Bridge Magazine 2013-2014 Edition

Page 29

University isn’t simply about going to class and getting good grades (although that is a big part of it); university is about creating your life and preparing “you” for how the rest of your time here on Earth will be. University is a great place to experiment, make mistakes, learn from them and create memories and habits that will last a lifetime. It doesn’t matter if you are in shape, eat healthy, or survive on a fast-food diet – there is always more you can learn to ensure that YOU are living up to your potential and YOU are reaching every goal that you set out for yourself. And so, to anyone reading this, I challenge you to see what I have done – a healthy student in my final year of university – and see that it is never too late to make changes (even the tiniest ones) to create a better you.

Post #1 (March 25, 2013) – “Staying Healthy at University”

As a major in contemporary dance, eating right and staying active has always been a huge priority for me. The problem is, lately, I’ve been pretty tired and not feeling my greatest – and I think I know why. You see, I’m lactose intolerant; however, from time to time I give in to temptation and allow myself to indulge in some dairy products, which usually results in me feeling very sick, tired, and unable to fall asleep at night or wake up in the morning. So how can I change this? Obviously I need to stop eating dairy products – but is there more I am doing that may be messing with my system? Are there some changes I can make that will help me be a healthier, better me? I sure hope so! So I have enlisted the help of Gaby Szabo, one of the Health Promotion Specialists at Concordia’s Health Services. Hopefully she can give me some tips and shed some light on what I can do to make my eating habits even better.

Post #2 (March 27, 2013) – “Visit Number One with Gaby”

Well, visiting with Gaby was an absolute joy! As soon as we sat down together, I knew we would get along swimmingly – and I was right. Honestly, I think she is as excited about this project as I am! So what did we accomplish in our meeting? A whole lot, I think!

Gaby gave me the Concordia University Health Services handbook entitled "How to EFFECTIVELY Set, Achieve and Maintain Health Goals," and we started together right away. As a pretty healthy person who wasn't looking to lose weight or make drastic lifestyle changes, we agreed the best thing for me to do was try to follow the Canada Food Guide and make sure what I was eating was supporting my lifeBreanna eating healthy style. This should help with the lack of energy and irregular sleep I’ve been struggling with! Also, I'm going to face up to the fact that I am lactose intolerant, add a "dairy alternative" to my diet, and stop myself from cheating and eating real dairy! Breanna Harvey

Breanna’s Blog: Preamble

Post #3 (March 29, 2013) – “How Important is this Goal?”

A goal is great and all, but you have to really, really want it in order to achieve it. So how can you make sure your health goal becomes something you honestly, truly want? You tie it to your existing values and goals. What are my top three goals? Education, Health and Fitness, Adventure and Travel How can eating healthy make these goals come true? Well, eating well will keep me rested and therefore help me to do well in school. It obviously is connected to my love of health and fitness and eating a diet that reacts well with my body will allow me to be more adjusted to foreign food climates when I travel! Hmm… that was pretty easy so far.

Post #4 (April 2, 2013) – “Strengths, Skills and Priorities”

Once again, we need to make sure that we stick to our health goals and make them count! How do we do that? Make our health goal feed off of our strengths, skills, and priorities in life!

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