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MoranCORE.Utah.edu: Glaucoma Education Resources Expand

Moran’s online Clinical Ophthalmology Resource for Education (CORE), offering worldwide access to high-quality, peer-reviewed ophthalmic learning since 2015, recently expanded its glaucoma section.

The update includes new surgical videos and manuscripts, plus a more user-friendly outline, says Susan Chortkoff, MD, the glaucoma section editor.

The section has nine content areas covering everything from glaucoma classifications, patient evaluations, and disease management to epidemiology, genetics, and basic science.

Moran CORE has grown exponentially in recent years via the website and a YouTube channel, with more than 900 videos on various subjects from basic eye care training and surgery techniques to best practices for outreach work.

Moran produces the site in partnership with the Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library at the University of Utah. Here’s a closer look at this invaluable learning resource.

Glaucoma Section

43,863 — Website Pageviews (2017-2020)

Top Glaucoma Content

1. Neovascularization of the Iris (Rubeosis Iridis)

2. OKAP Review: Glaucoma

3. Ectropion Uvea and Secondary Glaucoma

4. Phacomorphic Glaucoma from an Age-Related Cataractous Lens in a 97-year-old Male

5. Introduction to Glaucoma

Moran CORE By the Numbers

Website in 2021 (morancore.utah.edu)

384,415 — Sessions

320,329 — Users

508,470 — Pageviews

89% — New Users

YouTube CORE Channel in 2021

4,487,253 — Views

354,318 — Hours Watched

9,798 — New Subscribers

Top 5 CORE Videos (as of September 30, 2022)

1. The Orbital Exam

2. The Neuro-Ophthalmology Exam: Neuro

3. The Ophthalmic Exam: Retina and Posterior Segment

4. The Neuro-Ophthalmology Exam: Pupils; Color; Eye Movements; Prism

5. Using Subjective Refraction to Calculate Glasses Prescription and Fit Contact Lens

Worldwide Reach

210 — Countries with viewers in 2022

The Top 5 Countries by Number of Users via CORE Website:

1. United States

2. India

3. United Kingdom

4. Australia

5. Philippines

The Top 5 Countries by Number of Users via CORE YouTube:

1. United States

2. United Kingdom

3. India

4. Germany

5. Canada