4 October 2016

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Spring show and jumble fair fun Compiled by Melissa Walsh THE Somerville Branch of the Red Cross Society intend holding their Spring Show and Jumble Fair on Friday and Saturday, November 10th and 11th. *** A FLOWER Day Concert and Sale of Gifts will be held in the Presbyterian Church, Mornington Junction, on Wednesday next, in aid of the State School War Relief Fund. *** MESSRS Alex Scott and Co will hold a special Horse Sale at the Tanti Yards, Mornington, on Wednesday next, when they will offer 60 horses and ponies. The sale will commence at halfpast 12 o’clock. *** THE monthly meeting of the Somerville Fruitgrower’s Association will be held on Monday evening next, in the Mechanics’ Institute, when the report of the recent conference and other business will be dealt with. *** A DANCE will be held in the Frankston Mechanics’ Hall this (Saturday) evening, in connection with the Peninsula Queens’ Carnival. Good music will be provided, and dainty refreshments will be handed round. *** A CONTINGENT of returned sick and wounded soldiers will be entertained at Somerville on Saturday, 14th inst, by the local members of the Red Cross Society. The Langwarrin Brass Band will be present and play selections during the afternoon. All friends are

requested to assist with refreshments, etc. *** THE “Wattle Club” dance, given in aid of the Frankston branch of Red Cross, was held on Saturday evening last and was a great success. The hall was crowded and things went with a good swing from start to finish. A very satisfactory sum was raised for the society. The hot water kettle, presented by Mrs Hay was won by Miss Gregory. *** THE Frankston “ Wattles” Club will hold a Plain and Fancy Dress Ball on Wednesday evening, the 18th October, in order to augment the funds of tile local Roll of Honor. This club has gained the name for their functions being most enjoyable, and it goes without saying that the forthcoming ball will be in no way behind any of its predecessors and those who attend are assured of a most pleasant evening’s amusement. *** A MEETING of the contributors to the Presentation Fund to Frankston volunteers to arrange a sixth and final presentation. was held at the Mechanics’ Institute on Wednesday Oct 4th. Mr C. P, Watson was voted to the chair. The weather was very inclement and the attendance small. It was resolved on the motion of Dr Plowman and Mr Dalman that the meeting adjourn to a date to be fixed, that date to be subsequent to the taking of the referendum vote. *** ON Tuesday the enrolment of men called up-all single men and child-less widowers 21 years of age and under 35

was proceeded with throughout Victoria, and although the response of the first groups dealt with was satisfactory, the number of men actually obtained for training was not high. As anticipated, the proportion of “rejects” was heavy, and the number of claims for exemption was also large. The following are the details of the enrolment at Frankston:—Number examined, 176 ; Fit, 89 ; Unfit, 72; Doubtful, 15; Applications for Exemption, 47. The total enrolment for three days are 15,755, of which only 40 per cent have been passed as fit. *** AT a large meeting of the ladies of St. Paul’s Church, held some time ago at the Vicarage, it was decided to hold an “Australia, Tea” in the Church Grounds on Wednesday, October the 11th, 1916, commencing at 3 p m., and remaining open during the afternoon and evening. The vicar explained to the meeting that the vestry needed about £30 for the current account and that a sum of £300 was still owing on the Vicarage. The object of the “Tea” is to raise the funds required for present needs. Invitations have been sent out to the people of the Parish and to friends asking them to be present at the “Tea” and to bring a gift and purchase one. Afternoon Tea and other refreshments will be available during the afternoon and evening. There will be vocal and instrumental music, a may-pole, shooting gallery, sweet stall and general stall and many other items of interest and attraction.

It is hoped that there will be a large gathering on the occasion and that the promoters will be rewarded with great success. The Tea is to be opened by Mrs C. G. V. Williams. At the meeting referred to above it was also decided to hold a bazaar at the end of January next to pay off the debt, on the Vicarage. The last bazaar for this object was held in 1903 so it was thought that something ought be done now. *** IN response to a request made by The Hon. W. A. Watt M.H.R. and the Hon. W. Plain M.L A., acting as joint secretaries of the Victorian division of the National Referendum Council, a meeting of the Shire Council was held at the Council Chambers, Somerville, on Thursday, 28th September, to concert measures to promote the object in view. After full discussion it was decided that public meetings be held at the three main centres of the shire, on the following dates :—Hastings, Thursday October 5th Frankston Monday October 9th; Somerville, Thursday October 12th. It was further decided to ask the National Council to send speakers to each meeting, both sides of political thought to be represented if possible, and that Dr Plowman be empowered to personally interview Sir W. H. Irvine to endeavour to induce him to attend and address one or more of the meetings. It was also decided to form a strong local committee after each meeting to promote the success of the movement. A letter was read at the meeting

from Mr A W. Taylor proprietor of the Frankston motor garage, offering to the committee the entire use of a motor car for half a day once a week, until the Referendum vote had been taken. The offer was gratefully accepted and the secretary was instructed to send Mr Taylor a letter of thanks. *** THE date of the Referendum meeting at Frankston has been, owing to unavoidable causes, altered from Tuesday Oct 10th to Monday Oct 9th at 8 p.m. Particulars will be seen in the special advertisement column. The referendum is being actively persecuted throughout the Shire. At Hastings a meeting was held on Oct 6th when Mr G. C. Rigby and the Reverend Wyndham Heathcote, were announced to address the meeting. A report of the proceedings has not yet reached us. On Monday Oct 9th there will be a public meeting at Frankston at 8 p.m. Mr Hugh Menzies and another speaker sent by the National Referendum Council will deliver addresses. It was hoped that Sir William Irvine could have been secured as a speaker, and Dr Plowman interviewed him for that purpose, but on reference to the National Referendum Council it was found that it had already been arranged that he should speak elsewhere on the evenings selected for the various shire meetings. *** From the pages of the Mornington Standard, 7 October, 1916

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Mornington News 4 October 2016

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