Think & Grow Rich - Real Estate Edition

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Think and Grow Rich: Real Estate Edition

CHAPTER ONE Real Estate Action Steps From Your Coach The Definition of Burning Desire in Real Estate Having a burning desire as a real estate professional is simultaneously the most misconstrued and most important trait necessary for success. Have you ever heard someone say, “I’m just not a natural sales person,” or, “I just don’t have a ‘love’ of real estate,” or, “I’ll ‘try’ real estate for a while.” Maybe you yourself have said such things. These statements all reflect a belief that a successful real estate professional must have an innate and natural ‘burning desire’ to be in real estate, to be a sales person. This is where the confusion begins. Have you ever had the thought that the most successful agents and brokers are that way because they are just ‘meant’ to be? Do you believe you will achieve success in real estate, or do you believe it only might or could happen, or that it only happens to the lucky or to the ‘natural sales people?’ Do you have your consciousness tuned into success or failure? Whether you think you can or think you can’t – you’re right. Henry Ford Secret: It’s not the love of any job that creates the burning desire…it’s the results of doing a great job that gives you that burning desire. This is what Howard Brinton used to call a “pearl” or an, “a-ha moment.” Realize that loving what success in real estate can create for you and your family is the Burning Desire, not that you must love, love, love, selling real estate.

Tim & Julie Harris® Real Estate Coaching

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