MLAHA Tailings - November 2022

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BABY it’s cold outside what is a COMPLETE FEED? AHA frequent rider programEQUUS FILM and arts fest

tailings Auburn, CA 95604-7158

Fall has finally come to the Mother Lode and I hope your horse activities are more enjoyable now that the weather is finally cooling off. I have seen a lot of posts of great trail rides and endurance races plus a few shows here and there.

We have two club events on the horizon. Our next meeting is November 16th at 6 p.m. at El Agave Taqueria, 1285 Grass Valley Hwy., Auburn. We will be hearing from our convention delegates on the happenings from AHA National Convention. Plus we want to plan another event for you in 2023, bring your ideas. You can RSVP me at

Second, our Annual Holiday Party is scheduled for Tuesday, December 6th at Max’s Restaurant,


110 Grass Valley Hwy., Auburn at 6 pm. The club will host hors d’oeuvres and games followed by no host cocktails and dinner. You can RSVP me at

I also want to know what you thought of our first edition of the new Tailings? Be sure to let me know. We have an exciting line up of articles coming up and we welcome stories from our membership and friends. Contact the editor at

If you have events, news, or photos you would like to include in the Tailings, please forward them to the editor at mlahanewsletter@gmail. com.

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| President’s Message |
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Our cover image is courtesy of Nicole Gross. She is known for her professional photography and currently resides in the United Kingdom.


President’s Message


Sue Rich

Equine Nutrition


Horse Events and Meetings




Winterizing Your Horse


Dr. Kelli Torrisi Area Events


AHA Programs


Dr. Kelli Torrisi Tailings

November 2022 | TAILINGS | 5
14-15 EQUUS
17 CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS 2022 Photo credit to Pixabay

What is a

Complete Feed?

Lindsey Close, PAS

A complete feed can replace everything in a horse’s diet in one sole product. This means there would be no need for additional hay, top dressing supplements, or to be fed alongside another fortified feed.

A complete feed can replace everything in the horse’s diet in one sole product. This means there would be no need for additional hay, top dressing supplements, or to be fed alongside another fortified feed. The most important part of identifying a complete feed is the high fiber content. Complete feeds must be able to replace long-stem forage safely while ensuring the hind gut will still function properly.


There will be no sorting of ingredients. This means your horse will consume everything they need and not waste any valuable nutrition at the bottom of their feed pan.

Convenience is another benefit of feeding a complete feed. Horses need a balanced diet for their age, metabolism, activity level, and any other conditions. Complete feeds take all the guesswork out of selecting a balanced diet for horses. Reputable feed companies would be happy to review your horse’s status and make sure their feed is the right choice.

Complete feeds are also very easy to travel with and often considered weed-free, which is required when riding on state lands or in designated wilderness areas. Traveling with complete feeds can also provide you with more convenience as they are cleaner to pack, take up less space, and provides your horse with consistency while on the road. You can also soak the complete pelleted feed to encourage hydration during trips.

6 | TAILINGS | November 2022
| Equine Nutrition |

From a barn management standpoint, feeding a complete feed can minimize feeding time during graining since no topdressing of additional supplements are needed. This is also a great way to provide uniform nutrition to the barn, making it easier for feeders or ranch sitters. There is peace of mind knowing that each horse was fed correctly and no corners were cut. Complete feeds also store well, offering advantages to cleaner feed rooms and barn aisles. Another overlooked benefit

of feeding a complete feed, is that during stormy weather hay often blows around or gets wasted in the mud.


Complete feeds allow for complete control and consistency in the diet, at any age. This is very beneficial during poor hay crop years or during limited hay supply.

When horses have compromised

November 2022 | TAILINGS | 7
“The core of Stable Mix™ products start with hay, the very base of any forage-first diet.”

dentition, senior or young horses shedding caps, a complete feed can be very beneficial. Painful teeth, like impacted caps, can lead to weight loss from the horse not consuming enough food due to pain. When young horses are in a growing phase, they need all the nutrition they can get. Compromised dentition also mean that the horse is not chewing their hay very well. This is dangerous in a few ways. When hay is not chewed well, this can lead to impaction colic in some cases, as well as general poor utilization of the nutrition in the feed.

Other ways a complete feed can be beneficial is with clinical conditions like recovery from surgery, Fecal Water Syndrome, IBD, metabolic issues, and in refeeding cases. Long stem forage can irritate sensitive or inflamed linings of the gastrointestinal tract. The small particle size of complete pelleted feeds can get the horse the nutrition they need, while being gentle on the digestive system so that their body can work on healing soft tissues. Metabolic conditions can be difficult to work with when buying large supplies of safe, tested hay is just not realistic. Starved or rescue horses often have compromised gastrointestinal functions and utilizing a gentle complete feed can help them recover when fed safely and as directed.


Stable Mix™ complete feeds, manufactured by Elk Grove Milling, Inc. have a formula for every life stage of the horse. Not only is this advantageous for barns with several horses that have various needs, but it also helps the single horse owner know their horse’s nutritional needs are met from the very start, for their lifetime.

The Stable Mix™ Family of Complete Feeds include:

• GetGo – for foals (not to be fed alongside alfalfa)

• Stable Mix™ Futurity – for developing horses in training (contains oats)

• Stable Mix™ – for adult/mature maintenance

8 | TAILINGS | November 2022
| Equine Nutrition |
Dave Soto of Stable Mix Fields.

• Stable Mix™ Senior – for mature maintenance (contains beet pulp)

• Sport Horse Mix – for moderate working horses (contains Cool Stance Copra)

• Stable Mix™ Lite – for dietary management (low NSC, Teff hay base)

The core of Stable Mix™ products start with hay, the very base of any forage-first diet. In addition to hay, Stable Mix™ feeds have super fibers like almond hulls or beet pulp, quality protein sources from soybean meal, added fat

from rice bran, additional salt, and performance minerals from Zinpro. The blend of Zinpro minerals, Zinc, Manganese, and Copper, supports immune function, hoof & coat quality, bone and joint development and integrity, and so much more. Stable Mix™ feeds also contain full spectrum coverage from Alltech solutions with prebiotics, probiotics, postbiotics, and yeast. The recent addition of Chromium from Kemin Equine to Stable Mix™ feeds assists with better utilization of glucose.

Stable Mix™ feeds are continuously reviewed by third party nutritionists

for accuracy and staying updated with new discoveries in the field of equine nutrition. Elk Grove Milling, Inc. is also home to Agriculture Analytical, Inc. with the newest NIR technology from Foss Analytics. This feed analyzer is used to monitor incoming raw materials, check mixes, and verify finished product meets Guaranteed Analysis.

Elk Grove Milling, Inc. has been in business since 1982, promoting complete feeds that align with their mantra “For Healthier, Happier Horses.” Check them out on Facebook at https://www. or find Stable Mix™ near you at http:// If you are curious or have questions about their line of feeds, reach out to their customer service at (916) 684-2056 or customerservice@

Lindsey Close has been with Elk Grove Milling, Inc. for over 8 years and is currently the Operations Manager. She is a Professional Animal Scientist and runs Close Equine Nutrition Consulting, a private consulting service, as a Legacy Certified Equine Nutrition Advisor. CloseEquineNutritionConsulting

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Photo credit to Elk Grove Milling


Spur Happenings |

November 9-12

AHA National Convention Sheraton Myrtle Beach Myrtle Beach, SC

November 16

MLAHA Board Meeting @ 6 pm

El Agave Taqueria Auburn, CA

December 6

MLAHA Holiday Party Max’s Restaurant Auburn, CA

Editor’s Pick

December 1-4

Equus Film and Arts Festival MEC/Downtown Locations Sacramento, CA


January 18

MLAHA Board Meeting @ 6 pm

El Agave Taqueria Auburn, CA

Featured Pick

February 16-26

Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show Westworld Scottsdale, AZ

March TBA

MLAHA Board Meeting @ 6 pm

El Agave Taqueria Auburn, CA

Club Event

March 19 44th Annual MLHA Fuzzy Wuzzy Open Schooling Show

Triple Crown Equestrian Center Lincoln, CA

April TBA AHANC/Pacific Slope Championship Murieta Equestrian Center Rancho Murieta, CA

10 | TAILINGS | November 2022

April 1-3

Golden Gate AHA 66th Annual Horse Show

Pleasanton Fairgrounds Pleasanton, CA


Diablo Arabian Horse Association

Spring Horse Show

Brookside Equestrian Center Elk Grove, CA

June TBA

Region 3 Sport Horse Championships

Brookside Equestrian Center Elk Grove, CA

July 19

MLAHA Board Meeting @ 6 pm

El Agave Taqueria Auburn, CA

August TBA

AHA Region 3 Championships Location TBA September 20

MLAHA Board Meeting @ 6 pm

El Agave Taqueria Auburn, CA

Do you know of an upcoming horse related event not listed here? Email to add it to the list!

November 2022 | TAILINGS | 11

Baby It’s ColdOutside!

When the weather changes, unfortunately many horses experience episodes of colic.


Colic is a broad term for abdominal pain; there can be many causes including non-intestinal pain (ovary/ uterus, liver, kidney, etc). Intestinal colic can be due to many things, such as: excess gas in the intestines, impaction (like being constipated- can also be sand), obstructed (enterolith-stone in the colon), or twisted intestine.


Some of the more common signs of colic are: laying down, rolling, pawing at the ground, looking at the sides, not eating, and phlegmon response (lip in the air). CALL YOUR VET if you see these signs.


1. Monitor for signs of colic about every 1-2 hours if possible: laying down, rolling, pawing at the ground, looking at the sides, not eating, and phlegmon response (lip in the air). CALL YOUR VET if you see these signs.

2. Walk every 1-2 hours or what is reasonable. Walk for 10-15 minutes, this helps the gastrointestinal tract move food along and alleviate pain.

3. Monitor for the passage of feces. If your horse was given oral laxatives via nasogastric tube, you should expect to see the oil pass in 24 hours on the feces. Oil in the feces looks very glistening.

4. Feeding: It is best to allow as much fresh grass as possible. Some vets prefer only non-bulky feeds like bran mashes, or mashes of grain and water (one to one ratio). Adding salt to any bran mash is good to promote more water consumption. It is helpful to know how much your horse drinks, eats, and defecates; therefore it is best to keep your horse separated from other horses.

5. Timing is everything! In the field we can manage colic medically by giving medications to control pain. If the medications we give do not control pain for 12 hours it is always necessary to consider referral to a surgical or 24 hour care facility.


Each colic is a unique event, and you should balance the factors involved in your specific horse’s care, feeding and activity.

1. Feed electrolytes. Feeding electrolytes are helpful to increase water consumption, and therefore keep your horse hydrated.

12 | TAILINGS | November 2022
| Winterizing Your Horse |
Dr. Kelli Torrisi

2. Feed a consistent diet. Reduce the amount of pelleted feed in the diet if possible for your horse. This may not be appropriate for those that need to be on an all pelleted diet. Most horses need the roughage for proper gastrointestinal function and health. Make all diet changes slowly over the course of two weeks. It takes two weeks for the microbiome of the intestines to adjust to new feeds.

3. Make sure water is accessible at all times, fresh and clean and not frozen. Horses usually prefer to drink out of buckets rather than automatic waterers because they can drink more quickly larger volumes.

4. Keep warm/ blanket/ housing. Having horses out of the extreme weather is helpful to manage their body temperature and therefore their desire to consume feed and water appropriately.

5. Avoid feeding in sandy areas, if it is unavoidable,then it is advised to feed sand clearing supplements. Alternatively using feed tubs or hay racks or feeding on mats are ways to avoid sand ingestion.

6. Allow access to pasture, movement and constant

grazing is helpful for a healthy gastrointestinal tract.

7. Make sure your horse is current on a dental exam and floating, also ensure their deworming schedule is up to date with a fecal parasite screening.

8. Be a proactive owner! Monitor your own horse’s fecal production and how much they eat every day, notice off behaviors.

Dr. Kelly Torrisi provides excellent quality of care for horses and clients in the Auburn area foothills at Auburn Equine. She completed her Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) from Washington State University in 2007. She enjoys horseback riding, crochet, and ballroom dancing with her husband. She can be reached at

November 2022 | TAILINGS | 13

Events |

Equus Film Coming to Sacramento Festival

The 10th Annual Equus Film and Arts Fest is coming to Sacramento!

Partnering with local Mustang trainer and the Ranch Manager at the Rio Cosumnes Correctional Center, Wild Horse Program, JP Dyal. This year’s Fest will be an educational and fun filled “Mustang Focused” event. With tours and parties planned at local Napa and Sonoma area wineries. The EQUUS “Literary Corral” will be headed up by California based Children’s book EQUUS Author Rae Rankin who will bring her creativity and passion to the event.

The Sacramento area has a large and very active equestrian community with every discipline represented! From Horse Racing to Reining, and Eventing to Polo we will be bringing the 2022 Film, Art & Literary entries to this amazing and diverse equestrian community. We will be joined by “Lead Change”, 2022 EQUUS Film Entry, Polo Documentary star, Dale Johnson. Others who will be attending include Mustang Discovery Ride, “Guest Mustang Rider”, Neda DeMayo, Executive Director of Return to Freedom Mustang Sanctuary. Nathan Horrocks, from UK based Equine Productions and the master of the horse racing “Helmet Cam” will host a Horse Racing Photography lecture. Other guest are joining the event daily.

The guest speakers and clinicians list is growing. We will also be hosting Panels from “The Mustangs” to “Equine Authors and Artist”. Filmmakers from around the world will be visiting!

Anna Blake, Colorado based founder of “Relaxed & Forward Training”, and equine author, will be a special guest. Bruce Anderson with his “Natural Humanship” program will be joining us again.

There will be a focus and conversation on the effects of “Climate Change” in the horse world. The weather has played an important, and sometimes difficult, part of the Mustang Discovery Ride Project as they are moving across the country, from the bitter cold and icy snow in West Virginia to the 107’ temps in Kansas.

Kicking off with the festival is VIP Gala Fundraiser and a screening of Robert Redford’s Executive Produced Documentary, “The Mustangs: America’s Wild Horses on Thursday, December 1. A Q&A session with the film’s director, Steve Latham, a sneak peek into the upcoming documentary on the Mustang Discover Ride and more will round out the Gala.

Friday through Sunday, December 2-4 will feature equestrian demonstrations, panels, film screenings, author and artist gatherings at Murieta Equestrian Center, Murieta Inn and Spa, and the Guild Theater in downtown Sacramento. Demonstrations and author and artist pop-ups at MEC are open to the public at no charge. Panel events, film screenings, the Gala and Winnie Awards tickets are on sale now at https://

The weekend will cap off at the Winnie Awards celebration at The Gate at Murieta Inn and Spa. A full schedule of events will be posted soon, but you can check out the general schedule here!

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| Local

November 28 or 29

Mustang Discovery Ride Ends | Point Reyes Beach

Thursday, December 1

6-9 pm Film Screening “The Mustangs: America’s Wild Horses” and Steve Latham Mustang Panel | Guild Theater, Sacramento

Friday, December 2

11 am - 5 pm Equus Film & Arts Fest Pop-up Galleries, Panels, and Equine Demos, “Mustang Summit” Panels and Mustang Demos | Murieta Equestrian Center

7 pm - 10 pm Herd Gathering and Wine Tasting | Ranch Murieta Inn & Spa, Rancho Murieta

Saturday, December 3

10 am - 11:45 am Wild Horse Fire Brigade Presentation and Panel | Guild Theater

11 am - 5 pm Equus Film & Arts Fest Pop-up Galleries, Panels, and Equine Demos, “Mustang Summit” Panels and Mustang Demos | Murieta Equestrian Center

12 pm - 3 pm Meet the Mustangs | McClatchy Park, Sacramento

12 pm - 10 pm Equus Film Festival | Guild Theater, Sacramento

Sunday, December 4

11 am - 4 pm Equus Film & Arts Fest Pop-up Galler ies, Panels, and Equine Demos, “Mustang Summit” Panels and Mustang Demos | Murieta Equestrian Center

2 pm - 6 pm Film Screenings | Murieta Inn & Spa

7 pm - 9 pm Winnie Awards

*Subject to change. Complete schedule coming soon.

November 2022 | TAILINGS | 15

Frequent Rider Program

The Arabian Horse Association’s Frequent Rider Program (FRP) rewards riders for every hour that they spend riding or driving an Arabian or Half-Arabian/ Anglo-Arabian horse in non-competitive activities. AHA is committed to recognizing and rewarding the riders who work with and enjoy Arabian and HalfArabian/Anglo-Arabian horses—in all types of noncompetitive riding and driving.

The best part of the FRP is that the type of riding doesn’t matter, as long as it is non-competitive. Whether members use an Arabian or Half-Arabian/ Anglo-Arabian horse to trail ride, do ranch work, participate in parades, take riding lessons, train under saddle or just ride or drive for pleasure, they now can be recognized and rewarded for what they love most.

Riders who would like to compete in the FRP must fill out the Incentive Program Sign-Up Form and pay a one-time $25 processing fee to join.

Program participants are defined as an individual rider, not a specific horse and rider combination. This means that as a rider, members may ride any number of horses, regardless of whether they own them or not, as long as they are all Arabians or Half-Arabian/

Anglo-Arabians registered with AHA.

The FRP will recognize any activity with a registered Arabian or Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian horse, as long as the participant is riding the horse. Some examples are trail riding, parades, riding lessons, training under saddle, demonstrations, pleasure riding, pleasure driving, and ranch work. Hours that do not count are any non-riding activities that might include groundwork, feeding, cleaning stalls, tacking up, trailering, and veterinary care.

Some examples of awards* you can receive:

• 25 hours: 25-hour lapel pin.

• 100 hours: 100-hour lapel pin and AHA T-shirt.

• 250 hours: 25-hour lapel pin and AHA hat.

The FRP Program also honors the highest number of hours in a year. In 2021, Thomas L. Snyder of Elizabeth, KY won the high hour award with his purebred Arabian mare MSU Sheyenne logging 586 hours!

*The awards for the program are subject to change, contact AHA for complete details!

16 | TAILINGS | November 2022
| AHA Programs|
Arabian Horse Association

We’ve made BIG changes to our newsletter! We welcome writing and photo submissions from freelance writers, photographers, artists, and cartoonists using our freelancer submission guidelines.

Call for Submissions

Here’s a few things we are looking for:

• Horse Care

• Horse Related Activities

• Horse Related Gifts

• Showing

• Trail Riding, Area Trail Reviews

• Education

• Horse Shows, Clinics, Expos

• Horse cartoons

• Cover Photos (must be high resolution)

Issue Schedule

January 2023: Training, Liberty, Tips

March 2023: Show Season, Fuzzy Wuzzy

May 2023: Meet an Arabian Horse Month, Kids Issue

July 2023: Beat the Heat

September 2023: On the Trail

November 2023: Winter Care, Gift Guide

Guidelines can be found at

November 2022 | TAILINGS | 17
A-Rated AVS Qualifier Gate Prizes Sponsorship Opportunities + Prize Money! Judge: Skylar Powell BACK IN BEAUTIFUL PLEASANTON 6 6 T H A N N U A L G O L D E N G A T E H O R S E S H O W PLEASANTON EQUESTRIAN CENTER 4501 PLEASANTON AVE PLEASANTON, CA 94566 April 1-2, 2023
18 | TAILINGS | November 2022
November 2022 | TAILINGS | 19 Classical and Western Dressage, Trail Riding, Western Pleasure, Sport Horse Under Saddle, Private Riding Lessons, Horsemanship, and Horse Training All Breeds Welcome Call us today to book a lesson! 818-326-5452 Valerie Baker, Trainer El Dorado Hills Rescue Placerville
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November 2022 | TAILINGS | 21
22 | TAILINGS | November 2022
Jean Zabriske Gerry Alexander Char’s Suds and More
November 2022 | TAILINGS | 23

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