1 minute read

The View From My Office With

Kat Monteiro

Here in California the sun is shining, and the wildflowers are in full bloom! I just got home from a 4-week trip to Lincoln, Nebraska where the weather was s ll on the chilly side, wait, let’s be real here, it was cold!! And so much wind! But I s ll enjoyed it. Another benefit of being re red is having the freedom to go dog sit for your daughter who was sent to Dallas, Texas for 3 weeks. The company she works for sent her there for school so she could learn more about the Falcon Jets she works on. Pre y cool, they must like her.

Just 2 weeks before I le for Lincoln, we arrived home from our Costa Rica trip. I introduced you all to our Costa Rica trip in the last newsle er. Well, it really turned into the trip of a life me.

So much fun was had by all. You never know how things are really going to go when you have 16 people gathered together for a week, but it could not have gone any be er. We truly enjoyed everyone’s company. We spent the evenings playing games - Le Right Center, Cards, Catchphrase, Cards Against Humanity! (Now that was a fun night!! Hilarious!) I don’t know if we have ever laughed so hard! We went on some great excursions. There were a few days of golf and even though they came back red and sunburned they said it was great! When the wind finally se led down a few went fishing. We took a sailboat over to a beach where the crew cooked us lunch right there on the beach! The water was warm - some of us just hung out in the water while others hung out in the shade drinking cold rum drinks.

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