21 June 2016

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Wounded soldiers enjoy Frankston Compiled by Melissa Walsh WOUNDED Soldiers at Frankston. Frankston has spoilt its reputation for being slow and whosoever may have been under that impression will no longer think so when they consider the big undertaking and successful carrying out of last Wednesday’s programme. Word was received on Monday by the Red Cross Society that a trip had been arranged to Frankston for nearly 200 wounded soldiers, who had to wait four days in Melbourne for their boat before they could proceed to their homes in Queensland and New South Wales, and the society lost no time in making all necessary arrangements to provide the best entertainment possible for our fighters and heroes every one. Mt Eliza Red Cross Society, the “Wattles” Club, and each individual sprang into action and worked unitedly, with one object in view, to give the soldiers a good time while the opportunity lasted. Money, refreshments, and cigarettes poured in from every direction. The day was fine but very cold and the men, who were welcomed by the President and Committee of the Red Cross Society, showed their appreciation of the hot tea, coffee and refreshments which were provided under such pleasant circumstances. The hall had been gaily decorated by a bevy of young people and the Langwarrin Band enlivened the proceedings by playing selections. The

band which accompanied the soldiers also played after refreshments had been partaken of. The return journey was commenced at about 5.15, each heart filled with gratitude and all available pocket space filled with fruit etc. The opportunity was taken to hold a short dance which was thoroughly enjoyed by lovers of the light fantastic, the Langwarrin band providing the music for most of the dancers. Misses Williams and Hartland also assisted. A hearty vote of thanks was moved by Mr Hartland and seconded by Mr Hunt, to the Langwarrin Band for their splendid services during the afternoon and evening. *** WORD was received by Mrs C Bunny on Wednesday morning that her husband, Lance Corporal Bunny, 5th Battalion, has been reported wounded, though it does not state whether seriously or otherwise. Further news will be anxiously looked for. *** FURTHER word has been received by his parents that Private E. F. Reynolds is in Harefield Park Hospital, London, and that his condition is stationary. He is suffering from gunshot wound in the back and an operation will be necessary. *** AN unfortunate accident happened to Mr W. G. Baxter, on Tuesday afternoon, while employed shoeing a young horse at Mr H. Cameron’s smithy. It appears that they had the

animal in the yard, tied up, and it suddenly lunged out and caught Baxter on the leg, causing a bad fracture. The injured man was at once conveyed to the Melbourne Hospital, where he is progressing as well as can be expected under the circumstances. *** THE following letter has been received by Miss Eleanor Chrisp, secretary, Red Cross Society Mt Eliza, from Lieut. J. Green A.A. M.C., Quartermaster, No.5 Aust. Gen. Hospital— “ On behalf of the patients of this hospital I beg to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your donation 3½ cases apples, 2 boxes pastry and cakes. Your kindness is very greatly appreciated and I can assure you that every care will be taken to see that your gift if put to the possible use. *** MR John Grice, of Hawksburn, has just received word that his son, Captain Thomas Gerald Grice, has been killed in France. Captain Grice, who was just 32 years of age, was educated partly at Geelong Grammar School and partly at Clifton College, England. In 1902 be joined the 60th Rifles, but retired from the army in 1908 and settled down at Invernell, NSW, where in 1911 he married Miss Clarice Joyce Hewlett, of Waverley, Sydney. After war broke out he proceeded to England and obtained a commission in the 2nd Scottish Rifles. This is the regiment to which had belonged his

brother, George, who as a lieutenant was killed on Christmas Day, 1901, at Tweefontein, South Africa. *** THE social held by the “Wattles” Club, on Saturday night, was a thorough success. Dancing commenced at 8 o’clock and was heartily indulged in till 11.30, which time, judging from appearances and expressions, came all too soon. However, realising that all good things must come to an end and with the assurance that another social evening would be held shortly, home sweet home was sought, with lingering memories of a most enjoyable evening having been spent. The music, which was supplied gratis, by a party from Melbourne. Miss Strettle, (piano); Mr H. Cook, (violin); and Mr Les. Shugg, (clarinet), was all that could he desired and was appreciated by the Club as well as the dancers. Our popular local entertainer, Master Keith Tait, contributed a song in his usual good style, and Miss Powell sang, “Wonderful Rose of Love” with good effect. A light supper was provided for the artists by a few of the members. The sum to be handed over to the soldiers’ Recreation Hall fund, at Langwarrin will be published next week as all money is not yet in hand. *** FRANKSTON Court of Petty Sessions Monay 19 June, 1916.(Before Messrs C. V. G: Williams, Wl. J. Oates. and C. W. Grant, J’s P.) Stealing Drapery: John Patrick

Casey, a goods guard, employed on the Victorian Railways was charged with feloniously stealing a quantity of drapery from the railways on 28th of last April. Mr Borsum prosecuted on behalf of the Department, and Mr Jones appeared on behalf of the accused. J. Coutes, stationmaster, at Somerville, deposed: “I was on duty on 28th April. Assisted to load 14 tins and 2 hampers of samples on account of Mr Bamfield, traveller for Robert Reid and Co., of Finders Street, Melbourne. They appeared to be intact, and in good condition. Made out a way bill and sent it alone with the goods.” S. V. Waider deposed: “Am a laborer, employed by the Railway Department. Was on duty on the morning of 29th April. Tallied the contents of the truck No. 8651. Tallied out goods on way bill produced. I found 4 tins with the straps cut and brown paper sticking out of the edges of the tins. I reported same at the time, and entered same in discrepancy book. Produced the book showing the discrepancy mentioned.” When asked how he would plead the accused on the advice of his lawyer did not answer and he was committed for trial in Melbourne on the 3rd July next, bail being set at 50 pounds. *** From the pages of the Mornington Standard, 24 June, 1916

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Mornington News 21 June 2016


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