. Ovaj mirisni medaljon spoj je tradicije i modernog dizajna te se može personalizirati notama omiljenog parfema i s graviranom posvetom. Dostupan je u Lykke Gift Shopu (Zagreb).

Inspired by one of Croatia’s most beautiful regions, Slavonia, the scented Rosetta from Slavonia locket is a piece of jewellery that awakens all your senses. The rosette is a rose window reminiscent of a flower in full bloom, one of the most notable examples of which is found on the Đakovo Cathedral. Blending tradition and modern design, this scented locket can be personalised with the notes of your favourite perfume, and engraved. It is available at the Lykke gift shop in Zagreb.



Boris Ljubičić hrvatski je dizajner svjetske prepoznatljivosti. Ne prestaje se zalagati za ideju o cjelovitom nacionalnom identitetu Hrvatske i posebno je zaslužan za prepoznatljivost nacionalnoga vizualnog identiteta. Njegovi radovi nikad ne prolaze nezapaženo, i to ne samo na domaćoj nego i na svjetskog dizajnerskog sceni.

Boris Ljubičić, a Croatian designer of international renown, hasn’t stopped advocating for the idea of a comprehensive Croatian national identity. Moreover, much credit for creating Croatia’s instantly recognisable national visual identity should go precisely to him. His works never go unnoticed by either the local or the global design scene.




B. Ljubičić B. Ljubičić

Boris Ljubičić, hrvatski dizajner svjetske prepoznatljivosti, ovogodišnji je dobitnik nagrade za životno djelo koju dodjeljuje Hrvatsko dizajnersko društvo. Jedan je od najistaknutijih, ali i najintrigantnijih hrvatskih dizajnera pa njegovi radovi uvijek pobuđuju interes ne samo stručne nego i šire javnosti. Nemoguće je navesti što je sve radio jer riječ je o uistinu impresivnoj gomili dizajnerskih rješenja za, recimo, plakate, knjige, ambalažu, omotnice, o različitim logotipima, simbolima, znakovima, ali i o mnoštvu kreativnih osobnih projekata i osebujnih ideja što potiču na razmišljanje. To nimalo ne čudi jer, kako i sam kaže, dizajn je način razmišljanja. Ne prestaje se zalagati za ideju o cjelovitom nacionalnom identitetu Hrvatske i posebno je zaslužan za prepoznatljivost nacionalnoga vizualnog identiteta.

 Često objašnjavate značaj nacionalnog identiteta. Kažete, kvadrati su Hrvati,

imamoihugrbuvišeod10stoljeća Mnoštvo vaših dizajnerskih rješenja temelji se upravo na kvadratima. Možete li izdvojiti neke od svojih radova temeljenih na kvadratima koji su vam posebno važni i zašto?

01 Službeni plakat VIII. Mediteranskih igara održanih u Splitu 1979. godine. Novi je dizajn simbola igara usvojen kao službeni logo ovoga sportskog natjecanja zemalja


The official poster of the VIII Mediterranean Games held in Split in 1979. Boris Ljubičić’s new design of the logo of the games was adopted as the official logo of this sports competition amongst the countries of the Mediterranean

02 Logo Hr vatske radiotelevizije s jasnim hrvatskim vizualnim identitetom na slovu T

The logo of the Croatian Radio and Television or HRT, where Croatia’s distinct visual identity is featured on the letter T

−To su ponajprije oni najprisutniji: logo Hrvatske radiotelevizije (HRT), koja je nacionalni medij, logo Hrvatske turističke zajednice (HTZ), koji je osnovica svih predstavljanja Hrvatske u turizmu, Hrvatski autoklub (HAK) kao prometni logo, EXPO ‘98 kao logo prvog nastupa Hrvatske na svjetskoj izložbi u Lisabonu, a tu su i sportski logoptipi kao što su CRO-SKI (Hrvatski skijaški savez), HTS (Hrvatski tenis savez), Zagrebački Velesajam kao gospodarski sadržaj, logo Ministarstva kulture Republike Hrvatske, Ministarstva vanjskih poslova, Leksikografskog zavoda Miroslava Krleže, Muzejskog dokumentacijskog centra (MDC)... Ima ih oko 50 i svi oni imaju jedinstvenu strukturu dizajniranu kvadratima. Svi navedeni primjeri međunarodno su prisutni i poručuju ovo je Hrvatska, nova država na karti svijeta. Moji radovi, danas to mogu neskromno reći, u međunarodnim su strukovnim publikacijama i izdanjima predstavljani kao hrvatski dizajn, a tek potom kao autorski rad. Dva hrvatska kvadrata, još ako su u crvenoj i plavoj boji, naša su definicija ili vizualni kod, koji ima razlikovnost, jednostavnost i, što je najvažnije, poveznicu s hrvatskim grbom i nacionalnim bojama. Vizualni identitet treba definirati i ponavljati da bi se usvojio, utvrdio, upamtio.

 Zanimljiva je vaša sintagma jednina množine, izložba koju ste svojevremeno postavili na tu temu, kao i neobična jednadžba 1+1=1. O čemu je riječ?

−Nepravilna matematička formula 1+1=1 jest greška, a greške mogu biti kreativne. Riječ je o sintezi dvaju ili više suprotstavljenih elemenata u novu cjelovitu sliku, ali tako da se sljube u novi projekt i da se ne vide tragovi prijašnjeg procesa. To je pravo kreativno umijeće koje znači unaprijediti ili redizajnirati što više toga. Kad projekti nisu tako postavljeni i naručeni, sam ih iniciram. Najelementarniji dizajn je vizualni identitet koji se zasniva na originalnom znaku, simbolu ili logotipu. Kad se usvoji jedan znak, simbol ili logo, njega autor više ne potpisuje jer se realizira u raznim aplikacijama i bez autorovog sudjelovanja, on jednostavno ima svoj život! A izložba Jednina množine najprije je postavljena u

Hrvatskom dizajnerskom društvu u Zagrebu, a zatim je putovala je u Split, Varaždin, Pulu i Berlin. Marko Golub, voditelj galerije HDD-a, potrudio se sve pretvoriti u knjigu Logo protiv kaosa, u kojoj je 20 logotipa u formi vizualnog identiteta posebno predstavljeno, obrađeno i opisano.

 Diplomirali ste na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti, ali opredijelili ste se za područje dizajna. Što vas je povuklo upravo u tom smjeru?

−Čini mi se da sam na Likovnu akademiju uZagrebu zakasnio nekih 100 godina. Likovna umjetnost kakvu poznajemo jest povijesni put od crteža u Altamiri do crnog kvadrata na bijelom polju Kazimira Maljeviča. Leonardo Da Vinci zapravo je dizajner u najširem pojmu te riječi. Njegovi radovi su bezvremenski. Načela savršenog dizajna usvim su njegovim djelima. Posebice me fascinirala definicija odnosa kvadrata i kruga s ucrtanim proporcijama ljudskog tijela! Moj 3D plakat za Međunarodni dan muzeja 2000. godine Volim kvadrat i krug odavanje je počasti velikom geniju. Problem je bio kako pomiriti dva geometrijski suprotstavljena lika: kvadrat i krug u samo jednoj boji. Plakat je vizualna metafizika jer ga treba fizički obići da bismo imali punu percepciju. Plakat u potkontekstu ima pomirenje između suprotstavljenih geometrijskih likova pa se može tumačiti kao mir. Piet Mondrian je svojim geometrijskim slikama u osnovnim bojama uvijek na bijeloj podlozi također dizajner jer se potpuno izdvaja iz slikarskog procesa i stvaralaštva. Moja novogodišnja čestitka sa slovom A iz 1992. godine za Udruženje hrvatskih arhitekata također je pohvala njegovu radu. I moj samoinicirani projekt zastave EU-a ima za osnovu njegov stil i način vizualnog promišljanja u bojama koje EU koristi.

02 01

 Poznati ste po tome da dizajnerskom izazovu ne pristupate komercijalno nego angažirano, a ni performans vam nije stran kako biste privukli pozornost na ono što želite komunicirati. Koje biste svoje dizajnerske projekte izdvojili a da su upravo takvi, angažirani i provokativni − realizirane i nerealizirane?

− To su uglavnom nerealizirani radovi. Među njima su oni najbolji, a izdvojit

01 Logo Zagrebačkog velesajma

The logo of the Zagreb Fair

02 Logo Ministarstva kulture − točka i zarez predstavljaju vizualnu i pisanu kulturu u formi slova H koje se oblikuje dodanim tekstom na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku

The logo of the Ministry of Culture − the full stop and the comma represent visual and written culture in the form of the letter H, whose final form is shaped by text added in Croatian and English

03 Kamena ploča nadahnuta Baščanskom pločom s tekstom međunarodnog priznanja hrvatske države u tipografiji Can You Read Me? izvedena je u bračkom kamenu na likovnoj koloniji LOBOL 2005.

Boris Ljubičić’s stone plaque commemorating the international recognition of Croatia. Inspired by the Baška Tablet, and made of Brač stone, it was produced at the LOBOL art colony in 2005, and features a text carved in the Can You Read Me? typeface

ću samo jedan. U povodu 900 godina Zagreba dizajnirao sam 3D objekt u formi barkoda − 18 stupova visine 16 metara, koji su u presjeku izdužena elipsa. Različitom rotacijom u podlozi oblikuju barkod skulpturu koja pregledom laserskog čitača prikazuje ime grada: ZAGREB. Ovaj 3D objekt obilježio bi Zagreb poput Eiffelova tornja u Parizu, koji je ugrađen u logo Pariza umjesto slova A. Zamisao je da ovaj 3D objekt bude novi logo grada, da se tako obilježavaju pješački prelazi u formi takozvane zebre, službena zastava grada, suveniri i sve što predstavlja sveobuhvatni dizajn grada, koji bi bio jedinstveni primjer u svijetu.

 Sudjelovali ste u formiranju studija dizajna na Arhitektonskom fakultetu u Zagrebu i predavali prvim studentima dizajna. Kako biste ocijenili nove generacije dizajnera od kojih mnogi također nižu svjetske uspjehe?

− Studij dizajna dao je mnoštvo obučenih i profesionalnih dizajnera koji imaju svoje profesionalno poslanje. Međunarodnim nagradama i priznanjima potvrđuju se, profiliraju i stječu profesionalnu određenost. Za jednu knjigu s prikazom nacionalnog grafičkog dizajna tridesetak zemalja birao sam radove hrvatskih kolega i pisao predgovor. Moj je dojam da je izvrsnost mnogih radova zaista visoka i smatram da je dizajn u Hrvatskoj visoko međunarodno cijenjen. Možda bi trebao imati više hrvatskog vizualnog identiteta.

 Nećemo pretjerati ako ustvrdimo da su hrvatski kvadrati do danas postali glo-

Kad se usvoji jedan znak, simbol ili logo, njega autor više ne potpisuje, jer se realizira u raznim aplikacijama i bez autorovog sudjelovanja, on jednostavno ima svoj život!

Once a sign, symbol or logo is adopted, it is no longer signed by the author because its range of applications widens, and its author is no longer involved. Put simply, it has acquired a life of its own.

balno prepoznatljivi te da je, primjerice, dres hrvatske nogometne reprezentacije možda najpoznatiji na svijetu. Koliko uopće tako obične, životne, praktične, male stvari dizajnom mogu pridonijeti prepoznatljivosti neke zemlje?

− Opći pojmovi kao što su kvadrat ili krug ne mogu se zaštiti. Primjera radi, ni Japan ne može zaštiti svoj osnovni vizualni identitet, krug koji je na njihovoj službenoj zastavi, ali zastavu može. Zanimljivo je da je Japan službeno usvojio zastavu tek 1999. godine iako je ona postojala cijelo jedno stoljeće, ali kao neslužbena ili narodna.

02 03
L. Mjeda

DIZAJN ZRAKOPLOVA __ I dizajn zrakoplova nacionalne aviokompanije važan je dio ukupnoga nacionalnog identiteta. Prvi dodir putnika sa zrakoplovom neizmjerno je važan jer zrakoplov nacionalne aviokompanije potiče nastanak prve predodžbe o zemlji kojoj pripada. Dizajn znaka potpisuje Vilim Vasata, a autorica dizajna repa te cjelokupnog zrakoplova i vizualnog identiteta Croatia Airlinesa je Ivana Ivanković (dobitnica međunarodne nagrade Rebrand 100 za rebrand zrakoplova), koja upravo radi i na redizajnu logotipa. Razumljivo je i da flota hrvatske zrakoplovne kompanije svojim vizualnim identitetom snažno promiče nacionalni identitet. U čemu je, po vašem mišljenju, specifičnost dizajna Croatia Airlinesa u odnosu na dizajn drugih europskih aviokompanija? Zrakoplov nije uvijek u zraku pa u većim zračnim lukama, kad su zrakoplovi na zemlji, pred sobom imamo svojevrsnu izložbu na otvorenome. Tu se posebice izdvajaju nacionalne aviokompanije koje svojim nazivom i vizualnim izgledom predstavljaju državu. Čisti li se riba od glave ili od repa, pita se poznata narodna poslovica. Kad je riječ o vizualnom identitetu zrakoplova, odgovor je jasan. Upravo je dizajn na repu zrakoplova Croatia Airlinesa elementarno prepoznatljiv ritmom crvenih kvadrata koji prelaze u sve manje plave kvadrate prema dnu trupa aviona. Hrvatski vizualni identitet počiva na crveno-bijelim kvadratima iz hrvatskog grba, ali i na plavoj boji koja je treća u nizu na hrvatskoj zastavi. Također, plavu boju povezujemo s našim morem i razvedenom obalom od oko 1000 otoka, a njih nam sugeriraju oni najmanji plavi kvadratići. Usporedimo li vizualni identitet Croatia Airlinesa s onim drugih svjetskih aviokompanija, uočit ćemo da se Croatia Airlines razlikuje svojom upadljivošću i jasnom poveznicom s državom koju vizualno predstavlja. Dizajn je autorstvo vrlo talentirane kolegice Ivane Ivanković, moje studentice na prvoj godini Studija dizajna na Arhitektonskom fakultetu u Zagrebu.


The visual identity and branding of the aircraft of any flag carrier airline is a key element in a country’s overall national branding and visual identity. The first contact of passengers with the aircraft of any flag carrier airline is extremely powerful. The visual identity and branding of the aircraft of a flag carrier airline promotes the formation of the initial impression of the country to which the carrier belongs. Croatia Airlines’ logo was designed by one of Croatia’s world-renowned design greats, Vilim Vasata, while the company’s overall aircraft livery and visual identity was designed by the winner of the 2005 Rebrand 100 Notable Award, Ivana Ivanković, who’s currently working on redesigning Croatia Airlines’ logo. The idea that the visual identity of Croatia Airlines’ fleet promotes Croatia’s national identity is rather straightforward and obvious. What makes, in your opinion, the visual identity of Croatia Airlines specific compared to the visual identity of other European flag carrier airlines?

Aircraft are not always in the air. This means that at bigger airports, when the aircraft are on the ground, we have an open-air exhibition of sorts before us. Here, flag carrier airlines that represent countries with their name and visuals stand out from amongst the rest. A well-known proverb poses the question whether fish are cleaned from head to tail or from tail to head. When it comes to the visual identity of aircraft, the answer is obvious. Croatia Airlines’ aircraft are recognisable precisely thanks to the tail design and the rhythm of red squares that gradually turn into smaller and smaller blue squares towards the bottom of the aircraft’s fuselage. Croatia’s visual identity is based on the red-and-white checkerboard squares from Croatia’s coat of arms, as well as on the colour blue which is the third colour that appears on the Croatian flag. Also, we associate the colour blue with the Adriatic Sea and our indented coastline that encompasses 1,000+ islands, which is what the smallest blue squares in the design are evocative of. If we compare the visual identity of Croatia Airlines with that of other flag carrier airlines in the world, the first thing we’ll notice is that Croatia Airlines differs from the rest in that its aircraft livery is striking and establishes a clear connection with the country it visually represents. As chance would have it, Croatia Airlines’ livery was designed by a very talented colleague of mine, Ivana Ivanković, who was a student of mine in her first year of design studies at the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb.

Mislim da je razlog u njihovu poznatom nazivu zemlja izlazećeg sunca; sunce ima zrake, ali ga konceptualno predstavlja crveni krug zaštićen bijelom podlogom. Međutim, njihov pojam kruga najšire je usvojen te ga imaju u logu korporacije, proizvodi, plakati u dizajnu itd. Hrvatski povijesni i suvremeni vizualni identitet temelji se na kvadratima koje imamo u povijesnom i suvremenom državnom grbu. Koncept dizajna s izmjeničnim kvadratima, tamnima i svijetlima u svim bojama ili crveno-bijeli kao najslužbeniji oblik, javlja se u suvremenom dizajnu ne samo u Hrvatskoj. Izmjenične kvadrate nije moguće izdvojiti i zaštititi kao originalni dizajn, osim pojedinačnih predmeta koji se kao originali štite. Međutim, ako kvadrati dizajnom dobiju originalni izgled, to je moguće postići. Primjerice, zaštićen je moj projekt pod nazivom HVADRATI. U tom projektu svi kvadrati imaju tipografski detalj kao slovo H i stoga imaju naziv HVADRATI. Ideja hrvatsko je različito osnovica je ovog dizajna. Projekt je najšire primjenjiv na papiru, tekstilu i drugim materijalima te posebno pogodan za izradu različitih uporabnih predmeta kao hrvatski originalni dizajn ili brend. Projekt koji je zaštićen kao originalni dizajn pod nazivom HVADRATI može se koristiti pod određenim uvjetima jer je zaštićeno intelektualno vlasništvo.

 Na čemu sada radite?

− Realiziram knjigu KVADRAT & KRUG, u kojoj se opisuje i prikazuje proces dizajniranja svakog rada, a oni su poprilično različiti. U sedamdesetima tražim definiciju dizajna, u osamdesetima je to provokacija dizajnom, u devedesetima se inspiriram kvadratom, a ulazak u 21. stoljeće označen je plakatom Volim kvadrat i krug kao pojmove koji simboliziraju Hrvatsku i svijet. Pokušavam realizirati ideje koje sam mnogo ranije dizajnirao. Spomenički projekt NOVI KAMEN, inspiriran Baščanskom pločom, dizajn je od 1992. do 2022. Najvažniji dan hrvatske novije povijesti jest 15. siječnja 1992. godine, kad smo postali samostalna država priznata u svijetu. Mnogi narodi to nastoje, ali nisu uspjeli jer država ste u onom trenutku kad vas priznaju druge države. Lani smo obilježili 30 godina hrvatskog međunarodnog priznanja i


U sedamdesetima tražim definiciju dizajna, u osamdesetima je to provokacija dizajnom, u devedesetima se inspiriram kvadratom, a ulazak u 21. stoljeće označen je plakatom Volim kvadrat i krug kao pojmove koji simboliziraju Hrvatsku i svijet.

In the 1970s I was focused on finding a definition of design, in the 1980s I used design as a means of provocation, in the 1990s I was inspired by the square, and at the beginning of the 21st century I centred on my Love Square & Circle 3D poster because I perceived them as symbols of Croatia and the world.

tu godinu možemo upotrijebiti za jačanje svijesti o hrvatskoj državi. Tekst ispisan na hrvatskom, ali i engleskom jeziku koji mogu vidjeti i pročitati strani državnici i diplomati, kvadratni vizualni detalj kao i vrijeme i mjesto postavljenog monumenta poruka su: HRVATSKA DRŽAVA je tu! Dugo smo je čekali i napokon ostvarili. Objekt je dizajniran kao isječak iz gromade bračkog kamena nepravilnog oblika s dvije ravne polirane strane na kojima je s jedne strane uklesan tekst na hrvatskom, a s druge na engleskom jeziku u zanimljivoj i pomalo zagonetnoj tipografiji Can you read me? Primjerice, slovo i ima samo točku, a slovo o četvrtinu kruga. Ova zagonetnost u čitanju zadržava vas pred objektom i ima konceptualnu vezu s glagoljicom na povijesnoj Baščanskoj ploči kao njezin memento u novom vremenu. Ideja o običnom kamenom objektu proizlazi iz želje za što prirodnijom i sirovijom formom objekta, koji će odavati metaforičan dojam da se ovdje nalazi stoljećima i da ovome mjestu prirodno pripada te će se zato monument izvesti postavljanjem izravno na tlo bez podesta. Mirno iščitavanje teksta s optimalne pozicije omogućit će se postavljanjem kamenih klupa s dvije strane monumenta na kojima

je isklesan. Lokacija Trga dr. Franje Tuđmana, prvog predsjednika koji nam nakon devet stoljeća donosi samostalnu međunarodno priznatu državu, naš je novi kamen.

 Dobili ste mnoga domaća, ali i svjetska priznanja. Može li se među njima uopće izdvojiti ono najdraže, i ako može, koje je to?

− Izdvojio bih dva primjera koji su me iznenadili jer nije bilo javnog poziva ili standardnog natječaja. Jedan je velika izložba u Muzeju tiska i vizualnih komunikacija u Lyonu (Musée de l’imprimerie et de la communication graphique) pod naslovom Pažnja − Logo! posvećena logotipu Mediteranskih igara u Splitu 1979. Kao autor logotipa (simbola) organizirao sam Tim vizualne komunikacije CIO od 11 članova, u kojem je moja supruga Rajna Buzić Ljubičić bila najaktivnija suradnica. Postavio sam cijeli projekt Mediteranskih igara s težnjom njihova uzdizanja na razinu olimpijskih u vizualnom dizajnu. Simbolički je to postignuto logom s tri kruga koji predstavljaju tri kontinenta Mediteranskih igara − Europu, Aziju i Afriku. Posebnost tog logotipa jest u tome što su poznati olimpijski krugovi, prsteni, distorzirani u donjem dijelu pa ostavljaju dojam da su uronjeni u vodu. Pozadina plave boje sugerira plavetnilo mediteranskoga mora. Autentičnost ova tri distorzirana kruga tako su prepoznatljiv i snažan vizualni znak da su i danas u službenoj upotrebi kao simboli Mediteranskih igara. Drugo što bih izdvojio jest posebno priznanje (Prva nagrada Media Save Art '91) koje

je dobio plakat inspiriran narodnom poslovicom: Vrč ide na vodu dok se ne razbije! Berlinski zid, poznata podjela na dva bloka, istočni i zapadni, razbijen je 1989. Svijet sastavljen od niza krhotina razbijenog vrča izvrsno oslikava političku situaciju s kraja 1980-ih i početka 1990-ih godina, posebice u zemljama južne i istočne Europe ili zemalja Istočnog bloka. Taj motiv predočen na plakatu uz Međunarodni dan muzeja

1991. posebno je ilustrativan za Hrvatsku. Tada je njome harao rat odnoseći mnoge živote, sustavno uništavajući baštinu i zatirući povijest. I moji plakati KRVATSKA! i Read between the lines to naglašavaju. Spomenuo bih još neka međunarodna priznanja: Red Dot Grand Prix Design

Award za 3D plakat Love square & circle 2000., i još 12 Red Dot priznanja, međunarodne nagrade newyorškoga Graphisa, najpoznatijeg nakladnika za grafički dizajn i vizualne komunikacije, četiri trofeja Platinum (izdvajam plakat Križa Adama i Eve) i nekoliko Gold i Silver trofeja, Best of show nagrada časopisa How iz Chicaga za seriju 3D plakata za Hrvatsku turističku zajednicu. To su apsolutna priznanja, na njih ne možete utjecati. Osim toga, žiriji ne poznaju hrvatske teme, ali vrednuju moj koncept Hrvatsko je različito, koji sam samoinicijativno realizirao. 

Dizajn-projekt hrvatske zastave temeljen na kvadratima i nacionalnim bojama, srpanj 1990. Boris Ljubičić’s Croatian flag design project based on Croatia’s checkerboard squares and national colours, July 1990

B. Ljubičić

Boris Ljubičić, a Croatian designer of international renown, is this year’s winner of the Lifetime Achievement Award given by the Croatian Designers’ Association. He’s one of the most prominent and most intriguing Croatian designers, so his works always arouse the interest of both the profession and the general public. It’s nearly impossible to compile a comprehensive list of all the things he's done given that his portfolio comprises a truly impressive set of design solutions for, amongst other things, posters, books, packaging, envelopes, logos, symbols, signs, and a whole host of creative personal, self-initiated projects, and innovative, original and thought-provoking ideas. This is not at all surprising because, as he himself says, design is a way of thinking. He hasn’t stopped advocating for the idea of creating a comprehensive Croatian national identity. Moreover, much credit for creating Croatia’s instantly recognisable national visual identity should go precisely to him.

 You often talk about the importance of national identity, and you often say that Croatians are the red-and-white checkerboard squares because the checkerboard pattern has been a prominent, distinguishing feature in our coat of arms for as many as 10 centuries. This is why many of your design solutions are based on the checkerboard pattern. Could you single out a few of your checkerboard patterned works and designs that you think are particularly important, and explain why you think they are important?

− I’d single out the ones that are most widely present and in the public eye, if you like. These include the logo of the Croatian Radio and Television or HRT, which is a public broadcasting service, the logo of the Croatian National Tourist Board or HTZ, which all presentation of Croatia’s tourism and travel industry is based on, the logo of the Croatian Auto Club or HAK, and the logo I designed for Croatia’s first-ever appearance at the World Exposition, more commonly known as the EXPO, which took place in 1998 in Lisbon. Then there are the many sports logos, such as the one of the Croatian Ski Association or CRO-SKI, of the Croatian Tennis Association or HTS, the logo of the Zagreb Fair, the logos of the Ministry of Culture, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia, the logo of the Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicography, the logo of the Museum Documentation Centre or MDC, and so on. There are about 50 of these, and what’s unique about them is their checkerboard pattern structure and design. All these have been present internationally, and what they communicate is This is Croatia, a new country on the map of the world. My designs have been presented in international professional publications and editions, and I can say this today without false modesty, first as examples of Croatian design, and only then as my designs, as designs that I authored. Two Croatian checkerboard squares, particularly if one is in red and the other in blue, define Croatia, they’re our visual code. They possess and display diversity and simplicity at the same time, and are, most importantly, a link to Croatia’s coat of arms and

01 Plakat Vrč ide na vodu dok se ne razbije realiziran za Međunarodni dan muzeja Muzejskog dokumentacijskog centra, nadahnut razbijanjem Berlinskog zida

Inspired by the fall of the Berlin Wall, Boris Ljubičić designed the So often the pitcher goes to the water until it breaks! poster for the Museum Documentation Centre in celebration of International Museum Day

02 Ljubičićev samostalno iniciran i realiziran antiratni plakat KRVATSKA! iz 1991. dobio je mnoga priznanja i uvršten je u knjigu 100 posters para un siglo pod brojem 100 i predstavlja kraj 20. stoljeća

Boris Ljubičić’s self-initiated, multi-awardwinning anti-war KRVATSKA! poster from 1991 was included in the 100 posters para un siglo book as poster no. 100 representing the end of the 20th century

national colours. A visual identity must first be defined and then repeated for it to be adopted, established, and ultimately remembered.

 Your syntagm the singular of plural is fascinating. This was also what you called an exhibition of yours. It also included the out-of-the-ordinary, out-there equation of 1+1=1. Could you tell us what this is about?

− The mathematical equation 1+1=1 is, of course, incorrect, it’s a mistake. But mistakes can be creative. This is about the synthesis of two or more opposing elements that then create an entirely new and complete picture, or about two or more opposing elements merging into a new project in which no trace

01 D. Fabijanić

of earlier processes is visible. This is wherein proper creative skill lies, skill that knows how to improve or redesign as much as possible. When the projects I work on lack this in their plan or commission, I introduce the idea myself. Visual identity based on an original sign, symbol or logo is the most elementary form of design. Once a sign, symbol or logo is adopted, it is no longer signed by the author because its range of applications widens, and its author is no longer involved. Put simply, it has acquired a life of its own. As for The Singular of Plural exhibition, it was first mounted at the Croatian Designers’ Association in Zagreb, after which it toured Split, Varaždin, Pula, and Berlin. Marko Golub, who manages the Croatian Designers’ Association’s gallery, took the trouble to transform the exhibition into a book. Its title is Logo Versus Chaos, and it presents, describes, and analyses 20 logos that take the form of visual identity.

 You graduated in painting from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, but ended up going in for design. What drew you to it?

− It seems to me that I entered the Academy of Fine Arts about a century too late. What we call fine art today is, in fact, the equivalent of a historical trajectory from the prehistoric drawings and paintings discovered in the Cave of Altamira to Kazimir Malevich’s Black Square on a white field. Leonardo Da Vinci was actually a designer in the broadest sense of the word. His works are indeed timeless. His timeless design principles lie at the root of all his works. I was particularly fascinated by his study of the proportions of the human body drawn inside a square and a circle, and the definition he gives of the relationship between the two shapes. My 3D poster for the 2000 International Museum Day called Love Square & Circle pays homage to the great genius. The problem I faced and had to resolve was this: how do you reconcile two mutually incompatible geometric shapes, a square and a circle, using only one colour. The poster presents itself as a visual and metaphysical conundrum because, to see it properly and experience it fully, you have to walk around it. Because I managed to reconcile these two mutually incompatible geometric shapes in the poster’s subcontext, the poster can be interpreted as peace. Thanks to his geometric paintings in the primary colours on a white background, Piet Mondrian was also a designer because he completely transcended the processes of painting and creation. Featuring the letter A, my Happy New Year card designed for the Croatian Architects’ Associa-

tion in 1992 was a tribute to Mondrian’s work. My self-initiated EU flag design project is also based on Mondrian’s style and way of visual reflection, and uses the colours of the EU.  The way you approach design challenges isn’t commercial. In fact, your approach is committed and engaged. Similarly, you’re no stranger to staging a performance to draw attention to what you want to communicate. These are things you’re known for. Which of your design projects, both finished and unfinished, would you single out that are exactly that, engaged and provocative?

− Such are mostly my works that haven’t been brought to fruition. Some of my best work is unfinished and hasn’t been brought to life. I’ll single out one, though. To celebrate the 900th anniversary of Zagreb, I designed a 3D monument in the form of a barcode. It consists of 18 16-metre-high columns. In sectional view, the columns form the shape of an elongated ellipse, while frontally they look like a barcode, which, when scanned by a laser scanner, reads ZAGREB. This 3D monument could easily become a symbol of Zagreb, just like the Eiffel Tower is of Paris, whose image is incorporated into Paris’s logo by way of standing in for the letter A in the word Paris. This 3D monument I designed could easily be turned into the new logo of Zagreb, this design solution could easily be used to mark Zagreb’s pedestrian crossings, this design could become Zagreb’s official city flag, and it could be made into souvenirs. In other words,

Bearing witness to the aggression against and destruction of the city of Vukovar, the Read between the lines poster won five of the most prestigious international design awards

this design solution encompasses all the elements necessary for what could be Zagreb’s one-of-a-kind, unexampled comprehensive visual identity.

 You were involved in the setting up of the design studies at Zagreb’s Faculty of Architecture, where you also taught the first generations of design students. What’s your opinion on the new generations of designers, many of whom have achieved international success just like you have?

− The design studies in Zagreb have birthed a multitude of trained and professional designers who have found their own professional calling in life. International awards and professional recognition do help them to establish themselves, position themselves, and define themselves professionally. I was asked to select the works of my Croatian colleagues and to write the foreword for a book looking to give an overview of national graphic design of some thirty countries. My impression is that many Croatian works and designs are really brilliant. I also think that current Croatian design is highly respected internationally. It could perhaps have a more pronouncedly Croatian visual identity, though.

Plakat Read between the lines, koji svjedoči o agresiji i uništenju Vukovara, dobitnik je pet najprestižnijih međunarodnih nagrada B. Ljubičić

 It’s no exaggeration to say that Croatia’s red-and-white checkerboard squares − or just squares, as we, Croatians, like to call them − have become globally recognisable, and that the jersey worn by the Croatian National Football Team is perhaps the most famous one in the world. How much does the design of such ordinary, everyday, practical and small items contribute to a country’s brand, visual identity, and international positioning?

− General, basic concepts, such as squares or circles, cannot be protected by copyright. Japan, for example, cannot copyright their most basic visual identity, that is, the circle from their official state flag. What they can copyright, however, is their flag. It’s interesting to note that it was in 1999 that Japan adopted its flag officially, even though it had been around and in use for an entire century, but as an unofficial or people’s flag. I think that being known internationally as the Land of the Rising Sun is the reason behind it. The sun has its rays, but is conceptually represented by a red circle surrounded and protected by a white background. However, their concept of the circle has been widely adopted, and so they have it in corporate logos, on products, posters, etc. Similarly,

Croatia’s both historical and modern-day visual identity is based on the red-and-white checkerboards or squares that Croatia has had on its historical and modern-day coat of arms. The design concept of alternating squares of different colours, dark and light, or in red and white which is their official form and layout, has been around and used by contemporary design elsewhere in the world and not only in Croatia. Checkerboard squares cannot be abstracted, and then protected by copyright as a piece of original design. What can, however, be copyrighted are individual items and objects which are original works of authorship. In other words, only checkerboard squares incorporated into an original design can be protected by copyright. For instance, my HVADRATI project is copyrighted. In this design of mine, all the checkerboard squares feature a typographic character; specifically, the letter H, which is why I dubbed the design HVADRATI. [Translator’s note: The name and/ or word HVADRATI is coined by blending two Croatian words; namely, the word kvadrati which translates as squares, and the letter H from the word Hrvatska which is what Croatia is called in Croatian. HVADRATI could, therefore, loosely be translated as Croatian Squares.] The idea underlying the design is All things Croatian are distinct. Being an original Croatian design or brand, the HVADRATI design can be applied to paper, textile and other materials, and is particularly suitable for the production of different items, products and goods. I’ve protected my original HVADRATI design by copyright as it is my intellectual property, although it can be used under certain conditions.

 What are you currently working on?

− I’m currently working on a book. Its title is SQUARE & CIRCLE. In it, I describe and illustrate the process of designing each of my works, and they’re all rather different. In the 1970s I was focused on finding a definition of design, in the 1980s I used design as a means of provocation, in the 1990s I was inspired by the square, and at the beginning of

Samoinicirani dizajn-projekt hrvatskih euro kovanica (lipanj 2022.), temeljen na hrvatskim kvadratima ili prepoznatljivom vizualnom identitetu koji, kako smatra Ljubičić, trebamo trajno usvojiti i koristiti kao hrvatski vizualni kod

Boris Ljubičić’s self-initiated design project of Croatian euro coins (June 2022), based on Croatia’s checkerboard squares or recognisable visual identity, which we should, Ljubičić firmly believes, adopt and use as Croatia’s visual code

the 21st century I centred on my Love Square & Circle 3D poster because I perceived them as symbols of Croatia and the world. I’ve been invested in bringing my earlier designs to life. My NEW STONE monument project, inspired by the Baška Tablet dating from around the year 1100 AD, is a design I have worked on for 30 years, that is, from 1992 to 2022. The 15th January 1992 was a key date in the recent history of modern-day Croatia. On that day we became an independent and internationally recognised country. Many peoples have striven to achieve the same, but have failed because you become an independent country when other countries recognise your existence and independence. Last year we celebrated the 30th anniversary of the international recognition of Croatia, and so we could have used the year of 2022 as a means of strengthening people’s awareness of the existence of the state of Croatia. The NEW STONE’s text written bilingually in Croatian and in English, so that foreigners in general, and statesmen and diplomats in particular could also read it, its square visual detail, and the time and place of the erection of the monument would all communicate the following message: THE STATE OF CROATIA is here! We had waited for it for a long time, and finally made it come true. I designed the monument as a fragment of an irregularly shaped boulder from the island of Brač featuring two flat, polished sides where text would be carved, on one side in Croatian, and on the other in English, in a fascinating and somewhat cryptic typeface called Can You Read Me? In this typeface, the letter i is, for instance, represented only with a dot, and the letter o only with a quarter of a circle. The idea is that this enigmatic quality of the typeface would keep you glued to the monument, as it were. It has conceptual ties with the Glagolitic script used over 900 years ago on the Baška Tablet. In other words, the Can You Read Me? typeface would function as a modern-day memento of the Glagolitic script. The idea to have this monument be made of standard, regular stone stems from my desire to have the form of the monument be as natural and as raw as possible. This would create the metaphorical impression that it has been there for centuries, that it naturally belongs there. This is why I’d like to see the monument be placed directly on the ground, why I haven't designed a pedestal or base of any kind for it. Stone benches would be placed on the two sides of the monument featuring the text, and they would be perfectly positioned to

B. Ljubičić



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facilitate reading the text in peace. I’d like to see my monument be erected at Zagreb’s Franjo Tuđman Square, a square named after the first president of modern-day Croatia who had made the nine-hundred-year-old Croatian dream of having an independent and internationally recognised state come true. The monument’s location would be Croatia’s new stone

You’re the recipient of many national and international awards, and have won great acclaim. Do you, by any chance, have a favourite, and

− I’d single out two instances that came as a surprise because no public call or standard competition was announced for either. One was a direct invitation I received from the Museum of Printing and Graphic Communication in Lyon to participate in their big exhibition called Attention − Logo! with the logo I designed for the 1979 Mediterranean Games in Split. As the author of the design of the logo or the symbol of the games, I set up an 11-strong team, the CIO Visual Communications Team, that is, whose most active collaborator was my wife, Rajna Buzić Ljubičić, with the aim of raising the level of the visual identity of the Mediterranean Games to that of the Olympic Games. We achieved this symbolically by designing a logo that features three circles that represent the three continents partaking in the games; that is, Europe, Asia, and Africa. What makes our logo special is that the circles are reminiscent of the famous Olympic circles or rings, but our three are distorted in the lower part, giving the impression that they are immersed in water. The blue background is suggestive of the blueness of the Mediterranean Sea. Thanks to the originality and recognisability of these three distorted circles, and thanks to the fact that they create a powerful visual symbol, they have remained in use to date as the official logo of the Mediterranean Games. The other award I’d single out is the First Prize I received at the Media Save Art '91 exhibition. This was a poster of mine inspired by the folk wisdom that says: So often the pitcher goes to the Famously dividing the world into two blocs, the Eastern and the Western Bloc, the Berlin Wall fell in 1989. A map of the world composed of the shards of a broken pitcher depicted perfectly the political situation of the late 1980s and the early 1990s, particularly in the countries of South and East Europe or the countries that comprised the Eastern Bloc. I presented this motif, which was particularly illustrative of Croatia at the time, on the poster for the 1991 International Museum Day. A war was raging in Croatia, causing heavy casualties, destroying our heritage systematically, and erasing history. This is what my KRVATSKA! and Read posters underscored. [Translator’s note: The name and/ is coined by blending two Croatian words; namely, the Hrvatska, which is what Croatia is called in Croatian, are replaced with the Croatian word krv which translates as could, therefore, loosely be translated as the Croatian .] I’d also like to take this opportunity to mention a number of other international awards, such as the Red Dot Grand Prix Design Award for my Love Square & Circle 3D poster in 2000, and 12 more Red Dot acknowledgments and recognitions. At the Graphis International Awards, awarded by Graphis, a prestigious international publisher of books and awards for the visual communications industry headquartered in New York, I received four Platinum Awards, from which I’d single out the one I was awarded for my self-initiated poster project called the cross of Adam and Eve, and several Gold and Silver awards. There’s also the 2005 Best of Show International Design Award I received from the Chicago-based International Design Annual for a series of 3D posters I designed for the Croatian National Tourist Board. These are recognitions and acknowledgements you cannot influence. Besides, their judges and panels are not acquainted with what we could refer to as specifically Croatian topics, although what they have evaluated is, in fact, my self-initiated All things idea and concept. 

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photo: ivo biočina photo: zoran jelača





dva su nestalna bisera zadarskog kraja koje ćemo najlakše vidjeti u rano proljeće kada se topi snijeg i nakon jakih i dugotrajnih kiša.

There are two gems of nature hiding in the surroundings of the Karin Sea. These are the rivers Bijela and Karišnica. They exist only in the wetter part of the year, which makes them temporary or seasonal jewels of the Zadar region. You’ll spot them in early spring when the snow starts to melt, and after persistent and heavy rains.

01 Franjevački samostan na ušću Karišnice A Franciscan monastery at the mouth of the Karišnica River 02 Brzaci Karišnice Karišnica’s rapids Zaleđe Karinskog mora skriva dva prirodna bisera, rijeke Bijelu i Karišnicu, koje teku samo u vlažnijem dijelu godine. Karišnica i Bijela
01 02

Karinsko more u Zadarskoj županiji manje je poznati dio jadranske obale, bez većih turističkih središta. More se ovdje duboko uvuklo u kopno preko dugačkog i uskog kanala koji vidimo kad vozimo preko Masleničkog mosta. Prvo je proširenje Novigradsko more, a nakon još jednog uskog kanala i Karinsko more. Ljeti ovdje kod mjesta Karin vlada graja turista i zvuk brodica, a valja prošetati i malo dalje od plaže, sve do mosta i samostana Svete Marije Bezgrješne.

Samostan je podignut na ušću rječice

Karišnice u more preko kojega prelazi most. Rijeka je tisućljećima nanosila sediment i stvorila malu deltu zvanu Tuvina, gdje sada rastu močvarne vrste biljaka.

To su sitovi, caklenjače i druge vrste koje podnose i slatku vodu i more. Te su vrste na ušću samo dio od ukupno 350 vrsta biljaka koje su biolozi zabilježili na cijelom toku Karišnice. Na mulj dolaze i mnoge

ptice, njih stotinjak vrsta, posebice ćurlini, koje gacaju dugačkim nogama te dugim kljunom čeprkaju crviće i druge životinje. Treba samo malo stati i promatrati život koji vrvi na ovoj obalnoj močvari. Od ušća moguće je u samo sat, dva prošetati do izvora Karišnice. Dostupna je svima, dugačka tek 2400 metara, a nagib joj je blag jer izvor je svega dvadesetak metara nad morem. Lijepim putem moguće je lako obići cijeli tok. U donjem toku rječica je široka i pod utjecajem morskih mijena, gdje je voda još boćata i s otočićima močvarne vegetacije. No kako se odmičemo od mora, korito se sužava i ima karakteristike prave tekućice. S vremenom se pojavljuju mali brzaci, čak i slapići. Karišnica je usjekla malu dolinu mjestimice s pravim kanjonskim liticama gdje se gnijezdi i velika sova ušara. Rječica teče okružena mirisnom šumom bora, a u donjem toku maslinicima i livadama. Osim žuborenja vode na slapićima, lijepih

Slapovi Bijele okupani zalazećim suncem

Bijela’s waterfalls bathed in the light of the setting sun


krajolika i ptica, uz rječicu se mogu vidjeti i stari mlinovi, na žalost danas samo njihovi tužni ostaci. Na Karišnici su uz tok podignuta četiri manja mlina koja su u stara vremena služila ljudima iz cijelog kraja za mljevenje žitarica, u doba bez električne energije ili benzinskih motora. Tolika je bila potražnja da su ljudi na red znali čekati i po godinu dana. Danas nažalost tek goli zidovi i ostaci kamenog žrvnja podsjećaju na ta davna vremena. Lijepi kameni most i huk velikih slapova najavljuju kulminaciju Karišnice. Peti, najveći i najljepši mlin izgrađen je na samom izvoru, gdje se nalazi i najveći slap. Ambijent podsjeća na slapove Krke s mlinicama. Ostavština su Marije Terezije iz 18. stoljeća, također izvan funkcije, bez krovišta sada zjape u nebo. Karišnica izvire odmah iza slapova, u istoimenoj špilji dugačkoj 120 metara. No ljeti će posjetitelji ostati iznenađeni golim stijenama korita bez kapi vode. Izvor, naime, presušuje što je česta

Od ušća moguće je u samo sat, dva prošetati do izvora Karišnice. Dostupna je svima, dugačka tek 2400 metara, a nagib joj je blag jer izvor je svega dvadesetak metara nad morem.

To get to the source of Karišnica from its mouth, set aside an hour or two. The river’s entire watercourse is easily accessible to everyone − it’s as little as 2400 metres long, and slopes only very gently because its source is as little as some twenty metres above sea level.

Razvedeni tok Karišnice s otočićima Islets created by Karišnica’s branching
28 CROATIA AIRLINES 1/2023 01 02

01-02 Napušteni vodeni mlinovi na Karišnici Abandoned watermills on Karišnica

03 Jesenske boje u kanjonu Bijele Autumnal colours in Bijela’s canyon

stijene, no po nekima ime ipak duguje svijetlom vapnencu u kanjonu.

pojava u suhom kršu, posljedica nedostatka kiša u toplo doba godine. Tada se može i prošetati izvorišnom špiljom. Susjednu rječicu Bijelu također nećemo vidjeti ljeti. Ova neobična rječica gotovo da je postala sinonim za nestalnost vodotoka u primorskom krškom području. Gotovo je nemoguće u to doba pojmiti da se ovdje obrušavaju velik slapovi usred krševitog kanjona rijeke koji dominira krajolikom. No kada padnu jake kiše ili se topi snijeg, vidi se iz daljine. Svoj je naziv dobila po bijeloj liniji slapova usred gole

Za razliku od lagane šetnje uz Karišnicu, obilazak Bijele već je pravi planinarski uspon. Neugledna staza bez markacija vodi uz desnu obalu rijeke, prvo uz tok, no ubrzo se odvaja u brdo. Staza kao da vodi od rijeke, no nema straha jer zaobilazi strmi i nedostupni dio kanjona. Iznad toka rijeke izdižu se stijene od kojih su neke visoke i preko 300 m, idealne za sportsko penjanje, koje obožavaju penjači željni adrenalina. U jednom trenu dolazimo do pećinice, izvrsnog zaklona za lokalne pastire. Nakon laganog uspona staza se konačno usmjeruje prema riječici.

Ambijent je također drukčiji; umjesto pitomog mediteranskog krajolika blage rječice usred zelenila, usred smo gotovo mjesečevog krajolika. U kanjonu čovjek se može samo diviti tektonskim silama, odnosno rasjedu koji je razdvojio brdo i omogućio Bijeloj da ovdje pomalo dubi svoj put kroz poroznu vapnenačku stijenu. Bijela u svoja dva kilometra toka

prelazi s izvorom na 300 metara nad morem mnogo veću visinsku razliku od Karišnice pa je mnogo divljija. U kišovito doba godine Bijela rijeka ruši se niz nekoliko velikih i zapjenjenih slapova od kojih neki sežu i do pet ili šest metara visine, a najviši doseže i petnaestak metara. Ovdje nastaje sedra, ta čarobna tvar koja je izgradila poznate slapove Krke i Plitvičkih jezera.

Između slapova, na vodoravnijim stepenicama kanjona mirniji su dijelovi toka, čak i mali bazeni mirne vode s divnom zelenkastom bojom. Za najjačih kiša obilazak je ne samo opasan nego i gotovo nemoguć zbog velike količine vode. Zimi pak hladni dah bure zaledi dio kanjona i slapova. No za umjerenog vodostaja moguće se uz malo spretnosti diviti raskoši prirode koju je voda svojom kratkotrajnom pojavom oživjela. Nema straha od žeđi jer voda koja dolazi iz utrobe stijena čista je i bistra.

Konačno, na kraju uspona dolazimo do izvora. Rijeka se rađa iz tmine prostrane pećine u čijoj se dubini i za najžešćih


suša može pronaći vode. Dugačka je više od 200 metara s nekoliko povezanih dvorana, a u njoj žive šišmiši i ostale špiljske vrste.

Rječice Karišnica i Bijela dva su nestalna bisera prirode zadarskog kraja koje ćemo najlakše vidjeti u rano proljeće kada se topi snijeg i nakon jakih i dugotrajnih kiša.

Because it has no major tourist centre, the Karin Sea in the Zadar County is a lesser-known part of the Adriatic coast. The sea has penetrated deep into the mainland here via a long and narrow channel which you’ll see while driving across the Maslenica Bridge. The first widening is at the village of Novigrad, hence the name the Novigrad Sea. There comes another narrow channel, after which the sea widens again and becomes the Karin Sea. In the summer, the village of Karin is buzzing with tourists and boats. Besides enjoying the hustle and bustle, be sure to take a walk all the way to the bridge and the Monastery of St. Mary Immaculate.

The monastery was built at the mouth of the Karišnica River, across which a bridge was built as well. Here, the river has been depos-

01 Slapovi Karišnice na ušću impresivan su motiv

Karišnica’s impressive waterfalls at its mouth

02 Strme litice rijeke Bijele

The steep cliffs of the Bijela River

Tuvina’s wetland mud attracts many birds; some one hundred species, to be precise. The vast majority are wading birds − they wade through the mud with their long legs, and feast on worms and other small animals with the help of their long beaks. In fact, this saltmarsh is teeming with life. To observe it, all you have to do is stop for a few minutes.

To get to the source of Karišnica from its mouth, set aside an hour or two. The river’s entire watercourse is easily accessible to everyone along a beautiful path, which is as little as 2400 metres long, and which slopes only very gently because its source is as little as some twenty metres above sea level. Karišnica’s lower course is wide and influenced by the tides, its water is brackish, and it boasts islets of aquatic plants. By contrast, as you move away from the sea, the riverbed narrows and its waters start to flow. It even creates small rapids and tiny waterfalls. In places, Karišnica chiselled small vales that boast proper canyon cliffs where Eurasian eagle-owls nest. While its upper course is surrounded by a fragrant pine forest, its lower course is dominated by olive groves and meadows.

iting sediment for millennia, which created a small delta called Tuvina, where wetland plants grow now. These include soft rushes, glassworts and other salt-tolerant species, and are only a tiny fraction of the total of 350 plant species that biologists have listed along Karišnica’s entire watercourse.

Besides savouring the burbling of water down small waterfalls, absorbing beautiful landscapes and spotting birds, you’ll also see old watermills along the river; that is, what today remains of them, sadly. Four smaller mills were once built along Karišnica that served all the people of the region. This is where they’d grind their grain − in a time

01 02
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that knew of neither electricity nor petrol. The demand was so great that people used to have to wait up to a year for their turn to have their grain ground. Alas, bare walls and the ruins of the millstones themselves are the only bits that remain of the mills today reminding us of a bygone age.

The crescendo of Karišnica is announced by a stunning stone bridge and the roar of a large waterfall. The fifth, largest, and most beautiful watermill was built at the source itself, which is where the largest waterfall is. Indeed, the ambiance is reminiscent of the Krka waterfalls and its mills. The legacy of Maria Theresa of Austria from the 18th century, the watermills today are out of use, roofless, and left open to the elements. The spring of Karišnica is right behind the waterfalls, inside a 120-metre-long cave of the same name.

What may surprise you in the summer are the dry rocks of Karišnica’s riverbed without a single drop of water in it. The source dries up, which is not an uncommon occurrence in dry karst landscapes, and is the consequence of very low levels of rainfall in the summer season. However, it’s a chance for you to explore the cave that Karišnica wells from.

Another rivulet you won’t have the chance to see in the summer is the neighbouring Bijela River. This remarkable rivulet has become a synonym of sorts for the impermanence of watercourses in coastal karst landscapes. In summer, it is nearly impossible to imagine that big waterfalls crash here in the middle of a rugged river canyon dominating the landscape. Yet, when it rains heavily or the snow starts to melt, you'll be able to spot it from a distance. It translates as the White River, a name it was given because of the white line that the waterfalls of Bijela create in the midst of bare rock, although according to some, it was named White thanks to its canyon’s bright white limestone.

Unlike the easy walk along Karišnica, touring the Bijela River will feel like a proper mountain climb. An unmarked, inconspicuous trail stretches along the right riverbank; first along the river itself, but soon it climbs up a hill. It may seem to lead away from the river, but don’t fret over it because all it does is bypass the steep and inaccessible part of the canyon. Rocks rise high above the river here. Some are over 300 metres high, which makes them ideal for sport climbing, which is why they’re much loved by thrill-seeking

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Kameni križ od pletera u zidu hodnika samostana Svete Marije Bezgrješne svjedoči dobu hrvatskih vladara. Franjevci dolaze u 15. stoljeću, a opstali su i pod vlašću Osmanlija. U sigurnosti zidova samostana djeca su učila pisati, a nastala je i mala, ali vrijedna knjižnica. Ovo je zdanje obnovljeno nakon Domovinskog rata i sada ponosno stoji u pozadini Karinskog mora i Velebita u daljini.

Featuring the pre-Romanesque Croatian interlace pattern, a stone cross on the wall of the hallway of the Monastery of St. Mary Immaculate bears witness to what history calls the age of Croatia’s rulers. The Franciscans arrived here in the 15th century, and managed to survive the Ottomans. Here, in the safety of the monastery, children learned to write, and a small yet valuable library was set up. Having been reconstructed after the Homeland War, today it stands tall in the vicinity of the Karin Sea with the Velebit Mountain Range rising in the distance.

climbers. At one point, you’ll reach a cave, where shepherds often take shelter. After a gentle ascent, the trail will finally take you back towards the river.

Bijela’s landscape differs, too. Instead of gentle Karišnica’s mild Mediterranean landscape suffused with greenery, the Bijela River’s surroundings seem to resemble the surface of the Moon. In its canyon, you’ll find yourself admiring the tectonic forces which formed the fault which split the hill in two, and allowed Bijela to make its way through porous limestone rock. Although the two rivers are similar in length, Bijela is much wilder. This is because Bijela’s source is at 300 metres above sea level, which means that its two-kilometre long watercourse has to cover more ground from source to sea whilst overcoming a much greater elevation. In the rainy season, Bijela crashes down a series of large and foaming waterfalls. Some of these are up to five or six metres high, while the highest is as high as fifteen metres. This is where travertine, that magical substance that forms the famous waterfalls

of Krka and Plitvice Lakes, is created. The calmer parts of the river are found in the more horizontal sections of the canyon between the waterfalls. At times, these are small pools of calm, wonderfully green-coloured water. During the heaviest of rains, the Bijela River accumulates huge amounts of water, which makes touring it not only dangerous, but nearly impossible. In winter, the cold breath of the north-easterly bora wind freezes a part of its canyon and some of its waterfalls. But when the water levels of Bijela are moderate, if you’re dexterous enough you’ll get to admire the splendour of nature brought to life by the temporary, seasonal presence of water. You won’t die from thirst either because the water that springs from the bowels of the earth here is clean, clear and potable. You’ll reach the source of Bijela at the very end of your climb. The river is born from

the darkness of a spacious cave, in whose depths water can be found even during the most severe of droughts. The cave is over 200 metres long, and comprises several interconnected halls, where bats and other cave species have found a home. The Karišnica and Bijela rivers are temporary or seasonal gems of the Zadar region, which you’ll spot in early spring when the snow starts to melt, and after persistent and heavy rains. 

01-02 Ptice močvarice na ušću Karišnice u more Wading birds at the mouth of the Karišnica River

01 02



poduzetnike i

vlasnike OPG-ova koji će vas provesti kroz ljepote i tradiciju svih krajeva zemlje

Support local businesses and family farms’ owners which will present you the beauty and tradition of the country

Platforma Priceless.com korisnicima Mastercard® kartica nudi priliku da nauče ili dožive nešto novo i jedinstveno kroz niz posebno osmišljenih iskustava u suradnji s ekskluzivnim hotelima, malim tvrtkama i lokalnim proizvođačima. Na platformi Priceless.com korisnici i ove sezone u ponudi mogu pronaći nova, ekskluzivna iskustava u kojima će uživati online ili fizički. Iskustva su kreirana u suradnji s umjetnicima, kuharima, avanturistima, hotelima, malim poduzetnicima i lokalnim proizvođačima, a sve s ciljem podupiranja hrvatskih poduzetnika i njihovih proizvoda i usluga. Od posljednjeg kvartala 2022. godine sva iskustva na platformi i svi partneri platforme koji ih omogućavaju stavljaju održivost u svom poslovanju na prvo mjesto.

The Priceless.com platform offers Mastercard® cardholders an opportunity to learn or experience something new and unique through a series of specially designed experiences in collaboration with exclusive hotels, small businesses, and local producers. On the Priceless.com platform, users can find exclusive new experiences on offer this season as well, which they can enjoy online or physically. Experiences are created in collaboration with artists, chefs, adventurers, hotels, small entrepreneurs, and local producers, all with the aim of supporting Croatian entrepreneurs and their products and services. As of the last quarter of 2022, all platform partners and the experiences they provide put sustainability at the forefront of their businesses.

01 Chef’s table u JRE restoranu Badi nedaleko Umaga također je jedno od dostupnih iskustava

Chef’s table at JRE restaurant Badi near Umag is also one of the available experiences

02 Na Priceless.com možete bukirati iskustvo koje omogućuje

Chiavalon, proizvođač jednog od najboljih maslinovih ulja na svijetu At Priceless.com you can book experiences organized with Chiavalon, the producer of one of the best olive oil in the world

03 Tim Eat Istria povest će vas na gastro putovanje kroz Istru

Eat Istria team will take you to the extraordinary gastro journey through Istria

Istražite Hrvatsku kroz jedinstvena iskustva na Priceless.com

Explore Croatia through unique experiences available at Priceless.com

01 02 03 PROMO


Podignut 1256. godine, Garić grad jedan je od najstarijih utvrđenih gradova sjeverne Hrvatske Built in 1256, Garić Grad is one of the oldest fortified towns in northern Croatia

Za tek jedan sat iz Zagreba možete stići do Moslavačke gore, koja se ubraja u najstarija gorja Hrvatske. Vodimo vas na istraživanje i jednodnevni predah u prirodu, s laganom opremom za hodanje.

Getting to Moslavina Mountain, one of Croatia’s oldest mountains, takes as little as an hour from Zagreb. I’m taking you there on an exploration trip and a one-day nature break. All you’ll need is light hiking gear.

01 02

Sproplanaka uzoranih poput zen vrtova, jara kasnoga proljetnog dana odvela me malo dalje u šumu. Do grubih ožiljaka zarezanih u vulkanske stijene koje je milijunima godina zemljina utroba drobila, premetala i izbacivala na svoju površinu. Od zaseoka Šimljanik nadomak

Podgarića do geolokaliteta Kamene kugle nema više od jednog sata laganog hoda kroz šumu. Toliko vremena treba da se iz

Zagreba automobilom stigne do Gornje

Jelenjske, Mikleuške, Moslavačke Slatine, Kutinice, Selišta ili nekoga drugog mjesta s kojega najčešće započinje hodalačko

istraživanje Moslavačke gore. Zahvaljujući svojoj krajobraznoj, geološkoj i biorazno-

Podignut u 13. stoljeću, pavlinski samostan Blažene Djevice Marije najstariji je pavlinski samostan na prostoru današnje Hrvatske. Unatoč činjenici da su od njega ostale samo ruševine, mjesto na kojemu se one nalaze zrači privlačnom zagonetnošću.

Dating from the 13th century, the Pauline Monastery of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the oldest Pauline monastery in modern-day Croatia. Despite the fact that only its ruins remain, it radiates a certain aura of magnetism and mystery.

01 Samostan Blažene Djevice Marije na Moslavačkoj gori, osnovan u 13. stoljeću, najstariji je pavlinski samostan na prostoru današnje Hrvatske

Dating from the 13th century, the Monastery of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Moslavina Mountain is the oldest Pauline monastery in modern-day Croatia

02 Konzervatorsko-restauratorske radove na moslavačkom pavlinskom samostanu od 2009. godine provodi Hrvatski restauratorski zavod

The Croatian Conservation Institute has been carrying out restoration and conservation work on the Pauline monastery on Moslavina Mountain since 2009

03 Ostaci crkve Navještenja Marijina, podignute u sklopu pavlinskog samostana Blažene Djevice Marije na Moslavačkoj gori

The remains of the Church of the Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary, built within the Pauline Monastery of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Moslavina Mountain

likosti te bogatom kulturno-povijesnom i tradicijskom nasljeđu, Regionalni park Moslavačka gora, smješten u Sisačko-moslavačkoj i Bjelovarsko-bilogorskoj županiji, malo će koga ostaviti ravnodušnim. Moglo bi se danima kružiti po njemu. Ne nedostaje razloga koji privlače. Ipak, povest ću vas ovaj put na jednodnevni predah u prirodu, uz laganu opremu i omiljeni kružni itinerar u ruksaku. Moslavačka gora nije visoka, a ubraja se u najstarija gorja Hrvatske. Uzdiže se usred prostrane zavale središnje Hrvatske i u vidokrugu spaja širok prsten uzvisina: Žumberak, Medvednicu, Zrinsku goru, Kalnik, Psunj, Papuk, Bilogoru. Najviši vrh

Moslavačke gore jest Humka, visok 489 metara. Od njega i središnjeg grebena preko sve blažih padina Moslavačka gora prelazi u ravnicu kojom teku rijeke Lonja, Česma i Ilova. Prostrana je i naborana, obrasla šumom, puna rasjeda, jaraka, usjeklina, prošarana potocima i obrubljena pitomim moslavačkim vinogradima.

Staza Jezero Mikleuška − Bela Crkva − Vis − Humka − Jezero Mikleuška desetak je kilometara duga i kruži srcem Moslavačke gore. Može se prehodati za četiri sata i najčešći je odabir kada se u malo vremena nastoji obići ono najznačajnije te se popeti na vrh Moslavine. Kreće s livade uz južni rub Jezera prema šumi. Tamo možete


ostaviti svoje vozilo ako ste doputovali cestom iz smjera Podgarića ili Gornje Gračenice. Prva dva i pol kilometra najljepši su dio staze. Početni napor uspona brzo će zamijeniti uzbuđenje hodanja gorskim kosama i potočnim jarcima. Sjećam se svojeg prvog pohoda na Humku. Bilo je to jednog proljeća. Izlomljene gromade od granita usred šume, osute mahovinom i papratnjačama prizivale su usporedbe s čuvenim krajolicima, primjerice sa Sherwoodskom šumom. Kasnije sam shvatio da takva analogija nema previše smisla. Grofovija Nottinghamshire i Moslavina, svaka na svoj način, podjednako su bajkovita i autentična mjesta. Put je dobro obilježen planinarskim oznakama, a na nekim mje-

stima još i osiguran sajlama i rukohvatima. Ime potoka, Crkveni jarak, uzduž kojega staza dalje prolazi, nagovješćuje i kamo će vas staza i potok na kraju dovesti. Do Bele Crkve. Podignut u 13. stoljeću, pavlinski samostan Blažene Djevice Marije najstariji je pavlinski samostan na prostoru današnje Hrvatske. Unatoč činjenici da su od njega ostale samo ruševine, mjesto na kojemu se one nalaze zrači privlačnom zagonetnošću. Priče su, iako ne znam još po kojem ključu, ono zbog čega najviše naginjem pješačenju. Moslavačka gora nudi ih napretek. Izguglate li nakon ovoga malo o Pavlinima, Čuporima, Erdo˝dyjima i Crnoj kraljici, možda i vas ponesu u Moslavinu. Teško ih se zasititi. A kako mašta na

hodanje nerijetko djeluje poput energetskog napitka, poleta neće nedostajati ni na ostatku puta. Topit će se samo kalorije. Do televizijskog odašiljača na Humki ima još pola sata hoda, preko iskrčenog gorskog bila na Visu, s kojeg puca pogled sve do Slavonije.

Ovaj kratki pješački izlet do Humke i natrag na Jezero može se različito zaokružiti. Istim putem kojim smo i došli, samo drugim krakom od Lugarnice ispod odašiljača pa do Bele Crkve. Ili kraćom i manje zahtjevnom varijantom, niz šumski makadam. Preporučio bih ipak treću mogućnost i povećao obod pješačke kružnice za još tri kilometra jer Garić grad ne bi trebalo zaobići. Podignut 1256. godine, tijekom svoje povijesti više je puta mijenjao


01 Na Moslavačkoj gori obilježeno je oko 80 kilometara planinarskih staza Moslavina Mountain boasts some 80 kilometres of marked hiking trails

02 Geološki lokalitet Garjevica, kamene kugle

The Garjevica type locality, aka the Stone Spheres

03 Geološki lokalitet Garjevica slovi kao mistično mjesto zbog mnogih

migmatitnih kugla koje su nastale u procesu hlađenja stijena

The Garjevica type locality is considered to be mystical thanks to its many migmatite spheres that were formed during the cooling phase of rock formation

02 03


of Earth Day celebrations

Zahvaljujući svojoj krajobraznoj, geološkoj i bioraznolikosti te bogatom kulturno-povijesnom i tradicijskom nasljeđu, Regionalni park Moslavačka gora smješten u Sisačko-moslavačkoj i Bjelovarsko-bilogorskoj županiji malo će koga ostaviti ravnodušnim. Moglo bi se danima kružiti po njemu. Ne nedostaje razloga koji privlače.

Thanks to a medley of landscapes, its geological history, biodiversity, and rich cultural and historical heritage, and traditions, the Moslavina Mountain Regional Park that spreads across two counties − namely, the Sisak-Moslavina, and the Bjelovar-Bilogora counties − won’t leave you indifferent. There are plenty of reasons that will draw you to it, which is why you can spend days touring and exploring it.

vlasnike. Uz zagrebačke biskupe, znamenita baštinica bila je i Barbara Celjska, o kojoj narodne priče čuvaju spomen na Crnu kraljicu. Crna ili ne, supruga ugarsko-hrvatskog kralja Sigismunda Luksemburškog u povijesnim je pak izvorima zapamćena kao velika zaštitnica moslavačkih pavlina. Samostan čije smo ruševine već obišli najveći je procvat doživio upravo u 15. stoljeću. Ako tu najpoznatiju moslavačku utvrdu potražite na interaktivnoj planinarskoj karti Hrvatske, naći ćete je prikvačenu na kružni itinerar druge, nešto duže pješačke staze, Moslavačke planinarske obilaznice. Staza kojom pješačimo također je njezin dio. Slijedite još pola sata putokaze za Garić grad. Najprije šumskim putom do Puklog kamena, a onda i po asfaltu. Preostaje još samo vratiti se na Jezero. Jedan sat laganog hoda od Garić grada cestom koja povezuje Podgarić i Gornju Gračenicu. Moslavačku goru upoznao sam prije nekoliko godina. Pješačeći i drugim stazama, obično u proljeće, otada je redovito posjećujem. I dalje najčešće krećem s Jezera Mikleuške, no obodi kružnica po kojima hodam sve su veći. Od Puklog kamena skrećem na sjever i kružim šumama oko Gornje Jelenske. Dvadesetak kilometara stazom preko Mjeseca, Jelengrada i Moslavačke Slatine. Idem čak i dalje, istim smjerom do planinarskog doma Pleterac i Košutgrada. Zapravo, istraživanju nema kraja... 

01 Tradicionalna Moslavačka biciklijada održava se svake godine od 22. do 24. travnja, u sklopu obilježavanje Dana planeta Zemlje The traditional Moslavina Cycling Race is held every year 22nd to 24th April as part 02 Moslavačku goru može se najbolje upoznati brzinom ljudskog hoda, u svako godišnje doba
01 02
The best way to get to know Moslavina Mountain is on foot, no matter what season it is

faults, ditches, and ravines, streaked with streams, and its gentle hills cultivated and rimmed with vineyards.

Circling around the heart of Moslavina

Mountain, the Lake Mikleuška-Bela Crkva-Vis Peak-Humka Hill-Lake Mikleuška orbital trail is ten kilometres long. It can be walked in four hours, and is likely to be your number one choice when you’ve got little time in which to see Moslavina’s most stunning spots, including a climb to its top. Its starting point is on a meadow along the southern edge of Lake Mikleuška, after which it heads towards the forest. You can leave your vehicle there if you’ve arrived by road from the villages of Podgarić or Gornja Gračenica. The first two and a half kilometres are the most beautiful leg of the trail. The initial effort you’ll have to make to climb the mountain will soon be replaced with a sense of joy and excitement as you’ll be walking along mountain slopes, streams, and runnels. I remember my first trip to Humka Hill. It was springtime. Granite boulders scattered across the forest, covered with mosses and ferns, invited comparison with famous landscapes, such as Sherwood Forest. I later realised that such comparisons don’t make much sense. Nottinghamshire and Moslavina are magical and authentic places, each in its own way, each in its own right. The trail is well marked, and in places secured with cables and handrails. The name of the stream, Crkveni Jarak or Church Runnel, along which the trail continues, hints at where the trail and the stream will take you in the end − to Bela Crkva or White Church, which dates from the 13th century. Its proper

Monument to the Revolution of the People of Moslavina by sculptor

Dušan Džamonja, Spomenik revolucije naroda Moslavine Dušan Džamonja in the village of Podgarić

name is the Pauline Monastery of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and is the oldest Pauline monastery in modern-day Croatia. Despite the fact that only its ruins remain, it radiates a certain aura of magnetism and mystery. Stories, although I haven’t yet discovered in what key, are what attract me to hiking the most. And Moslavina Mountain serves them by the score. If, after reading this piece, you end up googling the Order of Saint Paul the First Hermit or the Pauline Fathers as they’re commonly known, the Čupor nobles, the Erdo˝dy nobles, and the Black Queen, the stories you read will likely entice you to visit Moslavina yourself. You’ll find your mind wanting more; stories, that is. And since human imagination often energises our capacity for walking like an energy drink, you won’t be lacking in enthusiasm during the rest of the trail. Only calories will melt. There’s a half an hour’s walk to the television transmitter on Humka Hill ahead of you, over a cleared mountain pass on Vis Peak, which offers a panoramic view that stretches all the way to Slavonia. You can round off this short hiking trip to Humka Hill and get back to Lake Mikleuška by taking a few different routes. The first one is by taking the route that you took to

get there, except you’ll take the other fork from Lugarnica Forest Lodge under the transmitter to Bela Crkva. The other route is shorter and less challenging than the first as it takes you down a macadam road through the forest. There’s a third option as well, the one I recommend. It’ll increase the circumference of your orbital hike by an extra three kilometres, because you shouldn’t really circumvent the ruins of Garić Grad or Garić Town. Built in 1256, Garić Grad changed owners several times during its centuries-long history that included − besides the bishops of Zagreb − Barbara of Celje, who, according to local legend, was the Black Queen herself. Black or not, the wife of the King of Hungary and Croatia, Sigismund of Luxembourg, went down in history as a great patron of Moslavina’s Pauline Fathers. The Pauline Monastery of the Blessed Virgin Mary, whose ruins you’ve already visited, flourished in the 15th century. If you look up Moslavina’s most famous fortified Garić Town on an interactive hiking map of Croatia, you’ll find it listed on the orbital itinerary of another, somewhat longer hiking trail − the Moslavina Hiking Ring Route. The trail we’ve walked now is part of it. Garić Grad is

only half an hour away. To get there, all you have to do is follow the signposts; first along a forest trail to Pukli Kamen or Cracked Rock, and then along a paved road. To finish your orbital hike, all you have to do is get back to Lake Mikleuška, which is an hour’s easy walk from Garić Grad along a road that interconnects the villages of Podgarić and Gornja Gračenica.

I was first introduced to Moslavina Mountain a few years ago. Hiking along this and other trails, I’ve been visiting it regularly ever since, usually in the springtime. My starting point hasn’t changed over the years, though. It’s Lake Mikleuška most often, although the ring routes I take have been increasing in circumference hike after hike. At Pukli Kamen I sometimes head north and skirt the forests surrounding the village of Gornja Jelenska. Then there’s the twenty-or-so-kilometre-long trail interconnecting the Mjesec or Moon Peak, the remains of the medieval town of Jelengrad, and the modern-day village of Moslavačka Slatina. At times, I go further still, in the same direction towards the Pleterac Forest Lodge and the remains of the medieval fort of Košutgrad. In fact, there’s no end to my explorations.


jedna članarina

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Kada Slavonac zapjeva bećarac, problemi nestaju. UNESCO je prepoznao jedinstveni bećarac uvrstivši ga na svoju reprezentativnu listu nematerijalne kulturne baštine, a bećarac se pjevao i u povodu pristupanja Hrvatske Europskoj uniji. Pleternica slavi bećarac i upravo otvorenim Muzejom bećarca u tome malom slavonskom gradu.

When Slavonians sing the tune of a bećarac folk song (a reveller’s song in translation), all their problems dissolve. UNESCO included the bećarac on its Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The tune that was played at the stroke of midnight when Croatia officially entered the European Union was that of the bećarac. By having recently opened the Museum of Bećarac, the small town of Pleternica in Slavonia has joined in our celebration of Slavonia’s very own bećarac folk song.

PIŠE/BY __ Domagoj Katić FOTOGRAFIJE/PHOTOS __ Damir Fabijanić

Jesmo li se ikada zapitali što bi o našim postupcima ili našem radu mislili ljudi koji su živjeli godinama, desetljećima, pa čak i stoljećima prije nas? Razmišljamo li mi o tome što će misliti ljudi o našem nasljeđu u narednim godinama, desetljećima i stoljećima? Teško da je Matija Antun Relković, hrvatski književnik iz razdoblja prosvjetiteljstva čiji je rad obilježen nastojanjima da kulturno i gospodarski uzdigne zaostalu slavonsku sredinu, prilikom pisanja svojeg najpoznatijeg djela Satir iliti Divlji čovik mogao zamisliti da će jednoga dana ono što on tada kudi, kori i naziva lakrdijom s godinama dobiti ime bećarac te da će taj isti bećarac postati inspiracija i nit vodilja slavonskog grada Pleternice.

Puno je godina prošlo od navedenog djela, svaki novi dan nosio je svoje pa je tako i deseterački napjev polovicom prošlog stoljeća dobio danas prepoznatljivo ime − bećarac. Upravo taj bećarac postao je jedan od simbola Relkovićeve Slavonije, koja ga je prihvatila kao izvorni bijeg od svakodnevice, posebice njenih problematičnih dijelova.

Kada Slavonac zapjeva bećarac, problemi nestaju, duša dobije mir, a lice umjesto bolnog grča zadobije prikaz slavonske duše u vidu osmjeha i olakšanja. To je lice prikaz Slavonije, hrvatske regije koju povijest nikada nije mazila, ali je njezin Slavonac uvijek imao svoj bećarac koji ga je veselio, opuštao pa i ohrabrivao za nove dane koji su pred njim.

Kako je povijest starila, tako je i bećarac izlazio iz okvira malih slavonskih sela, njegovih šorova, sokaka i lenija. Tamburaška svirka širila se po gradovima, a s njom i bećarac. Krštenja, proštenja i sve ostale proslave, a napose svatove obilježavao je

The bećarac

the entrance to The Bećarac Through Life display

A horse − carnival horse riding, The Bećarac Calendar display

sve češće upravo on, sve do trenutka kad je postao neizbježan element i među ostalom populacijom koja izvorno nije vezana uz geografsko područje porijekla bećarca. Sve nas to dovodi i do današnjice, točnije do 2011. godine kada UNESCO priznaje

01 Ringišpil bećarca, ulazak u postav Bećarac kroz život merry-go-round, 02 Konj − prikaz pokladnog jahanja, postav Bećarski kalendar
01 02

važnost bećarca uvrstivši ga na reprezentativnu listu nematerijalne kulturne baštine. Dvije godine brzo prođu, dolazimo u 2013., a bećarac se pjeva i u povodu pristupanja Hrvatske Europskoj uniji, no ni u tom trenutku nitko ne sluti da bi baš on mogao iz okvira deseteračkog stiha prijeći i postati inspiracija za trg i pripadajući mu muzej. Mali slavonski grad Pleternica, smješten u Požeško-slavonskoj županiji, odlučio je učiniti iskorak i stvoriti projekt koji će svojim dovršetkom postati utočište kultnog slavonskog napjeva u vidu Muzeja bećarca.

Nije bećarac Slavoncu nikada bio nešto malo, nešto što će se tamo negdje samo obilježiti, pa se i Pleternica tako postavila i od samoga početka uključivala velik broj ljudi koji je nakon otvorenja prešao brojku od tisuću aktivnih stvaratelja reprezentativnog prostora koji se prostire na 5000

četvornih metara trga i preko 800 četvornih metara pripadajućeg muzeja. Trg prema viziji Andrije Rusana u svakom je segmentu slavonski. Posebice je taj doživljaj vidljiv tlocrtnim pogledom na ploče u raznim bojama koje predstavljaju plodnu slavonsku zemlju u različitim godišnjim dobima. Prolaskom kroz nadsvod trga, u sklopu kojeg je i suvenirnica, dolazimo do ulaza u muzej koji pogledom izvana ne otkriva niti jednu svoju tajnu. Nećemo ih ni mi otkriti vama, nego samo istaknuti kako ih je mnoštvo i to multimedijalnih. Jer ovdje, u srcu muzeja, bećarac i Slavoniju osjetit ćete svim osjetilima. Čut ćete kazivanja slavonskih legendi, ljudi koji žive bećarac, osjetiti miris slavonskih livada, vidjeti staru i novu Slavoniju. Sve je to protkano tisućama ruku koje su dale svoj obol kako bi bećarac imao kuću dostojnu njegova imena. A slavonske ruke i slavon-

ska duša činile su to u čast svih onih koji su ga predali nama, u sadašnjost. Želite li osjetiti Slavoniju i slavonsku dušu, onda je Muzej bećarca u Pleternici za to idealno mjesto. I da, odvojite vremena za posjet − bećarac i Slavoniju nije moguće u kratkom vremenu doživjeti. 

Have you ever wondered what people who lived years, decades or even centuries ago would think of our actions and achievements today? Do you find yourself thinking about what people will think of our legacy in the coming years, decades and centuries? Matija Antun Relković − a Croatian writer from the Age of Enlightenment whose work is marked by his efforts to elevate Slavonia’s once backward milieu both culturally and economically − could never have imagined while writing his most famous work, A Satire or Wild Man, that one

01 02

Ako ste u jednom trenutku pomislili kako je Muzej bećarca jedino što Pleternica nudi, onda vas moramo demantirati. Tu je i savršeno iskustvo Interpretacijskog centra

Terra Panonica, koji prikazuje biljni i životinjski svijet star tisuće i tisuće godina s prostora Pleternice. Naravno, kroz virtualnu stvarnost. Ako ste pak zaljubljenik u prirodu, kilometri pješačkih staza pleterničkog vinogorja vas očekuju, a naravno uz to i bogati podrumi pleterničkih vinara. Tu je i turistički vlakić koji daje jedan poseban dojam Pleternice. Uz sva ova bogatstva okusa, mirisa i boja

Pleternica nudi i duhovni mir, preko 60 godina na tisuće hodočasnika dolazi zadnjih devet dana kolovoza u svetište Gospe od Suza. Mali je to gradić, ali s velikom slavonskom dušom, kako njegovi stanovnici kažu, a tu dušu osjetit ćete čim stanete na tlo ponosne slavonske zemlje u Pleternici.

The Museum of Bećarac isn’t the only attraction that Pleternica has to offer. There is also the Terra Panonica Interpretation Centre, showcasing − with the help of virtual reality (VR) technology

− the plant and animal life that has lived in Pleternica and its surroundings for thousands of years. If you’re a lover of the great outdoors, the kilometres-long hiking trails through Pleternica’s wine region might just be it for you then. Let’s not forget about the well-stocked wine cellars of Pleternica’s winemakers. Likewise, Pleternica’s tourist train will make sure you’re given a lasting impression of Pleternica. Besides its rich tastes, smells, and colours, there’s inner peace to be found in Pleternica as well. During the last nine days of August, thousands of pilgrims have been making a pilgrimage, year after year, to the shrine of Our Lady of Tears for over 60 years. Pleternica sure is a small town, but its soul is big, and it’s Slavonian. You’ll feel that soul as soon as you step on glorious Slavonian soil in Pleternica.

day what he admonished, reprimanded and called burlesque at the time would, over the years, be given a proper name, the name of bećarac, that is, and that this same bećarac would become a source of inspiration for and a guiding light of the townlet of Pleternica in Slavonia.

Many years have passed since Relković and his A Satire or Wild Man, and every day has brought something new. One such novelty included a proper name for Slavonia’s unmistakably striking decasyllabic tune, the name of bećarac, which over the years became one of the symbols of Relković’s Slavonia, whose people have not only accepted the bećarac tune, but have also grown fond of it as a way of relieving the stresses of everyday life.

When Slavonians sing the tune of a bećarac folk song, all their problems dissolve, they find inner peace, and their faces light up.

01 16+, izložak za odrasle koji prezentira masne bećarce

16+, an adults only section with saucy bećarac folk song exhibits

02 Bećarska radionica, interaktivni prostor za učenje

The bećarac workshop, an interactive learning space

03 Žetva, umjetnički prikaz običaja žetve s izvornim korištenim izlošcima, postav Bećarski kalendar Harvest Time, an artistic representation of harvest traditions using authentic exhibits, The Bećarac Calendar display

The beauty of their Slavonian soul shines through, and instead of sadness and misery, relief and joy show in their face. This is the face of Slavonia, one of Croatia’s regions that has been dealt a bad hand, as it were, throughout history. To deal with the difficulties and injustices of life, the people of Slavonia would turn to their bećarac tunes, from which they’ve always drawn solace,


strength, and encouragement to handle whatever lies ahead.

As time passed, Slavonia’s bećarac folk song started spreading from the lowlands of Slavonia’s small villages, their wide streets, alleys, and lanes. The sound of the tambouritza spread to the cities and with it the bećarac tune as well. It soon became impossible to imagine christenings, local parish feast day festivities, celebrations and processions, and other festivities and celebrations, particularly weddings, without the bećarac, so much so that parts of Croatia’s population that had no family or blood ties with the birthplace of the bećarac started

catching on. This brings us to today − to 2011, to be precise − when UNESCO recognised that the bećarac folk song is truly one of a kind, which is why it was included on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Two years later − that is, in 2013 − Croatia joined the European Union, and the tune that was played at the stroke of midnight, to mark the occasion, was that of the bećarac. No one suspected at the time that it could outgrow its decasyllabic simplicity, and become a source of inspiration for a town square and a museum. The small Slavonian town of Pleternica in the Požega-Slavonia County decided to take a leap forward by embarking on a project that was to become a sanctuary for and a stronghold of Slavonia’s cult tune − the Museum of Bećarac. For Slavonians, the bećarac has never been something inconsequential and base, something to only be mentioned in passing somewhere on the margins. This was also the stance adopted by the town of Pleternica. Since the initial stages of the project, a large number of people have been included and involved in the project. The actual number of those who’ve actively contributed to creating the space that covers the 5,000 m2 of the Square of Bećarac and the 800 m2 of the Museum of Bećarac has exceeded one thousand.

Architect Andrija Rusan envisioned the Square of Bećarac as thoroughly Slavonian

in nature and character as possible. An aerial view of the multi-coloured panels that represent Slavonia’s fertile land in different seasons makes this experience all the more striking. Once you pass through the opening inside the square’s elevated ground levels, which is where the souvenir shop is, you’ll reach the entrance to the museum, whose exterior keeps its interior a secret. We won’t give away the secrets of the museum either. What we will highlight, though, is that there are plenty of them, secrets, that is, and that they’re multimedia. Because here, at the heart of the museum, to experience the bećarac and the very soul of Slavonia, all your senses will be stimulated. You’ll hear the legends of Slavonia told by the people who live and breathe the bećarac folk song, you’ll smell the scents of Slavonia’s meadows, and you’ll experience both historic and modern-day Slavonia, all of which has been created with the help of a thousand pair of hands so that the bećarac could have a house worthy of its name, erected in honour of all those from the past who’ve handed the tradition of the bećarac down to us in the present.

If you want to get a feel for Slavonia and experience at first hand the very soul of Slavonia, then Pleternica’s Museum of Bećarac is a must. Be sure to set plenty of time aside for your visit − the spirit of the bećarac and the soul of Slavonia are impossible to experience in a short time. 

01 Zapjevaj bećarac, interaktivni izložak, postav Bećarska rapsodija Sing a Bećarac Tune, interactive exhibits, The Bećarac Rhapsody display

02 Trg bećarca, ispod kojeg je smješten Muzej bećarca, arhitektonsko rješenje Andrije Rusana koje prikazuje plodna slavonska polja u različitim godišnjim dobima

The Square of Bećarac, underneath which the Museum of Bećarac is located, is architect Andrija Rusan’s architectural design which represents Slavonia’s fertile fields in different seasons

01 02





Raskošna aktivnost dubrovačkoga Kazališta Marina Držića dodatni je razlog za posjet Dubrovniku ne samo za vrijeme turističke sezone nego u bilo koje doba godine. Naime, tijekom 2023. na kazališnim daskama tog teatra bit će postavljeno čak šest premijera, dijelom samostalno, a dijelom unutar većih koprodukcija.

A hive of activity carried out by Dubrovnik’s Marin Držić Theatre is all the more reason to visit Dubrovnik not only during the tourist season, but at any time of the year. More specifically, in 2023 the Marin Držić Theatre is staging as many as six premieres, some of which are produced by the theatre company itself, and some are large-scale co-productions.

PIŠE/BY Žarko Dragojević
FOTOGRAFIJE/PHOTOS Aljoša Rebolj 01 Ivana Gulin i Bojan Beribaka u predstavi Orašar Actors Ivana Gulin, and Bojan Beribaka in The Nutcracker

Dubrovnik oduvijek voli umjetnost. Još od davne prošlosti njeguje bogatu i kvalitetnu dramsku književnost, diči se svojim pozornicama i kazališnim zgradama (uglavnom adaptiranim prostorima), svojim glumačkim ustrojstvom. U starijim vremenima ta samostalna republika bila je središte dramskoga izričaja i scenskih uprizorenja. I kasnije, u drukčijim društvenim i kulturno-povijesnim okolnostima, nastavlja se živa i dinamična kazališna aktivnost. O tome sjajno svjedoči dubrovačko Kazalište Marina Držića. Čak i u otežanom poslovanju tijekom pandemijskih godina, brojke su išle u prilog najjužnijem profesionalnom teatru u Republici Hrvatskoj, s više od u prosjeku 12.000 gledatelja godišnje, oko 140 kulturno-umjetničkih programa koji se odvijaju na Velikoj sceni te maloj Sceni Bursa, kao i sa šest ili sedam premijernih naslova na godinu. Dinamična je i aktualna kazališna sezona.

− Tijekom 2023. odigrat će se ukupno šest premijernih naslova do kraja kalendarske godine, dijelom samostalno, a dijelom unutar većih koprodukcija koje su već od prvih dana nove godine odmah

okupirale naš umjetnički ansambl, autorske timove i tehničku ekipu s vanjskim suradnicima − pojašnjava ravnatelj te ujedno redatelj Paolo Tišljarić.

Prva premijera Čarobni frulaš (Grimm/ Grazio/Turčinović) u Tišljarićevoj režiji nastala je u suradnji s Plesnim studijem Step ’n ’Jazz i Kazališnom družinom Kolarin. Usporedno s prvim probama u Dubrovniku započele su i probe u HNK-u

Varaždin za koprodukcijsku predstavu

Majka hrabrost i njezina djeca prema tekstu Bertolta Brechta u režiji Krešimira Dolenčića. Dubrovačka premijera održana je u ožujku na Velikoj sceni u suradnji s Dubrovačkim simfonijskim orkestrom.

Predstavu Dječak Davora Špišića u režiji Tamare Damjanović svi koji žele mogu pogledati od 21. travnja. Predstava je nagrađena drugom nagradom Marin Držić za dramsko djelo 2019. godine, a riječ je o suvremenoj antiratnoj drami čija se radnja odvija se u nesigurnom poslijeratnom vremenu, u zrakopraznom prostoru države izgrađene na masovnim žrtvama i pojedinačnom bogaćenju.

Druga koprodukcija tijekom 2023. godine bit će s Dubrovačkim ljetnim igrama,

01 Jelena Miholjević u predstavi Krijesnice Actress Jelena Miholjević in the play Fireflies
01 02
02 Plakat repertoara 2023. godine u KMD-u The 2023 repertoire poster of the Marin Držić Theatre

01 Oslikani strop u Kazalištu Marina Držića, djelo glasovitog hrvatskog slikara Vlahe Bukovca Marin Držić Theatre’s painted ceiling, the work of the famous Croatian painter Vlaho Bukovac

02 Hamlet − evidencija zločina jedne monarhije Hamlet − The Criminal Record Of A Monarchy

a naslov Vidi kako Lokrum pere zube zaživjet će na sceni prema knjizi Ivane Lovrić Jović u adaptaciji Marijane Fumić te režiji Paola Tišljarića. Suradnja Kazališta Marina Držića s Dubrovačkim ljetnim igrama, najstarijim i najvećim nacionalnim festivalom, očekuje se s nestrpljenjem ne samo u Dubrovniku nego i šire.

Nakon ljeta publika će moći vidjeti još dva premijerna naslova, Galeb Antona Pavloviča Čehova u režiji Aide Bukvić i Kraljice u režiji Livije Pandur kao autorski projekt prema Williamu Shakespeareu. Galeb će također nastati kao koprodukcija, pa će se uz Kazalište Marina Držića uključiti i Osječko ljeto kulture, Kazalište Joza Ivakić iz Vinkovaca i Gradsko kazalište Požega.

Kazalište Marina Držića također iz godine u godinu radi na što boljoj prezentaciji i brendingu u javnosti. Temeljna je zadaća održivost hrvatske i svjetske baštine te izvedba klasika koji su obilježili kazališnu povijest.

Dubrovnik has always loved art. Since time immemorial, Dubrovnik has fostered the creation of rich dramatic literature of high quality, and has prided itself on its stages and theatre buildings (most of which are spaces adapted for theatrical

01 02
CROATIA AIRLINES 1/2023 57 LAST ILI FIRST MINUTE PUTOVANJE? Slatka je briga… jer Visa Gold Croatia Airlines kartica nagrađuje Vaše kupnje novim nagradnim miljama. BRINEMO O SVEMU ŠTO VAM ZNAČI www.pbzcard-premium.hr Postanite korisnik Visa Gold Croatia Airlines kartice bez upisnine i članarine* Svakodnevnom kupnjom sakupljajte nagradne Miles & More milje te uživajte u brojnim pogodnostima: 2.000 nagradnih milja dobrodošlice • sakupljanje milja u omjeru 0,66 EURA (5 kuna) = 1 Miles & More milja • putno osiguranje • milje ne zastarijevaju** • kupnja na 36 rata bez kamata i naknada * Pogodnost vrijedi za prvu godinu korištenja Visa Gold Croatia Airlines kartice za sve pristupnice primljene od 21.12.2022. do 30.6.2023. **Nakon što posjedujete karticu najmanje tri mjeseca i dobijete barem jednu milju mjesečno za kupnju karticom

Kazalište Marina Držića ima dugu tradiciju i djeluje još od 1944. godine s vlastitim stalnim umjetničkim ansamblom. Na lokaciji u staroj gradskoj jezgri zgrada je sagrađena davne 1865., a i danas se program održava u istom prostoru. Od zanimljivosti je bitno istaknuti da Veliku scenu krasi oslikani strop, djelo Dvostruko krunjenje na nebu i zemlji autora Vlahe Bukovca. Povijesni zapisi kažu kako je pripremne radove ovog alegorijskog prikaza pjesništva i narodne poezije započeo u svojem ateljeu u Cavtatu, a rad na velikim platnima potom je nastavio u dubrovačkoj općinskoj dvorani te ih 1901. sam zalijepio na strop kazališta.

Founded in 1944 and having its own in-house theatre ensemble, the Marin Držić Theatre boasts a long tradition. The theatre building was built back in 1865 within the city walls of the old town of Dubrovnik, which is where the theatre company has been staging all its performances ever since. An interesting fact worth highlighting is that the ceiling of the Big Stage features painter Vlaho Bukovac’s painting Double Coronation In Heaven And On Earth. Historical records show that Bukovac did all the preparatory work for this allegory of poetry and oral tradition in his studio in Cavtat, after which he painted the large canvases in Dubrovnik’s city hall before gluing them to the ceiling of the theatre by himself in 1901.

production purposes), and the quality of Dubrovnik’s actors and acting. In the olden days, the independent Republic of Ragusa or today’s Dubrovnik was indeed a centre of dramatic expression and stage performances, so much so that Dubrovnik’s lively and dynamic theatre scene has persisted even under changed social, cultural and historical circumstances. Dubrovnik’s Marin Držić Theatre bears witness to this brilliantly. In spite of the difficulties that the theatre company’s operations faced during the pandemic, the numbers were to the advantage of the

southernmost professional theatre company in the Republic of Croatia. These included an average audience of 12,000+ a year, some 140 arts and cultural events and programmes mounted and performed on both the Big Stage and the small Bursa Stage, and six or seven premieres a year. This year’s theatre season is just as dynamic. − In 2023, a total of six premieres will be staged. Some will be produced by the theatre company itself, and some will be large-scale co-productions, whose associates have engaged our ensemble, team of authors and technical crew, and have kept them busy since the beginning of January − explains Paolo Tišljarić, CEO at Marin Držić Theatre and theatre director.

Directed by Paolo Tišljarić, and co-produced by the Step ’n Jazz Dance Studio and the Kolarin Theatre Company, the first title to have premiered at the Marin Držić Theatre this year was The Pied Piper Of Hamelin (Grimm/Grazio/Turčinović). Concurrently with the first rehearsals for The Pied Piper Of Hamelin held in Dubrovnik, rehearsals were also held at the Croatian National Theatre in Varaždin, albeit for a co-production of Bertolt Brecht’s Mother Courage and Her Children directed by Krešimir Dolenčić. The Dubrovnik premiere of Brecht was held in March on the Big Stage in collaboration with the Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra.

Directed by Tamara Damjanović, Davor Špišić’s play Dječak (Boy) is premiering on 21st April. Awarded a Marin Držić Award for Dramatic Works (2nd prize) in 2019, Boy is a contemporary anti-war drama whose plot is set in post-war uncertainty, in the empty

space of a state built on mass casualty and individuals hoarding wealth. The second co-production in 2023 will be one with the Dubrovnik Summer Festival. Adapted by Marijana Fumić, theatre director Paolo Tišljarić will bring to life

Ivana Lovrić Jović’s novel Vidi kako Lokrum pere zube (See How Lokrum Brushes Its Teeth). Audiences coming from and flocking to Dubrovnik for the Dubrovnik Summer Festival always look forward to collaborative theatre projects between the Marin Držić Theatre and the Dubrovnik Summer Festival, Croatia’s oldest and biggest national festival. Autumn will see the staging of two more premieres. One is Kraljice (Queens), a project based on William Shakespeare’s writings, authored and directed by Livija Pandur, and the other is Anton Chekhov’s

The Seagull directed by Aida Bukvić, and co-produced by the Marin Držić Theatre, the Osijek Summer of Culture, the Vinkovci-based Joza Ivakić Theatre, and the Požega City Theatre.

The Marin Držić Theatre has also been greatly invested in improving its public image, presentation, and branding year after year. It is tasked with keeping Croatia’s and world heritage alive, and with staging the classics that have made theatre history.

Nikša Arčanin, Mirej Stanić, Marija Šegvić i Zdeslav Čotić u predstavi Hamlet − evidencija zločina jedne monarhije Actors Nikša Arčanin, Mirej Stanić, Marija Šegvić, and Zdeslav Čotić in the play Hamlet − The Criminal Record Of A Monarchy

The Heart of Adriatic

60 CROATIA AIRLINES 1/2023 kvarner region tourist board 51410 opatija, nikole tesle 2, t +385 (0)51 272 988, e kvarner@kvarner.hr “kvarner info - adriatic gate”, t +385 (0)51 623 333, 628 888, e info@kvarner.hr www.kvarner.hr Visit Platak www.platak.hr Visit Gorski kotar www.gorskikotar.hr
© J. Mastrović © J. Mastrović © Studio Saršon © L. Tabako © L. © J. Mastrović © J. Mastrović © J. Mastrović © J. Mastrović © L. Tabako Tabako
CROATIA AIRLINES 1/2023 61 Visit KVARNERCroatia’s best kept secret
The routes of the Frankopans www.frankopani.eu
© V. Bolf © V. Franolić
Large Carnivores Visitor Centre www.centar-velikezvijeri.eu Beli Visitor Centre and Rescue Centre for Griffon Vultures www.belivisitorcentre.eu
© Z. Bakić © ART Redaktionsteam © G. Sušić © G. Sušić © R. Mance © © G. Sušić © G. Sušić © G. Sušić © G. Sušić



Iako je mnogi doživljavaju kao ljetnu destinaciju, Istra je čarobna i u proljeće, kada je sezona divljih šparoga, špalete i mlade malvazije − delicija po kojima je Istra već nadaleko poznata. Proljeće je zasigurno jedno od najatraktivnijih razdoblja jer tada priroda daje najbolje od sebe, a istarski chefovi vrhunske namirnice pretvaraju u pravi gastronomski užitak.

Stories Croatian Unique Hotels nude autentičnu lokalnu priču kroz jedinstveno gourmet iskustvo. Adriatic, Isabella Valamar Collection Island Resort, Meneghetti Wine Hotel & Winery i San

Rocco istarski su članovi ove renomirane kolekcije te svaki na svoj način goste upoznaju s bogatom gastronomskom baštinom Istre.

Proljeće na tanjuru u Istri obiluje šparogama, dnevnim ribljim ulovom te špaletom.

Divlje šparoge nepobitne su kraljice proljetnih menija, koje se suvremenim izvedbama pretvaraju u uzbudljive kreacije. Branje šparuga, kako ih Istrijani zovu, popularna je aktivnost i među turistima. Nezaboravno je to iskustvo boravka u prirodi koje, baš poput meditacije, djeluje antistresno. Špaleta je

pak jedna od izvedenica istarskog pršuta koja se jede tijekom proljeća. Riječ je o šunki od prednje svinjske noge, koja se tradicionalno blaguje za uskršnji doručak. Priprema se kuhana ili giravolta − frigana na maslinovom ulju uz dodatak svježe malvazije.

Proljeće je ujedno i vrijeme kada istarski vinari na tržište puštaju nove edicije svježih malvazija. Malvazija istarska autohtono je grožđe ove regije od kojeg se rade razni tipovi vina. Iako je svježa malvazija najraširenija, postoje različiti načini vinifikacije ove superiorne lokalne sorte te se mnogi vinari igraju s duljinom


maceracije i odležavanjem u raznim drvenim bačvama.

Istarska Stories kolekcija zajedno plete mrežu prepunu nezaboravnih mirisa, boja, okusa i tekstura ovog divnog hrvatskog poluotoka. www.storiescroatia.com

Although many perceive it as a summer destination, Istria is just as magical in the springtime, the season of wild asparagus, špaleta, and spring Malvasia wine − delicacies for which Istria is already widely known. The season of spring is certainly one of the most delightful seasons of the year because that’s when nature comes into its own and gives its best, and when Istrian chefs start transforming top-quality ingredients into real gastronomic delights.

Stories − Croatian Unique Hotels create authentic local stories through exceptional gourmet experiences. Adriatic, Isabella Valamar Collection Island Resort, Meneghetti Wine Hotel & Winery, and San Rocco are the Istrian members of this renowned collection of hotels, each of which introduces its guests to Istria’s rich culinary heritage in its very own and unique way.

Your springtime plate in Istria will abound with asparagus, fresh fish, and špaleta.

Transformed into amazing culinary creations using modern cooking methods and techniques, wild asparagus is the undisputed jewel in the crown of spring menus. Foraging for wild asparagus has been popular amongst visitors as well. Being in nature to pick asparagus is an unforgettable experience, comparable to the stress-relieving practice of meditation. Likewise, ready to be consumed in spring, and traditionally eaten for Easter breakfast, špaleta is similar to Istrian prosciutto, in that it is dry aged pork shoulder seasoned with ground black pepper, more commonly known as picnic ham. It’s either boiled or prepared as giravolta, which means that it’s pan-fried in olive oil and then flavoured with spring Malvasia wine.

Spring is also a time when Istrian winemakers release their new editions of spring Malvasia wines on the market. Istrian Malvasia is a variety of grape native to Istria, from which different types of wine are made. Although spring Malvasia is the most widespread, there are other, different ways of vinifying this superior local variety, so many winemakers experiment with the length of grape maceration and the aging of wine in wooden barrels made of different woods.

Istria’s Stories collection of hotels weave a web of the unforgettable smells, colours, tastes, and textures that you’ll savour in Istria, one of Croatia’s truly stunning peninsulas. www.storiescroatia.com

01 Meneghetti Wine Hotel & Winery, Bale, Istra / Istria
02 Hotel San Rocco, Brtonigla, Istra / Istria

Špaleta i šparoge

Špaleta ham and asparagus


U hotelu San Rocco šparoge su glavna namirnica kulinarskih radionica, a nude i branje šparoga s vlasnicom hotela. Proljeće u San Roccu znači mlado povrće iz vlastitog vrta, domaću špaletu i divlje šparoge.

Gourmet Restaurant San Rocco član je prestižne udruge JRE, nosi Michelinovu preporuku i spada u sam vrh hrvatske gastronomije.


With asparagus playing the starring role at Hotel San Rocco and their cookery workshops in the spring, you’ll even get the chance to go foraging for wild asparagus with the owner of the hotel. Springtime at Hotel San Rocco is reserved for spring vegetables grown in their own garden, homemade špaleta, and wild asparagus.

Amongst the very best in Croatia, San Rocco gourmet restaurant is a member of the prestigious JRE − Jeunes Restaurateurs association, and has made it to the Michelin Guide.

02 01
01 San Rocco šparoge, špaleta, jaje San Rocco’s asparagus, špaleta, and egg 02 San Rocco Gourmet Restaurant

Dnevni boravak Rovinja

The living room of Rovinj


Brasserie Adriatic savršeno je mjesto za hedoniste i ljubitelje umjetnosti, a ovaj restoran često nazivaju dnevnim boravkom Rovinja. Jelovnik se mijenja od doručka do večere, stoga nećete pogriješiti ako svratite i više puta dnevno. Udobna no intimna atmosfera savršena je ako želite uživati u modernim jelima nadahnutima lokalnom kuhinjom s utjecajem francuske rivijere. Bar hotela Adriatic prepoznat je i po jednoj od najvećih selekcija viskija iz cijelog svijeta.


Often referred to as the living room of Rovinj, Brasserie Adriatic is an ideal place for hedonists and art lovers alike. Its menu changes a few times during the day, from breakfast to dinner, so you can’t go wrong with stopping by several times a day.

If enjoying a modern dish inspired by local cuisine and influenced by the French Riviera is what you’re looking for, then Brasserie Adriatic’s cosy and intimate atmosphere is the place to be. What’s more, Adriatic Hotel’s bar is widely known for its wide selection of whiskeys from all around the world.

01 Brasserie Adriatic

02 Adriatic puževi s aromatičnim biljem

Brasserie Adriatic’s snails on a bed of aromatic herbs

01 02

Morske delikatese

Seafood delicacies


Restoran Miramare prepoznali su respektabilni gastro vodiči poput Gault&Millaua i Falstaffa, a nudi uglavnom morske delikatese te prednost daje lokalnim namirnicama poput tartufa i šparoga.

Od ovog proljeća počinje i ekskluzivna suradnja s talijanskim chefom ovjenčanim Michelinovim zvjezdicama, koja će restoran Miramare učiniti još atraktivnijim mjestom za sve foodieje




With seafood delicacies in the starring role on the menu, and with preference given to such local ingredients as truffles and asparagus, Miramare Restaurant has been recognised by respectable food guides, such as Gault&Millau, and Falstaff.

An exclusive collaboration with an Italian chef crowned with Michelin stars starts this spring, making Miramare Restaurant an even more attractive place for all foodies.

01 Isabella Valamar Collection Island Resort restoran Miramare Isabella Valamar Collection Island Resort’s Miramare Restaurant
01 02
02 Isabella Valamar Collection Island Resort chef

Moderna istarska elegancija Modern Istrian elegance


Meneghetti Wine Hotel & Winery već je dva desetljeća sinonim za suptilan luksuz i modernu istarsku eleganciju. Imanje koje se sastoji od hotela sa 5 zvjezdica, člana prestižne udruge Relais & Chateaux, te privatnih vila, dva restorana, bara, beach cluba te renomirane vinarije.

U Meneghettiju rade istarsku malvaziju na čak tri različita načina, a o važnosti te sorte govori i vinograd na samom ulazu u posjed. Glavni restoran nosi Michelinovu preporuku, a chef inspiraciju za sezonske menije traži u vrhunskim lokalnim namirnicama te vlastitom ekološki uzgojenom vrtu.


Synonymous with subtle luxury and modern Istrian elegance for two decades already, the Meneghetti Wine Hotel & Winery boasts a 5-star hotel − which is a member of the prestigious Relais & Châteaux association − private villas, two restaurants, a bar, a beach club, and a renowned winery.

At the very entrance to the Meneghetti estate, a Malvasia vineyard speaks of the importance of this grape variety, which is why Istrian Malvasia wine is made in three different ways at the winery. The

main restaurant, whose chef draws inspiration for his seasonal menus from locally grown ingredients of top quality and his very own eco-friendly garden, has made it to the Michelin Guide.

01 Meneghetti posjed Meneghetti estate
01 02
02 Meneghetti šparoge Meneghetti’s asparagus

Poliklinika Medikol, lider privatnog zdravstva u Hrvatskoj

Poliklinika Medikol, the Leader of private healthcare in Croatia

Poliklinika Medikol vodeća je privatna zdravstvena ustanova u Hrvatskoj. Razgovarali smo s ravnateljicom te ugledne poliklinike Ivankom Trstenjak-Rajković, dr.med.spec., koja nam je objasnila u čemu je važnost ulaganja u stručni medicinski kadar, a potom i medicinsku opremu te predstavila važnost dostupnosti zdravstvenih usluga u budućnosti.

 Koje usluge nudi Poliklinika Medikol?

Razvili smo različite zdravstvene djelatnosti, ali dijagnostičke pretrage i dalje su naša temeljna djelatnost. Medikolov prepoznatljivi PET/

CT nalaz i drugi radiološki nalazi zlatni su standard u radiološkoj i kliničkoj praksi. Naš program rezultat je dugogodišnje pozitivne prakse i multidisciplinarnog angažmana naših liječnika. Iznimno je dobro primljen među pacijentima i prepoznat kao vrhunski proizvod i jamac njihova zdravlja.

Poliklinika Medikol od prve je lokacije u Čakovcu danas zastupljena u pet gradova (u Zagrebu, Osijeku, Rijeci, Splitu, Čakovcu) na osam lokacija. O stručnosti i kvaliteti usluge svjedoči podatak da je samo 2022. kroz Polikliniku Medikol prošlo 101.357 pacijenata te je obavljeno 346.629 medicinskih postupaka.

 Je li važnije ulaganje u edukaciju ljudi ili suvremenu opremu?

− Razvoj u Medikolu podrazumijeva znatna i razna ulaganja koja ni u jednom trenutku nisu prestala. Prije svega ulažemo u ljude jer i

najsuvremeniji uređaji samo su uređaji ako nema visokoeduciranoga zdravstvenog kadra koji njime zna upravljati i stvarati novu vrijednost na dobrobit pacijenata, odnosno na kraju cjelokupnog zdravstvenog sustava. Tako se možemo pohvaliti da je sada u Poliklinici Medikol u stalnom radnom odnosu zaposleno 11 doktora znanosti, 8 magistara znanosti, 6 primarijusa i 42 liječnika specijalista, kao i suradnih liječnika − 4 doktora znanosti, 2 magistra znanosti i 31 liječnik specijalist. Neprestano i znatno ulažemo i u razvoj infrastrukture, posebno u najsuvremeniju medicinsku opremu.

 Kakvom opremom raspolažete?

− Danas Medikol raspolaže s dvadesetak ultrazvučnih aparata za dijagnostiku u području oftalmologije, ginekologije, kardiologije i radiologije za djecu i odrasle, 24 najnovija endoskopa koja koriste softver s umjetnom inteligencijom, dva 64-slojna i četiri 128-slojna MSCT uređaja, četiri uređaja za magnetsku rezonanciju jakosti 1,5 Tesle te dva trenutačno najsuvremenija i najsofisticiranija uređaja jakosti 3 Tesle. Uz to Medikol ima četiri trenutačno najmodernija uređaja za PET/ CT dijagnostiku, kao i nekoliko najsuvremenijih terapeutskih lasera za područje dermatologije, abdominalne i vaskularne kirurgije te za estetske tretmane u području plastične i estetske kirurgije.

 Što je prema Vašem mišljenju ključno za održivost zdravstvenog sustava u budućnosti?

− Razvoj Poliklinike Medikol rezultat je želje i nastojanja da se svim građanima Republike Hrvatske omogući dostupnost najsuvremenije dijagnostičke obrade. Pravovremenost je iznimno važna kako u dijagnostici tako i daljnjoj terapiji pacijenata. Naša misija je nastaviti s ulaganjem u edukaciju naših zaposlenika, a zatim i u medicinsku opremu kako bismo svim pacijentima omogućili što kvalitetniju uslugu − bez čekanja. 

01 Content & Technology
B. Kralj
Siemens MAGNETOM Skyra Ivanka Trstenjak-Rajković, dr. med. spec./MD Ravnateljica Poliklinike Medikol Head of Poliklinika Medikol
info@medikol.hr www.medikol.hr

Poliklinika Medikol is the leading private healthcare institution in Croatia. We spoke with the Head of that reputable polyclinic, Ivanka Trstenjak-Rajković, MD. She explained to us the importance of investing in professional medical staff and medical equipment, also pointing out the importance of the availability of health services in the future.

 What services does Poliklinika Medikol offer?

− We have developed various medical activities but diagnostic examinations are still our core activity. Medikol's recognizable PET/ CT findings and other radiological findings are the gold standard in radiological and clinical practice. Our programme is the result of many years of positive practice and the multidisciplinary engagement of our doctors. It is extremely well received by patients and recognized as a superior product and guarantor of their health. First opened in Čakovec, Poliklinika Medikol now has branch offices in five cities (Zagreb, Čakovec, Rijeka, Split, Osijek) at eight locations. The expertise and quality of the service is evidenced by the fact that in 2022 alone, 101,357 patients passed through Poliklinika Medikol and 346,629 medical procedures were performed.

 Is it more important to invest in the education of people or in modern equipment?

− The expertise of the medical staff is still the most important factor in the field of medicine. Development in Medikol implies considerable and various investments that have not stopped at any moment. First of all, we invest in people, because even the most modern devices are only devices if there is no highly educated medical staff who know how to manage them and create new value for the well-being of patients and furthermore, of the entire healthcare system. We can proudly state there

are 11 doctors of science, 8 master of science, 6 holders of the primaries title and 42 specialists full-time employed in Poliklinika Medikol, as well as 4 doctors of science, 2 master of science and 31 specialists working as associate doctors. We constantly invest significantly in the development of infrastructure, especially in the purchase of state-ofthe-art medical equipment.

 What kind of equipment do you have?

− Today, Medikol has around 20 ultrasound devices for diagnostics in the field of ophthalmology, gynaecology, cardiology and radiology for children and adults, 24 state-of-the-art endoscopes that use software with artificial intelligence, two 64-layer and four 128-layer MSCT devices, four devices for magnetic resonance with a strength of 1.5 Tesla, and two state-of-the-art (the most modern and sophisticated devices) with a strength of 3 Tesla. In addition, Medikol has four state-of-theart devices for PET/CT diagnostics, as well as several state-of-the-art therapeutic lasers for the field of dermatology, abdominal and vascular surgery, and for aesthetic treatments in the field of plastic aesthetic surgery.

 In your opinion, what is crucial for the sustainability of the healthcare system in the future?

− The development of the Poliklinika Medikol is the result of the desire and effort to provide all citizens of the Republic of Croatia access to state-of-the-art diagnostic treatments. Timeliness is extremely important both in diagnosis and in the further treatment of patients. Our mission is to continue investing in the education of our employees, and then also in medical equipment to enable all patients to receive quality services − without waiting 

PET/CT Philips Vereos uređaj Philips Vereos Digital PET/CT Arhiva Medikol

3 30 godina 30 godina 30 godinaputujemo zajedno! putujemo zajedno! putujemo zajedno!




Moda je na ovim područjima uvijek bila važna, a nju prati i modna fotografija. Nedavno je objavljena knjiga koja predstavlja čak tri desetljeća hrvatske modne fotografije te pokazuje kako je ona više od prezentacije odjeće te donosi osjećaj, priču i atmosferu oko odjevnog predmeta.

Fashion has always been a big thing in this part of the world, and fashion photography has always followed suit. A book on three decades of fashion photography in Croatia was recently published proving that fashion photography is more than just a visual medium for the presentation of pieces of clothing, and that it creates a feeling, a story and an atmosphere around the items of clothing it presents.

Knjigu Suvremena hrvatska modna fotografija od 1990-ih do 2020-ih napisala je Petra Krpan, a uredile su je Sunčana Tuksar i Jadranka Hlupić Dujmušić. Ovo veliko izdanje te literatura za sve one koje zanimaju moda i fotografija s naših prostora izašla je u nakladi ULUPUH-a, Hrvatske udruge likovnih umjetnika primijenjenih umjetnosti. Petra Krpan je pri pisanju imala znanstveni pristup jer je ideja nastala iz njezine doktorske disertacije koja obrađuje suvremene fotografske modne prakse i teorije izvedbe. U pet poglavlja autorica tekstualno obrađuje radove naših fotografa, a sve prate fotografije koje otkrivaju svu kreativnost, ali i inovaciju u radu brojnih autora. Zadatak nije bio jednostavan; Petra otkriva kako je bilo teško izabrati radove za knjigu jer je naša scena uistinu bogata. Na projekt se odlučila prije dvije godine.

− Shvatila sam da nema radova koji se bave našom modnom fotografijom unutar humanističkih znanosti. Tada sam krenula u istraživanje arhive časopisa, prvenstveno ženske revije Svijet , s ciljem da vidim kako se naša fotografija razvijala, je li bilo novosti, eksperimenata i jesu li stvorili vlastiti izričaj koji ih je izdvojio iz velikog broja autora − istaknula je Petra. Naime, otkrila je da su neki od naših fotografa tijekom osamdesetih snimali za Vogue i Harper’s Bazaar, velike svjetske modne magazine, te da su ostvarili značajne karijere izgradivši vlastiti stil snimanja. Danas ta scena ponovno jača i imamo nove generacije fotografa koji rade za velika izdanja, tumači autorica. Moda je na ovim područjima uvijek bila važna, a nju prati i modna fotografija. Imamo razne smjerove, od reklamne do one eksperimentalne, na kojoj se odjeća

PIŠE/BY Dubravka Prpić Znaor
Marko Grubišić, Bez naziva / No Name
Mare Milin, editorial Burton Twins, časopis StoryBook, 2021. Mare Milin, StoryBook − Burton Twins editorial, 2021

gotovo ne vidi, odnosno tek se nazire. Takvi su radovi uglavnom umjetnički, kreiraju atmosferu oko odjevnog predmeta, no i to je dio modne priče. Umjetničke fotografije donose vizualni, stilski okvir oko odjeće, što je također bitna poruka modnog dizajnera.

− Modna fotografija može biti dokumentarna ili umjetnička. Ono što nama privuče pažnju jest moda, no nekad one ne djeluju kao reklame nego je vizualna reprezentacija otišla korak dalje. Primjer su fotografije iz osamdesetih na kojima se ne vidi lice modela. Taj stil vraća se posljednjih desetak godina, to je u konceptu modna fotografija − ističe Petra.

Ta fotografija pokazuje više od odjeće, donosi osjećaj, priču oko odjevnog predmeta.

Osim te emotivne komponente bitne su i nove kolekcije na sceni. Njih potom prezentiraju modnim fotografijama koje svake sezone definiraju nove ideje, kreativnost i odjeću.

− Živimo u vizualnom svijetu; snažan, prepoznatljivi identitet je vrlo važan. Tu je modni fotograf ključan u kreiranju okvira i atmosfere kao dio procesa reprezentacije mode − navodi autorica.

Modni je fotograf i u osamdesetima bio ključna osoba za scenu, u to vrijeme nije bilo stilista kakve poznajemo danas.

01 Mladen Šarić, En garde, Boudoir!, kampanja za modnu kuću Boudoir Mladen Šarić, En garde, Boudoir!, Boudoir fashion house campaign 02 Ivan Balić Cobra, Nuša, 1970. 03 Janko Belaj, modna revija Jadranke Hlupić Dujmušić, 1990.
02 03
Janko Belaj, Jadranka Hlupić Dujmušić’s fashion show, 1990

U knjizi se vidi i bitna revolucija u svijetu fotografije, a to je prelazak s analognih na digitalne aparate. Činjenica je da fotografija na filmu ima posebnu dubinu, često je emotivnija, nježnija, no kako je tehnologija napredovala, tako je digitalno preuzelo vodstvo. Pri ovoj promjeni pojavio se još jedan izazov, a to je pronalazak dobrog osvjetljenja jer se pritom i tehnologija rasvjete promijenila. I danas je digitalna fotografija ključna, no Petra ističe kako neki fotografi, koji imaju veće budžete jer film je skup, rade na taj način. Riječ je o autorima više umjetničke forme, koji na fotografijama žele prikazati svu raskoš emocija i unutarnjih doživljaja.

The book also brings to light a big revolution in the world of photography − the transition from analogue to digital cameras. It’s a fact that film photography has a special depth, it’s often more emotional and more delicate. However, there’ve been huge advances in technology, which means that the lead has been taken by digital photography. During the unfolding of this revolution, another challenge presented itself − finding good lighting because lighting technology has also been revolutionised at the same time. Most fashion photography today is digital, but Petra points out that some photographers prefer and still do analogue photography, particularly if they have bigger budgets at their disposal because film is expensive. These are mostly fine art photographers who use photography as a visual medium for the presentation of all the splendour of emotions and inner experiences.

Naime, sve je to radio modni fotograf te je dodatno morao komunicirati s modelom, što je i danas jedna od ključnih crta njegova rada. Autor fotografije mora znati postaviti modela, odnosno dobiti ono što treba za scenu, fotografiju. Sve su to vještine koje mora brusiti, no ta sposobnost dobre komunikacije ujedno mora biti dio njegove osobnosti.

− Smatram da s vremenom svi autori pronađu vlastiti profesionalni identitet, poznajemo njihov stil, način rada, po tome ih prepoznajemo i cijenimo − zaključuje Petra.

The book Contemporary Croatian Fashion Photography between the 1990s and the 2020s was written by Petra Krpan, and edited by Sunčana Tuksar and Jadranka Hlupić Dujmušić. This large edition and required reading for all who’re interested in fashion and fashion photography in this part of the world was published by the Croatian Association of Artists of the Applied Arts or ULUPUH. Petra Krpan’s approach to writing the book was academic given that the idea for the book came from her doctoral thesis, which deals with the theory and practice of contemporary fashion photography.

01 Denis Butorac, Elle Hrvatska, 2020. Denis Butorac, Elle Croatia, 2020
02 Vanja Šolin, Dress 01 Blue, modni dizajner Matija Čop, 2013. Vanja Šolin, Dress 01 Blue, fashion designer Matija Čop, 2013

The five chapters of the book bring a compilation of many photographs by great many Croatian fashion photographers revealing all their creativity and innovation, and a textual analysis of the same. The task was not a simple one. Petra reveals that it was difficult to make the selection of photographs because the fashion photography scene in Croatia has always been truly vibrant. She embarked on the project two years ago.

− I realised that, within the humanities, there is no literature that deals with Croatian fashion photography. It was then that I started researching the archives of magazines, focusing primarily on the women’s magazine Svijet or The World (in translation). What I wanted to explore is the way in which fashion photography developed in Croatia, whether there were any innovations and experiments, and whether Croatian fashion photographers came up with and created their own expression that set them apart from the rest − Petra points out.

It turns out that, during the 1980s, some Croatian photographers shot for Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar, two major fashion magazines, and that they built successful careers by having developed their own style in fashion photography. Today’s fashion photography scene in Croatia has been gaining momentum. There are new generations of photographers emerging who also work for big publications, the author explains. Fashion

has always been a big thing in this part of the world, and fashion photography has always followed suit. There are many different approaches and currents, ranging from commercial to experimental photography, where the garments are almost invisible, that is, they can barely be seen. Such photography is mostly artistic, it creates an atmosphere around the garments it presents, but that, too, is part of the fashion story. Art photography creates a visual, stylistic framework around pieces of clothing, which is also an important message that fashion designers communicate.

− Fashion photography can be documentary or artistic in nature. What attracts our attention at first is the fashion itself, but sometimes fashion photography doesn’t really work like an advertisement because the visual goes one step further. Photos from the 1980s in which the model’s face cannot be seen are an example of this. This style has been making a comeback in the last ten years or so. Conceptually, this is fashion photography − Petra points out. Such photography shows more than just clothes, it creates a feeling, a story around the garments it presents. Besides this emotional component, what also matters are the new collections arriving on the scene, which are then presented via fashion photography which helps to define new ideas, creativity, and fashion − season after season.

− The world we live in is visual. A strong, recognisable identity is key. In this, fashion photographers play a crucial role by creating the framework and atmosphere, which are also part of the process of presenting fashion − the author explains. In the 1980s, fashion photographers were key figures on the fashion scene given that, at the time, there were no stylists as we know them today. More specifically, fashion photographers did all the styling all by themselves, which included direct communication with the models, which continues to be a key process in their work to date. Photographers must know how to get models to strike the pose that they want, to get what they need for a particular scene and photograph. These skills must be honed by all photographers, and their ability to communicate effectively should also be part of their personality. − I believe that, over time, all fashion photographers discover their own professional identity. We recognise their style, their M.O., so to speak. This is what we appreciate about them − Petra concludes. 

Edited by Sunčana Tuksar and Jadranka Hlupić Dujmušić, and published by ULUPUH, Petra Krpan’s book has five chapters and presents the work of 52 photographers

Knjiga Petre Krpan, objavljena u nakladi ULUPUH-a, ima pet poglavlja te predstavlja rad 52 fotografa, a uredile su je Sunčana Tuksar i Jadranka Hlupić Dujmušić R. Jurjević



IZLOŽBE EXHIBITIONS 01 FOTOGRAFIJE/PHOTOS _Muzej suvremene umjetnosti/Museum of Contemporary Art

U zagrebačkom Muzeju suvremene umjetnosti od 4. travnja do kraja kalendarske godine postavljena je izložba intrigantnog naslova − Budućnosti . Izložba nastoji osvijestiti važnost naše aktivne uloge u spašavanju vlastite budućnosti.

Seeking to raise awareness about the importance of our active role in saving our own future as a species, on 4th April Zagreb’s Museum of Contemporary Art is opening an exhibition bearing an intriguing title − The Futures . The exhibition closes at the end of the year.

Dva glavna pogleda na budućnost nerijetko se isključuju: prvi se temelji na progresivnom napretku i rastu, dok drugi taj napredak i rast vidi kao prijetnju planetu i svim živim bićima. Predstavljajući vodeće hrvatske i međunarodne umjetnike 20. stoljeća, izložba Budućnosti propituje kakve su se ideje i vizije budućnosti razvijale u umjetnosti od 1960-ih do danas. Hrvatski umjetnici okupljeni oko pokreta Nove tendencije spajali su umjetnost, znanost i tehnologiju s tadašnjom idejom naprednog socijalističkog društva. To prihvaćaju i međunarodni umjetnici koji izlažu u sklopu Novih tendencija, pokazujući time svoj interes za bivšu državu i povjerenje u tada novi, samoupravni sustav.

Druga polovica izložbe predstavlja uglavnom suvremena djela, koja zauzimaju aktivan odnos prema budućnosti.

Ističe se nužnost popravljanja prirodnih i društvenih odnosa, narušenih stalnim napretkom i rastom. Usporenje i odrast (de-growth) predstavljaju uvjete za to da uopće imamo bilo kakvu budućnost. Ipak, alternative rastu i dalje često samo služe napretku najrazvijenijih zemalja svijeta

(prvog svijeta) i temelje se na iskorištavanju ljudi i zemlje, isključivanju, patrijarhatu, istrebljenju životinjskih vrsta i (post) kolonijalizmu zapadnog svijeta. Umjetnička djela ponajprije svjedoče o

promjenama u društvenoj percepciji − od ideja i vrijednosti moderne, utemeljenih na logici napretka i razvoja, preko brige za zajednicu i planet, do svijesti o međusobnoj međuovisnosti i nužnosti samoorganizacije. Umjesto očaja koji prati razne pesimističke vizije budućnosti i koji je više-manje opravdan pred sve većom ekološkom krizom, ratovima u Europi i širom svijeta te neriješenom migrantskom krizom, izložba nastoji osvijestiti važnost naše aktivne uloge u spašavanju vlastite budućnosti.

Izložba Budućnost treći je postav u nizu izložbi radova iz zbirki MSU-u pod zajedničkim nazivom Zbirka kao glagol i nastavlja se na izložbe Tužne pjesma rata i Drugarstvo 

There are two main visions of the future, and they’re often mutually exclusive. One is based on progress and growth, while the other sees progress and growth as a threat to the planet itself and all living beings. Presenting leading 20th century Croatian and international artists, The Futures exhibition is looking to examine the ideas and visions of the future that art has been creating since the 1960s to date. Croatian artists gathered around the New Tendencies movement combined art, science, and technology with the then idea of advanced socialist society. This was also

02 03
01 Vjenceslav Richter, 1967. Reljefometar Relief-o-metre 02 Vladimir Bonačić, 1969. DIN GF 100 − 14. V. B. 03 Dadamiano, oko/around 1968. Progetto componibile Modularni projekt Modular Project

taken on board by the international artists who exhibited as members of the New Tendencies movement, with which they not only showed interest in former Yugoslavia, but also demonstrated that the then new self-government system inspired confidence in them.

Contemporary works that have adopted a proactive attitude towards the future are the focal point of the other half of the exhibition. It highlights the necessity of repairing our relationship to nature and society, which has been ruptured by relentless progress and growth, positing that, if we’re to have a future of any kind, the conditions of slowdown and de-growth must be met. Nevertheless, alternatives to growth often only serve the progress of the most developed countries of the world or First World countries, and are based on the exploitation of people and land, exclusion, patriarchy, the extermination of wild animals, and the (post)colonialism of the Western world.

The exhibited works of art are to primarily bear witness to the changes in our social perceptions − encompassing the ideas and values of Modernism which were based on the logic of progress and development, our concern for society and the planet, and our awareness of our mutual interdependence and the necessity of self-organisation. Instead of painting a picture of despair which accompanies the many pessimistic visions of the future, and which is more or less justified in the face of the growing environmental crisis, the wars in Europe and around the world, and the unsolved migrant crisis, the exhibition seeks to raise awareness about the importance of our active role in saving our own future as a species.

The Futures is the third exhibition in a series of exhibitions of works from the holdings of the Museum of Contemporary Art under the umbrella title Collection as a Verb Sad Songs of War and Brotherhood were the titles of the first two exhibitions. 

01 02 03
01 Getulio Alviani, 1962. Linee luce LLD Svjetlosne linije 7 Light Lines no. 7 02 Neli Ružić Ukradena budućnost Stolen Future 21. 8. 2014. − 2015. 03 Ljerka Šibenik, 1968. Crni ambijent 1 Black Ambience no. 1 D. Škrobonja



Proljeće je idealno za istraživanje Viktualienmarkta, tržnice na otvorenom. Prepuna svježeg voća i povrća, ona ima sve − najbolji domaći sir i kobasice, pekarnice koje peku goleme štruce kruha, slastičarnice i njihove ukusne slastice, kavu izravno iz pržionice, proljetno cvijeće, vrtne terase pivnica koje poslužuju najukusniju njemačku brzu hranu, krigle najboljeg piva i goleme pivske perece te suvenirnice koje prodaju proizvode obrtnika, poput prirodnih češljeva, četki za brijanje i ručno rađenog drvenog kuhinjskog pribora.


Spring’s a perfect time to explore the Viktualienmarkt open-air market. Overflowing with fresh produce, it’s got it all − the finest artisan cheese and sausages, bakeries selling giant loafs of bread, patisseries creating amazing treats, coffee sold by a coffee roaster’s, spring flowers, beer gardens serving the tastiest German fast-food, pints of the best beer and giant pretzels, and souvenir shops selling artisanal products, such as natural combs, shaving brushes, and handmade wooden kitchen accessories.

Iz Münchena letimo u šest hrvatskih gradova − Zagreb, Split, Dubrovnik, Osijek, Rijeku i Bol na Braču. Novost su letovi koji povezuju München i Bol od 27. svibnja do 7. listopada subotom.

We fly from Munich to six cities in Croatia − Zagreb, Split, Dubrovnik, Osijek, Rijeka, and Bol on the island of Brač. Flights between Munich and Bol operated on Saturdays between 27th May and 7th October are a novelty.


Nakon što ste upili ljepotu milanske katedrale stare 600 godina koja oduzima dah ili obližnjeg jezera Como i popločanih uličica sela Bellagio te nakon što ste 15 minuta uživali u Da Vincijevoj Posljednjoj večeri, muralu koji ukrašava zid negdašnje blagovaonice staroga samostana, svakako se uputite i u I Navigli, milansku četvrt kanala. Poznata po fantastičnim restoranima i barovima, I Navigli je četvrt u kojoj ćete pronaći i mnoge male obrtnike te dizajnere i umjetnike od kojih ćete izravno moći kupiti proizvode i radove u njihovim radionicama i studijima.


After you’ve absorbed the breath-taking beauty of Milan’s 600-year-old Cathedral, or of nearby Lake Como and the cobbled lanes of the village of Bellagio, and once you’ve had your 15 minutes before Da Vinci’s Last Supper mural decorating the wall of the former cafeteria of an ancient monastery, be sure to include I Navigli, Milan’s canal district, on your itinerary. Famous for its fabulous restaurants and bars, I Navigli is where you’ll also find many small, artisan shops, and designers and artists who sell their work directly from their studios.

Od 14. svibnja do 15. listopada zrakoplovi Croatia Airlinesa povezuju Split i Milano četvrtkom i nedjeljom.

Croatia Airlines is connecting Split with Milan on Thursdays and Sundays between 14th May and 15th October.

Slavash / Unsplash S. Donovan / Unsplash

Topli i hladni napitci. Perfetto. Nova Eletta Explore.

Uz novu Elettu Explore otkrijte bezbroj mogućnosti pripreme toplih i hladnih napitaka te hladne cold brew kave zahvaljujući dvjema inovativnim tehnologijama LatteCrema Cool osmišljena je za pripremu hladne kremaste mliječne pjene, a potpuno nova tehnologija Cold Extraction omogućuje pripremu savršene cold brew kave u samo nekoliko minuta. Za Perfetto pripremljen napitak koristite aplikaciju Coffee Link koja Vam donosi više od 100 kreativnih recepata



Prepun znamenitosti s obiju strana rijeke Vltave, glavni grad Češke činit će vam se kao bajka iako ondje možete istraživati i arhitekturu iz vremena Sovjetskog Saveza. Što god radili, svakako posjetite nekoliko atrakcija. Jedna je kompleks Romaničko-gotičkih podruma ispod stare gradske vijećnice. Druga je spektakularna rotirajuća ulaštena metalna skulptura glave Franza Kafke visoka 11 metara, čudo inženjerstva, dizajna i umjetnosti. Kako i priliči boemskom stilu života, zašto ne biste svoj izlet zaokružili pivskom kupkom u luksuznom pivskom wellness centru.


Packed full of sights on either side of the Vltava River, the capital of Bohemia will have you living in a fairy-tale one minute and exploring Soviet architecture the next. Be sure to check out a few gems, though. One is an intricate complex of medieval chambers, corridors and tunnels or the Romanesque Gothic Cellars beneath Prague’s Old Town Hall. The other is the spectacular rotating 11-metre tall sculpture of Franz Kafka’s Head, a metallic marvel of engineering, design, and art. As befits a bohemian lifestyle, why not round off your trip with a beer bath at a luxury beer spa.

Zrakoplovi Croatia Airlinesa povezuju Prag sa Splitom od 13. svibnja do 9. listopada ponedjeljkom i subotom te Prag s Dubrovnikom od 18. svibnja do 12. listopada četvrtkom.

Croatia Airlines is connecting Prague with Split on Mondays and Saturdays between 13th May and 9th October, and Prague with Dubrovnik on Thursdays between 18th May and 12th October.


Zašto u ožujku ne biste otišli na eurovizijski parti u Barceloni proslaviti poznato natjecanje za pjesmu Eurovizije? U travnju se UNESCO-ov Svjetski dan knjige poklapa s blagdanom svetog Jurja, jedinstvenom proslavom sveca zaštitnika Katalonije, kada su ulice Barcelone potpuno preplavljene crvenim ružama i knjigama. Legenda kaže da je na mjestu na kojem je zmaj iskrvario nakon što ga je ubio sveti Juraj izrastao grm krvavo crvenih ruža. Na taj dan muškarci svojim voljenima kupuju ružu, a žene knjigu.


In March, why not go the Barcelona Eurovision Party to celebrate the famous Eurovision Song Contest? In April, UNESCO’s World Book Day coincides with the Feast Day of Sant Jordi or St. George, a one-of-a-kind celebration of the patron saint of Catalonia, when the streets of Barcelona are literally overflowing with red roses and books. Legend has it that, after Sant Jordi slayed the dragon, a bush of blood red roses grew from where the creature bled to death. To celebrate, men buy their loved ones a rose, while women gift a book.

Od 6. travnja do 26. listopada zrakoplovi Croatia Airlinesa povezuju Zagreb i Barcelonu utorkom, četvrtkom i nedjeljom.

Croatia Airlines is connecting Zagreb with Barcelona on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays between 6th April and 26th October.

L. Armstrong / Unsplash M. Herceg


Prijestolnica nordijskog šika

The capital of Nordic cool

Možda već znate da je 2019. Oslo nosio titulu Zelene prijestolnice Europe. Znate li, međutim, da se do samog centra grada proteže fjord? U proljeće Oslo, koji časopis The Wall Street Journal naziva najnovijom prijestolnicom nordijskog šika, otapa snježni pokrivač, ispod kojeg njegove bujne šume i parkovi ozelenjuju cijeli grad. Hajmo prvo u prirodu prije nego što krenemo upijati nordijsku kulturu. Kajakarenje duž Lučkog korza u Oslu i obilazak otoka lako bi vas mogli namamiti. Kajakaška ruta, naime, prolazi dugim osvijetljenim tunelom od 300 metara koji povezuje Oslofjord i rijeku Akerselva. No zašto ne biste proveli dan na fjordu i otocima koji gledaju na središte Osla? Trajektom koji polazi s pristaništa kod Gradske vijećnice doći ćete na, recimo, otok Hovedøya, koji ima bogatu vojnu povijest. Osim dva velika topa postavljena 1808. i dva skladišta baruta iz vremena kada je otok bio korišten kao vojni objekt, svakako pogledajte i ruševine samostana cistercitskog reda iz 1147. godine.

Oslo je i svjetska prijestolnica pješačenja i šetnji. Što kažete na pješačku turu koja spaja prirodu i kulturu na nordijski način?

Jedna takva besplatna šetnja odvest će vas do parka skulptura Ekebergparken u brdima iznad Osla, odakle se pruža prelijepi panoramski pogled na Oslo i Oslofjord te u kojem ćete uživati u 40 skulptura i umjetničkih instalacija među kojima se nalaze i djela svjetskih ikona umjetnosti poput Renoira, Rodina, Dalíja i Hirsta. Druga ruta mogla bi vas odvesti do bujnog i donekle skrivenog dragulja Los≥tera, urbane, zadružne farme na kojoj lokalno stanovništvo uzgaja povrće i bilje. U Los≥teru potražite i fantastičnu pekarnicu.

Zanimaju li vas ideje i rješenja iz područja zaštite okoliša, potražite takozvanu autocestu za pčele u Oslu. Put oprašivača proteže se od planine i naselja Holmenkollen na sjeverozapadu Osla do jezera Nøkkelvann na jugoistoku te pruža pčelama hranu i mjesto za odmor gotovo posvuda u gradu. Uključuje zelene krovove, bujne parkove i strateški postavljene košnice, neke od kojih su

PIŠE/BY Ana Janković Pogled na Operu u Oslu koju je dizajnirao poznati arhitektonski studio Snøhetta A view of Oslo’s Opera House designed by the famous Snøhetta architectural design studio D. Tryfanava / Unsplash

01 Muzej moderne umjetnosti Astrup Fearnley, privatna galerija suvremene umjetnosti u Oslu, koju je dizajnirao Renzo Piano

The Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art, a privately owned contemporary art gallery in Oslo, designed by Renzo Piano

02 Šarmantne i bajkovite kamene ulice u starom središtu Osla Central Oslo’s charming and picturesque cobbled streets of yesteryear

03 Akrobat je pješački most dug 206 metara koji se proteže preko željezničkih tračnica Glavnog kolodvora u Oslu Akrobaten or The Acrobat is a 206-metre long pedestrian bridge that stretches across the railway tracks of Oslo Central Station

Botanički vrt u Oslu ne bavi se samo bioraznolikošću i biljkama kojih ima oko 1800 različitih vrsta. Skladan primjer nordijskog šika i pameti, Vrt mirisa zasigurno će vas oduševiti. Posebno dizajniran za slabovidne i osobe s invaliditetom, posjet Vrtu mirisa probudit će sva vaša osjetila. U parku ćete naići i na velike pletene skulpture slavnog britanskog umjetnika Toma Harea.

Oslo’s Botanical Garden isn’t just about biodiversity and plant variety, of which there are some 1800 different species. Keeping in line with Nordic chic and smarts, the Scent Garden is sure to blow your mind. Specially designed for the visually impaired and the disabled, the experience will arouse all your senses. Be on the lookout for famous British artist Tom Hare’s large woven sculptures scattered around in the park.

umjetnička djela, poput dviju košnica koje je dizajnirao poznati arhitektonski studio Snøhetta, koji je projektirao i Operu u Oslu. Kako bi podigli svijest o žurnoj potrebi zaštite okoliša te potaknuli posjetitelje da promišljaju i djeluju s ciljem što održivije budućnosti, Prirodoslovni muzej u Oslu otvorio je 2020. godine prvu Klimatsku kuću u nordijskoj regiji. Izgrađena s najnižim mogućim ugljičnim otiskom, Klimatska kuća i njezin nedavno otvoreni Klimatski vrt nastoje educirati posjetitelje o prirodnim i ljudskim čimbenicima klimatskih promjena te njihovim posljedicama. Otvaranjem dvaju najvećih muzeja umjetnosti u Europi, MUNCHa i Nacionalnog muzeja, Oslo je postao nezaobilazna destinacija za ljubitelje umjetnosti.

Želeći biti mjesto okupljanja ljudi iz svih društvenih slojeva, mjesto na kojem se mogu slušati koncerti, održavati sastanci ili popiti kava i čitati knjiga, Nacionalni muzej Norveške ima ponešto za svakoga. Da biste vidjeli više od 6500 umjetničkih djela u stalnom muzejskom postavu izloženih u više od 90 soba i dvorana, odvojite dovoljno vremena. Nećete požaliti. Kimajući s poštovanjem užurbanom glavnom gradu Norveške, novi muzej MUNCH dragulj je arhitekture i dizajna. Osim Munchova Autoportreta s cigaretom, ovdje ćete uživati i u jednoj od najpoznatijih slika na svijetu − u Kriku; točnije, u sve tri verzije slike.

P. Aicken / Unsplash G. Ridderstrom / Unsplash
01 02 03
P. Aicken / Unsplash

Što god odlučili raditi i vidjeti u Oslu, imat ćete u čemu uživati. Grad se, naime, pobrinuo da ne morate birati između prirode i kulture jer ih je savršeno spojio. 

You may already know that Oslo was the European Green Capital in 2019, but may not that a fjord extends all the way to the city centre. Dubbed the newest capital of Nordic cool by The Wall Street Journal, Oslo in spring melts its snow blanket, under which its lush forests and parks start greening the entire city. So let’s go green first before we get a culture boost.

Kayaking along the Oslo Harbour Promenade and island hopping could easily catch your attention. The kayak route features a 300-metre-long lit tunnel that interconnects Oslofjord and Akerselva River. Alternatively, why not spend a day on the fjord and the islands just outside Oslo city centre? Hop on a ferry from the City Hall Pier and explore, for example, Hovedøya Island’s military history. Besides two large cannon emplacements from 1808 and two gunpowder depots

tural design studio, who also designed the Oslo Opera House. To raise awareness about the urgency of the need to protect the environment and to engage audiences to reflect on and act for a more sustainable future, in 2020 Oslo’s Natural History Museum opened the Nordic region’s first Climate House. Built with the lowest carbon footprint possible, both the Climate House and its recently opened Climate Garden look to educate visitors about both natural and manmade climate change factors and its consequences. With the opening of two of the biggest art museums in Europe − namely, MUNCH and the National Museum − Oslo has become a must-visit destination for art lovers.

Looking to be a meeting place for people from all different walks of life, a place where you can attend concerts, have meetings, or take a coffee break and read a book, the National Museum of Norway has something for everyone. To see its 6,500+ works of art on permanent display in over 90 rooms and exhibition halls, set aside plenty of time. You won’t regret it.

from when the island was used as a military facility, be sure to also check out the ruins of the Cistercian Order monastery from 1147. Oslo’s one of the most walkable capitals in the world. How about a walking tour that blends nature and culture the Nordic way? One such tour, free of charge, is to the Ekebergparken sculpture park in the hills above Oslo. It not only offers stunning panoramic views of both Oslo and Oslofjord, but is also home to 40 sculptures and art installations, including works by international art icons, such as Renoir, Rodin, Dalí, and Hirst. Another route could be to the lush and somewhat hidden jewel of Los≥ter, an urban, communal farm where the locals grow vegetables and herbs. It’s also home to a fabulous artisan bakery. Interested in environmental protection ideas and solutions? Then check out Oslo’s motorway for bees. Stretching from Holmenkollen Mountain and neighbourhood in the north-west to Lake Nøkkelvann in the south-east, the pollinator passage provides bees with food and places to rest almost anywhere in Oslo, and includes green roofs, lush parks, and strategically placed beehives. Some are works of art, such as the two beehives designed by the famous Snøhetta architec-

Nodding respectfully at Norway’s bustling capital, the new MUNCH Museum is an absolute gem of architecture and design. Besides Munch’s Self-Portrait with Cigarette, this is where you’ll see one of the world’s most iconic paintings − The Scream. That is, all three versions of it. Whatever you choose to do and see in Oslo, you’ll have plenty to enjoy. The city’s made sure that you won’t have to choose between nature and culture as it has blended the two perfectly.

Croatia Airlines is connecting Oslo with Split on Sundays between 14th May and 15th October.

croatiaairlines.com _ m.croatiaairlines.com

Noćni prizor novoizgrađene poslovne četvrti u Oslu nazvane Barkod A nightscape of the newly developed business district in Oslo dubbed The Barcode C. Engstrom / Unsplash Od 14. svibnja do 15. listopada gradovi Oslo i Split povezani su letovima Croatia Airlinesa nedjeljom.


Bogato poviješću, običajima, tradicijom i kulturom

Skopje, rich in history, customs, traditions, and culture

Pogled na Arheološki muzej Makedonije s Mosta civilizacija

A view of the Archaeological Museum of Macedonia from the Bridge of Civilisations

Ukontinentalnoj skopskoj klimi ljeta su vruća, a zime hladne. Stoga vas u Skoplje vodimo u proljeće, kada su vremenske prilike umjerene, a gužve manje. Proljeće je također doba godine kada grad oživi zahvaljujući mnogim festivalima i događanjima.

Možda će vas zapanjiti činjenica da povijest Skoplja seže u doba ranog Bizantskog Carstva te da je Skoplje nekoć bilo važna stanica na Viji Ignaziji, rimskoj magistralnoj cesti iz II. st. pr. Kr. koja je povezivala Rim i Carigrad. Skoplje je također bio glavni grad Prvog Bugarskog Carstva od 11. stoljeća do dolaska Osmanlija u 14. stoljeću. Današnje Skoplje glavni je grad Sjeverne Makedonije u kojem žive različiti narodi i kulture, što se ogleda u njegovoj arhitekturi, hrani i glazbi.

Skoplje je doista grad u kojem će svatko pronaći ponešto za sebe. Nakon što ste prošetali povijesnim ulicama i uličicama Stare skopske čaršije, svakako posjetite Muzej suvremene umjetnosti. Urezan u kolektivno sjećanje Makedonaca kao simbol solidarnosti, muzej je osnovan 1964. godine zahvaljujući nebrojenim umjetničkim djelima koje su gradu Skoplju donirali umjetnici i institucije

iz cijelog svijeta. Tu je i Muzej makedonske borbe za neovisnost s više od 2000 m2 izložbenog prostora, koji daje odličan pregled povijesnih, kulturnih i revolucionarnih tradicija Makedonije i Makedonaca u njihovoj višestoljetnoj borbi za stvaranje nacionalne države na Balkanu.

Ostale atrakcije Skoplja koje valja doživjeti i istražiti uključuju drevnu Skopsku tvrđavu, s koje se pruža spektakularni panoramski pogled na grad. Izgrađen u 15. stoljeću, Kameni most prekrasne arhitekture premošćuje rijeku Vardar i povezuje Stari grad Skoplja s novim dijelom grada. Šetalište uz rijeku Vardar idealno je za ležernu proljetnu šetnju. Zahvaljujući prekrasnim vrtovima, fontanama i kafićima, ovo je odlično mjesto za opuštanje, upijanje sunca i uživanje u promatranju ljudi. Ako ste u potrazi za nečim duhovnijim, svakako posjetite Spomen kuću Majke Tereze. Pitate se zašto Skoplje ima muzej posvećen životu i djelu ove svjetski poznate časne sestre, nobelovke i svetice? To je zato što je Majka Tereza rodom iz Skoplja. Posjet Skoplju svakako upotpunite izletom na planinu Vodno i razgledavanjem Milenijskog križa na planinskome vrhu. To je najviša točka u gradu s koje se pruža prekrasan

PIŠE/BY Ana Janković T. Heftiba / Unsplash

pogled na grad i okolnu prirodu. I na kraju, doduše jednako važno, navratite do Trga Makedonije, glavnog skopskog trga na kojem se nalaze razne trgovine, restorani i kafići. Savršeno je to mjesto za uživanje u znamenitostima Skoplja te upijanje skopskih zvukova i boja.

Bogato poviješću, običajima, tradicijom i kulturom, Skoplje uistinu ima za svakoga ponešto. 

Skopje’s continental climate means that its summers are hot, and its winters cold. This is why we’re taking you to Skopje in the springtime, when the weather is milder, and the crowds fewer. Spring is also a time of the year when the city comes alive with festivals and events.

You may be dumbfounded by the fact that the history of Skopje dates back to the early Byzantine Empire, and that it was once an important stop on the Via Egnatia, a Roman trade route from the 2nd century BC that interconnected Rome and Constantinople. Skopje also served as the capital of the First Bulgarian Empire from the 11th century until the arrival of the Ottomans in the 14th century. Modern-day Skopje is the capital of North Macedonia, and a melting pot of different cultures,

T. Marton / Unsplash Zvonik crkve sv. Konstantina i Jelene The bell tower of the Church of St. Constantine and Helena

Kako biste doživjeli višestoljetnu povijest Skoplja, započnite posjet gradu obilaskom Stare skopske čaršije na istočnoj obali rijeke Vardar. Stara skopska čaršija datira iz 12. stoljeća i proteže se od Kamenog mosta do Bit Pazara i od Skopske tvrđave Kale do rijeke Serave te je jedna od najstarijih i najvećih tržnica na Balkanu. Danas je čaršija živo i užurbano središte u kojem ćete moći kupiti sve od svježeg voća, povrća i začina do rukotvorina i suvenira. Stara se skopska čaršija brzo razvijala i postala središtem trgovine Skoplja za vrijeme osmanske vladavine, kada je izgrađeno tridesetak džamija te brojni karavan-saraji i hanovi. Međutim, iako je arhitektura čaršije uglavnom otomanska, ona krije i neprocjenjive dragulje arhitekture iz bizantskog doba. Kako biste saznali više o povijesti i kulturnim vrijednostima skopske čaršije te brojnim trgovcima i zanatlijama koji su ondje kroz povijest otvarali radnje, posjetite Muzej Stare skopske čaršije.

To get a feel for Skopje’s centuries-long history, why don’t you start your visit with roaming the Old Bazaar on the eastern bank of the Vardar River? Dating from the 12th century, and stretching from the Stone Bridge to the Bit Pazar, and from the Skopje Fortress to the Serava River, the Old Bazaar is one of the oldest and largest marketplaces in the Balkans, today a vibrant and bustling hub where you can find a wide variety of goods, ranging from fresh produce and spices to handicrafts and souvenirs. It was during the Ottoman rule of Skopje that the Old Bazaar developed rapidly and became Skopje’s centre of trade and commerce, and when roughly thirty mosques, and numerous caravanserais and Ottoman-style inns called hans were built. Today, the Old Bazaar’s important not just as a marketplace, but also for its cultural and historical value − although predominantly Ottoman, the Old Bazaar hides priceless gems of Byzantine architecture as well. To learn about the bazaar’s history, cultural value, and the many tradesmen and craftsmen who set up shop at the bazaar, visit the Museum of Skopje’s Old Bazaar.

collective memory of the Macedonian public as a symbol of solidarity, the MoCA was founded in 1964 thanks to the countless donations of works of art made to the city of Skopje by artists and institutions from all over the world. There’s also the Museum of the Macedonian Struggle for Independence and its over 2,000 m2 of exhibition space which give an excellent overview of the historical, cultural, and revolutionary traditions of Macedonia and Macedonians in their perennial struggle to create a nation state on the Balkans.

Skopje’s other must-see attractions include the ancient Skopje Fortress offering spectacular panoramas and cityscapes. Built in the 15th century, the Stone Bridge is a beautiful piece of architecture that spans the Vardar River, and connects the Old Town of Skopje with the new part of the city. The Vardar River Promenade is perfect for a leisurely spring stroll. With its beautiful gardens, fountains, and cafes, this is a great spot to relax, soak up the sun, and indulge in some people-watching. If you’re looking for something a little more spiritual, be sure to check out the Memorial House of Mother Teresa. Wondering why Skopje has a museum dedicated to the life and work of this

world-famous nun, Nobel Prize winner, and saint? That’s because Mother Teresa was one of the most famous people born in Skopje. No trip to Skopje is complete without a visit to Mount Vodno and the Millennium Cross at its summit. This is the city’s highest point and offers stunning vistas of the city and surrounding nature. And last but not least, be sure to check out Macedonia Square, Skopje’s main square and home to a variety of shops, restaurants, and cafes, which makes it a perfect place to take in the sights and sounds of Skopje. Rich in history, customs, traditions, and culture, Skopje truly has something for everyone. 

croatiaairlines.com _ m.croatiaairlines.com

Šarm Stare skopske čaršije iz 12. stoljeća Skopje’s charming Old Bazaar from the 12th century Trg Makedonije, glavni skopski trg Macedonia Square, Skopje’s main square P. Svantner / Unsplash M. Winkler / Unsplash Zrakoplovi Croatia Airlinesa iz Skoplja lete u Zagreb i Split. Novost su letovi između Skoplja i Splita od 12. svibnja do 14. listopada utorkom i petkom. Croatia Airlines flies from Skopje to Zagreb and Split. Flights between Skopje and Split operated on Tuesdays and Fridays between 12th May and 14th October are a novelty.




DO / UNTIL 11. 6.

Galerija Klovićevi dvori za ovo je proljeće pripremila retrospektivnu izložbu slikara Otona Ivekovića. Nakon brojnih uspješnica modernog slikarstva žele predstaviti djela još jednog od vodećih umjetnika hrvatske moderne unutar koje se istaknuo kao najplodniji i najistaknutiji autor povijesnoga slikarstva.


This spring, the Klovićevi Dvori Gallery is bringing a retrospective exhibition of Oton Iveković. After having held a number of successful exhibitions of modernist painting, the gallery is looking to present the work of yet another leader in Modernism in Croatia, within which Iveković stands out as the most prolific and most prominent historicist.



20.− 23. 4.


Treću godinu zaredom Hrvatska će ugostiti utrku svjetskog prvenstva u reliju, koja će se održati u naših pet županija. Ovaj uzbudljivi događaj okuplja velik broj gledatelja, popularan je širom svijeta i projicira sliku Hrvatske kao vrhunske turističke i sportske destinacije.


For the third year running, Croatia’s hosting the FIA World Rally Championship, which is to take place in five of Croatia’s counties. Presenting Croatia as a top tourist and sports destination, this world­famous, adrenaline­pumping event has been attracting a large number of spectators year after year. rally-croatia.com

G. Vranić U. Modi c



Jedan od najslavnijih plesnih ansambala na svijetu, Gruzijski nacionalni balet Sukhishvili, prvi puta dolazi u Zagreb u Koncertnu dvoranu Vatroslava Lisinskog. Nevjerojatnim umijećem na sceni i uzbudljivim koreografijama kojima prkose gravitaciji stekli su naziv leteći Gruzijci, a proglašeni su i najboljom predstavom na Broadwayu.


One of the most famous ensembles in the world, the Sukhishvili National Ballet of Georgia, is performing in Zagreb for the first time at the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall. Thanks to their unsurpassed dance skills and exciting choreographies that seem to defy gravity, they’ve been dubbed the flying Georgians, and their performance the best show on Broadway.



5.− 10. 6.

Riječ je o svjetskom festivalu animiranoga filma nastalome na tradiciji poznate Zagrebačke škole crtanog filma. Od osnutka 1972. godine kroz svoje natjecateljske programe i popratne sadržaje pridonosi kulturnom životu svojega grada te promociji umjetnosti animacije.


Birthed by the famous Zagreb School of Animated Film, the World Festival of Animated Film has been contributing, both through its competition and accompanying programmes, to the cultural life of Zagreb and to the promotion of the art of animation since its inception in 1972.


Niketić Arhiva ARTentainment / ARTentainment archives



7. 5.

Globalna utrka Wings for Life World Run, čiji je cilj pronaći lijek za ozljede leđne moždine, u svibnju se vraća u Zadar. Ovo je jedina utrka koja se čitavom rutom trči uz more.


The global Wings for Life World Run charity, which funds research projects aimed at finding a cure for spinal cord injuries, is returning to Zadar in May. This is the only race in the world whose entire route is run along a seafront. www.wingsforlifeworldrun.com



6. − 7. 4.

Punih pet stoljeća Hvarani na poseban način slave Uskrs − procesijom Za Križen. U noći s Velikog četvrtka na Veliki petak procesija povezuje Jelsu, Pitve, Vrisnik, Svirče, Vrbanj i Vrbosku. Procesija je pod zaštitom UNESCO-a.


The people of the island of Hvar have been celebrating Easter in a very special way for five centuries − by taking part in the Following the Cross procession. On the eve of Good Friday, the procession connects the communities of Jelsa, Pitve, Vrisnik, Svirče, Vrbanj, and Vrboska. The procession is on UNESCO’s List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. visitjelsa.croatia.hr

F. Šimićev V. R. Janić



4. − 7. 4.

Tijekom tri dana ove međunarodne izložbe ljubitelji vina mogu kušati i istražiti vinski svijet Istre. Osim vina na Vinistri se ocjenjuju maslinova ulja i rakije. Izložba se već tradicionalno održava u Poreču i svake godine izaziva velik interes.


During the three days of this international fair, wine connoisseurs get to taste and explore the world of Istria’s wines, as well as that of its olive oils and brandies. Traditionally held in Poreč, the fair’s been generating great interest year after year. www.vinistra.com



6. − 11. 6. Rijeka i njezina luka ponovo će postati mjesto susreta mnogobrojnih nautičara na međunarodnoj jedriličarskoj manifestaciji, koja u najsjevernijem jadranskom zaljevu iz godinu u godinu okuplja velik broj jedrilica i jedriličara.


Bringing together, year after year, a large number of sailboats and sailors in the northernmost gulf of the Adriatic, Rijeka and its port will once again become a meeting place for many sailors at this international sailing event.


H. Duvančić M. De Graia

Turizam se u Zagreb vraća na velika vrata

Tourism staging a comeback in Zagreb

Turizam se nesumnjivo u Zagreb vraća na velika vrata, posebno nakon još jednog iznimno uspješnog Adventa. O postignutim rezultatima, zanimljivim projektima u ovoj godini, o uvijek atraktivnim mjestima koja u Zagrebu vrijedi posjetiti, kao i o enogastronomskim specijalitetima razgovaramo s Martinom Bienenfeld, direktoricom Turističke zajednice grada Zagreba.

Tourism is clearly staging a comeback, as it were, in Zagreb, particularly after yet another super successful Advent Christmas market. We’re bringing an interview with Martina Bienenfeld, CEO at the Zagreb Tourist Board, in which she talks about Zagreb’s tourism results, a number of interesting projects worked on and implemented this year, about Zagreb’s exciting and charming places and spots worth visiting, and about Zagreb’s food and drink delicacies worth tasting.

 Može li se reći da je protekla godina nadmašila turistička očekivanja? Kako ocjenjujete postignute rezultate i jeste li zadovoljni?

− Zagreb se oduvijek pozicionira kao cjelogodišnja destinacija selektivnih oblika turizma, a ujedno je i istinska city-break destinacija u Hrvatskoj. Dokazuju to i rezultati u prošloj, prilično izazovnoj godini, u kojoj bilježimo porast od 69% dolazaka gostiju u odnosu na 2021. godinu. Za razdoblje Adventa također bilježimo porast od 45% u odnosu na Advent Zagreb 2021. godine, dok smo u odnosu na rekordni Advent 2019. godine na 93% ostvarenih rezultata. Naime, Advent Zagreb tri je godine za redom nosio titulu najbolje europske božićne destinacije zahvaljujući raznolikosti i atraktivnosti sadržaja, ali i promotivnim aktivnostima kroz pažljivo planirane i targetirane digitalne i offline kampanje na emitivnim tržištima. To uključuje i prisutnost naših promotivnih materijala i na svim letovima

Croatia Airlinesa, našega dugogodišnjeg partnera, čiji su zrakoplovi, kao i putni časopis, bili nositelji adventske kampanje tijekom studenog i prosinca. Posljedica svih naših napora i ulaganja jesu i tekstovi na brojim svjetskim portalima i medijima poput CNN-a, Conde Nast Travellera, Corriere della Sera, Daily Maila, Daily Stara, Evening Standarda, Forbesa, Independenta, Mirrora, Telegrapha, The Guardiana, a koji Advent Zagreb opisuju kao jedan od najpoželjnijih i najljepših božićnih sajmova na svijetu. Selektivni oblici i vrste turizma u Zagrebu pridonose i snažnijem pozicioniranju našeg grada kao city-break, ali i poslovno-kongresne destinacije na svjetskom turističkom tržištu, a posebno je za Zagreb važno istraživanje Europske agencije za okoliš, prema kojemu je naš

V. Peteh
Martina Bienenfeld, direktorica Turističke zajednice grada Zagreba Martina Bienenfeld, CEO at the Zagreb Tourist Board
PIŠE/BY Ksenija Žlof

grad na drugome mjestu glavnih gradova u Europi s visokim postotkom zelenih površina i vode. Stoga, Zagreb ima sjajne preduvjete za još bolji razvoj aktivnog, sportskog i rekreativnog turizma. Zahvaljujući promotivnim kampanjama koje TZGZ provodi, o kulturnoj ponudi grada može se, primjerice, čitati u prestižnom Smithsonianu (www.smithsonianmag.com). Odlična i višegodišnja suradnja s časopisom Smithsonian na predstavljanju Zagreba dovela je do toga da zanimljivo objavljen sadržaj o našem gradu ima sjajnu posjećenost, kao i zadržavanje čitatelja na člancima. Istaknula bih, nadalje, kako je Zagreb u 2022. godini postao članom Virtuosa, mreže najboljih američkih turističkih agencija specijaliziranih za luksuzna i leisure putovanja, a koja broji više od 20.000 savjetnika širom svijeta te uključuje više od 2200 partnera. Članstvo i marketinške aktivnosti s Virtuosom jedan su od prioriteta promocije TZGZ-a na američkom tržištu pa me raduje što ćemo suradnju nastaviti i u 2023. godini. Naime, upravo putem dobro targetiranih i osmišljenih marketinških kampanja prema ciljnim segmentima tržišta, nastupa na svjetskim

turističkim sajmovima i kongresnim burzama te obogaćivanja turističke ponude u suradnji s institucionalnim i privatnim partnerima stvaramo glavne preduvjete za još bolje rezultate. To pokazuje i početak 2023. godine, koji nam donosi odlične rezultate, a prema kojima smo u noćenjima bolji za 8% od rekordne 2019. godine. Turistički rezultati iz prošle godine te ovakav početak 2023. pokazuju da se turizam uistinu vratio u Zagreb na velika vrata.

 Koje biste projekte istaknuli kao posebno vrijedne pažnje i zanimljive u ovoj godini? Na čemu je naglasak?

− Zagreb pozicioniramo kao srednjoeuropsko središte suvremene kulturne i urbane scene s bogatom ponudom kulturnih i inovativnih gradskih događanja tijekom cijele godine, kao i ugodnom gradskom atmosferom. Strateški smo orijentirani prema razvoju kulturnog turizma kao jednog od najznačajnijih motiva turističkih dolazaka i noćenja, ali i brojnih suvremenih, gastronomskih, sportskih i drugih urbanih događanja koja su već tradicionalna za Zagreb. Iznimne napore ulažemo i u kongresno-poslovni segment, koji ostvaruje jako dobru

Zagreb pozicioniramo kao srednjoeuropsko središte suvremene kulturne i urbane scene s bogatom ponudom kulturnih i inovativnih gradskih događanja tijekom cijele godine, kao i ugodnom gradskom atmosferom.

We’ve positioned Zagreb as a Central European centre with a contemporary culture and urban scene boasting a whole host of cultural and creative urban events throughout the entire year, and a pleasant urban environment.

Artupunktura − terapija Zagreba umjetnošću održava se na nekoliko lokacija u gradu, pa tako i u Meštrovićevom paviljonu (na slici)

Artupunktura − Zagreb Art Therapy is held at several locations in the city, including the Meštrović Pavilion (in the picture)

S. Cerić Kovačević

dinamiku i realizaciju u pogledu planiranih i održanih skupova, kao i interes klijenata za destinaciju u budućem razdoblju.

Isto tako, kroz projekt Digital Nomad 4 Seasons, naglasak stavljamo i na pozicioniranje Zagreba kao idealne destinacije za život i rad digitalnih nomada. Zahvaljujući odličnoj infrastrukturi, ponudi i uvjetima koje grad nudi digitalnim nomadima, a prema podacima i istraživanju zajednice digitalnih nomada koji se okupljaju oko platforme Nomad List, Zagreb se čvrsto drži u samom vrhu najpoželjnijih destinacija za digitalne nomade.

Jedno od posebnih događanja jest, primjerice, netom završeni peti po redu Festival svjetla Zagreb, koji je od 15. do 19. ožujka ponovo spojio suvremene svjetlosne tehnologije, umjetničke intervencije i kreativne industrije te pretvorio grad u interaktivnu pozornicu na otvorenome. U travnju se, pak, održava treće izdanje WRC Croatia Rallyja, kada će Zagreb ugostiti najbolje svjetske vozače relija, dok je lipanj rezerviran za Ljetni open air festival Zagreb Classic koji trenutačno ozbiljno pripremamo. Topliji mjeseci donose i brojna druga kulturna događanja poput međunarodno

prepoznatih i nagrađivanih Dvorišta, festivala promenadnog tipa Malog Classica, uličnog festivala Cest is d’best, festivala elektronske glazbe LMF, Međunarodne smotre folklora, projekta posvećenog umjetničkom istraživanju Zagreba Okolo// Around i mnoga druga. Jesen prolazi u znaku Artupunkture, jedinstvene umjetničke platforme koja spaja autore, programe, djela, prolaznike, posjetitelje i grad te predstava, izložbi i festivala koje pripremaju naši umjetnici. Sinergijskim razvojem ključnih turističkih proizvoda grada Zagreba, kao i onih manjih boutique događanja različitih profila, želimo postići odgovarajući cjelogodišnji spektar događanja i aktivnosti koja generiraju održivo povećanje dolazaka i noćenja tijekom cijele godine. S tim u vezi, posebnu pozornost posvećujemo i razvoju Zagreba kao održive destinacije te uvažavanju lokalne zajednice kao bitnog dionika razvoja turizma.

 Hrvatski glavni grad etablirao se na karti Europe i kao zdravstveni centar izvrsnosti. To je još jedan razlog za posjet Zagrebu...

− Razvoj zdravstvenog turizma postaje sve važniji, a ono što Zagreb pozicionira

Sinergijskim razvojem ključnih turističkih proizvoda grada Zagreba, kao i onih manjih boutique događanja različitih profila, želimo postići odgovarajući cjelogodišnji spektar događanja i aktivnosti koja generiraju održivo povećanje dolazaka i noćenja tijekom cijele godine.

By developing, in partnership, Zagreb’s key tourism products, including smaller boutique events, we’re looking to endorse and support a packed year-round events and activities calendar that can generate a sustainable increase in arrivals and overnight stays throughout the entire year.

na europsku kartu kao zdravstveni centar izvrsnosti, brojne su privatne i javne klinike te medicinski centri sa stručnim osobljem i iznimnom kvalitetom usluge uz konkurentne cijene. Tako su u Zagrebu dostupni tretmani na polju dentalne medicine, estetske medicine, oftalmologije, ortopedije, rehabilitacije, kardioloških i drugih zahvata, a na raspolaganju su renomirane kliničke bolnice i bolnički centri, specijalne bolnice i klinike, vodeće u svojem području s kvalitetom prepoznatom na svjetskoj razini. Zagreb privlači sve više zdravstvenih turista koji osim primarnog razloga dolaska, konzumiraju i druge usluge i sadržaje u gradu zaokružujući time svoj boravak u destinaciji.

 Mjesto koje Zagrepčani, ali i gosti grada, posebno vole posjetiti jest omiljena gradska tržnica Dolac. Zagreb se može pohvaliti i vrlo kvalitetnom eno-gastronomkom ponudom, zdravom hranom pri čijoj pripremi ne nedostaje kreativnosti. Što biste sugerirali gostima grada kao specijalitete koje svakako moraju kušati?

− Na sreću Zagrepčana, ali i brojnih turista, grad je prava kulinarska zbirka puna

01 J. Duval

restorana, bistroa, gostionica i slastičarnica koji istražuju i obnavljaju starinske recepte, unapređuju ih modernim načinima pripreme, nudeći tako gostu nezaboravno iskustvo uživanja u jelu i piću. Jedan od simbola zagrebačke kuhinje koji bih sugerirala jesu zagrebački štrukli, koji se mogu probati i u slanoj, ali i u slatkoj verziji, kao i naš najpoznatiji specijalitet te neizostavnu postavu blagdanskog stola − pečenu puricu s mlincima. Zagrebačka gastronomija jedinstvena je i raznolika zbog mješavine brojnih utjecaja, od dominantnog austrougarskog nasljeđa pa do mediteranskih, orijentalnih, čeških ili francuskih tragova. Lokalne namirnice i delicije iz svih krajeva Hrvatske svakodnevno pristižu u glavni grad, čineći ga pravim gastronomskim izlogom Lijepe Naše. Stoga, dobrodošli u Zagreb, jedinstven spoj kontinenta i Mediterana, našu metropolu i glavni grad u kojem je sve servirano za vas, baš kao na tanjuru!

 Can we say that last year’s tourism results exceeded expectations? How would you assess the results Zagreb achieved, and are you satisfied with them?

− Zagreb has always positioned itself as a year-round destination for selective forms of tourism. Zagreb is also a proper citybreak destination in Croatia. The results we achieved last year, which was a rather challenging year, are proof of this. That is, in 2022 we recorded a 69% increase in guest arrivals compared to 2021. As for the Advent period specifically, we also recorded an increase in guest arrivals compared to the 2021 Advent; a 45% increase, to be precise. Similarly, we’re at 93% of the results achieved in our record 2019 Advent season. To be even more specific, Zagreb’s Advent market was voted the best Christmas market in Europe for three years running thanks not only to being diverse and attractive, but also to our promotional activities done through carefully planned and targeted both online and offline campaigns on Zagreb’s emissive markets. This includes the presence of our promotional materials on all flights operated by Croatia Airlines, our long-standing partner, whose aircraft and inflight magazine hosted Zagreb’s Advent campaign during November and December last year. Our efforts and investment resulted in the production of many pieces and articles on Zagreb published by many portals and media companies and outlets, such as the CNN, Condé Nast Traveler, Corriere del-

la Sera, the Daily Mail, the Daily Star, the Evening Standard, Forbes, The Independent, The Mirror, The Telegraph, and The Guardian, all of which describe Zagreb’s Advent market as one of the most popular and most beautiful Christmas markets in the world. Also, selective forms and types of tourism in Zagreb have been contributing to the positioning of Zagreb not only as a city-break, but also as a business and congress tourism destination on the tourism market of the world. What’s particularly important for Zagreb is a piece of research conducted by the European Environmental Agency, according to which our city is ranked second in total green infrastructure and water spaces from amongst Europe’s capitals. This is why Zagreb has all that’s needed for improving its offer in terms of activity holidays, sports tourism, and recreational travel. Thanks to the promotional campaigns run by the Zagreb Tourist Board, you can, for instance, read about Zagreb’s cultural facilities in the prestigious Smithsonian Magazine www.smithsonianmag.com. Our excellent and multi-year collaboration with the magazine on the presentation of Zagreb resulted in the magazine publishing interesting content about Zagreb, in the content being searched and accessed a lot, and in the content keeping readers engaged. I’d also like to point out that, in 2022, Zagreb became a member of Virtuoso, a leading global network of agencies specialising in luxury travel, with more than 20,000 advisors and over 2,200 of the world’s best companies as partners. Membership of and marketing activities with Virtuoso are one of our priorities in terms of promoting the Zagreb Tourist Board on the American market, so I’m happy that we’ll continue to collaborate

in 2023 as well. In sum, precisely through marketing campaigns that are well-targeted and well-designed, through appearances at international tourism and travel, and congress fairs, and through enriching our tourism and travel offer in collaboration with both institutional and private partners, we’ve created the necessary preconditions for the achievement of even better results. The excellent results we’ve achieved at the beginning of 2023 are proof of this. Specifically, at the beginning of 2023, we recorded an 8% increase in overnight stays compared to the record year of 2019. Last year’s tourism results and the start of 2023 show that tourism is indeed staging a comeback in Zagreb.

 Which projects would you single out as particularly noteworthy and interesting this year? What have you placed particular emphasis on?

− We’ve positioned Zagreb as a Central European centre with a contemporary culture and urban scene boasting a whole host of cultural and creative urban events throughout the entire year, and a pleasant urban environment. We are strategically orientated towards the development of cultural tourism as one of the most important reasons for visitor arrivals and overnight stays, as well as for many contemporary, culinary, sports and other urban events, which have already become traditional

01 Adventski ugođaj u Parku Bele IV na Gornjem gradu Christmas atmosphere in the Park of Béla IV in Zagreb’s Upper Town

02 Festival svjetla Zagreb, jedno od najatraktivnijih umjetničkih događanja na otvorenom The Zagreb Festival of Lights, one of the most engaging open-air art events

M. Magaš

Na sreću Zagrepčana, ali i brojnih turista, grad je prava kulinarska zbirka puna restorana, bistroa, gostionica i slastičarnica koji istražuju i obnavljaju starinske recepte, unapređuju ih modernim načinima pripreme, nudeći tako gostu nezaboravno iskustvo uživanja u jelu i piću.

Luckily for the people of Zagreb and our guests, Zagreb’s a real culinary collection packed with restaurants, bistros, eateries, bakeries, and cake shops that have been digging into and discovering old recipes, refining them and giving them a modern twist.

for Zagreb. We’re also greatly invested in the business and congress tourism segment, which has been very dynamic. All business events and conferences planned to be held in Zagreb have gone according to plan, with interest in Zagreb as a business and congress destination not waning at all. Similarly, our Digital Nomad 4 Seasons project focuses on positioning Zagreb as an ideal destination for digital nomads. Thanks to Zagreb’s brilliant infrastructure, facilities, and conditions that the city offers to digital nomads, and according to the data and feedback provided by remote workers who gather around the Nomad List platform, Zagreb ranks high amongst the most popular destinations for digital nomads. As for events happening in Zagreb, one worth singling out is, for instance, the Zagreb Festival of Lights, whose fifth consecutive edition just closed on 19th March. It brings

together contemporary lighting technologies, art interventions, and creative industries, and turns the city into an interactive openair stage. Likewise, the third edition of the WRC Croatia Rally is taking place in April, when Zagreb will be hosting the world’s best rally drivers. June is reserved for the Zagreb Classic open-air festival, whose preparations are underway. The warmer months of the year boast great many different cultural events, such as the internationally acclaimed and award-winning Dvorišta − The Courtyards, the Little Classic festival of music performed at the Zrinjevac Park and promenade of old, the Cest is d’best street festival, the LMF Let the Music Be Free electronic music festival, the International Folklore Festival, the OKOLO// around project inviting you to explore Zagreb’s artistic streak, and many more. Autumn will be marked by Artupunktura, a one-of-a-kind art platform which brings together artists, art programmes, works of art, passers-by, visitors and the city, and which stages performances, exhibitions, and festivals. By developing, in partnership, Zagreb’s key tourism products, including smaller boutique events, we’re looking to endorse and support a packed year-round events and activities calendar that can generate a sustainable increase in arrivals and overnight stays throughout the entire year. In this regard, we’ve paid special attention not only to the development of Zagreb as a sustainable destination, but also to the needs of Zagreb’s local communities that are important stakeholders in the development of tourism.

 On the map of Europe, the capital of Croatia has established itself as a healthcare centre of excellence. That’s all the more reason to visit Zagreb.

− The development of health tourism has become increasingly important. Many private and public clinics and medical centres with professional staff and their competitively priced

services of exceptional quality are what put Zagreb on the map as a healthcare centre of excellence. Accordingly, the medical services available in Zagreb include dental care and treatments, aesthetic medicine treatments, ophthalmology treatments, orthopaedic care and treatments, medical recovery care, cardiac care and treatments, and other procedures, carried out at renowned clinical hospitals and hospital centres, specialty hospitals and clinics, all globally recognised leaders in their respective fields offering quality services. Zagreb has been attracting an increasing number of visitors who travel primarily for medical and healthcare purposes, in addition to which, to round off their stay in Zagreb, they consume other services and facilities as well.

 A place that both the residents of Zagreb and their guests are rather fond of visiting is the popular Dolac Farmers’ Market. Zagreb’s menu, as it were, boasts a great offer of high-quality cuisine, whose preparation abounds in creativity. What specialities would you recommend visitors to try?

− Luckily for the people of Zagreb and our guests, Zagreb’s a real culinary collection packed with restaurants, bistros, eateries, bakeries, and cake shops that have been digging into and discovering old recipes, refining them and giving them a modern twist. What they ultimately offer their guests is an unforgettable culinary experience. I’d definitely recommend trying the symbols, as it were, of Zagreb’s cuisine. One would be sweet or savoury štrukli, which are cooked or oven-baked cottage-cheese-and-creamfilled rolls made of pasta-like dough. And the other is Zagreb’s most famous speciality and favourite holiday dish, roast turkey with mlinci, which is blanched and then greased thin dried flatbread-like pasta. Zagreb’s cuisine is unique and diverse thanks to the many influences it has accepted as its own, ranging from the dominant Austro-Hungarian culinary heritage to the Mediterranean, Middle Eastern and Arabic, Czech, and French traces. Locally grown foods and delicacies arrive in the capital every day from all over Croatia, making Zagreb a true culinary spectacle of Croatia’s foods and culinary traditions. Welcome to Zagreb, Croatia’s metropolis and capital, and a unique patchwork of continental and Mediterranean cuisine, where everything is at your service. 

Zagreb Classic, omiljeno okupljalište zaljubljenika u klasičnu glazbu na Trgu kralja Tomislava Zagreb Classic, a favourite meeting place for lovers of classical music at King Tomislav’s Square M. Mihaljević

razloga zašto posjetiti Brač – jedan otok, bezbroj nezaboravnih doživljaja

WHY to visit the island of Brač

One island, countless unforgettable experiences

Nadomak carskom Splitu, izvrsno povezan ne samo morskim, nego i zračnim putem, zahvaljujući Zračnoj luci u Gornjem Humcu, Brač na dlanu nudi svoje poznate i skrivene bisere:

Zlatni rat – spektakularna plaža, osim za neponovljivo kupačko iskustvo, zahvaljujući blagim vjetrovima maestralu i levantu pruža mogućnost i windsurfinga. Zlatni rat (Golden horn) - This is a truly spectacular beach, and in addition to boasting numerous unique swimming experiences, thanks to the gentle mistral and levant winds, it also offers the possibility of windsurfing.

Kampanel u Ložišćima impozantno je idejno remek-djelo velikoga Ivana Rendića koji je životom i opusom ostavio neizbrisiv pečat na cijelom otoku, a osobito u Supetru. The stunning bell tower in Ložišća is an imposing conceptual masterpiece designed by the great Ivan Rendić, who left an indelible mark across the entire island, especially in Supetar, with his life and works.

Pustinja Blaca mistično je utočište bogate i tajnovite povijesti. Savršeno uklopljena u okolni kamen, ispričat će čarobne priče stare gotovo pola tisućljeća.

The Blaca Hermitage is a mystical haven adorned in rich and mysterious history. Perfectly blended into the surrounding stone, it will tell magical stories which are now almost half a millennium old.

Milna – uvala tisuću brodova duboko se utisnula u zapadnu obalu Brača i omiljena je luka svim nautičarima.

Milna - This bay, known as the bay of a thousand ships, is deeply embedded into the western coast of Brač and is a favourite port for all sailors.

Dol u blizini Postira slikovita je oaza mira i tišine, s kućama tradicionalne gradnje, pokrivenim kamenim pločama, okružena plitkim prirodnim špiljama.

Dol near Postira is a picturesque mediaeval oasis of peace and quiet. With its traditionally constructed old Dalmatian houses covered with stone slabs, it is surrounded by shallow natural caves.

Duga povijest i kultura otoka najbolje se može upoznati u Škripu, najstarijem naselju na Braču. Muzej ulja predstavlja tradicionalni postupak proizvodnje maslinova ulja, a Muzej otoka Brača oduševit će zanimljivim eksponatima, pomorskim kartama i raznim rukotvorinama.

Škrip is the oldest settlement on the island of Brač. The Museum of Olive Oil presents the traditional process of olive oil production, and the Museum of the Island of Brač will delight you with its various interesting exhibits, nautical charts and all kinds of handicrafts.

Biciklističke staze modernog mjesta s dubokom tradicijom – Sutivana – vode vjetrovitim stazama levanta, maestrala i tramuntane.

The bicycle paths of a modern destination which is still steeped in history and a deep tradition – Sutivan – will lead you along the windy paths of the levant, mistral and tramontana.

Via Brattia kružna turističko – planinarska staza duljine 140 km, prekrasna je pješačka avantura koja povezuje bračka naselja i najatraktivnije kulturno-povijesne lokacije. The Via Brattia trail A 140-kilometrelong circular tourist-mountaineering trail connects the island’s settlements and the most impressive cultural and historical locations.

Plaže Sumartina svojom ljepotom donose rajsko iskustvo na bračkim obalama, a mjesto Povlja u neposrednoj blizini, ugnijezdilo su se u prvoj od desetak uvala. Razgledajte veličanstveno sakralno zdanje - povaljsku starokršćansku baziliku iz 15 st. The beaches of Sumartin, with their dazzling beauty, bring a heavenly experience to the shores of this gorgeous island, and the nearby Povlja nestles in the first of a dozen bays. Visit the fifteenthcentury Christian Basilica of Povlja.

U Klesarskoj školi u stoljetnom domu kamenoklesarske tradicije u Pučišćima – jednoj od tri takve u Europi, učenici svladavaju tajne klesarskog zanata na tradicionalan način.

When attending the stonemasonry school in the centuries-old home of local stonemasonry tradition - Pučišća - one of only three of its kind in all of Europe, students learn the secrets of stonemasonry in a traditional way.

Gastronomska ponuda otoka Brača spoj je jedinstvenih geografskih i klimatskih specifičnosti, unikatnih okusa i aroma. Vrhunska bračka janjetina, vitalac, hrapoćuša ili procip samo su neki od nezaobilaznih otočkih delicija.

The gastronomic offer of the island of Brač. Top quality Brač lamb prepared in various ways, vitalac, hrapočuša or procip are just some of this island’s absolutely unmissable delicacies.

Zračna luka Brač pristanište je brojnih komercijalnih i privatnih zrakoplova u funkciji turizma i bolje povezanosti stanovnika otoka.

Brač airport

The numerous commercial and private planes arrives on Brač in the function of tourism and better connectivity of the island’s inhabitants.

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Close to the imperial City of Split just across the channel on the mainland, excellently connected not only by sea, but also by air, thanks to the Airport in Gornji Humac, the island of Brač offers both its famous and more well-hidden pearls right in the palm of your hand.”

Foto: Andrija Carli




Nije avantura stići do Brača, to je najjednostavnije. Možete i zrakom i morem. Ugnijezdio se, obgrljen morem, između Splita, koji gleda blago i široko u isto vrijeme, i velebnoga Hvara. Baš na pravome mjestu. Otok tradicije Mediterana, kulture i avanture...

Getting to the island of Brač is easy; that’s not wherein the adventure lies. You’ll reach it either by air or by sea. Embraced by the sea, and gently yet widely facing Split and Croatia’s mainland, it’s nestled between Split and the heavenly island of Hvar. Just in the right spot. It’s an island of Mediterranean tradition, culture, and adventure.

Milna, prirodna luka na otoku Braču Milna’s natural harbour on the island of Brač
TEKST/TEXT _Splitsko-dalmatinska županija/Split-Dalmatia County
M. Kapitanović (TZ County TB)

Čarolija ovog otoka dostupna vam je svakom stopom. Ispod kamena i na kamenu, od uvale do uvale, preko luka, do vrha, najvišega na Jadranu. I baš zbog te raznolikosti i dražesti, Brač je otok i kulture i avanture. Nije avantura stići do Brača, to je najjednostavnije. Možete i morem i zrakom. Sve nakon toga je čudesno pa i zima jer ondje ne trebate strahovati od preniskih temperatura. Mediteranska klima tu se pokazuje u svoj svojoj raskoši. Ugodno u zraku, ugodno na tlu.

A ugoda je i na tanjuru. Sačuvali su otočani recepte iz škrinji svojih baka, naići ćete nerijetko na autohtona im jela. Ne propustite stoga hrapačušu, tortu koja se nekada nosila kao poklon na vjenčanja, a danas je slavimo kao zaštićeno nam nematerijalno kulturno blago. Spremale su Bračanke nekada tortu samo noću kako bi sačuvale svoju tajnu. Tajni recept više nije tajna, kao što i nije tajna da ćete prste polizati nakon što tortu kušate. Okrijepiti se valja i bolskim plavcem ili sokom od kadulje, a ne bi bilo loše ni da kušate janjeći vitalac...

Vratimo li se na ljepotu − krećemo od glavnoga grada otoka, Supetra. Jeste li znali da je to jedini otočni centar koji se ne zove kao otok sam? Svoj je Supetar. Poseban i jedini. Rodio se nasred potkovaste uvale, koja ga štiti i od visokoga mora i od vjetrova koji dolutaju. Očarava svakog koji mu dođe svojom pitomom jednostavnošću. Domaće je začarao odavno, zato mu i ostaju vjerni. Nedaleko

01 Postira, poznato turističko mjesto na otoku Braču

Postira, a famous tourist destination on the island of Brač

02 Pučišća, pogled na crkvu sv. Jeronima

Pučišća, a view of the Church of St. Jerome

03 Sumartin, vrata jugoistočnog dijela otoka Brača

Sumartin in the South-East of the island of Brač

01 02 03
M. Kapitanović (TZ SDŽ/Split-Dalmatia County TB) M. Kapitanović (TZ SDŽ/Split-Dalmatia County TB) M. Kapitanović (TZ SDŽ/Split-Dalmatia County TB)

je Splitska, i sama dražesno nenametljiva, a nadomak je i Škrip, najstarije mjesto na otoku. Tu točku ne smijete zaobići! Bio bi to grijeh.

S druge strane otoka, smjestio se Bol. Uvjerenja smo kako nema čovjeka koji za Bol nije čuo! Veličanstvena plaža, a zovu je Zlatni rat, desetljećima je na svim svjetskim listama najljepših mjesta za

odmor duše i tijela, za igru s valovima, za upijanje zraka sunca. Uvijek među prvih pet. Često kao broj jedan. I mogli bi nabrajati mjesta redom, od Postira preko Pučišća pa natrag do Milne i odmah put Sutivana … Gdje god da dođete − ne možete pogriješiti. Negdje ćete upoznati domaćine pa ih zavoljeti zbog neposrednosti i mira kojim odišu. Divit ćete im

01 Škrip, najstarije naselje na otoku Braču

Škrip, the oldest village on the island of Brač

02 Supetar, najveće naselje na otoku Braču

Supetar, the biggest town on the island of Brač


ukupno komercijalnih kreveta ima točno 24.516, i to u hotelima 4313 kreveta, u privatnom smještaju 18.123 kreveta, u kampovima 957 kreveta, a u ostalim smještajima poput OPG-ova 1123 kreveta. Na cijelom se otoku, onako laički, može primiti i ugostiti jedan omanji grad pun ljudi. Može se pohvaliti i sa 310 nautičkih vezova. Zanimljivost je što su, primjerice, samo gosti iz Njemačke u 2022. godini ostvarili ukupno 31.551 dolazak i 256.033 noćenja.

TOURISM FACILITIES __ The island of Brač boasts a total of 24,516 bed places. Specifically, 4,313 of these are in hotels, 18,123 in private accommodation, 957 in camps, and 1,123 in other types of accommodation, such as family farms. In other words, the number of people that the island of Brač can host is the equivalent of what the population of a small town would number. It also boasts 310 berths. An interesting fact worth pointing out is that, in 2022, for example, from Germany alone as many as 31,551 guests arrived, whose overnight stays totalled 256,033.

se zbog znanja i sposobnosti kojom su tradiciju svojih djedova pretočili u zanat koji im i danas donosi kruh u dom. Bit ćete im malo i zavidni jer su baš tu, na Braču, sačuvali krasne kamene čipke, svoje domove opletene kamenom učinili toplima i na svakoj za gosta drže širom otvorena vrata. Na Braču valja upoznati njegovu povijesnu i kulturnu baštinu, otkriti rimske kamenolome, maslinove

pute, ranokršćanske crkvice i pustinjačke samostane, krenuti put Milne na Potezanje Mrduje, doći u Sutivan na biciklističku utrku Uvati vitar, brati masline na svjetskom prvenstvu u branju maslina u Postirama, krenuti u kulturni đir Dan s Rendićem, koji vas vodi u šetnju kroz najljepše dijelove povijesne jezgre grada Supetra, posjetiti Kulturno srce Brača − Selca sa 14 spomenika i 30 spomenploča

01 02
M. Kapitanović (TZ SDŽ/Split-Dalmatia County TB) M. Kapitanović (TZ SDŽ/Split-Dalmatia County TB)

ZELENO, A PUSTINJA __ Možda i najzanimljivija atrakcija Brača jest pustinja Blaca. Čak su četiri stoljeća u samostanu urezanom u strme stijene živjeli svećenici pustinjaci. Tek je 1963. godine, smrću posljednjeg upravitelja Nikole Miličevića, ta tradicija ugašena.

DESERT-LIKE YET GREEN Although it literally translates as desert, Pustinja Blaca is in fact a monastery and a hermitage. It’s also one of the main attractions on the island of Brač. In this hermitage, carved into steep rocks, hermit monks had lived for as many as four centuries. Their tradition ended in 1963, when the last administrator, Nikola Miličević, passed away.

s natpisom, vidjeti jednu od najljepših kulisa otoka, jedinstvenu Klesarsku školu u Pučišćima...

Očuvao je Brač tradiciju Mediterana, ali je i postao mjesto ugodno za življenje, sa svime što moderan način života traži. Uz to čudesan je i samom činjenicom što na otoku nema industrije pa samim time ni zagađenja. Kako god okrenuli − san snova. Zajamčeno. 

The magic of the island of Brač is at the ready wherever you look. It’s both underneath and on top of its stone, in its countless coves, harbours, and its peak, the highest on the Adriatic. Precisely thanks to this diversity and its charm, Brač is an island of both culture and adventure. Getting to the island of Brač is easy; that’s not wherein the adventure lies. You’ll reach

it either by air or by sea. And once you get there, you’ll find all things to be fabulous, even in winter given that winter temperatures on Brač never fall too low. On Brač, the Mediterranean climate demonstrates all its magnificence and splendour, so you’ll be treated to glorious weather conditions. Once there, you’ll be treated to delicacies on your plate as well. The people of Brač have kept their grandmothers’ old recipes stored in chests. In other words, you’ll often come across dishes native to the island. Be sure to try a slice of hrapačuša cake. Its name derives from the Croatian word hrapav which translates as rough. This is because the cake’s rough texture reminds of the rough texture of the walls of the many caves and sinkholes in the surroundings of the village of Dol on the island of Brač, which is where, it is believed, the cake was first

01 Pustinja Blaca, glagoljaški samostan The Blaca Monastery and Hermitage where Croatian Glagolitic monks and hermits lived 02 Čuveni Zlatni rat, plaža u Bolu The famous Golden Cape beach in Bol
01 02
M. Kapitanović (TZ SDŽ/Split-Dalmatia County TB) M. Kapitanović (TZ SDŽ/Split-Dalmatia County TB)

Digitalni ured

baked. Once given as a gift at weddings, today hrapačuša is celebrated and protected as part of our intangible cultural heritage. The women of Brač used to prepare the cake under the cloak of night to make sure their recipe is kept secret. Thankfully, the recipe is no longer a secret, just as it is no secret that you’ll find yourself licking your fingers once you try it. And while you’re at it, take a sip of Plavac Mali red wine or a glass of sage syrup drink from Bol, and a bite of coal-grilled skewered lamb offal called vitalac Let’s go back to the beauty of Brač. We’ll start our journey from the capital, as it were, of the island − the town of Supetar. Did you know that the island of Brač is the only island in Croatia whose seat of local government and centre is in a town that isn’t the namesake of the island itself? The seat of Brač is, rather, in the town of Supetar. And Supetar is Supetar, special and one of a kind. It was founded in a horseshoe-shaped bay, which protects it from both the high seas and the winds that happen to pass by. Its tame simplicity is enchanting. The locals have long been mesmerised by it, that’s why they’re so impassioned about it. Not far from Supetar are the charmingly simple villages of Splitska, and Škrip, which is the oldest village on the island. And they’re both a must-see!

The town of Bol is on the other side of the island. We’re absolutely convinced that everybody on planet Earth has heard of Bol. Zlatni Rat or the Golden Cape, Bol’s most magnificent beach, has for decades been on the list of the most beautiful places in the world where you’ll relax your mind and body, where you’ll play with the waves, and where you’ll bask in the sunshine. If it isn’t number one, it’s ranked amongst the top five. Moving on from Bol, there are the villages of Postira, Pučišća, Milna, and Sutivan. Wherever you go on Brač, you can’t go wrong. If you happen to meet your hosts, you’re sure to grow very fond of them, their directness,

and how at peace with themselves and life they are. You’ll come to admire them for the knowledge and skill with which they’ve translated the tradition of their forefathers into a craft that’s become a source of their livelihood. You may even feel a twinge of envy for them because they’ve preserved beautiful pieces of stone lace right here on Brač, because they’ve made their stonewrapped homes warm and welcoming, and because they keep the doors of their homes wide open for their guests. Be sure to get to know the historical and cultural heritage of Brač; to explore its quarries dating back to Ancient Rome, its olive groves and roads, its early Christian churches and hermitages; to experience at first hand the Pulling of Mrduja Island Regatta (Potezanje Mrduje in Croatian) in the village of Milna; to visit the village of Sutivan and partake in its Catch

The Wind (Uvati Vitar in local dialect) cycling marathon; to pick olives at the Olive Picking World Championship in the village of Postira; to spend A Day With Rendić, during which you’ll get to see the most beautiful parts of the historic core of the town of Supetar as seen through the eyes of one of the fathers of modern sculpture in Croatia, Ivan Rendić, whose successful career in sculpting started in Supetar; to visit the village of Selca and its 14 monuments and 30 memorial plaques, thanks to which Selca have become known as the Cultural Heart of Brač; and to see at first hand one of the most beautiful backdrops on the island, the one-of-akind Stonemasonry School in the village of Pučišća.

The island of Brač has upheld its Mediterranean traditions, and has become a pleasant place to live that has everything that a modern lifestyle could possibly entail − all at the same time. The fact that there is no industry on the island means that there’s no pollution either, which is great in and of itself. Wherever you go on Brač, it’ll be a dream come true for you. You can be sure of that. 

(TZ SDŽ/Split-Dalmatia County TB)
M. Kapitanović
CROATIA AIRLINES 1/2023 115 HeadOnEast Croatia Vinograd, omiljeni grad. Vineyard, dearest yard. facebook instagram website @visitslavoniabaranja @visit.slavonija.baranja visitslavoniabaranja.com


5 reasons to visit Osijek in spring

1. Rapsodija boja i mirisa u parkovima

Jeste li znali da Osijek ima više parkova nego li trgova? U proljeće ih ispune mirisi i boje drveća i cvijeća te cvrkuti ptičica. Među najljepšima je Park kralja Petra Krešimira IV., čija hortikulturna ljepota redovito mami Osječane da zamijene uredske stolice za klupice u parkovima.

2. Život uz rijeku

Boravak u Osijeku nije potpun ako niste proveli vrijeme uz Dravu. Biciklirajte označenom stazom na Promenadi, prošećite Pješačkim mostom ili zaplovite besplatnom eko-skelom (kompom) koja će vas dovesti tik do ulaza površinski najvećeg Zoološkog vrta u zemlji.

3. Manifestacije za različite ukuse

U proljetnim mjesecima u slavonskoj se prijestolnici održava uzbudljivi Ferivi polumaraton, a svake prve subote u mjesecu stotine pohrle na tradicionalni Sajam antikviteta. U svibnju posjetite Festival cvijeća ili kušajte lokalna piva na Craft Beer festivalu. Isti mjesec po prvi se put organizira Osijek Urban Wine & Walk, šetnja gradom uz vinska stajališta i uzbudljive aktivnosti.

4. Kulturna baština u novom/starom ruhu

Nakon višegodišnje obnove, barokna Tvrđa zasjala je u novom ruhu koje još snažnije podcrtava njezin suvremeni identitet utvrde kulture, zabave i obrazovanja. U proljeće, njezini brojni kafići otvaraju svoje terase za studente, srednjoškolce, kulturne djelatnike i putnike namjernike koji istražuju barokne znamenitosti.

TEKST/TEXT _Turistička zajednica grada Osijeka/Osijek Tourist Board FOTOGRAFIJE/PHOTOS _Arhiva TZ grada Osijeka/Osijek Tourist Board archives 01
5 razloga zašto posjetiti Osijek u proljeće


- Booking.com. Sve učestalije zrake sunca izmame brojne lokalce u šetnju pa ćete upravo u proljeće imati priliku susresti se s opuštenim slavonskim dušama koje će vas, ne sumnjamo, zadovoljavajuće ugostiti!

1. A rhapsody of colours and scents in parks

Did you know that Osijek has more parks than squares? In spring, they are awakened by the colours and smells of trees, flowers, and bird chirps. One of the most beautiful is the Petar Krešimir IV park, whose horticultural beauty attracts locals to switch their desk chairs for a park bench.


Life by the river

A visit to Osijek is not complete if you have not spent time by the river Drava. Cycle along the marked path on the Promenade, walk across the Pedestrian Bridge, or take the free eco-ferry to the left bank side of the city, which will bring you to the entrance of the largest Zoo in the country.

3. Events for different tastes

In spring, the Slavonian capital hosts the exciting Ferivi half-marathon, and every first Saturday of the month, hundreds flock to the traditional Antiques Fair. In May, you can visit the Flower Festival or taste local beers at the Craft Beer Festival. The same month, for the

first time ever, you can partake in the Osijek Urban Wine & Walk, a walk through the city with wine stops and exciting activities.

4. Cultural heritage in old/new

After several years of renovation, the baroque Citadel emerged with a refreshed look that confirms its role as a fortress of culture, entertainment, and education. In spring, its many cafes open their terraces to students, high school students, cultural workers, and travellers who come to explore its baroque sights.

5. Always in good company

Osijek-Baranya County has been declared the most hospitable in Croatia, according to the biggest online platform for tourist accommodation − booking.com. The more frequent and lasting the sun rays, the more people you will see during your visit, which is why spring is ideal for meeting relaxed Slavonian souls whose hospitability, no doubt, will not disappoint you.

Uvijek u dobrom društvu Osječko-baranjska županija najsrdačnija je regija u Hrvatskoj u 2022. po izboru svjetske online platforme na području turističkih putovanja
02 03 04 05
01 Park kralja Petra Krešimira IV. King Petar Krešimir IV park 02 Rijeka Drava i Pješački most The river Drava and the Pedestrian Bridge 03 Craft Beer Fest Craft Beer Fest 04 Pogled na Tvrđu s lijeve obale Drave A view of the Citadel from the left bank side of the river Drava 05 Pauza za kavu u Tvrđi A coffee break in the Citadel

Hedonistički vinski raj

Wine Heaven for Hedonists

Pomnogočemu vinska ponuda u Slavoniji i Baranji pripada skupini naj, najveći proizvođači vina u Hrvatskoj, najveći vinski podrum, najveći vinograd, najveća bačva…usudimo se reći i najbolja hrvatska bijela vina, stoga s pravom možemo reći kako je istok Hrvatske - vinski raj! Regijom dominiraju četiri vinogorja: zapadno ili feričanačko, južno ili đakovačko, sjeverno ili baranjsko te istočno ili erdutsko. Zbog dojmljivog podunavskog položaja, baranjsko i erdutsko vinogorje smatraju se i zavičajem vina s Dunava

Bor ili vinska te anya ili majka, mađarske su riječi od kojih je skovano ime pokrajine Baranje − vinske majke. Utkana u sve pore njezina identiteta, kultura je vina u Baranji vidljiva na gotovo svakom koraku. Ipak, na nekim je mjesta posebno upečatljiva. Otkrijte vidikovac na Banskom brdu, na jednoj od najljepših hrvatskih vinskih cesta. Zavirite u njezino središte, podrum u Kneževom Vinogradu, najveći u Hrvatskoj. Zastanite potom u Suzi, pitoresknom selu u kojem oči suze od ljepote. Ne bojte se emocija, one su odlika pravih hedonista! Uostalom, emocionalni će vam kompas poravnati posjet još jednom baranjskom vinarskom biseru, podunavskom selu Zmajevac. U njegovim gatorima −podrumima iskopanima u vodom izdubenim klancima surducima, vinska će vam majka otkriti sve tajne svojih bijelih i crnih čarolija: graševine, pinota bijelog i sivog, traminca, chardonnaya, rajnskog rizlinga i sauvignona; zatim frankovke, cabernet franca i sauvignona, merlota i pinota crnog. Usput možda saznate i ponešto o Crvenoj Marti, zloj vladarici vinogorja, i krsnoj kumi Zmajevca (mađarsko ime sela glasi Vörösmart ili Crvena Marta).

Tradicija đakovačkih vinograda seže u doba srednjeg vijeka, a svoju je mističnost i savršenstvo okusa zadržala sve do danas. Osim Nadbiskupskog dvora, neposredno uz đakovačku katedralu smješten je i podrum Đakovačko-osječke nadbiskupije. U njemu možete kušati čuvena đakovačka misna vina (svako misno slavlje čine još božanstvenijim). U đakovačkom vinogorju među bijelim se sortama ističe graševina, a osim nje i traminac, jedna od omiljenih sorti istočne Hrvatske. Uz njih, uzgajaju se i chardonnnay, pinot bijeli i sivi, zeleni silvanac te rajnski rizling. Glavne crne sorte su zweigelt, cabernet sauvignon i merlot. Krajolik dunavskog meandra na području Općine Erdut zaštićeni je krajobraz, a ujedno i podloga s koje se dobivaju poznata vina bogatih okusa i mirisa. Loza se ovdje uzgaja i štuje još od vremena Rimskog Carstva. Danas i erdutskim vinogorjem dominira graševina, a osim nje ističu se i traminac, chardonnay, sauvignon bijeli, muškat ottonel, pinot bijeli i sivi te rajnski rizling. Od crnih sorti uzgajaju se cabernet sauvignon, merlot, pinot crni i zweigelt. U Erdutskim podrumima brižljivo se čuva, ali i koristi jedna od najvećih europskih drvenih bačvi. Velika poput jednosobnog stana, može primiti 75.000 litara graševine!

Vinogradarsku tradiciju još od 13. stoljeća njeguje i kraj oko mjesta Feričanci, smještenog na padinama gore Krndije. Tamošnja se vrhunska vina i danas proizvode na tradicionalan način. U vinogorju Feričanci omjer uzgoja crnih i bijelih sorti gotovo je izjednačen, iako se na prvom mjestu ističe crna sorta frankovka. Osim nje i graševine, gaje se i chardonnay te pinot bijeli i sivi, odnosno od crnih sorti cabernet sauvignon, merlot, syrah i pinot crni.

Vinski piknik u Erdutu na Dunavu A wine picnic in Erdut on the Danube M. Banić

Osim tradicionalnih vinskih proslava kao što je siječanjska Vinceška ili Vinkovo, sve je veći broj moderno koncipiranih vinskih manifestacija koje objedinjuju hedonizam, umjetnost i aktivni odmor. Među njima se ističu: osječki WineOs te Večeri vina i umjetnosti, erdutski Wine & Bike Tour Erdut, Vinski Bor maraton, Wine & Walk i Vinatlon u Baranji te Festival frankovke u Feričancima. 

Did you know that the majority of large Croatian wine makers is based in Slavonia and Baranja? Here you will also find the largest wine cellar and the largest vineyard, the biggest barrel...but also top boutique wineries and unforgettable sights and aromas. Here wine lovers will find their heaven! Four vineyards dominate the region: western or the vineyards of Ferinački, southern or the vineyards of Đakovo, northern or the vineyards of Baranja and the eastern or the vineyards of Erdut. The vineyards of Baranja and Erdut are also considered to be the homeland of the wines from the Danube due to their impressive location next to the Danube River. Bor which means of wine and anya which means mother are Hungarian words that coin the name of the Baranja region − the mother of wine. The wine culture is a part of Baranja’s identity, and it is apparent at almost every corner. Therefore, it is easily noticeable in some places. Discover the viewpoint on Bansko Hill, one of the most beautiful Croatian wine roads. Take a look at its center, a wine cellar in Kneževi Vinogradi also known as the biggest wine cellar in Croatia. Then take a break in Suza, a picturesque village whose beauty will bring tears to your eyes. Do not be afraid of emotions, they are a virtue of true hedonist! Besides this a visit to Zmajevac, a village on the Danube River in Baranja known for its wine will once more align your emotional compass. There you fill find gators, wine cellars located in small and narrow canyons created by water, also known as surduk In these cellars the Mother of Wine will reveal all the secrets of its white and red charms: Riesling, Pinot Gris, Pinot Blanc, Traminer, Chardonnay, Rhein Riesling, Sauvignon as well as Frankovka, Cab-

ernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Pinot Noir. Along the way, you might even find out about the Red Martha, known as the evil mistress of the vineyards and the godmother of Zmajevac (the Hungarian name of the village is Vörösmart or The Red Martha). The tradition of vineyards in Đakovo dates back to the Middle Ages. The mystery around it and its excellence in flavor have been preserved to this day. Right next to the Đakovo Cathedral you can find the Archbishop’s Palace as well as the wine cellar of the Đakovo − Osijek Archdiocese. There you can try the famous altar wines from Đakovo that make every Eucharistic celebration even more divine. In the vineyards of Đakovo, white wine varieties that stand out are Riesling and Traminer, latter known as one of the favorite wine varieties of eastern Croatia. Apart from these, Chardonnay, Pinot Gris, Pinot Blanc, Silvaner and Rhein Riesling can also be found here. The main red wine varieties are Zweigelt, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Merlot. The scenery of the Danube meander in the area of the Erdut District is a protected landscape area. It is also the place where famous wines of rich flavors and aromas are produced. The cultivation of grapevine here dates back to the time of the Roman Empire. Today the vineyards in Erdut are dominated by wine variety Riesling, besides which Traminer, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Merlot, Muscat Ottonel, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Gris, and Rhein Riesling also stand out. Out of red wine varieties Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot Noir, and Zweigelt are grown here. One of the largest European wooden barrels is carefully stored but also still used in the wine cellars of Erdut. It is as large as a one-bedroom apartment and can store 75,000 liters of Riesling!

The winemaking tradition is also cherished since the 13th century around the Feričanci district, located at the slopes of the Krndija Mountain. Even today top-quality wines are produced traditionally there. In the vineyards of Feričanci, the ratio of red to white grape varieties is almost equal, although the red wine variety Frankovska stands out. Apart from it and Riesling, other wine varieties attract attention as well. Those are white wine varieties such as Chardonnay, Pinot Blanc, and Pinot Gris and out of the red wine varieties, those are Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Syrah, and Pinot Noir.

Apart from the traditional wine celebrations such as the Vinkovo in January, there is a growing number of modern wine manifestation which unite hedonism, art, and active vacation. Among them, Osijek’s WineOs, Wine and Art Nights, Wine & Bike Tour Erdut, Wine Bor Marathon, Wine & Walk and Vinatlon in Baranja and Frankovka Festival in Feričanci stand out. 

CROATIA AIRLINES 1/2023 119 PROMO 01 Objed u vinogradu Dining in a vineyard
02 Vinska cesta Belje The Belje wine road N. Milić
M. Banić

To je Hrvatska

Republika Hrvatska smjeπtena je uz istoËnu obalu Jadranskog mora i u njegovu zaleu. Proteæe se od obronaka Alpa na sjeverozapadu do panonske ravnice na istoku. Povrπina je njezina kopna 56.542 Ëetvorna kilometra, a povrπina teritorijalnog mora 31.067 Ëetvornih kilometara. U Hrvatskoj æivi, prema popisu iz 2021. godine, 3,888.529 stanovnika. Duæina je morske obale 5835 km zajedno s otocima, otoËiÊima i grebenima. Otoka, otoËiÊa i grebena ima 1185, a naseljeno je 47 otoka. Sluæbeni jezik jest hrvatski, a pismo latiniËno.

Glavni je grad Zagreb (790.017 stanovnika), koji je ujedno administrativno, kulturno, akademsko i trgovaËko srediπte zemlje. Hrvatska je međunarodno priznata 15. siječnja 1992. godine, a od 1. srpnja 2013. g. Ëlanica je Europske unije.

This is Croatia

The Republic of Croatia lies along the east coast of the Adriatic Sea and its hinterland. It stretches from the slopes of the Alps in the north-west to the Pannonian Plain in the east. Its land area is 56,542 km2 and the area of its territorial sea is 31,067 km2. According to the 2021 census, Croatia’s population was 3,888,529. The length of its sea coast is 5835 km, including islands, islets and reefs. There are 1185 islands, islets and reefs, of which 47 islands are inhabited.

The official language is Croatian, and the official script is Latin.

The capital is Zagreb (790,017 inhabitants), which is also the country’s administrative, cultural, academic and economic center. The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia was adopted on 22 December 1990, and the country received international recognition on 15 January 1992. Croatia became an EU member state on 1st July 2013.

Nacionalni parkovi

Hrvatska ima osam nacionalnih parkova, od kojih su Ëetiri u planinskom podruËju (Paklenica, PlitviËka jezera, Risnjak i Sjeverni Velebit), a Ëetiri na obalnom podruËju (Brijuni, Kornati, Krka i Mljet). Njima, kao prostor osobito vrijedne prirodne baπtine,

treba pridodati i podruËja pod strogom zaπtitom prirode, rezervate, spomenike prirode, parkove prirode. Zbog svih njih Hrvatsku mnogi smatraju jednim od najljepπih europskih vrtova.

National parks

Croatia has eight national parks, four of which are located in the mountain region (Paklenica, Plitvice Lakes, Risnjak and Northern Velebit), and four in the coastal region (Brijuni, Kornati, Krka and Mljet). Besides these, certain areas under strict nature protection ∑ reserves, natural monuments and natural parks ∑ should be mentioned as a natural heritage of special value. They have all contributed to Croatia’s being considered one of the most beautiful gardens of Europe.

Proπlost za sadaπnjost Hrvatska obiluje kulturno­povijesnim spomenicima iz svih razdoblja zbog burnih povijesnih zbivanja i prepletanja utjecaja razliËitih kultura. Njezinu obalu karakteriziraju utjecaji mediteranske kulture, mnogi antiËki spomenici, spomenici iz rimskog razdoblja i ranoga srednjeg vijeka, romaniËko­sakralna baπtina te niz oËuvanih karakteristiËnih mediteranskih urbanih cjelina. Kontinentalna Hrvatska dio je srednjoeuropskoga kulturnog kruga i istiËe se mnogim prapovijesnim nalazima svjetske vaænosti, starim gradovima, utvrdama i dvorcima kasnoga srednjeg vijeka, kulturnim spomenicima i arhitekturom iz razdoblja baroka. Tri hrvatske urbane cjeline i dva spomeniËka kompleksa imaju status spomenika svjetske kulturne baπtine, koji dodjeljuje Unesco. To su kasnoantiËka Dioklecijanova palaËa, pregraena tijekom stoljeÊa u srednjovjekovni Split, gradovi Dubrovnik i Trogir te Eufrazijeva bazilika u PoreËu i katedrala sv. Jakova u ©ibeniku.

Nacionalni park PlitviËka jezera, najljepπi i najpoznatiji hrvatski nacionalni park, takoer je dio Unescove Svjetske baπtine.

A past for the present Croatia is rich in cultural and historical monuments from all eras, due to the turbulent events of history and the interlacing of influences of different cultures. Its coast is cha-

racterized by the influences of Mediterranean culture, numerous ancient remains, monuments of the Roman era and early Middle Ages, a Romanesque church heritage and a number of distinctive Mediterranean urban entities that have been preserved. Inland Croatia is a part of the Central European cultural circle and is distinguished by numerous prehistoric findings of world significance, by old towns, fortresses and castles dating from the late Middle Ages, and cultural monuments and architecture from the Baroque era.

Three Croatian cities and two monumental com-plexes have the status of monuments of world cultural heritage accorded by UNESCO. These are the Late Antique Palace of Diocletian, remodeled through the centuries into the medieval city of Split, the cities of Dubrovnik and Trogir, the Basilica of Euphrasius in PoreË and the Cathedral of St. Jacob in ©ibenik.

The national park of the Plitvice Lakes, Croatia’s most beautiful and celebrated national park, is also a part of UNESCO’s world heritage.

Hrvatska - turistiËki hit na Sredozemlju

Hrvatska je posljednjih godina − ocjenjuju meunarodni turistiËki znalci i statistiËari − hit­odrediπte na Sredozemlju.

Hrvatska je blizu ne samo zbog svoga geografskog smještaja nego i zbog mreæe zraËnih luka i kvalitetnih usluga nacionalnog avioprijevoznika Croatia Airlinesa te drugih zraËnih prijevoznika. I zbog svoje mreæe autocesta i poluautocesta Hrvatska je bliæa nego ikad. Ako ste pak odabrali odmor na jednome od mnogih hrvatskih otoka, prijevoz trajektom ili hidrogliserom s kopna trajat Êe − i kad su posrijedi oni najudaljeniji − kraÊe od 2 sata.

Croatia - a Mediterranean tourism success

Croatia has been a hit destination in the Mediterranean in the past few years, say statisticians and inter national experts in tourism.

Croatia is close not only because of its geographic position, but also because of its network of airports and the top quality services provided by Croatia Airlines, its


national carrier, as well as other airliners. Also, due to its network of highways and semi-motorways, Croatia is closer than ever. If you have decided to spend your vacation on any one of the numerous islands in Croatia, even the most distant ones, it will take less than 2 hours by ferry or hydrofoil from the mainland.

Novac i naËin plaÊanja

Od 1. siječnja 2023. novčana jedinica

Republike Hrvatske jest euro. Mogu ­

će je plaćanje gotovinom i kreditnim karticama, a novac se može podizati na bankomatima.

Currency and payment methods

The currency of the Republic of Croatia is the euro (as of 1st January 2023). Payments can be made in cash and by credit card. Cash can be withdrawn from ATMs.


Odrediπta Croatia Airlinesa

Croatia Airlines destinations

stalna / regular

sezonska ljetna / seasonal in summer

motorway, fast roads

toll stat on tunnel, bridge

other main roads

national parks

nature parks

internat onal border crossing petro stations (0-24)


ferry routes

UNESCO World Heritage


Choose your path.


Specijalna bolnica za dijagnostiku i liječenje karcinoma

U šest godina djelovanja, Radiochirurgia Zagreb izrasla je u jedan od vodećih regionalnih i europskih centara za liječenje karcinoma.

Stručni tim Radiochirurgije Zagreb za liječenje karcinoma koristi nekoliko metoda od kojih je jedna stereotaksijska radiokirurgija. Ona predstavlja značajan pomak u liječenju karcinoma, a od posebne je koristi u slučajevima kada klasičnim kirurškim metodama nije moguće izvršiti zahvat zbog pozicije tumora. Posebnost radiokirurgije je u tome što se liječenje obavlja visokoenergetskim zrakama koje ciljaju u središte tumora i uništavaju ga bez rezanja i bez krvi.

Za radiokirurgiju su opremljeni linearnim akceleratorima Varian Edge i CyberKnife S7, linearnim akceleratorom koji omogućuje liječenje karcinoma uz pomoć umjetne inteligencije. Ponajviše se koristi za primarne tumore i metastaze u glavi, toraksu i abdomenu, a za čije se liječenje upravo CyberKnife S7 trenutno smatra vrhuncem svjetske tehnologije.

Osim navedenih uređaja, stručni tim na raspolaganju ima vrhunski opremljenu onkološko-kiruršku dvoranu uz pomoć koje je Radiochirurgia Zagreb prva u ovom dijelu Europe u praksu uvela suvremenu adaptivno-hibridnu kirurgiju koja kombinira klasičnu kirurgiju s radiokirurgijom.

Liječnici Specijalne bolnice najviše su ponosni na rezultate liječenja neoperabilnog lokalno uznapredovalog karcinoma gušterače gdje su za dio pacijenata postigli stopu preživljavanja dužu od čak četiri godine što je po dostupnim podacima trenutno najduža stopa preživljavanja od ovog oblika karcinoma na svijetu.

Uz sve navedeno, pacijenti mogu na najmodernijim CT i MR uređajima napraviti probir tj. screening pregled koji može rano otkriti karcinom, prije pojave simptoma.

Pravovremeno otkrivanje ključno je za uspješno liječenje karcinoma.

124 CROATIA AIRLINES 1/2023 +385 01 400 8050 / info@radiochirurgia.hr / www.radiochirurgiazagreb.com

U ljetnom redu letenja širimo mrežu naših odredišta

Tijekom predstojeće turističke sezone planiramo povezati Hrvatsku sa 22 međunarodna odredišta, odnosno 23 europske zračne luke, a zrakoplovi Croatia Airlinesa pritom će letjeti na 47 međunarodnih linija. Ukupno je planirano više od

17.000 letova, a u ponudi će biti više od 1,820.000 sjedala.

U redovitom međunarodnom prometu planirano je izravno povezivanje Zagreba i 15 europskih odredišta s više od 120 tjednih rotacija, odnosno 240 tjednih letova. Split bi se trebao izravno povezati sa 20 europskih odredišta, odnosno 21

zračnom lukom, a pritom je planirano ukupno 70 tjednih rotacija, odnosno 140 letova. Iz Dubrovnika su planirani izravni međunarodni letovi u sedam europskih metropola − s ukupno 26 tjednih rotacija, tj. 52 tjedna leta.

Naše su nove linije:

Dubrovnik − Prag (od 18. svibnja do 12. listopada, četvrtkom)

Split − Skoplje (od 13. svibnja do 9. listopada, nedjeljom)

Split − Oslo (od 14. svibnja do 15. listopada, nedjeljom)

Bol − München (od kraja svibnja do prve polovice listopada, subotom)

We’re expanding our network of destinations in our summer flight timetable During this year’s tourist season, Croatia Airlines is planning to connect Croatia with 22 international destinations (i.e., 23 European airports) by operating flights on 47 international routes. More specifically, we’re planning to operate more than 17,000 flights, and to offer more than 1,820,000 seats.

During the upcoming tourist season, Croatia Airlines is planning to connect Zagreb directly with 15 European destinations

Xiaofen P. _ Unsplash Prag / Prague
croatiaairlines com Hello Europe! Experience the most amazing European destinations and book your flight.

by operating more than 120 return flights (i.e., 240 one-way flights) a week, Split directly with 20 European destinations or 21 airports by operating a total of 70 return flights (i.e., 140 one-way flights) a week, and Dubrovnik directly with seven European cities by operating a total of 26 return flights (i.e., 52 one-way flights) a week. These are Croatia Airlines’ new routes: Dubrovnik − Prague (from 18th May to 12th October, on Thursdays)

Split − Skopje (from 13th May to 9th October, on Sundays)

Split − Oslo (from 14th May to 15th October, on Sundays)

Bol − Munich (in the period between the end of May and the first half of October, on Saturdays)

Projekt ZagrebMed

Potpisali smo Sporazum o suradnji na projektu ZagrebMed, interaktivnoj digitalnoj platformi kojom je objedinjena ponuda vodećih zdravstvenih ustanova u gradu Zagrebu za pacijente iz regije i inozemstva. Platforma omogućuje korištenje medicinskih usluga na jednostavan i moderan način.

Projekt ZagrebMed podržala je Turistička zajednica grada Zagreba te ima za cilj postaviti Zagreb kao regionalni centar medicinske izvrsnosti i značajno osnažiti zdravstveni turizam u gradu Zagrebu.

Naša će kompanija ponuditi posebne pogodnosti za putnike koji dolaze u Zagreb zbog medicinskih usluga.

ZagrebMed project

Croatia Airlines signed a Collaboration Agreement with ZagrebMed, an interactive digital platform that brings together leading healthcare institutions in the city of Zagreb for patients coming from the region and abroad. The platform makes medical services available in a simple, straightforward, and state-of-the-art way. The ZagrebMed project is supported by the Zagreb Tourist Board. It aims to position Zagreb as the region’s healthcare centre of excellence, and to contribute significantly to the development of health tourism in Zagreb. Croatia Airlines’ passengers travelling to Zagreb for medical and healthcare purposes will be offered special benefits.

Zajedničko predstavljanje uoči turističke sezone

Uoči nadolazeće turističke sezone sudjelovali smo na više sajmova i prezentacija kako bismo predstavili naš ljetni red letenja u 2023. godini u sklopu kojeg ćemo mrežom izravnih međunarodnih letova pružiti snažnu podršku razvoju hrvatskog turizma i gospodarstva i pridonijeti još većoj privlačnosti Hrvatske na turističkoj karti svijeta. Također je planirano uvođenje naših novih sezonskih linija koje smo na prezentacijama posebno željeli predstaviti.

Obzor putovanja, Zračna luka Sarajevo i Croatia Airlines predstavili su 24. siječnja u Sarajevu letove koji će u narednom periodu nastaviti spajati Bosnu i Hercegovinu s Europom i ostatkom svijeta te

tako svim građanima, ali i poduzećima osigurati još jednostavniji i brži dolazak do željene destinacije.

Hrvatska turistička zajednica, Turistička zajednica Splitsko­dalmatinske županije i Turistička zajednica grada Splita i naša kompanija predstavili su se 9. veljače u Oslu norveškim poslovnim (B2B) novinarima i turističkim agentima.

Turistička zajednica grada Osijeka, Turistička zajednica Osječko­baranjske županije, Turistička zajednica Splitskodalmatinske županije i naša kompanija predstavili su se 22. veljače u Münchenu njemačkim poslovnim (B2B) novinarima i turističkim agentima. Hrvatska turistička zajednica i Croatia Airlines također su se predstavili na turističkom sajmu f.re.e u Münchenu od 22. do 26. veljače jer njemačko je tržište jedno od naših najvažnijih emitivnih tržišta.

Joint presentations ahead of the upcoming tourist season

Ahead of the upcoming tourist season, Croatia Airlines partook in several travel and tourism fairs where we presented our summer flight timetable for 2023, within the framework of which we want to ensure that our network of direct international flights contributes strongly to the development of Croatia’s tourism product and economy, and to increasing the attractiveness of Croatia on the tourism map of the world. Likewise, Croatia Airlines is planning to introduce a number of new seasonal routes, which were all highlighted during these presentations.

On 24th January in Sarajevo, Obzor Holidays, Sarajevo Airport, and Croatia Airlines gave a joint presentation of our flights that will continue to connect Bosnia and Herzegovina with Europe and the rest of the world in the coming period. These flights will provide people and companies quicker and easier access to the destinations of their choice.

On 9th February in Oslo, the Croatian National Tourist Board, the SplitDalmatia County Tourist Board, the Split Tourist Board, and Croatia Airlines gave a joint presentation to Norwegian business (B2B) journalists, and travel agents.

On 22nd February in Munich, the Osijek Tourist Board, the OsijekBaranja County Tourist Board, the Split-Dalmatia County Tourist Board, and Croatia Airlines gave a joint presentation to German business (B2B) journalists, and travel agents. Given that Germany is one of Croatia’s key emissive markets, the Croatian National Tourist Board, and Croatia Airlines also made a joint appearance at the f.re.e. Travel and Leisure Fair in Munich held between 22nd and 26th February.

Naša nova kampanja

Našom se novom kampanjom pod nazivom Inspired by you na pomalo netipičan način želimo obratiti svojim putnicima te ih pozvati da lete s nama. Vrijedi istaknuti da modele za naše kampanje pronalazimo unutar kompanije. Naša djelatnica Vesna Parčina zaštitno je lice i ove ekskluzivne kampanje, predstavljajući stjuardesu u krupnom planu, a naglasak je na njezinoj kosi obogaćenoj različitim rekvizitima poput malih aviona i zastava raznih zemalja u koje letimo i kojima smo željeli dočarati različite mogućnosti koje kontinuirano nastojimo ponuditi svojim putnicima. Fotografije je snimio Mladen Šarić.

S obzirom na to da je Hrvatska ponajprije turistička destinacija, u ovoj smo kampanji željeli istaknuti našu ulogu dobrog i pouzdanog domaćina na letovima. Također smo željeli istaknuti različite usluge i pogodnosti koje nudimo svojim putnicima poput široke mreže odredišta, kojima tijekom cijele godine povezujemo Hrvatsku s Europom i svijetom. A ponajprije smo željeli naglasiti da su nam putnici na prvome mjestu i da ćemo njihovo putovanje zasigurno učiniti ugodnim i nezaboravnim doživljajem.

Our new campaign

In wanting to address our passengers in a somewhat unusual way and invite them to fly with us, we’ve launched a new campaign − Inspired by you. It’s worth pointing out that the models for our campaigns come from within the company. Accordingly, the face of this exclusive campaign is our employee, Vesna Parčina, whose face close-up is presented as that of a flight attendant. Her hairstyle is accessorised with various props, such as small aircraft and the flags of the different countries to which we fly and with which we wanted to portray the range of options that we continually strive to offer to our passengers. The photos were taken by Mladen Šarić.

Given that Croatia is primarily a tourist destination, with this campaign we have wanted to underscore our role as an excellent and reliable host on all our flights. We have also looked to highlight the various services and benefits we offer to our passengers, such as a wide network of destinations, which connect Croatia with Europe and the rest of the world throughout the entire year. What we’ve aimed to highlight first and foremost is that our passengers remain our number one priority, and that we’ll do everything in our power to make your flight as pleasant and as unforgettable an experience as possible.

powered by
croatiaairlines com Hello summer! Fly to Croatia's magnificent cities of Zagreb, Dubrovnik, Pula, Split and Zadar. Check our summer timetable and book your flight!

Okusi Dalmacije u našem zrakoplovu

The flavours of Dalmatia in our aircraft

Dalmatinska marenda

Ako s nestrpljenjem očekujete ugledati more i uvijek mu se rado vraćate, uživat ćete u dalmatinskim okusima u našim zrakoplovima. A dalmatinski okusi nisu samo okusi − to su priče pričane tisućljećima, urezane u svaki naš kamen, uronjene u dubinu morskih prostranstava, u znoj naših vrijednih poljoprivrednika… Okusi središnje Dalmacije plod su naše tradicije, druženja, strasti i jedne posebne vrste hedonizma. Baš ih takve možete namirisati i dok ste visoko među oblacima.

Zatvorite oči, polijećemo, ovaj put u pravu rapsodiju okusa! Bez obzira na to kada je vaš let − zamislite da je 11 sati, da ste na rivi uz marendu. Što je zapravo marenda?

Dalmatinska marenda nije doručak, nije , ručak, a ni večera. Ona je slavlje koje se odvija u periodu od 11 do 13 sati i svi su pozvani, bez obzira na dob i društveni status. Topla je i jedinstvena, ponekad tajnovita; najbolja je kad se dijeli s obitelji ili prijateljima, ali vašem danu daje posebnu toplinu i ako ste sami. Dok vaše misli lete našem srcu Jadrana, na vašem tanjuru odvija se prava predstava u kojoj su glavni likovi gregada od grdobine, sipa s bobom, bakalar petkom ili, pak, svima omiljena pašticada, koja se razlikuje od mjesta do mjesta u Dalmaciji, no svakoj je zajednička lagana i dugotrajna priprema

ni od toplog gulaša u koji možete točati fini domaći kruh, a tu su i punjene paprike koje mirišu na duge ljetne dane. Neizostavni su i šalša i pršut, ali i srdelice s gradela, kao i brudet od ribe s palentom − spremljen od miješane ribe kuhane na laganoj vatri, mirisno i jušno jelo koje se ne zaboravlja. Među glavnim likovima našla se i hobotnica ispod peke, kao i tradicionalni arambašići, sitno sjeckano goveđe meso obavijeno listovima kupusa ili vinove loze. Dok su arambašići zaštićeno nematerijalno kulturno dobro, cetinska krajina ponosi se svojim soparnikom, koji je zaslužio zaštitu UNESCO-a. Bez obzira koju marendu odaberete, točajte je s kruhom, dodajte malo našeg maslinovog ulja, zalijte kapljicom neke od brojnih dalmatinskih autohtonih sorti vina i ne razmišljajte o kalorijama. Dalmatinska je marenda zdrava, dat će vam energiju za još puno letova među oblake i za što skori dolazak u naše srce Jadrana − središnju Dalmaciju, koja vas očekuje okupana suncem, obavijena pričama, istovremeno spora, dišpetna, nasmijana i dinamična. Uslast, uzdravlje i dobro nam došli! 

Dalmatian marenda

If you’re excited about spotting the sea from a window, and can’t wait to get there, you’ll definitely enjoy the flavours of Dalmatia in our aircraft. And the flavours of Dalmatia are not just flavours − they’re stories which have been told for millennia, which have been engraved on every piece of stone and every pebble, which have been immersed in the depths of the sea, which have been the fruits of the labour of our hard-working farmers... The flavours of Central Dalmatia are the fruits of our tradition, community spirit, passion, and a special kind of hedonism, which is exactly what your taste buds will experience while

Š. Lugarov


Vaše dijete sanja da postane pilot ili stjuardesa?

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Djelić dalmatinske gastronomije doživjeti i u našim zrakoplovima. Tako u poslovnom razredu nudimo veliki snack box - mandulat, krekere od ružmarina i maslinovog ulja šalšu, pršut i arancine, te mali snack box u kojem je mandulat, krekeri od ružmarina i maslinovog ulja te pršut. Putnici ekonomskog razreda mogu, žele li, malo prikratiti putovanje grickajući krekere od ružmarina i maslinovog ulja. Dalmacija nudi pregršt okusa s mirisima tradicije.

You’ll savour the flavours of Dalmatia in our aircraft as well. In our business class, we serve a large snack box containing mandulat or white honey nougat with almonds, rosemary and olive oil crackers, Dalmatian tomato sauce called šalša, prosciutto, and candied orange peel called arancini, and a small snack box containing mandulat, rosemary and olive oil crackers, and prosciutto. Economy class passengers will get to snack on rosemary and olive oil crackers. Dalmatia is filled to overflowing with tradition scented flavours.

Close your eyes, and let’s take off. This time, we’re headed for a real rhapsody of flavours. Regardless of when your flight is, imagine that it’s 11 o’clock, and you’re on the seafront having Dalmatian marenda. What exactly is Dalmatian marenda? Dalmatian marenda is not breakfast, it’s not brunch or lunch, and it most definitely isn’t dinner. Dalmatian marenda is a celebration of food and life that takes place between 11 am and 1 pm, to which everyone’s invited regardless of age and social status. Dalmatian marenda is warm and inimitable, at times even a surprise. It’s best when shared with family and friends, but will warm your heart even if you have it all by yourself.

While you imagine yourself, in your mind’s eye, arriving at the heart of the Adriatic, a real show is taking place on your plate starring monkfish in a one-pot stew called gregada, cuttlefish performing with broad beans, Friday’s codfish and, everyone’s favourite − Dalmatian braised beef called pašticada, whose slow-cooked, tenderised beef will melt in your mouth even if its fragrant sauce may indeed differ from town to town in Dalmatia. There’s nothing more comforting than a plate of warm goulash into which you dip some fabulous homemade bread. Let’s not forget

about stuffed peppers either that smell of long summer days. Dalmatian tomato sauce called šalša, prosciutto, barbecued sardines, fish brudet with polenta, which is a fragrant, slow-cooked stew made of different types of fish − are all an absolute must. Octopus under the bell called peka, and traditional arambašići or grapevine or cabbage leaves stuffed with finely chopped beef are also amongst the stars. While arambašići are celebrated as part of our intangible cultural heritage and enjoy state-level protection, the Cetina River basin takes great pride in its Swiss-chard-filled savoury pie called soparnik, which enjoys UNESCO’s protection. Ultimately, though, regardless of which Dalmatian marenda you go with, make sure you have it with some fabulous bread, season it with a few drops of our olive oil, and have it with a glass of wine made from any of the many varieties of grapes native to Dalmatia, and don’t worry about calories. Dalmatian marenda is healthy, it’ll give you energy to fly more and arrive soon at the very heart of the Adriatic − Central Dalmatia, welcoming you bathed in brilliant sunshine, surrounded by stories, slow, defiant, smiling, and dynamic all at the same time.

Welcome! 


Ulazak u schengenski prostor olakšao protok putnika

Joining the Schengen Area eases passenger flow

Pred nama je ljetna sezona u kojoj se očekuje potpuni oporavak turističkog sektora i zračnog prometa. Tomu u prilog govore prispjele najave za letenje u Zračnu luku Split nakon provedenog postupka usklađivanja redova letenja sa zračnim prijevoznicima.

Svi prijevoznici koji su do sada letjeli u Zračnu luku Split zadržali su svoje povijesno stečene slotove, čime nedvojbeno iskazuju interes za buduću suradnju. Velik doprinos ovako dobrim najavama nosi ulazak Hrvatske u schengenski prostor, čime se za približno 70% naših putnika značajno olakšava protok u zračnoj luci.

Ukupno 52 prijevoznika na svojim će linijama osigurati povezanost sa 89 odredišta. Očekuje se daljnji rast najznačajnijih tržišta kao

AIRPORT Arhiva Zračne luke Split / Split Airport archives

što su njemačko, britansko, francusko, hrvatsko, nizozemsko, švedsko, talijansko, dansko, norveško, španjolsko i poljsko. Ponuđeni kapaciteti bit će značajan poticaj turističkoj industriji na srednjodalmatinskom području za još kvalitetnije i sadržajnije osmišljavanje nadolazeće ljetne sezone.

U 2023. godini očekuje se ukupni promet na razini rekordne 2019. godine, kada je zabilježen promet od 3,3 milijuna putnika. 

The summer season is upon us, in which both the tourism sector and air traffic are expected to recover completely. This is supported by the number of flights announced to be operated to Split Airport after Split Airport has harmonised its flight timetable with airlines. All carriers that have operated flights to Split Airport so far have kept their airline slots, which is a direct indication and expression of their interest in future collaboration. Such welcome announcements have been greatly contributed to by Croatia’s joining the Schengen Area, which significantly eases passenger flow at Split Airport for approximately 70% of our passengers.

A total of 52 carriers will provide connections to 89 destinations. Further growth is expected in the most important markets, such as Germany, Great Britain, France, Croatia, the Netherlands, Sweden, Italy, Denmark, Norway, Spain, and Poland. The capacities offered will serve Central Dalmatia’s tourism industry by encouraging and motivating the industry to plan and design the upcoming summer season as meaningfully as possible.

In 2023, total air traffic results are expected to reach the level of the record year of 2019, when Split Airport recorded 3.3 million passengers. 


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u poslovnicama Croatia Airlinesa i PBZ Card Travela

Diners Club Croatia Airlines

kreditna kartica

- 0,66 EUR = 1 nagradna milja − za svakih

0,66 EUR potrošenih preko ove kartice, bilježi se 1 nagradna milja

- Prikupljajte nagradne milje svuda − jednostavno plaćajte svojom Diners Club karticom na bilo kojemu od 12,000.000 DC prodajnih mjesta u zemlji i inozemstvu.

- 2 kartice 1 račun Miles & More koristite li se istodobno privatnom i poslovnom karticom Diners Cluba i Croatia Airlinesa, prikupljene nagradne milje zbrajaju se na istom računu Miles & More

VISA Croatia Airlines kreditna kartica

Croatia Airlines i Erste Card Club nude i VISA Croatia Airlines samostalnu karticu, poslovnu i privatnu. Potrošnja od 2 EUR u Hrvatskoj na samostalnim karticama donosi 1 nagradnu Miles & More milju, a za potrošen 1 EUR u inozemstvu dobiva se preko kartica u paketu 1 nagradna Miles & More milja

Više informacija možete pronaći na: www milesandmore com

Croatia Airlines card

- 0,66 EUR = 1 award mile − for every 0,66 EUR spent via this card, you collect 1 mile

- 2000 welcome miles on Miles & More account for new basic and 1000 welcome miles for new additional card users

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VISA Croatia Airlines credit card

Croatia Airlines and Erste Card Club offer a VISA Croatia Airlines standalone credit card, both business and private. You will get 1 Miles & More award mile for every 2 EUR sp ent via standalone credit card whereas for every 1 EU R spent abroad via companion credit cards 1 Miles & More award mile will be credited to your account

Please find detailed info at: www milesandmore.com

bilježi se
CROATIA AIRLINES 1/2023 141 Gate to Istria #Pula is a thrill … Ližnjan, Valtursko polje 210 p.p. 89, HR-52000 Pula T +385 52 530 100 E uprava@airport-pula.hr W www.airport-pula.hr From Pula with love



Dopuštena ručna prtljaga za putnike ekonomskog razreda je 1 komad, a za putnike poslovnog razreda 2 komada (težine do 8 kg i zbroja dimenzija do 115 cm)

Veće komade ručne prtljage spremite u pretince, a manje stavite ispod sjedala ispred vas, osim u redovima kod izlaza za slučaj opasnosti. Dodatno, svaki putnik može ponijeti u kabinu:

- 1 komad osobne prtljage najveće dopuštene veličine 40x30x10 cm

- putuje li s djetetom do 2 g. - 1 dječja kolica ili autosjedalicu ili nosiljku te hranu za bebe

- bolesne i invalidne osobe mogu ponijeti ortopedska pomagala ili protetske naprave


The hand baggage allowance for economy class passengers is 1 piece and for business class passengers 2 pieces (weighing up to 8 kg, whose total sum of dimensions does not exceed 115 cm). Your hand baggage must be stowed in overhead compartments. All smaller bags must be placed under the seat in front of you, except in emergency exit rows. Each passenger may additionally take into the passenger cabin the following:

- 1 personal item whose maximum size does not exceed 40x30x10 cm (16x12x4 in);

- each passenger travelling with a child under 2 years of age is also allowed to take aboard 1 infant's carrying basket or a fully collapsible stroller/pushchair or a car seat and baby food;

- disabled passengers may also take 1 pair of crutches and/or braces or any other prosthetic device.


U zrakoplov se smiju unositi:

- tekućine kupljene u duty free prodavaonicama ili u zrakoplovu, pod uvjetom da su spremljene u prozirne plastične vrećice, zapečaćene prilikom kupnje (STEB) i ne smiju se otvarati do krajnjeg odredišta

- tekućine pakirane u pojedinačnim pakiranjima do 100 ml ili 100 g u prozirnoj plastičnoj vrećici sa zatvaračem do 1 litre

- tekućine koje se tijekom leta koriste u medicinske svrhe ili zbog posebnih prehrambenih potreba (dječja hrana). Ostale tekućine mogu se prevoziti u predanoj prtljazi.


The following can be taken aboard our aircraft:

- liquids purchased in airside duty free shops past the airport security check, provided they are stored in transparent plastic bags, sealed when purchased (STEB) and remain unopened until your final destination;

- liquids packed in individual packaging up to 100 ml or 100 gr and stored in a transparent plastic bag with a zipper (up to maximally 1 litre);

- liquids that are to be used during flights for medical purposes or for special nutritional needs (baby food). Other liquids can be transported in your checked baggage.

30 cm 40 cm 10 cm 20 cm 55 cm 40 cm 20 cm 20 cm 100ml 100
Carry-on baggage Please place this bag under the seat in ont of you. Not for exit ows. SPREMNI ZA LET? READY TO FLY?


Mobilna aplikacija

Preuzmite našu mobilnu

aplikaciju i imat ćete sve što vam je potrebno prije i za vrijeme leta nadohvat ruke: kupnja aviokarata, red letenja, status leta, check-in, ponude i još mnogo toga...

Aplikacija je dostupna na hrvatskom, engleskom, njemačkom i francuskom jeziku.

Download it and have everything you need before and during your flight with us in the palm of your hand: flight booking, timetable, flight status, check-in, offers and more...

Our app is available in Croatian, English, German and French.


AMSTERDAM (AMS) Schiphol Amsterdam Airport terminal 3

ATHENS (ATH) Athens International Airport main terminal

BRUSSELS (BRU) Brussels Airport Zaventem terminal B


Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport terminal 2D

COPENHAGEN (CPH) Copenhagen Airport terminal 2

DUBLIN(DUB ) Dublin Airport terminal 1

DUSSELDORF (DUS) Düsseldorf Airport terminal A


Leonardo da Vinci - Fiumicino Airport terminal 3

FRANKFURT (FRA) Frankfurt Airport terminal 1

LONDON GATWICK (LGW) Gatwick Airport terminal S

LONDON HEATHROW (LHR) Heathrow Airport terminal 2


Lyon Saint-Exupery Inter national Airport terminal 1

MUNICH (MUC) Munich Airport terminal 2

SARAJEVO (SJJ) Sarajevo International Airport terminal B

SKOPJE (SKP) Skopje Alexander the Great Airport main terminal

BERLIN (BER) Berlin Brandenburg Airport terminal 1

VIENNA (VIE) Vienna Airport terminal 3

ZURICH (ZRH) Zurich Airport terminal 2

Informacije o polascima autobusa / Bus departure information

plesoprijevoz@plesoprijevoz.hr www.plesoprijevoz.hr


Polasci svakog dana s gradskog terminala (Autobusni kolodvor, Držićeva bb) prema Zračnoj luci Zagreb

daily from the Town Terminal (Main Bus Station, Držićeva bb) to the Zagreb International Airport:

Polasci svakog dana iz Zračne luke Zagreb prema gradskom terminalu (Autobusni kolodvor, Držićeva bb)

from the Zagreb International Airport to the Town Terminal (Main

5.00 - 5.30 - 6.00 - 6.30 - 7.00 - 7.30 - 8.00 - 8.30 - 9.00 - 10.00 - 10.30 - 11.00 - 11.30 - 12.00 - 12.30 - 13.00 13.30- 14.00 - 14.30 - 15.00 - 15.30 - 16.00 - 16.30 - 17.00 - 17.30 - 18.00 - 18.30 - 19.00 - 19.30 - 20.00
Departures daily
bb): 7.00 - 8.00 - 8.30 - 9.00 - 9.30 - 10.30 - 11.30 -12.00 - 12.30 - 13.00 - 13.30 - 14.00 - 14.30 - 15.00 - 15.30 16.00 - 16.30 - 17.00 - 17.30 - 18.00 - 18.30 - 19.00 - 19.30 - 20.00
ZAGREB (01) 6331-982, 6331-999 SPLIT (021) 203-508 RIJEKA (051) 330-207, 336-757 DUBROVNIK (020) 773-377 ZADAR (020) 250-094
Bus Station, Držićeva
Za više informacija, molimo nazovite / For more information, please call: Dolazni terminali / Arrival terminals Š. Lugarov
za lakši način putovanja!
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Zrakoplovi Airbus A320-200, Airbus A319-100 i Dash8 - Q400 tvore naπu flotu. Our fleet consists of A320-200, Airbus A319-100 and Dash8 - Q400 aircraft.

Specifikacije / Specifications

Raspon krila / Wing span (m/ft)

Duljina trupa / Fuselage length (m/ft)

NajveÊa dopuπtena teæina u polijetanju / Maximum take off weight (kg)

NajveÊa visina leta / Maximum cruising altitude (m/ft)

Povrπina krila / Wing area (m²/ft²)

NajveÊa letna brzina / Maximum cruising speed (km/h)

Pogonska grupa / Power-plants

Broj zrakoplova u floti / Number of aircraft in fleet

Airbus A319-100 35,8 / 117 33,84 / 111 64.000 / 75.500 11.900 / 39.000 122,40 / 1318 834 (450 KTS) motori / engines x 2 CFM 56 5 Dash8 - Q400 28,42 / 93,24 32,83 / 107,71 29.257 7620 / 25.000 63,08 / 679 667 (360 KTS) motori / engines x 2 PW 150A 6 Airbus A320-200 35,8 / 117 37,6 / 123 77.000 11.900 / 39.000 122,40 / 1318 834 (450 KTS) motori / engines x 2 CFM 56 2 Broj sjedala / Number of seats 144/150 76 174 Airbus A320-200 Airbus A319-100
Dash8 - Q400


All the silver, gold and human lives Can not match your sheer beauty!
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T +385 20 773 100 E headoffice@airport-dubrovnik.hr www.airport-dubrovnik.hr
Ivan Gundulić

Direkcija / Head office

Bani 75b, 10 010 Buzin, Zagreb, Tel. (+385-1) 616-00-66

Fax (+385-1) 6160 153

E-mail adrese / E-mail addresses

President’s Office/uprava@croatiaairlines.hr

Public Relations/pr@croatiaairlines.hr




Kontakt centar / Contact Center

072-500 505 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske / only for calls from Croatia

Tel. (+385-1) 66 76 555

pon - pet/Mon - Fri 08:00 - 20:00

sub, ned, praznik / Sat, Sun, Holiday 09:00 - 15:00 contact@croatiaairlines.hr

Odnosi s korisnicima / Customer Relations Dept.

Fax (+385-1) 616-01-52

http://www.croatiaairlines.com/hr/Zahtjev http://www.croatiaairlines.com/Claim

Miles & More kontakt centar /

Miles & More Service Team

072 220 220 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske / only for calls from Croatia

Informacije o prijevozu robe /

Cargo information office

Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-573

Obzor putovanja / Obzor Holidays Ltd

Tel. (+385-1) 487 31 68, 616 02 46 info@obzorputovnja.hr

Travel centri u zračnim lukama

Travel centar Dubrovnik

Zračna luka Dubrovnik

20 213 Čilipi

Tel. (+385-20) 773 332 airport.ticketingoffice@airport-dubrovnik.hr

Travel centar Osijek

Zračna luka Osijek

Vukovarska 67, 31207 Klisa

Tel. (+385-31) 284 611 agencija@osijek-airport.hr

Travel centar Pula

Zračna luka Pula

Valtursko polje 210, Ližnjan

Tel. (+ 385-52) 550 927 travel.centar@airport-pula.hr

Poslovnice / Town and airport offices

Identifikacijski kod poslovnica u Hrvatskoj je/

Identification code for offices in Croatia is: HR-B-01-080037012

Brussels Belgium

Tribes Brussels Central Station

Koloniënstraat, 56 1000 Brussel - België

Tel. (+32-2) 753-5132 bruap@croatiaairlines.hr


Kaiserstrasse 7 60311 Frankfurt

Tel. (+49-69) 92-00-520 frato@croatiaairlines.hr


71 000 Sarajevo

ZraËna luka/Airport

Tel. (+387-33) 789-600 sjjto@croatiaairlines.hr

SlovaËka / Slovakia

CK Blue Sky Travel

Poštová 1, 811 06 Bratislava

Tel. +421 2 5262 2375 slovakia@croatiaairlines.hr


1000 Skopje

ZraËna luka/Airport

Tel. (+389-2) 3148-390, 3296-967, 3296-969 skpap@croatiaairlines.hr

Španjolska / Spain

Global Representacion Turistica / GRT

Rambla de Catalunya, 61 5º 3ª, 08007 Barcelona Tel. +34 934 875 775 spain@croatiaairlines.hr


21 000 Split

ZraËna luka/Airport

Tel. (+385-21) 203-305, 895-298 spuap@croatiaairlines.hr

Bliski istok / Middle East

Izrael / Israel

Biaf Aviation Services Ltd

1 Ben Yehuda Street, Migdalor blgd. 12th floor, Tel Aviv 63802


23 000 Zadar

ZraËna luka/Airport

Tel. (+385-23) 250-101 zadap@croatiaairlines.hr

Tel. +972 3 516 7181, 516 7140 israel@croatiaairlines.hr

Indija / India

STIC Travel Group


10 000 Zagreb

Trg Nikole Š, Zrinskog 17

Tel. (+385-1) 61-60-215 posl.zrinjevac@croatiaairlines.hr

Meunarodna zraËna luka Zagreb/ Zagreb International Airport

Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-581

Fax (+385-1) 62-65-930

2nd Floor, Tower C, Cyber Greens, DLF Phase - III

Gurgaon - 122002, New Delhi

Ph: +91 (124) 4595300 croatia@sticgroup.com

Contact person: Gurpreet Sangar

Intermodal Air, Airlines Representations

2, Mmarathonomachon str

16452 Argyroupoli - Greece, Tel. +30 210 3716381


Letzigraben 154, 8047 Zürich

Tel. (+41-44) 2610-840 zrhto@croatiaairlines.hr

Prodajni zastupnici / Sales agents

Europa / Europe

»eπka / the Czech Republic

CK Blue Sky Travel

Opletalova 57, 11 000 Praha 1 Tel. +420 222 222 235 czech@croatiaairlines.hr

GrËka / Greece

Intermodal Air, Airlines Representations

2, Marathonomachon str

16452 Argyroupoli − Greece

Tel. + 30 210 371 6381

Fax + 0030 210 324 9152 www.intermodalair.gr


APG Portugal

Rua Tojalinho da Areica, nr. 15 Bolembre

2705-553 São João das Lampas Portugal

Tel. +351 211 930 226 portugal@croatiaairlines.hr info@apg-portugal.com


Specialised Aviation Services srl. 17d Emil Garleanu Str, Voluntari, Ilfov County Tel. +40 21 599 0108 romania@croatiaairlines.hr

Fax + 30 210 3249152 www.intermododalair.gr

Novi Zeland / New Zealand

CTtravel Limited NZ

PO Box 104-056, Lincoln North, Suite, 1/182 Lincoln Rd. Henderson, Auckland, NZ Tel. +64 9 837 9897 croatiaairlines@cttravel.co.nz

Japan Air System Inc.

Shimbashi Frontier Building, 7F 3-4-5 Shimbashi Minato-ku Tokyo, 105-0004 Japan

Tel. +81 3 3593 6740 asipaxtyo@airsystem.jp

Koreja / Korea


1901-1, 19F

Coryo Daeyungak Tower, 97 Toegye-ro Jung-gu, Seoul

South Korea (04535) croatiaairlines@bohramair.co.kr

Tajvan / Taiwan

Pacific Express Company Limited

8F, No 137, Nanking E. Road Sec. 2, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: +886 2 2515 2371 sales-service@pacificexpress.com.tw

Kina / China

Pacific Aviation Marketing



Roissypôle Le Dôme, Rue de la Haye

BP 18913 Tremblay en France Tel. (+33-1) 48-16-40-00 parto@croatiaairlines.hr


Global Russia Marketing//GRM

Bolshaya Sadovaya str. 10, office 20 (V), 2-nd entrance, 123001 Moscow, Russia

Tel.: +7 (495) 727-05-66 ou.mow@grm-russia.com


51 000 Rijeka

JelaËiÊev trg br. 5 Tel. (+385-51) 330-207, 336-757 rjkto@croatiaairlines.hr

Konnogvardeysky blvd, 19, office 47, 190098 St.-Petersburg, Russia

Tel.: +7 (921) 905-88-73 ou.led@grm-russia.com

12H, Zaofong Universe Building 1800 West Zhong Shan Road Xuhui District, Shanghai

Tel. +862164400032 Jenniferhuo@pam.com.hk

Hong Kong

Pacific Aviation Marketing Ltd.

Unit 2503, Island Place Tower, 510 Kingís Road, North Point, Hong Kong. Tel. +852 2926 2030 pamoperation@pam.com.hk


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Zagreb has one-of-a-kind museums, legends, and every building has a unique story to whisper. The city's secrets are waiting

Great cuisine

Zagreb's food is prepared with fresh ingredients, masterful hands, and lots of love. Local delicacies, Croatian, and world cuisines are waiting for you.

Café culture

Sunshine is caressing those inviting caf é terraces, where everyone is sitting and enjoying themselves. There is a warm cup of the finest co waiting just for you

Romantic Zagreb parks

The flowers are blooming, there are colors everywhere, and a light breeze is gently swinging green tree branches. That oasis is waiting for you.

Museums for eve ryone

Art, technology, emotions, and times long gone Remnants that will touch your soul are waiting

Numerous festivals and events

Music concerts, art exhibitions, unique festivals, and sports events. Numerous events, all in one loc ation

Cool atmosphere

Relax, let your worries float away, and enjoy your time This city will adapt to your needs and make sure you enjoy your stay

Unusual museums

From Contemporary Art to Illusions and Broken Relationships … Zagreb has a fantastic selection of unusual museums that you should not miss

Medvednica nature park

A cable car will take you right up to the fresh mountain air and an astonishing view of Zagreb and the surrounding area. Nature is waiting.

Be there.

infozagreb.hr #VisitZagreb #LoveZagreb

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