Portfolio - Rackover

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In applying for jobs I found myself limited by the standard format of resume and cover letter. All people, including rabbis, are more than just a sum of degrees and metrics. With this in mind I’ve decided to create a portfolio of some of my writing, programming, educational and creative work. Everything, except the furniture drawing, was created by me. Marketing and clarity of message play a significant role in education today. The posters and promotional ideas are a response to that. Colorful texts are also important. Judaism isn’t ‘black & white’ and should be multi-colored and multi-dimensional. Photography is my most cherished mode of personal artistic expression. I’ve had a passion for it since my childhood and now with improvements in cameras, storage and software there are infinite opportunities for photographic expression. I invite you to explore this document and to contact me with any questions. You can also read more at www.mordechairackover.me. Contents 3. What the heck is hand-washing? 4-5. A Kitchen Confessional -- cookkosher.com 6-7. Rabbi Believes Montreal Food is Sexier -- shtetlmontreal.com 8. Film/Text/Jews - Program/Poster 9-13. Kol Nidre 2012 14-15. Rav Moshe Feinstein on Smoking Marijuana, layout and translation 16. Synagogue furniture designs - drawings by David Straus 17-18. Various design pieces for Brown RISD Hillel 19. Kindle Your Judaism - Promo/Progam 20-21. Kehati Mishnah Shabbat - Program/Poster 22-29. Photos


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