Molong Express 10 August 2023

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THURSDAY 10 August 2023

$2.00 inc gst


Tim needs your 5c pieces Gee's push for wider for Kids with Cancer

scope for insurance inquiry pays off

The experiences of storm and flood-hit residents across the Central West, largely left high and dry by their insurers, will be front and centre at the upcoming parliamentary inquiry into insurers’ handling of the 2022 floods. Following representations by Independent Member for Calare Andrew Gee, Assistant Treasurer Stephen Jones confirmed today, in response to a question raised by Mr Gee in Question Time, that the scope of the inquiry would now include the affordability and availability of insurance for customers in disaster-zones. “The stories of our disaster-hit residents, who faced horrific torrents only to be hung out to dry by their insurance companies, must be heard,” said Mr Gee. “The cruelty of insurance companies, in denying claim after claim in our devastated communities, must be brought to light. Change needs to come from this. “That’s why I’m pleased that the Assistant Treasurer today tabled a motion in the house which will see this inquiry into insurance set up in the coming days. “The inquiry will be formalised into Parliament on Monday, and I will make sure the inquiry takes evidence in our area. “But this inquiry must not be just a box-ticking exercise for the government. It must be a turning point, a true watershed moment, in the way insurers deal with disaster-hit policy holders. Enough is enough. “Today, two weeks after Minister Jones visited our region and met with our storm and flood-

hit residents and business owners, I asked the Assistant Treasurer during Question Time ‘to update our region on my calls for a parliamentary inquiry into what has been a cold hearted and shocking response by insurers to the recent storm and flood disaster in the Central West of NSW’. “Minister Jones confirmed that it was through listening to our stories, like those shared by Sarah Bone from 17 Shades Hair Salon in Molong, Kaylene Philpott from the Molong Post Office and Newsagency, and Brian and Lesley Smith from Eugowra, that made him see that a broader scope for the inquiry into insurance was needed,” Mr Gee said. In his response to Mr Gee’s question during Question Time, Minister Jones said: “The insurance policies that people take out is [sic] to protect themselves against the impacts of these tragedies, are there to smooth financial impacts, and they should not be adding to the anxiety of the disaster because of the mismanagement of the claims process. “We had meetings with small businesses in Molong. I met with Kaylene and Sarah, I think they run the newsagent and the hairdresser in Molong, [who] told their personal stories, and the devastation wrote by the floods in that town. We went out to Eugowra, and I was very moved. “We met with Brian and Lesley who are still waiting to have their claims fulfilled. “I took from that visit that the community had pulled together, but they needed more support and they needed the insurance claims honoured better. “The inquiry will look into the impact of those floods in those regions, the claims management process, the readiness of insurers to deal with it, the affordability of insurance. Andrew Gee has raised with me the issue of contested hydrography reports and that’s something we should be looking at. “We also want to look at mitigation and how households and communities and the government can improve effort around mitigation as well. “Unless we look at all of these issues, we won’t be resolving the issues and the problems around the issues.” Mr Gee’s question followed a speech in Parliament today in which he described the lack of disaster support the region has received compared to other disaster-hit areas as “appalling and inexcusable.”

Freemasons Hotel 1 Bank St. Molong

Lunch & Dinner Wed - Sun 12 - 2 5 pm

A perfect way to stop those 5c pieces from rolling around in your car, home, handbags and wallets is to donate these little silver pieces of annoyance to a better use. Molong resident, Tim Oxley is asking locals to consider turning their 5c pieces into help for the 'Kids with Cancer Foundation'. A volunteer at Vinnies in Bank Street, a muso, composer, performer - Tim with his heart of gold wants to help more kids, more families and communities struggling with sickness, expensive travel and hospitalisation costs when cancer strikes our young kids. "I spoke with Mary (Mulhall) and the volunteer team at Molong's Vinnies and we came up with the idea to help. "5c donations is affordable - and not only lightens our loads - but helps kids and families struggling with cancer." Great idea Tim! If you can help please drop your 5c collection into the container at Vinnies. Or call Tim who will be happy to collect from you 0452397341

Kristy Armstrong

Karaoke final this Saturday 12 Augut. 10 Finalists

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