November 14th, 2016

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MonDAY • noveMber 14• 2016

DIMAPUR • Vol. XI • Issue 313 • 12 PAGes • 5

T H e

ESTD. 2005

P o W e R

Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do Colombia tries again for peace with sides signing new accord


By Sandemo Ngullie


emotional Modi seeks 50 days to streamline currency spike New ` 500 notes released, withdrawal limits hiked

The Morung Express Poll QuEsTion

Vote on sMs your answer to 9862574165 Do you think that demonetization of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 will serve only as a shortterm measure in rooting out black money? Why? Yes



Do you think there should be simultaneous elections for the state assemblies and the parliament? Why? Yes






Details on page 7

Public Information

All press statements, memorandums, articles, reports and news related documents should be sent to the official email address:

Press releases will be accepted only till 8:00 pm Editor, The Morung Express

A woman holds 20 indian rupees banknotes after exchanging them with old high denomination banknotes at a bank in Allahabad, india, november 13. (REUTERS)

Panaji, november 13 (ianS): Even as lakhs across India queue up outside ATMs and banks for a fourth day to surrender demonetised currency and withdraw cash, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday made an impassioned plea to the nation to give him 50 days to weed out ill-gotten wealth in India. Modi, who broke down during his speech in Goa, also said that his dramatic decision to demonetise 500 and 1,000 rupee notes had placed him in the cross-hairs of vested interests, but vowed to end black money and corruption with more projects. “I know what kind of powers I have taken on. I know the kind of people who will be against me now. I am looting what they had accumulated over 70 years,” Modi said in his speech at the Shama Prasad Mukherjee


WeLLinGTon, november 13 (reUTerS): An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck central New Zealand just after midnight (1102 GMT Sunday), the U.S. Geological Survey said, generating a tsunami that hit the northeast coast of the South Island. New Zealand’s Civil Defence warned residents along the country’s entire east coast to seek higher ground. Anna Kaiser, a seismologist at GNS Science said a tidal signal or surge of up to one metre (3 feet) had been recorded in North Canterbury region of the South Island. “That’s reasonably significant so people should take this seriously,” she told Radio New Zealand. The quake was centered 91 km (57 miles) north-northeast of Christchurch, the biggest city on New Zealand’s South Island. A 6.3 quake there in February 2011 killed 185 people and caused widespread damage. The tremor, which was measured by New Zealand’s Geonet at magnitude 6.6, was felt throughout most of New Zealand. Civil Defence said it was too early to assess the damage or whether there had been any injuries or deaths. “The whole house rolled like a serpent and some things smashed, the power went out,” a woman who gave her name as Elizabeth told Radio New Zealand from her home in Takaka, near the top of the South Island. Residents in Wellington said glass had fallen from buildings into the streets.

indoor stadium in Bambolim village near Panaji. During his three-hour stay in Goa, the Prime Minister digitally laid the foundation for two major projects, including a greenfield civilian airport. “They will not leave me alive. They will destroy me. Let them do what they want. (For) 50 days, help me. The country should just help me for 50 days,” Modi said, adding that the same vested interests were now fuelling panic by spreading rumours about salt shortage. “This is not the end. This is not a full stop. I am openly saying, this is not a full stop... There are other projects in my mind to stop dishonesty and corruption in the country. These projects are coming... I am doing this for the poor, honest people for those who are working hard

neW DeLhi, november 13 (aGenCieS): The Union Finance Ministry on Sunday advised banks to increase cash withdrawal limit at ATMs from the existing Rs. 2,000 to Rs 2,500 per day in the recalibrated ATMs and to increase the exchange limit over the counter from the existing Rs 4,000 to Rs. 4,500. To augment cash supplies, newly printed hard-to-fake Rs 500 notes were also released in market. The ministry further advised the banks to increase the Business Correspondents limit to Rs 2,500 for withdrawal from bank accounts and also the weekly limit of Rs 20,000 for withdrawal from accounts has been increased to Rs 24,000, removing the limit of Rs 10,000.

to survive,” Modi added in his hour-long speech. At one time, he halted for a few seconds to check his emotions while saying he had sacrificed his home and family for the sake of the country. The Prime Minister, addressing his first public function in the country after the dramatic demonetisation announcement of November 8, said his decision was a “secret operation” for nearly 10 months and a part of a series of “doses” he was administering to cure the economic system. Modi said people should not have been surprised with the demonetisation decision as he had been vocal and frank about his campaign against black money and corruption in the run up to the 2014 polls. His government had taken several steps to rein

in black money early on, including setting up a Supreme Courtmonitored special investigation team to probe the issue, launching a voluntary disclosure of income scheme and bringing jewellery purchase into the tax net. “Did you not ask me to work against black money? If you had asked me to do it, should I have done it or not? You tell me, if you had asked me, then you would have imagined that there would be some inconvenience,” Modi said. The PM also said that criticism would not deter him from his objective of reining in black money and pursuit of inclusive development. Modi further thanked bank officials for putting in herculean efforts to implement his demonetisation plan, but slammed the critics of the dramatic move.

Banks to remain closed today

• RBI yet to respond to request of Rs 300 Cr for Nagaland • Number of functional ATMs in state increases Morung Express news Dimapur | November 13

The cash madness continued for the fourth day into the new financial paradigm created by the Government of India’s demonetization move, which kicked off on November 9. Along with the rest of the country, people in Nagaland thronged ATMs and banks to either withdraw cash or deposit their old currencies. As reported earlier, there is a dearth of Rs 100 notes in the state and the new Rs 2000 note has proved to be of not much help, as most retailers refuse to provide change for the new note. A request letter for Rs 300 Crores of lower denomination for Nagaland state was sent to the RBI on November 11. However, there has been no response from the RBI till date. Assistant General Manager, Regional Office, SBI, Thangboi Lunkim today informed The Morung Express that the RBI would be intimated again on the request made by the state. However, he stated that Monday being Guru Nanak Jayanti, is a national holiday, and banking establishments, including the RBI will be closed. Lunkim said that the RBI would be reminded of the earlier request on Tuesday. He expressed hope that

the RBI would provide consent to the request, given that the amount is not more than the frequent supplies of cash provided by the RBI to the state. Meanwhile, he informed that the number of ATMs now open for cash dispensation has now increased significantly. With the Finance Ministry revealing that it would take around 3 weeks for all ATMs to be recalibrated, Lunkim assured that the SBI staff in the state are working with ATM vendors to ensure that all the ATMs are functional at the earliest possible time. He further stated that recalibration of ATMs is a complicated process, involving configuration of ATM cassettes, software reconfiguration, link issues, proper tallying and availability of enough engineers from the ATM vendors.

All stakeholders must unite

Lunkim meanwhile asked for all stakeholders, including all other private and public sector banks, to unite and contribute towards addressing the current situation. “SBI alone is not responsible for cash transactions; all stakeholders need to contribute,” he appealed. While all banks in the state have had customers rushing to them, the lines are by far the longest in SBI branches. He further expressed gratitude to the customers in the state, for their cooperation and patience under the present circumstances and assured that SBI staff are working hard to meet the needs of the people.

NSLSA conducts statewide Lok Adalat ‘Himalayas should be centre of all climate talks’

223 cases amountTsunami hits New ing to over Rs. 2.25 Zealand after series crore settled

of strong quakes

— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


This is no surgical master stroke! This is C-section.

T R u T H

Defiant Kohli denies England win in opening India test

LK Achumi: An important life lesson


o F

Kohima, november 13 (mexn): The Nagaland State Legal services Authority, under the Department of Justice & Law, observed the National Lok Adalat (People’s Court) across the State on Sunday. The District Legal Services Authorities in ten District headquarters carried out the Lok Adalat proceedings comprising of presiding judges and conciliators for quick and inexpensive settlement of disputes and cases, reducing the backlog existing in the justice delivery system. According to a press release, a total of 428 cases were taken up for settlement before the National

Lok Adalat, among which 223 cases, mostly pre-litigating cases were settled on the same day. The total settlement amount involved in the disposed cases amounted to Rs. 2,25,77,032. The settlement amount mostly involves bank recovery cases, consumer cases, fines in traffic related offences and other cases. The Lok Adalat sittings and proceedings were carried out at the District Court buildings and also at suitable places arranged accordingly for convenience. In some cases, the proceedings were conducted in local dialects for the illiterates. Mobile Lok Adalat was also organised for Traffic challan matters and traffic related offences in some districts. The District & Sessions Judge, Chief Judicial Magistrate and Civil Judges

were the Presiding Judge/ Officers assisted by conciliators appointed among the district administration, officials from municipal, police personnel, panel lawyers, retainer lawyers, legal aid counsels, social workers, and para legal volunteers. Lok Adalat, or the People’s Court, is held for speedy and amicable settlement of cases based on the concept of conciliated settlement of disputes. There is no further appeal once the matter is settled in Lok Adalat. Both the Parties negotiate for settlement and resolve their cases on the spot and on immediate basis. The system of Lok Adalat minimizes litigation expenditure and there is no court fee in Lok Adalat. The parties can get their disputes settled fast and free of cost.

neW DeLhi, november 13 (ianS): Renewable energy, plus the efficient use of energy, can reduce the devastating impact of climate change and the Himalayan region should be at the centre of all green negotiations as the hill people contribute the least to global warming but suffer the most, a leading international expert has said. “We know that burning oil and coal is a big culprit. Renewable energy, plus efficient use of energy, has a lot of scope to reduce the problem, but we have to get more serious about it than we are now,” David James Molden, the head of the Kathmandu-based ICIMOD, told IANS in an email exchange as the 22nd meeting of the UN Framework Convention on Cli-

mate Change begins going into its business end at Marrakech, Morocco. “Yes, all of us need to do everything we can to take mitigation measures against climate change.” The ICIMOD (International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development) is implementing the Climate Smart Village programme under the Himalayan Climate Change Adaption Programme. Advocating strong global action to counter the devastating impact of climate change on natural water resources, especially in the Hindu Kush Himalayan region that is home to 210 million people, he urged the global leaders to support adaptation measures in the mountains. “Mountain people contribute very little to the

causes of climate change, yet they bear the brunt of the change. It’s the responsibility of the global community to recognise this situation, and provide support to the people of the Hindu Kush Himalaya,” he said. Molden’s assertions are crucial in the context of Republican Donald Trump’s victory in the US presidential election in what is being seen as a big setback for renewable energy sources that have been promoted by the outgoing Barack Obama administration. Molden believed water to be considered as a main climate change challenge at Marrakech. “For adaptation, water is key. Climate change manifests itself in the mountains through increasing temperatures and changing precipitation patterns. These factors lead

to changes in ecosystems, farming systems and river systems.” “As glaciers melt, as snowfall patterns change, people will have to adapt to a different hydrology of water and river systems. Moreover, it is likely that hazards from floods and droughts will increase as well. So, better management of water is central to any adaptation response in the mountains,” Molden said. The Hindu Kush Himalayas are the source of 10 major river basins, providing water to over 1.3 billion people -- more than the entire continent of Europe -- many of whom live in areas where water scarcity is already a concern. Add to this the prospect of changing river flows and more floods and droughts.

Keep a check on diabetes to avoid visual impairments

neW DeLhi, november 13 (ianS): Diabetes, if not checked in time, may lead to serious eye problems that may even lead to blindness in later life, health experts have warned. High blood sugar from diabetes is associated with damage to the tiny blood vessels in the retina, which leads to diabetic retinopathy. “Diabetes mellitus causes blindness by many mechanisms such as retinopathy, cataract formation (whitening of the lens of the eye), glaucoma (elevated eye pressure) and eye blood vessel blockage,” Md. Ashraf Ganie, Associate Professor, Endocrinology and Metabolism, AIIMS, New Delhi, told IANS. The serious eye problems caused by diabetes may show no symptoms or mild vision problems, but eventually it may cause blindness,” he added.

“People with a long duration of uncontrolled diabetes are prone to retinal damage, which may cause either PDR (Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy), CSME (Clinically Significant Macular Edema -- the build-up of fluid in the macula, the vision area at the

more dependent on duration and control of diabetes,” said Ritesh Narula, Consultant, Retina and Uvea services, Centre for Sight. Diabetic retinopathy is an ocular manifestation of diabetes, a systemic disease that affects up to 80 per cent

noveMber 14 is World diabetes day centre of the retina) or Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy. It can further lead to retinal thickness, retinal detachment and blindness,” Mihir Raut, Physician and Tutor Diabetology at Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital, Mumbai, told IANS. “Diabetic retinopathy includes swelling in the macula. It can affect either of the genders. Risk increases with increasing age, though it is

of all patients who have had diabetes for 10 years or more. Most of the diabetic patients are advised to have their eyes checked by an eye specialist on a regular basis. “The symptoms come in an advanced stage of diabetic retinopathy when one starts experiencing blurring of vision which cannot be corrected by glasses or sudden loss of vision,” Neeraj Sanduja, Senior

Members can ask questions Consultant, Opthalmology, in NLA, says NPF Chief Whip Fortis Memorial Research Institute here said. Apart from eye problems, uncontrolled diabetes can lead to heart problems, stroke, genitourinary problems, nerve damage, foot problems, skin diseases, sexual problems and depression. Sometimes people with diabetes don’t realise that they have the disease until they begin to have other health problems like heart disease, eye complications, kidney disease, nerve damage, foot problems, skin complications, dental disease, erectile dysfunction and the like,” Mudit Sabharwal, Consultant Endocrinologist at Pushpawati Singhania Research Institute (PSRI) here, told IANS. Laser treatment is usually very effective while surgical removal of the vitreous gel (vitrectomy) may also help in improving vision.

Kohima, november 13 (nePS): With the two-day Nagaland Legislative Assembly session to start next week, Minister for Parliamentary Affairs and Social Welfare, Kiyanilie Peseyie has stated that every member on the floor of assembly can ask questions during the Question Hour. Talking to NEPS here, the Minister, who is also Chief Whip of NPF Legislature Party, Nagaland, has agreed to the “importance of Question Hour” saying that it had significance in the proceedings of assembly. Denying that members during the NLA sessions were not allowed to ask any questions during Question Hour, Peseyie, who himself served as Speaker of the NLA for two terms from 2003 to 2013, said it was wrong. “The first hour of a sitting of assembly is devoted to questions and that hour is called Question Hour,” he stated. “It is the same

rule everywhere in the country.” Askingofquestionsisan“inherent and unfettered parliamentary right of members,” Peseyie said. He, however, clarified that if the members in the Assembly did not want to ask any questions, they cannot be forced to ask. With regard to party whip in the assembly, the Minister said he, as Chief Whip of NPF Legislature Party, Nagaland, could issue a whip to their MLAs only and it was not applicable to other MLAs belonging to BJP or independent legislators. He said issuing a whip was to ensure discipline of their party members to stick to the party’s stand on certain issues and directing them to vote as per direction of their party Chief Whip. “But non-NPF legislators are not bound by my whip on the floor because I am not their partie’s whip,” he pointed out. “They (non-NPF legislators) can still ask questions,” he said.


MonDAY 14•11•2016



LK Achumi: An important life lesson Y Merina Chishi

Dimapur | November 13

“Those who work to help others enjoy a glorious life” is Luhevi K. Achumi’s motto in life. This former District and Session Judge and an avid social worker has lived by this motto throughout his life. His exemplary life has won him several prestigious awards including the “Best Social Worker” from the Authority of Academy of Universal Global Peace, Bangalore, and was conferred a PhD in Social Work from the internationally acclaimed organisation World Peace, UN and USA, and American University, in July this year- an honour previously bestowed on the late Dr. Hokishe Sema and Dr. SC Jamir. Achumi’s career as a lawyer and social advocate spanning over four decades is filled with achievements that few people

have to their credit. He has framed Constitutions for some of the most prominent civil organisations and churches; settled intertribe disputes and has been a socially active member of several organisations. Achumi was born on January 1, 1950 at Keltomi village in Zunheboto district. He was one of the first educated persons from his village. After completing his school education from Government High School Zunheboto, he graduated from St. Edmund’s College, Shillong, and went on to pursue law studies from Bombay University. According to Achumi, he “tricked” his parents to go to Bombay because money was scarce but he was determined to fight the odds to study. He started his law career in 1975 as an Advocate in the Guwahati High Court. He rose to the rank of a District and Session

Luhevi K. Achumi, former District and Session Judge.

Judge and retired in 2010. During his career as the first District and Session Judge in Nagaland, Achumi was also Chairman, Nagaland Human Rights Com-

mittee and Special Judge, Anti-corruption Act, NDBS Act and the CBI. But it is his time, resources and skills which he took beyond the court-

room that distinguishes him from other lawyers. Being one of the first law graduates among the Sumi tribe, Achumi framed the constitution and pay rules of the Sumi Baptist Church Association, Aizuto and frontal Sumi organisations like the Sumi Hoho, Sumi Totimi Hoho, Sumi Students’ Union and Kukami (GB) Association. He was also member of the drafting committee, Nagaland Missionary Movement and Property Committee, NBCC. It was during his tenure as ADC Judicial that he helped NBCC acquire land for setting up Christian Higher Secondary School, Dimapur. He also rendered his legal expertise in framing the NSCN “Yezabo”. Achumi is also competent with the Naga customary laws and is known for his good administrative skills. He was awarded a Governor’s commenda-

tion certificate for his role in preventing inter-tribe dispute in Mokokchung in the late nineties. He has contributed and assisted the government in many other legal and social development issues. He has also been an activist for indigenous peoples’ rights. In his endless pursuit to contribute socially, Achumi and his family set up a school adjacent to his house in Purana Bazar. This way, he says, he is able to help produce “a few good citizens.” In a career spanning over four decades, Achumi defies the stereotype lawyer image and his contributions remains notable. He has firm belief that any selfless deed will never go waste. Achumi urges the new generation to do the same. “We must try to enrich the society through our profession. Everyone is good at something,” he says.

Annual Classification Firing in Kiphire Kiphire, November 13 (mexN): DEF Kiphire will be conducting the Annual Classification Firing at the 14 NAP (IR) Bn firing range in Okhezung from November 16 - 18. Superintendent of Police, Kiphire in a press release has informed villages and habitations in the immediate vicinity of the 14 NAP (IR) Bn about the firing schedule to effectively prevent any unwarranted panic and needless apprehension amongst the general public. The general public and the villagers have been informed and requested to avoid venturing or going near the firing range/ surrounding area to carry out their activities during the firing period. They were also asked not to let loose any domesticated animals/ livestock near the firing range in that period.

BJP 39th A/C mandal holds meeting WoKha, November 13 (mexN): The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of 39th A/C mandal held mandal executive meeting on November 10 at Doyang. In the meeting, Er. Senkathung Jami, State Vice President & BJP candidate from 39th A/C mandal urged the party workers to adhere with the Party Constitution and work cohesively for the betterment and progress of the party in the mandal as the State assembly election is very close. Meanwhile, Meribemo Kinghen, District President and Amos Humtsoe, District BJYM President also spoke about the Party Organisational matter and asked the party workers to remain steadfast and work hard “keeping in mind that a new dawn of political achievement is foreseeing by the state BJP party in the ensuing election,” stated a press release from N. Yanpothung Jami, President, BJP 39th A/C mandal.

Ao-Ahom trade route monolith unveiled D Block colony residents clean road, fill pot holes

moKoKchuNg, November 13 (mexN): A monolith commemorating the establishment of Saring Rongpang (trade route) was unveiled at Marok Dibuia village, Mokokchung district on November 8. Council members of 7 villages – Khensa, Chungtia, Aliba, Khar, Marok Dibuia, Changdang and Aonokpu – led by the respective Village Council Chairmen attended the unveiling of the monolith. Saring Rongpang, a traditional trade route connecting several Ao villages with the Ahoms, was established in the 13th century during the reign of Ahom King Sukhrangpha (1332-64 A.D), informed a press release from Imti Pongen, Chairman, Y. Chuba Longchar, chairman, Khensa Village Council (second from right) Dibuia Village Council. For the unveiling the monolith at Marok Dibuia village on November 8, 2016. aforementioned 7 villages, this trade

route bears great historical significance to Ao Naga-Ahom trade relations, it added. The monolith was unveiled by Y. Chuba Longchar, chairman, Khensa Village Council. In his address, Chuba Longchar called for preserving the trade link road which exists till today. While the route may not be used today for trade purposes, it is a symbolic reminder of the historically friendly ties between Ao Nagas and the Ahoms. This spirit of brotherhood should be continued in the context of present day relations between Assam and Nagaland, he stated. The programme was chaired by P. Mar Walling, GB, Marok Dibuia. Invocation was pronounced by R. Moa, pastor, Dibuia Compound Baptist Church.

Angami officers urged to be role models

Kohima, November 13 (Dipr): The Angami Gazetted Officers' Krotho (AGOK) held its 32nd annual session on November 12 at Campion School Ground, Jakhama with former MLA and Member, Advisory Board, Angami Public Organisation, Dr. Dietho-o Yhoshü as the main speaker. The event was hosted by the Southern Angami Gazetted Officers Krotho (SAGOK). Dr. Dietho-o acknowledged the pioneering efforts of the first president Late Keyiekhrie Keditsu Angami who had rendered his best for the interest and uplift of AGOK. The speaker dwelled on the crises and problems confronting our society in this fast changing world. He also challenged the AGOK members to develop an attitude of difference rather than an attitude of indifference in every sphere of life. Describing the AGOK as the ‘brain’ of the Angamis while the

APO the head, Dr. Dietho-o reminded the members to consider themselves as the privileged people of the society and urged them to be role models for other people. Stating that “our knowledge is always little,” he urged the officers to expand their horizon and build up the best worldview. He also asked the AGOK members to be grateful as the status and position they are in today were passed on to them by someone who had toiled day and night for the interest of the present generation. He told the members to strive to be knowledgeable and be ever ready to become persons who are prepared for and capable of responding to the situations or challenges of life in ways that are good and right. Dr. Dietho-o also urged the members to work with sincerity and devotion and leave a legacy behind for others to emulate. Stating that there were lots of chal-

lenges ahead, he urged the members to build a vision which is not confined only to Angamis but Nagas as a whole. He challenged the gathering to work, learn, grow and make someone better and taller than themselves, quoting the Latin expression of ‘summum bonum’, meaning ‘the highest good’. President, Southern Angami Public Organisation, Dr. Neiketou Kiso while greeting the AGOK members, mentioned the importance of unity and understanding which he felt was the need of the hour in all movements. As a retired Government servant himself, Dr. Kiso noted that the AGOK has progressed a great deal from its earliest days when gatherings were simpler and smaller. He urged the members to lead exemplary lives so that younger generations can aspire to emulate them. President AGOK, Ketoho Luho, in the presidential address, said

the main objective of AGOK was to look after the welfare of “our” present as well as future generation and to work for the interest of its members, irrespective of good or bad times. He maintained that the AGOK should stand united when any of its members face victimization and to always stand for the welfare of members. Following new AGOK office bearers for the term 2016-2018 were selected: President - Dr. Kedozeto Punyü; Vice President - K. Neibou Sekhose; General Secretary - Megolhou Dolie; Treasurer - Vikhozo Vitsu, Joint Secretaries - Dr. Puse Liegise, Medovikho Nakhro, Dzüvinuo Theünuo, Er. Keyiekhrie Rhütso; Women Co-ordinator - Khrienuo Tachü; Advisors - Beiu Angami, Ketoho Luho; Legal Advisor - Nino Iralu; Development Committee - Ketoho Luho (Convenor), Er. Thepfusalie Guozi, Er. Toba, Petevilie Khatsü, Rüsovil John.

D Block colony residents during the social work conducted on November 12 in Kohima Town.

Kohima, November 13 (mexN): D Block colony residents in Kohima conducted mass social work by sweeping the main dusty road and plastering pot holes with cement in the heart of the town from Razhü Point till Assam Rifles camp here on November 12. With the festive season approaching, the colony residents also beautified the road sides by clearing weeds, drainage, and painting wall of hundred metres through the sponsorship of Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Dr. Nicky Kire.

Hundreds of colony residents participated in the mass social work initiated by the D Block Panchayat, informed a press release received here. Meanwhile, the D Block youth organization informed the general public not to occupy their colony’s jurisdiction for “antisocial activities” and disturb the residents, especially the election office premises and its adjacent areas. The organization warned that there will be surprise checking any time and the defaulters will face “stern action” initiated by the youth organization, the release added.



: 2 p.m Venue : Pughoboto Ground : Tokali Swu, James Achumi Karen Swu & Kiviboto Chief Guest : Shri Y. Patton - Hon'ble Minister, Home Govt. of Nagaland 1. Invocation 2. Anthem 3. Traditional Blessing 4. Significance of Ahuna 5. Speech 6. Inauguration of Stalls 7. Cultural Presentation

: Rev. Tokheho Swu Exec. Secy. NCRC (Sumi) : Natsumi : Ino Inavi Swu President Sumi Aphuyemi Hoho : Y. Patton : Chief Guest : Ghokimi Village

COMPETITION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Ami Kukula (Fire Making) Akhetsu (Top) Kakapo Kukuxu (Bamboo stilt race) Akikiti (Sumi Kick Fight) Amuto Ghokuxu (Bamboo basket making) Aqhedu kimli (Greased Pole climbing) Badminton Flower Show (Competition)


: Mishilimi Village : First league : Preliminary round : First League : Preliminary round

Time: 5:30 p.m.

Guest Artists : Guru Rewben Mashangva , Purniken (Born Again) Show Stopper : Gloria Tep Rengma (Finalist India's Next Top Model) Guest Appearance : Ketholeno Kense (Supermodel) 1. Opening Song 2. Fashionista 3. Sumi Song 4. Fashionista 5. Standup Comedy 6. Folk Fusion /Blues 7. Fashionista

: Aphuyemi Artiste (3) : Round 1 (Nagaland Designers Association) : Aphuyemi Artiste (3) : Round 2 (Nagaland Designers Association) : Purniken (Born Again) : Guru Rewben Mashangva : Show Stopper: Gloria Tep Rengma


25th June, 1969 4 November, 2016 ife is all about time. And time very soon becomes memories. Truly there is a time for everything. A time to be born and a time to die. And a time for fond remembrance of God’s given life’s journey on this earth, hand in hand, with our beloved late Tongpangsangba who left for his heavenly abode on 4th November 2016. Now recollected in a flash, it was indeed a wonderful journey lasting 47 years. A kind hearted, loving, caring and noble soul, may the Lord grant eternal peace to the departed soul. We express our profound gratitude to one and all for the immeasurable help and support extended during his illness and demise at Dimapur and funeral at native village Khar. Your prayers and support have been the source of our strength and comfort. May the Lord Almighty bless each one of you abundantly.



Bereave d Family

Monday 14•11•2016

Regional 3


Petrol sold for Rs 300 a litre in Manipur


Special dispensation for Assam tea gardens

Guwahati, November 13 (iaNS): In view of apprehensions that the Centre's demonetisation move would affect wage disbursal to tea garden labour in Assam, the central government has made special arrangements for the tea gardens of the state to ensure timely payment of wages to labourers, state Finance Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma said on Sunday. The tea garden managements concerned would give a cheque of the amount required to disburse the weekly salary of the labourers to the Deputy Commissioners of the districts who would in turn withdraw the money from the bank and hand it over to the tea garden management, Sarma told media persons in Assam's capital Dispur. The move is expected to bring relief to over 800 small and big tea gardens in Assam which require around Rs 50 crore per week to pay wages to over ten lakh labourers. The demonetisation move, it is feared, will hit the tea gardens where cash is the only mode of payment. A number of tea garden managements and as-

imphal, November 13 (iaNS): A litre of petrol on Sunday was selling for Rs 300 in Manipur due to the indefinite economic blockade imposed by the United Naga Council (UNC) against the creation of two new districts. Since the blockade, all petrol vends across Manipur have gone bone dry. Meanwhile, a move was being made to escort the Manipur-bound loaded trucks and oil tankers stranded at different places in Assam. When the Manipur government chose to ignore the 48-hour UNC sponsored general strike and the subsequent blockade, the Naga organisations decided to intensify the agitations. They turned a deaf ear to the orchestrated appeals from diverse sections to withdraw the blockade. Chief secretary Oinam Nabakishore said, "Some NGOs should not resort to

blockade. We appeal to them to call off the blockade." When there was no response, Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh said, "Armed policemen are detailed to escort the stranded trucks and oil tankers." Most of them have been parked along the highway since November 1. One truck loaded with cement was torched on the highway on Saturday night. Women activists have banned transportation of various items from Imphal to Naga dominated areas of the state. Petrol diesel, kerosene and LPG cylinders are no longer available in Manipur. Prices of essential commodities have soared beyond the reach of the people. Many consumer items have vanished from the market. People from Jiribam and Sadar Hills areas are exerting pressure on the government to create the new districts. This has led to the agitation.

Cyber crime cases rise in Mizoram Newmai News Network

sociations had approached the state government seeking assistance to handle the issue and fearing law and order situation in the gardens on pay day which varies from Friday to Sunday. "Our government has taken up the matter with the Prime Minister's Office, the central government and the Reserve Bank of India immediately. We are thankful that the government has responded so fast and arranged special dispensation for the tea gardens in the state," Sarma

said. "From now on, the Deputy Commissioners would receive the cheque required to pay wages to the labourers from the concerned tea gardens and withdraw the money from the bank and hand it over to the garden management for disbursement of their weekly wages," he said. He added that, in the process, the government would also have a correct data about the wages paid to the tea garden workers by the management. The As-

sam government had several times appealed to the tea garden managements to increase the wages to the workers, but some gardens are yet to implement it. The Minister admitted that the people of the state were facing problems due to demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 denomination banknotes and lack of sufficient currency in the ATMs but expressed confidence that the situation will be normal by next week. "There are 3,115 ATMs of the State bank of India

in Assam and all of them would be loaded with new currency notes by Sunday evening," he said. "Out of the total ATMs, 2,900 have already been loaded with Rs 100 denomination banknotes," he said. SBI has so far disbursed Rs 3,654 crore in the entire northeastern states in the last two days, including Rs 2,600 crore in Assam alone. "Apart from this, private banks are estimated to have disbursed another Rs 1,100 crore during these two days," he said.

by Doordarshan including a special show that focuses on the region’s diverse and delectable cuisine. Another show is based on the monasteries in the region, while there will also be music and singing based reality shows including one that focuses on bands. In addition there will be programmes on educational awareness, career counselling. There will be programmes on government’s programmes like Startup India and Skill India etc. Sources said a lot of programmes will be Hindi and English apart from the local languages, as the aim is to come up with a northeast channel which also has a national connect. “We aim to reach the hearts of the people through vibrant content and a lot of our focus is centred on the youth,” DG Doordarshan Supriya Sahu said. It is learnt that the channel will be uplinked from Itanagar and that a major part of the funding requirement will be met by the Centre.

At least 12 cases related to cyber crime have been registered in Mizoram within 10 months of the current year and monetary cheating on social networking site was the most among them, a leading Sunday newspaper ‘Zalen’ said quoting official data. The number of cyber crime case registered this year has exceeded the number of cases registered in last year by 4; there were 8 cyber crime cases registered in 2015. Of the cyber crime cases registered in Mizoram during this year, monetary cheating on social media and mobile phone,

World's highest skywalk Khasi musicians claim 'Rock On foundation stone laid in Sikkim

New Doordarshan channel planned for NE by next month 2' song copied from local anthem New Delhi, November 13 (pti): Aiming to reach out to more viewers in the northeast, public broadcaster Prasar Bharati is planning to launch by Christmas a new Doordarshan channel ‘DD Arunprabha’ in the region. Officials told PTI that in a recent meeting, the Prasar Bharati board approved a proposal to launch the channel, which will focus primarily on the viewers of Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim but will have content for other states of the region as well. It is expected that the channel will come up by December 25. “The Board has cleared the decision. We expect to launch by December 25,” Prasar Bharati Chairperson A Surya Prakash said when contacted. “We are very happy with this development as we want to pay greater attention to the northeast,” he added. Doordarshan already runs a channel for the northeast region. Sources said that a lot of programming content for ‘DD Arunprabha’ is already being planned

Aizawl | November 13

Mohar Basu | Mid-day

Family members of Late E Brektist R Wanswett claim his popular song Khynriam u Pnar, u Bhoi, u War, was used in the recently released 'Rock On 2' without credit or permission. The song was apparently written during a prominent hill state movement and is one of their most-loved folk tunes. The artiste’s family knew of the song being used in the movie since February this year and had issued a notice in local newspapers, which was apparently carried by the region’s popular dailies. In a documentary called Gwalia in Khasia, Brek and his family are seen singing the number, proving their side of their story. Now that the movie has hit the screens, the issue seems to have resurfaced. The track titled Hoi Kiw (Chalo Chalo) features Usha Uthup along with the popular band Summersault performing it. Though producer Ritesh Sidhwani remained unavailable for a comment, the film’s director Shu-

jaat Saudagar told us, “The rights of the song used in the movie belong to the band Summersault from Meghalaya. They have even been credited for the track in the film’s album. The band has performed this song many times before as well. It is an original composition by them. Yes, it is from a folk song but the band has played the song on many platforms previously, videos of which are available online. This is just a way of stirring controversy around the movie.” Meanwhile, the movie recorded a dismal opening of Rs 2.02 crore at the ticket windows. The producers blame it on the cash deficit due to demonetisation. “People are too caught up trying to get cash home. Watching a movie is the last thing on their mind right now. But I had no option. We had sent our prints overseas when the announcement came through on Wednesday. In a country plagued by movie piracy, we couldn't have risked letting the film get leaked. I am hoping the situation improves,” says Ritesh Sidhwani.

Sikkim, November 13 (aNi): Sikkim Chief Minister Pawan Chamling recently laid the foundation stone of a ropeway and support facilities for the Bhaleydhunga Skywalk Project at Dhapper in Yangang, which once completed, will be the world's highest skywalk. Conceptualized by Chamling himself, the Bhaleydhunga Skywalk will be built at a height of 10,300 feet with world class infrastructure and will be the second of its kind in Asia and the first in India. After offering his prayers during the bhumi puja and laying the foundation stone of the ropeway and support facilities, Chamling said, "Ropeway and the

Sonowal’s anti-corruption drive nets big and small fish in Assam

Guwahati, November 13 (ht): The BJP government’s anti-corruption drive in Assam has netted its biggest catch so far with the arrest of the chairman of the state’s public service commission, Rakesh Paul. For eight years Paul, a notary who first became a member of the Assam public service commission (APSC) and later its chairman, decided the fate of thousands of job aspirants in Assam. But his luck ran out last week when police arrested him for alleged involvement in a cash-forjob scam. Paul’s appointment in December 2013 was approved by the previous Congress government led by Tarun Gogoi. On Saturday, police arrested a deputy controller of examina-

tion of APSC, taking the number of those arrested to five. The scam came to light following the arrest of an engineer from the town and country planning department who had taken Rs 10 lakh allegedly on behalf of Paul from a doctor for a government job. There have been many allegations against Paul over the past several years. “We have told the police to conduct investigations into the APSC scam without buckling under any political pressure. No tainted person will be spared,” finance minister Himanta Biswa Sarma told reporters. For now, the Congress seems unruffled by Paul’s arrest and any hint of collusion with him. “The Sonowal government has launched

defamation on social networking sites and copy right reserve cases were common, officials of CID (Crime) branch said. Officials also said that complaints related to cyber crime were sometimes difficult to investigate. As Facebook related cases have to be followed up with Facebook centre and some server are outside India, the duration of investigation used to take long time, they said. Police department said that awareness programmes were carried out at schools, colleges, on radio and among youth members of churches. It added that frequent training was held among police personnel and measures are also being taken to have sophisticated machine.

the anti-corruption drive to distract people from issues like unemployment and price rise,” former chief minister Tarun Gogoi said. “Let the government prove the charges. No irregularities happened in social welfare department during my tenure,” said former social welfare minister Akon Bora. Paul and the others nabbed in the APSC scam are not alone. Since coming to power in May, the Sarbananda Sonowal government has launched an anti-corruption drive that has trapped many government officials. On Friday, a junior official of the social welfare department was arrested by anti-corruption officials after Rs 5 lakh of unaccounted money was allegedly found in his car. The official’s arrest came days

after Sonowal ordered an investigation into a scam of Rs 2,250 crores in which Rs 150 crores were allegedly siphoned off during last 15 years of Congress rule in the name of 390 fake ‘angandwadi’ centres. The anti-corruption drive started weeks after the first BJP-led government took charge in the state after 15 years of Congress rule. One of the first major catches was a divisional forest officer in July. A sum of Rs 2 crore in cash and various wild animal parts including tiger and deer skins were seized from him. The state government is also planning to plug manpower shortage in the vigilance and anti-corruption wing of Assam Police. Plans are also underway to enact a stringent law to target corrupt government employees.


G. Rio School


Dr. Rashna Das, Former Head of Department of Pediatrics, NEIGHRIMS, Shillong and presently, Medical Director & Chief of Pediatrics, Neonatology and Pediatric Intensive Care, Midland Hospital, Guwahati will be available for consultation at Eden Medical Centre On the 19th of November between 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Dr Siddarth Hazarika, Surgical Oncologist, AIIMS will be available for consultation at Eden Medical Centre on the 19th of November between 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm.


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Tripura girl part of NASA programme aGartala, November 13 (tNN): A 24-year-old girl from Tripura, Ekta Deb, has been selected to participate in the 4th International Astronomical Search Collaboration Target Asteroids (IASCTA) by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Ekta, a graduate in electronics and communication engineering, is part of a five-member team from India which will participate in a month-long campaign from November 21.

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16th Death Anniversary of

Late. Mehaikhu Kath,

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16 long years have passed since you left us for your heavenly abode, The voids in our hearts, without your presence is incomprehensible. It was never in our hands to decide this fate. But God had a better plan destined for you, Epa. Over time, our hearts has but grown fonder for you. Our hearts filled with respect, for your wisdom & values. And gratitude, for the accomplishments and examples of a good life. That you bestowed upon us to follow and be proud of. And our hearts filled with delight in the tales of the days we spent together. That we fondly remember, Today and everyday to come. Till we unite together under His care. Love, By your loving Children.

Dated: 13/11/2016

Kohima: Nagaland CBSE Affiliation No.: 1430016 School Code: 32524 e-mail: Phone No.: 0370-2806075 : 9862124541 Sl. no. 1 2 3 4

proposed skywalk at Bhaleydhunga is very close to my heart as it is being built in my native village." He said the skywalk will be a state-ofthe-art tourist attraction in the state for both domestic and foreign tourists visiting Sikkim. "The skywalk will also help in the economic and livelihood development of the region, creating new business opportunities and services, mostly in the tourism and hospitality sectors," Chamling said. The Sikkim chief minister further announced plans for the development of a community play ground and the construction of roads.

Qualifications M. Sc. In Physics with B. Ed B.A in Sanskrit with B. Ed B.A/M.A in English with B. Ed B.F.A/M.F.A (Graphics Design) preferably with experience Cl-12 and above with Computer Knowledge Class 6 pass, fluent in Nagamese and Hindi

Interview date - 16th-17th Nov 2016 at 9:30 AM. For details, refer to the school’s website - Shortlisted candidates will be intimidated through e-mail and phone call for interview by 15th Nov, 2016.

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Bank of Baroda Recruitment

RBI says enough cash available as crowds throng banks

Bank of Baroda has released a notification for the recruitment of 1039 Specialist Officers. Interested candidates mUmbAi/New Delhi, driven economy to a halt. banking system’s struggle India’s political and busimay check the eligibility criteria and apply online from November 13 (reAs banks struggled to to make the transition to ness life. 09-11-2016 to 29-11-2016. So far, despite the risUTerS): India’s central dispense money, the Re- the new series of notes. Prime Minister Naren- ing difficulties people are bank on Sunday urged sav- serve Bank of India said BOB Specialist Officers Vacancy Details: ers to not hoard money as small denomination cur- dra Modi, facing criticism facing, his crackdown on public anger mounted over rency notes were available from opposition groups corruption is supported Post Name No. of Vacancies Pay Scale with both the central bank for putting ordinary peo- particularly among the Specialist Offi- 1,039 Posts R s. 2 3 , 7 0 0- the government’s shock and with other lenders. ple into difficulties, prom- middle-class which want decision to withdraw large cer 59,170 People “need not be ised further steps to rid the action against the politidenomination notes in cal and business elite for an attempt to clean up the anxious” and should not country of graft. Cadre wise Vacancies: “We have taken a key wrongdoing. country’s black economy. hoard bank notes because • Credit Analysts (Chartered Accountants) - 40 post Anil Dalavi, a 32-yearThousands of peo- “cash is available when step to help the honest • Finance / Credit II - 235 Posts ple were again standing they need it”, the RBI said in citizens of India defeat the old Mumbai resident with • Finance / Credit III - 205 Posts menace of black money,” 20 rupees in his pocket who outside banks across the a statement. • Trade Finance - 100 Posts The Times of India rehe said in a speech in west- was waiting outside a bank, country trying to change • Treasury - Product Sales II - 20 Posts 500 and 1,000 rupee bills ported that the central ern seaside resort of Goa. said he supported Modi’s • Treasury - Dealers/ Traders - II - 05 Posts the government abolished bank’s office in the west- The decision to demon- efforts to go after people • Treasury - Equity Analyst - 01 Post on Tuesday, in an effort to ern city of Ahmedabad was etize the high value notes with ill-gotten wealth. • Risk Management - 10 Posts “It has been tough for • Agriculture product specialist - Gold Loan - 01 Post crack down on corruption. handing out coins in return was planned in secrecy The banned rupee for the old notes because it over the past 10 months, middle class people like us • Agriculture product specialist - Warehouse Receipt because we were caught notes made up more than didn’t have enough of the he said. - 01 Post Modi came to power completely unaware. But • Agriculture product specialist - Food & Agro Pro- 80 percent of the currency valid tender. It showed a picture of a in 2014 with a mandate to since this is a good move to in circulation, leaving milcessing - 01 Post man emerging with plas- boost economic growth flush out black money, I am lions of people without • Agriculture product specialist - High Tech Agri Projcash and threatening to tic packets of coins of 10 and fight the corruption willing to bear the pain.” ects - 01 Post The “black economy”, • Agriculture product specialist - Farm mechaniza- bring much of the cash- rupees, underlining the that taints large parts of tion - 01 Post • Marketing - 200 Posts • Planning-I - 57 Posts • Planning-I - 11 Posts • Economists II - 04 Posts New Delhi, Novem- transporter is expected to total 23 million passengers paperless mobile ticketing • Economist IV - 01 Post ber 13 (PTi): To ease rush earn from the selected e- in a day, of which only 6% operation. • Law - 17 Posts While the current moat booking counters, the rail- wallet players commission is in reserved category and • IT - Software Development - 05 Posts ways is mulling introducing on each ticket sold and re- the rest are in unreserved bile ticketing requires geo• IT - Data Scientist - 02 Posts segment which includes fencing of certain area booking of unreserved rail- tainer fees. • IT - Software Testing - 01 Post Many top mobile wal- daily commuters. At pres- to prevent malpractices, way tickets on e-wallets like • IT - Database Management - 02 Posts PayTM, JioMoney and Airtel let companies are keen on ent, mobile ticketing op- there is no need for such • IT - Data Analyst - 09 Posts Money. The move is also ex- joining the railways, the tions are available in a few measures with these e• IT security (CISA) - 03 Posts pected to help scale up pa- official said, adding talks suburban sections includ- wallets. Discussions are on • HRM II - 25 Posts perless mobile ticketing op- were on to finalise the mo- ing Chennai, Mumbai and with these players for mak• HRM III - 15 Posts ing the operation foolproof eration across the country in dalities. Since these e-wal- Delhi-Palwal. • Security - 32 Posts However, despite the with bar-coding system as lets are already operational a big way. • Fire - 09 Posts Unreserved ticketing for booking taxis, cinema huge scope in unreserved more than one crore tickets • Electrical engineers - 02 Posts forms a huge chunk of the tickets and other services, ticketing sector, the use of are sold daily through un• Civil engineers / Architects - 08 Posts railways’ total ticket sale joining the railways will of- railway wallet for mobile reserved ticketing system, Job Location: All India in a day and “we want to fer a big scope for these pri- ticketing did not elicit as said the official. good response as expectMoving ahead with the Eligibility Criteria for Bank of Baroda Specialist Offi- tap this sector through e- vate players. The move is a win-win ed. According to the rail- ‘Digital India’ mission, the commerce”, said a senior cer Recruitment: Railway Ministry official. proposition for both the ways, the use of e-wallets railways expect to make the Educational Qualification: The railways will not have railways and the mobile like PayTM in the unre- e-wallet system operation• For Finance Credit: Full time MBA/PGDBM/CFA/ to bear any cost for the fa- wallet companies, the offi- served ticketing system al across the country early cility. Instead, the public cial said. The railways carry are expected to boost the next year. ICWA/CA from a recognized university/institute • For Marketing: Full time MBA/PGDM/Post-Graduate Degree with specialisation in Marketing • For IT - Software Development: Post Graduate Degree in Electronics/ Electronics & Tele Communication/ Electronics & Communication/ Electronics & InstrumUmbAi, November 13 (PTi): an indirect dig at the company’s lead- Union termed Ratan Tata as “our anmentation/ Computer Science • For other vacancies, please refer to the official notifi- Ahead of Tata Motors’ crucial board ership under Mistry’s chairmanship. other great leader” and invoked his meeting on Monday, two unions of Backing the new leadership of Tata saying “if you want to walk fast walk cation attached below. the company representing around Sons led by interim Chairman Ratan alone but if you want to walk far walk Age limit: Refer to the official notification attached 16,000 employees have written to the Tata, the letter said: “However, during together” to express their support. below. While also recollecting what anmanagement expressing their support this time of turmoil we reiterate our to Ratan Tata in the ongoing spat with complete and dedicated commit- other “pioneer” JRD Tata said -- “to Application Fee: ousted Tata Sons Chairman Cyrus Mis- ment to the decisions taken by Ratan be a leader you have to lead with • General/OBC Category Candidates: Rs. 600 try. In a letter to Tata Motors CEO and Tata over the change in leadership of human affection” -- Telco Workers • SC/ST/PWD Category Candidates: Rs. 100 Union said: “These inspiring senManaging Director Guenter Butschek, Tata Sons Ltd.” Selection Process: Selection of candidates will be Tata Motors Employees Union, Pune Stating that Tata Motors has tences (are) always inspirations for us made on the basis of online exam followed by Psychomet- expressed “deep concern” over the rift “grown in leaps and bounds under” and we always try to follow these footric Assessment, Group Discussion and Personal Interview. between Tata Sons and the leadership Tata’s “visionary leadership”, the steps.” Last week, Tata Sons, which workers union of Pune plant further holds 26.51 per cent stake in Tata MoHow to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates may of Tata group companies. “Moreover, the once cordial re- said: “We wish to commit our whole- tors, asked the owner of Jaguar Land apply online through BOB website “www.bankofbaroda. lations between Tata Motors Pune hearted support to Mr Ratan Tata’s Rover to convene an extraordinary” from 09-11-2016 to 29-11-2016. plant management and the employ- decisions in future and greatly respect general meeting of the company to Important Dates: ees have taken a downward turn his leadership.” On the other hand, in consider its resolution seeking re• Starting Date of Online Application: 09-11-2016 since the last 14 months over various a letter to the plant head of Tata Mo- moval of Chairman Cyrus Mistry and • Last Date of Online Application: 29-11-2016 negotiable issues,” said the letter in tors’ Jamshedpur unit, Telco Workers independent director Nusli Wadia.

Soon, book your train tickets on e-wallets like Paytm

Tata Motors’ 2 major unions come out in support of Ratan Tata

FiRe StatiOnS

we4 woMen HeLPLIne

std code: 03862


KoHIMA soUtH: 0370-2222952/ 101 (O) 9402003086 (OC) KoHIMA nortH: 7085924114 (O) dIMAPUr: 03862-232201/ 101 (O) 9856156876 (OC) CHUMUKedIMA: 7085982102 (O) 8732810051 (OC) woKHA: 03860-242215/101 (O) 8974322879 (OC) MoKoKCHUnG: 0369-2226225/ 101 (O) 8415830232 (OC) PHeK: 8414853765 (O) 8413822476(OC) ZUnHeBoto: 03867-280304/ 101 (O) 9436422730 (OC) tUensAnG: 8414853766 (O) 9856163601 (OC) Mon: 03869-251222/ 101 (O) 9862130954 (OC) Kiphire: 8414853767 (O) 9436261577 (OC) Peren: 7085189932 (O) 9856311205 (OC) LonGLenG: 7085924113 (O) 9862414264 (OC)

Civil Hospital emergency-

232224 229529 229474 MH Hospital 227930 231081 Faith Hospital 228846 shamrock Hospital 228254 Zion Hospital 231864 224117 227337 Police Control room 228400 Police Traffic Control 232106 east Police station 227607 west Police station 232181 CIHsr (referral Hospital) 242555 242533 dimapur Hospital 224041 248011 Apollo Hospital Info Centre 230695/ 9402435652 railway 131/228404 Airport 229366 Indian Airlines 242441 225212 Chumukedima Fire Brigade 282777 nikos Hospital and 232032, research Centre 231031 nagaland Multispecialty Health & research Centre

248302, 09856006026

eden Medical Centre





















































08822911011 WOMen HeLPLIne 181 CHiLD weLFAre CoMMIttee Toll free No. 1098 childline

taHaMZaM (formerly senapati) Police station Fire Brigade




222246 222491

KOHiMa Fire Brigade naga Hospital oking Hospital Bethel nursing Home northeast shuttles

north Ps Officer-in-Charge south Ps Officer-in-Charge Zubza Ps Officer-in-Charge Chiephobozou Ps Officer-in-Charge tseminyu Ps Officer-in-Charge Khuzama Ps Officer-in-Charge Kezocha Ps Officer-in-Charge women Cell Officer-in-Charge Control room


stdcode: 03871

std code: 0370 2222952 2222916 2243339 2224202 08974997923


POLITICAL BACKLASH Modi’s political opponents said they were going to unite to fight the demonetization move which had made lives difficult for millions of ordinary people. “The government has spread anarchy in the country, the common man cannot buy daily products,” said Mulayam Singh Yadav, leader of Samajwadi party, as crowds formed outside banks in Lucknow, the capital of the country’s most populous state Uttar

9485232688 9485232689 9485232690 9485232693 9485232694 9485232695 2226216

woodland nursing Home


Pradesh. Yadav demanded Modi withdraw the decision to cancel the bank notes. Uttar Pradesh, which holds state elections early next year, sends the largest number of legislators to India’s national parliament. Mamata Banerjee, the chief minister of West Bengal state, said the situation was “nothing short of an emergency” and pledged to unite opposition parties against the government’s decision. “I have never seen such a thing. People have money in their accounts but can’t access it. They can’t pay for treatment of a family member in hospital, weddings have been put on hold, daily business has taken a beating,” she said.

Fundamentals to keep rupee stable trump over global factors New Delhi, November 13 (iANS): Strong domestic fundamentals are expected to keep the Indian rupee relatively stable in the near term, despite global political and economic uncertainties which have engulfed other peer currencies. “Rupee has emerged as a low beta asset amongst the major Asian currencies, exhibiting relative stability,” Bansi Madhavani, Analyst at India Ratings and Research, told IANS. “This resilience is likely to continue going forward, keeping it anchored on account of domestic fundamentals.” However, the surprise victory of Republican Donald Trump in Tuesday night’s US Presidential election, along with a sudden move by the Indian government to demonetise Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes did take a toll on the rupee. The massive political and economic changes plunged the country’s stock markets by over 1.5% for the week ended November 11, and depreciated the currency by 56 paise to 67.26 against a US dollar from last week’s close of 66.70 to a greenback. While Trump’s victory bumped up the dollar index and pushed up the US bond yields, it also drained foreign liquidity from emerging markets such as India. The provisional figures from the stock exchanges showed an outflow of Rs 3,923.92 crore in foreign funds. Figures from the National Securities Depository (NSDL) disclosed that foreign portfolio investors (FPIs) were net sellers of equities worth Rs 1,670.71 crore, or $250.47 million from November 7-11. According to experts, the Reserve Bank of India is expected to anchor the currency through its interventions, as risk aversion sentiment and Foreign Currency Non Resident (FCNR) payments will keep the rupee under pressure. “We expect RBI (Reserve Bank of India) intervention to continue over the remainder of November,” Anindya Banerjee, Associate Vice President for Currency Derivatives with Kotak Securities, told IANS. “Once bulk of the FCNR (Foreign Currency Non Resident) payments end by November, we can expect a more hands-off approach from the central bank.” Additionally, the heightened chances of a rate hike in the US under the new US administration and fears over its protectionist measures can further dent the Indian equities and currency. “If the USD/INR pair in the futures market breaks the 67.57 level, then it can move up to 68 mark,” Astha Jain, Senior Research Analyst at Hem Securities, told IANS.

std code: 0369

Police station 1 Police station 2 Police station Kobulong Police station tuli Police station Changtongya Police station Mangkolemba Civil Hospital

Hotel Metsüpen (tourist Lodge) 2226373/ 2229343


Us dollars sterling Pound Hong Kong dollar Australian dollar singapore dollar Canadian dollar Japanese Yen euro thai Baht Korean won UAe dirham (Aed) Chinese Yuan

BUY (rs) 65.01 80.44 8.11 50.24 46.25 48.32 60.79 70.77 1.79 0.0548 17.13 9.24

seLL (rs) 67.97 84.36 9.04 52.71 48.53 50.71 64.24 74.22 2.00 0.0611 19.08 10.29


Contact numbers

8575045501 8575045510 8575045502 8575045520 8575045508 8575045518 8575045506 8575045516 8575045507 8575045517 8575045505 8575045515 8575045549 8575045538 8575045509 8575045519 8575045500 (Emergency No. – 100)

the term widely used to describe transactions that take place outside formal channels, could account for as much as 20 percent of gross domestic product, according to investment firm Ambit.




Simple Rules - Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

Game Number # 3758

Answer Number # 3757

ACROSS 1. Mongrel 5. Napped 10. Generous slice of the pie 14. Gumbo 15. Eyeshade 16. Gambling game 17. In a non-hurting manner 19. Dines 20. Clairvoyant’s gift 21. Laneway 22. Loft 23. Notwithstanding 25. Chew noisily 27. Consumed food 28. Not southern 31. Ostentatious 34. Brass musical instruments 35. Caviar 36. Ripped 37. Lights 38. Quash 39. French for “Friend” 40. Hebrew unit of weight 41. Broaden 42. Ambrosia 44. Thorax protector 45. Approaches 46. Chooses 50. Pirate’s pal 52. Anagram of “Space” 54. Not in 55. French for “State” 56. Deadly nightshade 58. Fee 59. Not written exams 60. Seven days 61. Church alcove 62. Heretofore (2 words) 63. Stringed instrument DOWN 1.Acted gloomily 2. An edict of the Russian tsar 3. Journeys 4. Buff 5. Slender

6. Fine thread 7. Being 8. An organism with various forms 9. Attempt 10. Draw 11. Coriaceous 12. Against 13. Pear variety 18. Not clergy 22. Picnic insects 24. Chess piece 26. Coffee dispensers 28. Wanderer 29. Learning method 30. A noble gas 31. Knife 32. “Where the heart is” 33. Not occidentals 34. Harriers 37. Lascivious look 38. Atmosphere 40. A neutral color 41. Tricked 43. Ladybug 44. Meal 46. French for “Room” 47. Hyrax 48. Channel selector 49. Investment 50. Anagram of “Meat” 51. At the peak of 53. Kaolin 56. Type of snake 57. A wise bird Answer to Crossword 3772

Monnday 14•11•2016


lKmCeCC condemns ‘open declarations’

Mokokchung, noveMber 13 (Mexn): The Langpangkong Students’ Conference Clean Election Campaign Committee (LKMCECC) has strongly condemned the “open declaration” by some village councils under Langpangkong Range in support of certain candidates in the forthcoming 2018 State Assembly election. A few village councils had recently made “public declarations” in local dailies endorsing certain candidates for the forthcoming 2018 State Assembly election. In a statement made available to the media, the Committee stated that it

was “quite unfortunate and embarrassing” to come across the public declarations “at a time when the people of Langpangkong Range under the banner of Langpangkong Kaketshir Mungdang Clean Election Campaign Committee (LKMCECC) is making a diligent effort to cleanse the corrupt and unlawful system of electioneering from the Range.” Condemning the declarations, the committee maintained that the villages have “thoughtlessly” negated and breached the ‘Pledge signed in the name of God’ on September 3 at Chuchuyimlang village “for reasons best known to them”. All 33 vil-

lages and town units under Langpangkong Range in Mokokchung district had taken the pledge for clean election in their respective villages and town units. Terming the declaration “unlawful”, the LKM CECC stated that it considers this development “an alarming eye-opener” and a reminder to all the Range people to be more determined and committed towards cleansing the mess of election from Langpangkong Range in particular. “The Right to Vote by all eligible citizens is the pulse of every democracy. However, the recent declaration by these villages has challenged the ‘Adult Suffrage’ which is the right given to

every citizen by the constitution of India,” the committee asserted. It stated that it would bring the matter to the notice of the Election Commission of India “with certain practical proposals for further necessary action in order to ensure fair and free election.” The LKMCECC, once again called on the people of Langpangkong Range to uphold the Pledge “made in the name of God” on September 3 “in letter and spirit.” The committee also called for rededicating oneself for the genuine cause of “cleaning the mess of Election”, and ensure better and peaceful future for the children of Nagaland.

Kidima Parishioners made a pilgrimage to the Holy Door Cathedral, Kohima on Sunday, November 13.

Oram assures early reinstatement of Tuli Paper Mill MD

new Delhi, noveMber 13 (Mexn): Union Minister for Tribal Affairs, Jual Oram, has assured the early reinstatement of the post of Managing Director at the Tuli Paper Mill which is lying vacant. Oram was apprised of

matters relating to the revival of the Tuli Paper Mill on November 11 during a visit to his residence by a team comprising Tuli Papermill Workers Union, seven Village Council members and elders of Tuli area. The team also

Teacher trainees visit orphanage

comprised BJP Party President and workers of Tuli mandal led by Imsu Yaden, State Vice President Nagaland. According to a press release, the Minister assured that he will personally meet the Prime Minister and dis-

cuss the matter as it was his duty to look after the tribal people. The team also made appointments with Union Industries Minister Nirmala Sitharaman and the National BJP President Amit Shah within a few days.

Corrigendum Apropos the news item “Two students drown at Chathe” which was published on November 13, Don Bosco Higher Secondary School has clarified that it was a hostel picnic and not a “school picnic”. The inadvertent error is regretted.

MEx FILE CM extends Ahuna Greetings

Seminar on cleanliness was held at Fazl Ali College, Mokokchung on November 5 with faculty members and students of Fazl Ali College under the aegis of Swachh Bharat Mission Mokokchung. S. Supongmeren Jamir, brand ambassador, SBM Nagaland and M. Bendangnukshi Lkr, chairman, SBM Mokokchung were the resource persons. Later, car bins for Swachh Bharat Mokokchung was launched. Seen in the picture are representatives of Swachh Bharat Mission Mokokchung with the car bins.

kohiMa, noveMber 13 (Mexn): Nagaland Chief Minister TR Zeliang today extended warm greetings to the Sumi Community on the festive occasion of Ahuna. In his greetings, the Chief Minister stated that Ahuna festival signifies thanksgiving and celebrates Trainees of St Paul Institute of Education, Phesama with the director of Eden Gardens, the season’s bountiful harvest while also invoking the Rev. Fr. Raymond D Souza SJ. spirit of good fortune for the New Year. “It should not As part of the training, the Gardens, Rev. Fr. Raymond only be an occasion for rest, enjoyment and merrymakkohiMa, noveMber 13 (Mexn): The teacher trainees interacted with the D Souza SJ briefed the train- ing but to educate the younger generations to know the trainees of St Paul Insti- less privileged children of the ees about the inception of importance, values and roots of our rich culture,” the tute of Education, Phesa- orphanage, informed a press Eden Gardens. They were CM’s message read. Zeliang expressed hope that the ma spent a day with the release received here. “It was also briefed about its func- celebration will be an occasion “to strengthen and enchildren of Eden Gardens, a transforming experience tion and the way it looks af- courage each other” and also “pave way for the comKhuzama. The trainees for them. It was an occasion ter the students. The train- munity to join hands and strive for progress.” conducted various games for them to test their skills ees were accompanied by and songs for the children, with those children,” it added. the Principal, Vice PrinciSalesian College holds Youth Meet The director of Eden pal, and the staff. more than 180 of them. DiMapur, noveMber 13 (Mexn): Salesian College of Higher Education, Dimapur organized a Youth Meet on the theme “More Mercy Better Youth” with All Nagaland Private Schools Association Bithungo Kikon as chief guest. About 400 youths and teachersin-charge participated in One-day programme, a press release informed.

AUD celebrates Ahuna festival Cocoon Mela: generating employment through Sericulture

DiMapur, noveMber 13 (Mexn): Descendants of Aotsakilimi scattered across western Sumi areas in Nagaland along with the in-laws celebrated Ahuna Festival on November 12 at Purana Bazar here. The festivity was organized by Aotsakilimi Union Dimapur (AUD) and hosted by retired deputy secretary, Nikhevi Achumi. The event started with Tokali Shikhu, Assoc. Pastor, Women, Pishikhu Baptist Akukuhou invoking God’s presence and blessing for the event followed by welcome speech by Nikhevi Achumi.

Hosheto Achumi, retired Transport Commissioner spoke on the cultural significance of Ahuna festival and Juliet K. Shikhu, Pastor, Dimapur Town Sumi Baptist Church administered a payer of blessing. Aotsakili Students’ Union and Akavi Zhimo presented special songs, Inazhe Achumi displayed Ahuna sakiqhi (an act of casting a lot by using a bamboo vessel that was earlier used to cooking newly harvested paddy), Tokugha Achumi, Chairman AUD proposed the vote of thanks, and Viholi Achumi pronounced the benediction.

Two join NNC/FGN DiMapur, noveMber 13 (Mexn): Two cadres from as many Naga Political Groups have joined the NNC/FGN. A press release from the NNC/FGN MIP informed that Major Rosu Rhi, formerly of the NSCN (IM), joined the NNC/FGN on October 27 while Captain Razouvoyi Vero from NSCN (R) joined on November 2. “The NNC/FGN has accepted them into their fold as fullfledged members of the Naga Army,” the release added.

Meetings & AppointMents

Zeizou Company Commander interacts with village leaders kohiMa, noveMber 13 (Mexn): Company Commander of Zeizou Company, 9 Assam Rifles conducted an interaction programme with village chairmen and secretaries of Tsosinynu, Gwachonlo, and Zeizou villages on November 12. Tsosinynu was represented by Noukhretuo, chairman, newly recognized Gwachonlo by Ayhun, council secretary, and Zeizou village by Theinuoneio, chairman and Nguzelie, secretary. The interaction focused on present security situ-

ation, issues of forceful taxation, ways to further enhance co-operation between security forces and villagers and requirement of civic amenities in the area, informed a press release from Assam Rifles. During interaction, suggestions were brought out to further improve the relationship between both the security forces and general populace. Meanwhile, both parties vowed to stand together and work for durable peace and prosperity in the region, the release added.

LSU executive meeting The Lotha Students' Union (LSU) has convened an executive meeting on November 17, 12:00 noon at LSU office, Wokha. Therefore, all the executive members have been requested to attend the meeting positively. DAO & PD ATMA, Vizonyü and others during the ‘Cocoon Mela’ organised by DAO Kohima at Gorkha Panchayat Hall, Chandmari, Kohima on November 10. (DIPR Photo)

kohiMa, noveMber 13 (Dipr): District Sericulture office in Kohima organised a ‘Cocoon Mela’ on November 10 at Gorkha Panchayat Hall, Chandmari here with DAO & PD ATMA, Vizonyü as the speaker. The speaker highlighted the importance of generating income with low capital investment and emphasized the prac-

tice of sericulture to generate employment for the family. He also encouraged the farmers to form SHG in the village to work together for increasing their cocoon production. The programme was chaired by District Sericulture Officer, Kohima, Mhianizoto Meyase, while SO, Sanjai Rai delivered the keynote address where he

shared on the importance of maintaining quality cocoon and its scope for fetching higher income. The programme was followed by demonstration on sorting out of cocoons and its transaction, in which the speaker inaugurated the transaction process. The sericulture farmers were paid in cash for the cocoons produced.

Litsami Students' Union meeting The Golden Jubilee Committee of Litsami Students' Union (LSU) has convened an important meeting on November 18 at the residence of Hukiye Aye (Banker). Therefore, all the planning members, finance committee, editorial members, present executive council, elders and donors have been informed to attend the meeting without fail. A press release from Vikato I. Chishi, secretary, press & publicity, LSU also reminded all the former executives to submit their photos or contact chief editor/ president/ editorial members at 9612207722, 8014637208, 9615877958 respectively.

CondolenCe messages

A field day programme under Integrated Pest Management (IPM) was conducted on October 20 at L. Yanthung village by District Agriculture Office, Wokha. The resource person Nzanbemo T Erui spoke on package practices of Knol Khol, while AO Eyingo Tungoe spoke on package practices of onion. Knol Khol and onion seeds were distributed among the 24 farmers who attended the programme.

TR Zeliang: Nagaland Chief Minister TR Zeliang has mourned the sudden demise of Justice Nishitendu Chaudhury yesterday. In a condolence message, Zeliang informed that he had met Justice Chaudhary a couple of times – the last one being just a few months back when he had accompanied the Chief Justice of Guwahati High Court to pay a courtesy call on the Chief Minister in Kohima. “Well versed with the system, he was dedicated to the profession,” Zeliang stated and referred to the late Justice Chaudhury as a “soft spoken gentleman” with a “pleasant and jovial personality” which endeared him to all those who met and spent time with him. Zeliang informed that the late Justice Chaudhury, before joining the legal profession, was a

Science Teacher in Government High School, Phek. “His students remember him as a very efficient teacher who was dedicated and determined,” the message read. Further stating that his attachment with the Naga people continued even after he left the teaching profession, Zeliang informed that late Justice Chaudhury was the Portfolio Judge for Nagaland and the Station Judge for the state for several years. He also held the post of Executive Chairman of the Nagaland Legal Services Authority till his demise. “In his death, the Naga people have lost a legal luminary who had a deep love for the Nagas and had personal affinity with the people of the region,” Zeliang stated. Conveying deepest condolences on behalf of the Government and people of Nagaland, Zeliang

prayed for the Almighty to grant them solace and comfort at this hour of grief. “May the departed soul rest in eternal peace,” the message concluded.

ily members, and pray that God almighty give them solace and strength to bear this grievous loss,” the message read. “May the departed soul rest in eternal peace,” it concluded.

NPF: The Naga People’s Front has mourned the sudden demise of Licho T. Thonger. Terming the news of the demise as “shocking and devastating”, a condolence message from the Media & Press Bureau stated that late Licho, from Kiphire, “was a strong and active party leader” and was holding the post of Secretary, NPF Central office, Kohima Nagaland. “With profound sorrow, the President, NPF Dr Shürhozelie Liezetsu and all ranks of the NPF Central office convey the deepest condolences to the bereaved fam-

TSU, TTC: The Tikhir Students' Union and Tikhir Tribal Council jointly expressed its deepest condolences at the demise of Wongtu, Head GB, Pokphur village, who passed away on November 3 at his native residence. In a message, the two organisations expressed deep regret at the loss of “a man of great dignity and integrity”. “The deceased was a man of vision and worked for the welfare of his citizen, and for our community as well,” the message read. TSU and TTC prayed that God bring solace to the bereaved family and peace to the villagers.


Monday 14•11•2016



The Power of Truth

The Morung Express volume Xi issue 313 By moa Jamir

A mission for 10000 entrepreneurs


Tim Crockett Fair Observer

Training Journalists to Survive


or budding Naga entrepreneurs, Neichüte Duolo, CEO and Coordinator of Entrepreneurs Associates, and ‘Social Entrepreneur of the Year (SEOP) –India, 2016’ awardee, has good news as well bad news. The good news is anyone can become one. The avenue for entrepreneurship is abundant in Nagaland if one is willing to go to the basic and have enough perseverance. However, there is bad news for those looking at entrepreneurship as an instant guarantee to riches and recognition; it is a long and winding road. Ten years is considered an ‘instant success,’ he opined. During the gestation period, doggedness and hard work is the key to witness the seed turned into fruits. Entrepreneurship is neither a science nor an art, but a practice, he said quoting Peter Drucker emphasising that it does not just end with opening a shop or service, but finding innovative and creating ways to meet customer needs. Duolo was presenting his vision for self sufficient Naga state at the 7th Morung Lecture on November 9. It was not a stylised talk on economic transformation one would come across in standard classroom textbooks or glossy vision statement of any government. Nagaland’s economic regeneration lies with the rural sector, he maintained further busting a common myth that only industries, factories, government jobs, service industry, and jobs outside the State can bring about economic development. It was not your ‘point and shoot’ motivational speech but based on pragmatic practitioners’ approach drawn from years of groundwork and with real time input. Duolo’s antidote and vision for transformation is simple mathematics. Starting from ‘nothing’ gives one an advantage as there is nothing to lose. 1000 entrepreneurs can immediately make Nagaland a Surplus Budget state in 10 years time, he reiterated calling for ‘government centric Income’ to ‘entrepreneurial centric income. He has economics to back his assertions. Take the case of Millets currently available in the market at over Rs 200 per kg. 1 lakhs cultivators producing – 1000 kgs per annum translate into a turnover of Rs. 2000 crores. Job’s tears and Kholar cultivation with same condition adds another Rs. 4000 crores. Citing another Naga favourite’s dish, pork, he said, 1 lakh farmers rearing Pig @ 4 pigs per cycle can generate Rs. 1760 crores per annum. 1 million Walnut trees @10 kgs per tree and 1 Chestnut tree @100 Kgs per tree equal Rs. 5000 crores annually. All these crops and products are ideally suited for cultivation in Nagaland and enough market to sell the product. Self-sufficiency is not only about sustenance but transforming one’s comparative advantage to productive exchange with others in the market. If 50 percent of 1000 entrepreneurs achieve success by 2025 and farmers graduate from Subsistence Farming to Micro Commercial Farming, Duolo said “Self sufficiency is not dream but a practical reality.” But the hardest work is to come out of the societal mindset hesitating to leave the comfy cocoon of government centric avenue. A point highlighted by Rose Rekha Dukru, a pioneering farmer Zhavame, Phek has been farming for the last 7 years after completing her studies. Nagaland is an agriculture state but it is not growing as most educated people refrain from choosing farming as a profession. This is the missing link, she said. As Duolo stressed, it lies in becoming a ‘rebel’ and taking the plunge. Accepting that there are several obstacles along the way but always trying to find “answers where there is no answer.” This in essence is entrepreneurship. Do you have the confidence to go back to the basics and be part of the 10000 entrepreneurs? For any comment, drop a line to

lEfT wiNg |

Anand Singh

Migrant labourers despair over currency spike


ullan Mahto is a labourer from Bihar's Nawada district who used to earn Rs 300 a day, spending half of it on food. Since the demonetisation five days back, he is virtually starving. His hands folded, the frail 59-year-old man, whose home is a pavement near the Dr Hedgewar Hospital in east Delhi, despairs that he is now getting no work. "We used to earn around 300 rupees a day. But we haven't got any work for three days. We are forced to go hungry," Mahto told IANS, referring to the severe cash crunch in the city since the government spiked 500 and 1,000 rupee notes on November 8. Mahto -- who says he has no cash with him -- is not the only one suffering. An IANS correspondent who went around parts of Delhi found that many labourers from other states seem to have been hit much more hard than even the lower middle class. A few said they have no option but to starve or go back to their villages. According to them, the contractors who used to hire them have said they cannot give them work as they are out of cash. The contractors are saddled with the spiked currency or finding it difficult to get enough 100 rupee notes. "I have been hungry for two days as we are not getting any work," moaned Rambhagatji, a migrant labourer from Etawah in Uttar Pradesh. "Earlier, once in a day or two, some people used to come and offer us food. But this has stopped," he told IANS. "The government is meant to be for the poor but we are suffering." Mahto asked pointedly: "Is this our 'acche din' (good days) that (Prime Minister Narendra) Modi had promised? Did we vote him to go hungry? Do we poor have a right to live or not?" Since the demonetisation was announced to check black money and corruption, hundreds of thousands of people across the country have waited in serpentine queues for hours outside banks and ATMs to either withdraw cash or deposit or exchange their now worthless currency. Surender Thapa, a labourer from Jharkhand's Goda district, who too lives on a pavement near the Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital in east Delhi, echoed the same complaint -- no work, no money. He wife and four children in his village rely on his income. "As I am unable to earn now, I am tense. What do I do? "Sometimes I think I will go back (to my village) but I can't even so that as I have no money to buy a train ticket." Even the beggars are feeling the pinch. Ramdin, who is in his 70s and begs near the Hanuman temple in Connaught Place in the heart of the capital, told IANS: "No one is offering us alms these days. "Earlier we thought we were the poorest. But it seems everyone has become poor now," he added. Delhi is said to be home to over 100,000 migrant labourers who spend their night on the pavements. As it is, they lead a tough life. Most of them are hoping and praying that the crisis ends


he importance of preparation and training for journalists is ever more relevant. What advice can you offer to journalists who are, for the most part, freelancers and don’t have the level of support larger networks provide when a story is so important, yet the risks are equally so high? Freelance journalists are in need of safety training more than ever before as kidnappings and death tolls continue to rise across many areas of conflict around the world. 72 Hours Under Fire As I write, it is 12 months to the day since I went with a small team of journalists – CNN reporter Arwa Damon and cameraman Neil Hallsworth – into the besieged Syrian city of Homs and spent three days inside Baba Amr to witness the devastation, first hand. At that point, the Assad regime has used brutal force to try and put down a popular uprising in Syria for over a year. What started out with peaceful demonstrations has turned into a bloody conflict between loyalists and those who wish to oust the regime. To date, after more than two years of fighting, the UN estimates that more than 70,000 people have lost their lives, and the death toll is rising. Bombarded daily, with supplies running out, moving short distances sometimes measured only by a few city blocks, to conduct an interview or to film the wreckage from the latest salvo of rockets was an intense challenge, under the constant threat of regime snipers. News teams working in conflict zones and Special Forces share some things in common, they are often unsupported, working far behind “enemy lines” with the primary role being to report back information. That is where the similarities end. Our team was made up of experienced individuals that had worked in a variety of countries and high-risk situations, all of which was called upon to keep ourselves safe when operating in Homs. After three days, we made the decision to leave, primarily because we received information that the government forces surrounding us were planning to advance in to Homs and crush the resistance offered by the few Free Syrian Army forces remaining. The CNN documentary traces these 72 hours and provides a unique insight into a bad situation that has since only gotten worse. When we arrived safely back in Beirut, not more than 24 hours after leaving Syria, we were greeted with very tragic and sobering news that veteran reporter Marie Colvin and French journalist Remi Ochlik had been killed and others with them severely injured when a mortar shell hit the same house we’d shared during our time in Homs. Towards the Danger Having worked with journalists for the best part of the last 11 years, often alongside them in high-risk situations, I have learned almost as much as I’ve taught about journalism safety. Unlike most professions, newsgathering is different because when something bad happens, most sensible folks run away or seek safety. But journalists run towards the danger to pursue the story and get the images – something that, in a conflict situation, can’t be done from

the safety of a bureau or hotel room miles from the frontlines. From the beginning of the “Arab Spring” we have seen more freelancers and more wanna-be reporters or “citizen journalists” flock to the frontlines hoping to catch that “big break”, tell their story or experience what it means to be a “war correspondent”. “Rookie” journalists are often not fully aware of the risks, nor do they have the necessary understanding of what it takes to operate safely before going into conflict zones or these intense situations. A freelance journalist is a person who pursues the story because he or she has a passion for the subject. They are often looking for their big break in the field where, in today’s media environment, it is getting more difficult to stand out. As a result, they are forced to face situations they’re unprepared for and ill equipped to handle. Not long after returning to the US from Syria I decided to hold a training session (the first of many), primarily for freelance journalists as I felt the landscape and the needs had changed. Freelance journalists are more likely to be in harm’s way. I used the recent assignment in Syria as a focus for the training to highlight the subtle changes in the risks our team experienced as well as hearing from many more who had covered the “Arab Spring” uprisings. The freelance media community is as large and diverse as any and, when it comes to conflict zones, their interests often overlap with human rights and humanitarian groups, all of which benefit from shared experience and training. When we talk about safety, most of the principles we discuss are universal and can be applied by anyone in any number of situations, not just in a war zone, but the remainder of what I have to say is an attempt to discuss some of the major changes in the risks and how the freelance journalist should consider implementing them when they head out to cover a dangerous assignment. Planning It goes without saying: the more time and effort devoted to planning a task the more likely the outcome will be successful. This is nothing new, perhaps, but more recently we have seen “newsworthy” events unfold or develop at a quicker pace than in the past, perhaps largely because of the technology available. The need for a journalist to react quickly to a breaking news story is not new in the business, but unless you happen to be in the area when the story breaks, you are going to have to get to the action quickly and you are unlikely to have sufficient time to plan. When preparing for a potentially dangerous assignment time and resources are luxuries. Therefore, it is more important for the journalist to set some clear objectives before heading out. By planning the assignment as much as possible, you can hope minimize the risk, identify the possible dangers and have the flexibility to deal with just about any situation providing you maintain a degree of situational awareness, we need to know what is going on immediately around us and what could effect our wellbeing, to do that

we have to be disciplined. In order to be successful in keeping oneself alive we have to act on information, assess whether something, good or bad, is going affect us and then do something. Without discipline it is easy to become paralyzed by evolving events and get caught out. During our time in Baba Amr, the building we were staying in was hit by a rocket, blowing a four-foot wide hole in the wall between the second and third story, the same room we had been offered the day we arrived. Apart from the obvious damage to the room and structure, the explosion also knocked the power out. Why is this important in the context of planning? First of all, we went into Homs with some very clear objectives – stay up to a week and focus on three to five main stories. This, along with a quick appraisal of the situation, meant we would be safer staying on the ground floor working and living with our hosts tucked into a corner close to a power supply, meaning we could keep all our vital work and safety equipment charged and remain better protected from the daily barrage of rockets and shells above. Preparation Planning and preparation go together, but when you are a journalist who covers hostile assignments, the reality is the only predictable thing you can expect when covering conflict is that a dangerous event will occur and often at the most inconvenient time. When it happens, even the best made plans can fall apart so your preparation then becomes more important. Before undertaking a high-risk assignment, you want to ensure you are both physically and mentally prepared. Heading out with any type of physical condition is asking for trouble. The stress of operating in a war zone increases the condition will likely worsen or will have an impact on your ability to respond when it really matters. Training is by far the best way to prepare, physically and mentally but, more importantly, to equip you with the skills and knowledge to work safely. No matter how much field experience you may have, you will still benefit from time spent with others comparing notes, discussing experiences and learning from near-miss incidents. Also, certain “perishable” skills, such as techniques to open someone’s airway or control severe bleeding if not practiced will soon be lost or become ineffective. The right type of training on “how to avoid trouble” and “what to do if you get into trouble” or developing “situational awareness” along with an appropriate amount of contingency planning not only prepares the freelance journalist for work in a hostile environment but also provides him or her with a healthy amount of confidence, allowing them to focus on the reason for going there – to report the story. The two journalists that I accompanied into Syria both had gone through the same training I had delivered to over 600 of their colleagues, and even though we only had 24 hours together before we started the journey into Syria, we all had an understanding of the risks and how we were going to deal with them throughout the assignment. It is doubtful we’d have had this level of

comfort going into the trip if we didn’t share the same level of training or experiences. Communications Being able to communicate with the outside world when working overseas is essential, not just for safety but also for work purposes. Letting someone know where you are and what you’re doing is important. But without the ability to send in stories or report the news it makes it difficult to get paid. If there are reliable telephone and Internet connections it’s relatively easy but not always safe, depending on where you are and who might be listening in. If you’re working away from connectivity, reliance on modern satellite technology is a critical tool for journalists in conflict zones. Last year, when we entered the Syrian city of Homs, which had effectively been cut off by the Syrian government authorities seeking to quash news coverage, we had to rely on the use of satellite technology to file reports and communicate with the outside world. This itself was a challenge. Technical issues, signal interference and logistical complications of switching transmission locations became difficult, nor did we have a clear line of sight to the satellite without exposing ourselves to the constant pounding of rockets and artillery shells. While satellite communication technology has made it easy to work remotely, it does come at a price: technical experts agree it is relatively easy to track and listen in to a satellite signal, even if the signal is encrypted. While an invaluable tool, there are a number of things to consider when using satellite communications: limit the amount of time transmitting from any one location, try not to transmit from the same location you are living or working from and remove the battery when not in use. All this needs to be balanced with being able to check in with those responsible for you. So what if something does go wrong? Situations often arise where journalists are injured while caught in crossfire or if combatants in the region are targeting them. It’s important to know the basics on how to handle a variety of situations such as checkpoints, being detained or an incident requiring medical assistance. In most cases, lives can be saved with basic items you can carry in a small medical kit in your backpack. Keep it handy and know how to use it under pressure. With the appropriate training, knowledge and preparation, freelance journalists will have more success not only in surviving a conflict zone or dangerous assignment, but also will become better at their job. They will be more focused and confident. Journalists who venture out without these things are at higher risk and more vulnerable to a negative outcome. While it’s important to acknowledge journalistic rights and freedoms in reporting, it’s just as important to provide them with the necessary support to allow them to do their job. This article is being reproduced with the permission of Fair Observer. The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect Fair Observer’s editorial policy.

Letters to the Editor should be sent to: The morung express, House No. 4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur - 797112, Or –email: All letters (including those via email) should have the full name and Postal address of the sender.

MonDAY 13•11•2016



Taking a Stand at Standing Rock Rev. John Dear



ike millions of other concerned people, I’ve followed the standoff at the Standing Rock Sioux Nation in North Dakota for months. The good people of Standing Rock—including the Dakota, the Lakota and the Sioux—have stood their ground since April to block the evil 1,170 mile, $3.7 billion Dakota Access Oil Pipeline which will dig beneath the three-mile-wide Missouri River, potentially poisoning the water for hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of people, and desecrating the sacred land of Indigenous people. They’ve built several large camps and a permanent campaign that has gained the support of 200 other tribes. Thousands have made the journey to the Standing Rock to stand in solidarity. The Obama administration has told the Army Corps not to issue the permit for drilling under the river but the preparations continue. Hundreds of unarmed peaceful people have been arrested in acts of nonviolent civil disobedience. State police and brutal pipeline security guards have attacked the nonviolent people with dogs, mace, tear gas and rubber bullets and consistently lied to the media, blaming the peaceful people for their violence. Through it all, the Native American people have stood and walked in a steadfast spirit of prayer and nonviolence. Before our eyes, they have demonstrated that rare kind of satyagraha reached by Mahatma Gandhi, Dorothy Day, Martin Luther King, Jr., and the finest nonviolent movements in history. In doing so, they have exposed for all the world to see the centuries old racist war on Native Americans and the equally centuries old war on the earth itself, as well as the power of creative nonviolence when wielded properly. Last week, a national call to clergy went out. Clergy were summoned to drop everything and get to Standing Rock for a day of prayer and repentance, and a march from the main camp to the bridge where the police and pipeline security officials block the road to the notorious pipeline construction site. And so I went. Over six hundred women and men priests and ministers from various Christian denominations made the journey, along with hundreds of other activists. It was one of the greatest experiences of my life. Looking out from the plane over the barren prairies of North Dakota, I was startled by the massive bright blue Missouri River. It is much bigger than I realized. From the air, it was so clear to see that, indeed, “Water Is Life,” as the Standing Rock saying teaches. Our plane was packed with church folk and young activists, and so was the Bismarck airport. There was excitement and hope in the air. Solidarity seemed alive and well. As I drove south under the big blue sky across the rolling brown prairies to the village of Cannon Ball near the Standing Rock camp, the orange sun began to set and the sacred landscape ra-

diated beauty, energy and life. I walked into the packed gymnasium for the evening orientation and nonviolence training, and found a hushed standing room only crowd listening attentively to Father John, the local Episcopal priest who has served here for 25 years, as he explained the scenario for the next day. Several Standing Rock leaders spoke before food and refreshments were offered. It was clear from the get-go that nonviolence was the order of the day. They call themselves “protectors” not protesters, “pray-ers not disrupters, “peacemakers” not “troublemakers.” It’s that creative nonviolence that has attracted the interest and sympathy of people around the country and the world. The next morning, I drove to the Oceti Sakowin camp as the sun rose over the mysterious North Dakota landscape. From the hills above the camp, it looked like a sea of tents with the striking exception of the scores of large white tee pees sprinkled throughout the camp. It was a sight to behold. The Cannon Ball River ran along one side of the camp and large brown rolling hills circled the entire area in the distance. Here, for the past months, thousands of people have maintained a nonviolent satyagraha campaign to protect the land, the water, and the dignity of the Standing Rock people. At 7 am, as I approached the main gathering place for worship, I noticed the large billboard with the camp rules: “We are protectors. We are peaceful and prayerful. We are nonviolent. ISMS have no place here. We respect the locals. We do not carry weapons. We keep each other accountable.” There, around the Sacred Fire, several dozen Native women offered morning prayers and then set off for the daily walk to bless the water. Over the next two hours, hundreds of clergy, mainly women and men Episcopal priests, arrived and greeted one another. Over the course of the day, we exchanged stories, shared our feelings and plotted strategies for future solidarity. I was happy to see friends Ann Wright of Voices for Creative Nonviolence, Rev. Lennox Yearwood of the Hip Hop Caucus, and Bill McKibben of At 9am, Father John began a liturgy of prayer and repentance, where we formally denounced the ancient “Doctrine of Discovery,” the church document from the 1490s which empowered European authorities to steal the land and resources of indigenous peoples. After silence and prayers, it was burned in the Sacred Fire. Then the march began. We set out from the camp, by now a thousand of us, well over half in various clerical church attire, with black robes, white collars, and colorful stoles. Most of us carried bright posters that read “Clergy Stand with Standing Rock.” We walked slowly, mindfully, peacefully down the main road, over the hill, and down toward the bridge, where the police have barricaded the road to prevent people from approaching the actual drilling and construction site of the pipeline. We sang as we walked— “Amazing Grace,” “This Little Light of mine,” “We Are Marching in the Light of God.” It was one of the greatest, most

peaceful marches I have ever experienced in a lifetime of marching for justice and peace. When we reached the bridge, we gathered together for songs and speeches. A wonderful African American woman minister led us in “The Water Is Wide.” A group of Jewish women sang an inspiring prayer in Hebrew. A young Quaker activist read her congregation’s statement of solidarity. Another Native elder and minister prayed for the pipeline workers, police and security guards, and the coming day when they would join our circle and together we could celebrate creation and the Creator. In my speech, I thanked the Standing Rock people for their steadfast resistance and exemplary nonviolence, and reflected on Jesus’ connection between nonviolence and oneness with the earth. I recalled his teaching in the Beatitudes, “Blessed are the meek; they shall inherit the earth,” and noted that meekness is the biblical word for nonviolence. Long ago, Jesus connected nonviolence with oneness with the earth, I said. We have forgotten that connection, rejected nonviolence as a way of life, supported the culture of violence, and now are faced with the consequences of systemic violence—the destructive pipeline and catastrophic climate change. But the Standing Rock people are calling us back, I continued. They urge us not just to reject the pipeline, honor their land, and protect our water, but to reclaim our common nonviolence and shared oneness with the earth. They are showing us the way forward, and it’s time for more and more of us to follow their lead. More songs, speeches and prayers followed, and then everyone exchanged the sign of peace. Bag lunches were offered and people sat down on the tall brown grass to eat, talk and rest after the day’s march. Later that afternoon, a hundred clergy drove north to Bismarck for another protest at the State Capitol. Fourteen were arrested inside during a sit in, calling for an end to the pipeline and for respect for the native lands and water. But I stayed back and spent the rest of the day walking through the main camp, meeting and listening to hundreds of people. It was a powerful experience, to encounter so many people who were coming together in this difficult but beautiful campaign. One young Standing Rock couple with two little children showed me their video from the demonstration the day before, when police and pipeline security officials sprayed the people with tear gas and shot them with rubber bullets. Others told me about the militarystyle raid on another camp the previous week, which led to the removal of everyone’s meager possessions and the arrest of 140 protectors. The pictures could be from our military manuevers in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Palestine, Libya and Pakistan. More, this war against the indigenous people and North Dakota landscape is not new: for one thing, hundreds of nuclear weapons have been planted in this sacred ground, ready for

take off and global destruction. One Native elder, who was also an ordained UCC minister, reflected with me on the possible outcomes that lay ahead, including the Obama administration’s effort to move the pipeline many miles north. In the medic tent, one young Native physician’s assistant told me stories of previous demonstrations, their care for the marchers and their basic mission—“to keep people alive.” I visited the artist collective, various kitchens, tents where extra clothes were being collected and given away as needed, and the media tent. In another tent, I came upon the daily nonviolent direct action training, required of every newcomer on the day of their arrival. Some 150 people were being trained in the basics of nonviolence. It was the Civil Rights movement all over again. Right now, everyone is digging in for the long, cold winter. But as I stood and watched a group building the geodesic dome in the center of the camp, it was clear: they may be cold, but they are on fire. The next day, I read an editorial in the New York Times calling for the pipeline to be moved far away from Standing Rock. It said in part: A pipeline may well be the most profitable and efficient way to move a halfmillion barrels of crude oil a day across the Plains. But in a time of oil gluts and plummeting oil prices, is it worth it? Is it worth the degradation of the environment, the danger to the water, the insult to the heritage of the Sioux? The law-enforcement response to the largely peaceful Standing Rock impasse has led to grim clashes at protest camps between hundreds of civilians and officers in riot gear. The confrontation cannot help summoning a wretched history. Not far from Standing Rock, in the Black Hills of South Dakota, sacred land was stolen from the Sioux, plundered for gold and other minerals, and then carved into four monumental presidential heads: an American shrine built from a brazen act of defacement. The Sioux know as well as any of America’s native peoples that justice is a shifting concept, that treaties, laws and promises can wilt under the implacable pressure for mineral extraction. But without relitigating the history of the North American conquest, perhaps the protesters can achieve their aim to stop or reroute the pipeline. Perhaps. If the Standing Rock campaign is able to stop or reroute the pipeline, it will do so because of their steadfast nonviolence and the strong movement that has grown up around them. But like every grassroots movement of nonviolence, they need help and are asking for it. Everyone can get involved to help build this movement, support their nonviolence, and reach that good outcome and transformation. As we continue our solidarity with Standing Rock, we are being summoned to take a new stand in our own lives, to give ourselves to the growing grassroots global movement to stop the destruction of our common sacred land, the poisoning of our shared water and the oppression of the indigenous peoples.


The Morung Express POLL RESULTS Do you think there shoulD be simultaneous elections for the state assemblies anD the parliament? Why?

62% 26% 12% YES



Some of those who voted YES had this to say: • Yes, this will be good. In our state we hardly care about parliamentary elections and this is not good. Also we have seen that the parliamentary seat is reserved for the ruling government and this is not fair. So i think it will be more fair if the elections are held simultaneously. • Yes because it will lessen time consumption, commotion and it will lessen wine supply, will reduce rate of fighting, less disturb the public, election duties of the employee and security will be lessen and so on • Yes. That will save exchequers money as two time expenditure paid to personnel, stationeries and others will be done away by just doing once. It will save also time for governance as the government becomes a lame dak govt on introduction of the model code of conduct. • Yes because we need the better leader • Yes, will curb idiot promises • Yes. to get absolute majority government • Yes. I think simultaneous elections is the right way to go about it. This should reduce the role of the state government in interfering and influencing the parliamentary elections. Some of those who voted NO had this to say: • No. Such a move will ensure the dominance of the national parties over the regional parties. A disproportionate media coverage on the agendas of the national parties will facilitate these national parties to hold sway on the opinions of the public and thereby enable them to dominate both the parliament as well as the state assemblies elections. Such a move has the potential to kick the regional parties out of existence and therefore, it will not be a healthy option to exercise. • No we are not ready to have this kind of election process in our state. We are already in so much confusion that introducing this system will only make it worse. • No, we are not ready for such a big move. Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say: • Well, the idea of "simultaneous elections" sounds good but I am not convinced yet as to how that's practicable with the present system of polity. If India wants to give it a try then i think it has to terminate the life of some of the state assemblies' before their normal term ends. Same thing will happen in every subsequent elections. Why? Because Lok Sabha may dissolve prematurely but not all the state Legislative Assemblies will. Similarly, one or two States may dissolve prematurely owing to loss of confidence or by imposition of Art.356 but not the Lok Sabha and other Legislative Assemblies. That being said, the ideas of Simultaneous Elections, Saving Money, Uniform Civil Code & National Language apparently have more buyers today than Federalism, Pluralism and Secularism upon which the idea of INDIA is built. • Need a Change

The Key Role Women Played in Culture of Peace Ambassador Anwarul K. Chowdhury


Inter Press Service

n the fifteen years since the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 1325, we have seen a tremendous enthusiasm among civil society at all levels in raising awareness, engaging in advocacy and building capacity for its meaningful implementation. It is my pleasure to write the foreword to this publication which is a meaningful endeavour to move the agenda forward on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the adoption of this groundbreaking resolution. All of us need to remember that adoption of 1325 has opened a muchawaited door of opportunity for women. To trace back, 15 years ago, on the International Women’s Day in 2000, I had the honor of issuing on behalf of the United Nations Security Council in my capacity as its President a statement that formally brought to global attention the unrecognized, underutilized and undervalued contribution women have always been making towards the prevention of wars, peacebuilding and engaging individuals, communities and societies to live in harmony. All fifteen members of the Security Council recognized in that statement that peace is inextricably linked with equality between women and men, and affirmed the value of full and equal participation of women in all

Resolution 1325 on women and peace & security was sown. The formal resolution followed this conceptual and political breakthrough on 31 October of the same year giving this issue the long overdue attention and recognition that it deserved. My own experience particularly during last quarter century has made it clear that the participation of women in peacemaking, peacekeeping and peacebuilding assures that their experiences, priorities, and solutions contribute to longer-term stability and inclusive governance. I have seen time and again how women – even the humblest and the weakest – have contributed to building the culture of peace in their personal lives, in their families, in their communities and in their nations. The contribution and involvement of women in the eternal quest for peace is an inherent reality. Women are the real agents of change in refashioning peace structures ensuring greater sustainability. In choosing the three women laureates for the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize, the citation referred to 1325 saying that “It underlined the need for women to become participants on an equal footing with men in peace processes and in peace work in general.” The Nobel Committee further asserted that “We cannot achieve democracy and lasting peace in the world unless women obtain the same opportunities as men to influence developments

hind 1325 is not to make war safe for women but to structure the peace in a way that there is no recurrence of war and conflict. Research and case studies consistently suggest that peace agreements and post-conflict rebuilding have a much higher chance of long-term success when women are involved. That is why women need to be at the peace tables, women need to be involved in the decision-making and in the peace-keeping teams to make a real difference in transitioning from the cult of war to the culture of peace. The driving force behind 1325 is “participation” in which women can contribute to decision-making and ultimately help shape societies where violence in general, more so against women is not the norm. 1325 marked the first time that such a proposition was recognized as an objective of the UN Security Council. “Women in every part of the world continue to be largely marginalized from the political sphere …” This is unfortunate and unacceptable. Empowering women’s political leadership will have ripple effects on every level of society and consequently on the global condition. When politically empowered, women bring important and different skills and perspectives to the policy making table in comparison to their male counterparts. When women have been included in peace negotiations, they often have brought the views of women to the discussions by en-

der equality, human rights, good governance, rule of law in new constitutional, judicial and electoral structures. We would not have to be worrying about countering extremism if women have equality in decision- making enabling them to take measures which would prevent such extremism. Ensuring equality and inclusion, mutual respect and fairness in international relations is essential to weed out roots of extremism. I recall Eleanor Roosevelt’s words saying “Too often the great decisions are originated and given shape in bodies made up wholly of men, or so completely dominated by them that whatever of special value women have to offer is shunted aside without expression.” It is a reality that politics, more so security, is a man’s world. Unfortunately the challenges to women’s rights and their equality not only continue, but those also mutate and reappear, undermining any hard-earned progress – of course in the process, those become more and more complex, complicated and more difficult to overcome. The ever-increasing militarism and militarization have made the situation even worse. The global patriarchy’s encouragement to the voluminous arms trade has made it easier for extremists of all kinds in obtaining the arms to impose on others their extremist world views. Ending the arms trade and serious steps toward disarmament should be part of the pre-

all militarized violence. Recognition that women need to be at the peace tables to make a real difference in transitioning from the cult of war to the culture of peace, I believe, made the passage of 1325 an impressive step forward for women’s equality agenda in contemporary security politics. The slogan of the Global Campaign on Women, Peace and Security which we launched in London in June 2014 reiterates “If we are serious about peace, we must take women seriously”. Of course, achieving real gender equality requires “transformative change.” In this conceptual reorientation, the politics of gender relations and restructuring of institutions, rather than simply equality in access to resources and options, should become the priority. Fifteen years after the adoption of 1325, the governments are still trying to get their acts together on its effective implementation by preparing respective National Action Plan (NAP) as called for by the Security Council. Civil society, on its part, should systematically monitor and evaluate its implementation to hold all sides accountable. Also, countries should work towards the elimination of violence against women and ensure that victims have full access to justice and that there is no impunity for perpetrators. Some countries boast that they do not need a national plan as their countries are not in conflict. To that I say emphatically that no country can claim to be

Very relevant in this context is the civil society initiative to prepare a people’s action plan as cogently articulated by Betty Reardon in her persuasive contribution in this publication. In general, National Action Plans should be designed to coordinate and strengthen the implementation of 1325. They should contain a catalogue of measures, clear targets and benchmarks for full and meaningful implementation. The creation of an action plan provides an opportunity to initiate strategic actions, identify priorities and resources, and determine the responsibilities and timeframes. The whole process of developing a plan is also a process of awareness-raising and capacity-building in order to overcome gaps and challenges to the full implementation of 1325. In real terms, NAP is the engine that would speed up the implementation of Resolution 1325. So far, only 48 (today the total stands at only 63) out of 193 UN member-states have prepared their plans – what a dismal record after 15 years. There are no better ways to get country level commitment to implement 1325 other than NAPs. I believe very strongly that only NAPs can hold the governments accountable. There has to be an increased and pro-active engagement of the UN secretariat leadership to get a meaningfully bigger number of NAPs – for example, setting a target of 100 NAPs by 2017.

society, preparation of its National Action Plan is particularly important. NGOs should persistently continue to pressure and demand that the government develops the country’s National Action Plan for the implementation of 1325. At the global level, the UN Secretary-General needs to take the lead in setting up six-monthly inclusive consultative process for 1325 implementation with the civil society organizations at all levels for all relevant UN entities. Also, all relevant NGOs are to be mobilized at country level by the 1325 national coordination body supported by the UN Resident Coordinator. Again, to recall my message in 2011, I welcomed the focus of Sansristi’s workshop “on the significance of and need for humancentred approach to security. Security can no longer be understood in purely military terms or in terms of state security. Rather, it must encompass economic development, social justice, environmental protection, democratization, disarmament, and respect for human rights and the rule of law. To attain the goals of human security, the most essential element is the protection and empowerment of people. As 1325 deals with peace & security with special attention to the half of the global population, it is crucially important that the human security concept becomes the key to the resolution’s implementation at the national, regional and global levels.”

that make women insecure and deny their equality of participation, basically as a result of its support of the existing militarized inter-state security arrangements, is disappointing. We need to realize that the world is secure when we focus on ensuring human security with a feminist perspective and full and equal participation of women at all decision-making levels, in all spheres of human activity and at all times. 1325 is a “common heritage of humanity” wherein the global objectives of peace, equality and development are reflected in a uniquely historic, universal document of the United Nations. As we look ahead, what is called for is an evergrowing global movement involving more and more women and, of course, men. This publication is a concrete and determined step towards the objective of contributing meaningfully to the emerging global movement for women’s equality and empowerment. It reflects our common eagerness, energy and enthusiasm to move forward. With wonderfully articulated presentations skillfully authored by experts from various background and experiences and brilliantly put together with accomplished editing by Asha Hans and Swarna Rajagopalan, the book deserves wide-ranging attention and global readership. Ambassador Anwarul K. Chowdhury, former Under-Secretary-General and High Representative of the United Nations, Internationally Recognized Initiator of the UNSCR 1325 as the President


MonDAY 14•11•2016



Demonetisation: United Opposition slams govt Mother, other political representatives to meet the President KolKata/Delhi November 13 (iaNS): West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Sunday called for an end to demonetisation of 500 and 1,000 rupee notes, saying it had caused a "financial catastrophe". "This is not an ego battle. I humbly appeal again to the government at the Centre. Save the common people from more suffering and the country from financial catastrophe by withdrawing this hasty decision," the Chief Minister tweeted. "(First please) put a proper action plan in place. (Give) Breathing space for people," she said. Banerjee thanked President Pranab Mukherjee for agreeing to meet her and other political leaders to talk about people's suffering due to the demonetisation. "Today I spoke with several political leaders regarding a joint movement and to meet Rashtrapatiji together. "Let us all fight this together to give relief to common citizens, the poor and stop this financial anarchy." The Trinamool Congress leader has opposed the Cen-

Farmers will not be taxed: Modi PuNe, November 13 (iaNS): In the wake of the demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday rejected apprehensions that farmers depositing money in banks will be subjected to tax. Addressing the ‘International Conference and Exhibition on Sugarcane Value Chain - Vision 2025 Sugar' here, he also said that announcing the demonetisation move before November 8 would have defeated the very purpose - of fighting corruption. "An illusion is being spread, farmers are being misled that because of demonetisation, farmers depositing money in banks will have to pay taxes on them. I want to assure all the farmers, no tax will be levied on you. This country is yours, the money is yours, these banks are yours and so is Modi," he said. "We could not have done it before November 8 otherwise there were chances of information being leaked. If the information was leaked, then the very purpose of the demonetisation would have been defeated as the hoarders would have found ways to get rid of the money," he said.

A bank employee asks people not to shout as they wait to exchange their old high denomination banknotes outside a bank in the northern city of Kanpur. (REUTERS Photo)

tre's decision to spike Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes. Banerjee and other political representatives who oppose the step are scheduled to meet the President later this week to talk about the "grim situation" across the nation since the demonetisation of November 8. Jail those with Swiss bank accounts: Kejriwal Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to immediately roll back the spiking of high value currency and jail those with illegal Swiss bank accounts.

The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader also warned that if the massive cash crunch across the country continued, it could lead to law and order issues and spiral out of control. "I urge the Prime Minister to take back his decision" of November 8 to demonetize the 500 and 1,000 rupee notes as it has created huge problems for the ordinary people, an aggressive Kejriwal told the media. He also took on Modi for saying only hours earlier in Goa that he (Prime Minister) needed just 50 more days to streamline

the troubles triggered by the dramatic demonetisation. "Does this mean that the markets will remain closed for the next 50 days? How can farmers survive? Will people keep standing in queues for 50 days? He is only giving an emotional speech." Asking the Prime Minister to stop "natakbazi" (drama), the AAP leader told Modi to first jail "his friends" who hold illegal accounts in Swiss banks. "People expect you to take action against them," he said. "Once you jail the corrupt, corruption will au-

tomatically end. Congress seeks probe into 'huge transactions' prior to demonetisation Meanwhile, claiming that "BJP people were informed beforehand" about the governments move to demonetise Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes leading to huge transactions in bullion and diamonds, the Congress on Sunday demanded a court monitored probe into the alleged transactions. "We have already brought the charge and we will raise it again that they (the BJP) had informed

their people about the (demonetisation) move. There have been huge transactions in bullion, diamonds, foreign exchange and securities prior to the demonetisation," said senior Congress leader Anand Sharma. "A list needs to be drawn about all these transactions and they need to be probed by a Supreme Court monitored panel," he said. Pointing to crores of people queuing up outside banks to exchange the now demonetise currency notes, the former Union Minister accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi

of "mocking" the people of the country. This is sheer madness: Kerala minister Kerala Finance Minister Thomas Issac on Sunday described as "sheer madness" the massive rush for money at banks and ATMs and warned that this could lead to mass poverty. The economics professor-turned-politician said he was shocked to hear Finance Minister Arun Jaitley argue that it will take a month for normalcy to return in the banking sector. "By now things have gone haywire. Wages have

not been paid in the plantation sector in Kerala. If this is going to last a week, then it will be abject poverty in the state. This is sheer madness," he said. Like in the past few days, Sunday also saw serpentine queues in front of banks and ATMs in the state as people tried to surrender the old currency and withdraw their own money. But many ATMs were still not working. The ones that were functional ran out of cash, leaving many shattered. Now the money spinning tourism industry in Kerala has started to feel the heat. Kerala Tourism Development Corp Chairman M. Vijayakumar told IANS that around 40 per cent of their bookings had been cancelled. Another segment that has come under stress is the nearly 2.5 million migrant labourers in Kerala. "We have not received our weekly wages that we normally get every Saturday. We are unable to do any job as we stand in queues in front of ATMs," said a labourer from Assam. Opposition Leader Ramesh Chennithala said Modi was a new version of Mohammed Bin Tuglak. "All are surprised to hear Jaitley saying that everyone can do their transactions online," he said. "How many people in this country can afford to do that?"

'Indian varsities should try to be among top 100' UCC: Law Commission open to suggestions belagavi(K'taKa), November 13 (Pti): Prime Minister Narendra Modi today made an appeal to universities in the country to aspire to be among the top 100 globally and promised special economic assistance. There is no Indian university among the world's top 100 universities, Modi said, adding, we feel "ashamed". "I invite 10 public and 10 private universities to come forward and take a pledge to make a place for themselves in the top 100 universities of the world. "Those who will come forward will get special economic assistance. They will be given relaxation from seeking various approvals. There will be an open field for them," he said. The Prime Minister was speaking at the centenary celebrations of Karnataka Lingayat Education Society (KLES) at Belagavi. He also urged the students to actively participate in sports and aim for a Gold in Tokyo Olympics in 2020. "Research and innovation are vital for us. In the 21st century, the youth will take India to new heights. For this, we need skilled youth," he tweeted. In the Union Budget announced earlier this year, the government had promised

New Delhi, November 13 (Pti): With a section of the tribal population up in arms against the government's move seeking opinion of the Law Commission on possibility of having the Uniform Civil Code, the panel said it was "open" to objections and suggestions from the community. "The tribal community should make representation before the Commission. We would also like to know their stand," Law Commission Chairman B S Chauhan told PTI. He said the Commission

First laughter, now tears: Rahul sums up Modi's speeches New Delhi, November 13 (iaNS): Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi on Sunday took a dig at Prime Minister Narendra Modi, posting two videos of the latter's speech on his official Twitter account. "First laughter now tears! Mediocrity comes face to face with reality," Gandhi wrote along with a clipping of Modi's speech in Goa. Modi, who broke down during his speech in Goa, said his dramatic decision to demonetise Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes had placed him in the crosshairs of what he said were "vested interests", but vowed to end black money and corruption with more projects. At one time, he halted for a few seconds to check his emotions, saying he had sacrificed his home and family for the country's sake. Earlier, Gandhi tweeted "Modi laughs as poor cry", referring to the Prime Minister's speech in Japan, a clipping of which he posted. enabling regulatory architecture for 10 public and 10 private institutions to help them emerge as world-class teaching institutions. Rs 1,000 crore was also set aside for higher education financing during the budget. PM deprecates warmongering Deprecating warmongering, Prime Minister Narendra Modi today said it was "easy to give sermons on war" but a government has to think of its adverse consequences for the common man. "I was recently talking to

Jharkhand opposition seeks judicial probe into police firings raNchi, November 13 (iaNS): The opposition parties in Jharkhand held a dharna at the Raj Bhavan here on Sunday seeking judicial probes into three police firings and to protest proposed amendments in two land acts by the BJP government. Leaders and workers of the Congress, Jharkhand Vikas Morcha-Prajatantrik (JVM-P), Janata Dal-United, Rashtriya Janata Dal and Left parties, including former Chief Minister and JVM-P President Babulal Marandi and former Union Minister and Congress leader Subodh Kant Sahay, staged the sit-in carrying placards. In September, police had fired at villagers demanding compensation for land acquired for an inland power site in Ramgarh district. On October 1, four people were killed in police firing at Barkagao in Hazaribagh while protesting against land acquisition for coal mining. The third firing took place at Khuti district on October 22, in which one person was killed. The protestors also voiced their opposition to the Raghubar Das-led BJP goverment's move to amend the Chotanagur Tenancy Act and Santhal Pargana Tenancy Act. Jharkhand Governor Draupadi Murmu had sent the two ordinance on the issue to President Pranab Mukherjee for approval, who in turn sought Centre's suggestion. After the matter was referred to the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes, it advised against the proposal. Sahay said the 2013 law pertaining to land acquisition should be implemented strictly in the state. "The Raghubar Das government is trying to grab the land for industrial houses at the cost of the tribals and 'moolvasis' of Jharkhand," the Congress leader said.

considers tribals as a stakeholder in the entire exercise in which representations are coming from various communities. "The tribals can also participate and debate in the entire exercise," the former apex court judge said. The opposition from a section of the tribal community assumed importance as a group has also moved the Supreme Court contending that the government was making an attempt to impose the UCC which will be against their ethos, customs and religious practices. The Rashtriya Adivasi Ekta Parishad, a

group that claims to work for protecting Adivasi interests, has filed a petition in the apex court seeking protection of their customs and religious practices, including their right to practice polygamy and polyandry. Further, it has contended that any attempt to impose the Uniform Civil Code would have adversely impact on their distinct customs, culture and heritage. The petition in the apex court claimed the Adivasis (tribals) had their own personal laws and do not come in the category of Hindus as they worshipped

nature instead of idols and performed burial of the dead. The marriage ceremonies of tribals are also different from that of Hindus, it submitted. "In case of Uniform Civil Code, the Adivasis' right to perform marriage, worship, last rites and other ceremonies would be abrogated," the NGO said. The petition is likely to come for hearing when the apex court will take up a batch of matters relating to the validity of triple talaq and polygamy in the Muslim community.

Punjab will not spare even one drop of water: Amarinder

a journalist who said let's go to war. I asked him what will you do if there are problems? There will be no electricity, supplies will stop, trains will be cancelled. "It is easy to give sermons. When a decision is taken, you have to consider that the common man is not inconvenienced," Modi said addressing a function here. The Prime Minister's remarks came weeks after the September 29 cross-LoC surgical strike by army, and over 100 ceasefire violations by Pakistan targeting Indian posts and civilian areas.

abohar (Pb), November 13 (Pti): Hitting out at the Badal government over the Supreme Court's ruling on the SYL issue, Punjab Congress chief Amarinder Singh today vowed to protect the last drop of the state's water. Addressing a rally at Khuian Sarwar village near Abohar, the tail-end of Sutlej Yamuna Link (SYL) Canal, he asked SAD MLAs to quit the Assembly and said the state polls should be held next month itself to prevent Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal from further "vitiating" the atmosphere of the state. He vowed to protect the "last drop" of Punjab's water, and declared "not a drop will be spared" till their "last breath". Asserting that implementation of the SYL verdict will "finish off" the 2 lakh families and 2 lakh agricultural labourers who farm 10 lakh acres of land in the state, Ama-

rinder alleged that SAD had 10 years to battle the case in the court effectively but failed to do anything. "Why did Badal not tell the court that Punjab had no water to spare, with all the glaciers having melted," the state Congress chief asked and reiterated his demand for the establishment of a new tribunal to assess the quantum of water available with the state. 4 PML companies deployed along Punjab-Haryana border Four companies of Para Military Forces were deployed today as a security measure to prevent escalation of any tension due to the Supreme Court's ruling on Sutlej-Yamuna Link canal issue. Inspector General of Police (Patiala Zone) Paramraj Singh Umranangal con-

firmed the deployment of four companies of Para Military Forces. He said that two companies have been deployed in Patiala district and one each in Mohali and Fatehgarh Sahib district. He said that the deployment is concentrated over the Punjab and Haryana border and along the Sutlej Yamuna Link (SYL) canal. Meanwhile, Patiala police chief Gurmeet Chauhan said that flag marches were conducted in Rajpura and Patran area of Patiala district. Political temperatures have risen in Punjab after the Supreme Court held as "unconstitutional" the 2004 law passed by Punjab to terminate the SYL canal water sharing agreement with Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Jammu and Kashmir, Delhi and Chandigarh.

Headache after lunch can indicate reactive hypoglycemia New Delhi, November 13 (iaNS): Twenty-three-yearold Rahul (name changed) faced an unusual problem. He used to suffer dizziness, anxiety and regular headaches every time after having a meal. When the problem persisted, he decided to see a doctor and on investigation it was found that the root of the problem was an unusual condition where the blood sugar level drops after a meal instead of rising as is the norm. Rahul was diagnosed with a relatively uncommon condition called reactive hypoglycemia, or postprandial hypoglycemia, which happens due to excess insulin secretion after a meal. "The family history of diabetes could have been the reason for the excess insulin secretion," Ajay Kumar Ajmani, Senior Consultant, Endocrinology, BLK Super Speciality Hospital here, told IANS. Although extreme cases of reactive hypoglycemia are very rare, doctors say that people with insulin resistance and those who are overweight or obese are vulnerable to this condition. Insulin resistance is a risk factor for the development of Type-

November 14 is World Diabetes Day 2 diabetes, which is increasing in epidemic proportions worldwide -- and more so in India. Postprandial hypoglycemia occurs when too much insulin is produced and released by the pancreas following a large carbohydrate-based meal. "Reactive hypoglycemia refers to low blood sugar that occurs after a meal -- usually within four hours after eating. This is different from low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) that occurs while fasting," Subhash Kumar Wangnoo, Senior Consultant Endocrinologist and Diabetologist at the capital's Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, told IANS. "People who have undergone bariatric surgery (for weight loss) are also more likely to get reactive hypoglycaemia," Wangnoo noted. "In those who have undergone bariatric surgery, the food can pass too quickly into the small intestine (dumping syndrome). As a result, the glucose in food is not absorbed resulting

in hypoglycaemia. "Also an uncommon complication of bariatric surgery is nesidioblastosis -- a condition in which the insulin producing cells of the pancreas undergo hyperplasia, resulting in excess insulin production that can cause reactive hypoglycaemia," Wangnoo explained. Signs and symptoms of reactive hypoglycemia include hunger, weakness, shakiness, sleepiness, sweating, light-headedness, headache, palpitations, irritability and anxiety. "Increasing use of carbohydrates and fats and processed foods, along with reduced physical activity, are the underlying factors leading to the increasing prevalence of these conditions," Wangnoo said. A study published in the journal Diabetologia detailed the history of three patients who did not have diabetes but who suffered so much from severe hypoglycemia following meals that they became confused and sometimes

blacked out. Following weight loss surgery, all three patients -- a woman in her 20s, another in her 60s and a man in his 40s - developed postprandial hypoglycemia that failed to respond to dietary or medical intervention. The immediate cause of hypoglycemia was exceptionally high levels of insulin following meals. All three patients in the study failed to respond to medication and ultimately required partial or complete removal of the pancreas, the major source of insulin, to prevent dangerous declines in blood glucose. Thankfully, most cases of postprandial hypoglycemia can be managed by simple modifications in the diet, according to the doctors. After monitoring blood glucose levels hourly before and after a meal, Rahul's diet too was modified. "Rahul takes small meals every four hours, exercises daily in the morning and his blood sugar

level does not dip below 80 mg/ dL. After two months, he seemed to have got rid of the symptoms he used to complain of," Ajmani said. "Dietary modification with controlled carbohydrate content has been demonstrated to improve symptoms of postprandial hypoglycemia in bariatric surgery-associated hypoglycemia, dumping syndrome, insulin autoimmunity, and postprandial syndrome," Manoj Kumar, Consultant, Endocrinology Department, Jaypee Hospital, Noida, noted. The doctors advised that patients diagnosed with the condition should have a balanced diet -- high-fibre foods, non-meat source of protein, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. They should also avoid sugary food on an empty stomach. "Avoid sugary soft drinks and eat several small meals and snacks throughout the day, no more than three hours apart during the waking hours," Ajmani said. Patients with reactive hypoglycaemia should be screened for diabetes or later development of diabetes as they might be having prediabetes, Wangnoo pointed out.

MondAY 14•11•2016



Colombia tries again for peace with sides signing new accord HAvANA, NOvEmbER 13 (AP): Colombia tried a second time to achieve peace, with its government and largest rebel group signing a revised deal to end its brutal conflict following the surprise rejection of an earlier peace accord by voters in a referendum. Government negotiator Humberto de la Calle and rebel negotiator Ivan Marquez announced the new, modified deal Saturday in Havana, moving to end a half-century-long conflict that has claimed more than 220,000 lives and driven almost 8 million people from their homes. The latest agreement aims to address some of the concerns of opponents of the original accord, who said the deal was too lenient on a rebel group that had kidnapped and committed war crimes. “The new deal is an opportunity to clear up doubts, but above all to unite us,” said De la Calle, who described the text of the modified accord as “much better” than the previous one. The negotiator didn’t say if or how it would be submitted again to voters for approval or to congress. President Juan Manuel Santos and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia inked an initial peace deal on September 26 amid international fanfare after more than four years of negotiations. But voters rejected it on Octo-

In this Saturday, Oct. 8, 2016, file photo, demonstrators hold hands to support a peace accord between the Colombian government and rebels of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, FARC, at the main square in Bogota, Colombia. The country’s government and its largest rebel group signed a new, modified peace accord on Saturday, Nov. 12, following the surprise rejection of an earlier deal by voters in a referendum. (AP File Photo)

ber 2 by just 55,000 votes, dealing a stunning setback to Santos who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to end Colombia’s conflict. Santos immediately began looking for ways to rescue the deal and the sides extended a cease-fire until December 31 to get the modified deal done. The rebels insisted they wouldn’t go back to the drawing board and throw out years of arduous negotiations with the government. “The meetings with the FARC delegation were intense,” said De la Calle. “We worked 15 days and nights to

reach this new agreement.” De La Calle said some modifications made were related to justice, punishment for combatants accused of war crimes and reparations for the conflict’s victims. He said negotiators had worked out the details of how and where those responsible for crimes would serve their sentences, addressing complaints by opponents that rebels accused of atrocities would not be imprisoned but submitted to “alternative punishments.” Other modifications include requiring the rebels to present an inventory

of acquired money and holdings, and the provision of safeguards for private owners and property during reforms carried out in the countryside. Cases of conflict participants accused of drug trafficking would be dealt with under Colombia’s penal code and be heard by high courts. In a televised address Saturday night, Santos said he had instructed De la Calle and the negotiating team to return to Bogota to explain the details of the new accord to the “no” campaign led by conservative former President Alva-

ro Uribe. Santos said that an issue where negotiators did not achieve advances was on the insistence by opponents of the peace deal that guerrilla leaders not be allowed to run for elected office. “We won’t have assigned legislative seats. To the contrary, they will have to participate in elections. Nor will they have positions in government, as has occurred in other cases. But yes they can be elected,” he said. FARC negotiator Marquez said “the implementation of the accord is all that remains for the construction of the bases

for peace in Colombia.” US Secretary of State John Kerry congratulated Colombians, including Santos and those from the “no” campaign, for reaching the new peace deal. “After 52 years of war, no peace agreement can satisfy everyone in every detail. But this agreement constitutes an important step forward on Colombia’s path to a just and durable peace. The United States, in coordination with the Government of Colombia, will continue to support full implementation of the final peace agreement,” he said in a statement. Hours before the deal was announced, Uribe, who was Colombia’s president from 2002 to 2010, had asked that it “not be definitive” until opponents and victims of the conflict could review the text. Following a meeting with Santos, Uribe read a statement to reporters saying he had asked that the “texts to be announced from Havana” not be official until they had been reviewed. Uribe and his supporters had demanded stiffer penalties for rebels who committed war crimes and criticized the promise of a political role for the FARC, a 7,000-strong peasant army that is Latin America’s last remaining major insurgency. They didn’t like that under the old deal guerrilla leaders involved in crimes against humanity would be spared jail time and allowed to enter political life.

Wearable device can reduce Iraq troops vow to tighten noose on Islamic State in Mosul “Our approach (to Hadba) will be this is what we feared. At night there NOvEmbER 13 (REfat and treat type 2 diabetes bAWIZA, uTERS): Iraqi soldiers fighting just very slow and cautious so that we can were fierce clashes and we heard pow-

TOKYO, NOvEmbER 13 (IANS): Scientists from Japan have developed a wearable medical device that can help diabetic elderly or overweight people to lose fat and treat type 2 diabetes. The device developed by Kumamoto University affects visceral fat loss and improves blood glucose (sugar) by helping overweight or elderly people exercise, which is effective for the treatment of diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a disease of systemic organ failure due to chronic hyperglycemia and inflammation from the accumulation of excess visceral fat. Metabolic disorders such as hyperglycemia attenuate stress resistance in the human body and exacerbate insulin resistance. The heat shock response (HSR) is activated as a response to stress in the human body, but its function decreased in those with type 2 diabetes. A research team from the university has found that by restoring the function of HSP72 -- the main protein of HSR -improved glucose-related abnormalities. The researchers developed a belt-type medical device that uses a special type of rubber. “This device is very easy to use since it simply attaches to the abdomen and it has a low-impact on the patient. One can expect the effects to be similar to exercise therapy,” Tatsuya Kondo, who led the research, said in a statement. The team then performed a clinical trial of MES + HS on 40 obese men suffering from type 2 diabetes. Results showed a decrease fasting glucose levels, a loss of visceral fat, improve insulin resistance and a significant improvement in glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) values. “Even in patients who have difficulty exercising, such as those who are overweight, elderly, or have some form of disability, this device can be expected to provide acceptable treatment in addition to conventional diabetic medical care,” Tatsuya added.

north of Mosul, within sight of city neighbourhoods, said on Sunday they were ready to tighten the noose around Islamic State militants waging a brutal defence of their Iraqi stronghold. Four weeks into the campaign to crush Islamic State in Mosul, the city is almost surrounded but the jihadists’ defences have been breached so far only to the east, where they have battled elite troops for control of up to a dozen districts. The battle for Mosul, the largest city held by the ultra-hardline Sunni Islamist group in Iraq and Syria, is the largest military operation in Iraq in a decade of turmoil unleashed by the 2003 U.S. invasion which toppled Saddam Hussein. Iraq’s Shi’ite-led government, which has assembled a 100,000-strong coalition of troops, security forces, Kurdish peshmerga fighters and mainly Shi’ite militias, backed by U.S. air power, says it will mark the end of Islamic State in Iraq. But it says the fight may be a long one. An army special forces officer on the northern front line said his men aimed to target Hadba, the first neighbourhood ahead of them within city limits. The district was visible from his position in the village of Bawiza. Brigadier Ali Abdulla said Islamic State fighters had been pushed out of Bawiza and another village, Saada, although progress had been slowed by the presence of civilians he said were being used by the militants as human shields.

reach the families and free them from Daesh’s (Islamic State’s) grip,” Abdulla said. The timing of the decision to move on Hadba would also depend on progress on other fronts he said. Security forces are advancing to the south of Mosul, targeting the city’s airport on the west bank of the Tigris river. Abdulla said Islamic State was using suicide car bombs, roadside bombs, snipers and long range mortars to try to hold back the army advance in the north - all tactics it has used to lethal effect on the eastern front as well. Another officer, Captain Oqba Nafaa, said the militants were still fighting in Saada, using a network of tunnels to carry out surprise strikes on the attacking forces. That also echoed the urban warfare which they have deployed to lethal effect in the east of the city against elite Counter Terrorism Service (CTS) forces and an armoured division. In some districts, control has changed hands three or four times as the militants, using tunnels and exploiting the presence of civilians as cover, have launched night-time attacks and reversed military gains of the previous day. One resident of al-Qadisiya alThaniya district, which the elite Counter Terrorism Service entered on Friday, said the special forces later pulled back and Islamic State fighters returned. “They came back to us again, and

erful explosions,” she told Reuters.

TROOPS TAKE NIMRUD About 30 km (20 miles) south of Mosul, troops recaptured the town of Nimrud on Sunday, next to the ancient Assyrian city which was overrun by Islamic State militants two years ago. “Troops from the Ninth Armoured Division liberated Nimrud town completely and raised the Iraqi flag above its buildings,” a military statement said. The town of Nimrud lies 1 km (less than 1 mile) west of the ruins of the 3,000-year-old city. The soldiers also captured the village of Numaniya, on the edge of Nimrud, which was once the capital of an Assyrian empire stretching from Egypt to parts of modern-day Iran and Turkey. The Iraqi government says Nimrud was bulldozed last year as part of Islamic State’s campaign to destroy symbols which the Sunni Muslim zealots consider idolatrous. Video footage released by Islamic State, purportedly from Nimrud, also showed its fighters destroying relics with electric drills and explosives. More than 54,000 people have been displaced so far in the four-week Mosul campaign. The Norwegian Refugee Council said on Sunday tens of thousands of people “lack access to water, food, electricity and basic health services” in areas recaptured by the army in Mosul and surrounding towns and villages. Ultimately, 700,000 people were likely to need shelter, food, water or medical support.


‘US to push ahead on climate pact before Trump takes over’ WELLINGTON, NOvEmbER 13 (REuTERS): U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Sunday the Obama administration would do everything it could to implement a global agreement to combat climate change before President-elect Donald Trump takes office. Kerry made the comments during a visit to New Zealand just before setting off to Marrakesh, Morocco to take part in climate talks between 200 nations. Donald Trump, who calls global warming a hoax and has promised to quit the Paris Agreement, was considering ways to bypass a theoretical four-year procedure for leaving the accord, according to a source on Trump’s transition team. Kerry declined to speculate on what Trump might do about the Paris Agreement and noted that there was sometimes a difference between campaigning and governing. But the top American diplomat was clear he thought further action to prevent climate change should be a priority. “The evidence is mounting in ways that people in public life should not dare to avoid accepting as a mandate for action,” Kerry told journalists at a press conference in Wellington with New Zealand Prime Minister John Key “Until January 20 when this administration is over, we intend to do everything possible to meet our responsibility to future generations to be able to address this threat to life itself on the planet.” Kerry’s visit to Wellington followed a two-day trip to Antarctica where he flew in a helicopter over the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, which would add to rising sea levels if it melts, and spoke to scientists researching how fast climate change is likely to occur. The U.S. accounts for just under 20 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions so is considered a key player in the Paris Agreement, which has been ratified by 109 countries so far. The accord seeks to limit rising temperatures that have been linked to increasing economic damage from desertification, extinctions of animals and plants, heat waves, floods and rising sea levels.

Eight dead in clashes between Myanmar army and militants YANGON, NOvEmbER 13 (REuTERS): Eight people died and 36 were arrested in clashes between the Myanmar army and what the government believes are Rohingya Muslim militants in northern Rakhine State, state media said on Sunday, in the largest escalation of the month-old conflict yet. Skirmishes took place throughout Saturday in villages in the north of Rakhine, leaving one officer and one soldier dead. Six bodies of attackers were recovered in the aftermath, while 36 other people believed to be involved were arrested. About 60 attackers armed with guns, knives and spears ambushed government troops on Saturday morning, the state-owned Global New Light of Myanmar said. The army returned fire, but at one point asked for army choppers to reinforce because its troops were outnumbered, the paper said. Soldiers have poured into northern Rakhine, close to the border with Bangladesh, since Oct. 9, after an insurgent group of Rohingyas that the government believes has links to Islamists overseas launched coordinated attacks on several border posts. The military has blocked access to the area for journalists and aid workers. Residents and human rights advocates have accused security forces of summary executions, rapes and setting fire to homes. The government and the army have rejected the accusations, saying they were conducting the “clearance operation” in the villages in accordance with the rule of law. The troops at one point were shot at by about 500 men, state media said. Ye Naing, director of the Ministry of Information, contacted by Reuters on Sunday, said the insurgents were hiding among the villagers and not all of the 500 people were militants. Security forces recovered a weapon and ammunition similar to arms taken away by the attackers on Oct. 9, state media reported. The violence in recent weeks is the most serious to hit Rakhine since hundreds were killed in communal clashes in 2012. Myanmar’s 1.1 million Rohingya Muslims are the majority in northern Rakhine but they are denied citizenship, with many majority Buddhists regarding them as illegal immigrants from neighbouring Bangladesh. They face severe travel restrictions.

Clinton blames FBI’s Comey for her defeat NEW YORK/WASHINGTON, NOvEmbER 13 (REuTERS): Hillary Clinton blamed FBI director James Comey for her stunning defeat in Tuesday’s presidential election in a conference call with her top campaign funders on Saturday, according to two participants who were on the call. Clinton was projected by nearly every national public opinion poll as the heavy favorite going into Tuesday’s race. Instead, Republican Donald Trump won the election, shocking many throughout the nation and prompting widespread protests. Clinton has kept a low profile since her defeat after delivering her concession speech on Wednesday morning. Clinton told her supporters on Saturday that her team had drafted a memo

that looked at the changing opinion polls leading up to the election and that the letter from Comey proved to be a turning point. She said Comey’s decision to go public with the renewed examination of her email server had caused an erosion of support in the upper Midwest, according to three people familiar with the call. Clinton lost in Wisconsin, the first time since 1984 that the state favored the Republican candidate in a presidential election. Although the final result in Michigan has still not been tallied, it is leaning Republican, in a state that last favored the Republican nominee in 1988. Comey sent a letter to Congress only days before the election announcing that he was reinstating an investigation into whether

Clinton mishandled classified information when she used a private email server while secretary of state from 2009 to 2012. Comey announced a week later that he had reviewed emails and continued to believe she should not be prosecuted, but the political damage was already done. Clinton told donors that Trump was able to seize on both of Comey’s announcements and use them to attack her, according to two participants on the call. While the second letter cleared her of wrongdoing, Clinton said that it reinforced to Trump’s supporters that the system was rigged in her favor and motivated them to mobilize on Election Day. The memo prepared by Clinton’s campaign, a

copy of which was seen by Reuters, said voters who decided which candidate to support in the last week were more likely to support Trump than Clinton. “In the end, late breaking developments in the race proved one hurdle too many for us to overcome,” the memo concludes. A spokesperson for the FBI could not immediately be reached for comment. On the phone call, Dennis Chang, who served as Clinton’s finance chair, said her campaign and the national party had raised more than $900 million from more than 3 million individual donors, according to the two participants who spoke to Reuters.

count to donors, Trump hunkered down at Trump Tower with members of the transition team announced on Friday and tasked with selecting the 15 Cabinet posts and thousands of political appointment jobs. Kellyanne Conway, who served as his campaign manager, said on Saturday that the an announcement of a new chief of staff is “imminent.” Two candidates whose names have surfaced as contenders for the top White House job are campaign CEO Steve Bannon and Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus. Trump will deliver a speech about his plans moving forward in the coming days and may unTRUMP: ‘RESTRAINED’ dertake a national victory TWITTER PRESENCE tour, Conway said, without As Clinton gave her ac- providing further details.

Hillary Clinton speaks with staff and supporters after a speech about the results of the U.S. election at a hotel in New York, November 9, 2016. REUTERS

He will be sworn in on January 20. The president-elect plans to keep his communication channels open. In an interview with CBS’

“60 Minutes” that will air on Sunday, Trump said he isn’t ready to give up his Twitter account, where he routinely posted controversial statements during the

campaign that unleashed harsh criticism. “I’m going to be very restrained, if I use it at all, I’m going to be very restrained,” Trump said.

monDAY 14•11•2016




spain, italy cruise clippers drop Timberwolves, spoil rubio return as Wales held again

Wales' forward Gareth Bale celebrates after scoring the opening goal of the World Cup 2018 qualification match between Wales and Serbia at Cardiff City stadium in Cardiff on November. (AFP Photo)

Paris, November 13 (aFP): Wales conceded an agonising late equaliser as Serbia battled to a 1-1 draw in a World Cup qualifier on Saturday as former champions Italy and Spain both won 4-0. Earlier Saturday, the Republic of Ireland has stunned Austria 1-0 in Vienna and are top of Group D on 10 points, with Serbia second on eight and Wales third on six. Gareth Bale rocketed Wales into a 30th-minute lead in Cardiff after Hal Robson-Kanu dispossessed Matija Nastasic and fed the ball to the Real Madrid forward, who cracked home a powerful snap shot to make it 1-0. But Aleksander Mitrovic was fastest to react with four red shirts around him when Antonio Rukavina whipped in an inviting cross to level for the visitors late in the game. "It was a disappointing result, we feel like we threw away two points. We're at home, 1-0 up after 85 minutes, it's two points lost," Bale admitted after the game. Just moments before Serbia had levelled, Bale had seen a snapshot come agonisingly back off the post. Wales coach Chris Coleman was less disappointed and was looking down the road. "We are four points behind Ireland but we play them twice," he said. "We have a massive chance. Tonight the boys deserved all three points." It was the third game in a row the Welsh have gone ahead only to draw. "We can be proud of ourselves. We are on the right track. Today we can be happy with one point," said Serbia captain Branislav Ivanovic. The Irish top Group D thanks to a James McClean strike three minutes after half-time in Vienna. "This is going to be a very tight finish. But this has been a splendid start for us and we are delighted with the 10 points,"

said Ireland boss Martin O'Neill. Spain and Italy continue to set the pace at the helm in Group G and both have 10 points. Spain played at Granada where Macedonia's Darko Velkovski scored a 34th minute own goal before Votolo on 63 minutes, Nacho Monreal (83) and veteran striker Aritz Aduriz (85) gave them a comfortable win. Taking on minnows Liechtenstein, Italy's Anfrea Belotti scored either side of strikes from Ciro Imobile and Antonio Candreva. Eran Zahavi converted an 18th-minute penalty to set Israel on their way with Dan Einbinder and Eliran Atar making sure they beat Albania 3-0 in Tirana. Iceland failed to replicate their Euro 2016 heroics in a 2-0 defeat in Croatia in Group I. Croatia grabbed the lead after 15 minutes through Inter Milan midfielder Marcelo Brozovic, but it was Iceland who took control after that in Zagreb, where the game was played out in front of empty stands after a FIFA stadium ban. Despite having plenty of the ball in both halves, Iceland failed to make the crucial breakthrough. And the home side punished them in injury time, Brozovic again doing the damage against the run of play. Croatia, now top of the group with 10 points from four games, finished the match with 10 men after Ivan Perisic was sent off at the death. Also in Group I, Turkey revived their slim hopes of making it to Russia in 2018 with a 2-0 home victory over Kosovo in Antalya. Burak Yilmaz and Volkan Sen scored within four minutes of one another in the second half to leave Kosovo bottom on just a solitary point. Georgia and Moldova played out a 1-1 draw in Tbilisi to remain rooted in the bottom two spots in Group D.

Los aNgeLes, No vember 13 (aFP): Blake Griffin scored 20 points and pulled down 11 rebounds in a 119-105 Clippers' victory over the Minnesota Timberwolves in Minneapolis that spoiled the return of guard Ricky Rubio. Point guard Chris Paul had 19 points and eight assists for the Clippers. J.J. Redick added 18 points and Luc Mbah a Moute contributed a season-high 15 as half a dozen players scored in double figures for the Clippers, who improved to a league-best 9-1. "That was good," Clippers coach Doc Rivers said of his team's quick start a night after their hardfought victory over the Thunder in Oklahoma City. The Clippers made 15 of their first 22 shots and led 34-21 after the first quarter. "I thought our starters came out and performed great. The defensive energy was great," Rivers said. "Luc -- there's nobody in the league right now (who is) a better defensive player than Luc." He was especially pleased with how the Cameroonian forward teamed defensively with DeAndre Jordan, saying that with both of them on the floor "it makes our defense special". Karl-Anthony Towns scored 24 points for Minnesota who welcomed Span-

Los Angeles Clippers forward Blake Griffin (32) shoots in the first quarter against the Minnesota Timberwolves guard Andrew Wiggins (22) at Target Center. (USA TODAY Sports)

ish guard Rubio back after he missed five games with a sprained right elbow. Rubio produced seven points with six assists and six rebounds but the Timberwolves never led after the first quarter. Griffin surpassed 9,000 career points in the game, the 420th of his NBA career. Griffin became the fastest player to reach 9,000 points, 4,000 rebounds and 1,500 assists since Larry Bird accomplished the feat in 398 matches. "He's a great scorer,"

Rivers said. "But he's such an unselfish scorer it makes our team better." The Timberwolves face another Los Angeles test on Sunday when they host the Lakers, who powered past the Pelicans in New Orleans 126-99 on Saturday. Jordan Clarkson scored 23 points, D'Angelo Russell added 22 and Lou Williams contributed 21 as the Lakers won for the fifth time in six games. - Spurs shoot down Rockets In Houston, scoring

bursts from Kawhi Leonard and Manu Ginobili helped the Spurs to a 106-100 victory over the Rockets, who were playing just their second home game of the season after opening with seven of eight on the road. Spurs forward LaMarcus Aldridge notched a double-double of 16 points and 10 rebounds, point guard Tony Parker added 16 points and center Pau Gasol contributed 15. Leonard started strong en route to 20 points total, keying an 18-4 scoring run

in the first quarter that rattled the Rockets. Ginobili finished with 12 points, eight of them in a vital third-quarter stretch after the Rockets had trimmed a 15-point deficit to 69-63 and the Spurs withstood James Harden's triple-double of 25 points, 11 rebounds and 13 assists. The Boston Celtics handed the Indiana Pacers their first home defeat of the season, 105-99 in Indianapolis. Isaiah Thomas made just four of 13 shots from the field, but he came through when the Celtics really needed him, scoring 12 of his 23 points in the final five minutes. "This is what the game is all about -- the fourth quarter," Celtics guard Avery Bradley said. "Isaiah did a lot for our team tonight, even though he was not shooting well. He created shots for other players and helped out by just penetrating and collapsing the defense." The Pacers were without star Paul George, who sprained his left ankle in an overtime loss at Philadelphia on Friday. "It was frustrating, especially at home against a good team," George said of having to watch the Pacers' home win streak end from the sideline. "I just thought we were real stagnant on offense."

Steyn out for six months after shoulder surgery

CaPe ToWN, November 13 (reuTers): South Africa's fast bowler Dale Steyn has undergone surgery and will be out for at least six months after breaking a bone in his shoulder in the first test in Australia earlier this month, Cricket South Africa said on Sunday. The 33-year-old Steyn returned home for the operation in Cape Town, which was performed on Thursday, and had a screw inserted in his right shoulder blade. South African team manager Mohammed Moosajee said he will be out for a minimum of six months before he can even

Dale Steyn and South Africa’s Physiotherapist Brandon Jackson during a training session at SuperSport Park in Pretoria. (Gallo Images/FILE)

attempt to bowl again. "It is crucial to give the injury enough time to heal and to make sure that he

is completely pain-free before he starts bowling again. He will begin with his rehabilitation pro-

gramme once the satisfactory bone healing has taken place. This is expected to be in a few weeks," he said. "We are positive that he will make a successful return to international cricket." Steyn, who is just four wickets shy of Shaun Pollock, South Africa's most successful test bowler, suffered the fracture while bowling on the second morning of the first test win over Australia in Perth. "I felt this pop or thud in my shoulder and I was in a lot of pain... and went for an MRI and I've got a clean fracture in the bone that is inside my shoulder. It's not

pretty," Steyn told Australia's Channel Nine the day after suffering the injury. "I just felt something go. I did something very similar against England in December in a similar area but it wasn't as bad. That was a stress reaction which is like a very hairline fracture, a small crack." Steyn missed almost all of the series defeat against England after injuring himself in the first test in Durban last December. He returned to play in March's World Twenty20 and took eight wickets in August's test win over New Zealand. He has 417 test wickets at an average of 22.30.

public discourse

An addendum to rhakho's “The tragedy of diminishing reverence to God” Robert A. Silverstein


New York,USA

n November 13, 2016, The Morung Express, the Eastern Mirror, and the Nagaland Post published an article by Husezo Rhakho titled, “THE TRAGEDY OF DIMINISHING REVERENCE TO GOD”. I want to expand on his article and take it in a direction that naturally leads from what he wisely said. My Rhakho is upset that those who use WhatsApp and Facebook use God in a frivolous manner. An example he gives is when someone states on line, “'Forward to15 groups or else God will send bad luck to you for 15 years!'” Rhakho states that such messages leave him, “...torn between indignation and amusement....” Shortly after expressing the above, Rhakho states: “God's thoughts are higher than our thoughts. God's ways are higher than our ways. Since when can man – who is but dust – dictate how GOD – THE ONE ENTHRONED IN HEAVEN – would use His power? We have reduced God to such a point that He would seem just like any of us, whose actions are usually directed based on our EMOTIONS. The One who transcends time and space IS USED AS A MEANS TO PROVE A POINT OR TAKE A STAND.... If we pause even for a span of 10 seconds before forwarding or liking such messages, … we would realise the utter foolishness behind the act.” [My emphasis, in capitals, in lines four and five.] I have written a number of articles recently on the topic of the Naga nationalist movement, some of which were published in The Morung Express and the Nagaland Post. I do not intend to get into the details of my arguments here, arguments which try to support my contention that the government of India will never grant a sovereign Naga nation to the Naga people and to pursue the issue, no matter what the consequences,

may very well lead to the destruction of the Naga people. But I do want to address one argument used by some Naga nationalists in support of their contention that they will eventually succeed in getting a sovereign Naga nation. That argument is one that relies on God for support of their position. It is my contention that, if you are going to pursue some goal that, no matter how meritorious , may lead to the destruction of yourself and your people, you have an obligation to be as objective as possible and use facts in as honest a way as possible. There is no room for God in such an argument. In an article by Kaka Iralu in The Morung Express dated March 16, 2016, titled, “Some Easter Thoughts on Easter 2016,” he quotes words from Isaiah 61:1, which include the words, “to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prisons to those who are bound.” Iralu goes on to argue that these words support his position that the Nagas deserve a sovereign Naga nation. In an article by myself in The Morung Express dated May 10, 2016, titled, “Errors and Omisssions … in The Name of Nationalism,” I argue that Iralu's interpretation of Isaiah 61:1 does not support his position. But I am not interested in addressing that issue again here. What I am interested in discussing is that Iralu's attempt to use the Old Testament (what Jews like myself call the Hebrew Scriptures, as contrasted to the New Testament, or – to Jews – the Christian Scriptures) is completely inappropriate, but very common, not just by Iralu, but by millions of people throughout the world since the beginning of written history. I will now attempt, with the help of Rhakho's article, to show the error and dishonesty of supporting any position by referencing the Old or New Testament, or any other religious book that is founded on faith. I want to repeat a section of Rhakho's article already quoted above: “We

have reduced God to such a point that He would seem just like any of us, whose actions are usually directed based on emotion. The One who transcends time and space is used [like Iralu tried to do] as a means to prove a point [that the Nagas deserve a sovereign nation] or take a stand.” It is my contention, as Rhakho states above, that our “actions are usually directed based on emotions.” It is a fact that the issue of Naga nationalism is a very emotional one for all Nagas, and that it is a natural human tendency for Nagas to grasp at any support they can to prove the correctness of their position. There are a number of Christian bibles, all treating the reader differently. The Holy Bible, published by The Gideons, and found in many hotel rooms, treats the reader like a child or someone who is not familiar with the Christian religion. In the front it has sections like, “HELP IN TIME OF NEED,” and multiple headings under “SUGGESTED READINGS,” such as “PRACTICAL PRECEPTS,” where the reader can learn the chapters and verses explaining, for example, “Christian Home Relationships” and “A Model Wife and Mother.” But the bible I'm most interested in discussing is the King James Version of The Holy Bible. This bible illustrates how easily it is to misuse the bible, to bend it to confirm any view you have, no matter how erroneous or even evil. In the rear of the bible, it has a word index, titled, “CONCORDANCE To the Holy Scriptures”. The section is over 100 pages long, and has hundreds of words, starting with “ABASE,” and ending with “ZEALOUSLY.” In between those two words, are nearly every imaginable word dealing with topics in the Hebrew and Christian scriptures, from “FREE” to “WAR.” And under each word are the chapters and verses where these words are used in the bible. There are literally thousands of entries. And I finally come

to my main point. Within those thousands of entries, a Naga nationalist, or any other person wanting to take a position on an issue, can find some chapter and verse, with the emotional will to read such chapter and verse in a way suitable to his point of view, that can be cited by that person as supporting his position, whether that view of the chapter and verse is accurate or not, whether it is honestly done or is a lie. One can make the bible say anything you want it to say. There are those who spend their lives trying to understand the bible: the exercise of doing so is called exegesis, and those who do this are still not sure what much of the bible means. But any person with an agenda, a position that they feel strongly about, can, in complete ignorance or with deliberate knowledge of its error, state that the bible means anything they say it means. The vast majority of readers will either not have the interest or the knowledge to call attention to the errors or lies of the writer. Those who want to kill, like the IS(the Islamic State), will quote their version of the Koran in support of the killing. Those who want to destroy a certain people, such as the Christian crusaders in the Middle Ages who destroyed thousands of Muslims in the name of the Christian God, those who want to keep land that others may have a valid claim to, such as my Orthodox Jewish brethren on the West Bank of the Jordan River, will quote God to back up their position, no matter how many die, no matter whether their claims lead to a major war. The Chosen People are chosen by God, and therefore they cannot be wrong! If the Nagas want a sovereign nation, if anyone wants any specific thing that is contested and may lead to violence and hatred, it is best to rely for their arguments on facts and reality, not on faith and delusion.

A review on W. Shopwan’s book “The illegal formation of the nScn”


Kaka D. Iralu

t is a universal fact that no political Government of any country in the world can be established without the mandate of the people concerned. In line with this universal political law, Shopwan introduces his book by saying: “A Co-operative Society or business enterprise in any country can be formed without a national mandate. But can the Government of a nation be formed without any reference to the people of that nation? Can a national Government indeed be formed without the mandate of the nation? There is absolutely no such provision for the formation of a National Government under International Law. Therefore, any such Government, formed without the prior mandate of a nation is an illegitimate Government....this so-called illegitimate Government of the People’s Republic of Nagaland (GPRN) was formed without any prior mandate of the Naga people. In fact, this un-mandated Government was formed by just some Naga rebels from the jungles of the Heimi region in the Eastern Sector of Nagaland without consulting or even informing the then existing Federal Government of Nagaland (FGN). As for the Federal Government of Nagaland, it was formed on March 22, 1956 with the mandate of all the people of Nagaland. The incumbent President of this Naga people’s Government was Mr. Zashei Huire, when the NSCN was illegitimately formed on 1980. Shopwan then went on to state that that this illegitimate government was formed on the allegation that the NNC had betrayed the nation through the Signing of the Shillong Accord of 1975. But to counter this allegation, Shopwan asks the question as to how the NNC can be guilty of betraying the nation when its top leaders- President A.Z. Phizo was in London, the Vice President Imkongmeren was in an Indian prison and its General Secretary Th. Muivah and Isak Chishi were in China when the Shillong Accord was signed on November 11, 1975. Also, none of these top leaders of the NNC were ever consulted nor ever gave their consent to the Shillong Accord. Finally Shopwan ends by stating: “The present book is an exposure of all the trickery and lies that were used by the renegade NSCN leaders to form a Naga government without consulting the Naga people. After reading this book, every Naga will realize that the NSCN has absolutely no legitimacy to call itself a Government that can represent the Naga people. At the same time, if the Indian Government makes any settlement with this illegitimate government, in spite of all the evidences exposed in this book, then India will be committing a transgression of all the norms of International Law and also make itself a mockery before the whole world.” The book contains much important information with dates and name of villages and the people who were involved in the events that have led to the terrible fratricidal killings among our own Naga family. It is a book written by a courageous Naga who was an eye witness to most of these events. In my opinion this is a book that must be read by every Naga who wants to know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The book is just 164 pages and priced at Rs 250 and is now available in all the major bookstalls in Nagaland.

Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.

Monday 14•11•2016


Five decades and 200 films later,

Jackie Chan 'finally' wins Oscar


hen Jackie Chan saw an Oscar at Sylvester Stallone's house 23 years ago, he said that was the moment he decided he wanted one. On Saturday at the annual Governors Awards, the Chinese actor and martial arts star finally received his little gold statuette, an honorary Oscar for his decades of work in film. "After 56 years in the film industry, making more than 200 films, after so many bones, finally," Chan, 62, quipped at the

star-studded gala dinner while holding his Oscar. The actor recalled watching the ceremony with his parents and his father always asking him why he didn't have Hollywood's top accolade despite having made so many movies. He praised his hometown Hong Kong for making him "proud to be Chinese," and thanked his fans, saying they were the reason "I continue to make movies, jumping through windows, kicking and punching, breaking my bones."

The actor was introduced by his "Rush Hour" co-star Chris Tucker, actress Michelle Yeoh and Tom Hanks, who referred to him as "Jackie 'Chantastic' Chan." Hanks said it was especially gratifying to be able to acknowledge Chan's work because martial arts and action comedy films were two genres often overlooked during awards season. The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences, hosts of the annual ceremony, also bestowed honorary Oscars on British film editor Anne V. Coates, cast-

ing director Lynn Stalmaster and prolific documentarian Frederick Wiseman. The evening was attended by Hollywood's elite, including Denzel Washington, Lupita Nyong'o, Nicole Kidman, Emma Stone, Ryan Reynolds, Amy Adams and Dev Patel. Stalmaster, 88, credited with securing career-defining roles for actors such as Jeff Bridges, Andy Garcia, Christopher Reeve and John Travolta, is the first casting director to receive an Oscar.

Coates, 90, who won the film editing Oscar for 1962's "Lawrence of Arabia" and has edited more than 50 films, said she shared her honorary Oscar "with all the unsung heroes" of filmmaking. Wiseman, 86, whose documentaries include 1970's "Hospital," 1987's "Blind" and last year's "In Jackson Heights," said: "I think it's as important to document kindness, ability and generosity of spirit as it is to show cruelty, banality and indifference," he said. Source: Reuters

Imlibenla Wati – Goodwill Jacqueline Fernandez becomes Ambassador of The Greensight Project


entertainer of the year!

acqueline Fernandez has entertained the audiences through the year by delivering back to back hits. Her movies this year, 'A Flying Jatt,' 'Dishoom' and 'Housefull 3' have enthralled the audiences with their long theatrical run and have garnered huge commercial success by keeping the cash counters ringing. After becoming huge hits at the theatres, her movies have gone on to woo the audiences with their TV premiers as well. As per the TRP ratings of the TV premier, all three of her movies have successfully secured positions in the top five movies premiered on television making her one of the top contenders of the female entertainer this year. Interestingly, Jacqueline

Now ShowiNg

is the only female actor to have three successful releases this year. Along with these successful movies, the actress has also delivered songs like 'Beat Pe Booty' from 'Flying Jatt,' 'Sau Tarah Ke from 'Dishoom' and 'Pyaar Ki' from 'Housefull 3.' The self made actress has made a mark for herself in Bollywood, making her one of the most commercially viable actress's of B'town. On the same note, Jacqueline smiles and shares, "It's an overwhelming feeling to witness all three releases of mine, garner so much love from the audience. I want to entertain people at all times and it's certainly a great feeling when people enjoy your work."

Dr strange (english)

(01:00 PM) (05:45 PM)

Source: ANI

Robert Redford Announces Retirement From Acting


obert Redford has said he will retire from acting once he has completed the two films he is working on. In an an interview with his grandson Dylan, the 80 year old announced he was done in front of the camera, saying he will now be focusing on directing. “I’ve got two acting projects in the works,” he said. “Once they’re done then I’m going to say, ‘OK, that’s goodbye to all that,’ and then just focus on directing.” Speaking about his final acting performances Redford said: “I’ve got two acting projects in the works: Our Souls at Night, with

Imlibenla Wati, Miss Asia Pacific Super Talent India 2016.


okokchung, November 13 (MExN): Imlibenla Wati, Miss Asia Pacific Super Talent India 2016 has consented to be the Goodwill Ambassador of The Greensight Project, a 5-year scenic enhancement programme of Mopungchuket village. The project, an initiative of Mopungchuket Students’ Union, was launched in July 2016 and will culminate in the year 2021. A number of activities to enhance the scenic values of Mopungchuket’s landscapes will be taken up dur-

ing the period. In her acceptance letter, Imlibenla termed the The Greensight Project a unique and farsighted project and expressed “more than proud to associate my name to such a noble cause and look forward to work alongside a dedicated and visionary team.” Mopungchuket Students’ Union and The Greensight Project have conveyed best wishes to the Goodwill Ambassador, who will be representing India at the Miss Asia Pacific Super Talent scheduled to be held in December this year.

Chad Michael Murray Pens Romantic Novel


ctor Chad Michael Murray has written a romantic novel. The 35-year-old actor has put together an adventurethriller-story called 'American Drifter' based on a dream he had. "American Drifter's romance was inspired by a dream I had. The dream had played out so vividly, as if I was a fly on the wall watching this tale go down. Also, at that time, I had been searching for a story that would resonate with

the youth of the world in a way that would make us feel the light and excitement for adventure," Murray said. The novel, which isn't set for release until next year, follows the story of an American soldier backpacking through Brazil. "American Drifter' became a combination of those two journeys merging together with Rio de Janeiro setting the stage for an adventure thriller romance." Source: PTI

Jane Fonda, a love story for older people who get a second chance in life, and Old Man with a Gun, a lighter piece with Casey Affleck and Sissy Spacek.” The actor was also asked by his grandson if he had ever considered returning to his first passion, painting. “Yeah, a lot—and a lot lately because I’m getting tired of acting,” he said. “I’m an impatient person, so it’s hard for me to sit around and do take after take after take. At this point in my life, age 80, it’d give me more satisfaction because I’m not dependent on anybody. “It’s just me, just the way it used to

be, and so going back to sketching – that’s sort of where my head is right now. So, I’m thinking of moving in that direction and not acting as much.” Redford began his movie career in the early 60s, gaining fame for his role in 1969 western Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. In 1980 he moved into directing with drama Ordinary People, which won him an Academy Award for best director. He is also the founder of the Sundance Institute and is the chairman of the annual Sundance film festival, held in Utah. Source: Reuters

Ryan Phillippe gets mistaken for his daughter’s brother


he 42-year-old actor has three children - Ava Elizabeth, 17, and Deacon Reese, 13, with ex-wife Reese Witherspoon, as well as five-yearold Kai with former partner Alexis Knapp and says his baby-faced appearance embarrasses his eldest daughter because he regularly gets 'mistaken for her brother'. Asked by The Late Late Show host James Corden on Thursday if he was an embarrassing dad, Ryan said: 'If you asked them, they might have a list [of things that embarrass them].' One thing I know my daughter gets embarrassed by is that I do look so young and I get mistaken

for her brother at times. It repulses her, like absolutely repulses her that anyone could mistake me for being her brother.' And the Cruel Intentions actor who entered fatherhood at the young age of 25 says living at home prepared him for being a young father as his mother ran a daycare center where he helped to teach the children. He added: 'My mum had a daycare center in our house, so when I would get up to get ready for school, there would already be 10 children who were not part of our family in the house.' 'But then it made me ready to be a young father because I grew up raising kids,' he said. Adding: 'I

rock on 2 (hinDi)

(10:30 PM) (03:05 PM) (08:00 PM) 03862-237226 Ticket Counter (09:00 AM - 09:00 PM)

(ID: PLAYBox DIMAPur) Ward 5 (6), Burma Camp, Dimapur. Landmark - Near J. K Hospital/ Power House.

Hillstar NOW SHOWING Dr strange (english)

grew up working in the daycare. I would teach the kids to swim, I would do magic shows for them, all that kind of stuff.' Whilst

Ryan and his former wife Reese split in 2007, their view toward raising their children is the same as the 40-year-old actress

Sting reopens Paris attack music venue

recently admitted to People she wanted her kids to be passionate individuals.

06:00 PM

Dongari ka raja

Source: Mail online


egendary British rocker Sting performed at the refurbished Bataclan music hall here on Saturday night to mark the one-year anniversary of the terror attacks in the French capital which killed 130 people. Sting started his concert with a minute of silence. "We will never forget them," he told the crowd in French. "Tonight we have two tasks to achieve," he said, adding "First to remember those who lost their lives in the attack, and then to celebrate life and music in this historic place." He then started to sing his popular hits, such as "Fragile" "Message in a Bottle" and "Every Breath you Take", Xinhua news agency reported. Among the 1,500 concert-goers, about 250 were survivors and victims' families. On November 13, 2015, three Islamic State (IS) militants sprayed automatic gunfire into the crowd at the Bataclan concert stadium, killing 90 people in the deadliest terrorist attack in France's history. In coordinated attacks on that day, other terrorists struck a sports stadium, restaurants and cafes in Paris, causing another 40 deaths. France will formally commemorate the victims of the attacks on Sunday, when President Francois Hollande and Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo unveil plaques outside the Bataclan and other targeted sites. Source: IANS

10:30 AM | 03:30 PM

rock on 2

01:00 PM | 08:00 PM


MonDAY 14•11•2016



BN Mullik C’ship: Goa upset McGregor knocks out Alvarez to make UFC history Delhi’s chance of qualifying NEW YORK, NOvEmbER 13 (REutERs): Featherweight champion Conor McGregor capped the UFC's triumphant return to New York by knocking out Eddie Alvarez to claim the lightweight crown and become the first fighter in the history of the promotion to hold two UFC belts simultaneously. Southpaw McGregor downed Alvarez three times in the opening round, leaving the champion stunned and on the back foot for the entire five minutes, and it didn't get any better for the Philadelphia native. Alvarez's attempts to take the fight to the mat were thwarted by the 28-year-old, who continued to dictate the pace in the second in front of a packed house, most of whom were cheering for the Irishman. Midway through the second round McGregor unleashed another combination and this time there was no way back for Alvarez as McGregor pounced to finish the fight. "Eddie is a warrior but he shouldn't be in here with me. You've got to have size, reach, length, you've got to have attributes," he told ring announcer Joe Rogan following the bout. "I'd like to take this chance to apologize ... to absolutely nobody," he roared before taking his two belts and scaling the side of the octagon to cel-

SSB and Chandigarh Police in action.


ChumuKEdImA, NOvEmbER 13 (mExN): Goa Police upset Delhi Police of a chance of qualifying for the Quarter Final from Group H in the ongoing 65th BN Mullik All India Police Football Championship 2016. The match was tied in a goalless draw till the dying minutes of the match, but a spirited Goa Police with their persistence was rewarded with a late winner much to the despair of the Police Team from the NCR. Meghalaya Police, who were anxiously waiting for the result, are now virtually assured qualification from the group unless Delhi Police defeats them by a two digit margin in their league encounter. Jammu & Kashmir Police have qualified

November 14 fixtures

Morning (8:00 am) Puducherry vs Assam @PTS Ground Tamil Nadu vs Uttarakhand @ 1st NAP Ground Assam Rifles vs Rajasthan @ Sports Complex Ground Madhya Pradesh vs Mizoram @ NAPTC Ground Afternoon (2:00 pm) Odisha vs Haryana @ PTS Ground J&K vs Telangana @ 1st NAP Ground CRPF vs Tripura @ Sports Complex Ground Himachal Pradesh vs Gujarat @ NAPTC Ground from Group F with three wins in as many matches with a 3-0 win over Puducherry Police today. Maharashtra Police are tied at the top with Assam Police in Group G. The two teams will play a decider match in their last league encounter with the winner progressing through to the knock out stage.

November 14 Matches Naga FC vs Unity FC @ 9:00 am FC Kitsubozou vs Intimidators @ 10:30 am Calvary Baptist Church vs MT Youth Club @ 12:00 pm Football Club Royals vs Fraternity FC @ 1:30 pm

25th MDCA Cricket Tournament in Jan

mOKOKChuNG, NOvEmbER 13 (mExN): The Mokokchung District Cricket Association will be organizing the Siler Jubilee edition of its Inter Club Cricket Tournament in January 2017. Entry forms for interested affiliated clubs will be issued from November 15 onwards at Camellia, adjacent to Allahabad Bank, Mokokchung. The tournament will be played in the T20 format and will carry a total cash prize of Rs.1,00,000. The tournament registration fee is Rs.5,000 per club. A press release from the MDCA informing this has invited all existing cricket clubs, including formerly registered clubs and associations to participate in the MDCA Siler Jubilee celebration in January 2017.

dImApuR, NOvEmbER 13 (mExN): The Nagaland Cricket Association is all set to host the first ever BCCI Trophy match at Nagaland Cricket Stadium Sovima in Dimapur. The first league match of All India Cooch Behar (Under 19), Group D match between Gujarat (U-19) and the combined A&A team (BCCI Associate and Affiliate Members Team) will be played from November 14 to 17. BCCI match officials and team members of both the teams have already arrived at Dimapur. A camp for the A&A team was held at Dimapur from November 8 to 13. The A&A team is the combined team of Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Manipur, Sikkim, Nagaland and Bihar. The team was earlier selected from an Associate and Affiliate Members Trophy held at Allur in Bangalore in September last by All India Junior Selectors, Venkatesh Prasad and Rakesh Parik. The combined A&A team has played the East Zone Vinoo Mankad (U-19) One Day tournament at Dhanbad in Jharkhand in October and three players has been listed in the East Zone probables - Sabir Khan, Anmol Bony (both Bihar) and Tahmeed Rahman (Nagaland) basing on their perfomance in the tournament. The A&A team have four players from Nagaland who would get an opportunity to play their first match in their home ground. Sedezhalie Rupreo, Puchu Deb, Nagaho Chishi and Tahmeed Rahman are all ready to play the first four day game of their career. Meanwhile, the Nagaland Cricket Association in a press release has requested all cricket lovers and wellwishers of Nagaland to come and witness the historic match which will start from 8:45 am to 3:45 pm daily.


Cooch Behar (U-19) Group D (Four Day Matches) Nov 14-17 - Gujarat vs A&A Team - Dimapur Nov 21-24 - Saurashtra vs A&A Team - Rajkot Nov 28 - Dec 1 – Hyderabad vs A&A Team - Hyderabad Dec 5-8 - Jharkhand vs A&A Team – NE Dec 12-15 - Karnataka vs A&A team – Bangalore Dec 19-22 – Madhya Pradesh vs A&A Team – NE

Miesha Tate announces retirement

NEW YORK, NOvEmbER 13 (AGENCIEs): It’s the end of a rollercoaster career for Miesha Tate. From realizing her dream and winning the UFC women’s bantamweight title when she defeated Holly Holm early this year to losing it by devastating firstround knockout at the hands of Amanda Nunes shortly thereafter, Tate has just about done it all. And now it’s time for her to say goodbye. After losing to Raquel Pennington at UFC 205, the former champion shocked the MMA world by announcing her retirement from the sport at Madison Square Garden. “It’s not my time right now, I’ve been doing this for over a decade,” Tate said. “Thank you so much for being here, I love this sport forever but it’s not my time anymore.” The 30-year-old ends her ca-

reer with a record of 18-7. Although she reached the pinnacle of her career by beating Holm for the banatamweight title in March, she’ll likely be remembered for her heated rivalry with Ronda Rousey that started in Strikeforce and carried over to the UFC. She dropped the Strikeforce title to Rousey in 2012 and the two had a vitriolic relationship with her ever since. The two were coaches on “The Ultimate Fighter,” which led to a rematch that saw Tate lose to Rousey a second time. But Tate never gave up and finally claimed the gold by beating Holm at UFC 196. She dropped it to Nunes at UFC 200 and failed in her bounce back attempt against Pennington, who she coached on “The Ultimate Fighter.” Evidently, it was Miesha Tate announced her retirement following a loss at UFC 205 in New time for Tate to pass the torch. York City. (Reuters)

Defiant Kohli denies England win in opening India test

22nd Classic Cup 2016

Nagaland to host CB Trophy Match

In the other matches today, West Bengal Police defeated Kerala Police 3-2 in Group G. Jharkhand Police blanked Uttar Pradesh Police 3-0, SSB outplayed Chandigarh Police 5-0 and CRPF defeated Chhattisgarh Police 2-0 in Group E. Himachal Pradesh Police and Bihar Police played out a 1-1 draw in Group F.

ebrate. The 32-year-old Alvarez had won the title from Rafael Dos Anjos back in July and after McGregor was done avenging his only UFC defeat to Nate Diaz, he immediately set his sights on taking that second belt. With the ban on mixed martial arts in the state lifted in March of this year, the UFC returned to New York after an absence of over two decades, staging a card stacked with fights and backed up by a ton of hype. While others on the bill failed to live up to it, McGregor once again proved his value to the UFC by putting on a spectacular show with another superb knockout win to go with his 13-second defeat of Jose Aldo for the featherweight crown. Earlier in the evening women's strawweight champion Joanna Jedrzejczyk weathered a late storm from her Polish compatriot Karolina Kowalkiewicz, holding on to win a unanimous decision after an epic five-round battle. In the other title fight on the card, welterweight champ Tyrone Woodley thought he had seen off the challenge of Stephen "Wonderboy" Thompson to claim a narrow split decision, but the result initially announced in the octa- Conor McGregor (blue gloves) celebrates with his two championship gon was corrected after several min- belts after defeating Eddie Alvarez (red gloves) in their lightweight utes and changed to a majority draw. title bout during UFC 205. (USA TODAY Sports)

RAJKOt, NOvEmbER 13 (REutERs): India captain Virat Kohli remained unbeaten on a defiant 49 in a tense final session to deny England victory and claim a draw in the opening test of the five-match series on Sunday. England captain Alastair Cook notched up his 30th test hundred and declared his team's second innings on 260 for three in the second session, to set India an improbable target of 310. L e g -s p i n n e r Ad i l Rashid, who picked up four wickets in the first innings, took another three as the hosts were reduced to 71 for four shortly after tea. With the spinners getting the ball to turn sharply and bounce on the wearing pitch, Cook surrounded India's batsmen with close-in fielders in an effort to force a victory. Kohli, India's best batsman, then frustrated the touring side with a fifthwicket stand of 47 with Ravichandran Ashwin, who made 32. The pair batted out over

Indian cricket captain Virat Kohl, right, shakes hand with England's cricket captain Alastair Cook at the end of the fifth day of their first cricket test match between India and England in Rajkot, India, Sunday, November 13. (AP Photo)

15 overs to take India closer Root in the covers. to 132 for six with enough to the draw before Ashwin Wicketkeeper Wrid- overs still left in the match drove left-arm spinner Za- dhiman Saha did not last for England to force a win. far Ansari straight to Joe long as India were reduced But Kohli added anoth-

er crucial unbeaten stand of 40 in 10 overs for the seventh wicket with local boy Ravindra Jadeja, who remained unbeaten on 32, to deny the tourists. The hosts reached 172 for six when the captains shook hands for the match to end in a draw. The result, however, could have swung in England's favour had they managed to hold on to their catches. Vijay, India's highest scorer in the first innings with 126, was dropped on 13 by Ansari, who failed to hold on to a powerful return catch. The batsman went on to make 31. Ansari was the unlucky bowler again in his next over when Stuart Broad dropped a much easier catch from first-innings centurion Pujara at point with the batsman on 10. Pujara was dismissed on l8, given out leg before off Rashid with replays showing the ball had pitched outside the leg stump and the decision would have been over-

turned on review. COOK HITS TON Earlier, Cook brought up his sixth hundred against India, with five of them having come while touring the country. Resuming on his overnight score of 46, the lefthander looked unperturbed against the turning ball and was equally comfortable against India's pacemen, who got the ball to reverse swing. Cook hit 13 boundaries in his knock of 130, which came to an end when he was caught off Ashwin. Mishra broke England's best opening stand in India with his third ball of the day when the 19-year-old Haseeb Hammed (82) hit a flighted delivery straight back to the spinner. Mishra also picked up Root (4) in his second over of the morning. England promoted the hard-hitting Stokes up the order to score quick runs and the left-hander hit 29 in as many deliveries in a 68-run stand with Cook for the third wicket.

Three-time LPGA winner Coe-Jones dies after battle with cancer

LOs ANGELEs, NO vEmbER 13 (AFp): Dawn Coe-Jones, who played 24 years on the LPGA Tour winning three times, died on Saturday morning in hospice care near her home in Tampa, Florida. She was 56. Canadian Coe-Jones, who grew up in Lake Cowichan, British Columbia on Vancouver Island, had been battling bone cancer since March which led to knee and tibia replacement surgery. Coe-Jones is survived by her husband Jimmy, son Jimmy Jr. and brothers Mark and John Coe. Before retiring from professional golf in 2008, Coe earned more than $3 million in earnings and made the top 10 in 44 tour-

naments. She captured the Canadian Amateur title in 1983 and was inducted into the Canadian Golf Hall of Fame in 2003. "Very saddened to hear

of the passing of Dawn Coe-Jones. She was a great player and role model for so many Canadians. You will be missed Dawn," Canadian golfer David Hearn

wrote on Twitter. Her final LPGA win came at the 1995 Tournament of Champions. She also won the 1994 Palm Beach Classic and the 1992 Women's Kemper Open. "So sad to hear of the passing of Dawn CoeJones. A true competitor, ambassador of the game. She will be missed #RIP," said retired LPGA star Annika Sorenstam. Coe-Jones shot the best round of her career in 1998 at the Safeco Classic when she fired a 63. "I feel very proud of my career," CoeJones said in 2008. "I wish everyone who was ever out here had the opportunity to walk up 18 and be the winner just once. It is a wonderful feeling."

Published, Printed and Edited by Dr. Aküm Longchari from House No. 4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur at Themba Printers and Morung Publications , Padum Pukhuri Village, Dimapur, Nagaland. RNI No : NAGENG /2005/15430. House No.4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur 797112, Nagaland. Phone: Dimapur -(03862) 248854, Fax: (03862) 235194, Kohima - (0370) 2291952

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