Monika Galvan 2021 Industrial Design Portfolio

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Portfolio Monika Galvan

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Introduction Che-Ri Lumi

36 AVO 50


Additional Work



Hello, I’m


I am an Industrial Design student in the University of Houston and will be graduating in May of 2022. Design, to me, is a way for visionaries to produce a seemingly impossible idea into a possible product through clever creativity. As a designer, I plan to use this ideology throughout my designs and apply it to my varied interest: ideation, production, and human experience through symbolism.

I enjoy studying Art and Design History, looking at amusement park “land sets” and rollarcoaster construction videos, and on the side as a hobby, I enjoy creating character design and world building.



A frequency driven speaker for sleep




Sleep is as important as breathing. A regular person needs to sleep in order to live comfortably, as it’s the time the body can properly rest.

However, people can lose sleep by external factors, which can detriment their ability to be 100% for the next day, which can lead to insomnia. The question is: how does it start and how impactful is it? What actually influences is the way a person handles their day before they go to sleep. Rather than just one factor, if the overall day gets disruptive, so does one’s ability to sleep.


Research Circadian Rhythm The Body’s natural Sleep cycle.

Required to sleep exactly 9 to 12 hrs per day at a given time to be fully refreshed.

Binaural Beats Musical Therapy

A therapy experiences that deal with different colored sound frequencies that can either sooth the mind or allow them to be active.

Non-REM and REM Steps when attempting sleep.

How long it takes for someone to be asleep. If given a shorter time, the sleep rate is worsened.


Survey Results The Problem

Late Night Work and Being Active before Sleep

From a survey that I conducted, it shown that the majority feel that doing late night work and being on social media causes them to be restless.


The Solution


As a result, many participants have commented that certain sounds, such as background noise or music, can better influence their productivity and their sleep.


Age: 20 Occupation: Computer Science College Student Location: College Station, TX







Nadia is a sociable college student who is taking a Computer Science major. She usually stays in the lab with her colleagues for long hours, and returns late to her dorm to continue working at night. She prioritizes on her work because she’s always interested in new projects, and spends most of the night working on them, preventing her from sleeping. She works for several hours non-stop until she reaches her limit.

Sleeping Habits: Sleeps: typically at 2 - 3 AM Wakes: Typically at 5 - 6 AM

How long to fall asleep: 30 to 60 min

How many Times woken: 0

Why?: Overthinking

Sleep Rate: Typically 2 - 3

Pain Points ( without sound ) : Nadia’s Overall Quality when awake working: 1 to 5 ( 1 being bad, 5 being good )

A comparison between Nadia and Leonardo 1 to 5 ( 1 being bad, 5 being good )

Goals: Something to prevent the cycle of overthinking at an early stage Way to manipulate sound to break hyper fixation


Total Sleep Hours: 3 to 5 Hours per day

Personality: Shy




Age: 24 Occupation: Graphic Design College Student Location: Savannah, GA

About: Leonardo is a reserved college student in the Graphic Design department. He frequently gets distracted from online gaming or being on social media for hours in the day that he pushes his required projects until nightime. He works late at night because he thinks he works better at night, but he often stresses that his work “isn’t enough” or “there’s something missing”, so it keeps him from sleeping peacefully until he deems it “complete”. He doesn’t realize he stays up so late until he completely finishes.

Sleeping Habits: Sleeps: typically at 2 - 3 AM Wakes: Typically at 8 - 10 AM

How long to fall asleep: 15 to 30 min

How many Times woken: 2

Why?: Stress and Hyperactivity

Sleep Rate: Typically 3

Pain Points ( without sound ) : Leonardo’s Overall Quality when awake working: 1 to 5 ( 1 being bad, 5 being good )

A comparison between Nadia and Leonardo 1 to 5 ( 1 being bad, 5 being good )

Goals: A way to give him motivation to start work during the day ( sound that prevent distractions ) Ways to use sound to lull someone to sleep and relax the brain from stress

Total Sleep Hours: 5 to 7 Hours per day


Designer Statement The main problem is that people begin working a few hours before bed, and their minds are constantly stressed out about work. People get easily influenced by sound, either causing them to give them a pleasant distraction from their consistent pace or to finally allow their mind to relax.


Designer Statement To design a way for the user to manipulate sound frequencies, in order to reduce stress during the day and help their active mind rest during their sleep cycle, with the principles of Binaural Beats.



Ideation Ideating how the speaker would look like. After researching ways to improve sleep, I have found that cherries were beneficial to increasing melatonin so I started to be inspired by its form.




Che-Ri is a dual Speaker that emits different sound frequencies and allows the user to change the spectrum and its intensity. Based on the idea of Binaural Beats, Che-Ri gives the users an opportunity to achieve different levels of therapeutic and active frequencies: ranging from Delta to Gamma.



Based on the fact that cherries give off high melatonin secretion, Che-Ri is made of 2 parts: the main control module and the leaf speaker. Main Body Material: Polypropylene with a Red Metallic Finish Leaf: Aluminum ( durability )

The pair can be broken apart, but can be pieced together by using a slot system with a high level of “clutch power” that holds them tightly.

The first layer is where the user controls the frequency level by twisting it. The cover shows the color of the frequencies. The third layer is control the sound


where the user can level by twisting it.

Each pair acts on its own. Being Together produces these meditative frequency ( beta, alpha etc ), but users have the choice to customize their experience.

The Possibilities are





Covid-19 in Amusement Parks

During the appeared in a worldwide

month of November 2019, a disease Wuhan, China, and has since then created pandemic that we now know as COVID-19.

Because of this, during March, many businesses had to shut down in order to stop the spread, but in June, they started to reopen with safety precautions set. This was no exception to Amusement Parks All amusement parks, such as Disney parks and Universal Studios, faced the same problem in terms of managing the park for greater capacities, and it impacts them in a negative way during this pandemic.

Amusement Park Analysis

Understanding Amusement Parks before and during Pandemic

Before Pandemic 100,000+ guests daily ( 85%+ capacity ) Reaching 100% Capacity on Holidays

During Pandemic 20,000+ guests daily ( 25% to 35% ) Reservations for parks are implemented and Required

Rollarcoaster Wait time: 120-240+ min. Slow Ride Wait time: 60 - 120+ min.

Rollarcoaster Wait time: 45 - 60+ min. Slow Ride Wait time: 10 - 30+ min.

Overcrowding stores, venues, walkways, shows, parades, and restaurants Everyone is shoulder to shoulder

Limiting Capacity in closed spaces. Shows and Parades are closed

Sanitation only happened when parks closed, cleaning only minimum at day Not enforced on guests to sanitize

Sanitation required every 30-60 min intervals. Temperature checks before entering ( 97°- 100.4° ) Enforced to frequently sanitize


Overcrowding Entrances The main issue in Amusement Park safety

Amusement Park Environment Study less severe

Areas of High Crowding

Guest linger near entrances inside and outside

1. Entryways of Any Kind Enter damp, whether from weather or water rides, and can contact others when shaking off the water. Entryways built to enter large groups. Lines implemented outside but only utilize one doorway for entry and another doorway for exiting

Guests are not always clean, forgetting to sanitize, and are unsure how their temperature varies throughout the day. more severe


( Shops, Entrances, Ride Entry, Restaurant Entry )

2. In Lines ( typically at Store Entries, and Inside Ride building )

3. Parades and Hourly Shows ( Inside Theater or Outside on the Walkways )

4. Character Meet and Greet 5. Holiday Specials ( Parades, Shows, Food and Gift Venues, Rides )

6. Restrooms

Procedures upon entering An Example: Disney World Parks 1 Entrances You enter the park by a form of transportation, and you immediately need your mask on or they will ask you to get a mask, buy one or to leave.

2 Get your Temperature Checked AdventHealth has partnered with Disney and they take guests temperature in a socially distanced fashion. They use a temperature gun and use it on the forehead and the back of the ear. If you have 97 to 100.4 F, you can pass. If it's above, you will be checked again after resting in a cool room. If it’s still too high, you will be asked to leave.

3 Security Check You go through security check with Police officers watching. They have the sensors to check each individual. Selected guests who have strollers or other bigger articles such as a backpack, must get their bag checked. Each officer has gloves and masks.

4 Enjoy the Park!! 27

Problem Statement Amusement parks do not have a way to give guests opportunities to monitor their health via temperature and sanitation, to see if they are feeling well throughout the day. Parks are also forced to use different multi-step methods for entryways.


Creating a multifunction kiosk that provides self temperature checks, sanitation , and PPE availability throughout the park, so guests can feel more at ease and healthy throughout the day, while making the kiosk appear more friendly and playful in park atmosphere.

Design Statement 29

Ideation At first I was going for a more generic approach temperature scan but when I saw former Imagineer Crump’s “Tower of the Four Winds”, stationed at a Small World”, I got inspired to think outside the

to a Rolly “It’s box.



Lumi Inspired by Rolly Crump’s “Tower of the Four Winds”, Lumi is a playful kiosk that invites guests to self check at any entryway in the park. Stationed before and in between entryways, it offers guest to check wherever they go, whenever they enter (or exit!). Its a temperature and sanitation kiosk, but playful! It offers 3 key features that is fit for any guest (no matter what age or size they are) and comes in several different colors to fit in the atmosphere of any land, store, ride, restroom, etc!


The circle is a sanitizer dispenser with a motion sensor. The other ring has a motion sensor as well, that activates 34

An LED light up spinning pinwheel device that houses an infrared camera for children. Their temperature will displayed on screen

There’s a display ( that can be removed by staff ) with a live feed infrared camera that detects guest’s temperature.

The bottom shape holds PPE for the guests to grab when they get scanned. It can be restock by opening a compartment in the back.





Hispanic Deportation

In the past few years, many Hispanic families were forcefully separated by the ICE. Out of the 2.4 million Hispanics in Texas that were deported, about 45% were because of no conviction; only about 12% have been because of illegal crossings. Any Latino living in America have to have a work and/or travel visa on them at all times in order to prevent sudden deportation, and have to return to their country every year to renew it. Hispanic Parents teach their children young that one day, they might not be there for them. The public misinterpret the Latino struggle behind sudden deportation and several wish that the system would change, but they get ignored.


Total Number of Deported Children by age and gender Girls

-10 +10



Boys 617

Problem: Sudden Deportation

Being Ignored By the Public of the Issue


Deportation locations calculated by size

Separated Families Having to Cope on their Own

Calculated Number of Hispanics Deported by nationality ( 2015 statistics ) 1. Mexico 139,330 2. Guatemala 52,755 3. Honduras 32,180

Always Anxious of Being Deported without Conviction

4. El Salvador 16,141 5. Dom. Rep. 1,877


Interview Female #1 52 Yrs, Family of 3

Female #2 48 Yrs, Family of 4

Female #3 78 Yrs, Family of 3


In your honest opinion, What is a Visa to you?

How does having a visa affect your health (physically, mentally, and/or emotionally?) and does the same apply to your family members (adult and child)? How did it feel when you got your citizenship? Was it satisfying to know that you are a citizen?

What would you do if you could change the system? What resources can you rely on or propose to ensure a better chance of getting a visa to avoid sudden deportation and deportation scares?

# 1: It is a document that grants me legal stay or visit in a foreign country. It is also a relief that I do not have to worry about being deported for not having that legal document. #2 : It is a travel document that gives you permission to travel in a specific country, ...for tourists visa, or to work in the country, ...for work visa. I had both at different times. # 3: It is a document that allows me to stay legally in this country. I get to live with my family here with the visa on me. #1: Having a visa, kept me calm that I was legally here in the US. Going to get the visa stamped was always stressful, just thinking, what if in the US Consulate they decide that they will not grant the visa anymore, what can I do, I don’t have work in Mexico, all my belongings are in the US.Where am i going to go with my daughter. All this was stressful until I had in my hands the new visa stamped in our passports. Then I could breath in relief. #2: I guess that just as peace of mind knowing everything was how it supposed to be. #3: No comment #1 It was a sense of relief that I did not have to worry anymore about fees and extensions. That I would be able to participate and have the same rights as any legal citizen here in the United States. It was a very proud and happy moment. #2: Relief that I don’t have to do the process anymore. I don’t have to worry that my visa could be denied #3: It was a very proud and happy moment. #1: Maybe I would look for wait times to obtain Permanent residency be the same for any country I am so grateful for my Immigration Attorney, she kept me informed at all times on the status of my process for residency, as well as letting me know in advance that I needed to renew my visa. I would recommend having an Immigration Attorney to help follow your case. #2: t is expensive, not everybody can afford it, ...lower the cost, people still meeds to pay for transportation, food and hotel for at least one night. Bring everything they ask and more, don’t let them have any excuse to deny it. #3: When I got my permanent residency, my youngest daughter was also granted the permanent residency since she was younger than 18 years. Once I became a citizen I was able to sponsor any of my unmarried children to start the process to become a permanent resident. My other daughter that was still in Mexico was not eligible for this Maybe for the process of unmarried children to become Permanent residents be faster. She got her permanent residency faster by getting first a working visa than waiting with my sponsor


Problem Statement Hispanics are continuously being deported, and their main concern is separating from their families. They fear that once they are separated, their family will not be whole again. 42

Design Statement The key element to my design is being able to represent the importance of being together as a whole without the need of separation. It must be together as Hispanic Families must be together. If the product gets separated, it will no longer be able to function the way it is intended to.




I wanted to make a product that was more symbolic, so I wanted to design something that separates and it becomes nonfunctional. So my ideas ranged from wallets, fanny packs, etc. But in the end, I was inspired into making a bracelet with hands that can break apart to show separation.


Junto Junto is a magnetically bound coil bracelet inspired by the idea of family togetherness. The bracelet can be separated into two, but cannot properly function without the other supporting it. I plan that, for every purchase , a portion of the proceed will go to the “United We Dream” organization: an organization that supports Hispanic immigrant families.



The bracelets has a sterling silver main body, with interchangeable arm colors that the user can choose: 14k Gold, Rose Gold, and Copper Both Bracelets are held together by a bayonet clasp with strong neodymium magnets and can be separated in order to place bracelet charms and accessories in, and they come in various sizes: from 16 cm to 23 cm. There are two end caps on each arm to either hold the charms together or add a meaningful touch about one another: showing that one has a piece of it’s partner.




Food Sealing Devices

In this new age of technology, innovators were able to create a better way to store food longer through the method of vacuuming. Designs of this new form began to flourish as more nnovative ways surfaced.

However, one of these innovations I have encountered, The Hand Held Vacuum Food Sealer, still seems to have its own complications.

I decided to investigate this product and gain new insight on how to further develop these designs in an artistic and functional way.


Task Analysis on current sealing devices For Seal Bags 1. Grab the desired food and seal it in either a quart bag or a gallon bag, provided by the company. ( Liquid food not recommended due to suction ) 2. Make sure that there are no puncture marks on the bag to avoid faulty use of the bag. If there are puncture marks, grab a new clean bag. ( All Bags are reusable ) 3. Seal the top of the bag tightly so that no air can escape once the product is used. 4. Grab the Vacuum Sealer from the charging port and test it out by pressing the top button. If one hears suction noise then its good to go. 5. Have the desired bag laying on a flat surface to ensure the best results. 6. Match the nozzle hole to the circle that is on the bag. Do not remove sticker that is on the bag. that is to secure the already punctured bag. 7. Press the button on the product and suck out all the access air inside the bag. Make sure that the bag is hugging the produce. 8. Once you are finished, secure the bag in the refrigerator or in the food closet. 9. Place the product back onto the charging port. Make sure that there’s a green light. It indicates that it is charging. Precharge everytime before use to ensure longer battery life.

Time taken to complete task: 2.68 mins.

For Seal Containers 1. Grab the desired food and seal it in either a quart container or a gallon container, provided by the company. ( Liquid food can be used ) 2. Seal the top of the lid tightly so that no air can escape once the product is used.Press weight down to ensure full closure. 3. Grab the Vacuum Sealer from the charging port and test it out by pressing the top button. If one hears suction noise then its good to go. 4. Have the desired container laying on a flat surface to ensure the best results. 5. Match the nozzle hole to the indicator on the container at the top. It is the bigger circle not the smaller one. The smaller one is an indicator that the air has ben fully removed. 6. Press the button on the product and suck out all the access air inside the Container. If the bulbous circle hasn’t been sucked in, then that means it needs more time for suction or its an indication that it hasn;t been fully sealed. 7. Once you are finished, secure the Container in the refrigerator. 8. Place the product back onto the charging port. Make sure that there’s a green light. It indicates that it is charging. Precharge everytime before use to ensure longer battery life.

Time taken to complete task: Unkn.


VBL 54

Market Analysis


Problem Statment The current designs of the vacuum sealers are mainly focused on the size of the product as well as the removable nozzle in order to keep the product clean. It also focuses on ergonomic mainly for hand sized tools. The Main usability issue is: ~ The product usually has a chargable port that requires a wall plug, that is usually occupied by something else. ~ The button in some are kinda awkward, depending on how one holds it ~ Sometimes, the button can be pressed while being in its charging port, which seems like a hazard. ~ Hard to deassemble, would have the user buy a new one if something is wrong with their product.


Design a portable handheld vacuum sealer that is battery powered ( for on the go vacation users ), with a sleek design that fits the majority, and with a button placement that fits the majority.

Design Statment




For this product, I was mostly focus was not the internals, but rather the and sizes for these vacuum sealers out that the form can be inspired b

sing on the form of the outer shell. The problem itself e form was uncomfortable. I tried with different shapes and when it came down to the bottom one, I figured by food itself so that it stands out as a “food sealer”.



1) Align the vacuum sealer to the designated area. Press into the button to activate the device. 2) Once activated, the piston in the interior sucks in air into the hole at the base of the vacuum head, sucking air faster due to its perpendicular form 3) At the same time, air is being sucked out and it exits the device in order to it active during suction. 4) Release the button once finished sucking the air out of the designated bag. Repeat the process if necessary




Vacuum Inner tube

Silicone Over Mold

( Length: 1/2 in )

( Material: Simtec Liquid Silicone Rubber Semi Gloss Finish Keyshot Texture: Rough Translucent Silicone Green #1 Pantone: 7480 c )


Iso Tactic Polypropylene Injection Molded Shell



( Thickness: 1/16 in Material: Adstif i-PP Matte Finish Keyshot Texture: Mold Tech 11520 Pantone: 429 c )

7 5 2 5

Vacuum Piston Set


( Length: 8 in )


Circuit Board ( Thickness: 1/16 in Material: Fiberglass Epoxy Resin Keyshot Texture: Copper Rough )


Iso Tactic Polypropylene Injection Molded Vacuum Head ( Thickness: 1/16 in Material: Adstif i-PP Gloss semi Translucent Finish Keyshot Texture: Plastic Polypropylene Rough 3mm Pantone: 429 c )



3AA250mAh Batteries

AVO 63

Additional Work I have various other projects that I have worked during my years in Industrial Design. Aside that, in High School, I was a painter who enjoyed implementing heavy symbolism throughout my work as well as exploring different historical art techniques, as it retains to my love towards art and design history. This love for visual representation correlates to how I present my ideas artistically through product design.


Baffler Art Museum Project


Tablet Case Project


Made out of Fiberglass


ARC Combining Wood and Metal to create an easy to assemble and easy to carry coffee table. 66

ECCO Shoe This was a practice render to an ECCO shoe for women. 67


My Artwork These are some of my artworks over the years. I mainly focus on bringing out vibrant color, and testing out different art styles and techniques such as painting in photo-negativity.


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