JUST NETWORKING Just Networking shares what its remote working solutions may mean for the workflows of live events in the future.
Words: Stew Hume Photos: Just Networking
Joshua Gregoire, Nicholas Fletcher and Matthew Geasey.
Advances in remote working solutions have grown exponentially since March 2020 and the live events industry is no exception. Over the past few years, TPi has covered several productions that have adapted to remote production workflows, from 5G Festival through to Wacken World Wide. Another company joining this endeavour is Just Networking. Based out of Nashville, Tennessee, the company’s flagship product theBRIDGE, provides users with a direct connection to any network around the world. Compatible with big name protocols including MA Lighting, High End Systems, ChamSys and Avolites, not to mention disguise and Green Hippo, theBRIDGE has already proven popular within the live touring community. Formed in September 2020 by Joshua Gregoire, Nicholas Fletcher, and Matthew Geasey, the original idea behind Just Networking dates back to April of that year. “The three of us come from the technical production side of live events, and back in early 2020, we all still had some projects that we were asked to figure out how to do remotely, which is how the initial ‘BRIDGE’ idea came together,” stated Geasey. “We had some friends reach out in the industry who also had the same need. As word spread, we decided to make this a thing and see how we could help more colleagues around the world.” The company’s flagship offering, theBRIDGE, was designed to be a “digital ethernet cable”, explained Geasey. “It was designed to be able to get signal from A to B without any hassle that comes with creating these types of connections one by one. If a remote LED technician needed to connect to System A and then five minutes later needed to connect to System B, they simply switched the connection inside our platform between each site – as long as there is a BRIDGE at each site. The goal for theBRIDGE is to have anyone, no mater where they are located, to have