Local Lynx No.93 - Dec 2013/Jan 2014

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SHARRINGTON GARDENERS A predictable buzz of excitement greeted Ben Thorne when he addressed members and seven non-members at the group’s October meeting. Ben’s topic was bees: hive life, how to establish and care for a colony, the associated cost, what threatens them in modern life, controlling a lively swarm and the influence of available food sources on the taste and consistency of their honey. What started as a talk ended with a friendly conversation as Ben impressed members of his audience with his wide technical and practical knowledge. Sharrington has been the home for some of Ben’s bees this summer and having fared well, they plan to stay on. The group’s next major event is a talk by the well known wildlife photographer David Tipling. Following the recent publication of ‘Birds and People’ (a joint venture with nature writer Mark Cocker), David will talk about birds and their relationship with people. The talk will be given at 7pm on Wednesday 4th December 2013 at Sharrington Village Hall. Tickets for non members will be priced at £5 which will include a glass of wine. Non-members may reserve seats by contacting Roger Dubbins on 01263 862261 or r.dubbins@ btinternet.com The first meeting of 2014 will be the AGM which will be held at 7pm on Wednesday 5th February at Sharrington Village Hall. RD

As many of you will know we have decided to support the local food bank appeal with a special box in the church for donations. Over the week preceding harvest it was gradually filled by the good people of Sharrington and overflowed into boxes and carrier bags with more donations being brought into the church for the service. All donations were subsequently taken off to Holt and we were shown round the collection point at the Holt youth project by Michael McMahon the press officer for Cromer food bank. Our harvest supper took place on 19th October and about twenty five villagers rolled up to sample choices of main course, baked potatoes and salads plus a wonderful selection of desserts. We then settled down for the usual auction of produce such as cakes, bread, jams, chutneys, vegetables etc. Our usual auctioneer Claire Rivett had a previous engagement that night so David Forrest kindly stepped into the breach. He proved to be a master in this capacity effortlessly ramping up the bids and separating the assembled company from their cash raising £270. So thank you to David and all helpers. The food bank box was again in evidence and yet more donations were offered. The box is now back in the church and we hope to collect more tins, dried goods and cereals plus some special treats with Christmas and children in mind. A couple of dates for your diary: the carol service will be on Sunday 22nd December at 5.00pm. Weather permitting we hope to do the candlelight procession again. More details will follow nearer the time. Christmas Day Holy Communion will be held in the church at 9.30am. APG


Saturday 14 September saw the annual sponsored cycle ride get underway at 9.00am. Sharrington had three cyclists who decided their route would be the benefice parishes as an achievable target so well done to them. Our first visitor at All Saints was a lovely lady from Briston at 9.23am and we were not her first church, in fact she is often the first to sign in here. For those of us who do not cycle it is very pleasant to spend an hour or so in church, perhaps with a book or chatting to all who visit us and have questions to ask especially about the stone corbels. We see a good number each year who are regulars and then of course new faces appear as well. On Sunday 6th October we held our harvest festival in the form of evening prayer, lovely hymns with the organ played by Anna Moore which was a real treat and afterwards we imbibed homemade soup and bread.


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