Local Lynx No.96 June/July 2014

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ISSUE 96 June & July 2014



‘Langham from the south’ by Ken Bartlett

www.locallynx.co.uk 1

WHAT’S ON MAY 31st Sat. May Morston Talk on Formula One at Blakeney Village Hall 6.30pm 31st Sat. May Morston Judy Scott Retrospective, Bluejacket Workshop 10am -5.00pm.

is a non-profit-making community newspaper, run for the ten villages of the benefice. We warmly welcome drawings, articles and letters for publication, but must reserve the right to edit or exclude items. A maximum of 400 words is recommended. The items published do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors or the village representatives. For information about submitting items for publication, or if you want to help in any other way, please contact your village representative, through whom all village news must be submitted. For general information please send a message to our email address lynxeditor@pobox.com.

JUNE 1st Sun. Langham Deanery Service 6pm 1st Sun. Morston Judy Scott Retrospective, Bluejacket Workshop 10.00am - 5.00pm 4th Wed. Sharrington Gardeners visit to Church Farm House 7pm 6th Fri. Saxlingham Jazz in June Concert, St. Margaret’s Church 7.30pm 7th Sat. Bale Village Fete at Manor Farm Bale 2pm 7th Sat. Langham Coffee and plants Parish Room 10am–12 noon 13th Fri. Bale Village Hall, Fish and Chips 7pm 13th Fri. Morston Crab Supper & Seal Trip 6.15pm on Morston Quay 14th Sat. Morston FMC at West Acre, 5.30pm & AGM in Village Hall 6.30pm 15th Sun. Bale Church, Purcell School Concert 6pm 18th Wed. Sharrington “40 Years at Harrods” talk with Richard Furnival Jones, Village Hall 7pm 21st Sat. Langham Coffee and Dutch Delights Parish Room 10am-12 noon 22nd Sun. Stiffkey Open Gardens 28th Sat. Binham Open Gardens & Book Sale. 12 noon- 5pm. Book Sale in Binham Memorial Hall 28th Sat. Gunthorpe 50:50 Club, Institute 10.30am 29th Sun. Binham Open Gardens & Book Sale. 12 noon- 5pm. Book Sale in Binham Memorial Hall

Copy deadline for next issue: 8 JULY

CONTACT FOR ADVERTISERS For enquiries about advertising in Local Lynx, contact Maxine Burlingham tel: 01328-830375 email: maxine.burlingham@me.com Rates for advertising (pre-paid) are: One column x 62 mm (1/8 page): £72 for six issues. Small Ads Panel on the back page: Available for individuals and businesses

JULY 2nd Wed. Sharrington Gardeners visit to Thorpland Hall 3pm 4th Fri. Gunthorpe Friends AGM and Fish & Chip Supper, Institute 6.30pm 5th Sat. Binham ‘Picnic2Jazz’, Priory Cloisters 5-8pm 5th Sat. Langham Coffee, scones and muffins, Parish Room 10am12noon 10th Thu. Langham Mobile Library 11th Fri. Bale Village Hall, Fish and Chips at 7pm 12th Sat. Langham Grand Sale Parish Room 10-12.30pm 12th Sat. Sharrington Church Fete at Church Farm House 2pm 13th Sun. Binham concert at the Priory 4pm 17th Thu. Binham & Hindringham Open Circle Garden Party, Eve Walker’s house, South Creake, 6.30pm 19th Sat. Gunthorpe 50:50 Club, Institute 10.30am 20th Sun. Binham Village Show, Memorial Hall 10am 20th Sun. Langham Langham Dome open to public 23rd Wed. Binham Local History Group outing. Meet at the site of the Sedgeford Project, 2pm 23rd Wed. Langham Quiz night Parish Room 7pm 24th Thurs. Langham Bury trip, coach leaves 8.30am 26th Sat. Gunthorpe Friends BBQ Gunthorpe Hall 7pm. Bookings: 01263 861373 26th Sat. Langham Some roads close 6.30am, reopen at 11.30pm 26th Sat. Langham Street Fayre opens 10am 26th Sat. Langham Food and music Bluebell 8pm 27th Sun. Gunthorpe Village Fete Gunthorpe Hall 2.00pm

And please don’t forget…. Lynx96 and many back issues are permanently available on our website at www.locallynx.co.uk. The website also has an ‘In More Detail’ page and will soon add a ‘Local Charities’ page to cover relevant articles in greater depth. (Paper copies of website articles are always available from Roberta on 01263 740188.)

BLAKENEY METHODIST CHURCH High Street Blakeney Minister: The Rev’d J Pathmarajah Tel: 01263 712181 Sunday Services: 6.30pm. For details of weekday services and preachers, please refer to the current issue of Glaven Valley Newsletter.

BLAKENEY CATHOLIC CHURCH Back Lane Blakeney Father Keith Tulloch 12 Hindringham Road Gt. Walsingham Norfolk Tel: 01328 821 353

Priest in Residence

REGULARS Mondays term time Binham Parent & Toddlers Group Village Hall 10 -12 noon Tuesdays Binham Guild of Artists Village Hall 10-12 Tuesdays Field Dalling Yoga with Richard Redmayne 7.30-8.30pm Wednesdays term time Binham Youth Group Village Hall 6-8pm 2nd Wednesday in month Field Dalling Coffee Mornings 10.30-12 noon 4th Wednesday in month Field Dalling Friends & Neighbours 2.30pm Thursdays Field Dalling Carpet Bowls 7.30pm 3rd Thursday in month Binham & Hindringham Open Circle, Hindringham Village Hall 7.15pm

Father William Wells (the house behind the church)

Service Times Vigil Mass Sunday Wednesday


6.00 pm 11.00am 9.30am

DEANERY NEWS The next deanery synod meeting will be held at Hunworth Village Hall Thursday 12th June 6pm. Watch out for posters with more details.


Church Services for Bale and Stiffkey Benefice for June and July 2014 HC=Holy Communion. CFS=Church Family Service. MP=Morning Prayer. BCP=Book of Common Prayer 1st June 9.30am HC

8th June 9.30am HC

15th June 9.30am HC

22nd June 9.30am HC

29th June At Morston

Field Dalling

At Saxlingham

11.00am CFS

At Saxlingham

11.00am MP BCP

At Morston


9.30am HC

At Field Dalling

11.00am HC

At Field Dalling

At Morston

11.00am MP

4.30pm Silent Meditation

11.00am HC

At Morston

9.30am MP BCP

9.30am HC

9.30am MP CW

9.30am HC

At Morston


11.00am HC

11.00am HC

11.00am CFS

9.30am HC

At Morston


9.30am HC BCP


6.00pm Deanery Evensong 9.30am MP

Parish Bale

Gunthorpe Sharrington


9.30am HC BCP 9.30am MP

At Stiffkey

9.30am HC

10.30am HC Group Service At Morston

At Langham

9.30am HC

At Langham

At Morston

6th July

13th July

20th July

27th July

9.30am HC

9.30am HC

9.30am HC

9.30am HC

Field Dalling

At Saxlingham

11.00am CFS

At Saxlingham

11.00am MP BCP


9.30am HC

At Field Dalling

11.00am HC

At Field Dalling

11.00am MP

9.30am HC 9.30am HC

Parish Bale

Gunthorpe 9.30am MP BCP

9.30am HC

11.00am HC 4.30pm Silent Meditation 9.30am MP CW


11.00am HC

11.00am HC

11.00am CFS


9.30am HC BCP


At Stiffkey

9.30am MP

At Stiffkey

5.00pm Evensong


9.30am MP

At Langham

9.30am HC

At Langham


9.30am HC BCP

Additional Services Langham, 1 June: Deanery Evensong at 6.00pm, followed by Drinks at the Rectory. Langham, 27th July: Evensong at 5.00pm, followed by Refreshments at the Rectory (no 9.30am service). Regular Weekday Services st

Binham: Tuesday, 6.00pm Evening Prayer, Langham: Wednesday, 10.00am Holy Communion Stiffkey: Friday, 10.00am Holy Communion

RECTOR’S LETTER Dear Friends and Parishioners, This time of year is for me a reflection of the Glory of God. Natural wonder can lead on to knowing its Maker. In the Old Testament ‘glory’ is the visible and supernatural ‘showing’ of the majesty of God; and the Hebrew word for ‘glory’ (kabod) means ‘weight’ or ‘substance’; and this making known of the presence of a personal Deity produces awe. Awe, as well as the presence of God is hard to explain to one who has never experienced it, but it is something to be experienced by the humble, devout believer. Adam and Eve felt no awe in the presence of God before the Fall, but surely did when they approached Him afterwards. But approach they did, because He beckoned; and He beckons us still to a restored relationship with Himself; to, in a sense, a life of glory. There is a house in North Norfolk, which has, instead of the usual parapet (it’s quite a grand house), stone letters proclaiming to all the world, the allegiance, the prayer, and the experience of the family down the centuries, “Gloria Deo in excelsis”. ….It is God’s presence which bestows obvious favour and assurance on His people and marks them out as His own, for


His glory. To be with, and bless His people is what God wants: hence His covenant with Israel; hence the sending of His Son, for this contractual agreement was sealed everlastingly with the red blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. What distinguishes God? His Glory. What motivates God? His love. To what end does He work? The restoration of all things, including our broken relationship with Him. “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that everyone that believes in Him may not perish, but have eternal life”. This is the heart of the Gospel. Not “God is love” – which is true but does not imply any action on his part. BUT “God so loved….that He gave …” In a place and at a time God in Christ took off His robes of glory and was lifted up only in shame and the Author of life died for what He had made. And that glorious degradation on behalf of the whole world is the only act that can save the world, or any individual. Only divine self-giving changes our destiny from one of punishment to a delightful walk in the garden in the cool of the day. May we delight in sea, landscape and garden this summer. And be met there. Yours truly, Ian Whittle The Rectory, Langham 01328 830246

DISTRICT COUNCILLOR’S NOTEBOOK As part of the Norfolk 9 Rivers Project supported by the Environment Agency and the River Glaven Conservation Group, a most interesting and informative walk was taken along the banks of the river starting and ending in Hunworth. This event was well supported by local residents and visitors to the area. Two other important occasions - at Blakeney's Annual Parish Meeting speakers included Tom Green with his slide display showing the scene of devastation after the floods from Cley to Morston, Godfrey Sayers on the Case of the Managed Realignment of Blakeney and Sophie Fallon Team Leader for North Norfolk from the Environment Agency. Then at Holt Community Centre, the Rotary Club of Holt and District held a discussion on Services for the Elderly. Approximately 15 charities were represented at the event and spokesmen from Home-Care Services, Citizens Advice Bureau on Changes to the benefits system, the East Anglian Ambulance Service and the Clinical Commissioning Group addressed the meeting and answered questions. The Ambulance Service had earlier given a presentation to NNDC, answering Members' questions and how the service is endeavouring to improve times particularly in rural areas. It was an honour to welcome HRH The Princess Royal escorted by the Lord-Lieutenant Mr Richard Jewson JP to the How Hill Trust at Ludham. Mr Simon Partridge, Director, and Mr Nick Price, Chairman, escorted Her Royal Highness round How Hill. The Trust provides residential environmental education courses for school children whilst providing financial assistance where required. Later in the month we were honoured by a visit by His Royal Highness, The Duke of Edinburgh, to RAF Air Defence Radar Museum, Neatishead. His Royal Highness was shown round the museum by the Chairman of Trustees, Air Commodore Kevin Pellat, spoke with volunteers and personnel and also saw display boards showing plans for a new visitor experience. The Lord-Lieutenant presented the British Empire Medal at the Great Hospital, Bishopgate, Norwich to two recipients from North Norfolk - Ms Helen Dalton-Hare for Services to People with Learning Difficulties and Mr Robert Francis, Services to HM Coastguard. This was a splendid and well deserved occasion.

Mr Brandon Lewis, MP, visited NNDC Cromer office to discuss the flood recovery process, Households and businesses affected by the tidal surge may receive up to £5,000 funding - details from NNDC - and a further advice surgery was held at Blakeney Parish Hall with consultants offering practical help to those at flood risk. At Blakeney Quay a St.Ayles Skiff was launched, blessed by Reverend Libby Dady. NNDC's Big Society Fund contributed over £6,000 to the Coastal Rowing Association Blakeney who are particularly keen to work with the local community and groups such as Holt Youth Project to promote the benefits of coastal rowing. Lastly, it was a pleasure to present a NNDC Chairman's cheque to Glaven District Caring at their excellent, as usual, Coffee Morning. The devoted work by staff and volunteers is really appreciated. Lindsay Brettle, Glaven Valley Ward District Councillors’ Contact Details: Jonathan Savory (01328 820719) e: jonathan.savory@north-norfolk.gov.uk & Peter Terrington (01328 711126) e: peter.terrington@north-norfolk.gov.uk (Binham, Langham & Stiffkey) Lindsay Brettle (01263 710030) e: lindsay.brettle@north-norfolk. gov.uk (Sharrington, Field Dalling, Saxlingham & Morston) Ann.R.Green (01328 878273) e: ann.green@north-norfolk.gov.uk (Gunthorpe & Bale)

COUNTY COUNCIL NEWS From Dr. Marie Strong I realise it is often difficult to understand to what extent the County Council is involved in our lives. Reading below about the new committee system may help. As a member of the Committee Governance Steering Group, which met well in excess of 600 hours, I can say considerable thought and work has gone into the process and I will be happy to discuss the system further when I visit your Parish Councils. In the meantime: New era begins for Norfolk County Council as it moves to a new style Committee System: I am focussing primarily this month on this major change to the working of our County Council. As a Member of the steering group I can say that the time and work leading up to this change has been intensive yet rewarding. The important aspect of this change is that each Councillor representing one of our divisions can now have a say rather than a few Cabinet Members and the basic details are as follows:


On Monday 28 April at full Council we agreed to a new system which radically overhauls the way Norfolk County Council works on behalf of Norfolk people. The vote was 41 to 34 with one abstention to accept proposals put forward by members of the Committee Governance Steering Group and move to a new system based on committee decision making from the end of May. A Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council, and Chairs and Vice Chairs of the main service committees, will now be chosen when the council has its Annual General Meeting on 27 May. Membership of the committees will be constituted on politically proportionate lines (known as Widdicombed), with a review of how the new arrangements are working in November. This is a move away from major decisions being made by a Cabinet of a few members to a new system based on committee decision making with greater member involvement. The five most main committees each with 17 Members will be as follows: * Adult Social Care * Children's Services * Environment, Development and Transport (with an Economic Development sub-committee) * Communities - incorporating services such as public health, libraries, museums, Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service, adult education and community safety. * Policy and Resources - which will have a coordination role around the budget development process and the County Council's business plan. It will monitor the overall council budget and overall council performance. The five committees will have checks and balances in place so that decisions which commit the Authority to spending more than £100m will have to be taken by a full meeting of the Council. Similarly, if the relevant Committee or the Leader of the Council and the Managing Director feel the matter is of great significance, the issue will also be brought before a meeting of all councillors. Roads: And a brief and very practical piece of information which I believe will benefit all our parishes and with less understandable questions as to why a newly surfaced road is being dug up again - and again! NCC will have greater power to control when and where road works take place on county roads and to

insist upon measures that will help reduce the impact on traffic. Different utility service providers have cables, pipes and equipment buried in the highway, and can dig up the roads without the permission of Norfolk County Council - provided they give notice to the council. Although the County Council has a duty to co-ordinate road works and can set conditions to reduce the impact on road users, it relies upon the co-operation of utility companies. The new scheme will come into effect across the 6,000 mile county road network from 6th May 2014. All good wishes from Marie Strong. County Councillors’ contact details: Dr Marie Strong: County Councillor Wells Division (Glaven, Priory and Walsingham Parishes) marie.strong@norfolk. gov.uk or 07920 286 597 David Ramsbotham: Melton Constable Division (Bale and Gunthorpe Parishes) david.ramsbotham@norfolk.gov.uk 01263 577418

TABLE TOP SALE - £5 PER TABLE Heritage House Summer Fair, Wells-Next-the-Sea Saturday 16th August 12 noon until 4pm If anyone would like to book a table please contact Heritage House as soon as possible. Email heritagedaycare@btconnect.com or phone 01328 711333.

ALZHEIMER’S GUIDANCE DROP IN Second and Fourth Thursdays of each month Fakenham Library, 10.30am – 12.30pm Do YOU have questions about Alzheimer’s or Vascular Dementia or something similar? Call in for free information and guidance to services at Fakenham Library! Information is available from a local Alzheimer’s Society volunteer. You are welcome to drop in! No appointment is necessary. Alzheimer’s Society Norfolk Referrals and Advice Line 01603 763 556.

LAST NIGHT OF BLICKLING PROMS Saturday 9 August Augustus, the 7 year old 14.3hh horse that starred as young Joey in the 2011, Steven Spielberg blockbuster War Horse, lives in Suffolk and will be making a special visit to Blickling as part of the event’s


commemoration of 100 years since the start of World War I. The first half of the concert will include a nostalgic singalong of some of the best-loved songs from the World War I era, including “It’s a Long Way to Tipperary”, “Keep the Home Fires Burning” and “Pack up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag”; song sheets will be provided and the audience will be encouraged to join in. The second half will begin with the emotionally-charged War Horse anthem that was composed by John Williams; a wide walkway will be cleared down the centre of the picnic area and Augustus will parade down the middle, with a spotlight on him, accompanied by an actor depicting Albert, the young lad that goes in search of his horse in the film. The second half of the concert will also contain a poignant remembrance before the rousing sounds of “Rule Britannia”, “Jerusalem” and “Land of Hope and Glory.” It promises to be a true celebration of some of the greatest music ever written and performed by the highly acclaimed Sinfonia Viva orchestra under conductor Roderick Dunk. Concert goers can bring their own picnics and soak up the atmosphere in the company of friends - now firmly rooted in the Norfolk social calendar, this is an event not to be missed.

pro.” Tickets (£33 in advance or £36 on the night) are available online at www.revival-productions.co.uk or call the box 01263 734711; group discounts up to 20% are available. No booking fees and car parking is FREE.

TEA PARTY BLAKENEY Strawberries, wine and cakes for a family tea party on Saturday 14th June at Curlews, Morston Road, Blakeney, 5.00 – 8.00pm. Croquet, tennis, bicycles etc. Donations to the Injured Jockeys Fund and local Conservative Association. Please ring 01263 740295 if you would like to come, and hope for a sunny day. There is an answerphone for messages.

Training Augustus to perform in War Horse Augustus is owned by AB Film Horses which specialises in the equestrian TV/Film and stunt business; it was founded by horse trainer and master, Andy Butcher. Augustus has been with Andy since he was 3 years old and War Horse was the first film that he featured in. He was on location for around 3 months in Sussex, Surrey and Devon, where stabling was provided and the horses were looked after extremely well. Along with the other six Joeys who were used for specialist skills in different scenes, “hair and make-up” was done daily to make them all look identical. Andy explained: “The training was very intense. Augustus had to be de-sensitised to noise, taught to rear, lie down and bow in three separate ways! One of the most important parts of his training was coming to the whip, enabling the trainer to be out of sight of the camera but still able to control the horse from a distance. This particular part of the training formed the foundation of some of the most iconic moments in the film, when Albert is teaching Joey to come to his whistle; this obviously comes full circle at the end of the film when he is trying to identify his horse. Augustus is very clever and good-natured and he took to the role like a

BRAIN TUMOUR MEETINGS Monthly Social Meetings for brain tumour patients and their families are being arranged on the third Thursday of each month at the Big C, Norfolk Street, King's Lynn. We meet for coffee/tea and biscuits between 11am and 1pm to socialise and exchange experiences. The meetings are sponsored by the following charities whose members can offer information and experience of brain tumours and the problems they can cause. Astro Brain Tumour Fund, The Lisa Wiles Red Wellies Brain Tumour Support Fund and Reach for a Star. Remaining dates for 2014 are: June 19,, July 17,, Aug 21, Sept 18,, Oct 16, Nov 20 and Dec 18. Let us know if you are interested in attending or for more information please contact Christine on 01485 572767 info@astrofund.org.uk or Mary 01485 525279 treasurer@astrofund.org.uk or just turn up on the day.


VILLAGE HALL SOCIAL CLUB DRAW March 2014 Margaret Barnes Jean Schofield Ed Croft Jim Peppitt

April 2014 £25 £10 £5 £5

Angus Jones £25 Sebastian Schofield £10 Peggy Burge £5 Anne Peppitt £5

BALE DIARY 13th April It has been the most beautiful spring here in north Norfolk. The flowers have responded to the mild and very wet winter, and the clumps of primroses in Cakes Lane seem bigger than usual, while on a sunny day the sweet scent of violets hangs around the patches of purple and white that stud the banks and ditches in Clip Street. Two of these patches, a white, and a purple, will not see another spring. They are on an east facing vertical ditch-bank that is due to be dug up when they put the cable for the offshore wind-farm electricity through here. I suppose on the scale of things it’s not very important, but it will be a sad thing for those of us who do notice these tiny details. As for white flowers, lesser stitchwort has been starring the banks for a couple of weeks now. The north wind we have had seems to have cut down the number of butterflies around, but I saw a fresh and flippy comma soaking up sunshine earlier this week. And today, despite a chilly northeasterly I counted another comma, two spotted woods, a peacock, and four orange tips. Huge bumble bees seem to be the first pollinating insects, I see a lot of them on the rape crop I walk past daily, I hope that early contact with my sinuses will prevent the unpleasant symptoms I got last year on returning from Spain at the beginning of May. The field at the bottom of Cakes is very advanced and I’m rather hoping the flowers will be over when I get back this spring. We still have a lot of blackthorn out, although the bushes in my garden dropped their petals a couple of weeks ago. Other hedges of hawthorn have been greening since the last week of march and the hedge bank growth is beginning to unfurl itself - dogs’ mercury, cow parsley in flower already, pussy willows and more primroses: violets galore, and just opening, jack in the hedge which attracts the orange tip butterfly. In my garden I have clotted cowslips all over the grass where there’s no wear on it and it’s not cut much, forget -me-nots squeezed in between the brick path and the gate - dwarf broad beans flowering – come on you bees! - and some faithful snakes’ head fritillaries in pots that come up every year when I have forgotten about them. I have seen two yellowhammers, I expect they’ll be


CHILDREN’S CHARITY CONCERT Church of St Andrew the Apostle, Holt Saturday 31 May at 6.30pm The Freude Piano Trio has performed in numerous international festivals and concert venues including Banff International Summer Chamber Music Festival. The programme will include works by Haydn, Mozart, Duport and Schumann. A licenced bar will be available before the concert and during the interval. This is a FREE CONCERT – donations are invited for FALCON (Festival of Arts and Literature for Children of Norfolk) & the Church Development Fund.

FAKENHAM CHORAL SOCIETY SUMMER CONCERT A Night at the Opera St Margaret’s Church, Cley-next-the-Sea Saturday, June 21, at 7.30pm Tickets £12 from 01328 830639 or on the door


singing soon, but the hedgerows and woods are already echoing to the sound of blackcap, wren and chiffchaff – another week or so and there could be willow warblers, garden warblers, swallows and cuckoos, and a treat if you go to Salthouse heath, of an early evening in May in the woody parts – nightingales, and even a nightjar. Jane Wheeler

BALE CEMETERY Sadly there has been some fly tipping in the cemetery. The velvet drapes and dilapidated pouffe have been taken to the recycling centre! This year we are hoping to give the weedy path a complete restoration. The compost heap has become an eyesore. It is turning into a rubbish dump. A sad sight. The flower wrappings, wire wreaths, oasis and plastic bases of floral tributes which have been put on it do not rot down. We entreat all those who visit the graves to take all their litter home. Thank you for your help.

BALE GARDEN FETE To repeat - Bale Garden Fete is on Saturday June 7th at 2.00pm at Manor Farm. The fete is fun for all the family with lots of garden games and competitions to play. There are lots of irresistible stalls too; cakes, produce, white elephant, tombolas and many more...... Homemade cakes and refreshing cups of tea are served on the lawn and everyone can relax listening to the live Brass Band. We hope you will come along to enjoy a really traditional garden fete.

STOP PRESS In addition to the main evening concert on Sunday June 15, The Purcell School will be giving an extra concert for children at 3 pm that afternoon. No tickets needed, just turn up at Bale Church.

THE PURCELL SCHOOL CONCERT All Saints Church Sunday , 15 June at 6pm Adults £8. Children free. Drinks on sale from 5.30pm. Please contact Alan Sankey on 01328 878 874. We are delighted to welcome these talented young musicians once more. The level of their performance is professional, their freshness and enthusiasm is inspiring. At last year’s concert the piano playing of Martin Bartlett will have thrilled you. It is no surprise that he has reached the Grand Final of the BBC Young Musician of the Year 2014, by winning the keyboard section. At the same time of going to press the final has not taken place. Watch out for him on television. Many congratulations to him and good luck!

BALE VILLAGE HALL NEWS In addition to the usual fish & chip evenings (second Friday of the month, 7pm, as if you need reminding!) the Village Hall will be hosting an Inter-Village Quiz on 12th July. The brains of Bale will be taking on teams from Sharrington, Binham, Gunthorpe, Blakeney and Morston for what promises to be a very competitive and, hopefully, fun evening. Offers of help – marking, serving wine, contributing to the supper will be gratefully received. Contact Paula on 01328 822012, and thanks in anticipation of an avalanche of volunteers! All Bale residents will shortly be finding a brown envelope coming through their letterbox, containing a questionnaire about how you would like to see the Village Hall used. It’s there for all of us and it could be the venue for so many more social and cultural events. Please take a moment to complete and return the questionnaire – it will help to make the Hall much more of a center for Bale social life.


OPEN GARDENS & BOOK SALE Saturday & Sunday 28th & 29th June 12 noon to 5pm


Look for the “Pink Pigs” outside individual open gardens and enjoy rummaging through a wonderful assortment of books in the Memorial Hall. Teas, raffle, toilets and parking. Entry fee £2.50 per person, children free. In aid of Binham Priory Conservation and Community Project. “For the Glory of the Garden occupieth all who come” Kipling

Paintings, Prints, Ceramics & Sculpture Bluejacket Workshop is to hold the last ever show of work of Judy Scott. Judy worked as an artist in Norfolk for nearly 50 years and often exhibited locally. She lived in Bale for 25 yeas and used to run art courses and bake cakes for the local fetes. The retrospective exhibition will include a loan exhibition of her early work as a potter as well as her better known paintings and prints and her final small sculptures. All her remaining work and the contents of her studio will be for sale. Originally trained as a potter at The Central School of Art and Design in London, Judy was part of the influx of artists who came to Norfolk in the 1960s. In the 1980s a meeting with the influential teacher Dick Lee led her back to painting. He championed her work and they continued to paint regularly together until his death In 2001. He said of her, “in her work one sees something of Sickert and of Bonnard” reflecting her impressionistic style and her choice of domestic subject matter. Respected local gallery owners Debbie and Chris Harrison were two of the first to recognise her ability. “Looking back over 25 years running Bircham Gallery, there are a number of artists who clearly stand head and shoulders above the rest. Judy Scott was one of those artists. Her paintings reveal her soft yet inquisitive understanding of the ordinary things around her, and the caring way in which she captures these moments.” She won the Royal Watercolour Society Travel Award in 1995 and exhibited in London with Abbott and Holden and The Cadogan Gallery.

BINHAM VILLAGE SHOW Sunday 20th July, Binham Memorial Hall Back by popular demand, the Binham Village Show will start at 10am till 12 noon (viewing of all entries) and the Hall will close at 1pm for judging. All categories were listed in the last Lynx (Issue 95) and can be found at www.locallynx.co.uk To enter, please contact Liz Brown on 01328 830519 or Andy Marsh on 01328 830178 to request an entry form.

FRIENDS OF BINHAM PRIORY Picnic2Jazz – Saturday 5th July The popular Picnic2Jazz will be held from 5 to 8 pm in the Priory Cloisters. The wonderful DixieMix Trad Jazz Band, fresh from their round England tour with Rod Stewart, will again be providing the music. This is an event for all the family with children free. Bring your own picnic and seating. There will be a cash bar with wine, fruit juice and lemonade available. Tickets for adults £9 in advance from Fiona Thompson: 01328 830639, ft.am@btinternet.com, or £12 on the day. There will be one more fund-raising event this year in the Priory Church on Friday 17th October at 7.30pm. Andres Herandez-Salazaar will be presenting “A Monk’s Life”. He will explore the everyday life of a


Benedictine monk and the different musical forms that dominated medieval sacred music in this country and the Continent, surprising in its variety, by no means all plainsong. Tickets £8 members, £10 non-members from David Frost, 01328 830362 or davidfrost226@btinternet.com. David Frost, Honorary Secretary

BINHAM PLAY AREA PROJECT As we get under way with phase two, we are delighted to report that we are now in reach of completion. Phase two of the project consists of equipment for older children, aged 6 years and over. This list is an aerial runway, a jungle climber and a large climbing frame with slide. The remaining funds required now total £9,000. We are holding another fete this year in aid of the project, which will be held on Sunday 3rd August from 1pm to 4pm. So remember to keep this date free. We would appreciate any volunteers who would like to help on the day and also any donations of raffle or tombola prizes. If you feel you can help the project in anyway, please contact Rebecca on 01328 830505.

At our June 19 meeting Gillian Hodge will be showing us how to do Irish dancing, which should be great fun. Our garden party on July 17 will be held at Eve Walker’s home in South Creake at 6.30pm. The Open Circle Women's Club meets at 7.15pm on the third Thursday of each month at Hindringham Village Hall. New members are always welcome - just come along on the night or ring secretary Fiona Thompson on 01328 830639.

Management Committee for hosting the evening and for their generosity in allowing Parish Council meetings during the year to be held free of charge, saving any charge on the Council Tax. The main business at the March Council Meeting was to hear that we had been successful in the application for 50% grant from the County Council towards the cost of a speed awareness monitor, which can be mounted at various locations within the 30mph limit. The acquisition process has been initiated and when we have some idea of the expected delivery, all dwellings within the parish will receive detailed information before the monitor is employed. The monitor provides a display to make drivers aware of their speed. It is not a “Speed-Watch” scheme and no vehicle registration numbers are collected. The Council would like to form a small group of individuals who will be prepared to move the monitor every few weeks in accordance with the protocol approved under the County Council’s Speed Awareness Scheme. Would anyone interested in volunteering please contact David Frost on 01328 830362 or email: davidfrost226@btinternet.com.




At the Parish Meeting on Tuesday 22nd April we heard from some 10 village organisations about their activities over the last twelve months. It gave a good picture of the range of interests. Binham is fortunate that many individuals are prepared to spend their time, energy and expertise for the benefit of the community. It was also the opportunity to thank the Trustees and

Please check website for latest information www.binhampriory.org TEA CONCERT with “VOCALITY” Sunday, 13 July, 4.00pm Retiring collection

SUMMER SERIES Tickets £15 per concert, or £12.50 if three or more concerts booked in advance. Please phone 01328 830362 davidfrost226@btinternet.com Friday, 8 August, 7.30 pm Classic Buskers Michael Copley, woodwind, Ian Moore, accordion. “Handel with care” Saturday, 16 August, 7.30 pm Jayne May-Sysum, soprano, Brian Davis, harp Schubert, Strauss, Fauré, C G Hambly. Saturday, 23 August, 7.30 pm Xuefei Yang, classical guitar


Villa Lobos, Piazzolla, Albeniz, Rodrigo, Falla Saturday, 30 August, 7.30 pm Trevor Pinnock, harpsichord Froberger, Handel, JS Bach, CPE Bach Saturday, 6 September, 7.30 pm Norwich Baroque with Catherine Martin, violin, viola d’amore Corelli, Vivaldi, Locatelli, Geminiani, Scarlatti

BINHAM LOCAL HISTORY GROUP March:Care & Conservation of Historic Textiles The words patience and dedication certainly sprung to mind as we listened to Elaine Owers explain the world of care and conservation of historic textiles battling against the natural elements of age, dust, pollutants, light, moths and carpet beetles. Elaine gave us an insight into her career beginning working in historic houses and then taking conservation training at Lincoln University, before training and tapestry conservation at the National Trust Textile Conservation Studio in Aylsham, Norfolk. We were shown work carried out on Flemish tapestries from Hardwick Hall and Doddington Hall from the 16th and 18th century, all of which had lost their magnificence under natural pollution. Time and concentration produce results, Elaine explained that her work is not restoration but one of conservation ensuring that the historic items she works on are cleaned and repaired so that they can have an ongoing life.

survived the passage of time. The workhouse closed in the 1930s and all that now remains of this once large building are the derelict remains of the chapel. However there is now a planning application to build a house on the site. If you are interested in this topic then take a look at the really informative website run by Peter Higginbotham at http://www.workhouses.org.uk/ Walsingham.

Outing Our outing is on 23rd July with a visit to the Sedgeford project (SHARP). We will meet at the site at 2pm to be taken on a tour of the archaeological excavations. This should take about an hour and finish with coffee/tea and a look at the exhibition. Open to everyone and cost is £5 per head which will be a donation towards the SHARP project. If you would like to go (or need a lift) please contact Pennie Alford on 01328 830700 or email: blhg@btinternet.com

April:The Poor Law and the Workhouse Gill Blanchard gave a very informative talk on the topic of how the poor were look after through the ages and what role the workhouse played particularly after 1834 as a result of the Poor Law Amendment Act. The 15,000 or so parishes in England and Wales were formed into Poor Law Unions, each with its own union workhouse. Under the new Act, the threat of the Union workhouse was intended to act as a deterrent to the ablebodied pauper and a place of last resort for those who needed help. Gill looked at some of the Norfolk records of people caught up in the poor relief system. Walsingham Union’s Great Snoring workhouse also known as Thursford Castle records unfortunately have not

DIARY OF A BINHAM FARMER’S SON AGED 36 April 3rd Went to tea at the Mithers, it being Ems birthday. We also saw the Pilkingtons – Ems saw the new baby. 14th A very cold cheerless day, did not attend the Board. Expecting Strangleman who came and paid bank notes for £185 for 10 bullocks. 15th Ems and I drank tea at Binham. Harry Overman gave Miss Lemmon a poor character. 20th We went to Holt to hear Mr Hopkins lecture about the siege of Lucknow. 26th Went to Fakenham to hear the Organophonic Band. 30th Ems was very odd today, I feel quite anxious about her. May 3rdSally came to spend a day with Ems who was not at all well. 6th We arrived safely at Charles’ lodgings at about half past five. Went to hear Dickens read “The Chimes” – very good. 7th Ems and I went shopping, Ems left for Amersham at 5.44. 8th Went to the Corner and looked at the horses, tried to buy one but did not succeed. 11th Went down to Amersham.


BINHAM GUILD OF ARTISTS We meet every Tuesday morning from 10am to 12noon in the Village Hall. A fee of £2 per morning includes coffee and biscuits. A demonstration of painting or craftwork normally takes place on the first Tuesday of every month except in January, February and the week in which the annual exhibition takes place. In April, John Curby gave a very helpful talk on water colour painting for half of the morning. Nick O’Sullivan followed with an interesting talk, illustrated with slides, on medieval manuscripts. In early May, Malcolm Jarvis gave a demonstration on pastel painting which was very inspiring. For further information contact James Bucknill on 01328 830651.

often enough. They had also neglected the weeds, so we had obvious and immediate work to do in the borders and gravel area before the weeds set seed. Most were grasses, especially annual meadow grass (Poa annua), which flowers and sets seed while your back is turned. We also had the usual dandelions, creeping buttercups, groundsel, bindweed and hairy bittercress (Cardamine hirsuta). However, the gravel area was also infested with reflexed stonecrop (Sedum rupestre), which roots wherever a fleshy leaf drops. The worst weed they left us was one I had never seen or heard of before, New Zealand bittercress (Cardamine corymbosa), which hides its leaves under the stones. If you don’t go on your knees and look for its miniscule, white flowers every day or two, it sets seed all around. Remember you heard it here first. Apparently there was only one record in Norfolk back in 1994, but it must surely be widespread now, as it is a world-wide pest. It spreads from garden nurseries, like hairy bittercress and another persistent weed that we have, a purple leaved sorrel (Oxalis corniculata). Today there is a vogue for creating a wild garden, when all you need to do is go on holiday for a month! Some TV pundits recommend keeping stinging nettles for the butterflies, as if they needed any encouragement. Stinging nettles have even colonised North America, introduced by European settlers. Fortunately it seems they also brought with them broad-leaved dock (Rumex obtusifolius), our childhood remedy for nettle stings. “What have the Romans ever done for us?” They say the Romans introduced the invasive ground elder (Aegipodium podagraria) as a spring leaf vegetable and medicinal herb (one of its other names is goutweed). They also introduced alexanders (Smyrnium olusatrum) as a winter vegetable tasting like celery and parsley together. I have seen coastal gardeners in Norfolk slashing away wildly, trying to control this invasive plant of our roadsides. Perhaps we should all copy the Romans and eat this handsome invader when it is young. Plants that also need careful control are the various, rootspreading garden mints, the Spanish bluebell, (Hyacinthoides x variabilis) and the Welsh poppy, (Meconopsis cambrica). We try to cut off the seed heads of the last two, but grow the mints where the garden mower keeps them at bay. We also have one weed I have yet to identify because I weed it out before it flowers, but it comes

BINHAM GUILD OF ARTISTS ANNUAL EXHIBITION 10th to 13th August 2014 Binham Memorial Hall

ILL WEEDS GROW APACE It is a good rule when gardeners move house that they should be patient until they find out which plants are already there. We have tried to follow that advice my wife and I, but it may take a year, for you should see it when the trees, shrubs and plants are in full growth. We have made two gardens from scratch, but otherwise we have taken over existing ones. Our latest move was in 2010 and we had only seen the large garden in spring, with lots of daffodils and primulas. In the past the garden had been laid out with attractive borders, trellises, shrubs and fruit trees in the lawns. But the present owners were not gardeners and did not prune shrubs at all nor cut the grass


back every year and herbicides are ineffective. It looks like a cinqfoil, so we will take a risk and let one (just one) flower this year. Of course we know that seeds can lie dormant in the ground for many years until the conditions are just right. Or they just blow over from next door! But that is enough about weeds. In any case, one person’s weed can be another person’s delight. One definition of a weed is a plant where it should not be. So the wild primroses (Primula vulgaris) in our lawn would be a nuisance to anyone who wants a bowling green lawn. But they survive every cut and still flower, so they are a “glory of the garden,” to quote Rudyard Kipling, who knew that successful gardening has to be done on your knees. Ian Johnson

Unfortunately, Nadia has had to suspend her classes for a while for family reasons. Watch this space for news of them resuming. In the meantime, anyone wishing to start a new pottery project is welcome to contact her by email: nadia.mason@peelersend.com. Or telephone 01328 830573.




The lucky winners in the April draw were: £50 June Bowen-Woods £25 Ian Allison £10 Peter Harris.

Binham Youth Group is held in Binham Village Hall on Wednesdays from 6 to 8pm (term time only), ages 516 years. £1 entry fee, tuck shop, staff CRB checked. We have art ‘n’ craft, board games, table tennis, pool table, karaoke, books and 10-pin bowling. The group is held indoors during winter and in the summer we use the large playing field. It is a great place to chill out and meet new friends.


On April 28 , the committee held its annual meeting in the newly refurbished Villagers’ Hall, its warm and congenial surroundings an unspoken compliment to the committee’s main accomplishment over the past year. As well as the usual business of an AGM, tributes were paid to Jenny Allison for her 40 years of caring for the hall, being on the committee, and supporting the six chairmen that have come and gone in that time. Your correspondent was one of them, and very grateful for her wise advice and experience. The committee presented her with a big bouquet of flowers and an engraved glass vase to put them in. A bouquet also for Nadia Mason, retiring from the committee. Chas Lister of Saxlingham was voted on to the Committee. The cash bingo on the second Friday of every month is very popular. Children may attend, are welcome, and are allowed to play in all the games, but are not eligible for the £50 jackpot in the full house game. The next cash bingo evenings will be on Friday 13th June, and on 11th July. Doors open at 6:30 pm, eyes down at 7:30. The Villagers’ Hall website is up and running and is the first place to go to book your own event and see what else is happening. Visit www.FD&S.org.uk. Or call Mark Gardner on 01328 830755 Anthony Smith for Mark Gardner

BINHAM MEMORIAL HALL 100+ CLUB WINNERS March: £25 Amy Walduck, £10 Violet Dunn, Mr M Calvert, £5 Brenda Cooper, Tracy Fowle, Andrew Taylor. April: £25 C Winkly, £10 Mrs Bird, Hannah Wales, £5 Tim Walduck, June Read, Jill Burton. If anyone would like to join the 100+ club, there are still numbers left. Please call at 8 Priory Crescent or ring June Read on 01328 830106.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT Enjoy doing what you believe in and believe in what you do. If this is done wisely and well all else is a waste of time and energy.

No news from Cockthorpe this time.



50/50 Club Draw Results April

Julia Ackerman £20.00 Seana Broom £20.00 Faith Bennell £15.00 Margaret Reeve £15.00 Nicole Delteil £10.00 Noel Hinton £10.00 Steve Fisher £5.00 Lisa Rush £5.00 Barney Broom £5.00 Ali Lomax £5.00 Daniel Good £5.00 Barbara Burton £5.00 Joy Luscombe £5.00 Armanda Good £5.00 We had to cancel the March coffee morning so the draw was carried out on 22 March at the Village Institute AGM with the prizes being drawn by members of the Institute committee and other attendees. If you are new to the village or would like to join us please do so as soon as possible – to “borrow” from another place “you have to be in it to win it”! If you would like more information on 50:50 Club and “Friends” memberships please contact John Blakeley on 01263 861008. Membership subscriptions, including renewals for current subscriptions until May 2015 (£5.00 per person for the “Friends” and £12.00 for the 50:50 Club - which can be paid with one cheque if you are subscribing to both) are now due, and many thanks to all who have already paid. Cheques should, please, be made out to “FOGPC”. Although the draw will continue on a monthly basis support for the monthly coffee mornings has been dwindling of late. We believe it would be a shame if these had to be abandoned due to lack of support - so if you are in the village on the appropriate Saturday morning do please come along for a very good value coffee (or tea) and cake, a raffle and, if you are lucky, a chance to collect your draw winnings in person!

SUMMER FETE Sat 9th Aug from 2 – 4pm Summer is here and we are looking forward to welcoming everyone to our newly refurbished Villagers’ Hall in Field Dalling for our annual fete. It is a well-loved traditional affair with all the stalls you would expect - white elephant (this year with the addition of good quality clothes and accessories), cakes and savouries, books, plants and preserves, toys and games, etc. There will also be a giant tombola for adults and children with lots of lovely prizes, as well as our grand raffle. And, of course, many games and competitions for young and old alike - all to the accompaniment of live music by the Lumiere Rouge Jazz Band. No fete would be complete without refreshments so you can rest and enjoy delicious teas, homemade cakes and strawberries and cream. If you have anything you would like to donate to any of the stalls, we would be most grateful, so do please give me a call. Please put the date in your diaries and we look forward to seeing you. on behalf of the Fete Committee Sue Findlater 01328 830442

ST MARY’S CHURCH NEWS The Easter service, taken by Canon Michael Wilson, was as always a lovely celebration. The church looked very festive with beautiful flower arrangements of


blossom, daffodils and tulips. There was a large congregation with many children - with all enjoying cakes and Easter eggs after the service. Thank you to everyone who helped to make the church look so lovely. The PCC held its AGM on the 12th of April. Of special note was news that the insurance claim resulting from the robbery in 2009 has finally been settled, and some of the proceeds will be put towards a new curtain around the door to minimise the draught. Once again we would like to thank the “Friends” for organising the annual church yard clear-up, which was held on the 4th of May to great effect. To compliment this work we are holding our bi-annual pew polishing session on June 4th at 10 am. Polish and coffee will be provided, but please bring your own duster. Do come and help if you possibly can. Penny Brough

have supported the Friends so well this year with their memberships, donations, time and enthusiasm. Finally a reminder that the “Friends BBQ” will be held at Gunthorpe Hall commencing at 7:00pm on Saturday 26 July. All are welcome, but please book your seats in advance by phoning Gunthorpe Hall on 01263-861373 c/o Jamie, Toni, Jeremy or Marie. The cost is £9 per adult and £6 per child 5 to 12 years old inclusive (with under 5s free). There will be dips and fruit punch to start, (please bring your own wine/beer), a main course with garden salads, homemade bread and a pudding. A vegetarian option will be available, if you let us know when you book your seats. It is always a fun evening, and a great way to avoid cooking the night before the Village fete - so please do join us. Marie Denholm, Friends Chairman

FRIENDS OF GUNTHORPE PARISH CHURCH The Friends met for the annual churchyard clear-up on Sunday 4th of May. Sixteen volunteers gathered (more than we have had for many years) and paths were weeded, with pruning, strimming and fallen shrubs removed and all dregs went to the bonfire. The Church interior was also cleaned. Sausages and buns were served at noon, and then all cleared up and departed. It was a wonderful start to the gardening season ahead and our grateful thanks to all who attended. The Friends AGM will be held on Friday the 4th of July at 6:30pm in the Village Institute with fish and chips to follow the meeting. The Friends of Gunthorpe Parish Church is a secular charity with the purpose of raising funds to support the fabric of St. Mary’s Gunthorpe Church. The annual membership fee is a minimum of £5 per year. The friends also run a 50/50 Club with a membership fee of £12 per year. John Blakeley (at Hawthorns, Gunthorpe, phone 01263-861008) kindly collects the membership fees for both, and he would greatly appreciate receipt of your renewal (or new) subscriptions before or at the AGM. Gift Aid is a great help so if you pay UK tax please ask us for a Gift Aid form for the Friends subscriptions. We hope to see you all at the AGM, and we especially welcome any nonmembers or new residents of the village to come along to see if they would like to join – no strings attached. Our sincere thanks to the many, both within the village and those who have left but keep their ties to the village, and who

NEWS FROM THE VILLAGE INSTITUTE Firstly, thank you from the Village Institute to everyone involved in the Moroccan evening on April 5th. A very enjoyable evening spent in the company of friends and neighbours who sampled the delights of tagine cuisine “Gunthorpe style” and rounded off the evening with a Moroccan themed quiz. To all who contributed both behind the scenes and everyone who came along on the night a sincere thank you for your efforts and contributing to the success of the evening. Tony Dufour

THE FETE & GRAND DRAW At the time of distribution of this issue of the Lynx we are fast approaching the “fete season” and planning is well underway for the fete on July27th. We already have some fabulous prizes for the grand draw and 2014 promises to be an exciting line up, but we would very much appreciate some help with increasing the number of prizes on offer. An appeal therefore to anyone who has connections with a local business they would be happy to approach for a prize donation in support of (the beneficiaries of the proceeds of the fete), our parish church and the Village Institute. This year’s grand draw raffle tickets will be available to purchase from the Friends AGM on the evening of Friday 4th July at the Institute or from Tony and Lin, Brook Hollow, Heath Lane Tel No: 01263 860051 (you ring it, we’ll bring it)! They will of course also be available on the day of the fete but you may like


to plan ahead and include friends, relatives and work colleagues in the opportunity to win this year’s great prizes, we have plenty to go around. Finally in anticipation, thank you for your continuing support. Tony and Lin

WELCOME AND FAREWELL A very warm welcome goes to David and Elaine Vaughan who will be moving from Finchingfield in Essex into Appletree Cottage at the end of July. David is the financial advisor, and Elaine’s job role is the ‘administrator’ in their own business, Trusted Advisor Ltd, which had its 10th anniversary last year, and which they will continue to run from Gunthorpe. They are no strangers to the area. For the past three years they have been active members of the shooting syndicate at Briningham, and they own a Norfolk Oyster which they have sailed out of Morston for the last 10 years. David’s family used to live in Cley in the late 60s/early 70s before moving down to Essex, and Elaine and David (celebrating 30 years together next year) have been holidaying in Norfolk since 1985. They even spent their wedding night at Cley Mill, and they feel like they are really moving back home. We hope that they will be very happy in our friendly and eclectic village, and we look forward to welcoming them to future village events. The support provided from Gunthorpe Hall is a vital element of village life, and thus we would like to say a sad, but very fond, farewell to Rod and Sue Wellard, and their Jack Russell Bailey. Rod and Sue have been the managers of Gunthorpe Hall for well into their 14th year before their retirement at the end of April. They have assisted through 13 fetes and fete BBQ’s and many other Village events and we cannot thank them enough for all their generous, kind hearted and friendly participation. We all wish them well in their retirement in Great Snoring, and look forward to seeing them at the fete this summer enjoying the stalls and having tea rather than serving it. A warm welcome goes to their successors Jamie (Mr.) and Toni (Mrs.) Milliken (and their dog Syd and cat Lucy) who are the new managers at Gunthorpe Hall. You will meet them at the fete BBQ and tea tent this year if not before. We wish them a very happy time in Gunthorpe and a stay as long and successful as Rod and Sue’s has been.

THOSE WERE THE DAYS As some of we older folk in our villages fondly remember the “Good Old Days” - perhaps through rose tinted spectacles, a look at the wages of an agricultural worker in 1948 (courtesy of Fred Morley who provided the information for Gunthorpe’s Village History) may be of interest - this is his P60 equivalent for that time. In 2012 pounds this would equate to a salary of £10,424 pa - well below the equivalent average salary of £26,000 for that year, and very much below the average male salary in May 2014 of £31919 (taken from PayScale.com and skewed upwards by much higher London based salaries). However, as always with statistics, the average hides a very wide discrepancy in wages, and no doubt would have done so in 1948.



Kitty Mary Green and Marsaili Primrose Green Funerals Mr. Peter Janes 31st March Mr. Michael Hull 17th April

Our first sale in March went well and with perfect weather, we hope for more of the same. The next copy of the Lynx will be in June, where is the year going? Sorry, no sale in June but July will see us on two occasions. Thank you for your continued support. July 12th Grand Sale 10- 12.30pm Parish Room July 26th At the Street Fayre Maureen T 01328 830731



FROM THE REGISTERS Holy Baptism 19th April 2014

Thursday July 24th

Ascension Day Hymns and Breakfast

Flower Festival at Bury St. Edmund’s Cathedral Church. Coach leaves Langham 8.30am and Holt 9am. Everything is booked. The cost is just £21p.p. to cover the coach and entrance. Please make cheques payable to Mrs. M Dennis, 9, St. Mary’s Lane, Langham, Holt, NR25 7AF a.s.a.p. Please book now so that I can confirm numbers. I am sure that it will be an interesting day. Maureen 01328 830731

Langham Rectory at 8.am. Everybody welcome.

DEANERY EVENSONG Langham Church Sunday 1st June 6pm. The above service will be followed by refreshments in the garden of The Rectory. All welcome.



What an interesting time we have had this year with our themed coffee mornings. There have been Table Top Sales, Bacon Rolls and Hot Cross Buns. We are continuing on two Saturdays per month in the Parish Room 10am – 12 noon. June 7th Coffees chat and buy a plant at Parish Room Sale June 21st Coffee with ‘Dutch Delights’ July 5th Scones and Muffins with coffee July 19th Sorry no coffee morning Please come along and enjoy the company of villagers and those from other areas. Everyone is very welcome. All proceeds to Langham Parish Room.

Quiz Night Wed 23rd July Langham Parish Room Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start. Pay £2.50 per team member at the door. To book a table contact John Hughes Tel. 01328 830595. LSF Committee

LANGHAM STREET FAYRE ROAD CLOSURE NOTICE Please note The main street (Holt Road) from the crossroads at the Church to the Blakeney Road junction, will be closed. Hollow Lane will be closed at Holt Road. Access to Hollow Lane and The Cornfield from Field Dalling Road will not be compromised. The road will be closed on 26th July from 6.30am and will reopen at 11.30pm. Emergency vehicles will have access at all times. We do hope these arrangements will not cause too much inconvenience. Thank you for your understanding and co-operation. LSF Committee

LANGHAM STREET FAYRE Saturday 26th July 2014 The Fayre will start at 10.00am. North Norfolk Radio will broadcast from the Fayre and open proceedings. There will be entertainment for all from The Pinxton Puppets and Punch & Judy, children’s games and competitions together with music from the Binham group, Kordula and The Wild Rovers. There will be the usual mix of craft and village stalls, together with outside caterers offering a wide choice of food, plus filled rolls and homemade cakes, plus drinks, in the


Parish Room.

Evening entertainment From 8pm there will be food and music from Midnight Circus outside the Bluebell.

LSF Committee

QUIZ SHEETS AVAILABLE NOW ‘A Tesco Shopping Trolley’ fun quiz sheets, £1 each, from John Tel. 01328 830595 or Alison Tel. 01328 830535.

SERVICE OF PRAISE AND THANKSGIVING This will be held in Langham Church on the day after the Street Fayre, Sunday 27th July at 5pm followed by refreshments at the Rectory.

In the infrequent event that no driver is available – contact the Holt Caring Society Tel. 01263 711243 giving as much notice as possible. This roster is also placed on the church porch and village notice boards with dates beyond the above schedule, after July 9th. To avoid drivers having to do a double duty we are in urgent need of three drivers for our full complement. If anyone would like to join us please give me a call.

MOBILE LIBRARY This visits on a four weekly basis on Thursdays June 12th July 10th August 7th The van will call on each of these days for 20 mins at: St. Mary’s 10.25am, The Old Post Office 10.50am, The Cornfield 11.15am. Enquiries Wells Library Tel. 01328 710467

Ann Sherriff Tel. 01328 830 605

RVS LANGHAM CAR SERVICE Schedule to August 3rd 2014 Weekly driving duties beginning on a Monday. May 26th T 830 847 Jun 30th T 830 624 Jun 2nd T 830 348 July 7th T 830 731 Jun 9th T 830 696* July 14th T 830 537* Jun 16th T 830 056 July 21st T 830 847 Jun 23rd T 830 605 July 28th T 830 677 Fare:25p per mile. * These drivers do not go to Norwich If the driver for the week is unable to do the trip, contact the next person on the list. If your appointment is cancelled, please also cancel your car service booking. Please give three days’ notice wherever possible, except in an emergency. It would be very helpful if a car booking is made as soon as an appointment is arranged or journey planned so that drivers can arrange their schedule. When booking please advise of any walking aids to be transported. Please bring change.

LANGHAM DOME July take-off for Langham Dome: the World War II anti-aircraft gunnery training dome will open to the public from 20th July 2014. In 2013, £446,400 from the Heritage Lottery Fund, £199,000 from English Heritage, together with other generous grants, secured the future of Langham Dome and paved the way for restoration of the building and installation of a visitor interpretation centre. Langham Dome is an extraordinary building with an extraordinary history. Built in 1942/43, it’s now one of only a handful of similar training domes in the UK. It’s hardly surprising it’s a Scheduled Ancient Monument! Through innovative displays, specially commissioned films, archive and artefacts, a visit to Langham Dome will reveal the significance of this building and RAF Langham in the defence of Britain during and after World War II. Visit us and be amazed by the war time technology used in the Dome; learn about the people and aircraft that flew with Coastal Command; and hear the stories of bravery and sacrifice of those who served at Langham. Langham Dome will be open four days a week from the end of July to the end of October. Why not be part of this fascinating project and join our team of


volunteers? We are looking for people who share our enthusiasm for the Dome and who would enjoy welcoming the public to this highly professional visitor attraction. Contact our Development Manager Kate Faire at kate@ friendsoflanghamdome.org. There will be an official opening involving the Friends of Langham Dome and volunteers on Saturday 19th July. More details will be circulated to them about this nearer the time.

SOUP LUNCH MARCH 21ST This event took place on a weekday as opposed to a Saturday, the weather was not too good and there were other events taking place so our proceeds were lower this year. We still managed to have an enjoyable time with a loyal gathering of villagers which helped us to raise ÂŁ143 for the Langham Church General Fund. Grateful thanks go to those who made the delicious soup and cakes and all who helped to set up and clear away. Thank you.

is wired into the mains electricity and has full instructions on how to access the unit and how to use it, even though the user might not be trained. It will have a sensor light above it for night time use. The themed coffee mornings are progressing well and the committee are very grateful to the supporters and look forward to seeing more faces, and purchasing what is on offer. Alison Cox and Christina Cooper have had to resign from the committee for personal reasons and the committee thank them for all the hard work that they have put in over the years. We need to fill these vacancies so we are looking for prospective candidates. Do not be shy coming forward. Edward Allen Chairman



Sir Richard Gozney gave a full house a fascinating talk on dealing with difficult leaders and unusual customs in different countries. So enraptured in his anecdotes, many of the audience have asked for a repeat performance so Richard has kindly agreed to relate some more stories from the diplomatic bag. Watch out for an announcement in the autumn. You will be pleased to know ÂŁ250 was raised for Parish Room funds.

Bayfield Dog Show and Fete Sunday 22nd June at Bayfield Hall, Glandford All types of dog welcome to enter. Judging at 2 pm. Many stalls including the popular parachuting opportunity for teddies from the Hall's roof. Refreshments include a barbecue, tea and cakes, ice creams.



You might have heard that the village has been given a defibrillator and whilst we all hope it is never needed, just in case the situation arises you will soon see a large yellow box mounted on the exterior Parish Room wall near the emergency exit near the entrance porch. It

North Norfolk Concert Band and Coastal Singers Saturday June 7th at 7-30 pm Music from Mozart to Andrew Lloyd Webber, Wagner to Hunger Games! Contact: Elisabeth & Howard Rooke Tel: 01263 740993


the Morston Book Sale price. The Sale made £5,145.88 for the FMC. (Last year’s total was £4,822). Rob and his team would like to thank all those who generously donated books and all who helped with the sale; and the FMC Committee and everyone would like to congratulate the Metcalfe extended family on a magnificent achievement.



Sat 31 May 6.30 pm. FMC Talk on “Formula 1: Behind the Scenes” by Pete Tibbetts, FMC Chairman, in Blakeney Village Hall. Sat 31 May & Sun 1 Jun. 10am-5pm. Judy Scott at Bluejacket Workshop. (See article below). Fri 13 Jun. PCC Crab Supper & Seal Trip. 6.15 on Quay. Sat 14 Jun. FMC at West Acre, 5.30 pm & AGM in Village Hall 6.30 pm. Sat 26 Jul. Langham Street Fayre (+Morston Stall) Sat 2 Aug. Morston Regatta. Sat 9 Aug. Greasy Pole Competition: Blakeney Quay. Sat 16 - Sun 17 Aug. Blakeney Regatta. Fri 29 Aug – Sat 30 Aug. Norfolk Oyster World Championship. Sat Sep 13. Norfolk Churches Trust Bike Ride. Sat 18th Oct. Shovell Dinner at the Anchor: Reverend Christopher Wood on “William Hoste, Nelson’s protégé of Burnham Market”. (Martin Stephen’s talk “Stuart Admiral Sir Christopher Myngs of Salthouse” will now be in October 2015).

LDG STOKER JOHN MORRIS, RN (CG) 151804 Leading Stoker (Coast Guard) John Morris, HMS Hogue, RN, died in the North Sea, off the mouth of the Thames, 22nd September 1914 aged 40. [In the last issue we remembered the life of Morston’s Leading Seaman Allick Gray (died 9th July 1917 at Scapa Flow in the Orkneys). In this issue we will remember (see above) Leading Stoker John Morris (died 22 September 1914) and in the August-September issue we will remember Private George James Balding (died 22 November 1916); and in the OctoberNovember issue we will remember Morston’s World War I heroes: Major Richard Hamond ChaworthMusters (Military Cross, LG 14th September 1917), Sergeant Diamond Jubilee Bean and Major Philip Hamond, DSO & bar, MC]. John Morris was born on 8th July 1874 in New Hampton, Middlesex. (No relations are shown in the records). He joined the Royal Navy at the age of 15 as a Boy Sailor in 1889. After serving aboard a dozen RN ships, John was posted to the Coastguard in the Eastern Command – and was based in Morston from 16th July 1910. One of the purposes of the Coastguard was to serve as a Reserve for the Royal Navy. John served here until 21st July 1914 – when he was posted to the 12,000ton cruiser, HMS Hogue (2 x 9.2 inch guns, 12 x 6-inch guns, 12 x 12-pounders and 3 x 3-pounders) of the Third Fleet, then based at Chatham in Kent. On 20th September 1914 three of the first class yet obsolescent cruisers of the Cressy class, largely crewed by coastguardsmen, were patrolling at slow speed and in close order (which the admirals in command represented as “futile”) in the Deep Fourteens off the mouth of the Thames, when the German U-Boat U9 torpedoed HMS Cressy, which sank with the majority of her crew. HMS Aboukir (bearing the commander of the squadron, Admiral Reginald Norton) went to rescue those men in the water and was immediately sunk as well; and then the same happened to HMS Hogue when she attempted to rescue the survivors of the first two cruisers. One U-Boat, U9, sank all three cruisers. 1,400 officers and men were lost including Leading Stoker (Coast Guard)) John Morris (then aged 40), while 60 officers and 77 men – presumably including Leading Seaman Billy Eales of Morston – were saved. This was only two months after John Morris had bid his friends in Morston goodbye. Soon after the disaster the men of the irreplaceable Coastguard were disembarked from their various ships and returned to their coastal watch duties. Harry Jarvis was the 1914-18 CPO (Coastguard} at

FMC’S 5TH GRAND BOOK SALE RAISES OVER £5,000 The biggest and surely the best second hand charity book sale in North Norfolk took place over three days in Morston Village Hall on 3rd to 5th May. All proceeds went to Friends of Morston Church (charity 1099831): for the maintenance of the fabric and furnishings of Morston’s lovely old church, All Saints. Each book was individually priced - which is because the FMC likes to assure buyers that they will be paying well below bookshop prices. As a guide for collectible books Rob Metcalfe and his team take the cheapest dealer price on Abe Books for “the same book in the same condition” and then at least halve it to reach


Morston. [Navy List, Jan 1915, KIA List, no.240, p.82t, in PRO, Kew; Bernard Scarlett, Shipminder, the Story of Her Majesty’s Coastguard, 1971, pp.108-109 – which records the sinkings as on 20th September, whereas the Navy List has HMS Hogue sinking - and John Morris drowning – as on the 22nd].

RUPERT BROOKE Rupert Brooke, the famous World War I poet, visited All Saints Morston on 8th August 1914 and eulogised over Robert Powditch’s 1647 ledger stone (i.e. floor slab) memorial: “Hear lyeth the body of Robart Powdich who in his life tyme was very hopfull of his service to Godes church as also his virtuous inclynacion and myld disposicion in so sweetly combindinge to gether in his youngnes of yeares who deceased on the 17 of June Ano Domny 1647.” Brooke was to die in April 1915 in a hospital ship at sea off Skyros Island, Greece, en route to fight at Gallipoli in Turkey, from sepsis from an infected mosquito bite. John Algar, the Powditch genealogist, discovered about Brooke being at Morston from a reference in Kings College Library at Cambridge – where it is wrongly recorded that the above Powditch epitaph was/is at Stiffkey, not Morston. When we published the above in about 2002 in Local Lynx, Charlie Ward wrote in as follows: “I was interested to read your piece in the latest edition of ‘Local Lynx’ re Rupert Brooke’s visit to Morston Church. I am not sure if you are aware, but Morston has other connections with Rupert Brooke... my grandfather, Dudley Ward, was a close friend of Rupert Brooke while they were both at Cambridge University. During this time they both spent a lot of time at the Old Vicarage at Grantchester, which was a lodging house. When Rupert was killed in the war, the house coincidentally came up for sale a couple of years later and it was bought by Mrs Brooke (Rupert’s mother) and given to my grandfather as a memorial of their friendship. The house was then lived in permanently by my family and passed from my grandfather to my father. In the early 1980s we sold the house to Jeffery and Mary Archer who still own it. I still have a large number of letters sent to and from my grandfather and Rupert Brooke and I am aware that he visited this part of Norfolk quite a lot."

JUDY SCOTT RETROSPECTIVE Bluejacket Workshop, Morston 31 May & 1 June, 10am – 5pm Luke Scott and the Bluejacket Collective warmly invite you to the last ever show of the work of Judy Scott. Judy worked as an artist in Norfolk for nearly 50 years and often exhibited locally. The exhibition will include a loan of her early pottery as well as paintings, prints and her final small sculptures. All remaining work and the contents of her studio will be for sale. For more details see Bale page 9.

MORSTON QUIZ By Samphire (Answers on page 26) 1.Who sang “a spoonful of sugar”? 2.Who is regarded as the inventor of the modern computer? 3.What is measured in hertz? 4.What do you call the exact genetic copy of another individual? 5.How many bites in a megabite? 6.What building material is composed of sand, cement, stone and water? 7. In what Spanish city would you find the Bernabeu Stadium? 8.What do Americans call courgettes? 9. What are leverets? 10. What are the four main blood groups?

MORSTON STALL AT SENNOWE Alice and David Carnwath ran “the Morston Stall”– one of over 100 - on May 5th at the Norfolk Churches Trust Sennowe Park Stately Car Boot Sale. They made £505, divided equally between Morston PCC and the British Red Cross (for Syria). The takings from the car park alone – charging £5 a head for entry for adults – apparently raised over £20,000 of the £50,000 that was raised for the Norfolk Churches Trust.




Saxlingham Church’s annual fundraising jazz concert will take place in St Margaret’s on Friday 6th June at 7.30pm. As usual the performers will be the boys and girls of Gresham’s school offering a wide range of jazz as musicians and singers. Wine and canapés will be served in the churchyard during the interval. Tickets @ £8.00, including interval refreshments, are available from Jan Barlow (07881 405400) and John Rayner (01328 830564). Please note the date of the concert in your diaries now! Cheques payable to Saxlingham Church please. John Rayner 01328 83056

The inaugural meeting of the wine club was held in the village hall on Thursday 17th April. Although initial indicators suggested quite a modest attendance, 17 budding oenophiles sat down to sample six wines, three riojas from Spain and three pinot noirs from New Zealand. Roger Dubbins welcomed the would-be slurpers (which included folk from Bale, Binham, Briston, Salthouse, Weybourne and Holt) and outlined what he was hoping to achieve with the club and invited comments on his ideas. After a short introduction to the wines, tasting and animated conversation began. At the end of a jolly evening, it was agreed that there was enough support for a season of six tastings with one every two months to be held on the third Thursday or Friday of the month. Roger agreed to put together an outline programme and budget and to circulate potential members. If you are interested in joining the club, please contact Roger Dubbins on 01263 862261 or r.dubbins@btinternet.com The village hall is a vital facility for ventures like the club. If you would like to support the hall and are not a member of the 50/50 club which runs a monthly prize draw, please contact Ann Abrams on 01263 861404 RD

CHURCHYARD CLEAR-UP We are most grateful to Charlie Robson for offering, as part of his Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme charitable component, to tidy up various parts of our churchyard. He raised money from sponsors by carrying out several tasks: clearing the gullies that surround the church, removing ivy from the churchyard walls, weeding and edging the path to the porch, and clearing the ground encircling our Millennium Yew. Many thanks to Charlie for a job well done!



Liz Peart agreed to continue her excellent work as Churchwarden of St. Margaret’s, providing (as previously) she received assistance from the rest of the PCC. Other officers of the PCC were duly elected. Particular thanks were expressed for the sterling work of Maureen Sturgeon in producing meticulous and accurate accounts. The electoral Roll, numbering twelve, remains unchanged.

On 12th March the group hosted a talk by Mandy Gluth from the Norfolk branch of Butterfly Conservation entitled ‘gardening for butterflies’. Mandy’s talk, which attracted 24 members and nine non -members, covered the basic principles to be adopted to encourage butterflies into the garden and introduced members to the many plants which provide a nectar pitstop for the various types of butterfly to be found in our area.


On 2nd April, the group welcomed Trevor Harrison from the Creake plant centre who, with Francoise Allenby, led an entertaining workshop on plant propagation. The group’s May meeting was devoted to the planting on of plug plants for the plant stall at the village fete on 12th July. Upcoming events include a visit to Church Farm House in Sharrington on 4th June when the main topics will be alliums and pruning clematis and a visit to the 16th century Thorpland Hall near Fakenham at 3pm on 2nd July. The group currently has 29 members but is happy to welcome new members from both inside and outside the village. Anyone interested in joining should contact Roger Dubbins on 01263 862261 or r.dubbins@ btinternet.com RD

beautiful shades of green everywhere. A lovely time of the year. On 23rd April, St George’s Day, we had our annual village coffee morning at Lantern Barn courtesy of Roger and Claire Dubbins. The day was perfect, sunny and warm which meant we could make good use of their pretty courtyard garden to display plants and books for sale and a table full of cakes and preserves indoors. We were welcomed with coffee and biscuits and then free to roam and sit to chat but more importantly to buy and we did just that to the tune of £342 in aid of church funds. A well attended couple of hours and very enjoyable with a big thank you to Claire and Roger and all who helped with supplying and selling the goodies. Our garden fete is on Saturday 12th July from 2pm until 4pm at Church Farm House. Don’t forget to raid your cupboards and drawers for suitable offerings to sell, all in good condition and you can be certain that the village will be circulated with raffle tickets and requests for plants, bric-a-brac, clothes, books, jams and preserves nearer the time. AG

HARRODS OF KNIGHTSBRIDGE WEDNESDAY JUNE 18TH AT 7PM Richard Furnival Jones worked in Harrods for 40 years as the licensee and later as the manager of the food hall. He has a wealth of tales and anecdotes to share and everyone is invited to join us in Sharrington village hall on June 18th at 7pm to hear his talk. Tickets are £5 to include wine and canapés and are available from Ann Garwood 01263 860700 and Bobbie Coe 01263 860097

CHURCH NEWS Two milestones in the Christian calendar celebrated with holy communion services, Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, both remembering different aspects of Jesus’ life, one the entry into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey welcomed by the ordinary population but not by the priests and scribes and the other, the greatest of our festivals, celebrating Christ’s resurrection from the horrors of Good Friday. The church was awash with beautiful flowers, a legacy of a lovely village wedding one week previously and the small people of the congregations were on their best behaviour along with the regular small dog. The older members of the congregations were well aware of the renewal of life as portrayed by mother nature in burgeoning crops, trees still coming into leaf, the spring flowers, blossom and

SHARRINGTON NEWS Weddings in Sharrington are rather like the proverbial London buses – you wait for ages (in this case ten years) and then two come along together. First off the starting blocks was Lizzy Long, who married Stephen Keoghane on the Saturday before Easter. When they walked down the aisle bathed in glorious April sunshine, they were the first couple to do so since 2004. Fast forward a few months and it will be Mary Moore’s turn to exchange vows with her fiancé Dan. Both girls were christened in All Saints Church, grew up here and have chosen to return home for their special day. A country wedding in the community that has watched you grow from babyhood to a young woman on the brink of a new life is a privilege for all concerned. As a proud “mother of the bride” I was delighted that Sharrington church was able to echo with the marriage vows once more, doing what it has done all down the years and hopefully will continue to do so for many more: blessing the union of another happy couple. PEL


BETTER BROADBAND COMETH Sharrington All Saints church is going through the final phases of faculty application for the installation of Wi-Spire. Applying for a faculty is the diocesan equivalent of making a planning application with the local council. Once we have our faculty it is only a matter of time before the installation begins. Once installed, it will be unobtrusive and not too obvious sitting on the top of the church tower. SP

STIFFKEY OPEN GARDENS — A REMINDER Sunday 22nd June 2-5pm Don’t miss out! 8-9 gardens open Steam organ, easy parking (Vale Farm) Stalls, teas in the Village Hall, lovely river views Church open. See you there Keith McDougall

THE LOCAL SUPERMARKET I have a local supermarket right outside my kitchen window providing over 700 different sorts of food stuffs. It is part of a chain of supermarkets that spread across the world providing a wide variety of food and homewares. How is that possible you might ask and why haven’t I noticed such a large store? Maybe it’s because it forms such an integral part of the environment we take it for granted – the humble oak tree. By the time you read this the baby blue tits in my bird box will have fledged, thanks to this local supermarket. Last year food was in short supply and many young birds perished but our blue tits just went to their local store and with our bird feeders to supplement them managed to fledge all their young. It’s also where our tawny owl talks to its neighbours, the goldfinches meet and the voles shelter. Insects, spiders, mammals, birds, fungi, moths, butterflies……the flora and fauna coexisting on our oak trees is endless. And what would we have done without the wood for boats, furniture, musical instruments….. again an endless list. So I am pleased to have this supermarket on my doorstep and long may it flourish. Anne Abrams

CHURCH NOTES With Lent and Easter behind us we can look forward to summer in Stiffkey with our churchyard conservation area already starting to develop its wild flowers and butterflies and insect life. We are proud of our conservation area and the way it has developed. A good range of wild flowers and butterflies are to be seen – and creepy crawlies. Our Easter day service was a joy – with some 40 attendees led by the Revd John Wilson from Wells. The egg hunt at 3pm was blessed by sunshine as some 30 children scampered around to find 150 chocolate eggs in the churchyard. Thanks to the Bashforth family for arranging this popular event and for the charming Easter garden on the Church Knoll. Really kind of them. The next big event in our village is ‘open gardens’ on Sunday 22nd June 2-5pm – stalls teas and a stunning array of village gardens to view. Do come – all proceeds in aid of the Church. Easy car parking and traffic calming! We plan to have a coffee morning or cream tea in aid of ‘Christian Aid’ this year. Keep an eye out for posters. (Rather than house/house collection. The fallen trees / branches have been dealt with and firewood either given to deserving people or sold locally. Will the old ash tree rejuvenate? Time will tell. There are several more trees that may need pruning. And (of course) repairs and maintenance are ongoing. Keith McDougall

WORLD WAR ONE MEETING A meeting has been arranged at the village hall on Tuesday10th June at 10.00am to discuss how best we might remember those villagers who lost their lives and are named on the first world war memorial in the church. Does anyone know which houses they lived in or are any of their families still living in the area who could supply further information that might be used during this commemorative period? It will be an informal meeting with coffee and biscuits served and all are welcome to attend. CD


NATURE NOTES Farmland birds are still in trouble. The official index has fallen 50% in the last 30 years or so. Where are all the yellowhammers, the linnets and the corn buntings? And nightingales, lapwings and tree-sparrows? A lot of research and farm environmental schemes are going on, but results are elusive. The index stays obstinately negative. It appears that the seal colony at Blakeney Point was not too devastated by the tidal surge in December. But, dare I say something which some people will almost inevitably challenge. Are there too many grey seals now along the Norfolk Coast / The Wash? With 2000 at Blakeney; several hundred at Horsey, let alone Gibraltar Point and The Wash? Fish stocks must be under pressure. And the more rare common seal is being pushed out. The grey seal is the UK’s largest mammal predator. Yes; they support wonderful tourist income, but we need to know what there effect is on marine life. They are legally protected but, in Scotland some licences for control have been issued. This is a highly emotional topic – but, in the end, the whole ecological situation has to be looked at. Whether Blakeney has 2000 or 500 seals, the boats will flourish as a fantastic wildlife experience. There have been two cases of dogs being killed / drowned by aggressive grey seals. So take care; when walking near the tide line with Bonzo. Don’t let them swim near grey seals. Pightle

STIFFKEY LOCAL HISTORY GROUP On Saturday 7th June the Stiffkey Local History Group has arranged a visit to the Shell Museum at Glandford. There is a wonderful collection of shells, jewels, collections of old pottery fragments and an old tapestry sewn by local fishermen – it is quite an experience! Nearby is the church which is also well worth a visit with a collection of bells, which play hymns and certain times of the day, and a wonderful stained glass window. Meeting at 10am in the street outside the Museum we can sort out the fees for entry which are: Under 60s are £3.00 each, over 60s pay £2.00 each and if we get a group of over 20 people, the charge would reduce to £1.00. This is followed by a walk along the River Glaven, a great way to see a huge variety of wildlife, birds, dragonflies and butterflies etc, to the tea room at Natural Surroundings tea room, at Bayfield. If the walk does not appeal or the weather is not suitable, then there is car parking at Natural Surroundings. If the weather is poor we may take tea in Glandford. Pat Price S.L.H.G.

UNICEF SCARECROWS With the year going so fast, now would be a good time to start thinking about and collecting stuff for the scarecrows! It's the last time Sally Amesbury and I will be organising it so we'd like it to be special. This year's theme is 'famous people' and the scarecrows will be out from 16th - 26th August. Individual notices will come round in July. Please contact me if you want to know more. Chris Halford 01328 830701 Chris Halford

WORLD WAR 1 CENTENARY Work gathering material for the commemorative exhibition at the Church over the August Bank Holiday period is progressing well, with information on around 80 residents who served in the forces. If you can contribute through the loan of material, or any family stories, we would be pleased to hear. Geraldine Green is co-ordinating the collection of material for the exhibition and she can be contacted by e-mail at green978@btinternetr.com.


A second project of the local history group is to enable the preservation and repair of the First World War pillbox which is situated on the coastal path midway between the Greenway and Bangay Greenway. This is one of the first to be built, circa 1916, a circular building the design of which led to the ‘pillbox’ name. It is hoped that an interpretation board will explain its history. Both the National Trust and Norfolk Historic Environment Service (NCC) have agreed to support the project. Steven Bashforth, S.L.H.G .

experience needed, training given. Work has progressed well during the winter on Dunkirk veteran lifeboat Lucy Lavers so we are now making plans to take her back to Dunkirk by sea in May 2015 to mark the 75th anniversary of the evacuation of troops in 1940, calling in on the way so schools and members of the public can visit her. There will be a land team tracking her round the coast with publicity and displays. Do let us know if you would be interested in helping with this great event. We are now developing and testing the new education and event room (thanks to an equipment grant from FLAG - Fishing Local Action Group) and preparing for school visits from the autumn term. If anyone would like to help with visits from schools, let us know. Summer events - some exciting dates for your diary: July 26th – August 2nd Jack Cox exhibition at Stiffkey – the life and work of the Wells fisherman and artist who would have been 100 this year. August 6th 4-8pm Event at Bayfield Hall – displays of boats, models, art and a nautical auction! More details to come. August 9th evening “The Banned” gig at Blakeney Harbour Rooms: Jazz and ‘60s music August 16th Come and see us at Burnham Market Craft Fair. There are lots more films and photos on our website at www.rescuewoodenboats.com. Do join as a Friend of Rescue Wooden Boats and receive regular updates and invitations. info@rescuewoodenboats.com or phone 07920760238. Wendy Pritchard

A PLAYING FIELD TO BE PROUD OF Neatly cut grass has long been a feature of our playing fields, but now the pavilion is being transformed into the best village facility in the area. Modest financial inputs from the Parish Council and the cricket club were all that was needed to spark a brilliant volunteer effort. Not only cricketers, but parish councillors, villagers, friends and neighbours have put in a tremendous effort. When I was there some eighteen volunteers were hard at work, scraping, sanding down, weed clearing, digging, washing, sweeping, removing rubbish, painting, fitting kitchens; all done with enthusiasm and enjoyment. A first rate community effort. Special thanks should go to Jamie Lawrence, who seems to have spent most of his spare time working there and helped make sure everyone was busy. Work still continues, but I reckon the extra ‘buzz’ the cricket team will get will be worth a few runs this summer. Cricket team members can often be seen honing their skills at the nets which have been put in place for the summer and a glance at the ‘What’s On’ column shows a packed fixture list for cricket this summer. There is also news of a re-emergence of football in Stiffkey. Ashley Balderstone is gathering a group of footballers, mostly through contacts at the ‘Red Lion’, and hopes to arrange a few friendly games in the new season. Best of luck Ashley and friends, I look forward to being a spectator. Steven Bashforth

MORSTON QUIZ ANSWERS Quiz Page 21 1. Mary Poppins. 2. Charles Babbage. 3. Frequency. 4. A clone. 5. 1,048.576; loosely 1,000,000. 6. Concrete. 7. Madrid. 8. Zucchini. 9. Young hares. 10. A, B, AB & O.

RESCUE WOODEN BOATS NEWS We have now opened new displays (thanks to a grant from the Norfolk Coastal Partnership) at the Stiffkey Visitor Centre (off Greenway, Stiffkey NR23 1QF) showing stories of how wooden boats were used locally in whelk fishing, crab fishing, describing fishing life and communities, wooden boatbuilding and some history of the Stiffkey Military Camp. We are recruiting even more volunteers to join our friendly team, helping welcome people to the Visitor Centre. Can you spare 3 hours a month or more? No


made up some funny stories! In Science we did an investigation. We went outside with our teachers and helpers and, working in groups, made squares in different places around the school using four 1 metre sticks. We observed what was in the squares in different places – plants stones, creatures, sticks, even poo.This helped us to know where plants and insects like to live and grow. We have a new Club. Hola! It is Spanish Club with Julian and Mrs Howes. It is fun.


Class Two news

The children and staff at Langham Village School are taking full advantage of the spring weather and longer days to squeeze in a packed schedule of activities as usual.

The new International Primary Curriculum topic for Class Two is Explorers and Adventurers, giving the children (aged 6 – 8) plenty of exciting scope for study across land, sky, sea and space. In Literacy, they have used a book about the jungle as a springboard for fun with drama and role play, and are looking forward to a workshop with author Paeony Lewis on 5 June. In Science, they are conducting an experiment to see if plants can grow without any leaves.

The day the whole school burst into song Pupils, teachers and even parents took part enthusiastically in National Sing Up Day on 14 March. ‘Sing up stops’ were in place around the school for those who felt like breaking into song at any time. The choir sang to the school, and the special guest was Dan Earp, father of Peter and Matthew, with his barber shop singing group. Visit the school website at www.langhamvillageschool.com to see the video evidence and hear the dulcet tones for yourself.

Class Three news The children in Class Three (aged 8 – 11) have been studying light for their Science project. They have been working with torches and made pinhole torches themselves to see that light travels in a straight line. They have learned about the colour spectrum and how light refracts to make a rainbow. In Design and Technology their theme is toys, which has included making 3-dimensional teddy bears out of paper. Year 6 children are studying hard for their SATs which are coming up soon – good luck to all.

Fund-raising fun The children love to dress up for a good cause, and make the most of any charity days that come their way. First came Sport Relief day on Friday 21 March, when they dressed in red, or in pyjamas or onesies, and ran a mile around the school playing field to raise money. Even the youngest children took part, the laps monitored vigilantly by the older ones to make sure everyone completed the distance – an impressive achievement for little legs. This was followed by the chance to dress in yellow to raise funds for Cancer Research on 25 April, with the added attraction of a cake stall and a dance performance from Erin McInally, Amelie Price and Rebe Harrison in Class Two – they raised over £100. On 9 May they wore green and yellow for the East Anglian Air Ambulance. Now they are looking forward to a day in blue to raise money for Water Aid in June.

New Head Teacher appointed Following Mike Green’s decision to retire after 23 years at Langham Village School, the Governors have recruited his successor. Polly Kossowicz, currently Head Teacher at St Mary’s school in Roughton, won out over other strong candidates after an assessment centre which included leading a school assembly, teaching a class, interviews with children, and presentations to the Governors. Mrs Kossovicz will join the school in September. Recruitment is also underway for a teacher to take on the teaching commitments of Vee Hopkins, who is retiring from Class Two, and Mike Green while Mrs Kossovicz settles in as Head Teacher. The school summer fair on Friday 11 July from 5pm, will be the farewell party for Mike and Vee, giving everyone at the school the chance to express their thanks for the enormous contribution they have made to so many young lives over the years. We would be delighted if former pupils, parents and staff members would join us at the Fair to give their own personal message. Contact me at anne-marie.coe@btinternet. com if you would like to come. If you cannot attend the fair but would like to contribute a farewell message to Mike and Vee, do please get in touch on the email address above and we will pass on your good wishes in the album of messages and memories being compiled.

Sport for all seasons Langham Village School children continue to show their passion for sport. Both the school hockey team and netball team won the North Norfolk cluster tournament and go forward to the County Finals. Well done to Abbie Williamson, who took third place in the North Norfolk fencing championship. The school was well represented in the cross country County Finals, held at Greshams, with Leah Betts, Max Wilson, Abbi McCallum, Jethro Holmes and Jude Philpott all securing a place. All of the children ran very well – congratulations to Max and Abbi, who took medals for first and second in their respective races.

Class One news from Mrs Howes and the children In Maths we have been working with numbers and shapes. In Literacy we have been learning about nonfiction (information) and fantasy stories (fiction). We


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