Rhet 101

Page 26

26 called invasion after World war II, maybe because the Jews and the Americans who fight for the world suffered too much so they want Arabs to feel the pain they had fell??? Why Arabs specifically, why should they be abused in the whole world in their beliefs, religions and race? Why terrorism defines the Arab people? Even the media is against them. Is that because the majority of them are weak countries and don’t have a nuclear weapon or a powerful hands to defend themselves? Where are all those who are called the peace advocators in the United Nations to save innocent children from death because of the unspeakable atrocities violation that Israel and the US had reached?? In an article called Nazi Israel…Indeed the writer is making a comparison between the past and the present, and the similarities between Hitler and his Nazi system and the Israel invasion now in Palestine (The article is totally unbiased since its talking about Richard Falk the American professor of international law at Princeton University who went to visit Gaza and was detained at the airport). He started by mentioning how Germany was invading many neighbor countries and ruling them, and how Israel is totally invaded its neighbor countries like Palestine, Syria, Jordon and Egypt and also it have a great impact on the invasion of other countries. Let’s stick with this point, does this means that Israel is trying to repeat the past trying to vanish the middle east and devoted it for its own sake by fighting and extend its colonies and prepare for another world war to rule the world like the Nazis did?? Or because after the Jews had taken their rights and they have now the right to live and express their opinion freely and Israel became on of the developed countries in the region and in the whole world, it’s now afraid since it’s between the middle east which is all about Arab countries, so to secure itself, it attacks neighbor countries to terrify them with its power?? Or because of their


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