Produced By February | March 2020

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hile some cruise past two years. One was for the Mediterranean Blumhouse and Hulu, and the and others shoot other was a Netflix Original documentaries along the film. The first film, called Flesh Amazon, each year a small & Blood, was part of Hulu’s Into group of creatives are selected the Dark anthology of horror to spend eight weeks during films. My other film was a romthe summer in the conference com (Despite Everything) that room of the PGA office. was based on an original script It’s in these less-exotic digs I co-wrote. It premiered globally that the magic happens. PGA on Netflix. Eugene Rhee and Widad Shafakoj found the Power of Power of Diversity Master Diversity Master Workshop to be life-changing. Workshop participants deHow did the workshop impact velop their film, TV, docuyour career? mentary and web series scripts and attend supportive, and there was such great Rhee: The workshop really opened my twice-weekly seminars led by some of our camaraderie. I made wonderful friends eyes regarding producing diverse content. industry’s top producers. They learn the art who I’m still regularly in touch with, and My experience also led me to become of the pitch, how to hone their negotiation who I can turn to for both practical and a Producers Guild of America member skills, and how to better understand the emotional support going forward—and that because I’ve developed a deep appreciation worlds of film finance, streaming and the means something, especially in a business for what this organization is doing. TV writers’ room—all while being mentored as competitive as this one. Shafakoj: Getting the chance to learn in the by dedicated PGA members. Shafakoj: Participating in the workshop hub of the film industry, though sometimes Now this may not be your idea of a was the best decision I ever made. It gave overwhelming, helped me realize the perfect summer vacation, but for alumni me an intensive overview of filmmaking infinite potential I have as a filmmaker. like Eugene Rhee (class of ’17) and Widad in Hollywood. The assignments are well What I was personally exposed to would Shafakoj (class of ’19), it was transforthought-out, and the sessions are heavy have taken more time and effort to acquire mative. Rhee is a screenwriter/producer in content. I was fortunate to meet some anywhere else in the world. and experienced post-production VFX incredible producers, story analysts, supervisor who enjoyed success as a story managers and key figures in the industry. What advice you would give to someone consultant on the blockbuster film Fast considering applying to the workshop? Five prior to his time in the workshop. Since completing the workshop, Shafakoj: Take advantage of everything Shafakoj is a Jordanian filmmaker whose what are the steps you’ve taken provided to you, go the extra mile and award-winning documentaries tackle to get your project made? make it worthwhile. tough social issues and challenge the status Shafakoj: I am currently in negotiations Rhee: So much of this business is about quo in the Middle East. with award-winning producers I met networking. Build relationships with through the workshop. I was also other like-minded people in the industry. Describe your experience in the PGA Power approached by one of the biggest talent Focus on making friends with your fellow of Diversity Master Workshop. agencies in LA for representation. participants and see how you can help Rhee: Everyone was so positive and Rhee: I’ve produced two films over the each other. ¢ Applications for the class of 2020 open in February. Visit for more information.



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