Floodgates 066

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Cross-shaped scar

legs to regain strength. Nevertheless, we thank God for the amazing miracle and we truly believe that God has started Ah Mah on her road to recovery. The other person we visited was a 23-year-old man named Man Bahadur Tamang. After an operation two years ago, his condition did not improve. He is now given another six months to live. We shared the gospel and testimony with his family. When Man Bahadur decided to take a step of faith to accept Jesus as His Saviour, his countenance changed almost immediately. From being a subdued person, he became joyful. He lifted his shirt to show us his surgery scar. To our surprise, we saw a crossshaped scar that looked like a perfect cross. As Jesus has already marked Man Bahadur with His wound of eternal salvation, we believe He will live to tell His testimony.

Prayer changed the atmosphere in Dhadingbesi In Dhadingbesi which was about two hours away from Kathmandu, we connected with Preret Church. However, all the team members felt weighed down and uncomfortable in this place. Pr Kelvin was very discerning and he led us in a time of intercession where words and vision were released and after which we had a better understanding of the spiritual atmosphere. YT Loh had visions of half-dead animals which looked like carcasses roaming around and then Jesus shone His light to save them from the wild beasts. Other members later saw streams of living water and darkness being lifted up over the area which was heavy in idol worship and thus

spiritually very dry. After an hour of intercession, we felt refreshed, less burdened and brighter having invited God’s presence to the place. In Dhadingbesi, we were led to evangelise to a non-believing family. We count it our joy when we later had the privilege to lead the head of the family to accept Jesus. People in Maidi were hungry for God Maidi was another hour or two away by jeep from Dhadingbesi. On our way to visit Maidi Church which is the “mother church” of Preret Church, our spirit was high. We sensed the Lord’s presence as we worshipped loudly and joyfully in the jeep. It was as though angels were carrying our jeep over very difficult and dangerous mountain dirt road. God’s presence and protection were most comforting. Although we had only a day in Maidi, we had an awesome time fellowshipping with the believers in the local church. They were very hungry for the word of God and we were deeply touched by their faithfulness in Christ Jesus. In Maidi, we also had the opportunities to share three messages in church celebration, preached to the believers, reached out to the children and conduct an openair evangelism at a boarding school in Maidi town. However, it was here that Pr Kelvin had a sudden abdominal pain and we had to leave him behind in the guest house to rest. By God’s grace, he was completely healed soon after.

People were ever ready for God On our final two days in Kathmandu, apart from connecting with NeMUN, an organisation which helps Christian Nepalese who are returning or leaving Nepal, we also did street evangelism. Our church has been praying to reach out to the Newar group in Nepal and on the street, God led us to meet a young student called Punisha, who is a Newari. Katherine and YT Loh shared the gospel with her and what a joy it was to witness Punisha taking the step of faith to accept Christ along the sidewalk of Thamel. A few hours before departing for home, we felt the desire to have another openair evangelism at Ratna Park which is in the heart of the Kathmandu city. An eagle sent by the Lord directed Pr Kelvin and Katherine to the right spot to start the evangelism. In that open park that evening, more than 20 Nepalese accepted Christ after hearing the Good News and were touched by the Holy Spirit. We were in awe of what God did even in our final hours in Kathmandu and what a wonderful way to wrap up our trip. During our entire trip, we experienced God’s amazing grace. He brought us together as a united team, planned our itinerary and protected us throughout the trip. It was also God who loved us first so that we can now share His love to the people of Nepal. He is truly the God of all nations.


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