16 May 2017

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Private Donohue has his teeth removed before he heads to the Front Compiled by Cameron McCullough ECHOES from the Front. WHERE ARE THE BOYS WE KNOW ! Private Dick Donohue, in a recent letter, writes :– A few lines to tell you I arrived here safe and sound after nine weeks on the water. It is pretty cold here just now, some of the people told me it is the coldest for 30 years, so that is alright for us. I am at a place called near Salisbury Plain. We are getting four day’s final leave next week. We get it just before we go to the front, so by the time you get this letter I will be well at the front, but I hope it won’t be long before I am back at Frankston again. Jimmy Dent is just near me and a few other local boys. I have a nice mouth tonight, as have had my teeth out. Am also “on guard” and it is my time to go on. It is not very nice leaving a warm fire to go out into the frost, but it can’t be helped. Private Will Hanton writes to Mr C. Woods :– Just a few lines to let you know I am still going strong. Am leaving for my furlough on Friday (14 days) so will have a good look round London. Have been in hospital at Brighton and after furlough I have to go to Warsham. Remember me to all. *** CORRESPONDENCE re “Foreshore Privileges,” Soldiers’ Letters, and other interesting matter are held over unavoidably till our next issue. *** WE regret to report the condition

of Mrs Barnett senr. is causing her friends grave anxiety. *** OWING to unforseen circumstances, the Australian Club dance that was to be held on 24th inst, is postponed till early in June. *** MESSRS Adamson, Strettle and Co. have a good yarding for their sale at Tanti Yards on Monday next, including cattle, sheep and pigs. *** MESSRS Brody and Mason will hold their usual fortnightly sale at Somerville, on Wednesday next, commencing at 2 o’clock sharp. *** IN the 298th casualty list the following names appear:– Pte. A. H. Davies, Mornington, killed ; Corp. J. H. Moir, Langwarrin, missing; Pte. J. Brown, Stony Point, missing and wounded. *** TENDERS will be received up to Monday next by the Defence Department for the supply of meat, vegetables and milk for the month of June at various camps and hospitals as notified by advertisement in another column. *** A CONCERT will be held in the Langwarrin Recreation Hall on Saturday night 26th May, at 8pm in aid of the State School patriotic fund, proceeds to be devoted to the British Red Cross Fund. A first class programme will be provided including items by performers from the Langwarrin Military Camp. *** ANOTHER “ working bee “ is adver-

tised to take place at the Frankston Cemetery on Saturday, 26th inst. The appeal for aid towards improving the cemetery has met with a liberal response and a great improvement is noticeable in the appearance of the ground. Still further work is required, and the committee feel confident that the residents will still continue to render every assistance possible. *** MR C. P. Watson, manager of the Frankston Branch of the State Savings Bank, has received notice that he has been appointed manager of the Sale Branch of that institution. Since coming to Frankston, Mr Watson has taken considerable interest in the advancement of the town, and his services has always been willingly given in the way of promoting entertainments for the benefit of deserving objects. In his business capacity, he was always most kind and obliging, and we feel sure that the promotion has been well deserved. We congratulate him, and our best wishes go with him to his future sphere of labor for his continued success. *** KANANOOK Creek has, even in the memory of the oldest inhabitant, been a source of trouble to Frankston. The trouble has been accentuated by the drainage of Carrum Swamp and the diversion of the greater portion of the head waters into Pattersons River. Much public money has been spent in various ways to improve it but the

results have not been very remarkable hitherto. Last year great hopeswere raised by the appearance of a small suction dredge at the mouth of the creek and a commencement being made to dredge the bed to the depth of six feet. The dredge was withdrawn after a score or two of yards (more or less), up the creek had been excavated, and it was found on enquiry that the dredging was simply experimental. The mouth of Kananook Creek had merely been selected as the most conivenient place at which to ascertain if a dredge could be economically worked by an oil engine. Subsequently Mr. Catani, who has quite recently retired from the office of Engineer-in-chief, for Public Works, and Mr Kermode, Engineerin-charge of Ports and Harbors, visited Frankston and made a thorough inspection. They then submitted certain proposals, and it is to consider these proposals that a public meeting of ratepayers will be held in Frankston on Monday next, as announced in the advertisement in another column. It is to be hoped that every ratepayer having the interests of Frankston at heart will attend the meeting. *** LANCE-CORP. Fred Bray, son of Mr and Mrs E. Bray of Frankston, is to be congratulated on his being awarded a stripe. Lance-Corp. Bray who is not yet out of his “teens” will shortly be leaving for the front, where his future progress will be anxiously watched by a number of interested friends.

*** MR and Mrs C. Tait, of Frankston, celebrated their silver wedding this week. They received most hearty congratulations from their numerous friends, also some valuable presents. We trust our esteemed friends will be spared for many a long year to come and the good luck which has been theirs up to the present, will continue till the end. *** WE regret to have to record that Mrs Plowman, of “The Tofts”, Frankston, met with rather a serious accident on Thursday evening, through being run over by a buggy and pair of horses, just outside the local railway station. Though no bones were broken, she was severely bruised and shaken, and it will be some little time before she will be about again. *** EMPIRE Day will be celebrated at the Frankston State School on Thursday next, when a Jumble Fair will be held in aid of the British Red Cross Society. During the afternoon the school children will give displays of physical drill, graduated exercises, and salute the flag. The Langwarrin Band is expected to be present. Donations in money or kind will be gratefuly received. A meeting of parents and others interested will be held in the schoolroom on Monday evening to make final arrangements. *** From the pages of the Mornington Standard, 19 May 1917

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Mornington News 16 May 2017


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