Training & Conditioning 18.5

Page 83

14. Rehabilitation and prevention of spondylolysis should include: a) Training to maintain a neutral spine during exercise. b) Hamstring flexibility exercises. c) Prone press ups. d) Attaining the correct hamstring to quadriceps ratio.

Mind Over Menu (pages 37-44) Objective: Learn how to address the psychological side of eating with your student-athletes. 15. What are food trajectories? a) Feelings, connections, and ideas that influence our food choices. b) Foods that are unhealthy and lack nutrient content. c) Items found in vending machines. d) Foods that have a physiological connection to a nutrient deficit. 16. One of the best ways to help an athlete realize what may be compromising their nutritional goals is to: a) Verbally discuss nutrition with the athlete. b) Keep track of what they eat and how they feel while eating. c) Film the athlete during meals. d) Follow the athlete for 24 hours. 17. One way to address eating perfectionism is to: a) Address the issue of perfectionism head-on. b) Provide the athlete with a specific body fat percentage goal. c) Discuss a balanced diet. d) Create a detailed eating list. 18. To correct ingrained misinformation, one may begin by: a) Analyzing peer pressure. b) Limiting temptations. c) Providing cookbooks to athletes. d) Analyzing how their nutrition is affecting them. 19. What is an example of a warning sign an athlete may have an eating disorder? a) Highly variable performance. b) Not showing up for practice. c) Superior athletic performance. d) Happy and content demeanor.

Arm Forces (pages 46-51) Objective: See how two strength and conditioning experts prepare pitchers for the tough demands of their repetitive job. 20. One study on professional baseball players found an average external rotation of: a) 90 degrees. b) 100 degrees. c) 129 degrees. d) 140 degrees. 21. The same study found an average internal rotation of: a) 61 degrees. b) 90 degrees. c) 129 degrees. d) 140 degrees. 22. One study found angular velocity at the shoulder joint to be greater than: a) 3,000 degrees per second. b) 5,000 degrees per second. c) 7,000 degrees per second. d) 9,000 degrees per second. 23. The authors conclude that what exercise is superior because it is able to strengthen the supraspinatus while minimizing superior shear force due to deltoid activity? a) Prone full can. b) Empty can. c) Full can. d) Serratus punch. 24. The authors report the greatest infraspinatus and teres minor activation with: a) Side-lying external rotation. b) Standing external rotation at zero degrees of abduction. c) Standing external rotation at forty-five degrees in the scapular plane. d) Prone external rotation at ninety degrees of abduction. 25. What is a good starting point of abduction for prone full can exercises? a) 80 degrees. b) 90 degrees. c) 120 degrees. d) 150 degrees.

Answer sheet is on page 82 TR AINING-CONDITIONING.COM



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