Fall 2012 Cupola - Archives

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Class Notes Island Photography, courtesy of Friends Academy



Dance! This was the message humorously shared by Geoff Nelson ’01, when asked to give the graduation speech at Friends Academy on Long Island this spring. Geoff is on the faculty there. Geoff recalled his own MB graduation and how his Aunt Susan chose to compare his Moses Brown graduation and future post-graduate life to dancing (borrowed from the Lee Ann Womack song). Geoff shared a wonderful commencement speech with his graduating students, recalling how his aunt so loved “I Hope You Dance” and its advice

Jeb Barrett and Nick Jezienicki ’00 attended a

that she wrote the entire lyrics on his MB graduation card. The senior class at Friends nominates speakers from among their teachers and then votes their choice. Geoff was voted to deliver the com-

fundraiser event for Minds Matter of San Francisco which helps high school students from low-income families gain admission into leading colleges.

mencement address by his students.

1993 Danielle Dupont Wyant and her husband Ray welcomed their first child, a son, Benjamin, last November.

1997 Wiley Cerilli ’98 married Allison Mahoney last fall.



Corina St. Jean Durney ’01, now in D.C., attended MB’s April reception there.

Here’s looking at you! Stephanie Ogidan Preston ’97


recently concluded eight years

Class Correspondent

of service to Moses Brown on

Jason Engle writes, “Jess,

Jason Engle

the MB Alumni Association,

Caroline and I welcomed baby

12 Marsden Court

including serving as clerk from

Emily Ann on May 4 at 2:42

Seekonk, MA 02771

2007-2012. Stephanie is now

a.m. Our oldest, Caroline, loves


COO of Matchbox, Inc. in

her new sister!”


Boston, a college admission service company.

Ann Shelly Leffers lives in

1999 Timothy Hurley writes, “My hockey team was able to pick up some ice time at the Staples Center before an LA Kings game back in November. I thought you might appreciate the ‘nod’ to MB on California ice! Brent McCormick was also in attendance. Hope you are

While living in New York City,

Miami and is a cardiac cath-

Wiley Cerilli happened upon

eter lab nurse at Mt. Sinai

MB’s March 2012 alumni event

Hospital and Medical Center

in Seattle. He was in town

in Miami Beach. She recently

on business and saw the MB

volunteered in the Dominican

Class Correspondent

banner outside the event.

Republic on a one-week medi-

Cara Camacho

As a result he was able to

cal mission with her father;

Natasha Agudelo Ramirez’s

band after living in Colorado

401 13th St. NE, Apt. 105

catch up with Head of Middle

she hopes to return this year.

oldest son, Ismael, graduated

for seven years. They are both

Washington, DC 20002-6316

School Jared Schott and other

Annie also has a rescue dog,

from eighth grade at MB in

psychotherapists and practic-


MB staff and alumni. Con-

whom she loves dearly, and is


ing at local agencies.


gratulations also to Wiley who

passionate about animal rights




doing well!” Reach Tim at tjnh@peak-5.com.

Calyn Gray Acebes moved back to Rhode Island with her hus-

recently sold his company,

(specifically no-kill animal

Mark Viana has launched a

SinglePlatform, to Constant

shelters). Still a devoted Bos-

practice in Boston with empha-

Contact, and was featured in

ton/New England sports fan,

Kirstin McCarthy

Elspeth Morrison Beauchamp is

sis on commercial law, bank-

Forbes magazine this year in

Ann welcomes any MB family

736 Girard Street NW

now a postdoc at the Robert H.

ruptcy, and immigration. Mark

an article entitled, “Meet the

in the South Florida area to

Washington, DC 20001-3821

Lurie Comprehensive Cancer

joined many classmates for his

Sales Machine Quietly Con-

contact her at aleffers@gmail.


Center of Northwestern Uni-

15th reunion this May.

quering the Local Web.”



versity in Chicago.


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