SEEN Magazine 14.1

Page 88

special needs resources BY DEB BROWNE, MS, CCC-SLP

Black and white thinking: Developing the middle ground Some folks live in a high-contrast world; they perceive and react to life in a black and white way: good/bad, happy/sad, enemy/friend, kid/adult.This type of thinking can pose real problems for the individual who thinks in absolutes. Let’s call them Black and White Thinkers (B&WTs). Who are they? They are found among folks with learning disabilities — such as language and executive functioning disorders — those on the autism spectrum, and others including children from families with addiction issues. An adolescent with an expressive language disorder may not have the vocabulary to describe the middle ground; a student with Asperger’s syndrome may not get the concept of a graduated scale. For example, a kid with autism may consider someone to be a friend or not.The concept of different levels of friendship and the gradual building of trust may be unknown.



SouthEast Education Network

Perhaps worst of all for the student with an LD is the perfectionism pursuant to black and white thinking and the self-condemnation, which may follow. B&WTs often think they should be doing everything “right,” because if it’s not right it’s certainly got to be WRONG. In this way, black and white thinking may underlie some of the refusals and difficulty initiating that we often see in our population. So learning, which involves first not knowing things and gradually learning them while making mistakes along the way, can be an excruciating process for B&WTs. Starting a writing assignment, for example, can be overwhelming to the point of paralysis. Two main things need to be trained: the concept of gradual change and the vocabulary fitting specific situations, which builds on that concept. First is to help the B&WT perceive the concept of a graduated scale, levels, steps, processes, etc.There are numerous ways to make the concept concrete and establish a metaphor for reference. Examples include: speedometer (can’t go from one to 100 in a quantum leap); day vs. night (view the in-between: dawn or sunset); a glass filling with water (empty gradually, changing to full); downstairs vs. upstairs (take the stairs, stop partway); even an actual grayscale in Photoshop could be used for those kids into graphics or photography. Choose a metaphor to which

the child may easily relate, and may fit the situation you first want to address. Depending on the age of the student and cognitive level, you may use the real items, drawings, or just conversation to develop the graduated levels concept. Many adolescents seem to think the simple act of turning 18 will make them an adult and capable of independence. At Brehm, we often use a drawing of a staircase to help a student realize the steps (skills, trainings, accomplishments) to either being ready for college, a specific career, or just plain being “independent.” On the drawing, at the bottom step we label their current grade level and at the top of the staircase, the goal. Then we encourage the kid to brainstorm what they think may be needed, including a driver’s license, all the classes remaining for graduation or college requirements, and self-management skills — getting themselves up on time and taking meds independently. Sequencing can come into play as you go, indicating what steps would come first, next, etc. This visual tool and the concept also can come in handy as a reference to them for why you are trying to get them to do any of the above! (“Well, this is one of those things that will help you become an independent person.”) To help kids see there are different levels of closeness in friendship, a graphic of concentric circles (Schwartz, L., & McKinley, N. [1988] Daily communication [pp.13]. Eau Claire, WI:Thinking Publications.) is often used, literally showing that some people are “closer” see BLACK & WHITE page 88

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