February 14th, 2015

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The Morung Express

Dimapur Vol. X issuE 42


The big fat Hinduja wedding!

Fire services request public to comply with fire exigencies [ PAGE 2]

At least 19 killed in attack on Shi’ite mosque in Pakistan

[ PAGE 11]

By Sandemo Ngullie

lipichem Avankhu | February 13

The Morung Express Poll QuEsTion

Vote on www.morungexpress.com SMS your anSwer to 9862574165 Do you agree with NSF that the Non-Detention Policy does not suit the Nagas at this very juncture? Yes



A Yanang Konyak appointed as new NPSC Chairman KOHIMA, FEBRUARY 13 (MExN): The Nagaland Public Service Commission (NPSC) today informed that A Yanang Konyak has taken over the charge as the 16th Chairman of the Commission with effect from February, 2015. A press note from the NPSC informed that Konyak, BD, MA. has pioneered numerous works for the development of the Konyak Language and has authored several books. Before joining the Nagaland Public Service Commission as Member on February 1 2012, Yanang Konyak worked with the Students’ Christian Movement of India (North East Region) as its Secretary and was also the Administratorcum-Treasurer of Alam Kaphen College (Wangkhao Government College) Mon. The officers and staff of the Commission welcomed its Chairman in a formal function conducted on February 13. The new Chairman stated that he would “give his utmost sincerity and dedication to his office in the interest of the future Naga generation.”

ANAHTA to protest non release of salaries


DIMAPUR, FEBRUARY 13 (MExN): The All Nagaland Aggrieved Hindi Teachers Association (ANAHTA) is scheduled to start its agitation from February 16, in protest against the non release of salaries. A press note from the ANAHTA informed that the association has decided to “bunk classes starting from February 16, Monday.” “If the pay is not released by February 17, the association will start fresh agitation from February 18,” it cautioned. The ANAHTA conducted an emergency meeting on Friday in Kohima to discuss the pending salary issues relating to the 6th ROP and arrear benefits. The meeting expressed concern at the Nagaland state government’s failure to live up to its promises of resolving the pending pay issue within January 31, 2015 and to release the 6th ROP with arrear benefits. This inaction, the ANAHTA stated “shall not be tolerated anymore.” The association further lamented that non-release of 6 months of pay has led to “acute hardship of teachers and their families.”

A battle between two nations [ PAGE 12]

living on the eDge christian school

For people of Avankhu village, poor connectivity and lack of infrastructure hinder opportunities to earn a decent living

Drinking should be elevated to the dignity of a career.

–Howard Zinn

[ PAGE 9]

[ PAGE 8]


saturday, February 14, 2015 12 pages Rs. 4

There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people

ISI cultivated Taliban to counter Indian interests: Musharraf


Avankhu, a village located along the border between the Indian state of Nagaland and Burma, is inhabited by the Pochuri Nagas. The name of the village means above the bamboo groove, derived from the Bara language of Burma. State policies indicate that the village will witness an international trade centre covering 52 acres in a short time. However, at present, the village is struggling to find ends meet due to lack of basic infrastructure, distance, poor road connectivity and a poor economy. Avankhu depends on Meluri, the administrative Hq, for survival. Most of the essential commodities, from salt to matchsticks, come from the administrative Hq which is 136 Kilometer away. And the road connecting the village resembles a track for off road enthusiasts, with no tarmac, gut wrenching turns and rock outcrops. There are 31 households in Avankhu, with 6 to 7 members in each family. The total population is 201. Villagers of Avankhu depend mostly on agriculture for their livelihood and many struggle to earn a decent livelihood. Rocky outcrops in fields have hindered agricultural practices in the area. In addition, wildlife from the virgin forests surrounding the village intrude into Jhum fields and destroy crops. And due to its isolation on the India side of the border, villagers prefer

attacked in Delhi

NEw DElHI, FEBRUARY 13 (IANS): Prime Minister Narendra Modi Friday expressed his “deep concern” and “anguish” over rising crime in the national capital as he summoned Delhi police commissioner B.S. Bassi following the ransacking of a Christian school here. It was the sixth such incident targetting Christian institutions in the last two months -- with the other cases involving vandalism. “The prime minister expressed his deep concern and anguish to Bassi over increasing incidents in the capital in which churches and Christian institutions have been targeted,” a statement from the Prime Minister’s Office said. Modi asked Bassi to “speedily investigate the recent incidents of vandalism and ensure that the guilty are brought to book”, it added. The prime minister also directed union Home Secretary L.C. Goyal to pay special attention to the rising incidents of crime and vandalism in the city. Employees of Holy Child Auxilium School in south Delhi’s Vasant Vihar area have told police that a few CCTV cameras in the premises were damaged, the principal’s office was ransacked and Rs.8,000 stolen from a donation box. The incident was condemned by the Aam Aadmi Party and Bharatiya Janata Party. Union Human Re-

source Minister Smriti Irani, who has been a student of the school, visited the school following the incident. Delhi chief ministerdesignate Arvind Kejriwal said such incidents will not be tolerated. Modi asked the home secretary to pay special attention “to the rising incidents of crime, and vandalism, and work towards ensuring safety and security of women in the capital”. Bassi later told media

Prime Minster Modi expresses anguish; summons Delhi police chief

A young girl and a child at play with a handmade wooden cart in the village of Avankhu, located at the border between nagaland state and Burma.

to travel into Burma to engage in trade and barter. An example of this is a group of women, calling themselves as the Self Help Group (SHG), which was formed by the Nagaland state department of Land Resources under the IWMP. This group travels to Shera village in Burma for trade. As the only income generating activity, they carry with them pottery, aluminum products, clothes, Morahs and other essential commodities like salt. They exchange these for Mozu, a Burmese biscuit; Dragon,

a Burmese beer and medication like Pametron. Pametron, a yellow coloured capsule, is used widely by the villagers, and is used to treat ailments from poisoning to dysentery and fever. Shera is the closest village across the border for the people of Avankhu, who can travel there and return home within one day. This has resulted in close ties between people from the two villages. People from Avankhu travel to villages in Burma every alternate day, with geographical proximity and economic opportunities playing a

key role for these close ties. Meanwhile, if the people of Avankhu want to get a whiff of any sort of township, they need to travel for a couple of days into towns like Lashe, also in Burma. The international trade centre, which is supposedly coming up soon in a 52 acre area of the village’s only gentle slope, has provided the villagers with a ray hope. But till that time, Avankhu and its people are making do without any basic infrastructure, and relying on trade across the border for a livelihood.

47 Myanmar soldiers killed hearing on three BJP MlAs deferred in clash with Kokang rebels DIMAPUR, FEBRUARY 13 (MExN): The

YANgON, FEBRUARY 13 (AP): Battles between Myanmar troops and Kokang rebels near the Chinese border have killed 47 soldiers and wounded more than 70 others, state media said Friday, in a setback for the government as it steps up efforts to sign a nationwide cease-fire with ethnic insurgents. The number of rebel casualties was not immediately known. Since assuming power in 2011, the nominally civilian government of President Thein Sein has been trying to strike peace agreements with more than dozen ethnic rebel groups that have been fighting for decades for greater political autonomy in resourcerich border regions.

Though preliminary cease-fire pacts have been reached with most of the ethnic groups, clashes occasionally occur with Kachin, Shan and other armed groups. In addition to control over jade, timber and other natural resources in areas under their control, they want assurances that they will have some say over future troop movements. This week’s fighting near Laukkai, capital of the self-administered Kokang zone, has been some of the fiercest in the country in at least two years. Nay Zin Latt, a political adviser of the president, said it was a “tactical move” by ethnic insurgents to derail government efforts to reach a nationwide peace deal.

that Friday’s incident was related to theft, not desecration. “Our initial inquiry suggests it is not a case of desecration. It was a case of theft as Rs.8,000 was stolen from a donation box,” he said. Bassi said the culprits damaged some CCTV cameras in the premises of the school but religious articles were not disturbed. “The police have increased security around churches in Delhi. The police are taking this case with utter seriousness and the culprits will be brought to book,” Bassi said. Police officials told IANS that two people were seen in the CCTV footage. The culprits entered the school premises around 3.30 a.m. and left by 5.30 a.m. The school’s principal Sister Lucy John said six CCTV cameras in the

9 dead in train accident

Supreme Court has deferred the hearing on the petition filed by the NCP against three of its former MLAs Imtilemba Sangtam, Dr TM Lotha and Mmhonlumo Kikon, who had claimed merger with the BJP in June last year. The hearing, which was supposed to be held on February 13, has been deferred to April 21, informed the spokesperson for BJP Nagaland, James Vizo. The three MLAs had claimed a merger with the BJP, resulting in their disqualification from the NLA. However, in pursuance of a judgment from the division bench of the Guwahati High Court, the NLA Speaker reinstated the membership of the three MLAs on February 3, 2015. The NCP had filed a Special Leave Petition (SLP) against the high court judgment with the Supreme Court. In response the apex court accepted the SLP(C).

‘fare cut is unfair’: Dimapur auto drivers Morung Express news Dimapur | February 13

Autorickshaw drivers of Dimapur have termed the recent cut in fares as unfair. Drivers representing 19 recognized parking spots for autorickshaws in Dimapur (upto 5th Mile), assembled at the State Stadium on February 13 and expressed discontentment over the fare cut. The drivers said that it was irrational and unfair on the part of the authorities to target only autorickshaws. While acknowledging that fuel prices has decreased, they expressed resentment that fares of other transport vehicles have remained unchanged and prices of essential commodities continues to spiral. “It’s not fair… targeting

corridor were damaged, cupboards were ransacked and the two intruders took away money. Set up in 1970, the school is run by the Salesian Sisters. The Englishmedium school, meant primarily for Christian girls, also has students from other communities and religions. Leaders of the Christian community blamed some members of a group of intentionally targeting the community. Delhi Catholic Archdiocese spokesperson Father Savarimuthu Sankar claimed that the latest incident appeared to be aimed at instilling fear among the Christian community. “We see a clear pattern in all the attacks. Earlier, we thought that these attacks have a connection with the Delhi election,” said Sankar. “Now it is clear that this is the handiwork of some fundamentalist group whose motive is to instil fear among the Christian community.” Father Mathew Koyickal of the school told IANS: “The intention of the attackers is to unnerve the Christian community.” “The school was shut Friday following the incident. The earlier cases of vandalism of churches were reported from Vasant Kunj, Rohini, Jasola, Dilshad Garden and Vikaspuri.” Bassi, however, said the Vikaspuri incident had been solved, the incident in Rohini involved an electric short-circuit and the other cases were being probed.

Autorickshaws stuck in a traffic jam in Dimapur. Auto drivers from Dimapur have termed the recent lowering of auto fares as ‘unfair.’

only autorickshaws. Why couldn’t they cut prices of other transport vehicles,” said Hokhuvi Aye, whom the assembled drivers identified as their ‘Sessional president’ in place of the incumbent Dimapur District Autorickshaw Drivers’ Union (DDADU) president. Aye added that a pas-

senger autorickshaw incurs no less than a hundred rupees on “taxes” daily. Stating that the fare cut has hit them hard, another driver, who plies the Dhobinullah-Firing Range route, said that the present rate fixed by the authorities do not correspond with present prices. The driver said that

the present rate is according to 2008 prices when an autorickshaw cost less than a lakh and maintenance cost was lower than it is now. The drivers further expressed displeasure over the incumbent DDADU president’s perceived apathy towards the welfare of members. While demanding that the incumbent vacate the president’s position, the drivers said that they no longer recognise the incumbent as the president of the DDADU. The drivers said that the incumbent is not a fulltime autorickshaw driver and that he was not elected by them rather “selected” without their knowledge. The drivers further stated that they will be compelled to go on strike if there is no positive response to the demands.

Rescuers carry out the body of a victim from a train that derailed near Anekal, about 40 kilometers south of Bangalore on February 13. (AP Photo)

BENgAlURU, FEBRUARY 13 (IANS): Nine passengers were killed and 18 others severely injured when nine coaches of the Bengaluru-Ernakulam Inter-City Express derailed in Karnataka early Friday, an official said. The victims included five men, three women and a nine-year-old boy. As it was a day train with chair cars, the zonal railway did not have the full list of passengers travelling in the express, especially in the two compartments that were unreserved and bore the brunt. The incident oc-

curred at 7.35 a.m. after the train left Anekal station towards Hosur near the border with Tamil Nadu. “The derailment led to two coaches (eighth and ninth) telescoping into each other, resulting in nine fatalities and severe injuries to 18 co-passengers during the journey,” a railway official told IANS here. Bodies of all the victims were extricated from the twin coaches and the injured brought to hospitals at Anekal and Bengaluru for treatment. “A National Disaster Relief Force (NDRF) team

conducted the rescue and relief operations at the accident site, while the stranded passengers were shifted to Anekal, Hosur and Bengaluru in state-run transport buses for their onward journey,” the official said. The express train departed from the main city station here at 6.15 a.m. and covered 45 km when the disaster struck between Anekal road and Hosur town on the Karnataka-Tamil Nadu border. Even 12 hours after the incident, railway officials could not ascertain the cause of derailment though an expert team rushed to the spot where the engine and the first nine coaches went off the single track and derailed. Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu, who flew to Bengaluru late afternoon, visited the accident spot with Railway Board Chairman A.K. Mital and senior officials of South Western Railways and inspected the derailed train. Prabhu also visited the injured in the hospitals at Anekal and Bengaluru and announced Rs.200,000 compensation to the families of the dead and Rs.50,000 to each of the grievously injured. The minister ordered an inquiry to ascertain the cause of the accident. Anish, a passenger on the train, told the media in Kochi over telephone that the rescue team had cut open the two second class coaches to shift the injured to hospitals. Another passenger, Cyriac Mathew, said “police and the ambulance arrived an hour after the accident”.







14 February 2015

Fire services request public to comply with fire exigencies

KohIMA, FEBRUARY 13 (MExN): The Fire & Emergency Services, Nagaland, Kohima has requested the public to comply with fire exigencies. It informed the public to call and inform fire services immediately as and when fire breaks out and asked them not to feel panic. The department also asked the public to desist from misusing fire service telephone numbers, stating that it is a punishable offence. The department also asked the public to give right and precise information, use fire extinguishers at the

initial stage to contain fire, not to put water on oil and electrical fire, inform power department to cut off power line in the locality to avoid further disasters, give way to fire tenders to pass unobstructed, fire sirens are not to be used by any other individuals or organizations, VIPs and other utility services may kindly use their respective sirens, locate the fire incident spot, guide and show fire personnel the shortest possible route, local source and water supply at the vicinity of the fire incident, not to disturb or drag the delivery hose while fire

personnel are combating fire, install fire extinguishers, fire alarms, smoke detectors, fire hydrants and sprinkler systems at homes. Further, it asked every household to maintain a small water tank to meet any fire hazards before fire personnel arrive, kitchen fire, gas, candles, lamps etc. should be properly extinguished when not in use, use certified and standard electrical appliances viz., wires, plugs, fuse, switches, sockets etc and prepare family fire evacuation plans and have regular mock drills.

Financial Literacy Prog at Viphoma

KohIMA, FEBRUARY 13 (MExN): NABARD and Nagaland State Cooperative Bank (NStCB) jointly conducted a Financial Literacy Programme at old Panchayat Hall, Viphoma village, Chiephobozou block under Kohima district on February 10. During the programme, the seventyfive participants were sensitised about the various mission mode initiatives of Government of India (GoI) to bring about greater financial inclusion and the importance of financial discipline for developing long-term relationship with bank. This was followed by an interactive session where VizoKere, Branch Manager, NStCB, Kohima Main branch and Bendang Aier, AGM, NABARD (National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development) as resource persons, satisfactorily responded to the queries. Enquiries regarding backward and forward linkages for undertaking Income

Generating Activities (IGAs), linkage with Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) Kohima, Credit Linked Subsidy Schemes of GoI, and access to regular banking service, Aadhar number and group approach through SHGs for credit linkage were the major highlights of the interactive session. This was followed by opening of Savings Bank account under PMJDY (Prime Minister Jan DhanYojana) where twenty five (25) applications were sourced. N. Vithie Neo, Chairman, Viphoma Village Council and R. Chatuo, Deacon, Viphoma Baptist Church pronounced the welcome address and invocation prayer respectively. Ruguozenuo and Kikrunei, realising the importance of banking for all round development, greatly facilitated in organizing the programme in their village. The programme was conducted with support from Financial Inclusion Fund (FIF), managed by NABARD.

National Seminar on sustainable horti


DIMAPUR, FEBRUARY 13 (MExN): The Horticultural Society of North East India (HSNEI), Nagaland, Department of Horticulture, NU, SASRD and Central Institute of Horticulture (CIF), Nagaland, in collaboration with the Department of Horticulture & Department of Land Resources, Government of Nagaland, is organizing a National Seminar on "Sustainable Horticulture visà-vis Changing Environ-

ment” from February 26 to 28 at SASRD Nagaland University, Medziphema. The seminar will provide great opportunity to bring together multi-disciplinary scientific team, policy makers, producers, marketing personnel, development agencies, and other stakeholders to a common platform for sharing their findings/ideas/ expertise to deliberate on key issues and formulate strategies for developing

sustainable horticulture in context of the changing environment. Any organizations, Institute or Individual interested to attend the seminar may contact the following members: Dr. CS Maiti (I/c Technical Session) 9436015716; Dr Moa Walling (I/c transportation and accommodation) 9856083316; Dr. Pauline Alila (I/c participants) 9436012736 and Sentiyangla 9862147582.

The Morung Express C

DMC constructs road at Murgi Patti

DIMAPUR, FEBRUARY 13 (MExN): Left unattended for the last 20 years, the Dimapur Municipal Council (DMC) has taken the initiative of constructing a 500m x 6.6m = 3300sq.m road at Murgi Patti and it was inaugurated by the Deputy Commissioner Dimapur, Wezope Kenye on Friday. Speaking at a brief inaugural programme, DMC CEO, Atokhe H. Aye said the road was constructed out of 60% of the toll tax amount collected by the DMC during the month of January 2015. He said 60% of toll tax was set aside for constructing road and undertaking various other developmental projects. Atokhe said 40% of the toll tax was set aside for staff salary, office maintenance, sanitation and various other works undertaken by the

ABAM to take over Impur Christian Hospital IMPUR, FEBRUARY 13 (DIPR): The century old Impur Christian Hospital under Council of Baptist Churches North East India (CBCNEI) will be handed over to Ao Baptist Church Council, Ao Baptist Arogo Mungdang (ABAM) on February 17. Rev. Dr. Solomon Rongpi, G.S, CBCNEI will officially hand over to Rev. Dr. Mar Atsongchanger, Executive Secretary, ABAM at the historic handing and taking over function at Impur at 8.00 A.m. During the function Dr Sashi Aier, Principal Director, (Retd) will speak of ‘Dreams of ICH’ while Dr S.S Aka, Chief Medical Officer Mokokchung will speak on ‘Expectation from future ICH’. General Secretary Nagaland Baptist Church Council, Rev. Dr. Anjo Kiekung will deliver exhortation

Public and business community of Murgi Patti, Naga Bazaar, Dimapur put up a banner expressing gratitude to DMC CEO Atokhe and his staff for taking the initiative to construct the long unattended road. (Morung Photo)

DMC. He revealed that the DMC collected an amount of Rs 70 lakh during the month of January after the state government allowed

the DMC staff to collect toll tax on a trial basis from January to March. The CEO thanked the Chief Minister, T.R. Ze-

liang for taking personal initiative in completion of the road at Murgi Patti. He also expressed gratitude to the business commu-

Role of youth in building Nagaland discussed


Participants of the debate on “Role of youth in building Nagaland” organised by North East Institute of Social Sciences and Research on February 13.

DIMAPUR, FEBRUARY 13 (MExN): North East Institute of Social Sciences and Research (NEISSR) conducted a debate on “Role of youth in building Nagaland” on February 13. Students of Indira Gandhi Open University (IGNOU) from Dimapur, Rajagiri School of Social Sciences, Kerala and staff of Peace Channel, Dimapur attended the programme, stated a press release issued by Fr. C.P. Anto.

At the beginning, Fr. CP Anto, Principal of NEISSR highlighted briefly about youth issues of Nagaland and other parts of the country. During the debate, speakers, against the motion, highlighted different factors that are affecting the youths of Nagaland like corruption, negative politics, lack of good will on the part of politicians, faulty policies. While, the participants favoring the statement,


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


Zion Hospital Dimapur Civil Hospital Dimapur C.I.S.H.R Dimapur Apollo Gleneagles Hospital Kolkatta Sumi Baptist Church Padumpukhuri Sukhalu Baptist Church Zunheboto Nikhekhu Baptist Church Dimapur City Church Kohima House of Prayer for all nations, Ura Villa, Dimapur 10. Henivi Prayer Centre Dimapur 11. Gethsemane Prayer Centre Sukhalu 12. Department Of Social Welfare Nagaland 13. Department Of Health And Family Welfare Nagaland 14. D.C Zunheboto and staff 15. D.C Dimapur and staff 16. N.P.F Central Office Nagaland

17. State Child Protection Society Nagaland 18. Nagaland Institute Of Health, Environment And Social Welfare Kohima 19. N.V.B.D.C.P Zunheboto 20. Sumi Hoho 21. Western Sumi Hoho 22. Western Chakhesang Hoho 23. Sumi Community, Padumpukhuri 24. Chakhesang Community Dimapur 25. Kohima Sumi Officers Kuqhakulu 26. Sukhalu Ghami welfare society Dimapur 27. Zunheboto Tokujo Union 28. Sumi Officers Union 29. Zunheboto G.B Association 30. G.Bs Sukhalu Village 31. G.B Baimho Village 32. G.Bs Shoixe Village 33. G.Bs Yemeshe Village

With much gratitude, Wife, Children, Brothers, Sisters, Nieces, Nephews, and In-laws.

nity, NGOs and all others for their involvement in the road construction. The constructed road connects MP Road, NL Road and other business areas of the town. Atokhe disclosed that in the second phase of developmental activities undertaken by the DMC, drainages and culverts would be constructed along Old Daily Market Road. DC Dimapur, Kenye lauded DMC CEO, his staff and all other people involved in the completion of the road at Murgi Patti. He appealed the citizens to take personal interest in protecting all government properties put in place for the benefit of the public. The inaugural progamme was attended by business community, representatives of DCCI, BAN, Naga Council and others.

DIMAPUR, FEBRUARY 13 (MExN): The Indian Dental Association Nagaland State Branch (IDANSB) attended the 9th Northeast Regional Dental Conference in Imphal on February 7 and 8. A press release received here informed that the 6 member delegates of IDANSB was led by the President Dr. Temjennungsang Longchari and Addl. Director H&FW Dr. N. Savino. The team comprised Dr. Nzanthung Humtsoe, Dr. Pfukrolu Koza, Dr. Nungotso Vero and Dr. Lolen Jamir. This Conference is a common platform for the dental professionals of the region to imbibe and disseminate their knowledge and expertise in the field of dentistry, and at the same time to keep abreast with recent developments so as to render best possible Oral Health Services. The Co-ordination Committee of the IDA State Branches of the Northeast Region accepted the IDA Nagaland State Branch invitation to host the 10th NE Regional Dental Members of Indian Dental Association Nagaland State Branch (IDANSB) Conference in 2017. at the 9th Northeast Regional Dental Conference in Imphal.

“For I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that day.” - II Timothy 1:12

(23. 01. 1948 – 31. 01. 2015) We thank each and every one who stood by us before, during and after the demise of our dearly beloved, Late Dr. Inakhe Sumi who left for his heavenly abode on the 31st of January 2015. Thank you all for supporting us physically, financially and through prayers. We apologize for not being able to mention individual names though we remember and acknowledge your support in our hearts. Our special thanks to:


IDANSB attend Northeast Dental Conference



Born : 14-03-1927 Died : 09-02-2015 (There remains therefore a rest for the people of God. Heb.4:9)

Words are inadequate to express our profound gratitude to all the individuals, neighbours, friends, churches, unions and well wishers who stood by us physically, materially and through unceasing prayer during illness and at the demise of our beloved mother Late Mrs. Kapani Eshia Kayina on 09.02.2015. We convey our sincere gratitude to: 1. Doctors & Nurses, Bethel Medical Centre, Kohima. 2. Mao Baptist Church, Kohima. 3. Mao Baptist Church, Song Song. 4. Mao Union, Kohima. 5. Chakre Chovow Welfare, Kohima. 6. Pfosemai Union, Kohima. 7. Officers & Staff of A.G. Office, Kohima 8. All well wishers of Song Song village, neighbouring villages and individuals. We deeply regret our inability to mention each and every individual by name, but it is our humble prayer that the Almighty God bless you all abundantly. Loving children, in laws, grand & great grand children and relatives.

stressed on the initiatives taken by the different student unions like Naga Student Federation and Eastern Naga Student Federation for the welfare of the students and larger society. In the concluding remark Robert Liangamang, Associate Professor, NEISSR raised three questions like, what should be the role of a youth? How can youths be agent of change? And what the society can expect from the youth?


NDA awareness campaign at SSP PUNglwA, FEBRUARY 13 (MExN): National Defence Academy (NDA) awareness campaign started in Sainik School Punglwa on February 13. It is an exercise carried out to raise awareness amongst the students, parents and local populace on the importance of joining defence forces through NDA and other entry schemes. The maiden step towards this mission started today with Shri Henminlal, NCC Care Taker Officer along with Sub Dwipen Chandra Ray, NCC PI Staff of school visiting Govt High School and Christian School, Molvom and inspired young children, faculty and local populace to join defence forces. This will be an ongoing exercise for quite some time. Necessary Pamphlets and other printing material encouraging youth to join armed forces were distributed. Importance and privileges of Armed Forces was disseminated to public.


IGNOU tests for Management Programmes on February 15

KohIMA, FEBRUARY 13 (MExN): Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is conducting Entrance Tests for Management Programmes (Openmatxxxvii) for the sessions starting from July 2015 on February 15 (10:00 AM to 1:00 PM). The Test is being organized at 71 Examination centre spread all over the country and accommodating 5837 candidates. The Hall-Tickets have already been uploaded on the university website and the candidates have been informed through SMS and E-mail to download the hall ticket for appearing in February 15 entrance test of the university by entering name and date of birth and report to the Examination Centre. In case candidates are unable to download the Hall-Ticket, they can contact the Regional Centre

and obtain the information of Examination Centre allocated and report to the Examination Centre with a proof of submission of Entrance Test application form along with recent passport size photograph. In such case they have to submit an undertaking at the Examination Centre stating that in the event of information furnished by them found to be incorrect, their candidature will be cancelled. Candidates must report at the Examination Centre 45 minutes before commencement of the Entrance Test. University has deputed Observers in all the 71 examination centre to ensure smooth conduct of the entrance test. This was informed in a press release issued by Regional Director, Kohima Regional Centre, IGNOU.



The Morung Express


14 February 2015



Chief Minister assures to Rajnath Singh visits Myanmar Manipur immediately release PMS: NEFIS border, reviews Manipur situation Imphal/agartala, February 13 (IaNS): Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh and his deputy Kiren Rijiju Friday visited India-Myanmar border in Manipur and discussed border trade with the officials. "Rajnath Singh along with Kiren Rijiju (minister of state for home affairs) and home ministry officials visited Moreh along the India-Myanmar border," a Manipur government official said. "They supervised the under construction integrated check post(ICP) to boost the trade between India and Myanmar." Singh asked the officials to step up construction work of ICP, which would facilitate all basic facilities, including banks, medical, immigration, customs and warehouse. "The home minister at a meeting with senior officials discussed about the possible increase of border trade between the two countries after completion of the work of ICP," the official added. The home minister also met public leaders in the border town of Moreh, 170 km from Imphal, and interacted with them about their problems. Manipur shares 398-km unfenced border with Myanmar. Later, Singh reviewed

Two Killed in Assam Blast

SIbSagar, February 13 (ptI): Two persons were killed in a grenade blast at Sepon in Sibsagar district today. Unknown persons reportedly on a cycle hurled a grenade at the house of prominent businessman Biren Agarwal on JP Road in Sepon Market around 8.45 am killing the two persons, police said. Biren Agarwal's younger brother Situ Agarwal and their driver Dimbeswar Bhuyan were killed on the spot in the explosion as they were going out of the house. Locals claimed that the proscribed ULFA-Independent, which is active in the area, had recently demanded extortion money from the Agarwal family who refused to make the payment.

Rajnath to meet Tripura, Mizoram CMs on Bru rehab agartala, February 13 (tNN): Union home minister Rajnath Singh will meet the chief ministers of Tripura and Mizoram in Agartala on Saturday for the repatriation of 31,223 Brus residing in six camps of North Tripura. State revenue minister Badal Choudhury on Thursday told the assembly that Singh, accompanied by minister of state for home Kiren Rijiju and top officials of the ministry of home affairs (MHA), will come to Agartala on Saturday morning by a special BSF aircraft from Imphal. Singh and his 11-member team will go to Khantlang by an IAF chopper from Agartala to review India's border management initiative. He will hold a meeting with BSF officials at Khantlang followed by a visit to the areas which are geographically connected to the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh in a helicopter. the law and order situation in the militancy ravaged northeastern state. State Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh, top officials of police, army and paramilitary forces were present at the meeting. The home minister's visit holds special significance since there have been violent incidents and bomb blasts recently in different parts of Manipur, including Imphal, claiming many lives.

The areas are now being used by militants for cross-border movement. Then, he is scheduled to hold a meeting with Bru leaders residing in Tripura camps over their repatriation to Mizoram. Upon reaching Agartala after lunch, Singh and his team will hold a meeting with Tripura CM Manik Sarkar and Mizoram CM Lalthanhawala at the state guest house. Later in the evening, he will leave for New Delhi by a BSF aircraft. This is for the first time in the last 18 years that a Union home minister is holding a meeting on repatriation with the chief ministers of both Tripura and Mizoram. In October, 1997, as many as 35,326 Brus of western Mizoram took shelter in six camps of Kanchanpur in North Tripura following ethnic clashes. Tripura minister Choudhury alleged that long stay

From Imphal, the home minister will visit Tripura Saturday and some Border Security Force posts along Bangladesh. "He will then meet (Tripura Chief Minister) Manik Sarkar and (Mizoram Chief Minister) Lal Thanhawla in Agartala to chalk out a plan to repatriate the tribal refugees to Mizoram," a Tripura government official said. Singh may also visit the refugee camps in Kanchan-

pur in northern Tripura to persuade the refugees to go back to their villages in western Mizoram. About 32,000 Reang tribals, locally called "Bru", are staying in seven camps in northern Tripura since October 1997 after fleeing their villages in western Mizoram following ethnic troubles after the killing of a Mizo forest official. Union Home Ministry's Joint Secretary Shambhu Singh Jan 30 held a meet-

ing in New Delhi with Tripura and Mizoram officials and discussed the repatriation of Mizoram's tribal refugees. Tripura government has been asking both Mizoram and the union home ministry to repatriate the tribal refugees to their homes in Mizoram. "Serious socio-economic and environmental problems have cropped up due to the long stay of the refugees in Tripura," the official added.

Manipur within one week,” the release stated. “NEFIS sees this recent development as a huge victory for Manipuri youth from weak economic backgrounds,” it stated. The organisation claimed that the recent development is the result of persistent struggle by NEFIS. It is to be noted that NEFIS has been continuously protesting and organising northEast students on this issue since early this year. The organization had protested earlier in January outside Manipiur Bhawan and had even approached the SC commission on the issue of pending post-matric scholarships sanctioned by the Central government. The release further informed that as of now NEFIS has resolved to watch the developments closely. It added that it will immediately call for a nationwide protest if the Manipur government fails to abide by its assurance of releasing the scholarship money within a week.

Rubber Board of India to help boost rubber cultivation in Arunachal ItaNagar, February 13 (ptI): The Rubber Board of India is committed to taking steps to boost rubber cultivation in the state. This was stated by the Board's North Eastern Zonal Additional Production Commissioner Anil Kumar, who along with Deputy Production Commissioner K A Grijamoni, arrived on a two-day visit to the state yesterday.

Kumar told PTI today that he had a threadbare discussion with state Trade and Commerce Director Tokong Pertin for promotion of rubber cultivation in the state. "I took stock of the present status of rubber cultivation and the steps taken by the state government for encouraging rubber growers from Pertin, the nodal officer from the state government," Kumar said.

"As promised by our commissioner during her visit to the state in March 2013, the opening of RBI regional office here and posting of development officer besides a field officer at Namsai office reflected the Board's commitment to help grow rubber production in the state, Kumar said. Posting of field officers to potential rubber growing areas of the state was in the offing, he said.

Arunachal bypoll Need to empower panchayats: Meghwal Assam govt's proposal for February 13 (ptI): system and the nation would only be able ends peacefully ItaNagar, Union Minister of State for Panchayati Raj to progress if the gram panchayats were increase in SDRF rate rejected

ItaNagar, February 13 (ageNCIeS): An estimated 75 per cent voter turnout was recorded in Arunachal Pradesh on Friday during the byelection to the Liromoba Assembly constituency in West Siang district. The polling began at 8:00 AM amid tight security. The voting remained peaceful without any incident of violence, Deputy Chief Electoral Officer D J Bhattacharjee said, PTI reported. The percentage of voting was likely to increase as reports from several interior polling stations was awaited, he said. There were 11,640 electorates including 6,020 female voters in the constituency and Electronic

Voting Machines (EVMs) were used in all the 54 polling booths. Altogether, five candidates including Nyamar Karbak of the Congress, BJP nominee Bai Gadi and three independents - Lijum Ronya, Johny Tali and Raksap Yomcha were in the fray. The EC had appointed Aldous Mowlang as election observer along with micro observers to oversee the polling process. Counting of votes would be held on February 16. The by-election was necessitated following the death of former Chief Minister Jarbom Gamlin on November 30 last year. Gamlin had who won the seat thrice in a row.

V-day in Mizoram: Govt just one of many to organise Valentine celebration events aIzaWl, February 13 (the INDIaN expreSS): In a departure from the controversies surrounding Valentine’s Day celebrations in various parts of the country, the Mizoram Government is spearheading celebrations by organising a “Valentine’s Special Barbeque and Dinner” at a picturesque hill resort about 53 kilometres from the state capital, just one of several planned events scheduled for that day. Besides issuing a statement announcing the event on Thursday, the government also put out advertisements measuring a little less than one quarter of a broadsheet in daily newspapers through the state

of Bru migrants has caused serious damage to the bio-diversity and ecology of the entire middle-eastern part of Kanchanpur. The rich flora and fauna of Jumpui and ShakhanShermun ranges have been affected seriously that led to uncertainty in livelihood of indigenous people of the area. "The migrants have occupied about 773 acres of forest and government land of which about 19.19 acres are allotted to tribal families under Recognition of Forest Right Act. But there are not allowed to use it," said Choudhury. Moreover, there are growing cases of clashes between migrant Brus and indigenous people which has become a serious law and order problem for the state, he added. At least three militant outfits are reportedly using the camps for insurgency activities in the area, he alleged.

DelhI, February 13 (mexN): The North-East Forum for International Solidarity (NEFIS) has claimed that it has received assurances from the Chief Minister of Manipur that post-matric scholarships will be immediately released. A press release from NEFIS Convener Chinglen Khumukcham informed. This development comes after agitated Manipuri students protested against gross misappropriation of the post-matriculation scholarship money released by the Central Government. Continued NEFIS-led protests, especially the large demonstration by students at Manipur Bhawan on Friday saw the Chief Minister’s Office finally communicate with NEFIS activists on the matter. “Shortly after today’s protest, the SDO at Manipur Bhawan contacted the Convener of NEFIS, Chinglen Khumukcham, and gave the assurance that the CM’s office would release the pending post-matric scholarship money for SC students of

on Friday to draw crowds to the event at Hmuifang, a hilltop village which hosts a vast meadow, a lodge, resort and several restaurants that is less than two hours’ drive through hills south of Aizawl. The Tourism Department’s celebrations of Vday is just one among many events being planned for the day of romance, with private players organising live concerts in and around Aizawl, one on Friday evening itself to usher in the annual affair. Others also plan to have couples-only entry parties on Saturday evening, while the Association for Voluntary Blood Donation and the state’s AIDS Control Society will as always orga-

nise “Blood for Your Valentine”, a resounding success that saw almost 1000 units of blood being donated last year. This year, thanks to the state football team’s gold medal at the National Games in Kerala, one more event is to be organised to usher in the day for lovers – the Mizoram Football Association has invited football lovers to welcome home the team at Lengpui airport and for a victory lap at the Lammual, the state’s most famous football field. The MFA has dubbed the planned ceremonies “Valentine’s Day with Gold Medal Winning Football Team”, perhaps an apt christening given the game is many Mizos’ first love.


K M C S Building, Near New N S T, Kohima


1) Coaching for JEE (mains), Nagaland State Entrance 2) Coaching for NERIST I and II, Polytechnic 3) Coaching for NPSC/UPSC (Prelims) SSC, Banking 4) Computer courses (Basic, Diploma, AutoCAD) 5) Shorthand & Typewriting 6) Spoken English Facilities :(i) Library with vast collection of books (ii) Chapter wise discussion and test for each subject (iii) Computer Lab with Net facilities (iv) Best study materials prepared by eminent scholars (v) Best affordable fee structure on easy installments (vi) Scholarships for selected students

Nihal Chand Meghwal has stressed the need to empower panchayats through effective devolution of power and functions. The ministerm who was visiting a Bamboo Processing Unit at Poma near here on Thursday, in his address to panchayat leaders of the area, said Panchayati Raj in Arunachal was the oldest and added that the grassroot democratic institutions need to be empowered, an official release said here on Friday. Meghwal said gram panchayat was most important part of the Panchayati Raj

strengthened and empowered. The minister also announced that Rs 15 lakh will be provided for the construction of GPC building at Poma and computers sets to all gram panchayats through ePRI project of the Centre. Meanwhile, Zilla Parishad Member of Sangdupota, Gollo Takam apprised the minister about the problems faced by the panchayat members and hoped that Meghwal's visit would bring good results for the panchayats of Poma and Arunachal as a whole, the release said.

Ill students safe: Tripura health min agartala, February 13 (tNN): With the number of students falling ill after consuming deworming tablets in Tripura rising to 300, opposition Congress demanded that the state government order a high-level probe. Health minister Badal Choudhury, however, said the ailing students, who are being treated in Belonia, Dharmanagar and Kumarghat district hospitals, are out of danger. Raising the issue in the assembly, Congress legislator Biswabandhu Sen accused the state government of procuring poorquality drugs locally without floating a tender.

More than eight lakh children, aged between one and 19 years, have been given de-worming pills in the past two days. The health department has mobilized doctors, including pediatricians, to tackle the situation while security forces have been deployed to prevent tension among the guardians. As part of a statewide de-worming campaign, the tablets were administered in Chandrapur Girls HS School in Dharmanagar town and Sidang Banapalli S B School in Kumarghat. "All 887 students of Chandrapur HS complained of uneasiness after taking the pills. Of them, 167 complained

MATRIMoNIAL A Young and Smart Bengali (33) well placed in a Multi National Company, wanting to settle down in Dimapur, seeks Matrimonial Alliance with a suitable lady (25-33), fluent in English. Community/Religion No Bar. Please Contact: 08420986555 Email: tmondal@scholastic.co.in

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF WELL WISHERS It is a blessing that AAP under the Arvind Kejriwal have won Delhi election. We the people also acknowledge and are in support of your election manifesto. We except and hope that your endeavour in regard to the election manifesto which will help and benefit all the Am Admi’s of Delhi and those who are settle in capital city Delhi from all the states of India will be success.

We wish you all the success in your endeavour in your coming years for all the AAM ADMI’S of Delhi and India in general through your work in capital city of India.



Alo Rengma Vikuto Semy Naga


of pain in the stomach and vomiting. They were taken to the hospital," said Sen. On the other hand, 140 students of Sidang Banapalli School, all of whom are tribal, were admitted in Kumarghat hospital on Wednesday afternoon, said Rupesh Banik, a doctor. The government has asked for the tablets to be tested. The water and midday meal of the affected schools will also be tested, said minister Choudhury.

guWahatI, February 13 (ageNCIeS): Centre has rejected Assam government's proposal to enhance financial assistance under State Disaster Relief Fund (SDRF) for flood-affected people in the state. Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi had written a letter to the Union Ministry of Home Affairs on September 14 last year seeking enhancement of financial assistance under SDRF for flood-affected families as the current rates of financial assistance was very low. Union Minister of State for Home Affairs Kiren Rijiju in a recent letter had stated that the norms for assistance to the housing sector under SDRF had been already enhanced and this rate would prevail, an official release said here today. Gogoi had highlighted the fact that people of flood affected villages in the state

mostly have kutcha houses which are easily damaged and financial assistance provided under SDRF was essential for reconstruction of these houses. The costs of these materials have been increasing and the financial assistance fixed by Ministry of Home Affairs for damaged kutcha houses was inadequate, he said. Gogoi had proposed enhancement of financial assistance under SDRF to the affected families at Rs 35,000 per house for fully damaged kutcha houses; Rs 20,000 per house for severely damaged pucca houses; Rs 10,000 per house for severely damaged kutcha houses and Rs 5,000 for partially damaged pucca/kutcha houses. The Union Ministry, however, declined Gogoi's proposal for increasing financial assistance under SDRF and has stuck to old rates of financial assistance, the release added.




Saturday 14 February 2015

The Morung Express

India, US tighten cooperation against black money flows new Delhi, February 13 (reuterS): India and the United States vowed on Thursday to step up joint efforts to halt black money flows after revelations that Iranian oil export revenues had been siphoned out of an Indian bank in a suspected money-laundering scheme. Indian Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said the case centering on statecontrolled UCO Bank had not come up as part of his talks with U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, but added that Indian authorities had strengthened their financial oversight. “This issue has been brought to our notice and the concerned authorities, including the central bank, have taken appropriate action,” Jaitley told a joint news conference in

New Delhi. Investigators suspect that a group of people from Iran and Azerbaijan, after entering India on student visas, set up a group of shell companies in a provincial city to obtain as much as $3.2 billion from UCO Bank. The advances were secured against export invoices that were never followed by actual deliveries, according to sources familiar with a probe by the Enforcement Directorate, an agency that fights financial crime. The funds were wired to destinations like Dubai or Hong Kong, sources say. Investigators have traced 9.25 billion rupees ($150 million) in dubious flows, but suspect the total could be as high as 200 billion rupees. The Reserve Bank of In-

dia (RBI) ordered banks on Monday to tighten checks on advances paid against trade invoices, in a step that a source familiar with the ruling said was linked to the UCO case. Lew, who met RBI officials in Mumbai on Wednesday, said India and the United States were deepening their cooperation to thwart what he called “threat finance”. “It’s because we share common threats (that) we share a common commitment to working together to try as best we can to shut down the flow of funding to those who would commit terrorist acts,” he told reporters. UCO Bank has denied any wrongdoing in the case and has said it is helping Honda Pilot is shown during the media preview of the Chicago Auto Show at McCormick Place in Indian investigators with The Chicago on Thursday, February 12. The Chicago Auto Show will be open to the public from February 14 their inquiries. through February 22. (AP Photo)

Facebook to let users nominate online heirs

MMC informs Mokokchung, February 13 (DiPr): Renewal of Trade Permit and collection of taxes and fees for the year 2015-16 from all trade permit holders under Mokokchung Municipal Council (MMC) will commence from 2nd March, 2015 as per the schedule given below. Name of shops Date of Renewal 1. Basement Floor MMC Shopping complex 2nd -4th March 2. Salangtem Market 5th & 7th March 3. Vegetable Market (Old Town Hall) 9th & 10th March 4. MMC Shopping Complex 11th-13th March 5. Building Block-B 6th & 17th March 6. Rice Hotels 18th March 7. Cobblers 19th March ADC MMC Administrator Bendanglila said noncompliance to this notification will invite late fine.

social network. The service initially will be available only in the US, although Facebook is planning to expand it to other countries. If the users prefer, they will also be able to inform Facebook to close the deceased person’s account. Till now, the social network, after receiving notification that a person has died, allowed the account to remain online, but frozen -- or “memorialised” -- and thus without the possibility of editing it. “By talking to people who have experienced loss, we realised there is more we can do to support those who are grieving...” Facebook said. Less than a dozen US states have laws to regulate online activities. Virginia, for instance, allows the parents or legal repre-

San FranciSco, February 13 (ianS/eFe): Facebook has announced that it will allow users to designate a family member as their online “heir” to manage their account and make comments in their name after their death. According to the announcement made Thursday, the heir will also be able to respond to requests from the deceased person’s friends or relatives, who are not connected on Facebook, update the photo in the person’s profile and file comments and photos of the deceased person on the

sentatives of a Facebook user attracts employees in India, to take control of the account if while salary is the number one driver to retain them, followed the user dies. by career advancement opportunities. What’s interesting is that Indian employees cite length of commute from their home to their workplace as the third most important retention driver,” said the study from Towers Watson. The study revealed salary, career advancement opnew Delhi, February 12 (ianS) :While job portunities and job security security continues atop the are the top reasons for joining agenda for Indian employees and staying in an organisation while accepting an offer let- which is in line with the global ter, salary continues to feature findings. According to the reas the most important factor search firm, 42 percent highly for retention of employees, a engaged employees in India study from a New York-based could potentially leave their research agency said Thurs- job in the next two years, which day. “Job security remains is much higher than the global the number one reason that average of 26 percent.

‘Job security, salary still decisive factors for Indian employees’

Government participation in proposed nuclear pool to be brought down new Delhi, February 13 (agencieS): Stateowned General Insurance Corporation is making efforts to involve private sector companies and international resinsurers in the proposed Rs 1,500 crore Nuclear Insurance Pool. If the private sector joins the pool, the government participation will accordingly come down, Private sector companies are now showing interest to join the pool, top insurance sources said. “Earlier, we had

thought of not accepting a contribution of less than Rs 10 crore from the private sector. But that is not the case now. We are ready to accept a lower amount ,” said GIC Re chairman and MD AK Roy. This is the first indigenous pool which will be operating independently and will be providing insurance cover to all the existing 21 nuclear plants and new plants which will be set up in the country. In fact, all the other pools across the world are inter-linked.

“We have already clarified to the global community urging them to drop their plan of inspecting the nuclear establishments within the country and we are ready to join the international nuclear pool. But, it’s an ongoing process and we don’t know by when it will actually happen,” he said. In case the private companies join the pool in a big way, then the size of the pool will be increased and even the government’s participation may come down in the future.

As of now, PSU insurers are giving Rs 750 crore and the government is contributing Rs 750 crore to the pool which will be having a total size of Rs 1,500 crore. “We are working on issuance of bonds for raising capital for the pool. Let us see how does it work. The idea was to reduce our dependence on government for providing capacity to the pool over a period of time,” he said. The signing ceremony with all the stakeholders for the of-



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ficial announcement of pool becoming operational may happen any time now. The nuclear pool will not be the largest pool in the country managed by GIC Re as there are other pools which are bigger in size. Terrorism pool has reached Rs 4,500 crore now. It had started with a small size of Rs 500 crore. “Even though the government has promised to contribute Rs 750 crore for the nuclear pool, still we will find ways to reduce dependence

on them,” Roy said. The origin of the nuclear insurance pool can be traced back to the passing of the Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Act 2010 by Parliament. This brought third party liabilities following nuclear events under its ambit. The objective of forming the nuclear pool is to ensure availability of appropriate insurance cover to meet the requirements as stipulated in the Civil Nuclear Liability Act 2010.



Answer Number # 3137

Tech world gives its thumbs up to Digital India new Delhi, February 13 (agencieS): The $146-billion Indian IT industry’s thrust dovetails neatly with the BJP-led government’s Digital India push. This was the key takeaway from Nasscom’s annual leadership forum this year. “We have a variety of programmes to create digital infrastructure. This will include digital delivery of services, empowerment,” IT and communications minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said, adding that this had to go hand-in-hand with the government’s ‘Make in India’ campaign. Prasad also dwelt on the government’s ambitious proposal to create a 700,000km fibre optic network across the country. “There is a huge untapped rural market and we have to create a digital equality,” he said. These plans sit well with technology companies, not least global networking giant Cisco. Padmasree Warrior, Cisco’s chief technology and strategy officer, said, “Digital India is really a good vision for us. This aligns very well with what we have set for ourselves. The future is being internet of everything and every country has the opportunity to become digital.” However, she cautioned that certain basic foundation technologies have to be in place. One is broadband access, and the second the idea of smart cities. “For the transformation to happen, whether it is healthcare or education, we have to figure out how we deploy these solutions,” she said. Side by side with the government’s digital drive, tech companies are also embarking on a concerted strategy. “Digital has become mainstream during the year with the industry increasingly investing in digitised solutions to drive future growth opportunities,” said Nasscom chairman R Chandrasekaran. “Digital solutions in the year accounted for 12-14% of the industry revenues.” According to Nasscom, there are 7,000 digital-focused firms in India with around 1.5 lakh IT professional being proficient in these technologies. The word digital also encompasses a wide scope of activity. “From our perspective, any person, place or thing which has a physical also has a virtual life,” said Malcolm Frank, Cognizant executive vicepresident, strategy and marketing, offering a definition. “Tapping into this virtual thing and creating a business meaning out of it is digital.”

grEETing Gudmornin Doremon Each new day may reminds you many things to do but one thing above all bring such a joy to others through your care and love that you are just a kind of personality that this world needs lot of !!!! Happy birthday and many many happy returns of the day....

DIMAPUR Civil Hospital:

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Metro Hospital:

227930, 231081

Faith Hospital:


Shamrock Hospital


Zion Hospital:

231864, 224117, 227337

Police Control Room


Police Traffic Control


East Police Station West Police Station

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ACROSS 1. Bisect 6. Immediately 10. Constellation bear 14. Disney mermaid 15. Website addresses 16. Newbie (slang) 17. A sloping mass of loose rocks 18. Arrived 19. At the proper time 20. Druggist 22. Prima donna problems 23. Computer symbol 24. Pressure 26. Hack 30. Color 31. Many millennia 32. Bygone era 33. Makes a mistake 35. Banquet 39. A type of sugar molecule 41. Normally 43. Path 44. Have the nerve 46. See the sights 47. A spider spins this 49. Consumer Price Index 50. Protagonist 51. Redeemer

54. At one time (archaic) 56. Scheme 57. Appraisal 63. Connection 64. “What a shame!” 65. Close-knit group 66. Cain’s brother 67. Adorable 68. Delicacy 69. It ebbs and flows 70. Pay attention to 71. Aquatic mammals

DOWN 1. Metal fastener 2. Eyebrow shape 3. Former Italian currency 4. Swerve 5. Lacquer ingredient 6. Helped (British spelling) 7. Coach 8. Charity 9. Sleeping sickness carrier 10. Beneath 11. French for “Red” 12. Flies alone 13. Chasm 21. Pains 25. Curdled soybean milk 26. Vesicle 27. 60 minutes

28. Killer whale 29. Edible marine gastropod 34. Astonished 36. Found in some lotions 37. Aspersion 38. Apprentice 40. Margarine 42. Earthquake 45. Film material 48. Transgress 51. Water balloon sound 52. Excuse 53. Fledged (arrows) 55. Sensitivities 58. Swing around 59. Container weight 60. Notion 61. By mouth 62. Catches Ans to CrossWord 3146

Police Control Room: North Police Station: South Police Station: Fire Brigade: Naga Hospital: Oking Hospital: Bethel Nursing Home: Northeast Shuttles

STD CODE: 0370 100/2244279 2222222 2222111 2222952 2222916 2243339 2224202 08974997923

CHUMUKEDIMA: 03862 282777/101 (O) 9856158740 (OC)

MOKOKCHUNG: 0369 2226225/ 101 (O) 9436012949 (OC) PHEK: 8414853765 (O) 9862130954(OC) ZUNHEBOTO: 03867 280304/ 101 (O) 9856156876 (OC)

MON: 03869 251222/ 101 (O) 9436208480 (OC) KipHire: 8414853767 (O) 8974304572 (OC)

Toll free No. 1098 childline

Police Station 1:

DIMAPUR: 03862 232201/ 101 (O) 9436017479 (OC)

TUENSANG: 8414853766 (O) 8414853519



KOHIMA: 0370 2222952/ 101 (O) 9402003086 (OC)

WOKHA: 03860 242215/101 (O) 9862039399 (OC)

Chumukedima Fire 282777 Brigade Nikos Hospital and 232032, 231031 Research Centre



STD CODE: 0369


Police Station 2 :


Civil Hospital: Woodland Nursing Home:

2226216 2226263

Hotel Metsüpen (Tourist Lodge):


TAHAMZAM (formerly Senapati) STD CODE: 03871 Police Station: Fire Brigade


222246 222491



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local/Public SPace

The Morung Express

3 arrested for selling pornography

New facility inaugurated at Zion Hospital: Expanding its facility and service to cater to the needs of the people, the Zion Hospital and Research Centre, Dimapur has added a new emergency block and physiotherapy unit to its facility. The new block, a project funded by North Eastern Council (NEC) was inaugurated and dedicated by Rev. Prof. Imchayanger in the presence of doctors and nurses on February 11.

New GPS and village inaugurated in Mon moN, February 13 (Dipr): The Government Primary School (GPS) Sector ‘A’ in Tamkoang village under Mon district has been inaugurated by ADC Tobu, Akhup Thangsing. The newly recognized Yangmai village under Tobu sub-division was also inaugurated by President

NPF 55 A/C Tobu, Nangba Konyak as the chief guest and ADC Tobu, Akhup Thangsing as guest of honour on February 10. Nangba Konyak in his address urged the villages to sow the seed of unity and friendship with their parent body and neighbouring villages which would

last for generation to come. ADC Tobu congratulated Yangmai village for its recognition and welcomed the village to the administration. He reminded the villagers to follow the guidelines of the government for speedy development. A new village should also bring forth new action,

new thinking and ideas for benefit of the present generation and prosperity, he added. After the inaugurations, Tobu SDPDB meeting was held under the chairmanship of Vice Chairman SDPDB, Akhup Thangsing and Secretary SDPDB, EAC Tobu, Imsuchuba.

Kohima, February 13 (mexN): Three persons were on Friday afternoon arrested for selling pornographic materials. The arrest occurred during a surprise raid by a joint team of North P.S, South P.S, Women Cell, D.I.B and Mobile Unit of DEF Kohima on Friday at 1300 hrs. A press release received here informed. The three were identified as Jogeswar Barrma (23 years) S/o Narendro Nath of Geromari Village under Gouri Pur Police Station in Dhubri, Assam, and presently residing in Lower PWD, Kohima; Vinay Kumar Srivastav (24) S/o Yogenderalala of Dhobal Bazaar Village under Baiya Pur PS in Chapra and currently residing in Old Ministers Hill, Kohima; and Bapan Malakar (34) S/o Nirmal Malakar Nagipur of Village under Neelam Bazaar PS in Karimganj, Assam and residing in Lerie, Kohima. The three were apprehended from shops located at Mohonkhola and old B.O.C Kohima. 3 CPUs containing the hard disk of the computers

with 7763 files of porn videos clip, 4 monitors, 4 Keyboards, 4 Mouse and 1 UPS, 1 4GB Pen drive containing 23 files of porn movies, and 115 Porn CDs were seized from their possession at the time of raid. During preliminary investigation, it was ascertained that the three have been in the business since 2009. The release informed that the three purchased the x-rated CDs from one Adim Mao who supplies it to them from Mao-gate @ Rs. 18/per CD and sold it to their customers @ Rs. 30/- per C.D. The porn video clips are reportedly downloaded from the internet and sold @ Rs. 1/- per video clip. On the average they sell more than 100 video clips and 2-5 C.Ds per day to their customers who are mixture of Nagas and non-Nagas, the release informed. A regular case vide South P.S Kohima case No. 0018/2015 U/S 292/293 IPC is registered against them for purchasing, selling and distributing pornographic movies in an open market, the release stated.

Saturday 14 February 2015



MEx FILE LOST AND FOUND A Carton box which was packed with blue cover was found between Jalukie and Dimapur. The rightful person may contact Isihang Newme ( # 9402718483) of Jalukie Town Peren District Nagaland.

Demise of Er. Tarep mourned Dimapur, February 13 (mexN): Parliamentary Secretary for Irrigation Flood Control and Election, Y. Vikheho Swu, has condoled the death of Er. Akokba Tarep, E.E. Irrigation & Flood Control Peren, who passed away in Delhi after a brief illness on February 11. A condolence message from the Parliamentary Secretary calling it a “great loss” for the department, stated that Er. Tarep was an efficient and proactive officer who worked tirelessly for the department and for its betterment. “This vacuum will be difficult to be filled,” the message added.

GHS Englan reconstitutes governing body WoKha, February 13 (mexN): The lone government High School Englan range has reconstituted a new governing body headed by EAC Englan Tsutsowe Kupa. A press note stated that the board members consist of the area DBs, Village Chairmen and the VDB secretaries from the 9 surrounding villages. The board has reaffirmed to take up the all round development of the school.

FCU elects new team Kohima, February 13 (mexN): Forest Colony Union, Kohima has elected a new team of office bearers for the tenure 2015-2017. The members are: ChairmanNgamjok Konyak, vice chairman- Kapun Rengma and Mego Chuse, general secretary- Ghokuto Kinimi, joint secretary- Imtimar Walling, finance secretary - Chorayi Veyie, treasurer- Ezanimo Yanthan, youth convenerAvono Helen, women co-convenor- Inatoli Chishi and Avezo Venuh as caretaker.

Call to enhance quality of education Assam Rifles organise medical camps Awareness programme

pheK, February 13 (Dipr): The new School building for Government Middle School, Phek Basa was inaugurated at its village with District Deputy Education Officer Nuchisalu as the chief guest. Speaking on the occasion, she said, quality education is the most important parts of one’s life and called upon the gathering to enhance the quality of education so that we can compete with the rest of the world. Without education it is difficult for everyone to go for even like business or even farming also, for which she opined that we should possess education in this modern world and

added that our children should equip with quality education for betterment of one self and also betterment of our society. She also opined regarding NBSE system like framing, reframing, designing and redesigning the academic curriculum according to the needs and demands of the changing time in this all these are done to the needs and demands of the changing time she said. You may be in cities or in town it all the same even in the villages also she said and encouraged the gathering that its all about your carrier. She also called upon Parents and teachers to help the children by

encouraging them to stand on their feet so that they become responsible persons, she also said one should not take wrong ideology but apply your interest and your ability to compete with others. Head master Nuchita Venuh chaired the function while bible reading & prayer was pronounced by Z. Nienu, Pastor PBBC. Welcome song was sung from school children and a solo was also presented by Shekuvo. A brief report for the building was given by S. Ngulie Nienu, JEO Shevozo, Sr. HA Chisapa and Exteacher Sahuyi Kezo also spoke on the occasion. All the village leaders attended the function.

Dimapur, February 13 (mexN): Assam Rifles conducted medical camps at various locations as part of the Military Civic Action programme under ‘Op Sadbhavana’. Defence releases received here informed. Beisumpuikam 18 AR under the aegis of Headquarters 6 Sector organised a free medical camp in Beisumpuikam Village, Peren district on Feb 10. A medical team led by the medical officer of 18 AR provided medical aid and distributed free medicines to the locals. A total of 484 patients - which included 146 men, 149 women and 189 children - were treated for various ailments

and given free medicines.

Phesama 19 AR under the aegis of HQ 5 Sector organised a free medical camp at Government Middle School, Phesama Village, Kohima on Feb 7. A total of 261 patients - 55 children, 103 men and 103 women - were administered necessary medical treatment and given free medicines. Villagers were also educated on hygiene and sanitation related issues. Medical camp in Aoyimkum on Feb 14 A medical camp will be organised by the medical and dental units of Rangapahar under the aegis of HQ 3 Corps (Medical) at

Aoyimkum Village, Dimapur on Feb 14. A defence release informed that a team of seven doctors – which includes an Eye Specialist, ENT Specialist, Dentist and medical officers – from the medical and dental units of Rangapahar will be present to provide free medical checkup and treatment for various common ailments prevalent in civil population. A laboratory, dressing station and a counter for distributing free medicines will be set up during the camp. Health education will also be imparted to the civil population with the help of health exhibition highlighting the preventive aspects of various diseases, the release informed.

on Farmers’ Rights Act

Kohima, February 13 (mexN): A one-day training cum awareness and sensitization programme on protection of plant varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act was held on February 11 at the Conference Hall of Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Kohima. The training was sponsored by Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Right Authority, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India. Vikhweno M. Meratsu, ADC Tseminyu, speaking as chief guest at the inaugural function encouraged participants to take the opportunity in learning something and effectively implement

and share the knowledge for the benefit of all. Khekali Sema, SMS Horticulture, KVK Kohima, speaking as resource person spoke on the objective and importance of plant protection and Farmer’s Right, while Chubatesmu Ozukum, Subject Expert from the Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, SASRD, Nagaland University, spoke on the norms, criteria and procedure of filling forms, under the protection of plant varieties and Farmer’s Right Act. Altogether, 56 farmers from 10 villages took part in the programme.

'Problem of untrained teachers persist in State' Shürhozelie volunteered to be Sacrificial Lamb: Huskha Dimapur, February 13 (mexN): Despite continuous efforts made by Government through SCERT and DIETs to do away with the problem of untrained teachers in the state by conducting various training courses, the problem persists. This was expressed by education officers during the official induction of in-service teachers to the programme of Diploma in Elementary Education (D.EL.ED) - Distance Mode- held at District Institute of Education and Training Dimapur on

February 9. A press release received here said that DEO Dimapur Amongla along with SDEO Niuland Narola and JEO Dimapur Amongla were present at the inaugural function. Both the DEO and SDEO spoke on the need of uplifting the quality of primary education in the State and for which the schools need to be manned by trained personnel. The Right to Education (RTE) Act guarantees’ every child in India not only the right to have access to education but also of qual-

ity education. Therefore, it is mandatory for every teacher to be professionally trained, the release stated. As per the National Council Teacher Education (NCTE) guidelines D.EL.ED is suppose to be Pre-service training course only, but keeping in mind the backlog of untrained teachers in the State, D.EL. ED (Distance Mode) for Inservice Teachers has been formally launched. Any teacher who has been appointed after the RTE Act and fails to be trained within a period of

Kohima, February 13 (mexN): Huskha Yepthomi, Working President NPF Central, has come out in defence of his party President referring to him as a ‘sacrificial lamb’. “Shürhozelie Liezetsu volunteered to be the sacrificial lamb, having to contest the lone Lok Sabha seat for Nagaland in 1999 as Independent candidate,” Huskha stated in a press statement. Huskha was reacting to a recent article from two individuals which made a dig at Shürhozelie. Stating that the party was formed in the early sixties by far sighted and conscious Naga leaders who steadfastly strived to ebrate love, friendship hammer out an acceptable and admiration. And and honorable solution of it is on every 14 February, people celebrate by sending love messages to friends, families and to their beloved. People oralentine's Day is known as Lovers' ganised special dinners Holiday celebrated and spend time together honouring their love for in February 14, the feast each other. It is also ru- day of St. Valentine, one moured that one of the of two 3rd century Roman reason of opposing the martyrs of the same name. celebration is that, it has Although scarcely anything origin in Christian theol- is known for certain about ogy, but if we contextual- these two, they seem to ise and see the meaning have died on the same day of celebration among the (c.270) and to have been youngsters they are just buried at different places. St. Valentine is concelebrating their mutual sidered the patron of lovlove and not celebration ers and especially of those in reverence of St. Val- unhappily in love. The entine and has nothing custom of sending "Valento do with Christian the- tines" or love-tokens, usuology. If we are to pull ally anonymous, to one's the strings of the above beloved "Valentine" had observations,we cannot most probably only an acdeny the fact that this cidental connection with is a deliberate attempt St. Valentine and owed its to impose one’s moral- origin rather to the conity and an act of intoler- ventional medieval belief, ance towards the other. hold generally in England So, I think we must wish and France, that it was all the lovers who wanted at the start of the second celebrate… a very happy month that the birds began to mate. Another "ValValentine’s Day! Wungnaongam Pou entine" myth is that, the 5 years of appointment will be given a “Golden Handshake” (denoting Mass Voluntary Retirement), the release stated. Thus keeping in view the entire scenario, the DEO and the SDEO encouraged In-service Teacher trainees to take up the course seriously and attend the classes regularly. Both the DEO and SDEO maintained that any trainee found absent from the training and absconding from the school on the pretext of training will be seriously dealt with.

A perspective on Valentine’s Day!


peculation wrapped through different Medias and social networking blogs that certain right-wingHindus and ultra nationalist are threatening the couples, if they come out to celebrate their love onValentine’s Day, they will punish them with forceful marriage. Inciting fears andcreatinga lot of confusion in the minds of the people. The architect of such project tries to justify with the notion that this culture is procure from foreign land and one should do away with such practice to safeguard one’s culture. But how do we justify such notion in a globalised world? How do we negotiate such notion in country like India, where multiplicity is the core of it nature. The founders of this nation knows exactly the complex nature of this country and to safeguard the interest of every citizen, they choose to adopt the path of secular, where every citizens are entitled to freedom of conscience, and the right to propagate

one’s own religion. In such a pluralistic state how can we come up with the notion like pure and un-alloy culture? Are we not playing the role of a hypocrite, by forcefully imposing our notion of good and bad to others? I think to talk something like, pure, un-alloy culture, in a country like India is a crime. How can we deny the fact that multiplicity defines the very nature of our country, be it culture, religion or language. How can one think that his/her culture is the best and should represent the entity of the whole? Are we not undermining the whole concept of pluralityand the notion of ‘Unity in diversity’ that this country takes pride? I think it is high time we as a nation should come forward and remove those elementsposing threat to the vision of the founder of this great nation. The commotion that envelops around the notion of celebrating Valentine’s Day, forces us to come up with cer-

tain questions like, why should we have problem when someone wants to celebrate their love? How can we say Valentine’s Day is the only culture that we employ from the foreign shore? How about the popular cultures like, music, movies, fast foods, life styles, etc. etc. why this things are fine with us? If we think that Valentine’s Day has foreign root and it polarises our culture, then we should be doing away with all other things that has foreign origin. Why should people have problem when people exchange flowers in the streets, showing affection or showering kisses in public space. In today’s context such affection is visible everywhere be it, in prime TV or in Bollywood movies. We are all aware that lately, Bollywood is taking pride in item numbers and intimate scenes which were not the culture Indian cinemas before. I think we should take Valentine’s Day asjust another occasion to cel-

the Indo-Naga Political problem, Huskha stated, the Naga People’s Front “is not an ordinary organization to be trifled with.” Huskha stated that the Party, with Shürhozelie as President, had abstained from contesting or participating the Nagaland general elections in 1998, to honour the Naga people’s appeal to all political parties and candidates not to contest the elections in support of the demand for solution of the Indo-Naga political talks. Naga organisations under the aegis of Naga Hoho had at the time come out with the appeal “We want solution, not election”. Huskha himself was a signatory to the appeal as the then President of Sumi Hoho.



feast day became a love's festival in the 14th century probably an extension of pagan love festivals and fertility rites celebrated in mid-February. Today it is marked by the exchange of romantic or affection Valentine cards, flowers, nicely wrapped box of chocolate and other gifts. In American school teachers teach their students to make Valentine cards to be presented to their parents, grandparents and relatives to keep the bonds of love and affection intact. This is a beautiful custom that can be emulated in Nagaland by the school teachers and students. Just a simple phrase "Be my valentine" written on the card would suffice. I have quite a collection handmade Valentine cards received from my little nephews and nieces over the years. They are priceless! Dr. Albert G. Erdican, Dimapur

The consequence for the party (then called NPC) was that – its symbol (cock) was frozen by the Election Commission of India (ECI) for having abstained from contesting the Nagaland State General Elections and the party had risked being de-recognized as a registered political party, Huskha stated. “In order to salvage the Cock symbol and retain the registration of this party as a recognized political party with the election commission of India according to ECI’s strict rules, Shürhozelie Liezetsu volunteered to be the sacrificial lamb, having to contest the lone Lok Sabha seat for Nagaland in 1999 as independent candidate. Thus, having gone

through herculean constitutional exercises, this over half a century old regional political party regained its Cock symbol and recognition as well from ECI,” Huskha maintained. Giving a profile of his party President, Huskha stated that Shürhozelie participated in General elections in Nagaland since 1969, returned 8 times to the Nagaland Legislative Assembly and voluntarily retired from contesting in February 2013. “His political carreer so far has been a benchmark for generations to follow and he has set the highest standards of leadership in all aspects inside and outside the floor of the legislative assembly,” Huskha concluded.

I NEED YOU When everything around me is bleak And I just have nothing to speak I need you to feel a pair of hands That makes me feel someone understands. When I am filled with guilt And wish I could go down with the silt I need you to forgive me and take in your arms And talk to me without any qualms. When I know I can take it no longer And forces against me are stronger I need you to stand by me and support wholeheartedly And pass on the strength most joyously. When I am happy and standing tall For achieving something great or small I need you to laugh with me And share my joy unboundedly. When I am angry and hurt And feel like tearing myself apart I need you to soothe me and calm Much more effectively than a plain balm. When I reveal my secret wish Of doing something silly or ticklish I need you to understand my childish ways And laugh it away without any frays. When someone who is very dear Has been pulled away from me I need you to assure, I have another Who can take me across without any fear. Miss Eranbeni

The Morung Express is introducing “Public Space” as part of our intention to provide deliberate space for the opinions of the people to be expressed and heard through this newspaper. Nonetheless, The Morung Express points out that the opinions expressed in the contents published in the “Public Space” do not reflect the views and position of the newspaper or the editor.


People, life, etc... Saturday | 14 February, 2015

Oops! 8 Discoveries Astronomers Didn't Mean to Make Times. He was right, and he had discovered radio astronomy itself. But Bell Labs considered it a fail: They couldn’t fix spacestatic and assigned him another project. The founder of radio astronomy never did radio astronomy again and didn’t get to keep his merry-go-round.

Sarah Scoles

Lots of important advances in astronomy happen accidentally, when scientists are searching for something else


ast year, the Milky Way’s central black hole was supposed to rip apart the gas cloud G2. But like so many overyhyped action flicks, the real show was a disappointment. Scientists trained their telescopes on the galactic center for months, waiting. And nothing really happened. But because they were conscientiously observing, they noticed lots of other things never before seen. They watched the brightest-ever X-ray flare from the galactic center, a whopping 400 times brighter than normal. They also discovered a new magnetar, a rare kind of neutron star (a star as dense as an atomic nucleus but the size of a city). And that just goes to show that lots of cool science happens accidentally, when scientists are searching for something else. Here are eight more discoveries they didn’t mean to make. 1. Different Kind of Detonation In 1963, the US, the UK, and the USSR promised, possibly with their fingers crossed behind their

backs, not to test nuclear devices anymore. The US Air Force, ever the big brother, launched a set of spy satellites to make sure nobody was breaking the treaty. These “Vela” satellites (creepily named after the Spanish verb velar, “to watch”) looked from space for the X-rays and gamma rays that give away these bomb detonations. Instead of seeing explosions from Siberia, though, the Velas spied bursts of gamma rays coming from space. We now aptly call them “gamma ray bursts,” and they originate from supernovae and from the collisions of superdense objects like neutron stars. 2. Hearing the Big Bang The Holmdel horn antenna, built by Bell Laboratories, was as its name suggests a giant horn. It acted like a funnel for radio waves, collecting them into its wide end and guiding them down into a detector. In 1964, Bell employees Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson were using the device to keep tabs on the company’s balloon satellites. However, they noticed a strange phenomenon: No matter where

they pointed it, or when, they heard a weird buzzing sound. They peered into their funnel and shooed away some pigeons that had nested there, thinking a layer of feces might be the problem. But what they were actually hearing wasn’t crap: It was the “cosmic microwave background,” the soft hiss left over from the Big Bang. How annoying. Let’s hope it won them Employees of the Month awards. 3. Rhythmic Radio Talk about paperwork: at the Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory outside Cambridge, UK, it was Jocelyn Bell’s job to

analyze the 100 feet of paper it produced daily. In 1967, amidst all that data, she noticed a pulse — like an EKG heartbeat — coming every 1.3 seconds from a particular spot. Bell took this “bit of scruff” to her boss and they named it “LGM-1,” half joking that it was the first signal from Little Green Men. Soon, though, they found another pulse, this one every 1.6 seconds. They had discovered pulsars — the hulks left after supernovae. They are citysized balls of neutrons that can rotate hundreds of times a second. Every time they spin, radio waves shine our way, like light from a cosmic lighthouse.

4. Uh-Oh Volcano The 1979 images of Jupiter’s moons were just supposed to help mission controllers figure out where Voyager 1 was, exactly, in its flyby. However, when engineer Linda Morabito dialed up the contrast on an image of Io, trying to make the background stars more visible, she saw a huge cloud puffing out of the moon’s edge. At first she thought it was another moon creepin’ out from behind Io. But she and other scientists eventually figured out they were seeing a plume from a live volcano — the first extraterrestrial volcano eruption ever discovered. Today the Ionian volcano

6. Psst, It's a Planet In 1781, British astronomer William Herschel was trying to catalog all the stars magnitude -8 or brighter. Sound boring? It was. That’s perhaps why he got so excited when he noticed a point of light that traveled across the sky at a different speed from the stars. That meant that it lived closer to us than stars do. It was a new world: Uranus, first planet found since antiquity. He wanted to name the count stands at over 400. object after King George III, but that’s really near5. Radio Waves – sighted and nationalistic, From Space! so we ended up with UraIn 1928, Bell Laborato- nus, to the delight of Engries had a dream: to make lish-speaking third-gradtransatlantic telephone ers everywhere. calls possible. They asked a researcher named Karl 7. Strange Emissions Jansky to solve the probMaar ten S chmidt lem of static. thought he was staring at He built an antenna, a star in 1963, but it was now called “Jansky’s mer- blasting out huge amounts ry-go-round,” to investi- of radio waves, which stars gate the sources of static, don’t really do. He called and found just two: thun- it a “quasi-stellar object” derstorms, and a con- — a quasar. It had strange stant low-level hiss com- spectral lines, he noted. ing from the center of our These lines are fingerprints Milky Way. of chemical compounds, Space is making those and they tell astronomers radio waves! he concluded, what’s inside an object. a conclusion that appeared In a eureka moment, in the 1933 New York he realized the strange

lines were actually from hydrogen — they’d just been stretched out. That happens when the compounds in question are really far away. In this case, billions of light-years away. For the radio waves to arrive as brightly as Schmidt saw them, after traveling that far, the object emitting them must be 100 times brighter than our entire galaxy. Now we know quasars are crazy because of violence happening around distant supermassive black holes. Let’s continue to watch from the nosebleed seats, okay? 8. Jupiter's Cry It was 1955 and Bernard Burke and Kenneth Franklin just wanted to see if their radio antenna was working: point it at the Crab Nebula, push some buttons, and be done. But what they didn’t bargain for was a weird crackling, buzzing, popping sound. And the sound, they realized, showed up 4 minutes earlier every night — just like things do when they come from our rotating sky (because a day is actually 23 hours, 56 minutes. Hence, leap years). The pair had inadvertently discovered the first radio waves from another planet. When electrons and protons travel through Jupiter’s magnetic field, it makes them spiral like a repetitive roller coaster, which causes them to scream (or, more scientifically, emit radio waves).

Hungry bees lose self-control Twists, turns, eventually lead

to ‘promising’ Ebola vaccine Lauran Neergaard aP Medical Writer

I Elizabeth Preston


e’ve all been t h e re : i t ’s easy enough to follow our plans to exercise and eat healthily, until suddenly it’s 4:30 in the afternoon and we’re ready to plunge our faces into the first dandelion we see. Honeybees, like humans, can exert self-control when making decisions about food. But when they get hungry enough, that control buzzes right out the window. For a bee, of course, self-control isn’t about Pilates and salads. Worker honeybees mostly consume nectar. When they get back to the hive they regurgitate that food and share it with the other bees. A responsible worker bee should choose the best nectar sources—not just settle for the first flower she finds—and communicate where they are to her sisters back home. Researchers have found that honeybees show self-control. They’ll hold out for a larger or sweeter nectar reward instead of drinking a smaller or less sweet reward immediately. But will bees always choose the good of the colony over their own needs? If a bee is hungry enough, will she lower her standards? To find out, biologist Christopher Mayack of the Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg in Germany gathered young forager honeybees. Mayack

wafted different chemical smells over the bees, then gave them sugar rewards. This taught the bees to associate certain odors with certain outcomes: one smell meant a large gulp of sugar water was coming, and another smell meant only a small sip. One set of bees got these rewards immediately. For another set of bees, the small reward came after a one-second delay, and the large reward came after five seconds. The bees who experienced a delay still learned to prefer the smell of the large reward, even though they had to wait longer to get it. If they were foragers in the field, this might be like bypassing a small patch of flowers in favor of a bigger, juicier patch just ahead. (If they were humans, it might mean not spoiling their dinner with snacks.) Then Mayack stopped feeding the bees. Six hours, 18 hours, or 24 hours later, he tested them to see how much self-control they had left. The bees smelled two odors at a time, one on each side of their heads. Whichever way a hungry bee turned her head first— sticking out her proboscis in search of sugar water— indicated her choice. At six hours, bees usually chose the larger reward, whether or not it was delayed. As more time passed, the starving bees were increasingly likely to choose the large reward— but only when it came immediately. And at 24 hours

of starvation, bees were no longer willing to wait five seconds for their drink of sugar water. Most of them chose a smaller, immediate reward instead. When Mayack analyzed the chemical makeup of these bees’ brains, he was surprised to find high levels of dopamine in bees that had gone hungry for 24 hours. In vertebrate animals, Mayack says, studies have shown that increased dopamine in the brain leads to more impulsive behavior. But stress in bees usually lowers dopamine, so he didn’t expect starvation to raise it. Mayack emphasizes that he doesn’t know yet whether the extra dopamine actually caused the bees’ impulsive behavior. Honeybees display “one of the most extreme forms of social behavior in the animal kingdom,” Mayack says. At first glance they appear totally selfless. Yet his study shows that a bee in distress will act in her own best interest, ignoring the needs of the colony. The brain pathways that lead to this behavior may be left over from an earlier time in bee evolution, Mayack says, when the insects lived on their own. When a bee is hungry enough, she reverts to acting like a solitary insect instead of a group member. Whether she feels guilty afterward, resolving to have more self-control tomorrow (and maybe hit the gym), is a question for another day.

t took 16 years of twists and turns. Over and over, Dr. Na n c y Su l l i v a n thought she was close to an Ebola vaccine, only to see the next experiment fail. "A case of resuscitation more than once," is how the U.S. National Institutes of Health researcher describes the journey. But it is those failures that Sullivan credits for finally leading her to a vaccine promising enough to test in parts of West Africa ravaged by Ebola. Last week, volunteers in Liberia's capital began rolling up their sleeves for the first large-scale testing of two potential Ebola vaccines, the one Sullivan developed at NIH and a similar one created by Canada's government. Sullivan just hopes it was in time to prove whether the shots really work. Ebola has claimed nearly 9,000 lives in West Africa over the past year, although new infections have dropped dramatically in recent months. It's too soon to declare victory: Last week, new cases inched up for the first time this year, and health officials fear a resurgence if they don't completely stamp out the disease before the upcoming rainy season. Waning cases make it more difficult to tell if a vaccine is protective, but the shots will be tested in multiple places and ways "hoping that one of those will give us real data," said Dr. Bruce Aylward of the World Health Organization. Getting to that step is a story of nitty-gritty laboratory science, the kind that seldom makes headlines. "You don't know what's going to be important 15 years from now," noted Sullivan, a cell biologist who kept hitting

In this photo taken Feb. 4, 2015, Dr. Nancy Sullivan, chief, Biodefense Research Section, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, speaks in her office at the Vaccine Research Center at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md. It took 16 years of twists and turns. Over and over, Dr. Nancy Sullivan thought she'd finally gotten her Ebola vaccine right, only to see the next experiment fail. But it was those failures that Sullivan credits for helping her unravel enough mysteries of the immune system to finally bring an Ebola vaccine to large-scale testing in Africa. She just hopes it was in time to prove if the shots really work. (AP Photo)

roadblocks as she tried to unravel enough mysteries of the immune system to create an Ebola vaccine. "You need a failure to know what immune responses aren't helpful, as difficult as they were at the time," she said. It all started in the late 1990s, when Sullivan, who had just earned her Ph.D. at Harvard, landed a new job at the University of Michigan. She wanted to study how Ebola infects cells, but her boss, Dr. Gary Nabel, gave her a bigger assignment: develop a vaccine capable of protecting monkeys. Back then, the average person probably knew of Ebola only from Richard Preston's best-seller "The Hot Zone" or the movie "Outbreak." Discovered in 1976, the virus cropped up

every few years in remote parts of Africa, killed dozens to a few hundred people with horrifying swiftness and retreated back into the jungle again. Early vaccine attempts had failed. "The thinking was, this virus was too aggressive, it's not possible to mount an immune response in sufficient time," recalled Sullivan, who followed Nabel to NIH and now heads biodefense vaccine research there. Most vaccines spur production of immune system antibodies that block a virus from entering cells, but Sullivan didn't think that would be enough for Ebola, a large virus that infects in an unusual way. Gene-based vaccines can induce additional virus fighters called T cells, so that's what Sullivan cre-

ated with pieces of Ebola genetic material. In July 1999, colleagues emailed that they'd given her vaccine to monkeys and measured a big immune reaction. Sullivan recently showed President Barack Obama the lab notebook where she'd scribbled her reaction: "Yahoo!" In November 2000, Sullivan and Nabel reported in the journal Nature that four vaccinated monkeys survived an otherwise lethal dose of Ebola. "For the first time, a vaccine protected monkeys against the lethal Ebola virus, raising doctors' hopes of developing a means of inoculating people against the terrifying disease," The Associated Press reported at the time. But her vaccine required multiple shots over

Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.

several months, not useful during an outbreak. Sullivan scaled back, using a human cold virus, called an adenovirus, to carry the Ebola genetic material in one shot. Then she learned it wouldn't work in people who've had that particular cold virus. Using rare human adenoviruses didn't work at all; finally a chimpanzee cold virus did the trick. Along the way came multiple monkey studies to learn exactly what kind of T cells to target. "Lots of shoes have dropped," is how she describes all the frustration. Sullivan had a few years' head start but after the 2001 anthrax attack other laboratories scrambled to study Ebola and other possible bioterrorist agents. Soon after, the Public Health Agency of Canada reported creating its own Ebola vaccine using a livestock virus to carry the genetic material — the second vaccine currently being tested in that large study in Liberia. "Thank God we had some of these" underway, said Ebola expert Thomas Geisbert of the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, an early collaborator on the Canadian vaccine who helped with some of Sullivan's initial work and now researches treatments. "You can't do that research in six months." As the Liberian vaccine study gets under way, work hasn't paused back in Sullivan's lab. Her research in monkeys suggests long-lasting protection will require a special booster shot, something yet to begin Phase 1 safety testing in people. She goes to Congo, where Ebola first was discovered, about twice a year for research. "It isn't the case where you discover something and instantly move it to humans," Sullivan wants the public to understand. "There are lots of pitfalls."



14 February, 2015

A passionate 25 year old builds a charity for Cambodia

Boys play near a rice paddy field on the outskirts of Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Kenny King created Global ADE, which has already built schools in several communities in Cambodia Emily Crowe | Global Envision

Who says youth is wasted on the young? At 25 years old, Kenny King’s global development resume is pretty impressive. He was still living in a dorm room when he and a friend started Global ADE. Just a few years later, Global ADE has built schools in several Cambodian communities, bringing education and opportunity to children who knew only poverty. With inspirational merits aside and critical glasses on, King’s efforts could look like just another American funneling money into some good cause in a developing country. Increasingly, the effectiveness of this scenario has come under fire for failing to create sustainable change. But King says he’s not just another wellintentioned do-gooder. Global ADE, he says, does things differently. From the time he was growing up near Seattle, Wash., King knew he could be an entrepreneur. He also had a passion to do good – his mother raised him with stories of her adventures doing charity work in Cambodia and of the great challenges faced by Cambodia’s youth. Still marred by the destruction of Pol Pot (whose regime targeted educated Cambodians, used schools to house torture rather than learning, and burned thousands of books), the need for educational support was more than clear. While pursuing a finance degree at the University of Portland, King took part in the Entrepreneur Scholars program where he asked himself a question: What if I started an education program in Cambodia? As part of the program, he traveled to Cambodia to research his idea. Within 30 minutes, he was hooked – the friendly locals and the gorgeous landscape far surpassed the descriptions from his mother’s inspiring stories. Most importantly, it was clear that Global ADE could develop an education program that utilized local support to build schools, boost student hireability, and support other organizations whose work fit Global ADE's vision. After graduation, King jumped into the high-paying world of finance, working 70plus hours per week, returning home in the evenings to put in another 30 or 40 hours to build Global ADE. “It was a busy time, but Global ADE never felt like work to me... Instead of watching a TV show, I could do Global ADE because that was more important to me.” Soon, Kenny realized Global ADE needed his full attention to reach its full potential. He quit his well-paying job and began working full-time on Global ADE. The key, King says about starting a nonprofit, is the single-most important tool for any entrepreneur: passion. Passion sounds nice, but brings back the big question: What makes Global ADE different? First, while most organizations work with the local community, Global ADE creates local ownership. Many staff and partners are local, and, while the growing organization still relies heavily on donations to run, many resources are donated by locals – Global ADE is more of an in-the-background organizer that gets the ball rolling. For instance, instead of purchasing land for a new middle school – which would have cost nearly $80,000 – Global ADE brokered property donations from local landowners passionate about the mission. With this grass-roots approach, locals have as much, if not more, ownership in projects’ success, and there’s less reliance on cash donations. “It’s easy to just kinda throw money at a situation,” King says. “It’s hard to really work in partnership with people half a world


Morung Youth Express

away. But I honestly believe that that’s a better way to help.” In addition to providing a basic education, Global ADE focuses on providing students and the local community with highly marketable skills. Tourism is a booming industry in Cambodia, so English is immensely important. In rural villages, lack of electricity means few, if any, students have access to computers. The lack of basic computer skills makes it nearly impossible to get hired. In addition to its own English programs, Global ADE partners with PEPY, an organization that offers both English and computer skills programs. Focusing on employment increases the perceived value of education – persuading families to make the sacrifices needed to send their children through school. Internally, Global ADE also focuses on transparency for donors. King emphasizes that being completely open about the successes or failures are the most important ways to create trust with donors and build a stable nonprofit. His goal is to build a personal connection between donors and the change taking place in Cambodia. Donors can track projects via GPS coordinates, view photos, and even speak directly with King if they have questions. The impact made by Global ADE is very real. Global ADE is on the road to finish its third school in Cambodia and – most importantly – the psyche of children enrolled in the schools has changed completely. Before, local children usually grew up to become laborers trapped by poor education in a low-paying job market. Kids’ greatest aspirations were to become tour guides – a good job for families with poor education and little to no computer access, but lacking upward mobility. Now, when King visits and talks with those same kids, they’re dreaming of becoming doctors or lawyers – or even the future president of Cambodia. Just five years into his career, King can’t wait to push Global ADE further – he plans to expand into several other countries and hopes to partner with other organizations to produce even greater change. While Global ADE has had its fair share of challenges, from missed deadlines to donation dry spells, King’s entrepreneurial efforts have also taught him many valuable lessons. Here are the top five suggestions from Kenny King himself:

The Naga Blog is a forum on facebook where Nagas from Nagaland and around the world network, share ideas and discuss a wide range of topics from politics and philosophy to music and current events in Nagaland and beyond. The blog is not owned by any individual, nor is it affiliated to or associated with any political party or religion. The only movement it hopes to stir is the one raised by the voices of the Nagas every step of the way, amassing perhaps to mass consciousness one day. www.facebook.com/groups/thenagablog

WOES OF A PATIENT AND RIGHTS Azole Maghathun The manner in which the patients are treated in hospitals especially in Govt. run hospitals in our State subsequently been brought to the notice through social networking group has once again much to the dismay caught the attention of the public. Could this be because of the rising trend of the hospital fraternity's improper and ill mannered treatment meted out to the public on a rampant degrees ? is a question to be cautioned by every right thinking citizen. In line with this, here is another dose on the recent experience faced by a patient at Dimapur Civil Hospital striking our heels as to whether the patients' right are observed & regarded by Doctors & other staff of the Hospital community. My elder sister who is a diabetic affected person has lately been suffering from gum bleeding and had developed sores, despite which she never neglect to regularly brush her teeth as even forgetting doing it worsen her gums and teeth. Even in the morning of few days back she brushed her teeth and went to visit a Dentist at the above mentioned hospital. On doctor's (dentist) direction as she open her mouth for examination the dentist on a harsh tune shouted at her " KAMSE KAM BRUSH TOU KURIKENA AHIBI " to which my sister politely told him that she has already brushed just before she came but could this be because of the diabetic infection causing the gum skin constantly peeling off. Just by uttering this he shouted at her "YOU CAME HERE TO LISTEN TO ME OR AM I HERE TO LISTEN TO YOU?????? to an utter shock he shouted on the verge of about to pounce on her and his spit drizzled out as he was chewing betel nut (paan). Willy-nilly this kind of Doctors' aggressive behaviour persuade us to believe as to whether this is an indication to go to their private Clinic is something of baffling resemblance. It is a wonder as to whether a patient needed to be dealt with in a polite and helpful manner or otherwise. This kind of arrogance coming out of doctors & staff can sometime create an adverse effect on the patients' health. As far as my little knowledge is concern every person within the hospital has an obligation to create comfortable environment unlike this. Well friends, my shock and awe in knowing this and other akin treatments encountered by patients as lately brought to light in FB group makes me but once again brought to the knowledge of the public in general with an inquisition as to how and why

the public/commoners deserved to be treated in this manner in of all the places but hospital ? Such arrogant behaviour as cited above (and others previously make known) is so uncalled for a Govt. servant and even more so for the noblest profession as Doctors. For such doctors as this dentist perceived & behave as if the public are coming to their CHARITY HOSPITAL. They must know that they've been employed by the Government of the people by the people for the people ideal type of Government and being paying for as in due performance of their duty duly encompassing the professional code of ethics and not for bossing, ordering around & creating a military environment like in the hospital with the paid occupation & status. The patients' responsibility of being polite and respectful to them should not be misconceived as weak & ignorant that they should be be harshly dealt with and made to bear the brunt of their scorn and arrogant haughty rebuke. Don't doctors too have moral behavioural responsibility to adhere to towards patients while on duty ?? Are they aware that patients too have guaranteed rights to be regarded and respected while undergoing treatment ?? Is this how they maintain the hospital identity in the discourse of their occupation ? without listening to the patients' woes how can a doctor satisfactorily find out the correct cause of the ailments and ascertain the correct decent diagnosis ?? Lacking good communication skill will make the Doctor partially perform his treatment on the sicks.Prof. Samuel Y.S Wong and Prof. Albert Lee in their conducted studies on " Communication Skills and Doctor Patient Relationship " found out that having good communication skills is essential for doctors to established doctor patient relationship which has shown to have a positive impact on a number of health outcomes. Below are some certain rights bestowed under Indian constitution in emanation with Human Rights, Civil Rights, Consumer Rights and Code of ethics of medical and nursing professions : 1. Right to considerate and respectful care 2. Right to be treated fairly and justly 3. Right to information on diagnosis, treatment & medicines. 4. Right to expect prompt treatment in an emergency 5. Right to seek second opinion about his/her disease, treatment 6. Right to know hospital rules & regulations apply to him/her as patient & facilities obtainable to the patients 7. Right to medical records etc etc. and other many more rights

and responsibilities which one needed to know for rightful treatment as bonafide citizen. Blatant violation of the patients' rights has become a routine occurrence even among the educated ones. Remaining silence & compromising is not the solution but direct encouragement to let continue violation against laid rights. Let us not make any violation of our rights another kind of tradition in our society which in itself is letting the violators unaccountable towards our rights which none of us deserve. ( Note : The view express above is not intended to distort the image of the good and true dedicated Doctors nor to grouped them up with erring unconcern doctors as illustrated.)

Hard working; the solution to check IBIs Vezhoyi Lohe We all knew that those IBIs are not coming to Nagaland to spend their vacation, as tourists but in search of work. Until and unless we work, it will be hard to check the inflows of IBIs. I guess almost everyone wanted to become an engineer, doctor, IAS and NCS officer, Army or Police officer... when a child. Myself, wanted to become a medical doctor but on the way to become an arts doctor. I bet there are thousands of gazetted private teachers, office assistants, salesmen and women in Nagaland. After aiming to become a gazetted officer, who would want to become a cobbler, barber, labourer, tailor...? There is a saying, " Aim for the stars and if you fail, you'll land on the moon " ,right? But many of us aim for the sky and never came down. Now, on monthly income. For example, let's take the salary of a private teacher in Kohima, say Rs 9500 p.m, an average monthly salary. If a manual labourer work for 24 days and if his wage is Rs 400 per day, I.e, Rs 400× 24 days= Rs 9000. If Rs 500, 24 days×Rs 500= Rs 12000. This calculation is based on my experience. I have worked a couple of times and got Rs 400/ 500 in a day, sometimes even more. Here, I'm not saying about the head 'mistiris'. Anyway, status matter here right? Besides, if you engage in loading or unloading sector, you'll get extra income. FYI, this is not a career guidance. The point here is, if you want to do it as a part time job. Due to our weaknesses, those IBIs have comfortably came into our land. If they entered it forcefully, with the same amount of force, we can chase them out. But it is not. If they did not find any work opportunities in Nagaland, they would go away and tell their friends, relatives and neighbours, " Don't go to Nagaland, they are hard

working people. You'll come back empty handed". The solution, what I've seen in past few weeks " is to employ local labourers, give shops to local people for business, give rent to local, buy goods from local shops, marry local ". What about eat local meat, speak local dialect,and give birth to a local person. I mean the hard working trait . Unless necessary, do not employ others which you can do it by yourself. It would take sometime to achieve an IBI free state. But, unless we work, it is impossible. India five year plan give importance on self reliance. It is not about owning a Reliance SIM card. 82.8% of the state population lives in rural areasb(2011 census), that means majority of our people are cultivators but our agriculture system is such that we can't support ourselves. Forget about agriculture, even in man power, our workforce, we are heavily dependent on others. Look this fact: As per the study conducted by state evaluation department in the year 2007 on Kohima, Mokokchung and Dimapur, non locals workforce earns Rs 450.60 crores annually. This could be much higher now. In construction sector, there are 4099 non local workers earning Rs 22 crores annually. Loading and Unloading : 4012 workers earning Rs 30 crores annually. Running of pan/gumti shops employs 2780 persons with total earning of Rs 24 crores. Grocery and ration shops with total earning of Rs 79 crores. (Mex - "Non local workforce earns Rs 450.60 cr , Nov 10 2013"). The good news is that, Nagaland is a land of opportunities, which we have been failing to utilise it. When are we going to stop depending on others? For this purpose, I've created a group called "Let's work, Kohima", a non profit making online labour service. It was named "Kohima" instead of Nagaland for the convenient of the labourer and hirer,( in case if this is going to work) . Similar groups can be form in other places with other name or same, if you think this is a good idea. Objectives of that group is to provide easy access to manual jobs seeker through social media. To give opportunity for the students to earn while studying. Loading and unloading would be ideal for students to work during free time. Let's stop asking pocket money, internet money... To stop dependency syndrome... Like i said before, if you think this is a workable idea, i request the truck owners, businessmen and women, contractors or those in need of labourer to make use of this group. But, join the group first and be willing to work. Per aspera ad Astra.

Language Lab

Kenny King’s Top 5 to-do’s for budding social entrepreneurs 1. Have passion BINDU JAYARAJ “For a while, I think I went four or five months without taking a day off. But, at the same time, I have so much passion for what I’m Together forever? Collective nouns can be taken as singudoing that I felt like I was taking every day off.” lar or plural, according to whether the word is seen as a unit or as individual items. 2. Have a good – spectacular – story More and more social enterprises pop • The family is proud of its lineage.(Here, family is seen as a whole unit and so up every day. What sets you apart from evtakes the singular verb and pronoun) eryone else? • The family were divided in their opinions. (Family members have different 3. Find a great board views and so the collective noun famYoung entrepreneurs often find themily cannot be perceived as a whole; so it selves judged by their age, rather than their takes a plural) abilities. With a more experienced board, • Every afternoon, the baseball team folthe response changes. Rather than “No,” lows its coach to the playground. (The says Kenny, his board brought years of marmembers of the team follow the same keting, global development, legal work, and practice and so it takes a singular verb fundraising experience and gave donors the and pronoun) confidence to say, “Okay, this is an organization that really knows what they’re going • After the practice session, the team heads and the object in a sentence. towards their respective rooms. (The to go do.” team mates are heading to their individual “Who do you like?” rooms and so the noun is treated as plural) Many of us have either asked or have been 4. Be prepared to work really, really hard asked this question probably a dozen times! It’s easy to feel motivated when everyWhen the members of the collective beBut, sorry to say, the question “Who do thing goes well. However, projects that run over budget, missed deadlines, revenue dry have in a similar fashion, the noun is singu- you like?” is not grammatically correct. The spells, and other obstacles require just as lar and takes singular verbs and pronouns. pronoun who always refers to the subject When the members act as individuals, the of a sentence or phrase and denotes who is much, if not more, energy. collective noun is plural and requires plural doing something (like he or she). verb and pronoun. Who delivers the milk? 5. Be a sponge Jenny delivers the milk. (Who refers to King’s final suggestion? “Ask advice from Jenny, the subject of the sentence.) everybody. It’s my goal, every single day, to Who or whom? Don’t get confused between the subject Whom always refers to the object of a learn something new.”

sentence. With whom were you chatting this morning? I was chatting with Renuka. (Whom refers to Renuka, the object of the sentence.) So, let’s revert to the first question, “Who do you like?” The answer would give the object of the sentence. So the question would rightly be “Whom do you like?” A simple way to remember this rule would be the following tip: If the answer is he, use who. He — who If the answer is him, use whom. Him — whom

Readers may please note that, the contents of the articles published on this page do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.




Saturday 14 February 2015

The Morung Express

‘ISI cultivated Taliban to counter Indian interests’

Islamabad, February 13 (IaNs): Former military ruler and Pakistan and military ruler Parvez Musharraf, who was accused of sheltering and supporting the Taliban, has called for an end to the backing of militant “proxies” in Afghanistan. In an interview to The Guardian, Musharraf admitted that when he was in power, Pakistan sought to undermine the government of former Afghan president Hamid Karzai because Karzai had “helped India stab Pakistan in the back”. But now the time had come to “totally cooperate” with Ashraf Ghani, the Afghan president since September, who Musharraf believes is “the last hope for peace in the region”. “In President Karzai’s times, yes, indeed, he was damaging Pakistan and therefore we were working against his interest. Obviously we had to protect our own interest,” Musharraf said. “But now President Ashraf Ghani has come and he is trying to restore balance in Afghanistan. We must totally cooperate with him.” Speaking from his Karachi home, the former army chief said “Pakistan had its own proxies, India had its proxies, which is unhealthy”. “I do admit this it is most unhealthy. It is not in favour of Afghanistan, or Pakistan or India. It must

India to resume talks with Pakistan after six-month hiatus

India’s permanent UNSC seat unacceptable: Pakistan

Islamabad, February 13 (PTI): India’s permanent membership in the reformed UN Security Council is unacceptable to Pakistan as it has not complied with UN resolutions on Kashmir, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has told US President Barack Obama. The US president called Sharif on Thursday night and both leaders discussed issues of mutual interest and those related to regional stability and peace for over half-anhour, officials here said. During their conversation, Sharif expressed reservations about US support for India’s bid to secure a permanent UN Security Council seat. Sharif told Obama that India cannot become a UNSC permanent member due to its non-compliance of all the resolutions passed by the UN on Kashmir and has “not fulfilled the commitment to give the right of self-determination to people of Kashmir,” officials said. “India does not deserve to be a permanent member of the UN,” Sharif was quoted as saying. During his unprecedented second India visit last month, President Obama had reaffirmed his support for a reformed UN stop,” he said. Musharraf said Pakistani spies in the Inter-Services Intelligence directorate (ISI) cultivated the Taliban after 2001 because Karzai’s government was dominated by non-Pashtuns, the country’s largest ethnic group, and officials who were thought to favour India. “Obviously we were looking for some groups to counter this Indian action against Pakistan,” he said, adding that ISI was

Dalai Lama’s abode to be linked with ropeway dHaramsala, February 13 (IaNs): Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama’s abode at McLeodganj in Himachal Pradesh, which has gained prominence for attracting a steady stream of Tibet enthusiasts, Buddhist scholars and backpackers, would be linked with a ropeway, an official said here Friday. The cabinet meeting, chaired by Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh, approved three ropeways. Besides Dharamsala-McLeodganj ropeway, the other two approved routes are Shimla’s popular Mall Road, which would be linked with the tourist information centre located at the Cart Road and Chamunda temple, located on the outskirts of Dharamsala, with the ancient hilltop temple of Aadi Himani Chamunda, a government spokesperson told IANS. At present, the Aadi Himani Chamunda temple can only be reached by an uphill trek in the Dhauladhar mountain range in Kangra district. Officials said the temple would be linked with a sixkm-long ropeway with a carrying capacity of 1,0001,200 people per hour each way. It would be constructed at an estimated cost of Rs.200 crore, an official said. The cabinet meeting, held here, also decided to reconstitute the Himachal Pradesh Administrative Tribunal with two benches having one judicial member and one administrative each having its jurisdiction throughout the state. It approved expansion proposal of Jaypee Himachal Cement Plant at Baga village in Solan district for enhancement of clinker capacity.

India should support UNHRC report on Sri Lanka: Karunanidhi CHeNNaI, February 13 (IaNs): India should support a report on human rights abuses in Sri Lanka to be submitted next month by a panel appointed by the UNHRC, DMK president M. Karunanidhi said Friday. In a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Karunanidhi said: “I understand that the committee appointed by the UNHRC to enquire into human rights violations of the Mahinda Rajapaksa’s government is going to submit its report in the UNHRC meeting to be held next month. “The community of the Tamils anxiously expect the Indian government to support the adoption of the report in the UNHRC,” he said. Karunanidhi’s letter comes days ahead of Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena’s visit to India. Citing the earlier Rajapaksa regime that thwarted probe attempts by an international agency on war crimes against Tamils, Karunanidhi requested Modi to move a suitable resolution in the UNHRC. He also said the Sri Lankan Northern Provincial Council had recently passed a resolution calling for an international probe into the war crimes against the Tamils. The DMK leader told Modi that Sri Lankan Tamils voted for Maithripala Sirisena, enabling him to win the presidential polls in Sri Lanka. According to Karunanidhi, the Sri Lankan Tamils expected the army posted in the Tamil areas will be withdrawn, and the lands and houses forcibly occupied by the army would be returned to the community. “But what is now happening in Sri Lanka has upset the Tamils. The promises and announcements are too many and what has been achieved is either nil or very little,” Karunanidhi said.

Security Council with India as a permanent member. In his telephonic conversation with Obama, Sharif also said that Pakistan wanted to become a member of the Nuclear Suppliers Group. Obama, during his India visit, had also reaffirmed the US’ position that India is ready for NSG membership. Obama visited India last month and was the chief guest at the Republic Day Parade, the first US President to do so. In his conversation with Sharif, Obama also discussed his India visit. Sharif asked Obama to impress upon India to resume peace dialogue with Pakistan to address all outstanding issues including Kashmir, the News reported. The two leaders also exchanged views about bilateral issues including terrorism and Obama congratulated Sharif on the success of operation ‘Zarb-i-Azb’towipeoutmilitantsfromtheNorth Waziristan tribal region. The two also decided to meet at a convenient date. The White House, in a statement on Obama’s call to Sharif, said, “the President discussed his recent visit to India, and noted the United States supports all efforts by both nations to improve ties.”

in contact with the Taliban groups. The army remains deeply suspicious of India, a country that has beaten Pakistan in three conflicts since independence and played a critical role in the secession of Bangladesh from Pakistan in 1971. Musharraf insists he is not an “India hater”,but bristles at what he says are Western bias towards Pakistan’s giant neighbour. “India is the greatest democracy, promoter of human rights

and democratic culture? All bullshit,” he said. “There is no human rights. “The religion itself is anti-human rights. In the rural areas, if even the shadow of an untouchable goes on a pandit, that man can be killed.” Like many soldiers, he is convinced that India, through its Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), backs regional separatists in an effort to break up Pakistan. “The RAW of India, the ISI of Pakistan have al-

NeW delHI, February 13 (aP): India is sending its top foreign ministry official to Pakistan to resume talks after a six-month hiatus. Taking advantage of the Cricket World Cup, where their teams play this weekend, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted Friday he spoke to his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif on the phone and offered to further strengthen ties. Sharif welcomed the Indian official’s proposed visit to Pakistan “to discuss all issues of common interest,” Sharif’s press secretary said in a statement in Islamabad. No dates have been announced for the visit. Modi also said he spoke to leaders of some of India’s other neighbors — Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan — all cricket-mad nations participat-

ways been fighting against each other since our independence. That is how it continued, it continues now also. “It must stop, but it can only stop when leadership on both sides show the will to resolve disputes and stop confrontation in favour of compromise and accommodation.” Musharraf has become increasingly vocal in recent months as his position in the country steadily improved after he suffered

ing in the sports competition being jointly hosted by Australia and New Zealand. “Conveyed my best wishes for the Cricket World Cup,” Modi said. India’s Foreign Secretary S. Jaishankar is also scheduled to visit Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan apart from Pakistan, Modi said. Last August, India called off talks with Pakistan after its ambassador in New Delhi met with Kashmiri separatist leaders, saying the Pakistani official could either talk with India, or talk with the rebels. The setback came shortly after India and Pakistan had agreed to resume talks in May when Sharif attended Modi’s inauguration. As tensions increased, Indian and Pakistani troops exchanged fire regularly in the disputed Kashmir region.

a series of setbacks in the wake of his disastrous return from self-exile in 2013. A ban on standing in elections quashed his hopes of entering parliament. He was ensnared by a series of legal cases, including one murder charge. Most seriously of all, Nawaz Sharif, the prime minister Musharraf ousted in a coup in 1999, won a landslide victory and initiated a treason trial for which the former dictator

India and Pakistan have used “cricket diplomacy” to break past impasses. Then-Pakistan Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani met with then-Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in 2011 during a World Cup cricket match in the northern city of Chandigarh, using the same cover employed in 2005 by then-President Pervez Musharraf for a meeting with Singh during an India-Pakistan cricket match. Then-President Ziaul Haq visited Jaipur, India, to watch a cricket match between the two countries in the 1980s. Since their independence from Britain in 1947, India and Pakistan have fought three wars, two of them over Kashmir. Both countries control parts of the Himalayan region and claim it in its entirety.

could be hanged if found guilty. But Sharif’s power has been curbed by a series of bruising fights with Pakistan’s powerful military establishment and the treason case now appears tied up in legal wrangling. Musharraf is still banned from leaving the country, which he says deprives him not just of the lucrative international lecture circuit, but also access to his homes in London and Dubai. He said

he misses his old life in his two favourite cities, where he could go to restaurants alone without the vast security required to protect him in Pakistan. But he said his problems are nearly behind him, and that he has the army to thank. “I’m very proud of my institution. Whatever they are doing to help me, to protect the honour and dignity of their ex-chief, I’m proud of that,” he said.

Main accused in Japanese tourist rape case surrenders JaIPur, February 13 (IaNs): The main accused in a Japanese woman’s rape case surrendered Friday to the police in Dudu, over 60 km from here, an official said. “The main accused, identified as 24-year-old Ajit Singh Chaudhary alias Jeetram, surrendered to the police in Dudu today (Friday). We have arrested him and his interrogation is going on,” D.C. Jain, inspector general of police, Jaipur, told IANS. On Monday, a 20-year-old Japanese tourist had filed a complaint, accusing a man of raping her. “The incident occurred late Sunday night. This lady tourist was on a sightseeing tour and was visiting places in Jaipur when a motorbike-riding person approached her, offering his services as a guide,” the police official said. “This man took her to certain areas in the city and later took her to a secluded place where, according to her, he forced himself upon her and raped her,” he added. She later lodged a complaint at the Dudu police station. “We were on the look out for the main accused who was absconding after the crime. We had announced a reward of Rs.one lakh for anyone providing information leading An Indian laborer pushes his cart laden with recycled boxes at a market in the old part of New Delhi on Friday, Febru- to his arrest,” Jain said. On Tuesday, police had arrested ary 13. Carts are a popular means of transportation in market areas where crowded streets keeps bigger vehicles away seven people, including friends and relatives of the main accused, on charges of abetment to crime. from the roads. (AP Photo)

Government to continue Parties condemn incident of vandalism at Christian school delHI, February 13 are not following it are throwing nate that this is fifth such incident with Aadhar scheme, SC told NeW of an attack on minorities, church (PTI): Cutting across party lines, stones at them. NeW delHI, Feb 13 (IaNs) The central government Friday cleared all the doubts on the future of Aadhar scheme as it told the Supreme Court that it would continue with the unique identification project. The government’s stand was conveyed by the Solicitor General Ranjit Kumar to a bench of Chief Justice H.L.Dattu and Justice A.K.Sikri when it took up for hearing a PIL by Lt.Col. Mathew Thomas (retd.) challenging the scheme’s validity. The court was told that the Unique Identification Author-

ity of India (UIDAI) would continue with its work and the government would not insist on Adhar card for providing facilities to people as directed by the court earlier. The apex court by its Sep 23, 2013, order had said: “No person should suffer for not getting the Adhaar card inspite of the fact that some authority had issued a circular making it mandatory and when any person applies to get the Aadhar Card voluntarily, it may be checked whether that person is entitled for it under the law and it should not be given to any illegal immigrant.”

leaders today denounced the alleged vandalisation of a prominent Christian school in South Delhi with Aam Admi Party saying both the Centre and the state have to think about how to prevent such “unacceptable” incidents. “This is an incident which cannot be accepted. Society can’t stand like this. Everyone has to think about this including the Centre and the state,” AAP leader Manish Sisodia told reporters here. “Something needs to be done about it because such incidents have been continuously increasing. It can’t be left as a small incident.... People belonging to a religion are praying and others who

“Let tomorrow’s programme happen. We will discuss this with police that how such actions can be controlled because society needs to be kept together. If it is divided then it is a danger for the nation,” he said. The AAP government will be sworn in here tomorrow. Congress leader Arvinder Singh Lovely also condemned the incident saying, “It is a matter of deep concern the way minorities are being attacked continuously. It shows the failure of police and government in maintaining law and order situation.” Another Congress leader, Shobha Jha, said, “It is unfortu-

or schools being ransacked and the government is sleeping.” “It is unfortunate that no arrest has been made in the last attack despite people of Christian community protesting against it. This shows the government is insensitive towards security of minorities,” she added. Prime Minister Narendra Modi today summoned Delhi Police Commissioner B S Bassi in the wake of the incident and directed him to come down hard against those involved in such attacks. BJP’s spokesperson Sambit Patra, however, said that the incident should not be viewed in religious context.

Rapists a menace to the civilized society: High Court NeW delHI, February 13 (IaNs): Terming rapists a “menace to the civilized society” and calling for them to “mercilessly and inexorably punished” in the severest terms, the Delhi High Court has refused to lessen the punishment of the rapist of a five-year-old. Justice Sutina Gupta, relying upon the testimony of the girl, who was raped by her neighbour Mithu Rai, dismissed his appeal against his 10-year-long jail term. “Children are ignorant of the act of rape and are not able to offer resistance and become easy prey for lusty brutes who display

the unscrupulous, deceitful and insidious art of luring female children and young girls. Therefore, such offenders who are menace to the civilized society should be mercilessly and inexorably punished in the severest terms,” the court said in a recent verdict. As per the prosecution, Rai had raped the girl Sep 12, 2007. When the girl was playing outside with other children, Rai called her on pretext of giving money and took her to his house. He raped her and let her free by giving Rs.2. The child informed her elder sister after which an FIR was registered at Adarsh

Nagar police station in north Delhi. The accused has denied the allegations and alleged his false implication in the case. He alleged that he used to collect rent from enants on behalf of the owner and the father of the girl never paid rent despite repeated requests and got this false case registered against him. The high court, however, brushed aside the allegation of accused saying: “At any rate, even if it is assumed that there was any default on the part of the parents of the complainant to pay rent, it was most unlikely that they would level

false allegations against the accused by putting the honour and chastity of the minor child at stake.” On Oct 11, 2010, the trial court had sentenced Rai to 10 years of imprisonment after convicting him under section 376(2)(f ) (commits rape on a woman when she is under twelve years of age) of the Indian Penal Code. Upholding the the order of trial court, Justice Gupta said that trial court has awarded the sentence of 10 years which is the minimum sentence prescribed under section 376 2 (f ), “as such, there was no discretion vested in the

court to impose a lesser sentence which the facts and circumstances of the case even otherwise did not warrant”. “The victim was only five years old child when this gruesome and abhorring act of committing rape was committed by the accused. Such an act leaves a permanent scar on the personality of the child, inhibiting growth and development. It instils a feeling of fear, insecurity and a brooding sense of shame and guilt for no fault of the victim,” the court observed. On the objections raised by the accused that he was convicted on the sole evi-

dence of child witness and her testimony, the high court said: “I see absolutely no reason to disbelieve the testimony of the prosecutrix who withstood the test of cross examination.” “Testimony of victim cannot be brushed aside on the flimsy plea raised by the accused. In view of the settled legal proposition, testimony of prosecutrix (girl) herself is sufficient to bring home the guilt of the accused which, in the instant case, finds corroboration from the narration of entire incident to her sister, medical evidence as well as scientific evidence,” it added.


the Morung express

Saturday 14 February 2015



Canadian Al-Jazeera journalist released from prison CAIRO, FebRuARy 13 (AP): Canadian Al-Jazeera journalist Mohamed Fahmy was released from an Egyptian jail Friday, after spending more than a year in prison on terror-related charges in a case that was denounced as a sham by rights groups and the international community. He was let out pending a retrial. Fahmy’s brother tweeted that he posted $33,000 bail following a court decision that allowed him to walk free. It was not clear if Fahmy’s colleague, AlJazeera journalist Baher Mohammed, also was being released. A third coworker, Australian Peter Greste, was released two weeks ago and deported to his home-country, Australia. Fahmy spent more than 400 days in detention after he was charged with terrorism for providing the Muslim Brotherhood, now declared a terrorist organization, with a platform. His next court hearing is Feb. 23 and he has to check in at a police station every day until then. Thursday’s decision indicated the court was moving ahead with a retrial of Fahmy and Mohammed. Still, it was greeted with tears of joy and relief by their relatives who attended the hearing in the Cairo courtroom. Al-Jazeera called the decision “a small step in the

Mohamed Fahmy, a Canadian journalist of Al-Jazeera English, holds up an Egyptian flag after a retrial at a courthouse near Tora prison in Cairo, Egypt on Thursday, February 12. An Egyptian judge ordered Fahmy and another Al-Jazeera English journalist, Baher Mohammed, released on bail Thursday as their retrial on terror-related charges continues. (AP Photo)

right direction” but said the court should dismiss “this absurd case” and release both journalists unconditionally.” The three journalists, who worked for Al-Jazeera’s English-language channel, were arrested in December 2013 and accused of belonging to the Brotherhood, which was branded a terrorist organization after the military ousted President Mohammed Morsi

earlier that year. Since the ouster, Egypt has been cracking down heavily on Morsi’s supporters, and the journalists were accused of being mouthpieces for the Brotherhood and falsifying footage to suggest that Egypt faces civil war. They rejected the charges against them, saying they were simply reporting the news. The journalists were convicted by a lower court

on terrorism-related charges and sentenced to at least seven years in prison. The Court of Cassation, the country’s highest appeals court, said in ordering a retrial that their conviction was based on “flawed evidence” and that the trial was marred by violations of the defendants’ rights, according to details of its ruling made public this week. President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi had rejected calls

World dumps 8.8 million tons of plastics into oceans SAN JOSe, FebRuARy 13 (AP): Each year about 8.8 million tons of plastic ends up in the world oceans, a quantity much higher than previous estimates, according to a new study that tracked marine debris from its source. That’s the equivalent of five grocery bags full of plastic debris dotting each foot of coastline around the world, said study lead author Jenna Jambeck, an environment engineering professor at the University of Georgia. And if the biggest polluters, mostly developing Asian countries, don’t clean up how they throw stuff away, Jambeck projects that by 2025 the total accumulated plastic trash in the oceans will reach around 170 million tons. That’s based on population trends and continued waste management disposal problems, although there may be some early signs of change, she said. More than half of the plastic waste that flows into the oceans comes from just five countries: China, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam and Sri Lanka. The only industrialized western country on the list of top 20 plastic polluters

is the United States at No. 20. The U.S. and Europe are not mismanaging their collected waste, so the plastic trash coming from those countries is due to litter, researchers said. While China is responsible for 2.4 million tons of plastic that makes its way into the ocean, nearly 28 percent of the world total, the United States contributes just 77,000 tons, which is less than 1 percent, according to the study published Thursday in the journal Science. This is mostly because developed countries have systems to trap and collect plastic waste, Jambeck said. “We need to wake up and see our waste,” Jambeck said. “I think the problem in some ways has sort of snuck up around us.” The amount of plastics estimated going into the water is equal to how much tuna is fished year, so “we are taking out tuna and putting in plastic,” study co-author Kara Lavendar Law said in a press conference at the American Association for the Advancement of Science conference. Nancy Wallace, who is head of the marine debris program for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,

At least 19 killed in attack on Shi’ite mosque in Pakistan PeShAwAR, FebRuARy 13 (ReuteRS): At least 19 people were killed on Friday in the Pakistani city of Peshawar in a series of explosions targeting a Shi’ite mosque, in the latest sectarian attack to hit the South Asian nation. Radical Sunni Islamist groups often target mosques frequented by minority Shi’ites, whom they see as infidels. Police said a group of armed men broke into the mosque, where people were attending Friday prayers, and opened fire, following which three explosions were heard inside the building. “Police have been called and an operation has started against the terrorists,” said Mian Saeed, police chief of the northwestern city. The Pakistani Taliban, who are fighting against the state to set up a hardline Sunni theocracy in Pakistan, claimed responsibility. Peshawar’s Hayatabad Medical Complex said at least 19 people had been killed. A witness, Shahid Hussain, told Reuters the worshippers had just finished prayers when 5 or 6 men wearing military uniforms broke into the mosque and started shooting. “We had no idea what was going on. One of the attackers then blew himself up and then there was huge smoke and dust all around,” he said. The attack came as Pakistan tries to adopt new measures to tackle Islamist militants following a massacre of 134 children on Dec. 16 at an army-run school in Peshawar. The government has pledged to crack down on all militant groups, and has reintroduced the death penalty, set up military courts to speed convictions and widened its military campaign in northwestern areas on the Afghan border where militants find refuge. Yet Pakistan’s religious minorities, among them Ahmadis, Christians and Hindus, say the government is doing little to alleviate their daily struggle against humiliation, discrimination and violence.

said plastic waste in the water is a crucial worldwide issue because it is eaten by sea life and it also collects ocean toxins. There’s also a clean-up cost and it affects tourism, she said. Unlike previous studies which looked at the plastic in the oceans, Jambeck used World Bank statistics on 192 countries’ waste streams to track and estimate plastic pollution from the source. She examined how much waste is generated and the percentage that to reaches the oceans. Jambeck’s estimates were for 2010 and ranged between 5 and 14 million tons of plastic, with 8.8 million tons the middle scenario estimate. Previous estimates were less than 1 million tons but those were based on samples. Scientists know that much can be hidden in the bottom of the ocean and in places researchers don’t get to. Last year Andrés Cózar of the University of Cadiz in Spain estimated the waste at about 35,000 tons based on samples, but he said the new Jambeck work adds important information to the puzzle of debris. And Cozar said his team acknowledged that “99 percent of the ocean’s plastic is missing.”

from the United States and other Western governments to pardon or commute the sentences. In July, he acknowledged that the heavy sentences had a “very negative” impact on his country’s reputation and that he wished they had never been put on trial. Cairo has signaled it wants to resolve the case and end the criticism ahead of a major economic conference next month to

drum up international investment. Egypt’s ties with Qatar have thawed, and AlJazeera’s Egyptian affiliate was shut down. But officials have never said outright that the controversy would be worked out, insisting on the independence of the courts — and keeping Fahmy and Mohammed’s fate murky. Several outcomes are possible in the retrial. It could eventually throw out the case, acquit them, convict them but sentence them to time served, or impose more prison time, with the possibility of a pardon from el-Sissi. The journalists and their families say they were caught in the bitter feud between Egypt and Qatar, the Gulf nation that owns Al-Jazeera and is the main backer of the Muslim Brotherhood. Greste was deported under a hastily drawn up law allowing el-Sissi to deport foreigners who are on trial or have been convicted. Fahmy has applied for deportation under the same law, which is confusing and unclear. One defense lawyer, Khaled Abou Bakr, noted that Greste remains listed as a defendant in the case even after his deportation. In asking to be deported like Greste, Fahmy said security officials had pushed him into giving up his Egyptian citizenship so he could be sent to Canada,

where he also has citizenship. “I didn’t ask to give up my Egyptian citizenship. I was asked to do so,” Fahmy said in the courtroom, wearing a sling on a shoulder that has been injured since before his arrest and only worsened in detention. He said security officials had asked him to do so because the case had become a “nightmare” for Egypt. Fahmy said he had been told by Canadian officials that his deportation was imminent, and that he and his fiancée had packed their luggage and booked tickets. For Mohammed, who has only Egyptian citizenship, deportation is not an option. His fate is fully dependent on the verdict in the retrial or a possible pardon. Fahmy’s fiancee, Marwa Omara, broke down in tears after the defendants were ordered freed, and cried: “Long live justice.” “I am very happy. It is a rebirth for me and Mohamed,” she said. She added that they will plan their long delayed wedding now. Fahmy’s bail was set at $33,000, and his mother, Wafaa Bassiouni, said the family was trying to post it before the end of business Thursday. She said it was unclear if her son will be able to leave the country as he hopes. “We are happy the

gloom has now lifted,” she told The Associated Press. “But we hope for acquittal, not just release. Nothing he has done deserves those 14 months in prison.” Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Thursday that his government was in touch with officials in Egypt “at all levels, including on my level,” and was continuing to press for Fahmy’s freedom. “We do remain optimistic that this case will be resolved,” Harper said. Mohammed and 11 other defendants in the case — mostly students accused of being Brotherhood members — were ordered released without bail. Mohammed’s wife, Jehane Rashed, also wept with relief. “I am happy, but my happiness is incomplete until he gets acquitted.” Rashed gave birth to a child while Mohammed was in detention. From Australia, Greste expressed his joy and said one of the hardest things he’d ever had to do was leave his colleagues behind. But he said it was too soon for unreserved celebrations. “The trial is ongoing, and nobody has yet been acquitted,” Greste said in a statement. “I’m looking forward to the day when the court declares all of us innocent of the charges. Then the party will really begin.”

UN demands: End use of child soldiers in conflicts ACCRA, FebRuARy 13 (IANS): The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) called for urgent action to end grave violations of the rights of children, including their recruitment and use by armed groups. In a statement to mark the International Day Against the Use of Child Soldiers, the UNICEF said children were becoming increasingly vulnerable to

recruitment and use by armed groups as conflicts around the world became more brutal, intense and widespread, Xinhua reported. “While governments of the world have made progress to recognise that children have no place in their armies, the recruitment of child soldiers is still a huge problem, especially with armed groups,” said Leila Zer-

rougui, the Special Representative of the Secretary General for Children and Armed Conflict. According to UNICEF Deputy Executive Director Yoka Brandt, tens of thousands of boys and girls are associated with armed forces and armed groups in conflicts in over 20 countries around the world. “The release of all children from armed groups must take

place without delay,” she said, adding that investing in ways to keep children away from the frontlines, including through education and economic support, was critical to their future. According to the UNICEF, child soldiers continue to be used in the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Afghanistan, Iran and Syria.

‘Yemen collapsing, on brink of civil war’ uNIteD NAtIONS, FebRuARy 13 (ReuteRS): The United Nations warned on Thursday that Yemen is “collapsing before our eyes”, on the brink of civil war and prime for Al Qaeda militants to grow stronger in the country as talks on a political settlement continue. Al Qaeda and other Sunni Muslim militants have stepped up attacks since rival Iranian-backed Shi’ite Muslim Houthi fighters from the north seized the capital in September and started expanding across the country. The Houthis have sidelined the central government in Yemen, which borders oil giant Saudi Arabia. The country is also home to Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, one of the global network’s most active arms that has carried out attacks abroad. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and his special envoy to Yemen, Jamal Benomar, briefed the Security Council

on Thursday. “Yemen is collapsing before our eyes. We cannot stand by and watch,” Ban told the 15-nation council. “We must do everything possible to help Yemen step back from the brink and get the political process back on track.” Benomar said negotiations on a political settlement had yielded “good progress”, but were still delicate. “Yemen is at a crossroad - either the country would descend into civil war and disintegration or the country would find a way to put the transition back on track,” he said via video link from Sanaa. “The current instability is creating conditions which are conducive to a reemergence of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula,” he said. Al Qaeda-affiliated fighters seized an army base in southern Yemen and held soldiers prisoner on Thursday. The United

States, Britain and France have closed their embassies in Sanaa. Benomar also warned that the local currency could collapse if a political settlement was not secured in the coming days. Qatar’s U.N. Ambassador Sheikha Alya Bint Ahmed Bin Saif Al Thani, speaking for the Gulf Cooperation Council, a six-nation bloc comprising energy-rich Gulf states, urged the Security Council to take action. “It is a coup against the legitimate government in Yemen,” she said. “We should bring pressure to bear on the Houthi to stop using force and to withdraw from all governmental institutions.” Britain’s U.N. Ambassador Mark Lyall Grant said that Britain and Jordan were planning to draft a resolution on Yemen that he hoped could be adopted within days. He declined to elaborate on what the key elements of the resolution could be.

Ukraine battles persists ahead of cease-fire LuhANSKe, FebRuARy 13 (AP): Fierce fighting raged on Friday in east Ukraine between government troops and Russianbacked separatists as the warring sides attempted to bolster their positions ahead of a weekend ceasefire deadline. Combat persisted in the first hours after the leaders of Russia, Ukraine, Germany and France signed a peace deal Thursday in the Belarusian capital of Minsk. German Chancellor Angela Merkel had cautiously described the agreement as “a glimmer of hope.” The most intense battles were for control of the railway hub of Debaltseve, which the press service for government military operations in the east said was targeted 25 times Thursday by rebel Grad launchers and artillery fire. The deadline for the warring sides to halt hostilities is set to take effect on Sunday, at one minute after midnight. Vladislav Seleznyov, spokesman for the Ukrainian army general staff, said

Friday that eight soldiers were killed and 34 wounded over the previous day. Regional authorities loyal to Kiev reported four civilian deaths in areas under their control, while rebels said seven people were killed in artillery attacks on the separatist-held cities of Luhansk and Horlivka. Separatist forces recently have nearly completely encircled a Ukrainian garrison in Debaltseve, where all but a few thousand civilians have fled to areas away from the front. Only one highway had remained linking the town to government-held territory, but Ukrainian access to that supply route looks to have compromised with the apparent capture of the village of Lohvynove, which lies along the road, just north of Debaltseve. Associated Press reporters on Friday morning saw the smoldering remains of two Ukrainian army trucks near the village of Luhanske, some 10 kilometers up the road from Lohvynove. The Donbass Battalion,

a unit with Ukraine’s National Guard engaged in battles around Lohvynove, said in a statement that captured combatants had confirmed Russian troops were actively involved in battles. Moscow vehemently denies that it provides manpower and weapons to the rebel forces, although the sheer quantity of powerful weapons at the separatists’ disposal has increasingly strained that position. Elsewhere, by the Azov Sea in the southeast, Ukrainian government troops say they clawed back a handful of villages. Troops there have denied reporters access to the areas at the center of those operations. The cease-fire is to be monitored by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe’s observer mission in Ukraine. OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier said in Kiev that he hoped hostilities would be halted by the deadline. “We would really hope to see a decrease already between now and that moment,” he said. Zannier said

Russia-backed separatists pay respects to their comrade during a funeral at a cemetery in the east Ukrainian village of Mospino, near the city of Donetsk, Ukraine, on Thursday, February 12. The militiaman was killed during recent fighting between Russia-backed separatists and government forces. Guns will fall silent, heavy weapons will pull back from the front, and Ukraine will trade a broad autonomy for the east to get back control of its Russian border by the end of this year under a peace deal hammered out Thursday after all-night negotiations between Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany. (AP Photo)

that combatants would have to do more to enable the OSCE peace-monitoring mission, which makes ample use of drone cameras, to properly fulfil its mandate. “Aerial vehicles have been targeted more than once, monitors have been taken hostage, so we need a change of attitude,” he said. The next step, to be-

gin on Monday, is to form a sizeable buffer zone between Ukrainian forces and Russia-backed rebels. Each side is to pull heavy weaponry back from the front line, creating a zone roughly 30-85 miles (50140 kms) wide, depending on the caliber of the weapons. The withdrawals are to be completed in two weeks.

Other thorny political questions, including a degree of autonomy for the disputed eastern regions, are to be settled by the end of the year. The peace deal envisions an amnesty for people involved in the conflict, but the vague terms of that provision will likely be subjected to further disagreements and negotiation.

public discoursE 10 Walking Through Rejoinder to Principal’s The Delhi Election Dimapur


The Morung Express

14 February 2015

Liba Hopeson

Why BJP Lost?: The mighty and giant Goliath, who was a great menace to the Israelites, unchallenged and unbeaten for a good period of time, was ultimately exterminated by a small man with a small stone. BJP, which swept the Lok Sabha election, with a massive mandate, including Delhi, winning all seven seats, reckoned as undefeatable, was trounced by a young Political party, AAP. The stunning victory of AAP, winning 67 out of 70, left BJP, the whole nation, and even the party members itself spellbound. The exit polls, though predicted that AAP would win, did not come very close to the total seats the party won, not even one. BJP is ruling the country, the leaders are in Delhi, the PM and the cabinet members also campaigned, but the party was routed mercilessly. What went wrong with BJP? Firstly, as almost everyone wrote off Arwind Kejriwal after the debacle at Varanasi, where he was roundly defeated by Narendra Modi, Kejriwal, was taken lightly by Modi in Delhi Election in the initial stage. It was a blunder of complacency and gross negligence on the part of BJP. The leaders of BJP, as we read, thought that they could win easily as they won in the Lok Sabha Election. When their campaigners were delivering spectacular speeches on the roads smugly, AAP volunteers and campaigners were doing door-to-door campaigns, which won the hearts of many, particularly the middle and the lower class. Secondly, albeit some refute it, the projection of Kiran Bedi as the BJP’s chief ministerial candidate to counter the popularity of Mr. Kejriwal has largely affected the party. It was told that many BJP leaders were unhappy and discontented with her induction into the party, that too, as a chief ministerial candidate. Her style of campaigning and talking did not enthuse and inspire the common people. Many termed her as opportunist, for she opposed BJP tooth and nail, but joined the party when chance was given, simply because BJP rules the nation. Wasn’t her choice or step erroneous? Thirdly, as per the revelation of the media, the way Modi campaign was a big mistake that eroded his credibility. Instead of talking about governance, manifestoes, plans and policies, he was mostly targeting Kejriwal, giving sarcastic remarks, lambasting and demeaning him as incapable. He has miserably failed to address the pressing needs of the Delhites, especially the less unfortunate ones. Fourthly, BJP has not brought up manifestoes, though vision document was penned. Yet, as some critics and some political analyst intimated, the contents were similar with the AAP manifestoes. Sadly, it failed to touch the hearts of the people in an impressive way. Lastly, it is extremely significant to note that BJP has spawned discontentment to a large populace as a result of their actions on matters relating to communal issues, religious issues and social issues. BJP has failed to maintain India as a secular state. The life of the minority was/is at stake. Though many deny, BJP is a big problem when it comes to these issues – action evidences that. The writer is not saying that everything about BJP is bad, but these are some good reasons that led to the debacle in the recently held Delhi Election. How AAP Won?: AAP was not even in the list of competition with BJP in the earlier stage. Kejriwal was crushed by Modi in Varanasi with a margin of astonishing one lac votes plus. Many critics remarked that, the anti-graft crusader, presently dubbed as the muffler man, has plunged, reduced to nobody, never to rise and shine as a great leader again. But he has proved them wrong, as he led to a spectacular victory in the Delhi election, humiliating giants. After AAP’s win, the media said, “Kejriwal’s tsunami has beaten Modi’s wave. How, a party which is still very young overwhelmed the two big parties of the nation, winning 67 seats? Kejriwal, who resigned as the CM of Delhi, disappointing many, did not relinquish his dream and vision to serve the common populace. Undeterred by the rout in Lok Sabha election, Kejriwal gave his best in winning the trust of the people. Thus, he apologized repeatedly for quitting as the CM and said he would not repeat it again. He said that he would work selflessly for the welfare of the people, and thereby captivated the hearts of the voters, leading to a stupendous victory at last. AAP’s door-todoor campaign has a huge impact in recently held election. The needs of the common men were discovered and addressed appropriately. The manifestoes of the AAP fascinated many, particularly those with less income; they include certain life basic necessities. Importantly, as AAP addressed the crowds and went out for campaigns, the Delhites recalled the 49 days rule of AAP, compared the present situation with those days, and finally come to the realization that, AAP would be better for the common people. Further, the staunch supporters of the Congress, as the reports indicates, went in favor of AAP this time, thus adding more seats to its gigantic triumph. Lastly, though there may be many other factors, AAP stands to fight against corruption, which is a big reason for the people to follow and support. Unsurprisingly, the party got unflinching support from various quarters, receiving lacs of calls, donating million of rupees for funding, and hundreds coming to Delhi as volunteers to campaign for the party. As political analysts say, AAP’s win will impact the whole nation – it is a history in this political era.


Name of Schools

2011 Enrolment Total 126 234 56 40 62 23 66 38

Appeared Total 101 217 38 18 34 22 52 37

Qualified Total 23 106 33 16 20 16 6 19

Passed percentage 18.25 45.30 58.93 40.00 32.26 69.57 9.09 50.00












216 281 89

207 261 81

52 101 70

24.07 35.94 78.65







51 57 163 223 86 52 229 179 38 34 176 119

40 31 123 181 53 51 100 163 4 34 122 116

10 23 17 97 8 12 31 88 3 20 18 52

19.61 95.83 10.43 43.50 9.30 23.08 13.54 49.16 7.89 58.82 10.23 43.70



GHSS Senayangba Ungma GHSS, Mon GHSS, Phek GHSS, Chozuba GHSS Tuensang GHSS Noklak GHSS Wokha GHSS Bhandari GHSS Zunheboto

Source: HSLC & HSSLC Results Gazette of Nagaland Board of School Education 2011



GHSS, Tseminyu



2012 Enrolment Total 132 254 50 39 78 31 122

Appeared Total 104 239 40 33 52 25 113

Qualified Total 38 120 19 30 13 12 80

Passed percentage 28.79 47.24 38.00 76.92 16.67 38.71 65.57

64 17 179

61 9 100

9 8 59

14.06 47.06 33.52





37 31 251 199 70 87 73 68 57 50 128 172 124 32 162 118 40 17 189 148

23 20 133 167 63 60 70 64 41 37 119 155 84 17 103 85 37 14 136 95

12 15 23 111 55 53 57 58 17 24 18 79 24 8 35 69 12 10 33 54

32.43 48.39 9.16 55.78 78.57 60.92 78.08 85.29 29.82 48.00 14.06 45.93 19.35 25.00 21.60 58.47 30.00 58.82 17.46 36.49

Source: HSLC & HSSLC Results Gazette of Nagaland Board of School Education 2012


Passed Name of Schools Exam Enrolment Appeared Qualified percentage HSLC 125 68 25 20.00 GHSS, Dimapur HSSLC 274 207 86 31.39 HSLC 53 53 28 52.83 GHSS, Chumukedima HSSLC 43 36 33 76.74 HSLC 78 50 17 21.79 GHSS, Niuland HSSLC 25 25 14 56.00 HSLC 128 120 94 73.44 GHSS, Kohima HSSLC 133 117 108 81.20 HSLC 60 36 12 20.00 GHSS, Tseminyu HSSLC 25 18 13 52.00 HSLC 190 113 80 42.11 GHSS Mayangnokcha Mkg. HSSLC 115 83 73 63.47 HSLC 21 14 10 47.62 GHSS Senayangba Ungma HSSLC 24 22 21 87.50 HSLC 215 104 9 4.19 GHSS, Mon HSSLC 237 217 94 39.66 HSLC 91 88 78 85.71 GHSS Jalukie HSSLC 110 90 70 63.64 HSLC 99 80 62 62.36 GHSS, Phek HSSLC 79 74 65 82.28 HSLC 53 34 20 37.74 GHSS, Chozuba HSSLC 35 28 13 37.14 HSLC 154 148 16 10.39 GHSS Tuensang HSSLC 136 112 66 48.53 HSLC 123 84 29 23.58 GHSS Noklak HSSLC 18 18 8 44.44 HSLC 130 76 27 20.77 GHSS Wokha HSSLC 109 121 77 70.64 HSLC 36 26 1 2.78 GHSS Bhandari HSSLC 12 10 7 58.33 HSLC 203 192 32 15.76 GHSS Zunheboto HSSLC 154 149 60 38.96 HSLC 79 61 10 12.66 GHSS Aboi HSSLC 29 20 5 17.24 HSLC 88 61 7 7.95 GHSS Tizit HSSLC 19 14 12 63.16 Source: HSLC & HSSLC Results Gazette of Nagaland Board of School Education 2013


t is not healthy to as cadres management is areas of High section as wage a paper war for concerned. seen in the comparative rethe academician but 2. CSS fund: Every- sults of HSLC and HSSLC we are compelled to body knows that Sarva Examinations of GHSS for do so as we see wild Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) the last 4 years shown beallegation from a mere launched in 2002 is for uni- low : resolutions of HM/AHM. versalisation of Elementary As furnished above, The Nagaland Secondary Education (Class 1-8) and HSLC result is going down School Field Officer Forum Rashtriya Madyamik Ab- as compared with HSSLC (NSSFOF) is therefore, has hiyan (RMSA) launched result in GHSS, which to come out in media with in 2010 is for universalisa- clearly indicated that Prinfollowing truths for public tion of Secondary Educa- cipals have more attention consumption and to put tion (Class9-10). However towards Hr. Sec while nethe record straight. funds released by MHRD glecting lower sections. In 1. Head of Institu- for universalisation of El- other words, they are only tion: The Nagaland Board of ementary & Secondary after money and power but School Education (NBSE) Education through SSA have no concern for acageneral Rules Page1, defi- & RMSA flagship pro- demic areas of High school nition No. 14 clearly says grammes are being con- sections. Headmaster is the Head of trolled by the Principals 3. Present tussle: High School which means besides collecting admis- One must be very clear Headmaster is the head of sion fees from Class 5/6 to with the root cause of curHigh School section even Class 10. In short, all funds rent tussling between HM in the school where Hr. Sec. meant for High school sec- & Principals. In this tussle, Class -11 & 12 are added on tions are being handled HM/AHM is protecting / upgradation. Since cadres, by the Principals of GHSS trying to withhold what is entry point, promotional without transparency. their chapter while Princichannel, seniority etc.. of But when closely ob- pals are willing to control the two cadres are all dif- served the academic as- over other chapter. In other ferent clubbing together pects of High School sec- words, HMs are defensive Congress Disaster: as same staff does not hold tions, Principals are found defending their ancestral Congress, the very old party in India is in a critical stage any water practically as far to be neglecting academic territory where as Princinow. Many were startled to learn that the party didn’t win any seat in the recently held popular Delhi Election. However, it is important to know that, according to some beliefs, Congress, with the intense desire to let BJP collapse, the party has supported the AAP (we don’t know how far it’s 1. All human beings are to know the Creis a precious life before God and betrue, perhaps to some extent). It is no surprise to learn that ator, the heavenly Father. fore fellow men and women. even the Chief ministerial candidate, Maken was awfully 2. Humankind being the creatures of 10. Sinful practices whatsoever are not to decimated. Many doubt about Congress’ future now. It God are to know ethical relationship be condoned as cultural practices. For was seen that the downfall of congress in the previous Lok with the Creator God. instances; giving bribery and accepting Sabha election has seriously impaired the party, and it is 3. The Creator alone is to be believed , it in election between the electorate feared and obeyed. and the candidates; taking commisstill unable to bring revival. Arguably, the dynasty dominasion of not his or her own; in crimition has crippled the party in some way or the other, leaving 4. Besides the Creator , there is no other god to be believed , feared and wornal cases; doing intentional injustice to many party workers in bewilderment and despair. Still, the shipped and to be given loyalty. any one discriminating the people; in party seems to be frantically taking steps to revive and rejudealing with contraband goods; time venate as they continue to trail and fail. As the party as re- 5. God is the truth and His words are true and there is no lie. corruption etc. duced to zero in the Delhi election, many are left wonder6. The truth is the truth and twisting it 11. Fearing God is courageous life but ing, how the party would revive so as to let people repose and compromising it is sin. unfearing God is full of timidity and it their confidence in them again. Leadership crisis was cer- 7. God is the Lord over the heavens and effects moral life and health. tainly rife internally, though some might rebut, which led the earth and He is the Lord over every 12. Having relationship with God always to the colossal debacle. What is the plan of Congress now? human being and His Lordship over paves the way for consistent and peaceWhat is in the mind of Sonia Gandhi? Will Rahul Gandhi every human being is to be honoured. ful life and promotes it in the society. be able to prove wrong to the critics that he is incapable of 8. Indulging in sin is self-destruction and We have to examine ourselves any time. leading the nation? Let’s hope that the party stands once loss. 13. As inspired by the good Spirit of God again as AAP stands after a big fall! 9. Patience in righteousness and integrity Almighty, we love every human being


2014 Name of Schools GHSS, Dimapur


Total Enrolment

Total Total Passed Appeared Qualified percentage














































GHSS Mayangnokcha Mkg.










GHSS Senayangba Ungma


GHSS, Chumukedima GHSS, Niuland GHSS, Kohima GHSS, Tseminyu

GHSS, Mon GHSS Jalukie GHSS, Phek GHSS, Chozuba GHSS Tuensang GHSS Wokha GHSS Bhandari GHSS Zunheboto GHSS Aboi GHSS Tizit



































































































Source: HSLC & HSSLC Results Gazette of Nagaland Board of School Education 2014

pals are aggressive trying to penetrate to other territory (territory that does not belong to them) through encroachment. Hence who is greedy and crazy for power and who is not is to be judged by the readers. 4. As far as fund management is concern we know the story of all senior Principals as to how they manage fund in their respective school. If necessary we can expose the whole modus operandi of how

they manage fund collected from poor students whom they have lots of concern by roaming in the corridor of the court for all grievances in their service career. 5. Moreover, it is to state that any policy/initiative taken by Government to meet the challenges of the department or for that matter the improvement of department should have its applicability /feasibility to classroom situation and be learners friendly.

In view of aforesaid facts and circumstances, all the HM/AHM of Hr. Sec. Schools are hereby reminded to be firm on the 3 Resolutions adopted on 2901-15 and comply it in letter and spirit in the larger interest of Secondary and elementary educations. Sd/Mezhuu Hozoyeh, Convener NSSFOF

Sd/Kevitsiano Luho,Secretary NSSFOF

Human EtHics Of RElatiOnsHip

on the earth; but we cannot comproies. If we are encroached by others, it is mise the truth and bow down to any not a sin ; if we encroach , it is a gross idol worshipping symbols. sin. We should avoid sinning. 14. Land dispute or politics is not outside 19. The people in general wound or kill of the parameter of humanity nor is a their near and dear ones, relatives, dirty game. Good is good and evil is friends and colleagues of organizations evil in any profession or area of life. more than others in biasly defending or 15. If any of our cultural practices jeopardiztaking side of them instead of correcting es or are detrimenal to our peaceful relathem in their wrongs. It usually ignites tionship with God, it should be shunned. communalism. Whatever may be the re16. We need to do justice to the people lationship, the truth is to be found out. and where there is justice, peace and 20. Human peace lies in keeping the law order is prevalent and where there is of relationship with God : “KNOW GOD, injustice, there is confusion and chaos. BELIEVE IN HIM, FEAR HIM AND Do we do justice to the Lord? We really OBEY HIM” ; and as it is the beginning need to do justice to our Creator. and foundation of human ethical rela17. Let your “Yes” be “Yes” and your tionship with the Creator , it demands “No” be “No” ; “anything beyond that that the whole world acknowledges it comes from the evil one.”( Mat 5 : 37 ). and goes back to it in order to go forThis is meant for all in all situations. ward to attaining human peace. 18. We have to be cautious in boundarRev. L. Suohie Mhasi

Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.



The Morung Express

14 February 2015


11 C M Y K


Musical treat for Valentine's Day


wo of the most popular artiste from Nagaland, Alobo Naga and Nise Meruno are collaborating for the first time and coming out with a Music video this Valentine's Day, also featuring A woman passes by a gift shop at Dimapur showcasing gift items for valentine’s day that is celebrated on February 14 in many parts of the world. Valentine’s Day is named after a Voices of Hope. Breaking Shopper buys roses ahead of Valentine Day celebration in Di- Christian martyr that dates back to the 5th century and has its origins in the Roman holiday down musical barriers and mapur, on Friday, February 13, and 2015. Photo by Caisii Mao Lupercalia. Photo by Imojen I Jamir bridging two genres and

Will Smith Hints At The Release Of New Music With Kanye West W

The 46-year-old actor recently teased fans about the possibility of releasing new music aftser a 10-year hiatus.

ill Smith has made his fans go into a frenzy after recently hinting that he may end his ten-yearlong hiatus from the music scene and release some new material in the not too distant future. The 46-yearold actor's last studio album was 2005's 'Lost and Found.' While taking part in a press conference in London for a special screening of his new film, 'Focus,' the 46-year-old actor revealed that he has been in the recording studio with none

other than Kanye West and has even been taking advise from his 16-year-old son Jaden. "I went into the studio with Kanye. I'm thinking about it. I'm exploring," Smith told reporters at the screening, via the Associated Press. "I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet but I'm exploring," he continued. "I'm in a creative ceiling. My son tells me I have to write out the things I don't like. I can't write and stop, I have to keep going and go- fore but I think I might give cus,' Smith stars as a veteran conman who takes a ing and write them out. I've that a shot." In his latest flick, 'Fo- young, attractive woman never worked like that be-

(Margot Robbie), who is an aspiring hustler, under his wing, but things get complicated when the pair become romantically involved. This will be Smith's first starring role since the critical and financial flop 'After Earth' (2013), which he recently admitted left him feeling troubled when the sci-fi flick performed so poorly at the North American box office. "After the failure of After Earth, a thing got broken in my mind," the 'Fresh Prince of Bel Air' told reporters this past weekend. "[Afterward] I was like, 'Oh, wow. I'm still alive. Oh, wow. Actually, I still am me, even though the movie didn't open number one. Wait. I whether he is romantic. can still get hired on anothThe ‘Notting Hill’ actor, er movie.'’ "So when I went 54, who was at the Cinema into Focus, I completely reSociety and Brooks Broth- leased the concept of goal ers Screening Of The Re- orientation and got into write In NYC, however, said path orientation," he addhe is not without feelings. ed. "This moment, this sec“But I’m not without a ond, these people, this inheart and particularly now teraction. It is a huge relief ddie Murphy walked in my old age, I cry a lot. Al- for me to not care whether away from stand-up most everything makes me or not Focus is number one comedy because it cry now… anyone who’s or number 10 at the box of- ''stopped being fun''. The nice to me makes me cry.” fice." 53-year-old entertainer is widely considered to be one of the best standups of all time, but has shunned the genre in recent years because he became tired of comic wannabes. He said: ''It stopped being fun, I started making movies. Then it felt like too much work going back hey have over shot together for the there. ''Comedy's changed two million Ins- first time. - when I started there "You have to walk tagram followers were 100 comedians, now between them, have in and just block it out. flirted with reality TV When you're on set, it and were raised in LA; has to be your whole meet Gigi and Bella world at that moment. Hadid, the new mod- The way I do it is just el-sister duo current- like, when you walk ly taking the fashion in and Tom Ford's standing in the room, world by storm. The daughters of think, "This is one of Palestinian real estate the greatest moments developer Mohamed of my career." So you'd Hadid and Dutch better be happy to be model Yolanda Foster, there," she explains. a star of Real House- "It was so important to wives of Beverly Hills, me that it helped me to who is now married to get through it. Those record producer David campaigns are a huge Foster, they have quite expression of the Tom Ford mind, so I think a pedigree. Gigi, 19, has had for me I go on set like a particularly fruitful a ball of Play-Doh. It's past 12 months. She's Tom Ford World. And scored campaigns Tom's awesome." She credits social for Tom Ford, Guess (whose Baby Guess media with giving her line she also modelled profile a boost, but she for aged just 2), had has rules she always abok airport in the a coveted spot in the sticks to: "a) always use city of lakes, Udaipur, 2015 Pirelli Calendar the same filter, b) give witnessed a bevy of and signed a contract away just enough, nevcelebrities - from business as the face of Maybel- er too much of yourself tycoons to Bollywood and line, to name just a few and c) don't use your Hollywood stars - descend accomplishments. famous friends to hike for the grand wedding of She's also best buds the numbers up." UK-based billionaire SanBella, 18, is fledgwith fellow model jay Hinduja. Kendall Jenner and the ling by comparison, Sanjay tied the knot currently in an on-off but don't expect it to with long-time girlfriend relationship with pop stay that way for long. Anusuya Mehtani, fondly She signed with the star Cody Simpson. called Anu, on Thursday It was the Tom Ford same modelling agenat the Jag Mandir, a 17thcampaign that helped cy as her sister, IMG, century palace built on an her get through one in August 2012, which island in Lake Pichola. of her break-ups with means she'll no doubt Sources said Dabok Simpson, she tells Love be scooping up bigairport authorities were magazine, for which name contracts before forced to park many the sisters have been we know it. planes at airports in Jaipur, Ahmedabad and Delhi. The Udaipur airport is not equipped to accommodate

bringing a first of its kind musical experience with their rendition of an amazing love song. The music video will be available on YouTube and almost all the social medias from February 14 onwards. Alobo Naga tweeted in his social networking sites that the music video is a Valentine's

Day gift to all the supporters and well wishers for their love, prayers & support. The video is produced by TL entertainment, music arrangement, concept and styling by Nise Meruno, Make-up by Calvina sumi & Music recorded at Crystal sound studio, Dimapur.

Eddie Murphy says standup comedy 'stopped being fun'

I am not Valentine’s Day type romantic



ugh Grant may have played the perennial ‘Mr Right’ in a number of romantic comedies, but the British star says his own personal life does not resemble the character he portrays on-screen. “Certainly not in a sort of marketed Hallmark Valentine’s Day sense, no. I find that repugnant,” Grant told Us magazine when asked

Keeping up with the Hadids Meet Gigi and Bella, the new model sisters on the block

Hollywood superstar Eddie Murphy has revealed he's walked away from stand-up comedy because it ''stopped being fun''.



of years ago I met with Arnold and Danny and some writer. ''We had a meeting but I didn't hear anything. I tell you - I'm not doing anything unless the script's incredible. ''I did some movies where they offer you a bunch of money and you go, 'OK, I'll do it!' I've done enough of those - I don't have to do them anymore. ''If 'Triplets' comes together and it's hysterically funny, I'll do it. Same with 'Beverly Hills Cop 4' - the last couple of scripts weren't quite there.''


The big fat Hinduja wedding!



there's 100,000. How do you have your own voice? ''That's why I've always done music. I want to put it all together, to get all of me on stage - then I'd have fun every night.'' Eddie - who starred in the 'Beverly Hills Cop' franchise - revealed he would only appear in a film these days if the script was to his satisfaction. Asked if he is going to be in 'Triplets', a sequel to Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito's 'Twins', he told Shortlist magazine: ''A couple

the 123 chartered planes, including 20 from abroad, which carried 750 guests to the city of lakes for the wedding. The celebrities who arrived included industrialist Laxmi Mittal and his wife Usha, Bollywood stars Arjun Kapoor, Ranveer Singh, Shilpa Shetty, Preity Zinta, Malaika Arora, Raj Kundra, Sohail Khan and music director Vishal Dadlani, President of Iceland Olafur Ragnar Grimson, and international pop star and former Pussycat Doll Nicole Scherzinger. Industrialist Gautam Adani reached the city on Wednesday. The guests will be enter-

tained by international celebrity Jennifer Lopez and a host of Bollywood stars at the Jag Mandir. Festivites are expected to continue till late on Thursday. Most heritage properties in the city were booked for the guests as the wedding celebrations began on Tuesday itself. The festivities began with the haldi ceremony at the Zenana Mahal of City Palace, property of the Udaipur’s ex-royals. The mehendi was organised at Shiv Niwas on Wednesday followed by sangeet at Manak Chowk and Zenana Mehal that witnessed a performance by Nicole.



A battle between two nations


Date & tiMe


Sat, 14 Feb 2015 03:30 AM IST Sat, 14 Feb 2015 08:50 AM IST Sun, 15 Feb 2015 06:30 AM IST Sun, 15 Feb 2015 08:50 AM IST Mon, 16 Feb 2015 03:30 AM IST Tue, 17 Feb 2015 03:30 AM IST Wed, 18 Feb 2015 08:50 AM IST Thu, 19 Feb 2015 03:30 AM IST Fri, 20 Feb 2015 06:30 AM IST Sat, 21 Feb 2015 03:30 AM IST Sat, 21 Feb 2015 08:50 AM IST Sun, 22 Feb 2015 03:30 AM IST Sun, 22 Feb 2015 08:50 AM IST Mon, 23 Feb 2015 03:30 AM IST Tue, 24 Feb 2015 08:50 AM IST Wed, 25 Feb 2015 08:50 AM IST Thu, 26 Feb 2015 03:30 AM IST Thu, 26 Feb 2015 08:50 AM IST Fri, 27 Feb 2015 08:50 AM IST Sat, 28 Feb 2015 06:30 AM IST Sat, 28 Feb 2015 12:00 PM IST Sun, 01 Mar 2015 06:30 AM IST Sun, 01 Mar 2015 08:50 AM IST Tue, 03 Mar 2015 08:50 AM IST Wed, 04 Mar 2015 06:30 AM IST Wed, 04 Mar 2015 08:50 AM IST Thu, 05 Mar 2015 03:30 AM IST Fri, 06 Mar 2015 08:50 AM IST Sat, 07 Mar 2015 06:30 AM IST Sat, 07 Mar 2015 08:50 AM IST Sun, 08 Mar 2015 04:30 AM IST Sun, 08 Mar 2015 08:50 AM IST Mon, 09 Mar 2015 08:50 AM IST Tue, 10 Mar 2015 07:00 AM IST Wed, 11 Mar 2015 08:50 AM IST Thu, 12 Mar 2015 06:30 AM IST Fri, 13 Mar 2015 06:30 AM IST Fri, 13 Mar 2015 08:50 AM IST Sat, 14 Mar 2015 06:30 AM IST Sat, 14 Mar 2015 08:50 AM IST Sun, 15 Mar 2015 04:30 AM IST Sun, 15 Mar 2015 08:50 AM IST Wed, 18 Mar 2015 08:50 AM IST Thu, 19 Mar 2015 08:50 AM IST Fri, 20 Mar 2015 08:50 AM IST Sat, 21 Mar 2015 06:30 AM IST Tue, 24 Mar 2015 07:30 AM IST Thu, 26 Mar 2015 08:50 AM IST Sun, 29 Mar 2015 08:50 AM IST



NZ vs SL

Hagley Oval, Christchurch


Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG), Melbourne


Seddon Park, Hamilton


Adelaide Oval, Adelaide


Saxton Oval, Nelson


University Oval, Dunedin


Manuka Oval, Canberra


Saxton Oval, Nelson


Westpac Stadium, Wellington


Hagley Oval, Christchurch


Brisbane Cricket Ground (Woolloongabba), Brisbane


University Oval, Dunedin


Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG), Melbourne

ENG vs SCO Hagley Oval, Christchurch WI vs ZIM

Manuka Oval, Canberra


Brisbane Cricket Ground (Woolloongabba), Brisbane


University Oval, Dunedin

BAN vs SL SA vs WI

Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG), Melbourne Sydney Cricket Ground (SCG), Sydney


Eden Park, Auckland


W.A.C.A. Ground, Perth


Westpac Stadium, Wellington Brisbane Cricket Ground (Woolloongabba), Brisbane


Manuka Oval, Canberra


McLean Park, Napier


W.A.C.A. Ground, Perth


Saxton Oval, Nelson


W.A.C.A. Ground, Perth


Eden Park, Auckland


Bellerive Oval, Hobart


McLean Park, Napier


Sydney Cricket Ground (SCG), Sydney


Adelaide Oval, Adelaide


Seddon Park, Hamilton


Bellerive Oval, Hobart


Westpac Stadium, Wellington


Seddon Park, Hamilton


Sydney Cricket Ground (SCG), Sydney


Eden Park, Auckland


Bellerive Oval, Hobart


McLean Park, Napier


Adelaide Oval, Adelaide

A1 vs B4 (1st Quarter Final) A2 vs B3 (2nd Quarter Final) A3 vs B2 (3rd Quarter Final) A4 vs B1 (4th Quarter Final)

Sydney Cricket Ground (SCG), Sydney Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG), Melbourne

1st Semi-final

Eden Park, Auckland

2nd Semi-final Final

Adelaide Oval, Adelaide Westpac Stadium, Wellington Sydney Cricket Ground (SCG), Sydney Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG), Melbourne


New Delhi, February 13 (ageNcies): Come Sunday, February 15, 2015, India will start their World Cup campaign against their arch-rivals Pakistan. This will be the 7th time in World Cup history when the two teams will come face to face. India has never lost against Pakistan in a World Cup tournament and going by the records, India looks likely to strech their winning tally to 7-0. During the last World Cup match between these two teams, the heads of states of both the countries had attended the event – such is the national importance attached to the tie. Various high profile politicians, diplomats from India, Bollywood stars came to watch the match in the stadium and witness the frenzy this match creates among the people. Such is the level of excitement, enthusiasm among fans ahead of every India Pakistan clash that, people take day off-s from work, postpone all their work and await the match to start. The entire nation comes to standstill whenever these two teams meet. FRENZy AMONG FANS I remember the last World Cup match between these two teams – it was a weekday and the match was to start at around 12 pm IST. Before this game, there were special arrangements made at various offices, like installing a TV in the cafeteria for employees to see the game. There was only one topic being discussed at every corner, every street, every home and at every office and that was about the India vs Pakistan cricket match. No one could escape this frenzy and even non-cricket lover people were seen to be talking about this clash and checking the scores. The match as expected went down to the wire – momentum shifting from one side to another, and eventually India emerging as the winner of the battle. There were some heartwrenching moments – every time Saeed Ajmal

10 facts about India-Pakistan World Cup

India have beaten Pakistan in all five previous World Cup meetings - 1992, 1996, 1999, 2003, 2011. Can Pakistan break the jinx in their sixth encounter at Adelaide on Sunday?

(11) and Wahab Riaz (11). Afridi is aDelaiDe, February 13 (ageNnow the most experienced as he gets cies): For many, ICC Cricket World ready for 4th match Cup 2015's "final" is on Sunday at Adelaide Oval and not on March 29 at Mel- 4. Pakistan have never bowled out India in World Cup. India have manbourne Cricket Ground (MCG). aged to get them all out 3 times The blockbuster contest on Sunday (1992, 99, 2011) (February 15) features India and Pakistan. This high-voltage match is eagerly 5. No Indian batsman has scored a century against Pakistan in World Cup. awaited for many months now. And for The highest score is 98 by Tendulkar numerous fans, this is the "final" and the in 2003 biggest game of the tournament. India will be confident going into the 6. The only hundred in India-Pakistan World Cup matches came in 2003, by day-nighter as they have won all 5 previSaeed Anwar (101) ous encounters against the neighbours. 7. The 1st India-Pakistan match in a World Cup was on March 4, 1992 at Here are 10 important facts about the Sydney Cricket Ground (SCG). The big match in Adelaide (venue guide) other 4 venues were Bangalore (96), 1. This will be the first India-Pakistan Manchester (99), Centurion (03), MoWorld Cup game without Sachin Tenhali (11) dulkar, who retired from international cricket in 2013. He played in all 5 pre- 8. The tickets for Sunday's game were sold out in just 20 minutes when they vious ones (1992, 1996, 1999, 2003, went on sale last year. This game is set 2011), winning Man-of-the-match to break all viewership records awards thrice (1992, 2003, 2011) 2. Only 3 Indian players to have had pri- 9. Tendulkar is the highest run scorer in India-Pakistan World Cup matches or experience of facing Pakistan in a with 313 runs from 5 innings (3 half World Cup are captain MS Dhoni, Vicenturies). Overall, he is also the top rat Kohli and Suresh Raina (trio fearun-getter against Pakistan in World tured in 2011 semi-final in Mohali) Cup history 3. 5 from Pakistan have experience of playing against India in World Cup - 10. Paceman Venkatesh Prasad is the leading wicket-taker in India-Pakistan skipper Misbah-ul-Haq (11), former World Cup matches with 8 scalps from captain Shahid Afridi (99, 2003, 2011), 2 innings (Best 5/27 in 1999) Younis Khan (03, 11), Umar Akmal appealed against Sachin Tendulkar, every time Pakistan player dropped Sachin's catches. That being said, an India vs Pakistan match never disappoints the fans and it gives a sense of satisfaction, pride and happiness to every fan across the globe. The seven matches played till date among these teams had drama, entertainment, intense moments and clashes between players. DRAMA, INtENSIty & ENtERtAINMENt Who can forget the Kiran More-Javed Miandad incident in World Cup 1992, in which Javed Miandad mimicked More by jumping like a frog after the end of an over. Who can forget Aamir Sohail's warning to Venkatesh Prasad after he hit

him for a four and pointed to the boundary, and Prasad retaliating by bowling him out the next ball? It was as if all Indian fans had given back a mouthful to Aamir Sohail. The classic clash in the 2003 World Cup in South Africa too was full of entertainment. Pakistan had Wasim Akram, Waqar Younis and Shoaib Akhtar and India had Sachin Tendulkar, Sehwag, Yuvraj, Ganguly and Dravid. The best bowlers were up against best batting lineup. Pakistan batted well to pose a challenging total of 273 and considering the bowling lineup they had, it was always going to be difficult for India to chase it down. Who can forget Sachin Tendulkar's upper cut six off Shoaib Akhtar and Sehwag matching stroke by

stroke by hitting the same shot off Waqar Younis. Sachin played one of his finest innings in that match and missed out on a well deserved century. BAttLE OF EqUALS This time, the hype around the match is sky high. Tickets for the match were sold out in first 20 minutes . All eyes will be on the young generation of players from both the teams to carry forward the intense rivalry that is associated with the match. Players like Virat Kohli, Shikhar Dhawan, Umar Akmal, Ahmed Shehzad will not hesitate to exchange a few words and throw the stares. Without their best spinner Saeed Ajmal and talented fast bowler Zunaid Khan, Pakistan fans will be hoping that the new bowlers Rahat

Ali, Yasir Shah and tall talisman Mohammad Irfan along with Wahab Riaz will be able to put early pressure on Indian batsmen, who have given a glimpse of a return to form at the right time. Shahid Afridi's quick leg-breaks are ever dependable and his spell is going to be crucial as well. Shikhar Dhawan has been patchy and inconsistent in the warm up games, but Rohit Sharma, Ajinkya Rahane and Suresh Raina have shown good form by scoring vital runs in the warm ups. All eyes will also be on Virat Kohli who has not been among runs in the limited format. Indian bowling has not been up to the mark on the recent tour and have already faced a lot of criticism. While batsmen like Younis Khan and captain Misbah Ul Haq make up a solid middle order, they have an attacking but vulnerable opening pair in Ahmed Shehzad and Shehzad Ahmed. Umar Akmal and Shahid Afridi provide the much needed attacking mindset at the last stages of the innings. India lost heavily against Australia in first warm up shaking their confidence, they came back strongly by beating minnows Afghanistan, gaining the much needed momentum ahead of the crucial first game against Pakistan. Pakistan on the other hand played well to win their first warm up against Bangladesh, in which Mohammad Irfan took 5 wickets and Sohaib Maqsood scored an unbeaten 93 to steer the team to victory. On paper, the Indian batting lineup looks a bit stronger than Pakistan’s, while Pakistan's bowling line up makes it an even contest. A great contest is on our hands this Sunday. It won't just be a match between two teams, but a match between two nations. The drama, entertainment, intense pressure to perform and win – not just to win the game, but also the hearts of millions of fans across the globe who will be keeping aside all work, just to witness a high octane game.

9th open Naga wrestling c’ship 2015

Kohima, February 13 (mexN): The 9th Open Naga wrestling championship 2015 under the aegis of Nagaland Wrestling Association and hosted by Chakhesang Wrestling Association will take place on March 13 at Kohima Local Ground. The champion will fetch a cash prize of Rs. 1.50 lakh while the 2nd, 3rd and 4th place will be awarded with Rs. 1 lakh, Rs. 70,000 and Rs. 50,000 respectively. The quarter finalists will receive Rs. 8000 each and Rs. 4000 each for pre-quarter finalists. Forms with registration fee of Rs. 500, has been made available at Bible House, Kohima, Phek, Pfutsero, Chozuba, Peren and Jalukie. Last date of submission of form is March 7.


Published, Printed and Edited by Aküm Longchari on behalf of Morung for Indigenous Affairs and JustPeace from House No. 4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur at Themba Printers and Telecommunications, Padum Pukhuri Village, Dimapur, Nagaland. RNI No : NAGENG /2005/15430. House No.4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur 797112, Nagaland. Phone: Dimapur -(03862) 248854, Fax: (03862) 235194, Kohima - (0370) 2291952

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