Molong Express 10 August 2023

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Around the traps

Welcome to August Peter Oates, born on 2 May 2023 weighing in at a healthy 8 pounds. The son of proud parents, Celia Caldwell and Jed Oates - August is the very welcomed grandson of Molong residents, Deb and Peter Oates. August follows a long ancestral line of the Cotter family and Oates family of Molong and district.

ABOVE: Maddie Chrystall and her teacher Mrs Keen who organised the Molong Central School primary students entries in the recent 2023 Cabonne Acquisitive Art Competition and exhibition. Maddie sketched an image of the shop 'Booful' in Bank Street.

ABOVE: Tania, Jodie, Lisa and Jenny headed to the Freemasons recently (with camera shy friends) to dance and sing along with Freemasons regular, Mila Haske (centre). Remember the Kristy Armstrong Karaoke Final with 10 finalists will be held at the pub this Saturday evening 12 August. Come with a group - or come alone - enjoy! Delicious meals or pizzas from Mario's Bistro (blackboard specials of amazing foods), cool and warming drinks from Kim's bar selection (including coffee and cake).


The gamble of purchasing World Cup tickets back in April definitely paid off for the Webb family.This week, Pene, Indi, Layla and Arlo Webb joined thousands of supporters to cheer on the Matildas and see them progress into the quarterfinals. What a fantastic experience!!!. We can’t wait to see Arlo and Layla replicate some of the incredible skills they saw live, back on the soccers fields for MDSC!. Thank you to Sam Duncan for this lovely Molong-at-the-Matildas story.

Dear Editor, Hear hear, Mr Pottie re the Combined Pensioners and Superannuants Associations 'Beat climate change by becoming vego' (Published in The Express 13 July, 2023). I too was a little miffed and I wrote to the CPSA to voice my opinion as I also thought they needed to do the research. I watched a webinar put on by Defeat Diabetes and from that followed Dr Paul Mason and many others, and found out about Low Carb Down Under. That's when I went down a rabbit hole and there is a world-wide movement on low-carb eating. I had never heard of this and it turned all my years of nursing on its head. If you do the research these are a group of doctors who are not afraid of admitting they were wrong and able to criticize the medical profession and others such as 'big pharma', some of them Professor Tim Noakes from Sth Africa and Dr Gary Fettke from Tasmania had to fight the establishment- and to their credit they fought and won. These are real doctors and lecturing

in universities now, so it could be a few years before their learnings are in the mainstream. Low Carb Sydney are having a free information session in Orange on the 4 September at 12pm in the Orange CWA Hall Robinson Park. Worth a visit if you have any chronic illness or auto- immune disease. But don't take my word for it, do the research on your favourite search engine. It's all there and lots on Youtube. Dr David Muecke from SA with a presentation 'Blinded' is a good one to watch and he tells it as it is! As to saving the world ... do the research too as broadacre farming and monoculture is detrimental to our land. Regenerative agriculture and good animal production will give the world the protein it needs. Farmers for Climate Action have good webinars too. We the 'little people' are all in this but big business and governments are leading us down the wrong path. No, I am not a 'conspiracy theorist'! Just another let down concerned citizen.

Janine Marriott Molong.

MOLONG EXPRESS, Thursday 10 August 2023


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