14 August 2018

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Captain Grice appointed to Order of the British Empire Compiled by Boronica King CAPTAIN Geoffrey Grice, son of Mr James Grice, of Frankston, who was recently awarded the Military Cross, has since been appointed a member of the Order of the British Empire. Captain Grice, who received the distinction for gallantry, is a member of the British Forces. *** MEMBERS of the local branch of the National Federation are reminded of meeting to be held in Mechanics’ on Wednesday evening next. A full attendance is particularly requested. *** MR Robt. Cairns, of Rosebud, topped the market at Dandenong this week for springers with a pen of seven very nice quality cows, which averaged £23 15s each. *** IN our report last week of a meeting of the Honor Avenue committee it was stated that Dr Plowman (the hon treasurer) reported that he had had several promises of donation but no cash. It should have been that he had received a substantial amount in cash and in addition several promises of support. *** NO charge was made by the Peninsula Motor Garage for motoring the artists back to Mornington in connection with Constable Ryan’s send off and the liberality of the directors of the company was much appreciated by the members of the Ryan farewell committee. *** THE general meeting of the Somerville Fruitgrowers’ Association will be held on Monday Aug 11 at 8pm

in the local hall. Business - Agenda paper annual conference, delegates to conference; nomination of officers for ensuing year; and other. *** THE attention of our readers is directed to advertisements in our columns from various district poultry breeders from which it ought not to be difficult for those seeking to be suited with fowls or eggs to make a selection. *** FOR SALE - 3 Yorkshire Sows, in Pig - Mrs F. Gold, Hastings. *** THE anniversary rally of the Christian Endeavour District Union will be held in the Frankston Methodist Church on Monday next. At the afternoon session the speakers will be Revs. F. C. Boundy (Mornington) and E. Tonkin. At the evening sessions addresses will be given by Rev. Dr. C. W, Atkinson M.A (Fitzroy) and Mr T. Hopkins secretary of Victorian Christian Endeavour Union. The public are invited and will receive cordial welcome. *** READERS are reminded of the concert in aid of the local branch of the Red Cross Society, to be given in the Mechanics’ Hall, Frankston, this evening. The cause is a most deserving one, and each ticket sold serves to swell the Red Cross funds which go to provide the little comforts so appreciated by the soldiers. This concert, we understand, is the last of the series promised by the promoters, and may be the last opportunity for locals to hear expert professional artists locally for a long time to come. ***

THE following letter of appreciation was received by Mrs Dalman, who regularly contributes to the Tobacco Fund, from a thankful warrior, Corporal Tom Cockran, who was among the lucky ones “in the field” to get some good “Aussie” smokes: - This is to thank you ever so much for the cigs. we got a couple of days ago, in which your name was on a small card, and all the boys in the 8th Field Engineers send their best wishes to you and all at home. We are always getting some sort of goods from “Aussie” but there is never any address in them, so we can’t thank them. My home is at “Bellow” Wilson Grove, Aspendale, so it is very close to your home. I used to always be at the New Year’s Day Sports at Frankston as I used to be running there. Do you happen to know Mr Mark Williams from your town? He has a lot do with the sports. Again thanking you for the cigs. so will close with all best wishes to all the folk at home. *** FIFTH year of war. “We cannot seek to escape the horrors of war for ourselves by laying them up for our children”, The words quoted were the most noteworthy in Lloyd George’s message to the people of Greater Britain. Only once before since war was declared have the prospects of the Allies seemed bright as they are today. And than all who thought at all seriously, thought that the Russian court was a danger spot. Men held their peace on the subject, or exchanged whispered confidences with intimate friends, they could not voice their thoughts

aloud, for to do so was to belittle an ally and might seek to induce the very evil feared. However, it was clear that a word the government could not be healthy with foreign countries in a fight to the finish. The whole aim of which was to make end of militarism and the despotism, of which it is the support. Today, the United States have taken the place Russia held and the American people have flung themselves heart and soul into the battle for the world’s freedom. It is because the fight may still be long, and because the many are always weak, whilst even the strong have moments of weakness, the words such as those of Lloyd George are to be stressed. Kaiser and the military going or surrounds him realise that the sword has been drawn in for that frightfulness has served only to bring contempt on the Hun, there will be a resort at the low point by the name of department. Now Allies have no quarrel with the German people, such as the German people are the dupe of brutal military clique. The local communities know that the great many of Germans, Austrians and Turks will enjoy far more money, far more comfort, when military control is crushed, than they will enjoy putting pacifists in for stalemate for which would have to should Mr Lloyd George declare for those children and our countires children for the toiling man to own your nicely governed lands, as well as for our own sakes. So make us submit to the painful sacrifice which spirited enemies of the world involves, to hear the change

of taxation and to give as freely as we can to the new War Loans. And whilst doing all that implies to win the war, we have to remember that the end may come suddenly as did the declaration of war; suddenly as did Russia’s declaration. This has to be clear in mind not as an excuse for inaction, for the withholding of men or of money, but as an incentive to more earnest effort to shape our repatriation scheme to prepare for the induction war which must be waged. So far little effort has been put into the repatriation business. Nothing big is being done, nothing big is being attempted. Victoria Mr Bowser did talk as statesman, but he was speedily silenced, and the ordinary peddling methods of State land purchases is being pursued much as though the world were at peace, and it was a matter of settling a few immigrants painfully got together by well paid agents. In this matter responsibility is on the shoulders of the Federal and State Government, and if when the soldiers return in hundreds of thousands there is a glutting of the labor market, if the land is not ready, if technical schools are not adequately staffed, those Governments will be swept away. Thus profound patriotism and deep rooted mistrust of all extremists of the Labor party allies should lead all Nationalists to insist that Ministers shall act in this fifth year of the war as though certain that it will be the last. *** From the pages of the Mornington Standard, 17 August 1918

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Mornington News

14 August 2018

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