2 minute read


What to pack

There’s a popular saying in Montana: “If you don’t like the weather, wait 10 minutes.” And that’s the truth. It could be 90 degrees one minute, then drop 20 degrees with gale force winds and rain blowing sideways the next.

When recreating in Montana you need to be prepared…for weather, wildlife and emergencies.

First, dress in layers. The temperature may be 85 degrees, but in town it can feel like 100 degrees and on the summit of your hike more like 65 degrees. As already noted, the weather can change dramatically and rapidly. Second, don’t wear new shoes. Even Montanans have made this mistake and you don’t want blistered feet during your entire summer.

And PLEASE keep a safe distance from wildlife (no selfies with bears, etc). It's amazing every year how many people get dangerously close. Use the pullouts when you want to stop. Drive safely.

Here is a solid list of standard daytrip items:


•Sweatshirt or light jacket

•Large water bottle (unless you want to take a trip to the ER, don’t drink creek or river water)

•Lunch/snacks (plan not to find a hot meal for hours)

•A second pair of socks (in case the first ones get wet)


•Bear spray

•Hats (sun and winter)

•Bug spray


•Camera or smartphone


•Allergy medicine


•A real map (cell service is spotty in the backcountry and YNP)

•Cash (gas stations are few and far between in some places, and you'll find some only take cash)

•Tissues or toilet paper (when you gotta go, you gotta go)

•Lip balm

For serious day trippers/ hikers add the following:

•Flashlight or headlamp

•Water shoes

•Long pants


•Bathing suit (You might want to jump in a river)

•Matches and a fire starter