Portfolio | February 2014

Page 60



getty imAges

The collapse of Rana Plaza, which killed more than 1,100 people, put the spotlight on working conditions in garment factories.

supply chains. Technology and investment

had experimented with creating a website

other distribution centres in China, Hong

are transforming the upper end of the

to allow consumers in the West to connect

Kong and Turkey, and it has broken ground

industry, enabling Mango and other brands

virtually with the workers sewing their

for a massive complex in Spain. Last year,

to increase sales, manage global inventories

clothes. But the pressures on Phantom Tac

Mango produced a total of 110 million

with pinpoint precision and introduce

to meet deadlines and make money made

garments and accessories; within a decade,

clothes faster than ever – all as consumers

those social goals difficult to achieve.

company officials hope, the company will

expect to see new things every time they visit a store. But these brands depend on factories

Now, Mayor has disappeared. He did not

produce 300 million garments and roughly

respond to email requests for interviews,

quintuple annual sales to ¤10 billion

and his family in Spain declined to

(about $14 billion).

in developing countries like Bangladesh,

reveal his whereabouts. His Bangladeshi

where wages are very low and the pressure

business partner, Aminul Islam, is in jail in

In Bangladesh, the business

to work faster and cheaper has spawned

connection with the collapse.

environment presents a sharp contrast.

Factories like Phantom Tac in Bangladesh

Phantom Tac was on the fifth floor of Rana

substandard work conditions and repeated

and the Mango operations in Spain are part

Plaza, which was named after the family of

wage and labour violations. Consumers

of the same supply chains but might as well

the building’s owner, Sohel Rana. Rana, in

know little about these factories, even as

be from different worlds.

jail awaiting charges in the collapse, was a

familiar problems: unsafe buildings,

global brands promise that their clothes are made in safe environments. Phantom Tac could be regarded as an

In Spain, visitors to Mango’s design centre, a short drive from the distribution warehouse, are greeted in the lobby by

local political strongman, with close ties to officials in Savar. David Mayor was a buyer when he

unlikely attempt to prove that a Bangladeshi

an installation from Spanish artist Jaume

met Aminul Islam, who was operating a

factory could be socially responsible and

Plensa. A Picasso hangs in the office of

different factory in the centre of Dhaka, the

make a profit. It was partly owned by a

Mango’s chairman, Isak Andic. Employees

national capital. They started Phantom Tac

Spaniard, David Mayor, who had won

eat in a light-filled cafeteria or can relax

together, which seemed like a good fit, since

orders from several Spanish brands. He

in an upstairs area filled with ferns called

Mayor had connections with foreign brands,

had teamed with a Vatican missionary

“the greenhouse.”

especially those in Spain.

in rural Bangladesh to offer a training programme for female workers. And he

These state-of-the-art facilities are just the beginning: Mango already operates

Mayor also had a social agenda. In 2007, Mayor joined with Brother Massimo Portfolio

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