Academy News - May 26, 1972

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May 2": . 1972


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------Speaking of Sports ... - - ;

Who will be MVP

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(I am writing thi s artlcle before the voting fo r the Most Va lu able Player in any o f the sp ring spo rts.) Thi s ha s been t h e best year f o r varsi t y s port s in this sch ool' s hi s tory. The sc hool ha s been b l essed. with many fine athle t es j many of w h om are leaving this year . Some examp les are: Frank Jone s , Bob MontgolTlery , John Ke ane , Joe Keane , Fred Manos , and Bill Walk. The se athl e t es a r e excellent exampl es of what I h ave tried to express a ll year; the team it se lf is important , b ut i ndividual s lTIake up the tealTl . It will be easy to make "guesses" at sOlTle of the s pring sports, due t o the obviously s t and - out per formance s i n the spor t s. The two s ports are tenni s and golf. In tenn i s , I alTl picking Don Widde r. Do n ha s once ag ain s h own MPA spectato r s ( ? ) t ennis at its best. The salTle appli es to TilTl Troy , my pick fo r MVP of the golf team . The Most Va l uabl e Pl aye r ofthe track team though i s a h ard c h oice t o lTIake because 11m on the track team andI know h ow hard each performer ha s work ed. On the other hand , I know whi c h player had the most desire;an important quality for any MVP. My pick is Bob Carpenter . Even though he is a junior and though K evin Reilly runs a c lose second as a senior , Bobhas scored t h e mos t points and I feel he

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was t h e lTIos t valuable . Now the harde s t task o f a ll ; picking t he Most Valuable Player o n the baseball team. My choicels a se ni o r . That i a a hard enough task b ecause of the h igh quality o f t h e u nde r classmen on the team. Bob M o ntgome ry, J oe Keane, F r ank Jones, Fred Manos , Jay Corabi. a nd Bill Goe s have all ex hibited fine hitting. pitching. and fie l ding respectivel~ I fee l that in h igh schoo l ba seball, where a pitcher i s 85 % of the galTle . My c h oice . t h erefore , is J oe Keane . In my o pinion . Joe ha s a serious atti tude towards the game and a strong arm to compliment his attitude. T h e re is no rea son why Frank , Bob , Fred. Jay . or B111 s hould not receive the award, but I feel Joe h as been the Mo s t Va l uabl e on thE:' team . In some spo rt s, c h oos ing MVP i s easy andin other s , we ll. not so eas y. Next year , MPAteams wIll have a har der time winning the way they hav e this year . But the t alent is going to be there, with many player s . hoping for MVP. For my fin al pr edi ction, I will s t re t ch my vocal chords way out a nd say the MPA' s toughe s t com . petition is in football , ba s ketball and baseball wiU be North Shore . K eep it in mind.

Girl Warriors Honored The G i r 1 s ' Sports Banquet, h e ld on May 11, was the final highlight of the' gir l s ' 1971-72 se ason. The banquet , hel d in Alumni Hall, was followed by an Awards Presentation in the Be verly Art Center. T he progr am began with a we lcome by Kaarina Salovaara, foll owed by movies of fie l d hockey games c ourte s y of Mr . Walter Montgome ry . Mi ss Summerlin and M r s . Saathoff then presented award s to the 7th and 8th grade , Frosh - So ph and Varsity Cheer leader s. The member s o£the field hoc key team we r e then called up to receive their award s . The Most Valuabl e P l ayer Award went to F ranci e K lu::k, the t eam I s goali e . The Junior Vars ity and unde feated Var s ity basketball team s

were then introduc e d . The var sity MVP a ward went to Bet s y Hartmann and the Juni o r Varsity MVP to Kim Ganzer . Mrs. Saa thoff introduced the members of the J. V. and Var s ity Volle yb all team s , with MVP awards going toPatJone s (J . V.) and Janet McConnell (V arsity). The 19 721973 c heerl eader s we r e pre sented by the co a che s , f o llowed by a raffle given by the GAA. The. final award wa s the Out s t andi ng Senior Gir l Awa rd , wihch i s pre s erted by the coaches to the sen io r girl who h a d s h own the great es t alTlount of l eade rs hip, s pirit. c h aracte r , an dfal.h· fulness in attending p ractises . This award woot to Fran::ie Kl uck. (V a r 5 i t Y cheerleading , fi e 1 d hockey , volleyball and b as k e t ball) .

Next Track MVP See Speak ing o f Sports [or details.

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