Gospel Gazette—April 2022

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An introduction and description


Join us at four special services

APR 2022

A Seat at the Table Connecting Passover and Easter

CONTRIBUTORS Rev. David Averill Senior Pastor

Janet Westlake

Minister of Discipleship

Scott Spradlin

Director of Music Ministries

Dylan Reed

Dir. of Youth & YA Ministries

Debbie Sprague

Secretary & Office Manager

Rheya Tanner

Communications Coordinator

SERVICE TIMES Early Traditional 8:00am Contemporary 9:30am Late Traditional 11:00am CONTACT 352-383-2005 URGENT AFTER-HOURS: DIAL 2

office@mtdorafumc.org OFFICE HOURS Mon–Thu 8:00am–4:30pm Fri 8:00am–12:00pm Sat–Sun Closed ADDRESS 439 E. Fifth Ave. 440 E. Sixth Ave. (mailing) Mount Dora, FL 32757 SOCIAL MEDIA @FirstUMCMountDora @FirstUMCMtDora @FirstUMCMtDora FUMC MtDora

STAY IN TOUCH! If you have new contact information, if you have become hospitalized or ill, if there is something you need prayer for, or if you have any questions, please contact us at any time.


I do not agree with T.S. Eliot’s assertion in his magnum opus, The Wasteland, that “April is the cruelest month.” However, it is typical ly the most vibrant and active month in the church year. Most of the time, Easter falls in April unless it falls in late March. Easter is a moveable feast on the church calendar be cause it is calculated to fall on the first Sunday during the first full moon that occurs following the vernal equinox (signifying the beginning of spring, typically March 21). Phew! That is always a mouthful to explain. It gets even more complicated to try to explain why churches in the West and churches in the East usually cele brate Easter at different times about 1 - 3 weeks apart. Another mind-bender is to explain Pass over’s connection to Easter, and why it rarely lines up on the calendar with Easter. I will save that mind-bender for another time. Nonetheless, I am so grateful that as a church, we have had the chance to explore the spiritual connection between Holy Week and Passover by exploring Exodus in our Lenten sermon series. Scripturally, many of you know that the Last Supper was a Passover meal. As such on April 3, during our observance of Holy Eucharist at all three services, we will pay closer attention in the liturgy to Christ as “the Passover Lamb”. Additionally, in reference to this experience of Passover, I highly recommend a new book

/ Mount Dora First United Methodist Church

published 2015 by Abingdon Press, What Every Christian Needs to Know About Passover by Rabbi Evan Moffic that delves further into this subject. It is available from Amazon or Cokesbury if you would like to order a copy for yourself. I also rec ommend that you view Rev. Lenora Rousseau’s wonderful sermon on this subject from March 9, 2015, available online and entitled “Bread of Heaven, Wine of Promise” (type mdfumc.org/ passover into your web browser) Lenora is an ordained Elder in the Florida Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church, and was raised in the Messianic Jewish tradition. I had the privilege to work with Leno ra at First United Methodist Church of Gaines ville from 2014 - 2015. Other aspects of Holy Week that you will not want to miss include the following: Maundy Thursday prayer service on April 14th at 7:00 p.m.; and the chancel choir’s Good Friday con cert, directed by our beloved music director, Scott Spradlin, on April 15 at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. On Easter Sunday, we will have four services at 6:30 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 am. The sunrise option at 6:30 a.m. on our front lawn is a new addition this year. Let us celebrate the joy of Easter in April for “We are Easter people, and Hallelujah is our song” (attributed to Pope John Paul II).

I am so grateful that as a church, we have had the chance to explore the spiritual connection between Holy Week and Passover.

With Joy on the Journey,

Pastor David Averill mtdorafumc.org / March Gospel Gazette /


The 5th Avenue Thrift Shoppe is open Thursdays and Fridays from 10am–2pm, and Saturdays from 10am–3pm.

Amy M. Bolt Memorial Grant

We accept donations of furniture, women’s clothing and accessories, home decor, kitchenware, pet items, books, and puzzles during normal business hours.

I. PURPOSE: To bring glory to God by providing grants to active and deserving individuals connected to First United Methodist Church of Mount Dora. The grants are to help recipients continue to bring glory to God by living a Christ filled and successful personal, business and community life as Amy did.

In addition to donations, here are ways to support the Shoppe. • Volunteer at the shop—meet new friends and have fun! Contact Bob Simmons for more info. • Follow on Facebook: @5aveThriftShoppe • Tell your friends and neighbors about us!

II. BACKGROUND: From an early age Amy was active in her church, school and work. Although she did not attend college, she excelled in service to others through a solid work ethic at The First National Bank of Mount Dora where she became a dedicated, responsible and successful lending officer. She lived her faith in God at work, in the community and at home. III. Guidelines a. Age not a requirement b. Participation in church and community service is of utmost importance c. Financial need is a primary consideration d. GPA or class standing not primary e. Available for: Vocational / technical training and/or certification; Online training; On the job training; Business or life start-up f. Uses of grant: Tuition or training costs; Fees; Books; Technical / electronic equipment; Living expenses; Uniforms; Tools; Childcare; Travel / transportation; Business Inventory IV. Grant Distributions: Interested persons shall complete a grant application outlining


/ Mount Dora First United Methodist Church

church members’ favorite recipes. Thanks to their success at the Mount Dora Craft Fair and among our congregation, we sold out of copies in record time. their goals and needs. All requests shall be Did you miss the chance to get reviewed by a Grant Distribution Team that your own copy, or to gift a copy to has the responsibility to review applications a friend? Due to popular demand and determine recipients amounts. (andthe thanks to the and success and Once awarded, the Team shall meet as generosity of the Fifth Avenue determinedThrift for each grant recipient, to review Shoppe), we have been progress and subsequent needs so that able to order another limited success of print the grant likely achieved. run is ofmost our cookbooks, so Subsequentyou grant distributions to current to have another opportunity recipients may be considered.

church office and Thrift Shoppe for $15 each. Proceeds go toward outreach missions. (Cash or checks only please.)

V. Questions: Questions should be directed to the Grant team consisting of Tracy Berry, Roy Hamlin, Peggy Herbst, Wendy Simpson, or Janet Westlake, Minister of Discipleship.

Order Your Cookbook Today

So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone especially to those in the family of faith.

Support for Ukraine through UMC Advance Funds

—GALATIANS 6: 9-10

A new limited print run of cookbooks is available in the church office and Thrift Shoppe for $15 each. Proceeds go toward outreach missions. (Cash or checks only please.)

United Methodist Global Ministries’ Advance #14053A supports pastors in Ukraine and Moldova. advance. umcmission.org Donations labeled “Ukraine” will be split 50/50 between UMCOR and those pastors.

mtdorafumc.org / March Gospel Gazette /


Lenten Devotional

If you’ve missed our Devotional, “Walking With Jesus Through Lent,” with daily devotionals from members of our church, you can still find it on the homepage of our website.

Summer Camp Registration Happening Now!

Our 3rd through 12th grade students will attend Warren W. Willis camp June 27–July 2. The cost for a week is $550. Students active in Footprints or Barefoot will qualify for $275 in S.A.Y. It With Love funding toward the cost of camp.

LIVING LOVE 2022 Thank you to everyone who participated in our Living Love event on April 2! Our community experienced the love of Jesus, and we experienced the grace that comes when we serve our community. We met that morning in Friendship Hall to receive our assigned worksites. After serving and loving our neighbors, we returned to Friendship Hall for lunch together. We LOVE GOD, and we LOVE OTHERS! A recap video of the event will be available on our YouTube channel later this month.

2022 Flower Calendar Mask Safety Zone Now hanging in the Sanctuary. Pick a date to donate flowers for the Sanctuary in Honor or Memory of something special. (Can’t find the calendar? Ask an usher for help.)


Look for the signs on pews in the West Transept. Those wishing to sit in this area should wear a mask. Thank you.

/ Mount Dora First United Methodist Church

Exercise Classes MON, WED, FRI / 8AM

Stretch your body and mind with our free exercise class in Friendship Hall. See you there!

VBS 2022: Jerusalem Marketplace

Our Jerusalem Marketplace Vacation Bible School is July 18 to 22 from 9am to Noon. Participants include children ages 3 through fifth grade. Older students and adults are encouraged to volunteer. Visit our website to register a participant or avolunteer.

New Book Study Pastor David Averill will lead a study of the book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families, over four Wednesdays beginning April 20 at 6:30 pm. Reserve a book by contacting the church office. In his first major work since The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey presents a practical and philosophical guide to solving the problems—large and small, mundane and extraordinary—that confront all families and strong communities. By offering revealing anecdotes about ordinary people as well as helpful suggestions about changing everyday behavior, this book shows the importance of keeping promises, how to balance individual and family needs, and how to move from dependence to interdependence.

Tuesday Night Sunday School Join Pastor Carl Greene in the Chapel at 7pm each week for Bible study and discussion. All are welcome!

Widowed Support Group Meet at

9:30am in the chapel on the fourth Thursday of each month. If you are a widow/widower, you are welcome to be part of this ministry.

mtdorafumc.org / March Gospel Gazette /


Holy Week Services Join us throughout the week of April 10 to honor these important and sacred days.

Palm Sunday Services

A Service of Prayer and Remembrance

April 10, 8am, 9:30am, & 11am During each of our service times, participate in our waving of the palm branches during musical worship.

Maundy Thursday, April 14, 7pm Commemorating the Washing of the Feet and the Last Supper. Includes Prayer Centers & Holy Communion

Candles of Grace: A Tenebrae Service

Easter Sunday Sunrise Service

Good Friday, April 15, 7pm Featuring our Celebration Choir, a Drama, and music from the Barron String Quartet of Stetson University. 8

/ Mount Dora First United Methodist Church

April 17, 6:30am Join us on the front lawn for a special sunrise service. We will also have our usual three services.

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