The Best Treatment For Diverticulitis

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==== ==== As you know, digestive disorders can make your life miserable. Words like Acid Reflux, Gastritis, Diverticulitis, Diverticulosis, Colitis, Crohn's (IBD), IBS, Ulcer and Hiatal Hernia strike fear in the hearts of many. And the associated heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, gas, bloating and the drugs and surgery makes the living hell complete. Not anymore! Read more... ==== ====

The Mayo Clinic Recommends More Water and Fiber The world renowned Mayo Clinic has disagreed with the long held belief that patients suffering from diverticulitis require a special diet. They believe that restricting the intake of certain foods does not help to relieve the frequency or intensity of diverticulitis attacks. Instead, the patient needs to drink more hydrating fluids such as water and consume a fiber-rich diet to help the bowels easily pass stool. Foods such as nuts and seeds or breads that include nuts and seeds are high in fiber. The University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) agrees with the Mayo Clinic and has changed their diverticulitis diet recommendations. They also stress the importance of fiber, advising that any patient diagnosed with diverticulitis should aim to consume 25 to 30 grams of fiber every day. They also advise drinking eight cups of fluid per day to help keep the colon lubricated and stools soft enough to avoid irritating the patient's already inflamed digestive system. Ditch the Old Diet For many years, doctors and gastroenterologists had been advising patients with either diverticulitis or its milder form, diverticulosis, to avoid small, hard foods like nuts, seeds, corn or popcorn. At the time it was thought that these small, hard objects could rub, irritate or even become lodged in the inflamed intestinal tract. Now, after numerous clinical tests, no evidence has shown that seeds, nuts, corn or popcorn harm the patient's digestive system. One of the most influential clinical studies was published in the prestigious medical magazine, 'JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association'. This massive study, ' Nut, Corn, and Popcorn Consumption and the Incidence of Diverticular Disease'; Lisa L. Strate, et al.; JAMA; 27 Aug. 2008), followed thousands men with and without diverticulitis for 18 years. Those that consumed nuts, corn and popcorn had a 20% greater change of avoiding diverticulitis attacks as compared with men that ate the more traditional diverticulitis diet. What Is Diverticulitis? Diverticulitis is one of the most common diseases of the colon in individuals over the age of 40. In America, it is estimated that two thirds of the country's population will develop diverticulitis by the time they are 85. Symptoms include sudden debilitating intestinal cramps, nausea, chills, fever and either constipation or diarrhea. The pain comes and goes in periodic attacks. When a diverticulitis attack ends, this may give the patient a false impression that they will no longer experience issues with their bowels; however, any patient with these symptoms should see a physician as soon as possible.

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