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August 30, 2015 Loving Christ. Transforming Lives.


Jesus answered them, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do. 32 I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners and need to repent.” Luke 5:31 (NLT)

Mount Hope Christian Center 3 McGinnis Dr. Website: Office: Burlington, MA 01803 www.mounthope.org (781) 272-1014

This week @ Mount Hope Sunday

08.30— 09.05.15

10:00 a.m. Rick Picariello 2:00 p.m. Estrella de Jacob ~ Spanish Church 7:00 p.m. Men’s Prison Ministry

Monday Friday

7:00 p.m. Watchmen Connection Group 12:00 p.m. Friday’s @ Noon Prayer


6:00 a.m. Men’s Prayer Meeting

To Our Guests: Thank you for being a part of worship at Mount Hope this morning. If it is your first time with us we would love the chance to meet you. Please take a moment to stop by the “Fresh Start” table in the hallway where we have a gift for you.

For up-to-date information on events, to view the full church calendar, or to give online visit our website at www.mounthope.org.

A note about the worship service: Please help us minimize distractions during worship by silencing cell phones. Parents who need to step out of the service with their child are welcome to watch the service live in Common Grounds Café.

Family Ministries Students United for One Purpose mking@mounthope.org or 781-272-1014 x.118

Are you in 6th through 12th Grade? Welcome to "The Path." Psalm 16:11: "You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand." Join us on Friday nights from 6:30pm to 9:00pm.

Next Meeting ~ RELAUNCHING on Friday, September 11th 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

People to People Do you have a heart to help those who are in need? If so, please consider supporting the People to People ministry by donating food to help serve a meal to under-resourced individuals and families. On Saturday, September 12th, the People to People Ministry is serving a meal at the YMCA in Lowell. If you would like to donate food items, please visit the Connections Center for the sign-up and list of food needed. Please bring donated food by noon on Thursday, September 10th . On Sunday mornings, should the need arise a safety team member is on duty to assist you. If you need to speak with the safety person on duty, the safety desk is located in the hallway towards the East entrance. In Case You are in Need of Help Outside of our Church Office Hours In the event of hospitalization, a death in the family, or another emergency during the week, please contact the church office at 781-2721014 to speak with a pastor. If the call occurs outside of the church office hours, please call the Pastoral Care Line at 781-272-1014 x.195. Leave a message and a pastor will return your call.

The Belmont Campus The new Belmont Campus opens Sunday, September 13th! Below are some important upcoming events:

TODAY | End of service - 1:30 p.m. Belmont Missions Team Meeting If you have any questions regarding the Belmont Campus, please contact Pastor Brian at bkrogh@mounthope.org

Mid-Week Ministries resuming on Wednesday, September 9th @6:30 p.m. Adult Bible Class resuming on Thursday, September 10th @ 9:45 a.m. “Study on the Book of Joshua�



Groups designed to connect our friends and families to one another and to the larger community at Mount Hope. Co-Ed Volleyball | Meets every Tuesday Night from 8:00—10:00 p.m. For more details, contact Jay Titus at JCT478@yahoo.com. Pick-Up Basketball | Meets every Wednesday Night from 8:00 –10:00 p.m. For more details, contact Mike King at mking@mounthope.org College Connection Group | Please contact Donna Favini at dmfavini@gmail.com or 978-505-7655 for more information.

Precept upon Precept: Deuteronomy (8 weeks) Begins on Monday, September 14th through November 9th.

Come and join us for a journey into the book that Jesus quoted more than any other in the Old Testament!

Make sure you do not miss out on all that is happening at Mount Hope! If you do not currently receive Mount Hope’s monthly e-newsletter email Pastor Brian at bkrogh@mounthope.org to be added to the distribution list. To ensure you receive the newsletter, be sure to allow emails from communications@mounthope.org. Also, “like” us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/ MtHopeChristianCenter Or follow us on Twitter @MountHopeCC and receive all the latest news and updates.

“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests . . .” Ephesians 6:18 If you have a prayer request or praise report you would like to share with us, prayer cards are located in the pockets of the seatbacks in each row. The church staff and other prayer groups in the church gather weekly to pray over these cards. Please fill out the card and place it in one of the boxes located in the back of the sanctuary. In addition, you may send your request through our Mount Hope App or leave a message on the Prayer Line voicemail box 781- 272-1014 x.182

Common Grounds Café is open every Sunday morning from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Make sure to stop by for tasty food, good drinks, and great conversation. If you need to step out of the service for any reason, the service is broadcast in Common Grounds. Please feel free to watch the service there.

Sermon Notes Speaker: Series: Sermon: Scriptures:


Rick Picariello #Church “How Does God Build a Body” A Place to Connect - Part 3 Luke 7: 36-50

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What are your children learning this morning?

Leadership @ Mount Hope Rick Picariello Senior Pastor rpicariello@mounthope.org Brian Krogh Senior Associate Pastor bkrogh@mounthope.org

Kingdom Kidz “Review Lessons 1-5”

Wish you received our newsletter? Text MOUNTHOPE to 22828 to sign up.

Wi-fi Password for MHCC-café, MHCC-sanctuary, and MHCC-FLC: Welcome123

Vision Statement To build a growing multi-cultural Christian community of all ages in the North West Boston area with facilities designed to serve the needs of its people. We will transform our region with something far more important than religion – a living relationship with Jesus Christ.

Paulette Toews Assistant to the Pastors ptoews@mounthope.org Elaine Driscoll School Principal Director of Children’s Ministry Church & School edriscoll@mounthope.org Mike & Ashley King Directors of Family Ministries mking@mounthope.org Mary Basler Office Administrator mbasler@mounthope.org Jason Thomas Worship Leader jthomas@mounthope.org Justin Joseph Preaching Team Member jjoseph@mounthope.org Pam Villalta Business Office pvillalta@mounthope.org

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