February 2023

Page 40

The Playhouse that Jack & Moe built

February 2023
Movers & Makers FEBRUARY 2023 3 Contact us for more information 513-889-4000 info@frazierhomes.com 8366 Princeton Glendale Rd., Suite B3 West Chester, OH 45069 New Year New Home COME HOME TO LUXURY MYKISH C. SUMMERS Visit our website! frazierhomes.com On the cover: Jack and Moe Rouse. Photos by Tina Gutierrez for Movers &
©2023; design, Elizabeth Mariner Informed. Inspired. Involved. Movers &Makers MoversMakers.org February 2023 Publishers’ Letter 4 Arts/Culture 5
Gifts/Grants 26 Nonprofit News 28 Names
News 30 Snapshots 32 SVDP
32 Art
Last Word 50
O’Keeffe at the CAM, Matinée Musicale hosts Kantarow, Tiger Lily at the Mount 5 The Playhouse that Jack & Moe built | By David Lyman
The A/C List 8 African American art at the Taft 9 Jazzman Redman at Longworth-Anderson 11 The Datebook
Social calendar with a spotlight on the movers and makers behind Greater Cincinnati’s fundraisers, friend-raisers and community events. FOCUS ON: Addiction and Recovery Services
John Earls: From rudderless to taking the helm | By Shauna Steigerwald 20 Notables: Addiction and Recovery Services 22 PBS spotlights NKY repeat-offender progam 25
in the
Museum gala
AJC honors Pomeranzes
Dragonfly Radiothon
Caracole ‘Glow-Getter’
CABVI Dining in the Dark
National Philanthropy Day luncheon
Santa Maria fetes 125 years 40 4C 50th anniversary 41 BHGH Hearts for Hope 44 African American Chamber Cincy Nights 45 Cancer Family Care wine 46 55 North Star Soirée 47 The
Polly Campbell: Yeah, I’ve got some opinions

It should come as no surprise that, when the call went out for lead donors for a new theater in town, Jack and Moe Rouse stepped forward. As Moe said, “It seemed like something we should do.” It also should come as no surprise that we would showcase this level of commitment to quality theater in Cincinnati. David Lyman spoke with these two dynamos, dodging COVID and holidays and travel, and shares their perspective on this project. (See Page 6)

Most of us have had at least a brush with the ravages of addiction or we know someone who has had to reconstruct her or his life after a tragedy. Those who work within this specialized sector of the region’s nonprofit community are front-line heroes and we have taken this opportunity to recognize a dozen Notables on Page 22.

One such individual is John Earls, who overcame alcoholism to assist and support others, and has gone on to provide leadership within several area nonprofits. Shaun Steigerwald gives us insight into John’s journey on Page 20.

Occasionally, Polly Campbell and I talk about future ideas for her column, but this time around she just needed to unload opinions she’s been saving up. Maybe this is something we all should do as an exercise to start off the new year? See page 50.

There’s something new this year that we want to bring to your attention: Serial entrepreneur Ramesh Malhotra approached us about his desire to auction off portions of his extensive art collection to support area artists and

arts organizations. He and his team have scheduled a silent auction event for March 4 as the first step in this initiative. We are partnering with Ramesh in this effort, and will receive a percentage of the proceeds to help support our visual arts coverage. If you are an art collector, and need something for that special wall, please join us. See Page 13 for details.

Thank you. Best wishes for 2023!

Thom & Elizabeth Mariner, co-publishers Doug Bolton, interim editor and M&MP board chair

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Join 10,000 other M&M subscribers to our FREE weekly email newsletter.

In it, you will find a link to Thom Mariner’s Culture FIX column, posted every Wednesday morning at MoversMakers.org. He outlines the best local arts & culture events for the week ahead, based on more than four decades of experience working in the Cincinnati arts scene. Also in the newsletter – links to our latest posts of local nonprofit news, people on the move, gifts and grants and much more.

For their work on this issue, our gratitude to:

• Doug Bolton, interim editor

• Phil Fisher and Ray Cooklis, copy editors

• Tina Gutierrez , cover photographer

• All the nonprofits who contributed news and photos.

We make every effort to verify information submitted for publication (print and online), but are not responsible for incorrect information or misidentified photos provided to us.

Readers are advised to confirm event dates and other important details and check for last-minute changes with the organizations or advertisers involved.

Publication of this magazine and its website (www.MoversMakers.org) does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of any information contained within, including advertisements and links. Movers & Makers Publishing is a nonprofit with fiscal sponsorship provided by Cincinnati Cares.

4 FEBRUARY 2023 Movers & Makers
© Copyright 2022 Movers & Makers Publishing
Issue Deadline Available MARCH JAN 27 FEB 22 APRIL FEB 24 MAR 22 MAY MAR 31 APR 26 JUNE APR 28 MAY 24 JULY MAY 26 JUN 21
30 JULY 26
Publishing schedule Elizabeth & Thom Mariner, co-publishers Digital edition & daily posts www.MoversMakers.org Social media @moversmakerscincinnati @moversmakerscin Movers & Makers Magazine @moversmakers Advertising & distribution Thom Mariner, 513-543-0890 or tmariner@moversmakers.org Creative & accounting Elizabeth Mariner, emariner@moversmakers.org News/calendar submissions editor@moversmakers.org
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CAM exhibit explores O’Keeffe’s vision as photographer

Feb. 3-May 7, Cincinnati Art Museum, Eden Park

Most people know Georgia O’Keeffe as a painter, but the famed American artist was also an accomplished photographer. Ample evidence of that can be seen in a new exhibition “Georgia O’Keeffe, Photographer” at the Cincinnati Art Museum.

The exhibit represents the first major investigation of O’Keeffe’s 30-year engagement with photography, providing new insights into the well-known artist. More than 100 photographs, along with paintings, drawings and objects from O’Keeffe’s life, show how she used the camera to pursue her artistic vision.

O’Keeffe, the widely admired “Mother of American Modernism,” has long been revered for her paintings of flowers, skulls, and desert landscapes. Even though she was one of the most significant artists of the 20th century, no previous exhibition has explored her work as a photographer.

“For me, an exciting facet of this project is how it shifts the paradigm for multiple audiences,” said Nathaniel M. Stein, curator of photography for CAM. “Photography buffs are learning her relationship with photography

was larger and more complicated than we knew. I think those audiences will be surprised by the sophistication and rigor of O’Keeffe’s own exploration of photographic seeing, even as they have to let go of an assumption that she would be making photographs in service of her painting practice.

“On the other hand, audiences arriving out of admiration for O’Keeffe as a painter are coming to know the artist’s vision in an entirely new way, seeing her digest the world more clearly and gaining an understanding of elemental tenets of photographic composition and form through her eyes.”

“Georgia O’Keeffe, Photographer” is organized by the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, with the collaboration of the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum, Santa Fe. Its organizing sponsor is the Harold C. Schott Foundation. The exhibition is supported by the Helen E. Allen Charitable Foundation.

Tickets are $12, with discounted rates for students, children and seniors, and can be purchased onsite and online. Admission is free for members. The exhibition will be free for nonmembers 5-8 p.m. Thursdays. Free general admission is made possible by a gift from the Rosenthal Family Foundation. Parking is free.

 www.cincinnatiartmusem.org


Pianist Kantorow to make local debut at Matinée Musicale

Feb. 19, 3 p.m., Memorial Hall, Over-the-Rhine

Pianist Alexandre Kantorow, lauded by Fanfare magazine as “Liszt reincarnated,” will make his Cincinnati debut at Matinée Musicale Cincinnati.

In 2019, at age22, Kantorow became the first French pianist to win the gold medal at the Tchaikovsky Competition, where he also won the Grand Prix – awarded only three times before in the competition’s history. Hailed as the “young tsar of the piano” (Classica), he has received numerous other awards and has been invited to perform worldwide at the highest level.

Kantorow began his professional career at age 16, debuting at La Folle Journée festival in Nantes, France. Since then he has played with many of the world’s major orchestras, including regular appearances with the Mariinsky Orchestra under Valery Gergiev. He has performed solo recitals at major concert halls across Europe and appeared at some of the most prestigious festivals.

In 2019, Kantorow was named “Musical Revelation of the Year” by the Professional Critics Association. In 2020 he won the Victoires de la Musique Classique in two categories: Recording of the Year and Instrumental Soloist of the Year.

 www.matineemusicalecincinnati.org

Artist’s Proof: A Showcase of Prints by members of Tiger Lily Press

Feb. 27-March 31; artists’ reception, March 5, 2-4 p.m., Studio San Giuseppe, Mount St. Joseph University

More than 50 hand-pulled original prints will be on display at Studio San Giuseppe Gallery at Mount St. Joseph University during February and March. This annual printmaking exhibition features work by the members of Tiger Lily Press, a nonprofit fine art printmaking studio located in West Price Hill. The exhibition is in partnership with Mount Saint Joseph and will include work from students.

An artists’ walk-through is planned for March 25, 2-4 p.m.

 www.tigerlilypress.org

Movers & Makers FEBRUARY 2023 5
Georgia O’Keeffe, Ladder against Studio Wall in Snow, 1959-60, gelatin silver print, Georgia O’Keeffe Museum, Santa Fe. ©Georgia O’Keeffe Museum
Herrera, “Frontier,” 2022, polyester lithography/monotype

Perhaps it was inevitable that Moe and Jack Rouse’s names would assume the place of honor when the Playhouse in the Park opens its new mainstage theater on March 11.

From the time they came to Cincinnati more than 50 years ago, it was clear that theater –directing it, performing it, presenting it – was their great shared passion.

Jack founded the vaunted musical theater department at CCM, while just down the hall, Moe was modernizing the school’s radio and television program into a forward-thinking electronic media/communications department.

They went on to do much more than that. Jack was in at the birth of live entertainment at Kings Island and a host of other theme parks around the world. He championed The Banks, too, and the recent revitalization of Music Hall. Meanwhile, Moe founded the American Society of Trial Consultants to help bring a more evenhanded approach to jury selection across the nation. She became an in-demand consultant and seminar leader throughout corporate America as well.

But they were never far from the theater, and always ready to offer their often outspoken opinions on what they had just seen. They have their own, individual styles. Where Jack can be blunt and sometimes even irascible, Moe has a gentler touch. But don’t be lulled into complacency by her approach. What she lacks in bombast, she more than makes up for in persistence.

Predictably, they make a formidable couple. These are not folks you want as your opponents.

At this stage of their lives, though – Jack is 83, Moe just a few years younger – they’ve spent some time considering their legacies.

It’s not so much about sealing their fame. They will be remembered. Besides, they’ve never been ones to slap their names on the projects they’ve been involved with.

But when the naming right for the new Playhouse mainstage became available, it seemed an obvious choice.

“We’d been talking about a new theater for more than 20 years,” says Moe. “Not necessarily as the lead sponsors. But we knew that the Playhouse needed a new home. And now, it seemed like something we should do.”

No standing on the sidelines for these two. They long for a spot in the thick of the action.

Back in 2008, Jack Rouse – then the Playhouse board president – and the late Ed Stern, the Playhouse’s artistic director, held a series of public forums to discuss the idea of moving the Playhouse out of Eden Park and into the heart of downtown Cincinnati.

The Marx Theatre was not up to the standards of modern theater production, Stern told the groups. He cited the leaky roof, poor sight lines and a backstage area that was a hopeless maze of tunnels and niches.

“The focus isn’t so much on moving as it is on having a 21st-century theater facility,” Stern said at the time. “Really – I don’t care about moving. I need to have a theater that works. But no matter how much I say it, it seems that people hear what they want to hear. Individuals

6 FEBRUARY 2023 Movers & Makers
The Playhouse that Jack & Moe built
It was clear to us that nobody wanted to leave the park. Once the audience has spoken, you don’t need to argue with them.
–Jack Rouse
Story by David
Photos by Tina
Theater’s new mainstage reflects Rouses’ shared passion

and corporations and foundations are focused on downtown proper. They’re not interested in a Playhouse in the Park.”

But much has changed since then. Most obviously, Over-the-Rhine has become the city’s go-to entertainment district. But more telling is that nearly all of the area’s major arts organizations have sunk tens of millions of dollars into updating their facilities: Music Hall, the Taft Theatre, Cincinnati Museum Center, Taft Museum, Ensemble Theatre Cincinnati, Cincinnati Shakespeare Company, Cincinnati Art Museum, Children’s Theatre of Cincinnati –the list goes on and on. The significance of that was not lost on Jack Rouse.

“There is no one ideal space for the theater,” he said recently. “There was a time when The Banks was regarded as the hot spot. Then, everyone told us that we just had to go to OTR. But it didn’t take long for OTR to be priced out of everybody’s budgets.”

Ultimately, says Rouse, it was the patrons themselves who insisted that the Playhouse remain in the park.

“We all knew that the Marx Theatre was the problem,” Jack said. “It’s just a lousy theater. Besides, it was clear to us that nobody wanted to leave the park. Once the audience has spoken, you don’t need to argue with them.”

So in 2017, Blake Robison, the theater’s producing artistic director, announced that a new mainstage would be constructed, and that the Playhouse would remain in Eden Park. BHDP Architecture was chosen to design the new theater, with Messer and TriVersity as construction partners.

Two years later, Robison announced that the Rouses’ $5 million donation – later raised to $6 million – would make them the lead donors for the $49.9 million project. And that the new theater’s name would be Moe & Jack’s Place –the Rouse Theatre.

More than a handful of people were underwhelmed by the name. Perhaps they thought the centerpiece of the new Playhouse complex should have a more stately name.

But the Rouses wanted their new theater to have an air of informality about it. They wanted it to be warm and welcoming, even to people who had never stepped into a theater before. Back when they were at the University of Michigan, theaters everywhere were searching for ways to become more inviting and less intimidating. That was one of the major goals of the Marx Theatre when it was constructed in 1968. Working with architect Hugh Hardy, Playhouse artistic director Brooks Jones felt that the quirky and non-traditional design of the Marx would make it a more hospitable setting than old-fashioned theaters noted for their rectangular layouts and heavy velvet drapes.

“I think everyone will find this new theater smaller and more intimate than the Marx,” said Moe. “It had more seats, but backstage it was inadequate. This theater has a fly gallery and wing space – all the things a modern theater needs.”

Ideally, that more forward-thinking attitude will carry over to the business side of things, too, Jack says.

“Never forget that in ‘show business’ it’s the ‘show’ that is the adjective. This is a business. Who says that a show has to run five weeks. If you think it is going to do well, run it for seven weeks. And why do we run ‘A Christmas Carol’ for so long? There has to be a balance between the business model and the artistic mission.”

Nowhere is that more evident than with the show that will open Moe and Jack’s Place: “A Chorus Line.”

The selection surprised me. I expected they would opt for a show that was more “artsy” rather than one that was unabashedly commercial. But then, Moe – who selected the opening production – started talking.

“Don’t get me wrong,” said Moe. “The final choice of the show was Blake’s. But when he asked me what I thought I said it thought it should be ‘A Chorus Line.’ It’s a show about theater. And this is the opening show in a new theater – you want to attract as big an audience as you can, right? And it’s a show that both Jack and I love.”

“Moe is right,” Jack says. “It is the quintessential theater show. And we never could have done it in the Marx. It lends itself to cultureconscious casting. And hell, it won a bunch of Tonys and a Pulitzer Prize – what more do you want?” 

Fine art photography

Tina Gutierrez Arts Photography


tinagutierrezarts.photoshelter.com/portfolio tinagutierrez8@gmail.com | 513.446.1903

Movers & Makers FEBRUARY 2023 7 ARTS/CULTURE
Moe Rouse at the
site in January

The A/C List Also online at moversmakers.org

Cultural Exhibits/Tours

American Legacy Tours | 859-9518560. www.americanlegacytours.com

ƒ Historic tours in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky

American Sign Museum | Camp Washington. 513-541-6366. www.americansignmuseum.org

ƒ Permanent collection

The Archaeological Research Institute | Lawrenceburg. 812-290-2966. www.exploreari.org

ƒ Hands-on educational experiences

Behringer-Crawford Museum | Covington. 859-491-4003. www.bcmuseum.org

ƒ Artifacts and history of Northern Kentucky

Brewing Heritage Trail Tour Center | Over-the-Rhine. 513-604-9812. www.brewingheritagetrail.org

ƒ Tours exploring history of brewing culture

Cincinnati Fire Museum | Downtown. 513-621-5553. www.cincyfiremuseum.com

ƒ Permanent collection

Cincinnati Food Tours | Findlay Market. 513-602-5602. www.cincinnatifoodtours.com

ƒ Tours exploring Queen City food heritage

Cincinnati Museum Center | Queensgate. 513-287-7000. www.cincymuseum.org

ƒ Current exhibits. “A Year on the Edge” • “An Unfinished Revolution: Women and the Vote” • “Inspired by Nature: The Art and Activism of Charley Harper” • “Made in Cincinnati”

Cincinnati Nature Center | Milford. www.cincynature.org


Densely forested nature preserve with trails, ponds and exhibits

Cincinnati Type & Print Museum | Lower Price Hill. www.cincinnatitypeprintmuseum.org

ƒ Permanent collection of equipment, tools and artifacts

Cincinnati Zoo | Avondale. 513-2814700. www.cincinnatizoo.org

ƒ Nationally ranked zoo and botanical garden

Friends of Music Hall | Music Hall, Over The-Rhine. 513-621-2787. www.friendsofmusichall.org

ƒ Indoor tours of iconic Queen City landmark

Greater Cincinnati Police Museum | Pendleton. 513-300-3664. www.police-museum.org

ƒ Permanent collection

Harriet Beecher Stowe House | Walnut Hills. 513-751-0651. www.stowehousecincy.org

ƒ Current exhibit. “Our Neighborhood Story: A Tour of this Walnut Hills Block” • “The Cause Dearer to Me Than Any Other in the World”: Isabella Beecher Hooker and Suffrage • “Votes for Women: A Portrait of Persistence”

ƒ Feb. 18. Hard Hat Tour

Heritage Village Museum | Lebanon. 513-563-9484. www.heritagevillagecincinnati.org

ƒ Check back for future events.

Holocaust & Humanity Center | Cincinnati Museum Center, Queensgate. 513-487-3055. www.holocaustandhumanity.org

ƒ Media, artifacts, art, and interactive exhibitis regarding the Holocaust

Krohn Conservatory | Eden Park. 513-421-4086. www.cincinnati-oh.gov/cincyparks ƒ Feb. 1-March 12. “Bunnies and Blooms,” live bunnies hopping among tulips and daffodils

Lloyd Library and Museum | Downtown. 513-721-3707. www.lloydlibrary.org

ƒ Permanent exhibit. George Rieveschl Jr.: History of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Milford Historical Society | Milford. 513-248-0324. www.milfordhistory.net

ƒ Permanent exhibit. Historical displays of art, artifacts and more.

National Underground Railroad Freedom Center | The Banks, downtown. 513-333-7500.

www.freedomcenter.org ƒ Permanent collection exploring themes of individual freedom

National VOA Museum of Broadcasting | West Chester. 513-777-0027. www.voamuseum.org ƒ History of Voice of America anti-propaganda program

Raptor Inc. | Milford. www.raptorinc.org ƒ Last Sunday, March-Nov., 1-4 p.m. Open house of birds of prey sanctuary

Skirball Museum | Hebrew Union College, Clifton. 513-221-1875. https://csm.huc.edu ƒ Permanent exhibit: “An Eternal People: The Jewish Experience”

White Water Shaker Village | Harrison. www.whitewatervillage.org ƒ Historic recreation of settlement


Cincinnati Ballet | Music Hall, Over-theRhine. 513-621-5219. www.cballet.org ƒ Feb. 10-19. “ALICE (in wonderland)”

DE LA Dance Company | Kennedy Heights. 513-871-0914. www.deladancecompany.org ƒ Feb. 24-March 4. “DanceCincinnati”

Mutual Dance Theatre | Jarson-Kaplan Theater, Aronoff Center, downtown. 513-494-6526. www.mutualdance.org ƒ Feb. 3-4, 7:30 p.m. Rubberband

Revolution Dance Theatre | Jarson-Kaplan Theater, Aronoff Center, downtown. www.revodance.com ƒ Feb. 17-18. “It’s Love”


20th Century Cincinnati | Sharonville Convention Center, Sharonville. ƒ Feb. 25-26. Trade show for mid-century modern furniture, decor, artwork, clothing and jewelry

Cincy Beerfest | Duke Energy Convention Center, downtown. www.cincybeerfest.com ƒ Feb. 3-4. 150 local and craft brews, new craft wineries and distilleries

Northminster Fine Arts Fair | Finneytown. www.facebook.com ƒ Feb. 4, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

Northside Farmers Market | Northside. www.northsidefm.org

ƒ Wednesdays, 4-7 p.m. Regional food and beverage market


The Barn / ARTFlix | Mariemont. 513-272-3700. www.artatthebarn.org

ƒ Feb. 9, 7 p.m. “The Price of Everything”

Cincinnati Art Museum | Eden Park. 513-721-2787. www.cincinnatiartmuseum.org

ƒ Feb. 9, 7:30 p.m. “Tell Me A Riddle”

Cincinnati World Cinema | Garfield Theatre, downtown. 859-957-3456. www.cincyworldcinema.org

ƒ Feb. 17. Oscar-Nominated Short Films

Harriet Beecher Stowe House | Walnut Hills. 513-751-0651. www.stowehousecincy.org

ƒ Feb. 25, 10 a.m. “Almos’ a Man” Film Discussion (Walnut Hills Branch Library)

Mayerson JCC | Various venues and virtual. 513-761-7500. www.mayersonjcc.org

ƒ Thru March 1. Jewish & Israeli Film Festival


Barnes & Noble | Virtual. 513-972-5146. stores.barnesandnoble.com/store/3408

ƒ Feb. 15, 3 p.m. Discussion: Joshua Moehling w/ Heather Gudenkauf “And There He Kept Her”

ƒ Feb. 22, 3 p.m. Discussion: Rupert Holmes “Murder Your Employer”

Fitton Center | Hamilton. 513-863-8873. www.fittoncenter.org

ƒ Feb. 1, 11:30 a.m. “Celebrating Self” Woodrow “Woody” Keown Jr. (National Underground Railroad)

Harriet Beecher Stowe House | Walnut Hills Branch Library, Walnut Hills. 513-751-0651. www.stowehousecincy.org

ƒ Feb. 1, 7 p.m. Power of Voice Discussion: “Two Men in the Crossfire”

ƒ Feb. 5, 4 p.m. “The People Who Made Madisonville: African-American History in Madisonville, OH”

8 FEBRUARY 2023 Movers & Makers ARTS/CULTURE | The List

Joshua Penrose Shadow Works

Emil Robinson Evidence

Images of pride, inspiration featured in Taft exhibit of African American art

Feb. 4-May 14, Taft

Museum of Art

A new art exhibit focused on 20th- and 21st-century approaches to the Black image is being featured at the Taft Museum. “Memories & Inspiration: The Kerry and C. Betty Davis Collection of African American Art” presents more than 60 works from the personal collection of Atlanta residents Kerry Davis, a retired postal worker, and C. Betty Davis, a former TV news producer.

The Davises have been guided by a passion for collecting and extensive knowledge of art, as well as a desire to preserve cultural memories and provide their community with a source of pride. They have built one of the richest private collections of African American art in the world.

“Memories & Inspiration” samples the 300-piece collection displayed in the couple’s Atlanta home. Many of the works contain social, cultural, historical or personal meanings. Many also reflect connections to the Davises’ childhood memories, deeply held convictions or interests, and friendships with the artists. The collection includes paintings, prints, drawings, photographs, sculptures and mixed media by well-known African American artists.

Notable works include Romare Bearden’s improvisational portrayal of a lively jazz quartet, photographer Gordon Parks’ documentation

of racial and economic disparity, and printmaker Charles White’s “images of dignity.” Other key pieces include abstract compositions by Sam Gilliam, Norman Lewis and Alma Thomas, portraits by Elizabeth Catlett, and works by Jacob Lawrence and Aaron Douglas. “Memories & Inspiration” also includes contemporary artists such as Sedrick Huckaby, Alfred Conteh and Amalia Amaki.

The Davises don’t fit stereotypes of art collectors and connoisseurs. Neither is from an affluent or academic background, but they built an encyclopedic knowledge of African American art and artists through a lifetime of private study.

Their collection was gathered over decades of otherwise frugal living, and their home has become an important center for dialogue, exhibition and inspiration, prompting artist Leon Nathaniel Hicks to refer to it as “a museum in a home.”

“Memories & Inspiration” is organized and toured by International Arts & Artists, Washington, D.C. General admission is free for Taft members, military and youth (18 and under), $12 for adults and $10 for seniors. Non-members save $2 by purchasing tickets online. Sundays are free. Hours are 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Wednesdays through Sundays.

www.taftmuseum.org/ Exhibitions/Memories

Katherine Colborn Sheltering in Smoke

Movers & Makers FEBRUARY 2023 9 ARTS/CULTURE | The List
Image: Emil Robinson, Arrangement with Yellow Fabric and T-Square (detail), 2021, oil on wood panel, 70 x 50 in.
the Weston Art Gallery now through March 5, 2023
Exhibition Co-Sponsor:
Joyce and Roger Howe
Support: Liz and Steve Scheurer
Sponsor: Whitney and Phillip Long
Exhibition Sponsor:
www.westonartgallery.com • WestonArtGallery@CincinnatiArts.org Tue–Sat 10am–5:30pm, Sun noon–5pm • Open late on Procter & Gamble Hall performance evenings. • Hours subject to change. • Admission is free. • 513.977.4165 • •
Helen and Brian Heekin
Michael Ellison, “Mickey Dees,” 1987, woodcut. Photo by Reis Birdwhistell


Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion | Clifton. 513-2211875. www.huc.edu/campus-life/cincinnati

ƒ Feb. 15, 5 p.m. Dr. David Aaron: “A New Look at an Old Book: Rethinking the Purpose of Pirkei Avot”

Joseph-Beth Booksellers | Rookwood Commons, Norwood. 513-396-8960. www.josephbeth.com

ƒ Feb. 6, 7 p.m. Discussion: Lindsey Frazier “Oh Love, Come Close”

ƒ Feb. 12, 2 p.m. Discussion: Phil Stamper “Afterglow”

ƒ Feb. 14, 3 p.m. Discussion: Jason June and Loren Long “Never Forget Eleanor” (virtual)

ƒ Feb. 22, 7 p.m. Discussion: Lucy Score “Things We Hide from the Light”

ƒ Feb. 23, 4 p.m. Discussion: Tiffany McDaniel “On the Savage Side” (virtual)

Urban Consulate | Mercantile Library, downtown. www.urbanconsulate.com/events


Second Monday, 7-9 p.m. Monthly Salon with Tim Barr


Bach Ensemble of St. Thomas | St. Thomas Episcopal, Terrace Park. 513-831-2052. www.bachensemble.org ƒ Feb. 5, 5 p.m. Bach Vespers: “Ich hab in Gottes Herz und Sinn,” BWV 92

Brady Music Center | The Banks, downtown. www.bradymusiccenter.com ƒ Feb. 4, 7:30 p.m. Parker McCollum, Corey Kent, Catie Offerman

Chamber Music Yellow Springs | First Presbyterian Church, Yellow Springs. 937-374-8800. www.cmys.org ƒ Feb. 5, 4 p.m. Catacoustic Consort, former Cincinnati-based early music ensemble

Christ Church Cathedral | Downtown. 513-621-1817. www.cincinnaticathedral.com ƒ First Sundays, Oct. thru May, 5 p.m. Choral Evensong ƒ Feb. 11, 7 p.m. Central State University Chorus Music Live@Lunch, 12:10 p.m. (Christ Church Chapel): ƒ Feb. 7. Wayside Winds ƒ Feb. 14. Erin Alcorn, soprano, and Joseph O’Shea, baritone

ƒ Feb. 21. Lagniappe - Cajun French music ƒ Feb. 28. Michael Ronstadt, cello

Christ Church Glendale | Glendale. 513771-1544. www.christchurchglendale.org ƒ Feb. 2, 12:05 p.m. Michael Delfin, harpsichord

Church of the Redeemer | Hyde Park. 513-321-6700. www.redeemer-cincy.org ƒ Thursdays, 5:30 p.m. Music Nights

Cincinnati Contemporary Jazz Orchestra | 513-280-8181. www.cincinnatijazz.org ƒ Feb. 5, 2 p.m. Jazz@First Series: Classical Crossover with Rick VanMatre (First Unitarian Church, Avondale) ƒ Feb. 16, 7 p.m. Big Band Series: Meet the CCJO: Musical Virtuosity (The Redmoor, Mt. Lookout Square)

Cincinnati Symphony & Pops | Music Hall, Over-the-Rhine. 513-381-3300. www.cincinnatisymphony.org ƒ Feb. 3-4. (CSO) “Thibaudet Plays Liszt” Jean-Yves Thibaudet, piano ƒ Feb. 26, 1 p.m. & 7 p.m. (Pops) Sing-a-Long “Sound of Music”

College-Conservatory of Music | University of Cincinnati. 513-556-4183. www.ccm.uc.edu ƒ

Feb. 5, 2 p.m. Faculty Series: Alan Rafferty, cello (Werner Recital Hall) ƒ Feb. 6, 7:30 p.m. Vassilis Varvaresos, piano (Werner Recital Hall)

Feb. 6, 7:30 p.m. CCM Wind Ensemble: “Something Old, New, Borrowed, & Blue” (Corbett Auditorium)

Feb. 7, 7:30 p.m. CCM Jazz Lab Band (Corbett Auditorium)

Feb. 7, 7:30 p.m. Faculty Series: Sæunn Thorsteinsdottir, cello (Werner Recital Hall)

Feb. 9, 7:30 p.m. CCM Concert Orchestra: “Clara and Brahms” (Corbett Auditorium)

Feb. 12, 2 p.m. Faculty Series: Douglas Knehans, composition (Werner Recital Hall)

Feb. 13, 7:30 p.m. CCM Brass Choir (Corbett Auditorium)

Feb. 14, 7:30 p.m. Faculty Series: Miguel A. Roig-Francolí, composition (Werner Recital Hall)

Feb. 17, 7:30 p.m. CCM Wind Symphony: “Pops: Star Wars” (Corbett Auditorium) ƒ

Feb. 19, 2 p.m. Faculty Series: Andrew Villemez, composer (Werner Recital Hall) ƒ Feb. 21, 7:30 p.m. Ariel Quartet: “American Dream” (Werner Recital Hall) ƒ

Feb. 21, 7:30 p.m. Composition Department Recital (Cohen Studio Theater)

ƒ Feb. 21, 7:30 p.m. CCM Chamber Choir & Cincinnati Youth Choir: “Your Hand in Mine” (Aronoff Center)

ƒ Feb. 24, 7:30 p.m. CCM Philharmonia: “The Sound of Water” (Corbett Auditorium)

ƒ Feb. 26, 2 p.m. Faculty Series: MarieFrance Lefebvre, piano & Mark Gibson, piano (Werner Recital Hall)

ƒ Feb. 28, 7:30 p.m. Faculty Series: Alexandra Kazovsky, violin; Sæunn Thorsteinsdottir, cello; Michael Unger, harpsichord (Werner Recital Hall)

Concert:nova | Woodward Theater, Over-the-Rhine. www.concertnova.com

ƒ Feb. 27. “Houses of Zodiac”

Covenant-First Presbyterian Church | Downtown. www.covfirstchurch.org

ƒ Feb. 26, 4 p.m. Fifth Annual Organ Festival

Fairfield Community Arts Center | Fairfield. 513-867-5348. www.fairfield-city.org

ƒ Feb. 10, 8 p.m. “Sweet Seasons”: A Celebration of the Music and Life of Carole King with Michelle Foster

Fitton Center for Creative Arts | Hamilton. 513-863-8873. www.fittoncenter.org

ƒ Feb. 4, 7:30 p.m. The Newbees: “Super Sounds of the ‘70s”

ƒ Feb. 18, 7:30 p.m. The Hot Magnolias: “Mardi Gras Night”

Hard Rock Casino | Downtown. www.hardrockcasinocincinnati.com

ƒ Feb. 3, 8 p.m. 38 Special ƒ Feb. 11, 8 p.m. Michael Bolton

Heritage Bank Center | Downtown. www.heritagebankcenter.com

ƒ Feb. 6, 7:30 p.m. Adam Sandler

ƒ Feb. 11, 7 p.m. Legendz of the Streetz Tour - Reloaded

Hyde Park Community United Methodist Church - Organ Concert Series | Hyde Park. 513-871-1345. www.hydeparkchurch.org

ƒ Feb. 5, 4 p.m. David von Behren

Linton Peanut Butter & Jam Sessions | 513-381-6868. www.lintonmusic.org/pbj

“Hit It!” World of Percussion:

ƒ Feb. 2, 6 p.m. (Norwood Montessori School)

ƒ Feb. 4, 10 a.m. (Union

ƒ Presbyterian Church)

ƒ Feb. 11, 10 a.m. (Lakeside Presbyterian Church)

10 FEBRUARY 2023 Movers & Makers
Opens Friday Febr uar y 17 Four Consecutive Weekends b The Garfield Theatre 719 Race Street


Feb. 18, 10 a.m. (Heritage Presbyterian Church)


Feb. 22, 6 p.m. (Child Focus) ƒ

Feb. 25, 10 a.m. (Good Shepherd Lutheran Church)

Ludlow Garage | Clifton. www.ludlowgaragecincinnati.com


Feb. 3, 8:30 p.m. John Cowan ƒ

Feb. 4, 8:30 p.m. Raydio • Macy Gray ƒ


Feb. 9, 8:30 p.m. George Winston

Feb. 10, 8:30 p.m. Eleri Ward

Jazz great Redman headlines concert at Memorial Hall

Feb. 17, 8 p.m., Memorial Hall, Over-the-Rhine


Feb. 11, 8:30 p.m. Alex Bugnon and Marion Meadows Valentines Celebration ƒ

Feb. 16, 8:30 p.m. Blood Brothers ƒ

Feb. 18, 8:30 p.m. Ana Popovic ƒ Feb. 22, 8:30 p.m. Eric Gales ƒ

Feb. 25, 8:30 p.m. Sabbath

Matinee Musicale | Memorial Hall, Over-the-Rhine. www.matineemusicalecincinnati.org


Feb. 19, 3 p.m. Alexandre Kantorow, piano

MegaCorp Pavilion at Ovation | Newport. www.promowestlive.com


Feb. 4, 7 p.m. Lotus

ƒ Feb. 8, 6:30 p.m. Parkway Drive, Memphis May Fire, Currents

Memorial Hall | Over-the-Rhine. 513-977-8838. www.memorialhallotr.com

Saxophonist-composer Joshua Redman, one of the most acclaimed and charismatic jazz musicians to have emerged in recent decades, is the next featured artist on the LongworthAnderson Series with a concert titled “Joshua Redman 3x3.”

A native of Berkeley, Calif., Redman is the son of renowned saxophonist Dewey Redman and dancer Renee Shedroff. After graduating summa cum laude from Harvard in 1991, he deferred his admission to Yale Law School for one year to focus on making music. Five months after his arrival in New York City, he won the prestigious Thelonious Monk International Saxophone Competition, beginning an illustrious career that has spanned nearly three decades.

Often lauded for his ability to perceive and develop talent, Redman formed his first permanent quartet as a bandleader in 1994, which resulted in “MoodSwing” with Brad Mehldau on piano, Christian McBride on bass and Brian Blade on drums, all of whom have become modern jazz leaders. The group recently reunited for the newly released “RoundAgain.” Redman has released more than 20 albums, which have earned him nine Grammy nominations. He has worked with other prominent jazz musicians such as McCoy Tyner, Pat Metheny, Herbie Hancock, Charlie Haden, Chick Corea, Ornette Coleman and Elvin Jones, plus popular music artists like Stevie Wonder, Quincy Jones, the Rolling Stones, the Roots, and Dave Matthews Band, and classical music luminary Yo-Yo Ma.

“Joshua Redman 3×3” will feature Larry Grenadier on bass and Marcus Gilmore on drums, playing compositions from three of Redman’s favorite musicians – Duke Ellington, Thelonious Monk and Wayne Shorter.

A complimentary pre-concert reception at 6:30 p.m. features live music from Cincinnati Public Schools Jazz Academy, light bites from Ollie’s Trolley and N.Y.P.D. Pizza, and craft beer tastings from HighGrain Brewing Co.

 www.longworth-andersonseries.com


Feb. 1, 8 p.m. The Wailin’ Jennys ƒ

Feb. 6, 7 p.m. Jazz at The Memo: James Hart Trio



Feb. 10, 8 p.m. Ricky Skaggs & Kentucky Thunder ƒ

Feb. 13, 7 p.m. Jazz at The Memo: Mandy Gaines ƒ


Feb. 14, 8 p.m. Jim Brickman

Feb. 17, 8 p.m. Joshua Redman

ƒ Feb. 18, 8 p.m. Dave Mason


Feb. 20, 7 p.m. Jazz at The Memo: Mambo Combo


Feb. 27, 7 p.m. Jazz at The Memo: Queen City Cabaret

Mennonite Arts Weekend | Pleasant Ridge Presbyterian Church. www.mennoniteartsweekend.org


Feb. 3-5. Biennial gathering of Mennonite artists and art enthusiasts

New Downbeat | Church of Our Savior, Mt. Auburn. www.newdownbeat.com


Feb. 26, 3 p.m. Lives United Concert

Siena Series |

St. Catharine of Siena Church, Westwood. www./stcathos.org/siena-series


Feb. 19, 3 p.m. Annual Seiwert/ Foegler Organ Recital: David Castillo, St. Catharine organist/music director

Movers & Makers FEBRUARY 2023 11 ARTS/CULTURE | The List
Joshua Redman


Sorg Opera House | Middletown. www.sorgoperahouse.org

ƒ Feb. 3, 8 p.m. Lorrie Morgan w/ Morgan Cheyenne

Taft Theatre | Downtown. www.tafttheatre.org

ƒ Feb. 1, 7:30 p.m. Dancing With the Stars

ƒ Feb. 3, 6 p.m. Stephen Sharer

ƒ Feb. 4, 7:30 p.m. John Crist

ƒ Feb. 21, 8 p.m. Gaelic Storm

Trinity Episcopal Church | Covington. 859-431-1786. www.trinitycovington.org

ƒ Feb. 26, 5 p.m. Evensong

ƒ Feb. 15. 12:15 p.m. Midday Musical Menu: CCM organ students

Westwood First Presbyterian | Westwood. 513-661-6846. www.wfpc.org/music

ƒ Feb. 19, 2:30 p.m. Frank Huang, piano

Xavier Music Series | Gallagher Center Theater, Xavier University. 513-745-3161. www.xavier.edu/musicseries

ƒ Feb. 25, 8 p.m. Joe Lovano Quartet


College-Conservatory of Music

| Cohen Studio Theater, University of Cincinnati. 513-556-4183. https://ccm.uc.edu

ƒ Feb. 3-5. Purcell: “Dido and Aeneas” and Puccini: “Gianni Schicchi”

ƒ Feb. 16-19. “Agrippina”

Miami University Opera Theater | Oxford. 513-529-3079. www.muopera.com

ƒ Feb. 23-March 3. Mozart: “The Impresario” and Purcell: “Dido and Aeneas”

ƒ Feb. 24-March 2. “Paul’s Case”


Beechmont Players | Anderson Center, Anderson. 513-2332468. www.beechmontplayers.org

ƒ Feb. 10-17. “Our Town”

Broadway Across America | Procter & Gamble Hall, Aronoff Center, downtown. 513-721-3344. https://cincinnati.broadway.com

ƒ Feb. 7-12. “Annie”

The Carnegie | Covington. 859-491-2030. www.thecarnegie.com ƒ Thru Feb. 12. “Singin’ in the Rain”

CenterStage Players | Lockland High School. 513-558-4910. www.centerstageplayersinc.com ƒ Jan. 27-Feb. 5. “Macbeth”

The Children’s Theatre of Cincinnati | Taft Theatre, downtown. 513-569-8080 x10. www.thechildrenstheatre.com ƒ Feb. 18-27. “Princess & Frog”

Cincinnati Landmark Productions | Covedale Center, Price Hill. 513-241-6550. www.cincinnatilandmarkproductions.com ƒ Thru Feb. 19. “Boeing, Boeing”

Cincinnati Music Theatre | Aronoff Center, downtown. 513-621-2787. www.cincinnatimusictheatre.org ƒ Feb. 3-11. “Music at the Movies”

Cincinnati Playwrights Initiative | Fifth Third Bank Theater, Aronoff Center, downtown. 513-621-ARTS. www.cincyplaywrights.org ƒ Feb. 14, 7:30 p.m. “LoveFest 2: An Evening of Eight Romantic Short Plays”

Cincinnati Shakespeare Company | Over-the-Rhine. 513-381-2273. www.cincyshakes.com ƒ Thru Feb. 18. “The Rewards of Being Frank”

College-Conservatory of Music | Corbett Theater, University of Cincinnati. 513-556-4183. https://ccm.uc.edu ƒ Feb. 9-12. “Frankenstein”

Ensemble Theatre | Over-the-Rhine. 513-421-3555. www.ensemblecincinnati.org ƒ Thru Feb. 5. “Grand Horizons” ƒ Feb. 25-March 19. “Morning Sun”

Fairfield Community Arts Center | Fairfield. 513-867-5348. www.fairfield-city.org ƒ Feb. 4, 8 p.m. David Anthony: “Sleep Tight, Comedy Hypnosis Show”

Fairfield Footlighters | Fairfield. 513867-5348. www.fairfieldfootlighters.org ƒ Feb. 24-26. “Love/Sick”

Falcon Theatre | Newport. 513-479-6783. www.falcontheater.net ƒ Thru Feb. 11. “The Lifespan of a Fact”

Fitton Center for Creative Arts | Hamilton. 513-863-8873. www.fittoncenter.org ƒ Feb. 10, 7:30 p.m. Playhouse in the Park: “Stellaluna”

Footlighters | Stained Glass Theatre, Newport. 859-291-7464. www.footlighters.org ƒ Feb. 9-26. “Fabulation or the Reeducation of Undine”

Greater Hamilton Civic Theatre | Parrish Auditorium, Hamilton. 513-737-PLAY. www.ghctplay.com ƒ Feb. 9-12. “Clue”

INNOVAtheatre | Sorg Opera House, Middletown. www.innovatheatre.com ƒ Feb. 16-19. “Next to Normal”

Kincaid Regional Theatre | Falmouth. 859-654-2636. www.krtshows.com ƒ Feb. 17-26. “Disney’s Newsies The Musical”

Lebanon Theatre Company | Lebanon. 513-932-8300. www.ltcplays.com ƒ Feb. 24-March 5. “Clue: On Stage”

Marjorie Book Continuing Education | Children’s Theatre of Cincinnati, Madisonville. www.marjoriebook.org ƒ Feb. 3-5. “The Smoking Room”

Miami University | Center for Performing Arts, Oxford. www.miamioh.edu/theatre ƒ Feb. 24-26. Independent Artist Series

Northern Kentucky University | Corbett Theatre, Highland Heights. 859-572-5464. https://theatre.nku.edu

ƒ Feb. 16-26. “Twelfth Night” (Stauss Theatre)

Oxford Community Arts Center | Oxford. 513-524-8506. www.oxarts.org

ƒ Feb. 16-27. “Two on the Aisle, Three in a Van”

School for Creative & Performing Arts | Over-the-Rhine. 513-363-8100. https://scpa.cps-k12.org

ƒ Feb. 3-4. “A Monster Calls”

Sunset Players | Art Center at Dunham, Price Hill. 513-588-4988. www.sunsetplayers.org

ƒ Feb. 24-March 11. “Be My Baby”

Taft Theatre | Downtown. www.tafttheatre.org

ƒ Feb. 4, 4 p.m. & 8 p.m. John Crist, comedian

ƒ Feb. 25, 8 p.m. “Welcome To Night Vale”

Village Players | Ft. Thomas. 859-392-0500. www.villageplayers.org ƒ Feb. 24-March 4. “Airness”

Xavier University | Gallagher Theater. 513-745-3939. www.xavier.edu/theatre-program

ƒ Feb. 10-18. “Lizzie”

Visual Art

1628 Ltd. | Garfield Place, downtown. 513-320-2596. www.1628ltd.com

ƒ Thru Feb. 24. “Campus Creatives: Ohio Valley’s Emerging Artists,” 10 local student artists from four area colleges

The Annex Gallery | Pendleton Art Center, Pendleton. www.annexgallery.org

ƒ Feb. 2, 5-8 p.m. “eight BUY eight,” Annual Auction to benefit AEQAI

ArtWorks | V² Gallery, Walnut Hills. 513-333-0388. www.artworkscincinnati.org

ƒ Thru Feb. 10. “Gifted” holiday alum show

The Barn | Mariemont. 513-272-3700. www.artatthebarn.org

ƒ Feb. 4-26. Woman’s Art Club of Cincinnati’s 2023 Signature Member Exhibition & Sale: ART. Reception: Feb. 4, 3-6 p.m.

12 FEBRUARY 2023 Movers & Makers
Get listed Arts/Culture listings are free. Send event info to: editor@moversmakers.org Visit www.moversmakers.org for more  Click “EVENTS CALENDAR” for A/C listings  Click “SUBSCRIBE” to sign up for our Wednesday email which includeds Culture Fix – a rundown of our top picks of things to do each week.

Cincinnati Art Museum | Eden Park. 513-721-2787. www.cincinnatiartmuseum.org

ƒ Thru Feb. 5. “Beyond Bollywood: 2000 Years of Dance in Art”

ƒ Thru April 9. “Three Generations of Japanese Printmakers”


Feb. 3-May 7. “Georgia O’Keeffe, Photographer”

ƒ Feb. 24, 5-9 p.m. Art After Dark

Cincinnati Museum Center | Queensgate. 513-287-7000. www.cincymuseum.org

ƒ Thru Feb. 5. Michael Scott: “America’s Epic Treasures featuring Preternatural”

Clifton Cultural Arts Center | Short Vine, Corryville. 513-497-2860. www.cliftonculturalarts.org

ƒ Feb. 10-24. Summerfair Cincinnati: Emerging Artists

Contemporary Arts Center | Downtown. 513-345-8400. www.contemporaryartscenter.org

ƒ Thru Feb. 12. FotoFocus - “Images on Which to Build, 1970-90” • FotoFocus

- Cameron Granger: “The Cartographer Tries to Map a Way to Heaven”

DAAP Galleries | University of Cincinnati. 513-556-2839. https://daap.uc.edu


Thru March 18. National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts National Juried Student Exhibition (Reed Gallery)

ƒ Feb. 2-March 18. NCECA Multicultural Fellowship Exhibition (Meyers Gallery)

Eisele Gallery of Fine Art | Mariemont Square. 513-791-7717. www.eiselefineart.com


Thru Feb. 4. “Sound Envisioned” group exhibition of artworks inspired by music, curated by Sandy Eichert

Eva G. Farris Gallery | Thomas More University, Crestview Hills. 859-344-3300. www.thomasmore.edu


Thru Feb. 9. 2023 Alumni Art Exhibition. Reception: Feb. 9, 5-7 p.m.

Fitton Center | Hamilton. 513-863-8873. www.fittoncenter.org

ƒ Feb. 4-March 31. “Field Study”

Indian Hill Gallery | Indian Hill. 513-984-6024. www.indianhillgallery.com


Thru Feb. 18. Ellina Chetverikova: “Cincinnati Through the Years”

MOSA Fine Art Gallery auctioning paintings to support local artists

March 4, 6-9 p.m., ARTclectic Gallery, 6249 Stewart Ave., Silverton

Enhance your home with art, support local artists and help Movers & Makers expand its coverage of visual art – in one fell swoop.

The Museum of Spiritual Art in Franklin, owned by entrepreneur Ramesh Malhotra, is hosting a silent auction event to begin selling off his large inventory of more than 900 paintings. The intent is to re-invest the proceeds into supporting local artists, and a percentage of the proceeds will come to M&M to help us create more articles about art and artists.

Ramesh Malhotra is a businessman, entrepreneur and philanthropist who lives in Mason. He directs the activities of more than seven different businesses in trading, manufacturing, import and distribution, real estate, innovative technologies,

and brand marketing.

Malhotra came to the United States from India in 1968. He received an M.S. and an MSBA and pursued postgraduate studies in mineral economics. Coal Network Inc. was established in 1987 in Mason – his first business venture.

Malhotra experienced an epiphany and became a patron of the arts in 1991, supporting budding artists and art galleries and sponsoring area art organizations. In the early 1990s, he began exploring spirituality, visiting spiritual centers in his native India and throughout the world while reading numerous works on religion and spirituality.

His goal now, in auctioning off some of his collection (more than 900 artworks), is to channel the proceeds into support of local artists, to bolster their careers and give them visibility. This event is a first step in that effort.

(See advertisement on the following page.)

 513-622-9081, www.spiritualitycircle.com/ an-evening-of-art-for-movers-and-makers-magazine

Movers & Makers FEBRUARY 2023 13 ARTS/CULTURE
‘Free as they want to be’: Artists Committed to Memory is part of the 2022 FotoFocus Biennial. The 2022 theme, World Record, considers photography’s extensive record of life on earth while exploring humankind’s impact on the natural world. Closing March 5 ‘FREE AS THEY WANT TO BE’: ARTISTS COMMITTED TO MEMORY
Ramesh Malhotra Catherine Opie, Untitled #4, Richmond, Virginia (monument/monumental), 2020. Pigment print, 66 x 44 inches. © Catherine Opie. Courtesy of Regen Projects, Los Angeles and Lehmann Maupin, New York, Hong Kong, and Seoul

Krohn Conservatory | Eden Park. 513-421-4086. www.cincinnati-oh.gov/cincyparks

ƒ Thru June 18. R. Cartwright, L. MeridaPaytes, R. Pulley, “Ceramics in a Garden,” outdoor sculpture

Lloyd Library and Museum | Downtown. 513-721-3707. www.lloydlibrary.org

ƒ Thru March 24. “Sylvan Roots”

Manifest Gallery | East Walnut Hills. 513-861-3638. www.manifestgallery.org ƒ Thru Feb. 23. Five-Themes Project: “Mirror” • “Table” • “Window” • “Bed” • “Stairs”

Miami University Art Museum | Oxford. 513-529-2232. www.miamioh.edu/cca/art-museum

ƒ Thru June 13. “Art and Devotion: An Art and Architecture History Capstone Exhibition” • “Current Forms: Ohio Figurative Ceramics

Middletown Arts Center | Middletown. 513-424-2417. www.middletownartscenter.com

ƒ Thru Feb. 16. “Tomorrow’s Artist Today” featuring regional middle and high

school artists

ƒ Thru Feb. 22. Barbara Pask

National Underground Railroad Freedom Center | The Banks, downtown. 513-333-7500. www.freedomcenter.org

ƒ Thru March 6. FotoFocus: ‘Free as they want to be’: Artists Committed to Memory

Northern Kentucky University | Highland Heights. 859-572-5148. www.nku.edu/gallery

ƒ Thru Feb. 16. Juried Student Exhibition

• Josie Love Roebuck: “Intertwined” Rception: Feb. 16, 5-7 p.m.

Oxford Community Arts Center | Oxford. 513-524-8506. www.oxarts.org

ƒ Thru Feb. 3. Art Shop Co-Op

ƒ Feb. 10-March 4. Larry Collins • Laura Keily • John Wiehe

PAR-Projects | Northside. www.parprojects.com

ƒ Thru March 31. FotoFocus - Susan Ferrari Rowley: “Alterations in Dystopia”

• FotoFocus - Billy Colbert: “Lessons are Learned”

Pendleton Art Center | Pendleton. 513421-4339. www.pendletonartcenter.com ƒ Feb. 24, 5-9 p.m., open studios

Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park & Museum | Hamilton. 513-868-1234. www.pyramidhill.org

ƒ Thru Feb. 12. “Here and Now”

Save Our Souls Art | Oak Hills High School. www.sosartcincinnati.com ƒ Feb. 11-19. SOS Art Youth 2023

Studio Kroner | Downtown. www.studiokroner.com ƒ Feb. 9-March 11. Sunia Gibbs: “Vacated Spaces” Reception: Feb. 9, 6-9 p.m.

Studio San Giuseppe Art Gallery | Mount St. Joseph University, Delhi. www.msj.edu ƒ Thru Feb. 17. MSJ Art & Design Alumni Invitational. Reception: Feb. 17, 4-6 p.m. ƒ Feb. 27-March 31. “Artist Proof: A Showcase of Prints by Tiger Lily Press” Reception: March 5, 2-4 p.m.

Taft Museum of Art | Lytle Park, downtown. 513-241-0343. www.taftmuseum.org

ƒ Thru Feb. 5. “Fakes, Forgeries, and Followers in the Taft Collection”

MOSA Fine Art Gallery Presents An Evening Of Art and Music

ƒ Feb. 4-May 14. “Memories & Inspiration: The Kerry and C. Betty Davis Collection of African American Art”

Visionaries & Voices | Northside. 513861-4333. www.visionariesandvoices.com ƒ Feb. 2-March 3. “Casting Shadows” Reception: Feb. 2, 5-8 p.m.

Warren County Historical Museum | Lebanon. www.wchsmuseum.org

ƒ Thru Feb. 25. “Baby it’s cold outside..” Garments from the Textile Collection

Wave Pool Gallery and The Welcome Project | Camp Washington. www.wavepoolgallery.org

ƒ Thru Feb. 25. “The Gift” ƒ Thru March 18. “This Is Not a Coup” (The Welcome Project)

Weston Art Gallery | Aronoff Center, downtown. 513-977-4165. www.cincinnatiarts.org/weston-art-gallery ƒ Thru March 5. Joshua Penrose: “Shadow Works” • Emil Robinson: “Evidence”

• Katherine Colborn: “Sheltering in Smoke” 

Fine Art Silent Auction to support area visual artists Paintings by Chuck Marshall, David Mueller, Patrick Romelli, Larry Rudolech, Greg Storer, K. William Semrad and more... All Art Hand Selected from the Ramesh Malhotra Collection. March 4, 6-9 p.m. ARTcleclic Gallery 6249 Stewart Ave. Cincinnati, Ohio 45227 For more information go to mosa@artenclave.com or call 513-622-9081 A portion of the proceeds will go to M Movers & Makers to promote future visual arts coverage. To view all the artwork go to: https://spiritualitycircle.com/an-evening-of-art-for-movers-and-makers-magazine

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The Datebook

Onyx & Ruby Gala, hosted by UC African American Alumni Affiliate, takes place Feb. 18 at the Graduate Cincinnati Hotel. The black-tie event will recognize excellence within UC’s Black community with six special awards.

The Victorian at Riverside will honor Chuck and Julie Geisen Scheper and Cincinnati Foundation for the Aged, among others, at a Feb. 11 gala. Emcee is Miss Kentucky, Hannah


AEQAI, “8 Buy 8” Silent Auction Fundraiser | 5-8 p.m. The Annex Gallery, 1310 Pendleton St., Cincinnati. DETAILS: New work by local artists, 8” x 8” on birch panels from local artists. Light bites and refreshments.  www.aeqai.org


American Heart Association, Greater Cincinnati Heart Ball | Hyatt Regency. DETAILS: Chair: Beverly A. Grant. Honorees: Kay and Jack Geiger and Dr. Creighton B. Wright. VIP reception, silent auction, dinner, live auction, after party, late night bites. Tickets: $500.  heart.org/en/affiliates/ohio/cincinnati

The Good Samaritans, Annual Gala “All That Glitters” | 6-11 p.m. Music Hall Ballroom. DETAILS: Beneficiary is Good Samaritan Hospital’s Master Facility Project, along with support of Good Samaritan Free Health Center and Medical Education Research Fund.  www.gshfoundation.com/gala


Stepping Stones, Annual Open Your Heart | Eddie Merlot’s & At Home. DETAILS: Cocktail hour, premier raffle, artwork created by Stepping

Stones participants, take & bake meals and more. Tickets: $185.  www.cincyopenyourheart.org


Jewish Federation of Cincinnati, Impact Breakfast | 8-9:30 a.m. Mayerson JCC, Amberley Room. DETAILS: Breakfast, program with guest speaker Gideon Bernstein, author of “Giving: A Handbook to Happiness for the Modern Philanthropist.” The well-known author will share inspiring stories as well as his approach to giving. No cost to attend.  https://jewishcincinnati.ticketspice. com/rsvp


Guiding Light Mentoring, Annual I AM ME Youth Summit | 10 a.m.2:30 p.m. Chase Elementary School, 4151 Turrill St., Cincinnati. DETAILS: Free event for all youth in grades 7-12 and parents. This year’s summit will focus on gun violence prevention. Keynote speaker: Duane Slaughter.  www.guidinglightmentoring.org/ 2023-summit

The Victorian at Riverside | Time: TBA. Private club, Clifton. DETAILS: Chuck and Julie Geisen Scheper and Cincinnati Foundation for the Aged are among those receiving Battelle Philanthropic Award for 2023, named after The

Victorian’s founder, Ellen Battelle Dietrick. Kim Kelly Orchestra will perform, plus live and silent auctions. Miss Kentucky Hannah Edelen will emcee.  www.victorianatriverside.org


Lindner Center of Hope, Touchdown for Hope | 5:30 p.m. Great American Ballpark. DETAILS: Reservation includes free parking, unlimited Touchdown Buffet and Tailgate Reception. Tickets: $100; young professionals, $75.  https://lindnercenter.ejoinme.org/ MyEvents/TDFH


Found House, Faith in Action Breakfast | 8:30 a.m. The Ventura, 4557 Montgomery Rd., Norwood. DETAILS: Light breakfast and panel discussion on role faith communities play in addressing affordable housing crisis. www.foundhouse.org


Midwest USA Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Lunar New Year Gala | 5-9 p.m. Hard Rock Cafe. DETAILS: Networking, keynotes, performances, dinner, awards, raffle. Tickets $400.  https://www.china-midwest.com/ events/

UC African American Alumni Affiliate, Onyx & Ruby Gala | 6 p.m. Graduate Cincinnati Hotel, 151 Goodman St., Cincinnati. DETAILS: Black-tie event with cocktail reception, dinner and program recognizing excellence within UC’s Black community, personified by six recipients of UC African American Alumni Affiliate’s annual awards. Honoree group headlined by Georgia E. Beasley Legacy Award recipient Reginald Wilkinson, global leader in corrections training and director of the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction. The 4A chair is Eku Williams. The gala’s mission is the Shani Scholarship Fund, which supports underrepresented students to help pursue study-abroad or international co-op experiences. Tickets start at $50.

 https://alumni.uc.edu/campaigns/ onyx-ruby.html

16 FEBRUARY 2023 Movers & Makers DATEBOOK
George Beasley Legacy Award: Reginald Wilkinson Student Trailblazer Award: Raphael Hicks, CEAS ’23 Pillar of the Community Award: Kerry Charles, A&S ’05 Linda Bates Parker Legend Award: Judge Cheryl D. Grant, A&S ’66, Law ’73 Tower of Strength Award: Cecily Goode, Bus ’93, CECH ’00 Emerging Leader Award: Ashley Townes, Ph.D., CECH ’10, ’12 Edelen Author Gideon Bernstein will speak at the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati’s Impact Breakfast on Feb. 8 at the Mayerson JCC. With a Spotlight on the Movers and Makers behind Greater Cincinnati’s Fundraisers, Friend-Raisers and Community Events

University of Cincinnati Advancement & Transition Services

Red & Black Blast will honor Pam Green, CEO of Easterseals Redwood, and Stephen D. Kroeger, UC associate professor in special education, Feb. 23 at the Tangeman University Center.


My Furry Valentine, Mega Adoption Event | Feb. 18, 10-11:30 a.m. (early bird); 11:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Feb. 19, noon-5 p.m. Sharonville Convention Center. DETAILS: Hundreds of adoptable dogs and cats brought together in festive and family-friendly event. Adopter swag bags, raffle prizes, vendor booths. Early bird ddmission: $20/adult, $5/child 5+; general admission: $5/person, for ages 5+.  www.myfurryvalentine.com


Mardi Gras for Homeless Children | 6:3010 p.m. Northern Kentucky Convention Center. DETAILS: Emcees: JonJon Curl and Tiffany Potter of KISS 107. Entertainment by Beechwood Marching Band and Tickled Pink. Live and silent auctions. Proceeds benefit Bethany House, Brighton Center and Welcome House. Tickets: $100; VIP: $120.  www.nkramardigras.com


Norwood Together, Gems of Our Community | 5:30 p.m. The Ventura, 4557 Montgomery Rd. DETAILS: Award celebration honoring city residents who have made a positive impact during 2022. Light appetizers and cash bar available.  www.norwoodtogether.org/ gems-of-our-community

Queen City Book Bank, Gala for Literacy: One for the Books | 5 p.m. Hard Rock Casino. DETAILS: Auctions, raffles, food and networking opportunities. Tickets $125.  https://lngc.ejoinme.org/GalaforLiteracy2022

Clovernook Center will host the Vision Over Sight celebration on Feb. 25 at National Underground Railroad Freedom Center. The event will honor visionaries and advocates for the blind and visually impaired community.

University of Cincinnati Advancement & Transition Services, Red & Black Blast | 6-10 p.m. Great Hall, Tangeman University Center. DETAILS: Honoring Pam Green, CEO of Easterseals Redwood, with the Champion for Inclusion Award, and Stephen D. Kroeger, UC associate professor in special education, with the Chuck Altenau Outstanding Service Award. Tickets: $100  https://cech.uc.edu/schools/education/ats/events.html


Clovernook Center, Vision Over Sight | 6-10 p.m. National Underground Railroad Freedom Center. DETAILS: Honoring visionaries and advocates for the blind and visually impaired community. Dinner, awards celebration, live and silent auctions.  https://e.givesmart.com/events/se3/


Cincinnati Youth Collaborative, Trivia Night for Brighter Futures | 5-10 p.m. Rhinegeist Brewery. DETAILS: Happy hour and games. Post-Game Party follows main event. Games, raffles and desserts. Entry free for all Trivia Night participants. Tickets: $60; teams of 4: $200; Post-Game Party-only tickets: $25. Food and drink tickets included with individual ticket or team purchase. Post-Game Party tickets come with drink ticket and three raffle tickets.

 https://cycyouth.ejoinme.org/Trivia2023

Leadership Council for Nonprofits, Securing the Future Conference | 7:30 a.m. Cintas Center. DETAILS: Half-day nonprofit conference. Keynote speaker Vu Le, blogger at Nonprofit AF and founder of Nonprofit Happy Hour. Additional breakout sessions and presentation of Leadership Legacy Awards. Tickets: $75 and $100.  www.leadershipcouncil.us/programs/ securing-the-future-conference

Movers & Makers FEBRUARY 2023 17 DATEBOOK
Wednesday, March 1 Rhinegeist Brewery 5:00 PM Registration and Happy Hour 6:00 PM Let the Games Begin 8:00 PM Post-Game Party to register visit trivianight.cycyouth.org All proceeds raised support CYC programs to help youth reach their full potential


Ohio Valley Voices, Mardi Gras Ball | 6-11 p.m. Hilton Netherland Plaza. DETAILS: Reception, silent and live auction, games, raffles, program, dinner, and music provided by Naked Karate Girls. Admission: $150, VIP: $250. Special access for sponsors and VIPs with award-winning mixologist Molly Wellmann.

 https://ohiovalleyvoices.givecloud.co/ events/gala2023

MOSA Fine Art Gallery, An Evening of Fine Art | 6-9 p.m. ARTclectic Gallery, 6249 Stewart Ave., Silverton. DETAILS: Fine art silent auction to support area visual artists. Paintings by Chuck Marshall, David Mueller, Melinda Morrison, K. William Semrad, Patrick Romelli, Larry Rudeloch and more. All art hand-selected from the Ramesh Malhotra Collection at the MOSA Fine Art Gallery in Franklin, Ohio. Portion of proceeds goes to Movers & Makers Publishing to promote future visual arts coverage. Tickets: advance $18; $20 at the door. 513-622-9081  www.spiritualitycircle.com/anevening-of-art-for-movers-and-makersmagazine


Cincinnati International Wine Festival, Grand Tastings | 7 p.m. Duke Energy Convention Center. DETAILS: Fine wines, small bites, variety of international and domestic wines, and chance to bid on silent auction items. Tickets start at $95.  https://winefestival.com


Cincinnati International Wine Festival, Charity Auction & Luncheon | 9:30 a.m. Duke Energy Convention Center. DETAILS: Featuring limited-release and rare wines coaxed from cellars of prominent Cincinnatians, plus opportunity to win chef-prepared dining opportunities at exclusive Cincinnati homes, glamorous trips, wine cellar tours and more. Tickets: $150.  www.winefestival.com

Cincinnati International Wine Festival, Grand Tastings | 2:30 & 6:30 p.m. Duke Energy Convention Center. DETAILS: Fine wines, small bites, variety of international and domestic

Cincinnati International Wine Festival offers a wine-filled weekend March 10-11 that benefits multiple charities. Michael Honig , president of Honig Vineyard & Winery, is honorary chair.

Award-winning mixologist Molly Wellmann will mix it up with VIP guests at Ohio Valley Voices, Mardi Gras Ball on March 4 at Hilton Netherland Plaza.

Marcia Coyle, award-winning journalist of the Supreme Court, will speak on March 23 at the Woman’s City Club Annual National Speaker Forum and Fundraiser at Memorial Hall.

wines, and chance to bid on silent auction items. Tickets start at $75.  www.winefestival.com


Girl Scouts of Western Ohio, Women of Distinction “Girls Change the World” | Queen City Club. DETAILS: Emcee: Sheila Gray, morning news anchor on WKRC-TV.  www.gswo.org/en/donate/women-ofdistinction.html


American Heart Association, Heart Mini-Marathon & Walk | 7:30 a.m. Downtown Cincinnati, corner of 5th & Lawrence. DETAILS: TBA  https://www2.heart.org/site/ TR?fr_id=7935&pg=entry


Woman’s City Club, Annual National Speaker Forum and Fundraiser | 7 p.m. Memorial Hall. DETAILS: Marcia

Coyle, award-winning journalist of the Supreme Court. In her timely presentation, “A Look Inside the Supreme Court,” Coyle will focus on its recent and anticipated decisions. Tickets: $50.  www.womanscityclub.org/programs/ national-speaker-forum/


Musicians for Health, Champagne Jazz Brunch | noon-3 p.m. Kenwood Country Club. DETAILS: Food, drinks, fun, entertainment and silent auction.  www.musiciansforhealth.org


American Lung Association, Fight for Air | 8 a.m. Great American Ballpark. DETAILS: Stair-climbing event designed for every type of climber, from beginners to competitive climbers. Race to the top or take it at your own speed. For best climb experience, form team of friends and family, coworkers or neighbors. Registration: $40.  www.fightforairclimb.org/Cincinnati

18 FEBRUARY 2023 Movers & Makers DATEBOOK


The Cure Starts Now, Once in a Lifetime Gala | Duke Energy Convention Center. DETAILS: Three-course gourmet meal, open bar, silent auction, live auction and entertainment. Tickets: $100.  https://events.thecurestartsnow.org/ once-in-a-lifetime-gala/


March of Dimes, March for Babies | 8:30 a.m. Sawyer Point. DETAILS: Program, followed by walk (estimated walk start, 9 a.m). Walk route just under two miles. Following the walk, stay and visit March for Babies Town. Chair is Sarah Pasquinucci – senior director/ communications, Baby Care North America at P&G.  www.marchforbabies.org/ EventInfo/?EventID=21967


Cincinnati Shakespeare Company, REVEL Gala | 5 p.m. Otto M. Budig Theater. DETAILS: Reception with cocktails and dinner by-the-bite, awards celebration, option to add closing night performance of "Trouble in Mind." Tickets start at $250.  www.cincyshakes.com/


Stepping Stones, The Golf Classic | O’Bannon Creek Golf Club, Loveland. DETAILS: Tee off for charity in morning or

afternoon flight, followed by food, drinks, hole challenges, raffle prizes and more.  www.steppingstonesohio.org/ golf-classic


CancerFree KIDS, Paxton’s Golf Outing - Corporate Day |  www.cancerfreekids.org


Stepping Stones, Viva La Bloom | Little Miami Event Center, Milford. DETAILS: “Vegas” themed games, entertainment, food and silent auction.  www.cincybloom.org


CancerFree KIDS, Celebration of Champions Dinner and Concert | 5:30 p.m., MegaCorp Pavilion. DETAILS: Cocktail hour, dinner, auction to support childhood cancer research. Outdoor after-party includes concert featuring The Rockers for Research Band.  www.cancerfreekids.org


Stepping Stones, Sporting Clays Tournament | Sycamore Pheasant Club. DETAILS: Clay shoot followed by savory bites back at the lodge, plus drinks, live music, awards and live auction.  www.cincysportingclays.org


Great Parks Forever, Root Ball | 6:30 p.m. Rhinegeist Event Center DETAILS: Dinner gala with a twist. Trade your best black tie for your community blue sky over cocktails, courses and conversation. Tickets: $100.  www./greatparksforever.org/rootball


4C for Children, Champions Gala |  www.4cforchildren.org/get-involved/gala

Cancer Family Care, Annual Wine Tasting & Auction | DETAILS: TBA  www.cancerfamilycare.org 

More Datebook at MoversMakers.org

Make sure your fundraiser or community event is listed at moversmakers.org/datebook

Listings are free.* Send event details and print-quality photos of honorees , chairs or speakers to: editor@moversmakers.org

Stand out

Consider advertising. Contact Thom Mariner: tmariner@moversmakers.org for digital and print options.

*See Page 4 for print deadlines. Events must meet our editorial standards. Print content is chosen at the discretion of editorial staff and featured as space allows.

Movers & Makers FEBRUARY 2023 19 DATEBOOK
The March of Dimes
walk is
In-person morning program Includes Keynote, Breakout Sessions, and Presentation of Leadership Legacy Awards MARCH 1, 2023 Cintas Center AND POWER, PEOPLE, PERSPECTIVE PROVOCATIVE CONVERSATIONS FOR NONPROFIT LEADERS KEYNOTE SPEAKER: VU LE Author of Nonprofit AF blog and founder of Nonprofit Happy Hour REGISTRATION NOW OPEN: bit.ly/Secure2023 PLEASE SAVE THE DATE
March for Babies
on April 30 at Sawyer Point. P&G’s Sarah Pasquinucci is event chair.

From rudderless to taking the helm

John Earls’ journey with Prospect House and beyond

When he entered Prospect House in 1995, John Earls felt rudderless.

He’s come a long way since then. So far, in fact, that he recently took the helm of the East Price Hill-based residential drug and alcohol treatment center, serving as its interim executive director from October 2022 to January 2023. He attributes much of his progress to the help he got there.

“The Prospect House is part of who I am,” Earls said. “I wouldn’t have the life I have today if it weren’t for the Prospect House and AA and sobriety.”

Going ‘bankrupt’

Earls has spent most of his life in Cincinnati, save for a few years in Virginia. There, he earned his bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Virginia and worked a short stint as a sportswriter in Charlottesville. After returning to the Queen City, he spent a decade as a commercial lending officer before embarking on a 15-year hotel industry career, during which he served as national sales manager or director of sales and marketing for several properties.

“In the hotel business, there was a lot of entertaining,” he said. “It got to the point where I really enjoyed the drinking. … I had a period of time where really, kind of my main job was drinking.”

By 1995, Earls realized he had a problem. He’d gotten divorced a few years earlier, and he was working jobs that didn’t mesh with his resume (which by then also included an MBA from Xavier University).

“I can remember going to my mother and saying, ‘Somebody in my head is making decisions for me and I don’t understand why these decisions are being made,’ ” he said. “I was just morally bankrupt. I was rudderless.”

His sister-in-law connected him with David Logan, then executive director of Prospect House.

“I had this long meeting with (Logan) and we spoke the same language,” he said. “It was kind of this realization that maybe I really am an alcoholic, and maybe this really is where I belong.”

Four months later a spot opened up, and Earls entered Prospect House. During the first 90 days, he did nothing but work on his recovery.

“If I would have known that, I never would have come in here,” he said. “I felt that I was so important that the world would stop spinning if I was here for 90 days. Of course, what happened is that I stopped spinning.”

He stayed for 2½ years. After his first 90 days, he started working with newcomers to the program.

“I loved being able to share my experience, strength and hope with other people and to watch people get sober,” he said.

I can remember going to my mother and saying, ‘Somebody in my head is making decisions for me and I don’t understand why these decisions are being made.’ I was just morally bankrupt. I was rudderless.

From resident to director

Prospect House remained part of Earls’ story long after he was no longer a resident. In 1999, he was invited to join Prospect House’s board. Two years later, he became the nonprofit’s first development director; a year after that, its CFO. He held the latter role until his retirement in 2019.

That retirement was short-lived, however. He’d rejoined Prospect House’s board in February 2022. In October, the executive director who’d replaced Logan left for another

20 FEBRUARY 2023 Movers & Makers FOCUS ON: Addiction and Recovery Services
John Earls with his wife, Joanne

opportunity. The board tapped Earls to fill the interim role.

He asked his wife, Joanne, what she thought. (They married in 2001; she has never seen him drink alcohol.) “She said, ‘You can’t say no to The Prospect House,’ ” he recalled.

So he didn’t.

“He came out of retirement to do this,” said Butch England, associate director and clinical supervisor at Prospect House. “That says a lot about the guy.”

The two first met in April 1997, when England came to Prospect House as a resident. Earls was more than a year and a half into his recovery.

“He was a role model,” England said. “He was one of the guys that I looked up to, that other people looked up to. … He was warm and open and kind of set a standard for guys who were looking to really change their life.”

Like Earls, England’s time at the Prospect House led him to change careers. The former journeyman machinist discovered he had a knack for counseling. He worked in outpatient counseling for seven years before he got the opportunity to come back to Prospect House, which was “like home,” as a counselor in 2005. Earls, then the CFO, became a colleague.

Earls was “always on top of things,” building on the financial stability he inherited to make the nonprofit even stronger, England said.

England, who learned a lot about finance from Earls over the years, also has admired Earls’ insightfulness, empathy, generosity and pragmatism.

“He handles things with a real respect and consideration,” England said. “He’s passionate about making sure that we are running well.

“John’s been a calming influence here,” he added. “He’s a stable, consistent, positive energy.”

FOCUS ON: Addiction and Recovery Services

Beyond his work at Prospect House, Earls devotes his energy to giving back through the John C. Griswold Family Foundation, which his grandfather, a successful businessman, founded upon his death in 1987. Earls and Griswold’s seven other grandchildren each allocate an eighth of that year’s distribution (typically $60,000 to $80,000 per person). The caveat is

Festival, Cincinnati Vocal Arts Ensemble (where he’s currently board president), Chorus America (where he’s currently treasurer) and Linton Chamber Music Series. An avid golfer, he just came off the board for Maketewah Country Club, where he served two years as president.

“Somehow I tend to go into leadership,” he said. “I’m somebody who doesn’t want to be on a board just to put it on a resume. I tend to speak up.”

“He brings a lot to the table as a board member and as a board leader,” said Craig Hella Johnson, music director for the Vocal Arts Ensemble (VAE) and a fellow board member of Chorus America. “I think at the very top of that list of his gifts and skills is he’s a real relationship builder. … He’s really brought a lot of people together.”

Johnson came to VAE as a guest conductor in 2013. Earls helped convince him to stay on as music director.

“Usually the stereotype of a finance person is they aren’t necessarily the visionaries,” Johnson said. “John comes with all of the awareness of the financial realities, but with that background he still carries a large vision.”

they have to be involved with the organizations they give to in some way.

“We call it engaged giving,” he said. “My grandfather, he’d say, ‘You can give money to organizations, but the time you spend is much more important to them.’ ”

Earls certainly took that to heart. During his tenure as Prospect House’s CFO, he started getting invitations to join boards. Early on, he got involved with Literacy Center West and Santa Maria Community Services. Currently, he serves on boards for the Cincinnati Opera, May

Johnson described Earls’ commitment to service as inspirational. Earls loves that he’s in a position to help. Much like the quality time he shares with his two grown daughters and four grandchildren who live locally (his son and a fifth grandchild live in Austin, Texas), being able to give back is part of a life he never could have envisioned before he went to Prospect House.

“I’ve been so lucky in my life and things have been given to me because of being sober, and I never want to take that for granted,” he said. “It’s really heartening to be in a position to be able to give back.” 

Movers & Makers FEBRUARY 2023 21
Joanne and John Earls in the audience at a concert at Memorial Hall.

Notables: Addiction and Recovery Services

Nelson leads CRC’s work to help those facing illness, homelessness

Laurel Nelson, CEO for the Center for Respite Care, has held that title for nine years. In that time, the center has become well-known for helping adults experiencing homelessness who have been released from a hospital.

In 2023, the center will celebrate its 20th anniversary providing medical healing and the transition to stable housing and often employment. Under Nelson’s tenure, the center relocated from a standalone operation in Avondale to a shared location in OTR with the Saint Anthony Center. Nelson’s steady hand, caring nature and commitment to the center’s financial stability have aided its success.

Nelson loves to travel, to hike and shoot macro photography. During the pandemic, while working in person full time, she earned her second master’s degree, an executive M.A. in nonprofit management from the University of Notre Dame. 

Holt translates personal experience into advocacy for those rebuilding lives

Rayshun Holt, director of Cincinnati Works’ Beacon of Hope Business Alliance, works to improve the experience and long-term success for justice-impacted citizens looking to rebuild their lives. They foster partnerships between businesses, human service, faith-based and government agencies, and corrections institutions. Holt is motivated by his own successful transition and the opportunity he received at Nehemiah Manufacturing, where he saw the power of a supportive employer to nurture talent beyond a fair-chance job.


Outside work, Holt enjoys attending sporting events and reading the classics. And whenever he’s in the South, he looks for the best shrimp ’n’ grits in town! He also shares his expertise on fair-chance hiring as a regular lecturer at Harvard Business School and Stanford Business School. 

Rachel Johnson, the Center for Addiction Treatment’s senior director of clinical services, has established a career dedicated to providing accessible recovery treatment and services. Her efforts to individualize patient treatment options through the expansion of CAT’s outpatient service offerings have included the development and implementation of the organization’s Intensive Outpatient Program, as well as CAT’s problem gambling treatment program. The Walden University doctoral candidate was also one of five 2023 recipients of the Ohio Problem Gambling Treatment Fellowship. Johnson enjoys spending time with her 2-year-old son and her stepdaughters, as well as her five pets. 

Newtown’s Synan a national leader in fight against opiate addiction

Tom Synan, chief of the Newtown Police Department, has gained international recognition for his work to reduce opiate addiction. Synan is a Marine Corps veteran with 29 years of police work. In 2014, after watching drugs kill an entire family, the last two from heroin and fentanyl, Synan helped form the Hamilton County Addiction Response Coalition, for which he sits on the Steering Committee. Synan coordinates law-enforcement efforts to reduce supply and works with other members to connect resources for recovery. He has implemented initiatives for deflection to recovery, has spoken and published columns, and advocates to reduce stigma. Synan testified in Washington before a U.S. Senate Homeland Security Committee on synthetic opiates and the impact fentanyl and carfentanil have had on the country. He has spoken internationally on the opiate issue. 

22 FEBRUARY 2023 Movers & Makers
FOCUS ON: Addiction and Recovery Notables
LaurelNelson TomSynan
Movers & Makers asked organizations within the addiction and recovery services sector to introduce their “notables” to our readers, part of a new regular feature highlighting people making a difference in various sectors of Greater Cincinnati’s nonprofit community.
Johnson focuses on problem gambling in work at Center for Addiction Treatment

FOCUS ON: Addiction and Recovery Notables

Logan and Prospect House helped thousands over 36 years

David Logan, former executive director of Prospect House, a long-term residential drug and alcohol treatment center in Price Hill, retired on his 80th birthday in February 2022 after 36 years. He is a happily recovering alcoholic himself, with 43 years clean and sober. He’s proudest of assuring the integrity of its 12-step recovery environment, and of having helped to launch “Family Prospects” for families and friends of the residents and alumni. Over 6,000 men have come through the program since it started in 1970. Numbers kept since 1990 show that more than two-thirds have entered real recovery.


Logan likes to travel with his wife, Dale Hodges, and their grown sons, Hugh and Sebastian. And he still likes going to live theater, concerts and the opera, as well as riding his 1700cc Yamaha. 

Drug court

gains new tools, funding under Judge Sanders

Judge Nicole L. Sanders, Hamilton County Drug Treatment and Recovery Court, began her tenure in that court in 2021 by requesting an independent and objective audit of the court and its operations.

Her first major change was hiring a clinician as program director. She also hired new staff, required retraining of everyone associated with drug court (65-70 people), brought in new assessors with new assessment tools, introduced comprehensive substance abuse treatment, expanded medication-assisted treatment and started providing wrap-around services.

The court was awarded federal grants from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and from the Bureau of Justice Assistance totaling $2.7 million. The program has graduated over 150 persons. 

Webb-Edgington brings service skills to Life Learning Center

Alecia Webb-Edgington, president and CEO of Life Learning Center, has been directly contributing to public service with over 25 years of experience in law enforcement and public policy.

Under Webb-Edgington’s direction, the Covingtonbased nonprofit has earned national recognition for its recovery services for the most “at-risk” citizens in the region.


She has positioned LLC as a model program for life skills and workforce development among those hardest to serve. In 2021, LLC served over 660 individuals, steering them to sustainable employment and/or post-secondary education.

When not at LLC, Webb-Edgington and her husband, Ted, enjoy planning adventurous vacations to visit such sites as the largest ball of twine. 

Movers & Makers FEBRUARY 2023 23
HEALTH KNOW HOW Be safe, dispose of old medicines Scan to find a drug drop box near you
NicoleL.Sander s

Prospect House’s Garry active in recovery services

Schmidt provides ‘kind, caring’ treatment as addiction psychiatrist

Tyehimba leads Talbert House addiction service initiatives


Patrick J. Garry, executive director of Prospect House, is in long-term recovery himself. Now he participates in our community’s recovery services sector. Over the past 20 years, he has served in various other recovery services capacities: associate director of the Ohio Lawyers Assistance Program; Gateway House board member and president; Hamilton County Mental Health and Recovery Services board member; Cincinnati Bar Association Mental Health and Well Being Committee member.

Outside of work, Garry enjoys time with Catharin, his spouse of 28 years; working in the kitchen; exercising; walking with Jimmy Chew, their deaf dog; reading; note writing; and fixing anything that requires tools. Having earned a law degree and a license in 1991, he recently completed a 200-hour yoga teacher training course to further – and to balance – his educational experience. 

Dr. Katherine (Katie) Schmidt, medical director at Greater Cincinnati Behavioral Health Services, oversees their Opiate Treatment Program. She provides direct psychiatric care and Medication Assisted Treatment in an outpatient setting to clients with mental health and substance use disorders.


Her patients describe her as “kind and caring.” She advocates for her clients and gives them the tools they need to succeed. She treats everyone with respect and she has an abundance of knowledge in the field.

Dr. Schmidt received the Exemplary Psychiatrist Award from NAMI in 2017 and was recognized as Best Addiction Psychiatrist (2021 & 2022) by Cincy Magazine.

She lives with her husband Jeff and their three children in Anderson Township. When time permits they like to travel to national monuments and historical places. 

Paul R. Crosby, president and CEO of The Frances and Craig Lindner Center of HOPE, is a child and adolescent psychiatrist who joined LCOH in 2008 and became CEO July 2021. He works to instill an organizational culture of empathy, compassion and excellence where those who come to the center are met wherever they are on their mental health journey, so that the latest science can best be leveraged towards achieving mental wellness. He advocates to eliminate stigmatization of and discrimination against people with mental illness.

Crosby is an associate professor and vice chair in the Department of Psychiatry at UC. He serves on the Ohio Hospital Association’s Behavioral Health Committee and the board of Little Fork Family Advocacy Center in Clermont County. Outside of work, he enjoys running, cooking and spending time with his wife, Erika, and their six children. 

KamariaTyehim ba

Kamaria Tyehimba, addiction service director for Talbert House, has 35 years’ experience in recovery services working with youth and adults. Tyehimba holds a Ph.D. in social psychology and a Master’s in social work.

In 2019, she led efforts to form the African American Engagement Workgroup to address the increasing accidental overdose death rate in the black community, to gain an understanding of why Black Americans were not accessing treatment, and to develop an action plan.

Under Kamaria’s leadership, Talbert House serves as the lead agency with stakeholders including the Hamilton County Addiction Response Coalition, the faith-based community and other providers. The AAEW partners with churches to conduct minority outreach with access to treatment and recovery services. The mother of five sons, she enjoys cheering for the Bengals. 

Bowman transforms childhood struggles into life helping others overcome addiction

Lucretia Bowman, vice president of transformational recovery at City Gospel Mission, endured pain and addiction during her early years. She was placed in foster care at birth, abused as a child and placed in a mental hospital. She became a runaway and turned to a life of drugs and crime. She spent 17 years in prison. Despite all that – perhaps because of all that – she has become one of the most inspirational leaders in the recovery sector in Cincinnati since 1997, helping hundreds of women and men overcome addiction and other life-controlling behaviors. She oversees City Gospel Mission’s residential program for men and women up to 36 months. A typical stay is 12-24 months. More than 70 percent of program graduates are sober five years after graduating. 


24 FEBRUARY 2023 Movers & Makers FOCUS
ON: Addiction and Recovery Notables
Lindner Center’s Crosby leads effort to support those with mental illness

FOCUS ON: Addiction and Recovery

PBS shines light on NKY repeat-offender reduction programs


for victims of substance use disorder say that Kenton County in Northern Kentucky is the Silicon Valley of recovery.

That’s a large part of why PBS NewsHour recently featured the partnership between the Kenton County Detention Center and the Life Learning Center as part of the network’s “Searching for Justice” series. Correspondent Stephanie Sy explored the innovative approach and collaboration between the two organizations and their efforts to combat substance use disorder and recidivism.

Re-entering society after incarceration is difficult. Without a plan in place for housing and employment, many individuals find themselves back in detention.

The national recidivism rate, a person’s likelihood to return to jail, is 83%. That means eight out of 10 individuals released will return to prison. Without proper re-entry programs, the cycle of recidivism will continue.

In Kenton County, an innovative relationship between the detention center and Life Learning Center has directly reduced the recidivism rate in Northern Kentucky. It begins inside the jail. Individuals incarcerated at the detention center can apply to participate in the Jail Substance Abuse Program.

Approximately 70% of the people incarcerated at the detention center were arrested on drug charges directly related to their substance use disorder. To qualify for JSAP, individuals must be diagnosed with substance use disorder and cannot be violent offenders or be on the sex offender registry. Once admitted into the program, members have access to resources including counseling services, recovery support and, in some cases, medically assisted treatment. There are separate programs available for men and women.

Once individuals successfully complete the JSAP, they are encouraged, and sometimes court ordered, to continue their recovery journey at the Life Learning Center. LLC, a 16-year-old Covington-based nonprofit, delivers a holistic integrated continuum of education and care facilitating transformation, long-term employment and dignity for the most at-risk citizens of the region.

Service is not limited to those who have experienced incarceration, but 95% of LLC clients in 2021 had a criminal background; 97% had a history of substance use disorder.

LLC was founded with the belief that every individual should have the opportunity to

live up to their highest potential, regardless of where they are in their life journey. LLC delivers Foundations for a Better Life, a 12week program focusing on five domains of life: physical, financial, spiritual, emotional and relational.

In order to complete the program and be recognized as a graduate, LLC clients must complete the 12-week education program, maintain drug-free status and obtain employment. LLC’s holistic approach directly impacts candidate outcomes and has proven a successful model for nearly 3,000 clients since 2006.

For many LLC clients, a former unwise decision, lifestyle choice, health emergency or mental health/substance use disorder diagnosis has paralyzed their family. By connecting these marginalized adults with care, education and employers amenable to transformational employment, LLC is giving them renewed hope and another chance at sustaining long-term success.

Participation in the 12-week program creates a ripple effect. By providing access to financial support and safe, sober living while individuals work to reestablish themselves, LLC supports the reconnecting of families and the reduction of substance use disorder and recidivism. Additionally, individuals possessing multiple felony convictions are securing employment, which helps promote economic growth.

According to recent studies, adults in poverty are three times more likely to be arrested than those who are not. Millions of Americans have a criminal history, frequently related to mental health/substance use disorder, which may be a barrier to employment. A study of the formerly incarcerated found that employment was the most important factor in decreasing recidivism.

The detention center and LLC recognize the correlations and used these insights when building their partnership. As a result, in 2021, over 155 LLC clients were employed or enrolled into post-secondary education and over 800 individuals and family members from Northern Kentucky were served. Most importantly, in 2020, the recidivism rate of LLC graduates was reduced to 38%, while graduates also enrolled in JSAP through the detention center experienced a recidivism rate of 28%. This stark contrast from the national average of 83% shows the importance of the Northern Kentucky partnership and its community impact.

 www.lifelearningcenter.us

 Above are screenshots from the PBS News Hour feature. Read the transcript or view here:  www.pbs.org/newshour/show/jail-treatsinmates-with-substance-abuse-issues-to-breakthe-cycle-of-recidivism

Movers & Makers FEBRUARY 2023 25
Bethany Ball is a substance abuse counselor at the Kenton County Jail in Covington. She leads a program for about 100 men and women who are getting addiction treatment while serving time.  Ashley Boothby is a peer support specialist at LLC. She’s 11 years removed from a heroin and opioid addiction that sent her to prison for more than a year.
PBS journalist Stephanie Sy with Alecia Webb-Edgington of Life Learning Center, who spent decades in law enforcement.


Great Parks receives grant from Duke

Great Parks Forever received a $10,000 nature grant from the Duke Energy Foundation to restore the Lunken Trail Corridor. This grant will improve habitat in the floodplain of the Little Miami National Scenic River and provide an improved experience for trail users. The grant will help eliminate roughly 12.8 acres of invasive plants, restore the habitat of the trail corridor and improve the experience on about 2.5 miles of trail.

Faths’ 2022 gifts reach $204M

Harry and Linda Fath announced $204 million in gifts in 2022 – far exceeding any past single year. Two year-end 2022 announcements pushed the Faths’ philanthropy to nearly $500 million since 2017. The two gifts announced in December were $50 million each, one to the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Cincinnati and the other to the foundation of CISE (Catholic Inner-city Schools Education). Earlier, the Faths had pledged $50 million gifts to Xavier University and St. Xavier High School. The couple also pledged $3 million to the Springer School and another $1 million to Purcell Marian High School.

Cure Starts Now grants $4.5M

The Cure Starts Now Foundation announced it would fund 19 grants valued at $4.5 million – its largest in 15 years. In association with partners, the organization has funded $29.5 million for pediatric brain cancer research and support across the world. It has 39 chapters around the world and is one of the leading funders of pediatric brain cancer research. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center recently named The Cure Starts Now Brain Tumor Center. The foundation was started in honor of 6-year-old Elena Desserich, a Cincinnati girl who battled a rare, aggressive form of brain cancer.

Osborns bolster Playhouse with


Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park announced a $1 million endowment gift from Jack and Marilyn Osborn, Playhouse supporters for decades. The gift will sustain the Playhouse’s chief artistic position. Blake Robison’s title will now be the Osborn Family Producing Artistic Director.

“Marilyn and I have a long-term love and affection for the Playhouse, and we care deeply about having a world-class theater in Cincinnati,” said Jack Osborn.

Jack Osborn retired as CEO of Valley Industries. He has been a Playhouse trustee for 22 years. Marilyn Osborn had a long career in the investment business, at Fifth Third Bank and Bartlett and Co. She also ran her own investment firm for 10 years.

Xavier receives $20M for science center

Xavier University announced a $20 million gift from Sarah and John Lechleiter to help establish a state-of-the-art science facility. John Lechleiter earned a chemistry degree from Xavier in 1975 and credits his Xavier education with propelling him in a 37-year career at Indianapolis-based Eli Lilly and Co. After earning master’s and doctoral degrees from Harvard, he joined Lilly in 1979 as a chemist, ultimately serving as chairman, president and CEO until he retired in 2016. Sarah Lechleiter graduated in 1976 with a degree in sociology and social welfare from Edgecliff College, which merged with Xavier in 1980.

Bezos’ $5M targets homelessness here

Strategies to End Homelessness, which leads efforts to end homelessness in Greater Cincinnati, said it has received a $5 million grant from Amazon founder Jeff Bezos. The grant is the largest private gift in the organization’s history. In 2019, Bezos donated $1.25 million each to Welcome House and Bethany House.

First Financial giving sets record

Cincinnati-based First Financial Bank and its foundation have awarded $177,500 in grants to organizations in Greater Cincinnati. Total funding from all sources for the bank’s campaign was $494,000, making it the largest campaign in First Financial history.

Miami art museum gets new name

The Miami University Art Museum now has a new name. After a gift from longtime donor Richard Cocks, the 24,000-square-foot teaching museum was renamed the Richard and Carole Cocks Art Museum in honor of Richard and his late wife, Carole. The amount of the gift is private, but it is the largest in the museum’s more than 40 years.

Local girl scouts to share $2.5M grant

Girl Scouts of Western Ohio is among six Girl Scout councils nationwide that will share a Department of Labor Workforce for Pathways youth grant of nearly $2.5 million. The grant supports access to employment and training opportunities for underserved young people through on-the-job experiences.

ABC receives $50K grant from Haile

Activities Beyond the Classroom received $50,000 from the Carol Ann and Ralph V. Haile Jr. Foundation. The support will fuel ABC’s mission to help students through equitable opportunities in arts, athletics and wellness that build character, ignite passions and instill values. More than 70% of ABC’s $4.5 million budget comes from school district contracts.

26 FEBRUARY 2023 Movers & Makers
Marilyn and Jack Osborn endowed Playhouse in the Park’s artistic director position
Amy Spiller of Duke Energy, Kara Schirmer of Great Parks and John Juech of Duke Energy. Duke’s foundation gave $10,000 to the parks for Lunken Trail Corridor restoration.
First Financial Bank’s Sanserrae Frazier, Kyle Kief, Caresse Drake, Kay Burke and Shenda Larry

At a recent luncheon, the Foundation for Talbert House celebrated and thanked 21st Century Society members and honored the Schott Foundation. Pictured: L. Thomas Hiltz, Francie Hiltz, Peter Hiltz, Allison Kropp, Michael Schott and Rachel Rasmussen

Talbert recognizes Schott Foundation

Talbert House honored the Harold C. Schott Foundation with the Richard Shenk Visionary Award for continued dedication to making a significant investment in the community.

Cancer agency awards $1.2M

CancerFree KIDS said it granted $1.2 million to fund 21 research studies at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center in Avondale and Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus. The grants coincide with the organization’s 20th anniversary and represent the largest round of funding ever by CancerFree KIDS.

Milkshakes raise $300K for Children’s

Launched in 2019, Milkshakes for Children’s Sake! has raised nearly $300,000 for Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. Gold Star Amelia/Withamsville served as the host of a Cincinnati Children’s Hospital “Champion Milkshake Night.” The event treated families of former and current Children’s patients to free special meals featuring one of Gold Star’s signature milkshakes.

Matthew 25 sets record for truckloads

Matthew 25: Ministries, an international humanitarian aid and disaster relief organization in Blue Ash, has surpassed 1,000 truckloads shipped in a single year for the first time ever. It took 10 years as a new ministry for Matthew 25 to ship their first 1,000 truckloads of aid, and now the ministry shipped that much in just one year. Shipments in 2022 brought more than 23 million pounds of food, clothing, medical supplies, personal care products, cleaning supplies, school supplies and more to the poorest of the poor and disaster victims.

Talbert House raises $100K for camp

Talbert House’s annual Make Camp Possible event raised over $100,000 benefiting Camp Possible, a therapeutic summer program for children who experience behavioral health challenges. More than 50 children will be able to attend Camp Possible next summer as a result of the annual event. Sponsors were Fifth Third Bank, Jackie Sweeney, the Williams Foundation, Mrs. Robert D. Stern, PsychPros and USI Insurance Services.

Santa Maria receives $140K in grants

Santa Maria Community Services announced recent grants from donors totaling $140,000. The agency’s youth development program was made possible in part by $75,000 from the Charles H. Dater Foundation and $25,000 from the Sutphin Family Foundation. A third grant of $40,000 for financial stability assistance to families came from the John A. Schroth Family Charitable Trust.

Dater grants Baker Hunt $35K

Baker Hunt Art and Cultural Center received $35,000, from the Charles H. Dater Foundation. Baker Hunt will continue to take art instruction off campus and enrich the lives of young people with art education and creative opportunities in local schools. Baker Hunt also provides educational outreach to the VA Medical Center, adult day cares and senior centers, and provides scholarships to families for classes on the Baker Hunt campus.

$250K grant to improve health data

A group focused on developing better data to improve health outcomes in Greater Cincinnati has granted 10 organizations $250,000 in a yearlong new program. The Data for Equity Funding Collaborative, a partnership among bi3, HealthPath and Interact for Health, made the awards to 10 Greater Cincinnati nonprofits.

Found Village receives $300K

A relatively new Cincinnati nonprofit has won $300,000 in funding over three years and more attention from a national sponsor organization. Found Village was named one of 14 nonprofits to join the Stand Together Foundation’s Catalyst Program, a management training and peer-learning program for nonprofits. Found Village was started in 2017 to help teens from difficult backgrounds succeed.

ArtsWave adds $103K to affinities

ArtsWave has awarded nearly $103,000 in grants to two of its affinity groups, raising to $1.1 million the amount granted to such groups since 2016. Nearly $54,000 of the total will fund seven projects that promote the LGBTQIA+ community through ArtsWave Pride, the organization’s fastest-growing affinity group. The remaining $49,000 in grants will fund arts programming designed for young professionals through ArtsWave Young Professionals.

ArtsWave Black grants near $750K

ArtsWave has announced another $190,000 in grants for Black and Brown artists, nearing three-quarters of a million dollars in impact. The nation’s first and largest united arts fundraising organization granted $190,000 for 19 local BIPOC artists in the third year of funding for its Black and Brown Artist Grants program.

Capacity requests exceed $3 million

The city of Cincinnati and Greater Cincinnati Foundation received 136 applications totaling $3.2 million for a request for proposals to build capacity at small communitybased nonprofits. The requests far exceeded expectations. 

Movers & Makers FEBRUARY 2023 27 GIFTS/GRANTS
Make Camp Possible committee co-chairs Kristin O’Brien and Nick Tepe Lloba and Katie Nzekwu, co-founders of Found Village, which help teens from difficult backgrounds find success.

Nonprofit News

Clovernook’s 3D models, braille storybooks make international impact

Clovernook Center for the Blind & Visually Impaired produces braille books in its printing house for young readers with blindness or low vision. Through a partnership this past summer with the University of Cincinnati, it has paired the printed word with 3D models of the book characters to create deeper learning.

Now, these innovations are going international. Samuel Foulkes, Clovernook Center’s director of braille production and accessible innovation, recently spent three weeks visiting schools for children who are visually impaired in Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Tanzania. He distributed more than 2,000 print-braille storybooks and over 100 3D tactile model graphic kits. The books were produced in three different languages – English, Swahili and Kinyarwanda. UC graduate student Henry Levesque designed and produced many of the 3D model kits during his summer internship at Clovernook Center.

Clovernoook selected culturally relevant story books and produced them in print-braille format – pages were printed with large print text, while braille pages were embossed on see-through plastic pages. This method results in a storybook which is accessible to anyone regardless of visual acuity and allows teachers and students or parents and their children to access the same material. These books are paired with custom designed and printed tactile 3D models that represent items found within the books. This creates an extra “tactile learning” component to the literacy initiative that allows the reader the opportunity to visualize what the scene represents.

As a result of Foulkes’ trip, Clovernook has been able to find ways to improve and enhance the program as a whole, to ensure that the needs of partner schools and students can best be met. Clovernook hopes to expand this program with additional materials and school partners within the next year.

 www.clovernook.org/braille-printing-house

The Point/Arc commercial laundry service setting records

Steve Roark is adding the pounds – and he loves every single one. Roark is the general manager of The Point/Arc Commercial Laundry Service and he saw more than 516,581 pounds in growth of laundry processed in 2022. The Point/Arc is a 50-year-old Northern Kentucky nonprofit giving educational and work opportunities to people with intellectual and developmental (I/DD) disabilities.

The 57-year-old Roark, a Greenhills High School graduate, says several factors have increased the workload of his 17,000-square-foot facility located on Lindsay Street in Dayton, Ky. With the pandemic ending and more people traveling, The Point’s hotel hospitality business increased.

Roark previously oversaw laundry operations for Aramark’s Midwest service – he’s worked in laundry management for over 30 years. At The Point/Arc he oversees a staff of 22 employees at the laundry, which is open seven days a week, 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

“Ten of my workers are individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, known as I/DD,” he said. “These workers mostly come from the neighborhood –Dayton, Bellevue, Newport and Covington.” They’ll walk to work, or take the bus, Roark says, and their ages range from 20 up – four are over 65 years old.

“What I do is simple,” said Roark. “I coach, mentor and train them. I teach all of them to be more independent, how to work with their peers, and hopefully they’ll be able to work anywhere. My goal is helping them move forward with their life.”

 www.thepointarc.org

Village of St. Bernard taps Alloy for development work

The Village of St. Bernard has partnered with Alloy Development to assist with economic development efforts. Alloy will focus on optimizing economic development opportunities in the village. Efforts will include work on business attraction, a business visitation program to identify the needs of businesses in St. Bernard and oversight of the village’s economic development incentive programs.

“The village of St. Bernard is excited to partner with Alloy,” said Mayor Jonathan Stuchell. “We are in a very unique community that is only 1.5 square miles and is comprised of large-scale industrial partners and small businesses. The village desires to get back to relationship-building with the businesses that generously support our community and to assist them with expansion opportunities. We look forward to the professional guidance of Alloy Development as we move this awesome community that is truly the center of it all forward.”

Alloy Development, formerly HCDC, is the Economic Development Office for Hamilton County and has similar partnerships with other municipalities around Hamilton County. Alloy has assisted businesses and communities with the creation or retention of over 30,000 jobs and more than $2.6 billion in total investment over 35 years.

 www.alloydev.org

28 FEBRUARY 2023 Movers & Makers
Point Laundry Assistant General Manager Paul A. Berleman and Kyle Holland
books and 3D models
Elizabeth Hensley folding laundry
Clovernook braille

Last Mile van gets wrapped

Thanks to sponsorship provided by Fifth Third Bank and Advertising Vehicles, Last Mile Food Rescue – the fast-growing 2-year-old food rescue nonprofit – now has an easily identifiable vehicle for it to pick up food rescues when the items are too big for a volunteer’s car. The van has been in operation since last July. The van is also being used for the Last Mile Market, a pop-up market in Avondale where food being rescued is getting delivered and made available to residents who don’t have access to food.

 www.lastmilefood.org

NKY data site launched by Tri-ED

The new Northern Kentucky Atlas, atlas.northernkentuckyusa.com, launched late last year at Northern Kentucky Tri-ED’s annual forum, “Building a Data-Informed Path to Prosperity.” More than 200 unique data variables for Boone, Kenton and Campbell counties are available, including statistics about internet access, food insecurity, per capita income, travel time to work and much more. Data measurements can be seen at the county, city and town, ZIP code, and census tract levels on the atlas.

“An idea that rose to the top of the list was a data dashboard that anyone in the community can access and use to inform decision-making,” said Tri-ED CEO Lee Crume.

A Data-Informed Advisory Council was formed earlier this year to provide guidance on the development of the atlas. Members of the council and the region’s data stakeholders have had the opportunity to preview the atlas and believe it will be an impactful resource for organizations ranging from county library systems to elected officials and nonprofits such as the Brighton Center. Tri-ED worked with Metopio, an analytics startup based in Chicago, to create the atlas, which is curated from publicly available data sources.

 www.NorthernKentuckyUSA.com

Chamber aims to connect members to new business

The Greater Cincinnati & Northern Kentucky African American Chamber of Commerce has launched “Avenue,” a new procurement and contract access portal for its members to provide access to new business opportunities.

“The Avenue portal will create a process of providing local procurement opportunities for members as they become available,” said Eric Kearney, the chamber’s president and CEO. “We are excited to launch this initiative in partnership with local government, along with public and private companies in the Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky region.”

Partners in the project include: Ohio Department of DevelopmentMinority Business Information; Ohio University Procurement Technical Assistance Center; Voinovich School of Leadership; Procurement Technical Assistance Center, Cincinnati; Ohio Department of Transportation; Hamilton County; Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati; The Port; and city of Covington.

 www.theaachamber.com

In between our print editions, we report on news happening in the Greater Cincinnati nonprofit sector online, and share those stories in a weekly email newsletter. Here are some of the stories we have shared since our last print edition:

Local Meals on Wheels, 55 North merge, boosting senior services: Meals on Wheels Southwest OH & Northern KY and 55 North merged to improve services for more than 11,000 area seniors.

Grant to help fund 30 new health workers: Health Care Access Now has received $100,000 from the Ohio Department of Health to help it add another 30 community health workers to Southwest Ohio.

Local tool bank named best in nation: Greater Cincinnati’s nonprofit tool bank has been given its national network’s highest honor. The Cincinnati ToolBank was named “ToolBank of the Year” by ToolBank USA at the national network’s annual awards program held at the Cincinnati tool bank.

‘Bank’ close to 10K book donations: Queen City Book Bank – the year-old new public face of the Literacy Network of Greater Cincinnati and Blue Manatee Book Project – opened its doors on Gest Street for another community-wide book giveaway and open house.

Arts center restaurant to close: The Ferrari brothers and the Contemporary Arts Center said the center’s restaurant Fausto was to close by the end of the year.

Annual local toy drive biggest ever: Celebrating the season with a new partnership, more ways to donate and matching funds will make this the biggest year yet for WCPO 9’s annual toy drive, Toy Team 9.

Food council tapped for national panel: The Greater Cincinnati Regional Food Policy Council has been selected to participate in a nationwide learning network. Part of Green Umbrella, the local food policy council will participate in a community of practice focused on regional food systems development. After a review of over 50 applications, 11 food policy councils from across the country were selected for the 18-month project, reflecting a diversity of approaches to regional food systems work.

Cincinnati region among most arts-vibrant large cities: A seminal arts and culture report has once again named the Cincinnati metro area as one of the 20 most arts-vibrant large cities in the United States. SMU DataArts, a national center for arts research at Southern Methodist University, released the 2022 Arts Vibrancy Index, which shows Cincinnati No. 12, up from No. 20 two years ago.

You can subscribe to our weekly email newsletter for free here: www.moversmakers.org/subscribe

Movers & Makers FEBRUARY 2023 29
Don’t wait for the print edition to read about news as it happens
Last Mile van

Donel Autin joined Easterseals Redwood as chief financial officer. He worked 16 years at International Paper, where he led the spinoff of Xpedx. He served as CFO of North American Properties, and most recently the Model Group. He has been president of the Loveland City School District Planning Commission and vice president of Nutrition, Education, Safety, Transformation (NEST) Community Learning Center, which was started in 2016 to address academic and non-academic barriers that perpetuate the cycle of generational poverty in suburban communities.

Local community engagement and strategy company Cohear named Nia Baucke , formerly chief strategy officer, as chief executive officer. Baucke has been with Cohear since 2019, and before that had experience working with the Hamilton County Clerk of Courts, KnowledgeWorks Foundation and StrivePartnership. Baucke succeeds Dani Isaacsohn, Cohear’s founder, who began his first term as a state representative in January and will stay on with Cohear as a senior adviser.

The Northern Kentucky Tri-County Economic Development Corporation will round out its team at 14 members with two employee additions, both in newly created positions. Kim Spreder started in the role of workforce development manager, and Mark Grauwelman joined as real estate and project manager. Spreder is responsible for leading the workforce initiative by determining the root causes of Northern Kentucky’s workforce challenges. Spreder previously worked for Brighton Center Inc. Grauwelman will assist in Tri-ED’s initiative to activate the Northern Kentucky Port Authority. He most recently worked for the U.S. Air Force’s Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer program as an operations analyst, administering phase II research and development contracts.

Beech Acres Parenting Center named Jordan Huizenga vice president of development. Huizenga brings 14 years of experience in nonprofit fundraising and development.

The Dragonfly Foundation named Melissa McCarey and Mike Fox to its board. McCarey is vice president for global human resources at Meridian Bioscience. Fox is a partner at Deloitte. Appointed in 2018, McCarey is responsible for all human resources across Meridian’s international sites. She lives in the Cincinnati neighborhood of Columbia Tusculum. Fox has been with Deloitte for 27 years, having been named a partner in 2007. Mike and his family reside in West Chester.

Aviatra Accelerators, a nonprofit accelerator focused on empowering women entrepreneurs, has hired Kourtney Terry, owner of Taste T Love Baby Food and graduate of Aviatra’s launch accelerator, as its program manager in Dayton. Terry launched her organic baby food company in 2019. With a background in healthcare, Terry most recently held positions in buying and operations with Premier Health Partners. In 2020, Aviatra Dayton received a contribution from Robin Gentry McGee, founder of Functional Formularies and an Aviatra graduate, that allowed the organization to launch in the Dayton market.

Dr. Chris Rickels has been named Gateway Community & Technical College’s dean of business, IT and professional studies. Rickels is Thomas More College graduate and has a master’s from the University of Toledo and a doctorate from the University of Louisville. Rickels was the associate dean of arts and sciences and an assistant professor in philosophy at Gateway.

Ashley Feist has joined Action Tank as its new Cincinnati Historic Preservation Action Plan coordinator. Feist has deep Action Tank roots: She is a graduate of the City Council Bootcamp program and previously worked for OTR A.D.O.P.T., where she was instrumental in getting the organization’s headquarters, Volkshaus, off the ground.

Cincinnati Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired recently named Jennifer Alvis as vice president, business development, and Nick Vogel as vice president, industrial operations. Alvis brings many years of experience in nonprofit environments, including time with Clovernook Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired, National Industries for the Blind and most recently Camp Joy, where she served as the business operations director. Alvis and her family live in Wyoming. Vogel joined CABVI in 2019 as a product manager and was promoted to senior product manager and then director of planning and procurement. He previously worked as a program director for Carpe Diem Preparatory Academy. Vogel and his family live in Bellevue.

FotoFocus, the nonprofit dedicated to championing photography and lens-based art, announced that its founding Executive Director Mary Ellen Goeke retired at the end of 2022. FotoFocus Biennial Director Katherine Ryckman Siegwarth will succeed her and become the second top leader since the institution’s founding in 2010.

The Carnegie’s executive director since 2017 – Kimberly Best – has resigned in order to move into a community relations role with the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport.

30 FEBRUARY 2023 Movers & Makers
Kim Spreder Mike Fox Melissa McCarey Jordan Huizenga Nia Baucke Donel Autin Mark Grauwelman Kimberly Best Katherine Siegwarth Nick Vogel Jennifer Alvis Ashley Feist Dr. Christopher Rickels
Kourtney Terry

A Northern Kentucky pastor has been named chief executive officer at Master Provisions. Shane Armstrong , regional vice president of Christian Financial Resources, became Master Provisions’ second president Jan. 1. Prior to joining CFR in January 2020, Armstrong served at Lakeside Christian Church for 21 years in a variety of roles, including executive pastor. Roger Babik, founder and president of Master Provisions, a Northern Kentucky nonprofit, will retire in the second half of 2023 after a phased transition. 

Crayons to Computers appointed Michael Q. Dozier to its board of trustees. Dozier, a director at Johnson & Johnson MedTech, brings extensive experience, involvement in the community and a passion for education and lifelong learning. 

The Greater Cincinnati Regional Food Policy Council, an initiative of Green Umbrella, hired Amanda Lukas as its first community connections coordinator. She is responsible for relationshipbuilding for the council’s multisector work, in addition to supporting its communications initiatives. Previously, she served in management at Findlay Market, Cincinnati Recycling & Reuse Hub, and Madeira Farmers Market. 

Adventure Crew named Libby Hunter as executive director. Hunter comes to the nonprofit, which connects city teens with nature and each other through outdoor adventures, after a decade as executive director of WordPlay Cincy, the creative youth development nonprofit she co-founded. During her tenure, she grew the nonprofit to its current operating budget of $650,000 and reach of 2,500 individuals per year.

The YWCA Greater Cincinnati has appointed Rickell Howard Smith as president and CEO. Smith, the first African-American leader of the organization, is a civil rights attorney with experience as a nonprofit executive director in racial justice advocacy. She began her career in Cincinnati in 2006 as an attorney at Legal Aid Society of Southwest Ohio. 

The Christ Hospital Health Network appointed Jenny Collopy as vice president, chief marketing and communications officer. Collopy has been interim VP since July 1, 2022. She joined the network in 2015 as a senior marketing consultant on the Heart and Vascular Service Line. Collopy led all internal communications and public relations efforts through the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Movers & Makers FEBRUARY 2023 31
Amanda Lukas Michael Q. Dozier Shane Armstrong Jenny Collopy Rickell Howard Smith
Libby Hunter


Who, what, where & why

Retrofittings raises $197K for SVDP

St. Vincent de Paul’s RetroFittings, presented by Protective Life Corp., returned to Music Hall in October. Nearly 400 people attended the fashion show fundraiser, which ties together pieces found at St. Vincent de Paul thrift stores and high fashion.

The event’s signature fashion show featured original designs from students at the University of Cincinnati’s College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning (DAAP). Students were given a limited budget to shop from St. Vincent de Paul’s eight Greater Cincinnati thrift stores, transforming items they found into one-ofa-kind designs. Hair and makeup styles for the fashion show were provided by Paul Mitchell The School Cincinnati.

In addition to the fashion show, RetroFittings featured an exclusive pop-up boutique featuring high-end items from St. Vincent de Paul thrift stores, a silent auction, raffle and fundraising program. Through sponsorships, ticket sales, boutique sales, raffle tickets, silent auction bids and pledges made during the event, St. Vincent de Paul raised over $197,000. Funds generated through RetroFittings will support St. Vincent de Paul’s programs, helping to provide basic necessities to people in Cincinnati and Hamilton County.

32 FEBRUARY 2023 Movers & Makers
 www.SVDPcincinnati.org
Dianne Hill and Mark Hill The theme for the evening’s fashion show was “Hues of Hope.”
Catie Campbell, Elizabeth Campbell and Jessica Goedde
 
Warm 98.5’s Jim Day served as emcee.
Lowe and Shannon Roush Jayna Bartley and Brittany Jones Eberly Cierra Calameise has her makeup done before the fashion show. Paul Mitchell The School Cincinnati provided hair and makeup styles.
 
RetroFittings fashion show. Designs were created by UC DAAP fashion students. Sue Buenger shops at the RetroFittings boutique.

CAM Gala returns with ’70s theme

The Cincinnati Art Museum hosted its sold-out Let’s Pop! Gala. Guests enjoyed the Pop Art-themed décor and menu throughout the museum, as well as drinks and dancing.

 www.cincinnatiartmuseum.org/ events-programs/fundraisers/gala

Let’s Get Campy nets $125K for ArtWorks

About 400 art lovers and community members gathered for the first time in two years to support ArtWorks at the American Sign Museum. The Art off the Walls | Let’s Get Campy evening was filled with music provided by DJ Pillo, food by Jeff Thomas Catering, coffee by Deeper Roots Coffee, an unframed photo booth, a live auction by Hindman Auctions encouraging the audience to raise their paddles for the power of public art and auctioning unique art-related packages and works.

In addition, there was a living mural runway modeling wearable works of art created by Stacey Vest and showcased by local actors. An online auction featured limited edition prints and ceramics, and live mural paintings were created by Jim Tucker, Dai Williams and John Lanzador. Special remarks were made by ArtWorks CEO Colleen Houston, ArtWorks board president Lauren Shafer and junior muralist Alyssa Baker about their experiences and personal connection to ArtWorks. The event netted $125,000.

 www.artworkscincinnati.org/art-off-the-walls-lets-get-campy

 The event featured several murals brought to life by Stacey Vest and with help from Pone’s performers. They portrayed Artworks murals such as “James Brown,” “Swing Around the Rosie,” “Dreaming Blue,” “Visionary Reality Threshold,” and the featured mural, “Campy Washington,” along with all the characters, the flying pigs, Cincy Freedom, the Tin Man and Purple Gorilla.

Movers & Makers FEBRUARY 2023 33
Gala co-chairs Karrie Crowther and Jen Ragland with two “Marilyns” CAM Director Cameron Kitchin  Dr. Whitney Whitis and Cincinnati Mayor Aftab Pureval Christine Stottmann, Stephanie Adkinson, Cindy Schnell and Lawrence Whitfield

AJC honors Pomeranzes

AJC Cincinnati awarded Dr. Stephen and Penny Pomeranz with its 2022 National Human Relations Award for their numerous accomplishments and unwavering leadership at an event at the Hilton Netherland Plaza. AJC achieved its position as the leading global Jewish voice through leaders like the Pomeranzes, who are passionate about building bridges across communities and fighting hate wherever it surfaces. www.ajc.org/cincinnati

34 FEBRUARY 2023 Movers & Makers
 
Back row: Dr. Corbin Pomeranz, Clay Pear, Ari Knue, Carly Knue, Ashley Collinsworth, Kellen Pomeranz; Front row: Kelly Pear, Andréa Pomeranz, Jory Pomeranz and Cody Pomeranz Back Row: Dr. Michael McClellan, Lynne McClellan, Jay Cauhorn, Dr. Colleen Cauhorn; Front Row: Kathy Wade, Sandy Stern, Dr. Peter Stern, Carol O’Brien and Mike O’Brien Back row: Tom Hiltz, Colleen Hanycz, Peter Hanycz, Nina Winter, Dr. Ming He, Neil Winter; Front row: Francie Hiltz, Penny Pomeranz, Dr. Stephen Pomeranz and Dr. Gerry Powers
Annette Kereiakes, Dr. Thomas Kereiakes, Penny Pomeranz, Dr. Stephen Pomeranz, Dr. Dean Kereiakes, Anne Kereiakes, Doug Brendamour and Beth Brendamour
Beth Brendamour, Holly Collinsworth, Carol O’Brien, Penny Pomeranz, Nancy Fehr, Ellen Knue and Karen Cassidy
Mari Dauer, Dr. Mark Farley, Stephen Dauer, Holly Collinsworth and Cris Collinsworth Colleen Hanycz, Penny Pomeranz, Dr. Stephen Pomeranz and Peter Hanycz Penny Pomeranz and Dr. Stephen Pomeranz

Dragonfly raises $37K in Radiothon

The Dragonfly Foundation held its second annual Warm 98.5 Radiothon, sharing inspiring stories of strength and courage from brave Dragonfly families the foundation has helped through their cancer journey. Sponsors included Papa John’s Pizza, Rising Star Casino and Once Upon a Child. The event raised more than $37,000. The Dragonfly Foundation supports pediatric cancer patients and their families to find strength, courage and joy.

Warm 98.5’s Amanda Orlando with Jessica Altenberger, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center child life specialist

OneSource Center is the resource hub for local nonprofits. From startup to established — there’s no nonprofit sector left untouched. Working as a community connector, OneSource serves more than 350 Greater Cincinnati organizations, saving agencies more than $1.16 million annually. Wherever a nonprofit may be on its journey, OneSource is here to help. This wouldn’t be possible without the help of our sponsors! Thank you!

Movers & Makers FEBRUARY 2023 35 SNAPSHOTS
INTERIOR SYSTEMS Together we build
thriving community for all.
2022 SILVER SPONSORS 2022 BRONZE SPONSORS McCloy Family Foundation
ONESOURCECENTER.ORG 936 Dalton Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45203
 
 
 www.dragonfly.org
Warm 98.5’s Jim Day and Dragonfly Marley with brother Will
Warm 98.5’s Jim Day and Papa John’s Pizza’s Mike Hutmier Santa Claus from Rising Star Casino
Dragonfly volunteers
phone calls

Caracole hosts

‘Glow-Getter’ gala

Caracole, Greater Cincinnati’s HIV services nonprofit, held its annual gala at Coppin’s Restaurant and Bar in Hotel Covington. The Glow-Getter Gala: A NEON Night Out, chaired by Chase Rickey, celebrated Caracole supporters focused on its mission of positively changing lives in the fight against HIV/AIDS. The evening included cocktails, hors d’oeuvres and a silent auction, followed by music and dancing. The next Caracole event, AIDS Walk + 5K/10K Run, is April 2 at Spring Grove Cemetery and Arboretum.  www.caracole.org

Salvation Army hosts 66th awards luncheon

The Salvation Army hosted its 66th annual civic awards luncheon at The Phoenix, downtown. The fundraising event showcased the Salvation Army’s work locally to support individuals and families in need. The theme for the event, Love Beyond the Bells, demonstrated how the Salvation Army provides services year-round and focused particularly on its work with children.

At the event, Givaudan Flavors was presented with the outstanding community partner award for its generous and faithful support of the Adopt-a-Family and Angel Tree programs. Long-time Salvation Army employee and volunteer Elaine Williamson Howard was awarded the One Award for her “tireless” work on behalf of the children of Cincinnati. The event raised more than $150,000 to support and kick off the Salvation Army’s annual Christmas fundraising season.  www.salvationarmycincinnati.org

36 FEBRUARY 2023 Movers & Makers SNAPSHOTS
Board member Bill Gallagher, Scott Knox and Beth Conkin Members of the Cincinnati Sisters and ISQCCBE Eric Anderson, Pam Kravetz, Chase Rickey and James Reynolds Caracole board member and board treasurer Rick Kay, Caracole CEO Linda Seiter, Mark Masters, Chuck Brown, Jim Kelly
Majors Josh and Linda Lopez, Elaine Williamson Howard, Majors Willie Mae and Tim Lyle
Jones, Katie Vogt, Wayne Hall, Vanessa Nichols, Andy Daniher, Teresa Asebrook, Michael Betz, Natalie McElwee and Fred Wilson Children at the luncheon Avni Patel and Caracole board member Anar Patel Mark Masters, Kelli Halter and Don Clowe

CABVI Dining in the Dark raises $200K in superhero-themed gala

The Cincinnati Association for the Blind & Visually Impaired held its sixth annual Dining in the Dark fundraising gala – raising $200,000 to support its work helping individuals adapt to vision loss. At the event, CABVI honored its Barney H. Kroger Humanitarian Award winner, Steve Eberly. CABVI client Tracy Wilson shared her story of how CABVI’s services have helped her achieve professional success. Freddy Mac and Natalie Jones from Q102 emceed the event. Guests experienced some of the daily challenges faced by individuals with vision loss by eating dinner blindfolded. Participants enjoyed a silent auction, live auction, wine raffle, bourbon raffle, split the pot and superhero costume contest. Presenting sponsor was Hard Rock Casino Cincinnati. The 2023 event will be Nov. 11, 6-10 p.m., at Hard Rock Casino Event Center.  www.cincyblind.org

Movers & Makers FEBRUARY 2023 37 At Twin Lakes Assisted Living, you can maintain your independence while having the support you need.
9840 Montgomery Road Montgomery, Ohio 45242 (513) 247-1300 lec.org/communities/twin-lakes Twin Lakes, a Life Enriching Communities campus, welcomes people of all faiths. Find our complete non-discrimination policy at www.LEC.org 
“My daughters were concerned about me living alone. They visited Twin Lakes and knew this was the place for me. I enjoy all of the conveniences Twin Lakes offers. I can go to the Campus Shop to buy stamps and greeting cards for my grandchildren, get my haircut in the salon or go to the fitness room to exercise. My daughters have peace of mind
someone is always
if I need anything.” Dennis Schone, Twin Lakes Assisted Living resident
Emcee Freddy Mac, costume contest winners John Rosenstengel and Janie Gardner,
emcee Natalie Jones
Metro’s Candace Edwards, Caprice Jones, Cameron Hardy, Amy Rasmussen and Natalie Krusling CABVI board chair Glen Vogel, Barney H. Kroger Humanitarian Award honoree Stephen S. Eberly and CABVI President and CEO Teri Shirk

Light the Night event near $1M

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Light The Night Walk took place at Yeatman’s Cove with 3,500 participants and supporters who want to see an end to blood cancer. Light The Night events nationwide help raise awareness and money about blood cancers, including leukemia and lymphoma. People walked with one of three types of lanterns across Greater Cincinnati’s bridges: red for those supporting the fight against cancer, gold for those who have lost a loved one to cancer or white for those who have survived cancer or are currently battling cancer. The Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky event, sponsored by Furniture Fair, has currently raised nearly $1 million for blood cancer research.  www.lls.org/ohio

Young philanthropist given Bill Keating Jr. Next Gen Award

Francesca Dishueme received the 2022 Bill Keating Jr. Next Gen Award at the Magnified Giving Future of Philanthropy dinner.

Magnified Giving established the award in 2019 to honor the legacy of Bill Keating Jr., a philanthropist and former board member. Each year, the award goes to a rising young philanthropist committed to serving the community, as Keating did.

Dishueme is a sophomore at Ohio State University, majoring in world politics with minors in inequality and society and in city and regional

planning. During her junior year of high school, she was introduced to Magnified Giving in her service learning class at Lebanon High School. Francesca and her group were challenged to partner with a local organization on a service project. Reflecting on the simple joy of receiving flowers, they worked to deliver bundles of donated single-stem flowers and handwritten cards for the women and child survivors of domestic abuse at SAFE on Main (formerly Abuse and Rape Crisis Shelter of Warren County).

Francesca maintained her

relationship with SAFE on Main as a long-term volunteer. She also advocated on its behalf at a giving circle hosted by Magnified Giving, securing an $800 grant for the organization.  www.magnifiedgiving.org/ updates/francesca

Rotary keeps tradition alive

In a tradition more than a century old, the Rotary Club of Cincinnati hosted a Christmas party for more than 120 students with disabilities and other challenges at Cincinnati’s Roselawn Condon School. The club started the city’s first school for children with disabilities in 1919, when it created hospital-based classrooms and hired teachers to educate children who could not attend school because of their medical conditions. Those early classes grew to become Condon School, which today is Roselawn Condon.

The Rotary support has been a constant for 103 years, as generation after generation of Rotary members get Christmas lists compiled by children and their parents, and fill those wishes. Gifts this year ranged from adaptive jackets with sleeves and sides that unzip for children with limited mobility, to remote control cars, dolls, games and “something pretty” to wear.

 www.cincinnatirotary.org

38 FEBRUARY 2023 Movers & Makers SNAPSHOTS
Event co-chair Mary Brandstetter with Nancy Riesz
Rotary President Steve King helps activate a remote-control car for student Santana McDonald. Student Fatou Sylla accepts a gift from Santa (Bob McElroy).
Light The Night’s “Honored Hero” Jack, age 9, and his parents, Sid and Sara Pomeroy, stand on stage holding their lanterns during the opening ceremony. Jack holds a white lantern as a blood cancer survivor, and his parents hold red lanterns in support of Jack and all cancer patients. On the left of the stage is a family holding their gold lanterns, in memory of their husband and father, Ron. Family members include Jenny Watson, Kristen Odenbach and Donna Roll.
 P hoto by t eah l ongland P hotogra P hy
Cincinnati City Council member and Bill Keating’s daughter, Liz Keating, presents the Bill Keating Jr. Next Gen Award to Francesca Dishueme. Francesca Dishueme flanked by her parents, Elisabeth and Eddy Dishueme.

AFP honors outstanding achievements in philanthropy, fundraising

The Association of Fundraising Professionals’ National Philanthropy Day for the Cincinnati chapter was held at Music Hall. Fifth Third Foundation was the presenting sponsor, with 25 other businesses and organizations also providing sponsorship. Movers & Makers was media sponsor. The 2022 honorary chair was Fifth Third’s Heidi Jark. Additional award presenters included AFP’s President Matthew Gellin and master of ceremonies Ashley Kirklen of WLWT. Planning is underway for 2023 with a call for nominations to be announced in April.  www.afpcincinnati.org

Movers & Makers FEBRUARY 2023 39 SNAPSHOTS
Philanthropist of the Year Bill Burwinkel Julie Olberding, Louise Olberding, Ann Olberding Cotter, Martha Olberding, Teddy Olberding, Lifetime Achievement in Fundraising awardee John Olberding, Judie List Sweeney, Cynthia KhooRobinson and Claudia Kimura  Matthew Gellin, AFP Cincinnati president, with Spencer Mapes, NPD chair
The NPD Committee: Adrienne Taylor, Victoria Kuhlman, Stephanie Eldred, Matthew Gellin, Kendra Struthers, Spencer Mapes, Rita DiBello, Carol Serrone, Analisa Condon and Latisha Owens Robin Schwanekamp, Alexander Kayne, Youth in Philanthropy awardee Joseph Kayne, Jeff Clark, Jody Yetzer and Samantha Kayne Emcee Ashley Kirklen of WLWT5 Volunteer of the Year Stacey Meyer Outstanding Corporation/ Foundation awardee: John and Julie Richardson, SugarCreek Heidi Jark of Fifth Third Foundation, honorary chair

Santa Maria celebrates 125 years

Santa Maria Community Services celebrated its 125th birthday at a party at the American Sign Museum. In 1897, Sisters Blandina and Justina Segale turned $5 in seed money into an organization dedicated to helping families help themselves.

“Santa Maria is thrilled to be able to celebrate this milestone and continue their mission 125 years later,” said H.A. Musser, the organization’s president and CEO.

 www.santamaria-cincy.org

Rodney Veal’s Inspired By

Let Rodney Veal, host of The Art Show on CET and ThinkTV, be your guide on a journey of exploration as he interviews artists and other creatives about what inspires them in this new podcast.

40 FEBRUARY 2023 Movers & Makers SNAPSHOTS
Barbara Martin and Tom Martin Jim Holstrom and Maureen Maxfield Nehemiah Manufacturing’s Chris Lahni, Dan Meyer and Deb Meyer
 
Dr. Ebony Griggs-Griffin, Luz Maria Gomez and Mike Gentry Chris Hart, Dan Reilly, Annamarie Reilly, Mike Gentry, Becky Gentry, Ben Klayer, Peggy Dehne, Steve Dehne, Barbara Martin, Tom Martin and Nune Sargsyan
Sister Patmarie Bernard
Annamarie Reilly, Natalie Moore, Khalia Shaw, Becky Gentry, Mike Gentry, Rhonda Musser and CEO H.A. Musser Steven Acosta and Nune Sargsyan

4C for Children’s 50th anniversary gala raised $220,000, including $50,000 the evening of the event, specifically for child care training scholarships. More than 425 people attended the event, including more than 100 first-time attendees. Many people were in attendance to recognize the honorees: Sallie Westheimer, 4C for Children’s retired CEO, was presented with the Legacy Award in recognition of her five decades of service to the organization. Cincinnati Preschool Promise and Montgomery County Preschool Promise both received Agency Impact awards in recognition of commitment to expanding access to quality preschool to families who need it most. 4C also recognized 50 “champions” in the community who have greatly impacted the work of supporting children, families and providers.

Movers & Makers FEBRUARY 2023 41 SNAPSHOTS “The complete education gives one not only power of concentration, but worthy objectives upon which to concentrate. The broad education will, therefore, transmit to one not only the accumulated knowledge of the race but also the accumulated experience of social living.”
Jr. EARN YOUR PH.D. IN INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES Elevate your career at Union Institute & University. ~ Earn a Doctorate with an Emphasis on Social Justice. ~ Build Community in Week-Long Residencies (in January and July). ~ Opt for a Creative Dissertation. ~ Choose from four different concentrations: *Humanities & Culture *Ethical & Creative Leadership *Public Policy & Social Change *Education Justice & Equity 4C’s 50th anniversary gala raises $220K The
Martin Luther King,
 www.4cforchildren.org
Bridget and Michael Patton
 
Vanessa Freytag, Chara Fisher-Jackson and Cincinnati Preschool Promise staff and board members
Current 4C for Children CEO Vanessa Freytag and retired CEO Sallie Westheimer Roger and Glenda Schorr
 
Myles and Penny Pensak Digi and Mike Schueler

Crohn’s chapter raises nearly $200K

The Southern Ohio chapter of the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation held its Night for a Cure Bourbon Event at the Backstage Event Center in downtown Cincinnati. More than 200 people attended the event, co-chaired by Rick Bravo and Steve Zins. The chapter raised $192,686, which is $67,000 more than the 2021 event. Katie Cawley spoke about the group’s mission. The event recognized Dr. Allan Peck as its Uniting to Care & Cure honoree. Dr. Bing Hinton received the group’s Legacy Award, which will now be renamed the Bing Hinton Award.  www.crohnscolitisfoundation.org

Salyers shares insights at women’s networking event

Johnson Investment Counsel’s Women’s Initiative, dedicated to cultivating a community of female influence and leadership, hosted a networking event at Hotel Covington, featuring Donna Salyers, founder of Covington-based Fabulous Furs. The second annual event provided an opportunity for female professionals in our region to gather, meet new people and share stories.

At the event, Salyers shared personal and business insights from her career, her commitment to community and family, and how the courage to reinvent yourself can create new opportunities. What began as a vision in the basement of her home over 30 years ago, is now a global enterprise for Salyers. Today, Fabulous Furs is a majority asset of Salyers Group, a diversified investment company. Fabulous Furs products, a luxury alternative to real fur, are sold in more 4,000 retailers, including Neiman Marcus and Saks Fifth Avenue.

Johnson’s Women’s Initiative is an extension of CEO Jason Jackman’s commitment to encouraging and empowering women to thrive, both in their investments and in their careers.

 www.johnsoninv.com

42 FEBRUARY 2023 Movers & Makers SNAPSHOTS
Co-chair Rick Bravo Katie Cawley speaking to the audience about the group’s mission. Meals on Wheels’ Sarah Celenza and its CEO Jennifer Steele enjoy the bourbon tasting. Dr. Bing Hinton and Dr. Ted Denson of Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Guests mingled at the Backstage Event Center, downtown.
Master Provisions development director Megan Jackson, Aviatra Accelerators CEO Jill Morenz
Great Parks of Hamilton County director of corporate relations Julie Bernzott, JIC director of family office services Jason Farler JIC portfolio manager Laura Mattern, Dinsmore partner Katie Jacob, Dinsmore partner Lee Stautberg
 
Johnson Investment Counsel CEO Jason Jackman, Fabulous Furs founder Donna Salyers, JIC vicepresident of trust services Tara Adams Donna Salyers

CCJO releases CD marking 10th year

The Cincinnati Contemporary Jazz Orchestra celebrated its 10th anniversary season of making music and supporting some of the city’s preeminent jazz artists and educators with a concert and the release of its first CD.

In addition to welcoming artistic director emeriti Dr. Scott Belck and Rob Parton back to the stage at the Redmoor in Mount Lookout, the orchestra also featured fan-favorite vocalist Mandy Gaines in a program that included many of the greatest hits from previous seasons. The band also performed material from their new debut CD, “We Are The CCJO,” which contains over an hour of original compositions and arrangements written for CCJO by current artistic director Eric Lechliter.

During the concert, special recognition was given to CCJO founders – Belck and CCJO board secretary LeAnne Anklan – as well as president Doug Lillibridge and the entire board of directors. The evening culminated in the three artistic directors squaring off in a tour de force arrangement of Dizzy Gillespie’s classic “A Night in Tunisia.”

 www.cincinnatijazz.org

LADD celebrates group’s 10th

year of giving

Margaret “Peggy” Bullock Geier devoted her life to helping people with developmental disabilities. She co-founded LADD and Find A Way Apartments for disabled adults, and served as LADD’s first board president. In 2012, the Margaret B. Geier Society was created to recognize dedicated and visionary donors who give $1,000 or more annually to support the mission of LADD. Chairs of the society have been Vallie and Rodney Geier, Emmy and Tony Hobson, Katie and Bobby Lawrence, Debbie and Rich Oliver, Alison and Jim Zimmerman.  www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGOnmv-PpmY


Movers & Makers FEBRUARY 2023 43 SNAPSHOTS
Emily Geier Vollmer and Sis Geier
CCJO co-founder LeAnne Anklan and trumpeter Matt Anklan Previous music directors Dr. Scott Belck and Rob Parton with current director Eric Lechliter
SATURDAY 6:30PM CET SUNDAY 8:30PM CET ARTS Join Barbara Kellar as she showcases artists and cultural leaders from the Greater Cincinnati community.
Emmy Award Winner Regional - Interview/Discussion Program

Hearts for Hope gala raises more than $425K

Boys Hope Girls Hope of Cincinnati raised more than $425,000 during its annual Hearts for Hope gala at Paycor Stadium. Proceeds support the BHGH mission to nurture and guide motivated young people in need to become well-educated, career-ready men and women. The gala honored the late Michael J. Burke Sr. for his dedication, leadership and support. Michael’s wife, Marcia, was joined on stage by eight of their grandchildren as she accepted the Heart of Gold award. The Burke family continues to be dedicated supporters of BHGH. The event featured an appearance by Bengals mascot Who Dey, silent and live auctions, a jewelry raffle, Mike Brown as emcee and DJs Freddy Mac and Nat entertaining guests throughout the evening.

 www.bhghcincinnati.org

Alloy luncheon recognizes mentors

Alloy Growth Lab celebrated 17 years of mentoring at a luncheon, made possible by members of Queen City Angels and other mentors including honorees Bob Ziek and attorneys at Ulmer & Berne law firm. The event, with more than 50 attendees, was hosted at The Ventura in Norwood.

During the event, it was announced that, over the years, the program had helped presentees secure more than $38 million in grants, funding and government contracts. The program also reached the milestone of 300 sessions in 2022, as well as having over 250 unique mentors joining the program. The event featured awards to the top three pitches from 2022, including Farmaceutical RX, Vistim Labs and Tactile Engineering. The event was catered by Southern Grace Catering. Event organizers partnered with Last Mile Food Rescue to ensure there was zero food waste, with the extra meals donated to St. Andrew’s Church.

 www.alloydev.org/growth-lab

44 FEBRUARY 2023 Movers & Makers SNAPSHOTS
Tactile Engineering CEO David Schleppenbach Queen City Angels’ Scott Jacobs, Alloy’s Jeremy Fritzhand, Ulmer’s Megan Hymore, Zsource’s Bob Ziek, Ulmer’s Doug Gastright and Alloy’s Antony Seppi Elizabeth and BHGH board member Mike Caudill Mike Brown with BHGH board member Aaron Haslam with live auction item Boys Hope Girls Hope Executive Director Missy Hendon Deters with members of her family, emcee Mike Brown and Who Dey
Marcia Burke with eight of her grandchildren Emcee Mike Brown with Michael J. Burke Jr. BHGH board member Dave Conway
Congressman Brad Wenstrup and Who Dey Bruce Walton wins silent auction Bengals jersey

African American Chamber recognizes dozen

The Greater Cincinnati & Northern Kentucky African American Chamber of Commerce held its annual gala at the Music Hall Ballroom. The Cincy Nights Gala, an homage to the creative, collaborative spirit of the Harlem Renaissance, featured a live jazz band, female vocalist, poetry, fashion show and tap dance performances from members of the communities served by the AACC.

This year’s award winners include: Hall of Fame honorees Alma Cochran, AJL Group; Monroe Barnes, MBJ Consultants; Laura Carr, LA Carr Communications; Emmett Drane, Diversified Facility Solutions; David and Guinette Kirk, DNK Architects; and Troy Parker, Innovative Labor & Cleaning Services.

Emerging Leader winners were Simone Charles, BASH; and Dr. Rachel Angel, Peerro. Chairman’s Award honorees were Al Hutchinson, Destinations International; and Andy Ingraham, president/CEO/ founder of the National Association of Black Hotel Owners, Operators & Developers.

The volunteer award went to Sam Ross of Ionic Communications.

Christ Hospital, Cincy Shirts partner this past holiday

The Christ Hospital Health Network teamed up with Cincy Shirts to ensure its tiniest patients and their parents looked stylish this past holiday season. Whether naughty or nice, babies born on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in the hospital’s Mount Auburn and Liberty birthing centers got a limited-edition onesie and parents received matching T-shirts.

Movers & Makers FEBRUARY 2023 45 
Isla, with parents Brittany and Michael Buie
Baby Charlie Stachowicz Dr. Anne Stachowicz and Alan Stachowicz with baby Charlie 2023 Black Business Hall of Fame Inductees: Alma Cochran, Guinette & David Kirk, Emmet Drane, Laura Carr, Monroe Barnes and Troy Parker with presenter, AACC board member Royce A. Sutton
Vocal performer, SCPA senior Cristina Bates Emerging Leader awardees: Dr. Rachel Angel and Simone Charles
SCPA Jazz Band of the past and present
Briston Mitchell, AACC director of transformative initiatives and relationships, flanked by emcees Gina Ruffin Moore of Get Me On Media and Phillip Bufford, career services director, Ohio Media School
AACC Board Chair Jason Dunn (center) with Chairman’s awardees Andy Ingraham and Al Hutchinson Volunteer Service Award winner Sam Ross Guests celebrating and networking.

Cancer Family Care wine tasting raises $380K

Cancer Family Care, a nonprofit that helps children and adults cope with the effects of a cancer diagnosis in a family, raised more than $380,000 at its Wine Tasting & Auction at the Manor House. Mary Horn, vice president of fine wine sales and education at Heidelberg Distributing Co., served as honorary event chair. Horn has supported the wine tasting event for many years by helping to curate the special tasting wines and sharing her extensive knowledge of wine with guests. The event included wine and bourbon tastings, a three-course dinner with wine pairings, and a silent and live auction. For more than 50 years, Cancer Family Care has provided therapeutic counseling, education, support and hope to all people touched by cancer.

 www.cancerfamilycare.org

CSO honors ’80s-era music director Gielen

Cincinnati artist Carl Samson’s oil portrait of Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra Maestro Michael Gielen was unveiled at Cincinnati Music Hall before CSO musicians, staff and board members. The portrait was commissioned by Ed and Bobbie Givens to commemorate Gielen and to honor his place in the Queen City’s musical history. The portrait is the fifth painting by Samson to hang at the famed Music Hall performance venue. Gielen was CSO music director from 1980 to 1986.

 www.cincinnatisymphony.org

46 FEBRUARY 2023 Movers & Makers SNAPSHOTS
Oil portrait of Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra Maestro Michael Gielen Artist Carl Samson, CSO Board Chair Dianne Rosenberg, CSO President/CEO Jonathan Martin and Ed Givens Abigail Bickley, Debbie Conti, Joe Conti, Sheena Tomlinson and Stuart Tomlinson Matthew Millett, Lane Millett and Yasmina Hussien
Paul Wordeman, Anne Neuville and Brenda Rixey
Honorary event chair Mary Horn pouring for guests Will Shearhouse, Megan Shearhouse, Madeline Meiners and Zach Mueck Sheila Obermeyer, Matt Goetz and Paula Toti Photos by Charlie balCoM

55 North raises $85,000 to empower older adults

Community-based nonprofit 55 North raised $85,000 at its signature fundraiser, the Star Soirée, at the Hilton Netherland Plaza, and will use the funds to empower adults 55 and older to age in place at home. Nearly 200 guests attended 55 North’s first in-person event in three years and gave generously in support of the nonprofit’s essential services.

Proceeds will reinforce 55 North’s ongoing work to provide transportation, nutrition, wellness, learning, support services, case management and internet access for qualifying older adults. 55 North honored Suzanne Burke, president and CEO of the Council on Aging of Southwestern Ohio, with the 55 North Star Leadership Award. Local 12 journalist Jenna Cisneros emceed the event and served as a live auctioneer with event committee chair Elizabeth Bangel-Stehlin.  www.55North.org

First Stronger Than Cancer event excels

The first Cancer Support Community Greater Cincinnati-Northern Kentucky Stronger than Cancer Celebration, held at Hotel Covington, was a sold-out success, raising over $108,000. More than 200 guests gathered to support the 30-year-old local affiliate of the world’s largest network of professionally led cancer support organizations.

Guests enjoyed delicious dinner by-the-bite, a silent auction, wine and bourbon raffles, a program with a conversation about CSC’s community impact and a live auction with unique packages. The “I Am Stronger Than Cancer Fashion Show & Auction” highlighted cancer survivors and advocates with faux furs generously donated by honorary chair Donna Salyers’ Fabulous Furs. Sponsors were TQL Foundation, Mercy Health, OHC, St. Elizabeth, Zoomessence, GRAIL, Fidant Wealth Partners, The BMW Store, Perron Supply and Bexion.

 www.MyCancerSupportCommunity.org

Movers & Makers FEBRUARY 2023 47 SNAPSHOTS
Council On Aging of Southwestern Ohio board member Karen Bankston accepted the 55 North Star Leadership Award on behalf of evening honoree Suzanne Burke, president and CEO of the Council on Aging of Southwestern Ohio. 55 North CEO Shelley Goering (left) presented the award.
Clockwise from left front: 55 North board member Cathy Crain, vice president program operations Ken Wilson, board member Karen Bankston, Dan Burke, Shane Burke, Hannah Burke, vice president/managed care Terri Bunting, and CFO Ronnell Spears 55 North Star Soirée committee chair Elizabeth Bangel-Stehlin and 55 North CEO Shelley Goering Clockwise from left front: Valorie Frantz, Rick Sepulveda, Nick Carson, Elizabeth Bangel-Stehlin, Jenna Cisneros, Alexa Helwig, La Keisha Worthy and Jessica Sellar 
Meredith Blum, Brianna Frappier-Schirmang, Brooke Olson, Anisha Bhirud and Sarah Pharr Bill and Ann Moran Lou and Gretchen Meyer
Fashion show and auction models Kathy LaVerde, Sherry Hughes, Michelle Jones, Adrienne Russ and Mykish Summers

CBC honors Jack Moreland

The Covington Business Council honored a community icon with its Founder Award at its annual dinner at Hotel Covington’s new Lightwell North Ballroom. Executive Director Pat Frew welcomed the record crowd of nearly 400 attendees and touched on the accomplishments of the organization during the year.

The CBC honored retired Southbank Partners President Jack Moreland with its Founder Award, given annually to an individual who demonstrates meritorious service in improving the economic well-being of the city. Frew received the Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce Community Award.

The program was made possible by special sponsors St. Elizabeth Healthcare, Huntington Bank, Wenzel Whiskey, Duke Energy, Manning Contractors, Revival Vintage Spirits and Shannon Smith Law Firm.

 www.cbcky.com

Insuring the Children meets $1 million goal

Insuring the Children hosted its annual Have A Heart Gala at Cooper Creek Event Center. Insuring the Children is a local nonprofit dedicated to ending abuse of children in our society. The organization has contributed more than $3 million to medical and social agencies in the Cincinnati area.

The event’s main focus was to achieve $35,000 in donations as this allowed the group to meet a lifetime donation of $1 million to Cincinnati Children’s Mayerson Center for Safe and Healthy Children. Thanks to the 150 attendees, the $1 million goal was met. In addition, the recipient of the Jerry Clark Humanitarian award that evening was Amy Fornshell, an employee of Child Advocacy Center of Warren County.  www.insuringthechildren.org/home

Muñoz hosts ‘Shoegiving’ for over 30 Oyler students

The Anthony Muñoz Foundation brought holiday spirit to Oyler School students on Nov. 15 at the annual “Shoegiving” event. The foundation provided more than 30 students lunch from the Boudinot LaRosa’s Pizzeria, then bought each student a new pair of shoes at the Western Hills Target. This event is free for all students to attend. This is the 10th year the foundation hosted “Shoegiving.” Over 300 pairs of shoes have been given to students over the years. The program is one of many Muñoz’s foundation sponsors to impact underserved youth in the Tristate.  www.munozfoundation.org

48 FEBRUARY 2023 Movers & Makers SNAPSHOTS
Cincinnati Bengals Hall of Famer Anthony Munoz with Oyler students at the Western Hills Target Matt Dent and Amy Fornshell Will Block, Bryan White, Casey McFarland, Amanda Woeste, Michelle Wilson, Lindsey Bauer, Abagail Lauter and Michelle Pittman
Covington Business Council Executive Director Pat Frew, Phyllis Moreland, retired Southbank Partners President Jack Moreland and Duke Energy’s Rhonda Whitaker-Hurtt  Pat Frew receiving the Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce Community Award from chamber President/CEO Brent Cooper.

Music Hall replica added to Krohn

Krohn Conservatory’s traditional holiday display with miniature versions of landmark buildings circled by model trains has added a miniature Cincinnati Music Hall. The new model, funded by the Friends of Music Hall, was built by Applied Imagination using botanical materials to recreate the 1878 building in minute detail. A private reception at Krohn for supporters of the Friends of Music Hall welcomed nearly 100 guests, with entertainment by Cheryl Renee and dinner by-the-bite. The evening, made possible by sponsors Kathy Grote, KMK Law and Tarita Preston, generated support for the organization’s educational outreach programs.  www.FriendsofMusicHall.org

Wine festival’s beneficiaries volunteer at golf outing

The Cincinnati International Wine Festival’s 23rd annual Russ Wiles Memorial Golf Tournament was held at TPC River’s Bend, with 128 golfers enjoying a full day of competitive golf, fine wine, beer, spirits, gifts, prizes and great company. Dozens of volunteers from some of the wine festival’s 30 beneficiaries were on site supporting the 32 participating foursomes. From breakfast to gourmet small bites and sips throughout the course to a champagne toast and cookout, the participants ate and drank as they enjoyed the tournament. High-end prizes included experiences, wine, spirits and products from notable brands.

Russ Wiles was a wine industry enthusiast, president of Heidelberg Distributing Co. and founder of the Cincinnati International Wine Festival. Wine festival events, including the annual golf outing in Wiles’ honor, have collectively raised more than $6.75 million for dozens of local charities over the past 31 years.  www.winefestival.com

NKY Sports Hall of Fame inducts 5 new members

Five new members were inducted into the Northern Kentucky Sports Hall of Fame at the Gardens at Park Hills. Joe Brennan, president of the nonprofit organization, introduced and welcomed the new members at the afternoon meeting. Paul Sparling, a Northern Kentucky resident who served as athletic trainer for the Cincinnati Bengals for 43 years, was the guest speaker.

The Northern Kentucky Sports Hall of Fame was founded in 1982 to recognize and honor individuals for outstanding athletic achievements and overall contributions to sports in Northern Kentucky. Categories include team sports, managers, coaches, umpires, sponsors, league or tournament managers, park owners, sportswriters and sporting goods owners.

Movers & Makers FEBRUARY 2023 49 SNAPSHOTS
Tarita Preston, Ken Kreider and Kathy Grote in front of the new model of Music Hall in Krohn's holiday display
Executives and inductees of the Northern Kentucky Sports Hall of Fame. Back row: Victor B. Brown, Dayton High School; Dennis Wright, Covington Catholic High School; Mick Abner, Highlands High School; Hall of Fame Vice President Ken Shields; President Joe Brennan. Front row: Glenn Meyers, Newport Central Catholic High School; Mark Wehry, Holy Cross High School
Jenny Bobst, Brad Huberman and Sarah Gagnon of the Cincinnati International Wine Festival with Abbie Pearce of BackSwing Golf Events
by Peter koenig
Photo Photo by n Cholas viltrakis

Yeah, I’ve got some opinions

Ithought, when given this amazing chance to have a firstperson column, I would be offering my opinion on a variety of subjects. I’ve got opinions. But that’s harder than it seems. Hot takes that are very satisfying to share with friends look different when written down and published. They need logical defending and clearly expressed consideration of the alternatives. They require research.

Well, that’s no fun. But I still have an urge to give you the benefit of my deeply-held opinions on a variety of important subjects, so that’s how I’m starting off 2023. And in the interest of not having to do any research to defend myself, I’m not even including sex, politics or religion.

Balsamic vinegar does not belong on Caprese salad. It’s not authentic. When you have perfect vine-ripened tomatoes, basil from the garden, perfect fresh mozzarella and a good

point. Most of the time, people don’t have those things. So they pour sweet stuff like balsamic or worse, balsamic reduction, as a distraction. Eat some other kind of salad from October to June, and leave Caprese for high summer.

If I had three wishes to make anything on Earth disappear, I would have to go with hunger and war for the first two, I guess. But then it would be leaf blowers.

I used to think it was weird to talk about “dog moms,” thinking that parenthood should only apply within the same species. I think I get people’s attachments to their pets, but the other day I saw a reference to “plant moms.” That’s too much. As my husband observed, I’m against plant parenthood.

Children should be invited to weddings. Weddings are about joining families and the cycle of generations. Also, children will do

if the first day of your marriage is perfect, it’s only downhill from there.

There is a parenting philosophy built around the idea “I’m your parent, not your friend.” I get it, but just remember that the ultimate goal is in fact to be friends with your eventual adult children. So don’t blow that.

Homemade birthday cakes are the best. Even if you’re a terrible baker, this is where the gesture and the attention count, not the professional quality. Just make it with love, in their favorite flavor, and as pretty as you can.

High heels are instruments of torture and the patriarchy. Why wear something you can’t run in? Men don’t.

Read the book before you watch the movie. I believe in the power of fiction enough to think that the book is the real story and charac

Life-changing. I don’t care what vacuum you use, but you really should get an electric lawnmower.

When someone tells you they’re a teacher, say “Thank you for your service.”

The best view of Cincinnati is from the cut in the hill, for the way it suddenly appears in the near distance. Too bad you can’t stop and look at it.

There should never be a category called “exceeds expectations” on an employee’s performance review. It makes no logical sense, and it means you can never win. You were hired to do a certain thing, and if you’re doing that thing you should get your gold star.

It’s not cool to show pictures of people with wild animals on Facebook. Or dating apps. Wild animals are not pets. They should be watched, with awe, from afar. And if a baby bird falls out of a nest, I think nature can handle it.

If you feed the animals in national parks, you should have to go to a remedial reading class. And beginning ecology.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just all wear caftans all the time?

Cancer sucks, and getting old is not for wimps. 

Polly Campbell covered restaurants and food for the Cincinnati Enquirer from 1996 until 2020. She lives in Pleasant Ridge with her husband, and since retiring does a lot of reading, cooking and gardening, if that’s what you call pulling weeds.

She writes monthly on a variety of topics, and she welcomes your feedback and column suggestions at editor@moversmakers.org.

50 FEBRUARY 2023 Movers & Makers
| Guest editorial by Polly Campbell Polly Campbell
at jungle ji m s international market Bourbon Bar · Elevated Street Food · Cigar Lounge · Open-Air Seating · Craft Cocktails oPen eVeRY thursday 4:00 PM - 10:00 PM Junglejims.com/TheStation 8871 N. Gilmore Rd. Fairfield, OH 45014

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