The Student Snapshot - Edition 4

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Student Snapshot The




As we come to the end of this term, there is a lot to look back on. We’re currently navigating through a time that will probably be remembered as one of great adversity and reform in future history books. In this edition, we decided to pay special tribute to the unique circumstances that were present for the first eight weeks of this term, with articles discussing how everyone, from ordinary students, to pets, to singers, have all been impacted by COVID-19. While the Black Lives Matter discussion is one erupting all over the world, we urge you to educate yourself on not only racial injustices in America, but also in our own country. Australia is definitely not innocent when it comes to our history of racial inequality, and it’s important that we’re active listeners and learners in these times. If you want to have your story told, please consider joining the Student Snapshot. All are welcome to join our wonderful team of writers, artists and designers!

JOIN THE TEAM Want to be a part of the team as a writer, photographer, artist, designer or editor? We are always looking for new recruits with a variety of ideas and new persepctives to help expand our future editions. The aim of our magazine, after all, is to provide students with a voice and influence. If you would like to be heard by the school community, you can join by emailing Jack Crowe ( au) or by joining the Google Classroom with the code: ul5fawn

DESIGN Front and Back Cover Artwork: Alisa Kvashko Magazine Design: Jack Crowe, Aaliyah Zaph and Emma Schultz Page Artwork: Scarlet Broad



CONTENTS 3. Pets of Quarantine..............................................................Collaborative 10. Mental Health Flyer..........................................................Wellbeing 11. The Normalisation of Mental Illness...............................Charlotte Zaph 15. Artwork.............................................................................Janeya Tran 17. Synesthesia......................................................................Jack Crowe 21. Well Shells Don’t Go There.............................................Jade Goodman 23. Anti-Vaccination..............................................................William Lhuede O’meara 25. Chocolate Cake Recipe....................................................Kate Schultz 28. Artwork............................................................................Scarlet Broad 29. How to Draw a Hand.......................................................Scarlet Broad 30. The Isolation Archives....................................................Collaborative 33. Marble Cake Recipe.......................................................Kate Schultz 37. Stella Donnelly Album Review.......................................Aaliyah Zaph 41. From My Window............................................................Lilly Fruitman

37. 41. 25. 3. 15.

11. 2

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This term’s been tough - new waves of Coronavirus anxiety, the challenges of online schooling, the unnaturality of staying home… Even as we begin to adjust back to routine, there’s still this overarching uncertainty plaguing our return to normal - whether that’s at work, school or even in other commitments. The only good thing about this situation is that everyone’s in the same boat: we’re all just trying to navigate through these uncertain times, with the help of our furry friends. And we’re actually lucky to be in Australia right now - while other countries have devastating death tolls and strict isolation laws, we’re already easing back into routines and are yet to face major outbreaks.

My cousins in New Zealand aren’t even allowed to take their dog on proper walks, only up and down the driveway, which is a little sad. In light of these emotional times, however, the Student Snapshot team thought it’d be fun to share our pets with you! After all, who doesn’t love cute doggos and other (not so) furry friends? We hope you and your pets are getting lots of fresh air and staying safe during this “ruff” time!

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Custard 5


















Simba 7



Marshmallow Swim Captain

Missy, Sherlock, Watson & Hutch

Relay Team

Ethal ADVANCE Award

Amber 100m Champion

Maeve Trampolinist


Cookie & Daisy Co-Presidents

Loki Member

Kola Member



Piper & Roscoe be highschool sweethearts

Mouse chew up their homework

Manu snooze during class

Percy become a model

Stella-Nutella break dress code

Mr Green become a hippie


Zeppelin get the lead in the production

Leo get the best grad photo

be a social media influencer



The wellbeing team offers a wide resource of supports at Mordialloc which include counselling and referral services. We also offer a safe space when life becomes overwhelming. Our door is open to all students! Get to know the team by paying a visit to the wellbeing office in the Hub!

If you or someone you know is in crisis and needs help now, call Lifeline on 13 11 14. If someone is in immediate danger call Triple Zero (000). If you are having suicidal thoughts, or are worried about someone you know, there is help available:

Mrs Douglas - Director of Wellbeing and Counselling Services Jo Emery - Social Worker/ Mental Health Practitioner Carly Schrieber - School Nurse/Sexual Health Katrina Haywood - Youth Worker Linda Walsh - School Chaplain

Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800 Anytime. Any Reason. 24 hours Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636 Support. Advice. Action




The topic of mental illness is not one that is hidden in our generation. All over social media, and even in everyday conversation, this topic has a habit of making an appearance. At first, I was confused with the amount of nonchalance and ease people had in bringing up these issues. Then I saw this phrase: ‘Mental illnesses are being used as adjectives.’ This changed my perspective. I could suddenly see how instead of saying sad, they said depressed. Instead of saying they were scared, they said they had anxiety.

By using mental illnesses as adjectives we are destroying any ability to identify them. Depression is more than being sad, anxiety is more than being scared, OCD is more than being organised. 45% of mental illnesses go undiagnosed, simply because we have now confused the symptoms. We have the ability to help more people. We have the ability to help others identify the real symptoms. We have the ability to live in a world where the seriousness of these issues are normalised; not just the names of them. Because if we can do this, we can all feel included in this world. To put it bluntly, Generation Z is struggling. As the loneliest generation, only 45% of us have said that we believe that our mental health is excellent or very good. We shouldn’t be accepting this. We can’t afford to be accepting this. The world we live in is a place where one in three girls suffer from anxiety and depression. With time, these numbers are only going to get higher. And we can’t afford that. We can’t be risking more lives because we aren’t taking the initiative to raise awareness. Mental illnesses aren’t something you can control, but you can help others to get professional assistance. Our generation has the ability to change the world. Information is at our fingertips and we can utilise this to make a difference. And some of us already have; look at Malala, and Greta Thunberg. These two young girls are living proof that we are able to make a change. However, the looming reluctance to recognise mental illnesses is preventing any advancements. It doesn’t have to. The concept of changing our perspective on this is massive but we can save the world. We have the opportunity to live as a community where we all feel safe, we all feel worthy, and we all feel included. This isn’t our world right now; but it can be.


“While we are laughing at our jokes about the cause, these people’s mental health is silently crying out for help.” Mental illnesses are more than the punchline to a joke. 38.4% of deaths of people from ages 15 - 24 years old is from suicide as a result of a mental illness. This is horrifying; this issue is taking people’s lives too soon and we have to help them. In 2018, 3,046 deaths were from suicide and its estimated that for every death this way, at least 20 more attempts had been made. We can’t be accepting this, especially not revolting jokes about this. These two examples are just a small portion of the sick jokes we encounter every day, on apps like instagram, tiktok, and twitter. Both have captions that relate to suicide, an issue that can be triggering or sensitive to too many people. Not only is it shocking that these creators had the audacity to post about this, but they also use hashtags with words like ‘funny’ and ‘comedy’. This issue is in no way funny. Along with the horror of the actual post, at least one million people have seen these videos each, and liked it. While we are laughing at our jokes about the cause, these people’s mental health is silently crying out for help. And sometimes we are too late; but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try. We were doing so well. The normalisation of mental illnesses was achieved; in fact Generation Z is 11% more likely than Millenials to admit having received professional help for mental illnesses. This is positive and progressive. This proves that we were once at a stage where the seriousness was a norm. Yet, we have now progressed too far. Mental illnesses are now normalised to the point that we are using them in the place of adjectives. We still have time to fix this but we have to start acting now. The only way we are going to achieve the normalisation of how serious this issue is through one simple step. Educate others. Mental illnesses are more than adjectives. Mental illnesses are more than the punchline to a joke. These jokes are what is preventing us from growing as a community, as a society, as a world. We can make a change, and it starts with you.


educate others



ARTWORK BY // Jeneya Tran



A Mind Full of Colour



Euphoric Collection Photography Jack Crowe WRITTEN BY // JACK CROWE Remember that visually mesmerising scene in Ratatouille where Remi takes a bite of the cheese and strawberries while a soothing array of colours swirl around him? If you find something oddly satisfying about those few shots, it might be possible that you have synesthesia. To put it in simple terms, synesthesia is when a person’s senses are blended amongst each other. This includes sight, sound, taste, smell and thoughts/feelings, and according to scientific studies, only 2 to 4 percent of the population has it. The most commonly recognised type of synesthesia is when people associate items such as numbers, days or feelings with different colours. For me, 1 is red, whereas 2 is yellow and 3 is orange. Sometimes they have some logical explanation behind it, but sometimes they don’t – it’s just how you feel. There are varying degrees of it too. Personally, I couldn’t randomly tell you what colour 1253 would be, but if you played a few of my favourite songs, not only could I tell you what colours I associate them with, but also the location or the object it reminds me of. For some, this is utter nonsense and gibberish. Growing up, I started to think that some of the things I said to my parents were nonsensical and potentially delusional. It wasn’t until a few years ago where I discovered that this peculiar sensation had a name. Until a few weeks ago, I also learned that it was genetic – and that my brother has it too. While it has made it fun to compare our secret language of colour associations, I thought I’d share more information about synesthesia so that others could recognise what it feels like (or for that matter, what it sounds, tastes, looks like) and whether they have it. Without further ado, here are some common types of synesthesia.


“the calender

Mirror-touch: What if you could literally feel other people’s sensations? Mirror touch synesthesia is the ability to physically feel the same things as you see. For instance, if you observe your friend scratching their chin, you would feel it too. Quite extraordinary, isn’t it? Only 1.6 percent of synesthetes experience this, so for that small percentage, I wouldn’t recommend watching the Saw franchise… Spatial-temporal: Translating to space and time, I find this to be one of the hardest forms to understand. This is the envisioning of time as shapes and patterns. Writer

Emma Yeomans describes it as being centred in the infamous Mario Kart track, Rainbow Road, where the road swirls in a frustratingly-complex and almost incomprehensible pattern. She imagines herself in an enclosed box that marks the present whereas other numerous similar boxes surround her - “the closer a date is to me, the larger it appears, so next week is bigger than next year”. Synesthetes like this are quite literally surrounded by time itself.

Chromesthesia: Undoubtedly, chromesthesia is my favourite type. This is the connection between sound and colour, and as a musician myself, I am so grateful that I have this sensation. Every song I listen to and enjoy is not only sonically beautiful, but equally visual. One of my favourite soundtracks, Euphoria by Labrinth, is the most visually stimulating project I have ever listened to. It captivates a strong collection of blues, crimson and mostly purple, exhibiting a dark and neon aesthetic that makes me feel as if I’m floating. Some musicians and other artists employ this in their creative process. Some common artists you may know that have chromesthesia are Billy Joel, Lorde and Pharrell Williams. No wonder they make such well-known and widely-appreciated music. My ‘favourite coloured’ songs to listen to are red, black and purple, as they emit the strongest emotions. For those that are curious as to what some colours ‘sound’ like, here are some popular songs that I see as green. Why are they green? Again, I don’t really have an explanation for that question.


Grapheme-colour: This is one of the most common forms of synesthesia people have, which is the association of colours with numbers or letters of the alphabet. There have been numerous studies investigating why this occurs, and some suggest children adopt this as a learning strategy to assist with memorisation. It takes a lot of thinking to understand where my own associations come from, though I think it’s because I create default personalities for each symbol which work in conjunction with a specific colour. 3 and 7 are strictly orange colours, which also have the same personality. When I think of them, I think of a person that is very socially-aware and friendly. Why? That’s just the way I imagine it. In addition to this, there is personification synaesthesia, which is the association of personalities to particular concepts, such as the months of the year. This is what fundamentally drives the colours of my imagination.

year is li a ferris w ke heel, with January at the top”

1. Pure Imagination – Gene Wilder 2. Big Jet Plane – Angus and Julia Stone 3. Pumped Up Kicks – Foster The People 4. Dance Monkey – Tones and I 5. Fireflies – Owl City



t ’ n o d shells go there! PHOTOGRAPHY BY // JADE GOODMAN

These images picture a shell in a variety of places where shells would not typically be found, such as a bridge, on a bench or resting atop grass. The shell symbolises things that shouldn’t exist in today’s society and should also not be found in places like a bridge, on a bench or in grass.



anti vaccination





Simply put, the anti-vaccination movement is the definition of cretinous behavious. The common rhetoric that is spurted by anti-vaxxers is that vaccines induce autism and cause serious health problems for humans and especially children. Now, in case you’re wondering whether this is true or not, let me be the first to tell you: there is no scientific evidence and no scientific study that has found any link to autism or serious medical issues due to vaccines. In fact, the anti-vaxxers themselves funded a study that proved them wrong, indicating that there is, in reality, no link between vaccines and autism. The formation of this belief can be boiled down to ignorance, and the misinformation of the internet.

While many view the current world as the age of information (due to the availability and accessibility of technology, as well as the internet), we are actually in what is closer to an age of ‘misinformation’. We are living in a world which is more socially, technologically and biologically evolved than ever before, but the ability of anyone and everyone to post whatever they please on the internet has caused conspiracy theories to form on a whole new level. For example, the idea of a flat earth was eradicated over a thousand years ago, yet our new age has brought about a wave of ‘flat-earthers’ who choose to place their belief, not in science, but in the horizon and a guy called Jim who came up with 200 reasons why the earth is not a spinning ball. Similar to flat-earthers, the supporters of the anti-vaccination movement do not believe in scientific evidence, fact or theory: they believe in the fellow human beings that, with no evidence, scientific or medical background, have come to the conclusion that vaccines cause autism and serious medical complications and diseases.

While many ridicule the antivaccination movement, it is quickly becoming a serious global health crisis. In 2000, the USA declared themselves clear of measles, as did the United Kingdom, and most of mainland Europe three years later in 2003. However, within the past three years Europe has seen over 80,000 measles cases, and the USA has seen thousands of their own - all in the same time span that antivaccination has gone from a joke to a major movement. The question of correlation is simple: anti-vaccination causes sickness and death. You see, in 1900 Australia had a life expectancy of just above 49, with vaccination having been already invented but not yet widely used or even developed for the common illnesses of 1900. Communicable diseases such as pneumonia, influenza, tuberculosis, diphtheria, smallpox, pertussis, measles, and typhoid fever were the leading causes of death. Nowadays, the life expectancy of an Australian is 83.5 years old, 100 years since the eradication of typhoid, smallpox, measles, pneumonia and influenza due to vaccines we have seen a great rise in life expectancy, yet the

anti-vaccine movement has caused a resurgence in pretty much every single of the diseases that were once fully controlled in Australia. The COVID-19 virus is obviously having a major effect on not only Australia, but also the rest of the world. With over 4 million cases and almost 300 thousand deaths, the virus is significantly impacting the way we live our lives: self-isolation, quarantine, social distancing, economic and social would think that the possibility of vaccines would be a life saver—a way to escape the devastating impacts of this virus – which it will be, as a vaccination will serve to protect from future outbreaks, to allow people to return to work and school, see their friends and adjust back into comfortable routine. However, there are those in the anti-vaccination movement whose medical opinion will open up the possibility of another outbreak. The anti-vaccination movement is not just a ridiculous opinion from the online community: it is a dangerous and false opinion that is getting people killed and has the potential to kill many more.






INGREDIENTS 1x M&M Small packet 2x KitKat mini bags 1x Chocolate cake mix 125g of butter (Buttercream icing) 1 cup of icing sugar ¼ cup of cocoa ¼ cup of milk 60g of butter (Chocolate Cake) 2 eggs 1 cup of milk (Chocolate Cake) Ribbon (optional)



METHOD To make chocolate cake: 1.

Preheat the oven to 160 conventional or 140 fanForced.

2. Place the cake mix, soft butter, eggs and milk into a medium mixing bowl. 3. Using an electric mixer beat on low speed for 30 seconds to combine. Increase speed to medium and mix for 2 minutes, scraping down the sides of the bowl occasionally. 4. Grease two small cake pans about 6cm high, with butter and then full the cake pans each to half way. 5. Bake them in the oven for 10 minutes and then check up on them. Bake for another 10 minutes and check up on them again. Bake for another 10minutes and decide if they are ready or not. 6. When they are ready, take them out the oven and let them cool in the cake pans for 10 minutes. 7. After the 10 minutes are up, turn them onto a wire and let them cool for another 10minutes. 8. While you’re waiting, break the kit kats so they are all separate. And place them in a bowl ready to go. (Make sure not to eat them!)


Make buttercream icing:


When you are cooling the cake for the last 10 minutes start making the buttercream icing. Melt the butter in the microwave for 10 seconds. Place the butter in a medium sized bowl along with the icing sugar, Cocoa and milk. Use an electric whisk and beat until fluffy. Adding the cakes on top of each other and decorating:


Place one cake down on a chopping board. Add a thin layer of your icing on the top of that cake and neatly place the other cake on top. Let it sit for 5minutes. After 5 minutes, Start placing a little bit of icing on the side of the cake (5cm long) and add your kitkats shortly afterwards so the icing doesn’t become dry. Repeat this until all the spaces on the side are full with Kit Kat’s . Let it sit for 5minutes so that the kitkats become more stable. Then add icing on the top of your cake, As much as you think would be nice. Then pour your m&m’s on top, It may be handy to sprinkle it so it doesn’t become only in one spot due to the icing to keep it there solidly. When you have done that you now can add your optional ribbon so that it wraps around your cake.



w a r d o t w o H d n a h a ARTWORK BY // SCARLET BROAD

1. Start by drawing a trapezium-like shape.

2. Add lines for the fingers. 3. Add the thumb.

4. Distinguish the fingers.

5. Rub out the lines and colour in the hand.




JACK CROWE // Quarantining with your family has its hardships

n o i t a l o s i n i n e e b e v ’ e W I d n a , w o n f or weeks d e v e i h c a t ’ n e v a h e n o r o f mu ch...

Quarantine has taken its toll on all of us. When my parents said that they were going to work from home, my brother and I had to act excited and supportive – but between you and me, it wasn’t as exciting as we made it out to be. I love them, don’t get me wrong. However, living in the same house presses people enough. Living with each other and having to interact 24/7 without escape is prone to drive us to insanity. It’s all the little things; the clothes on the floor, the person that walks dirt inside after I have vacuumed, the Google speaker that won’t recognise my Spotify playlist upon request. Then, once you’ve finally gotten the speaker to work, someone bullies your taste in music. It’s the bottle that keeps filling until you’ve compressed every piece of anger inside of it. There are the cherishable moments like the outdoor campfire we had to replace our Australiaday holiday but is it enough to distract us from the overwhelming reality that we are imprisoned with each other’s company? On top of everything, I’m in the midst of an identity crisis. Not only am I missing all my friends, but regular people. I used to be an INTROVERT for crying out loud. Every morning I look in the mirror and I become slightly less recognisable. Is it the fact I haven’t shaved in a week? Is it the bags underneath my eyes because – little do my parents know – I’ve been staying up until 3am watching Tik Toks? Do I maybe look a little bit chubbier because I made a dessert that no one could finish so I had to eat theirs too? Okay, maybe I chose to write this just to poke some comedic jibes at my family, but in reality, self-isolation is bringing us a little closer. We treat ourselves to gourmet school-lunches, we indulge in family movie nights, aggressively debate the rules of Phase 10 and desperately grasp to our sense of stability. Everyone is certainly becoming more honest. I don’t know if this is for the best, because the family commentary on last night’s soup was ‘oh, this actually tastes okay’, but at the end of the day, we can celebrate the sudden change we’ve had to adapt to which I think has alleviated the stress of family-isolation. Yes, there may have been a few fights regarding who is on dishes duty, or who is in charge of the TV remote, however, I’m happy to have some me-time (where I can salvage it) and bond with those I have around me. After all, what else am I gonna do?


Du tim nut and

uring quarantine, most of u s spend our days wasting me in front of a screen, dis turbing our bodies’ trition and sleep cycles with kilograms of junk food d basically a non-existent amount of sleep. GEORGE GORBATCHEV // Keeping life balanced

AALIYAH ZAPH // The pressure of all this free time

From the mid-day sleep-ins, the late-night binging of shows all the way to ordering uber eats basically by the hour, quarantine looked to be something to experience once in a lifetime, however, this really isn't the best option for us young people.

When the idea of isolation first rolled around, I was determined to stay positive. Maybe a little too positive. ‘I’ll learn new skills,’ I said. ‘I’ll have so much time to work on myself.’ These aspirations (as you can guess) were short-lived, as time went on and my motivation dithered.

Sure, we can talk about the fact that you can spend hours upon end relaxing on the couch getting the highest scores on our favourite video games or munching through kilograms of snacks on an everyday basis. Quarantine for most of us is fun, sometimes stressful and inconvenient, but mostly fun, it allows us to focus on ourselves, unrestricted by the shackles of school and work..well, mostly. However, if I put that sentence in a different perspective, the real picture comes to light... During quarantine, most of us spend our days wasting time in front of a screen, disturbing our bodies’ nutrition and sleep cycles with kilograms of junk food and basically a non-existent amount of sleep. But that's the majority, some of us including me, have taken advantage of this public fear of going outside, not making it an excuse to not work on our emotional and physical bodies. 10 kilometre runs and walks daily? Check. 2 hours exercise every second day? Check. Some sort of relaxation, be it Headspace or something else? Check. We haven't used this time as an excuse, but a tool, an advantage over most of those slacking, to walk out in thundering rain in order to disappear in our thoughts for a while, think about the new friend you want to talk to, however, can't because they check their inboxes once a week (you know who you are), and generally flip our daily routines into something extraordinary...etc. In reality, all of us should be doing this.

We’ve been in isolation for weeks now, and I for one haven’t achieved much. Excessive time on my hands, no after school commitments… and still zero productivity. I guess I’m being harsh on myself. I learnt how to cook (one meal that uses jar sauce). I learnt how to crossstitch (had about five mental breakdowns over my terrible pattern-following skills). I started going for runs, taught myself to make vanilla slices, learnt the entire ‘Say So’ TikTok dance with my sisters. I highlighted my psychology notes in fun colours. I finally figured out how to use my CAS for stats. I wrote this article. I think it’s easy to look at all of this as a waste of time. The hours I’ve spent scrolling when I could’ve been actually doing something productive. I think there’s this looming pressure to come out of isolation as a new person with an abundance of skills, a whole new talent set. And while, yeah, new skills and hobbies would be nice, this pressure is so dumb and unneeded. We are literally going through an international crisis! There’s so much uncertainty and anxiety and stress about school, work, our mental and physical health. I think we all just need to take a deep breath and give ourselves a break.

I'm not saying I'm a perfect example of how to deal with quarantine, of course, I've enjoyed a few hours in front of the TV and consumed “some” snacks, but that hasn't stopped me from going outside, exercising and keeping a keen eye on not just school, but also the outside world. I desperately encourage you to do the same, experience this situation as a positive. Just remember, wash your hands frequently, and if you are going outside, keep your distance fellas!




INGREDIENTS 1x Vanilla cake mix 1x Chocolate cake mix 1x Packet of flakes 460ml Milk 220g of Butter 4 eggs


Preheat the oven to 160 degrees conventional or 140 degrees fan forced.

Make vanilla cake batter (this recipe is from white wings). Place cake mix, eggs milk and soft butter into a medium mixing bowl. Using an electric mixer, beat on a low speed for 30 seconds to combine. Increase to medium and mix for 3 minutes, scraping down the sides of the bowl occasionally.

Make chocolate cake batter (this recipe is from white wings). Place the cake mix, soft butter or margarine, eggs and milk into a medium mixing bowl. Using an electric mixer, beat on low speed for 30 seconds to combine. Increase speed to medium and mix for 2 minutes, scraping down sides of bowl occasionally. Pour mixture into the prepared pan.

Grease 3 small cake pans.

Add in batter: Gradually add in tablespoons of each cake mix in 3 of the small cake cake pans. If you have bigger cake pans we recommend you add in a quarter of the amount so that it doesn’t rise as high and you have smaller cakes like the picture! Then using a thin wooden stick marble your cake by simply drawing lines through it. It’s kind of like a snake.

Baking. Bake your cakes for 35-45 minutes or until a skewer is inserted into the centre comes out clean.


Icing (both from white wings- you get it with the box). (Only do this when your cakes are cooling. You don’t want to put icing on hot cakes.) Place vanilla frosting mix, soft butter and milk into a small mixing bowl. Beat on a low speed for 30 seconds to combine. Increase speed to high and mix for 3 minutes scraping down the side of the bowl occasionally. Now make the chocolate icing. Place chocolate frosting mix, soft butter and milk into a small mixing bowl. Beat on a low speed for 30 seconds to combine. Increase speed to high and mix for 3 minutes scraping down the side of the bowl occasionally.

Stacking the cake. Put one layer of cake on a surface you want your finished cake on at the end. Put some of your vanilla icing on top of that layer then put on the next cake layer. Do this until you use up your cake layers. Then optionally you can add some vanilla icing on the top of your cake.

Decorating the cake. Using your chocolate frosting, cover up the whole entire cake with a thin layer of chocolate frosting. Then if you chose to leave the top blank you can simply add chocolate icing there. If not, you can choose to gradually add in your chocolate icing for a pretty blend. Or just add it on top. Now generously sprinkle flakes across the top!

Now you get to eat the cake!


e l b r a M e k a C e p i c Re




“A song is just a song, but at the very least I hope it will open up difficult yet important conversations between family members, friends... and most importantly, boys and men.”


stella playing in hamburg Stella Donnelly is so much more than just your average Aussie songstress. Behind her sweet, delicate high notes and unfamiliar yet alluring accent, lie intricately woven discussions of abuse and questions that challenge the morality of a society plagued with racism and rape culture, these lyrics leaving a sharp, bitter aftertaste. I’ll be honest: the first time I listened to Stella, I wasn’t completely in awe. The warmth in the repetitive guitar tune, strumming behind her slow, yet forceful vocals in ‘Beware of the Dogs’ was enough to get an add to my playlist, but nothing more. That was until I took the time to listen to the rest of the album.

of me old man, or are you scared of what I’ll do?’ becomes a confident jeer, presenting the courage and bravery of victims speaking out. ‘Boys Will Be Boys,’ a 2017 track debuted later in the album, is a much slower, simpler challenge of victim-blaming and the lack of repercussions for sexual violence perpetrators. With only gentle guitar plucks supporting her haunting vocals, this song actually inspired her fiery start to the album ‘Old Man.’ “A song is just a song,” Stella captioned the music video. “But at the very least I hope it will open up difficult yet important conversations between family members, friends, government bodies, organisations and most importantly, boys and men.”

‘Old Man’ opens the collection: an unflinchingly powerful, satirical song with somewhat comedic undertones, promoting the dismantlement of the patriarchy and calling out abusive men in positions of power. Laced with venomous, threatening promises, Stella’s pleasant, jovial delivery of the lyrics creates this juxtaposition, reminiscent of the pleasant, non-confrontational ways women are expected to have as they navigate their way through a world reeking of rape culture. There’s a sort of guileful, scheming essence on the underbelly of this light, airy song - Stella’s supposedly innocent question ‘are you scared


Then comes ‘Mosquito’ - in which Stella revels in the vulnerability intimacy poses, somehow making grotesque, disturbing metaphors (‘A malaria mosquito/buzzing in the shadow’) easy to belt out comfortably. Her authentic, barely noticeable voice cracks emphasise this craving she wanted to express, with Stella noting ‘this is the closest I got to expressing to someone how much I cared for them.’ ‘Allergies’ is a beautifully raw piece; the lack of editing in terms of her sniffles and shaky, snotty voice sets the mood of this breakup melody. Despite predominantly using her platform to address the culture of rape and sexism that oppress her, the songstress also recognises her privilege as a white Australian, criticising the

racist undertones of this strong, nationalistic pride in the song ‘Beware of the Dogs.’ In this piece, she mocks the untrustworthy, scheming nature of politicians, comparing them to ‘painted little gnomes/smiling in a line/tryna get your vote,’ implying there is this underlying playfulness to the way in which politicians go playing the good guy to the public, all for the sake of positive media attention, and tracking how this appearance shifts as they gain a following. She further enforces this portrayal of the government as incompetent, naive and dumb through the metaphor ‘there’s an architect setting fire to her house/all the plans were there but they built it inside out,’ hinting towards this deliberate defiance against facts and evidence, making the government’s ignorance seem calculated and purposeful.


‘are you scared of me old man?’ O L D

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When asked about the inspiration behind the song, Stella said “we’ve taken on this white nationalist culture. And that shines through in our Government and our media.” And what makes Stella so special is how local she is. Originally from Wales, Stella relocated to Perth, Western Australia with her family as a child. After high school, she attended Western Australia Academy of Performing Arts, where she studied jazz and contemporary music. And although she’s performed all over the world, the songstress still remains loyal to Australia. To us.


Purchased tickets ages ago and seeking refunds? Hold onto them for the rescheduled dates. By not getting your money back ASAP, you’re doing a huge favour to the industr y and keeping funds where they need it most. If ever yone ditches their tickets, the artists are forced to restart their marketing campaigns for rescheduled dates, which is just more precious money being wasted. Keep streaming music by these artists. This is such a simple, yet minimalistic and effective way to help out without excessive time and money going down the drain. Plus, you might even discover your new favourite artist.

Buy merchandise from your favourite local acts. Stuck at home, mindlessly watching episode after episode, no dates on your calendar, nothing to look forward… online shopping, to an extent, can But singers like Stella are losing jobs, income and passion in light of the global pandemic. With (momentarily) fill that gaping hole of boredom in your heart. If you were browsing months ago, now is the tours being cancelled, refunds being instated, no venues to sell merch at …. These artists have time to make a purchase! no reliable income. Show support to artists. Join music live And to support them, we don’t have to do drastic streams. Be an active follower. Even shoot them a things like money donations. I know most of us DM. You have nothing to lose. are just broke students, and this is just another money-draining thing to add to our plates. However, with so much time sat at home on our hands, these ways to help might sound a little more appealing.


from my window. PHOTOGRAPHY BY // Lilly Fruitman

Since being under lockdown, everything has been pretty quiet. No cars, a few people, the occasional whistle from the empty train. In this week alone I have been watching tumble weeds roll by, not doing anything. But by not doing anything, you are in fact doing something. These photos show what the sky looks like every night. Being an introvert and also a bit of a vampire, I have always kept my blinds closed. I’d know if there was a sunset because the brick wall in my back yard would light up. But I decided recently to actually see for myself what my brother always saw when he was riding his bike home from uni, what my mum always saw when she drove home from work and what my dad saw during his walks. We are really lucky to have Van Gogh painting sunsets for us every night because in times like this, it helps us realise what we miss out on and that we should appreciate what little we have if anything. I wish I could capture all the other amazing things I’ve seen from my window. But maybe these could help others through isolation. In the next paper, why doesn’t someone else show some photos of where they are for it could make all the difference to someone’s life – I, myself, would like to see what else I’ve been missing.





“We are really lucky to have Van Gogh painting sunsets for us every night.�


“It helps us realise what we miss out on and that we should appreciate what little we have if anything.�


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