Adeptus Astartes

Page 1

ADEPTUS ASTARTES Astartes Creation • Advances • Chapter Rules • Skills and Talents • Game Rules • Equipment • Vehicles • Psychology and Tips • Notable NPCs

T a b l e of o f Contents C o n te n ts Table Credits....................................................................... 3 Disclaimer.............................................................. 3 Introduction..................................................... 4 I: Astartes Creation..................................... 5 What Are Space Marines?................................ 5 Space Marine Character Creation......... 6 Implants...................................................................... 7 II: Advances............................................................. 8 Neophyte Advances................................................... 9 Scout Advances....................................................... 10 Brother Scout Advances....................................... 10 Marine Advances..................................................... 11 Brother Marine Advances..................................... 11 Assault Marine Advances....................................... 12 Assault Veteran Advances..................................... 12 Assault Sergeant Advances. .................................. 13 Tactical Marine Advances. ................................... 13 Tactical Veteran Advances................................... 14 Tactical Sergeant Advances................................. 14 Devastator Marine Advances................................ 15 Devastator Veteran Advances.............................. 15 Devastator Sergeant Advances............................. 16 Medicae Initiate Advances..................................... 16 Medicae Internist Advances.................................. 17 Field Medicae Advances......................................... 17 Chaplain ................................................................ 18 Chaplain-Novite Advances. ................................... 18 Chaplain-Priest Advances...................................... 19 Chaplain-Confessor Advances.............................. 19 Chaplain-Exorcist Advances................................. 20 Reclusiarch Advances. ........................................... 20 Librarian ............................................................... 21 Librarium Sanctionite Advances .......................... 21 Librarium Neonate Advances................................. 22 Librarium Militant Advances................................ 22 Librarium Savant Advances.................................... 23 Lexicanum Advances. .............................................. 23 Techmarine ......................................................... 24 Apprentum Advances............................................... 24 Weaponsmith Advances........................................... 25 Armoursmith Advances.......................................... 25 Tech-Initiate Advances.......................................... 26 Tech-Wright Advances.......................................... 26 III: Chapter Rules.......................................... 27 Dark Angels. ........................................................... 28 White Scars............................................................. 30 Space Wolves. .......................................................... 31 Imperial Fists........................................................... 33 Blood Angels. ......................................................... 35 Iron Hands............................................................... 36 Ultramarines. .......................................................... 38 Salamanders............................................................. 39 Raven Guard............................................................ 40

Grey Knights........................................................... 40 Deathwatch.............................................................. 41 Khan’s Lightning. ................................................... 42 IV: Skills and Talents................................ 44 New Skills............................................................... 44 New Talents.......................................................... 45 V: Game Rules...................................................... 47 Corruption........................................................... 47 Insanity................................................................... 47 Criticals................................................................. 47 VI: Equipment..................................................... 49 Space Marine Standard Kits........................ 49 Gear............................................................................. 50 Armour..................................................................... 53 Melee Weapons..................................................... 56 Ranged Weapons................................................. 58 Weapon Upgrades ............................................. 59 Ammunition........................................................... 59 VII: Vehicles......................................................... 61 Rhino........................................................................ 61 Predator Destructor............................................. 62 Predator Annihilator............................................ 62 Baal Predator......................................................... 62 Razorback................................................................ 63 Vindicator................................................................ 63 Land Raider............................................................. 64 Land Raider Crusader............................................ 64 Bike. .......................................................................... 64 Attack Bike.............................................................. 65 Land Speeder............................................................ 65 Leman Russ Exterminator...................................... 65 Thunderhawk Gunship........................................... 66 Thunderhawk Transport....................................... 66 Dreadnought........................................................... 66 Furioso Dreadnought............................................ 67 Mortis Dreadnought............................................. 67 Siege Dreadnought................................................. 67 VIII: Psychology and Tips...................... 69 Space Marine Psychology........................... 69 Dark Angels. ........................................................... 71 White Scars............................................................. 71 Space Wolves. .......................................................... 71 Imperial Fists........................................................... 71 Blood Angels. ......................................................... 72 Iron Hands............................................................... 72 Ultramarines............................................................ 72 Salamanders............................................................. 72 Raven Guard............................................................ 73 Grey Knights........................................................... 73 Khan’s Lightning. ................................................... 73 IX: Notable NPCs.............................................. 74 Character Sheet........................................... 80

C redits Credits Writing CCredits W

Art A

Richard Littles (ThePatriot) DarthBane

Robban-O ShadowedKnight


(Figthting Marine on page 60)

(Vehicles, NPC chapter introduction, Space Wolves, character sheet, overall editing) (Introductions for chapters 1-7)

Da Boss (Psychology and Role-Playing Tips)

Mudswimmer (NPCs stats, background for Casticus)


(Khan’s Lightning, backgrounds for Tiberius, Kellerica, Varnius, and Darus)


(Purity Seal rules, Rite of Purity, Confession Binding)

(Chapter colors)


LLayout DarthBane

Special T Thanks S Hellebore, Mordheim, Cynr, Jas, Dienekes00

For more fan-created material visit the unofficial Dark Heresy website, Dark Reign, at

Dis c laim er Disclaimer This document is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited or Fantasy Flight Games.. 40k, Adeptus Astartes, Blood Angels, Bloodquest, Cadian, Catachan, Chaos, the Chaos device, the Chaos logo, Citadel, Citadel Device, Cityfight, Codex, Daemonhunters, Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Dawn of War, ‘Eavy Metal, Eldar, Eldar symbol devices, Eye of Terror, Fire Warrior, the Fire Warrior logo, Forge World, Games Workshop, Games Workshop logo, Genestealer, Golden Demon, Gorkamorka, Great Unclean One, GW, GWI, the GWI logo, Inquisitor, the Inquisitor logo, the Inquisitor device, Inquisitor:Conspiracies, Keeper of Secrets, Khorne, the Khorne logo, Kroot, Lord of Change, Necron, Nurgle, the Nurgle logo, Ork, Ork skull devices, Sisters of Battle, Slaanesh, the Slaanesh logo, Space Hulk, Space Marine, Space Marine chapters, Space Marine chapter logos, Tau, the Tau caste designations, Tyranid, Tyrannid, Tzeentch, the Tzeentch logo, Ultramarines, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k Device, White Dwarf, the White Dwarf logo, and all associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters, vehicles, locations, units, illustrations and images from the Warhammer 40,000 universe are either ®, TM and/or © Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2007, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.


I n tr o d u c ti o n Introduction Contained within this book you will find all the information necessary to add a member of the Adeptus Astartes to an existing Inquisition style game presented in Dark Heresy or you can run an Astartes only campaign. Each chapter in the book covers information on how to create a Space Marine, Space Marine career advances, new talents and skills, Space Marine Chapter specific rules, new equipment, new vehicles, and an in depth look at how to role play a Space Marine as well as a look at the psychology of each Chapter presented. This book is the culmination of over two months of work by a talented group of people that contributed to the pages contained within. The debates were fierce, both publicly and privately, on how to achieve the goal of presenting a balanced Space Marine within the constraints of the Dark Heresy system. I believe that we have achieved this goal. A lot of blood, sweat, tears, and love went into writing this and I do hope that you enjoy this book. Always remember, “Duty and Honour are paramount in crushing the enemies of the Imperium.” I’d like to thank my co-conspirator... err... co-author, DarthBane, because without him this book wouldn’t be here. He kept me on track by suggesting changes, editing, further expansion, and just being an all around good friend. Without him, I personally would have been lost in the vast labyrinth of creativity. Here’s to the next book we do, DarthBane. Another person that was really instrumental in this production and for being honest on what he saw that needed to be changed requires his own paragraph. This very special thanks goes to T.S. Luikart for being a very supportive person that is personable and helpful. He has my utmost respect for all the work he’s done on Dark Heresy and I can think of no greater compliment to give him then to say a special thanks to him. I owe you big time T.S. Sincerely, Richard Littles(ThePatriot)

Space Marines. Adeptus Astartes. The Emperor’s Finest. They are among the most iconic characters when you think of science-fiction combat. Advanced equipment, genetically engineered warriors, a somehow more “medieval” than “futuristic” attitude. Hardened Battle-Sergeants, zealous Chaplains, powerful Librarians, indestructible Terminator armour, all of this creates a great potential for role-playing, and a fantastic opportunity for trying something different, new and exciting. I feel great pride at what I have contributed to. Together we were able to create a solid set of rules to portray Space Marines in a balanced, playable way. It wasn’t always easy; as Space Marines are so iconic and so loved, the attempt to put them into the frame of this role-playing game, of any role-playing game, sparked a lot of interest and a lot of critics. We had heated arguments with detractors, useful brainstorming sessions, agreements and disagreements, but we endured, and in the end managed to create something really good. Lots of effort and love went into this supplement – I hope everyone will like it and find it useful at their gaming table. DarthBane



oung Bencarius stood anxiously in the cold, feeling like an ant against the armoured giants around him. He had long ago overcame his fear of these armoured supermen, but that did little to remove his unease of what was awaiting him. He turned his thoughts inward what awaited him and what he was being ordered to do at his tender age of ten seasons. “How could I be told to this,” he questioned in his mind. “Why did I get singled out while all the other children are allowed to play?” His grim child-like thoughts played upon his mind until a dark shadow loomed over him...

What Are Space Marines? The Adeptus Astartes, more commonly known as the Space Marines, are the fist of the Emperor. While the Imperial Guard claims victory by sheer size, the Adeptus Astartes uses superior firepower and advanced tactics to achieve its goals. The Adeptus Astartes are organized into Chapters. Each Chapter has its origins in the Primarchs, one of the twenty warriors that were created by the Emperor and his scientists. As every Chapter has existed for over ten thousand years, there are some differences between them in fighting style, tactics and even the gene-seed itself. There are many famous Chapters, like the Ultramarines, the Imperial Fists, the Space Wolves or the Blood Angels. Each Chapter has its own unique paint scheme and insignia. Every single Marine is genetically modified by various implants and equipped with the most sophisticated weapons and armour, and becomes a mighty Angel of Death. Only very select few of the enemies of the Imperium can deal with them in a one-to-one fight. Most notable is the Mark VII Power Armour, a piece of equipment that is exclusively used by the Adeptus Astartes, which gives the Space Marine his typical appearance. The second symbol is the Holy Bolter. This is the main weapon, out of all the weapons in the Imperial armoury, carried by Space Marines.

There are three main types of Space Marine in each chapter force; The first, and usually largest, part is made up of the Tactical Squads. Each Squad consists of 5 to 10 Marines. Led by a Sergeant, these troops carry Bolters and sometimes heavier weaponry, like Heavy Bolters and Missile Launchers for integral heavy support. The next type are the Assault Marines. Equipped with Jump Packs, Bolter Pistols, and Chainswords, the jump into the middle of the enemy’s troops and start wreaking havoc in close combat. If there are bigger things to demolish, the Assault Marines make use of Melta Bombs. The most specialized are the Marines of the Devastator Squads. With their heavy weapons, they are trained to attack and destroy vehicles with missiles, plasma or melta weapons. Their massive firepower gives them an important role in every assault.

I: Astartes Creation

A sta rte s Creation C r ea ti o n Astartes

A special role within each Space Marine army is taken by the Apothecaries. They do not only heal the wounded in battle, but also have the sacred and important role of retrieving the progenoid glands from their fallen Brothers, even in the most intense combat. The Narthecium glove they wear can take samples of blood, inject combat drugs or even give death to a foe in melee. Every Marine wears a badge on his right shoulder guard according to the squad he is in. On his left shoulder, the Chapter’s badge is painted. Depending on the mission, there maybe army badges somewhere on the Power Armour. Many Marines add some personal style to their armour, either by adding sigils, a special paint or other marks.


I: Astartes Creation


encarius laid upon the cold, unfeeling metal surface of the table. The lights above the table blinded his eyes making it impossible for him to see. He could hear the low chanting from all around him and he closed his eyes in a silent prayer. Across his skin he could feel the cold metal of the Apothecary’s mechadandrites searching for something on his his exposed stomach. The sound of steel against flesh joined the chorus of chants and his screams echoed as a counterpoint. The whirring of a bone saw replaced the notes produced by the flesh being cut...

Space Marine Character Creation The rules for creating Space Marines are for Ultramarines and their successor chapters as a base for all Space Marine characters that can be played. All Space Marine characters are created as normal following the rules presented in Dark Heresy. Their basic stats are all rolled as per Dark Heresy, but Space Marines must have a minimum score in the following characteristics: Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill, Strength, and Toughness. Prerequisites: Weapon Skill 30+ or Ballistic Skill 30+, Strength 30+ (only 25+ for Void Born characters), and Toughness 30+ (only 25+ for Hive World characters). Starting Skills: Speak Language (Low Gothic), Common Lore (Imperium), Navigation (Ground), Carouse, and Awareness. Starting Talents: Training is defined by the world the Marine comes from, and in the case there are multiple types the player decides which weapon type to learn: Feral Worlds grant primitive only weapons training for Melee, Pistol, and Basic. All other world types grant Melee Weapon Training (Primitive), Pistol Weapon Training (Primitive, Las, or SP), and Basic Weapon Training (Primitive, Las, or SP).


Librarian Specific Talents: Psy Rating 1, 1 Minor Psychic Power, 2 Insanity Points, 2 Corruption Points. Techmarine Specific Talents: Electro-Graft Use. Techmarine Starting Traits: Mechanicus Implants (see Dark Heresy, page 27). Starting Equipment: Robes of the Chapter, Flak Jacket, Flak Helmet, Weapons based upon world type: Feral: Sword or Axe, Flintlock Pistol with 6 rounds of ammunition, and Musket with 6 rounds of ammunition. Hive: Sword or Axe; Las Pistol and 1 charge pack or Stub Revolver with 6 rounds of ammunition; Las Carbine and 1 charge pack or Autogun with 1 magazine of ammunition. Imperial and Void Born: Knife; Las Pistol and 1 charge pack or Stub Revolver with 6 rounds of ammunition; Las Carbine with 1 charge pack or Autogun with 1 magazine of ammunition. Starting Rank: Neophyte Throne Gelt: 50+1d10 Starting Age: 1d5+10 Advances Note: In certain paths it will say “choose one” and list off the allowed choices for weapon talents. This talent can only be taken once and the player must choose a specific weapon type. Once selected the talent can never be chosen again from the list of advances for that Rank.

What makes Marines different from normal humans is the implants they receive. All Space Marines will start with all the implants associated, but they must spend experience in order to activate the organ. Implants are a very important part of Space Marine development. It is what makes a Space Marine what he is. The implants are done in stages under the careful supervision of the Chapter’s Apothecaries. Coupled with the implantation procedures is hormonal therapy and hypno-indoctrination and training. The Apothecaries start implanting these implants into male children between the ages of 10-14 years of age and progresses until the final implant is put in between the ages of 1618. The final implant is the black carapace which allows the Marine to fully interface with his armour. Implants will be allowed to be purchased at certain ranks, and a Marine must have bought all of the implants his Chapter possesses in order to progress to the Marine Rank.

Due the relatively low cost of the implants, there will be a trade off for a chance that a critical hit will destroy the implant. Once the implant is destroyed, the Marine no longer gains the benefit for the talent. The only implants not affected by this are the Ossmodula, Biscopea, and the Progenoids. See the Space Marine Critical Hit Charts.

Table 1-1: Space Marine Implants Implant

Talent or Skill

Secondary Heart Ossmodula

Die Hard, Resistance: Low Oxygen Size Increase +1


Unnatural Strength, Unnatural Toughness


+1 healing of damage to Autosanguine

Larraman’s Organ


Catalepsean Node

Light Sleeper


Resistance: Poisons


Learning by eating


+5 Resistance: Poisons


Shadow Vision

Neophytes will have available the following implants for activation: Secondary Heart, Ossmodula, Biscopea, Haemastamen, Larraman’s Organ, and Catalepsean Node.

Lyman’s Ear

Scouts will have available the following implants for activation: Preomnor, Omophagea, Multi-lung, Occulobe, Lyman’s Ear, and Sus-an Membrane.


Detect Poisons


Resistance: Heat and Cold

Heightened Senses: Hearing

Sus-an Membrane

Suspended Animation


Resistance: Radiation

Oolitic Kidney

+5 Resistance: Poisons

Betcher’s Gland Progenoids

Brother Scouts will have available the following implants for activation: Melanochrome, Oolitic Kidney, Neuroglottis, Mucranoid, Betcher’s Gland, Progenoids, and Black Carapace.

I: Astartes Creation


Spit Acid —

Black Carapace

Enables advanced life support, targeting, communication, and internal medic functions of Power Armour.

Table 1-2: Space Marine Build — Feral World —

— Hive World —








2.90 m/150 kg


2.20 m/135 kg



2.35 m/145 kg


2.30 m/145 kg



2.85 m/165 kg


2.75 m/175 kg



2.25 m/160 kg


2.80 m/125 kg



3.10 m/200 kg


2.35 m/165 kg








2.35 m/150 kg


2.35 m/140 kg



2.45 m/155 kg


2.25 m/140 kg



2.35 m/ 155 kg


2.45 m/145 kg



2.50 m/175 kg


2.65 m/165 kg



2.40 m/185 kg


2.75 m/160 kg

— Imperial World —

— Void Born —


II: Advances

A dva n c es Advances E

ach Marine undergoes a very intense training, which lasts for several years. From their time as a Neophyte to the point where they reach the status of a full Space Marine, their life is full of exercise, both mental and physical. The first step along the centuries long career of a Space Marine always begins the same way. A young child or young teenager is selected as an Initiate based upon his intelligence, perception, strength, and toughness. At this stage the testing begins to weed out the weak while leaving only the strong. Failure for being weak is death. No mercy is shown and none is asked by the young recruits. Those that survive are implanted with their first organs and progress to becoming Neophytes. As the Neophyte progresses further on the way to eventually becoming a full fledged Space Marine, he not only learns new fighting techniques, but also learns about his Chapter, the Adeptus Astartes and the Imperium of Man. After that he is considered to be ready for action, and he is assigned to the Chapter’s Scout Company. As a Scout, the warrior will undertake recon missions or act as artillery spotter. After several years again, he is considered a Scout Veteran. Once he completed his assignment, he is granted the Black Carapace, and thus becomes a true Space Marine. His first assignments are in various squads of different companies. Once his true capabilities are determined, each Marine is permanently assigned to a specific squad, be it Tactical, Assault or Devastator. From this point on, the Marine will see the most intense battles mankind fights. After a time, he is considered a veteran. Some veterans show more courage and leadership abilities than others, and may be promoted to the Sergeant rank, thus gaining command of his own squad.

Other Marines will take different paths upon completing their time with the Scouts. Some will become Chaplains, Apothecaries, Techmarines or even Librarians, if they show psychic abilities. After more years of service, a Marine may be promoted to an officer rank, which means, he will perhaps lead his own company, or, climbing the ladder even further up, the Chapter Master. Other Marines do not long for command, instead staying Marines until the end of their days. Should a Marine show extreme bravery and dedication, Terminator honours will be given to him. This means the Marine is transferred to the First Company, serving as honour guards for commanding officers, or he becomes an elite warrior of the Empire, a Terminator. Due to their altered physiology, Marines can live for centuries. It is a rather rare occasion that a Space Marine dies of age, but it happens. If the Marines is deadly wounded in battle, and deemed worthy, his remains are entombed in a sarcophagus, thus becoming literally a living war machine: a Dreadnought.

Designer’s Note By taking the route we did, we understood the limitations of only having eight ranks of advances. The Marines presented were intentionally left open for future expansion as the core rules expand beyond 15,000 experience. This conscious decision resulted in only presenting Marines from the line companies. As the core game expands, so will the rank progression of a Marine from one of the line companies to First Company veterans.

Table 2-1: Space Marine Characteristic Advances Characteristic






Weapon Skill





Ballistic Skill








































Neophyte XP Level: 0-499

Scout XP Level: 500-999

Brother Scout XP Level: 1,000-1,999

Marine XP Level: 2,000-2,999

Chaplain-Novite XP Level: 2,000-2,999

Librarium Sanctionite XP Level: 2,000-2,999

Apprentum XP Level: 2,000-2,999

Brother Marine XP Level: 3,000-5,999

Chaplain-Priest XP Level: 3,000-5,999

Librarium Neonate XP Level: 3,000-5,999

Weaponsmith XP Level: 3,000-5,999

Assault Marine XP Level: 6,000-7,999

Tactical Marine XP Level: 6,000-7,999

Devastator Marine XP Level: 6,000-7,999

Medicae Initiate XP Level: 6,000-7,999

Chaplain-Confessor XP Level: 6,000-7,999

Librarium Militant XP Level: 6,000-7,999

Armoursmith XP Level: 6,000-7,999

Assault Veteran XP Level: 8,000-9,999

Tactical veteran XP Level: 8,000-9,999

Devastator Veteran XP Level: 8,000-9,999

Medicae Internist XP Level: 8,000-9,999

Chaplain-Exorcist XP Level: 8,000-9,999

Librarium Savant XP Level: 8,000-9,999

Tech-Initiate XP Level: 8,000-9,999

Assault Sergeant XP Level: 10,000-14,999

Tactical Sergeant XP Level: 10,000-14,999

Devastator Sergeant XP Level: 10,000-14,999

Field Medicae XP Level: 10,000-14,999

Reclusiarch XP Level: 10,000-14,999

Lexicanum XP Level: 10,000-14,999

Tech-Wright XP Level: 10,000-14,999

NEOPHYTE Advances The most junior members of a Chapter are Neophytes, who start to learn their craft of death.

II: Advances

Space Marines Ranks

Table 2-2: Neophyte Advances Advance




Awareness +10










Common Lore (Imperial Creed)



Common Lore (Chapter History)



Common Lore (Imperium) +10



Common Lore (Imperium)

Common Lore (War)



Bencarius stood tall, wear- Dodge 100 S — ing the robes of the Ultra- Navigation (Ground) +10 100 S Navigation (Ground) 100 S — marines with his blond hair Silent Move 100 S — cropped close to his skull. Survival Swim 100 S — He waited on patiently for Activate Secondary Heart 25 Trait Must be bought with starting XP his next assignment from Activate Ossmodula 25 Trait Must be bought with starting XP Brother Sergeant Ulnirus. Activate Biscopea 25 Trait Must be bought with starting XP 25 Trait — He felt the cool breeze of Activate Haemastamen Activate Larraman’s Organ 25 Trait — the summertime wind and Activate Catalepsean Node 25 Trait — tried his best to ignore the Chem-Geld 100 T — insects biting his face. Ul- Basic Weapon Training (SP) 100 T — nirus appeared behind him Basic Weapon Training (Bolt) 100 T — 100 T Psy Rating 1 and Bencarius performed Minor Psychic Power 100 T — a smart, crisp about face. Pistol Weapon Training (SP) Pistol Weapon Training (Bolt) 100 T — Ulnirus silently handed a Sound Constitution 100 T — sealed envelope to the young Technical Knack 100 T Techmarine, Int 30 neophyte and nodded his You may take this Talent up to three times at this Rank. goodbye. Bencarius’s hands were trembling as he opened the sealed envelope. Quickly, he read his new orders then headed to his barracks to gather up his gear. “How can this be that I get pulled from training to serve with Ordo Xenos,” he questioningly thought. †


II: Advances

Scout Advances Scouts are officially part of the Chapter performing scouting missions for their Battle Brothers.

Table 2-3: Scout Advances Advance




Awareness +20



Awareness +10

Climb +10




Concealment +10




Common Lore (Imperial Creed) +10



Common Lore (Imperial Creed)

Common Lore (Chapter History) +10



Common Lore (Chapter History)

Common Lore (Imperium) +20



Common Lore (Imperium) +10

Common Lore (War) +10



Common Lore (War)


He slid the longlas onto Dodge +10 100 S Dodge the windowsill and ensured Navigation (Ground) +20 100 S Navigation (Ground) +10 100 S Silent Move that he was well camou- Silent Move +10 100 S Survival flaged inside the upper room Survival +10 Swim +10 100 S Swim of the ruined building. He Activate Preomnor 25 Trait — carefully sighted his weapon Activate Omophagea 25 Trait — looking for the filthy xenos. Activate Multi-lung 25 Trait — 25 Trait — He quickly scanned the ru- Activate Occulobe Activate Lyman’s Ear 25 Trait — ins of the small town ahead Activate Sus-an Membrane 25 Trait — of him seeing the damage Basic Weapon Training (Las) 100 T — the Tau had caused. His Heavy Weapon Training (Bolt) 100 T — eye caught the movement Heavy Weapon Training (Launcher) 100 T — 100 T — of a tall battlesuit moving Pistol Weapon Training (Las) 100 T BS 30 lithely through the debris. Deadeye Shot Lumen Charge 100 T Techmarine Tapping his micro-bead he Lumen Shock 100 T Techmarine whispered to the rest of the Minor Psychic Power 100 T Psy Rating 1 100 T — team that he had sighted a Rapid Reload Sound Constitution 100 T — target and to move up into a flanking position. The rest of the squad moved forward with Chiana-ru, a Space Marine from the Khan’s Lightning Chapter, carrying the missile launcher. A voice whispered into Bencarius’s ear and he depressed the trigger of his weapon...

Brother Scout Advances Brother Scouts have fought in a few dozen combat operations to become tried and true veterans.

Table 2-4: Brother Scout Advances Advance






Carouse +10




Climb +20



Climb +10

Concealment +20



Concealment +10

Common Lore (Imperial Creed) +20



Common Lore (Imperial Creed) +10

Common Lore (Chapter History) +20



Common Lore (Chapter History) +10

Common Lore (War) +20



Common Lore (War)

Dodge +20




Dodge +10

With great dread, Ben100 S Survival +10 carius crept through the Survival +20 Swim +20 100 S Swim +10 pitch black battlefield as si- Activate Melanochrome 25 Trait — lently as he could. The ca- Activate Oolitic Kidney 25 Trait — mo-cloak clung to his scout Activate Neuroglottis 25 Trait — 25 Trait — armour and salty sweat Activate Mucranoid Activate Betcher’s Gland 25 Trait — dripped from his brow Activate Progenoids 25 Trait — into his eyes. He paused to Activate Black Carapace 25 Trait — flick away the alien insects Blind Fighting 200 T Per 30 200 T Techmarine from his face and to listen Lumen Blast Mechadendrite Use (Utility) 200 T Techmarine for any enemy nearby. ExMinor Psychic Power 100 T Psy Rating 1 plosions rippled across the Sound Constitution 200 T — abandoned field that he was Two Weapon Wielder (Ballistic) 200 T BS 35, Ag 35 crossing and he dropped into crouch to prevent being back lit by the light from the explosions. Tentatively, he moved in a crouch to get to a bomb crater ahead of him. Tracer fire criss crossed across the Ultramarine lines and he silently hoped his brothers were alright. He slid down into the bomb crater with his feet impacting into a gretchin cowering below. Quickly, Bencarius pulled out his knife... Silent Move +20



Silent Move +10

After completing their scout training the scout becomes a Marine awaiting assignment to a squad.

Table 2-5: Marine Advances Advance



Acrobatics +10



Prerequisites Acrobatics

Carouse +20



Carouse +10

Ciphers (Astartes War Cant)



Drive (Ground Vehicles)



Drive (Hover Vehicles)



Forbidden Lore (Chapter History)



Forbidden Lore (Chaos)




Bencarius stood at at- Forbidden Lore (Xenos) 100 S — tention with the rest of his Literacy 100 S — 100 S — scout squad. A Deathwatch Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed) 100 S — emblem adorned the left Secret Tongue (Astartes Signage) 200 S — shoulder of his new power Speak Language (High Gothic) Arms Master 100 T — armour. He was proud of Catfall 200 T — his service in Ordo Xenos Lightning Reflexes 100 T — 100 T — and wondered what squad Meditation Rapid Reaction 100 T — he would be temporarily 200 T — Sound Constitution assigned to in the Fourth You may take this Talent up to two times at this Rank. Company. He thought back to those terrible dark days of his scout service and remembered too many battlefields to count. He remembered the Khan’s Lightning Sergeant Chiana-ru and smiled on the inside. Chiana-ru was quick with a joke and had a zest for life as if each day was going to be his last. Bencarius snapped back when he heard his name called...

II: Advances

Marine Advances

Brother Marine Advances After the short years of temporary assignment as a replacement in various squads in different companies a Brother Marine is allowed to finally join a squad permanently.

Table 2-6: Brother Marine Advances Advance



Acrobatics +20



Acrobatics +10

Ciphers (Astartes War Cant) +10



Ciphers (Astartes War Cant)

Forbidden Lore (Chapter History) +10



Forbidden Lore (Chapter History)

Forbidden Lore (Chaos) +10



Forbidden Lore (Chaos)

Forbidden Lore (Xenos) +10



Forbidden Lore (Xenos)

Literacy +10




Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed) +10



Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed)

Secret Tongue (Astartes Signage) +10



Secret Tongue (Astartes Signage)

Speak Language (High Gothic) +10



Speak Language (High Gothic)

Speak Language (Low Gothic) +10



Speak Language (Low Gothic)

Combat Master



WS 30

Crack Shot



BS 40 Bencarius sat quietly as Double Team 100 T — he listened to the brief- Leap Up 100 T Ag 30 ing from his squad leader. Resistance (Fear) 100 T — 200 T — The combat webbing of the Sound Constitution Unshakeable Faith 100 T — drop pod held him firmly in place. Runes flashed across his helmet as he ran various checks upon his armour’s systems. “Our objective is to remove the heretic governor inside of the palace. When we touch down I want formation Gamma with Brother Marine Bencarius covering the rear,” the helmet vox rang into his ears. His hands gripped the bolter tightly and he uttered the Litany of Calm to steady his nerves. A loud thump followed by being thrown forward into the webbing the drop pod was fired from the Battle Barge Sons of Ultramar. When the drop pod hit the atmosphere it skipped a few times then punched its way through the resistance. Bencarius looked out through the view port in front of him and could see the flames from the re-entry shading the bottom edge of the glass.


II: Advances

Assault Marine Advances Assault Marines are trained in the deadly close combat arts while using a jump pack.

Table 2-7: Assault Marine Advances Advance Ciphers (Astartes War Cant) +20






Ciphers (Astartes War Cant) +10 —







Forbidden Lore (Chapter History) +20



Forbidden Lore (Chapter History) +10

Forbidden Lore (Chaos) +20



Forbidden Lore (Chaos) +10

Forbidden Lore (Xenos) +20



Forbidden Lore (Xenos) +10

Literacy +20



Literacy +10

Pilot (Jump Pack)



100 S Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed) +10 Brother Gregorius swo­ Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed) +20 Scholastic Lore (Chymistry) 200 S — oped down onto the lone Scholastic Lore (Spearhead Assaults) 100 S — Emperor’s Children’s squad Search 100 S — accompanied by his broth- Shadowing 100 S — ers. Bolter fire screamed Tracking 100 S — 100 T — through the air towards Berserk Charge Disarm 100 T Ag 30 them and he deftly evaded Furious Assault 100 T WS 35 the incoming missiles of Melee Weapon Training (Chain) 100 T — death. Using the targeting Sound Constitution 200 T — 100 T WS 30 auspex, he lined up a shot Sure Strike 100 T WS 35 with his bolter pistol onto Swift Attack Two Weapon Wielder (Melee) 200 T WS 35, Ag 35 the lead traitor Marine and depressed the trigger. The bolter rounds impacted upon the traitor’s armour, blowing out chunks of corrupted, mutated flesh from the traitor’s chest. The return fire was intensifying as other traitor squads joined in on the firefight. Gregorius heard the command to charge in his helmet vox...

Assault Veteran Advances After fighting on battlefields and surviving the horrors of combat an Assault Veteran is a deadly blend of Marine, weapons, and equipment to truly become an angel of death.

Table 2-8: Assault Veteran Advances Advance




Contortionist +10




Demolition +10




Forbidden Lore (Warp)



Pilot (Jump Pack) +10



Pilot (Jump Pack)

Scholastic Lore (Reconnaissance)



Scholastic Lore (Chymistry) +10



Scholastic Lore (Chymistry) Scholastic Lore (Spearhead Assaults)

Scholastic Lore (Spearhead Assaults) +10



Search +10




Shadowing +10




Tracking +10







Ag 30

Basic Weapon Training (choose one: Flame, Launcher, 300 T — He toggled the sight aus- Melta or Plasma) pex and zoomed in on the Counter-attack 100 T WS 40 200 T Two Weapon Wielder (Ballistic), Ag 40 chaos cultists hiding inside Dual Shot 100 T Two Weapon Wielder (Melee), Ag 40 a ruined building. Grego- Dual Strike Frenzy 100 T — rius turned his head to his Heavy Weapon Training (Flame) 300 T — sergeant and waited for Jaded 100 T WP 30 the command to assault the Lightning Attack 100 T Swift Attack Melee Weapon Training (Power) 100 T — cultist position. He felt the Sound Constitution 300 T — weight of the chainsword in Step Aside 100 T Ag 40, Dodge his left hand and toggled the motor to idle. In his right hand held a bolter pistol. “Assault target now!” his vox howled into his ears. All ten of the Marines ignited the massive thrusters of their jump packs and leapt free of the planet’s gravity. They emerged from the demolished upper floor of the apartment complex to crash into the cultist squad. Chainswords, power fists, and bolter shells tore into the chaos filth to send them to their damnation. Blood spewed forth from the cultists’ wounds and covered their armour.


Only those Assault Marines that have shown the aptitude for command are promoted to being a squad leader.

Table 2-9: Assault Veteran Advances Advance






Prerequisites —

Contortionist +20



Contortionist +10

Demolition +20




Forbidden Lore (Warp) +10



Forbidden Lore (Warp)

Pilot (Jump Pack) +20



Pilot (Jump Pack) +10

Scholastic Lore (Reconnaissance) +10



Scholastic Lore (Reconnaissance)

Scholastic Lore (Chymistry) +20



Scholastic Lore (Chymistry) +10

Scholastic Lore (Spearhead Assaults) +20



Scholastic Lore (Spearhead Assaults) +10

Search +20



Search +10

The ice frosted his visor 100 S Tracking +10 as he attempted to look out Tracking +20 Assassin Strike 200 T Ag 40, Acrobatics across the barren ice flow Blademaster 100 T WS 30, Melee Weapon Training (any) blocking his squad. Gre- Crippling Strike 100 T WS 50 100 T Ag 40 gorius adjusted the heating Hard Target 100 T Wp 30, Command controls to defrost the visor. Iron Discipline Melee Weapon Training (Shock) 200 T — After a few moments the Peer (Chapter) 100 T Fel 30 ice crystals turned to water Precise Blow 100 T WS 40, Sure Strike and evaporated. Carefully Quick Draw 100 T — 300 T — scanning the open space he Sound Constitution True Grit 100 T T 40 noticed the smoke from the Wall of Steel 100 T Ag 35 Ork buggies hiding behind a large ice formation on the far side of the flow. He toggled the vox caster, “Our target is hiding behind the ice crystal on the far side of this flow. Hold your fire until we have engaged those filthy greenskins in melee.” As one his squad climbed into the air and launched themselves at the Ork war buggies. The Ork engines masked their bounding approach and the full might of the squad was brought to bear upon the greenskins. Shadowing +20

Tactical Marine Advances A tactical marine is a jack of all trades and a master of none. They perform jobs from fighting on the ground to crewing the numerous vehicles their Company uses.



Shadowing +10

II: Advances

Assault Sergeant Advances

Table 2-10: Tactical Marine Advances Advance




Ciphers (Astartes War Cant) +20



Ciphers (Astartes War Cant) +10 Drive (Ground Vehicles)

Drive (Ground Vehicles) +10



Drive (Hover Vehicles) +10



Drive (Hover Vehicles)

Forbidden Lore (Chapter History) +20



Forbidden Lore (Chapter History) +10

Forbidden Lore (Chaos) +20



Forbidden Lore (Chaos) +10

Forbidden Lore (Xenos) +20



Forbidden Lore (Xenos) +10

Literacy +20



Literacy +10

Pilot (Civilian Craft)



Pilot (Military Craft)



Pilot (Spacecraft)



— Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed) +10

Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed) +20



Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis)



— Bencarius pulled himself Scholastic Lore (Philosophy) 200 S — free, by climbing out the Secret Tongue (Astartes Signage) +20 100 S Secret Tongue (Astartes Signage) +10 uppermost hatch, of the Security 100 S — 200 S Speak Language (High Gothic) +10 land raider he was assigned Speak Language (High Gothic) +20 200 T Ag 30 to. Not the most glorious Ambidextrous Die Hard 100 T — assignment in the Company, Dual Shot 100 T Two Weapon Wielder (Ballistic), Ag 40 but it was better then being Gunslinger 100 T Two Weapon Wielder (Ballistic), BS 40 stuck on board the Battle Hip Shooting 100 T BS 40, Ag 40 200 T — Barge when there was fight- Sound Constitution Thrown Weapon Training (Primitive) 100 T — ing to do. He had spent the past several hours cleaning and maintaining the ancient machine. He forgot how many times he had uttered the litanies of cleaning as he worked. The crew had also loaded up the ammo bins and ensured that there were plenty of medicae supplies on board.


II: Advances

Tactical Veteran Advances Due to his extensive training, a Tactical Veteran can operate any number of weapons and vehicles to bolster a Company’s potential.

Table 2-11: Tactical Veteran Advances Advance Drive (Ground Vehicles) +20






Drive (Ground Vehicles) +10 Drive (Hover Vehicles) +10

Drive (Hover Vehicles) +20



Forbidden Lore (Warp)



Pilot (Civilian Craft) +10



Pilot (Civilian Craft)

Pilot (Military Craft)+10



Pilot (Military Craft)

Pilot (Spacecraft) +10



Pilot (Spacecraft)

Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis) +10



Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis)

Scholastic Lore (Philosophy) +10



Scholastic Lore (Philosophy)

Scholastic Lore (Bureaucracy)



Security +10




Basic Weapon Training (choose one: Flame, Launcher, 300 T — The land raider rumbled Melta, or Plasma) across the burned out city Hard Target 100 T Ag 40 300 T — landscape with its engines Heavy Weapon Training (choose one: Flame, Launcher, Melta, or Plasma) echoing in the vast cavernJaded 100 T WP 30 ous streets. Weapon turrets Melee Weapon Training (Chain) 200 T — searched for targets as the Melee Weapon Training (Power) 100 T — 100 T BS 40 huge machine came to a Mighty Shot Quick Draw 100 T — grinding halt on a pile of Sound Constitution 300 T — skulls. Its valuable cargo Sprint 100 T — nestled below Bencarius’s position in the lower command hatch. Ork rokket fire erupted from a building about 200 meters distant on the right hand side of the large avenue. “Driver full reverse now!” Bencarius yelled. The giant’s engines growled heavily and threw the Marines forward as it slid backward. The rokkets impacted in the space where the ancient machine was just moments before. The side sponson lascannons opened fire and punched into the building destroying whatever it had contained. The building crumpled to the ground...

Tactical Sergeant Advances The start of the command path for a Tactical Marine is the culmination of years of combat experience and natural leadership.

Table 2-12: Tactical Sergeant Advances Advance







Common Lore (Administratum)



Forbidden Lore (Warp) +10



Forbidden Lore (Warp)

Pilot (Civilian Craft) +20



Pilot (Civilian Craft) +10

Pilot (Military Craft) +20



Pilot (Military Craft) +10

Pilot (Spacecraft) +20



Pilot (Spacecraft) +10

Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis) +20



Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis) +10

Scholastic Lore (Philosophy) +20



Scholastic Lore (Philosophy) +10

Scholastic Lore (Bureaucracy) +10



Scholastic Lore (Bureaucracy)

Security +10 Sitting high in the comBasic Weapon Training (choose one: Flame, Launcher, 300 T — mand hatch, Bencarius Melta, or Plasma) watched his crew work on Exotic Weapon Training (choose one: Needle Pistol, 300 T — the land raider. Several Web Pistol, Needle Rifle, or Webber) Furious Assault 100 T WS 35 pulse lasers had punched Heavy Weapon Training (choose one: Flame, Las, 300 T — through the heavy armoured Launcher, Melta, or Plasma) 100 T BS 40 machine and the machine Independent Targeting Iron Discipline 100 T WP 30, Command spirit wasn’t happy from Marksman 100 T BS 35 the damage. It complained Pistol Training (choose one: Flame, Launcher, Melta, 300 T — of several breaches that had or Plasma) 100 T BS 40, Deadeye Shot wreaked havoc upon its in- Sharpshooter Peer (Chapter) 100 T Fel 30 ternal systems. Sighing, he Sound Constitution 300 T — slid down into the troop bay and oversaw the repairs. He had never imagined all those decades ago that he would be a sergeant commanding one of the mightiest Adeptus Astartes war machines. Security +20




Devastator Marines are trained in the use of heavy weapons and bolster up the anti-tank firepower of a Marine Company.

Table 2-13: Devastator Marine Advances Advance




Ciphers (Astartes War Cant) +20



Ciphers (Astartes War Cant) +10

Ciphers (War Cant)



Forbidden Lore (Chapter History) +20



Forbidden Lore (Chapter History) +10

Forbidden Lore (Chaos) +20



Forbidden Lore (Chaos) +10

Forbidden Lore (Xenos) +20



Forbidden Lore (Xenos) +20

Forbidden Lore (Warp)



Literacy +20



Literacy +10

Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed) +20



Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed) +10

Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis)





Devastator Marine Kellerica hefted the heavy Scholastic Lore (Communication Networks) Scholastic Lore (Sensors) bolter onto his shoulder Secret Tongue (Astartes Signage) +20 for additional support. He Speak Language (High Gothic) +20 used his armour’s target- Tech-Use (Communication Gear) ing auspex to pick out a Tech-Use (Sensors) Basic Weapon Training (Flame) section of that damnable Basic Weapon Training (Launcher) heretic governor’s defenses. Basic Weapon Training (Melta) He depressed the trigger Basic Weapon Training (Plasma) and a steady stream of bolts Bulging Biceps screamed from his hidden Die Hard Hip Shooting position within the gardens Independent Targeting of the governor’s palace. Quick Draw Immediately, the heretic Sound Constitution You may take this Talent up to three times at this Rank. PDF opened fire, their lasguns stabbing towards him. Kellerica ducked to the left and melted back into the hedges... Scholastic Lore (Cryptology)







Secret Tongue (Astartes Signage) +10



Speak Language (High Gothic) +10















S 45



WP 40



BS 40, Ag 40



BS 40





II: Advances

Devastator Marine Advances

Devastator Veteran Advances Numerous battles later the Devastator Marine has gained experience and is well versed in the litanies of heavy weapons.

Table 2-14: Devastator Veteran Advances Advance




Ciphers (War Cant) +10



Ciphers (War Cant) Drive (Ground Vehicles)

Drive (Ground Vehicles) +10



Drive (Hover Vehicles) +10



Drive (Hover Vehicles)

Forbidden Lore (Warp) +10



Forbidden Lore (Warp)

Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis) +10



Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis)

Scholastic Lore (Cryptology) +10



Scholastic Lore (Cryptology)

Scholastic Lore (Communication Networks) +10



Scholastic Lore (Communication Networks)

Scholastic Lore (Sensors) +10



Scholastic Lore (Sensors)

Scholastic Lore (Armoured Vehicles)



100 S — Dark purple rain poured Scholastic Lore (Artillery) Tech-Use (Communication Gear) +10 200 S Tech-Use (Communication Gear) down from the heavy overTech-Use (Sensors) +10 200 S Tech-Use (Sensors) cast clouds. Rain drops fil- Cleanse and Purify 100 T Basic Weapon Training (Flame) tered from the jungle trees Heavy Weapon Training (Flame) 100 T — 100 T — splattered onto his armour Heavy Weapon Training (Launcher) Heavy Weapon Training (Melta) 100 T — and causing the visor’s glass Heavy Weapon Training (Plasma) 100 T — to be obscured. Kellerica Melee Weapon Training (Power) 100 T — flipped his head to clear the Insanely Faithful 100 T — water from the glass and Sound Constitution 300 T — moved forward hauling the heavy bolter in his left hand. He scanned the area for life signs, but due to the jungle’s natural wildlife there was too much interference in determining human life forms. Muttering a curse, he slid out from the dark underbrush to run smack into the center of a chaos cultist patrol. He dropped to his knees and fired....


II: Advances

Devastator Sergeant Advances Now responsible for his own squad, the Devastator Marine begins to learn the basics of command.

Table 2-15: Devastator Sergeant Advances Advance




Ciphers (War Cant) +20



Ciphers (War Cant)




Forbidden Lore (Warp) +20



Forbidden Lore (Warp) +10

Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis) +20



Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis) +10

Scholastic Lore (Cryptology) +20



Scholastic Lore (Cryptology) +10

Scholastic Lore (Communication Networks) +20



Scholastic Lore (Communication Networks) +10

Scholastic Lore (Sensors) +20



Scholastic Lore (Sensors) +10

Scholastic Lore (Armoured Vehicles) +10



Scholastic Lore (Armoured Vehicles)

100 S Scholastic Lore (Artillery) The sergeant insignia was Scholastic Lore (Artillery) +10 Tech-Use (Communication Gear) +20 200 S Tech-Use (Communication Gear) +10 freshly painted by a TechTech-Use (Sensors) +20 200 S Tech-Use (Sensors) +10 marine Armourer on board Iron Discipline 100 T WP 40, Command the Battle Barge Sons of Iron Jaw 200 T T 40 Ultramar. Smiling, Kel- Marksman 200 T BS 35 200 T — lerica was in his spartan Melee Weapon Training (Chain) Mighty Shot 200 T BS 40 quarters preparing to polPistol Weapon Training (Flame) 100 T — ish the armour to appease Pistol Weapon Training (Launcher) 100 T — the machine spirit within. Pistol Weapon Training (Melta) 100 T — 100 T — Battle scars left silent tes- Pistol Weapon Training (Plasma) Peer (Chapter) 100 T Fel 30 timony of the wounds he Sharpshooter 200 T BS 40, Deadeye Shot had suffered in battle. He Sound Constitution 300 T — uttered the litany of command as he brought the power armour to a gleaming shine. After he had brought each piece to a bright shine he would set it down and picked up the next. Content with how the armour looked, he prepared to gather his heavy bolter, but remembered that it had been replaced by a plasma pistol and a power sword.

Medicae Initiate Advances Marines that have shown an aptitude for healing and the arcane sciences become Apothecaries by starting out as a Medicae Initiate.

Table 2-16: Medicae Initiate Advances Advance






Prerequisites —

Ciphers (Astartes War Cant) +20



Ciphers (Astartes War Cant) +10

Forbidden Lore (Chapter History) +20



Forbidden Lore (Chapter History) +10

Forbidden Lore (Chaos) +20



Forbidden Lore (Chaos) +10

Forbidden Lore (Xenos) +20



Forbidden Lore (Xenos) +10

Forbidden Lore (Gene-Seed)



Forbidden Lore (Mutants)



Forbidden Lore (Space Marine Anatomy)



Forbidden Lore (Warp)



Literacy +20



Literacy +10

100 S — Tiberius plugged the Medicae Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed) +20 200 S Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed) +10 wounds of his brother ly- Scholastic Lore (Gene-Seed) 100 S — ing before him and watched Scholastic Lore (Space Marine Anatomy) 100 S — as more of his brothers were Scholastic Lore (Human Anatomy) 100 S — 100 S — cut down by Eldar shurik- Scholastic Lore (Chymistry) Scholastic Lore (Pharmacology) 100 S — ens. Cursing silently, he Tech-Use (Apothecary Tools) 100 S — moved to the next casualty Trade (Apothecary) 100 S — in the squad and assessed Ambidextrous 100 T Ag 30 200 T — the Marine’s condition. A Die Hard 200 T Ag 40, Two Weapon Wielder (Ballistic) shuriken had grazed the Dual Shot 200 T BS 40, Two Weapon Wielder (Ballistic) Marine’s jugular vein and Gunslinger Hip Shooting 200 T BS 40, Ag 40 blood poured from the Sound Constitution 200 T — wound. The Marine’s clotting mechanism must had malfunctioned and in time he would die. Uttering a prayer, Tiberius placed the Reductor against the Marine’s head and performed the Emperor’s Mercy upon his brother...


Given further medicae training the Medicae Internist is in charge of the aid stations near the front lines.

Table 2-17: Medicae Internist Advances Advance



Chem-Use +10



Prerequisites Chem-Use

Forbidden Lore (Gene-Seed) +10



Forbidden Lore (Gene-Seed)

Forbidden Lore (Mutants) +10



Forbidden Lore (Mutants)

Forbidden Lore (Space Marine Anatomy) +10



Forbidden Lore (Space Marine Anatomy)

Forbidden Lore (Warp) +10



Forbidden Lore (Warp)

Medicae +10




Scholastic Lore (Gene-Seed) +10



Scholastic Lore (Gene-Seed)

Scholastic Lore (Space Marine Anatomy) +10



Scholastic Lore (Space Marine Anatomy)

Scholastic Lore (Human Anatomy)+10



Scholastic Lore (Human Anatomy)

Scholastic Lore (Chymistry) +10



Scholastic Lore (Chymistry) Checking the runes of his Scholastic Lore (Pharmacology) +10 100 S Scholastic Lore (Pharmacology) helmet display, he awaited Tech-Use (Apothecary Tools) +10 200 S Tech-Use (Apothecary Tools) the orders from Brother Basic Weapon Training (choose one: Flame, 300 T — Kellerica before charging Launcher, Melta, or Plasma) Hard Target 200 T Ag 40 out into the jungle. Before Heavy Weapon Training (choose one: Flame, Las, 300 T — Tiberius knew it, fire erupt- Launcher, Melta, or Plasma) 100 T WP 30 ed from the path ahead of Jaded Melee Weapon Training (Chain) 300 T — him and he heard the sound Melee Weapon Training (Power) 100 T — of the heavy bolter erupt in Mighty Shot 200 T BS 40 anger. Pushing himself out Quick Draw 200 T — 300 T — of the jungle undergrowth Sound Constitution 100 T — he came onto the path and Sprint witnessed Kellerica slaughter the first few cultists. Tiberius saw a couple of cultists charging up from behind Kellerica. He screamed into the vox and brought his bolter up to fire at the charging cultists....

Field Medicae Advances Field Medicaes assist Apo­ thecaries back at the field hospitals or in the operating theaters of the ships of the Chapter fleet.

II: Advances

Medicae Internist Advances

Table 2-18: Field Medicae Advances Advance



Chem-Use +20



Prerequisites Chem-Use +10

Forbidden Lore (Gene-Seed) +20



Forbidden Lore (Gene-Seed) +10

Forbidden Lore (Mutants) +20



Forbidden Lore (Mutants) +10

Forbidden Lore (Space Marine Anatomy) +20



Forbidden Lore (Space Marine Anatomy) +10

Forbidden Lore (Warp) +20



Forbidden Lore (Warp) +10

Medicae +20



Medicae +10

Scholastic Lore (Gene-Seed) +20



Scholastic Lore (Gene-Seed)

Scholastic Lore (Space Marine Anatomy) +20



Scholastic Lore (Space Marine Anatomy) +10

Scholastic Lore (Human Anatomy) +20



Scholastic Lore (Human Anatomy) +10

100 S Scholastic Lore (Chymistry) +10 Tiberius watched silently Scholastic Lore (Chymistry) +20 Scholastic Lore (Pharmacology) +20 100 S Scholastic Lore (Pharmacology) +10 as young Bencarius was Tech-Use (Apothecary Tools) +20 200 S Tech-Use (Apothecary Tools) +10 brought into the operating Basic Weapon Training (choose one: Flame, 300 T — theater to begin the pro- Launcher, Melta, or Plasma) Exotic Weapon Training (choose one: Needle 300 T — cess of turning this young Pistol, Web Pistol, Needle Rifle, or Webber) child into a Space Marine. Furious Assault 200 T WS 35 300 T — Tiberius held the boy down Heavy Weapon Training (choose one: Flame, Las, Launcher, Melta, or Plasma) and watched as Apothecary Independent Targeting 200 T BS 40 Paulus begin cutting the Marksman 200 T BS 35 300 T — boy open with the scal- Pistol Training (choose one: Flame, Launcher, Melta, or Plasma) pel. Tiberius held the boy Peer (Chapter) 100 T Fel 30 firmly down and let the Sharpshooter 200 T BS 40, Deadeye Shot screams echo through his Sound Constitution 300 T — mind. Thinking back the many centuries before when he was in this boy’s position, he smiled at the thought that his reaction was identical to the boy’s. The boy’s blood covered his operating gown and he watched Paulus work...


II: Advances

Chaplain The Chaplain takes up a very special role within each Chapter, although the exact role varies from Chapter to Chapter. No matter which Chapter, Chaplains are the spiritual leaders. They know all about each Chapter’s cult of the Emperor. As these cults predate even the Ecclesiarchy, being more than ten thousand years old, the Chaplains are the keepers of the holy cants and relics the Chapter possesses. The main difference between the Ecclesiarchy and the Space Marine cults is the worship of the Primarch alongside the Emperor. Every Chaplain carries a holy Rosarius around his neck. The Rosarius is a symbol of his status, given to him by the Ecclesiarchy, and thus forming a more or less stable link to the Imperial Cult. A Rosarius’ appearance may change from Chapter to Chapter, but most resemble an Aquila Imperialis or a Crux Terminatus. Within the Rosarius, a small but powerful force field generator is incorporated, protecting the Chaplain from enemy bullets and strikes. But a Chaplain is not anything like a imperial priest. In battle, the Chaplain is found in the deepest and most vicious fights, where he excels even over the close combat skills of all other Marines. No matter how intense the fighting is, he sings his holy chants to inspire his Brothers to even higher levels of bravery. With his Crozius

ChaplainNovite Advances After their completion as a Scout, a Marine is sent to be trained in the role of watcher and keeper of a Marine’s faith and loyalty.

Arcanum, a potent power weapon and also the symbol of his office, his black Power Armour and his helmet’s faceplate resembling the appearance of a grinning skull, he brings terror to the heart of his enemies. Although a frightening figure, a Chaplain is always very close to his fellow Brothers. He is present when a Space Marine is just a Neophyte, during his indoctrination and every stage on their route to become a full fledged Space Marine. This bond extends over all times, and it is not unheard of that some Space Marines rather follow their Chaplain into battle than the original commander. As mentioned above, the exact duties of a Chaplain vary in each Chapter. The Iron Hands for example, use their Iron Fathers, as they are called, as Chaplain and Techmarine. Some of them are sent to Mars during their training. The Dark Angels have the InterrogatorChaplains, whose sole purpose is hunting down the Fallen and force them to repent. A very special role is the Chaplain within the Blood Angels Chapter. He is the only one who can talk to the warriors of the Death Company, whose members suffer from the Black Rage. Some famous Chaplains are Cassius of the Ultramarines, a veteran with a deep personal grudge against the Tyranids, Uzziel of the Dark Angels, who recovered the Sword of Luthor, or Ulrik the Slayer of the Space Wolves.

Table 2-19: Chaplain-Novite Advances Advance










Ciphers (Astartes War Cant)



Drive (Ground Vehicles)



Drive (Hover Vehicles)



Forbidden Lore (Heresy)



Forbidden Lore (Chapter History)









Performer (Musician)



— Young Darus sat in Performer (Singer) 200 S — the training room of the Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed) 100 S — Chaplains, reading a book Scholastic Lore (Legend) 200 S — 100 S — detailing the tenets of the Scrutiny Trade (Copyist) 100 S — Dark Angels faith. He Arms Master 100 T — wolfed down the massive Catfall 200 T — tome repeatedly, memoriz- Lightning Reflexes 100 T — ing the ancient litanies and Meditation 100 T — 200 T — rituals. Holding in his Rapid Reaction 200 T — Sound Constitution hand the Aquila that he You may take this Talent up to two times at this Rank. was given, he felt his faith grow the more he read. The exploits of the Lion filled the ancient tome and his devotion to the Gods of Caliban. His eyes devoured the text and he didn’t notice Reclusiarch Artithet come into the room. “Novite Darus, recite the Litany of Blessed Devotion for me,” Artithet demanded. Slowly standing, unwilling to tear his gaze from the book, he began to recite the litany. Artithet reached down and slammed the book shut... †


As their training grows, they are allowed to finally help with the proceedings of their Chapter’s sermons to prepare their Battle Brothers for combat.

Table 2-20: Chaplain-Priest Advances Advance



Blather +10



Prerequisites Blather

Carouse +20



Carouse +10







Forbidden Lore (Cults)



Scholastic Lore (Legend) +10



Scholastic Lore (Legend)

Scholastic Lore (Occult)



Trade (Copyist) +10



Trade (Copyist)




Ag 30

Die Hard



Dual Shot



Ag 40, Two Weapon Wielder (Ballistic)

Holding the ancient relic Fearless 100 T — in his trembling hands, Gunslinger 200 T BS 40, Two Weapon Wielder (Ballistic) Darus looked out at the sea Hip Shooting 200 T BS 40, Ag 40 Melee Weapon Training (Shock) 100 T — of faces from his position Sound Constitution 200 T — next to Artithet. Artithet Thrown Weapon Training (Primitive) 200 T — was giving a rousing sermon that it was the faithful’s responsibility to bring the Emperor’s light to the worlds throughout the galaxy. Darus felt the ancient chalice reverently removed from his hands by Artithet. The assembled company of Marines watched intently as Artithet recited the Litany of Bravery, then they began to move single file to the pulpit, so they could receive the rites of battle.

ChaplainConfessor Advances A confessor is brought further into the secrets of the Chapter and their cult. Standing before their brothers, they hear their prayers and offer advice.

II: Advances

ChaplainPriest Advances

Table 2-21: Chaplain-Confessor Advances Advance



Charm +10



Prerequisites Charm

Ciphers (Astartes War Cant) +10



Ciphers (Astartes War Cant)

Forbidden Lore (Heresy) +10



Forbidden Lore (Heresy)

Forbidden Lore (Chapter History) +10



Forbidden Lore (Chapter History)

Forbidden Lore (Psykers)



Inquiry +10







Trade (Copyist) +20



Trade (Copyist) +10

Air of Authority



Fel 30

Basic Weapon Training (choose one: Flame, Launcher, Melta, or Plasma)



Darus leaned close to Crushing Blow 100 T S 40 100 T Wp 30, Command Brother Gunther to better Iron Discipline 100 T — hear the Marine’s questions. Hatred (Traitor Legions) Hard Target 200 T Ag 40 Darus held his hand on Heavy Weapon Training (choose one: Flame, Las, 300 T — Gunther’s wrist and helped Launcher, Melta, or Plasma) 100 T WP 30 him to recite the Litany of Jaded 200 T — Purity. Gunther had come Melee Weapon Training (Chain) Mighty Shot 200 T BS 40 to him seeking advice and Quick Draw 200 T — absolution concerning the Sound Constitution 200 T — death of a squad mate. Sprint 100 T — Darus heard the man’s story and whispered encouraging words to the Marine. Upon completing the litany, Darus reassured the Marine and made mental notes to watch Gunther for further breaking in the spirit.


II: Advances

ChaplainExorcist Advances A Chaplain-Exorcist is finally let into the inner circle of the Chaplains. They receive the beginning knowledge of their Chapter’s darkest secrets.

Table 2-22: Chaplain-Exorcist Advances Advance




Command +10




Deceive +10




Interrogation +10




Forbidden Lore (Chaos)



Forbidden Lore (Cults) +10



Forbidden Lore (Cults)

Forbidden Lore (Chapter History) +20



Forbidden Lore (Chapter History) +10

Literacy +10




Performer (Musician) +10



Performer (Musician)

Performer (Singer) +10



Performer (Singer)

Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed) +10



Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed)

Scholastic Lore (Occult) +10



Scholastic Lore (Occult)

Darus could hardly be- Basic Weapon Training (choose one: Flame, 300 T — lieve his ears when Ar- Launcher, Melta, or Plasma) 200 T Rite of Purity, Forbidden Lore (specific) tithet told him about The Confession Binding Exotic Weapon Training (choose one: Needle Pis300 T — Fallen. He blinked back tol, Web Pistol, Needle Rifle, or Webber) his amazement and tried to Furious Assault 100 T WS 35 300 T — focus hard. His breathing Heavy Weapon Training (choose one: Flame, Las, Launcher, Melta, or Plasma) was irregular and shallow, Independent Targeting 200 T BS 40 as if he had been leveled Melee Weapon Training (Power) 100 T — by a power fist. Artithet Pistol Training (choose one: Flame, Launcher, 300 T — placed his hand on Darus’s Melta, or Plasma) Peer (Chapter) 100 T Fel 30 shoulder and helped him to Resistance (Psychic Power) 100 T — focus. Anger swelled within Rite of Purity 200 T Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed), Peer (Chapter), Trade (Copyist) him at the betrayal of the 300 T — Sound Contitution Fallen and he clenched his You may take this Talent up to two times at this Rank. fist. Slowly, his focus came back and he listened intently to what Artithet had to say. He absorbed the information and uttered the Litany of Calming to bring his frenzied emotions into balance... †

Reclusiarch Advances Reclusiarchs lead their brothers in combat, combining faith and command into a fiercesome package. Adorned in the black armour of the Chaplain they embody the Angel of Death.


Table 2-23: Reclusiarch Advances Advance




Blather +20



Blather +10

Charm +20



Charm +10

Ciphers (Astartes War Cant) +20



Ciphers (Astartes War Cant) +10

Command +20




Deceive +20



Deceive +10

Forbidden Lore (Chaos) +10



Forbidden Lore (Chaos)

Forbidden Lore (Cults) +20



Forbidden Lore (Cults) +10

Forbidden Lore (Psykers) +10



Forbidden Lore (Psykers)

Forbidden Lore (Heresy) +20



Forbidden Lore (Heresy) +10

Forbidden Lore (Traitor Legions)



Inquiry +20



Inquiry +10

100 S Interrogation +10 Darus looked up from Interrogation +20 Literacy +20 100 S Literacy +10 the transport compartment Scholastic Lore (Legend) +20 100 S Scholastic Lore (Legend) +10 and saw Tactical Veteran Scholastic Lore (Occult) +20 100 S Scholastic Lore (Occult) +10 Marcecius sitting in the Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed) +20 100 S Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed) +10 200 T WS 30 command hatch. He felt Combat Master Crippling Strike 100 T WS 50 the land raider maneuver Hatred (Heretics) 200 T — through the wrecked city Into the Jaws of Hell 100 T Iron Discipline and come to a lurch. Yell- Litany of Hate 100 T Hatred ing on the vox net told him Litany of Awe 100 T — 100 T — that they had contact with Litany of Pure Thought 100 T Fel 30 the Eldar and he was sud- Master Orator Sound Contitution 300 T — denly slammed to the front Strong Minded 100 T WP 30, Resistance (Psychic Powers) as the land raider’s treads Swift Attack 100 T WS 35 100 T — grabbed purchase on the Talented (Scholastic) 200 T Int 30 concrete road to go into re- Total Recall verse. The impacts of the Dark Reaper launchers told Darus all he needed to know that they had a close call. Gripping his Crozius in his left hand he recited the Litany of Protection for the Marines on board the land raider...

While other Space Marines are famous for their martial skill, the Librarian is instead known for his mental abilities. Like any other Marine, he is well trained with Bolter and melee weapon, but the main power of a Librarian is his ability to use psychic might. Many Librarians use the same powers like other psykers, but some have unique powers, making them more dangerous than a Devastator Squad or even a Land Raider. These powers not only devastate the enemy, but they can also use them to enhance their own combat skills. Depending on the exact kind of psychic power the Librarian has, his duties vary. Those who control fire, lightning or even the pure, raw energy of Warp are found in the second row of a combat formation, to provide effective heavy fire support for the other fighting units. Others may be blessed with the power of divination, either long term or short term. If they can divine the future for a longer period, they may be consultants to the force commander and act as strategists. Librarians that can foresee a rather short period of time are often acting as tactical advisors for field commanders. No matter what power a Librarian has, from a sense of Warp to massive destructive skills, he is a formidable force on the battlefield. Armed with Force Weapons, the Librarian use them

Librarium Sanctionite Advances Selected from the Initiates that have been chosen to become Marines, a Librarium Sanctionite is culled from the Chapter as soon as they finish scout training. They have the ability to wield the power of the warp.

to deliver massive blows of channeled psychic energy. Naturally, these blows are especially lethal to demons. Another magnificent piece of equipment exclusive to Librarians is the Psychic Hood. The hood protects the Librarian from enemy psychic powers and the dangers of the Warp. Sadly, the arcane design is not perfectly effective. Otherwise, there would not be so many Librarians turning into Chaos Sorcerers. In the rare times of peace, Librarians watch over the history and lore of their Chapter. They also act as advisors for the Chapter Master, guiding him on his ways to serve the Chapter best. Becoming a Librarian is not an easy task. First, one must be suitable to become a Space Marine after all. Second, he must possess a psychic potential. Third and final, he must be able resist the lure of Chaos and the Warp. Most Chapters keep their Librarians away from the other Brothers, mainly because a Librarian is somehow unnatural, as his psychic abilities stand for many things the Adeptus Astartes shun. While most Chapters have a rather small contingent of Librarians, others, most notably the Black Templar Chapter, completely exclude Librarians from their force. On the contrary, the Blood Raven Chapter has a very high number of Librarians, due to a slight mutation in their gene-seed. Not every Chapter calls a Librarian this way. The Space Wolves for example call them Rune Priests, while others call them Brother Scriptor.

II: Advances


Table 2-24: Librarium Sanctionite Advances Advance




Ciphers (Astartes War Cant)



Drive (Ground Vehicles)



Drive (Hover Vehicles)






Forbidden Lore (Heresy)



Forbidden Lore (Chapter History)



Forbidden Lore (Mutants)









Scholastic Lore (Astromancy)



Speak Language (High Gothic)









Ag 30

Arms Master



He stood in the darkened Catfall 200 T — 100 T — room and reached out with Fearless 200 T — his psychic abilities to de- Ligthtning Reflexes Meditation 100 T — tect any life forms in the Minor Psychic Power 100 T — room. Varnius saw the Psy Rating 2 100 T Psy Rating 1 glows of the other Sanc- Psychic Power 100 T — 200 T — tionites in the room inside Rapid Reaction 200 T — of his mind. Suddenly, a Sound Constitution Thrown Weapon Training (Primitive) 200 T — cold feeling wrapped its You may take this Talent up to two times at this Rank. talons across his mind and he shut off the warp sight. He collapsed to the floor exhausted, blood dripping from his nose. Lexicanum Loganis approached him and carefully placed his hand on Varnius’s shoulder. “Are you alright boy?” “I felt something claw at my mind,” he whispered, then collapsed into unconsciousness. †


II: Advances

Librarium Neonate Advances A Librarium Neonate learns to control his psychic abilities and to protect himself from the predations of the Warp.

Table 2-25: Librarium Neonate Advances Advance




Ciphers (Occult)



Common Lore (Librarium)



Forbidden Lore (Mutants) +10



Forbidden Lore (Mutants)

Forbidden Lore (Psykers)



Forbidden Lore (Inquisition)



Inquiry +10







Scholastic Lore (Legend)



Scholastic Lore (Numerology)






Ag 30

His mind stretched out Corpus Conversion 100 T Psy Rating 2 into the Warp and he Die Hard 200 T — practiced the Rite of Anti- Dual Shot 200 T Ag 40, Two Weapon Wielder (Ballistic) 200 T BS 40, Two Weapon Wielder (Ballistic) Possession. Blocks began Gunslinger Hip Shooting 200 T BS 40, Ag 40 assembling in his mind and Melee Weapon Training (Shock) 200 T — they were placed to cre- Minor Psychic Power 100 T — ate a wall to protect him. Power Well 100 T Psy Rating 2 Suddenly he sensed another Psychic Power 100 T — 200 T — presence in the Warp and Sound Constitution You may take this Talent up to two times at this Rank. he started to turn off his powers. The smell of burning flesh and sulfur filled the small chamber followed by Varnius’s scream. Loganis burst into the room to catch the Neonate in his arms. Reciting the Litany of Calming, Loganis checked on his young charge to find that the Warp had left a permanent mark on Varnius. Varnius’s eyes had been changed to a preternatural shade of orange and his eye sockets were burned by the psychic wards to leave a permanent scar. †

Librarium Militant Advances A Librarium Militant has gained total control over his abilities and begins serving the Chapter in one of the Companies.

Table 2-26: Librarium Militant Advances Advance




Ciphers (Astartes War Cant) +10



Ciphers (Astartes War Cant)

Inquiry +20



Inquiry +10

Forbidden Lore (Heresy) +10



Forbidden Lore (Heresy)

Forbidden Lore (Chapter History) +10



Forbidden Lore (Chapter History)

Forbidden Lore (Mutants) +20



Forbidden Lore (Mutants) +10

Literacy +10




Logic +10




Scholastic Lore (Astromancy) +10



Scholastic Lore (Astromancy)

Scholastic Lore (Heraldry)



Speak Language (High Gothic) +10



Speak Language (High Gothic) +10

Varnius pulled the psyTech-Use +10 200 S chic hood over his head Basic Weapon Training (choose one: Flame, 300 T and felt the systems come Launcher, Melta, or Plasma) 200 T to life in his power armour. Crushing Blow Discipline Focus (choose one) 100 T Finally, he was able to join Hatred (Traitor Legions) 200 T the Brothers of the Third Hard Target 200 T Company and hopefully Heavy Weapon Training (choose one: Flame, Las, 300 T will be able to protect them Launcher, Melta, or Plasma) Jaded 100 T from the abominations of Melee Weapon Training (Chain) 300 T the Warp. He carefully Mighty Shot 200 T 100 T wrapped the belt contain- Minor Psychic Power 100 T ing his force sword rest- Power Well 100 T Psychic Power ing in its scabbard and the Psy Rating 3 100 T holster holding his bolter Quick Draw 200 T pistol. He ensured that his Sound Constitution 200 T 100 T Librarian robes were care- Sprint You may take this Talent up to two times at this Rank. fully arranged before walking out of his room on the Battle Barge Sons of Ultramar to the landing bay for deployment. †


Tech-Use — S 40 Psy Rating 3 — Ag 40 — WP 30 — BS 40 — Psy Rating 2 — Psy Rating 2 — — —

A Librarium Savant is held strong with his command of the Warp and able to turn the tide of battle with a single thought.

Table 2-27: Librarium Savant Advances Advance



Ciphers (Occult) +10



Prerequisites Ciphers (Occult)

Common Lore (Librarium) +10



Common Lore (Librarium)

Forbidden Lore (Psykers) +10



Forbidden Lore (Psykers)

Forbidden Lore (Inquisition) +10



Forbidden Lore (Inquisition)

Invocation +10




Scholastic Lore (Legend) +10



Scholastic Lore (Legend)

Scholastic Lore (Numerology) +10



Scholastic Lore (Numerology)

Scholastic Lore (Heraldry) +10



Scholastic Lore (Heraldry)

Basic Weapon Training (choose one: Flame, Launcher, Melta, or Plasm)



Varnius was reassured by Exotic Weapon Training (choose one: Needle 300 T — the weight of the jump pack Pistol, Web Pistol, Needle Rifle, or Webber) 200 T WS 35 and waited for the order to Furious Assault Heavy Weapon Training (choose one: Flame, Las, 300 T — move out. On this Chaos- Launcher, Melta, or Plasma) infested battlefield their op- Independent Targeting 100 T BS 40 100 T — ponents were their traitor- Minor Psychic Power Pistol Training (choose one: Flame, Launcher, 300 T — ous brothers, the Emperor’s Melta, or Plasma) Children. Assault Sergeant Melee Weapon Training (Power) 100 T — 100 T Fel 30 Felstinius issued the com- Peer (Chapter) 100 T Psy Rating 2 mand to attack a squad of Power Well Psy Rating 4 100 T Psy Rating 3 Emperor’s Children using Psychic Power 100 T — a low ridge as cover. The Sound Constitution 300 T — entire squad lifted off and You may take this Talent up to two times at this Rank. crossed the battlefield leaving smoke and the sound of rushing wind behind them. Varnius could see the dancing form of Gregorius firing his bolter pistol at the enemy... †

II: Advances

Librarium Savant Advances

Lexicanum Advances

Table 2-28: Lexicanum Advances Cost



Ciphers (Astartes War Cant) +20



Ciphers (Astartes War Cant) +10

Ciphers (Occult) +20



Ciphers (Occult) +10

Common Lore (Librarium) +20



Common Lore (Librarium) +10




Forbidden Lore (Heresy) +20



Forbidden Lore (Heresy) +10

Forbidden Lore (Chapter History) +20



Forbidden Lore (Chapter History) +10

Forbidden Lore (Psykers) +20



Forbidden Lore (Psykers) +10

Forbidden Lore (Inquisition) +20



Forbidden Lore (Inquisition) +10

Invocation +20



Invocation +10

Scholastic Lore (Legend) +20



Scholastic Lore (Legend) +10

Scholastic Lore (Numerology) +20



Scholastic Lore (Numerology) +10

100 He directed the servitors Scholastic Lore (Heraldry) +20 Scholastic Lore (Astromancy) +20 100 with little trouble as he Speak Language (High Gothic) +20 200 sought out the information Tech-Use +20 200 concerning the foe they had Combat Master 200 200 fought previously. The an- Crippling Strike Hatred (Heretics) 100 cient tome was laid on his Iron Discipline 100 desk and Varnius opened it Minor Psychic Power 100 carefully. With a pen, he Power Well 100 noted Third Company’s ac- Psychic Power 100 100 tions against the Emperor’s Psy Rating 5 Sound Constitution 300 Children on the Imperial Swift Attack 200 planet Nilnor. He furious- Talented (Scholastic) 100 ly scribbled his memories Total Recall 200 You may take this Talent up to two times at this Rank. of the battles, hoping that future generations of Marines would be able to learn from the actions of the Ultramarines fighting.


Scholastic Lore (Heraldry) +10


Scholastic Lore (Astromancy) +10


Speak Language (High Gothic) +10


Tech-Use +10


WS 30


WS 50

A Lexicanum is a fiercesome foe on the battlefield and adept in dealing death. Off the battlefield, they help maintain the records of the Chapter and adding to the vast stores of information.




WP 30, Command



Psy Rating 2



Psy Rating 4



WS 35



Int 30


II: Advances

Techmarine A Techmarine, or Frater Astrotechnicus, is a special kind of Space Marine. He has a deep affinity to technology. Although they are not directly part of the Adeptus Mechanicus, they are regarded as members of their Chapter as well as of the Cult Mechanicus. Due to an eon-old pact between the Adeptus Astartes and the Adeptus Mechanicus, Techmarines spend about thirty years on Mars, where they learn the rites necessary to invoke the spirit of the machine, to calm it, and to repair and maintain the technological devices, weapons and armour of the Chapter. The first true Techmarine was Murchard Kite from the Thousand Sons before the Horus Heresy, who was chosen by the Adeptus Mechanicus. Techmarines usually live a life apart from their fellow Brothers. Nevertheless, they are highly regarded, as they are the only ones who know the secrets of the machines. Before each battle, they bless the weapons and armour of their Brothers. Once in battle, they “heal” damaged vehicles and armour, accompanied by a loyal host of servitors. They do not only repair damaged items, but they also re-invoke the rage of the Machine Spirit should it ever fade. They are the reason why some of a Chapter’s equipment is over several thousand years old, especially ar-

Apprentum Advances After completing their scout training, these mechanically inclined Marines are sent to Mars to be trained by the Adeptus Mechanicus.

mour and vehicles. A Techmarine is willing to undertake great risks on the battlefield to recover armour and weapons, before they are lost forever. To fulfill their duties, they are equipped with various special gear. This ranges from a simple servo arm attached to the Power Armour to a complete Servo Harness. This magnificent armour bristles with additional arms, each one equipped with tools like a laser cutter or a power saw. As mentioned above, many Techmarines are accompanied by servitors. This is because under enemy fire it can be difficult to repair a damaged vehicle. Gun servitors and combat servitors protect the Techmarine from enemies, while a tech servitor helps his master with the work. Techmarines usually wear rust red armour, to honour the bonds between them the Adeptus Mechanicus and Mars, but not a single Techmarine would dare to cover his Chapter’s insignia, as this would enrage the Machine Spirit within the armour. The sign of office for a Techmarine is a Power Axe, which is not only used in combat, but also serves as a tool. Some Space Marines look at the Techmarines with suspicion, because they act as if the equipment of the Chapter would belong to the Techmarines and they only borrow it. Without the Techmarines, every Chapter of the Astartes would depend on normal humans to remain fully functional.

Table 2-29: Apprentum Advances Advance




Ciphers (Astartes War Cant)



Common Lore (Machine Cult)



Common Lore (Tech)



Drive (Ground Vehicles)



Drive (Hover Vehicles)



Forbidden Lore (Chapter History)






Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed)



Secret Tongue (Astartes Signage)



200 S — He looked out of the ob- Speak Language (High Gothic) Trade (Copyist) 100 S — servation deck on the large Trade (Scrimshawer) 100 S — Adeptus Mechanicus transArms Master 200 T — port and gazed in wonder Binary Chatter 100 T — at the sight of Mars below Catfall 200 T — 100 T Techmarine him. Somehow the thought Feedback Screech 200 T — of his former squad mates Lightning Reflexes Meditation 100 T — tugged at his mind and he Rapid Reaction 200 T — struggled to balance the Sound Constitution 200 T — awe of Mars with the feelYou may take this Talent up to two times at this Rank. ings of separation. Casticus turned from the window and picked up his gear. He headed down to the landing bay for transport to the surface and his future. †


This is the first of many tasks a Techmarine must learn, which is the careful maintenance of the weapons of the Space Marines.

Table 2-30: Weaponsmith Advances Advance




Ciphers (Astartes War Cant) +10



Ciphers (Astartes War Cant)

Common Lore (Tech) +10



Common Lore (Tech)

Common Lore (War)






Forbidden Lore (Archeotech)



Forbidden Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus)



Forbidden Lore (Chapter History) +10



Forbidden Lore (Chapter History)




He used the mechadan- Scholastic Lore (Astromancy) 200 S — 100 S — drites to open up the cover Scholastic Lore (Chymistry) 100 S — of the lascannon on the Scholastic Lore (Numerology) Security 200 S — right side sponson of the Secret Tongue (Tech) 100 S — land raider. Casticus’s arms Tech-Use 100 S — were too short to reach the Trade (Armoursmith) 100 S — 200 T WS 30 cover. The cover opened up Combat Master 100 T — to reveal the internal com- Concealed Cavity Crack Shot 200 T BS 40 ponents that allowed the Double Team 200 T — ancient weapon to func- Fearless 100 T — 100 T Techmarine tion. Reciting the Litany of Ferric Lure 200 T Ag 30 Cleaning and Adjustment Leap Up Mechadendrite Use (Manipulator) 100 T Techmarine his mechadandrites care- Sound Constitution 200 T — fully adjusted the lenses and deftly cleaned the dust from the inside of the weapon. Satisfied that the weapon had been adjusted and cleaned to the exacting standards of the Mechanicus he closed the cover then went to the other lascannon.

Armoursmith Advances Learning to care and maintain the armour of a Space Marine is another fundamental that all Techmarines must master.

II: Advances

Weaponsmith Advances

Table 2-31: Armoursmith Advances Advance




Common Lore (Machine Cult) +10



Common Lore (Machine Cult)

Literacy +10




Navigation (Stellar)



Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed) +10



Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed)

Secret Tongue (Astartes Signage) +10



Secret Tongue (Astartes Signage)

Speak Language (High Gothic) +10



Speak Language (High Gothic)

Tech-Use +10




Trade (Armoursmith) +10



Trade (Armoursmith)



Trade (Copyist)



Trade (Scrimshawer)







Ag 30







Ag 40, Two Weapon Wielder (Ballistic)



BS 40, Two Weapon Wielder (Ballistic)






Ag 40



BS 40, Ag 40 BS 40

The heavy tactical dread- Trade (Copyist) +10 nought armour sat on the Trade (Scrimshawer) +10 workbench in front of him Trade (Miner) Trade (Smith) and he pulled out a spanner Ambidextrous to begin the long process of Basic Weapon Training (choose one: disassembling the venerable Launcher, Melta, or Plasma) armour. Reciting the Litany Die Hard Dual Shot of Cleaning, he loosened Gunslinger the first of the many hun- Gun Blessing dreds of thousands of nuts Hard Target holding the armour togeth- Hip Shooting Independent Targeting er. He peered intently at Marksman the newly revealed circuitry Mechadendrite Use (Gun) and checked the solders to Sharpshooter ensure they still had a good Sound Constitution connection. After his in- Sprint Thrown Weapon Training (Primitive) spection, Casticus resealed the panel and went to work on the next access panel.






BS 35






BS 40, Deadeye Shot








II: Advances

Tech-Initiate Advances Delving further into the mysteries of the Cult of Mechanicus, a Tech-Initiate begins to learn how to maintain the large war machines of the Space Marines.

Advance Ciphers (Astartes War Cant) +20 Common Lore (Tech) +20 Common Lore (War) +10 Evaluate +10 Forbidden Lore (Archeotech) +10 Forbidden Lore (Adeptus Mecanicus) +10 Forbidden Lore (Chapter History) +20 Logic +10 Scholastic Lore (Astromancy) +10 Scholastic Lore (Chymistry) +10 Scholastic Lore (Numerology) +10 Security +10 Secret Tongue (Tech) +10 Trade (Miner) +10 Trade (Smith) +10 Heavy Weapon Training (choose one: Flame, Las, Launcher, Melta, or Plasma) Jaded Maglev Grace Mechadendrite Use (Optical) Melee Weapon Training (Chain) Melee Weapon Training (Power) Mighty Shot Quick Draw Sound Constitution




200 100 200 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 100 100 100 300


Ciphers (Astartes War Cant) +10 Common Lore (Tech) Common Lore (War) Evaluate Forbidden Lore (Archeotech) Forbidden Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus) Forbidden Lore (Chapter History)+10 Logic Scholastic Lore (Astromancy) Scholastic Lore (Chymistry) Scholastic Lore (Numerology) Security Secret Tongue (Tech) Trade (Miner) Trade (Smith) —




200 200 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 100 100 100 100 100 100 300


— Common Lore (War) +10 Evaluate +10 Forbidden Lore (Archeotech) +10 Forbidden Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus) +10 Logic +10 Scholastic Lore (Astromancy) +10 Scholastic Lore (Chymistry) +10 Scholastic Lore (Numerology) +10 Security +10 Secret Tongue (Tech) +10 Tech-Use +10 Trade (Armoursmith) +10 Trade (Miner) +10 Trade (Smith) +10 — —

Casticus used his mechadendrites to pull the damaged armour plating from the chassis of the Rhino. He carefully inspected the 100 T WP 30 plates and saw the numer100 T Techmarine ous scorchs of bolter fire 100 T Techmarine mixed with the impacts 300 T — of rokkets. He muttered a 100 T — 200 T BS 40 prayer to the Omnissiah to 200 T — soothe the machine spirit 300 T — nestled within the body of the Rhino. He carefully laid the armour plating down onto a nearby trolley and picked up a new armour plating section. With his welder he welded the new armour plate into place. Satisfied with the results he picked up another armour plate and repeated the procedure.

Tech-Wright Advances Fully trained, a TechWright returns to his Chapter to begin his service among his Battle Brothers both on and off the field of battle.


Table 2-32: Tech-Initiate Advances

Table 2-33: Tech-Wright Advances Advance Command Common Lore (War) +20 Evaluate +20 Forbidden Lore (Archeotech) +20 Forbidden Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus) +20 Logic +20 Scholastic Lore (Astromancy) +20 Scholastic Lore (Chymistry) +20 Scholastic Lore (Numerology) +20 Security +20 Secret Tongue (Tech) +20 Tech-Use +20 Trade (Armoursmith) +20 Trade (Miner) +20 Trade (Smith) +20 Trade (Technomat) Basic Weapon Training (choose one: Flame, Launcher, Melta, or Plasma) Disturbing Voice Energy Cache Exotic Weapon Training (choose one: Needle Pistol, Web Pistol, Needle Rifle, or Webber) Ferric Summons Furious Assault Heavy Weapon Training (choose one: Flame, Las, Launcher, Melta, or Plasma) Iron Discipline Maglev Transcendence Pistol Training (choose one: Flame, Launcher, Melta, or Plasma) Peer (Chapter) Rite of Awe Rite of Fear Rite of Pure Thought Sound Constitution

Casticus relaxed on the observation deck of the Battle Barge Sons of Ultramar and contemplated the 20 years that had passed since he was just a young scout. He reflected 100 T — upon these memories and 100 T Techmarine felt the twinge of loneliness 300 T — because the bond that had 100 T Techmarine, Ferric Lure been forged in the trials of 200 T WS 35 combat had been lost due 300 T — to his separation from the 200 T WP 30, Command Chapter. The door to the 100 T Techmarine, Maglev Grace observation deck opened 300 T — and Casticus turned to see 200 T Fel 30 who had entered into this 100 T Techmarine beautiful place. Tactical 100 T Techmarine 100 T Techmarine Sergeant Bencarius entered 300 T — calmly and approached the Techmarine with a warm smile. “That was an excellent job on repairing my land raider,” Bencarius said as he offered his hand. Casticus took it and thought, “Old bonds may be gone, but new bonds can always be forged if the Omnissiah wills it.”


he origin of the Adeptus Astartes lies millennia in the past. The Emperor developed a special breed of warriors. The first of these individuals are now known as the Primarchs. Once, there were twenty Primarchs. During the so-called First Founding, twenty Space Marine Legions were created, each one with the gene-seed of its Primarch. Today, only nine Legions of the First Founding remain. Two vanished without any trace, the other nine Legions became the cursed Traitor Legions, more commonly known as the Chaos Space Marines.

After the Horus Heresy, the nine Loyalist Legions were broken up into 1,000 Marine strong Chapters. This was called the Second Founding, as the Marine Legions were broken apart to form hundreds of individual Chapters that could trace their gene-seed back to their Primarch. The nine Chapters are the Dark Angels, the White Scars, Space Wolves, Imperial Fists, Blood Angels, Iron Hands, Ultramarines, Salamanders and the Raven Guard. From these Chapters, others were formed later. For example, the Crimson Fists and Black Templars are descendants of the Imperial Fists, while Blood Drinkers and Lamenters are of Blood Angel origin. This are only a few of the now existing Chapters. Over time, the gene-seed of some Chapters began to mutate and thus change from its original form. For example, the Space Wolves suffer from the so-called Canis Helix, which invokes the more feral aspects of each Marine. Another notable example is the genetic defect which is called the Red Thirst and is only found in the Blood Angel Chapter and its successors. Other changes are not as grave as these mutations. The Imperial Fist Chapter for example lacks both the Sus-an Membrane and Betcher’s Gland.

Some Chapters have special units or companies which are remarkable. The best known are the Deathwing of the Dark Angel Chapter, the Death Company of the Blood Angels or the Thirteenth Company of the Space Wolves. Another point of difference are the battle tactics employed by the various Chapters. Some excel in melee combat, others are siege specialists, while others are specialized in strike-and-vanish tactics. Although there are many differences between the Chapters, one thing remains the same: they all follow the Codex Astartes, written by Roboute Guilliman of the Ultramarines after the Horus Heresy. It this Codex general tactics are defined, as well as the fact that every Chapter should only have about 1,000 Space Marines. Due to the intense combat the Legio Astartes see, this number is only nominal.

III: Chapter Rules

CChapter hap te r R u l es Rules

Although most Chapters can be traced back to a Chapter of the First Founding, the origins of others remain a mystery, like the Blood Ravens, whose origins were rumored to be of Blood Angel and Raven Guard. Sadly, some of the Chapters from the later foundings either turned renegade or were declared Excommunicate Traitoris. Examples are the Soul Drinkers, who are of Imperial Fist origin, or the Relictors, that were created from the Dark Angel and Ultramarine gene-seed. Needless to say, these former Space Marines are sworn enemies of the Imperium. Certain Chapters are divergent from Codex: Astartes or lacking certain gene-seed or suffer from various maladies that the Ultramarines do not have. The rules presented in this section are for modeling these Chapters in Dark Heresy.


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Dark Angels History The Dark Angels have the honour of being the first Legion created by The Emperor. Like the others, Lion El’Jonson was lost while he was still in his infancy. He later turned up on the distant planet of Caliban, which bore some resemblance to early medieval Terra. Luther, who discovered El’Jonson and prevented his death at the hands of his fellow knights, was a member of the Order, an organization of knights, and the two become close friends. The Primarch eventually became the leader of the Order and the whole of Caliban. Meanwhile, unknown to the people of Caliban, the Emperor was waging his Great Crusade across the galaxy, reuniting humanity and purging entire star systems of their alien oppressors. As the Imperium’s wave of conquest advanced across the galaxy, Imperial scouts rediscovered the isolated world of Caliban. It was not long before the Emperor was at last reunited with El’Jonson and was filled with joy as would be a father on finding his lost son. The Emperor’s first action was to give Lion El’Jonson control of his First Legion. This legion of Space Marines had been created by the Emperor from its Primarch’s DNA samples and had fought alongside the other Imperial forces as the Great Crusade was waged across the galaxy. The First Legion was thereafter named as the Dark Angels, in reference to a Caliban legend that told of great, righteous heroes who held back monsters. Announced by the Primarch, the connotation was in fact first drawn by Luther, who quoted a section from the legend upon first seeing Astartes descending using jump-packs: “And the angels of darkness descended upon pinions of fire and light...the great and terrible dark angels.” Caliban was made the homeworld of the Dark Angels and the whole of the Order moved to join the ranks of the Astartes. Those knights who were still young enough had the Legion’s gene-seed implanted within them. Those too old for this process underwent surgery to transform them into elite warriors of the Imperium. Although they were not full Space Marines, their enhancements granted them abilities and a lifespan beyond those of normal men. The first to be brought into the Legion in this way was Luther, who became Jonson’s second-in-command, just as he always had been within the Order. However, the Dark Angel’s contributions to the Great Crusade had barely begun when the Lion sent Luther and a small contingent of Dark Angels back to Caliban, purportedly to garrison the world and increase the speed and quality of the training given to the Legion’s recruits. Whatever the reason, the force sent back felt disgraced and rejected. The Great Crusade had to go on: there were countless human worlds that were still under the influence of Chaos or oppressed by the harsh rule of alien races. So

it was that Jonson and many of the Dark Angels continued on the Emperor’s Crusade for the reunification of humanity while Luther was left behind in charge of the remainder of the Legion on Caliban. Despite the importance of Luther’s position, it was not one that suited his ambitious personality. Lion El’Jonson and his Legion performed well during the Great Crusade, although during a particular battle, he and Leman Russ, Primarch of the Space Wolves Legion, came to blows over the latter’s action during the siege of the Crimson Fortress. This event began a feud which still continues strong in the 41st millennium, usually taking the form of a ritualistic duel between two elected champions, although it has been known to manifest itself in a very violent manner. As Jonson’s fame spread throughout the galaxy and reports of his great deeds and prowess in battle reached the Legion’s home world, Luther felt robbed of his share of the glory. He wanted the fame and recognition that he felt he deserved as Jonson’s equal. His role as planetary governor of some half-forgotten backwater world seemed more and more to him like an insult. The seed of jealousy and dissension that had been planted within Luther when Jonson was made the Grand Master of the Order now began to grow and rankle within his heart as the Primarch became more and more celebrated and famous.

The Horus Heresy During the Horus Heresy, the Dark Angels were far from Terra, campaigning on the shield worlds, and were unable to participate directly in the events taking place there. It is known that Warmaster Horus ordered the Night Lords to intercept them on the Eastern Fringe and stop them from aiding the Emperor. The Dark Angels were eventually able to set course for Terra after the siege began. Their impending arrival, closely following that of the Ultramarines and Space Wolves legions (who had overcome similar obstacles), forced Horus to gamble everything on a duel with the Emperor, his former master. Horus was defeated by the Emperor, although

The Great Betrayal The Dark Angels returned to Caliban after the war, but they were fired upon by the planetary defenses. They were forced to assault their own homeworld, where they found their brethren had betrayed them. In a last stand which mirrored that of the Emperor and Horus, Luther and Lion El’Jonson fought, which resulted in Luther mortally wounding his friend. Luther went insane upon realizing he had struck down his close friend and was captured; and in a fit of rage at being defeated once again, the Chaos Gods opened a warp rift in the planet which scattered the traitorous “Fallen Angels” throughout the galaxy. One of the “Fallen Angels” who escaped is Cypher, who reportedly took with him the Lion Blade, the sword of El’Jonson, when he was sent through the warp. The Dark Angel space fleet also bombarded the planet mercilessly, and this caused the structure of the planet to collapse. The bombardment, combined with the newly formed warp rift, broke the planet up; it is now an asteroid field. This betrayal has tainted their honour in the eyes of the Dark Angels themselves. Given that the event was purely within the Legion itself, and was on a world far from Terra, nobody outside of the Legion knows it occurred. Within the Chapters itself, only the elite veterans are permitted this knowledge – in the modern Dark Angels Chapter, only the Deathwing and senior officers know this secret. The Chapter leadership will go to great lengths to ensure that this knowledge does not reach the Imperium at large, even at times going so far as to disobey direct orders from Inquisitors and cause overly curious individuals to “disappear”. Only the most senior members, known as the Inner Circle, know the greatest secret – that Luther, the great traitor, is still alive and insane, living in a cell deep within the Rock. Lion El’Jonson’s body was never found; Luther claims, in his near-senseless mutterings, that the Lion is near and will return and forgive him.

The Aftermath of Caliban Caliban was destroyed during the Betrayal, shattered by the warp rift and orbital bombardment. The remains now form a sizable asteroid field. The largest piece, which survived due to the massive void shields in operation around the largest fortress-monastery, called the Tower of Angels, was hollowed out and became a gigantic spaceship/monastery which is now the home of the Dark Angels. This ship is known simply as The Rock. Sometime after the Betrayal, the Dark Angels changed their primary heraldry color from black to dark green. This story of treachery and betrayal is the Dark Angels’ secret shame. None know of it other than some of the Dark Angels, their Successor Chapters and, maybe, the Emperor on his Golden Throne. Within the Chapter itself very few Brother-Marines know exactly what happened during those fateful days. The organization of the Dark Angels Chapter has been shaped primarily by events in its history. As a result it is different from that of any other. The Chapter is monastic in nature with much time being given over to worship and prayer. There are also many different levels within the Chapter which individuals may gradually rise through. On attaining each level, they find out a little more about the truth behind the Dark Angels’ origins. Most Dark Angels themselves know nothing about the beginnings of the Chapter. It is only those at the very top who have learned the whole truth. The bulk of the Dark Angels Chapter is organized along strict Codex lines, as laid down in the Codex Astartes. However, the First Company and the Second Company both have special organizations. The Second Company is known as the Ravenwing, and is trained as a special mobile formation equipped completely with either bikes or land speeders. The First Company is the famous Deathwing, and although it appears superficially to be the same as any other Chapter’s First Company, it is actually a highly specialized formation. It is only when Dark Angels reach the Deathwing that they learn the story of Luther’s betrayal. More terrible still they learn that many of the Dark Angels that followed Luther are still alive. These damned warriors are known as the Fallen Angels, or simply “the Fallen”, and it is the eradication of this stain on the Chapter’s honour which drives and motivates the Chapter to this day. As long as still one of the Fallen stays alive, the honour of the Chapter will never be restored. Even within the Deathwing company there are various levels of admission, and with these come gradually increasing levels of knowledge.

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the Emperor himself was fatally wounded and had to be entombed within the life-preserving mechanism of the Golden Throne. El’Jonson was stricken with grief over the fact that he had not been able to protect the Emperor against Horus. After the Heresy, the Dark Angels helped restore order to the Imperium. However, during this time, the Dark Angels who had been left behind on Caliban became agitated at being forced to essentially babysit a backwater planet. This led to the leader of the garrison, Luther, turning to the dark gods of Chaos, who had just been defeated with the death of their champion Horus during the Heresy.


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The Fallen Dark Angels In the eyes of the Dark Angels Space Marines, the only way that they can rid themselves totally of their shame, and restore their honour and trust in the Emperor’s eyes, is if all the Fallen are found and either made to repent or are slain. However, since the Fallen were cast through the warp to all corners of space and time, this is no mean task for the Dark Angels to achieve. Unlike the Inquisitors and Grey Knights of the Imperium, whose role it is to root out the agents of Chaos at work within the galaxy, in this regard the Dark Angels are only concerned with finding the Fallen of their Chapter. Although the Dark Angels will be called upon for many different missions for the Imperium, the search for their Fallen comrades is a constant quest that they can never relinquish. Not all of the Dark Angels’ damned brethren have succumbed to the power of Chaos to the same degree. Some of the Fallen have embraced the ways of the Dark Gods totally, becoming true Chaos Space Marines. These Fallen do not belong to a Chapter of their own, like Angron’s World Eaters. Instead they are dispersed throughout space and time as either isolated individuals or in small bands. However, most of the Fallen realize that their actions prior to the fall of Caliban were wrong. Disgusted by the corrupting influence of the Chaos gods, and unable to reconcile themselves with their order, they lead a solitary existence. Many of them become mercenaries or pirates, roaming the galaxy as masterless men. Others are willing to atone for their sins and in an attempt to do so have integrated themselves back into human societies taking on the role of any ordinary person. This only makes the Dark Angels’ task of finding the Fallen much more difficult, as they are not easy to identify as such. But it is still the Dark Angels’ duty to try and track them down. In order to do so, they must investigate any rumor or story relating to the Fallen, in case it should lead them to one of their corrupted brethren. The Dark Angels can go for years without hearing any rumors that might lead them to one or more of the Fallen. When they do however, and their mission is a success, those Fallen that are captured are taken back to the Fortress-Monastery. Deep inside its dungeons, Interrogator-Chaplains attempt to make the Fallen repent. Occasionally they do, and in return for their confession, their deaths are made quick and painless. More often than not, though, the captured Fallen refuses to acknowledge their wrongdoing, and so their souls are purified by extreme suffering, before an agonizing death at the hands of the Interrogator-Chaplains.

Character Creation: Due to the destruction of Caliban the Dark Angels recruit from any Imperial planet or Space bound community. Characters can pick one of the homeworld types when creating their character.

Hunt the Fallen: If a Dark Angels character finds out information on a member of The Fallen they will drop whatever they are doing and bring The Fallen to atonement. Deceit and subterfuge is an option for the character if they wish to keep the non-Dark Angels of the group in the dark. Under no circumstances will the Dark Angels character will let outsiders know of this secret shame and if they do find out the Dark Angels character will be forced to kill any outsider to prevent anyone from knowing this secret shame.

White Scars History The White Scars have a long history dating before the Horus Heresy. Though their history has never been fleshed out in the way other Space Marine chapters such as the Ultramarines have been, it is known that the White Scars fought at the Siege of Terra where their Primarch, Jaghatai Khan, led his legion into battle on the back of a Rhino vehicle. During the first Tyrannic War, they played a role in the destruction of the Hive Fleet Behemoth.

Character Creation: White Scars characters must choose to be from an Imperial world for starting characteristics.

History Primarch Leman Russ, like all other Primarchs, mysteriously vanished from the Emperor’s laboratories in his infancy. He turned up on the distant planet of Fenris, a snow-covered world inhabited by primitive, warlike tribes of humans. He was raised by a pack of the massive Fenrisian Wolves that prowl the snowy lands. Among them, he grew to adulthood in only a few short years. He was eventually discovered by a man named Thengir, King of the Russ. Thengir had organized a party of hunters to clear the wolf pack from his lands. Most of the wolves were slaughtered, and the young man was captured and brought to Thengir. Thengir took the man into his care, giving him the name Leman Russ. Leman learned the ways of man quickly, and many legends sprung up about him, such as how he could defeat a hundred men in only three minutes, or consume an entire ox. Upon his adopted father’s death, the leadership of the Russ passed to Leman. Leman became a mighty leader, winning many victories, often fighting alongside packs of Fenrisian Wolves, led by two of his Wolf-brothers who escaped Thengir’s hunters. Eventually, word of his exploits reached beyond Fenris, and to the ears of the Emperor. He traveled to Fenris, realizing that the exploits could only be the work of a Primarch. Leman Russ refused to pay him homage, boasting that he was far greater than the Emperor. He then proceeded to challenge the Emperor. He consumed three whole oxen, and drained the royal cellars dry. He then boasted that he could easily defeat the Emperor in a fight. The Emperor raised his Power Fist, and knocked him out with a single blow that would have killed a lesser man. After coming to consciousness (and his senses), Russ admitted defeat and swore fealty to the Emperor. He fought well during the Great Crusade, gaining the reputation as a cunning and fierce, as well as slightly unstable, warrior and leader. During a particular battle, he let his rage get the better of him, and wound up in a fist fight with Lion El’Jonson the Primarch of the Dark Angels. This led to a bitter feud between the Legions (and subsequent Chapters), which lasts to this day – although recent events may finally have led to an end to the rivalry, though it is still customary for selected champions from both sides to engage in a (usually) nonlethal duel.

The Horus Heresy Just prior to the Horus Heresy, the Space Wolves came into conflict with their brother Space Marines once again. The Primarch of the Thousand Sons Space Marines, Magnus the Red, had ignored the Emperor’s command to not dabble in sorcery. The Space Wolves were

then ordered by the Emperor to Bring Magnus before the him to answer for this. Russ, however, decided to launch an attack on the Thousand Sons rather than attempt to negotiate. The surprise assault upon the Sons’ home world of Prospero was furious, and rather successful; however, many of the Sons, including Magnus himself, escaped into the wild region of space known as the Eye of Terror. A blood feud still exists between the survivors of the Thousand Sons, who are now dedicated to the Chaos God Tzeentch, and the Space Wolves. During the Horus Heresy, the Space Wolves were far from Earth, alongside the Dark Angels, and were unable to assist their loyalist brethren in the fighting at the capital world, Terra. Knowledge of the imminent arrival of the two Legions, which would tip the balance in favour of the loyalists, pushed Horus into allowing the Emperor to personally attack him in a gamble to swiftly end the war. The two Legions arrived just after the battle concluded, with Horus dead and the Emperor mortally wounded.

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Space Wolves

Post Heresy Leman Russ was devastated by his inability to save the Emperor. After the war was fully completed, and all resistance was crushed, Russ held a great feast, at which he declared he would be leaving, and would return for the ‘final battle’. He then vanished, and is said to have gone into the Eye of Terror to continue hunting down the traitorous Marines who fought against the Emperor during the Horus Heresy. A large portion of the Legion followed him, and became marooned in the Eye until only recently; this lost contingent is known as the 13th Great Company. Another tale has it that the 13th went into the Eye on their own (disobeying orders) or were sent there by Russ, and that Russ himself vanished after chasing a Kabal of Dark Eldar who had raided Fenris right into their city of Commorragh. Harek Ironhelm was the chapter’s Great Wolf during M32. Ironhelm sought for many years to bring Magnus to battle. Several times Magnus appeared to him in visions among the ruins of devastated cities and taunted


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the Great Wolf for his inability to stop him. After many fruitless efforts to catch up with the raiders Harek became obsessed, and took to searching worlds along the edge of the Eye of Terror itself. Eventually he found what he believed to be the Thousand Sons’ secret base on Gangava and launched a full-scale attack against it. This was a deception to draw the Space Wolves from their homeworld, leaving it undefended; Gangava was held by a Chaos force allied to Magnus but it served only as a distraction, allowing a massive Thousand Sons’ Fleet to besiege Fenris. The Fang was held by only a small force of Space Wolves and their servitor-thralls. For forty days and forty nights the Thousand Sons assaulted the citadel. Bjorn the Fell-handed, most ancient of the Space Wolves dreadnoughts, was woken from his long sleep and took charge of the defense The assault was held at bay as a force of scouts under Haakon Blackwing escaped to Gangava to locate Harek. Shamed and furious, Harek Ironhelm returned to meet Magnus in battle on the slopes of the Fang itself. Although Magnus was terribly wounded, Harek, a Marine, could not stand against a Primarch exalted to Daemonhood. Harek was slain, but the Thousand Sons were defeated and scattered.

Notable Battles Third War for Armageddon. The Space Wolves fielded five Great Companies in the defense of Armageddon. Thirteenth Black Crusade. The Space Wolves committed twelve Great Companies against this Black Crusade.

Space Wolves Ranks

Note: The Space Wolves are one of only four Space Marine Chapters to have fought in both the Third War for Armageddon and against the Thirteenth Black Crusade.

Character Creation: Space Wolves must choose Feral World for their starting characteristics. They lack the Betcher’s Gland and Susan Membrane, but gain the Canis Helix mutation. The Canis Helix grants the Space Wolf character the ability to grow fangs, fur, and claws.

Career Path Changes: The following ranks can choose different advances, as noted below: Neophyte: As “Neophyte”, plus add Wrangling (S, 100 XP). Bloodclaw: Can choose advances from the “Scout” list, plus Talents (not Skills) from the “Assault Marine” list. Bloodclaw Veteran: Can choose Skills (not Talents) from the “Assault Marine”, plus Talents (not Skills) from the “Assault Veteran” list. Grey Hunter: As “Marine”, plus Wrangling +10 (S, 100 XP, Prerequisite: Wrangling). Grey Hunter Veteran: As “Brother Marine”, plus Wrangling +20 (S, 100 XP, Prerequisite: Wrangling +10), and Hatred (Traitor Legions) (T, 200 XP).

Neophyte XP Level: 0-499

Bloodclaw XP Level: 500-999

Bloodclaw Veteran XP Level: 1,000-1,999


Grey Hunter XP Level: 2,000-2,999

Pack Healer XP Level: 2,000-2,999

Skald Initiate XP Level: 2,000-2,999

Forge Initiate XP Level: 2,000-2,999

Grey Hunter Veteran XP Level: 3,000-5,999

Spirit Guard XP Level: 3,000-5,999

Skald XP Level: 3,000-5,999

Fire Keeper XP Level: 3,000-5,999

Wolf Scout XP Level: 6,000-7,999

Long Fang XP Level: 6,000-7,999

Spirit Hunter XP Level: 6,000-7,999

Lore Keeper XP Level: 6,000-7,999

Smith XP Level: 6,000-7,999

Wolf Scout Veteran XP Level: 8,000-9,999

Long Fang Veteran XP Level: 8,000-9,999

Wolf Initiate XP Level: 8,000-9,999

Rune Carver XP Level: 8,000-9,999

Forge Veteran XP Level: 8,000-9,999

Wolf Scout Sergeant XP Level: 10,000-14,999

Long Fang Sergeant XP Level: 10,000-14,999

Wolf Priest XP Level: 10,000-14,999

Rune Priest XP Level: 10,000-14,999

Iron Priest XP Level: 10,000-14,999

Long Fang: As “Devastator Marine”. Long Fang Veteran: As “Devastator Veteran”. Long Fang Sergeant: As “Devastator Sergeant”. Pack Healer: Can choose advances from both the “Medicae Initiate” and “Chaplain-Novite” lists. Spirit Guard: Can choose advances from both the “Medicae Internist” and “Chaplain-Priest” lists. Spirit Hunter: Can choose advances from both “Field Medicae” and “Chaplain-Confessor”. Wolf Initiate: As “Chaplain Exorcist”. Wolf Priest: As “Reclusiarch”. Skald Initiate: As “Librarium Sanctionite”, plus Scholastic Lore (Beasts) (S, 100 XP). Skald: As “Librarium Neonate”, plus Scholastic Lore (Beasts) +10 (S, 100 XP, Prerequisite: Scholastic Lore (Beasts)), and Scholastic Lore (Archaic) (S, 100 XP). Lore Keeper: As “Librarium Militant”, plus Scholastic Lore (Beasts) +20 (S, 100 XP, Prerequisite: Scholastic Lore (Beasts) +10), and Scholastic Lore (Archaic) +10 (S, 100 XP, Prerequisite: Scholastic Lore (Archaic)). Rune Carver: As “Librarium Savant”, plus Scholastic Lore (Archaic) +20 (S, 100 XP, Prerequisite: Scholastic Lore (Archaic) +10), and Mental Rage (T, 200 XP, Prerequisite: Frenzy). Rune Priest: As “Lexicanum” Forge Initiate: As “Apprentum”, plus Trade (Miner) (S, 100 XP), and Trade (Smith) (S, 100 XP). Fire Keeper: As “Weaponsmith”, plus Trade (Miner) +10 (S, 100 XP, Prerequisite: Trade (Miner)), and Trade (Smith) +10 (S, 100 XP, Prerequisite: Trade (Smith)). Smith: As “Armoursmith”, plus Trade (Miner) +20 (S, 100 XP, Prerequisite: Trade (Miner) +10), and Trade (Smith) +20 (S, 100 XP, Prerequisite: Trade (Smith) +10). Forge Veteran: As “Tech-Initiate”. Iron Priest: As “Tech-Wright”.

Curse of the Wulfen: Due to all Space Wolves altering their DNA with the Canis Helix, they suffer from a terrible curse. The Canis Helix unlocks portions of the Marine’s brain that allows the feral side of themselves to

come out as a balance to their civilized self by reinforcing survival instincts and granting abilities to track by scent or taste. However, due to this unlocking, the Space Wolf is susceptible to being overwhelmed by their feral side losing their civilized side forever and becoming part of the Wulfen packs roaming the surface of Fenris. All beginning characters start with 3d10 Insanity Points. For every 10 points of Insanity add a +1 difficulty to all rolls for Insanity checks. If a character gains Insanity Points during the course of adventuring it increases the amount of the Curse of the Wulfen instead of conferring normal psychological changes. Once a character receives 80 points of Insanity they are removed from the game as player characters by the GM and can be used as an NPC. To counteract the effects the Curse of the Wulfen, a character can spend 10 experience to buy down the amount of Curse of the Wulfen they currently have by 5. This must be done in conjunction with in-game play of the character trying to purge themselves of the taint whether through meditation or castigation or other methods. A character can remove all of the original rolled amount of Insanity they started with. A Space Wolf ’s claws and fangs begin to grow out when they receive 40 points of Curse of the Wulfen and do 1d5+SB points of damage. When a Space Wolves’ character gets into melee they must make a Willpower check modified by the amount of Curse of the Wulfen they’ve accumulated. If they fail the roll the Curse consumes them and they will ignore using weapons in combat resorting to using their barehands and teeth. If the character uses any of the melee combat talents they incur an additional -10 to the roll.

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Wolf Scout: Can choose advances from both “Tactical Marine” and “Brother Scout”, plus Catfall (T, 200 XP, Prerequisite: Ag 30), and Crack Shot (T, 200 XP, Prerequisite: BS 40). Wolf Scout Veteran: As “Tactical Veteran”. Wolf Scout Sergeant: As “Tactical Sergeant”, plus Into the Jaws of Hell (T, 200 XP, Prerequisite: Iron Discipline).

Imperial Fists History The Imperial Fists were first formed on Terra, as shown by their earliest battle honour, ‘Roma’. The legion had heavily recruited from Inwit with over 70% of the legion’s strength as aspirant Space Marines when Rogal Dorn joined them. This means that the Legion was relatively young when it was united with its Primarch, allowing them to form an unbreakable bond, based upon similar desires for self-discipline and total commitment to order. The few battle brothers who originated on Terra brought with them a tradition of honour duels, practiced even to this day. No one knows where or when this form of combat originated, but it served to bond the warriors together by giving and receiving honour while maintaining their Terran heritage.


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After the Imperial Fists won a major victory against the Orks on the ash wastes of Necromunda, the Hive Lords consented to recruits being drawn from their population in gratitude. A Fortress-Chapel was duly consecrated but the Imperial Fists were there as esteemed guests, not masters. Rogal Dorn asked no special rights on the worlds where the Fists recruited. Some Primarchs, such as the increasingly mercurial Perturabo, took every opportunity to garrison a world and claim its tithes. Dorn is famously recorded as saying “I want recruits not vassals,” and was always satisfied to keep his Legion as a military unit with none of the civil responsibilities that came with having a home world. During the Great Crusade, the Imperial Fists acted as the strategic reserve of the Emperor’s forces due to their ability to rapidly redeploy to battlefields aboard Phalanx. They made use of detailed planning and as such were soon found to be supreme city fighters and siege specialists. After several campaigns and thousands of conquered worlds, the Emperor returned to Terra to build a capital from which he could run his new empire. He took the Imperial Fists with him, set them up as his praetorians and charged Dorn with the construction of the Imperial Palace, something that didn’t go unnoticed by the other Primarchs. Perturabo flew into a rage upon hearing that Dorn thought the Imperial Palace would be proof against assault by even as mighty siege-masters as the Iron Warriors and unleashed a torrent of vitriol and accusations so unfounded that the onlookers were dumbstruck. After this the two rarely spoke, neither Legion serving in the same campaign again. The Imperial Fists were ever at the Emperor’s side and the Iron Warriors were part of Horus’ vanguard.

The Horus Heresy Along with the White Scars and the Blood Angels, the Imperial Fists put up a heroic defense of the Imperial Palace that has since passed into legend. Then, when all hope seemed lost, they accompanied the Emperor in his last battle aboard Horus’ battle barge. It fell to Dorn to discover the bodies of the Emperor, Horus and Sanguinius after the final drama had run its course. His grief was immense. Until that point Dorn had been true, noble and enduring, but now he became an avenging son. While the Ultramarines maintained order within the Imperium, the Imperial Fists hunted down the traitors, leveling fortress after fortress. Dorn led them, dressed in the black of mourning, his customary mercy set aside until the guilty were punished. While others shaped the new Imperium, Dorn immersed himself in implacable justice. It was rumored that he saw the Emperor’s death as his personal failure and his crusade as penance. After all, were the Traitors not his brothers? Whatever the cause, Rogal Dorn was absent from the highest councils until he was summoned back to Terra when Roboute Guilliman, Primarch of the Ultramarines presented his Codex Astartes as the future of the Space Marines.


After the Heresy After the Heresy, the Imperial Fists were broken up, as were the other chapters, and their more notable successor chapters include the Crimson Fists and the Black Templars. The Imperial Fists, however, were among the slowest of the Chapters to co-operate with the tenets of the Codex Astartes.

The Iron Cage The Imperial Fists, like the Iron Warriors, were siege masters and as such rely greatly on artillery and heavy weapons, although not to the extent of their traitorous former brethren. Their shared specialization led to great rivalry and eventually hatred between the two chapters and their Primarchs, and after the Heresy the Imperial Fists continued to pursue the Iron Warriors for some time, culminating in the incident of the “Iron Cage”. Perturabo was a master of fortification whose writings had been retained by Guilliman in his Codex. Dorn had always been his match though and, what was more, his honest warrior’s soul was indignant. The Iron Warriors had rebelled and lost. Their master was dead and the Emperor still ruled. Yet still they dared raise their heretical banners over another Imperial world as if they had some right to be there. Dorn would not tolerate this. Without his customary caution and planning, Dorn led his men into the heart of the Iron Warrior defenses The battle should have favoured the treacherous trench-fighters, but the Imperial Fists endured. They countered every ambush and fought their way out of every trap. Rogal Dorn was a colossus who personally turned back attack after attack. Ammunition expended, Brothers fought in half-flooded trenches with combat knives, giving and expecting no quarter. Eventually it became apparent that the Iron Warriors could not finish them. For all their skill and ferocity, the Iron Warriors lacked the faith to make the ultimate sacrifice that victory demanded. While they paused, the Ultramarines intervened; Guilliman had decided that Perturabo’s destruction was not worth the loss of Rogal Dorn and had

Character Creation: Imperial Fists recruit from many Imperial planets or Space bound community. Characters can pick one of the homeworld types when creating their character.

Skills: All Imperial Fist characters gain the skill Trade (Scrimshawer) as a starting skill. They can improve the skill to +10 at rank 4 and +20 at rank 8.

Gene-Seed Mutation: The Imperial Fists’ gene-seed has been somewhat corrupted over the millennia, so two traits have emerged. One is the loss of two of the special organs produced by Space Marines: the Betcher’s Gland, which allows the Marine to produce poisonous/acidic spittle, and the Sus-an Membrane, which allows a Marine to enter a state of suspended animation. Imperial Fists characters cannot spend experience to gain the Betcher’s Gland and the Sus-an Membrane.

Self-Castigation: The second is the Imperial Fists’ over-zealous self-castigation. They often make use of a device called the Pain Glove, which encases the whole body and stimulates pain neurons. The Imperial Fists constantly feel the need to punish themselves for the smallest inadequacy, failure or infraction. An Imperial Fists character start with a pain glove. While suffering under the punishment of the pain glove all rolls made by the Imperial Fists character suffer a -10 modifier unless they pass a successful Willpower test of Difficult difficulty.

Blood Angels History The Blood Angels were created from the genetic material of their Primarch Sanguinius. As with all of the Primarchs, Sanguinius was genetically engineered to be a supreme super-soldier but was cast into the warp during his infancy along with his brothers, and found on the nuclear-blasted world of Baal Secundus. Sanguinius was affected by the warp, and when he was found by one of the few unmutated human tribes on Baal, he had a pair of angelic wings growing from his back. As he matured quickly, he was able to use his superhuman powers and abilities to unite the humans of Baal against the mutants and become their leader. When the Emperor found Baal in his search for the twenty Primarchs, Sanguinius immediately recognized him for who he was and bent down on his knee, pledging his service. In this, Sanguinius was one of the few Primarchs who did not challenge the Emperor upon their reunion. The Emperor then took Sanguinius and a number of his best warriors and placed him in command of the Blood Angels Space Marine Legion. During the Great Crusade, the Blood Angels became known as being excellent shock assault troops, and formed a rivalry with the similarly assault-oriented World Eaters Legion. Sanguinius was said to have had psychic powers, notably the gift of foresight.

III: Chapter Rules

brought his Chapter to drive off the Iron Warriors. Cleansed by their sacrifice, the Imperial Fists immediately began their reorganization For the next two decades they went into retreat, their successor Chapters taking to the field in their stead. Dorn used this time to retrain the Chapter to embrace all aspects of the Codex Astartes. When they later emerged, their adherence to the Codex was matched only by the Ultramarines.

The Horus Heresy During the Horus Heresy, the Blood Angels were one of the few Legions who fought alongside the Emperor during the Battle of Terra. When Horus lowered the shields of his battlebarge, and the Emperor teleported aboard the ship, Sanguinius was with him. The noble Primarch became separated from the Emperor, and came across Horus alone. The Warmaster tried to sway Sanguinius, to turn him to Chaos, but the Angel-winged warrior refused, and attacked Horus. The daemonically strengthened Horus slew Sanguinius, as the Primarch knew he would. He had foreseen his death, and yet still engaged the Arch-Heretic, knowing he would die. This has endowed many of the Blood Angel’s beliefs with a deeply mystical streak. Sanguinius’ violent death left a strong psychic imprint on his Legion, since they partially share his DNA. However, this was a willing sacrifice that was made in order to buy the Emperor time and to give Him a weakness in Horus’s armour, which was key in bringing about the traitor’s defeat. After the Heresy, as with all other loyal Legions, the Blood Angels were forced to split into many smaller Chapters.


III: Chapter Rules

Red Thirst:

Character Creation: The Blood Angels’ homeworld is classified as Feral. All Blood Angel characters are to be created following the Feral world path.

Black Rage: All of the Chapters derived from the Blood Angels still suffer from the psychic imprint left by Sanguinius’s death. This can cause them to go insane prior or during a battle, and they believe that they are Sanguinius himself during the Battle of Terra. The condition is irrecoverable (except for one case, where the victim was largely able to control it), and victims are locked away in the “Tower of the Lost” on the Blood Angels’ home world until they finally die. This insanity is known as the Black Rage. All beginning characters start with 1d10 Insanity Points. For every 10 points of Insanity add a +1 difficulty to all rolls for Insanity checks. If a character gains Insanity Points during the course of adventuring it increases the amount of Black Rage instead of conferring normal psychological changes. Once a character receives 80 points of Insanity, he is removed from the game as player character by the GM and can be used as a NPC. To counteract the effects of Black Rage, a character can spend 10 experience to buy down the amount of Black Rage they currently have by 5. This must be done in conjunction with in game play of the character trying to purge himself of the taint whether through meditation or castigation. A character can never go below the original rolled amount of Insanity they started with.


The Red Thirst is one of the two genetic flaws in the gene-seed of the Blood Angels and their successor Chapters. This causes warriors to suffer an unusual blood lust, instilling them with a thirst for the blood of their enemies. Those who succumb to the Red Thirst or Black Rage are either formed into the Death Company or locked away in the Tower of the Lost on Baal, until they change completely, going insane. These traits have also been passed on to their successor chapters, such as the Flesh Tearers, Blood Drinkers, and Angels Sanguine. One successor chapter, the Lamenters, managed by unknown means to eliminate the flaws from Sanguinius’ gene-seed, but has been stricken by extraordinary bad luck in battle and as such has been nearly annihilated. A Blood Angel’s claws and fangs begin to grow out when they receive 40 points of Black Rage and do 1d5+SB points of damage. When a Blood Angels character gets into melee, he must make a Willpower check modified by the amount of Black Rage he has accumulated. If he fails, the roll blood lust consumes him and he will try to drink the blood of his enemy, even if the enemy is still alive. If the character uses any of the melee combat talents they incur an additional -10 to the roll.

Iron Hands History The early history of Ferrus Manus is chronicled in the folklore of Medusa. The most popular of these tales is the Canticle of Travels, which details the trials of Ferrus Manus and his ordeal with the Great Silver Wyrm known as Asirnoth. The Canticle is the only tale that even attempts to explain the mystery of how Ferrus Manus came by his living metal hands. Ferrus Manus never united the people of his homeworld in the way other Primarchs had, on the basis that competition grew greater strength. When the Emperor took Manus to become the leader of the Iron Hands Space Marine Legion, the Primarch altered his position and became an avid believer in and ruthless practitioner of the Emperor’s Great Crusade to unite Mankind.

The Horus Heresy The best known contribution the Iron Hands Legion made towards the Horus Heresy was the death of their Primarch and his entire retinue in the Isstvan Drop Site Massacre. Rumors persist that Ferrus Manus’s corpse was taken to Mars; the Iron Hands deny any such claims. The Iron Hands bear a slight grudge against all the participants of the Heresy: the traitors, for being weak enough to become corrupted, and the other loyalists, for not being strong enough to protect the Emperor.

Neophyte XP Level: 0-499

Scout XP Level: 500-999

Brother Scout XP Level: 1,000-1,999

Marine XP Level: 2,000-2,999

Iron Initiate XP Level: 2,000-2,999

Librarium Sanctionite XP Level: 2,000-2,999

Brother Marine XP Level: 3,000-5,999

Iron Guardian XP Level: 3,000-5,999

Librarium Neonate XP Level: 3,000-5,999

Assault Marine XP Level: 6,000-7,999

Tactical Marine XP Level: 6,000-7,999

Devastator Marine XP Level: 6,000-7,999

Medicae Initiate XP Level: 6,000-7,999

Iron Keeper XP Level: 6,000-7,999

Librarium Militant XP Level: 6,000-7,999

Assault Veteran XP Level: 8,000-9,999

Tactical veteran XP Level: 8,000-9,999

Devastator Veteran XP Level: 8,000-9,999

Medicae Internist XP Level: 8,000-9,999

Iron Priest XP Level: 8,000-9,999

Librarium Savant XP Level: 8,000-9,999

Assault Sergeant XP Level: 10,000-14,999

Tactical Sergeant XP Level: 10,000-14,999

Devastator Sergeant XP Level: 10,000-14,999

Field Medicae XP Level: 10,000-14,999

Iron Father XP Level: 10,000-14,999

Lexicanum XP Level: 10,000-14,999

III: Chapter Rules

Iron Hands Ranks

selves even stronger so that they would be fit for serving under Manus again at the end of times. To this end they have made it a practice to make extensive use of bionic modifications, going so far that there are rumors of some battle brothers being wholly mechanical. The Iron Hands also eschew the traditional office of Chaplain in favour of their Iron Fathers, specially trained Techmarines who serve to protect the faith of their brethren; some outsiders view this as well as the Iron Hands’ ties to the Adeptus Mechanicus as an unhealthy relationship.

Character Creation:

Reputation The Iron Hands have a reputation for being relatively straightforward and incredibly harsh. In the Battle of Thranx, for example, the resources of several depleted clan-companies were pooled for a full frontal assault using five Land Raiders against a facility bristling with anti-tank defenses that had made a mockery of previous attempts with whole armoured companies; in the retaking of the Contqual Subsector, one third of the population was summarily executed after a successful campaign simply to demonstrate the price of weakness. Additionally, the Iron Hands are infamous for their extensive use of bionics. After the Heresy, when the Legions were reorganized into Chapters, the Iron Hands became recluses, attempting to find ways to make them-

Iron Hands characters must select the Imperial World homeworld for deciding stats. They start the game with their left hand replaced with a cybernetic implant.

Career Path Changes: The following ranks can choose different advances, as noted below: Iron Initiate: Can choose advances from both the “Apprentum” and “Chaplain-Novite” lists. Iron Guardian: Can choose advances from both the “Weaponsmith” and “Chaplain-Priest” lists. Iron Keeper: Can choose advances from both “Armoursmith” and “Chaplain-Confessor”. Iron Priest: Can choose advances from both “TechInitiate” and “Chaplain-Exorcist”. Iron Father: Can choose advances from both “TechWright” and “Reclusiarch”.


III: Chapter Rules

the Imperium together against aliens and Chaos forces. During this time, the Ultramarines recruited heavily from their homeworld and eventually counted for over half of the Loyalist Marines. Around a decade after the Heresy ended, the Imperium finally reached a point of stability.

Creation of the Codex

Ultramarines History Being a First Founding Chapter, the Ultramarines have a long history dating back to before the Horus Heresy. After the Emperor landed on Macragge and met Roboute Guilliman, Roboute quickly took command of his Ultramarines. During the Great Crusade, the Ultramarines won countless victories, expanding the realm of the Imperium. Due to Roboute’s tactical genius, he ensured that all worlds that he took were left more prosperous than before and thus able to contribute to the Imperium.

The Horus Heresy


When Horus finally declared his treachery against the Emperor, he had ordered the Ultramarines Legion to go to the Veridan System in Segmentum Tempestus far to the galactic south, claiming that the system was under attack by an Ork invasion force from the Ghaslakh Empire. Roboute Guilliman ordered his troops to depart at once and set course for Ultramar, so he could meet up with more of his forces and get supplies. Ultramar was close enough for an assault against Veridan, so Roboute ordered his Legion to assemble in the Calth System. As Roboute and his fleets arrived at Calth, they instantly knew something was wrong, because none of their Astropaths could get messages through the warp and storms were interfering with the navigation of their ships; they were blocked from the rest of the Imperium. It was at this moment that the traitor forces of the Word Bearers Legion attacked, rendering the Ultramarines unable to participate in much of the Battle for Terra. Upon learning of the treachery, Roboute immediately set course for Terra, destroying Chaos reinforcements along the way, but arrived after the war had already been won. Because of this, the Ultramarines were one of the few Legions at full strength; thus, Roboute and his Ultramarines bore much of the burden of holding

After the Horus Heresy, Roboute Guilliman set himself to create the Codex Astartes, which would define the tactics and organization of all Space Marines, from battlefield strategies to squad markings. Most important of these changes was the division of the Legions into 1,000-strong Chapters. One of the Chapters would retain the heraldry of the original Legion, but the others would be given a new name and symbol. In doing so, Guilliman hoped to divide the power of the Space Marines to ensure that something like the Horus Heresy could never occur again.

Against the Tyranids The Ultramarines were the first Space Marine Chapter to successfully repel a Tyranid invasion. With the help of Ultramar’s PDF, a Titan Legion, and ships from Battlefleet Tempestus, Hive Fleet Behemoth was defeated at the Battle of Macragge in 745.M41. Since then the Ultramarines have tirelessly hunted down the Tyranids to honour and avenge the fallen at the Battle for Macragge. The Ultramarines were instrumental in defeating the Tyranid invasion of Ichar IV by Hive Fleet Kraken and to this day the Ultramarines seek out and destroy all Tyranid infestations they can find.

Character Creation: Ultramarines can only recruit from Imperial worlds or Hive Worlds.

The Horus Heresy The Salamanders’ role during the Horus Heresy is not well known to Imperial Scholars; what is for certain is that the legion, along with the Iron Hands and Raven Guard, was part of the first wave of attackers during the battle of Isstvan V. After the announcement of Horus’s treachery and the destruction of Isstvan III, the Emperor ordered seven Legions of Space Marines to attack the forces serving his former son and friend. But among those seven Legions, four were already traitors. The initial landing force fell into a trap and, despite their martial skills, the three loyal Legions were forced to begin a tactical withdrawal toward their landing site, which had been fortified by the four traitor legions forming the second wave. At this moment the second wave opened fire on the retreating Marines, crushing them between the hammer of Horus’s forces and the anvil of the fortified drop site. Despite a heroic defense, the three loyal Legions were practically destroyed; all but a handful of battle brothers fell on that fateful day. After this awesome defeat the Salamanders, as well as the other two betrayed Legions, were unable to perform any tasks the Emperor had planned for them and spent the rest of the time of the Heresy rebuilding their forces.

by dehydration. Although the hive eventually fell, their efforts allowed it to be evacuated before the Orks could capture the hive. The Salamanders have been involved in many magnificent conquests and wars, but in recent times even these great achievements have been eclipsed by their stalwart fighting during the Second Armageddon War while the Blood Angels set about destroying the Ork horde, and the Ultramarines bent their strength to the defense of the surviving hive cities, the Salamanders took upon themselves the essential but neglected task of protecting the supply convoys, fighting rearguard actions against the Ork advances and escorting refugee columns. So unstinting were they in these arduous but unsung duties, that the Salamanders were to earn the gratitude and respect of thousands of Imperial Guardsmen and civilians. The Salamanders have become renowned as sturdy and dependable allies, a reputation which is not shared by other, more unpredictable, Chapters.

Third War for Armageddon

III: Chapter Rules


When Ghazghkull launched his new offensive against the Imperial forces on Armageddon, the Salamanders were one of the first Chapters to respond, sending a full six Companies to combat the Orks, including Chapter Master Tu’Shan personally leading his Firedrakes. The Salamanders launched several counter-attacks against the rock-forts landed by the Orks along the Hemlock river. Preferring the close-quarter fighting within the maze of crudely carved tunnels within the Rocks to the long-range duels in the desert, the Salamanders made the Orks pay a high price for their audacity. At least three Rocks were destroyed by the Salamanders’ attacks, slaughtering untold thousands of filthy greenskins.

Character Creation: Salamanders characters must choose to be from an Imperial world for starting characteristics. They can also learn Trade skills as a basic advance at every rank, regardless of the Career Path.

Second War for Armageddon Led by Chapter Master Tu’Shan, whose tenure as Chapter Master had only begun 3 years before, the Salamanders fought with distinction. Among other feats, they managed to defend the bridge over the River Stygies from a thousand strong Speed Freeks Army, and prevented the Orks from destroying a water purification plant, thus saving Hive Tempestora from a slow death


III: Chapter Rules 40

Raven Guard History The Raven Guard was all but annihilated in the Drop Site Massacre during the Horus Heresy. It is rumored that Corax used cloning technology to replenish the Chapter’s numbers. Many of these clones resulted in degenerated and inhuman creatures. Being so depleted in strength the Legion was forced to put these monsters into combat, where they proved brutally efficient. There is one documented incident where a Raven Guard force appeared herding huge bestial creatures ahead of it to defeat the defenders of an Iron Warriors held fortress.

Gene-Seed Mutation The gene-seed of the Raven Guard is far from stable, and a great deal of their gene-stock has become irreparably damaged, perhaps as a side effect of the accelerated gene-harvesting techniques employed many millennia ago. As a result, much of their genetic material has to come from Terra and therefore the cycle of recruitment for the Raven Guard is much slower than other Chapters. Few candidates for the Chapter prove able to sustain the transformation from a normal human being to a Space Marine and many die early in training, further limiting the Chapter in numbers. Further deterioration has meant that several of the unique organs of the Space Marines no longer function as they should among the Sons of Corax, while others are not as effective as they once were. For example, the zygote cultures required to grow the Mucranoid and Betcher’s Gland do not exist within the Raven Guard and the Melanochrome Organ has a unique mutation that, over the years of service, causes the skin of the Space Marine to grow paler. Eventually they will be as white as their Primarch and their hair and eyes will darken, becoming black as coal.

Character Creation: A Raven Guard character can choose to be from an Imperial world or a Hive World. Raven Guard characters cannot spend experience to gain the Mucranoid and Betcher’s Gland. As the character ages their skin grows paler due to the mutation of the Melanochrome Organ. For the remaining implants, except Black Carapace, the Raven Guard character must make a Toughness roll to see if the implant functions properly. If the character fails the roll, for every Degree of Failure the organ loses 10% effectiveness.

Grey Knights History The Grey Knights are the legendary Chapter 666 – and although nominally a Chapter of the Astartes, they are in fact part of the Inquisition’s Ordo Malleus, serving as the Ordo’s elite military forces. They were founded in mystery somewhat before the Second Founding, and are rumored to have the most pure of all gene-stock. Each member of the chapter undergoes a grueling and torturous selection process, and even once inducted, their harsh training regime is without equal. In battle, they move as an army of silver ghosts, surrounded by awe, and equipped to the teeth to deal with the worst foes that Chaos can raise to meet them. The Grey Knights hold a unique honour among the chapters of the Adeptus Astartes – in over ten thousand years of service, not a single one of their number has ever defected to Chaos. Their armour is left unpainted, leaving the silver-grey of the ceramite exposed. This tradition is thought to have originated from their desire to lead lives of absolute purity. In contrast to this, their armour is highly decorated, encrusted with protective symbols and engraved litanies. Just before the Second Founding, the Imperium was still reeling in shock from the recent galactic civil war, and very vulnerable. The Emperor ordered the creation of a “secret chapter” of the Adeptus Astartes: chapter six-hundred-and-sixty-six. The gene-seed for this chapter is strongly suspected to have been taken from the Emperor directly. After their creation, the chapter was assigned to the Ordo Malleus as their Chamber Militant. The name of this chapter has become legend, feared throughout the galaxy by those it opposes, and whispered in reverence by all those it protects: the Grey Knights.

Character Creation: Grey Knights are selected from any Imperial planet or Space bound community. Characters can pick any of the homeworld types when creating their character. Due to the mind wipes a Neophyte goes through Grey Knight characters suffer from amnesia of their life prior to becoming a Grey Knight. Grey Knight characters can only be used when the game is centered around Ordo Malleus. A solitary Grey Knight can be employed with a group of acolytes working for Ordo Malleus or the entire group can be Grey Knights.

Career Path Changes: Grey Knights cannot follow the Techmarine or Devastator Career Paths. All Grey Knight characters start with Psy Rating 1. See the following chart for the advances: Table 3-1: Grey Knights Psychic Talents Neophyte Talents Minor Psychic Power†

Brother Scout Talents

Cost 100


Psy Rating 2


Minor Psychic Power†


Brother Marine Talents


Psy Rating 3


Minor Psychic Power†


Tactical/Assault Veteran Talents


Psy Rating 4


Minor Psychic Power†


Psychic Power†


Psychic Discipline


Tactical/Assault Sergeant Talents


Minor Psychic Power†


Psychic Power†


You may take this Talent up to two times at this Rank.

The Deathwatch are a unique and specially trained Space Marine Chapter that dedicates its every hour to xenos hunting. They form the Chamber Militant of the Ordo Xenos, charged with serving the Inquisition to study, contain and, mainly, destroy xeno cultures. Rather than following the standard Codex Astartes organization, the Space Marines themselves are drawn from many different chapters. These chapters have sworn sacred oaths to raise an unit of Space Marines specifically for this task. The warriors are then gathered together to fight where and when they are needed. Giant fortresses orbit desolate worlds at the edge of the galaxy, keeping constant vigil over possible xenos forces. There are also several secret bases spread throughout the Imperium, which provide a launch site for their crusades. The warriors who fight are given the honour of painting their armour black (to show their service to the Emperor), while leaving one shoulder pad with the original insignia of the Chapter from which the marine came. Although the armour is painted black, it is never all painted black as this action would dishonour the armour’s Machine Spirit. They also paint the symbol of Deathwatch onto their other shoulder pad. Once in the employ of the Deathwatch, there is no set length of time for service, rather it is as long as the commander deems necessary. Each Space Marine may serve a discrete amount of time, or for the duration of a mission, which may be a number of years. Once the mission is complete, the Space Marine is allowed to return to his chapter, under an oath of silence, as their honour has been fulfilled. The orders of the Deathwatch are not merely the cleansing of xenos cultures. They also include the recovery and study of alien devices and artifacts. Sometimes it is necessary to use a weapon against the enemy who created it, although this is not taken lightly. The Deathwatch are constantly vigilant for sabotage, or to advise if it is truly safe to use a weapon of xenos origin. The Adeptus Mechanicus are always on the lookout for alien technology, and for example the C’tan Phase Sword, used by the Callidus assassin, was recovered from a Necron tomb world and successfully integrated into the arsenal of the Imperium. Usually, a Deathwatch team is led by an Inquisitor, but in extreme circumstances, a Deathwatch Captain or Librarian may take command of the unit. Their word is law, and can requisition anything they desire to get the job done. They are the best armed and trained units in the Imperium. They might be deployed in areas where conventional methods are insufficient or if the troops available are not properly equipped or trained for the task. The presence of a Deathwatch team is always welcomed, even though they are feared by all those who know of them.

III: Chapter Rules



III: Chapter Rules

Khan’s Lightning History The Khan’s Lightning Space Marine chapter was founded during the 13th Founding. They are a successor chapter to the White Scars Space Marine chapter. The Chapter was founded following the battle on Sozomen’s Last Stand.

Sozomen’s Last Stand

Character Creation: Since Deathwatch uses Marines from all different Chapters and is not a Chapter itself characters must be created using the Chapter rules in this section. Deathwatch Marines can only be used when the game is centered around Ordo Xenos. A solitary Deathwatch Marine can be employed with a group of acolytes working for Ordo Xenos or the entire group can be Deathwatch.

Career Path Changes: Deathwatch can recruit any Marine from Neophyte on up. During a Marine’s service to Deathwatch they gain access to the following skills, which can be bought up to +20 at any time: Table 3-2: Deathwatch Advances Advance




Forbidden Lore (Xenos)



Prerequisites —

Exotic Weapon Training (any)



Hatred (specific Xeno)



Litany of Hate




An unnamed planet in the Calixis sector had a special plant which was found to make an excellent pain reliever when ground up right, but a group of Chaos cultists had taken hold of the planet, so that the Chaos Lords had a grasp in the Calixis Sector. The Imperial Guard sent in regiments from nearby planets under the command of Sozomen Zuriel. Sozomen landed in full force with his troops, and began to fan out from his landing zone in search of the cultists who for several days did not show any sign of actually being there. On the third day of search for the cultists, Sozomen and his band of Imperial Guards had found an abandoned warehouse which showed signs of previous cultist activity, and they proceeded to enter to investigate. The warehouse was a trap however, and the moment the Imperial Guard entered into the warehouse, they were attacked from all sides by their own tanks, which had fallen to the cultist while Sozomen had been exploring. Sozomen and his sixty Imperial Guard troops were trapped inside the warehouse, and were able to hold out for five days before they started to show signs of falling. In a last ditch effort to turn the tide in their favour, Sozomen had a majority of his troops stand and fight inside the warehouse while he went to wreak havoc on the enemy with a few selected soldiers. Sozomen’s band of nine snuck behind the enemy lines using a series of tubes and pipes, and proceeded to use the sewers to make hit-and-run tactics on the enemy. Sozomen began to realize that his guerrilla tactics wouldn’t work much longer, because they were starting to quickly run out of ammo. On the eighth day of the siege on the planet, Sozomen decided on a last ditch effort for a Baneblade, and knew it would be his last stand the moment he got it. The small band of soldiers snuck up on the tank using the tunnels they had found to get behind it, and before the people in the tank realized what was happening, the band landed in through the top hatch and began killing the crew in close combat. After the crew of the Baneblade was killed off, Sozomen began attacking the other tanks that were there, but it was futile considering the sheer amount of tanks. Sozomen’s tank was soon surrounded and out-numbered by several smaller tanks, and at the moment as they were surrounding his tank, a company of White

in the honour of the fallen commander, and became the agri-world of Sozomen’s Last Stand. The final act that all Marines must do to hold the honour of Sozomen’s devotion to the Emperor is to have the symbol of the Aquila branded into their right shoulder.

Gene-Seed Mutation The Khan’s Lightning Marines have a defect in the Occulobe organ, which causes the eyes to lose its color (sometimes resulting in completely white eyes), but this doesn’t cause them to become blind or lose the ability to see color. The Khan’s Lightning also have a defect in their black carapace, in which the organ causes tiny, harmless needle like points to slightly poke out from the flesh, and the process can be particularly painful for the Marine as he receives the implant.

Character Creation: A Khan’s Lightning character can choose to be from any of the homeworlds.

III: Chapter Rules

Scar Space Marines landed on the planet to come to the aid of Sozomen. However, Sozomen was out-numbered and there was no chance the Space Marines would arrive in time, so as a last ditch effort to make it easier for the Space Marines, Sozomen detonated his Baneblade in an attempt to take out the other tanks. A message was received just before the tank exploded, which said “I have done my duty for the Emperor, and my last stand was on soil that will belong to humanity.” The White Scars chapter took the offensive the moment they received the message from Sozomen, and worked their way through the enemy lines. The captain of the White Scars company at the time has lost his name to the winds of time, but he had managed to lead the White Scars heroically to the fallen remains of Sozomen’s tank, and in the honour of the fallen commander, took up his name as his own. The new Sozomen became the first Chapter Master for the Khan’s Lightning, which was formed after the planet was completely taken over. The Khan’s Lightning, in memory of Sozomen’s bravery, have their Chapter Master forego his birth name for the name “Sozomen”. Their home world was also named


IV: Skills and Talents

S k i l lsand a n d Talents T a le nts Skills A A

lthough a Space Marine lives a life of constant battle, he is not only trained in martial skills. The Adeptus Astartes makes use of many different skills, ranging from the basic skills of a warrior, to other skills, not only abilities to drive a tank or to pilot a Thunderhawk, but also the knowledge of the Chapter’s battle language, its history or skills specific to the assignment. Another point that needs training is the use of the implants a Marine acquires during his life. The Catalepsean Node, for example, requires some training, as only one half of the brain will sleep. The main difficulty is to distinguish between true sensory input and the dreams of the sleeping half. Another implant that requires special training is the Omophagea. Sorting out useful information is not easy, as only acute thoughts can be recognized.

Another thing to learn for a Marine are the various litanies of the Chapter. Be it the Litany of Awe, with which enemies can be demoralized, or the Litany of the Machine, which is used by Techmarines to bless equipment, each Chapter has its own variant litanies. Finally, some Chapters have special skills that the recruits can learn. The Imperial Fists’ engraving tradition is one of these special skills. The Space Wolves’ Iron Priests for example learn smithing and mining in order to be well rounded.

New Skills

Forbidden Lore (Traitor Legions)

Ciphers (Astartes War Cant)

Secret knowledge of the Traitor Legions and their heresy against the Emperor.

Used by members of the Adeptus Astartes to communicate with special codes and phrases.

Common Lore (Chapter History) Understanding of the Chapter’s hierarchy, its ranks, structure, greetings, and general practices.

Common Lore (Librarium) Knowledge of the inner workings, data storage systems, rites, and practices of the Librarium.

Forbidden Lore (Chapter History) Secret knowledge of the Chapter, of its rites, initiations, and combat doctrines.

Forbidden Lore (Gene-Seed)


This section contains new skills for Space Marine characters. They can be added to any career as an elite advance if the character has spent significant amount of time with Space Marines.

Pilot (Jump Pack) This skill allows a character to use a jump pack. Tests are not needed under normal conditions. However, Tests will be necessary during combat, storms, or attempting a dangerous maneuver. Existing careers that get a Pilot advance can choose to gain Pilot (Jump Pack) in addition to the regular Pilot advances. Normal experience costs apply.

Scholastic Lore (Armoured Vehicles) An understanding of an armoured vehicle, its features, strengths, weaknesses, and how to best attack this kind of vehicles.

Scholastic Lore (Artillery)

Secret knowledge of the Chapter’s gene-seed, known mutations, implantation procedures, and tithing rituals.

An understanding of how to operate and crew artillery weapons. This also includes how to lay down various types of fire and firing solutions.

Forbidden Lore (Space Marine Anatomy)

Scholastic Lore (Communication Networks)

Specialized knowledge of a Space Marines biological, chemical, and neural composition.

An understanding of communication networks to transmit coded signals and to breach enemy networks.

Scholastic Lore (Human Anatomy)

Tech-Use (Sensors)

In-depth knowledge of the human anatomy and known illnesses. It also encompasses how the body died and what was used to kill it.

Scholastic Lore (Pharmacology)

This is a specialized form of Tech-Use, in that it only grants the ability to repair Sensors. It also allows for a character with the skill to build replacement sensors. Furthermore, the skill allows the character to understand how Sensors work.

In-depth knowledge of drugs, their composition, and interaction with various organisms.

Scholastic Lore (Reconnaissance)

New Talents

In-depth knowledge on how to perform reconnaissance, collect data, and tactics on operating behind enemy lines.

Activate Implant

Scholastic Lore (Sensors)

Confession Binding

An understanding of sensors and how to understand their readings.

Scholastic Lore (Space Marine Anatomy) In-depth knowledge of the Space Marine anatomy and known illnesses. It also encompasses how the body died and what was used to kill it.

Scholastic Lore (Spearhead Assaults) In-depth tactical and strategic knowledge on performing spearhead assaults. The skill also covers logistics and other support for operations.

Secret Tongue (Astartes Signage) Used by the Adeptus Astartes to communicate with each other using hand signals and other signs.

Tech-Use (Apothecary Tools) This is a specialized form of Tech-Use, in that it only grants the ability to repair Apothecary Tools. It also allows a character with the skill to build replacement tools. Furthermore, the skill allows the character to understand how Apothecary Tools work.

Tech-Use (Communications Gear) This is a specialized form of Tech-Use, in that it only grants the ability to repair Communications Gear. It

Activates a specific implant to grant the bonuses the implant contains.

Prerequisites: Rite of Purity, Forbidden Lore (Daemonology, Heresy, Psykers, Warp or Xenos) as appropriate. Available at Heirophant and Redemptionist rank or to Chaplains of the Chaplain-Exorcist rank, this talent grants these powerful clerics the ability to invert Purity Seals, trapping away taint that has already manifested upon a valued servant of the Imperium. The process is long, arduous, and not without risk to the cleric, who must hear a full confession from the tainted character. And even if completed successfully, it not sure to contain the subject’s corruption indefinitely. It takes three days of constant prayer, purifiction, mortification of the corrupted one’s flesh and frank confession for the cleric to apply this seal. At the end of the three days, the cleric must make a Willpower Test. Failure means he has has been corrupted himself by the experience. He gains a number of Corruption Points equal to the tens digit of his charge’s Corruption Points (minimum one). Good and Excellent quality Repression Seals can be made, but are more dangerous for the cleric. Good seals require nine days of purging, Excellent ones thirty days. Moreover, the number of points gained on failing the Willpower Test at the end of this period is doubled for a Good seal and tripled for an Excellent one. Wearers of better quality seals find the darkness better contained and so only suffer a -3% penalty to their Mental Trauma roll for Good seals and only a -1% penalty for Excellent ones.

IV: Skills and Talents

An understanding of the Space Marine gene-seed, its maintenance, and removal from dead Space Marines.

also allows for a character with the skill to build replacement communicators. Furthermore, the skill allows the character to understand how communications gear work.

Scholastic Lore (Gene-Seed)


IV: Skills and Talents

Detect Poisons

Rite of Purity

By tasting food you can figure out what poisons are present in it. To successfully find out what poison is in the food make an Intelligence Test at +10.

Prerequisites: Peer (Ecclesiarchy or Chapter), Trade (Copyist), Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed). This Talent is available to clerics of Confessor or Exorcist ranks or to Chaplains of Chaplain-Exorcist rank, allowing them to craft Purity Seals. Crafting a purity seal is a draining business. It takes three full days of devotions and half the seal’s cost in raw ingredients to create a Common quality seal of Scarce or better rarity. Both rarity and quality increase this time. Rare seals double and Very Rare ones quadruple the number days spent on its preparation. Only characters possessing Scholastic Lore 50 or more can make Good Quality seals, which take three times as long to fashion. Excellent quality seals require Scholastic Lore 60 or more and take ten times as long. Obviously few clerics are willing to give up long periods to the manufacture of Purity Seals except for the most worthy (or well-paying) or causes. When first taking this Talent, a character learns how to make all the Scarce quality seals. Taking it again allows the character to choose two Rare types of Purity Seal to add to his repertoire.

Hatred (Traitor Legions) Extends the Hatred talent to encompass the Traitor Legions.

Learning By Eating By eating part of any creature you can learn something about them and their environment. To learn you must make an Intelligence Test at Challenging difficulty, and for every Degree of Success you learn one bit of information.

Litany of Awe You recite the ancient Litany of Awe to inspire the troops around you and strike fear into your enemies. Functions identically to Rite of Awe, except that the references to infrasonic sound is ignored.

Litany of Pure Thought You recite the ancient Litany of Pure Thought to clear your mind and to center yourself in the Emperor’s grace. All humans and Space Marines, regardless of their ability to hear, within a 50 meter radius are immune to Pinning, Fear, and any effects that cause emotional disturbance.

Shadow Vision allows you to see normally in Shadow level light without penalty. You can see as if it were still Bright Lighting out.

Spit Acid

Extends the Peer to talent to Space Marine Chapters.

Due to you having a Betcher’s Gland you can spit poison. The poison does 1d5 damage and has an effective range of 2m.

Resistance: Low Oxygen

Suspended Animation

Peer (Chapter)

You gain a +10 bonus when making a test to resist the effects of Low Oxygen.

Resistance: Radiation You gain a +10 bonus when making a test to resist the effects of Radiation.


Shadow Vision

By making a Difficult Toughness test you can slip your body into suspended animation. To wake up from the sleep you must make an Ordinary Toughness test. While in suspended animation your body will heal at double the normal rate.



Due to their indoctrination, a Marine is very resistant to the effects of the Warp and corruption. However, if they fail in their resistance, their indoctrination begins to unravel. Marines, unlike humans, suffer the effects of corruption worse. If a Marine fails his Willpower test he receives 1d10+2 base corruption points. For every degree of failure on the test he gains 1d5 additional corruption points. Due to his progenoids, a Space Marine is highly resistant to the effects of mutations. Whenever a Marine is forced to roll on the Mutations Table he gains a +10 characteristic bonus for each progenoid. If he has two progenoids he gains a +20, if he has one he gains +10, and if he doesn’t have either of the progenoids he doesn’t gain a bonus.

Due to the nature of Space Marines and the fact they are tougher then normal humans due to their implants, Space Marines have a chance of losing their implants to compensate for the low experience cost they pay for them. Not all implants can be affected from critical damage, like the Ossmodula and Biscopea due to their passive nature. When a Space Marine character suffers critical damage use the rules in Dark Heresy (page 201) and the standard Critical Hits tables as normal. Then roll 1d10 on the following tables to determine if an implant is damaged or destroyed. When an implant suffers a “damaged” result the Space Marine character loses the talent(s) associated with it until it is repaired by an Apothecary. When implants are destroyed the character loses the talent(s) permanently. If the Marine’s actions were the result of not following the tenets of being a Marine, their Chapter will give him time to contemplate his actions that caused the organ to be damaged beyond repair before they replace the organ. The cost for replacing an organ is 500 XP per Talent. Thus for the secondary heart to be replaced it will cost 1,500 XP. If his actions were within the result of following the tenets of being a Marine in their Chapter, they will replace the organ immediately with either a replacement organ or a cybernetic implant. The cost for replacing an organ is 200 XP per Talent. Thus for the Ossmodula it will cost 400 XP for it to be replaced.

Insanity Marines are very resistant to the effects of insanity due to the nature of their indoctrination and training. If they fail a Willpower test they gain 1d5 insanity points. For every degree of failure on the test they gain an additional point of insanity.

Table 5-1: Energy Critical Effects - Head

Table 5-2: Energy Critical Effects - Body

Roll Added Result

Roll Added Result

1 2 3 4 5

No additional damage No additional damage No additional damage No additional damage Inside the skull, the Melanochrome is damaged by the heat 6 The intense heat spreads to the throat, and damages the Omophagea and Betcher’s Gland 7 The Occulobe is completely destroyed by the fiery conflagration 8 The Progenoid in the throat can still be harvested 9 The Progenoid in the throat can still be harvested 10+ The flames destroy both Progenoid Glands. Not even the most competent Apothecary can harvest them

No additional damage No additional damage No additional damage No additional damage The shock of the attack affects the Secondary heart, damaging it 6 The Larraman’s Organ shuts down, damaged, due to the excessive heat 7 The Multi-lung is burned to a crisp and destroyed by the intense heat 8 The Mucranoid is overloaded by the heat and gives in, completely destroyed 9 The flames cook and destroy both Progenoid Glands. Not even the most competent Apothecary can harvest them 10+ The flames cook and destroy both Progenoid Glands. Not even the most competent Apothecary can harvest them

V: Game Rules

G am e Rules R u les Game

1 2 3 4 5


V: Game Rules

Table 5-3: Impact Critical Effects - Head

Table 5-4: Impact Critical Effects - Body

Roll Added Result

Roll Added Result

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

No additional damage No additional damage No additional damage No additional damage The Lyman’s Ear is damaged The force of the blow damages the Sus-an Membrane Fragments of the skull destroy the Catalepsean Node The Progenoid in the throat can still be harvested The Progenoid in the throat can still be harvested The Progenoid in the throat can still be harvested

No additional damage No additional damage No additional damage No additional damage The Mucranoid is affected by the violent impact and considered damaged 6 The force of the blow damages the Preomnor 7 The Black Carapace is cracked and damaged 8 The violence of the impact shatters and destroys the Oolitic Kidney 9 Both Progenoids can still be harvested 10+ The Progenoid in the chest cavity can still be harvested

Table 5-5: Explosive Critical Effects - Head

Table 5-6: Explosive Critical Effects - Body

Roll Added Result

Roll Added Result

1 2 3 4 5 6

No additional damage No additional damage No additional damage No additional damage The force of the explosion damages the Neuroglottis The explosion destroys the Lyman’s Ear and damages the Betcher’s Gland 7 The Progenoid in the throat can still be harvested 8 The explosion destroys both Progenoid Glands. Not even the most competent Apothecary can harvest them 9 The explosion destroys both Progenoid Glands. Not even the most competent Apothecary can harvest them 10+ The explosion destroys both Progenoid Glands. Not even the most competent Apothecary can harvest them

No additional damage No additional damage No additional damage No additional damage The Oolitic Kidney is damaged by the explosion’s pressure waves in the body 6 The concussive shock damages the Black Carapace 7 The violence of the shock destroys the Haemastamen and damages the Larraman’s Organ 8 The explosion destroys both Progenoid Glands. Not even the most competent Apothecary can harvest them 9 The explosion destroys both Progenoid Glands. Not even the most competent Apothecary can harvest them 10+ The explosion destroys both Progenoid Glands. Not even the most competent Apothecary can harvest them

Table 5-7: Rending Critical Effects - Head

Table 5-8: Rending Critical Effects - Body

Roll Added Result

Roll Added Result

1 2 3 4 5

No additional damage No additional damage No additional damage No additional damage The rending affects the throat area as well, damaging the Neuroglottis in the process 6 The Melanochrome implant is damaged 7 The Occulobe and Omophagea are ripped apart and destroyed by the violence of the hit 8 The Progenoid in the throat can still be harvested 9 The Progenoid in the throat can still be harvested 10+ The Progenoid in the throat can still be harvested


1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5 6

No additional damage No additional damage No additional damage No additional damage The wound reaches the Multi-lung and damages it The Haemastamen is damaged and rendered inert by the violent shock 7 The Preomnor is damaged from the tears running through it 8 The Secondary Heart is ripped out and destroyed 9 The Progenoid in the chest cavity can still be harvested 10+ The Progenoid in the chest cavity can still be harvested


ven though a naked Space Marine is a match for nearly every opponent, it is the equipment that makes him that lethal.

The major difference between normal equipment and the one of the Adeptus Astartes is the fact that Astartes equipment is designed to work under extreme conditions. Thus every piece is well protected, if not thoroughly armoured, and heavier than usual equipment.

The center piece of a Space Marine is his power armour. After centuries of development, the Mark VII “Eagle” Power Armour is the standard battlesuit and gives a Space Marine his typical look. It enhances strength, senses and durability. Although the Adepta Sororitas and some Inquisitors make use of the device, no one will be able to use it as effectively as a Space Marine. This is because each Marine receives the Black Carapace as his final implant, allowing him to establish a direct neural connection to his suit. There is only one other armour that is more powerful than the Mark VII. The Tactical Dreadnought Armour Mark IV is the best armour that can be worn by a Space Marine. Only the best Marines of each Chapter are issued with this formidable armour. It enhances strength even more than the Mark VII, and its protection comes close to that of an armoured vehicle. But not only the armour defines a Space Marine. The most recognizable feature of each member of the Legiones Astartes is the Bolter. Although a civil version exists, the Astartes Bolter is not beaten by anything else. It packs massive firepower and is well armoured. In fact, it is better armoured than some people ever wear in their whole life. But the Adeptus Astartes not only use Bolters as weapons. Their arsenal is bolstered by plasma, flamer, and melta guns in every size, missile and rocket launchers, and even heavier gear. Should combat come close, chain weapons enter the fray. The Chainsword is the weapon of choice for Assault Marines. Chainaxes are often used by veterans. Higher ranking officers make use of power swords and axes. Terminator Assault Squads use the Thunder Hammer and the Storm Shield, which they wield with extreme efficiency. This heavy firepower can be varied by making use of different kinds of ammunition, like Hellfire Rounds of Kraken Penetrator Shells.

Apart from their combat specialized gear, the Adeptus Astartes also use other sophisticated equipment. Most of this equipment is either hand held, or in case of sensors, directly connected to the Marine’s Power Armour.

Space Marine Standard Kits Space Marines are issued their equipment based upon their job. These are not hard and fast rules concerning their equipment, but rather guidelines on what each type of Marine should carry. These guidelines should also be applied to other careers in order to maintain balance. Brother Scout: Storm Trooper Carapace; Long Las and Bolt Pistol; or Heavy Bolter and Las Pistol; or Missile Launcher and Las Pistol. All ranged weapons include 10 clips or reloads. Marine: Power Armour or Storm Trooper Carapace; Bolter, one choice of primitive melee weapon, and Bolter Pistol; or Heavy Bolter and Bolter Pistol; or Missile Launcher and Bolter Pistol. All ranged weapons include 10 clips or reloads. Assault Marine: Power Armour and Jump Pack; Bolter, one choice of primitive melee weapon, and Bolter Pistol; or Missile Launcher, one choice of primitive melee weapon, and Bolter Pistol; or Bolter Pistol and Chainsword; or Bolter Pistol and Chain Axe. All ranged weapons include 10 clips or reloads. Assault Marines also get two Demolition Charges. Assault Veteran: Power Armour and Jump Pack; Bolter, one choice of Primitive Melee Weapon, and Bolter Pistol; or Missile Launcher, one choice of Chain Weapon, and Bolter Pistol; or Bolter Pistol and Chainsword; or Bolter Pistol and Chain Axe; or Hand Flamer and one Chain or Primitive Melee weapon; Flamer and one Chain or Primitive Melee Weapon. All ranged weapons include 10 clips or reloads. Assault Sergeant: Identical to Assault Veteran, except the Marine can choose to take a Power Weapon for all combinations of weaponry. Devastator/Tactical Marine: Power Armour; Bolter, Bolt Pistol, and one choice of Primitive Melee Weapon; or one choice of Heavy Weapon, Bolt Pistol, and one choice of Primitive Melee Weapon. All ranged weapons include 10 clips or reloads. Devastators also get an Auspex.

VI: Equipment

Equip m ent Equipment


VI: Equipment

Devastator/Tactical Veteran: Identical to Tactical Marine, but can choose to take a Chain Weapon as a melee choice. Devastator/Tactical Sergeant: Identical to Tactical Veteran, but can choose to take a Power Weapon as a melee choice. Medicae Initiate: Power Armour, Bolter Pistol and one choice of Primitive Melee Weapon, and Narthecium/Reductor. Medicae Internist: Identical to Medicae Initiate, but can choose to take a Chain Weapon as a melee choice. Field Medicae: Identical to Medicae Internist, but can choose to take a Power Weapon as a choice. Chaplain-Confessor/Librarium Militant/Armoursmith: Power Armour, Bolter Pistol and one choice of Primitive Melee Weapon. All ranged weapons include 10 clips or reloads. Chaplain-Exorcist/Librarium Savant/Tech-Initiate: Identical to Chaplain-Confessor/Librarium Militant/Armoursmith, but can take a Chain Weapon as a melee choice. Reclusiarch/Lexicanum/Tech-Wright: Identical to Chaplain-Exorcist/Librarium Savant/Tech-Initiate, but can take a Power Weapon as a melee choice. Reclusiarch’s are restricted to taking the Crozius Arcanum as their Power Weapon. Lexicanum’s can take a Force Weapon as a melee choice.

only achieve Low Altitude for movements up to Full Move. High Altitude can only be achieved for Charge and Assault moves. A character using a jump pack can stay in the air for three rounds of movement. At the end of the third movement phase the character must land or suffer falling damage. The heavy armoured design grants an AP of 8 for any attacks coming from behind the character that hit the body location. Jump packs can only fly in a straight line without incurring a penalty. Changing direction in mid-flight suffers a penalty based upon the movement of the character. Acrobatic maneuvers also incur a penalty based upon the movement of the character. A character landing into the equivalent of Light Woods incurs a -10 to a Pilot (Jump Pack) Test and landing into the equivalent of Heavy Woods incurs a -20 penalty. Failure of the Test results in the character taking damage as per landing into buildings or impassable terrain. Landing into a building or other impassable terrain causes damage to the character upon impact. Refer to the Movement, Maneuvers, and Collision Damage Table to figure the damage based upon the speed of the character. The damage incurred is not softened by the armour of the character and takes the full damage listed.

Narthecium/Reductor The Narthecium is the Space Marine Apothecary’s version of a medi-pack, consisting of a medical field kit including anti-venoms, stim-packs and healing agents to get a wounded Marine back into the battle quickly. The associated Reductor is a tool for retrieving the Progenoid organs (gene-seed) from the body of a fallen Marine. The Reductor is a solid spring-loaded piston of metal. An Apothecary places the Reductor against a wounded Marine’s temple and the Reductor hurls the hunk of metal into the Marine’s skull killing him instantly. This is called “The Emperor’s Peace” or “The Emperor’s Mercy”. A Marine that is on the Medicae career path has both the Narthecium and the Reductor. The Narthecium grants a skill bonus of +20 to their test against the

Gear Jump Pack The Jump Pack is part of the standard kit that Assault Marines carry. The jump pack allows the Marine to quickly cross the battlefield and to engage enemies. The stats and movement rates for jump packs remain the same for all models of jump packs produced by the Adeptus Mechanicus. A jump pack grants the Flyer trait to the character. Due to the design of the jump pack the character can

Table 6-1: Jump Pack Armour Protection

Half Move

Full Move












Table 6-2: Movement, Maneuvers, and Collision Damage Table Movement On the Ground



Collision Damage

No special maneuvers are possible, except attacks or ground movement

No damage

Half Move



Full Move









Psychic Hood The Psychic Hood is used by Space Marine Librarians to protect themselves from enemy psychic powers. Often distinguished by a metal hood that rises from the backplate of their Power Armour, it uses a set of interwoven intricately aligned crystals to nullify an opponents psychic attacks; however they are of a very arcane design and are likely not to have been produced perfectly, and so are not one hundred percent effective. This was demonstrated when various Space Marine Librarians turned to Chaos during the Horus Heresy, becoming Chaos Sorcerers. Psychic hoods are also occasionally employed by Inquisitors. A character equipped must make a Psychic Test against a Psychic Threshold of 25 to nullify any psychic power that targets the character or the party they are with. When using a psychic hood, the character doesn’t suffer from Psychic Phenomena or Perils of the Warp when rolling 9s.

Purity/Repression Seals It is the lot of the Adeptus Terra, the Ecclesiarchy and the Inquisition to work tirelessly to protect humanity form its legion enemies; enemies who have the power to destroy not only the bodies of those who stand against them but their minds and souls. Many a young and idealistic servant sets foot on the path of duty only to find it slowly darkening into the road of corruption. The Emperor, in His wisdom, knows even faith is not always enough, and so grants his priests the ability to bless His servants so that they may face the darkness with His light at their side. Any bishop has sufficient standing within the Cult of the Emperor to create the physical benedictions known as Purity Seal; strips of parchment, carefully inscribed with prayers to the Emperor or His saints, anointed in holy oils and unguents and affixed with wax colored with the pure blood of martyred pilgrims, which guard those who wear them, strengthening their faith and driving off those who would lead them into darkness. Purity Seals can be thought of as armour for the soul. Acolytes have a long way to travel before they reach the point where they might become Interrogators and then

Inquisitors themselves. Without this armour, especially for those in the retinue of an Ordo Malleus inquisitor, few would last long before corruption or inanity took them. For most characters the Willpower test made to resist these forces is only passed around a third of the time. Purity Seals add bonuses similar to other types of equipment – between +5% and +20% – to the various rolls made against mental and spiritual trauma, boosting the average character’s pass rate to near 50%. Not much, and by no means an infallible defense, but every malignancy, mutation and disorder that can be avoided is one victory denied the enemies of mankind, one more stretch that the character can remain on the road.

Wearing Purity Seals Seals can be attached to clothing, armour or weapons. For many the location is not important. What matters is that the Purity Seal is displayed prominently, for it is not the way of the Emperor to hide His power from those he opposes. Purity Seals have no power unless they are displayed as symbols of faith, clear for all to see. Regardless of a Purity Seal’s type, GMs may grant wearers of these potent symbols of faith bonuses to Fellowship-based rolls among suitably fervent Imperial subjects. Only those with faith can benefit from wearing a Purity Seal. Unless the character has either Common Lore (Imperial Creed) or Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed), the seals they wear remain empty of power. Those of exceptional faith find that Purity Seals are even more potent. Any character with the Unshakable Faith Talent increases the quality of seals they wear by one step (Common to Good, Good to Excellent). Excellent quality seals gain an additional +5% to any bonus they grant when worn by those of Unshakable Faith.

VI: Equipment

Medicae skill. It comes with 8 doses of stimm, which must be replaced separately when used. It takes a Full Action to use the Narthecium. A Reductor is used to retrieve the progenoid glands from a Marine after he has been killed, which takes a Full Round action and a successful Medicae skill roll. If a Marine is too badly wound the Medicae must spend a Full Round action in order to give the Emperor’s Peace. A to-hit roll is not necessary, nor is a damage roll if the wounded Marine isn’t fighting it, but a Medicae roll is necessary to find the right spot on the target Marine. At the end of the action the target Marine is dead regardless of wounds and Toughness Bonus.

Aegis Seals The most common forms of Purity Seal are those designed to protect the wearer. Known as Aegis Seals within the Ministorum, they provide protection against the Corrupting Powers. These wards vary in how they protect the wearer as well as what level of protection they provide. Just as with other equipment, both Good and Excellent versions of these seals can be made, although they are generally restricted to servants who have proved their worth to the Imperium. Most seals grant a +5% bonus to a specific test. Increase this to +10% for Good quality seals and to +15% for rare Excellent quality ones. Purity Seals with other types of benefits include the effects of higher qualities in their descriptions. Poor quality seals can also be found. Mostly they are the work of charlatans or clerics who skimped on the necessary ritual ingredients. Poor quality seals are effectively Charms, providing no other in-game benefit to the wearer.


VI: Equipment

Speravi In Te, Imperator A seal commonly worn by those who must take to the Imperium’s many battlefields to fight in the Emperor’s name, it grants +5% to Willpower Tests to avoid the effects of Pinning. Fides Validus (3 Varieties) The most common seal is said to draw the Emperor’s gaze towards the wearer. Bathed in His glory, his faith is strengthened and he stands firm against all who would oppose him. The wearer gains +5% to Willpower rolls to resist Fear caused by one of the Imperium’s three major enemies. The Fides Validus Xenos seal protects against Fear-causing aliens, the Fides Validus Daemonica protects against Fear from Warp and daemonic sources, and the Fides Validus Hereticus protects against Fear-inducing psychic powers and particularly horrific mutants. Per Orbem Terrarum The High Gothic of this seal begins “From Holy Terra, benighted Earthly Sphere, did Man set forth, and only to that dominion shall his allegiance flow...” Wearers are protected against the sweet words of corruption, gaining +5% on Willpower and Scrutiny rolls to resist the false charms and seductive lies of Mankind’s enemies. Tutela Obviam Veneficus Much sought after by those who must face down psykers who refuse their duty to face either sanctioning or holy sacrifice at the feet of the Emperor’s throne, this seal grants +5% to any test to resist psychic powers. Sancta Eruditio It is the duty of some to fight Mankind’s enemies not on the battlefield but in the depths of dusty libraries. The Sancta Eruditio seal girds their souls as they seek to discover the weaknesses of those who would destroy them. Wearers may test Willpower to reduce the number of Corruption Points inflicted by reading corrupting tomes by 1 for common Seals or 2 for Good or Excellent seals. Only Excellent quality Purity Seals can reduce the number of points received below 1. Dignare, Domine The Emperor’s own cult has vouchsafed the character’s purity. The character may test Willpower to reduce the number of Corruption Points inflicted by Warp Shock by 1 for common Seals or 2 for Good or Excellent seals. Only Excellent quality Purity Seals can reduce the number of points received below 1.


Humanus Statua Aeternum (8 Varieties) The image of man is perfect. In mutation lies corruption. This seal locks the form of the wearer, making them more resistant to mutation. There is one version of this seal for each statistic, each granting the wearer +5% when testing that Characteristic to resist mutation

Table 6-3: Purity/Repression Seals Purity Seal



Speravi in Te, Imperator



Fides Validus



Per Orben Terrarum



Tutela Obviam Veneficus



Sancta Eruditio



Dignare, Domine



Humanus Statua Aeternum



Ad Dexteram Imperatorum



De Mortalitate, Gloriae



Repression Seal



Custodia Flematicus

Very Rare

Custodia Sanguineus

Very Rare

Custodia Colericus

Very Rare

due to accrued Corruption Points. Wearing any version of this Purity Seal provides +5% to resist mutation from other sources (exposure to the Warp, daemonic powers, and so on). Ad Dexteram Imperatorum By putting his fate in the hands of the Emperor, the wearer protects himself from others who would manipulate his being. He gains a +5% bonus on Malignancy rolls. De Mortalitate, Gloriae A martyr’s death is the greatest gift a servant can bestow upon his Emperor. Wearers of this Purity Seal have accepted that their life is but a small sacrifice to ask for the ceaseless wars against Humanity’s enemies. Instead of burning a Fate Point to survive death, the wearer of this seal may burn one to ensure he takes his enemies with him. Whether it means he lives a few more moments, allowing him to set his lasgun’s power pack to self-destruct or crash his vehicle into the ranks of this enemies, or whether the enemies will suffer misfortune in less direct ways, the character’s life will not have been given in vain. Good quality seals of this type allow the martyr to take down many more enemies, inflicting around ten times the casualties. Excellent quality seals are truly awesome. The Emperor himself seems to intercede, punishing those who would take from him a valued servant with just and furious wrath.

For some the Emperor’s blessings come too late. When darkness has already laid a hand upon a once-trusted servant of the Imperium, there are only two courses: the pyre or a Repression Seal. This rare version of the Purity Seal has had the divine power within it inverted so that the taint within the wearer is held in check, incarcerated by the blessed power of the Lord of Man. Only available to those in whom the Imperium has invested too much to lose or who must walk further on their path for the greater good of Mankind, Repression Seals reduce the effects of Madness, Malignancy and Mutation... but at great cost. Repression seals cannot be bought. They are reserved for the greatest and most valuable servants of the Imperium – Inquisitors, Sisters of Battle, Space Marines, and others who fight on the front lines of Mankind’s constant war against degeneration and corruption. And once applied, must be worn prominently every hour of the day and night or their power fades. The application of Repression Seals does not mean that the taint to soul, body or mind has been removed, merely turned inwards, which, in the the long term can prove almost as much of a burden as the original malady. At the end of each week, a character wearing one or more of these seals should make a Willpower Test with a -5% penalty for each Repression Seal he wears. Treat a failure on this roll as a failed Mental Trauma roll (see Dark Heresy, page 234). Custodia Fleumaticus Exposure to the Warp and the foul entities that spring forth from that realm can corrupt the soul of a man, giving them strange drives and debauched habits. The application of this Repression Purity Seal counteracts a Malignancy inflicted upon a character. While worn the Malignancy has no hold over the character. They automatically succeed in any rolls to resist it’s influence and any losses caused by the Malignancy are returned. Custodia Sanguineus A single bodily change caused by exposure to daemons and the Warp are contained by these seals. The wearer immediately reverts to their previous form. Custodia Colericus For maladies of the mind, the Custodia Colericus seal must be applied, each seal preventing the manifestation of one Mental Disorder.

Receiving Purity Seals Although the rites and techniques used to make the most common Purity Seals is known to most ranking clerics, many others jealously guard the secrets to manufacturing the more esoteric protections. Selling benedictions is an important source of revenue for the Imperial Cult and the money gained from sought after Purity Seals when used to fund missions and new buildings reflects

well on the bishop who spends it. Moreover, the ability to create these blessings shows that Emporer’s light shines upon the creator, bringing prestige many are unwilling to share. In game terms, this means that Purity Seals have a rarity just as other items do, as well as a price that must be donated to the cult. Finding a particular type of Seal requires an Inquiry roll,with a bonus if the seeker has a relevant Peer Talent. Peer (Adeptus Arbites) grants +10%, Peer (Inquisition) or Peer (Adeptus Astartes) grants +20% and Peer (Ecclesiarchy) grants +30%. Each seal is crafted to best protect the soul of he who will wear it, and as such they may not be transferred between characters. And if the blessed wax affixing the seal is ever broken, not only is the protection of the seal destroyed, but there are those who whisper that the Emperor himself becomes displeased, withdrawing his favour from the servant who failed to protect his benediction. Men declared excommunicate by the Ecclesiarchy or the Inquisition are unfit to wear the Emperor’s seals. Although being excommunicated does not prevent existing seals working, clerics who know of the declaration will refuse to create Purity Seals for such characters and many will see it as their holy duty to bring down those who do not immediately cast off their symbols of purity and seek atonement for their sins.

VI: Equipment

Repression Seals

Armour Adeptus Astartes MKVII “Eagle” Power Armour Adeptus Astartes power armour is a more advanced version of power armour containing many enhancements that can only be used due to the implantation of black carapace. Adeptus Astartes Power Armour has the following qualities and stats: Dark Light Vision, Heightened Senses (Hearing), Enhanced Communications Gear, Red-Dot Laser Sight, Sealed Environment, Advanced Life Support, Recoil Gloves, HUD Tactical Map, Internal Medicae Functions, and Strength +20. The Strength bonus is unaffected by the Unnatural Strength trait, so it grants a +2 bonus instead of +4. Dark Light Vision: Allows the Space Marine to see in total darkness up to 50m and follows the rules for the trait of the same name. Hearing Auspex: Allows the Space Marine to hear up to 50m radius and follows the rules for Heightened Senses (Hearing). Sight Auspex: Allows the Space Marine to zoom in onto targets 300m away and fire without penalty. It follows the rules for Telescopic Sight. Enhanced Communications Gear: Allows a Space Marine to communicate to ships up in the upper atmo-


VI: Equipment

Table 6-4: Armour Armour Type

Location(s) Covered




Adeptus Astartes Power Armour



130 kg

Very Rare

Adeptus Astartes Terminator Armour



260 kg

Very Rare

Adamantine Mantle



2.5 kg

Very Rare

Combat Shield



5 kg

Very Rare

Iron Halo



2 kg

Very Rare




2 kg

Very Rare

Storm Shield



7 kg

Very Rare

sphere in a tight beam and to communicate over land distances of 2 kilometers. Targeting Auspex: Functions identically to a RedDot Laser Sight. Sealed Environment: The suit is sealed completely and allows a Space Marine to survive in a vacuum. Advanced Life Support: The suit contains the equipment to produce a breathable atmosphere for up to 5 days. Recoil Gloves: As per the rules for the equipment of the same name in the Dark Heresy rulebook. HUD Tactical Map: The helmet contains the ability to project a tactical map into the visor to give a Space Marine combat awareness of the surrounding area. This helps them coordinate their attacks by showing the position of every squad member in power armour, as well as their life sign status. The map is downloaded via the communications gear from orbiting satellites or predownloaded before the mission begins. Grants a +1 bonus to Initiative. Internal Medicae Functions: This equipment automatically dispenses medication to injured areas. It also can seal injuries by applying foam bandages to the injured area to stop blood loss. It has a Medicae and Chem-Use skills of 30 and all attempts to apply drugs or to stop blood loss must test against it. Failure means that the suit has malfunctioned and no further rolls can be made until the suit is repaired. The equipment always tests at routine.

Artificer Armour When a Marine player gets Best Quality armour, it is classified as Artificer Armour.

Aegis Power Armour Aegis Power Armour has the same abilities as standard Marine Power Armour, but has the inclusion of several Talents. It comes with a built-in Storm Bolter as a standard weapon. Resistance (Daemons): The armour confers a +10 resistance against daemon powers and special abilities, including all Fear and Corruption Tests. Resistance (Warp): The armour confers a +10 resistance against Warp based effects, including all Fear and Corruption Tests.



Resistance (Psychic Powers): The armour confers a +10 resistance against psychic powers. Resistance (Fear): The armour confers a +10 resistance against fear tests. This does not stack with other resistances that have a Fear component. Resistance (Corruption): The armour confers a +10 resistance against corruption tests. This does stack not with other resistance that have a Corruption component.

Adeptus Astartes Terminator Armour MkIV Terminator Armour, or Tactical Dreadnought armour as it is properly called, is the toughest and most powerful form of personal armour humanity has ever developed. The scarcity and expense to maintain Terminator suits means they are available only to the elite troops from the veteran companies of the Adeptus Astartes Space Marine Chapters. Adeptus Astartes Terminator Armour has the following qualities and stats: Dark Light Vision, Infra-red Goggles, Heightened Senses (Hearing), Enhanced Communications Gear, Red-Dot Laser Sight, Sealed Environment, Advanced Life Support, Recoil Gloves, HUD Tactical Map, Internal Medicae Functions, and Strength +30. The Strength bonus is unaffected by the Unnatural Strength trait, so it grants a +3 bonus instead of +6. Dark Light Auspex: Allows the Space Marine to see in total darkness up to 100m and follows the rules for Dark Light Vision. Infra-red Auspex: Allows the Space Marine to see into the infra-red spectrum up to 100m and follows the rules for Infra-Red Goggles. Hearing Auspex: Allows the Space Marine to hear up to 50m radius and follows the rules for Heightened Senses (Hearing). Sight Auspex: Allows the Space Marine to zoom in onto targets 400m away and fire without penalty. It follows the rules for Telescopic Sight. Enhanced Communications Gear: Allows a Space Marine to communicate to ships up in the upper atmosphere in a tight beam and to communicate over land distances of 2 kilometers. Targeting Auspex: Functions identically to a RedDot Laser Sight.

Aegis Terminator Armour Aegis Terminator Armour has the same abilities as standard Marine Terminator Armour, but has the inclusion of several Talents. It comes with a built-in Storm Bolter as a standard weapon. Resistance (Daemons): The armour confers a +10 resistance against daemon powers and special abilities, including all Fear and Corruption Tests. Resistance (Warp): The armour confers a +10 resistance against Warp based effects, including all Fear and Corruption Tests. Resistance (Psychic Powers): The armour confers a +10 resistance against psychic powers. Resistance (Fear): The armour confers a +10 resistance against fear tests. This does not stack with other resistances that have a Fear component. Resistance (Corruption): The armour confers a +10 resistance against corruption tests. This does not stack with other resistances that have a Corruption component.

Adamantine Mantle Adamantine Mantles are cloaks made from threads of Adamantine, a tough and resistant material that can provide excellent protection for its wearer. The cloak often protects the wearer from high strength attacks, allowing the wearer to survive very heavy firepower which would normally fell any other warrior. On any attack that does critical damage, re-roll the amount of damage taken and take the lowest. When rolling on the critical hits chart it adds a -2 to the roll.

Combat Shield A Combat Shield is a lighter and more maneuverable version of the Storm Shield. A character carrying a Combat Shield can carry a second weapon. The shield may be used to block incoming attacks and functions like a parry with a power weapon. The Combat Shield can only be used with Terminator Armour.

VI: Equipment

Sealed Environment: The suit is sealed completely and allows a Space Marine to survive in a vacuum. Advanced Life Support: The suit contains the equipment to produce a breathable atmosphere for up to 5 days. Recoil Gloves: As per the rules for the equipment of the same name in the Dark Heresy rulebook. HUD Tactical Map: The helmet contains the ability to project a tactical map into the visor to give a Space Marine combat awareness of the surrounding area. This helps them coordinate their attacks by showing the position of every squad member in power armour, as well as their life sign status. The map is downloaded via the communications gear from orbiting satellites or pre-downloaded before the mission begins. Grants a +1 bonus to Initiative. Internal Medicae Functions: This equipment automatically dispenses medication to injured areas. It also can seal injuries by applying foam bandages to the injured area to stop blood loss. It has a Medicae and Chem-Use skills of 30 and all attempts to apply drugs or to stop blood loss must test against it. Failure means that the suit has malfunctioned and no further rolls can be made until the suit is repaired. The equipment always tests at routine. Massive Strength: Due to the armour’s massive strength, firing any heavy weapon does not incur a penalty since the Space Marine is always classified as being braced. Sensorium: Allows all of the squad members to see exactly what the Marine in terminator armour sees. If the entire squad is outfitted with terminator armour they gain a +1 bonus to Initiative since they are able to coordinate uncannily. Slow: Terminator armour is bulky and slow. As such, terminator armour halves the movement of the character to a minimum of 1m and makes running impossible.

Iron Halo The Iron Halo is a special reward given to Space Marines who show exceptional bravery and initiative on the battlefield. It is a power field that encompasses the body of the character wearing it and grants additional protection to attacks. An Iron Halo cannot be combined with either a Combat Shield or a Storm Shield.

Rosarius A Rosarius is an amulet worn by officials of the Ecclesiarchy for both protection and as sign of office. The Rosarius takes the form of an amulet, often displaying the Imperial Eagle or an ornate cross. It is actually an advanced device, containing a tiny conversion field generator, which emits a protective energy field around the wearer. The field’s effect is to convert the energy of an impact into light. When the field stops a shot, a blinding flash of light is produced. The field is capable rendering even plasma gun shots harmless. The Rosarius is often referred to as the soul’s armour.

Storm Shield The Storm Shield is used by the Space Marines and Daemonhunters and is a more advanced and bulky version of the Combat Shield, providing better defense. It is, however, much larger and requires the use of one hand and so prevents the use of two combat weapons. The shield itself incorporates a small energy field generator which is too small for use against ranged weaponry but is useful in combat. The shield may be used to block incoming attacks and functions like a parry with a power weapon, but grants a +10 to the parry roll. The Storm Shield can only be used with Terminator Armour.


VI: Equipment

Table 6-5: Melee Weapons Chain Weapons Name








Frost Blade


1d10+6 R


Balanced, Tearing

6 kg


Very Rare











1d10+8 R


Cumbersome, Power Field, Tearing, Unwieldy

80 kg


Very Rare

Crozius Arcanum


1d10+3 E


Power Field, Unbalanced

15 kg


Very Rare

Lightning Claw


1d10+6 R


Power Field, Balanced, Tearing

70 kg


Very Rare

Power Fist


1d10+6 E


Cumbersome, Power Field, Unwieldy

60 kg


Very Rare

Thunder Hammer


2d10+1 E


Cumbersome, Power Field, Shocking, Recharge

70 kg


Very Rare









Force Weapons




Psychic Weapon, *



Very Rare

Power Weapons

Force Weapons

* See the specific entry for rules

Melee Weapons Chainfist The Chainfist is a variant of the Power Fist equipped with a small chainsword blade. This powerful but cumbersome (and so slow moving) weapon is often used by Space Marine Terminators, especially by tank hunter specialists or boarding parties because of the great capacity of the weapon to cut through the thickest armour, both vehicles and buildings included. It is essentially a power glove with a built-in chainsword with the cutting edge encased in a glowing energy field. When the weapon impacts, the energy field leaps across to the target, shattering anything it comes across and then the teeth of the blade cut through the remaining flesh and armour with ease. A Chainfist can only be carried by Marines in terminator armour. If the Marine spends two full round actions, double the damage from the weapon when trying to go through an immobile object like a bulkhead. The human version of the chainfist only weighs 40 kg. Cumbersome: A weapon with this special quality suffers a +10 to all rolls for blocking and parrying by opponents. A character carrying a cumbersome weapon suffers a -6 to their Agility.

Crozius Arcanum The Crozius Arcanum serves as both a sacred staff of office and a weapon for Space Marine Chaplains. This duality is perceived as only natural to a Space Marine, who see battle as the most glorious form of worship to the Emperor.


The Crozius Arcanum itself is a staff of medium length, topped with either an Imperial eagle or a winged skull. A few versions use iconography from the Chapter they belong to, such as the the blacksmith’s hammer-version used by some Chaplains from the Salamanders Chapter. Cassius, Master of Sanctity of the Ultramarines Chapter has fashioned his Crozius Arcanum after a Tyranid head, in remembrance of the invasion of Macragge. Incorporated within the staff is a powerful energy field capable of disrupting matter much in the same way as a Power Weapon. A crozius arcanum can only be carried by Chaplains.

Force Weapons and Nemesis Force Weapons Force weapons are powerful close combat weapons that are only effective in the hands of a trained psyker. Force weapons effectively act as deadly, psychic extensions of the wielder’s own powers. They are designed to allow a psyker to channel deadly Warp energies into their victim, acting as a conduit between the wielder’s mind and the flesh of his target. Large alien monstrosities

Designer’s Note You will notice that Adeptus Astartes equipment has a price tag attached. This wasn’t an oversight by the designers, because in the background stories for Warhammer 40k there are plenty of examples of private citizens of the Imperium owning Adeptus Astartes equipment as show pieces to their collections.


Josef, a Librarian, attacks Jolee, a scum, with his force sword and hits. Jolee has a WP of 35 and rolls a 22, which makes the roll by 13. Josef has a Psy Rating of 3 and rolls 3d10 getting a 6, 3, and a 9, for a total of 18. This beats Jolee’s roll by 5, so Jolee takes 2d10+5 of damage. Due to Josef rolling a 9 on 1d10 he must make a Psychic Phenomena check. To build a Force Weapon, select a weapon from the Melee Weapons Table in the Dark Heresy rulebook. This will give the weapon its base damage and special qualities. Add Psychic Weapon to the special qualities. In the hands of a non-psyker treat the force weapon as a normal weapon unless the base weapon is a power weapon. Force Rods and Staffs also operate as psy-focuses and follow the rules concerning a psy-focus. Nemesis Force Weapons add 1d10 damage per Psy Rating instead of the normal 1d10 damage per two Psy Ratings. If the Nemesis Force Weapon is a halberd, it has a Storm Bolter built into it.

Frost Blade The Frost Blade is a chainblade which uses the diamond-sharp fangs of the Fenrisian Ice Kraken as the teeth of its chainsaw blade. It is of Best craftsmanship, and thus adds +10 to the wielder’s WS.

Lightning Claw A Lightning Claw is a specialized type of Power Weapon. It consists of a power gauntlet and four blades that crackle with matter-disruptive energy. These blades are

the equivalent of small power weapons which carve through armour and flesh with ease. They are most commonly used by Space Marine Terminator Assault Squads; the entire squad can be armed with them, but can also be used by anyone with access to the armoury. Lightning claws can be wielded in pairs and can be carried by Marines in Power Armour. They follow the rules for power fields and power weapons. The character cannot use any other weapon in the hand that has the lightning claw. When used in a pair, lightning claws gain the Balanced trait.

Power Fist A Power Fist (or Power Glove) is a large metal gauntlet surrounded by an energy field that disrupts solid matter. It is large and slow in combat, and so the bearer must be willing to take damage before they can strike back. The power fist follows the rules power fields with a variation. The character cannot use any other weapon in the hand that has the power fist. If the Marine spends two full round actions, double the damage from the weapon when trying to go through an immobile object like a bulkhead. Normal humans can carry a power fist, which only weighs half as much (30 kg). Cumbersome: A weapon with this special quality suffers a +10 to all rolls for blocking and parrying by opponents. A character carrying a cumbersome weapon suffers a -6 to their Agility.

VI: Equipment

and daemons that are resilient to conventional weapons can be slain outright by a single wound, as their bodies and minds are destroyed by the unearthly powers of the Immaterium. Force weapons take the forms of swords, spears or other close combat weapons. Within the structure of the weapon is interwoven a powerful psi-convector, formed into a precise serpentine shape which concentrates and directs psychic energy. This sometimes appears as a pattern on the blade. Psychic Weapon: A weapon with this special quality on a successful opposed Psy roll adds additional damage on any successful attack. The target rolls his WP, while the psyker can roll up to the number of dice in his Psy Rating. If the psyker’s dice total beats the margin the target made their WP roll, the target is hit by a spike of psychic energy that causes an addition 1d10 of damage for every two levels in Psy Rating. If the psyker’s dice total doesn’t beat the margin the target made his WP roll, the target takes the force weapon’s regular damage as normal. The psyker is subject to the rules concerning Psychic Phenomena and Perils of the Warp.

Thunder Hammer Thunder Hammers are weapons of ancient design, utilizing a power field similar to a power sword or fist, and used by Space Marines and Daemonhunters, primarily by Terminator Assault Squads and characters with access to the relevant armoury. Where other power weapons emit a constant energy field, the Thunder Hammer is designed to energize the power field only upon impact, enabling it to conserve energy until it is actually needed, and allowing the weapon to deliver a particularly devastating blow. Between impacts the Hammer builds up the power it generates ready to destroy the next opponent. Upon impact, a blue energy field explodes with a thunderous crack, more often than not smashing through armour, and leaving a smoking hole that crackles with blue sparks. A thunder hammer follows the rules power fields. When used against a vehicle, unless the crew can pass a Toughness test the crew of the vehicle are stunned for one round. A vehicle with stunned crew will continue in a straight line at it’s current speed. Recharge: Due to its slow charging nature of the power cells the thunder hammer can only be used every other round.


VI: Equipment

Table 6-6: Ranged Weapons Solid Projectile Weapons Name





Assault Cannon




2d10+2 I

Pen Clip









50 kg


Very Rare

Pen Clip


Launcher Weapons Name










Missile Launcher









15 kg



Cyclone Missile Launcher







2 Full


75 kg


Very Rare

* Damage, Penetration, and Special Qualities are determined by the ammunition fired. Can only fire standard Krak or Frag missiles. See Dark Heresy page 131 for the stats

Bolt Weapons Name





Astartes Bolt Pistol




1d10+8 X

Pen Clip 4








5 kg

Very Rare

Astartes Boltgun




1d10+8 X




14 kg

Very Rare

Astartes Heavy Bolter




2d10+3 X



2 Full

60 kg

Very Rare

Astartes Storm Bolter




1d10+8 X



2 Full

25 kg

Very Rare





2d10+3 X



3 Full

50 kg

Very Rare

** Clip capacity varies, see the description below

Flame Weapons Name





Heavy Flamer




1d10+6 E










2d10+8 E






Plasma Cannon




2d10+6 E

Pen Clip 4







2 Full


15 kg








2 Full

40 kg








12 Full

Recharge, Blast(3), Overheats

40 kg


Very rare

Melta Weapons Pen Clip 12


Plasma Weapons

Ranged Weapons Assault Cannon The assault cannon is a heavy, automatic anti-personnel weapon with an incredible rate of fire, commonly used by Terminator armoured Space Marines. It is a medium caliber rotary autocannon, with 6 barrels cycled by an electric motor past a single chamber. The autocannon can only be used by a Marine in terminator armour.

Cyclone Missile Launcher


The Cyclone Missile Launcher is specially designed to be fit on a Terminator Armour. Loaded with Krak or Frag Missiles, the Cyclone consists of two cube-shaped missile boxes twin-linked by a targeter and sensors array. The unit is fixed on the back of a standard Terminator armour; this fitting allow the Space Marine to use a Storm Bolter and Power Fist with the Missile Launcher, so he can fire both firearms simultaneously. Older de-

Pen Clip 6


signs of the Cyclone missile launcher had the sensor array hand-carried by the Terminator, thus taking away the option of a power fist but making it more accurate. Firing the Cyclone Missile Launcher does not constitute a half action when a terminator wishes to fire a storm bolter in the same combat round. Can only be used by a Marine in terminator armour.

Astartes Bolt Pistol This is the Adeptus Astartes version of the civilian Bolt Pistol. It is a rather short-ranged weapon, but more than capable of dealing damage to the enemies of the Imperium.

Astartes Boltgun The iconic weapon of the Space Marines, the holy Bolter is to its wielder more than a weapon. It represents the Emperor’s holy wrath against His enemies, and is treated with an almost-religious devotion even in its mundane maintenance operations.

Astartes Heavy Bolter A larger, heavier version of the Boltgun, the Heavy Bolter is an impressive weapon capable of devastating firepower, deadly even to armoured vehicles. The Astartes version fires mass-reactive rounds considerably larger than the ones used in Bolt Pistols and Bolters.

Missile Launcher It is a basic launcher tube, which can fire either Krak or Frag missiles.

Psycannon Psycannons are a specialized form of bolt weapon used almost exclusively by the Grey Knights. This weapon can only be used by a Marine in Terminator armour, or mounted on Inquisition vehicles. Their psychically impregnated and consecrated bolts do double damage against daemons and psykers, with normal armour protection allowed.

Astartes Storm Bolter A Storm Bolter is the current development of the Combi-Bolter that was used before the Horus Heresy. It is essentially a dual chamber linked Boltgun. Its higher rate of fire makes it a devastating weapon in close quarters. It is the standard weapon of the Terminators, while the “civilian” version is often used as a pintle-mounted weapon on Imperial vehicles. Firing a storm bolter does not require bracing.

Weapon Upgrades Suspensor Unit

Heavy flamers are larger, more powerful versions of the standard flamer, projecting hotter and denser flames.

A Suspensor Unit is a large harness which allows certain heavy weapons to be fired more effectively on the move. The weapon weight is halved for encumbrance and may be fired without bracing, but the weapon range is also halved. Additionally, the weapon gains the Inaccurate trait. Ammo is also quadrupled, due to backpack feed.


M40 Targeting System

Heavy Flamer

The Incinerator is a specially designed Heavy Flamer weapon created specifically for the Grey Knights. It is fueled by a special mix of consecrated promethium and blessed oils which are especially effective against daemons as the fire burns brilliant white with pure faith. It functions identically to a Heavy Flamer, but against Daemons and Psychic creatures it ignores their Armour Protection.

Multi-Melta The multi-melta is a larger, longer-ranged version of the meltagun. Unlike their smaller cousins, multi-meltas are not commonly carried by infantry. The only foot infantry known to carry them include Sisters of Battle, Space Marine Devastators and Servitors. It is more often found mounted on vehicles, such as Space Marine Land Speeders and Sisters of Battle Immolators.

Plasma Cannon The plasma cannon is a heavy weapon that relies on plasma technology to deliver lethal energy balls but also has another setting to allow direct shots against tanks and other large targets which are sure to move out of the way before it hits. It is much longer-ranged than the plasma gun, and has a wider blast radius.

VI: Equipment

The weapon accepts different magazines: typically it can use straight magazines (15 rounds), a belt feed (30 rounds), sickle magazines (20 rounds), or drum magazines (40 rounds).

The M40 Targeting System is often employed by the Deathwatch Kill-teams of the Ordo Xenos. When equipped, a bolt weapon gains the Accurate trait and ignores penalties for long and extreme range as long as the shooter takes a full round action to aim.

Table 6-7: Weapon Upgrades Name




Suspensor Unit

5 kg


Very Rare

M40 Targeting System

1 kg


Very Rare

Ammunition Hellfire Rounds Explosive core replaced with thousands of needles impregnated with mutagenic acid for use against Tyranids. A Heavy Bolter variant (blast effect) is available. A Hellfire round adds an additional +5 damage if there isn’t any armour in the path of the shell. If there is armour in the way half damage is taken. In the case of being used against Tyranids the target takes double damage. If the round if fired by a Heavy Bolter the round has a splash radius of 5m centered around the target.


VI: Equipment 60

Metal Storm Frag Shells

Psycannon Bolts

Standard charge and detonator replaced with fragmentation shell and a proximity sensor detonator. The Metal Storm Frag Shell does -5 damage and gains the special trait Scattering.

Psychically impregnated solid slug for tracking targets., available not only for the Psycannon, but also for any bolt weapon, from the Bolt Pistol to the Heavy Bolter. A Psycannon Bolt does double damage against daemons and psykers, with normal armour protection allowed.

Stalker Silenced Shells Propellant and explosive replaced by gas cartridges, detonator cap replaced with solidified mercury slug. The Stalker Silenced Shell does -5 damage, but offers a -10 to Perception and Awareness Rolls for sight and hearing for detecting the shots beyond 10 meters.

Kraken Pattern Penetrator Rounds Deuterium core replaced by solid adamantine core, heavier propulsive charge. The Kraken Pattern Penetrator Round does normal bolter damage, but halves the armour protection of the location hit.

Table 6-8: Ammunition Name



Hellfire Rounds


Very Rare

Metal Storm Frag Shells


Very Rare

Starker Silenced Shells


Very Rare

Kraken Pattern Rounds


Very Rare

Psycannon Bolts


Very Rare


here are times when even the massive firepower of a Devastator Squad does not bring down the enemy and a squad of Assault Marines is too slow. Should this happen, the Adeptus Astartes rely on a wide array of combat and support vehicles. Rhino and Razorback APCs carry the Marines into battle. The Rhino is lightly armed, well armoured and can provide safe transport for a full squad of ten Space Marines. The Razorback doesn’t have the transport capabilities of the Rhino, but is better armed. Fast assault is supported by various attack bikes and land speeders. Both kind of vehicles and their respective variants are built for speed and maneuverability. Attack bikes can have sidecars for additional firepower. When fire support is needed, the Predator Destructor and the Predator Annihilator are the weapons of choice. Heavily armoured and armed, they are a devastating force on the battlefield. Long range fire support is provided by the Whirlwind Artillery Missile Rhino variant and the Vindicator Artillery Rhino variant with its Demolisher Cannon. Air superiority is provided by the Thunderhawk. As most of Astartes vehicles, it comes in different patterns. The Thunderhawk Transport can carry battle vehicles,

while the Gunship carries Space Marines into battle while providing fire support. Although every vehicle above is a dangerous opponent, the pinnacle of the Adeptus Astartes war machines is the Land Raider. In addition to the crew of three Marines, each Land Raider is inhabited by an old, powerful Machine Spirit. This spirit can replace the crew to a limit, maneuvering and firing on its own. Each Land Raider is a gigantic fortress on tracks, extremely heavily armed and armoured. In addition to its stunning combat capabilities, it can even transport ten Space Marines with full equipment or five Terminators. The Land Raider Crusader, developed by the Black Templar Chapter, is even better armed and can transport more troops. In addition to the different variants of each vehicle, there are various options to make some useful upgrades. For example, if it is likely that combat will take place in a wooded area or city ruins, dozer blades are mounted to clear the vehicle’s path from bushes or rubble. Another favoured upgrade is adding additional armour to increase protection. During night fights, spot- and searchlights are added. Finally, firepower can be increased by adding pintle mounts or even missile racks.

VII: Vehicles

V e hi c l es Vehicles

Rhino Originally derived from the Rh1N0 Standard Template Construct pattern, the ubiquitous Rhino is basically a transport vehicle for squads of Space Marines. Type: Ground Vehicle Size: Enormous Armour: Hull 21, Top 18, Rear 18 Traits: – Narrative Speed: 35 kph/70 kph Combat Speed: 10/25/50/75/100 Handling Modifier: Drive (Ground Vehicle): +0 Armaments: Storm Bolter Crew: 1 (Driver) Passengers: 10 Access Points: Hatches on both sides, several on the roof, ramp at the rear Special: Robust: Tests to repair a Rhino have a +10 bonus Options: Dozer Blade (gives the All-Terrain trait, but reduces the speed to 35/55 kph narrative and 10/20/40/60/80 combat and imposes a -10 penalty to the handling check), Extra Armour (+5 armour to all locations).


VII: Vehicles

Predator Destructor The Predator was first designed for Space Marines as a cavalry tank, appropriate for the Marines’ rapid-strike tactics. It is based on the Rhino’s chassis. Type: Ground Vehicle Size: Enormous Armour: Front 26, Hull 21, Rear 18 Traits: – Narrative Speed: 35 kph/65 kph Combat Speed: 10/25/50/75/100 Handling Modifier: Drive (Ground Vehicle): +0 Armaments: Turret-mounted Autocannon Crew: 2 Passengers: 0 Access Points: Two hatches on the top, ramp at the rear Options: Dozer Blade (gives the All-Terrain trait, but reduces the speed to 35/55 kph narrative and 10/20/40/60/80 combat and imposes a -10 penalty to the handling check), Extra Armour (+5 armour to all locations), two side-sponson mounted Heavy Bolters or two side-sponson mounted Lascannons. If the sponson option is applied, the side hatches are unavailable.

Predator Annihilator Type: Ground Vehicle Size: Enormous Armour: Front 26, Hull 21, Rear 18 Traits: Narrative Speed: 35 kph/65 kph Combat Speed: 10/25/50/75/100 Handling Modifier: Drive (Ground Vehicles): +0 Armaments: Turret-mounted Twin-linked Lascannons Crew: 2 Passengers: 0 Access Points: Two hatches on the top, ramp at the rear Options: Dozer Blade (gives the All-Terrain trait, but reduces the speed to 35/55 kph narrative and 10/20/40/60/80 combat and imposes a -10 penalty to the handling check), Extra Armour (+5 armour to all locations), two side-sponson mounted Heavy Bolters or two side-sponson mounted Lascannons. If the sponson option is applied, the side hatches are unavailable.

Baal Predator The Baal Predator is an infantry support tank used only by the Blood Angels Space Marine Chapter and their successor Chapters. Type: Ground Vehicle Size: Enormous Armour: Front 26, Hull 21, Rear 18 Traits: – Narrative Speed: 35 kph/65 kph Combat Speed: 10/25/50/75/100 Handling Modifier: Drive (Ground Vehicle): +0 Armaments: Turret-mounted Twin-Linked Assault Cannon Crew: 2 Passengers: 0 Access Points: Two hatches on the top, ramp at the rear Options: Dozer Blade (gives the All-Terrain trait, but reduces the speed to 35/55 kph narrative and 10/20/40/60/80 combat and imposes a -10 penalty to the handling check), Extra Armour (+5 armour to all locations), two side-sponson mounted Heavy Bolters or two side-sponson mounted Heavy Flamers. If the sponson option is applied, the side hatches are unavailable.


The Razorback was developed as a more-heavily-armed variant of the Rhino chassis that sacrifices a portion of its troop capacity for additional firepower. Type: Ground Vehicle Size: Enormous Armour: Hull 21, Rear 18 Traits: – Narrative Speed: 35 kph/70 kph Combat Speed: 10/25/50/75/100 Handling Modifier: Drive (Ground Vehicles): +0 Armaments: Twin-linked Heavy Bolter or Twin-linked Lascannon Crew: 1 Passengers: 6 Access Points: Hatches on both sides, two hatches on the top, ramp at the rear Options: Dozer Blade (gives the All-Terrain trait, but reduces the speed to 35/55 kph narrative and 10/20/40/60/80 combat and imposes a -10 penalty to the handling check), Extra Armour (+5 armour to all locations).

VII: Vehicles


Whirlwind The Whirlwind is essentially an artillery-support vehicle, based on the Rhino template. It is a post-Heresy design, and so is not found among the Traitor Legions. Type: Ground Vehicle Size: Enormous Armour: Hull 21, Rear 18 Traits: – Narrative Speed: 35 kph/65 kph Combat Speed: 10/25/50/75/100 Handling Modifier: Drive (Ground Vehicle): +0 Armaments: Turret-mounted Whirlwind multiple missile launcher, with either Vengeance or Castellan missiles Crew: 2 Passengers: 0 Access Points: Hatches on both sides, one on the top, ramp at the rear Options: Dozer Blade (gives the All-Terrain trait, but reduces the speed to 35/55 kph narrative and 10/20/40/60/80 combat and imposes a -10 penalty to the handling check), Extra Armour (+5 armour to all locations).

Vindicator The Vindicator is an armoured, short-ranged siege tank. Space Marines attacking heavily fortified positions often rely on Vindicators to break through. Type: Ground Vehicle Size: Enormous Armour: Front 26, Hull 21, Rear 18 Traits: – Narrative Speed: 35 kph/65 kph Combat Speed: 10/25/50/75/100 Handling Modifier: Drive (Ground Vehicle): +0 Armaments: Storm Bolter and Demolisher Cannon Crew: 2 Passengers: 0 Access Points: One on top, ramp at the rear Options: Dozer Blade (gives the All-Terrain trait, but reduces the speed to 35/55 kph narrative and 10/20/40/60/80 combat and imposes a -10 penalty to the handling check), Extra Armour (+5 armour to all locations).


VII: Vehicles

Land Raider The Land Raider is the most powerful tank in the Space Marine’s arsenal, used for spearhead assaults or as a mobile bunker. It is heavily armed for anti-tank and anti-personnel, with all-around thick armour, and able to transport at least 10 marines in power armour or 5 terminators. Type: Ground Vehicle Size: Massive Armour: Hull 43 Traits: Interface Controls Narrative Speed: 30 kph/55 kph Combat Speed: 5/20/40/60/80 Handling Modifier: Drive (Ground Vehicle): +0 Armaments: Hull-mounted twin-linked Heavy Bolters, two side sponsons with twin-linked Lascannons Crew: 3 Passengers: 10 (or 5 Terminators) Access Points: Hatches on both sides, two on top, front assault ramp Special: Machine Spirit: The Land Raider’s Machine Spirit is able to rudimentarily drive the vehicle and fire by itself. Consider a BS of 25 and Drive (Ground vehicles) skill of 25. Options: Extra Armour (+5 armour to all locations).

Land Raider Crusader Originally developed by the Black Templars Space Marine Chapter, the Crusader was eventually approved by the Adeptus Mechanicus as an authorized design, allowing other Space Marine chapters to field them in abundance. Type: Ground Vehicle Size: Massive Armour: Hull 48 Traits: Interface Controls Narrative Speed: 30 kph/55 kph Combat Speed: 5/20/40/60/80 Handling Modifier: Drive (Ground Vehicle): +0 Armaments: Hull-mounted twin-linked Assault Cannon,hull-mounted Multi-Melta, two side sponsons with Hurricane Bolters Crew: 3 Passengers: 15 (or 8 Terminators) Access Points: Hatches on both sides, two on top, front assault ramp Special: Machine Spirit: The Land Raider’s Machine Spirit is able to rudimentarily drive the vehicle and fire by itself. Consider a BS of 25 and Drive (Ground vehicles) skill of 25. Explosive Charges: The front ramp is studded with explosive charges, which deal the damage of a Frag Grenade when disembarking.

Bike The Space Marine Bike is a relatively common two-wheeled vehicle. Type: Ground Vehicle Size: Hulking Armour: Hull 9 Traits: Open, All-Terrain Narrative Speed: 50 kph/150 kph Combat Speed: 15/50/100/150/200 Handling Modifier: Drive (Ground Vehicle): +10 Armaments: Twin-linked Bolters Crew: 1 (Driver) Passengers: 0 Access Points: Open-topped Options: Instead of the twin-linked Bolters, the Bike can mount a Flamer, Melta Gun, or Plasma Gun.


The Attack Bike is a bulkier, more heavily-armed version of the Bike, with a second rider in a sidecar and a mount for heavier weapons. Type: Ground Vehicle Size: Hulking Armour: Hull 12 Traits: Open, All-Terrain Narrative Speed: 50 kph/110 kph Combat Speed: 15/35/70/105/140 Handling Modifier: Drive (Ground Vehicle): +10 Armaments: Twin-linked Bolters, plus sidecar-mounted Heavy Bolter or Multi-Melta Crew: 1 (Driver) Passengers: 1 Access Points: Open-topped Options: Instead of the twin-linked Bolters, the Bike can mount a Flamer, Melta Gun, or Plasma Gun.

VII: Vehicles

Attack Bike

Land Speeder The Land Speeder is a light flying vehicle, often used as fast-response unit, quickly dropping down from orbiting transports to add its firepower to the Space Marine forces on the ground. As the Land Speeder’s STC was discovered after the Horus Heresy, its is not available to the forces of the Chaos Space Marines. Type: Hover Size: Hulking Armour: Hull 18 Traits: Open, Anti-Grav Narrative Speed: 200 kph/350 kph Combat Speed: 20/125/250/375/500 Handling Modifier: Pilot (Military Craft): +0 Armaments: Heavy Bolter or Multi-Melta Crew: 1 (Pilot) Passengers: 1 Access Points: Open-topped Options: Tornado Pattern: Add an Assault Cannon or a Heavy Flamer. Typhoon Pattern: Add a Typhoon Multiple Missile Launcher.

Leman Russ Exterminator The Leman Russ Exterminator is a common and prolific variant of the Leman Russ Battle Tank used by the Imperial Guard. It mounts a twin-linked Autocannon instead of the more common Battle Cannon, making it more of an infantry hunter all-round battle tank. Type: Ground Vehicle Size: Enormous Armour: Hull 30, Front 40, Rear 20 Traits: – Narrative Speed: 25 kph/40 kph Combat Speed: 5/15/30/40/60 Handling Modifier: Drive (Ground Vehicle): +0 Armaments: Turret-mounted Twin-Linked Lascannon, plus hull-mounted Lascannon or Heavy Bolter Crew: 4 (Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver), plus optionally 2 sponson Gunners Passengers: 0 Access Points: Turret hatch Options: Dozer Blade (gives the All-Terrain trait, but reduces the speed to 15/30 kph narrative and 5/10/20/30/40 combat and imposes a -10 penalty to the handling check), Extra Armour (+5 armour to all locations), 2 side sponsons with Heavy Bolters.


VII: Vehicles

Thunderhawk Gunship The Thunderhawk is a massive, heavily-armoured spacecraft used for a variety of missions. The Gunship variation is heavily armed. Type: Military Craft Size: Massive Armour: Hull 35 Traits: Void Capable, Interface Controls Narrative Speed: 1000 kph/2000 kph Combat Speed: 50/700/1400/2100/2800 Handling Modifier: Pilot (Military Craft): +0 Armaments: Dorsal mounted Turbo Laser or Battle Cannon, 2 Lascannons on wings, 4 Twin-linked Heavy Bolters on front fuselage, 4 Twin-linked Heavy Bolters under the wings Crew: 3 Passengers: 30 Space Marines (or a combination, considering a Terminator as 2 Marines, a Bike as 3 Marines, an Attack Bike as 4 Marines, and a Dreadnought as 5 Marines) Access Points: Several hatches and an extendable ramp

Thunderhawk Transport The Transport variation of the Thunderhawk is used to transport vehicles to the battlefield. Type: Military Craft Size: Massive Armour: Hull 35 Traits: Void Capable, Interface Controls Narrative Speed: 1000 kph/2000 kph Combat Speed: 50/700/1400/2100/2800 Handling Modifier: Pilot (Military Craft): +0 Armaments: 4 Twin-linked Heavy Bolters on front fuselage Crew: 3 Passengers: 0, but can transport either two Rhinos or one Land Raider Access Points: Several hatches

Dreadnought When a Marine is mortally wounded in battle, crippled beyond the cure of the Apothecaries, sometimes he is given the great honour of continuing to serve the Emperor as a walking instrument of furious destruction, a Dreadnought. Interred into its sarcophagus, a Marine can continue to fight the endless battle to defend humanity against its many enemies. Some of the oldest Dreadnought are so ancient that their memories go back several millennia, like Bjorn the Fell-Handed of the Space Wolves, who fought in the Great Crusade before the Emperor was placed on the Golden Throne. When not actively fighting, Dreadnoughts are kept asleep and maintained by Techmarines. Type: Walker Size: Hulking Armour: Hull 24, Rear 18 Traits: – Narrative Speed: 5 kph/10 kph Combat Speed: 1/3/7/10/14 Handling Modifier: – Armaments: Dreadnought Close-Combat Weapon with built-in Storm Bolter and Assault Cannon Crew: 1 (Driver) Passengers: 0 Access Points: – Special: The Dreadnough has its own WS and BS scores. Use WS 65 and BS 65. Options: May replace the Storm Bolter with a Heavy Flamer, or the whole Combat Weapon with a Missile Launcher, or the Assault Cannon with twin-linked Lascannons or a Multi-Melta. May take Extra Armour (+5 armour).


The Blood Angels preference for close-combat tactics is reflected in the Furioso Pattern Dreadnought they often employ on the field of battle, which features two close-combat weapons instead of heavier ranged weapons. Type: Walker Size: Hulking Armour: Hull 24, Rear 18 Traits: – Narrative Speed: 5 kph/10 kph Combat Speed: 1/3/7/10/14 Handling Modifier: – Armaments: 2 Close Combat Weapons, one with a Storm Bolter or Heavy Flamer, the other with a Meltagun Crew: 1 (Driver) Passengers: 0 Access Points: – Special: The Dreadnough has its own WS and BS scores. Use WS 65 and BS 65. Options: May take Extra Armour (+5 armour).

VII: Vehicles

Furioso Dreadnought

Mortis Dreadnought The Mortis Pattern Dreadnought is a unique build employed by the Dark Angels Chapter, and has the particular feature of sporting two identical ranged arm weapons. Type: Walker Size: Hulking Armour: Hull 24, Rear 18 Traits: – Narrative Speed: 5 kph/10 kph Combat Speed: 1/3/7/10/14 Handling Modifier: – Armaments: 2 twin-linked Lascannons, or 2 twin-linked Autocannons, or 2 twin-linked Heavy Bolters, or 2 Missile Launchers Crew: 1 (Driver) Passengers: 0 Access Points: – Special: The Dreadnough has its own WS and BS scores. Use WS 65 and BS 65. Options: May take Extra Armour (+5 armour).

Siege Dreadnought Siege Dreadnoughts are equipped for breaking through fortified enemy positions. Their favourite tactics is to breach enemy installations with their Assault Drill, and then douse in flames everyone inside using the attached Heavy Flamer. Type: Walker Size: Hulking Armour: Hull 24, Rear 18 Traits: – Narrative Speed: 5 kph/10 kph Combat Speed: 1/3/7/10/14 Handling Modifier: – Armaments: Inferno Cannon and Assault Drill with Heavy Flamer Crew: 1 (Driver) Access Points: – Special: The Dreadnough has its own WS and BS scores. Use WS 65 and BS 65. Options: May take Extra Armour (+5 armour).

Passengers: 0


VII: Vehicles

Table 7-1: Vehicle Weapons Solid Projectile Weapons Name









2d10+6 I

Pen Clip 5




3 Full

Autocannon, twin-linked




2d10+6 I



3 Full

Assault Cannon




2d10+2 I





Assault Cannon, twin-linked




2d10+2 I





Demolisher Cannon




7d10 I



2 Full

Battle Cannon




7d10 I



2 Full

Blast (10)







Las Weapons Name

Pen Clip





5d10+10 E



2 Full

Lascannon, twin-linked




5d10+10 E



2 Full

Turbo Laser




8d10 E



2 Full

Blast (10)








Bolter, twin-linked




1d10+8 X




Hurricane Bolter




1d10+8 X




Storm Bolter




1d10+8 X



2 Full

Bolt Weapons Pen Clip

Heavy Bolter




2d10+3 X



2 Full

Heavy Bolter, twin-linked




2d10+3 X



2 Full





Pen Clip



Flame Weapons Name Flamer




1d10+4 E



2 Full


Heavy Flamer




1d10+8 E



2 Full


Inferno Cannon




2d10+8 E



2 Full

Flame, Blast (3)












2d10+4 E



2 Full





2d10+8 E



2 Full








Plasma Gun




1d10+6 E

8 Full

Recharge, Overheats

Melta Weapons Pen Clip

Plasma Weapons Pen Clip 6


Launcher Weapons Typhoon Missile Launcher




2d10+5 X



2 Full

Blast (10)

Vengeance Missile




2d10+5 X



3 Full

Blast (10)

Castellan Missile







3 Full

Blast (10), Minefield*

Dreadnought Missile Launcher




2d10+4 X



3 Full

Blast (4)

* Minefield: All the area of the blast is considered covered in Frag Grenades, dealing 2d10 X damage (Pen 0) to anyone stepping on them

Melee Weapons Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon


2d10+10 R


Dreadnought Assault Drill


2d10+10 R



** If the Dreadnought spends two full round actions, double the damage from the weapon when trying to go through an immobile object like a bulkhead



hat is a Space Marine exactly? This question is answered different by different people. One answer is that a Space Marine is a hero of the Imperium. Except, there are many heroes who are not Space Marines, like soldiers of the Imperial Guard who hold a position against overwhelming odds. Another answer might be that he is a devoted and loyal follower of the Emperor. On the other hand, this also applies to the Adepta Sororitas and the members of the Ecclesiarchy. You may get the answer that a Space Marine is a efficient war machine, able to stand against every foe. Others might be even better killers, like the operatives of the Eversor Shrine, who can rip a Space Marine into shreds, or Vindicare Assassins, who can take out a Space Marine with a single, well aimed shot from kilometers away. It is also possible that the reply is that a Space Marine is an elite warrior. Go ask a Cadian Kasrkin about this topic, the answer will not be very surprising. Their weapons and armour doesn’t qualify either, as the Sisters of Battle also wield Bolters and are clad in Power Armour. The conclusion is more complicated, yet simple. A Space Marine is all of the above. During his training, he is taught many skills, both combative and non-combative, he is equipped with the best gear the Imperium can provide, and due to the harsh, sometimes brutal methods of the Adeptus Astartes, he is also one of the Emperor’s finest. No other fighting force in the Imperium, be it Guard, Sororitas, PDF or else, inspires as much as the Adeptus Astartes. The sight of only a handful Space Marines can turn the morale of entire regiments, either to good or to bad. They keep fighting where others would flee in terror. On the other hand, Space Marines are not suicide troops. They retreat if the tactical situation requires it, only to strike harder moments later. If you can call a Space Marine your friend, you will never have to worry any danger again. If he is your foe, run faster and further than ever before. The mind of a Space Marine only has enough room for a few things: the Emperor, the Primarch and crushing the enemy. Anything other is not suited or necessary.

Space Marine Psychology “Sir, my men are almost ready to move out. Are you ready to depart, Sir?” We have been ready all day, thought Raphael. It seemed best not to demoralize the man by telling him this. His warriors lacked the superhuman hardiness of a Space Marine. There was nothing to be gained by rubbing this fact home. The Guard were true soldiers of the Emperor even if they were only men. Only Men, thought Raphael and caught himself. Yes, to be a Space Marine was to be more than an ordinary man. It was to have keener senses, and stronger muscles, faster reflexes and deadlier weapons. It was to have a life many times longer than an ordinary man, for Space marines shared some of the generunes of the immortal Primarchs. Yes indeed, being a Space Marine was to be more than a man, but it was also to be a man. That was never to be forgotten. Space Marines were drawn from the ranks of men, and it was their duty to serve Man. Many generations ago entire Chapters had forgotten that and fallen into heresy and worship of Chaos. — The thoughts of Sergeant Raphael, Blood Angel In many ways Space Marines are both more and less than the teeming mass of humanity – physically they appear to be perfect, if enlarged, versions of common humanity and their intellect, whilst necessarily focused is formidable and yet... They lack or at least have modified versions of some of the baser emotions – such as Love and Fear. In addition, having been taken from the normal population at a young age, they usually have problems relating to normal human wants and needs. They mix and train with other superhuman giants and often the only humans they see are Chapter serfs or vassals. Powerful emotions are not unknown to Space Marines... they feel good honest Hatred, often cited as one of the foundation stones of the Imperium and although “They shall know no fear” it is evident that they can feel intimidated and recognize superior opponents or untenable odds. Fear of Failure and the resulting Shame can be damaging to the mental state of a Marine and even a whole chapter has been committed to rash and foolish decisions to regain their honour or make amends. Pride in their work, their actions and the deeds of their fellows and Chapter in general are always a powerful force to a Marine but can make it difficult for them to accept advice or criticism from “lesser beings.”

VIII: Psychology and Tips

PPsychology sy c ho lo g y aand n d TTips ip s


VIII: Psychology and Tips

“You dare to demand that we – the Black Templers of the Adeptus Astartes, elite warriors of humanity, the chosen of the Emperor and His strong right arm in battle – account for our actions. As a Chapter, we have undertaken the greatest quest in the ten thousand year-long history of the Imperium to rid the Emperor’s immortal realm of the alien, the heretic and the thrice-damned servants of Chaos.”

is not unknown – at least in many chapters, and decades, even centuries of life can provide an unique insight into the workings of the Universe – or contribute to make even a Space Marine become insular and callous. Each marine, like any man, is different, retaining elements of their original personality after their transformation into a Space Marine.

— Marshal Brant, Black Templers Crusade Fleet Solemnus

Chaplains are the heart of any Chapter and if a Marine is without their sage advice, inspiration and words of comfort and resolve, the universe can seem a strange and unstable place. Far from the certainty of the company of like minded brethren questions can arise in a Marines mind of the worthiness of his task, especially if in the service to Inquisitor of questionable modus operandi.

Friendship and Brotherhood is ingrained into them and the bonds between squad mates are often very powerful, lasting as they may for decades. Perhaps given their Spartan style existence this is another reason for the Chem Geld? Anger is a emotion to be used and unleashed upon an enemy – although this can fester and gnaw at a Marine, especially when they have no outlet, and a enraged Marine can cause problems to his brothers as much as his enemies. Faith varies in its nature from Chapter to Chapter; some, like the Dark Angels, are monastic and mysterious devotees, whereas the Space Wolves show their devotion in feats of arms and glory. To the irritation of the Ecclesiarchy, the majority of Space Marines do not follow the Imperial Cult – many within that organization actually consider the belief of many Chapters heresy whilst many of the Chapters consider the Imperial Cult as little more than fawning superstitions much removed from the reality of the Emperor and his Primarchs. Other emotions are less important to a Marine – compassion and mercy are neither encouraged nor natural to a Marine – they have difficulty understanding what it is like to be as weak as a human. It is true that Compassion and Mercy in the Imperium is often best expressed by the following phrase: “We are at war with forces too terrible to comprehend. We cannot afford mercy for any of its victims too weak to take the correct course. Mercy destroys us; it weakens us and saps our resolve. Put aside all such thoughts. They are not worthy of inquisitors in the service of Our Emperor. Praise His name for in our resolve we only reflect His purpose of will.” — Inquisitor Enoch, Castigation’s on the Last Days Love, except for the Chapter, his brothers and the Emperor, is not usually within the ability of a Space Marine. Happiness is something perhaps beyond a Marine – they can feel joy and contentment in a task completed, the Emperor well satisfied, but do not seek either a perfect life or eternal happiness. They are created for, and content in, their task and whilst they may feel weary of battle on occasion – they do not seek another path. If they should do so, they are more than likely to fall into heresy and damnation...


In short they are not mere killing machines, they feel and think, perhaps differently – they hurt and consider the world around them – especially as they age. Humor

Prayer and Faith can help this but there can come a point when they will take action as they see fit to address any apparent deviancy or mistakes of the Inquisitor, even Chapter Masters have spoken out against Exterminatus and apparently unnecessary sacrifices. At the end of the war against Chaos on Armageddon the brave human defenders were betrayed by the Inquisition much to the disgust and outrage of the Marine Commanders. A questioning nature is not usually encouraged in a Space Marine – indeed in some can be mark of insolence and the first step on the road to heresy. Once without the confines of the Chapter, a Marine may well question the rightness of task set by other Imperial servants, something they might never consider doing to a senior member of their own Chapter. Like the men who become Marines, every Chapter is very different, and even successor Chapters can be strange and uncanny places to Marines – as unsettling as the most bizarre Imperial world. In keeping with this diversity, each Chapter chooses the inheritors of their heritage in different ways – some take those that are about to die in battle – like the Space Wolves, others set great tasks to select the most worthy – like the Blood Angels. The more divergent from the Codex Astartes the Chapter is, the more bizarre or arcane the rituals of rebirth into the Chapter can be. Like any form of childhood, these are powerful periods in a Marine’s life and help to transform the remaining personality into something more fitting to the culture of the Chapter. Some Chapters consider the past life of the neophyte is irrelevant and to be erased – treating their ascension into the ranks of Space Marines as a complete rebirth. They require only the skills of the supplicant and will reshape his mind and beliefs to their own requirements. Yet the majority of Marines retain memories, however faint, of their former life.

Dark Angels “I alone bear these most terrible burdens, for on my shoulders sit the sins of the Dark Angels Legion and I cannot rest whilst they still remain to stain our honour” — Grand Master Ezekiel The actions of the Dark Angels in a number of campaigns as they seek redemption have earned the brethren an unenviable reputation. Secretive, unpredictable, considered suspicious and untrustworthy by powerful members of the Imperium hierarchy, including many Inquisitors and other Space Marines. Like the Chaos Cults they fight, as one advances in the Chapter the Brother becomes aware of and responsible for the Dark Secrets at the Chapter’s heart. Driven and considering all but their quest to recover the Fallen secondary, the brethren of the Dark Angels have little time for other Marines, never mind humans. A Dark Angel amongst others may strive to prove himself worthy of their trust, or ignore their suspicions. Yet he knows that at any time his Chapter may call upon him to assist them in their great task and be he in the depths of combat he must abandon his present comrades to serve a greater purpose. This veil of secrecy can grate upon the soul of even a Dark Angel, gnaw at his certainty and conviction as he deserts those who need him and conceals evidence to better guard the secrets of the Chapter.

White Scars “For the Khan and the Emperor!” — White Scars battle cry A Chapter renowned for its lightning attacks and having much in common with the Space Wolves – indeed it is said the two respective Primarch’s had much in common and were the best of brothers. Like the homeworld of Russ, Fenris, the White Scars’ homeworld, Chogoris, is a land of warring tribes, whose strongest warriors are selected to join the ranks of the White Scars. The squads are made up of differing tribes who form great brotherhoods. A fierce and straightforward chapter, they are more receptive to outsiders, once they have proved themselves. Words mean little to a White Scar – deeds speak as the character and soul of a man or woman.

Usually scornful of more civilized Imperial worlds and citizens, they believe that they are already one step on the path to indolence and Chaos.

Space Wolves Logan Grimnar, bloody handed warrior. He piles the skulls of his enemies. He builds a mound of the fallen. His foes weep rivers of woe. Logan Grimnar, the strong wolf of the pack. His sword hungers for red flesh. His guns thirst for battle. He laughs amidst the battle-din. Logan Grimnar, father of wolves. His sons hunt his enemies. Slay them where they falter and bring their pelts to Fenris. Proud and direct, with earthy appetites for food and drink – one wonders exactly how effective their Chem Geld actually is. Those of the Wolves are more conscious of omens than other Chapters, but are more likely to disdain those who follow the Imperial Cult, venerating the Emperor in their own unique way. This Chapter is unusual in that the neophytes or Bloodclaws fight as front line troops rather than Scouts – who are veterans. More numerous than many of the other Chapters, the men of Fenris change through their lifetime from hot blooded and aggressive Bloodclaws eager to gain honour and recognition to sombre and experienced Long Fangs.

Imperial Fists

VIII: Psychology and Tips

The Chapters mold and indoctrinate their recruits, immersing them in thousands of years of heritage. Some, like the Space Wolves, Blood Angles and Salamanders, recruit from home worlds whose history is part of the Chapters own inherent culture. Others, such as the Dark Angels, take recruits with little or no knowledge of the history of their Chapter who are given knowledge as and when it is deemed necessary to do so.

“Do not ask me to approach he battle meekly, to creep through the shadow, or to quietly slip on my foes in the dark. I am Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fist, Space Marine, Emperor’s Champion. Let my enemies cower at my advance and tremble at the sight of me.” Like the Ultramarines, the Imperial Fists now adhere strongly to the Codex Astartes laid down by the Ultramarine’s Primarch Roboute Guilliman. Throughout their long and glorious history they have proved themselves dedicated but extremely stubborn, difficult to convince to abandon a task, a position or a battle once joined. This has proven an advantage to their enemies on a number of different occasion and can make a brother of the Chapter difficult to integrate into a team. The Codex is so heavily ingrained that deviation from its wide ranging tenants can be difficult and confusing for an Imperial Fist. They usually dislike and mistrust guile and stealth, seeing in it the works of the Great Enemy, and prefer a straight fight.


VIII: Psychology and Tips

Blood Angels In moments it was all over, and all that was left was a scene of devastation and carnage. Sergeant Mordax waited uneasily in the deathly silence that followed the battle as the Blood Angels Captain strode towards him. Over the corpses of Varlek’s troops. It required all of the Guardsman’s will power not to cower before the seven foot warrior. He could imagine the captain’s eyes burning with barely-suppressed blood lust behind the visors of his helmet. The urge to kill was still on him. Space Marines of the Blood Angels Chapter are angelic in visage but conceal a ravening thirst for carnage and like the Dark Angels, the Blood Angels are a cultlike Chapter with dark secrets. They are devastating in combat, but their methods can be horrific to many Imperials who witness them fighting. A warrior from this Chapter is the epitome of the Angel without, the Beast within – having been transformed from a scarred, brutal scavenger into a tall, proud and handsome warrior. The Black Rage and those who survive in body, but not in mind, are a constant reminder to Blood Angels of what they could and probably will turn into. Long-lived by Space Marine standards, they have the time and inclination to turn their hands to craftsmanship and arts at which they excel. Perfection in all things is often their stated aim but tragically most know they will end their days as snarling beasts lusting for the blood and flesh of others. A Blood Angel knows this and in his heart fears and hates it...

Iron Hands His Mark IV armour was polished a lustrous black, and a white, wool cloak embroidered with silver thread hung to his knees. A greenskin had taken his left arm three decades ago and a Deuthrite flenser his right barely a year later. Now both his arms were heavy augmetics of burnished iron, but Balhaan welcomed his new mechanized limbs, for flesh, even Astartes flesh, was weak and would eventually fail. To receive the Blessing of Iron was a boon, not a curse.


The marines of the Iron Hands do not resemble Angels like the Blood Angels – although they share their skill in craftsmanship, they retain their original form. Practical and aware of the weakness of flesh, they seek to improve themselves both in battle skill and physically, being able to draw upon their unusual relationship with the Cult of Mars. Straightforward in nature, they are as often seen as direct as the Space Wolves. They still retain their ancient clan structure (Karakul, Terrawatt are named together with the Elite Oarlocks), rather than companies – again much like the Great Companies of the Wolves. A Great Council, rather than one Commander also lead the Chapter, with a single member of each Clan serving on the Council. The links with the

Adeptus Mechanicus, much stronger than with the normal ancient pacts, mean that the arcane art of technology is less mysterious to them than is normal amongst the men of the Imperium. A respect for the customs and beliefs of the Cult of Mars is also more likely to be encountered in an Iron Hands Marine. Scarification is common among the Chapter’s warriors.

Ultramarines “Know this, son of Guilliman. The father of our Chapter watches over us always. He knows your soul, your strength, and aye, even your doubts. The chain of command must not be broken or we are nothing. Discipline and order are everything on the battlefield and the army that lives by the credo will always triumph.” — Marneus Calgar, Chapter Master of the Ultramarines In many ways the most respected and well known of the Great Chapters, they deal with mortals directly and more often than other Chapters, as they govern and administer their own sector of Space. Rigid adherence to the Codex can make them inflexible and somewhat predictable. The recent devastation of their home and those they were sworn to protect has twisted elements of the Chapter make up with many of the survivors seeking vengeance on the Tryanid menace, perhaps setting them on a darker path. Others have begun to question the Codex itself, at least in their own minds, even as the Chapter Master himself has had to formulate non- Codex reactions to deal with the Xenos threat. Any Ultramarine at this time stands at a crossroads, will they and the Chapter evolve and grow stronger or fracture and shatter under this unforeseen internal pressure?

Salamanders “Into the fires of battle, unto the anvil of war!” Like the Raven Guard, the Salamanders suffered grievously on Isstvan V and have never reached the numbers of the other Great Chapters. They remain solid and steadfast, “refusing to admit defeat even against the greatest odds.” Recruiting mainly from the high gravity world of Nocturne, they are perhaps the most integrated into Imperial Society, with much of the Chapter living and working alongside the population. This relationship gives a Salamander a unique (for a Marine) insight into the life of humans and helps foster their resolute defense of the people of the Imperium, even against the actions of their peers. In this regard they are most akin to the Ultramarines. The disdain that many Space marines hold for mere humans is less likely to be manifest in a Salamander, and even if it should be so is likely to be punished by his brethren or superiors.

“From the darkness we strike, fast and lethal, and by the time our foes can react... darkness there and nothing more.” The Raven Guard never recovered fully from the tragedy of Isstvan V and like many of the Great Chapters they have dark secrets that must be guarded from outsiders. They are masters of guerrilla warfare tactics behind enemy lines, but less well known is the use of genetic research and experiments to rebuild following the Horus Heresy. Adaptable and less constrained by the Codex Astartes than other Marines, Raven Guard Marines are perhaps more conscious of their own mortality more than most Marines, aware that their Chapter is still weaker and less able to replace loses than others. Like the Dark Angels they have secrets that outsiders must not be aware of, and provoke suspicion by the Inquisition as their methods and actions are often covert. A Raven Guard is usually more familiar and comfortable with ambushes and misdirection of the enemy through surgical strikes. The Raven Guards can provide a powerful resource to an Inquisitor, and even individuals can provide a more useful ally to an Inquisitor than a more orthodox Marine. Sadly, some Chapters actually consider their methods cowardly and unworthy of a true Marine, little realizing their actions can be more productive with less loss of valuable resources.

Grey Knights “There is nothing in the arcane and blasphemous arsenal of the forces of Chaos that can compare to faith. With the power of faith our blades become shining instruments of deliverance that can cleave the mightiest daemon in twain. With the power of faith, our minds appear as slivers of pure agony to the daemon, driving into the wretched forms of those who dare to stand before us... I could meet my enemies unarmed without a shred of fear in my chest, for I know that the Emperor watches over me and guides my hand. So let them come. We shall show them what the powers of faith can do.” — Justicar Stern A truly unique Chapter where all the brethren are psykers – a proud Chapter where few, if any, will ever recall their names or the heroic deeds that are undertaken in the Emperor’s name. A Chapter where the gene-seed is said to be taken from the Emperor himself. To be a Grey Knight is to face sights that would challenge and overcome the sanity of even a Space Marine but know, be absolutely certain, that no Grey Knight has ever succumbed to the blandishments of Chaos. It is both a source of pride and comfort to know this, but also an unyielding pressure for each Grey Knight to ensure that the are not the first. They are protected against the perils of the warp, both by their training and

equipment, and can use their inherent talents to smite their enemies perhaps more freely than any other Imperial psyker. A Grey Knight must be able to witness the atrocities of both the enemy they face and the Imperial response, indeed they must on occasion perform atrocities so that others can be protected. Even amongst other Marines they are elite and recognized as such by their brethren – but more than other Marines they are truly alone and separated from humanity, lacking even the memories of a previous life before the Chapter.

Khan’s Lightning “Bravery is stronger than adamantium. One is the stuff of the soul-forges, the other an illusion of safety created by fools. Adamantium walls cannot keep us out! We have the courage of the Emperor! And in the Emperor’s name... Attack! Attack!! No prisoners!!” The Khan’s Lightning are a recently founded Chapter who must live up to the bravery of their honoured founder – all the brethren are conscious of this example and seek to prove the worth of this young Chapter. This can mean that they are somewhat impetuous and eager to take the battle to the enemy, even compared to their ancestor Chapter. The brands that they all have are witness to the depth of their devotion to the Emperor and the lengths they will go to prove it. The slight mutation of the black carapace seems almost tailor-made for the Chapter, reminding them of the need for self-sacrifice. A competitive nature courses through the veins of the brethren, which can manifest when they encounter suitable opponents or when they feel the need to outdo others on the field of conflict. The spirit of the hunter is strong within the Marines of the Khan’s Lightning and they hone their skills against powerful and challenging prey whenever possible.

VIII: Psychology and Tips

Raven Guard


IX: Notable NPCs

N ota b le NNPCs PCs Notable A A

Game Master’s job is a hard one. Not only he or she has to create a compelling adventure, a tapestry of facts, motives, subtle hints, game balance, tone, pacing to keep the players entertained and enthralled, but he has the task of populating the game world with compelling, memorable characters for the players to interact with.

A NPC is a critical piece of the suspension of disbelief the Game Master is creating, and his success is based on how “real” and interesting it can be. A trite, two-dimensional NPC, be it an Acolyte’s contact or a villain, a recurring figure or a walk-on, rarely leave the players satisfied, and is soon forgotten as an undefined, blurry, unfocused face. Space Marines, described in this supplement, can be tricky to be created as good, realistic NPCs. Genetically engineered supermen, wielding an array of devastating weapons, safe in their almost-impenetrable hyper-technological hauberks, they risk to become a stereotype. But this would be a pity, as Space Marines can be much, much more than the sum of their implant bonuses and their powerful equipment. When creating NPC Astartes, keep in mind that they are human beings, albeit engineered to be preternaturally strong, fast, resilient. They have their individuality, their stories to be told. Two “stock” Tactical Marines can have very different approaches to life, different thoughts about their diversity from the rest of humanity, different ways to interact with others, different views of the Holy Ordos of the Inquisition and their Acolytes. It is the Game Master’s job to transform cold numbers, hard statistics and a few jotted-down notes into real, breathing allies (or antagonists) which will be remembered by the players. This final chapter offers a few example NPCs, detailing the iconic characters appeared throughout the book – Bencarius the Tactical Marine, Varnius the aspirant Librarian, Gregorius the Assault Marine, as well as the other characters who frequently appeared in the previous pages. They are presented as fully fleshed NPCs, with their stories, motivation, quirks. They can be introduced directly in a game, or just used as the springboard to design good NPCs for any campaign featuring Space Marines which are much more than cardboard figures.


Brother Neophyte Bencarius Young Bencarius was born on the planet of Iax in the realm of Ultramar. At a very early age, Apothecaries tested his intelligence and willpower to see if he could possibly be a future recruit for the Ultramarines. He was different from the other children, and his parents forced him to work and study hard, for it was a great honour to be called to serve as an Ultramarine. Work on the family farm helped to build up his muscles and increase his tolerance for pain. It wasn’t an easy childhood for him, but he managed. His younger siblings were supportive of him and tried to make up for his lack of friends. Upon his tenth birthday, Apothecary Paulus arrived and gave him a medical exam. Once the exam was finished, Paulus sent the young boy out to play with his younger brother while he talked to the parents. Paulus informed them that it was his duty to remove the boy from the home to begin training as an Ultramarine. From this day forward his parents could not have further contact with him and they would never see him again. The Emperor had called Bencarius for a higher duty than being a grain farmer on Iax, and it was Paulus’s job to ensure that the boy was able to fulfill that sacred duty. His departure from his family was a painful one, and he was brought to the ancient city of First Landing to begin the long process of becoming a Marine. He stood outside in the courtyard of the Ultramarine headquarters while waiting to begin... Brother Bencarius, Neophyte WS






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Career Path: Tactical Marine Rank: Neophyte Adeptus Astartes Chapter: Ultramarines Origin: Imperial World Height: 2.45m Build: Svelte

Weight: 155 kg Age: 12

Movement: 3/6/9/18 Wounds: 11 Skills: Awareness, Carouse, Common Lore (Imperium), Common Lore (Chapter History), Navigation (Ground), Speak Language (Low Gothic). Talents: Autosanguine, Basic Weapon Training (Las), Diehard, Light Sleeper, Melee Weapon Training (Primi-

Brother Assault Marine Gregorius Brother Assault Marine Gregorius has a long and proud history of serving the Ultramarines. He fought during the Tyranid invasion by Hive Fleet Behemoth and he earned several honours. He originally was born in one of the major hive cities on the desert planet Masali. Like all children born in the realm of Ultramar, he was tested by the Ultramarine Apothecaries and found to be an excellent candidate. His training was tough and rigorous with many of his Neophyte squad killed. Upon completion of his Neophyte training he was sent as a Scout to work with the Deathwatch. For several decades he fought on various worlds protecting human settlers from xenos incursions. Among the foes he fought were Orks, Eldar, and Tau. His service was exemplary and he eventually returned back to the Ultramarines. There he found his place within Second Assault Squad of the Third Company. In the future Brother Gregorius, Assault Marine WS






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he hopes that he can lead Second Assault Squad. Career Path: Assault Marine Rank: Assault Marine Adeptus Astartes Chapter: Ultramarines Origin: Hive World Height: 2.80m Build: Lanky

Weight: 125 kg Age: 40

Movement: 4/8/12/24 Wounds: 18 Skills: Acrobatics +10, Awareness +20, Carouse, Common Lore (Imperium), Common Lore (Chapter History), Dodge +20, Forbidden Lore (Chaos) +10, Forbidden Lore (Xenos) +10, Navigation (Ground) +10, Pilot: Jump Pack, Speak Language (Low Gothic), Survival +10. Talents: Autosanguine, Basic Weapon Training (Las), Combat Master, Deadeye Shot, Detect Poison, Diehard, Heightened Senses (Hearing), Learn By Eating, Light

Sleeper, Lightening Reflexes, Melee Weapon Training (Primitive), Melee Weapon Training (Chain), Pistol Training (Bolt), Pistol Training (Las), Rapid Reload, Resistance: Low Oxygen, +10 Resistance: Poisons, Resistance: Radiation, Resistance: Heat and Cold, Resistance: Fear, Shadow Vision, Spit Acid, Sound Constitution (6), Suspended Animation, Sure Strike, Swift Attack, Two Weapon Wielder (Ballistic), Unnatural Strength, Unnatural Toughness, Unshakable Faith. Implants: Secondary Heart, Ossmodula, Biscopea, Haemastame, Larraman’s Organ, Catalepsean Node, Preomnor, Omophagea, Multi-lung, Occulobe, Lyman’s Ear, Sus-an Membrane, Melanochrome, Oolitic Kidney, Neuroglottis, Mucranoid, Betcher’s Gland, Progenoids, Black Carapace. Armour: Adeptus Astartes MkVII Eagle Power Armour. Weapons: Chainsword and 2 Bolt pistols. Gear: Jump pack, 4 bolt magazines.

Brother Devastator Marine Kellerica

IX: Notable NPCs

tive), Pistol Training (Bolt), Pistol Training (Las), Resistance: Low Oxygen, Resistance: Poisons, Unnatural Strength, Unnatural Toughness . Implants: Secondary Heart, Ossmodula, Biscopea, Haemastame, Larraman’s Organ, Catalepsean Node. Armour: Flak Helmet, Flak Jacket. Weapons: Las Carbine, Bolt pistol, Las pistol, Axe. Gear: 56 throne gelt, 2 las clips, 1 bolt magazine, and Ultramarine Robes.

He was born on the planet of Macragge to a family of 12. He has 4 sisters and 5 brothers as well as his mother and father. He was a natural trouble maker that was constantly getting into territorial fights with his brothers in regards to toys and rooms. When he turned 8 it was decided by his mother that he would be sent to Parmenio for military training. His time at the Parmenio academy was filled with danger and violence as he continually kept getting in fights with the other recruits over who was the top dog. Kellerica was picked to become a Space Marine due to his excellent record in the training regiments when he was 10. He was almost denied full Space Marine status at the age of 14 because of his inability to follow the orders and for almost getting into a fight with his commanding officer. The captain approved his acceptance as a full fledged Space Marine however, because of his ability to improvise and his ability to learn how to use a weapon shortly after picking it up. Kellerica was declared Devastator material due to the previously mentioned ability to learn a weapon in a short time. He was assigned to his first mission as a Devastator to quell a heretic uprising on the hive world of Radmar. During that battle, Kellerica proved his skill with a missile launcher and his ability to adapt to mitigating circumstances. He assisted in the downing of three enemy bombers and two enemy tanks. Kellerica and his squad were fully capable of quelling the uprising. He has a shining future ahead of him as a Devastator squad member.


IX: Notable NPCs

Brother Kellerica, Devastator Marine WS






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Career Path: Devastator Rank: Devastator Marine Adeptus Astartes Chapter: Ultramarines Origin: Imperial World Height: 2.50m Build: Well-Built

Weight: 175 kg Age: 26

Movement: 4/8/12/24 Wounds: 19 Skills: Awareness +10, Carouse, Common Lore (Imperium), Common Lore (Chapter History), Common Lore (War) +20, Dodge, Forbidden Lore (Xenos) +10, Navigation (Ground), Speak Language (Low Gothic), Secret Tongue (Astartes Signage). Talents: Autosanguine, Basic Weapon Training (SP), Basic Weapon Training (Bolt), Basic Weapon Training (Flame), Bulging Biceps, Detect Poison, Diehard, Hip Shooting, Heavy Weapon Training (Bolt), Heavy Weapon Training (Launcher), Heightened Senses (Hearing), Learn By Eating, Light Sleeper, Lightening Reflexes, Melee Weapon Training (Primitive), Pistol Training (SP), Rapid Reaction, Resistance: Fear, Resistance: Low Oxygen, +10 Resistance: Poisons, Resistance: Radiation, Resistance: Heat and Cold, Shadow Vision, Spit Acid, Sound Constitution (6), Suspended Animation, Unnatural Strength, Unnatural Toughness. Implants: Secondary Heart, Ossmodula, Biscopea, Haemastame, Larraman’s Organ, Catalepsean Node, Preomnor, Omophagea, Multi-lung, Occulobe, Lyman’s Ear, Sus-an Membrane, Melanochrome, Oolitic Kidney, Neuroglottis, Mucranoid, Betcher’s Gland, Progenoids, Black Carapace. Armour: Adeptus Astartes Terminator Armour MkIV, Storm Shield. Weapons: Heavy Bolter, Cyclone Missie Launcher, Flamer. Gear: 3 bolt magazines, 1 fuel, 4 krak missiles, 4 frag missiles, Ultramarine Robes.

Brother Medicae Initiate Tiberius Tiberius was born on the planet of Calth in the Realm of Ultramar. His parents were Klightus and Castella, who were miners in the caves. He was exceptionally devoted to his parents throughout his young life and showed signs of superior skill in the area of medicine and surgery. Klightus constantly goaded him into doing things better and faster, and over the course of his early


childhood Tiberius began to develop a loving rivalry with his own father. Tiberius was enrolled into the medical field at one of Calth’s many training facilities, but also trained physically in an attempt to be strong enough for the selection into the Ultramarines. At the age of 11, Tiberius was picked to be taken to the Ultramarines facility to be tested by the apothecaries for his ability to become a Space Marine. He was eventually selected at the age of 12 to begin the process of becoming a full blown Space Marine. Tiberius started Apothecarium training instead of training to be a Tactical Marine or Devastator or Assault Marine. He was sent on a mission shortly after he became a Medicae Initiate, and the mission was to a planet believed to be containing a genestealer cult. On the planet of Nyranin, his company of Space Marines were ambushed by corrupted PDF soldiers who quickly took down several of Tiberius’s battle brothers around him. Tiberius’s mind shattered as he watched his brothers being mowed down by the soldiers and that was more than he could take on his first mission. Tiberius started to withdraw his emotions towards his other brothers while he was working on them, because he didn’t want to become attached to any one he worked on in case they died. Near the end of the battle, Tiberius began to re-open to his battle brothers as they started to prove victorious on the planet. Brother Tiberius, Medicae Initiate WS






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Career Path: Apothecary Rank: Medicae Initiate Adeptus Astartes Chapter: Ultramarines Origin: Hive World Height: 2.20m Build: Runt

Weight: 135 kg Age: 26

Movement: 5/10/15/30 Wounds: 12 Skills: Acrobatics, Awareness +20, Carouse, ChemUse, Common Lore (Imperium), Common Lore (Chapter History), Dodge +20, Forbidden Lore (Xenos)+20, Forbidden Lore (Gene-Seed), Forbidden Lore (Space Marine Anatomy), Navigation (Ground), Scholastic Lore (Space Marine Anatomy), Scholastic Lore (Human Anatomy), Speak Language (Low Gothic), Survival +10, Tech-Use (Apothecary Tools). Talents: Ambidextrous, Autosanguine, Basic Weapon Training (Las), Chem Geld, Detect Poison, Diehard, Dual Shot, Gunslinger, Heightened Senses (Hearing), Learn By Eating, Light Sleeper, Medicae, Melee Weapon Training (Primitive), Pistol Training (Las), Pistol Training (Bolt), Rapid Reload, Resistance: Low Oxygen, +10 Resistance: Poisons, Resistance: Radiation,

Brother Chaplain-Priest Darus Brother Darus was born on the battle cruiser The Lion’s Angel Feather. His father was a serf security officer and his mother was a clerical officer on board the battle cruiser. He was trained by his father in combat tactics and his mother taught him to love the great Emperor who protected all of humanity. A big part of his daily life was the worship of the Emperor, unwaveringly, and to protect it with his life if there was need for it. He was also trained by his father to kill and defend. Darus was selected by the Space Marine Captain on board the ship at the age of 10 and quickly rose in influence with the Chaplains on board the vessel. Darus was rapidly pulled into the teachings of the Chaplains because he enjoyed worshiping of the Emperor more so than the true constraints of battle. The day cycle after Darus became a Chaplain, The Lion’s Angel Feather came under attack by a rogue Chaos vessel and during the ensuing battle Darus spent the whole time preaching to the ship security under his command. He became a chaplain for the Dark Angels on that day, and proved his unwavering loyalty to the Emperor of Mankind. Darus swore to forever serve the Emperor and the Chapter Master of the Dark Angels. There are no such thing as heroes in the world any more, but Darus swears by his life that he will attempt to be a hero. Brother Darus, Chaplain-Priest WS






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Career Path: Chaplain Rank: Chaplain-Priest Adeptus Astartes Chapter: Dark Angels Origin: Void Born



Height: 2.75m Build: Spindly

Weight: 160 kg Age: 32

Movement: 4/8/12/24 Wounds: 13 Skills: Awareness, Carouse, Charm, Ciphers (Astartes War Cant), Common Lore (Imperium), Common Lore (Chapter History), Common Lore (War)+10, Dodge+10, Forbidden Lore (Heresy), Navigation (Ground), Scholastic Lore (Legend), Speak Language (Low Gothic). Talents: Arms Master, Autosanguine, Basic Weapon Training (Las), Detect Poison, Diehard, Heightened Senses (Hearing), Learn By Eating, Light Sleeper, Lightening Reflexes, Melee Weapon Training (Primitive), Pistol Training (Las), Resistance: Low Oxygen, +10 Resistance: Poisons, Resistance: Radiation, Resistance: Heat and Cold, Resistance: Fear, Shadow Vision, Spit Acid, Sound Constitution (3), Suspended Animation, Unnatural Strength, Unnatural Toughness. Implants: Secondary Heart, Ossmodula, Biscopea, Haemastame, Larraman’s Organ, Catalepsean Node, Preomnor, Omophagea, Multi-lung, Occulobe, Lyman’s Ear, Sus-an Membrane, Melanochrome, Oolitic Kidney, Neuroglottis, Mucranoid, Betcher’s Gland, Progenoids, Black Carapace. Armour: Adeptus Astartes MkVII Eagle Power Armour. Weapons: Mono Great Weapon, Las Carbine, Las Pistol. Gear: 4 Las clips, Dark Angels Robes, Holy Symbol.

IX: Notable NPCs

Resistance: Heat and Cold, Resistance: Fear, Shadow Vision, Spit Acid, Sound Constitution (3), Suspended Animation, Two Weapon Wielder (Ballistic), Unnatural Strength, Unnatural Toughness. Implants: Secondary Heart, Ossmodula, Biscopea, Haemastame, Larraman’s Organ, Catalepsean Node, Preomnor, Omophagea, Multi-lung, Occulobe, Lyman’s Ear, Sus-an Membrane, Melanochrome, Oolitic Kidney, Neuroglottis, Mucranoid, Betcher’s Gland, Progenoids, Black Carapace. Armour: Adeptus Astartes MkVII Eagle Power Armour. Weapons: Bolt pistol, Bolt pistol, mono knife. Gear: 4 bolt magazines, Ultramarine Robes, Apothecary Tools.

Brother Librarium Savant Varnius Brother Varnius was born on the planet of Tallassar to a family of nobles who ran a small village several miles from the capital. Varnius trained skillfully in the arts of physical hand-to-hand combat as a recreational activity. This was because his parents didn’t seem particularly interested in indulging their son with attention. At the age of 10, Varnius was requested by several Space Marines with strange glowing hoods to accompany them off planet, so that he could be tested. However, en route to Macragge, Varnius’s latent psychic powers manifested itself in a blast of sound that burst the ears of a security serf on the shuttle which resulted in the death of the serf. Varnius has learned to live in horror of his abilities because of this tragic event and was immediately pressed into training to become a Space Marine. This was done so that way they could keep an eye on him. At the age of 20, Varnius was fully inducted into the order of the Librarium of the Ultramarines. He spent several months on Macragge after his induction as the Chief Librarian thought him too dangerous to be let out just yet. During his stay on Macragge, he continued his old recreational activity of hand-to-hand combat to


IX: Notable NPCs

steady his mind and hopefully stave off insanity. Every year in order to seek penitence for the death of the serf Varnius sits down in prayer to the Emperor to ask that the serf ’s spirit be protected for yet another year. Varnius has lived his current 45 years as a shining beacon on the battlefield for his brothers and will continue to do so in order to repay the debt he owes to that long dead serf. Brother Varnius, Librarium Savant WS






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Career Path: Librarian Rank: Librarium Savant Adeptus Astartes Chapter: Ultramarines Origin: Imperial World Height: 2.45m Build: Svelte

Weight: 155 kg Age: 45

Movement: 3/6/9/18 Wounds: 15 Skills: Awareness, Carouse, Ciphers (Astartes War Cant), Ciphers (Occult), Common Lore (Chapter History) +20, Common Lore (Imperium) +20, Common Lore (Imperial Creed) +20, Common Lore (Librarium) +10, Common Lore (War) +20, Forbidden Lore (Heresy) +10, Forbidden Lore (Chapter History) +10, Forbidden Lore (Psykers) +10, Forbidden Lore (Inquisition), Forbidden Lore (Mutants) +10, Literacy, Navigation (Ground), Scholastic Lore (Astromancy), Speak Language (Low Gothic), Speak Language (High Gothic). Talents: Autosanguine, Basic Weapon Training (Las), Basic Weapon Training (Bolter), Detect Poison, Diehard, Fearless, Heightened Senses (Hearing), Learn By Eating, Light Sleeper, Melee Weapon Training (Primitive), Melee Weapon Training (Shock), Minor Psychic Power (5), Pistol Training (Las), Psy Rating 1, Psy Rating 2, Psy Rating 3, Psy Rating 4, Psychic Power (6), Power Well, Resistance: Low Oxygen, +10 Resistance: Poisons, Resistance: Radiation, Resistance: Heat and Cold, Resistance: Fear, Shadow Vision, Spit Acid, Sound Constitution (5), Suspended Animation, Unnatural Strength, Unnatural Toughness. Implants: Secondary Heart, Ossmodula, Biscopea, Haemastame, Larraman’s Organ, Catalepsean Node, Preomnor, Omophagea, Multi-lung, Occulobe, Lyman’s Ear, Sus-an Membrane, Melanochrome, Oolitic Kidney, Neuroglottis, Mucranoid, Betcher’s Gland, Progenoids, Black Carapace. Armour: Adeptus Astartes MkVII Eagle Power Armour. Weapons: Shock Maul, Bolter, Las Pistol. Minor Psychic Powers: Chameleon, Déjà Vu, Dull Pain, Fearful Aura, Healer, Inspiring Aura, Lucky, Psychic Stench, Staunch Bleeding, Torch, Trick, Wall Walk, Warp Howl, Weaken Veil, Weapon Jinx, White Noise.


Psychic Powers: Biomancy: Bio-Lightening, Constrict, Seal Wounds. Telekinetics: Fling, Force Bolt, Precision Telekinesis, Psychic Crush, Telekinesis. Gear: 3 bolter magazines, 2 las clips, Ultramarine Robes.

Brother Tech-Wright Casticus Casticus moves among the unmanned Rhinos, Dreadnoughts and other vehicles of the Ultramarine armoury, the gleaming armour plates that coat the spirit of their machines bright in his eyes. In all his training under the Omnissiah, Casticus has never had such an honour. He came to the most holy of all the relics on the Battle Barge Sons of Ultramar, a holy artifact in its own right. At the end of the vehicle bay stands a warlord battle titan. He mouthed the name of the metal giant into his beautiful mechanical lungs. No matter how beautiful, his mere vox casters did not compare to the titan. He steps to the Miles Incendia and carefully removes the glove from his fleshy hand. Long ago he removed his weak limbs and replaced them with the finest bionic appendage that was available, except his right arm. That way he could feel the cold hard skin of the sacred to the Omnissiah. He closes his eyes and prays to the great machine spirit of the titan that he will be housed inside. He would be housed inside, like the spirit of the machine itself. Casticus lets out a long breath and leans his head back. He stares at the ceiling. Millions of tons of ancient steel and iron between him and the endless void made the Omnissiah’s power even more impressive. He closes his eyes and spreads his right hand across the armour plating of the titan’s foot. He feels every nut and bolt that keep the carapace plate on its canvas. Casticus draws his hand away slowly and his fingers regretfully leave the glory of the Omnissiah before him. He sits down before the behemoth and begins to pray and incant the Litany of Protection. This great force of technology would fight against hordes of xenos, blasphemous heretics, and the foulest of daemons. Not only fight, but it would survive, if the Omnissiah wills it. Brother Casticus, Tech-Wright WS






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Career Path: Techmarine Rank: Tech-Wright Adeptus Astartes Chapter: Ultramarines Origin: Imperial World Height: 2.35m Build: Fit

Weight: 155 kg Age: 60

Resistance: Radiation, Resistance: Heat and Cold, Rite Of Awe, Rite of Fear, Rite of Pure Thought, Shadow Vision, Spit Acid, Sound Constitution (8), Suspended Animation, Technical Knock, Unnatural Strength, Unnatural Toughness. Traits: Mechanicus Implants. Implants: Secondary Heart, Ossmodula, Biscopea, Haemastame, Larraman’s Organ, Catalepsean Node, Preomnor, Omophagea, Multi-lung, Occulobe, Lyman’s Ear, Sus-an Membrane, Melanochrome, Oolitic Kidney, Neuroglottis, Mucranoid, Betcher’s Gland, Progenoids, Black Carapace. Armour: Adeptus Astartes MkVII Eagle Power Armour. Weapons: Chain Axe, Bolter, Las pistol. Gear: 2 las clip, 4 bolter magazines, Ultramarine Robes, Best Craftsmanship Bionic Legs (Right, Left), Best Craftsmanship Bionic Arm (Left), Mechadendrite (Gun, Manipulator, and Utility).

IX: Notable NPCs

Movement: 3/6/9/18 Wounds: 20 Skills: Awareness, Carouse, Common Lore (Imperium), Common Lore (Chapter History) +10, Common Lore (Tech) +20, Dodge, Forbidden Lore (Archeotech) +20, Logic +10, Navigation (Ground), Speak Language (Low Gothic), Secret Tongue (Tech) +20, Tech-Use +20, Trade (Amorsmith) +10, Trade (Wright). Talents: Ambidextrous, Autosanguine, Basic Weapon Training (Las), Basic Training (Bolt), Detect Poison, Diehard, Energy Cache, Feedback Screech, Gun Blessing, Heightened Senses (Hearing), Learn By Eating, Light Sleeper, Lumen Blast, Lumen Charge, Lumen Shock, Maglev Grace, Maglev Transcendence, Meditation, Melee Weapon Training (Chain), Melee Weapon Training (Primitive), Mechadendrite Use (Gun), Mechadendrite Use (Manipulator), Mechadendrite Use (Optical), Mechadendrite Use (Utility), Pistol Training (Las), Resistance: Low Oxygen, +10 Resistance: Poisons,


Character Name:..................................................................................... Player Name:............................................................................................... Chapter:. ......................................................................................................... Rank:................................................................................................................... Divination:......................................................................................................................................................................................................... Quirk:. ........................................................................... Home World:.......................................................... Build:......................................................................... Height:........................................................ Weight:....................................... Skin Colour:........................................................... Hair Colour:..................................................... Eye Colour:........................................... Age:................................................






Weapon Skill (WS)




Special Rules









Rld Wt




Strength (S) Weapon

Damage RoF

Type Clip



Pen Wt

Special Rules


Weapon Toughness (T)

Class Range

Weapon Class




Damage RoF

Agility (Ag)



Rld Wt

Weapon Class

Handedness:. ........................................

Range Intelligence (Int)



Special Rules


Special Rules



Special Rules





Special Rules



Special Rules

Ballistic Skill (BS)



Damage RoF

Type Clip


Rld Wt

Special Rules




Perception (Per)


BODY (31-70)

RIGHT ARM (11-20)



LEFT ARM (21-30)

Willpower (WP)








Fellowship (Fel)



.......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... Total CarriedWeight:............................

LIFTING Carry:............. Lift:. ............... Push:................. DAMAGE Total Wounds

Current Wounds


Critical Damage



Current (Max. Fatigue = TB)

MOVEMENT Walk (Half Action)

WEALTH Throne Gelt:

Walk (Full Action)

.......................................................... ..........................................................


Monthly Income:


.......................................................... ..........................................................

XP to Spend

EXPERIENCE ............................................................... ............................................................... ............................................................... ............................................................... ............................................................... ...............................................................

Advancements Taken (............) ............................................................... (............) . .............................................................. (............) ............................................................... (............) . .............................................................. (............) ............................................................... (............) . .............................................................. (............) ............................................................... (............) . .............................................................. (............) ............................................................... (............) . .............................................................. (............) ...............................................................

XP spent

Next Rank




Tot. Sk. +10 +20 Awareness (Per)............................... . ......... c c c Barter (Fel)......................................... . ......... c c c Carouse (T)......................................... . ......... c c c Charm (Fel). ....................................... . ......... c c c Climb (S)................................................ . ......... c c c Command (Fel). ............................... . ......... c c c Concealment (Ag)........................ . ......... c c c Contorsionist (Ag)...................... . ......... c c c Deceive (Fel)...................................... . ......... c c c Disguise (Fel)..................................... . ......... c c c Dodge (Ag).......................................... . ......... c c c Evaluate (Int). ................................. . ......... c c c Gamble (Int)........................................ . ......... c c c Inquiry (Fel)....................................... . ......... c c c Intimidate (S)..................................... . ......... c c c Logic (Int)............................................ . ......... c c c Scrutiny (Per)................................... . ......... c c c Search (Per)........................................ . ......... c c c Silent Move (Ag)........................... . ......... c c c Swim (S).................................................. . ......... c c c ........................................................................ . ......... c c c ........................................................................ . ......... c c c ........................................................................ . ......... c c c ........................................................................ . ......... c c c ........................................................................ . ......... c c c ........................................................................ . ......... c c c

Weapon Skill (WS)

Tot. Sk. +10 +20 Speak Language (Low Gothic). . ......... c c c ........................................................................ . ......... c c c ........................................................................ . ......... c c c ........................................................................ . ......... c c c ........................................................................ . ......... c c c ........................................................................ . ......... c c c ........................................................................ . ......... c c c ........................................................................ . ......... c c c ........................................................................ . ......... c c c ........................................................................ . ......... c c c ........................................................................ . ......... c c c ........................................................................ . ......... c c c ........................................................................ . ......... c c c ........................................................................ . ......... c c c ........................................................................ . ......... c c c ........................................................................ . ......... c c c ........................................................................ . ......... c c c ........................................................................ . ......... c c c ........................................................................ . ......... c c c ........................................................................ . ......... c c c ........................................................................ . ......... c c c ........................................................................ . ......... c c c ........................................................................ . ......... c c c ........................................................................ . ......... c c c ........................................................................ . ......... c c c ........................................................................ . ......... c c c ........................................................................ . ......... c c c ........................................................................ . ......... c c c ........................................................................ . ......... c c c

Unskilled Basic Skills can still be used, but at half the Characteristic for that skill

Ballistic Skill (BS)

Strength (S)

Toughness (T)

Agility (Ag)

Intelligence (Int)

TALENTS ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................

(............). (............). (............). (............). (............). (............).

Insanity Points

TRAITS Perception (Per)

............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................

Willpower (WP)

MUTATIONS ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... Tested c WS c BS c S c T c Ag Against: c Int c Per c WP c Fel

Fellowship (Fel)

INSANITY Degree of Madness:......................................... Trauma Modifier:..............................................

Disorders Severity ............................................................................................. (.......................) ............................................................................................. (.......................) ............................................................................................. (.......................)

CORRUPTION Degree of Corruption:............................... Malignancy Test:...........................................

Corruption Points

Malignancies ....................................... ....................................... . .................................. ....................................... ....................................... . .................................. ....................................... ....................................... . ..................................

IMPLANTS c Secondary Heart c Haemastamen c Omophagea c Sus-an Membrane c Mucranoid

c Ossmodula c Larraman's Organ c Catalepsean Node c Multi-lung c Occulobe c Melanochrome c Oolitic Kidney c Betcher's Gland c Progenoids

Psy Rating:

c Biscopea c Preomnor c Lyman's Ear c Neuroglottis c Black Carapace




Minor Powers Threshold Focus Time Sustain Range Effect ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................

....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... .......................

............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. .............................

................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ...................

..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .....................

.......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... ..........................................................................................

Discipline Powers Discipline Threshold Focus Time Sustain Range Effect .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................

. ..................... . ..................... . ..................... . ..................... . ..................... . ..................... . ..................... . ..................... . ..................... . ..................... . ..................... . ..................... . ..................... . .....................

....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... .......................

............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. .............................

................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ...................

..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .....................

.......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... ..........................................................................................

CHAPTER INFO, BACKGROUND & NOTES PORTRAIT . ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................... . ............................................................................................................................................................................................... . ............................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................................ . .......................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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